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pdfReceived: 21 July 2017
Revised: 25 July 2017
Accepted: 25 July 2017
DOI: 10.1002/pds.4295
Reporting to Improve Reproducibility and Facilitate Validity
Assessment for Healthcare Database Studies V1.0
Shirley V. Wang1,2
Sebastian Schneeweiss1,2
Marc L. Berger3
Jeffrey Brown4
| Rosa Gini7 | Olaf Klungel8
Frank de Vries5 | Ian Douglas6 | Joshua J. Gagne1,2
C. Daniel Mullins9 | Michael D. Nguyen10 | Jeremy A. Rassen11 | Liam Smeeth6 |
Miriam Sturkenboom12 |
on behalf of the joint ISPE‐ISPOR Special Task Force on Real World Evidence in Health Care
Decision Making
Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham and Women's Hospital, MA, USA
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA
Pfizer, NY, USA
Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Maastricht UMC+, The Netherlands
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England, UK
Agenzia regionale di sanità della Toscana, Florence, Italy
Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Clinical Pharmacology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Department, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, MA, USA
FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, USA
Aetion, Inc., NY, USA
Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands
S. V. Wang, Division of Pharmacoepidemiology
and Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham and
Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical
School, United States.
Defining a study population and creating an analytic dataset from longitudinal
healthcare databases involves many decisions. Our objective was to catalogue scientific decisions
underpinning study execution that should be reported to facilitate replication and enable assessment of validity of studies conducted in large healthcare databases.
We reviewed key investigator decisions required to operate a sample of macros
and software tools designed to create and analyze analytic cohorts from longitudinal streams of
healthcare data. A panel of academic, regulatory, and industry experts in healthcare database analytics discussed and added to this list.
Contributors to the joint ISPE‐ISPOR Special Task Force on Real World Evidence in Health Care Decision Making paper co‐led by Shirley V. Wang and Sebastian Schneeweiss.
The writing group contributors are the following: Marc L. Berger, Jeffrey Brown, Frank de Vries, Ian Douglas, Joshua J. Gagne, Rosa Gini, Olaf Klungel, C. Daniel Mullins,
Michael D. Nguyen, Jeremy A. Rassen, Liam Smeeth and Miriam Sturkenboom. The contributors who participated in small group discussion and/or provided substantial
feedback prior to ISPE/ISPOR membership review are the following: Andrew Bate, Alison Bourke, Suzanne Cadarette, Tobias Gerhard, Robert Glynn, Krista Huybrechts,
Kiyoshi Kubota, Amr Makady, Fredrik Nyberg, Mary E Ritchey, Ken Rothman and Sengwee Toh. Additional information is listed in Appendix.
This article is a joint publication by Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety and Value in Health.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2017 The Authors. Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017;26:1018–1032.
Evidence generated from large healthcare encounter and reimbursement
databases is increasingly being sought by decision‐makers. Varied terminology is used around
the world for the same concepts. Agreeing on terminology and which parameters from a large
catalogue are the most essential to report for replicable research would improve transparency
and facilitate assessment of validity. At a minimum, reporting for a database study should
provide clarity regarding operational definitions for key temporal anchors and their relation to
each other when creating the analytic dataset, accompanied by an attrition table and a design
A substantial improvement in reproducibility, rigor and confidence in real world evidence generated from healthcare databases could be achieved with greater transparency about operational
study parameters used to create analytic datasets from longitudinal healthcare databases.
Transparency, reproducibility, replication, healthcare databases, pharmacoepidemiology, methods,
longitudinal data
did you plan to do?”) and transparency in study execution (e.g. “what
did you actually do?). This paper led by ISPE focuses on the latter topic,
Modern healthcare encounter and reimbursement systems produce an
reporting of the specific steps taken during study implementation to
abundance of electronically recorded, patient‐level longitudinal data.
improve reproducibility and assessment of validity.
These data streams contain information on physician visits, hospitaliza-
Transparency and reproducibility in large healthcare databases is
tions, diagnoses made and recorded, procedures performed and billed,
dependent on clarity regarding 1) cleaning and other pre‐processing
medications prescribed and filled, lab tests performed or results
of raw source data tables, 2) operational decisions to create an analytic
recorded, as well as many other date‐stamped items. Such temporally
dataset and 3) analytic choices (Figure 1). This paper focuses on
ordered data are used to study the effectiveness and safety of medical
reporting of design and implementation decisions to define and create
products, healthcare policies, and medical interventions and have
a temporally anchored study population from raw longitudinal source
become a key tool for improving the quality and affordability of
data (Figure 1 Step 2). A temporally anchored study population is iden-
healthcare.1,2 The importance and influence of such “real world” evi-
tified by a sentinel event – an initial temporal anchor. Characteristics of
dence is demonstrated by commitment of governments around the
patients, exposures and/or outcomes are evaluated during time
world to develop infrastructure and technology to increase the capac-
periods defined in relation to the sentinel event.
ity for use of these data in comparative effectiveness and safety
research as well as health technology assessments.3-12
However understanding how source data tables are cut, cleaned
and pre‐processed prior to implementation of a research study (Figure
Research conducted using healthcare databases currently suffers
1 Step 1), how information is extracted from unstructured data (e.g.
from a lack of transparency in reporting of study details.13-16 This
natural language processing of free text from clinical notes), and how
has led to high profile controversies over apparent discrepancies in
the created dataset is analyzed (Figure 1 Step 3) are also important
results and reduced confidence in evidence generated from healthcare
parts of reproducible research. These topics have been covered else-
databases. However, subtle differences in scientific decisions regard-
where,14,29-36 however we summarize key points for those data prov-
ing specific study parameters can have significant impacts on results
enance steps in the online appendix.
and interpretation – as was discovered in the controversies over 3rd
generation oral contraceptives and risk of venous thromboembolism
or statins and the risk of hip fracture.17,18 Clarity regarding key operational decisions would have facilitated replication, assessment of valid-
ity and earlier understanding of the reasons that studies reported
Transparency in what researchers initially intended to do protects
different findings.
against data dredging and cherry picking of results. It can be achieved
The intertwined issues of transparency, reproducibility and validity
with pre‐registration and public posting of protocols before initiation
cut across scientific disciplines. There has been an increasing move-
of analysis. This is addressed in detail in a companion paper led by
ment towards “open science”, an umbrella term that covers study reg-
ISPOR.37 Because the initially planned research and the design and
istration, data sharing, public protocols and more detailed, transparent
methodology underlying reported results may differ, it is also impor-
reporting.19-28 To address these issues in the field of healthcare data-
tant to have transparency regarding what researchers actually did to
base research, a Joint Task Force between the International Society
obtain the reported results from a healthcare database study. This
for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE) and the International Society for
can be achieved with clear reporting on the detailed operational deci-
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) was convened
sions made by investigators during implementation. These decisions
to address transparency in process for database studies (e.g. “what
include how to define a study population (whom to study), and how
Data provenance: transitions from healthcare delivery to analysis results. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
to design and conduct an analysis (what to measure, when and how to
conducting multiple studies that evaluate the same question and
measure it).
estimand (target of inference) but use different data and/or apply different methodology or operational decisions (conceptual replication38)
Reproducibility and replicability
(Table 1).
Direct replicability is a necessary, but not sufficient, component of
Reproducibility is a characteristic of a study or a finding. A reproducible
high quality research. In other words, a fully transparent and directly
study is one for which independent investigators implementing the
replicable research study is not necessarily rigorous nor does it neces-
same methods in the same data are able to obtain the same results
sarily produce valid findings. However, the transparency that makes
(direct replication38). In contrast, a reproducible finding is a higher
direct replication possible means that validity of design and operational
order target than a reproducible study, which can be tested by
decisions can be evaluated, questioned and improved. Higher order
Reproducibility and replicability
researchers go beyond general guidance and provide a clear report of
the temporal anchors, coding algorithms, and other decisions made to
create and analyze their study population(s), independent investigators
following the same technical/statistical protocol and using the same data
source are able to closely replicate the study population and results.47
1.3 | The current status of transparency and
reproducibility of healthcare database studies
issues such as conceptual replication of the finding can and should be
Many research fields that rely on primary data collection have empha-
evaluated as well, however, without transparency in study implemen-
sized creation of repositories for sharing study data and analytic
tation, it can be difficult to ascertain whether superficially similar stud-
code.48,49 In contrast to fields that rely on primary data collection,
ies address the same conceptual question.
numerous healthcare database researchers routinely make secondary
For healthcare database research, direct replication of a study
use of the same large healthcare data sources. However the legal
means that if independent investigators applied the same design oper-
framework that enables healthcare database researchers to license or
ational choices to the same longitudinal source data, they should be
otherwise access raw data for research often prevents public sharing
able to obtain the same results (or at least a near exact reproduction).
both of raw source data itself as well as created analytic datasets
In contrast, conceptual replication and robustness of a finding can be
due to patient privacy and data security concerns. Access to data and
assessed by applying the same methods to different source data (or dif-
code guarantees the ability to directly replicate a study. However,
ferent years from the same source). Here, lack of replicability would
the current system for multi‐user access to the same large healthcare
not necessarily mean that one result is more “correct” than another,
data sources often prevents public sharing of that data. Furthermore,
or refutes the results of the original. Instead, it would highlight a need
database studies require thousands of lines of code to create and ana-
for deeper inquiry to find the drivers of the differences, including
lyze a temporally anchored study population from a large healthcare
differences in data definitions and quality, temporal changes or true
database. This is several orders of magnitude larger than the code
differences in treatment effect for different populations. Conceptual
required for analysis of a randomized trial or other dataset based on
replications can be further evaluated through application of different
primary collection. Transparency requires clear reporting of the deci-
plausible methodologic and operational decisions to the same or
sions and parameters used in study execution. While we encourage
different source data to evaluate how much the finding is influenced
sharing data and code, we recognize that for many reasons, including
by the specific parameter combinations originally selected. This would
data use agreements and intellectual property, this is often not possi-
encompass evaluation of how much reported findings vary with plausi-
ble. We emphasize that simply sharing code without extensive annota-
ble alternative parameter choices, implementation in comparable data
tion to identify where key operational and design parameters are
sources or after flawed design or operational decision is corrected.
defined would obfuscate important scientific decisions. Clear natural
However, the scientific community cannot evaluate the validity and
language description of key operational and design details should be
rigor of research methods if implementation decisions necessary for
the basis for sharing the scientific thought process with the majority
replication are not transparently reporte.
of informed consumers of evidence.
The importance of achieving consistently reproducible research is
recognized in many reporting guidelines (e.g. STROBE,34 RECORD,39
PCORI Methodology Report,40 EnCePP33) and is one impetus for
developing infrastructure and tools to scale up capacity for generating
1.4 | Recent efforts to improve transparency and
reproducibility of healthcare database studies
evidence from large healthcare database research.3,41-45 Other guide-
To generate transparent and reproducible evidence that can inform
lines, such as the ISPE Guidelines for Good Pharmacoepidemiology
decision‐making at a larger scale, many organizations have developed
Practice (GPP) broadly cover many aspects of pharmacoepidemiology
infrastructure to more efficiently utilize large healthcare data
from protocol development, to responsibilities of research personnel
sources.9,50-56 Recently developed comprehensive software tools from
and facilities, to human subject protection and adverse event
such organizations use different coding languages and platforms to
reporting.46 While these guidelines certainly increase transparency,
facilitate identification of study populations, creation of temporally
even strict adherence to existing guidance would not provide all the
anchored analytic datasets, and analysis from raw longitudinal
information necessary for full reproducibility. In recognition of this
healthcare data streams. They have in common the flexibility for inves-
issue, ISPE formed a joint task force with ISPOR specifically focused
tigators to turn “gears and levers” at key operational touchpoints to
on improving transparency, reproducibility and validity assessment
create analytically usable, customized study populations from raw lon-
for database research, and supported a complementary effort to
gitudinal source data tables. However, the specific parameters that
develop a version of the RECORD reporting guidelines with a specific
must be user specified, the flexibility of the options and the underlying
focus on healthcare database pharmacepidemiology.
programming code differ. Many but not all, reusable software tools go
Any replication of database research requires an exact description
through extensive quality checking and validation processes to provide
of the transformations performed upon the source data and how missing
assurance of the fidelity of the code to intended action. Transparency
data are handled. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that when
in quality assurance and validation processes for software tools is
critically important to prevent exactly replicable findings that lack fidel-
2017. The paper was also reviewed by ISPOR membership and
ity to intended design and operational parameters.
endorsed by ISPOR leadership.
Even with tools available to facilitate creation and analysis of a
temporally anchored study population from longitudinal healthcare
databases, investigators must still take responsibility for publically
reporting the details of their design and operational decisions. Due to
the level of detail, these can be made available as online appendices
Our review identified many scientific decisions necessary to operate
or web links for publications and reports.
software solutions that would facilitate direct replication of an analytic
cohort from raw source data captured in a longitudinal healthcare data
source (Table 2). After reviewing the first two comprehensive software
The objective of this paper was to catalogue scientific decisions made
when executing a database study that are relevant for facilitating rep-
solutions, no parameters were added with review of additional software tools (e.g. “saturation point”). The general catalogue includes
items that may not be relevant for all studies or study designs.
The group of experts agreed that the detailed catalogue of scien-
lication and assessment of validity.
We emphasize that a fully transparent study does not imply that
reported parameter choices were scientifically valid; rather, the validity
of a research study cannot be evaluated without transparency regarding those choices. We also note that the purpose of this paper was not
to recommend specific software or suggest that studies conducted
with software platforms are better than studies based on de novo code.
tific decision points that would enhance transparency and reproducibility but noted that even if every parameter were reported, there was
room for different interpretation of language used to describe choices.
Therefore future development of clear, shared terminology and design
visualization techniques would be valuable. While sharing source data
and code should be encouraged (when permissible by data use agreements and intellectual property), this would not be a sufficient substitute for transparent, natural language reporting of study parameters.
In order to identify an initial list of key parameters that must be defined
to implement a study, we reviewed 5 macro based programs and soft-
Data source
Researchers should specify the name of the data source, who provided
ware systems designed to support healthcare database research (listed
the data (A1), the data extraction date (DED) (A2), data version, or data
in appendix). We used this as a starting point because such programs
sampling strategy (A3) (when appropriate), as well as the years of
are designed with flexible parameters to allow creation of customized
source data used for the study (A4). As summarized in the appendix,
study populations based on user specified scientific decisions.54,57-60
source data may have subtle or profound differences depending on
These flexible parameters informed our catalogue of operational deci-
when the raw source data was cut for research use. Therefore, if an
sions that would have to be transparent for an independent investiga-
investigator were to run the same code to create and analyze a study
tor to fully understand how a study was implemented and be able to
population from the same data source twice, the results may not line
directly replicate a study.
up exactly if the investigator uses a different data version or raw lon-
Our review included a convenience sample of macro based programs and software systems that were publically available, developed
gitudinal source data cut by the data holding organization at different
time points.
by or otherwise accessible to members of the Task Force. Although
When a researcher is granted access to only a subset of raw longi-
the software systems used a variety of coding languages, from a
tudinal source data from a data vendor, the sampling strategy and any
methodologic perspective, differences in code or coding languages
inclusions or exclusions applied to obtain that subset should be
are irrelevant so long as study parameters are implemented as
reported. For example, one could obtain access to a 5% sample of
intended by the investigator.
Medicare patients flagged with diabetes in the chronic condition ware-
In our review, we identified places where an investigator had to
house in the years 2010‐2014.
make a scientific decision between options or create study specific
It is also important for researchers to describe the types of data
inputs to create an analytic dataset from raw longitudinal source data,
available in the data source (A5) and characteristics of the data such
including details of data source, inclusion/exclusion criteria, exposure
as the median duration of person‐time within the data source. This is
definition, outcome definition, follow up (days at risk), baseline covar-
important for transparency and ability of decision‐makers unfamiliar
iates, as well as reporting on analysis methods. As we reviewed each
with the data source to assess the validity or appropriateness of
tool, we added new parameters that had not been previously encoun-
selected design choices. The data type has implications for comprehen-
tered and synonyms for different concepts.
siveness of patient data capture. For example, is the data based on
After the list of parameters was compiled, the co‐authors, an inter-
administrative or electronic health records? If the latter, does the data
national group of database experts, corresponded about these items
cover only primary care, inpatient settings or an integrated health sys-
and suggested additional parameters to include. In‐person discussions
tem? Does it include lab tests, results or registry data? Does it contain
took place following the ISPE mid‐year in London (2017).
data on prescribed medications or dispensed medications? Is there link-
This paper was opened to comment by ISPE membership prior to
publication and was endorsed by ISPE's Executive Board on July 20,
age between outpatient and inpatient data? Is there linkage to other
data sources? (A6) If so, then who did the linkage, when and how?
Reporting specific parameters to increase reproducibility of database studies*
A. Reporting on data source should include:
A.1 Data provider
Data source name and name of organization
that provided data.
A.2 Data extraction
date (DED)
The date (or version number) when data were The source data for this research
extracted from the dynamic raw transactional
study was cut by [data vendor]
data stream (e.g. date that the data were cut
on January 1st, 2017. The study
for research use by the vendor).
included administrative claims
from Jan 1st 2005 to
The search/extraction criteria applied if the
Dec 31st 2015.
source data accessible to the researcher is a
subset of the data available from the vendor.
Data version, data pull
A.4 Source data range
The calendar time range of data used for the
study. Note that the implemented study may
use only a subset of the available data.
Study period, query period
A.5 Type of data
The domains of information available in the
source data, e.g. administrative, electronic
health records, inpatient versus outpatient
capture, primary vs secondary care,
pharmacy, lab, registry.
A.3 Data sampling
Medicaid Analytic Extracts data covering 50
states from the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services.
The administrative claims data include
enrollment information, inpatient and
outpatient diagnosis (ICD9/10) and
procedure (ICD9/10, CPT, HCPCS) codes as
well as outpatient dispensations (NDC codes)
for 60 million lives covered by Insurance X.
The electronic health records data include
diagnosis and procedure codes from billing
records, problem list entries, vital signs,
prescription and laboratory orders, laboratory
results, inpatient medication dispensation, as
well as unstructured text found in clinical
notes and reports for 100,000 patients with
encounters at ABC integrated healthcare
A.6 Data linkage, other Data linkage or supplemental data such as chart We used Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results (SEER) data on prostate cancer cases
supplemental data
reviews or survey data not typically available
from 1990 through 2013 linked to Medicare
with license for healthcare database.
and a 5% sample of Medicare enrollees living
in the same regions as the identified cases of
prostate cancer over the same period of time.
The linkage was created through a
collaborative effort from the National Cancer
Institute (NCI), and the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS).
A.7 Data cleaning
Global cleaning: The data source was cleaned to
Transformations to the data fields to handle
exclude all individuals who had more than
missing, out of range values or logical
one gender reported. All dispensing claims
inconsistencies. This may be at the data
that were missing day's supply or had 0 days’
source level or the decisions can be made on
supply were removed from the source data
a project specific basis.
tables. Project specific cleaning: When
calculating duration of exposure for our
study population, we ignored dispensation
claims that were missing or had 0 days’
supply. We used the most recently reported
birth date if there was more than one birth
date reported.
A.8 Data model
Format of the data, including description of
decisions used to convert data to fit a
Common Data Model (CDM).
The source data were converted to fit the
Sentinel Common Data Model (CDM) version
5.0. Data conversion decisions can be found
on our website (http://ourwebsite).
Observations with missing or out of range
values were not removed from the CDM
B. Reporting on overall design should include:
B.1 Design diagram
See example Figure 2.
A figure that contains 1st and 2nd order
temporal anchors and depicts their relation to
each other.
C. Reporting on inclusion/exclusion criteria should include:
C.1 Study entry date
The date(s) when subjects enter the cohort.
Index date, cohort entry
We identified the first SED for each patient.
date, outcome date, case
Patients were included if all other inclusion/
date, qualifying event
exclusion criteria were met at the first SED.
date, sentinel event
We identified all SED for each patient.
Patients entered the cohort only once, at the
C.2 Person or episode
level study entry
C.3 Sequencing of
C.4 Enrollment window
C.5 Enrollment gap
The type of entry to the cohort. For example, at
first SED where all other inclusion/exclusion Single vs multiple entry,
treatment episodes, drug
the individual level (1x entry only) or at the
criteria were met. We identified all SED for
episode level (multiple entries, each time
each patient. Patients entered the cohort at
inclusion/exclusion criteria met).
every SED where all other inclusion/
exclusion criteria were met.
The order in which exclusion criteria are
Attrition table, flow
applied, specifically whether they are
diagram, CONSORT
applied before or after the selection of
the SED(s).
The time window prior to SED in which an
Patients entered the cohort on the date of their Observation window
individual was required to be contributing to
first dispensation for Drug X or Drug Y after
the data source.
at least 180 days of continuous enrollment
(30 day gaps allowed) without dispensings for
The algorithm for evaluating enrollment prior to
either Drug X or Drug Y.
SED including whether gaps were allowed.
C.6 Inclusion/Exclusion The time window(s) over which inclusion/
definition window
exclusion criteria are defined.
Exclude from cohort if ICD‐9 codes
for deep vein thrombosis (451.1x, 451.2x,
451.81, 451.9x, 453.1x, 453.2x, 453.8x,
C.7 Codes
The exact drug, diagnosis, procedure, lab or
Concepts, vocabulary, class,
453.9x, 453.40, 453.41, 453.42 where x
other codes used to define inclusion/
represents presence of a numeric digit 0‐9
exclusion criteria.
or no additional digits) were recorded in the
C.8 Frequency and
The temporal relation of codes in relation to
primary diagnosis position during an
temporality of codes
each other as well as the SED. When defining
inpatient stay within the 30 days prior to and
temporality, be clear whether or not the SED
including the SED. Invalid ICD‐9 codes
is included in assessment windows (e.g.
that matched the wildcard criteria were
occurred on the same day, 2 codes for A
occurred within 7 days of each other
during the 30 days prior to and including
the SED).
C.9 Diagnosis position The restrictions on codes to certain positions, e.
(if relevant/available)
g. primary vs. secondary. Diagnoses.
Care site, place of service,
point of service, provider
C.10 Care setting
The restrictions on codes to those identified
from certain settings, e.g. inpatient,
emergency department, nursing home.
C.11 Washout for
The period used to assess whether exposure at New initiation was defined as the first
Lookback for exposure,
the end of the period represents new
dispensation for Drug X after at least 180 days
event free period
without dispensation for Drug X, Y, and Z.
C.12 Washout for
The period prior to SED or ED to assess
whether an outcome is incident.
Patients were excluded if they had a stroke
within 180 days prior to and including the
cohort entry date. Cases of stroke were
excluded if there was a recorded stroke
within 180 days prior.
Lookback for outcome,
event free period
D. Reporting on exposure definition should include:
We evaluated risk of outcome Z following
incident exposure to drug X or drug Y.
Incident exposure was defined as beginning
on the day of the first dispensation for one of
these drugs after at least 180 days without
D.2 Exposure risk
The ERW is specific to an exposure and the
dispensations for either (SED). Patients with
window (ERW)
outcome under investigation. For drug
incident exposure to both drug X and drug Y
exposures, it is equivalent to the time
on the same SED were excluded. The
between the minimum and maximum
exposure risk window for patients with Drug
hypothesized induction time following
X and Drug Y began 10 days after incident
ingestion of the molecule.
exposure and continued until 14 days past
D.2a Induction period1 Days on or following study entry date during
the last days supply, including refills. If a
which an outcome would not be counted as
patient refilled early, the date of the early
"exposed time" or "comparator time".
refill and subsequent refills were adjusted so
that the full days supply from the initial
The algorithm applied to handle leftover days
D.2b Stockpiling1
dispensation was counted before the days
supply if there are early refills.
supply from the next dispensation was
D.2c Bridging exposure The algorithm applied to handle gaps that are
tallied. Gaps of less than or equal to 14 days
longer than expected if there was perfect
in between one dispensation plus days
adherence (e.g. non‐overlapping dispensation
supply and the next dispensation for the
+ day's supply).
same drug were bridged (i.e. the time was
counted as continuously exposed). If patients
The algorithm applied to extend exposure past
D.2d Exposure
exposed to Drug X were dispensed Drug Y or
the days supply for the last observed
vice versa, exposure was censored. NDC
dispensation in a treatment episode.
codes used to define incident exposure to
D.3 Switching/add on
The algorithm applied to determine whether
drug X and drug Y can be found in the
exposure should continue if another
appendix. Drug X was defined by NDC codes
exposure begins.
listed in the appendix. Brand and generic
D.1 Type of exposure
The type of exposure that is captured or
measured, e.g. drug versus procedure, new
use, incident, prevalent, cumulative, time‐
Drug era, risk window
Blackout period
Episode gap, grace period,
persistence window, gap
Event extension
Treatment episode
truncation indicator
Description in Section C.
D.4 Codes, frequency
and temporality of
codes, diagnosis
position, care setting
D.5 Exposure
Assessment Window
versions were used to define Drug X. Non
pill or tablet formulations and combination
pills were excluded.
Concepts, vocabulary, class,
domain, care site, place of
service, point of service,
provider type
We evaluated the effect of treatment
A time window during which the exposure
intensification vs no intensification following
status is assessed. Exposure is defined at the
hospitalization on disease progression. Study
end of the period. If the occurrence of
entry was defined by the discharge date from
exposure defines cohort entry, e.g. new
the hospital. The exposure assessment
initiator, then the EAW may be a point in
window started from the day after study
time rather than a period. If EAW is after
entry and continued for 30 days. During
cohort entry, FW must begin after EAW.
this period, we identified whether or not
treatment intensified for each patient.
Intensification during this 30 day period
determined exposure status during follow
up. Follow up for disease progression
began 31 days following study entry and
continued until the firsst censoring criterion
was met.
E. Reporting on follow‐up time should include:
E.1 Follow‐up window
The time following cohort entry during which
patients are at risk to develop the outcome
due to the exposure. FW is based on a
biologic exposure risk window defined by
minimum and maximum induction times.
However, FW also accounts for censoring
E.2 Censoring criteria
The criteria that censor follow up.
Follow up began on the SED and continued
until the earliest of discontinuation of study
exposure, switching/adding comparator
exposure, entry to nursing home, death, or
end of study period. We included a
biologically plausible induction period,
therefore, follow up began 60 days after the
SED and continued until the earliest of
discontinuation of study exposure,
switching/adding comparator exposure,
entry to nursing home, death, or end of study
F. Reporting on outcome definition should include:
F.1 Event date ‐ ED
The date of an event occurrence.
The ED was defined as the date of first
inpatient admission with primary diagnosis
410.x1 after the SED and occurring within
the follow up window.
Description in Section C.
F.2 Codes, frequency
and temporality of
codes, diagnosis
position, care setting
F.3. Validation
The performance characteristics of outcome
algorithm if previously validated.
Case date, measure date,
observation date
Concepts, vocabulary, class,
domain, care site, place of
service, point of service,
provider type
The outcome algorithm was validated via
chart review in a population of diabetics
from data source D (citation). The positive
predictive value of the algorithm was
G. Reporting on covariate definitions should include:
Event measures,
G.1 Covariate
assessment window
The time over which patient covariates are
We assessed covariates during the 180 days
prior to but not including the SED.
G.2 Comorbidity/risk
The components and weights used in
calculation of a risk score.
See appendix for example. Note that codes,
temporality, diagnosis position and care
setting should be specified for each
component when applicable.
G.3 Healthcare
utilization metrics
The counts of encounters or orders
over a specified time period,
sometimes stratified by care setting,
or type of encounter/order.
We counted the number of generics dispensed
for each patient in the CAP. We counted
the number of dispensations for each
patient in the CAP. We counted the
number of outpatient encounters recorded
in the CAP. We counted the number of
days with outpatient encounters recorded
in the CAP. We counted the number of
inpatient hospitalizations in the CAP, if
admission and discharge dates for
different encounters overlapped, these
were "rolled up" and counted as 1
Baseline period
Baseline covariates were defined by codes from Concepts, vocabulary, class,
domain, care site, place of
claims with service dates within 180 days
service, point of service,
prior to and including the SED. Major upper
provider type
gastrointestinal bleeding was defined as
inpatient hospitalization with: At least one of
the following ICD‐9 diagnoses: 531.0x,
531.2x, 531.4x, 531.6x, 532.0x, 532.2x,
532.4x, 532.6x, 533.0x, 533.2x, 533.4x,
533.6x, 534.0x, 534.2x, 534.4x, 534.6x,
578.0 ‐ OR ‐ An ICD‐9 procedure code of:
44.43 ‐ OR ‐ A CPT code 43255
Description in Section C.
G.4 Codes, frequency
and temporality of
codes, diagnosis
position, care setting
H. Reporting on control sampling should include:
H.1 Sampling strategy
H.2 Matching factors
H.3 Matching ratio
The strategy applied to sample controls for
We used risk set sampling without
identified cases (patients with ED meeting all
replacement to identify controls from our
inclusion/exclusion criteria).
cohort of patients with diagnosed diabetes
(inpatient or outpatient ICD‐9 diagnoses of
The characteristics used to match controls to
250.xx in any position). Up to 4 controls
were randomly matched to each case on
The number of controls matched to cases (fixed
length of time since SED (in months), year
or variable ratio).
of birth and gender. The random seed and
sampling code can be found in the online
I. Reporting on statistical software should include:
I.1 Statistical software
program used
The software package, version, settings,
packages or analytic procedures.
We used: SAS 9.4 PROC LOGISTIC Cran R
v3.2.1 survival package Sentinel's Routine
Querying System version 2.1.1 CIDA+PSM1
tool Aetion Platform release 2.1.2 Cohort
Parameters in bold are key temporal anchors
If the raw source data is pre‐processed, with cleaning up of messy
in the 183 days prior to but not including the study entry date. There
fields or missing data, before an analytic cohort is created, the
are two windows during which covariates are assessed, covariates 1‐5
decisions in this process should be described (A7). For example, if
are defined in the 90 days prior to but not including the study index
the raw data is converted to a common data model (CDM) prior to
date whereas covariates 6‐25 are defined in the 183 days prior to but
creation of an analytic cohort, the CDM version should be referenced
not including the index date. There is an induction period following
(e.g. Sentinel Common Data Model version 5.0.1,61 Observational
study entry so follow up for the outcome begins on day 30 and con-
Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model version 5.0 )
tinues until a censoring mechanism is met.
(A8). Or if individuals with inconsistent dates of birth or gender were
unilaterally dropped from all relational data tables, this should be documented in meta‐data about the data source. If the data is periodically
refreshed with more recent data, the date of the refresh should be
3.3 | Exposure, outcome, follow up, covariates and
various cohort entry criteria
reported as well as any changes in assumptions applied during the data
transformation.31,32 If cleaning decisions are made on a project specific
A great level of detail is necessary to fully define exposure, outcome,
basis rather than at a global data level, these should also be reported.
inclusion/exclusion and covariates. As others have noted, reporting
the specific codes used to define these measures is critical for
transparency and reproducibility47,63 especially in databases where
there can be substantial ambiguity in code choice.
In addition to stating the study design, researchers should provide a
The study entry dates (C1) will depend on how they are selected
design diagram that provides a visual depiction of first/second order
(one entry per person versus multiple entries) (C2) and whether inclu-
temporal anchors (B1, Table 3) and their relationship to each other.
sion/exclusion criteria are applied before or after selection of study entry
This diagram will provide clarity about how and when patients enter
date(s) for each individual (C3). Reporting should include a clear descrip-
the cohort, baseline characteristics are defined as well as when follow
tion of the sequence in which criteria were applied to identify the study
up begins and ends. Because the terminology for similar concepts
population, ideally in an attrition table or flow diagram, and description of
varies across research groups and software systems, visual depiction
whether patients were allowed to enter multiple times. If more than one
of timelines can reduce the risk of misinterpretation. We provide one
exposure is evaluated, researchers should be explicit about how to
example of a design diagram that depicts these temporal anchors
handle situations where an individual meets inclusion/exclusion criteria
(Figure 2). In this figure, the study entry date is day 0. A required period
to enter the study population as part of more than one exposure group.
of enrollment is defined during the 183 days prior to but not including
Also critical are other key investigator decisions including 1)
the study entry date. There is also washout for exposure and outcome
criteria for ensuring that healthcare encounters would be captured in
Key temporal anchors in design of a database study 1
Temporal Anchors
Base anchors (calendar time):
Data Extraction Date ‐ DED
The date when the data were extracted from the dynamic raw transactional data stream
Source Data Range ‐ SDR
The calendar time range of data used for the study. Note that the implemented study may
use only a subset of the available data.
First order anchors (event time):
Study Entry Date ‐ SED
The dates when subjects enter the study.
Second order anchors (event time):
Enrollment Window ‐ EW
The time window prior to SED in which an individual was required to be
contributing to the data source
Covariate Assessment Window ‐ CW
The time during which all patient covariates are assessed. Baseline covariate assessment
should precede cohort entry in order to avoid adjusting for causal intermediates.
Follow‐Up Window ‐ FW
The time following cohort entry during which patients are at risk to develop the
outcome due to the exposure.
Exposure Assessment Window ‐ EAW
The time window during which the exposure status is assessed. Exposure is defined at the end
of the period. If the occurrence of exposure defines cohort entry, e.g. new initiator, then the
exposure assessment may be a point in time rather than a window. If exposure assessment
is after cohort entry, follow up must begin after exposure assessment.
Event Date ‐ ED
The date of an event occurrence following cohort entry
Washout for Exposure ‐ WE
The time prior to cohort entry during which there should be no exposure (or comparator).
Washout for Outcome ‐ WO
The time prior to cohort entry during which the outcome of interest should not occur
Anchor dates are key dates; baseline anchors identify the available source data; first order anchor dates define entry to the analytic dataset, and second
order anchors are relative to the first order anchor
Example design diagram. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
the data (e.g. continuous enrollment for a period of time, with or
When “wildcards” are used to summarize code lists instead of list-
without allowable gaps) (C4, C5), 2) specific codes used, the frequency
ing out every single potential code, the definition of the wildcard
and temporality of codes in relation to each other and the study entry
should be specified. For example, if someone uses “x” as a wildcard
date (C6‐C8), 3) diagnosis position (C9) and care settings (C10) (e.g.
in an algorithm to define a baseline covariate (e.g. ICD‐9 codes 410.
primary diagnosis in an inpatient setting). Whenever defining temporal
x1), the definition should indicate over what time period in relation
anchors, whether or not time windows are inclusive of the study entry
to study entry (covariate assessment window – CW), which care set-
date should be articulated. Some studies use multiple coding systems
tings to look in (C11), whether to include only primary diagnoses
when defining parameters. For example, studies that span the
(C10), and whether the wildcard “x” includes only digits 0‐9 or also
transition from ICD‐9 to ICD 10 in the United States or studies that
includes the case of no additional digits recorded. Furthermore, when
involve data from multiple countries or delivery systems. If coding
wildcards are used, it should be clear whether invalid codes found with
algorithms are mapped from one coding system to another, details
a wildcard match in the relevant digit were excluded (e.g. 410.&1 is not
about how the codes were mapped should be reported.
a valid code but matches 410.x1).
It is important to report on who can be included in a study.
to capture incident events (C12). If a washout period was applied, it
Reporting should include specification of what type of exposure
should be clear whether the washout included or excluded the study
measurement is under investigation, for example prevalent versus
entry date. The timing of the event date (F1) relative to the specific
incident exposure (D1).64 If the latter, the criteria used to define inci-
codes used and restrictions to certain care settings or diagnosis posi-
dence, including the washout window, should be clearly specified
tion should be reported if they are part of the outcome definition
(C11). For example, incidence with respect to the exposure of interest
(F2). If the algorithm used to define the outcome was previously
only, the entire drug class, exposure and comparator, etc. When rele-
validated, a citation and performance characteristics such as positive
vant, place of service used to define exposure should also be specified
predictive value should be reported (F3).
(e.g. inpatient versus outpatient).
The same considerations outlined above for outcome definition
Type of exposure (D1), when exposure is assessed and duration of
apply to covariates (G1, G4). If a comorbidity score is defined for the
exposure influence who is selected into the study and how long they
study population, there should be a clear description of the score
are followed. When defining drug exposures, investigators make
components, when and how they were measured, and the weights
decisions regarding the intended length of prescriptions as well as
applied (G2, Appendix C). Citations often link to papers which evaluate
hypothesized duration of exposure effect. Operationally, these
multiple versions of a score, and it can be unclear which one was
definitions may involve induction periods, algorithms for stockpiling of
applied in the study. When medical utilization metrics are reported,
re‐filled drugs, creating treatment episodes by allowing gaps in exposure
there should be details about how each metric is calculated as part of
of up to X days to be bridged, extending the risk window beyond the end
the report (G3). For example, in counts of medical utilization, one must
of days’ supply or other algorithms (D2, D3). The purpose of applying
be clear if counts of healthcare visits are unique by day or unique by
such algorithms to the data captured in healthcare databases is to more
encounter identifier and whether they include all encounters or only
accurately measure the hypothesized biologic exposure risk window
those from specific places of service. Hospitalizations are sometimes
(ERW). The ERW is specific to an exposure and the outcome under
“rolled up” and counted only once if the admission and discharge dates
investigation. For drug exposures, it is equivalent to the difference
are contiguous or overlapping. Patients may have encounters in multi-
between the minimum and maximum induction time following ingestion
ple care settings on the same date. All encounters may be counted or
of a molecule.65,66 Similar decisions are necessary to define timing and
an algorithm applied to determine which ones are included in utilization
duration of hypothesized biologic effect for non‐drug exposures. These
metrics. Different investigator choices will result in different counts.
decisions are necessary to define days at risk while exposed and should
If sampling controls for a case‐control study, how and when con-
be explicitly stated. There may be data missing for elements such as
trols are sampled should be clearly specified. Reporting should include
days’ supply or number of tablets. Decisions about how to handle
the sampling strategy (H1), whether it is base case, risk set or survivor
missingness should be articulated. When describing the study popula-
sampling. If matching factors are used, these should be listed and the
tion, reporting on the average starting or daily dose can facilitate under-
algorithms for defining them made available (H2). The number and
standing of variation in findings between similar studies conducted in
ratio of controls should be reported, including whether the ratio is
different databases where dosing patterns may differ. Specific codes,
fixed or variable and whether sampling is with or without replacement
formulations, temporality, diagnosis position and care settings should
(H3). If multiple potential matches are available, the decision rules for
be reported when relevant (D4).
which to select should be stated.
For some studies, exposure is assessed after study entry (D5). For
In addition, the statistical software program or platform used to
example, a study evaluating the effect of treatment intensification ver-
create the study population and run the analysis should be detailed,
sus no intensification on disease progression after a hospitalization
including specific software version, settings, procedures or packages (I1).
could define study entry as the date of discharge and follow up for out-
The catalogue of items in Table 2 are important to report in detail
comes after an exposure assessment window (EAW) during which
in order to achieve transparent scientific decisions defining study pop-
treatment intensification status is defined. The ERW and follow up
ulations and replicable creation of analytic datasets from longitudinal
for an outcome should not begin until after EAW has concluded.67
healthcare databases. We have highlighted in Table 3 key temporal
The timing of EAW relative to study entry and follow up should be
anchors that are essential to report in the methods section of a paper,
clearly reported when relevant.
ideally accompanied with a design diagram (Figure 2). Other items from
The analytic follow up window (FW) covers the interval during
Table 2 should be included with peer reviewed papers or other public
which outcome occurrence could be influenced by exposure (E1).
reports, but may be reported in online appendices or as referenced
The analytic follow up is based on the biologic exposure risk, but the
web pages.
actual time at risk included may also be defined by censoring mecha-
After creating an analytic dataset from raw longitudinal data
nisms. These censoring mechanisms should be enumerated in time to
streams, there are numerous potential ways to analyze a created ana-
event analyses (E2). Reasons for censoring may include events such
lytic dataset and address confounding. Some of the most common
as occurrence of the outcome of interest, end of exposure, death,
methods used in healthcare database research include multivariable
disenrollment, switching/adding medication, entering a nursing home,
regression and summary score methods (propensity score or disease
or use of a fixed follow‐up window (e.g. intention to treat).
risk score matching, weighting, stratification).68,69 Other methods
Outcome surveillance decisions can strongly affect study results.
include instrumental variable analysis, standardization and stratifica-
In defining the outcome of interest, investigators should specify
tion. Each of these methods comes with their own set of assumptions
whether a washout period prior to the study entry date was applied
and details of implementation which must be reported to assess
adequacy of those methods and obtain reproducible results. In the
healthcare database research could be achieved if specific design and
appendix, we highlight important descriptive or comparative results
to report for several commonly used analytic methods (Appendix D).
researchers to prepare appendices that report in detail 1) data source
provenance including data extraction date or version and years covered, 2) key temporal anchors (ideally with a design diagram), 3)
detailed algorithms to define patient characteristics, inclusion or exclu-
sion criteria, and 4) attrition table with baseline characteristics of the
study population before applying methods to deal with confounding.
Evidence generated from large healthcare databases is increasingly
The ultimate measure of transparency is whether a study could be
being sought by decision‐makers around the world. However, publica-
directly replicated by a qualified independent investigator based on
tion of database study results is often accompanied by study design
publically reported information. While sharing data and code should
reported at a highly conceptual level, without enough information for
be encouraged whenever data use agreements and intellectual prop-
readers to understand the temporality of how patients entered the
erty permit, in many cases this is not possible. Even if data and code
study, or how exposure, outcome and covariates were operationally
are shared, clear, natural language description would be necessary for
defined in relation to study entry. Only after decision‐makers and
transparency and the ability to evaluate the validity of scientific
peer‐reviewers are reasonably confident that they know the actual
steps implemented by the original researchers can they assess whether
In many cases, attempts from an independent investigator to
or not they agree with the validity of those choices or evaluate the
directly replicate a study will be hampered by data use agreements that
reproducibility and rigor of the original study findings.
prohibit public sharing of source data tables and differences in source
Stakeholders involved in healthcare are increasingly interested in
data tables accessed from the same data holder at different times.
evaluating additional streams of evidence beyond randomized clinical
Nevertheless, understanding how closely findings can be replicated
trials and are turning their attention toward real‐world evidence from
by an independent investigator when using the same data source over
large healthcare database studies. This interest has led to groundbreak-
the same time period would be valuable and informative. Similarly,
ing infrastructure and software to scale up capacity to generate data-
evaluation of variation in findings from attempts to conceptually
base evidence from public and private stakeholders. The United
replicate an original study using different source data or plausible
States FDA's Sentinel System is one example of a large scale effort to
alternative parameter choices can provide substantial insights. Our
create an open source analytic infrastructure. Supported by FDA to
ability to understand observed differences in findings after either
achieve its public health surveillance mission, the tools and infrastruc-
direct or conceptual replication relies on clarity and transparency of
ture are also available to the research community through Reagan Udall
the scientific decisions originally implemented.
Foundation's IMEDS system. Sentinel has committed itself to transpar-
This paper provides a catalogue of specific items to report to
ency through online posting of study protocols, final reports, and study
improve reproducibility and facilitate assessment of validity of
specifications, including temporal anchors, how data are processed into
healthcare database analyses. We expect that it will grow and change
a common data model, and study design details. Similarly, the Canadian
over time with input from additional stakeholders. This catalogue could
government, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and several coun-
be used to support parallel efforts to improve transparency and repro-
tries in Asia have developed consortia to facilitate transparent evidence
ducibility of evidence from database research. For example, we noted
generation from healthcare databases, including the Canadian Network
that the terminology used by different research groups to describe
for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES),8 Innovative Medi-
similar concepts varied. A next step could include development of
cines Initiative (IMI), ENCePP70 and others.9
shared terminology and structured reporting templates. We also had
These efforts have made great strides in improving capacity for
consensus within our task force that a limited number of parameters
transparent evidence generation from large healthcare databases,
are absolutely necessary to recreate a study population, however there
however many involve closed systems that do not influence research
was disagreement on which. Empirical evaluation of the frequency and
conducted outside of the respective networks. Currently, there is not
impact of lack of transparency on the catalogue of specific operational
a clear roadmap for how the field should proceed. This is reflected in
parameters on replicability of published database studies would be a
policies around the world. In the US, the recently passed 21st Century
valuable next step. Empirical data could inform future policies and
Cures Act and Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA VI) include
guidelines for reporting on database studies for journals, regulators,
sections on evaluating when and how to make greater use of real
health technology assessment bodies and other healthcare decision‐
world evidence to support regulatory decisions. In the EU, there is
makers, where greater priority could be placed on reporting specific
exploration of adaptive pathways to bring drugs to market more
parameters with high demonstrated influence on replicability. It could
quickly by using healthcare database evidence to make approval deci-
also help stakeholders create policies that triage limited resources by
and active work on harmonizing policies on use of real ‐world
focusing on database evidence where reporting is transparent enough
evidence from databases to inform health technology assessment
that validity and relevance of scientific choices can be assessed. By
aligning incentives of major stakeholders, the conduct and reporting
Regardless of whether a study is conducted with software tools or
of database research will change for the better. This will increase the
de novo code, as part of a network or independently, a substantial
confidence of decision‐makers in real‐world evidence from large
improvement in transparency of design and implementation of
healthcare databases.
The authors state that no ethical approval was needed.
Martijn Schuemie PhD
Lisa Shea
Emilie Taymore MSc
David L Van Brunt PhD
AbbVie, Inc.
Provided comments during ISPE and ISPOR membership review
Amir Viyanchi MA, RN,
Medical Sciences
PhD student
University of Shahid
Shohei Akita PhD
Beheshti, Hamedan, Iran
Pharmaceuticals and
Xuanqian Xie MSc
Health Quality
Devices Agency
René Allard PhD
Grünenthal GmbH
Dorothee B Bartels MSc, PhD
Head of Global
Shirley V. Wang
Boehringer Ingelheim
Joshua J. Gagne
Tânia Maria
Instituto Nacional
Beume MBA
de Cancer
Lance Brannman PhD
Michael J Cangelosi MA MPH
Boston Scientific
Gillian Hall PhD
Grimsdyke House
Kenneth Hornbuckle DVM, PhD, MPH
Eli Lilly
Hanna Gyllensten PhD
Karolinska Institute
Kris Kahler SM, PhD
YH Kao
Institute of Bio
pharmaceutical Science,
College of Medicine,
National Cheng Kung
Hugh Kawabata PhD
Bristol‐Myers Squibb
James Kaye MD, DrPH
RTI Health Solutions
Lincy Lai PhD, PharmD
Sinead Langan FRCP MSc PhD
London School of
Hygiene and Tropical
Tamar Lasky PhD
Junjie Ma, MS PhD candidate
MIE Resources
University of Utah,
Research Center
Kim McGuigan PhD MBA
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Montserrat Miret MD, MPH
Nestle Health Science
Brigitta Monz MD MPH MA
Roche, Pharmaceuticals
Dominic Muston MSc
Melvin Olsen PhD
Eberechukwu Onukwugha, MS, PhD
University of Maryland,
School of Pharmacy
Chris L Pashos PhD (and colleagues)
Smitri Raichand
University of New
South Wales
Libby Roughead PhD, M.App.Sc.
School of Pharmacy and
Medical Sciences,
University of South
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Rosa Gini PhD, MSc
Agenzia regionale di sanità della
Toscana, Florence, Italy
Olaf Klungel PhD
Division of
Pharmacoepidemiology &
Clinical Pharmacology, Utrecht
C. Daniel Mullins PhD
Pharmaceutical Health Services
Research Department,
University of Maryland School
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
supporting information tab for this article.
of Pharmacy
Michael D. Nguyen MD
FDA Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research
How to cite this article: Wang SV, Schneeweiss S, Berger ML,
Jeremy A. Rassen ScD
et al. Reporting to Improve Reproducibility and Facilitate
Liam Smeeth MSc, PhD
Miriam Sturkenboom PhD, MSc
Participated in small group discussion and/or provided
substantial feedback prior to ISPE/ISPOR membership
Contributors to the joint ISPE‐ISPOR Special Task
Force on Real World Evidence in Health Care
Decision Making
Andrew Bate PhD
Alison Bourke MSC, MRPharm.S
Suzanne M. Cadarette PhD
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Toronto
Division of
Tobias Gerhard BSPharm, PhD
and Institute for Health,
Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham
Health Care Policy and Aging
and Women's Hospital
Department of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School
Robert Glynn ScD
Brigham & Women's Hospital,
Pharmacoepidemiology and
Department of Medicine,
Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham
Department of Medicine,
Division of
Division of
and Women's Hospital,
Department of Pharmacy
Practice and Administration
Pharmacoepidemiology and
Sebastian Schneeweiss MD, ScD
Erasmus University Medical
Center Rotterdam
Shirley V. Wang PhD, ScM
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine
Validity Assessment for Healthcare Database Studies V1.0.
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2017;26:1018–1032. https://doi.
Aetion, Inc.
Harvard Medical School
Krista Huybrechts MS, PhD
Division of
Pharmacoepidemiology and
Harvard Medical School
Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham
and Women's Hospital,
Writing group
Department of Medicine,
Marc L. Berger MD
Jeffrey Brown PhD
Department of Population
Harvard Medical School
Kiyoshi Kubota MD, PhD
Medicine, Harvard Medical
Frank de Vries PharmD, PhD
Dept. Clinical Pharmacy, Maastricht UMC+, The Netherlands
Ian Douglas PhD
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine
Joshua J. Gagne PharmD, ScD
Division of
Pharmacoepidemiology and
Pharmacoeconomics, Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Department of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School
NPO Drug Safety Research
Unit Japan
Amr Makady
Zorginstituut Nederland
Fredrik Nyberg MD, PhD
Mary E Ritchey PhD
RTI Health Solutions
Ken Rothman DrPH
RTI Health Solutions
Sengwee Toh ScD
Department of Population
Medicine, Harvard Medical
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Reporting to Improve Reproducibility and Facilitate Validity Assessment for Healthcare Database Studies V1.0 |
Author | Shirley V. Wang, Sebastian Schneeweiss, Marc L. Berger, Jeffrey |
File Modified | 2019-06-25 |
File Created | 2017-09-06 |