Form Approved
Expiration Date: 02/28/2018
Attachment 1: 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship Summer Course Satisfaction Survey
[Page 1. Introduction]
Thank you for participating in the 2017 CDC Science Ambassador summer course! The information you provide will be used to guide the direction of future summer courses. Your participation is voluntary and your answers will not affect earning continuing education units.
You may take this survey anonymously. Information will be treated in a secure manner.
This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. By continuing to the next page, you have consented to complete this survey.
Please contact if you have any questions or problems concerning this survey.
The public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to - CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 ATTN: PRA (0920-1050).
[Page 2.] Type of Participant]
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Is this your first year participating in the CDC Science Ambassador Fellowship (previously the CDC Science Ambassador Workshop)?
Yes (Continue to Page 3. Pre-Summer course (First Year Science Ambassadors))
No, I am a returning Science Ambassador. (Continue to Page 9. Pre-summer course (Science Ambassador Peer Leader))
[Page 3. Pre-summer course (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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Pre-summer Course Interaction
The following set of questions pertains to the pre-summer course period.
Please provide suggestions for improvement to application process. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the phone interview. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the pre-summer course information packet. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the overall pre-summer course interaction with Science Ambassador Fellowship organizers. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Past Experience
In the last school year, how often did you use examples or activities in epidemiology or public health science (e.g., breaking news articles about the Zika virus or significant public health issues such as antimicrobial resistance or obesity) in your classroom?
More than twice a week (Continue to Page 4. Past Experience (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice a week (Continue to Page 4. Past Experience (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice month (Continue to Page 4. Past Experience (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice a school year (Continue to Page 5. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Never (Continue to Page 5. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)
[Page 4. Past Experience (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure |
[Page 5. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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In the last school year, how often did you use a complete lesson plan designed to teach epidemiology or public health science [e.g., Science Ambassador (SA) or Young Epidemiology Scholar (YES)]?
More than twice a week (Continue to Page 6. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice a week (Continue to Page 6. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice a month (Continue to Page 6. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Once or twice a school year (Continue to Page 7. Summer Course (First Year Science Ambassadors)
Never (Continue to Page 7. Summer Course (First Year Science Ambassadors)
[Page 6. Past Experience, continued (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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What was the source(s) of the lesson plans that you used to teach epidemiology or public health science? (Select all that apply.)
Science Ambassador
Young Epidemiology Scholar (YES)
Other (please specify)
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure |
[Page 7. Summer Course (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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The below questions pertain to the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course.
Taught me something useful |
Should be kept for future summer courses |
Level of Difficulty |
Introduction to Epidemiology and One Health Case Study |
{Dropdown menu: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A |
{Dropdown menu: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A} |
{Dropdown menu: Too hard, Just right, Too easy, N/A} |
EIS Case Study: It’s Potluck at Emory University |
Topic 1: Population Health |
Topic 2: One Health and Pandemic Influenza |
Topic 3: Foodborne and Waterborne Disease: Shigellosis |
Lesson Planning, Part 1: Creating clear learning objectives |
Lesson Planning, Part 2: Designing the activity outline |
Lesson Planning, Part 3: Writing the scientific content |
Lesson Planning, Part 4: Peer Review |
Lesson Planning, Part 5: Drafting the activity details |
Lesson Planning, Part 6: Presenting your work |
Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library Tour |
David J. Sencer CDC Museum Tour |
CDC Entomology Insectary Laboratory Walkthrough |
Emergency Operations Center Tour |
Reflections on EIS circa 1981: the early AIDS investigations in the U.S. at Emory University |
Teacher Talks |
CDC Panel of Experts |
Please provide suggestions for improvement to any session you attended. [Identify each session, then provide the suggestions] {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the Lesson Plan Template. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide any specific suggestions for any additional topics to include that align with current science standards. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the consultation with CDC Subject Matters Experts (SMEs). {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
[Page 8. Post-summer course (First Year Science Ambassadors)]
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Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure |
Rank the following potential barriers to incorporating what you learned during the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course into your teaching.
1 – Not a barrier |
2- Somewhat of a barrier |
3- Moderate barrier |
4- Extreme barrier |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of an effective public health or epidemiology curriculum |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of effective public health or epidemiology resources to use in classrooms |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of effective public health or epidemiology resources that can be tailored to my grade level or subject area |
Individual level: Lack of time to incorporate public health or epidemiology examples into courses |
Individual level: Lack of knowledge of public health or epidemiology content |
Individual level: Low comfort level teaching public health or epidemiology topics |
Environment: Lack of support from school leadership |
Environment: Lack of support from district leadership |
Environment: Lack of student interest |
Environment: Competing school priorities (e.g., standardized testing) |
What other barrier(s) (if any) do you face in incorporating what you learned during the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course into your teaching? {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Yes |
No |
Maybe |
If you are planning to present information about or related to the Science Ambassador Fellowship in the future, what is the name of the meeting and when does it take place? {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Please provide suggestions for the Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course (e.g., sessions, focus, topic areas, new teaching strategies, technologies,) that will result in the greatest impact on student learning and achievement in epidemiology or public health science. {Open response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
I am interested in participating in a future Science Ambassador Fellowship as a peer leader.
Continue to Page 16. Grade and Subjects You Teach
[Page 9. Pre-Summer course (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
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Pre-Summer Course Interaction
The following set of questions pertains to the pre-summer course period.
Thank you for returning as a Science Ambassador Fellowship Peer Leader!
In what year did you first participate in the Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course (previously called the Science Ambassador Workshop)? {Dropdown menu of years 2003-2016}
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
I do not receive a newsletter. |
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the Science Ambassador Quarterly Newsletter. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the pre-summer course information packet. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Please provide suggestions for improvement to the overall pre-summer course interaction with Science Ambassador Fellowship organizers. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
[Page 10. Past Experience (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
In the last school year, how often did you use examples from epidemiology or public health science (e.g., breaking news articles about the Zika virus or significant issues such as antimicrobial resistance or obesity) in teaching required units?
More than twice a week (Continue to Page 10. Past Experience (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a week (Continue to Page 10. Past Experience (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a month (Continue to Page 10. Past Experience (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a year (Continue to Page 11. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Never (Continue to Page 11. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
To return to a previous page, use the “Previous” button at the bottom of the page (NOT the “Back” button on your browser menu). To advance, use the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure |
[Page 11. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
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In the last school year, how often did you use a complete lesson plan designed to teach epidemiology or public health science [e.g., Science Ambassador (SA) or Young Epidemiology Scholar (YES)]?
More than twice a week (Continue to Page 12. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a week (Continue to Page 12. Past Experience, continued Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a month (Continue to Page 12. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Once or twice a year (Continue to Page 13. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
Never (Continue to Page 13. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)
[Page 12. Past Experience, continued (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
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What was the source(s) of the lesson plans that you used to teach epidemiology or public health science? (Select all that apply.)
Science Ambassador
Young Epidemiology Scholar (YES)
Other (please specify)
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Unsure |
[Page 13. Past Experience (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
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Please indicate which of the following, if any, you have participated in prior to the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course (previously called the Science Ambassador Workshop). (Check all that apply.)
Formally presented information about the Science Ambassador Fellowship program (e.g., conference, meeting, or professional development training session)
Formally presented information about incorporating public health or epidemiology examples into curricula with a teacher community (e.g., conference, meeting, or professional development training session)
Presented information about incorporating public health or epidemiology into teaching (e.g., Science Ambassador Lesson Plans, examples) to other teachers in the form of a workshop
Developed and taught a public health or epidemiology course at my school
Where have you presented about the Science Ambassador Fellowship (previously called the Science Ambassador Workshop) in the past (if applicable)? Please note the name of the meeting/conference and approximately how many teachers were in attendance. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Describe any impact that the first CDC Science Ambassador Fellowship (previously called the Science Ambassador Workshop) had on your teaching. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
[Page 14. Summer Course (Science Ambassador Peer Leader)]
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The below questions pertain to the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course.
Taught me something useful |
Should be kept for future summer courses |
Level of Difficulty |
Introduction to Epidemiology and One Health Case Study |
{Dropdown menu: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A |
{Dropdown menu: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, N/A} |
{Dropdown menu: Too hard, Just right, Too easy, N/A} |
EIS Case Study: It’s Potluck at Emory University |
Topic 1: Population Health |
Topic 2: One Health and Pandemic Influenza |
Topic 3: Foodborne and Waterborne Disease: Shigellosis |
Lesson Planning, Part 1: Creating clear learning objectives |
Lesson Planning, Part 2: Designing the activity outline |
Lesson Planning, Part 3: Writing the scientific content |
Lesson Planning, Part 4: Peer Review |
Lesson Planning, Part 5: Drafting the activity details |
Lesson Planning, Part 6: Presenting your work |
Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library Tour |
David J. Sencer CDC Museum Tour |
CDC Entomology Insectary Laboratory Walkthrough |
Emergency Operations Center Tour |
Reflections on EIS circa 1981: the early AIDS investigations in the U.S. at Emory University |
Teacher Talks |
CDC Panel of Experts |
Please provide suggestions for improvement to any session you attended. [Identify each session, then provide the suggestions] {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Provide suggestions for improvement to the Lesson Plan Template. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Provide any specific suggestions for any additional topics to include that align with current science standards. {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
[Page 15. Post-Summer Course: Science Ambassador Peer Leader]
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Rank the following potential barriers in incorporating into your teaching what you learned during the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course.
1 – Not a barrier |
2- Somewhat of a barrier |
3- Moderate barrier |
4- Extreme barrier |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of an effective public health or epidemiology curriculum |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of effective public health or epidemiology resources to use in classrooms |
Resources/Materials: Limited availability of effective public health or epidemiology resources that can be tailored to my grade level or subject area |
Individual level: Lack of time to incorporate public health or epidemiology examples into courses |
Individual level: Lack of knowledge of public health or epidemiology content |
Individual level: Low comfort level teaching public health or epidemiology topics |
Environment: Lack of support from school leadership |
Environment: Lack of support from district leadership |
Environment: Lack of student interest |
Environment: Competing school priorities (e.g., standardized testing) |
What other barrier(s) (if any) do you face in incorporating what you learned during the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course into your teaching? {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
If you are planning to present information about the Science Ambassador Fellowship in the future, what is the name of the meeting and when does it take place? {Open Response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Please provide any suggestions for the Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course (e.g., sessions, focus, topic areas, teaching strategies, technologies, or others) that will result in the greatest impact on student learning and achievement in epidemiology or public health science.
{Open response, Unlimited Characters Allowed}
[Page 16. Grade and Subjects You Teach]
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What grade(s) did you teach last school year? (Select all that apply.)
Community College
College (Undergraduate)
College (Graduate)
Other: Curriculum Development Specialist
Other: Professional Development Provider
Other (please specify): _____________________
What grade(s) will you teach in next school year? (Select all that apply.)
Community College
College (Undergraduate)
College (Graduate)
Other: Curriculum Development Specialist
Other: Professional Development Provider
Other (please specify): _____________________
Which subject area(s) did you teach last school year? (Select all that apply.)
High School Epidemiology or Public health science related
High School Life Science (e.g., Biology)
High School Physical Science (e.g., Chemistry, Physics)
High School Earth and Space Science (e.g., Environmental science, Astronomy)
High School Medical-related (e.g., medical terminology)
High School Mathematics
Middle School Epidemiology or public-health related
Middle School Life Science (e.g., Biology)
Middle School Physical Science (e.g., Chemistry, Physics)
Middle School Earth and Space Science
Middle School Medical-related (e.g., medical terminology)
Middle School Mathematics
Other (please explain): ________________________
Which subject area(s) will you teach in the next school year? (Select all that apply.)
High School Epidemiology or Public health science related
High School Life Science (e.g., Biology)
High School Physical Science (e.g., Chemistry, Physics)
High School Earth and Space Science (e.g., Environmental science, Astronomy)
High School Medical-related (e.g., medical terminology)
High School Mathematics
Middle School Epidemiology or public-health related
Middle School Life Science (e.g., Biology)
Middle School Physical Science (e.g., Chemistry, Physics)
Middle School Earth and Space Science
Middle School Medical-related (e.g., medical terminology)
Middle School Mathematics
Other (please explain): ________________________
In the last school year, approximately how many students did you teach content in epidemiology or public health science as a part of your curriculum (e.g., science, math, health) or as an elective course (e.g., epidemiology, biotechnology)?
In the next school year, approximately how many students will you teach content in epidemiology or public health science as a part of your curriculum (e.g., science, math, health) or as an elective course (e.g., epidemiology, biotechnology)?
[Confirmation Page]
Thank you for attending the 2017 Science Ambassador Fellowship summer course and for completing the survey. Please contact if you have any questions about the survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |