Form 1 National OMBudsman Reporting System

State Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Report

Rev. NORS form C of I 08-31-16 final

State Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Report

OMB: 0985-0005

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OMB NO.: 0985-0005 EXPIRATION DATE: 01/31/2019

State: _____ Federal Fiscal Year: October 1, 20 to September 30, 20

State Annual Ombudsman Report to the Administration on Aging

Agency or organization which sponsors the State Ombudsman Program:

Part I — Cases, Complainants and Complaints

A. Provide the total number of cases opened during reporting period.

Case: Each inquiry brought to, or initiated by, the ombudsman on behalf of a resident or group of residents involving one or more complaints which requires opening a case and includes ombudsman investigation, strategy to resolve, and follow-up.

B. Provide the number of cases closed, by type of facility/setting, which were received from the types of complainants listed below.

Closed Case: A case where none of the complaints within the case require any further action on the part of the ombudsman and every complaint has been assigned the appropriate disposition code.


Nursing Facility

B&C, ALF, RCF, etc.*



1. Resident




2. Relative/friend of resident




3. Non-relative guardian, legal representative




4. Ombudsman/ombudsman volunteer




5. Facility administrator/staff or former staff




6. Other medical: physician/staff




7. Representative of other health or social service agency or program




8. Unknown/anonymous




9. Other: Bankers, Clergy, Law Enforcement, Public Officials, etc.




Total number of cases closed during the reporting period: _______

C. For cases which were closed during the reporting period (those

counted in B above), provide the total number of complaints received: _________

Complaint: A concern brought to, or initiated by, the ombudsman for investigation and action by or on behalf of one or more residents of a long-term care facility relating to health, safety, welfare or rights of a resident. One or more complaints constitute a case.

* Board and care, assisted living, residential care and similar long-term care facilities, both regulated and unregulated

D. Types of Complaints, by Type of Facility

Below and on the following pages provide the total number of complaints for each specific complaint category, for nursing facilities and board and care or similar type of adult care facility. The first four major headings are for complaints involving action or inaction by staff or management of the facility. The last major heading is for complaints against others outside the facility. See Instructions for additional clarification and definitions of types of facilities and selected complaint categories.

Ombudsman Complaint Categories

Residents' Rights



B&C, ALF, RCF. similar

A. Abuse, Gross Neglect, Exploitation

l. Abuse, physical (including corporal punishment)



2. Abuse, sexual



3. Abuse, verbal/psychological (including punishment, seclusion)



4. Financial exploitation (use categories in section E for less severe financial complaints)



  1. Gross neglect (use categories under Care, Sections F & G for non-willful forms of neglect)



6. Resident-to-resident physical or sexual abuse



7. Not Used

B. Access to Information by Resident or Resident’s Representative

8. Access to own records



9. Access by or to ombudsman/visitors



10. Access to facility survey/staffing reports/license



11. Information regarding advance directive



12. Information regarding medical condition, treatment and any changes



13. Information regarding rights, benefits, services, the resident’s right to complain



14. Information communicated in understandable language



15. Not Used

Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

C. Admission, Transfer, Discharge, Eviction



B&C, ALF, RCF. similar

16. Admission contract and/or procedure



17. Appeal process - absent, not followed



18. Bed hold - written notice, refusal to readmit



19. Discharge/eviction - planning, notice, procedure, implementation, inc. abandonment



20. Discrimination in admission due to condition, disability



21. Discrimination in admission due to Medicaid status



22. Room assignment/room change/intrafacility transfer



23. Not Used

D. Autonomy, Choice, Preference, Exercise of Rights, Privacy

24. Choose personal physician, pharmacy/hospice/other health care provider



25. Confinement in facility against will (illegally)



26. Dignity, respect - staff attitudes



27. Exercise preference/choice and/or civil/religious rights, individual’s right to smoke



28. Exercise right to refuse care/treatment



29. Language barrier in daily routine



30. Participate in care planning by resident and/or designated surrogate



31. Privacy - telephone, visitors, couples, mail



32. Privacy in treatment, confidentiality



33. Response to complaints



34. Reprisal, retaliation



35. Not Used

E. Financial, Property (Except for Financial Exploitation)

36. Billing/charges - notice, approval, questionable, accounting wrong or denied (includes overcharge of private pay residents)



Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

37. Personal funds - mismanaged, access/information denied, deposits and other money not returned (report criminal-level misuse of personal funds under A.4)




B&C, ALF, RCF. Similar


38. Personal property lost, stolen, used by others, destroyed, withheld from resident



39. Not Used

Resident Care

F. Care

40. Accident or injury of unknown origin, falls, improper handling



41. Failure to respond to requests for assistance



42. Care plan/resident assessment - inadequate, failure to follow plan or physician orders (put lack of resident/surrogate involvement under D.30)



43. Contracture



44. Medications - administration, organization



45. Personal hygiene (includes nail care & oral hygiene) and adequacy of dressing & grooming



46. Physician services, including podiatrist



47. Pressure sores, not turned



48. Symptoms unattended, including pain, pain not managed, no notice to others of changes in condition



49. Toileting, incontinent care



50. Tubes - neglect of catheter, gastric, NG tube (use D.28 for inappropriate/forced use)



51. Wandering, failure to accommodate/monitor exit seeking behavior



52. Not Used

G. Rehabilitation or Maintenance of Function

53. Assistive devices or equipment



54. Bowel and bladder training



55. Dental services



56. Mental health, psychosocial services



57. Range of motion/ambulation



Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

58. Therapies — physical, occupational, speech




B&C, ALF, RCF. Similar


59. Vision and hearing



60. Not Used

H. Restraints - Chemical and Physical

61. Physical restraint - assessment, use, monitoring



62. Psychoactive drugs - assessment, use, evaluation



63. Not Used

Quality of Life

I. Activities and Social Services

64. Activities - choice and appropriateness



65. Community interaction, transportation



66. Resident conflict, including roommates



67. Social services - availability/appropriateness/ (use G.56 for mental health, psychosocial counseling/service)



68. Not Used

J. Dietary

69. Assistance in eating or assistive devices



70. Fluid availability/hydration



71. Food service - quantity, quality, variation, choice, condiments, utensils, menu



72. Snacks, time span between meals, late/missed meals



73. Temperature



74. Therapeutic diet



75. Weight loss due to inadequate nutrition



76. Not Used

Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

K. Environment



B&C, ALF, RCF. similar

77. Air/environment: temperature and quality (heating, cooling, ventilation, water,noise)



78. Cleanliness, pests, general housekeeping



79. Equipment/building - disrepair, hazard, poor lighting, fire safety, not secure



80. Furnishings, storage for residents



81. Infection control



82. Laundry — lost, condition



83. Odors



84. Space for activities, dining



85. Supplies and linens



86. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility




L. Policies, Procedures, Attitudes, Resources (See other complaint headings, of above, for policies on advance directives, due process, billing, management residents' funds)

87. Abuse investigation/reporting, including failure to report



88. Administrator(s) unresponsive, unavailable



89. Grievance procedure (use C for transfer, discharge appeals)



90. Inappropriate or illegal policies, practices, record-keeping



91. Insufficient funds to operate



92. Operator inadequately trained



93. Offering inappropriate level of care (for B&C/similar)



94. Resident or family council/committee interfered with, not supported



95. Not Used

M. Staffing

96. Communication, language barrier (use D.29 if problem involves resident inability to communicate)



97. Shortage of staff



Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

98. Staff training



B&C, ALF, RCF. similar

99. Staff turn-over, over-use of nursing pools



100. Staff unresponsive, unavailable



101. Supervision



102. Eating Assistants



Not Against Facility

N. Certification/Licensing Agency

103. Access to information (including survey)



104. Complaint, response to



105. Decertification/closure



106. Sanction, including Intermediate



107. Survey process



108. Survey process - Ombudsman participation



109. Transfer or eviction hearing



110. Not Used

O. State Medicaid Agency

111. Access to information, application



112. Denial of eligibility



113. Non-covered services



114. Personal Needs Allowance



115. Services



116. Not Used

P. System/Others

117. Abuse/neglect/abandonment by family member/friend/guardian or, while on visit out of facility, any other person



118. Bed shortage - placement



Part I, Types of Complaints, cont.

