Owning a Home Evaluation Study

Owning a Home Evaluation Study

Survey Instrument_10.14.2015_FINAL_new question_4.26.2016

Owning a Home Evaluation Study

OMB: 3170-0058

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Owning a Home Survey Instrument
Table of Contents

Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Survey Flow .................................................................................................................................... 5
A. Getting Started ........................................................................................................................... 6
Module A: Screening, Consent, and Contact Info ...................................................................... 6
Sub-module: Welcome & Screening ...................................................................................... 6
Sub-module: Informed Consent ............................................................................................ 13
Sub-module: Contact Information ........................................................................................ 14
Sub-module: Wrap-up........................................................................................................... 17
B. Timeline ................................................................................................................................... 18
Module B.i: Stage of the Home Buying Process ...................................................................... 18
Sub-module: Search .............................................................................................................. 22
Sub-Module: Offer-made ...................................................................................................... 23
Sub-Module: Offer-accepted ................................................................................................ 23
Sub-Module: Post-purchase .................................................................................................. 24
Sub-Module: Out of market .................................................................................................. 24
Sub-Module: Wrap-up .......................................................................................................... 25
Module B.ii: Follow-up Survey Stage ...................................................................................... 25
C. Search Details ........................................................................................................................... 28
Module C.i: Home Search Details ............................................................................................ 28
Module C.ii: Mortgage Search Details ..................................................................................... 31
D: Empowerment .......................................................................................................................... 37
Module D: Empowerment......................................................................................................... 37
E. Knowledge ................................................................................................................................ 39
Module E: Knowledge of Mortgage Concepts ......................................................................... 39
F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms ................................................................. 44
Module F.i: Baseline Beliefs..................................................................................................... 44
Module F.ii: First Offer Beliefs ................................................................................................ 45
Module F.iii: Pre-Purchase Beliefs ........................................................................................... 46
Module F.iv: Post-Purchase Beliefs .......................................................................................... 49
G. Correlates ................................................................................................................................. 52
Module G.i: Psychometrics ....................................................................................................... 52

Module G.ii: Demographics and Finances................................................................................ 58
Module G.iii: Credit Score ........................................................................................................ 63
H. Lender summary & disclosure experience ............................................................................... 64
Module H: Lender summary & disclosure experience ............................................................. 64
Submodule: Lender summary ............................................................................................... 64
Submodule: Disclosure experience ....................................................................................... 67
I. Document Details ...................................................................................................................... 69
Module I.i: Request for Loan Estimates ................................................................................... 69
Module I.ii: Request for Closing Disclosures ........................................................................... 73
Sub-module: Request ............................................................................................................ 73
Sub-module: Manual-entry ................................................................................................... 77
J. Wrap-Up .................................................................................................................................... 84
Module J.i: Baseline Survey: Treatments ................................................................................. 84
Sub-module: Shopping Treatment ........................................................................................ 84
Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment............................................................................. 85
Sub-module: Control............................................................................................................. 86
Sub-module: Baseline Wrap-up ............................................................................................ 87
Module J.ii: Periodic Survey: Treatments ................................................................................ 89
Sub-module: Shopping Treatment ........................................................................................ 89
Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment............................................................................. 93
Sub-module: Control............................................................................................................. 95
Module J.iii: Final survey ......................................................................................................... 96
Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment............................................................................. 96
Sub-Module: Shopping & Control Treatments ..................................................................... 97
Sub-Module: Wrap up & Payment information.................................................................... 99



Document Navigation
Comments to researchers and programmers are provided in outlined text boxes. These
comments will not be included in the survey.
The survey is organized into modules. Questions are enumerated using a module code (A-J) and
question number.
Survey Progress and Paradata
Each time the participant takes the survey, record: the date and the start and end times for each
module; the response time for certain specific questions (specified in the instruction boxes) the
type of device that the participant is using (i.e., computer, mobile phone); and the internet
browser used.
The survey should continuously save progress (i.e., every time participants change pages), and if
participants stop and access the survey later, they should be taken to the most recent page they
For participants who refuse a question that has subsequent branches based on the response to that
preceding question, the subsequent branch(es) will not be shown. Instead, the participant will be
taken to the next independent question. For questions requiring a response, the prompt “Please
provide a valid answer.” will be shown when a participant tries to submit a page with a hard
prompt question left blank (unless otherwise indicated by instructions).
Survey Display
The survey will be formatted with multiple pages. Page breaks are designated by [next].
Participants should be able to go forward or back to change their answers. Page backgrounds
should be off-white.
The survey should be compatible with both computer and mobile displays. This may result in
some small changes to formatting depending on the participant’s device.
Question number and module codes should not be visible to participants.
All questions that say “Mark all that apply” should have square selection boxes; all questions
with one response requested should have radio buttons.
The wording of specific questions may vary depending on the survey type (e.g. for periodic
surveys, we will ask “Since we last heard from you,” whereas for the baseline survey, we will
ask “Since you started searching for a home”).
Survey Flow
The type of survey administered and the modules administered within each type of survey will
change as a function of the participant’s current situation and their responses to questions
administered in previous surveys. To accomplish this, we maintain a number of state variables
for each participant.



There are three survey types: baseline, periodic, and follow-up.
The baseline survey administers the same modules to all survey participants. In contrast, each
periodic survey consists of a combination of modules that depends on the participant’s home
buying stage. The modules for each survey are designated in the table below. Two special
survey types – “Search – 6th Periodic” and “First-Offer + Post-Purchase” – account for special
circumstances. The participant’s home buying stage is determined based on their responses to
questions in Module B. This logic is explained in the preface to Module B.
Periodic surveys are administered every two weeks for a total of six periodic surveys over a
three-month period. Participants who close on their home during this three-month period and
take the Post-Purchase version of the periodic survey have completed the study. These
participants do not need to complete any remaining periodic surveys.
The follow-up survey is administered during a separate, follow-up period after the conclusion of
the main study period. Only participants who were in the “offer-accepted” stage at the end of the
6th, final, periodic survey are asked to take the follow-up survey. Participants are asked to take
the follow-up survey after they have closed on their new home. The follow-up survey has a
separate initial module, but otherwise administers the same modules as the Post-purchase survey.
In the survey flow table below, “X” indicates that the module is administered, “O” indicates that
administration depends on participant’s responses, and blank cells indicate that the module is not



Survey Flow





i. Screening, consent, contact
i. Stage of home buying process
ii. Follow-up survey stage
i. Home
ii. Mortgage
i. Empowerment
i. Mortgage Concepts
i. Baseline
ii. First-Offer
iii. Pre-Purchase
iv. Post-Purchase
i. Psychometrics
ii. Demographics and Finances
iii. Credit Score
i. Lender & disclosure
i. Loan Estimates
ii. Closing Disclosures
i. Baseline Treatments
ii. Periodic Treatments
iii. Final survey


Out of




































*In the 6 periodic survey, these stages may receive Module J.iii instead.

Survey Flow




A. Getting Started
Module A: Screening, Consent, and Contact Info
Survey Types
The primary purpose of Module A is to determine if participants are eligible for the study.
Participants who are ineligible are those with any of the following characteristics:
1) Someone who is involved in the mortgage industry;
2) Someone who has no plans to buy a house in the next 3 months;
3) Someone who is not involved in housing and mortgage decisions for their household, or
someone who does not plan to get a mortgage to finance their home purchase.
In order to reduce the number of participants who respond as ineligible in error, participants who
select a response that would mark them as ineligible are asked a follow-up question. The follow
up question asks for additional detail, giving participants an opportunity to correct their errors
before being permanently excluded from the survey. Additionally, a subset of participants who
are ineligible because they do not plan to buy a home in the next three months are given the
chance to be contacted later, at which point they may be further along in their home buying
process and therefore eligible for the study.
Module A is administered upon the participant’s arrival at the study home page.
Module A is divided into three sub-modules: Welcome & Screening, Contact Information, and
Wrap-up. Welcome & Screening sets the context and screens participants for eligibility. If
participants are eligible, they must agree to the informed consent before continuing with the
remainder of Module A. The Contact Information submodule collects contact information, and
the Wrap-up submodule contains the necessary logic before handing the participant off to the
next module in the Baseline survey (Module C).
Sub-module: Welcome & Screening
Welcome screen
The welcome screen contains two links –one to the PRA Statement and one to a Privacy Act
Statement. Both statements are presented on a separate page or pop-up window. The PRA
Statement link uses the same PRA Statement as presented in the informed consent (see SubModule: Informed Consent). The Privacy Act Statement link on the welcome screen uses a
different Privacy Act Statement than the one presented in the informed consent:
Privacy Act Statement
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(e)(3)

A. Getting Started

The information you provide to Fors Marsh Group (the study administrator) will assist the study sponsor,
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), in determining your eligibility to participate in the
Home Buying Study.
The CFPB will not obtain or access any directly identifying information from Fors Marsh about study
participants. The agency will only obtain, and access, de-identified results and aggregated analyses of
those results. Information collected on behalf of the Bureau by Fors Marsh will be treated in accordance
with the System of Records Notice (“SORN”), CFPB.021 – CFPB Consumer Education and Engagement
Records, 77 F.R. 60382 [link]. This information will not be disclosed. The Routine Uses for the SORN
specifies how we may use this information.
This collection of information is authorized by Pub. L. No. 111-203, Title X, Sections 1013 and 1022,
codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 5493 and 5512.
Participation in this exercise is voluntary, you are not required to participate or share any identifying
information with Fors Marsh Group. You may withdraw participation at any time.

Welcome to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s
Home Buying Study
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our study. Before you begin, here are the key points you
should know:
• This study is being conducted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a
federal government agency. The CFPB has asked [Partner] for help in contacting
homebuyers to participate in the study.
• The CFPB’s mission includes helping to ensure that consumer financial products – such
as mortgages – work well for consumers. That means educating and empowering
consumers, providing consumers with information to help them make financial decisions,
and writing and enforcing rules for how companies can act.
• Participation in this study is voluntary. This study is conducted in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act [link] and the Privacy Act [link].
• To get started, we need to ask you a few questions about yourself. These questions take
only about 2 minutes. After that, we’ll tell you what to expect from the rest of the study,
and you can choose whether to continue.
• If you want to change an answer to a previous question, use the “back” button at the
bottom of the page to return to the previous question. Do not use your browser’s back
A response is required to QA.1.
If participant selects any of a-b, then proceed to QA.3.
If participant selects any of c-d, then proceed to QA.6.
If participant selects any of e-g, then proceed to QA.5
If participant selects h, then proceed to QA.2.

A. Getting Started


QA.1 is the first of three series of questions asked to determined eligibility to the study. QA.1
and subsequent questions evaluate the participant’s expected timeframe for buying a home.
The other two criterion are mortgage decision-making (starting with QA.7) and non-mortgagerelated occupation (starting with QA.11).
Participants only meet the expected timeframe criterion if they answer a-d to QA.1.
Participants who answer a-b are asked further information in QA.3 to determine eligibility.
Participants who answer c-d meet the criterion and are asked additional background information
in QA.6 before being passed to QA.7 for the next criterion. Participants who answer e-h are
presumed non-eligible, but directed to fail-safe questions QA.2. and QA.5. Participants who
reach these fail-safe questions in error may press the survey’s Back button to return to QA.1 and
select the correct answer choice.
QA.1. Which of the following statements fits you best right now?
a___ I want to buy a home, but I haven’t started looking yet
b___ I am looking for a home, but I am not ready to buy
c___ I am looking for a home, and I am ready to buy
d___ I have found a home I want to buy and am ready to put in an offer
e___ I have put in an offer and am waiting for a decision or negotiating with the seller
f___ My home purchase offer has been accepted but I have not closed yet
g___ I recently bought a home
h___ I do not have plans to buy a home at this time
QA.2 is a fail-safe for QA.1. Display is conditional on response to QA.1 = h.
If displayed, a response is required to questions QA.2 (any text at all).
Record back button presses from this question.
If participant proceeds then terminate and display the following text: “We are sorry, but our
study is focused on people who will be purchasing a home in the near future. Thank you for
your interest in our study.”
QA.2. You said you do not have plans to buy a home at this time. What is your primary
interest in [Partner].com?
[open text box]
QA.3 is a fail-safe for QA.1. Display is conditional on response to QA.1 = any of a-b
If displayed, a response is required to QA.3.
Record back button presses from this question.
Replace bracketed portion with response from QA.1. If the response was …
…a, then use “want to buy a home, but haven’t started looking”
…b, then use “are looking for a home, but are not ready to buy”

A. Getting Started


If participant selects “very likely” or “likely”, then proceed to QA.6.
If participant selects “somewhat”, then proceed to QA.6.**
If participant selects “not very likely” or “not at all likely”, proceed to QA.4.
**Depending on recruitment patterns, we may decide to exclude the “somewhat likely”
participants in subsequent recruitment waves.
QA.3. You said you […]. How likely are you to make an offer on a home sometime in the
next 3 months?
___ not at all likely
___ not very likely
___ somewhat likely
___ likely
___ very likely
QA.4 is an attempt to increase the number of participants in our study. We hope that people who
are recruited early in the study period and who are not very close to buying a home may be
further in the process a few weeks later.
For participants in recruitment waves 1-3, administer this question. For participants in later
waves, terminate and display the following text: “We are sorry, but our study is focused on
people who will be purchasing a home in the near future. Thank you for your interest in our
Do not display a back button on this page.
For participants who answer “Yes, you can contact me at [open-text box],” upon submission
display the message “Thank you. You will receive an email from us in about a month from
study@CFPB-homebuying.org.” [survey end]
For participants who answer “No, I don’t want to be contacted again” upon submission, display
the message “Thank you for your interest in our study.” [survey end]
The link to the Privacy Act Statement in QA.4 is presented in a separate window or pop-up and
is the same as the Privacy Act Statement in the Informed Consent:
QA.4. Our study is focused on people who will be purchasing a home in the near future.
We’d like to contact you again in about a month to learn how your home search is going.
To give us permission to do so, please enter your email address below. Your email address
will remain confidential under 12 CFR 1070.41 et seq. and will only be used to contact you
about this study. View the Privacy Act Statement [link].
___ Yes, you can contact me at [open-text box]
___ No, I don’t want to be contacted again.

A. Getting Started


QA.5 is a fail-safe for QA.1. Display is conditional on response to QA.1 =any of e-g
If displayed, a response is required to questions QA.5.
Record back button presses from this question.
Replace bracketed portion with response from QA.1. If the response was …
…e, then use “you put in an offer on a home and are waiting for a decision or negotiating with
the seller”
…f, then use “your home purchase offer was accepted but you have not closed yet”
…g, then use “you recently bought a home”
If participant proceeds, terminate and display the following text: “We are sorry, but our study is
focused on people who are earlier in their home-buying process. Thank you for your interest in
our study.”
QA.5. You said []. About how long ago did you make your initial offer on this home?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago
QA.6. gathers additional background information about how long participants have been
searching for a home.
QA.6. How long have you been searching for a home?
___ Less than a month
___ 1-2 months
___ 3-5 months
___ 6 months or more
QA.7. begins the second of three series of questions asked to determined eligibility to the study.
QA.7 and subsequent questions evaluate participants for the mortgage decision-making
A response is required to QA.7.
If response to QA.7 = “yes”, proceed to QA.8
If response to QA.7 = “no”, proceed to QA.10
QA.7. Do you plan to get a mortgage loan to finance your home purchase?
___ Yes
___ No
QA.8. display is conditional upon response to QA.7 = “yes”.
If displayed, a response is required to questions QA.8.

A. Getting Started


If response to QA.8. = “I will decide alone” or “I will decide together with another person”,
proceed to question QA.11.
If response to QA.8. = “I won’t be involved in the decision” or “Other,” proceed to question
QA.8. Who will make decisions about choosing a mortgage to finance your home purchase?
___ I will decide alone
___ I will decide together with another person
___ I won’t be involved in the decision (another person will decide)
___ Other
QA.9 is a fail-safe for QA.8. Display is contingent on response to QA.8 = “I won’t be involved
in the decision” or “Other.”
Require a response and record back button presses from this question.
If participant responds to this question, terminate and display the following text, “We are sorry,
but our study requires us to gather information from people who will be involved in making
mortgage loan decisions. Thank you for your interest in our study.”
QA.9. You said that you would not be involved in making decisions about choosing a
mortgage to finance your home purchase. What is your relationship to the person who will
make the decision?
___ The decision-maker is my spouse/partner
___ The decision-maker is my father/mother
___ The decision-maker is my son/daughter
___ Other (please specify) [text box]
QA.10 is a fail-safe for QA.7. Display is contingent on response to QA. 7 = “no”.
Require a response and record back button presses from this question.
If participant proceeds, terminate and display the following text, “We are sorry, but our study
requires us to gather information from people who will be using a mortgage loan to finance their
home purchase. Thank you for your interest in our study.”
QA.10. You said you do not plan to get a mortgage to finance this home purchase. How will
you finance your home purchase?
___ I will purchase my home with personal funds (I will not take a loan of any kind)
___ I will rent-to-own (also called lease-to-own or land contract)
___ I will use seller financing (the seller of the home will loan me the money)
___ I will use private financing (a family member or friend will loan me the money)
___ Other (please specify) [text box]

A. Getting Started


QA.11 begins the third of three series of questions asked to determined eligibility to the study.
QA.11 and subsequent questions evaluate participants for the non-mortgage-industry
occupation criterion.
A response is required to QA.11.
If response to QA.11 = “yes”, proceed to QA.12
If response to QA.11 = “no”, proceed to the next sub-module
QA.11. Do you work in the mortgage or real estate industries?
___ Yes
___ No
QA.12 is a fail-safe for QA.11. Display is conditional on response to QA.11 = “Yes”.
If displayed, a response is required to QA.11.
Record Back button presses from this question.
If participant selects any of the following, then proceed to next sub-module.
“I work for a commercial real estate company”
“I work for an apartment management company”
“I work for a construction company “
“I do not work in the mortgage or real estate industries”
Otherwise, terminate and display the following text: “We are sorry, but our study is focused on
homebuyers who do not work in the mortgage or real estate industry. Thank you for your
interest in our study.”
QA.12. You said you work in the mortgage or real estate industry. What job do you have?
___ I am a mortgage loan officer, originator, or broker
___ I am a settlement agent, escrow agent, or closing attorney
___ I am a mortgage underwriter or processor
___ I am a realtor or real estate agent
___ I am an appraiser, title insurer, or other service provider
___ I work in mortgage servicing
___ I work for a company that deals in the secondary market for mortgage securities
___ I work for a commercial real estate company
___ I work for an apartment management company
___ I work for a construction company
___ Other job dealing with real estate or mortgages
___ I do not work in the mortgage or real estate industries

A. Getting Started


Sub-module: Informed Consent
If participants have reached this point, they are eligible for the study.
Participant must answer this question. If participant refuses to answer, display the following
warning: “Please acknowledge that you agree to participate.”
Eligible participants are presented with the informed consent opt-in page. After opt-in, continue
to Sub-module: Contact Information.
Thank you for your participation so far. Before you continue, you should know more about your
benefits and rights as a participant:
What benefits do I receive for participating?
• You will contribute to research by the U.S. government and CFPB aimed at empowering,
educating, and protecting homebuyers.
• After completing today’s survey, you will receive a $5 thank you gift. If you complete
all of the check-in surveys, you will receive an additional gift of $20 at the end of the
What should I know about participating?
• Participation is voluntary. You can withdraw at any time.
• The study will last for 3 months, with a 5-minute check-in survey every two weeks.
• Your responses will be kept confidential under 12 CFR 1070.41 et seq.
• Information that directly identifies you will only be used to contact you and to facilitate
data matching. Learn More [link to privacy statement].
• We may provide you with online resources as part of this study. If so, we will see how
you use these resources.
• We are conducting this study in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Learn More [link to PRA statement].
• This study has been reviewed for ethics, privacy, and burden considerations by the Office
of Management and Budget (#3170-0058).
Who should I contact if I have questions?
You can contact the Lead Researcher, Dustin Beckett, at dustin.h.beckett@cfpb.gov


I agree to participate

PRA Statement
This PRA statement is presented on a separate page or pop-up window, linked to from the
informed consent.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

A. Getting Started


We are conducting this study in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, and the
questions asked as part of this study have been approved by the Federal government’s Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under OMB control number 3170-0058 which expires on
12/31/2018. Without this approval, we could not ask these questions.
Privacy Act Statement
This Privacy Act statement is presented on a separate page or pop-up window, linked to from the
informed consent.

Privacy Act Statement
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(e)(3)
The information you provide to Fors Marsh Group (the study administrator) will assist the study
sponsor, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), in understanding how people shop for
homes and find mortgages, and what kinds of tools and support are most helpful to them.
The CFPB will not obtain or access any directly identifying information about study participants. The
agency will only obtain and access de-identified results and aggregated analyses of those results.
Information collected on behalf of the Bureau will be treated in accordance with the System of
Records Notice (“SORN”), CFPB.021 – CFPB Consumer Education and Engagement Records, 77 F.R.
60382 [link]. This information will not be disclosed. The Routine Uses for the SORN specifies how
we may use this information. Any direct identifying information you provide will only be used to
contact you for follow-up surveys or reminders, match across data sets for analysis, and to deliver
your thank you gift, and will be kept private except as required by law.
This collection of information is authorized by Pub. L. No. 111-203, Title X, Sections 1013 and
1022, codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 5493 and 5512.
Participation in this study is voluntary, you are not required to participate or share any identifying
information, and you may withdraw participation at any time. However, if you do not include the
requested information, you may not participate in the study.

Sub-module: Contact Information
If participants have reached this point, they are eligible for the study and they have opted in.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important research project.
Before we continue, please take a moment to tell us how we can contact you in the future,
and how you would like to receive your thank you gift.

A. Getting Started


A response is required to QA.13
Emails should be syntactically validated.
If participant refuses to answer the question or provides a syntactically invalid address, display
warning text and do not proceed until participant has provided a valid email address:
“In order to participate in this study, we need your email address so we can contact you and send
you your thank you gift. Your email address will remain confidential and will only be used to
contact you about this study.”
QA.13. What is your email address?
[open text]
QA.14 will be validated for various possible phone number formats.
If participant provides a phone number longer than 10 digits or otherwise invalid, display the
following warning: “Please provide a valid 10 digit phone number.”
QA.14. When it’s time to take a check-in survey, would you like to receive text-message
reminders on your phone?
We will never call you, and your number will be kept confidential. Standard text-messaging
rates from your cellular provider will apply.
___ Yes. My number is: [numeric only]
___ No
A response is required to QA.15.
“Amazon e-gift card” should be pre-selected by default.
If participant selects Paypal, Amazon, or e-gift card, display QA.16.
If they select “Use-anywhere gift card mailed to my home”, skip to QA.17.
If they select “I do not want to receive a thank you gift”, proceed to Sub-module: Wrap-up.
QA.15. How would you like to receive your thank you gift?
___ Amazon e-gift card
___ PayPal transfer
___ Use-anywhere e-gift card
___ Use-anywhere gift card mailed to my home
___ I do not want to receive a thank you gift
QA.16 display is conditional on response to QA.15 = Paypal, Amazon or e-gift card.
If displayed, a response is required.
[email address provided earlier] should be pre-selected by default.

A. Getting Started


Entered emails should be syntactically validated. If participant selects “A different email
address” but does not provide a valid email address, display the following warning on the next
“Please enter a valid email address. If you would like us to use the email address you provided
earlier, ([email address]), click Next.
Otherwise, please click the Back button below to indicate a different email address.”
If participant clicks “Next” then use the previously-entered email address.
Continue to Sub-module: Wrap-up.
QA.16. What email address would you like us to use to send the [PayPal transfer/Amazon
e-gift card/use-anywhere e-gift card]?
___ [email address provided earlier]
___ A different email address: [open text box]
QA.17 display is conditional on response to QA.15 = gift card mailed to home.
If displayed, a response is required.
The system should check to make sure all fields are filled in. If they are not, provide this
“Please enter a valid address so we can mail you your gift card.

Otherwise, please click the Back button below to indicate a different way to receive your thank
you gift.”
If all fields are filled in, the system should THEN verify the ZIP code is syntactically valid. If
not, it should provide a warning about an invalid ZIP code.
Continue to Sub-module: Wrap-up.
QA.17. Where would you like your gift card mailed?
First Name: [text]
Last Name: [text]
Street Address: [text]
City: [text]
State: [text]
Zip: [numeric]

A. Getting Started


Sub-module: Wrap-up
Participants are now ready to take the baseline survey. After delivering the following message,
proceed to: Module C.i. Home Search Details.
For purposes of survey logic, the stage variables (see introductory notes to Module B) should be
set to:
Current-stage = “search”
Previous-stage = “search”
First-offer-taken = “false”
Use the following email addresses for the text below:
[gift email] =
Amazon: gc-orders@gc.email.amazon.com
PayPal: member@paypal.com
Use-anywhere e-gift card: notification@prepaidcodecenter.com
Use the following text in the section [gift text]:
If QA.15 == “Amazon e-gift card” “Use anywhere e-gift card” or “PayPal transfer” then display
“After you complete this first survey, we’ll send you a thank you gift of $5. The email will come
from [gift email].”
Otherwise, if QA.15 == “Use anywhere gift card mailed to my home” then display “After you
complete this first survey, we’ll send you a thank you gift card of $5 in the mail. ”
Otherwise, if QA.15 == “I do not want to receive a thank you gift,” then do not display this

Thanks for providing your contact information.
Now you’re ready to take the first home-buying survey. It should take less than 20
minutes. Before you get started, a couple of reminders:
1. Your progress during the survey is saved automatically. An email has been sent to the
email address you provided with a personalized survey link. If you are unable to finish
the survey in one sitting, you can use this link to return where you left off. This email
will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org, so be sure to add this address to your
safe-senders list.
2. In this study, we use the word “you” to ask questions about your home purchase and
mortgage decisions. If you and another person will make these decisions together,
please answer on behalf of both you and that other person.
3. [gift text]

A. Getting Started


B. Timeline
Module B.i: Stage of the Home Buying Process
Survey Types
Periodic (all versions)
The purpose of Module B is to assess participants’ home buying stage. This set of questions will
be asked in each periodic survey and the follow-up survey to see how participants are moving
through the home buying process.
Questions in Module B will allow us to choose which version of the periodic survey to
administer and will dictate skip logic.
Questions in Module B should be distilled to build the “current-stage” and “previous-stage”
variables for each participant, where previous-stage is equal to current-stage at the end of the
previous survey. For the baseline survey, both variables take the value “search”.
Based on responses in this module, current-stage can take the following: “search,” “offermade,” “offer-accepted,” “post-purchase,” and “out-of-market”
An additional variable, “first-offer-taken” is also necessary to track which version of the survey
participants should be given. For the baseline survey, this variable takes the value FALSE.
Sub-modules are purely organizational, they do not serve a functional purpose.

For this description, text in brackets should not be shown for those who do not want to be paid
under QA.15 (i.e., a response of “I do not want to receive a thank you gift.”)

Check-in Home Buying Survey
Welcome back. We are interested in learning about what has happened since the last time
we heard from you, on [date of last response]. Today’s survey should take less than 5
minutes for most people.
A few reminders before you begin:
1. Your progress during the survey is saved automatically. If you are unable to finish the
survey in one sitting, you can use the link in your survey invitation to return where you
left off.
2. In this study, we use the word “you” to ask questions about your home purchase and
mortgage decisions. If you and another person will make these decisions together,
please answer on behalf of both you and that other person.

B. Timeline


3. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dustin Beckett at
dustin.h.beckett@cfpb.gov. You can always view this study’s privacy policy here [link].
4. [Once you complete all the check-in surveys, you’ll receive a $20 thank you gift]
Thanks again for participating in this important study.
A response is required to QB.1. QB.1 is used to set the variables “current-stage”, “previousstage”, and “first-offer-taken”. Note, however, that “first-offer-taken” is not updated until
Module J.
First, set “previous-stage” equal to the current value of “current-stage” (as carried over from the
prior survey).
Next, update “current-stage” according to responses to QB.1.
Set the current stage
Response to
Set current
stage to…
Proceed to QB.2

QB.1. We are interested in how your home search has progressed since [date of last
response]. Which of the following statements fits you best right now?
a___ I want to buy a home, but haven’t started looking yet
b___ I am looking for a home, but I am not ready to buy
c___ I am looking for a home, and I am ready to buy
d___ I have found a home I want to buy and am ready to put in an offer
e___ I have put in an offer on a home and am waiting for a decision or negotiating with
the seller
f___ My home purchase offer has been accepted but I have not closed yet
g___ I recently bought a home
h___ I do not have plans to buy a home at this time
A response is required to QB.2.

B. Timeline


Question wording and navigation depends on response to QB.1
Response to

Variable text
you want to buy a home, but have not started looking
you are looking for a home, but are not ready to buy
you are looking for a home, and are ready to buy
you have found a home you want to buy and are ready to
put in an offer
you have put in an offer on a home and are waiting for a
decision or negotiating with the seller
your home purchase offer has been accepted but you have
not closed yet
you recently bought a home
you do not have plans to buy a home at this time

QB.2. You indicated that [variable text based on response of QB.1]. If this is correct, click
Next to continue. If not, use the Back button below (not the back button on your browser)
to correct your answer.

Following to QB.2, examine previous-stage and response to QB.1 to determine which question to
navigate to next:
If previous-stage (column headings) is… and response to QB1 (row headings) is…
then navigate to (corresponding white cell)…
Postto QB1
Out of
(retroModule B Module B
(retro- gression)
(retro(retro(retro(retro- gression)

B. Timeline


QB.3 display is conditional on responses to QB.1 (as confirmed by QB.2) indicating stage
previous-stage= either of “first-offer” or “offer-made” AND response to QB.1 = any of a-d or h
previous-stage=“Offer-accepted” AND response to QB.1 = any of a-e or h
If displayed, a response is required to QB.3
Record Back button presses for this question.
The text of question QB.3 depends on the most recent PRIOR response to QB.1
PRIOR response to

Variable text
you wanted to buy a home, but had not started looking
you were looking for a home, but were not ready to buy
you were looking for a home, and were ready to buy
you had found a home you want to buy and were ready to
put in an offer
you had put in an offer on a home and were waiting for a
decision or negotiating with the seller
your home purchase offer had been accepted but you had
not closed yet
you recently bought a home
you did not have plans to buy a home

To determine where to proceed after QB3, refer to the following table. Navigation depends on
CURRENT response to QB.1
Response to

B. Timeline

Proceed to…
Module B Wrap-up


QB.3. Last time we heard from you, you said that [variable text based on PRIOR response
to QB.1]. Please briefly explain what happened since last time that changed your situation.
[open text box]
Sub-module: Search
QB.4 display is conditional on response to QB.1 = any of a, b
If displayed, a response is required to QB.4
If response is either of “not at all likely” or “not very likely,” then go to QB.5.
Otherwise, if response is any of “somewhat likely”, “likely,” or “very likely,” continue to submodule “Wrap-up”
Display QB4 if…

A, B

Response to QB4
Not at all likely

Proceed to…

Not very likely
Somewhat likely



Very likely
QB.4. How likely are you to make an offer on a home sometime in the next 3 months?
___ not at all likely
___ not very likely
___ somewhat likely
___ likely
___ very likely
QB.5 is a fail-safe for QB.4. Display is conditional on response to QB.4= either of “not at all
likely” or “not very likely”.
If displayed, a response is required to QB.5
Record Back button presses from this question
If participant selects “I am too busy…” and nothing else set current-stage to “search.”
For all other responses, set current-stage set to “out-of-market” and continue QB.9
QB.5. Why are you unlikely to buy a home at this time? (Mark all that apply)
___ I need time to save for a down payment.

B. Timeline


___ I need time to improve my credit score.
___ I cannot find any homes that I like in my price range.
___ I have had a change in my financial circumstances.
___ I am too busy right now, but I plan to search again in a few weeks.
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
Sub-Module: Offer-made
QB.6 display is conditional on response to QB.1 =e (I have put in an offer).
If displayed, a response is required to QB.6
Record Back button presses from this question
Continue to sub-module “Wrap-up”.
Display QB6 if…

QB.6. About how long ago did you make your initial offer on this home?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago
Sub-Module: Offer-accepted
QB.7 display is conditional on response to QB.1 =f (offer accepted, not yet closed).
If displayed, a response is required to QB.7
Record Back button presses from this question
Continue to sub-module “Wrap-up”.
Display QB7 if…

QB.7. About how long ago was your home offer accepted?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago

B. Timeline


Sub-Module: Post-Purchase
QB.8 display is conditional on response to QB.1 =g (completed home purchase).
If displayed, a response is required to QB.8
Record Back button presses from this question
Continue to sub-module “Wrap-up”.
Display QB8 if…
QB.8. About how long ago did you close on your home?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago
Sub-Module: Out of market
QB.9 display is conditional on response to QB.1 =h (out of market).
Display bracketed text if this survey is Periodic 1-5. If this is Periodic 6, omit the bracketed text.
Record Back button presses from this question
Continue to sub-module “Wrap-up”.
Display QB9 if…
QB.9. Thanks. We’ve got just a couple more questions for you in today’s survey. [We’ll
check in with you again in a couple of weeks to see whether anything has changed with
your situation. Please keep us updated by responding to the next survey request.]

B. Timeline


Sub-Module: Wrap-up
Follow the below logic to determine which version of the survey to offer.
Next Module
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Periodic 6 False
Search - 6th
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Offer-made Any
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Offer-accepted Module C.ii: Mortgage Search Details
Module C.i: Home Search Details
Module D: Empowerment
Skip to J
Module J.ii: Wrap up

Module B.ii: Follow-up Survey Stage
Survey Types
This abbreviated version of Module B is customized for the follow-up survey.

Follow-up Home Buying Survey
Welcome back.
This follow-up survey is designed to be taken after you have closed on your new home. If
you haven’t closed on your new home yet, please come back and take the survey once you
have closed. You may use the link in your email to return to it.
A response is required to QB.10
If response to QB.10 = “yes”, skip to QB.12.
If response to QB.10 = “no”, proceed to QB.11
QB.10. Have you closed on your new home yet?
___ Yes
___ No
B. Timeline



QB.11 is a fail-safe for QB.10. This screen is intended to stop not-yet-closed participants from
proceeding, and to serve as a welcome back screen for people who start the survey, stop, and
return to it weeks later.
Record back button presses from this question.
If [next] is clicked, proceed to QB.12.
QB.11. This follow-up survey is designed to be taken after you have closed on your new
If you have not yet closed on your home, please close your browser window now and come
back and take the survey once you have closed on your new home.
If you have recently closed on your new home, use the “Back” button below to update your
Text in brackets should not be shown for those who do not want to be paid under QA.15 (i.e., a
response of “I do not want to receive a thank you gift.”)
For any response, skip to the next module in the follow-up survey (Module D: Empowerment)
We are interested in learning about your closing. Today’s survey should take less than 15
minutes for most people.
A few reminders before you begin:
1. Your progress during the survey is saved automatically. If you are unable to finish the
survey in one sitting, you can use the link in your survey invitation to return where you
left off.
2. In this study, we use the word “you” to ask questions about your home purchase and
mortgage decisions. If you and another person will make these decisions together,
please answer on behalf of both you and that other person.
3. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dustin Beckett at
dustin.h.beckett@cfpb.gov. You can always view this study’s privacy policy here [link].
4. [At the end of the survey, you’ll receive a $5 thank you gift]

B. Timeline


QB.12. About how long ago did you close on your home?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago

B. Timeline


C. Search Details
Module C.i: Home Search Details

Survey Types: Baseline, Periodic (Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, Search-6th periodic, FirstOffer + Post-Purchase)
This module seeks additional information about the nature and intensity of the participant’s
home search.
Show options for QC.i.1 in a grid with multiple columns.
Label columns “Never,” “Once or twice,” “Three or more times.”
On mobile, standard mobile functionality will decompose the grid to a series of individual
questions, one for each response option.
QC.i.1. Since [you started searching for a home / we last heard from you], how often have
you used the following sources to learn about available homes?
___ A home buying or real estate website (such as Zillow.com, Redfin.com. Realtor.com,
Coldwellbanker.com, Century21.com, etc.)
___ A mortgage lender or broker (including banks and credit unions)
___ A real estate agent
___ A builder
___ A government website
___ A newspaper or magazine
___ A housing counselor
___ A friend, relative, or co-worker
___ Exploring a target neighborhood, looking for for-sale signs
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
QC.i.2 display is contingent on past answers to QC.i.2 and QC.i.3.
Use the most recent answers to QC.i.2 and QC.i.3 for the following logic. If a question is not
displayed in subsequent surveys, use the most recent prior answer.
Step 1.
If this is the baseline survey, or if the participant has previously refused QC.i.2 then display
If participant has a prior answer to QC.i.2, then….
Step 2.
If participant has responded “Yes” to QC.i.2 in a previous survey (baseline or periodic), do not
display QC.i.2. Proceed to QC.i.3.
UNLESS… If participant has answered QC.i.3 = “I am not currently working with a real estate
agent” in a previous survey more recently than they answered “Yes” to QC.i.2, then display

C. Search Details


If participant’s most recent prior answer to QC.i.2 is not “yes”, then …
Step 3.
If participant’s most recent response is “No, and I do not plan to work with one”, do not display
QC.i.2 for any subsequent surveys. Proceed to QC.i.5.
If participant’s most recent prior answer to QC.i.2 is “No, but I plan to work with one” or “No,
and I don’t know if I will work with one”, then display QC.i.2.
When QC.i.2 is displayed:
If participant chooses “Yes,” continue to QC.i.3.
If participant chooses “No and I do not plan to work with one”, continue to QC.i.4
Otherwise (including refusals), continue to QC.i.5.
QC.i.2. Are you working with a real estate agent?
___ Yes
___ No, but I plan to work with one
___ No, and I do not know if I will work with one
___ No, and I do not plan to work with one
QC.i.3. display is conditional upon most recent response (either in this or a prior survey) to
QC.i.2 = “Yes”
If QC.i.2 is displayed in this survey and participant responded “Yes”, display QC.i.3.
If QC.i.2 is not displayed in this survey because participant responded “Yes” to QC.i.2 the most
recent prior survey response, display QC.i.3.
If QC.i.2 is displayed in this survey and participant responded with any of the “No” answers, do
not display QC.i.3.
If QC.i.2 is not displayed in this survey because participant responded “No, and I do not plan to
work with one” to QC.i.2 in a prior survey, do not display QC.i.3 for any subsequent surveys.
For all responses, proceed to QC.i.5.
QC.i.3. How often do you speak with or email your real estate agent?
___ Every day
___ Many times per week
___ Once or twice a week
___ Rarely
___ I am not currently working with a real estate agent
QC.i.4 display is conditional upon response in this survey to QC.i.2 = “No, and I don’t plan to
work with one”.

C. Search Details


If QC.i.2 is not displayed in this survey because participant responded “No, and I do not plan to
work with one” to QC.i.2 in a prior survey, do not display QC.i.4.
For all responses, proceed to QC.i.5.
QC.i.4. What is your primary reason for choosing not to work with a real estate agent?
[open text box]
QC.i.5 display is contingent on past answers to QC.i. 5. If participant has ever, in any past
periodic or baseline survey, responded “Yes” to QC.i.5, then do not display QC.i.5.
For all responses, proceed to QC.i.6.
QC.i.5. Have you decided on the neighborhood or neighborhoods where you want to live?
___ Yes
___ No
QC.i.6. [Since we last heard from you,] Have you gone to see any homes in person,
including any open houses?
___ Yes
___ No

C. Search Details


Module C.ii: Mortgage Search Details
Survey Types
Baseline, Periodic (all except Post-Purchase and OOM)
In this module, we want to learn:
1) Which information sources participants have used to learn about their mortgage options and
the general frequency of usage.
2) What mortgage shopping participants have conducted
The sources of information are based on Loibl and Hira (2009) and the NSMB Questionnaire.
This module will be administered in two formats. For the baseline survey, display “Since you
started searching for a mortgage…” and for subsequent surveys, display “Since we last heard
from you…”
A response is required to QC.ii.1
If participant selects a, then continue to next Module.
If participant selects b then continue to QC.ii.2.
QC.ii.1. We are interested in your mortgage search. Which of the following statements fits
you best right now?
a___ I haven’t thought much about mortgages yet
b___ I have started looking into mortgage options
Show options for QC.ii.2 in a grid with multiple columns.
Label columns “Never,” “Once or twice,” “Three or more times.”
On mobile, standard mobile functionality will decompose the grid to a series of individual
questions, one for each response option.
If participant selects either “Once or twice,” or “Three or more times,” for the option “A
government website,” then continue to QC.ii.3.
Otherwise, skip to QC.ii.4.
QC.ii.2. Since [you started searching for a mortgage / we last heard from you], how often
have you used the following sources to learn about the mortgage process and the kinds of
mortgages generally available?
___ A book about home buying
___ A home buying or real estate website (such as Zillow.com, Redfin.com. Realtor.com,
Coldwellbanker.com, Century21.com, etc.)
___ A mortgage lender or broker (includes banks and credit unions)
___ A real estate agent
___ A builder
___ A banker or financial planner
C. Search Details


___ A government website
___ A newspaper or magazine
___ A housing counselor
___ A friend, relative, or co-worker
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
QC.ii.3 display is conditional on answer to QC.ii.2 = either “Once or twice,” or “Three or more
times,” for the option “A government website.”
For all responses continue to QC.ii.4
QC.ii.3. Which government websites did you use to learn about the mortgage process and
the kinds of mortgages generally available? (Mark all that apply)
___ Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
___ Federal Reserve Board (FRB)
___ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
___ Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
___ US Department of Agriculture (USDA), also known as Rural Development (RD)
___ My state’s website (including sites for veterans)
___ My city’s website
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
Show options for QC.ii.4 in a grid with multiple columns.
Label columns “Never,” “Once or twice,” “Three or more times.”
On mobile, standard mobile functionality will decompose the grid to a series of individual
questions, one for each response option.
If participant selects either “Once or twice,” or “Three or more times,” for the option “A
government website,” then continue to QC.ii.5.
Otherwise, skip to QC.ii.6.
QC.ii.4. Since [you started searching for a mortgage / we last heard from you], how often
have you used the following sources to learn about the specific kinds of mortgage loans,
rates or terms available to you?
___ A home buying or real estate website (such as Zillow.com, Redfin.com. Realtor.com,
Coldwellbanker.com, Century21.com, etc.)
___ A mortgage lender or broker (includes banks and credit unions)
___ A real estate agent
___ A builder
___ A banker or financial planner
___ A government website
___ A newspaper or magazine
___ A housing counselor
___ A friend, relative, or co-worker

C. Search Details


___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
QC.ii.5 display is conditional on answer to QC.ii.4 = either “Once or twice,” or “Three or more
times,” for the option “A government website.”
For all responses continue to QC.ii.6.
QC.ii.5. Which government websites did you use to learn about the specific kinds of
mortgage loans, rates or terms available to you? (Mark all that apply)
___ Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
___ Federal Reserve Board (FRB)
___ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
___ Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
___ US Department of Agriculture (USDA), also known as Rural Development (RD)
___ My state’s website (including sites for veterans)
___ My city’s website
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]
If response to QC.ii.6 =yes, then continue to QC.ii.7.
Otherwise, skip to next module.
QC.ii.6. Since [you started searching for a mortgage/we last heard from you], have you
contacted any lenders or brokers (by phone, online, etc.)?
___ Yes
___ No
QC.ii.7 display is conditional on response to QC.ii.6 =yes.
All subsequent questions in this module are also conditional on response to QC.ii.6 =yes.
QC.ii.7. Since [you started searching for a mortgage/we last heard from you], what kind of
contact have you had with lenders or mortgage brokers? (Mark all that apply)
d___ I have asked for information
e___ I have gotten pre-approved or pre-qualified
f___ I have requested a Loan Estimate or applied for a loan
g___ I have agreed to proceed with an official loan offer from a lender or broker
h___ My lender approved my mortgage (sometimes called “cleared to close”)

C. Search Details


QC.ii.8 requires a response.
QC.ii.8. Since [you started searching for a mortgage / we last heard from you], how many
lenders or mortgage brokers have you contacted (in person, by phone, by email, etc.)?
___ 1
___ 2
___ 3
___ 4
___ 5 or more
For QC.ii.9, check to see if response to QC.ii.7 includes E.
If so, display QC.ii.9 and require a response.
If QC.ii.7 does NOT include E, proceed to QC.ii.10.
QC.ii.9. Since [you started searching for a mortgage / we last heard from you], how many
pre-approvals or pre-qualifications have you obtained?
___ 1
___ 2
___ 3
___ 4
___ 5 or more
For QC.ii. 10, check to see if QC.ii.7 includes F.
If so, display QC.ii.10 and require a response.
If QC.ii.7 does NOT include F, skip to QC.ii.15.
For all responses, continue to QC.ii.11.
QC.ii.10. Since [you started searching for a mortgage / we last heard from you], how many
requests for a Loan Estimate or mortgage loan applications have you submitted?
___ 1
___ 2
___ 3
___ 4
___ 5 or more

C. Search Details


QC.ii.11 display is conditional upon response to QC.ii.7 includes F
If response to QC.ii.11 > 0, proceed to QC.ii.12
If response to QC.ii.11 = 0, proceed to QC.ii.14
If response to QC.ii.11 = nonresponse, skip to QC.ii.15
QC.ii.11. From these [number of applications] requests or applications, how many lenders
gave you an official loan offer, known as a Loan Estimate?
(click here to see an example Loan Estimate)
___ [drop down menu, list from 0, by 1, until “number of applications”]
QC.ii.12 display is conditional upon response to QC.ii.11 > 0
QC.ii.12. How easy or difficult was it to understand the Loan Estimate(s) you received
from your lender/broker?
___ Very easy
___ Somewhat easy
___ Somewhat difficult
___ Very difficult
QC.ii.13 display is conditional upon response to QC.ii.11 > 0
QC.ii.13. How valuable was the information contained in the Loan Estimate(s) you received
from your lender/broker?
___ Very valuable
___ Somewhat valuable
___ Not at all valuable
QC.ii.14 display is conditional upon response to QC.ii.11 (loan estimates received) < QC.ii.10
(loan applications).
Otherwise, skip to QC.ii.15.
QC.ii.14. You indicated that, when you requested a Loan Estimate or applied for a
mortgage, one or more lenders did not give you a Loan Estimate. Were you given any
explanation for why you did not receive a Loan Estimate?
(click here to see an example Loan Estimate)
____ No
____ Yes (please specify) [open text box]
For QC.ii.15, check to see if QC.ii.7 includes G.
If so, display QC.ii.15. A response is NOT required.
If QC.ii.7 does NOT include G, proceed to next module

C. Search Details


QC.ii.15. You indicated that you have agreed to proceed with an official loan offer. About
how long ago did you agree to proceed?
___ Within the last week
___ Between 1 and 2 weeks ago
___ More than 2 weeks ago

C. Search Details


D: Empowerment
Module D: Empowerment
Survey Types
Baseline, Periodic (First-Offer, Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase, Search – 6th
periodic), Follow-up
The purpose of Module D is to assess participants’ subjective ability to navigate the mortgage
We expect that empowerment will increase for those who use the Owning a Home tool, and
those who have more knowledge of the mortgage process.
Some of these questions are adapted from the financial ability scale, part I, from CEE’s Financial
Well-Being Survey, modified to address mortgage shopping explicitly. Other statements come
from qualitative research on mortgage shopping.
Thanks. Next we’d like to ask you a few questions about your opinions about the mortgage
QD.1. How easy or hard is it to find reliable information for making mortgage decisions?
___ Very easy
___ Somewhat easy
___ Neither easy nor hard
___ Somewhat hard
___ Very hard
QD.2. Do you think that you know the right questions to ask when looking for mortgage
___ No, not at all
___ Yes, somewhat
___ Yes, completely
QD.3. How well do you think you can tell the difference between trustworthy and
untrustworthy sources of mortgage information?
___ Not at all well
___ Somewhat well
___ Very well
QD.4. How confident are you that you can tell when a mortgage offer is a bad deal?
___ Not at all confident
___ Somewhat confident
___ Very confident

D: Empowerment


QD.5. How confident do you feel when talking to lenders?
___ Not at all confident
___ Somewhat confident
___ Very confident
QD.6. How often do you find some mortgage terms confusing?
___ Never
___ Rarely
___ Sometimes
___ Always

D: Empowerment


E. Knowledge
Module E: Knowledge of Mortgage Concepts
Survey Types
Baseline, Periodic (First-Offer, Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase, Search – 6th
Periodic), Follow-up
The purpose of Module E is to assess knowledge of the mortgage process.
First, we have objective knowledge questions. Correct answers are marked with an asterisk. Do
not display this asterisk in the survey.
Next, we will ask you some general questions about mortgages. This is to help us
understand how much homebuyers like you know about mortgages. You are not expected
to know all of the answers to the questions. Please just answer to the best of your ability.
QE.1. When a mortgage includes “discount points,” how do the costs compare to a similar
mortgage without discount points at the same lender?
___ The one with discount points is always cheaper overall
___ The one with discount points is always more expensive overall
___ *Typically, the one with discount points has higher upfront costs, but the interest rate
is lower
___ Typically, the one with discount points has lower upfront costs, but the interest rate
is higher
___ I don’t know
QE.2. Which of the following benefits does “mortgage insurance” provide for the
___ Protection from foreclosure
___ Protection from bankruptcy
___ When a borrower can’t pay their mortgage, lenders must renegotiate mortgage terms
___ * None of the above
___ I don’t know
QE.3. Can monthly payments on a fixed-rate mortgage change?
___ No, the payments will always be the same
___ * Yes, because property taxes and insurance can change
___ Yes, because mortgage companies can change payments if the borrower’s credit
___ I don’t know

E. Knowledge


QE.4. Typically, if a borrower pays extra toward their mortgage’s principal balance each
month, how does that affect the borrower’s total mortgage costs over the life of the loan?
___ *The total costs are lower
___ The total costs are the same
___ The total costs are higher
___ I don’t know
QE.5. Which of these is most likely to happen if a borrower cannot make a 20% down
___ The borrower cannot get a mortgage
___ *The borrower will have to pay for mortgage insurance
___ The borrower will have to get an adjustable-rate mortgage
___ I don’t know
QE.6. With a typical fixed-rate mortgage, how much of the monthly payment will go to
interest (versus principal)?
___ *The amount going to interest starts high and gets lower over time
___ The amount going to interest stays the same over time
___ The amount going to interest starts low and gets higher over time
___ The amount going to interest varies depending on financial markets
___ I don’t know
QE.7. What would normally happen to a borrower who submitted multiple mortgage
applications within the same week?
___ The borrower’s credit score would get worse
___ The borrower’s credit score would improve
___ * The borrower’s credit score would stay the same
___ Borrowers are not allowed to apply to more than one lender in such a short period of
___ I don’t know

E. Knowledge


The following question comes from Lee and Hogarth (1999).
QE.8. Typically, how does the interest rate on a mortgage loan compare with the loan’s
annual percentage rate (APR)?
___ The interest rate is higher than the APR
___ The interest rate is the same as the APR
___ * The interest rate is lower than the APR
___ Mortgage loans don’t have an APR
___ I don’t know
In the second half of this module, questions will be used to qualitatively assess the feasibility of
stories/hypotheses surrounding the agent-buyer and lender-borrower relationships. While it is
possible that the Owning a Home tools may affect responses to these questions, these questions
do not directly reflect hypotheses behind the Owning a Home tools.
QE.9. Typically, does negotiating a lower purchase price for a home change the amount of
money a homebuyer’s real estate agent makes?
___ Yes, the agent will make more money
___ Yes, the agent will make less money
___ No, the amount the agent makes is not affected
___ I don’t know
QE.10. Is your mortgage broker or loan officer required by law to give you their best deal
on a mortgage?
___ Yes
___ No
___ I don’t know
Next, we’d like to learn about your approach to the process of buying a home and choosing
a mortgage.
QE.11. How much variation do you think there is in mortgage rates between different
___ None at all
___ Very little – the majority of lenders charge the same rates
___ Some – some lenders charge a bit more than others
___ A lot – some lenders charge much more than others
___ I don’t know

E. Knowledge


If current-stage== Post Purchase, First-Off+Post-Purchase, or Followup, display the bracketed
Otherwise, include the  and omit bracketed text.

QE.12. [If you buy a home again in the future, how likely would you be]  to follow your real estate agent’s recommendation when it comes to choosing a
mortgage lender?
___ Very likely
___ Somewhat likely
___ Not at all likely
___ I do not have a real estate agent
___ I don’t know
If current-stage== Post Purchase, First-Off+Post-Purchase, or Followup, display the bracketed
Otherwise, include the  and omit bracketed text.

QE.13. [If you buy a home again in the future, how concerned would you be that spending
time shopping for a mortgage would]  cause you to lose the home you want to buy?
___ Very concerned
___ Somewhat concerned
___ Not at all concerned
QE.14. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Applying for
loans with multiple mortgage lenders is worth the time it takes.
___ Strongly agree
___ Agree
___ Neither agree nor disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly disagree
QE.15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It would be
wrong to comparison shop for mortgages after all the work that a loan officer has done for
___ Strongly agree
___ Agree
___ Neither agree nor disagree
___ Disagree
___ Strongly disagree

E. Knowledge



F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms
Module F.i: Baseline Beliefs
Survey Types
Baseline; Search – 6th Periodic
The purpose of Module F.i is to assess participants’ baseline beliefs about the price they expect
to pay for a home.
Next, we would like to ask you for information about the home you plan to purchase.
QF.i.1. Approximately how much do you expect to pay for your home?
___ less than $100,000
___ $100,000-124,999
___ $125,000-149,999
___ $150,000-174,999
___ $175,000-199,999
___ $200,000-249,999
___ $250,000-299,999
___ $300,000-399,999
___ $400,000-499,999
___ $500,000-650,000
___ More than $650,000
___ I don’t know

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Module F.ii: First Offer Beliefs
Survey Types
Periodic (First-Offer, First-Offer + Post-Purchase)
The purpose of Module F.ii is to learn more about participants’ home purchase offers.
Next, we would like to ask you for information on your home purchase offer.
For QF.ii.1, commas, periods and $ symbols will be permitted. These values will be syntactically
validated. Participants who do provide non-numeric values are given the following warning:
“Please provide a valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may
proceed if the question is refused.
QF.ii.1. How much did you offer to pay for your home?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QF.ii.2. Are there any offers from other homebuyers on that home?
___ Yes
___ No
___ I don’t know
QF.ii.3. Does/did your offer have a home inspection contingency?
___ Yes, I had a home inspection contingency
___ No, my offer was for “as-is” property condition
___ No, I had the property inspected prior to submitting an offer
___ I don’t know
QF.ii.4. We are interested in how long you expect to stay in your new home. Which of the
following do you think is most likely?
__ I expect to move again within the next 2 years
__ I expect to move again sometime between 2 and 5 years from now
__ I expect to move again sometime between 5 and 10 years from now
__ I do not expect to move again for at least 10 years

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Module F.iii: Pre-Purchase Beliefs
Survey Types
Baseline, Periodic (First-Offer, Search 6th-Periodic)
The purpose of Module F.iii is to assess participants’ beliefs about the pre-purchase mortgage
market, that is, the terms that they believe they will receive.
For QF.iii.1 through QF.iii.4, commas, periods and $ symbols will be permitted. For the
percentage questions, the symbol % will be permitted. These values will be syntactically
Participants who do provide non-numeric values are given the following warning: “Please
provide a valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if
the question is refused.
The next set of questions is about the mortgage you expect to get. If you do not have a
precise amount in mind, please just give your best estimate.
QF.iii.1. Approximately how much do you expect to pay for closing costs (not including
your down payment)?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box].
QF.iii.2. Approximately how much do you expect to borrow as a mortgage loan?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box].
QF.iii.3. Approximately how much do you think your total monthly mortgage payments
will be (including taxes and insurance)?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box].
QF.iii.4. Approximately what interest rate do you think you will get on your mortgage?
Enter interest rate (%): [open-text box]
QF.iii.5. What type of interest rate do you think you will get on your mortgage?
___ Fixed rate
___ Adjustable rate
___ I don’t know
QF.iii.6. What type of mortgage do you think you will get?
___ Conventional
___ FHA
___ VA
___ I don’t know

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


For QF.iii.7, validate for whole numbers. Participants who do provide non-numeric or invalid
values are given the following warning: “Please provide a valid whole number.” The survey will
not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if the question is refused.
QF.iii.7. What do you expect the term of your mortgage will be?
___ 15 years
___ 30 years
___ Other, please specify number of years: [open-text box]
___ I don’t know
QF.iii.8. Do you expect to pay discount points or receive a lender credit as part of your
___ Yes, I expect to pay discount points
___ Yes, I expect to receive a lender credit
___ No, neither
___ I don’t know what I will do
___ I don’t know what discount points or lender credits are
Display of QF.iii.9 is contingent on response to QF.iii.8 = “Yes, I expect to pay discount points”
Participants who provide non-numeric values are given the following warning: “Please provide a
valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if the
question is refused.
QF.iii.9. How many discount points do you expect to pay on your mortgage?
Enter number of discount points: [open-text box]
___ I don’t know how many discount points I will pay
Display of QF.iii.10 is contingent on response to QF.iii.8 = “Yes, I expect to receive a lender
Participants who provide non-numeric values are given the following warning: “Please provide a
valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if the
question is refused.
QF.iii.10. How much lender credit do you expect to receive?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
___ I don’t know how much lender credit I will receive

For QF.iii.11 through QF.iii.12, periods and the symbol % will be permitted. These values will
be syntactically validated.
Participants who provide non-numeric values are given the following warning: “Please provide a
valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if the
question is refused.
F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Next, we would like for you to think about other homebuyers like you – people who are
planning on buying a similar kind of home and who have a similar financial background.
QF.iii.11. What do you think is the highest interest rate one of those homebuyers might get
Enter interest rate (%): [open-text box]
QF.iii.12. What do you think is the lowest interest rate one of those homebuyers might get
Enter interest rate (%): [open-text box]

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Module F.iv: Post-Purchase Beliefs
Survey Types
Periodic (Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase), Follow-up
The purpose of Module F is to assess participants’ Post-Purchase beliefs about the mortgage
market, that is, the terms that they believe they have received.
Now we will ask you some questions about the mortgage you received. If you can’t recall
the exact amounts, please provide your best estimate.
QF.iv.1. What was the total amount of your mortgage loan?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QF.iv.2. What interest rate did you get on your mortgage?
Enter interest rate (%) [open-text box]
If response = “yes”, proceed to QF.iv.4.
If response = “no” or REFUSAL, skip to QF.iv.5.
QF.iv.3. Did you “lock” the interest rate on your mortgage so that it would not change
before closing?
___ Yes
___ No
QF.iv.4 is conditional on response to QF.iv.3 = “yes”.
QF.iv.4. When did you lock your interest rate?
___ My initial Loan Estimate came with a locked rate
___ I locked my rate when I told my lender that I was ready to proceed with my loan
___ I locked my rate sometime after I told my lender that I was ready to proceed with my
loan application, but well before closing
___ I locked my rate shortly before closing
___ Other (please specify) [open text box]

QF.iv.5. What is the zip code where your new home is located?
[open-text box; validate for valid ZIP and ZIP+4 formats]
QF.iv.6. How much will your first total monthly mortgage payment be (including taxes and
insurance, if these costs are escrowed)?
F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QF.iv.7. Did you pay discount points or receive a lender credit as part of your mortgage?
___ Yes, I paid discount points
___ Yes, I received a lender credit
___ No, neither
___ I don’t know
Display of QF.iv.8 is contingent on response to QF.iv.7 = “Yes, I paid discount points”
Participants who provide non-numeric values are given the following warning: “Please provide a
valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may proceed if the
question is refused.
QF.iv.8. How many discount points did you pay on your mortgage?
Enter number of discount points: [open-text box]
Display of QF.iv.9 is contingent on response to QF.iv.7 = “Yes, I received a lender credit”
These values will be syntactically validated. Commas, periods and the symbol $ will be
permitted. Participants who provide non-numeric values are given the following warning:
“Please provide a valid number.” The survey will not proceed with an invalid value, but may
proceed if the question is refused.
QF.iv.9. What was the amount of lender credit that you received?
Enter dollar amount of lender credit: [open-text box]
Display of QF.iv.10 is contingent on most recent response to QC.i.22 (are you working with a
real estate agent) = “No, and I don’t plan to get one”.
QF.iv.10. Earlier, you told us that you were not working with a real estate agent. Was
there someone who helped you negotiate and/or write your purchase contract?
___ No, I did it myself
___ Yes, a real estate agent
___ Yes, an attorney
___ Yes, someone else (please specify): [text box]
Display QF.iv.11 if:
QC.i.2 = “Yes” OR
QF.iv.10 = any “Yes” answer
Replace […] based on responses to QF.iv.10 and QC.i.2. If response to QC.i.2 = “Yes” OR
response to QF.iv.10 =“Yes, a real estate agent,” then use, “your real estate agent”
Otherwise, if response to QF.iv.10= “Yes, an attorney” then use “your attorney”

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


Otherwise, if response to QF.iv.10= “Yes, someone else” then use “the person who helped you
with your purchase contract”
QF.iv.11. Did […] recommend your mortgage lender/broker?
___ No
___ Yes
QF.iv.12. Did you ask your lender for lower fees, closing costs, or a lower interest rate
before accepting this mortgage?
___ No
___ Yes
For QF.iv.13, if participant selects the last option, “No…”, then deselect the first two options.
QF.iv.13. Did you shop around for a title insurance company? (Mark all that apply)
___ Yes, I considered different providers that were on the list my lender gave me
___ Yes, I considered providers that were not on the list my lender gave me
___ No, I just used the lender’s preferred provider.
QF.iv.14. Did you shop around for other third-party services required with your
___ Yes, I shopped around for one or more services (please specify which services):
[open text box]
___ No, I just used the lender’s preferred providers.

F. Beliefs about Personal Home and Mortgage Terms


G. Correlates
Module G.i: Psychometrics
Survey Types
The purpose of Module G is to collect background information on participants for use in
subsequent analyses. Questions in module G.i should be administered one time only, in the
The topics of interest are:
1) Time preference
2) Risk preference
3) Financial literacy
4) Numeracy
5) Cognitive reflection
6) Need for cognition
7) Locus of control (internal vs external)
In order to make the questions flow better for participants, some topics have been split into two
different sections.
Thank you for your participation so far. Now we would like to understand more about
how you typically make decisions and tradeoffs. This knowledge will help us apply what
we learn from you to other homebuyers.
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, so please choose the answers you
personally agree with most.
If participant chooses “$20 today”, administer QG.i.2.
If they choose “$30 in four weeks”, administer QG.i.3.
This question measures time preferences. Record time-to-complete metadata for this question.
QG.i.1. Hypothetically, would you prefer to receive $20 today or $30 in four weeks?
___ $20 today
___ $30 in four weeks
QG.i.2 display is contingent on QG.i.1 response = “$20 today”
For any response, continue to QG.i.4
This question measures time preferences. Record time-to-complete metadata for this question.
QG.i.2. Hypothetically, would you prefer to receive $20 today or $40 in four weeks?

G. Correlates


___ $20 today
___ $40 in four weeks
QG.i.3 display is contingent on QG.i.1 response = “$30 in four weeks”
For any response, continue to QG.i.4
This question measures time preferences. Record time-to-complete metadata for this question.
QG.i.3. Hypothetically, would you prefer to receive $20 today or $25 in four weeks?
___ $20 today
___ $25 in four weeks
If participant choses “50% chance…”, administer QG.i.5.
If they chose “100%...”, administer QG.i.6.
This question measures risk preferences.
QG.i.4. Hypothetically, which would you prefer: a 50% chance of getting $35, or a 100%
chance of getting $15?
___ A 50% chance of $35
___ A 100% chance of $15
QG.i.5 display is contingent on QG.i.4 response = “50%...”
For any response, continue to QG.i.7
This question measures risk preferences.
QG.i.5. Hypothetically, which would you prefer: a 50% chance of getting $35, or a 100%
chance of getting $17.50?
___ A 50% chance of $35
___ A 100% chance of $17.50
QG.i.6 display is contingent on QG.i.4 response = “100%...”
For any response, continue to QG.i.7
This question measures risk preferences.
QG.i.6. Hypothetically, which would you prefer: a 50% chance of getting $35, or a 100%
chance of getting $10?
___ A 50% chance of $35
___ A 100% chance of $10
G. Correlates


QG.i.7-QG.i.9. Subjective numeracy scale, as published in Fagerlin et al (2007).
For these questions, display a 6-point vertical scale with anchors 1 = “Not at all good” to 6 =
“Extremely good.” Display the numbers for the interim points.
Next we’d like to learn more about your comfort with numbers and math.
QG.i.7. How good are you at working with fractions?
QG.i.8. How good are you at working with percentages?
QG.i.9. How good are you at calculating a 15% tip?
QG. i.10 -QG.i.12. 3-item version of the Cognitive Reflection Task, as published in Frederick
(2005). Correct answers are 5 cents, 5 minutes, and 47 days.
Record time-to-complete metadata for these questions.
QG.i.10. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How
much does the ball cost?
Enter number of cents: [open-text box]
QG.i.11. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100
machines to make 100 widgets?
Enter number of minutes: [open-text box]
QG.i.12. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it
takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to
cover half of the lake?
Enter number of days: [open-text box]
QG.i.13-QG.i.15. Financial literacy. This scale is based on Lusardi (2008), with a few wording
changes. Correct answers are marked with an asterisk. Do not display this asterisk in the survey.
QG.i.13. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account is 1% per year and
inflation is 2% per year. After one year, would you be able to buy…
___ More than today with the money in this account
___ Exactly the same as today with the money in this account
___* Less than today with the money in this account
___ I don’t know

G. Correlates


QG.i.14. Suppose you have $100 in a savings account, the interest rate is 2% per year, and
you never withdraw money or interest payments. After 5 years, how much would you have
in this account in total?
___ * More than $110
___ Exactly $110
___ Less than $110
___ I don’t know
QG.i.15. True or false? Buying a company stock usually provides a safer return than a
stock mutual fund.
___ True
___* False
___ I don’t know
QG.i.16: Show as a 5-point vertical scale, where the leftmost anchor is “Not at all patient” and
the rightmost anchor is “Extremely patient.” Display the numbers for the interim points.
This question measures time preferences.
Thanks. Next, we’d like to learn a little bit more about how you approach different
situations and decisions. This information will help us better understand the rest of your
survey responses. There are no right or wrong answers, just choose the answer you agree
with most.
QG.i.16. To what extent do you consider yourself to be a patient person?
QG.i.17 is based on Dohmen, et al. (2011). Their general risk question, translated from German
is “How do you see yourself: are you generally a person who is fully prepared to take risks or do
you try to avoid taking risks?” Show as a 5-point vertical scale, where the leftmost anchor is
“Not at all willing to take risks” and the rightmost anchor is “Very willing to take risks.” Display
the numbers for the interim points.
This question measures risk preferences.
QG.i.17. How willing are you to take risks in your life, in general?

G. Correlates


QG.i.18 -QG.i.19.
Need for cognition (NFC) scale. NFC was originally published in Cacioppo, Petty, and Kao
(1984). Here, we use a 2-item version of the scale. It is modified from the one used in Bizer,
Krosnick, Petty, Rucker, and Wheeler (2000) to study political attitudes. NFC should be
positively correlated with search. For the second question, code complex as 1 and simple as 0.
For analysis, normalize both variables and combine them into an index.
QG.i.18. Some people like to have responsibility for handling situations that require a lot of
thinking, but other people don’t. How much do you like having responsibility for handling
situations that require a lot of thinking?
___ Dislike a lot
___ Dislike somewhat
___ Neither like nor dislike
___ Like somewhat
___ Like a lot
QG.i.19. Some people prefer to solve simple problems instead of complex ones, whereas
other people prefer to solve more complex problems. Which type of problem do you prefer
to solve: simple or complex?
___ Simple
___ Complex
QG.i.20 – QG.i.23. Internal vs. external control scale, as seen in Rotter (1966). In order to
address time constraints, we have chosen to ask the 4 items which correlate most highly with the
full scale using the full (male and female participants) sample. The external control score is the
sum of the starred items.
Choose the statement you agree with more:
QG.i.20. ___ *Many times I feel that I have little influence over the things that happen to
___ It is impossible for me to believe that chance or luck plays an important role in
my life.
Choose the statement you agree with more:
QG.i.21. ___ * As far as world affairs are concerned, most of us are the victims of forces we
can neither understand, nor control.
___ By taking an active part in political and social affairs, people can control world
Choose the statement you agree with more:
QG.i.22. ___ * Without the right breaks one cannot be an effective leader.

G. Correlates


___ Capable people who fail to become leaders have not taken advantage of their
Choose the statement you agree with more:
QG.i.23. ___ * Most people don’t realize the extent to which their lives are controlled by
accidental happenings.
___ There really is no such thing as “luck.”

G. Correlates


Module G.ii: Demographics and Finances
Survey Types
The purpose of Module G.ii is to collect background information on participants for use in
subsequent analyses.
The demographic characteristics we measure are: Credit score, age, education, work status, race,
income, and wealth.
You’re almost done. We have just a few more demographic questions for you. Your
responses to these questions will help us apply what we learn from you to other
QG.ii.1. Have you ever bought a home and financed it with a mortgage loan?
___ Yes
___ No
Display of QG.ii.2 is contingent on response to QG.ii.1=”Yes”
QG.ii.2. In which time period did you most recently buy a home?
___ 1999 or before
___ 2000-2004
___ 2005-2007
___ 2008 or after
The following question is taken from the NSMB Questionnaire.
If participant selects “married,” or “engaged” skip to QG.ii.5. For all other responses, or refusal,
proceed to QG.ii.4.
QG.ii. 3. What is your current marital status?
___ Married
___ Separated
___ Never married
___ Engaged
___ Divorced
___ Widowed

G. Correlates


QG.ii.4 display is contingent on response to QG.ii.3 = any of “Separated,” “Never married,”
“Divorced,” or “Widowed”
QG.ii.4. Do you have a partner who shares the decision-making and responsibilities of
running your household but is not your legal spouse?
___ Yes
___ No
QG.ii.5. What is your current age?
___ 18-24
___ 25-29
___ 30-34
___ 35-39
___ 40-44
___ 45-49
___ 50-54
___ 55-59
___ 60-64
___ 65+
QG.ii.6. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
___ Less than high school
___ High school graduate or GED
___ Associate’s degree
___ Some college
___ College graduate
___ Postgraduate studies
QG.ii.7. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
___ Yes, Hispanic or Latino
___ No
QG.ii.8. Please indicate your race. (Mark all that apply)
___ White
___ Black or African American
___ American Indian or Alaska Native
___ Asian
___ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
QG.ii.9. What is your current zip code?
[open-text box; validate for valid ZIP and ZIP+4 formats]
QG.ii.10. What is your current employment status? (Mark all that apply)

G. Correlates


___ Self-employed
___ Employed full-time
___ Employed part-time
___ Retired
___ Temporarily laid off or on leave
___ Not working for pay (student, homemaker, disabled, unemployed)
For QG.ii.11, display the bracketed text if QG.ii.3 =“Married” or “Engaged” OR if QG.ii.4 =
Otherwise, do not display bracketed text.
QG.ii.11. Besides you [and your spouse/partner], does anyone else live in your household or
use your home as a permanent address? (Mark all that apply)
___ Yes, other adults
___ Yes, children
___ No
QG.ii.12. This year, approximately how much is your total household income from all
sources? Include wages/salary, business income, interest, alimony, child support, pension
income, and income from other sources.
___ Under $35,000
___ $35,000 to $49,999
___ $50,000 to $74,999
___ $75,000 to $99,999
___ $100,000 to $174,999
___ $175,000 or more
___ I prefer not to answer
QG.ii.13. How does this total annual household income compare to what it is in a “normal”
year for you?
___ Higher than normal
___ Normal
___ Lower than normal
If participant selects “I own my home,” then continue to QG.ii.15
If participant selects “I rent my home,” or “Other” continue to QG.ii.16
QG.ii.14. Which best describes your current housing situation?
___ I own my home
___ I rent my home
___ Other

G. Correlates


Display of QG.ii.15 is contingent on response to QG.ii.14=“I own my home”
QG.ii.15. About how much equity do you have in your home? Your home equity is the
amount your home is worth minus the amount you owe on your home.
___ I owe more than the value of my home
___ Less than $25,000
___ $25,000 to 49,999
___ $50,000 to 74,999
___ $75,000 to 99,999
___ $100,000 to 149,999
___ $150,000 to 249,999
___ $250,000 to 350,000
___ More than $350,000
___ I don’t know
If response to QG.ii.14= “I own…” then replace bracketed […] portion with “mortgage” and
include final bracketed portion.
If response to QG.ii. 14=”I rent…” then replace bracketed […] portion with “rent” and exclude
final bracketed portion.
If response to QG.ii. 14 = “other” or no response, replace bracketed […] portion with “rent or
mortgage” and include final bracketed portion.
QG.ii.16. How much do you currently pay in […] payments each month? [Include any
homeowner or condo fees that you may pay.]
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box; validate for numerical format (including $ sign)]
If response to QG.ii.14= “I own…”, “other”, or no response, then include bracketed portion
If response to QG.ii.14=”I rent…” then exclude the bracketed portion.
QG.ii.17. [Excluding mortgage payments,] how much do you currently pay in debt
payments in a typical month? Include car payments, student loan payments, credit card
payments, medical debt payments, and debt payments to other accounts.
___ Less than $500
___ $500 to 999
___ $1,000 to 1,499
___ $1,500 to 1,999
___ $2,000 to 3,000
___ More than $3,000
___ I don’t know
QG.ii.18. What is the most you could see yourself spending on a down payment?
___ Less than $2,500
___ $2,500 to 9,999
___ $10,000 to 24,999
___ $25,000 to 49,999
G. Correlates


___ $50,000 to 74,999
___ $75,000 to 150,000
___ More than $150,000
___ I don’t know

G. Correlates


Module G.iii: Credit Score
Survey Types
Baseline; Periodic (Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase; Search – 6th Periodic); Follow-up
The purpose of Module G.iii is to collect background information on participants for use in
subsequent analyses.
QG.iii.1. Record time-to-complete metadata for this question.
QG.iii.1. Approximately what is your current credit score? If you are applying for
mortgages with a spouse or partner, choose the lower credit score between the two of you.
___ less than 580
___ 580-599
___ 600-619
___ 620-639
___ 640-659
___ 660-679
___ 680-699
___ 700-719
___ 720-739
___ 740-759
___ 760 or above
___ I don’t know
If participant selects “I don’t know” or skips the previous question, ask the following question.
Otherwise, skip to next module.
Fernandes, Lynch, and Netemeyer (2013) cite a Lynch et al. (2010) finding that this question
correlates .85 with FICO scores. Display a vertical scale with 10 response options, with the
leftmost labeled “Very poor” and the rightmost labeled “Excellent.” Display the numbers for the
interim points.
QG.iii.2. How do you think banks or credit card companies would rate your credit?

G. Correlates


H. Lender summary & disclosure experience
Module H: Lender summary & disclosure experience
Survey types: Periodic (Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase), Follow up
The purpose of module H is to collect summary information on all of the lenders that borrowers
contacted and learn about participants’ experiences with the TILA-RESPA integrated
Submodule: Lender summary
For QH.1, show a grid with two columns, “Important” and “Not important.”
On mobile, standard functionality will convert this question into a series of individual questions,
one for each response option.
Thanks. Now we’d like to learn about the lenders you spoke with during your mortgage
QH.1. For each of the following, please select whether it was important or not important in
choosing the lender/broker you used for the mortgage you took out:
___ Having an established banking relationship
___ Having a local office or branch nearby
___ Used previously to get a mortgage
___ Lender/broker is a personal friend or relative
___ Lender/broker operates online
___ Recommendation from a friend/relative/co-worker
___ Recommendation from a real estate agent/home builder
___ Reputation of the broker/lender
___ Lender/broker spoke my primary language, which is not English
___ Other (please specify)[open text box]

QH.2 requires a response.
If participant does not provide a numeric value or provides a numeric value containing symbols,
display the following warning and do not proceed until a value is provided:
“Please provide a valid number.”

H. Lender summary & disclosure experience


If participant provides 0, display the following warning and do not proceed until a value is
“Please provide a number greater than zero.”
Values greater than 20 receive the following warning and prevent proceeding until an
appropriate value is written:
“Please provide a number no greater than 20.”
QH.2. We would like to make sure we have accurate information on all of the lenders that
you contacted during your home and mortgage search. First, how many lenders did you
contact in total, in any way? (Enter a number)
___ [open text box; restrict numeric <=20]

If the participant enters 1 or greater for QH.2, show QH.3.
If participant entered 1 for QH. 2, do NOT include the . Do NOT include the bracketed
If the participant enters a number larger than 5 for QH.2, edit to include the first sentence in
brackets. Otherwise, do not show bracketed text.
QH.3. [Please think about the five lenders that you spoke with the most, including the one
where you got your mortgage.] For the  lender that you contacted, please indicate
which kind of contact you had. (Mark all that apply)
___ Talked to, but no pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received Loan Estimate
___ Got mortgage

If the participant enters 2 or greater for QH.2, show QH.4.
If the participant enters a number larger than 5 for QH.2, edit to include the first sentence in
brackets. Otherwise, do not show bracketed text.
QH.4. [Please think about the five lenders that you spoke with the most, including the one
where you got your mortgage.] For the second lender that you contacted, please indicate
which kind of contact you had. (Mark all that apply)
___ Talked to, but no pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received Loan Estimate
___ Got mortgage

If the participant enters 3 or greater for QH.2, show QH.5.

H. Lender summary & disclosure experience


If the participant enters a number larger than 5 for QH.2, edit to include the first sentence in
brackets. Otherwise, do not show bracketed text.
QH.5. [Please think about the five lenders that you spoke with the most, including the one
where you got your mortgage.] For the third lender that you contacted, please indicate
which kind of contact you had. (Mark all that apply)
___ Talked to, but no pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received Loan Estimate
___ Got mortgage

If the participant enters 4 or greater for QH.2, show QH.6.
If the participant enters a number larger than 5 for QH.2, edit to include the first sentence in
brackets. Otherwise, do not show bracketed text.
QH.6. [Please think about the five lenders that you spoke with the most, including the one
where you got your mortgage.] For the fourth lender that you contacted, please indicate
which kind of contact you had. (Mark all that apply)
___ Talked to, but no pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received Loan Estimate
___ Got mortgage

If the participant enters 5 or greater for QH.2, show QH.7.
If the participant enters a number larger than 5 for QH.2, edit to include the first sentence in
brackets. Otherwise, do not show bracketed text.
QH.7. [Please think about the five lenders that you spoke with the most, including the one
where you got your mortgage.] For the fifth lender that you contacted, please indicate
which kind of contact you had. (Mark all that apply)
___ Talked to, but no pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received pre-approval or pre-qualification
___ Received Loan Estimate
___ Got mortgage

H. Lender summary & disclosure experience


Submodule: Disclosure experience
Next, we would like to learn more about your experience with the closing process.
If response to QH.8 = “no” or non-response, proceed to QH.9.
Otherwise, if response to QH.8 = one of the “yes” options, skip to QH.10
QH. 8. Did you receive a copy of your Closing Disclosure before closing?
(click here to see a sample Closing Disclosure)
___ No, I did not receive my Closing Disclosure until closing
___ Yes, I received my Closing Disclosure prior to, but on the same day as my closing
___ Yes, I received my Closing Disclosure one or two business days before closing
___ Yes, I received my Closing Disclosure three or more business days before closing
Display of QH.9 is conditional upon response to QH.8= “no”.
For all responses, proceed to QH.12.
QH.9. Did your lender provide an explanation for why you did not receive your Closing
Disclosure until closing?
____ No
____ Yes (please specify) [open text box]
Display of QH.10 is conditional upon response to QH.8= one of the “yes” options.
If response to QH.10 = “yes”, proceed to QH.11
Otherwise, skip to QH.12.
QH.10. Did you review your Closing Disclosure before closing?
___ Yes
___ No
Display of QH.11 is conditional upon response to QH.10 = “yes”
QH.11. Did you compare your Closing Disclosure to the Loan Estimate you previously
received from your lender?
___ Yes
___ No

QH.12. Did you have any questions about your Closing Disclosure?

H. Lender summary & disclosure experience


Display of QH.13 is conditional upon response to QH.12 = “yes”
If QH.12= “no” or nonresponse, skip to next module.
The response options are mark all that apply, but the choice of “I did not seek…” is single-punch
(e.g., will reset and remove any other selections).
QH.13. How did you seek answers to your questions about your Closing Disclosure? (Mark
all that apply)
___ I asked my realtor
___ I asked my loan officer/broker
___ I asked the person conducting my closing (e.g., settlement agent)
___ I asked an attorney
___ I asked a friend or family member
___ I looked for answers online
___ I did not seek answers to these questions
Display of QH.14 is conditional upon:
Response to QH.10 = “yes” (reviewed Closing Disclosure before closing)
Response to QH.12 = “yes” (had questions about the Closing Disclosure)
Response to QH.13 is NOT “I did not seek…” NOR a refusal to answer / non-response
QH.14. When did you seek answers to your questions about your Closing Disclosure?
(Mark all that apply)
___ Before closing
___ At closing
___ After closing

H. Lender summary & disclosure experience


I. Document Details
Module I.i: Request for Loan Estimates
Survey Types
Periodic: Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, Offer-Accepted, First-Offer+Post-Purchase, Search6th periodic
The purpose of Module I.i is to collect participants’ mortgage documents. These questions will
be administered only when: response to QC.ii.11 (did they receive any LEs) was something
greater than “0”, then administer this Module. Otherwise, skip to next Module.

In QI.i, thank you gift language is conditional. Display this language only if:
1. The participant elected to receive thank you gifts. (QA.15. does not equal “I do not want
to receive a thank you gift”)
2. The participant has not already received a payment for Loan Estimate submission in a
prior survey.
If either:
1. The participant declined a thank you gift (QA.15. = “I do not want to receive a thank you
gift”), OR
2. The participant has already received a payment for Loan Estimate submission in a prior
Then omit the thank you gift language.
For response to QI.i.1 = “No, I do not want to provide it”, or refusal, proceed to QI.i.2.
For response to QI.i.1= “Yes, I will provide it now” proceed to QI.i.3
For response to QI.i.1= “Yes, I will provide it later” proceed to QI.i.6
The link to the Privacy Act Statement in QI.i.1 is presented in a separate window or pop-up and
is the same as the Privacy Act Statement in the Informed Consent (see Module A: Sub-module
Informed Consent).
You’re almost done with today’s survey. Thank you so much for your participation so far.
Earlier, you said that you received one or more Loan Estimates since the last time we heard
from you. To help the CFPB better understand your mortgage search, we would like you
to submit a copy of the Loan Estimate(s) you received.

Why we ask for your Loan Estimate(s): This document contains important details
about the mortgage(s) you have been offered. This information will help us
understand the loan types and terms that current homebuyers are being offered, and
identify ways to help future homebuyers.

I. Document Details



We value your privacy: Submitted documents are transmitted via SSL encryption
and are destroyed within 3 business days. Your responses will be kept confidential
under federal law (12 CFR 1070.41 et seq., SORN# CFPB.021, 77 F.R. 60382 [link],
Privacy Act Statement [link]). The information collected is for research purposes, and
does not require personal identifiers. You are encouraged to black out any personal
information (including your loan ID #, file #, MIC #, and information on the
borrower, seller, and property) before submitting; if you do not do so, the study
administrator will remove it for you. Click here to see an example.


How you benefit: Your Loan Estimate(s) will help us build tools and design policies
focused on protecting and empowering consumers like yourself. [We will also send
you an additional $5 thank you gift when you submit your documents.]


It is simple and easy: You can upload your Loan Estimate(s) from your computer,
take a picture with your smartphone or tablet, or fax your Loan Estimate(s) to us.

QI.i.1. Are you willing to provide your Loan Estimate(s)?
___ Yes, I will provide it now
___ Yes, I will provide it later
___ No, I do not want to provide it
Display of QI.i.2 is conditional upon response to QI.i.1 = “No, I do not want to provide it”
response OR a non-response/refusal to answer.
For response to QI.i.2= “Yes, I will provide it now” proceed to QI.i.3
For response to QI.i.2= “Yes, I will provide it later” proceed to QI.i.6
For response to QI.i.2= “No, I do not want to provide it”, or refusal, proceed to next module.
QI.i.2. We understand you may have some concerns about submitting your Loan
Estimate(s). However, we would like you to consider the following:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an official U.S. government
agency (www.consumerfinance.gov) and is conducting this study to learn how to
better serve and protect homebuyers like yourself.


Your Loan Estimate(s), and those of others, help us to understand the types and
terms of mortgages current homebuyers are being offered. When combined with
your survey responses, this research will enable us to better support future


Federal law requires we use your Loan Estimate(s) for research only. We will not
share your document information with other parties, and will delete any documents
within 3 business days.

I. Document Details



You are encouraged to black out any personal information before submission
including your name and address. (click here for an example)

Would you be willing to provide your Loan Estimate(s)?
___ Yes, I will provide it now
___ Yes, I will provide it later
___ No, I do not want to provide it
Display of QI.i.3 is conditional upon response to QI.i.1 OR QI.i.2 = “Yes, I will provide it now”
If response to QI.i.3= “I will use the same device” or a REFUSAL, then navigate to the
document submission portal. Upon return, proceed to Portal Submission Return screen.
If response to QI.i.3= “I will use a different device”, then skip to QI.4.
If response to QI.i.3= “I want to fax”, then skip to QI.5

QI.i.3. Thank you for agreeing to provide your Loan Estimate(s) now. How would you like
to submit your Loan Estimate(s)?
____ I will use the same computer or mobile device I am using to take this survey
____ I will use a different computer or mobile device than the one I am using to take this
____ I want to fax my documents
Display of QI.4 is conditional upon response to QI.i.3 = “I will use a different device”
On [next], proceed to next module.
QI.i.4. We have sent you an email with instructions on submitting your Loan Estimate(s).
Please open this email from the computer or mobile device you want to use to submit your
document. This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org.
Once you are ready, click Next to finish today’s survey. There are just a few questions left.
Display of QI.5 is conditional upon response to QI.i.3 = “I want to fax”
On [next], proceed to next module.

I. Document Details


QI.i.5. Click here [link] to print a customized fax cover sheet.
We have also sent you an email with the same link in case you want to print your cover
sheet from a different computer. This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org.
Once you are ready, click Next to finish today’s survey. There are just a few questions left.

Display of QI.i.6 is conditional upon response to QI.i.1 OR QI.i.2 = “Yes, I will provide it later”
On [next], proceed to next module.

QI.i.6. Thank you for agreeing to provide your Loan Estimate(s). We have sent you an
email with instructions for how to submit your Loan Estimate(s) for when you are ready.
This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org. We will also follow up with you
in a few days to remind you to submit your Loan Estimate(s).
Portal Submission Return
Display this section if respondent enters document submission portal and completes their
submission while taking the survey.
On [next], proceed to next module.

Thank you for submitting your Loan Estimate(s). If you had any issues submitting your
document(s), we have sent you an email with instructions for submitting it later. There are
a just a few questions left in today’s survey.
Please click Next to continue.

I. Document Details


Module I.ii: Request for Closing Disclosures
Survey Types
Periodic: Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase, follow-up.
The purpose of Module I.ii is to collect participants’ closing disclosures.
These questions will be administered if current-stage=“post-purchase”.
Otherwise, skip this module.
Sub-module: Request
QI.ii.1, thank you gift language is conditional. Display this language only if the participant
elected to receive thank you gifts. (QA.15. does not equal “I do not want to receive a thank you
If the participant declined a thank you gift (QA.15. = “I do not want to receive a thank you gift”),
then omit the thank you gift language.
For response to QI.ii.1 = “No, I do not want to provide it”, or refusal, proceed to QI.ii.2
For response to QI.ii.1 = “Yes, I will provide it now” proceed to QI.ii.3
For response to QI.ii.1 = “Yes, I will provide it later” proceed to QI.ii.6
The link to the Privacy Act Statement in QI.ii.1 is presented in a separate window or pop-up and
is the same as the Privacy Act Statement in the Informed Consent (see Module A: Sub-module
Informed Consent).

As you approach the end of the study, we want to thank you again for your participation.
To help the CFPB learn more about the results of your mortgage and home search
experience, we would like you to submit a copy of the final mortgage document -- called the
Closing Disclosure -- that you received at closing.

Why we ask for your Closing Disclosure: This document allows us to understand
the outcomes of your home and mortgage search. Understanding what worked well
for you and others will allow the CFPB to better empower, educate and protect


We value your privacy: Submitted documents are transmitted via SSL encryption
and are destroyed within 3 business days. Your responses will be kept confidential
under federal law (12 CFR 1070.41 et seq., SORN# CFPB.021, 77 F.R. 60382 [link],
Privacy Act Statement [link]). The information collected is for research purposes, and
does not require personal identifiers. You are encouraged to black out any personal
information (including your loan ID #, file #, MIC #, and information on the

I. Document Details


borrower, seller, and property) before submitting; if you do not do so, the study
administrator will remove it for you. Click here to see an example.

How you benefit: Your Closing Disclosure will help us build tools and design
policies focused on protecting and empowering consumers like yourself. [You will
also receive an additional $10 thank you gift when you submit your Closing

QI.ii.1. Are you willing to provide your Closing Disclosure?
___ Yes, I will provide it now
___ Yes, I will provide it later
___ No, I do not want to provide it

Display of QI.ii.2 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.1 = “No, I do not want to provide it”
response OR a nonresponse to that question.
For response to QI.ii.2= “No, I do not want to provide it”, or refusal, proceed to next module if
this is a regular periodic survey. If this is a follow-up survey, proceed to Submodule: Document
Refusal Follow-up.
For response to QI.ii.2 = “Yes, I will provide it now” proceed to QI.ii.3
For response to QI.ii.2 = “Yes, I will provide it later” proceed to QI.ii.6
For response to QI.ii.2= “Yes, I will enter it manually” proceed to QI.ii.7
QI.ii.2. We understand you may have some concerns about submitting your Closing
Disclosure. However, we would like you to consider the following:

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an official U.S. government
agency (www.consumerfinance.gov) and is conducting this study to learn how to
better serve and protect homebuyers like yourself.


When combined with your survey responses, your Closing Disclosure (and those
of others) will allow us to examine the outcomes of the mortgage process. This
end-to-end research will enable us to ensure future homebuyers are treated fairly, and
help them better navigate this complicated process.


Federal law requires we use your Closing Disclosure for research only. We will
not share your document information with other parties, and will delete any
documents within 3 business days.


You are encouraged to black out any personal information before submission
such as your name and address. (click here for an example)

Would you be willing to provide your Closing Disclosure?

I. Document Details


___ Yes, I will provide it now
___ Yes, I will provide it later
___ Yes, but I prefer to enter the information manually (10 questions)
___ No, I do not want to provide it
Display of QI.ii.3 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.1 OR QI.ii.2 = “Yes, I will provide it
If response to QI.ii.3= “I will use the same device” or REFUSAL, then navigate to the document
submission portal. Upon return, proceed to next Portal Submission Return screen.
If response to QI.ii.3= “I will use a different device”, then skip to QI.ii.4.
If response to QI.ii.3= “I want to fax”, then skip to QI..ii.5
QI.ii.3. Thank you for agreeing to provide your Closing Disclosure now. How would you
like to submit your Closing Disclosure?
____ I will use the same computer or mobile device I am using to take this survey
____ I will use a different computer or mobile device than the one I am using to take this
____ I want to fax my documents
Display of QI.ii.4 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.3 = “I will use a different device”
On [next], proceed to next module.

QI.ii.4. We have sent you an email with instructions on submitting your Closing
Disclosure. Please open this email from the computer or mobile device you want to use to
submit your document. This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org.
Once you are ready, click Next to finish with today’s survey. There are just a few questions

Display of QI.ii.5 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.3 = “I want to fax”
On [next], proceed to next module.

I. Document Details


QI.ii.5. Click here [link] to print a customized fax cover sheet.
We have also sent you an email with the same link in case you want to print your cover
sheet from a different computer. This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org.
Once you are ready, click Next to finish with today’s survey. There are just a few questions
Display of QI.ii.6 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.1 OR QI.ii.2 = “Yes, I will provide it
On [next], proceed to next module.
QI.ii.6. Thank you for choosing to provide your Closing Disclosure. We have sent you an
email with instructions on how to submit your Closing Disclosure for when you are ready.
This email will come from study@CFPB-homebuying.org. We will also follow up with you
a few days from now to remind you to submit your Closing Disclosure.
Display of QI.ii.7 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.2 = “Manual”
For QI.ii.7 = “now” or REFUSAL, proceed to submodule “Manual entry”
For QI.ii.7 = “later”, proceed to QI.ii.8 .
QI.ii.7. Are you ready to enter your mortgage information now, or would you prefer to do
so later?
___ I am ready to enter it now
___ I would like to enter it later
Display of QI.ii.8 is conditional upon response to QI.ii.7 = “later” response
On [next], proceed to next module.
QI.ii.8. Thank you for choosing to provide your Closing Disclosure information. We have
sent you an email with instructions on how to enter the information from your Closing
Disclosure for when you are ready. This email will come from study@CFPBhomebuying.org. We will also follow up with you a few days from now to remind you to
provide the information on your Closing Disclosure.

I. Document Details


Portal Submission Return
Display this section if respondent enters document submission portal and completes their
submission while taking the survey.
On [next], proceed to next module.

Thank you for submitting your Closing Disclosure. If you had any issues submitting your
document, we have sent you an email with instructions for submitting it later. There are a
just a few questions left in today’s survey.
Please click Next to continue.

I. Document Details


Sub-module: Manual-entry
These questions are asked only when participants have elected to provide their Closing
Disclosure via manual submission.
Graphical visual aids will be presented alongside each question to aid participants in finding the
information on their Closing Disclosure.
This module is also available as a stand-alone module for participants that choose to submit
manually and want to do it later.
Open-text boxes in this section will be syntactically validated. Commas, periods, and $ or %
symbols will be permitted as applicable. Participants who do provide non-numeric values are
given the following warning: “Please provide a valid number.” The survey will not proceed with
an invalid value, but may proceed if the question is refused.
Record time-to-complete metadata for the questions in this sub module.
Thank you for agreeing to enter your Closing Disclosure information manually. It’s very
important that you enter the information accurately. The first questions use information
from Page 1.
QI.ii.9. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What is the term of the mortgage?
___ 15 years
___ 30 years
___ Other, please specify number of years: [open-text box]
QI.ii.10. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What type of interest rate did you get on your mortgage?
___ Fixed rate
___ Adjustable rate
QI.ii.11. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your

I. Document Details


What type of mortgage did you get?
___ Conventional
___ FHA
___ VA
QI.ii.12. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What was the total amount of your mortgage loan?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QI.ii.13. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What interest rate did you get?
Enter interest rate (%) [open-text box]

I. Document Details


QI.ii.14. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
Does your loan come with a prepayment penalty?
___ Yes
___ No
Display QI.ii.15 and QI.ii.16 if QI.ii.14= “Yes” (participant has pre-payment penalty).
QI.ii.15. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What is the maximum amount of the prepayment penalty?
___ Enter the amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QI.ii.16. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
How long does the prepayment penalty remain in effect?
___ Enter the number of years: [open-text box]
QI.ii.17. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
Does your loan come with a balloon payment?
___ Yes
___ No
Display QI.ii.18 if QI.ii.17= “Yes” (participant has balloon payment).
QI.ii.18. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your

I. Document Details


How much is the balloon payment?
___ Enter the amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QI.ii.19. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
How much will your first total monthly mortgage payment be (including taxes and
insurance, if these costs are escrowed)?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
The next set of questions uses information from Page 2.
QI.ii.20. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
Did you pay discount points or receive a lender credit as part of your mortgage?
___ Yes, I paid discount points
___ Yes, I received a lender credit
___ No, neither
Display of QI.ii.21 is contingent on response to QI.ii.20 = “Yes, I paid discount points”
QI.ii.21. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
How many discount points did you pay on your mortgage?
Enter number of discount points: [open-text box]
Display of QI.ii.22 is contingent on response to QI.ii.20 = “Yes, I received a lender credit”
QI.ii.22. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your

I. Document Details


What was the amount of lender credit that you received?
Enter dollar amount of lender credit: [open-text box]
QI.ii.23. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
How much did you pay for closing costs (not including your down payment)?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
The next set of questions uses information from Page 3.
QI.ii.24. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
How much was your down payment?
Enter amount in dollars: [open-text box]
If the participant stated that they got an adjustable rate mortgage in QI.ii.10, display the
following questions. Otherwise, skip to next module.
The next set of questions uses information from Page 4.
QI.ii.25. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What is the index used on your mortgage?
___ COFI (11th District Cost of Funds Index)
___ CMT (Constant Maturity Treasury)
___ LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
___ MAT or MTA (12-month moving Treasury average)
___ Other, please specify: [open-text box]

I. Document Details


QI.ii.26. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What is the margin rate on your mortgage?
___ Enter margin rate (%): [open text box]
No syntactic validation is performed on “other” responses for QI.ii.27.
QI.ii.27. Please use the example below to locate the corresponding information on your
What is the adjustment schedule for your mortgage?
___ 3/1
___ 5/1
___ 7/1
___ 10/1
___ Other, please specify: [open-text box]
Sub-module: Document Refusal Follow-up
This submodule is asked only in the Follow-up Survey and only when response to QI.ii.2 = “No,
I do not want to provide it or REFUSAL.
For all answers, proceed to the next module.
This question seeks to understand the primary reasons why participants do not want to submit
their Closing Disclosure.

QI.ii.28. You have indicated that you do not want to provide your Closing Disclosure, and
we respect your choice. So that we can better understand your choice, could you please tell
us why you do not want to send in your Closing Disclosure? (mark all that apply)
___ I am worried about privacy
___ Sending in my Closing Disclosure sounds like too much work
___ It is not worth my time
___ I am not sure what a Closing Disclosure is
___ Other (please specify): [open-text box]

I. Document Details


J. Wrap-Up
Participants will complete only one of the three J modules in any given survey.
Participants in the Baseline survey will complete Module J.i.
Most participants in a Periodic survey will complete Module J.ii.
Participants for whom this will be their final survey with us will complete Module J.iii.
More detailed information on how to determine whether the participant should complete Module
J.ii or Module J.iii is included at the beginning of those modules.

Module J.i: Baseline Survey: Treatments
Survey Types
The purpose of Module J.i is two-fold:
1. To reinforce the treatments.
2. To give participants the opportunity to tell us anything else that they want. This is an
optional question and will be administered at the end of every survey. We will monitor
these comments and follow-up with participants as necessary.
Sub-module: Shopping Treatment
This sub-module is administered only to participants in the shopping treatment group. For all
other participants, skip to the appropriate J.i sub-module.
As you continue shopping for your new home, we want to remind you about the benefits of
looking at several options while shopping. Please think of a time when shopping around
for a product saved you money.
QJ.i.1. In just a few words, what was this product?
[open text box]
QJ.i.2. About how much money did you save?
[open text box]
A home is the biggest purchase that most people will ever make, and shopping around for a
mortgage is one of the best chances you will ever get to save money.

J. Wrap-Up


To take the first step, simply call or email a handful of mortgage lenders today. By
contacting multiple mortgage lenders, you could save yourself thousands of dollars over the
life of your loan.

After displaying QJ.i.3, skip to QJ.i.10, Sub-module Baseline Wrap-Up

QJ.i.3. You’ve reached the end of the survey. Is there anything else you would like us to
know? If so, provide your comments in the box below. Please do not include sensitive
information such as your name, contact information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]
Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment
This sub-module is administered only to participants in the Owning a Home treatment group.
For all other participants, skip to the appropriate J.i sub-module.
QJ.i.4. Thank you for your participation! Do you have any comments about this research,
or is there anything else you would like us to know? If so, provide your comments in the
box below. Please do not include sensitive information such as your name, contact
information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]
Display of QJ.i.5 - QJ.i.8 is conditional upon participants’ response to QA.1.
When QA.1 response = a, display QJ.i.5
When QA.1 response = b, display QJ.i.6
When QA.1 response = c, display QJ.i.7
When QA.1 response = d, display QJ.i.8
After displaying the appropriate text, proceed to QJ.i.10, Sub-module Baseline Wrap-Up.
QJ.i.5. As someone who is just starting to think about buying a home, it can often be
overwhelming to figure out how to get started. The Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau’s new Owning a Home Toolkit can help.
Learn what to expect, what questions to ask, and what paperwork you’ll need to submit
throughout the process. Our tools can help you decide the home price range that is right
for you, budget for new expenses, and more. Visit today.

J. Wrap-Up


QJ.i.6. You told us that you’re searching for a home, but don’t quite feel ready to buy.
Perhaps you still have questions about the process, or want a better sense of what you’re
getting into financially. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new Owning a
Home Toolkit can help.
Learn what to expect, what questions to ask, and what paperwork you’ll need to submit
throughout the process. Our tools can help you assess the costs of buying a home, decide
the home price range that is right for you, and more. Visit today.
QJ.i.7. You told us that you’re ready to make an offer when you find the right home. If
you haven’t already, now is a great time to start thinking seriously about your mortgage
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new Owning a Home Toolkit can help.
Learn what interest rate you can expect, and how your mortgage choices affect your
interest rate. Try out different scenarios, and learn how to negotiate with lenders. Visit
QJ.i.8. You told us that you’ve found a home you want to buy and are ready to make an
offer. Once you make an offer, things will start to move very fast. If you haven’t already,
now is the time to start thinking seriously about your mortgage options.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s new Owning a Home Toolkit can help.
Learn what interest rate you can expect, and how your mortgage choices affect your
interest rate. Try out different scenarios, and learn how to negotiate with lenders. Visit
Sub-module: Control
This sub-module is administered only to participants in the control treatment group. For all
other participants, display the appropriate J.i sub-module.
QJ.i.9. You’ve reached the end of the survey. Thank you for your participation!
Do you have any comments about this research, or is there anything else you would like us
to know? If so, provide your comments in the box below. Please do not include sensitive
information such as your name, contact information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]

J. Wrap-Up


Sub-module: Baseline Wrap-up
For participants who chose “I do not want to receive…” in QA.14, do NOT display the following
text. Skip to QJ.i.11.
Use the following email addresses for the text below:
[gift email] =
Amazon: gc-orders@gc.email.amazon.com
PayPal: member@paypal.com
Use-anywhere e-gift card: notification@prepaidcodecenter.com
QJ.i.10. As a thank you for today’s survey, we’re sending a thank you gift of $5 [to your
PayPal account/ as an Amazon e-gift card/ as a use-anywhere e-gift card/as a use-anywhere
gift card]. You should receive [an email from [gift email] with the details within 3-5 days /
the gift card within 4-6 days]. If there are any problems, please contact our processing
team at study@CFPB-homebuying.org.
Display QJ.i.11 only to participants in the scheduling experimental group.
Participants who select “no preference” or do not respond will be randomized into a day of the
week, M-Th.
Participants who are not part of the scheduling experimental group are also randomized into a
day of the week, M-Th, but are not given the opportunity to choose the day.
QJ.i.11. We’ll be contacting you again in about two weeks via email for the first check-in
survey. Is there a particular day of the week that works best for you to receive survey
__ Monday
__ Tuesday
__ Wednesday
__ Thursday
__ No preference
Final splash screen
This is the end of the survey for participants in the baseline survey
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants in the
baseline survey.
Use appropriate language for the bracketed [treatment language here] according to the

J. Wrap-Up


participant's treatment group:
Owning a

As you are shopping for your home, don’t forget to shop for your
mortgage, too. You can save a lot by comparison shopping!
Don’t forget to visit the CFPB’s Owning a Home tools.

Your survey answers have been submitted successfully. Thanks again for participating!
[Treatment language here]
[survey end]

J. Wrap-Up


Module J.ii: Periodic Survey: Treatments
Survey Types
Periodic 1-5 (Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, Offer-Accepted, OOM), Periodic 6 (OfferAccepted)
If this is the participant’s final survey (and they will not be taking the follow up survey), skip
this module and proceed to Module J.iii.
Participants for whom this will be the final survey (ie, those who should skip this module and
proceed to Module.J.iii) include:
• Post-Purchase
• First-Offer + Post-Purchase
• 6th periodic, when current stage = search, first-offer, offer-made, OOM (these participants
are not eligible for the follow up survey)
• Follow up
The purpose of Module J.ii is two-fold:
1. To reinforce the treatments.
2. To give participants the opportunity to tell us anything else that they want. This is an
optional question and will be administered at the end of every survey. We will monitor
these comments and follow-up with participants as necessary.
First-offer-taken variable update
If this is a First-Offer survey, set the participant’s first-offer-taken variable to true upon start of
this module.
Sub-module: Shopping Treatment
For participants in the Shopping treatment, display this sub-module.
For participants in the Owning a Home and Control groups, skip to the appropriate sub-module.
If response to QB.1 was h, then skip to Concluding Language for this Sub-Module (QJ.ii.8).
If response to QB. 1 was f AND response to QB.7 was “more than two weeks ago” then skip to
Concluding Language for this Sub-Module (QJ.ii.8).
For all other responses to QB.1 (including QB.1=f where response to QB.7 was not “more than
two weeks ago”), proceed with this appropriate periodic version of this sub-module. After
completing the appropriate periodic version, proceed to Concluding Language for this SubModule (QJ.ii.8).

J. Wrap-Up


In the periodic shopping treatment language, we encourage participants to shop by giving them
information that is relevant to their current stage in the home-buying process. Only one set of
treatment language is displayed per survey. Display the set of language applicable to the specific
numbered periodic survey as indicated.
Throughout this sub-module, replace bracketed numbers using the following key:
Replace [1] based on response to QB1. If:
a … “now is a good time for you to begin asking mortgage lenders about mortgages available
to you.”
b-c … “now is a good time for you to begin asking mortgage lenders for pre-approval letters.”
d-e… “you will soon be officially applying for mortgages.”
f … “now is the perfect time to contact additional mortgage lenders!”
Replace [2] based on response to QB1. If:
“contacting two or more mortgage lenders.”
b-c… “getting two or more pre-approval letters.”
d-e… “applying for a mortgage with two or more mortgage lenders.”
f … “applying for a mortgage with additional mortgage lenders.”
Replace [3a] based on response to QB1. If,…
“contacted two or more mortgage lenders”
b-c… “received two or more pre-approval letters”
d-f… “applied for two or more mortgages”
Replace [3b] based on response to QB1. If,…
“asking them for a pre-approval letter.”
b-c… “applying for a mortgage with them.”
d-f… “asking one more lender for a mortgage offer.”
Replace [4] based on response to QB1. If,…
“to ask for mortgage information.”
b-c… “to ask for pre-approval letters.”
d-f… “to apply for a mortgage.”
Replace [5] based on response to QB1. If…
a… “I thought that asking for mortgage information would take a ton of time. After talking to a
few people, however, I realize that it was worth it – I learned a lot about mortgages, including
some fees and tricks that I want to avoid. Now I feel better about asking my lender for a lower
rate – why shouldn’t I get the best deal that I can?”
b-c… “My friends told me that I only needed to get one pre-approval letter, but I went ahead and
got one from three different lenders. I’m really glad I did. The rates I was quoted were quite
different, and it gave me a chance to get to know a few different lenders and see which loan
officer I was most comfortable with. Thanks for the advice.”

J. Wrap-Up


d-f … “I thought that applying for a second mortgage offer would be a hassle. But, after getting
together all of my paperwork once, the second application was pretty easy. And, I’m glad that I
did, because it was a much better deal – the closing costs and interest rate were both lower!”
Replace [6] based on response to QB1. If…
“to ask for mortgage information”
b-c… “to ask for a pre-approval letter”
d-f… “to apply for a mortgage”
Periodic 1 & 4
QJ.ii.1. We want to remind you about the importance of shopping around for a mortgage.
Based on your responses, [1]
Please take a moment to come up with a plan for [2]. Try to think about how you would
carry out each step of your plan.
If you’ve already [3a], make a plan for [3b].
QJ.ii.2. What is the most amount of money that you think you might save by following your
Enter the amount in dollars: [open-text box]
QJ.ii.3. Please imagine that following your plan saves you [max{response to QJ.2, $1,000}].
In one word, how would this make you feel?
[open-text box]
QJ.ii.4. People comparison shop to save a few cents on a gallon of gas. Why not shop
around to save thousands of dollars on a mortgage? Shopping around for a mortgage can
save you lots of money, every year, for the entire life of your loan!
Periodic 2 & 5
Financial planning experts recommend that all consumers consider more than one
mortgage offer before accepting one.
Based on your responses, [1].
QJ.ii.5. In two weeks we will ask you how many lenders you contacted [4]. Do you think
you will have contacted multiple lenders by that time?
___ Yes, definitely
___ Yes, probably
___ Maybe
___ No
J. Wrap-Up


Good luck shopping!
Periodic 3 & 6
QJ.ii.6. We want to remind you about the importance of shopping around for a mortgage.
Based on your responses, [1]
We’ve already heard from other homebuyers that shopping around has helped them:
QJ.ii.7. Save thousands of dollars today by simply calling a lender [6]!
Concluding Language
Display QJ.ii.8 to all participants in this sub-module.
QJ.ii.8. You’ve reached the end of today’s survey. Is there anything else you would like us
to know? If so, provide your comments in the box below. Please do not include sensitive
information such as your name, contact information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]
This is the end of the survey for participants in this sub-module.
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants in the
shopping treatment.
Your survey answers have been submitted successfully. Thanks again for participating.
Remember, shopping for a mortgage can save you a lot of money!
[survey end]

J. Wrap-Up


Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment
For participants in the Owning a Home treatment, display this sub-module.
For participants in the Shopping treatment, the survey has finished.
For participants in the Control group, skip to the appropriate sub-module.
QJ.ii.9. Thank you for your participation! Do you have any comments about this research,
or is there anything else you would like us to know? If so, provide your comments in the
box below. Please do not include sensitive information such as your name, contact
information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]
Display of QJ.ii.10 - QJ.ii.16 is conditional upon participants’ stage and whether they have been
in that stage before. If the participant’s stage is OOM, skip to concluding language.
Only one message is displayed per survey. After displaying the appropriate text, proceed to
concluding language.
Display QJ.ii.10 the first or fourth time that a participant is in the search stage.
QJ.ii.10. No matter where you are in your home search process, the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau’s Owning a Home tools can help you get set up for success.
Learn what to expect and what questions to ask throughout the process. Our tools can help
you decide what home price range is right for you, what interest rate to expect, and more.
Visit today.
Display QJ.ii.11 the second or fifth time that a participant is in the search stage.
QJ.ii.11. Have you visited the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Owning a Home
tools yet? These tools were designed with one goal in mind: to help homebuyers like you
navigate the process and make decisions.
Learn what to expect and what questions to ask throughout the process. Get tools and
resources to help you decide what kind of mortgage to get and more. Visit today.

Display QJ.ii.12 the third time that a participant is in the search stage.

J. Wrap-Up


QJ.i.12. As you move forward with your home buying process, make sure to visit the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Owning a Home tools.
We’ve got tools and resources for every step of the process. Learn what to expect and what
questions to ask. Visit today.
Display QJ.ii.13 any time that a participant is in the offer-made stage (including first-offer).
QJ.i.13. Now that you’ve put in an offer on a home, it’s time to gather your paperwork and
get ready to submit your mortgage applications.
The CFPB’s Owning a Home tools help you get organized and know what to expect. Visit
today and learn what questions to ask lenders, and how to know if you’re getting a good
Display QJ.ii.14 the first time that a participant is in the offer-accepted stage.
QJ.i.14. Now that your home purchase offer has been accepted, things will start to move
very fast. The CFPB’s Owning a Home tools help you stay organized and know what to
Whether you’re finalizing your mortgage applications or comparing offers, our tools will
help you ask the right questions and get the best deal you can. Visit today.

Display QJ.ii.15 the second time that a participant is in the offer-accepted stage.
QJ.i.15. Whether you’re still shopping for a mortgage or moving towards closing, the
CFPB’s Owning a Home tools can help you make sure you ask the right questions and stay
on top of the paperwork.
Visit today to learn what to expect, what questions to ask, and get tools and resources to
help you navigate the process.

Display QJ.ii.16 the third and subsequent times that a participant is in the offer-accepted

J. Wrap-Up


QJ.i.16. As you move towards closing, the CFPB’s Owning a Home tools can help you
make sure you ask the right questions and stay on top of the paperwork.
Closing is an important moment – don’t leave anything to chance. Get your closing
checklist and other resources today at Owning a Home.
Concluding language
This is the end of the survey for participants in this sub-module.
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants in the
Owning a Home treatment during a periodic survey.
Your survey answers have been submitted successfully. Thanks again for participating!
Don’t forget to visit the CFPB’s Owning a Home tools.
[survey end]
Sub-module: Control
Control group
The control group does not have treatment language. Proceed directly to concluding language.
Concluding language

Display QJ.ii.17 for all participants in the control group.
QJ.ii.17. You’ve reached the end of today’s survey. Is there anything else you would like us
to know? If so, provide your comments in the box below. Please do not include sensitive
information such as your name, contact information, or account numbers. (optional)
[open-text box, multiple lines]
This is the end of the survey for participants in this sub-module.
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants in the
Control group.

Your survey answers have been submitted successfully. Thanks again for participating!
[survey end]

J. Wrap-Up


Module J.iii: Final survey
Survey Types
Periodic surveys 1-5 (Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase); Periodic survey 6 (stages
Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase, OOM); Follow-up.
The purpose of Module J.iii is three-fold:
1. To collect basic usability metrics from Owning a Home treatment group members
2. To determine if any Shopping or Control group members may have come into contact with
Owning a Home.
3. To wrap up the final survey and thank participants.
This module is administered only to participants for whom this will be their final survey with us.
This includes all participants whose current stage is “post-purchase”, AND those who are not in
post-purchase but who have reached the end of the survey timeframe. Participants who
should be shown this module include:
Periodic (surveys 1-5) – Post-Purchase; First-Offer + Post-Purchase;
Periodic (survey 6) – stages Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, OOM, Post-Purchase, First-Offer +
Post Purchase;
Follow up
Participants who should not be shown this module (and instead should be shown Module J.ii,
Periodic Survey Treatments) include:
Periodic (surveys 1-5) – stages Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, Offer-Accepted, OOM;
Periodic (survey 6) – stage Offer-Accepted;

Sub-Module: Owning a Home Treatment
For participants in the Owning a Home treatment, display the following questions.
For participants in the Shopping and Control groups, skip to next sub-module.
We have just a few more questions for you about the Owning a Home website we provided
for you during this study.
QJ.iii.1. Please rate your overall experience using the Owning a Home website.
___ Liked it a lot
___ Liked it
___ Neutral
___ Did not like it

J. Wrap-Up


___ Did not like it at all
___ Did not use the website

If answered, “N/A,” then skip to QJ.iii.14
Otherwise, continue to QJ.iii.2.
QJ.iii.2. What was your favorite part of the website?
[open text]
QJ.iii.3. If you could change one thing about the website, what would it be?
[open text]
QJ.iii.4. Was the website useful?
___ Extremely useful
___ Very useful
___ Moderately useful
___ Slightly useful
___ Not useful at all
QJ.iii.5. What was the most helpful information on the website?
[open text]
QJ.iii.6. What was the least helpful information on the website?
[open text]
QJ.iii.7. How likely would you be to recommend this site to a friend?
___ Extremely likely
___ Very likely
___ Moderately likely
___ Slightly likely
___ Not likely at all

Sub-Module: Shopping & Control Treatments
For participants in the Shopping and Control groups, display the following questions.
For participants in the Owning a Home treatment, skip to next sub-module.

J. Wrap-Up


We have just a few more questions for you.
QJ.iii.8. Have you ever heard of a website called “Owning a Home” offered by the CFPB?
___ Yes
___ No
Display of QJ.iii.9 is contingent on QJ.ii.8 = “yes”
QJ.iii.9. Have you ever visited this website?
___ No, never
___ Yes, once or twice
___ Yes, 3 to 5 times
___ Yes, more than 5 times
QJ.iii.10. Did you receive a copy of a booklet called “Your Home Loan Toolkit” during
your loan application process? (Click here to see a sample booklet)
___ Yes
___ No
___ I don’t remember
Display of QJ.iii.11 is contingent on QJ.iii.10 = “yes”
QJ.iii.11. This booklet provided links to additional online resources. Did you visit any of
those online resources?
___ No, never
___ Yes, once or twice
___ Yes, 3 to 5 times
___ Yes, more than 5 times
___ I don’t remember
QJ.iii.12. When you received your Loan Estimate, did you notice that there was a link at
the bottom of the form for additional information? (Click here to see a sample form)
___ Yes
___ No
___ I don’t remember
Display of QJ.ii.13 is contingent on QJ.ii.12 = “yes”
QJ.iii.13. Did you visit this link?
___ No, never
___ Yes, once or twice
___ Yes, 3 to 5 times
J. Wrap-Up


___ Yes, more than 5 times
___ I don’t remember
Sub-Module: Wrap up & Payment information
Display QJ.iii.14 to all participants in this module.
If this is a periodic survey (Periodic surveys 1-5 – Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase;
Periodic survey 6 – stages Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, OOM) then use the word “final” in
the bracketed text and proceed to QJ.iii.15.
If this is a follow-up survey, use the word “follow-up” in the bracketed text and proceed to
QJ.iii.14. Thank you for your participation! You’ve reached the end of the [final/followup survey]. Do you have any final comments about this research, or is there anything else
you would like us to know? If so, provide your comments in the box below. Please do not
include sensitive information such as your name, contact information, or account numbers.
[open-text box, multiple lines]
Periodic survey
This is the end of the survey – and the end of the study – for periodic participants.
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants during a
periodic survey (Periodic surveys 1-5 – Post-Purchase, First-Offer + Post-Purchase;
Periodic survey 6 – stages Search, First-Offer, Offer-Made, OOM).
For participants who chose “I do not want to receive…” in QA.14, do NOT display the text in
{brackets} which references payment.
Use the following email addresses for the payment text:
[gift email] =
Amazon: gc-orders@gc.email.amazon.com
PayPal: member@paypal.com
Use-anywhere e-gift card: notification@prepaidcodecenter.com
For participants whose stage = post-purchase, AND agreed to submit their Closing disclosure,
display the language in  referencing the Closing Disclosure. For participants
who are not in post-purchase stage (ie., those who are in the 6th periodic and still in Search, FirstOffer, Offer-Made, OOM), do not display the  text.

J. Wrap-Up


QJ.iii.15. We really appreciate the time you’ve put into this study over the last several
months. Your responses will help us make the home buying and mortgage process easier
for future homebuyers.
{As a thank you for completing the study, we’re sending a thank you gift of $20 [as a
PayPal transfer/ as an Amazon e-gift card/ as a use-anywhere e-gift card/as a use-anywhere
gift card]. You should receive [an email from [gift email] with the details within 3-5 days /
the gift card within 4-6 days]. If there are any problems, please contact our processing
team at study@CFPB-homebuying.org.}

Thanks again for participating!
[survey end]
Follow-up survey
This is the end of the survey – and the end of the study – for follow-up participants in this
Display the following language as the final “thank you” splash screen for participants during a
follow-up survey.
For participants who chose “I do not want to receive…” in QA.14, do NOT display the text in
{brackets} which references payment.
Use the following email addresses for the payment text:
[gift email] =
Amazon: gc-orders@gc.email.amazon.com
PayPal: member@paypal.com
Use-anywhere e-gift card: notification@prepaidcodecenter.com

For participants who agreed to submit their Closing disclosure, display the language in  referencing the Closing Disclosure. For participants who declined to submit their
Closing Disclosure, do not display the  text.

QJ.iii.16. We really appreciate you taking the time to complete this follow-up survey.
Having information about the home and mortgage you ultimately chose is critical to the
success of this research project and will help us make the home buying and mortgage
process easier for future homebuyers.

J. Wrap-Up


{As a thank you for completing the follow-up survey, we’re sending a thank you gift of $5
[as a PayPal transfer/ as an Amazon e-gift card/ as a use-anywhere e-gift card/as a useanywhere gift card]. You should receive [an email from [gift email] with the details within
3-5 days / the gift card within 4-6 days]. If there are any problems, please contact our
processing team at study@CFPB-homebuying.org.}

Thanks again for participating!
[survey end]

J. Wrap-Up


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorChin, Alycia (CFPB)
File Modified2016-04-26
File Created2016-04-26

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