Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2014-2018)


OMB: 0970-0151

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Appendix L


Revised for Spring 2016 Instruments


When developing the AI/AN FACES fall 2015 instruments, the AI/AN FACES Workgroup reviewed all Core FACES fall 2014 and spring 2015 measures and survey items—parent survey, direct child assessment, Teacher Child Report, center director survey, program director survey, and teacher survey. Recommendations were made about whether to retain measures or items as-is; adapt, drop or add items to get at relevant constructs that were missing. Included in this appendix is a table indicating any Core FACES items that were adapted or dropped for the AI/AN FACES instruments, or any new items added.

Table L1. Comparison of Core FACES and AI/AN FACES Instruments


Item numbera

Item (where available)


(if modified)


Teacher Child Report


Child Assessment

Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders (HTKS) Task

Executive Function


Second measure (McClelland et al. 2014; Ponitz et al. 2009) being added for 4-year-olds; to assess third dimension of cognitive flexibility

AI/AN FACES Workgroup interest in assessing multiple dimensions of self-regulation. Informative for future FACES.

Child Assessment

Assessor Ratings

Assessment Context


Follow-up questions to the Leiter Examiner Ratings developed by study design team for assessor on context of child behavior during assessment

AI/AN FACES Workgroup raised concerns about the application of behavior ratings (Leiter Examiner Ratings) for AI/AN children. Recommended additional items on appropriateness or difficulty to apply these ratings to obtain information for interpretation of findings.

Parent Survey


Which one of these best describes [CHILD]’s Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin?

  1. Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,

  2. Puerto Rican,

  3. Cuban, or

  4. Some other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino group? (Specify)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Dropping follow-up item to whether child is Hispanic/Latino (A3). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see A5a). Very few children in tribal programs are Hispanic, so this level of detail is not warranted.

Parent Survey


What is [CHILD]’s race? You may enter more than one if you like.

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

  6. Another race (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see A5a below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards.

Parent Survey


Is [CHILD] currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

  1. Yes, enrolled

  2. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

  3. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Parent Survey


Please enter the country [CHILD] was born in. / Please tell me what country [CHILD] was born in.

  1. USA

  2. Canada

  3. Mexico

  4. Another country (Specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Removed category options other than USA and Mexico

  • Added Canada

Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Parent Survey


How many years has [CHILD] lived in the United States?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, AI/AN FACES Workgroup did not prioritize given that most children are born in the U.S.

Parent Survey


How long was (he/she) in Early Head Start?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, not prioritized beyond existing item (A8) on Early Head Start attendance. Prior FACES analyses and key indicators have not reported this item.

Parent Survey


Is there anyone else in your household? Have we missed anyone who usually lives here who is temporarily away from home for work or military duty or living in a dorm at school, or any babies or small children?

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added second question to clarify temporarily away members should be included.

AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important distinction for this population given that child’s parents may be away for school or military duty.

Parent Survey



  1. married,

  2. in a registered domestic partnership or civil union,

  3. divorced,

  4. separated,

  5. not married, or

  6. living with a partner in a committed relationship?

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category 6.

AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified cohabitation as important category for this population.

Parent Survey


The next questions are about you and [CHILD] at home.

How many times have you or someone in your family read to [CHILD] in the past week?

Note: By family, we mean the people living together in your household.

Would you say…

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added “Note:” text clarifying definition of family.

AI/AN FACES Workgroup recommended this change because this population often has a broad definition of family to include community members and relatives living a long distance away. The original item intention was to focus on household family members.

Parent Survey


On the days someone reads to [CHILD], about how many minutes per day is (she/he) read to?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped. Past analysis and key indicator reporting have focused on frequency in past week (item D1).

Parent Survey


In the past week, have you or someone in your family done the following things with [CHILD]?

The following activities can be done in your native language or in English.

a. Told [him/her/him or her] a story?

b. Taught [him/her/him or her] letters, words, or numbers?

c. Taught [him/her/him or her] songs or music, including traditional or ceremonial songs?

d. Worked on arts and crafts (such as painting or jewelry making) with [him/her/him or her]?

e. Played with toys or games indoors?

f. Danced, played a game, sport, or exercised together?

g. Took [him/her/him or her] along while doing errands like going to the post office, store, tribal center or office, doctor, or to check on elderly family members?

h. Involved [him/her/him or her] in household chores like cooking, cleaning or picking up after him/herself, setting the table, caring for animals such as pets or livestock or helping with planting or chopping wood?

i. Talked about what happened in Head Start?

j. Talked about TV programs or videos?

k. Played counting games like singing songs with numbers or reading books with numbers with [him/her/him or her]?

l. Played a board game or a card game with [him/her/him or her]?

m. Played with blocks with [him/her/him or her]?

n. Counted different things with [him/her/him or her], like twigs, stones, grapes, or stars?

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

1. Added note to clarify language of activities (English or native).

2. Adapted sub-item text for c., d., f., g., h., or n on the specific examples.

AI/AN FACES Workgroup provided examples culturally appropriate for children and families in this population.

Parent Survey


How many times have you or someone in your family told stories to [CHILD] in the past week? Would you say…

  1. once or twice,

  2. three or more times, but not every day, or

  3. every day?


AI/AN FACES Workgroup requested that frequency of storytelling be added given its prominence in tribal culture.

Parent Survey


In the past month, has [CHILD] done the following with someone in your community (outside of your family)?

  1. Listened to Elders tell stories?

  2. Participated in traditional ways, including carving, harvesting, collecting, hunting, and fishing?

  3. Danced, sang, or drummed at a pow-wow or other community cultural activity?

  4. Worked on traditional arts and crafts, such as beading, blanket-weaving, or making jewelry, a basket, a painting, or pow-wow regalia?

  5. Participated in traditional ceremonies?

  6. Played American Indian or Alaskan Native games?


Cultural activities outside of the home setting were prioritized by the AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Parent Survey


What other languages are spoken in your home?

  1. [FILL/Your tribal language]

  2. Languages of other tribes

  3. French

  4. Spanish

  5. Another language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added fill for tribal language

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Parent Survey


What language do you usually speak to [CHILD] at home?

  1. English

  2. Native American or Alaskan language

  3. French

  4. Spanish

  5. Another language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response option 2 for tribal language

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Parent Survey


Please indicate how often you did each of the things below in the past month.

a. I spoke our tribal language with my child[ren].

b. I made sure my child[ren] heard our tribal language spoken by others.

c. I encouraged my child[ren] to learn our tribal language (for example, take classes in school).

d. I used our tribal language in prayers or songs with my child[ren].

e. I used our tribal language in everyday life with my child[ren].

f. I spoke our tribal language with other adults when my [child was/children were] around.


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding tribal language revitalization. Scale obtained from workgroup member.

Parent Survey


How important is it for you that you child(ren) learns your tribal language?

  1. Very important

  2. Somewhat important

  3. Not at all important


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding tribal language revitalization. Scale obtained from workgroup member.

Parent Survey


What languages are spoken at your child’s Head Start center?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup members.

Parent Survey


If you read to [CHILD], what language do you usually use?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, not prioritized beyond existing items on languages in the household and used with child (D10).

Parent Survey


How often is there someone in [CHILD]’s Head Start classroom available to talk to [him/her/him or her] in [FILL FROM D8]? Would you say…

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Parent Survey (Spring)


We are interested in how much time [CHILD] spends doing activities. About how much time does [CHILD] spend doing each of the activities below on a typical weekday? Would you say more than 2 hours, 1 to 2 hours, less than one hour, or [he/she/he or she] never spends time on that on a typical weekday?

  1. Watching programs on TV

  2. Watching a video or DVD on the TV or computer/laptop/iPad/tablet

  3. Playing video games like X-Box, PlayStation, Wii or GameBoy

  4. Using a computer/laptop, Smartphone, iPad, or other tablet for playing games

  5. Using a computer/laptop, Smartphone, iPad, or other tablet for something other than videos or games

Modified previous FACES 2009 item

  • Removed ‘playing outside’ and ‘playing inside with games or toys’ subitem

  • Added ‘iPad/tablet’ to device options

Modified to focus on screentime with relevant device options.

Parent Survey


About how many nights in the last week (Sunday to Saturday) would you say [CHILD] brushed (his/her/his or her) teeth before bed?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Parent Survey


There are many reasons for children not living with their parents. Please select why [CHILD] is not living with [her/his/his or her] mother.

Select all that apply

  1. [Her/His/His or her] mother is deceased.

  2. [Her/His/His or her] mother did not have enough money to raise [her/him/him or her].

  3. [Her/His/His or her] mother got too sick to take care of [her/him/him or her].

  4. [Her/His/His or her] mother had a drinking problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  5. [Her/His/His or her] mother had a drug problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  6. [Her/His/His or her] mother is in a residential treatment program for substance abuse and could not bring [her/him/him or her].

  7. [Her/His/His or her] mother had a mental or emotional problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  8. [Her/His/His or her] mother was in trouble with the law or had to go to jail.

  9. [She/He/He or she] was neglected or abused while living with [her/his/his or her] mother.

  10. Someone at the child welfare office said [she/he/he or she] could not live with (his/her) mother any more.

  11. [Her/His/His or her] family is homeless.

  12. [Her/His/His or her] parents are divorced/separated.

  13. Something else (SPECIFY)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Revised response options to replace child’s name fill with generic [He/She/He or she] fill.

Revised response options to ensure consistency in language use.

Parent Survey


Did [CHILD]’s mother ever live in the same household with [CHILD]?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, AI/AN FACES Workgroup chose not to ask this question. Existing items on whether mother is currently living in the household (Section B) and contact with nonresident mother (J35) were deemed to be adequate.

Parent Survey


Is there anyone else who is like a mother to [CHILD]?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Parent Survey


Who is this person? Is she…

  1. you,

  2. your spouse or partner,

  3. a relative of [CHILD],

  4. a friend of the family,

  5. or someone else (SPECIFY)?

Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified

Added response option 5.

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Modified to allow respondents to clarify another type of relationship if needed.

Parent Survey


Which one of these best describe(s/d) (your/her) Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin? Would you say . . .

  1. Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,

  2. Puerto Rican,

  3. Cuban, or

  4. Some other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino group? (Specify)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Dropping follow-up item to whether mother is Hispanic/Latino (J10). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see J12a). Few individuals in tribal programs are Hispanic, so that this level of detail is not warranted.

Parent Survey


What [is/was] [your/her] race? You may choose more than one if you like.

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

  6. Another race (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see J12 below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards.

Parent Survey


[Are you currently/Is she currently/Was she] enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

  1. Yes, enrolled

  2. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

  3. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Parent Survey


In what country [were you/was she] born?

  1. USA

  2. Canada

  3. Mexico

  4. Another country (Specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Removed category options other than USA and Mexico

  • Added Canada

Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Parent Survey


The next questions are about [CHILD]’s biological parents...

Are they…

  1. married,

  2. in a registered domestic partnership or civil union,

  3. divorced,

  4. separated,

  5. not married, or

  6. living with a partner in a committed relationship?

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response option 6.

AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified cohabitation as important category for this population.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is she) now attending or enrolled in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest?

Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is she) currently taking courses full-time or part-time?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is she) currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey (Spring)


(Have you/Has she) received a certificate, diploma, or degree {(IF NO PREVIOUS INTERVIEW) in the last 12 months/(ELSE) since [MONTH AND YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW]}?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey (Spring)


What kind of certificate, diploma, or degree (did you/did she) receive?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey


Now I have some questions about how far away {CHILD}'s mother lives and the amount of contact she has with {him/her}.

How many minutes away does {CHILD}'s mother live from {him/her}?

  1. 10 minutes or less

  2. 11 to 30 minutes

  3. 31 to 59 minutes

  4. 1 to 2 hours

  5. More than 2 hours


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


How long has it been since she last saw {CHILD}?

[Text fill – Enter number and unit]


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


In the last 3 months, that is since {TIME FRAME}, on how many days has {CHILD}’s mother seen {him/her}?

Your best guess is fine.

[Text fill – Enter number of days]


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Why hasn't she seen {CHILD} {more recently}? Is it because...

  1. You do not want her to see [CHILD],

  2. She does not want to see [CHILD], or

  3. She has been unable to see [CHILD]?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Why has she been unable to see {CHILD}? Is it because.…

  1. She lives too far away,

  2. She is sick or disabled,

  3. She is in the military,

  4. She is in jail or prison, or

  5. Some other reason? (SPECIFY)


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


In the last 3 months, how often have you been in touch with {CHILD}’s mother, either by phone, letter, or other means? Is it…

  1. Every day or almost every day,

  2. Several times a week,

  3. About once a week,

  4. Two or three times a month,

  5. About once a month, or

  6. Less often?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Mothers who do not live with their children sometimes help out with them in other ways. Please tell me whether {CHILD}'s mother has done these things often, sometimes, or never. How often has she done any of the following for {CHILD}?

a. Bought clothes, toys, or presents for {CHILD}?

b. Paid for {CHILD}'s medical insurance, doctor bills, or medicines?

c. Helped pay for {CHILD}’s child care expenses?

d. Given you extra money to help out, not including child support?

Often; sometimes; never.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Thinking about child support, do you have a legal agreement, an informal agreement, or no arrangement at all with {CHILD}'s mother?

  1. Legal

  2. Informal

  3. No arrangement


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Do you receive child support from the mother on a regular basis?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Do you receive financial support from the mother’s family?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement with cultural understanding of extended family’s role.

Parent Survey


There are many reasons for children not living with their fathers. Please enter why [CHILD] is not living with [her/his/his or her] father.

Select all that apply

  1. [Her/His/His or her] father is deceased.

  2. [Her/His/His or her] father did not have enough money to raise [her/him/him or her].

  3. [Her/His/His or her] father got too sick to take care of [her/him/him or her].

  4. [Her/His/His or her] father had a drinking problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  5. [Her/His/His or her] father had a drug problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  6. [Her/His/His or her] father is in a residential treatment program for substance abuse and could not bring [her/him/him or her].

  7. [Her/His/His or her] father had a mental or emotional problem and could not take care of [her/him/him or her].

  8. [Her/His/His or her] father was in trouble with the law or had to go to jail.

  9. [He/She/He or she] was neglected or abused while living with [her/his/his or her] father.

  10. Someone at the child welfare office said [he/she/he or she] could not live with [his/her/his or her] father any more.

  11. [Her/His/His or her] family is homeless.

  12. [Her/His/His or her] parents are divorced/separated.

  13. Father left/did not want child.

  14. Something else (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Revised response options to replace child’s name fill with generic [He/She/He or she] fill.

Revised response options to ensure consistency in language use.

Parent Survey


What [is/was] [your/his] race? You may choose more than one if you like.

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

  6. Another race (specify)

Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see K12b below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards.

Parent Survey


[Are you currently/Is he currently/Was he] enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

  1. Yes, enrolled

  2. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

  3. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Parent Survey


In what country [were you/was he] born?

  1. USA

  2. Canada

  3. Mexico

  4. Another country (Specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Removed category options other than USA and Mexico

  • Added Canada

Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is he) now attending or enrolled in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest?

Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is he) currently taking courses full-time or part-time?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


(Are you/Is he) currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common thant particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey (Spring)


(Have you/Has he) received a certificate, diploma, or degree {(IF NO PREVIOUS INTERVIEW) in the last 12 months/(ELSE) since [MONTH AND YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW]}?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey (Spring)


What kind of certificate, diploma, or degree (did you/did he) receive?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey


Now I have some questions about how far away {CHILD}'s father lives and the amount of contact he has with {him/her}.

How many minutes away does {CHILD}'s father live from {him/her}?

  1. 10 minutes or less

  2. 11 to 30 minutes

  3. 31 to 59 minutes

  4. 1 to 2 hours

  5. More than 2 hours


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


How long has it been since he last saw {CHILD}?

[Text fill – Enter number and unit]


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


In the last 3 months, that is since {TIME FRAME}, on how many days has {CHILD}’s father seen {him/her}?

[Text fill – Enter number of days]


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Why hasn't he seen {CHILD} {more recently}? Is it because...

  1. You do not want him to see [CHILD],

  2. He does not want to see [CHILD], or

  3. He has been unable to see [CHILD]?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Why has he been unable to see {CHILD}? Is it because.…

  1. He lives too far away,

  2. He is sick or disabled,

  3. He is in the military,

  4. He is in jail or prison, or

  5. Some other reason? (SPECIFY)


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


In the last 3 months, how often have you been in touch with {CHILD}’s father, either by phone, letter, or other means? Is it…

  1. Every day or almost every day,

  2. Several times a week,

  3. About once a week,

  4. Two or three times a month,

  5. About once a month, or

  6. Less often?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Fathers who do not live with their children sometimes help out with them in other ways. Please tell me whether {CHILD}'s father has done these things often, sometimes, or never. How often has he done any of the following for {CHILD}?

  1. Bought clothes, toys, or presents for {CHILD}?

  2. Paid for {CHILD}'s medical insurance, doctor bills, or medicines?

  3. Helped pay for {CHILD}’s child care expenses?

  4. Given you extra money to help out, not including child support?

Often; sometimes; never.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Thinking about child support, do you have a legal agreement, an informal agreement, or no arrangement at all with {CHILD}'s father?

  1. Legal

  2. Informal

  3. No arrangement


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Do you receive child support from the father on a regular basis?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement.

Parent Survey


Do you receive financial support from the father’s family?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement with cultural understanding of extended family’s role.

Parent Survey


What is your race? You may chose more than one if you like.

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

  6. Another race (specify)

Added previous FACES 2009 item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see L12b below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards.

Parent Survey


Are you currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

  1. Yes, enrolled

  2. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

  3. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Parent Survey


In what country were you born?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, item not prioritized for a non-biological parent.

Parent Survey


How many years have you lived in the United States?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities, item not prioritized for a non-biological parent.

Parent Survey


(Are you now attending or enrolled) in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest?

Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


Are you currently taking courses full-time or part-time?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey


Are you currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Have you received a certificate, diploma, or degree {(IF NO PREVIOUS INTERVIEW) in the last 12 months/(ELSE) since [MONTH AND YEAR OF LAST INTERVIEW]}?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey (Spring)


What kind of certificate, diploma, or degree did you receive?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture educational attainment and certifications which may have occurred since the Fall Interview.

Parent Survey


In the last 12 months, what was the total income of all members of your household from all sources before taxes and other deductions? Please include your own income and the income of everyone living with you. Please include money from jobs and public assistance programs, as well as any other sources, such as rental income, interest, dividends, and tribal subsidies or per capita distributions.

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added examples of income from tribal subsidies and per capita distributions.

Indicated as a potential source of income by AI/AN FACES Workgroup.

Parent Survey


Do you currently own your home or apartment, pay rent, or live in public or subsidized housing?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding the housing needs, which is critical for this population.

Parent Survey


How often are these statements true about your housing?

    1. Just the right size

    2. Crowded

    3. Needs major repairs

    4. Old and aged

    5. Kept in good condition

Never true; sometimes true; often true; always true.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding housing needs, which is critical for this population.

Parent Survey


Does your home have adequate…

a. Plumbing?

b. Heating?

c. Insulation?

d. Water?

Yes; no; does not apply – I don’t have this.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding housing needs, which is critical for this population.

Parent Survey


Where does [CHILD] usually go if [she/he/he or she] is sick or you have concerns about [his/her/his or her] health?

  1. A private doctor, private clinic, or HMO

  2. An outpatient clinic run by a hospital

  3. The emergency room at a hospital

  4. Public health department or community health center

  5. A migrant health clinic

  6. The Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital

  7. Someplace else (Specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added “Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital”

Tailored response options to suit respondent population services.

Parent Survey


Where does [CHILD] go for routine medical care, like well-child care or regular check-ups?

  1. Doesn’t get preventive care/There is no regular place

  2. A private doctor, private clinic, or HMO

  3. An outpatient clinic run by a hospital

  4. The emergency room at a hospital

  5. Public health department or community health center

  6. A migrant health clinic

  7. The Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital

  8. Someplace else (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added “Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital”

Tailored response options to suit respondent population services.

Parent Survey


When was the last time [CHILD] saw a doctor for a regular checkup? Was it . . .

  1. 6 months ago or less,

  2. more than 6 months ago, but not more than 1 year ago,

  3. more than 1 year ago, but not more than 2 years ago,

  4. more than 2 years ago, or

  5. never?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met.

Parent Survey


What were the reasons that [CHILD] has not seen the doctor for a regular checkup recently?

Select all that apply.

  1. Could not afford the cost

  2. Did not want to spend the money

  3. Insurance did not cover

  4. Doctor’s office is too far away

  5. Doctor’s office is not open at convenient times

  6. Another doctor recommended not doing it

  7. Afraid of or do not like doctors

  8. Unable to take time off from work

  9. Too busy

  10. I did not think anything serious was wrong

  11. Other reason (specify)


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met.

Parent Survey


When was the last time [CHILD] saw a dentist for a regular checkup? Was it . . .

  1. 6 months ago or less,

  2. more than 6 months ago, but not more than 1 year ago,

  3. more than 1 year ago, but not more than 2 years ago,

  4. more than 2 years ago, or

  5. never?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met.

Parent Survey


What were the reasons that [CHILD] could not get the dental care [he/she/he or she] needed?

Select all that apply.

  1. Could not afford the cost

  2. Did not want to spend the money

  3. Insurance did not cover

  4. Dental office is too far away

  5. Dental office is not open at convenient times

  6. Another dentist recommended not doing it

  7. Afraid of or do not like dentists

  8. Unable to take time off from work

  9. Too busy

  10. I did not think anything serious was wrong

  11. Other reason (specify)


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Has anyone ever suggested that you get [CHILD] evaluated for a possible special condition or need?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to assess special needs.

Parent Survey (Spring)


What special condition or need?

  1. Behavior problem

  2. Emotional problem

  3. Attention problem

  4. Developmental delay

  5. Problem with use of arms or legs

  6. Speech problem

  7. Hearing problem

  8. Vision problem

  9. Something else (specify)

Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified

Removed “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” option

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to assess special needs. “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” was determined to be too specific for the other options listed.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Did you get [CHILD] evaluated for a possible special condition or need?


Streamlined FACES 2009 series to capture evaluation related to any need (not separately for specific special needs).

Parent Survey (Spring)


Did you obtain a diagnosis?


Streamlined FACES 2009 series to capture evaluation related to any need (not separately for specific special needs).

Parent Survey (Spring)


What was the diagnosis for [CHILD]’s special condition or need?


Streamlined FACES 2009 series to capture evaluation related to any need (not separately for specific special needs).

Parent Survey (Spring)


First are questions about smoking. In the last 30 days, did you smoke tobacco such as cigarettes or cigars? Please do NOT included ceremonial smoking.

Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified

Included note about ceremonial smoking.

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to smoking in the home, but ceremonial smoking should be excluded.

Parent Survey (Spring)


How many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes do you smoke on an average day?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to smoking in the home.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Do you or other household members smoke anywhere inside the home?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to smoking in the home.

Parent Survey (Spring)


During the last 30 days, how often, if ever, did you drink alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine or liquor? Would you say…

  1. Less than once a week,

  2. 1 or 2 days per week,

  3. 3 or 4 days per week,

  4. 5 or 6 days per week,

  5. Every day, or

  6. Never?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand respondent’s alcohol use.

Parent Survey (Spring)


On the days that you drank alcoholic beverages (including beer, wine, and liquor) in the last 30 days, how many drinks did you usually have?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand respondent’s alcohol use.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the last 30 days, how many times did you drink {four/five} or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand respondent’s alcohol use, and in this item, binge drinking.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Is there [anyone/anyone else] in your household who drinks alcohol?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to alcohol use.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Is there anyone in your household who uses drugs or medicines without a doctor’s prescription?

Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified

Added “medicines without a doctor’s prescription.”

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to a household members use of drugs.

Parent Survey (Spring)


During the LAST 30 DAYS have you used any medicines, like painkillers, stimulants, sedatives or tranquilizers, without a doctor’s prescription, in greater amounts, or longer than prescribed?


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand respondent’s drug use.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the past 30 days, have you used drugs? Please include marijuana and inhalants.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand respondent’s drug use.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Have you ever been hit, kicked, punched, or otherwise hurt by someone within the past year?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


How were they related to you?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the past year, has [CHILD] ever been a witness to a violent crime?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the past year, has [CHILD] ever been a witness to domestic violence?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the past year, has [CHILD] ever been the victim of a violent crime?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


In the past year, has [CHILD] ever been the victim of domestic violence?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand the prevalence of violence.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Since [CHILD] was born, have you, another household member, [or has [CHILD]’s mother] [or has [CHILD]’s father[ been arrested or charged with any crime by the police?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to crime.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Did anyone spend time in jail because of this?

Added previous FACES 2009 item

Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand child’s exposure to crime.

Parent Survey (Spring)


The next questions are about your community, neighborhood, or area where you live. For each statement, indicate how much you agree or disagree.

  1. People around here are willing to help their neighbors.

  2. The place where I live is too noisy or too polluted.

  3. Roads in my community are often difficult or impossible to drive on.

  4. I have to go too far to get things done, like shopping, banking, buying gas, or going to school or work.


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand community context.

Parent Survey (Spring)


The next questions are about problems you might see in the community, neighborhood, or area where you live. For each, indicate if you think it is not a problem, somewhat of a problem, or a big problem.

  1. Run-down houses or abandoned cars

  2. Crime

  3. Police not being available

  4. Public drunkenness/people being high or stoned in public

  5. Broken homes and family breakups

  6. Physical violence, abuse, and neglect

  7. Alcohol and/or drug abuse

  8. Not enough good housing

  9. Not enough jobs in the community


Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand community context.

Parent Survey (Spring)


For the next questions, think about your tribal group and check the box that best describes how much you agree or disagree with each sentence.

  1. Being a part of my tribe or cultural group is important to me.

  2. I think a lot about how my life has been affected by me being an American Indian / Alaska Native.

  3. I have a lot of pride in my tribe or cultural group.

  4. I speak or am learning to speak my tribal or cultural language.

  5. I follow religious or spiritual beliefs that are based on traditional cultural beliefs.

  6. I listen to, sing, or dance to traditional tribal music.

  7. I have a strong sense of belonging to my own tribe or cultural group.

  8. I have often talked to other people to learn about my tribe or culture.

  9. I feel good about my cultural and tribal background.


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding cultural practices. Scale obtained from workgroup member.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Please indicate how often you did each of the things below in the past month.

