1 CTRP Registration Abbreviated Participating Sites Templa

The Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP) Database (NCI)


Registration for the Clinical Trials Reporting Program (CTRP) Database (NCI)

OMB: 0925-0600

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Readme First
Template Instructions
Abbreviated Trial Data Spec
2-letter state_province

Sheet 1: Disclaimer

Sheet 2: Readme First

CTRP Trial Registration Batch Upload Specification for Abbreviated Trials

About this Document

This document provides you with everything you need to upload clinical trial data to the CTRP Trial Registration system, including the following:

Template Instructions

The Template Instructions worksheet provides detailed instructions for preparing your data and uploading them to the system.

Sample Trial Data

The Sample Trial Data worksheet provides an example of what a typical batch upload file looks like.

Note: A batch upload file must contain only one (1) worksheet (tab)

Batch Upload Data Element Specifications

The specifications worksheet includes the following information:

1 Data elements

2 Order in which the data elements must be presented

3 Data element requirements. Requirements differ for original updated, and amended submissions.

4 Valid values. The system accepts only those values listed in this document.

5 Comments. Additional information that helps you to ensure successful upload of your data.

State and Provence Codes

The State and Province Codes worksheet lists the 2- or 3-letter state/province/territory codes for the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Sheet 3: Template Instructions

How to Submit Abbreviated Trial Data to the CTRP Trial Registration System

Before You Begin

Contact the CTRO at ncictro@mail.nih.gov to request approval for sending batch files to CTRP. Include your login name, first and last names, and email address stored in your CTRP profile.

Note: Once you have received approval, you do not have to request approval for subsequent batches.

Main Steps for Uploading Your Data

1 Prepare the trial data file

2 Email your files to the CTRO at ncictro@mail.nih.gov

Note: CTRO staff will register your trials using your batch file data. As the trial submitter, the CTRO maintains trial ownership by default.

To transfer trial ownership email the CTRO with the first name, last name and email address of the person who will manage your registered trials. The new owner must be a registered CTRP account holder.

Preparing Trial Data Files

1 Ensure that your trial conforms to the supported criteria. This template supports the following:

* Interventional trials

* Abbreviated trials (Summary 4 Funding Sponsor Category is Industrial)

* Updates to abbreviated CTRP trials with the processing status "Accepted" and beyond

* 100 trials per data file

2 Prepare an Excel spreadsheet (.xls) containing the mandatory and optional data for the trial(s) as specified in this document.

You must adhere to the following requirements:

* List trial elements required for registration in the order specified in the Abbreviated Trial Data Spec tab in this spreadsheet.

* Do not change the spelling of data elements or valid values. Changes to spelling or to the order of the trial elements will cause the upload to fail. Similarly, the addition of new/extra trial elements will also cause a failure.

* Conform to the valid values guidelines when entering trial data. Valid values for each of the trial elements, where applicable, are listed under Column D in the Abbreviated Trial Data Spec tab in this spreadsheet.

* Identify each trial uniquely. For example, append your cancer center unique trial identifier to the file name.

* If you provide an NCT number the primary purpose, phase, disease and intervention data are not required.

* If a trial is identified as a duplicate to an existing trial, you can request to add your organization information to the existing trial as a participating site using the same template or create a separate request using the Participating Sites Template for abbreviated trials and email it to the CTRO at ncictro@mail.nih.gov.

* If more than one disease or intervention is included, list them on additional lines, one per line when adding local trial identifier to the first column (see Sample Trial Data tab).

* List persons and organizations with PO-IDs.

Note: You can request a list of CTRP persons and organizations along with PO-IDs from the CTRO at ncictro@mail.nih.gov.

Or, you can use the organization/person lookup features in the CTRP Trial Registration application to search for PO-IDs.

Emailing Your Files

Email your file as an attachment to the CTRO at ncictro@mail.nih.gov.

For detailed instructions for registering trials, refer to the NCI CTRP Reporting Program Registration Site User's Guide at:


Sheet 4: Sample

Local Trial Identifier Submission Type NCI Trial Identifier [Submitting Organization] Organization PO-ID [Submitting Organization] Name [Submitting Organization] Street Address [Submitting Organization] City [Submitting Organization] State/Province [Submitting Organization] Zip/Postal code [Submitting Organization] Country [Submitting Organization] Email Address [Submitting Organization] Phone [Submitting Organization] TTY [Submitting Organization] FAX [Submitting Organization] URL [Submitting Organization] Organization Type Is Submitting Organization a NCI Designated Cancer Center? [Lead Organization] CTEP Organization PO-ID [Lead Organization] Name [Lead Organization] Street Address [Lead Organization] City [Lead Organization] State/Province [Lead Organization] Zip/Postal code [Lead Organization] Country [Lead Organization] Email Address [Lead Organization] Phone [Lead Organization] TTY [Lead Organization] FAX [Lead Organization] URL [Lead Organization] Organization Type Lead Organization Trial Identifier NCT Trial Identifier Title Trial Type Primary Purpose If Primary Purpose is 'Other', describe Phase Pilot Trial? [Site Principal Investigator] Person PO-ID [Site Principal Investigator] First Name [Site Principal Investigator] Middle Name [Site Principal Investigator] Last Name [Site Principal Investigator] Street Address [Site Principal Investigator] City [Site Principal Investigator] State/Province [Site Principal Investigator] Zip/Postal code [Site Principal Investigator] Country [Site Principal Investigator] Email Address [Site Principal Investigator] Phone [Site Principal Investigator] TTY Site [Principal Investigator] FAX [Site Principal Investigator] URL Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source Category [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Organization PO-ID [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Organization Name [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Street Address [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] City [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] State/Province [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Zip/Postal code [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Country [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Email Address [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Phone [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] TTY [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] FAX [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] URL [Submitting Site specific] Program Code Site Recruitment Status Site Recruitment Status Date Date Opened for Accrual Date Closed for Accrual Site Target Accrual Disease Name Intervention Type Intervention Name Trial Owner First Name Trial Owner Last Name Trial Owner Email Address

1 O

Mayo Clinic Hospital 5777 East Mayo Boulevard Phoeniz AZ 85054 United States ncictepcoppaservices@mail.nih.gov

Research Based Yes 12345

cancer center

Phase III study of priming with granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhu-gm-csf)and of three induction regimens in adult patients (over 55) with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia Interventional Other Laboratory III

Long 5777 East Mayo Boulevard Phoeniz AZ 85054 United States Harry.Long@mayo.org 123-345-7654

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation One Health Plaza East Hanover NJ 07936-1080 United States ncictepcoppaservices@mail.nih.gov

Active 03/01/2009 03/01/2009
50 acute non-lymphocytic leukemia Biological/Vaccine granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor Mary Smith m.smith@mayo.org


stage III non-lymphocytic leukemia

Sheet 5: Abbreviated Trial Data Spec

Trial elements Order Trial data element Required? Valid Values Comments Definition
1 Local Trial Identifier Yes
Trial identifier as assigned by the submitting organization
2 Submission Type Yes O, U O- Original is default. U-update Original submission is the first time submission of a trial to CTRP. Update means submitting an update to the already registered trial in CTRP.
3 NCI Trial Identifier Yes for submitting update only
Ignored in case of original submission
4 [Submitting Organization] Organization PO-ID

PO-ID or all organization mandatory attributes are required
5 [Submitting Organization] Name Yes if PO-ID is not provided

6 [Submitting Organization] Street Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

7 [Submitting Organization] City Yes if PO-ID is not provided

8 [Submitting Organization] State/Province Yes for US/Canada/Australia and if PO-ID is not provided 2-letter state/province code required for US/Canada, 2-3 letter code required for Australia

9 [Submitting Organization] Zip/Postal code Yes if PO-ID is not provided

10 [Submitting Organization] Country Yes if PO-ID is not provided

11 [Submitting Organization] Email Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

12 [Submitting Organization] Phone

Include Phone Extension if any in the same field
13 [Submitting Organization] TTY

14 [Submitting Organization] FAX

15 [Submitting Organization] URL

16 [Submitting Organization] Organization Type
Institution, ordering group, repository, research based, cooperative group, cancer center, consortium, drug company, network

17 Is Submitting Organization a NCI Designated Cancer Center? Yes yes, no no is default
18 [Lead Organization] CTEP Organization PO-ID

PO-ID or all organization mandatory attributes is required
19 [Lead Organization] Name Yes if PO-ID is not provided

20 [Lead Organization] Street Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

21 [Lead Organization] City Yes if PO-ID is not provided

22 [Lead Organization] State/Province Yes for US/Canada/Australia and if PO-ID is not provided 2-letter state/province code required for US/Canada, 2-3 letter code required for Australia

23 [Lead Organization] Zip/Postal code Yes if PO-ID is not provided

24 [Lead Organization] Country Yes if PO-ID is not provided

25 [Lead Organization] Email Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

26 [Lead Organization] Phone Yes if PO-ID is not provided
Include Phone Extension if any in the same field
27 [Lead Organization] TTY

28 [Lead Organization] FAX

29 [Lead Organization] URL

30 [Lead Organization] Organization Type
Institution, ordering group, repository, research based, cooperative group, cancer center, consortium, drug company, network

31 Lead Organization Trial Identifier Yes
AS IS in the protocol document & assigned by the lead organization
32 NCT Trial Identifier

This value or at least one disease and one intervention record are required in attached proprietary trial template
33 Title Yes Max 4000 characters Title from the protocol document
34 Trial Type Yes Interventional, Observational Currently only Interventional trials are accepted
35 Primary Purpose Yes, if NCT number is not provided Treatment, Prevention, Supportive Care, Screening, Diagnostic, Health Service Research, Basic Science, Other Mandatory if value in row 32 is NULL (if NCT number is NULL)
36 If Primary Purpose is 'Other', describe Yes, if Primary Purpose value is 'Other'
Provide free text value if Primary Purpose value is 'Other'. Not aplicable if Primary Purpose is not 'Other'
37 Phase Yes, if NCT number is not provided 0, I, I/II, II, II/III, III, IV, N/A Mandatory if value in row 32 is NULL (if NCT number is NULL)
38 Pilot Trial?
Yes, No Only applicable if Phase is 'N/A; Default is No
39 [Site Principal Investigator] Person PO-ID

PO-ID or all mandatory person attributes are required
40 [Site Principal Investigator] First Name Yes if PO-ID is not provided

41 [Site Principal Investigator] Middle Name

42 [Site Principal Investigator] Last Name Yes if PO-ID is not provided

43 [Site Principal Investigator] Street Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

44 [Site Principal Investigator] City Yes if PO-ID is not provided

45 [Site Principal Investigator] State/Province Yes for US/Canada/Australia and if PO-ID is not provided 2-letter state/province code required for US/Canada, 2-3 letter code required for Australia

46 [Site Principal Investigator] Zip/Postal code Yes if PO-ID is not provided

47 [Site Principal Investigator] Country Yes if PO-ID is not provided

48 [Site Principal Investigator] Email Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

49 [Site Principal Investigator] Phone Yes if PO-ID is not provided
Include Phone Extension if any in the same field
50 [Site Principal Investigator] TTY

51 Site [Principal Investigator] FAX

52 [Site Principal Investigator] URL

53 Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source Category Yes Industrial

54 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Organization PO-ID PO-ID or the rest of mandatory attribute for the organization is mandatory

55 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Organization Name Yes if PO-ID is not provided

56 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Street Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

57 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] City Yes if PO-ID is not provided

58 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] State/Province Yes if PO-ID is not provided and for the following courtiers: USA, Canada and Australia 2-letter state/province code required for US/Canada, 2-3 letter code required for Australia

59 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source] Zip/Postal code Yes if PO-ID is not provided

60 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Country Yes if PO-ID is not provided

61 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Email Address Yes if PO-ID is not provided

62 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] Phone

63 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] TTY

64 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] FAX

65 [Summary 4 Funding Sponsor/Source ] URL

66 [Submitting Site specific] Program Code Yes for NCI designated cancer center Submitting Site specific Submitting Site specific, 'Not specified' is default. Mandatory if value in row 17 is 'yes'.
67 Site Recruitment Status Yes Not yet recruiting; Recruiting; Enrolling by invitation; Active, not recruiting; Completed; Suspended; Terminated; Withdrawn

68 Site Recruitment Status Date Yes
Date when the recruitment status has come in effect
69 Date Opened for Accrual Yes if study is or was opened for accrual

70 Date Closed for Accrual Yes if study is or was closed for accrual

71 Site Target Accrual Yes for NCI designated Cancer Center
Mandatory if value in row 17 is 'yes'. '0' can be used if value is unknown
72 Disease Name Yes if NCT number is not provided
If more that one disease is provided, use the additional line for a new disease (see Trial Data Sample)
73 Intervention Type Yes if NCT number is not provided Drug, Device, Biological/Vaccine, Procedure/Surgery, Radiation, Behavioral, Genetic, Dietary Supplement, Other If more that one intervention is provided, use the additional line for an additional intervention (see Trial Data Sample)
74 Intervention Name Yes if NCT number is not provided
If more that one intervention is provided, use the additional line for an additional intervention (see Trial Data Sample)
75 Trial Owner First Name Yes
This information is required for trial ownership transfer. Note: user must be registered in CTRP
76 Trial Owner Last Name Yes
This information is required for trial ownership transfer. Note: user must be registered in CTRP
77 Trial Owner Email Address Yes
This information is required for trial ownership transfer. Note: user must be registered in CTRP

Sheet 6: 2-letter state_province

Country Country 3-letter code State/Province 2-3 letter state/province code Old values

Alabama AL

Alaska AK

Arizona AZ

Arkansas AR

California CA

Colorado CO

Connecticut CT

Delaware DE

Florida FL

Georgia GA

Hawaii HI

Idaho ID

Illinois IL

Indiana IN

Iowa IA

Kansas KS

Kentucky KY

Louisiana LA

Maine ME

Maryland MD

Massachusetts MA

Michigan MI

Minnesota MN

Mississippi MS

Missouri MO

Montana MT

Nebraska NE

Nevada NV

New Hampshire NH

New Jersey NJ

New Mexico NM

New York NY

North Carolina NC

North Dakota ND

Ohio OH

Oklahoma OK

Oregon OR

Pennsylvania PA

Rhode Island RI

South Carolina SC

South Dakota SD

Tennessee TN

Texas TX

Utah UT

Vermont VT

Virginia VA

Washington WA

West Virginia WV

Wisconsin WI

Wyoming WY

Alberta AB

British Columbia BC

Manitoba MB

New Brunswick NB

Newfoundland and Labrador NL

Northwest Territories NT

Nova Scotia NS

Nunavut NU

Ontario ON

Prince Edward Island PE

Quebec QC

Saskatchewan SK

Yukon YT

Australian Capital Territory ACT

New South Wales NSW

Northern Territory NT

Queensland QLD

South Australia SA

Tasmania TAS

Victoria VIC

Western Australia WA
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
File TitleCTRP Trial Registration Batch Upload Specification
SubjectCTRP Trial Registration Batch Upload Specification
AuthorBala Nair, ScenPro, Inc
Last Modified ByDavid Loose
File Modified2013-04-03
File Created2007-12-27

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