Implementation interview: Additional center staff

Assessing the Implementation and Cost of High Quality Early Care and Education: Comparative Multi-Case Study, Phase 2

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Implementation interview: Additional center staff

OMB: 0970-0499

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My name is [NAME], I work at Mathematica Policy Research. Mathematica is under contract to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families to conduct this study to Assess the Implementation and Cost of High Quality Early Care and Education (ECE-ICHQ).
Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study. This study will produce measures of implementation and costs that help us better understand how early
childhood programs use their resources to make a difference for children’s early childhood experiences and outcomes. This interview collects information on
what your center is doing to provide quality early care and education services for children ages 0-5.
Do you have any questions for me before we get started? Do you feel you got enough information about the study from [recruiter]?
We have several questions for you about:

Center resources
Child and family support
Instructional planning, coordination, and child assessment
Instruction and caregiving
Workforce development, leadership activities, and program planning
Center administration

We expect that it will take 3 hours to complete this interview.
This interview is completely voluntary. The information we gather through this interview will be used to help estimate the implementation activities that a
center does to support quality. All data will be treated in a private manner to the extent permitted by the law. Only members of the research team will have
access to your responses. The study team will report estimates of the overall costs and the costs of different program activities and components at an aggregate
level. The names of individual programs will not be linked with implementation activities in reports.
I would like to record this conversation to ensure that I capture your response accurately. The recording will not be shared with anyone outside of
Mathematica’s research team, and we will destroy it at the end of our study. Is that okay with you?
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0499 and the expiration date is 08/31/2018.



A. Center Resources. We would like information on the resources available to the center that may affect the center’s operating costs. This includes use and
purpose of volunteers, use of donated or subsidized space, and sources of financial support.
Directions for completing the Center Resources rubric:

How often does your center make use of volunteers? Select one.


Why do you make use of volunteers? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other/additional responses.


Would you hire additional staff if you did not have volunteer support? Select one.


Does your center operate in space that is donated, subsidized, or that is not directly paid for by the center (that is, the space is paid for by the larger
organization within which the center operates or another entity)? Select one.


We are interested in learning about all the various sources of financial support to your center.
5a. When our team was first in touch with you, we learned that your center is supported with funds from [Mark all categories that apply from the center
recruitment and engagement call and tailor to state-specific terms for the state prekindergarten and Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) programs –
federal funds to subsidize child care for low-income children]. Is this correct?
5b. Does your center receive funds from any of the other following sources? Select all that apply.
5c. What are the two largest sources of financial support for your center? WRITE IN two sources.


Does your center use accounting software to track expenditures and manage finances? WRITE IN name of accounting software.



Staffing Structure. We would like information on all staff located within the center’s physical location, by job title and role. This information will help us
understand how the center’s staffing structure might affect the services provided to children and their families.
B. Directions for completing the Staffing Structure Part 1 rubric:

Please list each type of staff position, by job title, that you currently have working at your center in this location. We are interested in the positions that
work with or support activities for children ages 0-5 (excluding staff who focus only on kindergarten, school-aged child care, or summer camps for older
children, for example). WRITE IN job title for each position.
a. How many staff serve in this position? WRITE IN number.
b. What are the responsibilities of this position? Select all that apply.
i. Administration over center operations includes planning and managing staff and resources to provide early care and education.
ii. Administration over educational program includes managing the aspects of the center that specifically focus on child development, includes
curriculum development and instructional planning.
c. WRITE IN brief description if role is not clear from job title and responsibilities. (For example, “Coach” is given as job title, and is someone who
provides special services but detail on the services is necessary, such as coaches on practices related to mental health and school readiness.)

Use the following probes to check that all positions are covered if they are not specifically mentioned in the discussion. Ask the specific questions (a – c) as needed
to complete the details in the table.

Does your center have a dedicated position(s) in charge of the educational program (or curriculum) that is a distinct position from the center director?
o If yes, what is the job title of this position? [Ask questions a-c.]
Does your center have a finance manager or a person in charge of maintaining the financial records?
o If yes, what is the job title of this position? [Ask questions a-c.]
Does your center have administrative staff who hold positions that focus on or support the management or operations of the center but who do not
have classroom responsibilities on a regular basis?
o If yes, what are the job titles of these positions? [Ask questions a-c.]
Does your center have other professional staff or specialists who provide or connect children and their families with services outside of the classroom
(such as to assist with nutrition, health, mental health, or support services)?
o If yes, what is the job title of these positions? [Ask questions a-c.]
Does your center have any other staff not yet listed who do not work directly with children such as, support staff, clerical staff, drivers, cooks, and
anyone else on your center’s payroll?
o If yes, what are the job titles of these positions? [Ask questions a-c.]



C. Directions for completing the Staffing Structure Part 2 rubric:

Please confirm the roles among the staff who are primarily teachers or caregivers for children ages 0-5 at your center.
Lead teachers
2a. Please confirm the number of lead teachers who work with children ages 0-5. That is teachers who are in charge of a group or classroom of children,
often with staff supervisory responsibilities. WRITE IN total number.
2a.1. Please confirm the job title for these teachers. WRITE IN job title.
2a.2. Now, I would like to know the number of lead teachers working with each age group of children in the classroom.
WRITE IN number of lead teachers for each child age group:
 How many lead teachers work in classrooms with infants?
 How many work in toddler classrooms?
 How many in preschool classrooms?
Assistant teachers
2b. Please confirm the number of assistant teachers who work with children ages 0-5. That is teachers who work under the supervision of a teacher,
and may or may not lead certain activities (such as art projects, or story time), but who do not have sole responsibility for the classroom and do not
have staff supervisory responsibilities. WRITE IN total number or mark “none.”
2b.1. Please confirm the job title for these teachers. WRITE IN job title.
2b.2. Now, I would like to know the number of assistant teachers working with each age group of children in the classroom.
WRITE IN number of assistant teachers for each child age group.
 How many assistant teachers work in classrooms with infants?
 How many work in toddler classrooms?
 How many in preschool classrooms?
2c. Aides or teaching assistants. How many aides or teaching assistants who work with children ages 0-5 and are not considered assistant teachers do you
have in the center? That is staff who work under the supervision of a teacher, but who are not included in meeting licensing requirements for
teacher/child ratios. WRITE IN total number or mark “none.”
2c.1.What is the job title for this position? WRITE IN job title.
2d. Floaters or substitutes. How many floaters or consistent substitute teachers who work with children ages 0-5 do you have in the center? That is
regular paid staff who are not regularly assigned to a particular room, but fill in different positions as necessary to help meet teacher/child ratios.
WRITE IN total number or mark “none.”
2d.1.What is the job title for this position? WRITE IN job title.



D. Directions for completing the Staffing Structure Part 3 rubric:
[For centers embedded within larger organizations only]

Are there staff that support the operations or services of your center but who do not work at this location? If yes, what types of support or services

do they provide? Mark yes or no for each category. WRITE IN specific job titles or program units within relevant cell.



Child and Family Support includes services that the center supports access to or provides to children and families that occur beyond instruction and caregiving.
Note, these questions refer to non-academic or non-instructional activities that the center engages in to support children and their families.
E. Directions for completing the Child and Family Support rubric:
1. What types of services does the center support access to or provide? Select all that apply and write in other services provided that are not included in the
rubric. Moving through this row, keep in mind that we care about the number of types of services that are provided in each category, more than we care
about the type of service provided (dental versus medical). If a center provides more than one type of the same service, please use the second and third
rows to record the information about each type of service.
a. For each service, write in any substantial changes that occurred over the year that might have influenced the consistency with which services were
provided and therefore could have cost implications.
Please refer to the following definitions to clarify the different support services:
 Health Screening. Refers to simple tests to identify children (or family members) who may need dental or vision care, or to identify other health risk
factors, such as lead exposure.
 Therapeutic services. Refers to services provided to children (or family members) who have a diagnosed condition, often arising as a barrier to a
child’s development.
o Speech and language or auditory therapy. Services focused on improving speech, communication, processing of language, and feeding
o Occupational therapy (OT). Services focused on promoting normal development and (age-appropriate) daily living skills. OT involves
interventions to address delays or difficulties with motor skills, play skills, and sensory processing skills, attention, or behavior.
o Physical therapy (PT). Services focused on restoring mobility, promoting function and healing, and providing education and consultation to
children and families. PT focuses on improving gross motor skills.
o Cognitive and/or behavioral therapy. Services designed for children with autism or conditions that affect their behavior (sensory processing,
OCD, ADHD). These services may include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA).
o Nutrition. Involves dieticians counseling children and their families on a variety of nutritional issues, such as failure to thrive, feeding tube
adjustments, weight management, food allergies, and therapeutic diets.
o Other.
 Counseling services. Refers to services provided by a mental health practitioner, and include play therapy, family therapy, group therapy,
psychotherapy, parent counseling, psychiatry, or a combination of these methods.
 Social services. Refers to services, often government services, provided for the benefit of the community and aim to promote the welfare of children
and their families.
 Adult education programs. Refers to services provided to parents or caregivers
2. For children in the center, is there a process for deciding if they need access to the service? Select one (for each type of service).
3. Who decides that children or families need access to services? Select all that apply. If applicable, write in the source of the requirement (State licensing,
QRIS, Head Start, etc.)



4. How does the center help children and families access services? Select one for each type of service.
a. Does the center support access to services? Select how the center supports access to services:
i. Whether the center provides information to families about where they can access services (but does not set up an appointment for a family
or coordinate a service provider coming to the center) OR
ii. Whether the center makes an appointment for the family to receive services or arranges for service providers to come on-site.
b. Does the center provide services? If an outside entity provides a service and the center covers the cost, we want to know the costs of these services.
If applicable, in this column, please WRITE IN:
i. The approximate proportion of infants and toddlers (children less than 36 months) (I/T) who received the service in the past year
ii. The approximate proportion of preschool children (ages 3-5) who received the service in the past year
iii. Use the following amounts to estimate approximate proportions:
 None
 Less than a quarter
 About half
 More than half
 All or close to all
5. For each child/family receiving services, how often does the center track receipt of services? Select one.
If necessary, clarify that tracking means keeping a record of whether the connection to the service was made and the child/family receive(s) the service.
6. How does the center track if the service was (partially or fully) received? Select all that apply.
7. [If respondent confirms the center has electronic tracking systems across services, ask] Are the services tracked in separate systems or in a unified
system? (Yes or no)



F. Directions for completing the Child Characteristics rubric:
1. Approximately how many children (ages 0-5) with special needs does your center serve? We are asking about “special needs” broadly, including children
with a diagnosis as well as children who have physical, social-emotional, behavioral, or cognitive needs that require additional support in the classroom.
Select one. WRITE IN approximate number or proportion of children with special needs.
i. Use the following amounts to estimate approximate proportions for all three questions:
 None
 Less than a quarter
 About half
 More than half
 All
 Close to all
2. Approximately how many children (ages 0-5) enrolled in your center have an IEP/IFSP? Circle one. WRITE IN approximate number or proportion of children
who have an IEP/IFSP.
An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan for children with disabilities who receive special education services in school. An IFSP is an individualized Family
Services Plan for children with disabilities and their families who receive early intervention services.
3. Approximately how many children (ages 0-5) enrolled in your center speak a language other than English at home? Circle one. WRITE IN approximate
number or proportion of children who speak a language other than English at home.



G. Instructional planning, coordination, and child assessment includes time spent collecting and analyzing information to inform services for individual children.
This also includes writing progress reports about individual children.
Directions for completing the Instructional Planning rubric:
1. How does the center use standards to inform instruction and services?
a. 1a. Child standards (such as State early learning guidelines)? Select one. 1b. Program standards (such as QRIS standards)? Select one.
2. What type of curriculum is used? Select all that apply (there may be one more than one curriculum) and write in the name(s) of the curriculum at the
bottom of the rubric.
3. How long has curriculum been used? Select one for each type of curriculum used in the center.
4. How was curriculum selected? Select all that apply. If there is more than one curriculum, Select all that apply to at least one of the curricula.
5. What other resources are provided to teachers to support instructional planning? Select all that apply and write in any additional resources at the bottom
of the rubric.
6. How long has resource been used? Select one for each resource used in the center.




H. Directions for completing the Curriculum Training rubric:
1. Who is trained on the curriculum? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other stakeholders who are trained on the curriculum.
a. Use the following amounts to estimate the approximate proportions of lead teachers and/or assistant teachers who are trained on the curriculum:
i. None
ii. Less than a quarter
iii. About half
iv. More than half
v. All or close to all
2. How are center directors or program administrators trained on the curriculum? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways the center or program
administrators are trained on the curriculum.
3. Over the course of a year, about how much time do center directors and/or program administrators spend in curriculum training? Select one.
4. How are teaching staff trained on the curriculum? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways teaching staff are trained on the curriculum.
5. Over the course of a year, about how much time do teaching staff (lead and aide and assistant teachers) spend in curriculum training? Select one.
6. How often are teaching staff trained on the curriculum? Select all that apply.




I. Directions for completing the Instructional Coordination rubric:
1. Which staff get paid planning time, during which the teaching staff has no responsibility for child supervision? Select all that apply.
2. How much paid planning time do teaching staff have, during which they have no responsibility for child supervision? Select one.
3. Which staff work together to plan or coordinate instruction? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other.
4. [When teaching staff plan instruction] on what topics do staff coordinate? Select all that apply.
5. What is the format of meetings that facilitate planning and coordination? Select all that apply.




J. Directions for completing the Child Assessment to Plan Instruction Rubric Part 1
1. Does the center screen/diagnose children to determine whether they need further developmental assessment and/or services? (For example,
developmental screening, screening for English Language Learner (ELL) needs or for auditory processing deficits) Select one. If the center screens on-site,
write in the name(s) of the tool(s) at the bottom of the rubric and circle the source of screening (center-developed or commercial).
2. Who administers the screening/diagnostic tool in the center? Select all that apply.
3. How long has the screening/diagnostic tool been used in the center? Select one.
4. How often is the screening/diagnostic tool used in the center? Select one.
5. How was the screening/diagnostic tool selected? Select all that apply. If there is more than one tool, select all that apply to at least one of the tools.
6. Who uses the information from the screening to individualize instruction in the classroom? Select all that apply.




K. Directions for completing the Child Assessment to Plan Instruction Rubric Part 2
1. Does the center conduct preliminary assessments to determine children’s needs and plan instruction? (For example, reading readiness assessments,
vocabulary) Select one. If the center assesses on-site, write in the name(s) of the tool(s) at the bottom of the rubric and circle the source of assessment
(center-developed or commercial).
2. How long has the assessment tool been used in the center? Select one.
3. Who administers the assessment tool in the center? Select all that apply.
4. How often is the tool used in the center? Select one.
5. How was the developmental assessment tool selected? Select all that apply. If there is more than one tool, select all that apply to at least one of the tools.
6. How does the center track the child’s learning needs? Select one.




L. Directions for completing the Formative and Summative Child Assessment rubric:
1. Does the center measure development and learning (performance) during classroom activities on an ongoing basis? Select one for whether this occurs and
how frequently. If this occurs, write in the name(s) of the tool(s) at the bottom of the rubric and circle the source of measurement tool (center-developed or
commercial). There may be more than one tool.
2. How long has the measurement tool been used? Select one for each tool used in the center.
3. How was the measurement tool selected? Select all that apply. If there is more than one tool, select all that apply to at least one of the tools.
4. How do teachers use measurement information on development and learning (performance) to guide instruction? Select all that apply.
5. How does the center track the child’s instructional assessments? Select one.
6. Does the center measure and track child progress or summarize developmental growth overtime? Select one for whether this occurs and how frequently.
If this occurs, write in the name(s) of the tool(s) at the bottom of the rubric and select the source of measurement tool (center-developed or commercial).
7. How long has the measurement tool been used? Select one for each tool used in the center.
8. How was the measurement tool selected? Select all that apply. If there is more than one tool, select all that apply to at least one of the tools.
9. How does the center use information about children’s progress? Select all that apply.
10. How does the center track the child’s developmental assessments? Select one.




M. Directions for completing the Training on Assessment Tool rubric:
1. Who is trained on the assessment tool? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other stakeholders who are trained on the assessment tool.
a. Use the following amounts to estimate the approximate proportions of lead teachers and/or assistant teachers who are trained on the
assessment tool:
i. None
ii. Less than a quarter
iii. About half
iv. More than half
v. All or close to all
2. How are center directors or program administrators trained on the assessment tool? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways the center or program
administrators are trained on the assessment tool.
3. Over the course of a year, about how much time do center directors and/or program administrators spend in assessment tool training? Select one.
4. How are teaching staff trained on the assessment tool? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways teaching staff are trained on the assessment tool.
5. Over the course of a year, about how much time do teaching staff (lead and aide and assistant teachers) spend in assessment tool training? Select one.
6. How often are teaching staff trained on the assessment tool? Select all that apply.




N. Directions for completing the Child Assessment for Providing Information to Families rubric:
1. How does the center provide information to parents on developmental and instructional assessments? Select each type of information that applies.
a. For each type that applies, select one option for the frequency the information is provided.
b. For each type of information provided and frequency, select how the information is provided:
i. Informal, includes unscheduled verbal feedback, such as talking with parents during child drop off or pick up
ii. Formal, includes written feedback and/or parent-teacher conferences
2. If the center schedules parent-teacher conferences, for how long are they usually scheduled? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other occurrences of parentteacher conferences below.




Supporting instruction and caregiving includes classroom and center resources (space and physical set-up, and materials and equipment), and staffing.
(Everything in this function is related to supporting teachers as they provide instruction and they have cost implications if they vary across centers.)
O. Directions for completing the Classroom and Center Resources rubric:
1. Does the center have enough classroom space to meet age-based group size targets in all the classrooms? Select one of the first three options for each
group of children.
a. What standards beyond licensing do you follow to set group size targets? If the center meets lower targets than those set by licensing, WRITE IN
the standards that they follow (for example, accreditation, Head Start, QRIS, state prekindergarten). (Note: The “Exceed targets” cell should only be
circled IF the cell above is circled and the standards are specified.)
2. Does the center have enough teaching staff to meet age-based teacher/child ratio targets in all the classrooms? Select one of the first three options for
each group of children.
a. What standards beyond licensing do you follow to set teacher/child ratio targets? If the center meets lower targets than those set by licensing,
WRITE IN the standards that they follow (for example, accreditation, Head Start, QRIS, state prekindergarten). (Note: The “Exceed targets” cell
should only be circled IF the cell above is circled and the standards are specified.)
3. Do the classrooms have adequate equipment to support caregiving? Equipment includes center supplies that generally do not need to be replaced each
year and are generally more expensive than materials, such as furniture. Select one.
4. Do the classrooms have adequate materials to support instruction? Materials include consumables that are generally replenished frequently, such as art
supplies and diapers. Select one.
5. Does the center have an adequate outdoor play area? Select one.
6. 6. Does your center currently have facility acquisition, construction or renovation needs? Select all that apply.




P. Directions for completing the Staffing rubric:
1. What informs the qualifications you look for when hiring staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other considerations when hiring staff at the bottom of the
rubric. WRITE IN most important guidelines for hiring staff.
Categories of qualifications of the staff at the center. No response to record.
2. What proportion of lead teachers are at each qualification level? We want to know the approximate proportion of lead teachers in each qualification level.
WRITE IN the approximate proportion within each relevant level to cover all lead teachers using the following categories: less than a quarter, about half,
more than half, all or close to all. (Note: “none” is assumed for levels with no entry.)
a. What is the overall ability to meet targeted qualifications for lead teachers? Select one
3. What proportion of assistant teachers (or aides) are at each qualification level? We want to know the approximate proportion of other teachers in each
qualification level. Focus only on assistant teachers, when applicable. Focus only on aides when the center does not have assistant teachers. WRITE IN the
approximate proportion within each relevant level to cover all assistant teachers (or aides) using the following categories: less than a quarter, about half,
more than half, all or close to all. (Note: “none” is assumed for levels with no entry.)
a. What is the overall ability to meet targeted qualifications for other teachers? Select one
4. What are the qualifications of the people who oversee the development and support of the educational program of the center (such as an education or
curriculum specialist, or program director)? Circle the appropriate response for each qualification.
a. What is the overall ability to meet targeted qualifications for this position? Select one
5. What are the qualifications of the center director or site administrator? Circle the appropriate response for each qualification.
a. What is the overall ability to meet targeted qualifications for the center director or site administrator? Select one
6. Does the center have access to additional expert or specialized staff who support instruction? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other experts that the center
has access to at the bottom of the rubric.
a. The cost of the expert or staff support is covered by: Select one




Q. Directions for completing the Barriers and Facilitators to Instruction and Caregiving rubric:
1. In the past two years, how many staff have left or been terminated? Enter number for each category of staff.
2. In the past two years, which type of teaching staff has been more difficult to retain? Select one. If other, WRITE IN other staff to specify.
3. When turnover among teaching staff occurs, how does it affect the daily operations of the center? Select one, or when both other center staff and
floaters/substitutes provide coverage circle one response within each pair. ‘Other center staff’ refers to center leadership, support staff, and teaching staff.
4. What are the main factors that influence teaching staff to stay at the center? Select all that apply for each category of staff. WRITE IN other factor(s) at the
bottom of the rubric. WRITE IN which factor is most important.
5. What are the main factors that influence teaching staff to leave the center? Select all that apply for each category of staff. WRITE IN other factor(s) at the
bottom of the rubric. WRITE IN which factor is most important.
6. Is the center able to retain teaching staff after they have increased their qualifications, such as teachers who have obtained a higher degree or
credential? Select one.




Workforce Development includes recruiting, hiring, training, coaching, and supervising staff. This function also includes professional development to improve
one’s credentials, certifications, or general education.
R. Directions for completing Recruiting and Hiring Process rubric:
1. How does the center recruit potential candidates for open teaching (in classroom) positions? Formal and informal. Select all that apply. WRITE IN any
other formal or informal methods at the bottom of the rubric and WRITE IN the method used most frequently in the past year, either formal or informal.
2. Who is involved in recruiting for open teaching (in classroom) positions and screening potential candidates? Select all that apply and WRITE IN other
stakeholders involved in recruiting and screening.
3. Who is involved in interviewing potential teacher candidates? Select all that apply and WRITE IN other stakeholders involved in recruiting and screening.
4. What activities occur during the interview process for lead teacher candidates and for assistant teacher candidates? Select all that apply and WRITE IN
other activities that occur at the bottom of the rubric.
5. Who is involved in making the final hiring decision for teacher candidates? Select all that apply and WRITE IN other stakeholders involved in evaluating
6. Is the interview process standard for all candidates? Select all that apply.
7. Is there anything else that the center has in place to support recruiting and hiring teaching staff? WRITE IN the answer at the bottom of the rubric.




S. Directions for completing the Facilitators and Challenges to Recruiting and Hiring rubric:
1. How much of the center’s resources (staff time) were needed in the past year to recruit and screen candidates?
a. Lead teachers. Select one. WRITE IN the approximate days of staff time needed per month, or if less than one day per month was needed.
b. Assistant teachers. Select one. WRITE IN the approximate days of staff time needed per month, or if less than one day per month was needed.
2. How much of the center’s resources (staff time) were needed in the past year to interview and evaluate candidates?
a. Lead teachers. Select one. WRITE IN the approximate days of staff time needed per month, or if less than one day per month was needed.
b. Assistant teachers. Select one. WRITE IN the approximate days of staff time needed per month, or if less than one day per month was needed.
3. How easy was it for the center to recruit qualified candidates in the past year? Lead teachers and assistant teachers. Select one.
4. What is the biggest challenge the center faces in filling vacant positions for teaching staff? Select one or WRITE IN other.




T. Directions for completing the Setting Priorities and Determining Needs for Training and Professional Development rubric:
Note the questions about training and professional development are focused only on staff who work with children in the classroom (the teaching staff).
1. How does center determine priorities for training and professional development of teaching staff, as a whole? Select all that apply.
a. If the center uses requirements to determine priorities, WRITE IN the source of the requirement.
b. If the center uses scores on observational measures (e.g., CLASS or ERS), WRITE IN the measure.
c. If the center uses criteria from sources other than what is listed, WRITE IN other sources of criteria below.
d. WRITE IN source of highest priority
2. What are center’s priorities for training and professional development of teaching staff? Select all that apply.
a. If the center prioritizes training to meet requirements, WRITE IN the source of the requirements, (such as state licensing, QRIS, Head Start, etc.).
b. WRITE IN the highest priority.
3. Who determines the training and professional development needs of teaching staff? Select one.
a. If requirements, WRITE IN the source of the requirement (State licensing, QRIS, Head Start, etc.)
4. How do staff contribute to determining their individual training and professional development needs? Select all that apply.
a. If staff contribute to determine their training and professional development needs in other ways than the responses included, WRITE IN other
5. How does the center develop, maintain, and track training and professional development for individual teachers? Select all that apply.
a. WRITE IN other ways in which the center develops and maintains training plans for individual teachers below.
6. How does the center determine whether training meets center goals and staff needs? Select all that apply.




U. Directions for completing the Providing Training and Professional Development to Teaching Staff rubric
Note the questions about training and professional development are focused only on staff who work with children in the classroom (the teaching staff).
1. Does the center provide training for teaching staff (staff in the classrooms)? Select one.
2. How often is training provided by the center? Select all that apply.
a. WRITE IN other occurrences of training by the center below.
b. WRITE IN the approximate number of training hours provided by the center per year.
3. Do all teaching staff attend the training provided by the center? If not, how does it vary? Select all that apply.
4. How is training provided by the center? Select all that apply.
5. Who conducts the training provided by the center? Select all that apply and WRITE IN the entities that cover the costs and the proportion of training
covered by each entity.
6. What activities are conducted after training to assess knowledge acquisition or skill development? Select all that apply.




V. Directions for completing the Support for Training and Professional Development for Teaching Staff rubric
Note the questions about training and professional development are focused only on staff who work with children in the classroom (teaching staff).
1. How are staff informed of additional training opportunities beyond what the center provides? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other source(s) about
training opportunities.
2. In the past year, what assistance did the center provide to teaching staff to support additional training or education, such as tuition, registration fees,
travel, or costs of required materials? Select all that apply.
3. Does the center pay staff for time spent attending outside training? Select one of first four options. WRITE IN if teaching staff are given a certain amount
of paid time to attend training (e.g. 10 hours, 3 days, etc.)
4. Does the center provide classroom coverage when teaching staff attend training during work hours? Select one.




Observation, Coaching, and Monitoring and Evaluating Staff Performance
W. Directions for completing the Classroom Observations rubric:
1. What are the goals of classroom observations? Select all that apply.
a. WRITE IN other goals of classroom observations at the bottom of the rubric.
b. WRITE IN primary goal of classroom observations
2. Who conducts the classroom observations? Select all that apply across the various purposes for observations (identified in response to question 1).
3. How often are classroom observations conducted for an individual classroom/teacher? (Consider the frequency accounting for all the various purposes of
a. For each frequency for which observations are conducted, WRITE IN the corresponding goal (from column 1).
b. WRITE IN other occurrences of classroom observations.
c. Are observations conducted with similar frequency across all classrooms/ teachers? Select yes or no. If no, WRITE IN reason for variation below.
d. WRITE IN the approximate number of hours of classroom observations per year provided by the center:
4. Is a tool used to conduct observations? Select all that apply.
a. WRITE IN name of observation tool(s) at the bottom of the rubric.
5. What follow-up activities are conducted after an observation? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other follow-up activities that are conducted after
6. Do teaching staff visit other classrooms to observe practice? If so, where?
a. WRITE IN the approximate number of hours staff have spent observing other classrooms in the past year.
7. What happened after the observations? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other follow-up activities that occur after an observation.




X. Directions for completing the Providing Individualized Coaching to Classroom Staff to Support Improving Skills in Working with Children rubric
1. Does the center provide individualized coaching to teaching staff? Note, this question includes teaching staff and education specialists. We define coaching
as scheduled one-on-one support focused on improving teaching staffs’ skills in working with children (this does include informal mentoring). Circle one. If
applicable to answer, WRITE IN the additional information for the question: the staff who receive coaching, why those staff receive coaching, the proportion
of total staff who receive coaching
2. What is the focus of individualized coaching? Select all that apply.
3. Who provides the individualized coaching? Select all that apply across all coaching that occurs. WRITE IN other stakeholders who provide individualized
4. How often is individualized coaching provided by the center? Select one.
a. WRITE IN the requirement or initiative to which the coaching is linked, if applicable.
b. WRITE IN other occurrences of individualized coaching.
c. WRITE IN the approximate number of hours per year provided by the center.
5. What activities occur as part of individualized coaching? Select all that apply.
a. WRITE IN other methods of conducting individualized coaching at the bottom of the rubric.
6. How does the center determine whether coaching meets center goals and staff needs? Select all that apply.




Y. Directions for completing the Monitoring and Evaluating Performance of Teaching Staff rubric:
1. What expectations of knowledge, skills and abilities are included in job descriptions for teachers? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other expectations of
knowledge and skills included in job descriptions.
2. How does the center typically set individual performance goals for teaching staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which staff performance
goals are set.
3. How are individual performance goals determined for teaching staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which individual performance goals are
determined for staff.
4. How does the center monitor and evaluate staff performance of teaching staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which the center monitors
and evaluates staff performance.
5. Does the center have a standardized process for monitoring and evaluating the performance of teaching staff? Select one of the main response categories
and Select or WRITE IN the sub-response category.
a. WRITE IN approximate amount of time for evaluation of each teacher per year. This includes soliciting input, writing, and sharing with the teacher.
6. How are teaching staff recognized or rewarded for strong performance? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which staff are recognized or
rewarded for strong performance.
7. Who has input into staff performance? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other stakeholders who have input into staff performance.




Leadership activities, program planning, and evaluation includes strategic planning and program-level functions, such as leadership activities and management
practices that establish processes and infrastructures to effectively support quality.
Z. Directions for completing the Center Planning and Goal Setting process rubric:
1. How do you assess center progress toward meeting the goals of the center? Select all that apply.
Note that we developed answer categories to understand the level of formality around center planning and goal setting, and to distinguish between strategic
planning, quality improvement, and program evaluation:
a. Discuss at meetings how the center is functioning overall, but not with specific goals in mind. This category should be circled if planning discussions
occur, but the center does not set goals. This reflects no intentionality in center planning and goal setting.
b. Hold regular meetings to reflect on center’s progress toward meeting goals. This category should be circled if planning discussions occur and goals
are established, but the center does not track progress toward meeting the goals. This reflects low intentionality in center planning and goals setting.
c. Make decisions about allocating resources to pursue broad, strategic goals and tracking progress toward meeting these goals. (Strategic planning).
This category should be circled if the center has a formal process for establishing strategic plans for the center and making decisions about allocating
resources to pursue the strategic plans. This reflects intentionality, in formal discussions, goals setting, and tracking.
d. Identify areas in need of improvement and specific actions for making improvements and tracking progress toward meeting these improvement
goals. (Quality improvement). This includes Quality Improvement (QI) plans for QRIS. This category should be circled if the center has a formal quality
improvement process. This reflects intentionality in formal discussions, goals setting, and tracking
e. Overall evaluation of the center and the services it provides to children. We included this category in case the respondent is more familiar with the
term “Program Evaluation.” This response category should be circled if the center has a formal process for program evaluation. This reflects
intentionality in formal discussions, goals, and tracking.)
2. Who is involved in developing goals and reviewing progress toward meeting those goals? Select all that apply. Please select the planning processes in
which each stakeholder is involved: Strategic planning, Quality improvement, or Program evaluation, if applicable. Select all that apply to each stakeholder.
3. What types of goals are established? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other goals. WRITE IN priority goal(s).
4. About how often does the center review progress toward meeting its goals? Circle only one.
5. a. What information or data do you review to determine if the center is making progress toward meeting the goals? Select all that apply.
b. Is there any additional data or information that the center would like access to? Why would this data or information be beneficial? WRITE IN response
to this question at the bottom of the rubric.
6. After reviewing progress towards goals, what happens next? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other.
7. How do you promote a shared understanding of the center’s goals and expectations? WRITE IN how the center promotes a shared understanding of the
center’s goals and expectations at the bottom of the rubric.



AA. Directions for completing the Center Processes to Promote the Goals and Mission (i.e., Quality) rubric:
1. Does the center have a mission? If yes, how does the center engage teaching staff in the mission? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which the
center engages teaching staff in the mission.
2. What concepts does the mission emphasize? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other concepts emphasized in the mission.
3. How does communication occur in the center (between leadership and teaching staff) to promote the center’s goals and mission? Select all that apply.
WRITE IN at the bottom of the rubric, other ways in which communication occurs in the center to promote the center’s goals and mission.
4. What topics are on a typical staff meeting agenda? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other topics that are typically on the agenda. WRITE IN priority topic(s) or
topics most often on the agenda.
5. When do staff meetings occur? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other occurrences of staff meetings.
6. What is the typical length of a staff meeting? Select one. WRITE IN other meeting length if necessary.
7. What proportion of teaching staff typically attend staff meetings? Select one. WRITE IN why less than 75% of teaching staff attend staff meetings, if
8. How are teaching staff involved in resolving issues that have negative effects on the center and the care it provides to children? Select all that apply.
WRITE IN other ways in which teaching staff are involved in resolving issues that have negative effects on the center and the care it provides.




AB. Directions for completing the Facilitators and Barriers to Center Planning and Goal Setting:
1. How flexible is the center in changing policies and procedures or making improvements? Select one.
2. What types of challenges does the center face in changing policies and procedures or making improvements? (What makes the center inflexible to
change?) Select all that apply. WRITE IN other challenges at the bottom of the rubric.
3. What types of facilitators make it possible for the center to change policies and procedures or making improvements? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other
facilitators at the bottom of the rubric.




AC. Directions for completing the Center Oversight and Community Involvement rubric:
1. Does the center have an oversight board (or board of directors or governing body)? If yes, how often does the board meet? Select one. WRITE IN other
occurrences of the oversight board’s meetings.
2. What is the focus of the board’s oversight of the center? Select all that apply. Select if a community partner is a member of the board or not. WRITE IN
other topics on which the oversight board focuses.
3. How involved is the oversight board in the operation of the center? Select one.
4. If the center is part of a larger organization, does the center director have a role within that larger organization? Select only one.
5. Does the center have a parent policy council (or parent governing board)? If yes, how often does the council meet? Select one. WRITE IN other
occurrences of the parent council’s meetings.
6. What is the focus of the parent group’s oversight of the center? Select all that apply. WRITE IN cross-memberships with the oversight board and the topics
on which oversight is coordinated.
7. How involved is the parent council in the operation of the center? Circle one.
8. Does the center director have a role on community boards/councils? Select all that apply.




Center Administration includes compliance with regulations, such as licensing and QRIS, Head Start program performance standards monitoring, and the
accreditation process; fiscal management, marketing, and public relations; and facilities management and maintenance.
AD. Directions for completing the Policies and Procedures rubric:
1. Does your center have an employee handbook, or a document that includes human resources policies? (such as benefits or performance appraisal) If yes,
how often is this information updated? Select only one, or WRITE IN other instances in which the [employee handbook] is updated.
2. What information does the [employee handbook] include? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other information included in the [employee handbook].
3. How is information in the [employee handbook] communicated to teaching staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which information in the
[employee handbook] is communicated to teaching staff. If no [employee handbook] WRITE IN how this information is communicated to teaching staff.
4. Does your center have an operating procedures manual, separate from the employee handbook? If yes, how often is this document updated? Select only
one, or WRITE IN other instances in which the [operating procedures manual] is updated.
5. What information does the [operating procedures manual] include? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other information included in the [operating procedures
6. How is information in the [operating procedures manual] communicated to teaching staff? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which information
in the [operating procedures manual] is communicated to teaching staff. If no [operating procedures manual] WRITE IN how this information is
communicated to teaching staff.




AE. Directions for completing the Compliance with Requirements and Standards rubric:
1. How are teaching staff made aware of requirements for licensing (such as child care licensing) or standards that the center must follow (such as for
accreditation, QRIS, or that govern particular programs such as Head Start or a state prekindergarten program)? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways
in which teaching staff are made aware of requirements and standards that the center must meet or follow.
2. How does the center monitor compliance with requirements and standards that it must follow? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other ways in which the
center monitors compliance with requirements and standards.
3. How much of a concern is compliance with regulations and standards in the center? Select only one.
4. How is monitoring compliance helpful to the center? Select only one. WRITE IN the requirements or standards that are least helpful to the center. WRITE IN
the requirements or standards that are most helpful to the center.
5. How much of the center’s resources (staff time) were needed in the past year to monitor and maintain compliance with requirements and standards that
the center must meet or follow? Select only one. WRITE IN the approximate days of staff time needed per month, or if less than one day per month was
needed, to monitor and maintain compliance with all requirements and standards.
6. What types of technical assistance or support does the center director or leadership team receive? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other types of TA or
support the center director or leadership team receives.
7. If technical assistance is received, what entities provide program-level support? Select all that apply. WRITE IN other State or Federal QI initiatives in which
the center participates. WRITE IN other TA entities that provide program-level support.
a. WRITE IN the approximate number of hours of program-level TA the center received in the past year:


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File Modified2017-08-23
File Created2017-08-23

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