Peace Corps Response Application Current OMB Control Number: 0420-0547
Current Expiration Date: ##/##/####
Corps Response Overview
you for your interest in applying to Peace Corps Response. Please
review the following information before proceeding with this
The Peace Corps mission is to
promote world peace and friendship through the following:
Helping people of interested countries in meeting their need for
trained men and women
• Helping promote a better
understanding of Americans on the part of peoples served
Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part
of Americans
Peace Corps Response assignments aim to
accomplish tangible results and address the development needs of the
host country in a short period of time, while offering qualified
Americans the opportunity to obtain considerable career experience.
Assignments range from three months to one year in length.
Volunteers provide targeted assistance in diverse assignments covering a range of projects. Assignments are both challenging and rewarding, requiring a full commitment to serve others. Peace Corps Response Volunteers should have experience in culturally diverse environments as well as the requisite technical expertise and language skills specified in the position description.
Eligibility Requirements
Are you a U.S. citizen (by birth or naturalization)?
Naturalization is the manner by which someone who was not born in the United States voluntarily becomes a U.S. citizen. Residency is not a qualifier for eligibility.
If you are a naturalized U.S. citizen, please note that some countries prohibit Volunteers with dual citizenship from utilizing their U.S. passports. However, to ensure Volunteers’ safety and security, the Peace Corps requires all Volunteers to utilize their U.S. passport during service. Before applying to a country in which you have dual citizenship (including nationality bestowed by place of birth), please carefully research any restrictions that may preclude you from service in that country.
Do you expect to become a naturalized citizen within three months of the application deadline?1
If in the process of becoming a naturalized citizen, please provide your estimated date of naturalization. (m/d/yyyy) 3
Will you be at least 18 years of age prior to the anticipated start date of service?
If no:
Thank you for your interest in serving with Peace Corps Response. The information you entered indicates you do not meet eligibility requirements at this time. You must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old to serve.
If you are under 18, please continue your spirit of service, and we encourage you to consider the two-year Peace Corps program or Peace Corps Response again when you are older. For more information regarding eligibility requirements for Peace Corps Response service, please consult the FAQs on our website.
Additional Eligibility Requirements
In addition to being a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old, Peace Corps Response Volunteers must have applicable experience.
Are you at least one of the following?
A returned Peace Corps Volunteer
A professional with significant professional experience
A doctor or nurse applying to the Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP)
If no:
Thank you for your interest in serving with Peace Corps Response. The information you entered indicates you do not meet our eligibility requirements at this time.
We encourage you to consider applying to the two-year Peace Corps program or consider Peace Corps Response again in the future.
General Questions |
How did you learn about Peace Corps Response?
Select One
Conference or Career Event
Peace Corps Website
Peace Corps Staff
Returned or Current Volunteer
Friends or Family
Close of Service Conference
Print Advertisement
If other, indicate here:
Contact Information |
Please make sure this page contains your most up-to-date information so Peace Corps Response staff can contact you.
You must provide your full name as it appears on a legal document (e.g., passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, etc.).
Title (dropdown list Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms./Dr., etc.) First name (your legal/given name) Middle name (no initials) Last name Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.) Nickname (optional) Primary phone Secondary phone Permanent email address
The Peace Corps asks for your Social Security number because the Peace Corps Act, 22 U.S.C. 2519, requires us to do a background check on all Volunteers. The Peace Corps will also use it to ensure our records are accurate for tax and other financial accounting purposes.
Social Security number, including dashes (xxx-xx-xxxx) Please re-enter your Social Security number, including dashes (xxx-xx-xxxx)
Sex (male/female) Date of birth (month/day/year)
Current Address Please ensure that you can collect mail in a timely manner from this address, as important mail and time-sensitive forms will be sent to this address.
Address line 1 Address line 2 Country City State/Region/Province ZIP/Postal code +4 (of ZIP code)
Choose one of the methods below to submit your resume /CV.
a resume /CV from my profile
What is the highest level of education you have achieved, or will have achieved prior to service? For example, if you are currently a second year master’s student and will have completed your degree prior to beginning your Peace Corps Response assignment, list the degree that you will receive as the highest level of education achieved.
Please provide the information below for all academic institutions you have attended or will graduate from prior to starting your service.
School name:
If school not listed, provide name here:
Type of degree, diploma, or certificate (select one):
Date degree received or expected (mm/yyyy):
Employment History |
Please review the completed fields to ensure the information is accurate. Prior to moving on to the next page of the application, you must identify your “most recent” job.
Position or Job Title:
Organization Name:
Start year:
End year:
Most Recent:
Peace Corps Service History
Have you previously served with the Peace Corps or Peace Corps Response?
If yes:
What is your most recent Peace Corps/Peace Corps Response country of service?
When did you serve there? (MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY)
If you have additional Peace Corps/Peace Corps Response service, please list the countries and dates below.
When did you serve there? (MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY)
Relevant Experience and Skills
This section may auto-populate based upon answers that you have submitted with a previous application. Please verify that your answers address the qualifications for the position for which you are applying.
In one paragraph, please describe how your experience and skills meet the mandatory qualifications listed for this specific position. (2,000 character limit)
Language Skills
Please list any language experience you have, beginning with the language(s) that are most relevant for the position for which you are applying. Additionally, please indicate the level of proficiency for each language selected. If you do not see the language(s) you speak in the list provided, please select the “other” option at the bottom of the list, write in the language, and indicate your level of proficiency.
Language 1
Skill Level (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior)
Language 2
Skill Level (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior)
Language 3
Skill Level (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior)
The Peace Corps makes efforts to place married couples and domestic partners who wish to serve together. Please be aware that the opportunities to place couples are more limited than those for individual candidates. In order to serve together, both spouses/domestic partners must apply at the same time and qualify for assignments in the same country.
Are you married or in a domestic partnership, or planning to be married or in a domestic partnership at the time you begin your service?
For additional information on serving as a couple, visit
First name of spouse/domestic partner
Middle name of spouse/domestic partner:
Last name of spouse/domestic partner:
Are you planning to serve with your spouse or domestic partner?
Yes, I am planning to serve with my spouse
Yes, I am planning to serve with my domestic partner
Please read and confirm the statements below to support your indication that you plan to serve with your domestic partner.
My partner and I:
are each other’s domestic partner and intend to remain committed to one another indefinitely,
share responsibility for a significant measure of each other’s common welfare and financial obligations,
are not married to, joined in civil union with, or domestic partners with anyone else,
are not related in a way that would prohibit legal marriage in the state in which we reside,
agree to notify the Peace Corps of any dissolution of the domestic partnership not later than 15 days after the date of dissolution of the domestic partnership,
understand that falsification of information within this declaration may constitute a criminal violation under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and may lead to disciplinary action, and 6
have a common residence, and intend to continue the arrangement or
would have a common residence, but are prevented from having one due to the following circumstances (please explain below).7
Explanation if you do not currently share a common residence:
I declare under penalty of perjury that the preceding is true and correct.
Declaration date
For additional information on serving as a couple and the required legal documentation, visit
Serving as a Peace Corps
Response Volunteer with dependents at home or elsewhere is often a
challenge. For additional information on dependents, visit
Are any persons partially or totally dependent upon you for support, whether or not they are living with you?
Name of dependent
Dependent’s date of birth (m/d/yyyy)
Do you have an additional dependent?9
Military Status
Are you a veteran or currently serving in the military?
Do you have any military, reserve, or National Guard obligations?10
For more information regarding military obligations, visit
Legal History
existence of an arrest or conviction record will not automatically
exclude you from consideration for Peace Corps service. When
evaluating an arrest or conviction, the Peace Corps considers the
nature of the offense, how long ago the offense occurred, whether you
were acquitted of the offense, and other relevant facts or
indications of rehabilitation. If you are ultimately rejected for a
Peace Corps Volunteer position because of an arrest or conviction,
you can request a review of the decision and/or reapply at a later
For more information go
is your responsibility to inform the Peace Corps promptly throughout
the application process, up through the start of service, of all new
arrests, charges, citations, misdemeanors, and felonies (including
ALL drug- or alcohol-related legal incidents) and any other changes
to the information provided below, including the disposition of
existing offenses. Do not include minor traffic violations,
citations, or parking tickets.
Are you currently involved in any court proceedings (civil or criminal) that will require your participation (as a plaintiff, defendant, or witness) during the time you would be serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer?
All Peace Corps invitees must undergo a background check that will disclose all arrests and convictions, regardless of whether the arrest or conviction has been expunged from your record. If you fail to disclose information about your legal history, including expunged cases, the Peace Corps may revoke your invitation to serve or disqualify you from Peace Corps service. Have you ever been cited for, arrested, charged with, or convicted of any offense? (Exclude minor traffic violations, citations, and parking tickets.)
Please upload your court documents as a supplement to the application in the application portal, which can be accessed after submitting an application.
Type of offense (e.g., DUI, possession of marijuana, petty theft)
Date of incident (m/d/yyyy)
Please upload your court documents as a supplement to the application in the applicant portal, which can be accessed after submitting an application.
Location of incident
Give a complete narrative explanation of the circumstances surrounding the incident. The narrative should comprehensively explain what happened leading up to the incident, what happened during the incident, and how the incident was resolved.
Was there a final court judgment?
List all penalties including sentence, probation, community service, fines, or other penalties imposed:
Judgment date (m/d/yyyy)
Current status or disposition13:
Are you currently on probation of any kind?
What are the current requirements of your probation?
Please state when and how your probation obligations will be met:
Do you have any other legal incidents to report?15
An applicant with any drug-related conviction or with a conviction for public intoxication, driving under the influence (DUI), or driving while intoxicated (DWI), with a conviction for reckless driving after having been initially charged with DUI or DWI, or who has a similar alcohol-related conviction, will not have his or her application for Peace Corps service considered until 12 months has passed from the date of the incident. The Peace Corps may deem an applicant unsuitable for Peace Corps service due to drug abuse, problem drinking, and/or alcohol abuse.
An applicant who, at any time on or prior to the day of departure for Peace Corps service, is arrested for any drug offense or for public intoxication, DUI, DWI, or any similar alcohol-related offense will have any pending application or invitation for Peace Corps service withdrawn. If the charges are dismissed, an applicant whose application or invitation for Peace Corps service was terminated may immediately reapply. If the applicant is convicted of the offense, he or she may reapply after 12 months from the date of the incident.
A Volunteer found to be involved with drugs in a manner not authorized for medical purposes, in any way in any country, will be administratively separated immediately. The Peace Corps enforces this strict policy not only because the cultivation, manufacturing, and trafficking, and use of drugs, including marijuana, is illegal in most countries, but also because drug involvement by Volunteers in any country could seriously jeopardize an entire Peace Corps country program, as well as the safety and health of other Volunteers.
The Peace Corps leaves decisions regarding the use of alcohol to the discretion of the individual Volunteer. The Peace Corps recognizes, however, that excessive use of alcohol may compromise Volunteer safety and security, lead to behavior that discredits the Peace Corps or the individual Volunteer, or affect the Volunteer’s performance and success in an assignment. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to: public intoxication, drinking while at a work site, failure to appear for work or training due to intoxication or hangovers, and verbal or physical aggressiveness while under the influence of alcohol. Such inappropriate or unsafe behavior or inability to perform adequately in the assignment may be grounds for disciplinary action, including administrative separation.
I confirm that I have read the Peace Corps Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Have you been cited for, arrested, charged with, or convicted of any drug or alcohol related offense in the last five years?
Peace Corps has a longstanding policy excluding individuals who have
engaged in intelligence activity or related work or who have been
employed by or connected with an intelligence agency from Peace Corps
Volunteer service, either for a specific period of time or
permanently, depending on the agency. For more information, including
definitions of “intelligence activity” and “intelligence
agency,” visit
If you are a current or former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), you are permanently ineligible for Peace Corps Volunteer service. If you are currently or were formerly employed by another intelligence agency, you are ineligible for Peace Corps Volunteer service for at least 10 years from the end date of such employment. In addition, you may be disqualified for service because your background or history discloses a substantial connection with an intelligence activity or related work other than through employment. Even family relationships to an employee of an intelligence agency may be considered a disqualifying connection. The duration of the disqualification will ordinarily not exceed 10 years and will depend on the nature of your involvement in or relationship to intelligence activities or agencies.