  1. I told my [child/children] tribal stories.

  2. I took my [child/children] to tribal cultural events, like powwows or ceremonies.

  3. I made traditional tribal food for my [child/children].

  4. I listened to tribal music with my [child/children].

  5. I taught my [child/children] about tribal values and traditions.

  6. I don’t make a big deal about tribal ways with my [child/children].


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding cultural practices. Scale obtained from workgroup member.

Parent Survey (Spring)


Please indicate how often you did each of the things below in the past month.

  1. I told my [child/children] about the importance of family in tribal ways.

  2. I made sure my [child/children] spent time with family members, like grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

  3. I relied on family members (grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles) to help me parent my [child/children].

  4. I like to take care of my [child/children] myself, without a lot of other family getting involved.

  5. I made sure my [child/children] show respect for tribal elders.


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding cultural practices. Scale obtained from workgroup member.

Parent Survey (Spring)


How many relatives or in-laws live in your community?

  1. None

  2. 1 or 2

  3. 3-5

  4. 6-9

  5. 10 or more


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding social support in community.

Parent Survey (Spring)


How many friends do you have in your community?

  1. None

  2. 1 or 2

  3. 3-5

  4. 6-9

  5. 10 or more


AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding social support in community.

Center Director Survey


What are the start and end dates of the program year for children?


ACF interest in understanding operation dates for children, which may vary from program level reported in Program Information Report.

Center Director Survey


How many days a week is this program available to children?


ACF interest in understanding operation dates for children, which may vary from program level reported in Program Information Report.

Center Director Survey


How many hours a day is this program available to children?


ACF interest in understanding operation dates for children, which may vary from program level reported in Program Information Report.

Center Director Survey


Is this program considered a full-day program or half-day program?

1. Full-day

2. Half-day

3. A combination of both


ACF interest in understanding operation dates for children, which may vary from program level reported in Program Information Report.

Center Director Survey


Other than English, what languages are spoken by the children and families who are part of your center?

35. Tribal language(s) – Specify

12. Spanish

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category: “Tribal language(s) – Specify”

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Center Director Survey


Other than English, which of the languages that are spoken by the children and families in your center are also spoken by any lead teachers or assistant teachers in your center?

35. Tribal language(s) – Specify

12. Spanish

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category: “Tribal language(s) – Specify”

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Center Director Survey


How do you determine the language proficiency of bilingual lead teachers and assistant teachers in the language(s) other than English that they speak?

1. Give language proficiency tests?

2. Have other staff interview them in their language?

3. Request documentation for language courses they may have taken?

4. Do anything else?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Does your program have a cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


Who is your cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. A spiritual leader

2. An influential member of the tribe

3. A member of the tribal community

99. Other – Specify


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


Do children at your center receive heritage language lessons?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


What languages are they taught through heritage language lessons? Please list all tribal languages taught:


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


Who teaches the heritage language lessons?

1. Lead classroom teacher

2. Assistant classroom teacher

3. Paid aides

4. Cultural/language elder or specialist

99. Other – Specify


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


What percentage of center administrative staff and teachers are tribal members?


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Center Director Survey


Who generally participates in creating the training and technical assistance plan for your program?

1. Head Start program director/program management team

2. Individual center directors

3. Education managers/coordinators

4. Specialists/other coordinators

5. Individual teachers

99. Someone else? Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Programs can support teachers’ professional development in a lot of different ways. Does your center offer the following to teachers?

1. Regular meetings with teachers to talk with them about their work and progress

2. Support/funding to attend tribal, regional, state, or national early childhood conferences

3. Paid preparation/planning time

4. Mentoring or coaching

5. Workshops/trainings sponsored by the program

6. Support/funding to attend workshops/trainings provided by other organizations

7. Visits to other classrooms or centers

8. A community of learners, also called a professional learning community, facilitated by an expert

9. Incentives such as gift cards to encourage teachers to participate in professional development activities

11. Collaboration/joint trainings with other tribal services/offices (such as home visiting, the Department of Education and Early Education, or other early childhood services)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Changed question wording from “Does your program offer” to “Does your center offer”

  • Added “tribal” to response category 2

  • Added new response category 11

Tailored response options to this population.

Center Director Survey


Who conducts the training?

1. Center or grantee staff

2. Other community resources

3. Local consultants

4. State T/TA provider

8. Tribal T/TA provider

5. National Head Start Association

6. State, regional, or national conferences (for example NAEYC)

7. Private companies or organizations (for example, High Scope, Teaching Strategies, Teachstone)

9. Cultural/language elder or specialist

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added new response categories 8 and 9

Tailored response options to this population.

Center Director Survey


Has your center consulted with tribal T/TA specialists, either early childhood education (ECE) specialists or grantee specialists?

1. Yes

2. No


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about tribal T/TA specialists in this population.

Center Director Survey


Six National Centers provide Head Start grantees with information and resources from OHS across multiple service areas. Many of these resources are available through the online Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. How often have you or other staff in your program used resources provided by each of the below? Would you say never, rarely, sometimes, or often?

1. The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations?

2. The Early Head Start National Resource Center?

3. The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning?

4. The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement?

5. The National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness?

6. The National Center on Health?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Are your mentors or coaches…

a. More experienced teachers in your program?

b. Education coordinators?

c. Consultants hired by your program?

e. Cultural/language elders or specialists?

d. Someone else? Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category e

Tailored response options to this population.

Center Director Survey


Mentors and coaches have different approaches or ways of supporting teachers in improving their practice. What methods do mentors and coaches use when working with teachers in your center?

1. Discuss with teachers what they observe

2. Provide written feedback to teachers on what they observe

3. Have teachers watch a videotape of themselves teaching

4. Have teachers observe another teacher's classroom or watch a video of another teacher

5. Model teaching practices

6. Suggest trainings for teachers to attend

7. Provide trainings for teachers

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Do any of the mentors or coaches in your center also serve as teacher supervisors?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Do teachers in your center receive mentoring and coaching from the same person/people responsible for supervising them?

1. Yes, all teachers are mentored/coached by their own supervisor

2. Yes, some of the teachers are mentored/coached by their own supervisor

0. No, none of the teachers are mentored/coached by their own supervisor

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


How many hours of training or support related to curriculum are offered to the following staff in a typical year? If none, please record 0.

a. Lead teachers who are new to the center

b. Assistant teachers who are new to the center

c. Lead teachers who are NOT new

d. Assistant teachers who are NOT new

e. Mentors/coaches

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


How many hours of training or support related to your assessment tool(s) and ongoing child assessments are offered to the following staff in a typical year?

a. Lead teachers who are new to the center

b. Assistant teachers who are new to the center

c. Lead teachers who are NOT new

d. Assistant teachers who are NOT new

e. Mentors/coaches

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


We are also interested in learning how teachers’ input about their own professional development needs and interests is gathered. Please select the statement that best describes how teacher input is gathered in your center.

1. Very structured (the center or program has a protocol in place for systematically gathering teacher input on their needs and interests)

2. Somewhat structured (the center or program gathers teacher needs and interests, but supervisors, mentors, coaches, or others in charge of gathering the input follow their own procedures)

3. Naturalistic (teachers know they are able to share their needs and interests when and how they prefer to do so)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Please indicate whether you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, or strongly agree with the following items.

1. Very structured (the center or program has a protocol in for systematically gathering teacher input on their needs and interests)

2. Somewhat structured (the center or program gathers teacher needs and interests, but supervisors, mentors, coaches, or others in charge of gathering the input follow their own procedures)

3. Naturalistic (teachers know they are able to share their needs and interests when and how they prefer to do so)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


What curriculum/curricula do you use?

(Note: This is a follow-up question if center uses a parent education or parent support curriculum.)

1. Second Step

2. Parents as Teachers (PAT)

3. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)

4. 21st Century Exploring Parenting (Exploring Parenting)

5. Home Instruction for Parents Of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)

6. Growing Great Kids, Inc.

7. Positive Solutions for Families (Center on The Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning)

8. Second Time Around: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

9. Practical Parent Education

10. Improving Parent-Child Relationships

11. Parenting Now! Curriculum

12. Touchpoints

13. Positive Indian Parenting

14. Parents Reaching Out

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response categories 12, 13, and 14

Tailored response options to this population.

Center Director Survey


Now we would like to ask you about strategies your program or center might use to assess the English language abilities of children who are dual language learners. How often do you use any of the following strategies to assess their English language skills?

1. Teacher ratings based on observation

2. Testing with standardized tests or assessments

3. Parent reports

4. Something else? Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Does your center assess children’s abilities in their home language?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


You have a lot of different responsibilities as a program director, many of which you share with other program and center staff. Please indicate how much of your time is needed for each of the following responsibilities in the course of the year—a lot of your time, some of your time, only a little of your time, or none of your time. If you feel any critical responsibilities have been left out, please specify them in the space provided.

a. Monitoring progress toward school readiness goals

b. Establishing and maintaining partnerships with other organizations in the community

c. Completing the program self-assessment

d. Dealing with human resources issues

e. Ensuring compliance with federal standards for Head Start programs

f. Designing the training and technical assistance plan for this center

g. Evaluating teachers and other staff

h. Providing educational leadership/establishing the curriculum

i. Strategic planning

j. Promoting parent and family engagement

k. Fiscal management

l. Addressing facilities, equipment, and transportation issues

m. Other - Specify

n. Other - Specify

o. Other - Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Were you, or are you going to be, given a formal performance evaluation this program year?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


In the past 12 months, have you participated in the following kinds of professional development?

a. College or university course(s) related to your role as a manager or leader

b. Visits to other Head Start or early childhood programs to improve your own work as a center director

c. Formal mentoring or coaching that is provided by your program

d. A network or community of Head Start and other early childhood program leaders organized by someone outside of your program, for example a professional organization

e. A leadership institute offered by Head Start

f. A leadership institute offered by an organization other than Head Start

g. Training or conferences (for example: NIHSDA Management Training Conference, Native American Child and Family Conference, Head Start governance training, CLASS training)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category g

Tailored response options to this population.

Program Director Survey


What do you need additional help with to do your job as a center director more effectively? Select the top three.

4. Program improvement planning

5. Budgeting

6. Staffing (hiring)

10. Data-driven decision making

15. Establishing good relationship with OHS, program and/or grant specialist

13. Leadership skills (for example, diplomacy skills, coaching skills)

7. Teacher evaluation

8. Evaluation of other program staff

9. Teacher professional development (for example, conducting classroom observations)

1. Educational/curriculum leadership

12. Integrating tribal culture and language into the curriculum

3. Creating positive learning environments

2. Child assessment

11. Working with parents, extended family and community caregivers

14. Building relationships with tribal leadership

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified question from: “What are the top three areas from the following list in which you need additional support to lead your program more effectively?”

  • Revised response category 9 to include example

  • Revised response category 11 to include “extended family” and “caregivers”

  • Added new response categories 12, 13, 14, and 15

Tailored response options to this population and revised wording to reduce cognitive burden.

Center Director Survey


Do supervisors, mentors or coaches, or other specialists share and review individual children’s data in one-on-one meetings with teachers or in team meetings?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Please indicate how much the following areas are barriers to teachers using child-level data to guide instruction and to individualize:

a. Lack of understanding what the child-level data mean (data literacy)

b. Not enough time to use the child-level data to guide instruction

c. Inadequate technology resources to track and analyze child data

d. Lack of staff buy-in to value of data

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


In total, how many years have you been a director…

I0. In any early childhood program

I2a. In any Head Start program

I2b. Of this Head Start center

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Grouped I0, I2a, and I2b into one question series grid

  • Question wording of I2a and I2b was modified slightly (dropping reference to “prior program year”) to fit with new format

Modified presentation to decrease respondent burden.

Center Director Survey


In total, how many years have you worked…

I2. With any Head Start program

I2c. As part of any Head Start program’s management team

I2d. As a teacher or home visitor in any Head Start program

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Grouped I0, I2a, and I2b into one series

  • Question wording of I2c and I2d was modified slightly (dropping reference to “before you became a director” and replacing “years of experience” with “years have you worked”) to fit with new formatRemoved “Early Head Start” from I2

Modified presentation to decrease respondent burden.

Center Director Survey


Which of the following benefits are available to you through Head Start?

a. Paid vacation time

b. Paid sick leave

c. Paid (maternity/paternity) leave

d. Unpaid (maternity/paternity) leave

e. Paid family leave

f. Fully or partially paid health insurance

g. Fully or partially paid dental insurance

h. Tuition reimbursement

i. Retirement plan

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Have you completed an entire course on dual language learner children?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Center Director Survey


Including your post-secondary degree, graduate degree, and certification programs, etc., are you currently enrolled in any additional training or education?

1. Yes

2. No


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Center Director Survey


What kind of training or education program are you enrolled in?

1. Child Development Associate (CDA) Degree Program

2. Teaching Certificate Program

3. Special Education Teaching Degree Program

4. Associate’s Degree Program

5. Bachelor’s Degree Program

6. Graduate Degree Program (MA, MS, PH.D. or Ed.D.)

7. License, certificate and/or credential in administration of early childhood/ child development programs or schools

8. Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

9. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Center Director Survey


Are you connected to the community as a tribal member or community member?

1. Yes, a member of the same tribe as the children and families you serve

2. Yes, a member of a tribe different from the children and families you serve

3. Yes, a community member with tribal relatives

4. Not a tribal or community member

99. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Center Director Survey


Which one of these best describes you . . .

1. Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,

2. Puerto Rican,

3. Cuban, or

99. Another Spanish/Hispanic/Latino group? – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Dropping follow-up item to whether director is Hispanic/Latino (I26). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see I28b). Very few directors in tribal programs are expected to be Hispanic, so this level of detail is not warranted.

Center Director Survey


What is your race? You may mark more than one if you like.

11. White

12. Black or African American

25. American Indian or Alaska Native – Specify which tribe or tribes

27. Asian

26. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

99. Another race – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added “Specify which tribe or tribes” to response category 25

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see I28b below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards.

Center Director Survey


Are you currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

2. Yes, enrolled

1. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

0. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Center Director Survey


What languages other than English do you speak?

33. Your tribal language – Specify

34. Language(s) of other tribe(s) – Specify

12. Spanish

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category: “Your tribal language – Specify”

  • Added response category: “Language(s) of other tribe(s) – Specify”

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Center Director Survey


If you could change one thing that would significantly improve the services your program is providing, what would it be? Please only provide one response.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

Center Director Survey


Finally, what two things do you think your program does really well for children and their families? Please only provide two responses.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

Program Director Survey


Other than English, what languages are spoken by the children and families who are part of your center?

35. Tribal language(s) – Specify

12. Spanish

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category: “Tribal language(s) – Specify”

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Program Director Survey


Does your Head Start program offer or make available any of the following services for children who are dual language learners (DLL) and their families?

a. Assessment of English language skills for families of DLL children?

b. Assessment of basic reading and writing skills for families of DLL children?

c. Activities and workshops for parents of DLLs?

d. Assistance in applying for medical insurance?

e. Information about adult ESL or education and community resources?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Does your program have a cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Program Director Survey


Who is your cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. A spiritual leader

2. An influential member of the tribe

3. A member of the tribal community

99. Other – Specify


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Program Director Survey


Does your program use a cultural curriculum?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Program Director Survey


Does your program use a locally designed or tribal specific tool to assess children’s native language development or cultural practices?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Program Director Survey


What areas do you assess with this tool?

1. Native language

2. Cultural practices

3. Both


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Program Director Survey


Who is involved in decisions about what curriculum to use in your program?

1. Head Start program management team

2. Individual center directors

3. Education managers/coordinators

4. Specialists/other coordinators

5. Individual teachers

6. Parents

7. Policy council

8. Governing body

99. Someone else – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


When choosing a curriculum, how important is it to find a curriculum with the following characteristics?

1. Comprehensive domains of learning (addresses all areas of children’s learning)

2. Specific learning goals that clearly define what to teach

3. Well-designed learning activities

4. Resources to help teachers plan intentional teacher-child interactions

5. Guidance on cultural and linguistic responsiveness

6. Guidance on individualizing instruction

7. Ongoing assessment

8. Guidance on family involvement

9. Evidence of success in similar settings

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Who is involved in decisions about what assessments to use in your program?

1. Head Start program management team

2. Individual center directors

3. Education managers/coordinators

4. Specialists/other coordinators

5. Individual teachers

6. Parents

7. Policy council

8. Governing body

99. Someone else – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


When choosing an assessment, how important is it to find a tool with the following characteristics?

1. Comprehensive domains of learning (addresses all areas of children’s learning)

2. Useful to teachers for planning instruction

3. Useful to administrators for improving programs

4. Able to help identify children who may require special interventions

5. Provide information for program accountability

6. Collects data by observing children in a natural setting

7. Collects data through direct assessment

8. Provides data on children that can be aggregated to the classroom, center, and program levels

9. Available in paper format

10. Available in computerized/web-based format

11. Provides automatic reports for children, classrooms, and the center or program

12. Aligned with the curriculum

13. Evidence of validity and reliability

14. Aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Who generally participates in creating the training and technical assistance plan for your program?

1. Head Start program director/program management team

2. Individual center directors

3. Education managers/coordinators

4. Specialists/other coordinators

5. Individual teachers

99. Someone else? Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


What is your program doing to help program staff get their A.A. or B.A. degrees? Is your program…

a. Providing tuition assistance?

b. Giving staff release time?

c. Providing assistance for course books?

d. Providing A.A. or B.A. courses onsite?

e. Anything else? – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Modified question text from “are you” to “is your program”

Program is more appropriate text to use in question.

Program Director Survey


Six National Centers provide Head Start grantees with information and resources from OHS across multiple service areas. Many of these resources are available through the online Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. How often have you or other staff in your program used resources provided by each of the below? Would you say never, rarely, sometimes, or often?

a. The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations?

b. The Early Head Start National Resource Center?

c. The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning?

d. The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement?

e. The National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness?

f. The National Center on Health?

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Which of the following activities does your Head Start T/TA funding directly support?

1. Attendance at regional, state, or national early childhood conferences

2. Paid preparation/planning time

3. Mentoring or coaching

4. Workshops/trainings sponsored by the program

5. Support/funding to attend workshops/trainings provided by other organizations

6. Visits to other child care classrooms or centers

7. A community of learners, also called a professional learning community, facilitated by an expert

8. Tuition assistance

9. Onsite A.A. or B.A. courses

10. Incentives such as gift cards to participate in T/TA activities

11. Cultural trainings

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category 11, “Cultural trainings”

Tailored response options to this population.

Program Director Survey


How frequently does your program provide support for these kinds of activities?

1. These activities are part of the regular operation of the program (e.g. provided weekly or monthly)

2. These activities are supported at least a few times a year

3. These activities are supported once or twice a year

4. These activities are supported occasionally, but not every year

5. These activities are not supported by my program


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about frequencies of supports.

Program Director Survey


In the first column, please indicate which functions your program’s education coordinator(s) perform for your Head Start program.

a. Develop curriculum, schedules, and classroom plans

b. Assist director in program management activities

c. Provide or arrange for staff training/education

d. Arrange for IEPs and special services for children with disabilities

e. Conduct child assessments

f. Arrange or support for administration of local child assessments

g. Provide supervision for classroom staff

h. Provide mentoring for classroom staff

i. Manage transition to school activities

j. Provide parent education

k. Provide outreach, recruitment, and enrollment services

l. Supervise home visitors

m. Arrange for services for children with other community services

n. Arrange activities that involve parents

o. Encourage parents to supplement classroom learning at home

p. Another responsibility – Specify

q. Another responsibility – Specify

r. Another responsibility – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


If you selected more than three functions in the first column, please indicate in the second column which you consider the three major responsibilities of your program’s education coordinator(s).

a. Develop curriculum, schedules, and classroom plans

b. Assist director in program management activities

c. Provide or arrange for staff training/education

d. Arrange for IEPs and special services for children with disabilities

e. Conduct child assessments

f. Arrange or support for administration of local child assessments

g. Provide supervision for classroom staff

h. Provide mentoring for classroom staff

i. Manage transition to school activities

j. Provide parent education

k. Provide outreach, recruitment, and enrollment services

l. Supervise home visitors

m. Arrange for services for children with other community services

n. Arrange activities that involve parents

o. Encourage parents to supplement classroom learning at home

p. Another responsibility – Specify

q. Another responsibility – Specify

r. Another responsibility – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


You have a lot of different responsibilities as a program director, many of which you share with other program and center staff. Please indicate how much of your time is needed for each of the following responsibilities in the course of the year—a lot of your time, some of your time, only a little of your time, or none of your time. If you feel any critical responsibilities have been left out, please specify them in the space provided.

a. Monitoring progress toward school readiness goals

b. Establishing and maintaining partnerships with other organizations in the community

c. Completing the program self-assessment

d. Dealing with human resources issues

e. Ensuring compliance with federal standards for Head Start programs

f. Designing the training and technical assistance plan for this center

g. Evaluating teachers and other staff

h. Providing educational leadership/establishing the curriculum

i. Strategic planning

j. Promoting parent and family engagement

k. Fiscal management

l. Addressing facilities, equipment, and transportation issues

m. Other - Specify

n. Other – Specify

o. Other - Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Were you, or are you going to be, given a formal performance evaluation this program year?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


In the past 12 months, have you participated in the following kinds of professional development?

a. College or university course(s) related to your role as a manager or leader

b. Visits to other Head Start or early childhood programs to improve your own work as a program director

c. A network or community of Head Start and other early childhood program leaders organized by someone outside of your program, for example a professional organization

d. A leadership institute offered by Head Start

e. A leadership institute offered by an organization other than Head Start

f. Training or conferences (for example: NIHSDA Management Training Conference, Native American Child and Family Conference, Head Start governance training, CLASS training)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category f

Tailored response options to this population.

Program Director Survey


What do you need additional help with to do your job as a center director more effectively? Select the top three.

4. Program improvement planning

5. Budgeting

6. Staffing (hiring)

10. Data-driven decision making

15. Establishing good relationship with OHS, program and/or grant specialist

13. Leadership skills (for example, diplomacy skills, coaching skills)

7. Teacher evaluation

8. Evaluation of other program staff

9. Teacher professional development (for example, conducting classroom observations)

1. Educational/curriculum leadership

12. Integrating tribal culture and language into the curriculum

3. Creating positive learning environments

2. Child assessment

11. Working with parents, extended family and community caregivers

14. Building relationships with tribal leadership

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified question from: “What are the top three areas from the following list in which you need additional support to lead your program more effectively?”

  • Revised response category 9 to include example

  • Revised response category 11 to include “extended family” and “caregivers”

  • Added response categories 12, 13, 14, and 15

Tailored response options to this population and revised wording to reduce cognitive burden.

Program Director Survey


Which of the following data and information is your program collecting?

1. Child/family demographics

2. Vision, hearing, developmental, social, emotional, and/or behavioral screenings

3. Child attendance data

4. School readiness goals

5. Family needs

6. Service referrals for families

7. Services received by families

8. Parent/family attendance data

9. Parent/family goals

10. CLASS results or other quality measures

11. Staff/teacher performance evaluations

12. Personnel records

13. Child assessment data

99. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to understand more in how programs use data.

Program Director Survey


In what ways do you use the data and information being collected?

1. To help identify and address professional development needs of staff

2. To assess services being provided

3. To learn whether families are reaching their goals

4. To determine whether we are making progress towards program-wide goals

5. To help identify the needs of the child and family

99. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about data.

Program Director Survey


Please indicate how much each of the following are barriers to using data and information:

a. Not enough time to use the data to guide planning

b. Inadequate technology resources to track and analyze data

c. Lack of staff buy-in to value of data

Modified FACES 2014 Core CENTER DIRECTOR survey item

AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about data.

Program Director Survey


Do you use an electronic database to store program data? (Sometimes these databases might be called management information systems or data systems. They might be something set up or managed by an external vendor, or something set up by your own program.)

1. Yes

2. No

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Modified question text

Revised question wording to reduce cognitive burden.

Program Director Survey


Does your program’s child assessment tool provide a web-based option for storing the information collected by teachers (for example, Teaching Strategies GOLD online or COR Advantage)?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Does your program make use of the web-based option?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Does the web-based option provide automated reports that include suggested classroom activities based on assessment results for any of the following groups?

1. For individual children

2. Small groups

3. Whole classrooms

0. Our child assessment tool does not include this option

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Which of the following data and information can be linked electronically to child assessment information?

1. Child/family demographics

2. Vision, hearing, developmental, social, emotional, and/or behavioral screenings

3. Child attendance data

4. School readiness goals

5. Family needs

6. Service referrals for families

7. Services received by families

8. Parent/family attendance data

9. Parent/family goals

10. CLASS results or other quality measures

11. Staff/teacher performance evaluations

12. Personnel records

13. None of the above

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Does your program receive any revenues from the following sources other than Head Start to serve children and families (that may or may not qualify for Head Start)?

a. Tuitions and fees paid by parents - including parent fees and additional fees paid by parents such as registration fees, transportation fees from parents, late pick up/late payment fees

b. Tuitions paid by state government (vouchers/certificates, state contracts, transportation, Pre-K funds, grants from state agencies)

c. Local government (for example, funding from tribal government, Pre-K paid by local school board or other local agency, grants from county government)

d. Federal government other than Head Start (for example, Title I, Child and Adult Care Food Program, WIC)

e. Revenues from community organizations or other grants (for example, United Way, local charities, or other service organizations)

f. Revenues from fund raising activities, cash contributions, gifts, bequests, special events

g. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Repeated phrase from introductory statement: “to serve children and families (that may or may not qualify for Head Start)”

  • Added additional examples for response categories c and d

Revised item to clarify revenue sources based on AI/AN FACES Workgroup input.

Program Director Survey


If your program receives revenue from more than two sources, which of the following are the two largest sources of revenue for your program other than Head Start?

1. Tuitions and fees paid by parents

2. Tuitions paid by state government

3. Local government

4. Federal government other than Head Start

5. Revenues from community organizations or other grants

6. Revenues from fund raising activities, cash contributions, gifts, bequests, special events

7. Other – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Please indicate the purpose of all sources of revenue that are not from Head Start.

a. Enrollment of additional children

b. Other services/supports for enrolled children

c. Services/interventions for parents

d. Professional development for program staff

e. Materials for the program

f. Capital improvements

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


In total, how many years have you been a director…

I0. In any early childhood program

I2a. In any Head Start program

I2b. Of this Head Start program

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Grouped I0, I2a, and I2b into one question series grid

  • Question wording of I2a and I2b was modified slightly (dropping reference to “prior program year”) to fit with new format

Modified presentation to decrease respondent burden.

Program Director Survey


In total, how many years have you worked…

I2. With any Head Start program

I2c. As part of any Head Start program’s management team

I2d. As a teacher or home visitor in any Head Start program

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Grouped I0, I2a, and I2b into one series

  • Question wording of I2c and I2d was modified slightly (dropping reference to “before you became a director” and replacing “years of experience” with “years have you worked”) to fit with new formatRemoved “Early Head Start” from I2

Modified presentation to decrease respondent burden.

Program Director Survey


Which of the following benefits are available to you through Head Start?

a. Paid vacation time

b. Paid sick leave

c. Paid (maternity/paternity) leave

d. Unpaid (maternity/paternity) leave

e. Paid family leave

f. Fully or partially paid health insurance

g. Fully or partially paid dental insurance

h. Tuition reimbursement

i. Retirement plan

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Program Director Survey


Including your post-secondary degree, graduate degree, and certification programs, etc., are you currently enrolled in any additional training or education?

1. Yes

2. No


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Program Director Survey


What kind of training or education program are you enrolled in?

1. Child Development Associate (CDA) Degree Program

2. Teaching Certificate Program

3. Special Education Teaching Degree Program

4. Associate’s Degree Program

5. Bachelor’s Degree Program

6. Graduate Degree Program (MA, MS, PH.D. or Ed.D.)

7. License, certificate and/or credential in administration of early childhood/ child development programs or schools

8. Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

9. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Program Director Survey


Are you connected to the community as a tribal member or community member?

1. Yes, a member of the same tribe as the children and families you serve

2. Yes, a member of a tribe different from the children and families you serve

3. Yes, a community member with tribal relatives

4. Not a tribal or community member

99. Other – Specify


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Program Director Survey


Which one of these best describes you . . .

1. Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,

2. Puerto Rican,

3. Cuban, or

99. Another Spanish/Hispanic/Latino group? – Specify

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Dropping follow-up item to whether director is Hispanic/Latino (I26). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see I28b). Very few directors in tribal programs are expected to be Hispanic, so this level of detail is not warranted.

Program Director Survey


What is your race? You may mark more than one if you like.

11. White

12. Black or African American

25. American Indian or Alaska Native – Specify which tribe or tribes

27. Asian

26. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

99. Another race – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added “Specify which tribe or tribes” to response category 25

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see I28b below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Program Director Survey


Are you currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

2. Yes, enrolled

1. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

0. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Program Director Survey


What languages other than English do you speak?

33. Your tribal language – Specify

34. Language(s) of other tribe(s) – Specify

12. Spanish

99. Other – Specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category: “Your tribal language – Specify”

  • Added “Language(s) of other tribe(s) – Specify”

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Program Director Survey


If you could change one thing that would significantly improve the services your program is providing, what would it be? Please only provide one response.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

Program Director Survey


Finally, what two things do you think your program does really well for children and their families? Please only provide two responses.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

Teacher Survey


Do you have a cultural/language elder or specialist that works in the classroom with children?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Who is your cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. A spiritual leader

2. An influential member of the tribe

3. A member of the tribal community

99. Other – Specify


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Do children in your classroom receive heritage language lessons?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


What languages are they taught through heritage language lessons? Please list all tribal languages taught:


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Who teaches the heritage language lessons?

1. Lead classroom teacher

2. Assistant classroom teacher

3. Paid aides

4. Cultural/language elder or specialist

99. Other – Specify


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Is this classroom a full immersion classroom?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


How do you integrate culture and language activities into classroom activities, whether as a whole class, in small groups, or in individualized arrangements? We…

1. Integrate cultural items and activities throughout the day

2. Offer separate cultural activities/areas within the classroom

3. Conduct a pull-out program

4. Use a combination of the above


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Does you use a cultural curriculum?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Do you use a locally designed or tribal specific tool to assess children’s native language development or cultural practices?

1. Yes

2. No


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


What areas do you assess with this tool?

1. Native language

2. Cultural practices

3. Both


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


Are you receiving any training or technical assistance (T/TA) related to culture from the Administration for Native Americans (ANA) or some other organization?

1. Yes

2. No


Indicated by AI/AN FACES Workgroup as important to understand cultural supports for Head Start staff.

Teacher Survey


And how many of these staff members are American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN)?

1. Lead teachers

2. Assistant teachers

3. Paid aides


Added to understand program support of children’s exposure to culture and language.

Teacher Survey


How often do children in your classroom usually work on activities in the following areas, whether as a whole class, in small groups, or in individualized arrangements?

a. Language Arts and Literacy

b. Mathematics

c. Social Studies

d. Science

e. Arts (e.g., painting with berries, creating dream catchers)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added examples to response category 5

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


How often do children in your class do each of the following reading and language activities? Would you say never, about once a month or less, two or three times a month, once or twice a week, three or four times a week, or every day?

a. Work on learning the names of letters

b. Practice writing the letters of the alphabet

c. Discuss new words

d. Dictate stories to a teacher, aide, or volunteer

e. Work on phonics

f. Listen to a teacher, aide, or volunteer read stories where they see the print (e.g., Big Books)

g. Listen to a teacher, aide, or volunteer read stories but they don’t see the print

h. Retell stories

m. Listen to a teacher, aide, volunteer, or Elder tell a story

i. Learn about conventions of print (such as left to right orientation, book holding)

j. Write their own name

k. Learn about rhyming words or word families

l. Learn about common prepositions, such as over and under, up and down

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Changed “you” to “teacher, aid, or volunteer” in response categories f and g

  • Added response category m

Revised items to clarify activities could be conducted by teacher, aide or volunteer. Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


How many children in your class are meeting developmental expectations for each of the following areas, compared to other preschoolers?

a. Language and literacy skills

b. Science and Social Studies

c. Mathematical skills

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Modified question text to read “How many children” instead of “What proportion of children” Response options were not modified.

Revised item to reduce cognitive burden.

Teacher Survey


What languages do you speak, other than English, either in the classroom or outside of the classroom such as at home?

33. Your tribal language (specify)

34. Language(s) of other tribe(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response categories 33 and 34

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Of the language(s) other than English that you speak, how well do you understand:

33. Your tribal language (specify)

34. Language(s) of other tribe(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response categories 33 and 34

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Of the language(s) other than English that you speak, how well do you speak:

33. Your tribal language (specify)

34. Language(s) of other tribe(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response categories 33 and 34

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Thinking about all children in your classroom, what languages do children enrolled in the class currently speak, including English?

This would include any use in or out of the classroom.

1. English

35. Tribal language(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Added sentence “This would include any use in or out of the classroom.”

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Of the languages selected above, approximately how many children speak these languages?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What languages are used for instruction in your class by you or another adult, NOT including language lessons?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Who speaks each language you selected above? Is it you/the lead teacher, the assistant teacher, a classroom aide, or a volunteer, or a cultural/language elder or specialist?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s) (specify)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What language do you use most often when you read to children in your classroom?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What other languages are used when you read to children in this classroom?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What language do you use most often when you speak to a group of children to present information or give directions in your class?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What other languages are used when you speak to a group of children in this classroom?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


In what languages are printed materials like children’s books available in your classroom?

1. English

35. Tribal language(s)

2. Spanish

9. Other language (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced categories

  • Added response category 35

Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


What type of staff provided you with the most training on this curriculum?

1. Staff from this Head Start Program

2. Staff from another Head Start Program

3. Staff or consultant(s) from curriculum developers (e.g., High Scope, Teaching Strategies, etc.)

4. Professors or instructors from a school of education at a college or university

7. Professors or instructors from a school other than the school of education at a college or university

8. Tribal college, university, or community college faculty contributing to early childhood education and programs

5. Head Start state training and technical assistance provider

9. Head Start tribal training and technical assistance provider

10. Cultural/language elder or specialist

6. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified item 4 from “Faculty from school of education”

  • Added response categories 7, 8, 9, and 10

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


Which types of support have you received to help you use your main curriculum? You may select more than one.

1. Help understanding the curriculum

2. Opportunities to observe someone implementing the curriculum

3. Refresher training on the curriculum

4. Help implementing the curriculum

5. Help planning curriculum-based activities

6. Help individualizing the curriculum for children

7. Help identifying and/or receiving additional resources to expand the scope of the curriculum and activities

11. Help implementing the curriculum for children with special needs

8. Feedback on implementing the curriculum

12. Help adapting the curriculum to your cultural context

10. No support

9. Other (specify

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category 12

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


From whom did you receive support?

1. Mentor or master teacher

2. Other Head Start teachers in program

3. Supervisor/education coordinator

4. Staff from another Head Start Program

5. Staff or consultant(s) from curriculum developers (e.g., High Scope, Teaching Strategies, etc.)

6. Professors or instructors from a school of education at a college or university

9 Professors or instructors from a school other than the school of education at a college or university

10. Tribal college, university, or community college faculty contributing to early childhood education and programs

7. Head Start state training and technical assistance provider

11. Head Start tribal training and technical assistance provider

12. Cultural/language elder or specialist

8. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified item 6 from “Faculty from school of education”

  • Added response categories 9, 10, 11, and 12

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


What type of staff provided you with the most training on your main child assessment tool?

1. Staff from this Head Start Program

2. Staff from another Head Start Program

3. Staff or consultant(s) from assessment developers (e.g., High Scope, Teaching Strategies, etc.)

4. Professors or instructors from a school of education at a college or university

7. Professors or instructors from a school other than the school of education at a college or university

8. Tribal college, university, or community college faculty contributing to early childhood education and programs

5. Head Start state training and technical assistance provider

9. Head Start tribal training and technical assistance provider

10. Cultural/language elder or specialist

6. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified item 4 from “Faculty from school of education”

  • Added response categories 7, 8, 9, and 10

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


What types of support did you receive to help you use your main child assessment tool? You may choose more than one.

1. Help understanding the assessment

2. Opportunity to observe someone implementing the assessment

3. Refresher training on the assessment

4. Help using the assessment to identify children’s developmental level

5. Help using the assessment to determine children’s strengths and weaknesses

6. Help using the assessment to inform instruction

7. Help conducting the assessment with children with special needs

8. Help using the assessment to determine if a child needs referral for special services

9. Help using the assessment to inform instruction for children with special needs

10. Feedback on implementing the assessment

13. Help interpreting standardized assessments in your cultural context

14. Help making sense of assessment scores that do not reflect how you see the child

11. No support

12. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response categories 13 and 14

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


From whom did you receive support?

1 Mentor or master teacher

2. Other Head Start teachers in program

3. Supervisor/education coordinator

4. Staff from another Head Start Program

5. Staff or consultant(s) from curriculum developers (e.g., High Scope, Teaching Strategies, etc.)

6. Professors or instructors from a school of education at a college or university

10. Professors or instructors from a school other than the school of education at a college or university

11. Tribal college, university, or community college faculty contributing to early childhood education and programs

7. Head Start state training and technical assistance provider

12. Head start tribal training and technical assistance provider

13. Cultural/language elder or specialist

9. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified item 6 from “Faculty from school of education

  • Added response categories 10, 11, 12, and 13

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


The next questions are about professional development. Programs can support teachers’ professional development in a lot of different ways. Does your program offer the following to teachers?

1. Regular meetings with supervisors to talk with them about their work and progress

2. Support/funding to attend regional, state, or national early childhood conferences

3. Paid preparation/planning time

4. Mentoring or coaching

5. Workshops/trainings sponsored by the program

6. Support/funding to attend workshops/trainings provided by other organizations

7. Visits to other classrooms or centers

8. A community of learners, also called a professional learning community, facilitated by an expert

9. Incentives such as gift cards to encourage teachers to participate in professional development activities

11. Collaboration/ joint trainings with other tribal services/ offices

12. Cultural or language training

10. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response categories 11 and 12

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


How have you shared your input about your own professional development/training needs and interests?

1. In a structured way (my director, supervisor, mentor, or coach has asked for my input)

2. In a naturalistic way (I am able to share my needs and interests when and how I prefer to do so)

0. I don’t know of opportunities to share input

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Who is the mentor or coach who usually comes to your classroom?

1. Another teacher

2. Education coordinator, specialist

3. Center/program director

4. Someone from outside the program

6. A cultural/language elder or specialist

5. Other (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

Added response category 6

Tailored response options to this population.

Teacher Survey


Is your mentor or coach also your supervisor?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


In the past year, did you have a concentrated visit with your mentor or coach?

2. Yes, visit lasted an entire month

1. Yes, visit lasted an entire week

3. Yes, visit lasted a day or two at a time

4. Mentor or coach works on-site and provides regular contact

0. There was no concentrated visit or the visit was less than a day?

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Modified question text from “In the past year, did your mentor or coach come for a concentrated visit that…”

  • Added response category 4

Revised question wording and added new response category to reduce cognitive burden.

Teacher Survey


How long did your mentor or coach stay in your classroom when he or she visited?


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about length of visit.

Teacher Survey


Has a supervisor, mentor, or coach observed your classroom using the CLASS this program year?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Don’t know

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Has a supervisor, mentor, or coach observed your classroom using other assessment tools this program year, for example, something designed by your center or program, or another formal tool like the ECERS?

1. Yes

2. No

d. Don’t know

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Supervisors, mentors, or coaches at your program may have different approaches or ways of supporting you in improving your practice. What methods have been used by these staff to support you?

1. Had a discussion with me about what they have observed

2. Provided written feedback to me on what they have observed

3. Had me watch a videotape of myself teaching

4. Had me observe another teacher's classroom or watch a video of another teacher

5. Modeled teaching practices for me

6. Suggested trainings for me to attend

7. Provided trainings for me

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Do supervisors, mentors, or coaches review any of the following in one-on-one meetings with you?

1. Information from an observation of my classroom

2. Information from observations of other classrooms in my center or program

3. Data about individual children from my classroom (for example, child assessment or screening information)

4. Data about groups of children in my classroom or the whole classroom (for example, average assessment scores for the classroom)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


How often are teachers given a formal performance evaluation?

1. Two or more times per year

2. Once a year

3. Once every two years

4. Once every 3 years

5. Once every 4 years or more

0. No formal evaluations are conducted

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Have you participated in training or technical assistance activities with tribal T/TA specialists (either early childhood education [ECE] specialists or grantee specialists)? Training and technical assistance (T/TA) is provided by tribal TA specialists.

1. Yes

2. No


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about tribal T/TA specialists in this population.

Teacher Survey


Please indicate if you felt this way at work in the past week. There are no right or wrong answers.

1. Overwhelmed

2. Frustrated

3. Not feeling valued or supported


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to understand work setting.

Teacher Survey


Have you completed an entire course on dual language learner children?

1. Yes

2. No

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped.

Teacher Survey


Including your post-secondary degree, graduate degree, and certification programs etc., are you currently enrolled in any additional training or education?

1. Yes

2. No


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Teacher Survey


What kind of training or education program are you enrolled in?

1. Child Development Associate (CDA) Degree Program

2. Teaching Certificate Program

3. Special Education Teaching Degree Program

4. Associate’s Degree Program

5. Bachelor’s Degree Program

6. Graduate Degree Program (MA, MS, PH.D. or Ed.D.)

8. Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

9. Other (specify)


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important to ask about continuing education.

Teacher Survey


Are you connected to the community as a tribal member or community member?

1. Yes, a member of the same tribe as the children and families you teach

2. Yes, a member of a tribe different from the children and families you teach

3. Yes, a community member with tribal relatives

4. Not a tribal or community member

12. Other (specify)


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Teacher Survey


Which one of these best describes you . . .

1. Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano,

2. Puerto Rican,

3. Cuban, or

4. Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish group? (specify)

Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item

Dropping follow-up item to whether teacher is Hispanic/Latino (D21). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see D23b). Very few teachers in tribal programs are expected to be Hispanic, so this level of detail is not warranted.

Teacher Survey


What is your race? You may choose more than one if you like.

11. White

12. Black or African American

13. American Indian or Alaska Native (specify which tribe or tribes)

27. Asian

28. Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander

25. Another race (specify)

Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item

  • Reduced category choices

  • Added response category: “(specify which tribe or tribes)” to item 13

  • Added follow up question when respondent chooses “American Indian or Alaska Native” (see D23b below)

Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents.

Teacher Survey


Are you currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?

2. Yes, enrolled

1. No, but have applied and awaiting approval

0. No, not enrolled


AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important.

Teacher Survey


What two things do you think your class does really well for children and their families? Please only provide two responses.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

Teacher Survey


If you could change one thing (including staff, administration, classroom practices, and facilities) that would significantly improve the services you are providing, what would it be? Please only provide one response.

Modified FACES 2009 Core survey item

Providing opportunity for Head Start staff to share strengths and needs.

a Items numbers correspond to the FACES Core instruments. Any “NEW” items have been incorporated into the existing item numbering system and are unique to AI/AN FACES.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorStephanie Barna
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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