Usability-testing of a Tracking System for Research Experiences for Undergraduate Site Students

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

REU Tracking Testing

Usability-testing of a Tracking System for Research Experiences for Undergraduate Site Students

OMB: 3145-0215

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REU Electronic Data System Overview

This document describes the REU electronic data system—which includes a students’ log-in page (to
obtain the REU ID), a registration (to obtain basic descriptive information on program applicants),
and a common application (to obtain additional information needed by principal investigators (PIs)
to make admissions decisions). The system also includes a module for PIs to enter and access data.
The system design was informed by several sources: (a) the REU feasibility study conducted by Science
and Technology Policy Institute (STPI); (b) the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
common application system; (c) information included in the Research Experience for Undergraduate
(REU) sites’ websites; (d) REU program documents; (e) interviews with NSF program directors; and
(f) the literature on monitoring and evaluation of research experiences for undergraduates.
This appendix is organized into 4 sections:

Section 1 provides an overview of the key sections of the system under the Applicant and the
PI modules.
Section 2 presents the full list of data elements proposed for the Applicant module (Table 1)
and the PI module (Table 2).
Section 3 and 4 provide the draft items for the Applicant and PI module, respectively.

Note that data elements:

Will be revised based on feedback from NSF program officers, REU PIs, and students who
test the system.
Are intentionally drawn from national surveys (for future benchmarking) or the NSF GRFP
collection (as NSF seeks to harmonize collections across programs to facilitate aggregated


1. Overview of Modules in the REU Data System

Create an account/Log-in
This section requires that applicants provide a valid email address and enables them to create an
account and obtain information needed to log into the REU data system. It includes instructions to
obtain an REU ID, reset a password, or retrieve their REU ID. More details are provided in Table 1.
This module also enables verification of students’ email addresses before they enter the other sections
in the system.
The main goal of this module is to collect the basic information that NSF needs for basic monitoring
and to comply with the Congressional requirement.
This module requests information from applicants that can be used to identify unique individuals,
match them to National Student Clearinghouse records (to obtain educational outcomes information),
monitor program eligibility, and track applicants over time. It includes demographic information (such
as gender and citizenship) and current college enrollment (such as college name and years completed).
The last question in the registration module asks applicants to identify the discipline to which they are
applying. This question will be used as a filter to sort students into the registration or common
application pilots as follows:

Students who select the discipline that is participating in the registration pilot will be asked to
“certify and submit” the information provided and instructed to apply to REU sites using their


Students who indicate that they are applying to Sites in the discipline participating in the
common application will experience a seamless transition into the common application

Common Application
The purpose of this module is to allow students to apply to sites in the discipline participating in the
pilot. To this end, this module includes:

Questions about previous REU participation and prior academic achievement


Additional information (Sites to which students wish to apply; a personal statement, a resume
and college transcript, and the names of two references); note that transcripts will be unofficial
and reference letters will be obtained electronically through an email sent to referees through
the system with instructions to provide a reference.



Additional space or functions (space for text responses and instructions to upload documents)
for applicants to answer questions or provide additional materials requested by individual Sites

Certify and Submit
The purpose of this module is to ensure applicants certify that the information provided is true and
complete and consent to the confidential use of their information. The “certify and submit” section
applies to applicants in both pilots and reads as follows:
By clicking on the SUBMIT button below, I am certifying that the information provided is true and complete to the best
of my knowledge. I understand that I am consenting to the confidential use of the information I provided for admissions
decisions, audits, and research and evaluation purposes.
Through the PI module, PIs and their designated program staff administrators will be able to:

Customize the application to meet their needs by inserting or uploading additional
requirements (beyond those included in the common application)
Provide information that may be useful to applicants (such as expected start and end dates
of the research experience at the given Site) or that signal important Site requirements (such
as application start and end dates)
Obtain information (for example, view and download applicant data and generate data

PIs in disciplines participating in the registration will be asked to provide information on students
who applied, were admitted, and participated in research at their Sites (the system will allow them to
enter this information manually or to upload a spreadsheet with applicant ID numbers).
PIs in the Sites using the common application will be asked to provide information on admissions
and participation.
2. REU Data System Data Elements

The tables below present the list of data elements proposed for the system:

Table 1 presents the tentative list of elements to be collected from applicants.


Table 2 presents the tentative list of elements to be collected from PIs.


Table 1. Data Elements Included in the REU Data System— Applicant Module


Data Element

Create an

Personal Information
• Name
• Date of birth
• Email address

Password and security questions
• Password
• Security questions 1-10


Demographic Information (Questions 1 – 13)
• Name (pre-populated from account creation)
• Date of birth (pre-populated from account creation)
• Citizenship
• Email address (pre-populated from account creation)
• Cell phone number
• Address and contact information
• Race and ethnicity
• Gender
• Veteran status
• Disability status

Current enrollment (Questions 14 – 20)
• Name of college or university
• Enrollment status
• Degree pursued
• Primary field of study
• Completion date or expected completion date
• Years of college completed

(Pilot 1)

Common application
(Pilot 2)

Certify & Submit

Application (Questions 26 – 37)
• Prior REU program participation
• Prior research experience (outside of REU)
• college GPA
• REU sites applicant is applying

Additional Information (Questions 21 – 25)
• Financing undergraduate degree
• Education and occupation of applicant’s parents or guardians
• Awareness of REU program
• REU discipline to which they intend to apply


Certify & Submit (For both pilots)


Personal statement
CV or resume
References contact information
Additional materials requested by Sites

Table 2. Data Elements Included in the REU Data System—Principal Investigator Module


Data Element

Create an

Personal Information
• Name
• Email address

Password and security questions
• Password
• Security questions 1-10

REU Site/PI/Users

REU Award Information (Questions 1-6)
• REU award number
• REU Division (populated from Fastlane)
• NSF Directorate (populated from Fastlane)
• REU Site Institution Name (populated from Fastlane)
• REU Title (populated from Fastlane)
• REU Abstract (populated from Fastlane)

REU Site Information (Questions 11-17)
• REU Site Name
• REU Site Location
• REU Site Website
• Number of years REU site in operation
• REU Site 2019 Cycle Schedule
• Site accepts applications from foreign students
• REU Site priorities

PI information (Questions 7- 10)
• PI Name
• PI Institution
• ORCID Membersip and ID

(Common application
pilot only)

Additional users
• Name, email, position (up to 5 additional users)

Program application requirements
(Common application pilot only)
• Application open and close date
• Admissions decisions timeline, notification strategy
• Additional application requirements (optional)

Applicants and

• REU_ID (Pre-populated with student applications in common
application pilot; entered by PI in registration pilot)
• Admission decision
• Applicant accepted offer

(Pre-populated with accepted offer from applicant table)
• Participation decision

Data Download,
Reports, and

Data Download and Reports
• Download all application data or subset of the data
• Data reports available end of summer 2019

• Open text box for feedback


3. Applicant Module

Personal Information
1. Name

First name
Middle name
Last name
Previous last name

2. Date of birth
3. Citizenship
 Citizen or national of the United States
 Permanent resident of the United States (green card holder)
 Neither a citizen/national nor a permanent resident of the United States (green card
4. Email address
a. Primary email address
b. Alternate email address
5. Cell phone number
6. Current mailing address
Street address 1
Street address 2
ZIP code
7. Permanent mailing address
a. Mother’s Contact Information
Street address 1
Street address 2
ZIP code
b. Father’s Contact Information (if different from mother’s)
Street address 1
Street address 2
ZIP code
8. Other contact information (optional)
a. Facebook


b. Linkedin
c. Twitter
Demographic Information
9. Race (select one or more)
□ American Indian or Alaskan Native
□ Asian
□ Black or African American
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
□ White
□ I do not wish to provide this information
10. Ethnicity
 Hispanic or Latino
 Not Hispanic or Latino
 Unknown
 I do not wish to provide this information
11. Gender
 Male
 Female
 I do not wish to provide this information
12. Veteran Status
 Yes
 No
 I do not wish to provide this information
13. Disability
What is the usual degree of
difficulty you have with…





to do

I do not
wish to
provide this

a. Seeing words or letters in
ordinary newsprint (with
glasses/contact lenses, if
you usually wear them)?













b. Hearing what is normally
said in conversation with
another person (with
hearing aid, if you usually
wear one)?













c. Walking or using stairs
without human or
mechanical assistance?













d. Lifting or carrying
something as heavy as 10














pounds, such as a bag of
e. Concentrating,
remembering, or making
decisions because of a
physical, mental, or
emotional condition?













Current Enrollment
14. College or University [Drop-down list populated with all IPEDS institutions]
15. Other institution (if not listed in drop-down)
Name of your college or university
State or Province
16. Enrollment status at this college/university
 Full-time
 Part-time
 I am not currently enrolled
17. Degree program at this college/university
 Associate’s degree
 Bachelor’s degree
 Other degree (please specify)
 None of the above, I am just taking courses
18. Primary field of study at this college/university
[Drop-down with National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) fields of study]
Other Primary Field (please specify, if not listed in drop-down)
19. Expected date of bachelor’s degree completion

If you are currently enrolled in a four year institution, or are currently enrolled in community college and plan to
transfer to a 4-year institution, please enter the date in which you expect to graduate from a 4-year institution.

20. Years of college you will have completed by July 2019
 0 years of college (incoming freshman)
 1 year of college (freshman)
 2 years of college (sophomore)
 3 years of college (junior)
 4 years of college (senior)

Additional Information
21. How are you financing your undergraduate degree? (Mark one response per row.)


 Not applicable, I am not enrolled in an undergraduate program or studies
 I do not wish to provide this information
Financial assistance from parents, spouse, other relatives, not to be repaid
Financial assistance from your employer
Financial assistance from the Veterans Educational Assistance Act (i.e., the
G.I. Bill)
Loans from parents or other relatives, to be repaid
Loans from the school you attended, banks, federal or state government
Tuition waivers, fellowships, grants, scholarships
Assistantships or work study
Earnings from employment
Personal savings
Other (Specify) _______ (text field)







22. What is the highest level of education completed by your parents or guardians? (Mark one
response for each parent.)
Mother or
Father or
female guardian
male guardian
Less than high school completed
High school diploma or equivalent
Some college, vocational, or trade school (including 2-year
Bachelor’s degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
Master’s degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
Professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM)
Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
Not applicable
I do not know or I do not wish to provide this information
23. Which of the following best describes your parents’ or guardians’ occupation?
Mother or female Father or male
Biological/Life Scientists
Clerical/Administrative Support Occupations
Clergy/Other Religious Workers
Computer Occupations
Engineering Technologists/Technicians/Surveyors
Health Occupations
Managers and Supervisors, First-Line
Managers, Top-level Executives/Administrators
Managers, Other
Management-Related Occupations


Mathematical Scientists
Physical Scientists
Research Associates/Assistants
Sales/Marketing Occupations
Service Occupations, Except Health
Social Scientists
Social Workers
Teachers – Precollege
Teachers/Professors – Postsecondary
Teachers – Other
Writers/Editors/Public Relations
Not applicable
I do not know or I do not wish to provide this information







24. How did you hear about the REU Program? (Select one or more responses.)
□ Professor
□ Friend
□ Internet
□ Career fair
□ Other. Please specify: _________
□ I do not wish to provide this information
25. What is the discipline of the REU Program you are applying to? (Select all that apply.)
□ Biology
□ Engineering
□ Mathematics
□ Earth Sciences
Common Application Additional Information
26. Have you participated in the REU program before?
 Yes
 No
 I do not wish to provide this information
27. [If Q26=Yes]
Please provide information about the REU Sites in which you had a research experience:
REU Site institution name:
Year of participation:
Professor first name:
Professor last name:
REU Site institution name:
Year of participation:
Professor first name:
Professor last name:


28. Have you had any prior research experiences outside of the NSF REU Program?
 Yes
 No
29. [If Q28 = Yes]
Please describe your prior research experiences.
30. What is your college’s GPA scale?
 4.0
 5.0
31. What is your current overall college GPA?
Common Application Materials
32. Please identify the REU Sites to which you are applying.
33. Personal Statement (text box—500 words maximum)
34. Transcript (upload)
35. CV or resume (upload)
36. References
Reference 1:
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Applicant
Reference 2:
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Applicant
37. Additional Materials and Questions
Site 1
a. Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
b. Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)
Site 2
a. Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
b. Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)
Site 3
a. Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
b. Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)

Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7

Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)
Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)
Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)
Additional Materials (Link to PDF provided by PI)
Additional Questions (Displays questions added by PI)

If you need to submit additional information to your sites, you have two options:
Option 1: Use the space below to upload any additional documentation as a pdf file.
Option 2: Use the space provided below to provide any additional information requested
by your site(s).
a. Site 1: Option 1 or Option 2
b. Site 2: Option 1 or Option 2
c. Site 3: Option 1 or Option 2
d. Site 4: Option 1 or Option 2
e. Site 5: Option 1 or Option 2
f. Site 6: Option 1 or Option 2
g. Site 7: Option 1 or Option 2
Common Application Reference Form (Completed by References)
Please tell us about yourself:
Name ___________________
Title/Position ___________________
Institution ___________________
Department ___________________
Please tell us about [FIRST_NAME] [LAST_NAME] (pre-populated from common application)
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
How would you rate the applicant in overall ability and potential in comparison to others at the
same academic level with respect to pursuing undergraduate research? (double click the box to
 Top 5%
 Top 10%
 Top 25%
 Top 50%
 Below 50%
Please rate the applicant on the following abilities and skills:






to judge

Intellectual ability












Work habits






General motivation


















Ability to work with others












Writing skills






Verbal communication






Please provide your opinion on the applicant’s academic performance, research aptitude, and other
factors that you consider relevant for the applicant to be successful in this program and his/her
future career. Provide examples where appropriate.
4. Principal Investigator Module

Site and PI Information
1. REU Award Number
*If you have more than one active REU Site award, please report on the award that you will
use to support REU participants in the 2019 cycle.
2. REU Division (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
3. NSF Directorate (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
4. REU Site Institution name (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
5. REU Title (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
6. REU Abstract (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
7. REU Principal Investigator Name (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
8. Institution of Principal Investigator
a. Country [semi/pre-populated]



Street Address 1 (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
City (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
State (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)
Zip Code (pre-populated Fastlane after Award Number is entered)

10. ORCID Membership (optional)
Please indicate if you are a member of ORCID.
 Yes
 No
 I do not wish to provide this information
ORCID ID Number: _____________
REU Site Information
11. REU Site Name
Please write the name of your site as you would like it displayed on the list of sites to which
students may apply.
12. *REU Site Location
□ Same as “Institution of Principal Investigator” [if box is checked, address (a-e) will be
a. Country
b. Street Address 1
c. City
d. State
e. Zip Code
13. REU Site website (if available)
Please copy and paste the address of your Site’s website.
14. Number of years your REU Site has been operating (including the current year)
Please enter all years this site has operated under your leadership or that of other PIs or CoPIs.
15. REU Site Schedule for 2019 cycle
a. Program start date: [mm/dd/yyyy] □ Expected [Checkbox]
b. Program end date: [mm/dd/yyyy] □ Expected [Checkbox]
□ Program dates to be determined
16. Site welcomes applications from foreign students
To be eligible for the NSF REU program, students must be citizens or permanent residents
of the United Sates by the time the program starts. Mark “Yes” if your Site has other sources
of funding and is willing to consider applications from students ineligible to receive REU
 Yes


 No
17. REU Site priorities
Identify student groups that your site prioritizes in recruiting REU participants.
Years of college completed by July 2019 (mark only one)
 0 years of college (incoming freshman)
 1 year of college (freshman)
 2 years of college (sophomore)
 3 years of college (junior)
 4 years of college (senior)
 We do not prioritize based on years of college completed
Students enrolled at: (check all that apply)
 Two-year colleges, including community, technical and junior colleges
 Tribal colleges
 Historically-black colleges and universities
 Hispanic-serving institutions

User Designation
Authorize Additional Users: Please identify below the individuals you authorize to access the REU
data system. They will be sent an email inviting them to register to this site. Note that they will have
administrative rights to enter, change, and view information associated with your REU Site.
Staff 1 Name
Staff 1 Position [Dropdown to Select Position]
 Co-PI
 Program Manager
 Administrative Staff
Staff 1 Email
Staff 2 Name
Staff 2 Position [Dropdown to Select Position]
 Co-PI
 Program Manager
 Administrative Staff
Staff 2 Email
Staff 3 Name
Staff 3 Position [Dropdown to Select Position]
 Co-PI
 Program Manager
 Administrative Staff
Staff 3 Email
Staff 4 Name


Staff 4 Position [Dropdown to Select Position]
 Co-PI
 Program Manager
 Administrative Staff
Staff 4 Email
Staff 5 Name
Staff 5 Position [Dropdown to Select Position]
 Co-PI
 Program Manager
 Administrative Staff
Staff 5 Email
Application Info – Common Application
1. Application timeline
a. Application open date (mm/dd/yyyy)
b. Application close date or deadline (mm/dd/yyyy)
Your program application will automatically open and close on these dates. However, you will
be able to close applications at any point after they are opened using the ‘Close Applications’
button on the main page.
2. Application decisions
a. Rolling admissions
Please indicate if applications to your Site will be reviewed and decisions made on a
rolling basis.
 Yes
 No
 I do not wish to provide this information
b. If admissions are NOT rolling, please provide the date on or after which admissions
decisions may be communicated to applicants: [mm/dd/yy]
c. Please indicate if decisions will be communicated to:
 All applicants
 All admitted applicants only
3. Additional Application Requirements (Optional)
Upload a PDF
If you wish to request additional information from applicants beyond that covered in the
common application, you may upload a PDF document with instructions and/or add
questions below. Applicants will be prompted to view the document uploaded or the
questions inserted when they select your Site and will be able to respond to your instructions
by (1) uploading additional materials (in PDF format) or (2) entering text of up to 500 words
to respond to each question you added.


Add questions
Please enter up to three additional application questions specific to your REU site.
Applicant Page – Registration Pilot
Please enter the REU IDs of all applicants to your summer 2019 REU Site program and indicate
whether they were admitted to your program and whether they accepted your offer to participate.
REU IDs are required for all applicants. Students receive these IDs when they register in the system.
Please, do not review any application without an REU ID. If you receive an application without an
REU ID, remind the applicant to first go to [url for webpage] to obtain his/her REU ID.
You may enter information for a single applicant by clicking the “add new applicant” and then
editing information in the table, as needed. To upload information for multiple applicants, please
click “add/edit multiple applicants.”
Add New Applicant – Registration Pilot
To add new applicants, the only element that is needed in the file is REU ID. The rest of the
information can be provided at a later time by clicking “edit” on a record on the applicants table or
through “add/edit multiple applicants”.
Applicant Name: [Pre-populated with REU ID from applicant module data]
Applicant Home Institution: [Pre-populated with REU ID from applicant module data]
Admission Decision:[drop down menu]
 Blank (default)
 Admitted
 Rejected
 Wait Listed
 Not Reviewed
Applicant Accepted Offer? [drop down menu]
 Not Applicable (default)
 Yes
 No
Add/Edit Multiple Applicants – Registration Pilot
Step 1: Download applicant file
Download all applicants displayed on the Applicants tab by selecting a file type and clicking the
“download file” button.
Step 2: Update the downloaded file
Any applicant information can be edited in the spreadsheet and uploaded. New applicants can
also be added directly to the spreadsheet and uploaded. Once you are finished updating
information in the spreadsheet, return to this screen to upload the updated file.
Step 3: Upload the file


Note: Uploading this file will add new applicants to the table but will not delete any REU IDs
currently displayed on the applicant table. To add new applicants, the only element that is
needed in the file is REU ID.
Uploading this file will replace information (admissions and acceptance decisions) on existing
applicants currently displayed on the applicants table. This action cannot be undone, but if
necessary you can contact to attempt to retrieve prior data.
Applicants Page– Common Application Pilot
REU Site Applications and Admissions
[pre-populated [REU_site] from ‘Site and PI info’]
The table below shows the applicants to your 2019 REU site. Please indicate whether each
applicant was admitted to your program and if admitted, indicate whether he/she has accepted
your offer to participate.
You may enter information for a single applicant directly in the table below. To upload
information for multiple applicants, please click “edit multiple applicants.”
If you have uploaded a letter under the application info tab, you use the “send” feature in the
table below to communicate your admission decisions to applicants.
View Filtered Table [Collapse/Expand]
All Data
 All
Demographic Characteristics [COLLAPSE / EXPAND]
Veteran Status
 All
 All
□ Female
□ Yes
□ Male
□ No
□ Not reported
 All
Disability Status
□ American Indian or Alaskan Native
 All
□ Asian
□ Yes
□ Black or African American
□ No
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
□ Not reported
Citizenship Status
□ White
 US Citizen
□ Not reported
□ US Permanent Resident
□ Neither US citizen nor US resident
 All
□ Hispanic or Latino
□ Not Hispanic or Latino
□ Unknown
□ Not reported
Educational information [COLLAPSE / EXPAND]
Years of college completed by July 2019
College or University Sector
 All
 All
□ None (incoming freshman)
□ Public


□ 1 year of college (freshman)
□ 2 years of college (sophomore)
□ 3 years of college (junior)
□ 4 years of college (senior)
College or University Level
 All
□ 4-year (four or more years)
□ 2-year (at least 2 but less than 4 years)
□ Less than 2 years (below associate)
□ Missing

□ Private not-for-profit
□ Private for-profit
□ Missing

Application Status [COLLAPSE / EXPAND]
Admission Decision
 All
□ Accepted
□ Rejected
□ Waitlisted
□ Not Reviewed
□ Missing

Edit Multiple Applicants Page– Common Application Pilot
Step 1: Download applicant file
Download all applicants displayed on the Applicants tab by selecting a file type and clicking the
“download file” button.
Step 2: Update the downloaded file
Any applicant information can be edited in the spreadsheet and uploaded. New applicants can
also be added directly to the spreadsheet and uploaded. Once you are finished updating
information in the spreadsheet, return to this screen to upload the updated file.
Step 3: Upload the file
Note: Uploading this file will add new applicants to the table but will not delete any REU IDs
currently displayed on the applicant table. To add new applicants, the only element that is
needed in the file is REU ID.
Uploading this file will replace information (admissions and acceptance decisions) on existing
applicants currently displayed on the applicants table. This action cannot be undone, but if
necessary you can contact to attempt to retrieve prior data.
Participants Page
REU Site Participants
The table below shows the names of the applicants who you previously identified as having accepted
your offer to participate in the REU program at your Site. Please confirm that they participated and
indicate how they were funded.


Participants of [Self-populated site name]
Accepted Applicant
Accepted Applicant
home institution
(pre-filled based on
(pre-filled based on
based on
accepted offer from accepted offer from
Applicant table)
Applicant table)
offer from

Participant Status
Participation codes1
 Missing (Default)
 Participant fully funded with NSF REU
 Participant partially funded with NSF REU
 Participant fully funded with other funds
 No Show
 Dropout

Participation codes
Participant: The student completed at least 160 hours of the REU experience. Please indicate
whether participant is fully, partially, or not funded with funds from the NSF REU program.
No Show: The student did not come to the Site when the program started. Use this code for
students who withdrew from the program before the program started or simply did not appear to
the Site when the program started.
Dropout: The student attended the program but did not complete at least 160 hours of
participation. Use this code for rare instances where a student had to discontinue attendance due to
personal or disciplinary reasons.
Data Download Page
Data Download
You may download all available data for applicants and participants to your site. You may also
download a subset of the data by using the “Select Variables” and “Select Students” filters
Select Variables [COLLAPSE/EXPAND]
Select the variables you would like to download:
All Variables
 All
List of variables available to download
• Registration Columns
• Application / Participation status


Select Students [COLLAPSE/EXPAND]
All Students
 All
Application and Participation Status
Application Status
 All
□ Accepted
□ Rejected
□ Waitlisted
□ Not Reviewed
□ Missing

Participation Status
 All
□ Participant
□ No Show
□ Dropout
□ Missing

Demographic Characteristics
 All
□ Female
□ Male
 All
□ American Indian or Alaskan Native
□ Asian
□ Black or African American
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
□ White
□ Not reported
 All
□ Hispanic or Latino
□ Not Hispanic or Latino
□ Unknown
□ Not reported
Educational information
Years of college completed by July 2019
 All
□ None (incoming freshman)
□ 1 year of college (freshman)
□ 2 years of college (sophomore)
□ 3 years of college (junior)
□ 4 years of college (senior)
College or University Level
 All
□ 4-year (four or more years)
□ 2-year (at least 2 but less than 4 years)
□ Less than 2 years (below associate)
□ Missing

Veteran Status
 All
□ Yes
□ No
□ Not reported
Disability Status
□ Yes
□ No
□ Not reported
Citizenship Status
 US Citizen
□ US Permanent Resident
□ Neither US citizen nor US

College or University Sector
 All
□ Public
□ Private not-for-profit
□ Private for-profit
□ Missing


Data Reports Page
Data reports showing descriptive statistics from the pilot’s applicants and participants will
become available at the end of the 2019 summer. You will be notified by email when data
reports are available. Stay tuned!
Feedback Page
We want to hear from you!
Please share your experience using the REU Data System. We are interested in (1) what worked well,
(2) what did not work well, and (3) what was missing (that is, functionality or information you
wanted and was not available).
Please use the box below to share your comments or contact us at
or 1-800-232-8024. We welcome comments at any time!


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2018-04-12
File Created2018-04-12

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