119. Facilities operating without a license




B&C, ALF, RCF. Similar


120. Family conflict; interference



121. Financial exploitation or neglect by family or other not affiliated with facility



122. Legal - guardianship, conservatorship, power of attorney, wills



123. Medicare



124. Mental health, developmental disabilities, including PASRR



125. Problems with resident's physician/assistant



126. Protective Service Agency



127. SSA, SSI, VA, Other Benefits/Agencies



128. Request for less restrictive placement



Total, categories A through P



Q. Complaints About Services in Settings Other Than Long-Term Care Facilities or By Outside Provider in Long-Term Care Facilities (see instructions)

129. Home care


130. Hospital or hospice


131. Public or other congregate housing not providing personal care


132. Services from outside provider (see instructions)


133. Not Used

Total, Heading Q.


Total Complaints*


*(Add total of nursing facility complaints; B&C, ALF, RCF, similar complaints and complaints in Q, above. Place this number in Part I, C on page 1.)

E. Action on Complaints: Provide for cases closed during the reporting period the total number of complaints, by type of facility or other setting, for each item listed below.

Nursing Facility

B&C, ALF, RCF, similar

Other Settings

1. Complaints which were verified




Verified: It is determined after work [interviews, record inspection, observation, etc.] that the circumstances described in the complaint are generally accurate.

2. Disposition: Provide for all complaints reported in C and D, whether verified or not, the number:

a. For which government policy or regulatory change or legislative action is required to resolve (this may be addressed in the issues section)




b. Which were not resolved* to satisfaction of resident or complainant




  1. Which were withdrawn by the resident or complainant

or resident died before final outcome of complaint investigation




d. Which were referred to other agency for resolution and:

1) report of final disposition was not obtained




  1. other agency failed to act on complaint

  2. agency did not substantiate complaint







e. For which no action was needed or appropriate




f. Which were partially resolved* but some problem remained




g. Which were resolved* to the satisfaction of resident or complainant




Total, by type of facility or setting




Grand Total (Same number as that for total complaints on pages 1 and 7)


*Resolved: The complaint/problem was addressed to the satisfaction of the resident or complainant.

3. Legal Assistance/Remedies (Optional) - For each type of facility, list the number of legal assistance remedies for each of the following categories that were used in helping to resolve a complaint: a) legal consultation was needed and/or used; b) regulatory endorsement action was needed and/or used; c) an administrative appeal or adjudication was needed and/or used; and d) civil legal action was needed and/or used.

F. Complaint Description (Optional): Provide in the space indicated a concise description of the most interesting and/or significant individual complaint your program handled during the reporting period. State the problem, how the problem was resolved and the outcome.

Part II — Major Long-Term Care Issues

A. Describe the priority long-term care issues which your program identified and/or worked on during the reporting period. For each issue, briefly state: a) the problem and barriers to resolution, and b) recommendations for system-wide changes needed to resolve the issue, or how the issue was resolved in your State. Examples of major long-term care issues may include facility closures, planning for alternatives to institutional care, transition of residents to less restrictive settings, etc.

Note: Do not use attachments when entering this material on the data input program provided for the report — the material will be lost. Enter the material in the box provided for this purpose in the data input program.

Part III - Program Information and Activities

A. Facilities and Beds:

1. How many nursing facilities are licensed in your State? ________

2. How many beds are there in these facilities? ________

3. Provide the type-name(s) and definition(s) of the types of board and care, assisted living, residential care facilities and any other similar adult care home for which your ombudsman program provides services, as authorized under Section 102(18) and (32), 711(6) and 712(a)(3)(A)(i) of the Older Americans Act. If no change from previous year, type “no change” at space indicated.

a) How many of the board and care and similar adult care facilities described above are regulated in your State? ________

b) How many beds are there in these facilities? ______________

B. Program Coverage

Statewide Coverage means that residents of both nursing homes and board and care homes (and similar adult care facilities) and their friends and families throughout the state have access to knowledge of the ombudsman program, how to contact it, complaints received from any part of the State are investigated and documented, and steps are taken to resolve problems in a timely manner, in accordance with federal and state requirements.

B.1. Designated Local Entities

Provide for each type of host organization the number of local or regional ombudsman entities (programs) designated by the State Ombudsman to participate in the statewide ombudsman program that are geographically located outside of the State Office:

Local entities hosted by:

Area agency on aging ____________

Other local government entity ____________

Legal services provider ____________

Social services non-profit agency ____________

Free-standing ombudsman program ____________

Regional office of State ombudsman program ____________

Other; specify: ____________

Total Designated Local Ombudsman Entities ____________

B.2 Staff and Volunteers

Provide numbers of staff and volunteers, as requested, at state and local levels.

Type of Staff


State Office

Local Programs

Paid program staff


Number people working full-time on ombudsman program

Paid clerical staff


Volunteer ombudsmen certified to address complaints at close of reporting period.

Number volunteers

Number of Volunteer hours donated

Total number of hours donated by certified volunteer Ombudsman

Other volunteers (i.e., not certified) at close of reporting period.

Number of volunteers

Certified Volunteer: An individual who has completed a training course prescribed by the State Ombudsman and is approved by the State Ombudsman to participate in the statewide Ombudsman Program.

B.3 Organizational Conflict of Interest

Provide a description of any organizational conflicts of interest identified and steps taken by the State agency and the Ombudsman to remedy or remove identified conflicts; indicate (a) the type of conflict as described in 45 CFR §1324.21 and Section 712 (f) (2) of the Older Americans Act; or a brief description of other conflicts of interest that may impact the effectiveness and credibility of the work of the Office (b) indicate if the conflict was at the State Office or at a local Ombudsman entity or both (c) provide a description of steps taken to remedy or remove each conflict of interest. If no conflicts were identified among the state Office or local Ombudsman entities, where applicable, write that none were identified.

Location of Conflict

Identified at: State Office Local Entity Both

For subsequent reporting years: I certify that I have reviewed the organization conflicts of interest in my state Ombudsman program and report no changes in organization conflicts or the remedies previously implemented.

C. Program Funding

Provide the amount of funds expended during the fiscal year from each source for your statewide program:

Federal - Older Americans Act (OAA) Title VII, Chapter 2, Ombudsman $______________

Federal - Older Americans Act (OAA) Title VII, Chapter 3, Elder Abuse Prevention $______________

Federal - OAA Title III provided at State level $______________

Federal - OAA Title III provided at AAA level $______________

Other Federal; specify: $______________

State funds $______________

Local; specify: $______________

Total Program Funding $______________

D Other Ombudsman Activities

Provide below and on the next page information on ombudsman program activities other than work on complaints.

Activity 1: Training for ombudsman staff and volunteers




Number sessions

Number hours

Total number of trainees that attended any of the training sessions above (duplicated count)

3 most frequent topics for training

Activity 2: Technical assistance to local ombudsmen and/or volunteers




Estimated percentage of total staff time

3. Training for facility staff




Number sessions

3 most frequent topics for training

4. Consultation to facilities

(Consultation: providing information and technical assistance, often by telephone)




3 most frequent topics for training

Number of consultations

5. Information and consultation to individuals (usually by telephone)




3 most frequent requests/needs

Number of consultations

6. Facility Coverage (other than in response to complaint)




Number Nursing Facilities visited


Number Board and Care (or similar) facilities visited (unduplicated)

7. Participation in Facility Surveys




Number of surveys

8. Work with resident councils




Number of meetings attended

9. Work with family councils




Number of meetings attended

10. Community Education




Number of sessions

11. Work with media




3 most frequent topics

Number of interviews/discussions

Number of press releases

12. Monitoring/work on laws, regulations, government policies and actions




Estimated percentage of total paid staff time (Note: the total of the percentage at each level in this item and item 2 should not add to more than 100 %.)

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleState Annual Ombudsman Report to the Administration on Aging
AuthorAdministration on Aging
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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