2016 SPEC Partner Survey
Thank you for participating in the IRS’s Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) organization’s 2016 Partner Satisfaction Survey. This survey covers your satisfaction as a local or national partner who works with SPEC on outreach, education, return preparation, and other tax assistance programs provided by SPEC within the past 12 months. The feedback collected from this survey will be used to identify areas of improvement for the SPEC program. Providing information is voluntary. The survey is expected to take approximately 15 minutes or less to complete.
Fors Marsh Group LLC, an independent research firm, is conducting this survey on behalf of SPEC. Fors Marsh Group will hold your identity private to the extent permitted by law and will not provide any identifying information to the IRS along with your individual responses. Results will be provided only in aggregate.
Click on the NEXT button to save your responses and continue to the next page.
You may suspend the survey at any time by clicking the SAVE & QUIT button at the bottom of the page. You may reset the answers for the page you are on by clicking the CLEAR button at the bottom of the page. Please do not use your survey browser’s “Back” button to access questions that you have already answered, as this could cause issues capturing your data.
You may re‐enter the survey where you left off by clicking on the survey link. At the end of the survey, please click the SUBMIT SURVEY button to submit your responses.
If you are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact us at: SPECSurvey@forsmarshgroup.com
S1. Are you the person at [INSERT ORGANIZATION (PartnerName field)] who manages or interacts with SPEC and who could provide us with candid feedback about SPEC?
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF S1=02///
S2. SPEC greatly values feedback on its performance from [INSERT ORGANIZATION (PartnerName field)]. If you know of someone else at [INSERT ORGANIZATION (PartnerName field)] who would be more appropriate to give feedback, would you please record his/her name and email address below so that we could contact him/her for feedback in the future?
NAME FIELD (First and Last)
EMAIL ADDRESS FIELD (please make sure to enter an @ and a "." to make a valid email
Thank you very much for your help.
[Terminate Survey – GO TO SECTION X]
///ASK IF S1=01///
S3. Are you an IRS employee?
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF S3=01///
S4. While your name was on the contact list for [INSERT ORGANIZATION (PartnerName field)], we are not interviewing IRS employees, but representatives from its partner organizations. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you know of someone else at [INSERT ORGANIZATION (PartnerName field)] who would be more appropriate to give us this feedback, would you please record his/her name and email address below so that we could contact him/her for feedback in the future?
NAME FIELD (First and Last)
EMAIL ADDRESS FIELD (please make sure to enter an @ and a “.” to make a valid email.)
Thank you very much for your help.
[Terminate Survey– GO TO SECTION X]
Throughout the survey, survey sections are administered to different groups of respondents. Respondents who receive each question (or section) are identified following each question or section header. The Group Numbers are as follows:
Group 1 = Return Prep (QDEM_1 = 1, 2, 4, or 5)
Group 2 = Outreach (QDEM_1 = 3)
Group 3 = Asset Building (QDEM_1 = 6)
Group 4 = National (this will be noted in data sample file)
Group 5 = Other (QDEM_1 = 7)
I. Introduction
///Groups = ALL///
Please keep in mind that this discussion will only be about your experiences with SPEC over the past 12 months and not with any interactions you might have had with other parts of the IRS. The first set of questions pertains to the nature of your relationship with SPEC and the customers you serve.
QINTRO_1. Overall, how satisfied were you with SPEC’s products and services?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///ASK IF QINTRO_1=04, 05, ELSE SKIP ///
QINTRO_2. You indicated that you were satisfied; can you please provide more detail about why you were satisfied with SPEC’s products and services?
99 Refused
///ASK IF QINTRO_1=01, 02, 03 ELSE SKIP ///
QINTRO_3. You indicated that you were not satisfied; can you please provide more detail about why you were not satisfied with SPEC’s products and services?
99 Refused
///Groups = ALL///
QINTRO_4. How likely are you to recommend partnering with SPEC to other organizations or colleagues?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Unlikely |
Neither Likely nor Unlikely |
Likely |
Very Likely |
///Groups = ALL//
QINTRO_5. Given your experience, how likely are you to continue partnering with SPEC next year?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Unlikely |
Neither Likely nor Unlikely |
Likely |
Very Likely |
II. Market Segments and Demographics
///Groups ≠ 4///
QDEM_1. What was your primary area of advocacy as a partner or coalition? Again, we’re interested in the scope of emphasis of the organization you represent, which might be broader than your personal area of emphasis. (Check ONLY ONE)
01 Military Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
02 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, or VITA
03 Education and Outreach, such as communications, products, news articles, or websites
04 Tax Counseling for the Elderly, Non‐AARP
05 Tax Counseling for the Elderly, AARP Tax Aide
06 Asset Building, such as financial education, funding, or wealth building
07 Other (please specify) [TEXT BOX]
///Groups = ALL///
QDEM_2. Which of the following types of customers did your partner or coalition serve frequently?
QDEM_2A. Low to Moderate Income
QDEM_2B. Seniors
QDEM_2C. Military
QDEM_2I. Veterans
QDEM_2D. People with Disabilities
QDEM_2E. Rural
QDEM_2F. American Indian or Alaska Native
QDEM_2G. Limited English Proficient
QDEM_2H. Other: please specify [TEXT BOX]
01 |
02 |
Yes |
No |
///Groups = ALL///
QDEM_3. For how many years has your partner or coalition provided return preparation, outreach, education, or other tax assistance as a SPEC partner?
____ years [1‐50] [TEXT BOX]
///Groups = ALL///
QDEM_4. In which of the following financial education and asset building areas did your partner or coalition offer outreach and education?
QDEM_4A. Savings Bonds
QDEM_4B. Individual Development Accounts
QDEM_4C. Banking Deposit Accounts
QDEM_4D. Credit Unions: Deposit Accounts
QDEM_4E. Credit Counseling and Repair
QDEM_4F. Home Ownership Foreclosure Programs
QDEM_4G. Budgeting/Life Events/Financial Programs
QDEM_4H. Privacy, Fraud Scams: Consumer Protection/Identity Theft
QDEM_4I. Tax Compliance: Balance Due/Counseling/Payment Options
QDEM_4J. Tax Compliance: Foreclosures/Debt Forgiveness
QDEM_4K. MyRA (my Retirement Account)
QDEM_4L. Other: please specify [TEXT BOX]
01 |
02 |
Yes |
No |
QDEM_5A_L. How satisfied were you with the guidance and assistance you received from SPEC regarding…?
[Insert for each QDEM_4A-L =01]
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///ASK IF Any QDEM_5A-L=01, 02, 03, ELSE SKIP ///
QDEM_6. You indicated that you were not satisfied with some of the SPEC financial education and asset building resources; can you please describe how these resources could be improved?
99 Refused
III. Relationship Manager and Support
///Section‐ Groups = ALL///
We would now like to ask you about your experience and satisfaction with the SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager assigned to assist you or your coalition.
QRM_1. Overall, how satisfied were you with your SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///Group = ALL ///
QRM_2. How satisfied were you with your SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager’s…?
QRM_2A. Professionalism
QRM_2B. Proactiveness
QRM_2C. Responsiveness to requests
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///Group = ALL ///
QRM_3. How satisfied were you with the guidance and assistance you received from your SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager regarding…?
QRM_3A. Reviewing or assisting with your training plans
QRM_3B. Providing information or data on potential outreach recipients in the community
QRM_3C. Providing reports and data on your partner or coalition’s return preparation activities
QRM_3D. Providing reports and data to assist you in determining the impact of your program in the community
QRM_3E. Providing details on site operation requirements
QRM_3F. Facilitation of quality improvement processes
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
///Group = ALL ///
QRM_4 Overall, how well did your SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager meet your expectations during this filing season?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Much Worse than Expected |
Worse than Expected |
As Expected |
Better than Expected |
Much Better than Expected |
///ASK IF Any QRM_4=01, 02, ELSE SKIP ///
QRM_5. You indicated that your expectations were not met; how can SPEC’s employee point of contact or relationship manager better meet your expectations?
99 Refused
IV. Resources and Support
///Section‐ Groups = ALL///
///ASK Groups=ALL ///
QRes_1. Are you aware of the following resources?
QRes_1A. Outreach Corner on IRS.gov
QRes_1B. Partner and Volunteer Resource Center (online)
QRes_1C. IRS New Media/Social Media Messaging Resources
QRes_1D. Pub 5220, VITA/TCE Volunteer Site Scope & Referral Chart
QRes_1E VITA and TCE Grants
QRes_1F. Volunteer awards and recognition program
QRes_1G. EITC Central
QRes_1H. EITC free publications
QRes_1I. EITC free marketing materials
QRes_1J. EITC Banner Ads
QRes_1K. Pub 4935, Guide to Everything Earned Income Tax Credit for Individuals Online
01 |
02 |
Yes |
No |
///ASK if any QRes_1A-K =01, else skip ///
QRes_2A. Have you used the following resource(s)…?
[insert for each QRes_1A-K =01]
01 |
02 |
Yes |
No |
///ASK if any QRes_2A-K=01, else skip ///
QRes_3. How satisfied were you with the following resource(s):
[insert for each QRes_2A-K=01]
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///Group = ALL ///
QRes_4. How satisfied overall were you with SPEC products?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
V. ACA Related Questions
///Groups = ALL///
QACA_1. How satisfied were you with the materials and products provided by SPEC to support your ACA outreach efforts?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
Ask ///IF QACA_1 =01, 02, or 03 ELSE SKIP///
QACA_2. You indicated that you were not satisfied with the SPEC-provided ACA outreach materials and products; how can SPEC improve these items?
99 Refused
///Section‐ Group 1, ELSE SKIP TO NEXT SECTION///
QACA_3. How satisfied were you that the SPEC training and materials provided the knowledge you needed to prepare tax returns involving the…?
QACA_3A Reporting of Minimum Essential Coverage
QACA_3B Claiming of Health Coverage Exemption
QACA_3C Shared Responsibility Payment
QACA_3D Premium Tax Credit
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
VI. Tax Law and E-file: Products and Services
///Section‐ Group 1, ELSE SKIP TO NEXT SECTION///
Now we would like to ask you about your satisfaction with the tax law training your volunteers received. If you have no experience with the product/service or you are not aware that it is available, please choose No training provided.
QTL_1. How did your volunteers receive tax law training?
QTL_1_1 Online training on Link & Learn Taxes
QTL_1_2 Online training from partners
QTL_1_3 Classroom/face-to-face training
QTL_1_4 Self study
QTL_1_5 Other: please specify [TEXT BOX]
QTL_1_6 No training provided
///ASK FOR QTL_1_1-5 = 01///
QTL_2A-F. Overall, how satisfied were you with…?
[Ask for each QTL_1_01 through 05 =01]
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
///ASK IF QTL_2_A=1/3, Else skip///
QTL_3. You indicated that you were not satisfied with the online training on Link & Learn Taxes; can you please describe how the training might be improved?
99 Refused
QTL_4. We would now like you to rate your satisfaction with the products and materials used to e‐file tax returns. If you have no experience with this product/service or you are not aware that it is available, please choose Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available.
How satisfied were you with these e‐file products and materials?
QTL_4A. TaxWise electronic filing software products
QTL_4B. CCH Customer Support Line for TaxWise Software support
QTL_4C. Publication 3189, Volunteer e‐file Administration Guide
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
VII. Quality Improvement Process
///Section‐ Group = 1, ELSE SKIP TO NEXT SECTION //
Now we would like to ask you about SPEC’s VITA/TCE – Quality Improvement Process.
[IF QDEM_1 = 01, 02, 04, ASK A‐D]
[IF QDEM_1 = 05, ASK A, B, and D ONLY
QQI_1. How satisfied were you with the following products developed to support the Quality Improvement Process?
QQI_1A. Form 13614-C, Intake/Interview & Quality Review Sheet
QQI_1B. Pub 4396A, Partner Resource Guide
QQI_1C. Publication 1084, VITA/TCE IRS Volunteer Site Coordinator Handbook
QQI_1D. Publication 4012, VITA/TCE Volunteer Resource Guide
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
QQI_2. You indicated that you were not satisfied with one or more Quality Improvement Process materials; can you please describe how SPEC might improve these?
99 Refused
[ASK IF QDEM_1 = 01, 02, 04]
QQI_3. Did SPEC provide adequate guidance to assist with the privacy and security of taxpayer data?
01 Yes
02 No
[IF QDEM_1 = 01, 02, 04, 05
QQI_4. Overall, how satisfied were you with the guidance, tools, and support provided by SPEC to improve the quality of return preparation at volunteer sites?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
VIII. Future Planning Products and Services
///Groups = ALL///
QFP_1. Overall, how well did SPEC’s products and services meet your expectations during this filing season?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Much Worse than Expected |
Worse than Expected |
As Expected |
Better than Expected |
Much Better than Expected |
QFP_2. How well were your expectations met during this filing season for the following…?
QFP_2A. Frequency of contact with SPEC employee point of contact or relationship manager
QFP_2B. Financial education and asset-building resources and support
QFP_2C. Training products and materials
QFP_2D. E-file products and materials
QFP_2E. Quality Improvement Process products and materials
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Much Worse than Expected |
Worse than Expected |
As Expected |
Better than Expected |
Much Better than Expected |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
[ASK IF QFP_2A-E= 1, 2, Else Skip]
QFP_3. You indicated that one or more of your expectations were not met this filing season; can you please describe how SPEC might improve to better meet your expectations?
99 Refused
Single Punch Answer
QFP_4. SPEC introduced an assisted self-filing program that allows some taxpayers to complete their own tax return (using interview-based, name-brand software) with the help of an IRS-certified volunteer. By providing this self-filing option, partners can increase free tax preparation services in the communities they serve.
Are you aware of SPEC’s Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA) program?
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF QFP_4 = 01, ELSE SKIP ///
QFP_5. Did you partner with SPEC to operate a Facilitated Self Assistance site this filing season?
01 Yes – I have FSA stations and volunteers onsite, but no remote access
02 Yes – I do not have workstations and volunteers onsite (clients must access the software and assistance remotely)
03 Yes – I have a combination of onsite and remote FSA options
04 No – I have not partnered with SPEC on FSA this filing season
///ASK IF QFP_5=01, 02, 03, ELSE SKIP///
QFP_6. How satisfied were you with the support you received from SPEC for Facilitated Self Assistance?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
/// Group 1///
Single Punch Answer
QFP_7. SPEC’s Virtual VITA tax preparation model is a system that allows taxpayers to use technology to connect from a remote location or intake site and electronically interact with a volunteer preparer in a different location.
Are you aware of SPEC’s Virtual VITA program?
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF QFP_7 = 01 ELSE SKIP ///
QFP_8. Did you partner with SPEC to operate a Virtual VITA site this filing season?
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF QFP_8=01, ELSE SKIP///
QFP_9. How satisfied were you with the support you received from SPEC for the Virtual VITA program?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
/// Group 1///
QFP_10. How likely will you do each of the following next filing season?
QFP_10A. Increase the number of volunteers
QFP_10B. Increase the number of hours you are available to the public
QFP_10C. Increase the number of sites
QFP_10D. Incorporate Alternative Filing Options such as Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA) or Virtual VITA/TCE
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Very Unlikely |
Unlikely |
Neither Likely nor Unlikely |
Likely |
Very Likely |
/// Group 1///
QFP_11. Do you plan on expanding your program to complete more tax returns next year?
01 Yes
02 No
98 Don’t know
///ASK IF QFP_11 = 02, 03 ELSE SKIP ///
QFP_12. You have answered that you either do not plan to or are not sure if you will expand your program to complete more tax returns next year; can you please explain why you do not have plans to expand your program at this time?
99 Refused
IX. IRS Publications and Forms
/// Group 1, ELSE SKIP to QMP_5///
We’re almost through. For our final questions, we’d like to ask about a few of the IRS tax forms and publications that you might use that were created and distributed by IRS Media and Publications organization.
QMP_1. Thinking about the following tax forms and publications you might have used this year, how satisfied are you with…?
QMP_1A. Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals)
QMP_1B. Schedule EIC, Earned Income Credit
QMP_1C. Schedule A, Itemized Deductions
QMP_1D. Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care Expenses
QMP_1E. Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
QMP_1F. Form 8965,Health Coverage Exemptions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
98 |
Very Dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Not applicable/Unaware product or service was available |
Group 1 ///
QMP_2. Are you aware that the IRS has created tax publications in electronic format?
01 Yes – I used one or more to help prepare returns this filing season
02 Yes – I am aware, but did not use them this filing season
03 No
///ASK IF QMP_2 = 02 ELSE SKIP ///
QMP_3. You indicated that you are aware of IRS electronic publications, but did not use them this filing season; can you please explain why you did not use electronic publications?
/// Group 1///
QMP_4. To what extent would only having an electronic version of Publication 17 negatively impact your ability to prepare returns?
01 It would have no negative impact
02 It would have a small negative impact
03 It would have a moderate negative impact
04 It would have a large negative impact
QMP_5. IRS research is interested in better understanding partner opinions on electronic publications; are you willing to participate in further research? If you indicate you are willing to participate, your contact information will be separated from your survey responses.
01 Yes
02 No
///ASK IF QMP_5 = 01, ELSE SKIP ///
QMP_6. You indicated you are interested in participating in further research; please provide your email address for additional contact. Your email address will not be associated with your survey responses.
EMAIL ADDRESS FIELD (please make sure to enter an @ and a “.” to make a valid email.)
X. Close
CLOSE1. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB control number on all public information requests along with the address where you can send comments regarding the study. The OMB number for this study is 1545‐1432. If you have any comments regarding this study, please write to: IRS, Special Services Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S – Room 6129, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224.
That concludes this survey. On behalf of the IRS, SPEC, and Fors Marsh Group LLC, thank you very much for your participation.
By clicking “Submit Survey,” you are submitting your responses for the 2016 Partner Satisfaction Survey. You will not be able to change your responses or re‐enter the survey after clicking “Submit Survey” on this page.
OMB #1545-1432
SPEC Partner Survey Pre-Notification Email
From: Email address
To: [Partner Email address]
Subject: 2016 IRS SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey
Dear IRS SPEC Partner:
As a partner with the IRS Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) office, your feedback is very important to us. Within the next few days, you will receive an email from our survey administrator, Fors Marsh Group, LLC, inviting you to complete a brief survey to provide your feedback about the products and services you receive from SPEC.
Your participation in this survey is critical in helping us improve our products and services. Fors Marsh Group will not provide us with any information that will identify you individually and will hold your identity private to the extent permitted by law. Your responses will be provided to us in aggregate only.
To verify the authenticity of this survey, please visit IRS.gov and enter the search term 'customer surveys'. The “IRS Customer Satisfaction Survey” page contains a list of current valid IRS surveys and should provide a reference to this survey, the “W&I: CARE: Stakeholder Partnership, Education and Communication – SPEC Partner.”
If you have any questions, please contact Ravi Patel, on SPEC’s Products, Systems and Analysis Team at (404) 338-8749 or your IRS Relationship Manager.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Frank A. Nolden
Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC)
OMB #1545-1432
SPEC Partner Survey Initial Invitation Email
From: email address
To: [email address]
Subject: 2016 IRS SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey
Dear IRS SPEC Partner:
The IRS office of Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) is asking you, as one of its valued partners, to help determine where to focus its attention in 2016/2017. To do this, we invite you to participate in the 2016 SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey. This web-based survey can be easily completed online at your convenience. Your participation will help SPEC direct efforts and resources to the programs needing them the most.
The primary purpose for requesting this information is to help the IRS improve its service to taxpayers. Our authority for requesting the information is 5 USC and 26 USC 7801. Providing information is voluntary. However, if you do not answer all or part of the survey questions, the IRS might lack information it could use to improve taxpayer service. The information you provide may be disclosed to an IRS contractor when authorized by law. The contractor is required to follow privacy protections to the extent allowed by law.
Fors Marsh Group is an independent consulting firm that is administering this survey via the internet. We will not provide any identifying information to the IRS along with your responses and will hold your identity private to the extent permitted by law. Your feedback will be provided to the IRS in aggregate only.
The survey is located online at [Hyperlink]
The survey should take less than 15 minutes.
You can access the survey from any computer that has internet access by clicking on the above internet address or by copying it into your browser. The web address above includes a password that will enable you to exit the survey and re-enter at a later time. It will also protect any data you have entered if you experience any computer disruptions. Fors Marsh Group will not share these passwords with the IRS at any time during or after this study.
Please complete this survey no later than Monday, XX-XX-XXXX. If you have any questions about the survey administration or are having problems accessing the survey, please feel free to contact us at SPECSurvey@forsmarshgroup.com.
To verify the authenticity of this survey, please visit IRS.gov and enter the search term 'customer surveys'. The “IRS Customer Satisfaction Survey” page contains a list of current valid IRS surveys and should provide a reference to this survey, the “W&I: CARE: Stakeholder Partnership, Education and Communication – SPEC Partner.”
If you have any general questions about the nature of the study, please contact Ravi Patel, in the SPEC Products, Systems and Analysis Office at (404) 338-8749 or Ravi.A.Patel@irs.gov.
OMB #1545-1432
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Brian Griepentrog, PhD
Director of Research
Fors Marsh Group, LLC
OMB #1545-1432
SPEC Partner Survey Reminder Email
From: TBD.com
To: [email address]
Subject: Reminder: 2016 IRS SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey
Dear IRS SPEC Partner:
Recently you should have received an email message asking for your participation in the 2016 SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey. To ensure that the findings represent the views of all SPEC partners, we urge you to take a few minutes to complete the survey. The final cutoff date is Monday, XX-XX-XXXX.
The survey is located online at [Hyperlink]
The survey is voluntary and should take less than 15 minutes.
You can access the survey from any computer that has internet access by clicking on the above internet address or by copying it into your browser. The web address above includes a password that will enable you to exit the survey and re-enter at a later time. It will also protect any data you have entered if you experience any computer disruptions. Fors Marsh Group will not share these passwords with the IRS at any time during or after this study. To verify the authenticity of this survey, please visit IRS.gov and enter the search term 'customer surveys'. The “IRS Customer Satisfaction Survey” page contains a list of current valid IRS surveys and should provide a reference to this survey, the “W&I: CARE: Stakeholder Partnership, Education and Communication – SPEC Partner.”
If you have any questions about the survey administration or are having problems accessing the survey, please feel free to contact us at SPECSurvey@forsmarshgroup.com.
If you have any general questions about the nature of the study, please contact Ravi Patel, in the SPEC Products, Systems and Analysis Office at (404) 338-8749 or Ravi.A.Patel@irs.gov.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Brian Griepentrog, PhD
Director of Research
Fors Marsh Group, LLC
OMB #1545-1432
SPEC Partner Survey Final Reminder Email
From: TBD.com
To: [e-mail address]
Subject: Final Reminder: 2016 IRS SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey
Dear IRS SPEC Partner:
You might just have overlooked our earlier email message asking for your participation in the 2016 IRS SPEC Partner Satisfaction Survey. Or, you might have begun the survey but did not complete it. In either case, we would like to give you a final chance to complete the web-based survey so we can include your feedback for the IRS.
The cutoff date for you to complete the survey is Monday, XX-XX-XXXX. If you have already started the survey, it will resume exactly where you left off with all of your previous responses saved.
Your survey is located online at [Hyperlink]
The survey is voluntary and should take less than 15 minutes.
To verify the authenticity of this survey, please visit IRS.gov and enter the search term 'customer surveys'. The “IRS Customer Satisfaction Survey” page contains a list of current valid IRS surveys and should provide a reference to this survey, the “W&I: CARE: Stakeholder Partnership, Education and Communication – SPEC Partner.”
If you have any questions about the survey administration or are having problems accessing the survey, please feel free to contact us at SPECSurvey@forsmarshgroup.com.
If you have any general questions about the nature of the study, please contact Ravi Patel, in the SPEC Products, Systems and Analysis Office at (404) 338-8749 or Ravi.A. Patel@irs.gov.
Thank you and I look forward to receiving your feedback.
Brian Griepentrog, PhD
Director of Research
Fors Marsh Group, LLCC
FY2015 Partner Survey
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |