School Administrator Survey - Non-PYFP School


Att 21b School Administrator Survey (non-PYFP Schools)

School Administrator Survey - Non-PYFP School

OMB: 0920-1167

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OMB No. 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date xx/xx/xxxx

Administrator Survey: Non-PYFP Schools

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-xxxx)

School Administrator SURVEY: Non-PYFP Schools

presidential youth fitness Program evaluation


As our email to you stated, ICF International is conducting an evaluation of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP). We have designed the evaluation to conduct data collection in the Presidential Youth Fitness Program schools and matched comparison school. As a comparison school, we are interested in learning about the physical education program at your school as well as physical activity opportunities made available to students during the school day. The goal of this survey is to gain your perspectives, experiences, and insights on these topics. This survey should not take more than 20 minutes, and you can any question you do not wish to answer. We will maintain confidentiality throughout the entire project and your name will not be associated with anything you say in any of the reports or documents resulting from this evaluation.

Please click the submit button at the end of the survey when you are done (if completing online).

  1. Physical Education Classes

The first group of questions will be about physical education classes at your school.

  1. Is a required physical education course taught in each of the following grades in your school?

a. 6th grade: Yes/ No

b. 7th grade: Yes/ No

  1. How many weeks during the school year are 6th grade students scheduled to take physical education?

_______ weeks

a. On average, how many days per week are 6th students scheduled to take physical education?

___ days

b. One average, how many minutes is each session of physical education scheduled to last?

____ minutes

  1. How many physical education (PE) teachers do you have working at your school? ________

a. Are all (PE) teachers full-time? Yes/ No

  1. Physical Activity Environment

For the next series of questions, I will ask about the school environment broadly and environmental supports for physical activity.

Physical Activity Opportunities

  1. Do 6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in recess or other physical activity breaks outside of the classroom on a daily basis?


  1. Outside of physical education, do 6th grade students participate in physical activity breaks in classrooms during the school day?


  1. Does your school offer:

a. Opportunities for all students to participate in intramural sports programs or physical activity clubs?

Yes / No

b. Interscholastic sports to students?

Yes / No

c. Opportunities for students to participate in physical activity before the school day through organized physical activity or access to facilities or equipment for physical activity?

Yes / No

Physical Activity and Physical Education Policies & Practices

  1. Does your school or school district or state have a policy that states specific time requirements for students to participate in physical activity during the school day?

    1. Yes- state

    2. Yes- district

    3. Yes- both state and district

    4. No

(If yes) What are the requirements?

  1. Does your school, either directly or through the school district, have a joint use agreement for shared use of school or community physical activity or sports facilities?

    1. Yes- state

    2. Yes- district

    3. Yes- both state and district

    4. No

(If yes) What are the requirements?

  1. Does your school, school district, or state require physical education teachers to assess student fitness levels annually (e.g., FitnessGram® assessment)?

    1. Yes- state

    2. Yes- district

    3. Yes- both state and district

    4. No

(If yes) What are the requirements?

9.1 Is this requirement only for certain grade levels? Please indicate the grade levels for which fitness assessments are required. (open text box)

9.2 (If yes) How often are physical education teachers required to conduct fitness assessments?

a. At the beginning of the PE course

b. At the end of the PE course (e.g., end of 9 weeks or end of semester)

c. At both the beginning and end of the PE course

d. Whenever it is convenient

e. Other

Environmental Supports for Physical Activity and Physical Education/ Overall Culture of Health

  1. Does your school promote the benefits of getting the recommended amount of daily physical activity (60 minutes) to students throughout the school (e.g., in hallways, stairwell, cafeteria, gymnasium, classrooms, etc.)?


a. (If yes) How are these activities promoted? (open response)

  1. Please rate the extent to which the social environment in your school supports student physical activity.

1 (not at all supportive) to 5 (strongly supportive)

  1. Please rate the extent to which your school wellness committee or PTA/PTO supports physical education and efforts to promote physical activity in your school.

1 (not at all supportive) to 5 (strongly supportive)

  1. Please rate the extent to which you support student physical activity:

1 (not at all supportive) to 5 (strongly supportive)

  1. Resources

Resources related to PYFP, PE, Fitness Education and PA Opportunities

  1. What resources are available at your school to support physical education programs? (open response)

  1. What resources are available at your school to support physical activity programs? (open response)

  1. Communication

  1. During this school year (or last school year) did your school provide parents and families with information related to:

a. Physical activity

Yes/ No/ Do not know

b. Reducing sedentary time

Yes/ No/ Do not know

  1. [If yes question above] Was the physical education teacher/were the physical education teachers at your school involved in drafting the communications that went home to parents?

Yes/ No/ Do not know

  1. Did physical education teachers share student fitness assessment scores with you?

Yes/ No

  1. Did your school hold any ceremonies or give awards to students who achieved fitness goals?

Yes/ No

a. What was the reaction of students and parents? (open response)

  1. Demographics

  1. What is your highest level of education?

a. Bachelor’s degree (includes bachelors plus credit hours)

b. Master’s level degree (includes masters plus credit hours)

c. Post-graduate degree (PhD, EdD, etc.)

  1. How many years have you been working at the current school? _______

  1. How many years of experience do have as a school administrator?

a. <1 year

b. 1-5 years

c. 6-10 years

d. >10 years

  1. Which of these best describes your race?

a. American Indian or Alaska Native

b. Asian

c. Black or African American

d. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

e. White

f. Other

  1. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

a. Yes

b. No

Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this survey. Have a wonderful day!

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