You should also be aware that, if you serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer, you may be ineligible for employment with U.S. government intelligence agencies for a specified period following your service as a Volunteer.
If you or an immediate family member works for or has worked for the CIA or the National Security Agency, go to for further instructions before answering the question below.
In all other cases, if you indicate that either you or an immediate family member has been employed by or connected with an intelligence agency, or engaged in intelligence activity or related work, a Peace Corps representative will contact you after your application is submitted to obtain additional information and determine your eligibility for Peace Corps Volunteer service.
Have you or an immediate family member ever been employed by or connected with an intelligence agency, or engaged in intelligence activity or related work?
Request for Racial and Ethnic Data (Optional)
This information is voluntary. Your response will not affect consideration of your application. By providing this information, you will assist in assuring that the Peace Corps is administered in a nondiscriminatory manner and reflects the diversity of the United States.
Are You Hispanic or Latino? (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race)
I prefer not to respond
Please check one or more of the classifications below.
White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
I prefer not to respond.
Privacy Act Statement The
Peace Corps, a U.S. government agency, is required by the Privacy
Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) to advise you of the following
information regarding this application. The Privacy Act addresses
the federal government’s use of certain personal information
in agency files.
Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement Public
reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to
average one hour. This includes the time for reviewing
instructions and completing the information. This is a voluntary
information collection. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
persons are not required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
for reducing this burden, to: the FOIA Officer, Peace Corps, 1111
20th Street, NW, Second Floor, Washington, DC 20526.
Certification I
certify that all of the statements made on all pages of this
application, including attachments, are true, correct, and
complete to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith. I
understand that any misleading, inaccurate, or incomplete
information may be cause for disqualification or termination of
Peace Corps service. Any intended omission or intentionally false
statement may constitute a violation of federal and state laws and
subject you to severe civil and criminal penalties, including
fines and/or imprisonment pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001. For Peace Corps Response applicants applying to Global Health Service Partnership assignments, I authorize the Peace Corps to disclose the information in my application to Seed Global Health for the purposes of evaluating my qualifications. Signature Date: MON-DD-YYYY Application Review Please
verify that the information in your application is correct by
using the “Preview” link below. To make edits to the
application itself, please use the “Previous” button
at the bottom of this page (do not press the back button). Once
your application is final, click the “Submit” button
to complete the application.
Thank you for your interest in serving as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer. We look forward to reviewing your application.
We invite you to continue searching for positions that match your interests as you may submit multiple Peace Corps Response applications.
In addition, connect with us on Facebook and sign-up for our monthly newsletter for the most up-to-date vacancy announcements, online information sessions, and exciting stories of Volunteer service!
1 This question appears if applicant responds “No” to preceding question.
2 A “No” response redirects the applicant out of the application: Thank you for your interest in the Peace Corps. The information you entered suggests you may not meet our eligibility requirements at this time.
3 This question appears if applicant responds “Yes” to preceding question.
4 This section appears if applicant responds “Yes” to preceding question.
5 This section appears if applicant responds “Yes, I am planning to serve with my domestic partner.”
6 Applicant selects one to describe living arrangement.
7 Text area provided for explanation.
8 This section appears if applicant answers “Yes” to preceding question.
9 Applicant can list additional dependents.
10 This question appears if applicant responds “Yes” to preceding question.
11 Section appears if applicant answers “Yes” to preceding question.
12 Section appears if applicant answers “Yes” to preceding question.
13 Applicant chooses from the following: guilty (including expunged/sealed), dismissed, diversion program, not guilty, deferred judgments/suspended sentence, or other.
14 Section appears if applicant answers “Yes” to preceding question.
15 Applicants can report up to five legal incidents on the Peace Corps application. After five legal incidents, the following instructions and question appear: “If there are additional legal incidents in your history, please check the box below. The Legal Eligibility Specialist may contact you for further details.”
16 If applicant selects “Yes” a Peace Corps staff member will contact the applicant for details.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ross, Thomas |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |