Form 0920-0974 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Feedback

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery


Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey

OMB: 0920-0974

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2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking this voluntary survey to help us understand how well the microbiologyoriented eLearning courses produced by the Division of Laboratory Systems, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention have been serving the needs of our learners. The feedback you provide will
also inform updates to these courses and future course development.
The survey questions will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be
anonymous and no unique identifying information will be sought or kept. The feedback we receive
will be used by our programs in aggregate only.
The courses are grouped into three sections for this survey: Biothreat Preparedness for Sentinel
Laboratories, Basic Microbiology, and Methods of Antimrobial Susceptibility Testing Educational
Resource (M.A.S.T.E.R.) Survey formatting will direct you to the appropriate section(s). For
example, if you indicate you did not complete any of the Biothreat Preparedness courses, you will
skip directly to Basic Microbiology courses section. Please respond to each question by clicking
on the button beside the option(s) that best reflect(s) your opinion. An asterick (*) at the beginning
of a question indicates that a response is required. At the conclusion of the survey you will click
DONE to exit the survey.
Please select "next" to begin the survey.

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR
Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0974).

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
Biothreat Preparedness for Sentinel Laboratories eLearning Courses

* 1. Did you complete one or more of the following Biothreat Preparedness Training for Sentinel Laboratories
eLearning Courses?
Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax)
Brucella, spp.
Burkholderia, spp.
Francisella tularensis (Tularemia)
Yersinia pestis (Plague)
No - you will skip to the next section

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
Biothreat Preparedness for Sentinel Laboratories eLearning Courses

* 2. To what extent have you applied the information presented in the Biothreat Preparedness for Clinical
Laboratories eLearning courses to your personal or facility's laboratory practices?
Please select the option that best describes how you used the course information.
If you did not complete the course, select "I did not complete this course."
I reviewed my
I recommended or
personal or my
initiated changes to facility's laboratory's
my personal or
practices and
my facility's
confirmed they are
laboratory practices
up to date

I improved my
awareness or
understanding of
this topic

This course did not
my understanding
or provide
information relevant
to my work

I did not complete
this course

Bacillus anthracis
Brucella, spp
Burkholderia, spp
Francisella tularensis
Yersinia pestis (Plague)

* 3. What was the primary reason you chose to complete one or more of the Biothreat Preparedness for
Sentinel Laboratories eLearning courses?
I was interested in the topic
I was required to complete the course(s) as part of competency testing or annual training
To obtain continuing education credit
To assess whether or not my lab is up to date
Other (please specify)

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
Basic Microbiology eLearning Courses

* 4. Did you complete any of the following Basic Microbiology eLearning courses?
Basic Microscopy
Routine Microscopy Procedures
Basic Culture Media
Biochemicals and Gram Positive Organisms
Biochemicals and Gram Negative Organisms
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
No - you will skip to the next section

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
Basic Microbiology ELearning Courses

* 5. To what extent have you applied the information presented in the Basic Microbiology eLearning Courses
to your personal or your facility's laboratory practices?
Please select the option that best describes how you used the course information.
If you did not complete the course, select "I did not complete this course."
I recommended or
initiated changes to
my personal or my
facility's laboratory

I reviewed my
personal or my
facility's laboratory
practices and
confirmed they are
up to date

I improved my
awareness or
understanding of
this topic

This course did not
my understanding
or provide
information relevant
to my work.

I did not complete
this course

Basic Microscopy
Routine Microscopy
Basic Culture Media
Biochemicals and Gram
Positive Organisms
Biochemicals and Gram
Negative Organisms
Susceptibility Testing

* 6. What was the primary reason you chose to complete one or more of the Basic Microbiology eLearning
I was interested in the topic
I was required to complete the course(s) as part of competency testing or annual training
To obtain continuing education credit
To assess whether or not my laboratory is up to date
Other (please specify)

* 7. How did you complete these courses?
I completed courses on my own
I completed courses with guidance from a mentor or supervisor
I completed some courses on my own, and some with guidance from a mentor or supervisor

* 8. How did you complete the optional laboratory exercises included with these courses?
I completed laboratory exercises on my own
I completed laboratory exercises with guidance from a mentor or supervisor
I completed some laboratory exercises on my own and some with guidance from a mentor or supervisor
I did not complete any of the laboratory exercises
I did not realize there were any laboratory exercises

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
MASTER Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing eLearning Courses

* 9. Did you complete any of the following Methods in Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Education Resource
(M.A.S.T.E.R.) Courses?
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methods
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and CLSI Standards
No - you will skip to the next section

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
M.A.S.T.E.R. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing eLearning Courses

* 10. To what extent have you applied the information presented in the M.A.S.T.E.R. Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing eLearning Courses to your personal or your facility's laboratory practices?
Please select the answer that best describes how you used the information for each course.
If you did not complete the course, select "I did not complete this course ."
I reviewed my
This course did not
I recommended or
personal or my
initiated changes to facility's laboratory
I became more
my understanding
my personal or
practices and
aware or improved
or provide
facility's laboratory determined they are understanding of information relevant
up to date
this topic
to my work

I did not complete
this course

Susceptibility Testing
Susceptibility Testing
and CLSI Standards

* 11. What was the primary reason you chose to complete one or more of these M.A.S.T.E.R. courses?
I was interested in the topic
Completing the course(s) was required as part of competency testing or annual training
To obtain continuing education credit
To assess whether or not my laboratory is up to date
Other (please specify)

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey

12. Please share suggestions for future eLearning course topics:

2018 Microbiology-Oriented eLearning Courses Learner Feedback Survey
Thank You

We appreciate your feedback - thank you for your time.
When you click "done" you will exit the survey.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2018-07-13

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