Online Survey-All CHWs

OWH Evaluation of Women's Health Leadership Institute Program

Attachment 7_Final OWH WHLI Online Survey_FINAL

Online Survey-All CHWs

OMB: 0990-0455

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Attachment 7:

OWH WHLI Online Survey

Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-

Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0379. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

OWH WHLI Online Survey

Version Dated 10/10/2016

PROGRAMMER NOTE: Text to display at the bottom of each web screen:

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Welcome to the Women’s Health Leadership Institute Survey!

Please enter your six-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the box below and click "Start Survey" to enter the survey. You should have received your PIN in a letter or telephone call from us. If you do not have your PIN, please contact NORC at or call 1-800-604-2698.


Why have I been selected to participate?

You are part of a select group of individuals who participated in a unique program, and we would like to know how or if it has helped you. To that end, the Office on Women’s Health (OWH) is working with NORC at the University of Chicago to evaluate the Women’s Health Leadership Institute (WHLI) to determine the intermediate and long-term impacts and outcomes of the WHLI training. This evaluation will enable OWH to demonstrate the long-term effectiveness of the WHLI and further improve the training program. Your input is invaluable and this project cannot succeed without your help.

We value your time.

Completing the survey will take approximately 25 minutes. There are no foreseeable risks to your participation. However, your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may skip questions and stop the survey at any time without any adverse consequences. Whether or not you choose to participate in the study, or decide to withdraw at any point, will not affect you in any way. As a token of our appreciation, we will provide you with a $10 Amazon gift card for completing this survey.

Will my information be kept private?

All information collected will be kept private to the extent possible by law. While your responses will be used in a final report for the Office on Women’s Health, you and your organization will not be identified.

If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research study, please call the NORC IRB Manager by toll-free phone number at (866) 309-0542.

By selecting “Yes” below, you are consenting to participate in this research study.

  • Yes [GO TOINFO2]



Please use the "Next" and "Back" buttons to navigate between the questions within the questionnaire. Do not use your browser buttons.

If at any time during the survey, you would like to exit, please use the "Save and Exit" button above.

Using this button will save all of the data you have already entered and ensure you are able to return to the same location to complete the survey.


You have been selected to participate in this survey as a former attendee of the WHLI training. Before continuing, please confirm the following:

Did you attend the Women’s Health Leadership Institute (WHLI) training?

  • Yes [GO TO SECTION1_1]



“Condition A” requires present tense and is defined as [IF SECTION 1_3=yes] OR [IF SECTION 1_1=no or missing AND SECTION 1-3=no or missing AND SECTION 1_5=no or missing]

“Condition B” requires past tense and is defined as [IF SECTION1_1=yes AND SECTION1_3=no or missing] OR [IF SECTION 1_1=no or missing AND SECTION 1_3=no or missing AND SECTION 1_5=yes]

SECTION 1: Work Experience

The first set of questions asks about your work experience as a Community Health Worker (CHW).


Were you working as a CHW or doing CHW work when you attended the WHLI training?

According to the American Public Health Association, CHWs go by a variety of titles, e.g., Promotora de Salud, Community Health Representatives, Community Health Aides, Peer Educators, and Patient Navigators. They can serve as a link between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. CHWs can also build individual and community capacity by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support, and advocacy.

  • Yes

  • No [GO TO SECTION1_3]


Thinking about a typical week, approximately what percentage of your professional time did you spend on CHW activities at the time you attended the WHLI training?

Please enter a number between 0 and 100.




Do you currently work as a CHW or do CHW work?

  • Yes

  • No

[If answer to Section 1_1 is “no” or “missing” (left blank) and [if Section 1_3 is “no” or “missing” (left blank)], go to SECTION 1_5]

           i.e. if the person was not a CHW during the training AND is not currently a CHW

  • [If answer to Section 1_1 is “yes” and [if Section 1_3 is “no” or “missing” (left blank)], go to SECTION 1_6]

        i.e. if the person WAS a CHW during the training BUT is currently not a CHW

  • Else if [If answer to Section 1_1 is “yes” or “no” or “missing” (left blank) and Section 1_3 is “yes”, go to SECTION 1_4]


Thinking about a typical week, approximately what percentage of your professional time do you currently spend on CHW activities?

Please enter a number between 0 and 100.




Have you ever worked as a CHW or done CHW work?

  • Yes

  • No


What is your current job title or position?


Do you still work in the same organization as you did when you attended the training?

  • Yes

  • No


Do you still work in the same position as you did when you attended the training?

  • Yes

  • No

[If answer to SECT1_5 is “no”, go to SECT2_1; ELSE go to SECT1_9]


In what settings/organizations have you worked as a CHW?



Community-Based Organization/Non-Profit Organization/Community Health Center

Hospital or other type of clinic

Indian or Tribal Health Department or Service

Local, County, or State Health Department

Health Plan/Managed Care Organization

Academic (including Primary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary)

Other (specify):


How long [IF Condition A THEN DISPLAY “have you worked”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “did you work”] as a CHW?

Please answer in years and months (if days, round to the nearest month).

___ (Years) ___ (Months)


In which settings [IF Condition A THEN DISPLAY “do”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “did”] you work or do outreach?




Neighborhood/Community-based/Community Centers

Migrant Labor Camps

Religious Organizations/Churches





Other (specify):


Please list up to three of the primary health, social, or community issues that you [IF Condition A THEN DISPLAY “work”; IF Condition B THEN DISPLAY “worked”] on as a CHW.

Top Issue 2nd Issue 3rd Issue

________ ________ ________

  1. Accessing Health Services

  2. Adolescent Health

  3. Alcohol/Substance/Tobacco Use

  4. Asthma

  5. Behavioral or Mental Health

  6. Cancer

  7. Chronic Disease (Diabetes, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Disease)

  8. Community Capacity

  9. Communicable Disease other than HIV/AIDS

  10. Domestic Violence/Child Abuse

  11. Environmental Health

  12. Health Promotion, Education, Outreach

  13. HIV/AIDS

  14. Injury Prevention

  15. Maternal and Child Health

  16. Men’s Health

  17. Occupational Health

  18. Older Adult Health

  19. Oral Health

  20. Obesity

  21. Prevention (Nutrition)

  22. Prevention (Physical Activity)

  23. Refugee Health

  24. Social Services

  25. Women’s Health

  26. Other (specify): _____________________


Please check the primary activities you [IF Condition A THEN DISPLAY “do”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “did”] in your work as a CHW.



Provide social/personal support

Provide culturally appropriate health education and information

Advocate for individuals and communities

Assist people in accessing the services they need

Provide direct services, such as glucose and blood pressure testing

Provide skill-building workshops

Act as a cultural bridge between individuals/communities and the health and human services they receive

Participate in research studies

Conduct eligibility screening and enrollment

Other (specify):


How would you describe the populations that you most commonly [IF Condition A THEN DISPLAY “serve”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “served”] ? Check ALL that apply.

SECTION1_14 Race/Ethnicity

  • Black / African American

  • American Indian / Alaska Native

  • Hispanic / Latino(a)

  • Non-Hispanic White

  • Asian / Pacific Islander

  • Other (specify): _____________________

SECTION1_15 Locale

  • Rural

  • Urban

  • Suburban

SECTION1_16 Income

  • Low Income

  • Middle Income

  • Upper Income

SECTION1_17 Gender

  • Women

  • Men

  • Transgender


  • Adults (18 or older)

  • Adolescents (12-17)

  • Children (Under 12)

SECTION1_19 Migration

  • Non-immigrants

  • Immigrants

  • Refugees

  • Other (specify):________________


CHWs gain skills and education in many ways. In addition to the Women’s Health Leadership Institute (WHLI), which of the following describes your CHW training?



I have taken leadership training

I have taken advocacy training

I have obtained skills/education in other ways (specify):

SECTION 2: WHLI Training Participation

The next set of questions asks about your experience with the Women’s Health Leadership Institute (WHLI). Please answer the questions to the best of your ability.


How did you hear about the Women’s Health Leadership Institute? Check ALL that apply.

  • My worksite supervisor

  • A Master Trainer

  • Another CHW

  • A WHLI flyer

  • Email from CHW program, association, or other entity

  • Other (specify): _____________________


There are many reasons that may have had an impact on your decision to apply for the WHLI training. Please rate the importance of each of the following reasons.

Extremely Important

Very important

Moderately Important

Slightly important

Not important at all

  1. My desire to address community needs.

  1. My desire to improve my skills in my daily work.

  1. My desire to become more confident in my work.

  1. My desire to be more efficient in my work.


How satisfied were you with the application process for the WHLI training?

  • Very satisfied

  • Somewhat satisfied

  • Not satisfied at all


In which year did you attend the training?

  • 2011

  • 2012

  • 2013

  • 2014

  • 2015

  • Other, specify: _________

  • Don’t Know


Did you receive funding from WHLI to attend the training?

  • Yes, it covered the entire cost [GO TO SECTION2_7]

  • Yes, it covered part of the cost [GO TO SECTION2_6]

  • No [GO TO SECTION2_6]


Did you receive funding from your employer to attend the training?

  • Yes, it covered the entire cost

  • Yes, it covered part of the cost

  • No


Did you get promoted following the WHLI training?

  • Yes

  • No [GO TO SECTION2_9]


To what extent do you agree your promotion was a direct result of the WHLI training?

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neither agree or disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree


Did you experience an increase in responsibilities at your current position following the WHLI training?

  • Yes

  • No [GO TO SECTION2_11]


To what extent do you agree your increase in responsibilities was a direct result of the WHLI training?

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neither agree or disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree


Did you receive a raise following the WHLI training?

  • Yes

  • No [GO TO SECTION3_1]


To what extent do you agree your raise was a direct result of the WHLI training?

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neither agree or disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

SECTION 3: Knowledge and Competencies

The next set of questions asks about your knowledge and competencies working in your organization and/or community. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability.


To what extent do you agree or disagree that you could put the following skills into practice?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. Build group consensus and facilitate dialogue and open communication.

  1. Involve and organize groups to build a shared vision through collective action.

  1. Map the decision-making process of an organization or institution.

  1. Map the power structures that influence the decision-making process in a community.

  1. Inform and influence formal or informal power structures.

  1. Formulate vision and mission statements.


To what extent do you agree or disagree that you could put the following skills into practice?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. Identify social determinants of health and health disparities.

  1. Identify agents of change that have power in a community.

  1. Collaborate with agents of change that have power in a community.

  1. Evaluate a community’s capacity and readiness to implement changes.

  1. Formulate appropriate strategies for social change.

  1. Deal with conflict as an opportunity for change.


To what extent do you agree or disagree that you could put the following skills into practice?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. Develop personal strategies to achieve effective and sustained leadership.

  1. Draw upon cultural strengths to develop leadership.

  1. Develop an action plan or advocacy plan.

  1. Develop objectives for an action plan or advocacy plan.

  1. Develop a marketing or dissemination plan that includes a broad audience.

  1. Implement an action plan or advocacy plan.


To what extent has the WHLI training had a positive impact on your motivation, confidence, and abilities in your daily work in the following areas?

Major impact

Some impact



  1. My motivation to address issues in my organization.

  1. My motivation to address issues in the community.

  1. My confidence of addressing issues in my organization successfully.

  1. My confidence of addressing issues in the community successfully.

  1. My ability to address issues in my organization.

  1. My ability to address women’s health issues in the community.

SECTION 4: Leadership Activities and Impact

The next set of questions asks about your leadership activities and their impact on your organization and community. Leadership activity is defined as engaging in activities with the intention to create positive changes (i.e., to improve service to clients by your home organization, to improve the way organizations work together to improve health services in the community, and/or to engage policy makers to address community needs) in an organization and/or community.

[IF Condition B, DISPLAY “While answering these questions, please think about the time when you were a CHW or did CHW work.”


Please indicate the frequency with which you [IF Condition A, DISPLAY “engage”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “engaged”] in the following behaviors.





Less than Once a Year or Never

Assessing needs and readiness to change in organization and community

  1. Initiate efforts to assess my organization’s needs or priorities.

  1. Evaluate my organization’s capacity and readiness to implement changes.

  1. Initiate efforts to assess the community’s needs or priorities.

  1. Evaluate the community’s capacity and readiness to implement changes.

  1. Identify social determinants of health and health disparities in the community.


Please indicate the frequency with which you [IF Condition A DISPLAY “engage”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “engaged”] in the following behaviors.





Less than Once a Year or Never

Strategic planning to address organization and community needs

  1. Formulate appropriate strategies and develop an action plan or advocacy plan to address my organization’s needs.

  1. Implement an action plan or advocacy plan to address my organization’s needs.

  1. Formulate appropriate strategies and develop an action plan or advocacy plan to address the community’s needs.

  1. Implement an action plan or advocacy plan to address the community’s needs.


Please indicate the frequency with which you [IF Condition A DISPLAY “engage”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “engaged”] in the following behaviors.





Less than Once a Year or Never

Partnering with other organizations

  1. Involve other organizations to build a shared vision through collective action.

  1. Partner with other community leaders, agencies, and groups to address a community need.

  1. Partner with new agencies or leaders to address a community need.

  1. Partner with an agency that would not normally be “on my side” to meet a community need.


Please indicate the frequency with which you [IF Condition A DISPLAY “engage”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “engaged”] in the following behaviors.





Less than Once a Year or Never

Political leadership

  1. Get involved in policymaking or government affairs to address a community need.

  1. Engage policymakers to address a community need.

  1. Advocate for policy change to address a community need.


To what extent do you think that your leadership activities since the WHLI training have resulted in the following changes?

Major impact

Some impact

No impact

    1. Organizational change: Created positive changes in policy and/or structure in my home organization.

  1. Civil change: Positively changed the way organizations work together to improve health services in the community.

  1. Policy change: Resulted in policy changes at the local, state, or national level.


[Display if answer to any of the items in the grid above = Some impact or Major impact]


Please describe the impact that your leadership activities has had on [FILL “organizational change” OR “civil change” OR “policy change” BASED ON ANSWERS TO GRID ABOVE].



To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. My employer/supervisor [IF Condition A DISPLAY “is”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] is/was supportive of my leadership activities (e.g., funding and resources).

  1. My organization [IF Condition A DISPLAY “is”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] is/was reputable in the community.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “am”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] passionate towards addressing community needs.

  1. The community [IF Condition A DISPLAY “is”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] interested in changes.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “has”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “have”] good existing relationships with partnering agencies.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “am”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] familiar with the community issues and needs.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “am”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “was”] familiar with the community culture.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “have”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “had”] support and interest from the community.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “have”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “had”] a trusting relationship with the community.

  1. I [IF Condition A DISPLAY “feel”; IF Condition B DISPLAY “felt”] empowered to take a leadership role in my organization

SECTION 5: CAP and Impact

The next set of questions asks about the Community Action Project (CAP). Please answer the questions to the best of your ability.


Based on your experience and perspective, which of the following activities qualifies as a CAP?



Don’t Know

Repeated or ongoing community health education classes

One-time community forum/workshop

Community outreach

Community assessment

Ongoing support group

OWH Training


Did you start a Community Action Project (CAP) as part of the WHLI?

  • Yes [GO TO SECTION5_4]

  • No


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following reasons explain why you did not start a CAP?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. The CAP requirements/ guidelines were not clear.

  1. There was not enough technical support from the Master Trainers and/or WHLI.

  1. There was not enough funding provided by my supervisor or organization to support a CAP.

  1. I did not feel prepared to complete a CAP after the training.

  1. I could not identify a community need for a CAP.

  1. I had challenges working with project collaborators.

  1. The community did not see a need or was not interested.

  1. I was not familiar with the community issues or needs.

  1. I was not familiar with the community culture.

  1. I did not have time because of other responsibilities.

Other reasons (specify):



What area(s) of community health did or does your CAP address?



Active living

Child health


Elder health

Health policy

Infectious disease prevention

Mental health


Refugee health

STI testing

Violence prevention

Other (specify):


Did you successfully complete this CAP?

  • Completed, CAP final report submitted

  • Completed, CAP final report not submitted

  • Ongoing: Moving forward with CAP activities [GO TO SECTION5_8]

  • Stopped unexpectedly: CAP implementation was delayed [GO TO SECTION5_7]


How long did it take you to complete the CAP from planning to completion? [GO TO SECTION5_8]

___ (Years) ___ (Months)


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following statements explain why your CAP was delayed?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. There was not enough technical support from the Master Trainers and/or WHLI.

  1. I had challenges working with project collaborators.

  1. The community did not see a need or was not interested.

  1. There was not enough funding provided by my supervisor or organization to support a CAP.

  1. There was a change in funding situation.

  1. I did not have time because of other responsibilities


Which of the following activities did/does your CAP involve?



Repeated or ongoing community health education classes

One-time community forum/workshop

Community outreach

Community assessment

Ongoing support group

OWH Training

Other (specify):


To what extent do you agree or disagree that your CAP has resulted in the following changes in your community?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. Increased the community’s access to health information.

  1. Increased the community’s access to screening and health care.

  1. Empowered community members to improve their health.

  1. Altered community members’ orientation/attitude toward their health.

  1. Altered community members’ health behaviors.

  1. Created a change in community health policy


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. The CAP requirements from the training were clear.

  1. The CAP guidelines/instructions were well-communicated.

  1. I had time constraints because of other responsibilities.

  1. A Master Trainer provided sufficient support for the CAP (e.g., to follow up on my progress and/or to answer my questions).

  1. The training provided sufficient ground for me to develop a CAP.

  1. I had organizational buy-in from my employer/supervisor on the CAP.

  1. I had challenges working with project collaborators.

  1. There was available funding from my organization to develop and implement the CAP.

  1. I had existing relationships with partnering agencies.

  1. The community did not see a need or was not interested in the topic.

  1. I had sufficient community partner resources, donations, and/or space.

  1. I was able to form a committee.

  1. I had a lot of experience with the topic or approach addressed in the CAP.

SECTION 6: Reflection on the WHLI Training

The next set of questions asks about your experience with the Women’s Health Leadership Institute (WHLI) training. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability.


How would you rate the overall quality of the WHLI training?

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Dissatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the WHLI training?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Don’t know/ Don’t Remember

  1. The training objectives were clear.

  1. The training activities were engaging.

  1. The training materials were hands-on.

  1. The training materials provided were sufficient.

  1. The pace of the training was appropriate.

  1. The content was relevant to my work.

  1. The training was relevant to community health work.

  1. The training was well-organized.

  1. The training met my expectations.


How many Master Trainers did you have during the WHLI training?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4 or more

  • Don’t Know [GO TO SECTION6_5a-5j]


[PROGRAMMER NOTE: Display the table up to three times based on the answer to the previous question.]

The next set of questions asks about the [IF SECTION6_3=1 THEN DISPLAY “Master Trainer” ELSE DISPLAY “Master Trainers”] you had during the WHLI training. [IF SECTION 6_3=4 or more, DISPLAY “Please select three of your Master Trainers to think about while answering these questions”

Thinking specifically about [IF SECTION6_3=1 THEN DISPLAY “the Master Trainer”; IF SECTION6_3=2 THEN DISPLAY “the FIRST Master Trainer” and “the SECOND Master Trainer” for the two tables loaded; IF SECTION6_3=3 OR SECTION 6_3=4 or more THEN DISPLAY “the FIRST Master Trainer”, “the SECOND Master Trainer” and “the THIRD Master Trainer” for the three tables loaded], to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. The Master Trainer was well-prepared.

  1. The Master Trainer was knowledgeable about the subject matter.

  1. The Master Trainer could explain a CAP and give examples.

  1. The Master Trainer engaged CHWs.

  1. The Master Trainer was receptive to participant comments and questions.

  1. The Master Trainer was passionate about working with CHWs and communities.

  1. The Master Trainer had good communication skills.

  1. The Master Trainer had good listening skills.

  1. The Master Trainer managed time well.

  1. The Master Trainer related personal experiences pertaining to the leadership training event (e.g., gave personal examples, had experience/knowledge with topics, etc.)

[GO TO SECTION6_6a-6i]


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the WHLI Master Trainers?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. The Master Trainers were well-prepared.

  1. The Master Trainers were knowledgeable about the subject matter.

  1. The Master Trainers could explain a CAP and give examples.

  1. The Master Trainers engaged CHWs.

  1. The Master Trainers were receptive to participant comments and questions.

  1. The Master Trainers were passionate about working with CHWs and communities.

  1. The Master Trainers had good communication skills.

  1. The Master Trainers had good listening skills.

  1. The Master Trainers managed time well.

  1. The Master Trainers related personal experiences pertaining to the leadership training event (e.g., gave personal examples, had experience/knowledge with topics, etc.)


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following skills taught at the WHLI training were useful to your leadership activities or CAP development?

Strongly Agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly Disagree

Training did not address issue

  1. Conducting community mapping

  1. Evaluating outcomes

  1. Getting community buy-in

  1. Developing a local resource/contact list

  1. Developing a logic model

  1. Partnering with community agencies

  1. Presenting information

  1. Conducting a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis

  1. Conducting a vision and mission analysis


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following skills or resources would have helped you better incorporate leadership into your work?

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

  1. Additional training on content knowledge about policymaking

  1. Additional training on content knowledge about specific women’s health issues

  1. Additional training on how to identify funding sources

  1. Additional funding provided by WHLI

  1. Additional training on grant writing

  1. In-person meetups with Master Trainers

  1. Locally-provided training

  1. Ongoing training

  1. Additional technical support from Master Trainers and/or WHLI

  1. Webinars following the workshop

  1. Additional training focusing on advocacy skills

  1. More one-on-one trainings focusing on the particular issues in the community

  1. Opportunities to network with other CHWs from the training who are working on similar issues (work groups)


Do you have other suggestions for improving the WHLI training?


SECTION 7: Demographics

The last set of questions are to help us get to know you better. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability.


What is your age?

  • 18 to 24 years

  • 25 to 34 years

  • 35 to 44 years

  • 45 to 54 years

  • 55 to 64 years

  • Age 65 or older


What is your gender?

  • Female

  • Male

  • Transgender: male to female

  • Transgender: female to male

  • Transgender: gender non-conforming


Are you Hispanic or Latino?

  • No

  • Yes


How would you best describe your race? Check ALL that apply.

  • White

  • Black or African American

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Other (specify): _____________________


What is the highest level of education you have completed?

  • Less than high school

  • High school graduate / GED

  • Some college, no degree

  • Associate's degree

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Graduate or professional degree



Thank you for your time, but unfortunately you are not able to proceed with the survey without consenting to this research project.

[If the survey is terminated]


Thank you for your time, but unfortunately you do not qualify for this survey.


Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We truly value the information you have provided. To receive your $10 Amazon gift card for completing the survey, please enter your email address below. Only NORC staff working on the Women's Health Leadership Institute Survey will have access to your email. We will never share your email with anyone outside of the study.


Shape1 If you would like to receive your gift card in the mail rather than through email, please check this box:



Please enter your full name and address and your $10 Amazon gift card will be mailed to you within 4-6 weeks.

First name:

Last name:

Street address 1:

Street address 2 (optional):



Zip Code:



In addition, based on your responses, we may contact you about scheduling a phone interview to further discuss your participation in the Women’s Health Leadership Institute. Participation is voluntary. If you choose to participate, you will receive an additional $10 Amazon gift card for your time.

To make sure we have accurate information on file, please enter your full name and telephone number:

Name: _____________________________________ [FILL WITH FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME FROM ADDRESS ABOVE IF POPULATED]

Telephone Number: (___) ____ - _______

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the study or your responses, please contact NORC at or 1-800-604-2698.




Thank you for starting the WHLI Survey. If you exited by mistake, please select “Back” button below to continue the survey where you left off.

If you would like to continue at a different time, please use the link you received in the email. If you received a letter or phone call, please go to and enter your unique survey PIN.


Thank you for your assistance with this survey! To submit your responses, please click the “Submit” button below. Have a great day!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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