Survey Plan - Introduction and Consent

A Novel Framework for Structuring Industry-Tuned Public-Private Partnerships and Economic Incentives for U.S. Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Survey and Consent 28SEP2017

Private Sector Organization Manager - Survey Plan

OMB: 0920-1214

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Applied Research

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx

Survey Plan

A Novel Framework for Structuring Industry-Tuned Public-Private Partnerships and Economic Incentives for U.S. Health Emergency Preparedness and Response


CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-xxxx).

Survey Introduction and Consent

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey administered by PwC. Our team is conducting a study for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding how innovative partnership and incentive models could be designed to encourage more private sector engagement in public health preparedness and response, such as readiness for future pandemics.

Your organization has a reputation for leadership in an industry sector highly relevant to public health preparedness and response. We’d like to obtain your insights, preferences, and recommendations regarding partnering approaches and incentives that you and your organization might find appealing.

Your participation in this survey is strictly voluntary and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Any information that you provide will be de-identified, stored securely, and presented only in aggregated form with information from other sources, unless otherwise compelled by law. You do not have to provide an answer to any question to which you do not feel comfortable responding. Whether or not you choose to participate will not impact you or your organization’s relationship with CDC or PwC.

If you have any questions about this survey or the study as a whole please feel free to reach out to one of the PwC team members responsible for administering the survey.

If you agree to participate in this survey please press "Continue".

Key Definitions:

Public-Private Partnership – any partnership between a public agency (federal, state or local) and a private sector entity. For the purposes of this survey, the definition of public-private partnership expands beyond traditional frameworks to include any collaborative effort, including hands-off arrangements like tax incentives and hands-on arrangements like joint ventures or research activities.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response – comprises all activities to protect the public's health during a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or environmental adverse event, including natural disasters and terrorism.

Section 1: General Information

Organization Size

(number of employees)

□ Small (1-100) □ Medium (101-500) □ Large (>500)

Organization Type

□ For Profit □ Public □ Non-profit

Staff Level

□ Senior Leadership □ Executive/Director □ Manager □ Staff


□ Administration □ Operations □ Finance/Accounting

□ HR □ Sales/Marketing □ Business Development □ IT

□ General Management □ Other

  1. Please fill in the following information:

If other, please identify.


  1. Please identify one of the following industry areas that best describes your organization:

□ Academia/Research Organization

□ Charitable Organization/Foundation

□ Health Insurance

□ Health IT/Mobile

□ Hospital/Healthcare Provider

□ Logistics/Transportation

□ Pharmaceutical/Life Sciences

□ Retailers/Distributors

□ Other

If other, please identify.


Section 2: Organizational Priorities

  1. When weighing the following strategic choices below, is Option A or Option B a more important goal for your organization?

Option A

Focused on A

Lean Towards A


Lean Towards B

Focused on B

Option B

Do not know


Growing via expansion of current operations (organic)

Growing via mergers and acquisitions (inorganic)

Lowering costs

Increasing revenue

Developing internal capabilities

Building strategic partnerships

Increasing internal hiring and recruitment

Increasing use of outsourcing and contractors

Expanding presence in current markets

Expanding into new markets

Investing in existing products and assets

Investing in research and development

Investing in internal operations

Investing in marketing initiatives

Developing and securing intellectual property and knowledge

Licensing and sourcing information/intellectual property from external sources

Becoming more focused on core competencies

Broadening to capture new opportunities

Product portfolio specialization

Product portfolio diversification

Pursuing conservative opportunities

Pursuing high risk/high reward opportunities

Solidifying relationships with existing customers

Building relationships with new customers

Consensus decision making

Individual decision making

Focus on shareholder value

Focus on social impact

Relationship building with private partners

Relationship building with government entities

Relationship building with customers

Relationship building with regulators and other stakeholders

  1. How much impact do you think public-private partnerships with the government could have on your organization and its ability to achieve strategic goals?

□ Very High

□ High

□ Medium

□ Low

□ None

□ Do not know

□ Other

If other, please describe.


Section 3: Partnering Culture

  1. Does your organization have a formalized public-private partnerships program or team?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Do not know

  1. On average, how often does your organization promote or discuss public-private partnerships?

□ Frequently

□ Occasionally

□ Rarely

□ Never

□ Do not know

  1. Does your organization currently engage in public-private partnerships?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Previously

□ In discussion

□ Do not know

  1. On average, how often does your organization initiate new public-private partnerships?

□ Frequently

□ Occasionally

□ Rarely

□ Never

□ Do not know

  1. How much impact do public-private partnerships have on your organization’s operations?

□ Very High

□ High

□ Medium

□ Low

□ None

□ Do not know

□ Other

If other, please describe.


  1. Does your organization partner with any of the following types of organizations? (Select all that apply)




In Discussion

Do not know

Frequency of communication





Federal agencies (excluding CDC)




State/local government


Public health departments


Academic organizations


***Values: Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely, Never, Do not know

  1. What is your organization’s typical level of involvement in the following public-private partnership activities?

Very Passive




Very Active

Do not know

Oversight/Decision Making

Project Management/Coordination


Resource Sharing (people or capital)



  1. Who in your organization has the authority to initiate a public-private partnership? (Select all that apply.)

□ Board of Advisors


□ Senior Leadership

□ VP/Executive Level

□ Partnership Directors

□ Business Units/Functions

□ Product or Project Teams

□ Staff

□ Do not know

□ Other

If other, please describe.


  1. Does your organization have any standard guidance, policies, or marketing materials for public-private partnership development?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Do not know

  1. If you would like to provide additional context about the way your organization typically engages in public-private partnerships, please describe below. (Optional)


Section 4: Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Alignment

  1. How do your organization's activities align with the following public health emergency preparedness and response capabilities?





Very High

Do not know


A process of gathering, integrating, interpreting, and communicating essential information that might relate to disease activity and threats to human, animal, or plant health.

Community Resilience

Support to planning, exercises, financing, collection of materiel and supplies, for the sustained ability of a community to use resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations.

Countermeasures and Mitigation

Distributing medical material and dispensing medical countermeasures (biologics, drugs, devices) in event of a biological, chemical, or radiological/nuclear material, a naturally occurring emerging disease, or a natural disaster. Oversee non-pharmaceutical interventions (quarantines, movement restrictions, etc.) and ensure the safety and health of responders, hospital staff, and medical facility personnel.

Incident Management

Combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and communications operating within a common organizational structure, designed to aid in the management of resources during incidents. Emergency Operations Center.

Information Management

Acquiring, analyzing, protecting, and sharing public health emergency information. Organizing and participating in information exchanges.

Surge Management

Management system for integrating medical and health resources during large-scale emergencies. Includes fatality management, mass care, medical surge, and volunteer management.

  1. Does your organization currently have any public-private partnerships in public health emergency preparedness and response?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Previously

□ In discussion

□ Do not know

  1. If so, could you please describe the most successful public-private partnership and outcome?


Section 5: Future Partnering

  1. What level of interest does your organization have in the following public-private partnership opportunities related to public health emergency preparedness and response?





Very High

Do not know

Providing Goods and Services

Provide medical supplies during emergencies

Provide emergency management or medical services

Provide logistics and distribution services during emergencies

Manage stockpiles of medical supplies

Develop products or services serving unmet needs

Oversee data collection and warehousing

Track emergency responders and equipment

Resource and Knowledge Sharing

Provide facilities during emergencies

Provide personnel during emergencies

Share knowledge and guidance

Send data and information to surveillance and early warning systems

Provide information and feedback from the community

Provide training for public health responders

Communication and Outreach

Promote public health initiatives

Assist with public health messaging and education campaigns

Recruit volunteers for public health emergencies

Facilitate public health relationship building and networking initiatives

Joint Initiatives

Invest financially in joint initiatives with public health entities

Conduct research jointly with public health scientists

Co-author publications with public health scientists

Contribute to public health plans

Develop public health preparedness and response toolkits

Are there any other opportunities that your organization sees for public-private partnerships that are not listed here? Please describe.


  1. Which of the following financial constraints would your organization most like to alleviate via public-private partnerships? (Select up to three)

□ Cost of capital

□ Size of the total potential market

□ Regulatory fees

□ Taxes

□ Irregular or unpredictable cash flows

□ Limited cash on hand

□ Access to working capital

□ Access to long-term financing

□ Cost of potential programs or investments

□ Size of capital expenditures

□ Size of operating expenditures

□ Other

If other, please identify.


  1. Which of the following risks would your organization most like to mitigate via public-private partnerships? (Select up to three)

□ Catastrophic risk

□ Reputational risk

□ Operational risk

□ Supply chain risk

□ Information technology risk

□ Product liability

□ Regulatory and compliance risk

□ Counterparty risk

□ Intellectual property risk

□ Political risk

□ Financial risk

□ Foreign investment risk

□ Other

If other, please identify.


  1. Which of the following operational considerations would your organization most like to improve via public-private partnerships? (Select up to three)

□ Access to new customers/markets

□ Access to new suppliers

□ Inventory requirements

□ Production capacity or throughput restrictions

□ Logistical and distribution capabilities

□ Current institutional knowledge or expertise

□ Human capital competencies

□ Research and development capabilities

□ Available staff

□ Available facilities and equipment

□ Recruitment and training capabilities

□ Current brand awareness in the marketplace

□ Available outlets for advocacy

□ Security of information and assets

□ Regulatory burden

□ Other

If other, please identify.


  1. What level of significance does your organization place on the following concerns or barriers to public-private partnerships?





Very High

Do not know

Partnership Oversight

Insufficient accountability

Insufficient transparency

Fear of scope creep

Ill-defined expectations and objectives

Difficulty monitoring and evaluating outcomes

Free riding within partnerships

Insufficient experience with partnership management

Costs of Partnering

Cost of creating/maintaining partnerships

Insufficient time and resources

Decreased flexibility

Inability to leave partnerships

Limited sustainability

Reduced efficiency

Hollowing out of internal capabilities

Regulatory Burden and Alignment

Managing internal conflicts of interest

Balancing private commercial interests with public health

Government relationships with competitors

Complying with government regulations

Other Potential Concerns

Cultural mismatch

Security of data or trade secrets

Insufficient buy-in from leadership

Negative past partnership experiences

Insufficient experience with contract negotiations

Uncertainty surrounding your organization's future

Uncertainty surrounding government goals and leadership

Are there any other concerns or barriers your organization faces that are not listed here? Please describe.


23. Please identify any specific incentives that would increase the likelihood of your organization partnering with CDC on public health preparedness and response activities.



File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBrian A Sanders
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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