Please return completed form via SAMS or secure FTP—request access from ZIKApregnancy@cdc.gov The form can also be sent by encrypted email to this address or by secure fax to 404-718-1013 or 404-718-2200Contact Pregnancy & Birth Defects Task Force phone number: 770-488-7100 |
NAD.1. Infant’s State/Territory ID ________________ |
NAD.2. Mother’s State/Territory ID ________________ |
NAD.3. DOB: _____/_____/______ Live birth Stillbirth ≥20 weeks |
NAD.4. Sex: Male Female Ambiguous/undetermined |
NAD.5. Gestational age at delivery: ______ weeks ______ days |
NAD.6. Based on: (check all that apply) LMP ___/___/___ 1st trimester ultrasound 2nd trimester ultrasound 3rd trimester ultrasound Other_______________ |
NAD.7. Maternal age at delivery ____ years |
NAD.8. State/Territory reporting: _______________ |
NAD.9. County reporting: __________________ |
NAD.10. Delivery type: Vaginal Caesarean section NAD.11. Delivery complication: No Yes NAD.12. If yes, please describe: _______________________________________ |
NAD.13. Arterial cord blood pH (if performed): _________
NAD.14. Venous cord blood pH (if performed): _________ |
NAD.15. Placental exam (based on path report): No Yes NAD.16. If yes, Normal Abruption Inflammation Other abnormality (please describe)
NAD.17. Apgar score: 1 min _______ / 5 min ________ |
NAD.18. Infant temp (if abnormal): _______ oF or ______ oC |
Physical Examination (record earliest measurements taken) |
NAD.19. Birth head circumference: _______ cm ________ in NAD.20. Molding present NAD.21. Physican report: Normal Abnormal NAD.22. HC percentile:_______ |
NAD.23. Birth weight: _________ grams _________ lbs/oz NAD.24. Birth weight percentile: ________ |
NAD.25. Birth length: _________ cm _________ in NAD.26. Birth length percentile:________ |
NAD.27. Repeat head circumference: _______ cm _______ in NAD.28. Date performed ___ /____ /____ or Age _______ day(s) NAD.29. Physican report: Normal Abnormal NAD.30. HC percentile:________ |
NAD.31. Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: No Yes If yes, reason: ____________________________________________ NAD.32. Neonatal death: No Yes NAD.33. Date __/__/____ or Age at death_____ days NAD.34. Cause of death: _______________________ |
NAD.35. Microcephaly (head circumference <3%ile): No Yes |
NAD.36. Seizures: No Yes |
Neurologic exam:
all that apply)
Tremors Other neurologic abnormalities NAD.38. (please describe below)
Splenomegaly by
physical exam:
Hepatomegaly by
physical exam:
NAD.43. Skin rash by physical exam: No
NAD.45. Other abnormalities identified: please check all that apply Fetal Brain Disruption Sequence (collapsed skull, overlapping sutures, prominent occipital bone, scalp rugae) Encephalocele Anencephaly/ Acrania Spina bifida Holoprosencephaly/arhinencephaly Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia Arthrogryposis (congenital joint contractures) Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (clubfoot) Congenital hip dislocation/developmental dysplasia of the hip Other abnormalities NAD.46. (please describe below)
Neonate Imaging and Diagnostics |
NAD.47. Hearing screening : (date:____/_____/_____) or Age _______ day(s) NAD.48. Pass Fail Inconclusive/Needs retest Not performed NAD.49. Please describe
NAD.50. Audiological evaluation: Not performed Auditory brainstem response (ABR) test performed Otoacoustic emisions (OAE) test performed Acoustic stapedius reflex (ASR) test performed Unknown NAD.51. If performed: Date: ___/___/___ NAD.52. Normal Abnormal, NAD.53. Please describe
NAD.54. Retinal exam (with dilation): Not Performed Performed Unknown NAD.55. If performed: (date: _____/_____/_____) or Age _______ day(s) NAD.56. please check all that apply: Normal Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia Coloboma Cataract Intraocular calcifications Chorioretinal atrophy, scarring, macular pallor, gross pigmentary mottling, or retinal hemorrhage, excluding retinopathy of prematurity Other retinal abnormalities Optic nerve atrophy, pallor Other optic nerve abnormalities NAD.57. (please describe below)
NAD.58. Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound MRI CT Not Performed NAD.59.
_______ day(s) Microcephaly Intracranial calcification Cerebral / cortical atrophy Abnormal cortical gyral patterns (lissencephaly, pachygyria, agyria, microgyria, polymicrogyria, schizencephaly) Corpus callosum abnormalities Cerebellar abnormalities Porencephaly Hydranencephaly Moderate or severe ventriculomegaly/hydrocephaly Fetal Brain Disruption Sequence (collapsed skull, overlapping sutures, prominent occipital bone, scalp rugae) Other major brain abnormalities Encephalocele Holoprosencephaly/ Arhinencephaly Other abnormalities NAD.61. (please describe below)
NAD.62. Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound MRI CT Not Performed NAD.63.
_______ day(s) Microcephaly Intracranial calcification Cerebral / cortical atrophy Abnormal cortical gyral patterns (lissencephaly, pachygyria, agyria, microgyria, polymicrogyria, schizencephaly) Corpus callosum abnormalities Cerebellar abnormalities Porencephaly Hydranencephaly Moderate or severe ventriculomegaly/hydrocephaly Fetal Brain Disruption Sequence (collapsed skull, overlapping sutures, prominent occipital bone, scalp rugae) Other major brain abnormalities Encephalocele Holoprosencephaly/ Arhinencephaly Other abnormalities NAD.65. (please describe below)
NAD.66. Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound MRI CT Not Performed NAD.67. (date: _____/_____/_____) or Age _______ day(s) NAD.68. Findings: check all that apply Normal Microcephaly Intracranial calcification Cerebral / cortical atrophy Abnormal cortical gyral patterns (lissencephaly, pachygyria, agyria, microgyria, polymicrogyria, schizencephaly) Corpus callosum abnormalities Cerebellar abnormalities Porencephaly Hydranencephaly Moderate or severe ventriculomegaly/hydrocephaly Fetal Brain Disruption Sequence (collapsed skull, overlapping sutures, prominent occipital bone, scalp rugae) Other major brain abnormalities Encephalocele Holoprosencephaly/ Arhinencephaly Other abnormalities NAD.69. (please describe below)
NAD.70. Was a lumbar puncture performed: Yes No Unknown NAD.71. (date: _____/_____/_____) or Age _______ day(s) |
Postnatal Infection Testing (includes urine culture for CMV) |
NAD.72. |
Toxoplasmosis infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.73. |
Cytomegalovirus infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.74. |
Herpes Simplex infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.75. |
Rubella infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.76. |
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.77. |
Syphilis infection: |
No Yes Unknown |
NAD.78. If yes for any postnatal infection testing, please describe results:
Postnatal (Infant) Cytogenetic Testing |
NAD.85. Other tests/results/diagnosis (include dates): |
Birth Defects Diagnosed or Suspected (Include Chromosomal Abnormalities and Syndromes) |
Diagnostic Code |
Certainty |
Verbatim Description |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Definite Possible/Probable |
Health Department Information |
NAD.86. Name of person completing form: ________________________________________________ NAD.87. Phone: _______________ NAD.88. Email: ________________________ NAD.89. Date of form completion _____/_____/____ |
FOR INTERNAL CDC USE ONLY Mother ID: State/territory ID:
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1101) |
Version 8/31/2016
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |