2017 EIS Conference Customer Service Feedback Survey - WORD


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2017 EIS Conference Customer Service Feedback Survey - WORD

OMB: 0920-1050

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OMB No. 0920-1050

Expiration Date: 02/28/2018

Attachment 1. 2017 EIS Conference Customer Service Feedback Survey


Thank you for attending the 66th EIS Conference, which took place the week of April 24th, 2017. We strive to continually improve the conference experience, and we are interested in your honest and constructive feedback.

This survey should take, on average, 10 minutes to complete. You will have to complete this survey in one sitting, as you will not be able to return to edit your response once you exit the survey. You can edit your responses until you complete the last page of the survey. To return to a previous page, use the “Previous” button at the bottom of the page (NOT the “Back” button on your browser menu). To advance, use the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Meagan Davis at yly5@cdc.gov.

Thank you again for attending this year’s conference and for providing feedback. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

By continuing to the next screen, you consent to complete this survey.

EIS Program

The public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to - CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333 ATTN: PRA (0920-1050)


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  1. Did you attend the 2017 EIS Conference?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to END OF SURVEY)


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This section asks about your experiences with the registration process and information about your interest in the EIS Conference.

  1. Select how you registered for the conference.

  • Online

  • On-site

  1. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the preconference communication and registration process.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. The registration process went smoothly.

  1. The time required to register for the conference was appropriate.

  1. Preconference communication materials were useful.

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about registration or pre-conference communication materials. [Open-Ended Response]

  1. Which of the following best describes your current position (check all that apply)?

  • CDC employee, contractor, or fellow

  • Other federal government employee, contractor, or fellow

  • State/local health department employee

  • Academic/university employee

  • Non-governmental, community, or other organization employee

  • Student

  • I am not currently in school or employed.

  • Other, please specify:

  1. What is your affiliation with CDC?

  • Incoming EIS officer (i.e., EIS Class of 2017) (Skip to PAGE 4, EIS MATCHING– EIS CLASS OF 2017)

  • Incoming LLS fellow (i.e., LLS Class of 2017) (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • Current EIS officer (i.e., EIS Classes of 2015 and 2016) (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • Current LLS fellow (i.e., LLS Class of 2015 and 2016) (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • EIS alumnus and current CDC staff (e.g., employee, contractor, or fellow) (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • EIS alumnus and not on CDC staff (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • CDC staff (e.g., employee, contractor, or fellow) and not an EIS alumnus (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • I am not directly affiliated with CDC (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)

  • Other, please specify: (Skip to PAGE 5, CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES)


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  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. The interview scheduling process went smoothly.

  1. The position ranking process and match process went smoothly.

  1. I am satisfied with the assignment that I matched with.

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about the recruiting and match process. [Open-Ended Response]


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  1. What were your objectives for attending the 2017 EIS Conference (check all that apply)? (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Learn methodology and techniques in epidemiology (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Present or share knowledge about epidemiologic research investigations (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Hear about the current work conducted by EIS officers (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Recruit and match with incoming Class of 2017 EIS officers for positions in my C/I/O or field assignment (Skip to PAGE 6, EIS MATCHING - RECRUITERS)

  • Interview and match with a position as an incoming EIS officer (i.e., EIS Class of 2017) (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Network with public health professionals (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Learn more about the EIS program or criteria for applying to be an EIS officer. (Skip to PAGE 7, INTERESTED IN EIS)

  • Learn more about the opportunities at the CDC (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Obtain Continuing Education (CE) credit (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Socialize with friends or colleagues (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)

  • Other, please specify: (Skip to PAGE 8, ORAL PRESENTATION ATTENDANCE)


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  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements about EIS recruitment activities.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. Incoming EIS officers are of high quality.

  1. The interview scheduling process went smoothly.

  1. The officer rating process/match process went smoothly.

  1. I am satisfied with the EIS officer(s) coming to our field position or C/I/O.

  1. When did you participate in recruitment activities or outreach to incoming EIS officers (check all that apply)?

  • Before the EIS Conference

  • During the EIS Conference

  • After the EIS Conference

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about the recruiting and match process for EIS Class of 2017. [Open-Ended Response]



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  1. How did you find out about the EIS program (check all that apply)?

    • Administrator, career advisor, or professor at school

    • Announcement in a newsletter or other publication

    • CDC program

    • Current EIS Officer

    • EIS alumni

    • EIS Google Hangout

    • EIS presentation

    • EIS program staff

    • EIS website

    • Information session at school, career fair, or conference exhibit

    • Listserv

    • MMWR

    • National meeting

    • Peer, friend, student, or colleague (not EIS officer, alumni, or staff)

    • Regional meeting

    • Other, please specify:

  1. For any of the following that you selected in Question 13, please describe the specific event, program, or person(s) involved.

    • Administrator, career advisor, or professor at school

    • Announcement in a newsletter or other publication

    • CDC program

    • Current EIS Officer

    • EIS alumni

    • EIS presentation

    • EIS program staff

    • Information session at school, career fair, or conference exhibit

    • Listserv

    • National meeting

    • Peer, friend, student, or colleague (not EIS officer, alumni, or staff)

    • Regional meeting

    • Other

  1. Which of the following did you do during the conference (check all that apply)?

    • Visited “EIS Interest” Information Table

    • Attended “EIS Interest” Informational Session on [DATE, TIME]

    • Talked with an EIS program representative

    • Networked with peers

    • Talked with CDC staff

    • Talked with field staff (i.e., representatives from state and local health departments or non-CDC federal agencies)

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. I found personnel who could answer my questions about the EIS program.

  1. The eligibility criteria for the EIS program are clear.

  1. The EIS Conference gave me a better understanding of the EIS program.

  1. I plan to apply to be an EIS officer.

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about your experience at the EIS conference. Include any information or opportunities that should be included for potential applicants that was not. [Open-Ended Response]


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  1. During the conference…

  • I attended at least one oral presentation session.

  • I did not attend any oral presentation session. (SKIP TO PAGE 10, POSTER SYMPOSIUM ATTENDANCE)


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The following questions refer to your overall experience in the oral presentations that you attended during the conference.

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the oral presentation sessions:

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. The epidemiological methods used were innovative.

  1. The epidemiological methods used were sound.

  1. The speakers presented relevant and useful recommendations to impact public health.

  1. The speakers effectively delivered their presentations.

  1. I learned something new from the oral presentations/Q&A sessions.

  1. Moderators effectively facilitated the Q&A sessions.

  1. The Q&A sessions were of high quality.

  1. Overall, the oral presentations were of high quality.

  1. Please note any session that was particularly good and why. [Open-Ended Response]

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about the oral presentation sessions. [Open-Ended Response]


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  1. Which of the following did you attend (check all that apply)?

  • Poster Symposium I (Tuesday, April 25th from 1:30-2:45 PM)

  • Poster Symposium II (Wednesday, April 26th from 10:30-11:45 AM)

  • No, I did not attend any Poster Symposium. (Skip to Page 12, LANGMUIR LECTURE)


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The following questions refer to your overall experience in the Poster Symposium(s) that you attended during the conference.

  1. Check here if you did not attend any oral presentation sessions during the conference.

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the Poster Symposium(s).

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. The 2-minute format of the poster presentation was appropriate.

  1. Epidemiological methods used were innovative.

  1. The epidemiological methods used were sound.

  1. The speakers presented relevant and useful recommendations to impact public health.

  1. The speakers effectively delivered their presentations.

  1. I learned something new from the Poster Symposium.

  1. Overall, posters were of high quality.

  1. Please comment on anything you want us to know about the Poster Symposium. [Open-Ended Response]


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The Langmuir Lecture, named after Aleander D. Langmuir, MD, MPH, is the preeminent public health lecture in the United States. The first lecture was given in 1972, and it has been a highlight of the annual EIS Conference each year since then.

  1. Rate your agreement with the following statements:

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

  1. The Langmuir Lecture speaker was effective.

  1. The topic for the Langmir Lecture was relevant to my work.

  1. Describe any topics or speakers that you suggest for future Langmuir lectures. [Open-Ended Response]


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  1. Please rate the quality of the following features of the conference:





Not Applicable

  1. On-site WiFi

  1. Onsite support personnel

  1. Quality of venue

  1. Conference format (e.g., agenda)

  1. Conference environment (e.g., room configuration)

  1. Which of the following did you read or post information about during the conference (check all that apply)?



Oral Sessions

Poster Symposium

Job positions

EIS recruitment/matching events (regarding positions for incoming EIS Class of 2017)

Social events

Networking events or meetings

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

Not Applicable

      1. The conference provided a forum to engage in the scientific exchange of current epidemiologic topics.

      1. The conference highlighted the breadth of epidemiologic investigations at CDC.

      1. I gained insight into innovative epidemiological methods at this conference.

      1. This conference was valuable to my work.

      1. I plan to use something from the conference in my work.

      1. Overall, I am satisfied with this conference.

  1. Overall, the quality of the 2017 EIS Conference was:

    • Poor

    • Fair

    • Good

    • Excellent

  1. Name 1-2 aspects of the conference that you especially liked. [Open-Ended Response]

  1. Name 1-2 suggestions that would have improved your experience at the conference. [Open-Ended Response]


Thank you for your time and feedback to help us improve the EIS Conference. We hope to see you at next year’s conference!


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCDC User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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