Request for Nonmaterial/non-substantive change
Emergency Zika Information Collection Request:
US-based Migrant Farm Workers’ Understanding and Use of Measures to Prevent Zika Transmission
OMB Control No. 0920-1126
August 5, 2016
Lee Samuel
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Phone: (404) 718-1616
Itemized changes
Four types of changes were made to the field guides and verbal consent forms: 1) stylistic, 2) re-ordering, 3) accuracy, and 4) content. Stylistic changes include word choice substitutions that better convey the meaning of original content, thereby enhancing participant comprehension of the questions. Re-ordering changes addressed the sequencing of questions to increase the efficiency and decrease respondent time. Accuracy changes concern formatting, typos or other mistakes that needed be made to correct errors in the documents. Content changes reflect new questions or probes not included in the previously approved version but deemed essential to the data collection process. Individual justification for each content change are listed in the table below.
The chart below reflects the types of changes made in each document. All stylistic, reordering, and correction changes are not listed below (just examples). However, all content changes are listed. There is no change in burden to the respondent or method in collecting the information as a result of these changes.
Changes were made to the following attachments:
Appendix D: Key Informant interview Field Guide - Spanish
Appendix F: Focus Group Discussion Field Guide - Spanish
Appendix H: Verbal consent: Key Informant interview - Spanish
Appendix J: Verbal consent: Focus Group Discussion - Spanish
Document |
Stylistic change |
Re-ordering change |
Accuracy change |
Content change |
Content Change: justification |
Key Informant Interview Field (KII) Guide |
X |
X 1. Questions moved from one section to another appear in green in the tracked changes version
2. Questions within sections were re-ordered |
X 1. The word PROBE was deleted and replaced with brackets [ ] |
1. SECTION A Added “in this country” to How long have you worked in agriculture in this country?
A1. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan trabajando en el campo en este país?
2. SECTION B Deleted “Why/Why not” probes from questions B1 and B2
3. SECTION F Added a new section which 2 questions:
Información sociodemográfica (Sociodemographic information)
F1. ¿Qué edad tiene? (How old are you?)
F2. ¿En qué país nació? (Where were you born?)
1. Clarification: question made more specific to ascertain the length of time as a farm worker in the United States
2. Probes were deemed unnecessary and will cut down on data collection time
3. New information: The age and country of birth will be used in the analysis to help us characterize the sample |
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Field Guide |
X Interviewer was changed to moderator (Entrevistador changed to Moderadora) |
X 1. Questions moved from one section to another appear in green in the tracked changes version
2. Questions within sections were re-ordered |
X 1. Corrected Translation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2. The word PROBE was deleted and replaced with bullets ● |
1. SECTION A Added “in this country” to How long have you worked in agriculture in this country?
A1. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan trabajando en el campo en este país?
2. SECTION B Deleted “Why/Why not” probes from questions B1 and B2
3. SECTION F Added a new section which 2 questions;
Información sociodemográfica (Sociodemographic information)
F1. ¿Qué edad tiene? (How old are you?)
F2. ¿En qué país nació? (Where were you born?)
1. Clarification: question made more specific to ascertain the length of time as a farm worker in the United States
2. Probes were deemed unnecessary and will cut down on data collection time
3. New information: The age and country of birth will be used in the analysis to help us characterize the sample |
Verbal Consent: KII |
X (“Confidencialidad” (Confidentionality) changed to “Privacidad” (Privacy) |
None |
X (All reference to Florida were removed since data will no longer be collected there) |
None |
N/A |
Verbal Consent: FGD |
X (“Confidencialidad” (Confidentionality) changed to “Privacidad” (Privacy) |
None |
X (All reference to Florida were removed since data will no longer be collected there) |
None |
N/A |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Hatfield-Timajchy, Kendra (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |