Private sector, State, and Local Partners

Million Hearts Social Network Analysis: Network Survey--

Attachment A_Million Hearts Network Survey

Private sector, State, and Local Partners

OMB: 0990-0449

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PARTNER DEFAULT (Customizable) Survey Questions

Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-NEW

Exp. Date:

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0NEW. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer


Please select your organization/program/department from the list:



What is your job title?



How long have you been in this position (in months)?



Please indicate what your organization/program/department contributes, or can potentially contribute, to this community collaborative (choose as many as apply).


In-Kind Resources (e.g., meeting space)

Paid Staff

Volunteers and Volunteer staff

Data Resources including data sets, collection and analysis

Info/ Feedback

Specific Health Expertise

Expertise Other Than in Health

Community Connections

Fiscal Management (e.g. acting as fiscal agent)



IT/web resources (e.g. server space, web site development, social media)


What is your organization's most important contribution to this community collaborative?

Same as #4


Outcomes of this community collaborative's work include (or could potentially include): (choose all that apply).

Health education services, health literacy, educational resources

Improved services

Reduction of Health Disparities

Improved Resource Sharing

Increased Knowledge Sharing

New Sources of Data

Community Support

Public Awareness

Policy, law and/or regulation

Improved Health Outcomes

Improved communication



Which is this community collaborative's most important outcome?

Same as #6


How successful has this community collaborative been at reaching its goals?

Not Successful

Somewhat Successful


Very Successful

Completely Successful


What aspects of collaboration contribute to this success? (Choose all that apply)

Bringing together diverse stakeholders

Meeting regularly

Exchanging info/knowledge

Sharing resources

Informal relationships created

Collective decision-making

Having a shared mission, goals


From the list, select organizations/programs/departments with which you have an established relationship (either formal or informal). In subsequent questions you will be asked about your relationships with these organizations/programs/departments in the context of this community collaborative.


How frequently does your organization/program/department work with this organization/program/department on issues related to this community collaborative's goals?

Never/We only interact on issues unrelated to the collaborative

Once a year or less

About once a quarter

About once a month

Every week

Every day


What kinds of activities does your relationship with this organization/program/department entail [note: the responses increase in level of collaboration]?


Cooperative Activities: involves exchanging information, attending meetings together, and offering resources to partners (Example: Informs other programs of RFA release)

Coordinated Activities: Include cooperative activities in addition to intentional efforts to enhance each other's capacity for the mutual benefit of programs. (Example: Separate granting programs utilizing shared administrative processes and forms for application review and selection.)

Integrated Activities: In addition to cooperative and coordinated activities, this is the act of using commonalities to create a unified center of knowledge and programming that supports work in related content areas. (Example: Developing and utilizing shared priorities for funding effective prevention strategies. Funding pools may be combined.)


How valuable is this organization/program/department's power and influence to achieving the overall mission of this community collaborative? *Power/Influence: The organization/program/department holds a prominent position in the community be being powerful, having influence, success as a change agent, and showing leadership.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal


How valuable is this organization/program/department's level of involvement to achieving the overall mission of this community collaborative? *Level of Involvement: The organization/program/department is strongly committed and active in the partnership and gets things done.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal 


How valuable is this organization/program/department/s resource contribution to achieving the overall mission of this community collaborative? *Contributing Resources: The organization/program/department brings resources to the partnership like funding, information, or other resources.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal



How reliable is the organization/program/department? *Reliable: this organization/program/department is reliable in terms of following through on commitments.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal


To what extent does the organization/program/department share a mission with this community collaborative's mission and goals? *Mission Congruence: this organization/program/department shares a common vision of the end goal of what working together should accomplish.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal


How open to discussion is the organization/program/department? *Open to Discussion: this organization/program/department is willing to engage in frank, open and civil discussion (especially when disagreement exists). The organization/program/department is willing to consider a variety of viewpoints and talk together (rather than at each other). You are able to communicate with this organization/program/department in an open, trusting manner.

Not at all

A small amount

A fair amount

A great deal


Any number of open-ended or multiple choice questions can be added after #18.

©University of Colorado 2013

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File Modified2016-05-04
File Created2016-05-04

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