TIF Annual Performance Report

Teacher Incentive Fund Annual Performance Report

TIF Annual Performance Report Data Collection Reporting form IC 17 FINAL

TIF Annual Performance Report

OMB: 1855-0030

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US Department of Education

Teacher Incentive Fund

Grant Performance Report Cover Sheet

TIF 4 Grantee TIF 5 Grantee

­General Information

  1. PR/Award #:

  2. Grantee NCES ID #:

  3. Project Title:

  4. Grantee Name:

  5. Grantee Address:

  6. Project Director Name:


Email Address:

  1. Reporting Period: From: ______________ To:______________________

Human Subjects (Annual Institutional Review Board (IRB) Certificate)

  1. Is the annual certificate in Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval attached? yes___ no___ N/A____

Performance Measures Status and Certification

  1. Performance Measure Status

    1. Are complete data on performance measures for the current budget period included in the Project Status Chart? yes___ no___

    2. If no, when will the data be available and submitted to the Department? ___________

  1. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all data in this performance report are true and correct, and the report fully discloses all known weaknesses concerning the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the data.

_____________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________

Name of Authorized Representative:

_____________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_______


Public Burden Statement:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 46 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Public Law 112-74-4 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email ICDocketMgr@ed.gov and reference the OMB Control Number 1810-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed TIF APR to this address.

TIF 4 and TIF 5 Program-Specific Program Report

TIF 4 and 5 grantees should complete each section. Program-specific instructions will be provided in blue for TIF 4 and green for TIF 5 where instructions are different. Please read the accompanying submission guidance for detailed instructions. If information varies by LEA or district, information must be completed for each district or LEA participating in the grant. Please copy and paste the charts to collect data for each participating district.

Part 1: Executive Summary

Please provide a written summary in the space below in response to the focus questions in the submission guidance.

Part 2: TIF Program Objectives and Related Measures (including GPRA Measures)

There are 15 questions in Part 2. All grantees must answer each question unless otherwise noted below.

1. Communicating with and Engaging Stakeholders

How many trainings did you conduct with stakeholders on the educator evaluation or compensation systems?

Based on stakeholder feedback, what changes did you make to your communication plan this year? Describe the changes below.

In the space below, describe what role stakeholders had in helping to develop, modify, or maintain the educator evaluation system.

2. Data Management System

How many educators (teachers, principals/school leaders, or other personnel eligible for performance-based compensation) appealed the award process? Please summarize the appeal process and the reasons for appeals in the space below.

Did your grant meet its goal for delivering data for computing the final evaluation scores or payouts? Please provide specific examples and dates. If not, describe the reasons for the delay in the space below.

3. Professional Development Processes

In the space below, describe how teachers access recommendations for professional development based on educator evaluation data.

In the space below, describe how principals/school leaders access recommendations for professional development based on educator evaluation data.

In the space below, describe how other personnel access recommendations for professional development based on educator evaluation data.

In the space below, describe how you are targeting professional development based on data.

In the space below, describe how you are providing professional development on your evaluation systems.

4. Human Capital Management

In the space provided, indicate how the District uses educator evaluation systems to inform the following human capital decisions.

Recruitment -

Hiring -

Placement -

Retention -

Dismissal -

Tenure -

Promotion -

Professional Development -

5. Description of Evaluation Measures

Please provide the weight assigned to each measure along with a detailed description of each measure. Please refer to the APR Guidance Document for specific instructions.

Percentage Weight


Student Academic Achievement Measure

Observation Measure

Other Measure

Other Measure

6. Description of Student Academic Achievement Measures

In the space below, describe your progress toward developing classroom-level student academic achievement measures for teachers of traditionally non-tested grades and subjects within your TIF project.

In the space below, describe your progress towards measuring student academic achievement for students with disabilities and English learners within your TIF project.

7. Description of Observation Measures

In the space below, please describe your method for ensuring inter-rater reliability, including any trainings and your method for calculating it.

Based on your method for calculating inter-rater reliability, what level of inter-rater reliability did you achieve? Please report the numeric value calculated using your metric of inter-rater reliability (e.g., Cohen’s kappa).

Provide a total for each of the following:

  1. How many trained observers conducted formal observations of teachers?

  1. How many trained observers conducted formal observations of principals/school leaders?

  1. How many trained observers conducted formal observations of other personnel?

  1. Give the total number of formal observations of teachers that trained observers performed.

  1. Give the total number of formal observations of principals/school leaders that trained observers performed.

  1. Give the total number of formal observations of other personnel that trained observers performed.

  1. In total, how many hours did trained observers spend conducting formal observations?

8. Teacher Evaluation System

Which of the following do you use in your grant’s teacher evaluation system?

All: Used for All TIF- Eligible Teachers

Some: Used Only for Some TIF- Eligible Teachers

None: Not Used for any TIF-Eligible Teachers

Live observations of classroom teaching

Videos of classroom teaching

Portfolios, lesson plans, student work samples, other artifacts

Parent surveys

Student surveys

Growth or gain of the students taught by individual teachers

Growth or gain of the students taught by teams of teachers

School-level student growth or gain

Grade-level student growth or gain

Proficiency level attained by the individual teacher’s students

School-level student proficiency or attainment

Grade-level student proficiency or attainment

Other (Please describe)

If you entered “other” measures above, please describe those measures in the space below.

9. Principal/School Leader Evaluation System

Which of the following do you use in your grant’s principal/school leader evaluation system?

All: Used for All TIF- Eligible Principals

Some: Used Only for Some TIF- Eligible Principals

None: Not Used for TIF- Eligible Principals

Observations of leadership practice

Portfolios, records, documents, or other artifacts representing leadership practice

Student academic achievement

School makes Adequate Yearly Progress or meets other state-set measurable objectives for student proficiency

Other school-wide measures such as graduation rates or student attendance

Parent surveys

Student surveys

Teacher/staff surveys

VAL-ED 360° feedback survey

Other (describe)

If you entered “other” measures above, please describe those measures to them in the space below.

Please identify the title(s) of your school leaders in your principal/school leader evaluation system

10. Description of Evaluation System

Does every district or school in your grant use the same teacher evaluation system? If not, please describe the difference(s) between the evaluation systems in the space below.

Does every district or school in your grant have the same principal/school leader evaluation system? If not, please describe the difference(s) between the evaluation systems in the space below.

Does every district or school in your grant have the same other personnel evaluation system? If not, please describe the difference(s) between the evaluation systems in the place below.

Do you have different teacher and principal/school leader evaluation systems?

Describe your performance categories, how many levels you include, and how they are labeled (e.g., proficient, needs improvement, etc.) by completing the chart below. Indicate how many levels you include in your evaluation system and how these levels are labeled (where #1 represents the lowest category), and how they align with the TIF categories of Not Effective, Effective, and Highest Level of Effectiveness. TIF 3 Grantees: If you have fewer than three levels of effectiveness, indicate how your categories align with Not Effective and Effective.

(Note: All questions from this point will ask you to report your responses in terms of the TIF categories.)


The Label for Your Level (Category)

Align your categories with the following TIF categories by checking which TIF category applies to your category

Not Effective


Highest Level

1 (Lowest Level)





11. Performance Ratings

For the current reporting period, please provide the total number of educators within each aggregate performance category of not effective, effective, and highest level of effectiveness.

TIF 4 Grantees: TIF 4 grantees are only required to complete the table for the overall performance rating (12a). Provide the total number of teachers and principals in each rating based on the overall performance rating. Note that the performance categories align to the description of your performance categories in question 10.

11. Overall Performance Rating (TIF 4 GPRA Measure #1)

Not Effective


Highest Level

Not Rated


High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools



High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


11. Overall Performance Rating (TIF 5 GPRA Measure #6 and #7)

Highest Level


High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools



High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


12. Performance Ratings for Newly Hired Educators

Please provide the number of educators categorized as newly hired during the reporting period who are rated as not effective, effective, or highest level of effectiveness. For the purposes of this survey, newly hired is defined as any educator working in the current reporting period hired within the past three school years.

12. Overall Performance Rating

Not Effective


Highest Level

Not Rated

New Teacher

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


New Principal/School Leader

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


New Other Personnel

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


13. Performance Ratings for Educators Retained in the Same School

Please provide the number of educators s who were not effective, effective, or at the highest level in the last reporting period and who were retained in the same school for the current school year.

TIF 4 Grantees: Provide the total number of teachers and principals in each rating based on the overall performance rating. Note that the performance categories align to the description of your performance categories in question 10.

13. Overall Performance Rating (TIF 4 GPRA Measure #3)

Not Effective


Highest Level

Not Rated

Retained Teacher

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


Retained Principal

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


13. Overall Performance Rating (TIF 5 GPRA Measure #3)

Highest Level

Retained Teacher

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


Retained Principal/School Leader

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


Retained Other Personnel

High-need schools with PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high need schools


14. Performance Ratings for Teachers of High-Need Subjects

Please provide the number of teachers For the purpose of this report, high-need subjects may include, but are not limited to, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM); courses for students with disabilities (SWDs); and courses for English learners (EL).

TIF 4 Grantees: Provide the total number of teachers in each rating based on the overall performance rating. Note that the performance categories align to the description of your performance categories in question 10.

14a. Description of High-Need Subjects

In the space below, please list all subjects the district defines as high-need.

14b. Overall Performance Rating (TIF 4 GPRA Measure #2)

Not Effective


Highest Level

Not Rated

High-Need Subject Teacher

High-need schools with a PBCS

High-need schools without a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


15. Performance-Based Compensation

Please provide the percentage of educators in all schools AND all High-Need schools who earned performance-based compensation.

TIF 5 Grantees: Provide the percentage of educators in all schools AND all High-Need schools who earned performance-based compensation based on the overall performance rating. Note that the performance categories align to the description of your performance categories in question 10.

15. Percentage of Educators who earned performance-based compensation (TIF 5 GPRA Measure #1 and #2)

Highest Level


High-need schools with a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


Principal/School Leader

High-need schools with a PBCS

Non-high-need schools


Other Personnel

High-need schools with PBCS

Non-high need schools


16. Resources for Performance-Based Compensation

Please provide the percentage of performance-based compensation paid to educators with State, local, or other non-TIF Federal resources.

TIF 5 Grantees: Provide the percentage of performance-based compensation paid to educators with State, local, or other non-TIF Federal resources

16. Resources for Performance-Based Compensation (TIF 5 GPRA Measure #5)



Non-TIF Federal resources


Principal/School Leader

Other Personnel


Part 3: Budget Information

17a. Current Year Budget Expenditures (To be completed by the Business Office)

Cost Categories

Current Year Budget


Through 4/30/17

Anticipated Additional Expenditures from

5/1/17 to 9/30/17

Unexpended Funds

Funds Requested to Carry Over Into Next Budget Year


Fringe Benefits






Subtotal direct costs

Indirect costs


17b. Budget Narrative

Please provide a narrative description of the Budget Information, item # 17a, in the space below.

18. Expenditures on Performance Awards by Funding Source




Non-TIF Federal

Please provide the amount of TIF funds expended on performance-based awards for the current reporting year.

19. Performance-Based Payments

Cost Categories

Initially Budgeted Previous Year Performance-Based Payment Expenditures

Actual Performance-Based Payment Expenditures




Total Costs

20. Number of Educators Who Received an Award


Principals/School leaders

Other Personnel

Please provide the number of educators who received a performance-based award for the current reporting year.

21a. Please provide the lowest, median, and highest teacher award amount for each of the following: (where applicable)




Total Payout


Student Growth

Other Measure(s):

21b. Please provide the lowest, median, and highest principal/school leader award amount for each of the following: (where applicable)




Total Payout


Student Growth

Other Measure(s):

21c. Please provide the lowest, median, and highest other personnel award amount for each of the following: (where applicable)




Total Payout


Student Growth

Other Measure(s):

22. Payouts by Performance Category

Please provide your total payouts by performance categories by completing the chart below.


The Label for Your Level (Category)

Provide payout for each categories with the following TIF categories by checking which TIF category applies to your category

Not Effective


Highest Level

1 (Lowest Level)





Part 4: Individual Project Objectives and Measures

All grantees must complete a table and explanation for each project key objective and measure.

Project Objective 1:

1a. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data


Actual Performance Data

1b. Performance Measure

Quantitative Data


Actual Performance Data

1c. Explanation of Progress (Include Qualitative Data and Data Collection Information):

Part 5: Additional Information

List of current partners on your grant.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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