Form approved
OMB 0920-1050
Exp. 6/30/2019
OSI Customer Satisfaction Survey
The Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI) within the Office of Science (OS) would like to assess customer satisfaction with our products and/or services. The results of this survey will be used to identify ways to better meet your needs.
The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Please complete this survey by X. Clicking “Next” at the bottom of the page will automatically save your responses for that page. If you need to exit the survey before completion, you can return to the last completed page by clicking the survey URL, as long as you use the same computer.
The information you provide will only be used for evaluation purposes. Access to raw data will be restricted to OSI staff working on this survey. Your responses will not be linked to your name or email address. All information you provide will only be reported in the aggregate with no identifying information attached. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Lisa Ayenew (
If you would like more information about OSI, please refer to our intranet page (
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1050).
What is your role at CDC? (Check all that apply)
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Contact
Human Subjects Contact (HSC)
Associate Director for Science (ADS)
Associate Director for Laboratory Science (ADLS)
Principal Investigator
Project Officer
Laboratory Scientist
Laboratory Technician
Research Study Team Member
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Member
Program Manager
Unit lead
Branch Chief or Deputy
Division Director or Deputy
Center Director or Deputy
Other (please specify): _____________________
What type of employee are you?
ORISE fellow
Title 42 fellow
Associate Service Fellow
Senior Service Fellow
Commissioned Corps
Other (please specify): ____________
How long have you been working at CDC?
Less than 5 years
6-20 years
20+ years
How often did you contact OSI within the past year (e.g., email, phone, in-person, etc.)?
Have not contacted OSI in the past year
OSI provides products and services in the following topic areas:
Privacy and Confidentiality Protections
Human Research Protections
Federal Information Collections (The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA))
Public Health Ethics
Scientific Integrity and Quality Overview Training (SIQT)
Did you use any of these products and services offered by OSI in the past year?
No (Skip to # 34)
Did you use OSI's services and/or products regarding Privacy and Confidentiality in the past year?
No (Skip to # 12)
Privacy and Confidentiality
How helpful were the following products and services?
1-Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5-Extremely helpful did not use product/service
Consultation and
Technical Assistance
Assurance of
Confidentiality (AoCs)
Online training
Privacy and
Confidentiality Training
(Available upon request)
Privacy and
Confidentiality Guidance
Assurance of
Application and
Privacy and
Confidentiality Intranet
Describe the other services you use: _______________________________
Please rate the assistance you received from the OSI's Privacy and Confidentiality staff in the following areas:
1-Very Poor 2 3 4 5-Excellent N/A
Issue Resolution
Overall Quality
How has your experience with the services and products you used in the past year impacted your overall perception of OSI's Privacy and Confidentiality activities?
1-Negative impact 2 3 4 5-Positive impact
Please provide feedback on ways OSI can improve its products and/or services on Privacy and
Confidentiality to better meet your needs (e.g., improve existing or provide new products/services, etc.)
Did you use OSI's services and/or products regarding Human Research Protections in the past year?
No (Skip to # 17)
Human Research Protections
How helpful were the following products and services?
1-Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5-Extremely helpful did not use product/service
Consultation and
Technical Assistance
Human Subjects
Research Training
Guidance Documents
(e.g., IRB report writing,
Protocol development,
Informed consent guides)
Forms (e.g., IRB review
cycle and agreements,
Incident report)
Manuals or Standard
Operating Procedures
Worksheets (e.g.,
Protocol development,
exemption from human
subjects regulation,
protocol approval)
CDC IRB Boards
Human Research
Protections Intranet
Describe the other services you use: _______________________________
Please rate the assistance you received from the OSI's Human Research Protections staff in the following areas:
1-Very Poor 2 3 4 5-Excellent N/A
Issue Resolution
Overall Quality
How has your experience with the services and products you used in the past year impacted your overall perception of OSI's Human Research Protections activities?
1-Negative impact 2 3 4 5-Positive impact
Please provide feedback on ways OSI can improve its products and/or services on Human Research Protections to better meet your needs (e.g., improve existing or provide new products/services, etc.)
Did you use OSI's services and/or products regarding Federal Information Collections (The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)) in the past year?
No (Skip to # 22)
Federal Information Collections (PRA)
How helpful were the following products and services?
1-Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5-Extremely helpful did not use product/service
Consultation and
Technical Assistance
(e.g., PRA determination,
general questions)
Training (e.g., explainer
videos, presentations)
Guidance Documents
(e.g., HHS data
collection standards,
FAQs for new fast-track
process under PRA)
Forms (e.g., PRA
determination form,
emergency extension
Manuals or Standard
Operating Procedures
Templates (Federal
Register Notice (FRN)
30-day and 60-day
Worksheets (FRN
publication request
worksheet, PRA
submission worksheet)
Information Collection
Request Desk Officer
Information Collection
Intranet Webpages
Describe the other services you use: _______________________________
Please rate the assistance you received from the OSI's Information Collections (PRA) staff in the following areas:
1-Very Poor 2 3 4 5-Excellent N/A
Issue Resolution
Overall Quality
How has your experience with the services and products you used in the past year impacted your overall perception of OSI's Information Collections (PRA) activities?
1-Negative impact 2 3 4 5-Positive impact
Please provide feedback on ways OSI can improve its products and/or services on Information Collections (PRA) to better meet your needs (e.g., improve existing or provide new products/services, etc.)
Did you use OSI's services and/or products regarding Public Health Ethics in the past year?
No (Skip to # 27)
Public Health Ethics
How helpful were the following products and services?
1-Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5-Extremely helpful did not use product/service
Public Health Ethics
Consult Service
Public Health Ethics
Trainings (e.g., Web-based
self studies,
Recorded trainings)
Public Health Ethical
Guidelines, Documents
or Worksheets
CDC Public Health
Ethics Committee
Ethics Desk in the
Emergency Operation
Public Health Ethics
Intranet Webpages
Describe the other services you use: _______________________________
Please rate the assistance you received from the OSI's Public Health Ethics staff in the following areas:
1-Very Poor 2 3 4 5-Excellent N/A
Issue Resolution
Overall Quality
How has your experience with the services and products you used in the past year impacted your overall perception of OSI's Public Health Ethics activities?
1-Negative impact 2 3 4 5-Positive impact
Please provide feedback on ways OSI can improve its products and/or services on Public Health Ethics to better meet your needs (e.g., improve existing or provide new products/services, etc.)
Did you use OSI's services and/or products regarding Scientific Integrity and Quality Overview Training (SIQT) in the past year?
No (Skip to # 34)
Scientific Integrity and Quality Overview Training (SIQT)
Did you take the SIQT Overview Training course this past year?
No (Skip to # 30)
Did the SIQT Overview training enhance how you do your job?
How helpful were the following products and services?
1-Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5-Extremely helpful did not use product/service
OSI Training Mailbox
Guidance Documents
(e.g., SIQT factsheet,
SIQT role-based training
SIQT Compliance
SharePoint Site
SIQT Intranet Webpages
Describe the other services you use: _______________________________
Please rate the assistance you received from the OSI's Training staff in the following areas:
1-Very Poor 2 3 4 5-Excellent N/A
Issue Resolution
Overall Quality
How has your experience with the services and products you used in the past year impacted your overall perception of OSI's training activities?
1-Negative impact 2 3 4 5-Positive impact
Please provide feedback on ways OSI can improve its products and/or services on SIQT to better meet your needs (e.g., improve existing or provide new products/services, etc.)
How likely is it that you will recommend OSI's services or products to a colleague?
1-Very unlikely 2 3 4 5-Very likely
Use this space to elaborate on your response:_______________________
Which statement best describes the amount of communication you receive from OSI in regards to new services/products, requirements etc.?
Too much
Too little
Just right
Use this space to elaborate on your response:_______________________
Overall, how satisfied are you with OSI's intranet webpages?
1-Very Dissatisfied 2 3 4 5-Very Satisfied
Use this space to elaborate on your response:_______________________
37. Please provide additional comments below
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ayenew, Lisa (CDC/DDPHSS/OS/OSI) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |