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pdfArmy Regulation 215–8
AFI 34-211(I)
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
Army and Air
Departments of the Army,
and the Air Force
Washington, DC
5 October 2012
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I)
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Operations
This administrative revision, dated 7 January 2013o
Corrects an administrative editing error to reflect new Army and Air Force
Exchange Service internal management (para 1-9b).
Makes administrative changes (throughout).
This major revision, dated 5 October 2012-o
Consolidates Army and Air Force Exchange Service funding policies (chap 3).
Adds additional patronage categories for unlimited exchange privileges
(table 7-1).
Implements appropriated funding and support rules from DODI 1015.15, DODI
1330.09, DODI 1330.21, and Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Personnel and Readiness) policy memorandum, subject: Funding Sources for
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Facilities, dated 4 December
2007 (throughout).
Incorporates policy changes set forth in Army Directive 2012-15 and GO 201210 (throughout).
Prescribes policies for providing Army and Air Force exchange services to the
Army and the Air Force worldwide (throughout).
Makes administrative changes (throughout).
*Army Regulation 215–8
AFI 34-211(I)
Departments of the Army,
and the Air Force
Washington, DC
5 October 2012
Effective 5 November 2012
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Operations
History. This publication is an
administrative revision.
Summary. This regulation implements
DODI 1330.09 and DODI 1330.21, and it
prescribes policies for providing exchange
services to Army and Air Force activities
worldwide. Also, this regulation implements the appropriated funding and/or
support rules contained in DODI 1015.15.
Applicability. This regulation applies to
the following, unless otherwise stated: the
active Army, the Army National Guard/
Army National Guard of the United
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve; and
the active Air Force, Air National Guard,
and Air Force Reserve.
Proponent and exception authority.
The proponent of this regulation is the
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation
Management. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers
to this regulation that are consistent with
controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within
the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the
grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.
Activities may request a waiver to this
regulation by providing justification that
includes a full analysis of the expected
benefits and must include formal review
by the activity’s senior legal officer. All
waiver requests will be endorsed by the
commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through
their higher headquarters to the policy
proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific
Army internal control process. This
regulation contains internal control provisions, in accordance with AR 11–2, but it
does not identify key management controls that must be evaluated. These controls and management control checklists
are contained in exchange operating procedures/Exchange Service regulations issued by the director and chief executive
officer of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service.
Supplementation. Supplementation of
this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Assistant
Chief of Staff for Installation Management (DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20310–0600.
Suggested improvements. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms) directly to Assistant Chief
of Staff for Installation Management
(DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310–0600.
Committee management. AR 15–1 requires the proponent to justify establishing/continuing committee(s), coordinate
draft publications, and coordinate changes
in committee status with the U.S. Army
Resources and Programs Agency, Department of the Army Committee Management Office (AARP–ZA), 9301 Chapek
Road, Building 1458, Fort Belvoir, VA
22060–5527. Further, if it is determined
that an established “group” identified
within this regulation, later takes on the
characteristics of a committee, as found in
AR 15–1, then the proponent will follow
all AR 15–1 requirements for establishing
and continuing the group as a committee.
Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command level C for the Army
and F for the Air Force.
*This regulation supersedes AR 215–8, dated 30 July 2008.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
(Listed by paragraph and page number)
Chapter 1
Purpose, Objectives, Organization, and Legal Status, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Abbreviations and special terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Authority for Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 1–5, page 1
Army and Air Force Exchange Service mission • 1–6, page 1
Objectives • 1–7, page 1
Dividend distribution • 1–8, page 1
Army and Air Force Exchange Service organization • 1–9, page 1
Command relationships, policy, and operating procedures • 1–10, page 1
Legal status • 1–11, page 2
Freedom of Information Act requests • 1–12, page 2
Chapter 2
Responsibilities, page 2
Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force • 2–1, page 2
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (Army) and Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and
Services (Air Force) • 2–2, page 2
Army region directors of Installation Management Commands and commanders of Air Force major commands • 2–3,
page 2
Army garrison and/or Air Force installation commanders • 2–4, page 3
Director and Chief Executive Officer, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–5, page 3
Deputy Director, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–6, page 4
Chief Operating Officer, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–7, page 4
Overseas region commanders, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–8, page 4
Region senior vice presidents, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–9, page 4
Headquarters staff, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–10, page 4
General managers, Army and Air Force Exchange Service • 2–11, page 4
Chapter 3
Funding, page 5
Funding of Army and Air Force Exchange Service activities • 3–1, page 5
Appropriated funds • 3–2, page 5
Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service funds • 3–3, page 5
Deviation from funding policy • 3–4, page 6
Chapter 4
Facilities and Equipment, page 7
Scope • 4–1, page 7
Construction project approval and reporting • 4–2, page 7
Reporting construction projects • 4–3, page 7
New construction, alterations, and additions by the private sector • 4–4, page 7
Army and Air Force Exchange Service contracting for appropriated funds or combined appropriated funds, and Army
and Air Force Exchange Service projects • 4–5, page 7
Titles to structures and installed property and equipment • 4–6, page 7
Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities • 4–7, page 8
Smoke-free facilities • 4–8, page 8
Chapter 5
Personnel, page 8
Policies and practices • 5–1, page 8
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Overseas entitlements • 5–2, page 9
Employment of United States citizens in foreign countries • 5–3, page 9
Travel and transportation • 5–4, page 9
Executive management program • 5–5, page 9
Grievances, adverse actions, and administrative appeals • 5–6, page 9
Labor management relations • 5–7, page 11
Employee associations • 5–8, page 11
Memberships in organizations • 5–9, page 11
Equal Employment Opportunity programs • 5–10, page 11
Law suits against individual employees • 5–11, page 11
Fiduciary responsibilities • 5–12, page 11
Security clearance and investigations for assigned personnel • 5–13, page 12
Falsification of records • 5–14, page 12
Employees to furnish required reports and information • 5–15, page 12
Arrest, indictment, or conviction for criminal offenses • 5–16, page 12
Separation for cause • 5–17, page 12
Separation based on resignation • 5–18, page 12
Chapter 6
Exchange Operations, page 13
Section I
Exchange Establishment, page 13
Exchange service establishment • 6–1, page 13
Exchange support in theater operations • 6–2, page 16
Alternatives to regular exchange service operations • 6–3, page 17
Exchanges on closed installations • 6–4, page 17
Transfer of activities • 6–5, page 17
Section II
Other Exchange Service Operations, page 17
Motion picture service • 6–6, page 17
Military clothing sales stores • 6–7, page 17
School food service • 6–8, page 17
Army and Air Force Exchange Service loss activities • 6–9, page 17
Section III
Financial Services, page 18
Contracts and agreements • 6–10, page 18
Check cashing • 6–11, page 18
Processing dishonored checks • 6–12, page 18
Exchange credit program • 6–13, page 18
Section IV
Resale Activities, page 19
Exchange service • 6–14, page 19
Resale by nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, other than the Exchange Service • 6–15, page 19
Section V
Non-Army and Air Force Exchange Service Operations, page 19
Commercial solicitation • 6–16, page 19
Home-based business • 6–17, page 19
Non-incidental morale, welfare, and recreation operations • 6–18, page 19
Non-morale, welfare, and recreation entities • 6–19, page 20
Civilian welfare fund and post restaurant • 6–20, page 20
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Section VI
Prohibitions, page 20
Contributions and donations • 6–21, page 20
Other • 6–22, page 20
Chapter 7
Patrons, Privileges, and Identification, page 20
Privileges within continental United States • 7–1, page 20
Privileges in foreign (overseas) areas • 7–2, page 20
Purchases for patrons unable to shop for themselves • 7–3, page 21
Identification • 7–4, page 23
Visitors • 7–5, page 23
Abuse of privileges • 7–6, page 23
Catalog service to replace lost or damaged items • 7–7, page 24
Patronage exceptions • 7–8, page 24
Unlimited exchange access (except as noted) • 7–9, page 24
Limited exchange privileges • 7–10, page 26
Chapter 8
Stock assortment, sales, pricing, advertising, and promotions, page 28
Section I
Stock assortment and pricing, page 28
Retail stock assortment • 8–1, page 28
Retail pricing and markups • 8–2, page 28
Fees and prices • 8–3, page 29
International Balance of Payments Program • 8–4, page 29
Section II
Sales and Trade Names, page 29
Vending sales of tobacco and alcohol • 8–5, page 29
Tobacco products • 8–6, page 29
Special sales • 8–7, page 29
Organization or activity sales • 8–8, page 30
Stock assortment limitation • 8–9, page 30
Refunds and adjustments • 8–10, page 30
Contractor/concessionaire operations • 8–11, page 30
Sanitation • 8–12, page 30
Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service trademarks • 8–13, page 30
Section III
Advertising and Promotions, page 31
Advertising • 8–14, page 31
Promoting • 8–15, page 32
Web sites • 8–16, page 32
Public affairs • 8–17, page 32
Chapter 9
Procurement, page 33
General • 9–1, page 33
Authority • 9–2, page 33
Mandatory contract clauses • 9–3, page 34
Minority business concerns • 9–4, page 35
Services, agency, concession, and vending agreements • 9–5, page 35
Procurement of retail merchandise • 9–6, page 35
Procurement of fixtures, equipment, and supplies • 9–7, page 36
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Military uniforms • 9–8, page 36
Sources of supply • 9–9, page 36
Quality assurance program • 9–10, page 36
Procurement for contractors • 9–11, page 36
Liability as an agent • 9–12, page 36
Chapter 10
Transportation, page 36
Mode of transportation • 10–1, page 36
Ocean shipments • 10–2, page 36
Inland movement • 10–3, page 36
Air transport • 10–4, page 37
Mail shipments to destinations outside the continental United States • 10–5, page 37
Funding • 10–6, page 37
Chapter 11
Alcoholic Beverage Sales, page 37
Class Six Program • 11–1, page 37
Promotions • 11–2, page 38
Controls • 11–3, page 38
Packaged alcoholic beverage outlet establishment • 11–4, page 38
Triennial review • 11–5, page 38
Purchase eligibility • 11–6, page 39
Alcohol seller training • 11–7, page 39
Procurement procedures • 11–8, page 39
Alcohol sales to morale, welfare, and recreation/nonappropriated fund activities • 11–9, page 39
Chapter 12
Motion Picture Service, page 39
Establishment and operational requirements of entertainment motion picture theaters • 12–1, page 39
Type of film service • 12–2, page 40
Film showings • 12–3, page 40
Additional theater expenses • 12–4, page 41
Admission charges • 12–5, page 41
Exhibition • 12–6, page 41
Special shows and other uses • 12–7, page 41
Leasing arrangement • 12–8, page 42
Chapter 13
Claims and Incidents of Misconduct and Losses, page 42
Tort and tort-type claims • 13–1, page 42
Other claims • 13–2, page 42
Criminal investigations • 13–3, page 43
Pecuniary loss investigations • 13–4, page 43
Other non-criminal investigations • 13–5, page 43
Restitution and collection • 13–6, page 43
Appeals • 13–7, page 44
Chapter 14
Financial Planning, Accounting, and Accountability, page 44
Financial management • 14–1, page 44
Financial management reports • 14–2, page 45
Accountability • 14–3, page 45
Physical inventories • 14–4, page 45
Write-off of assets • 14–5, page 45
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Insurance • 14–6, page 46
Chapter 15
Taxes, page 46
Federal taxes • 15–1, page 46
State, territorial, and local taxes • 15–2, page 46
U.S. Department of the Treasury records retention policy • 15–3, page 47
Federal occupation taxes • 15–4, page 47
State tax exemptions • 15–5, page 47
Sale of state tax-free items • 15–6, page 47
Chapter 16
Audits and Inspections, page 48
Audits • 16–1, page 48
Inspector General • 16–2, page 48
Inspector General inquiries and investigations • 16–3, page 48
Department and command inspections • 16–4, page 49
Release of Army and Air Force Exchange Service inspector general records • 16–5, page 49
References, page 50
Funding Authorizations, page 56
Authorized Army and Air Force Exchange Service Resale Activities, page 61
Continental United States Only Merchandise Restrictions, page 64
Prohibited Exchange Activities, page 65
Exceptions to the Armed Services Exchange Service regulations, page 65
Table List
Table 7–1: Unlimited exchange service privileges, page 24
Table 7–2: Limited exchange access, page 26
Table B–1: General funding authorizations for AAFES activities, page 56
Figure List
Figure 6–1: Sample of a memorandum of agreement, page 15
Figure 6–1: Sample of a memorandum of agreement-continued, page 16
Figure 7–1: Sample of letter of authorization, page 22
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Chapter 1
Purpose, Objectives, Organization, and Legal Status
1–1. Purpose
This regulation contains the operating policy of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). If inconsistencies
exist between this regulation and other departmental regulations governing nonappropriated fund (NAF) activities,
military exchanges, or the military resale system, this regulation will prevail with regard to AAFES operations, pending
resolution by the appropriate official, if necessary.
1–2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1–3. Abbreviations and special terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
1–4. Responsibilities
Responsibilities are listed in chapter 2.
1–5. Authority for Army and Air Force Exchange Service
The Secretary of Defense has vested in the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force all functions,
powers, and duties relating to exchange activities within their respective military departments. This authority is held
jointly and equally.
1–6. Army and Air Force Exchange Service mission
AAFES has a dual and enduring mission of providing quality merchandise and services to its customers at competitively low prices and of generating earnings which provide a dividend to support morale, welfare, and recreation
(MWR) programs.
1–7. Objectives
The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force will—
a. Establish a centrally directed and jointly operated, worldwide, exchange system.
b. Establish uniform standards of service that meet the needs of the Army and the Air Force.
c. Use all available resources (facilities, funds, and personnel) to achieve an economical and efficient operation with
a sound capital structure.
d. Use accepted business methods and uniform practices to meet mission requirements.
1–8. Dividend distribution
The AAFES Board of Directors (BOD) will declare dividends based on earnings, available funds, and required capital
to the Army and the Air Force in support of their military MWR programs. Dividends are based on Army and Air
Force distribution formulas. Any distributions to garrisons and installations are meant for an officially established and
recognized military MWR nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI).
1–9. Army and Air Force Exchange Service organization
a. AAFES is established as a Joint NAFI.
b. As a Joint NAFI, AAFES has a governing council known as a BOD. The composition of the AAFES BOD is
detailed in AR 15–110/AFI 34–203(I). The AAFES director and chief executive officer, on behalf of the AAFES BOD,
has primary interdepartmental responsibility for the worldwide administration and operation of AAFES activities. The
director and chief executive officer will appoint the executive secretary for the AAFES BOD.
c. AAFES is categorized by DODI 1015.15 as a Program Group II, NAFI, Category C, revenue-generating program.
1–10. Command relationships, policy, and operating procedures
a. AAFES is a Joint NAFI of the Army and the Air Force and is under the jurisdiction of the Chief of Staff of the
Army and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. AAFES consists of all activities, personnel, property, and NAF activities
that provide exchange services to the Army and the Air Force and other governmental agencies identified in this
b. The AAFES BOD directs AAFES and is responsible to the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air
Force through their respective Chiefs of Staff.
c. The departmental staffs of the Services develop general policy governing AAFES. This policy is published in
Joint Army regulations and Air Force instructions. The Army is responsible for developing, staffing, and administering
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
publication of AAFES policy. The AAFES director and chief executive officer issues exchange operating procedures
(EOPs) and exchange service regulations.
1–11. Legal status
a. AAFES is an instrumentality of the United States. It is entitled to the immunities and privileges enjoyed by the
Federal Government under the Constitution, federal statutes, federal legal precedents, established principles of international law, and international treaties and agreements.
b. AAFES is immune from direct state taxation and state laws and regulations that would interfere with its
performance of its federal functions. Pursuant to Section 104, Title 4, United States Code (4 USC 104), Congress
specifically permits the collection of state taxes on gasoline and other fuels sold through exchanges on U.S. military or
other reservations, when such fuels are not for the exclusive use of the United States.
c. Suits by or against AAFES, or its individual activities, in tort or in contract, are suits by or against the United
States. Claims, judgments, and compromise settlements of court actions against the United States, arising out of
AAFES activities and sounding in tort, are payable solely out of AAFES funds. Judgments and compromise settlements
of court actions against the United States, arising out of AAFES activities sounding in contract, will be obligated out of
appropriated funds (APFs) of the United States, and AAFES will reimburse the United States.
d. As an instrumentality of the Federal Government, AAFES (and its employees) is bound by DOD 5500.07–R.
1–12. Freedom of Information Act requests
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for AAFES documents must be submitted in writing to the AAFES
headquarters (HQ) at HQ, AAFES, General Counsel (FOIA), P.O. Box 650060, Dallas, TX 75265–0060. Requests will
be processed in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations. The servicing general counsel, or designee, is
the Initial Denial Authority for FOIA requests.
Chapter 2
2–1. Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Air Force
The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force have oversight responsibility of the AAFES BOD and
exchange operations.
2–2. Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (Army) and Deputy Chief of Staff for
Manpower, Personnel and Services (Air Force)
The following administrative agent responsibilities rests with the ACSIM (Army). The ACSIM, in coordination with
the AF/A1 (Director of Services (AF/A1S)), will—
a. Oversee policy development and interpretation of AAFES operations.
b. Revise and update this regulation with necessary coordination among the Army, Air Force, and AAFES.
2–3. Army region directors of Installation Management Commands and commanders of Air Force
major commands
Army region directors of IMCOMs and commanders of Air Force major commands (MAJCOMs) will—
a. Designate an appropriate staff element to act as liaison with the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. Authorize the establishment of exchanges at installations under their command, providing exchange service at
locations other than military installations when doing so is consistent with departmental operational requirements.
c. Evaluate the responsiveness of services to customer needs and command requirements and adequacy of patronage
d. Enforce departmental resale policy, including acting on disagreements between garrison and installation commanders and exchange general managers (GMs) that involve local MWR versus AAFES operation of resale and service
e. Provide logistical and administrative support, including—
(1) Granting proprietary approval for AAFES work on real property. (This authority may be delegated to a
subordinate command.)
(2) Ensuring that AAFES-funded projects involving work on real property are reviewed for technical sufficiency.
f. Provide port handling and transportation for the movement of AAFES merchandise, supplies, and equipment from
continental United States (CONUS) ports to overseas ports and return, and between overseas ports. (This will be
provided on a non-reimbursable basis per applicable departmental regulations.)
g. Provide support services, such as transportation, facilities, operating personnel, security, medical, and finance
support for exchange operations in contingency and wartime operations or emergencies. Develop contingency plans, in
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
conjunction with the AAFES director and chief executive officer for exchange support, during emergencies, mobilizations, and wartime operations.
h. In addition to the above, overseas Army IMCOM region directors and Air Force MAJCOM commanders will—
(1) Coordinate with the AAFES regional commander to ensure that exchange merchandise and services are included
in agreements with the host country for reduced freight rates, customs clearances, and tax exemptions.
(2) Set hours of work, rates of pay, and employment benefits for non-U.S. citizens employed at AAFES activities
(when they have the responsibility for those purposes), according to treaties, agreements, and laws of the host country
and in consultation with designated AAFES representatives.
(3) Implement and enforce ration controls where needed or required.
2–4. Army garrison and/or Air Force installation commanders
In command organizations where the term garrison/installation commander is not applicable, Army commands, Army
service component commands, direct reporting units, and Air Force MAJCOMs will assign the following responsibilities to the most appropriate command element. Garrison and installation commanders will—
a. Provide AAFES activities adequate and suitable buildings and facilities, and applicable services. Buildings may
be provided from existing structures or construction of facilities (see chap 4). At remote and isolated locations, APF
support is afforded the same level of support provided to category B, military MWR programs, as outlined in AR
215–1 and AFI 65–106.
b. Provide facilities and services on a non-reimbursable basis (see app B which outlines the APF support to various
elements of expense).
c. Initiate installation support agreements. For administrative purposes only, DODI 4000.19 will be referenced for
this process.
d. Include AAFES activities in command information programs and other community information services.
e. Provide the same logistical support for AAFES civilian personnel as is provided to other NAF employees,
including DD Form 2574 (Armed Forces Exchange Services Identification and Privilege Card) and other appropriate
forms of identification. This support will not differ materially from that enjoyed by civilian personnel of the classified
federal service.
f. Provide essential logistical and administrative support for military personnel assigned to AAFES, including the
administration of military justice.
g. Evaluate the responsiveness of AAFES to command requirements, convey results to exchange management and
the GM, and recommend changes as appropriate.
h. Enforce local rules for dress, appearance, and uniform regulations for patrons using exchange facilities, consistent
with applicable departmental regulations.
i. Liaise with exchange personnel.
j. Ensure that decisions based on needs, mission readiness, and community requirements (including recommended
hours of operation) are coordinated with exchange management and the GM.
k. Enforce departmental resale policy (see chap 6 and applicable departmental regulations).
l. Act on proposals for garrison and installation entities and NAFIs to open resale and service outlets; and review
periodically or as required by Army IMCOM, G–9 (Family and MWR Programs)/Air Force Services the continued
need for these outlets (see para 6–14e of this regulation for guidance on AAFES operation of MWR sales operations on
a management fee basis).
m. Review the need for new exchange concession, agency, and vending services, and review source lists per
paragraph 9–1d of this regulation.
n. Advise the GM of all claim matters that affect exchange operations.
o. Issue identification documents, per applicable departmental regulations and criteria outlined in chapter 7, to
persons authorized to purchase at exchanges, to enter exchanges for official business without the privilege of purchase,
or to act as an agent of an authorized patron.
p. Ensure disciplinary actions, when appropriate, are taken against persons who violate patron privileges (see para
7–6). If abuse of privileges is found after appropriate review, garrison and installation commanders or other informed
officials will take appropriate action, to include revoking or suspending exchange privileges.
q. Ensure the identification card issuing office maintains a current listing of locally reported lost and stolen
identification cards and provides this to exchange management.
2–5. Director and Chief Executive Officer, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
The AAFES director and chief executive officer’s position is filled by an NF–6. The civilian director and chief
executive officer, AAFES will—
a. Manage all AAFES activities and issue EOPs and exchange service regulations to fulfill policies in this regulation
and to establish new policies. Authority vested in the AAFES director and chief executive officer by this regulation
may be delegated, unless stated otherwise.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
b. Supervise AAFES personnel, property, and funds worldwide.
c. Operate, manage, and supervise exchange activities worldwide.
d. Submit an annual report, through the AAFES BOD, to the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air
Force. This report will include—
(1) An annual audit statement issued by a certified public accountant (CPA).
(2) A summary of exchange operations for the prior fiscal year.
e. Provide clearance for personnel within a specific area of control for access to classified Department of Defense
(DOD) information, according to applicable departmental regulations.
f. Plan for and support Army and Air Force mobilization, contingency, and wartime operations or other emergency
situations within the capabilities and limitations of AAFES.
g. Prescribe uniform check cashing procedures and controls, procedures for enforcing patronage eligibility and
identification control, and establish stock assortment criteria for all categories of retail merchandise.
h. Act on requests or appeals from military commanders to open exchange activities when GMs and region senior
vice presidents or overseas region commanders have declined requested services.
i. Administer the AAFES capital expenditure program as directed by the AAFES BOD.
j. Report, annually, to DOD on the customer satisfaction index and the results of standardized market basket price
k. Under authority granted, suspend or remove privileges from patrons who abuse catalog and Internet ordering
systems controlled and managed by AAFES (see para 7–6e).
2–6. Deputy Director, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
The deputy director’s position is filled by a general officer alternating between the Army and the Air Force. The
deputy director will assist the director and chief executive officer, AAFES in the overall operation of AAFES.
2–7. Chief Operating Officer, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
The chief operating officer, AAFES, will—
a. Assist the director and chief executive officer, AAFES in directing the overall operation of AAFES.
b. Supervise operational elements.
c. Directly support all AAFES operations worldwide.
2–8. Overseas region commanders, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Overseas region commanders will direct all operational aspects of AAFES activities assigned to their area of
2–9. Region senior vice presidents, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Region senior vice presidents will direct overall operations of AAFES facilities within their assigned geographical
2–10. Headquarters staff, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
The AAFES HQ staff will formulate and execute procedures to implement the operating policy in this regulation and
EOPs and exchange service regulations as issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer. The AAFES HQ
staff includes senior vice presidents, vice presidents, division directors, AAFES chief of staff, and special staff directors
(for example, inspector general (IG), general counsel, Audit Agency, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)).
2–11. General managers, Army and Air Force Exchange Service
GMs, AAFES will—
a. Manage all exchange operations and administrative support activities for exchanges in their assigned geographical
b. Ensure the primacy of AAFES as the source of all non-food merchandise and patron services on military
installations, except where military and civilian MWR, lodging, and other NAFIs (for example, museums, veterinary
offices, and prisons) engage in resale that is directly related to their programs.
c. Enter into agreements with garrison and installation commanders to manage designated sales operations.
d. Set hours of operation in coordination with the garrison and installation commanders.
e. Ensure alleged crimes are reported to loss prevention personnel for coordination with the appropriate law
enforcement agency; provost marshal; U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command element; or Air Force Office of
Special Investigations.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Chapter 3
3–1. Funding of Army and Air Force Exchange Service activities
As a Program Group II, NAFI, Category C, revenue-generating activity, AAFES will use its revenue-generating
capability to fund ongoing operations and capital improvement projects. Within the limits established by law and DODI
1015.15, AAFES can be provided limited APF support as outlined below and in appendix B of this regulation.
3–2. Appropriated funds
a. The basic financial standard for AAFES programs is to use APFs to fund 100 percent of costs for which it is
authorized. Appropriated funding will be used to the maximum extent possible to fund those elements of expense
authorized by DODI 1015.15, paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 and enclosures 4 and 5; and Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense (Personnel and Readiness) memorandum, subject: Funding Sources for Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality
(NAFI) Facilities, dated 4 December 2007 (until it is incorporated into the DODI 1015.15). Details are summarized in
appendix B of this regulation.
b. AAFES facility construction funding.
(1) Appropriations must be used for AAFES facilities modernization and construction (minor or major) for—
(a) Exchange facilities required in areas of military conflict, wartime deployments, and in support of contingency,
humanitarian, and peacekeeping operations.
(b) Exchange facilities required as integral parts of air terminal, hospital, housing, or other military construction
(c) Exchange-operated laundries, dry cleaning plants, bakeries, dairies, or similar facilities operated by AAFES in
support of military conflict, wartime deployments, and in support of contingency, humanitarian, and peacekeeping
(d) Administrative, storage, and maintenance facilities outside the United States.
(2) Appropriations must be used for major and minor facility construction determined by the Army/Air Force to
(a) Establish, activate, or expand a military installation, including base realignment and closures (BRAC) and global
restationing requirements. Expansion must be the result of a mission change or influx of new units or systems and
result in a 25 percent increase in authorized and assigned personnel strength within a 2–year time span.
(b) Relocate facilities for convenience of the government.
(c) Replace facilities denied by country-to-country agreements.
(d) Restore facilities and improvements destroyed by acts of nature, fire, or terrorism.
(e) Incorporate antiterrorism and force protection measures required under DODI 2000.16.
(f) Correct deficiencies in life, safety, and force protection measures.
(g) Meet Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requirements.
c. APFs will be used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems capitalized and transferred as part of a
capital improvement, repair, or renovation project that is classified as real property installed and building equipment.
d. APFs may be used to purchase commercially-owned buildings only to the extent authorized by Congress.
e. The policy on the funding of BRAC sites and use of the BRAC reserve account is outlined in DODI 1015.15,
paragraph 6.12.
3–3. Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service funds
a. AAFES NAFs will be used in accordance with appendix B of this regulation and DODI 1015.15, paragraphs 6.2
and 6.3 and enclosures 4 and 5.
b. AAFES NAFs will not be used for authorized APF expenditures unless authorized APFs are not available.
Certification of non-availability of APFs must be obtained from the respective Service’s responsible resource office.
The above will not apply where this regulation prohibits the use of NAFs. NAFs will not be used instead of authorized
APF support as a matter of convenience.
c. AAFES funds may be used for—
(1) New construction of facilities (including purchase and erection of pre-engineered or portable buildings), subject
to prior approval by the AAFES director and chief executive officer or AAFES BOD, as appropriate (see app B for
APF and NAF authorizations).
(2) Access roads, curbing, and utilities (when appropriated funds are not available), which serve only AAFES
(3) Relocation of utility main lines running through the site and the removal of existing improvements below the
6–inch level as negotiated with the garrison and installation.
(4) Alteration, modification, deletion, or extension of existing facilities (including buildings and outside improvements such as parking lots and utility systems) when APFs are not available for utility relocation to make them suitable
for exchange use.
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(5) Acquisition and installation of exchange operating equipment.
(6) Heating and air conditioning beyond what is provided by the installation facility and base engineer, in accordance with appendix B. Heating and air conditioning purchased with NAFs will normally consist of only those systems
which are not classified as real property installed and building equipment (self-contained, pre-packaged, windowinstalled, and like-type units).
(7) Work within the interiors of buildings, if that work is required solely for purposes peculiar to exchange
(8) The sustainment, restoration, and modernization of AAFES structures to which AAFES holds title is funded with
exchange funds. This includes interior finish, such as paint, floors, ceilings, special lighting, and building modifications
and alterations solely for purposes directly applicable to exchange operations.
(9) Leasing of facilities on an exception basis only.
(a) The AAFES director and chief executive officer approves exceptions up to $199,999 annually.
(b) With AAFES BOD approval, AAFES may request a review and approval by the Assistant Secretary of the Army
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs) or the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
concerned before contract award for lease amounts with an annual cost of $200,000 to $500,000.
(c) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) or the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs) reviews and approves lease amounts with an annual cost of $500,000 to $1 million
before contract award.
(d) Leases with an annual cost of $1 million or more require AAFES to comply with the land moratorium
requirement contained in DODI 4165.71.
(e) Exceptions are considered in CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories when existing buildings under
military control are not available or are inadequate. Exceptions are considered in all other locations when existing
buildings under military control are inadequate and APFs are not available within the timeframe required.
(10) Services obtained through government sources are as follows:
(a) AAFES may obtain construction services or architectural and engineering services through other government
sources on a reimbursable basis.
(b) AAFES funds may be certified and made available for payment to other government sources on an individual
basis or through a bulk funding method where funds are certified in advance and made available on an as needed basis.
(11) Purchase of commercially owned buildings located on government property.
(12) When garrisons and installations cannot provide architectural and engineering services without adding additional manpower authorizations, AAFES will use AAFES funds to perform the work, or contract for it, and add the
cost to the project (see table B–1).
3–4. Deviation from funding policy
a. Unique situations or exigencies that need immediate or more specific attention may require deviation or exception
to the basic funding policy outlined above. Any deviations or exceptions to use AAFES NAFs in lieu of appropriations,
must be approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness in coordination with the Under
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) on a case-by-case basis.
b. Deviations or exceptions will be submitted to the Army or the Air Force, as applicable, at the following address:
(1) Army: Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC
(2) Air Force: Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Director of Services (AF/A1S), 1770
Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330–1770.
c. The above Army or Air Force organizations must satisfy the following Office of the Secretary of Defense criteria:
(1) The project is included in the military construction (major and minor construction) or APF modernization budget
submission to the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).
(2) The project was not included in the President’s budget submission to Congress or was not approved by
(3) Failure to build the facility will seriously impact the quality of life of military personnel and their families.
(4) The Army or the Air Force certifies that the project is of higher priority than all other non-funded NAF
construction (major and minor) and modernization requirements.
(5) The Service’s headquarters concerned and AAFES will endorse the use of AAFES NAFs.
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Chapter 4
Facilities and Equipment
4–1. Scope
This chapter governs AAFES expenditures related to facilities, equipment, and sustainment, restoration, and modernization of facilities and equipment. When local circumstances warrant exception to the provisions of this chapter, the
AAFES director and chief executive officer may authorize alternatives if consistent with applicable departmental
4–2. Construction project approval and reporting
AAFES-funded projects are designed, constructed, and approved according to the standards set by DOD, Department of
the Army (DA), Department of the Air Force, and relevant AAFES EOPs and exchange service regulations. All
AAFES project approval authority and the authority to obligate AAFES funds delegated within AAFES emanates from
4–3. Reporting construction projects
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer reports annually to the Services and DOD on construction
projects that have new construction costs exceeding $750,000 and—
(1) Are planned for construction award within 1 year following the year of DOD and Congressional release.
(2) Were previously reported, but have not been placed under contract or started, during the planned period noted in
paragraph (1), above.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer will resubmit projects previously approved by the DOD when—
(1) The scope of the approved new construction changes by more than 10 percent.
(2) The amount of the approved construction award amount increases by more than 25 percent.
c. Until DOD advises the AAFES director and chief executive officer that reporting and approval requirements are
satisfied, AAFES will not place any project requiring reporting to DOD under construction contract or start
4–4. New construction, alterations, and additions by the private sector
a. AAFES will forward projects involving the erection of structures by private individuals or commercial concerns
(see DODI 1015.13) for facilities/activities traditionally associated with AAFES (see DODI 1330.21) through the
garrison and installation to the appropriate IMCOM region director (Army)/MAJCOM commander (Air Force) and
Service Secretary for approval prior to submitting to the AAFES BOD.
b. Removal of structures and buildings erected by the private sector are subject to the provisions of applicable
departmental regulations.
4–5. Army and Air Force Exchange Service contracting for appropriated funds or combined
appropriated funds, and Army and Air Force Exchange Service projects
When APFs are used in a construction project that is managed and contracted by AAFES, both the APF and NAF
funding sources and related scopes of work will retain their separate identity in the contract documents and in their
respective records of account. Projects involving APFs will be executed only upon completion of a memorandum of
agreement (MOA) between AAFES and the APF agency and funding source, and notification to AAFES that the
availability of APFs has been certified.
4–6. Titles to structures and installed property and equipment
a. Government title. Structures other than portable and relocatable buildings erected with proper authority on
military installations and paid for from AAFES funds or erected by the private sector pursuant to a contract with
AAFES, become the property of the government and are carried on records of DA or Department of the Air Force, as
appropriate, in accordance with existing departmental regulations. Military installations accept newly erected structures,
extension, alteration, and improvement of government facilities paid for from AAFES funds upon completion of final
inspection and receipt of transfer documents. This includes real property installed and building equipment.
b. Army and Air Force Exchange Service title. AAFES retains title to—
(1) Facilities acquired with AAFES funds that are not located on active duty, Guard, or Reserve military
(2) Portable and relocatable buildings acquired and erected solely with AAFES funds.
(3) Portable buildings erected under contract. Private individuals or commercial concerns may retain title to a
portable building erected by them under contract, with prior approval of the AAFES director and chief executive
(4) Accountability for all installed property purchased wholly with AAFES funds remain with AAFES, where the
property is movable or severable without causing substantial physical damage or injury to the structure or land. The
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determination as to moveability or severability of the installed property will be accomplished in coordination with the
facilities engineer or base civil engineer.
(5) Installed equipment purchased wholly with AAFES funds, is attached to or integrated with any public structure
or land, and cannot be separated from that structure or land. When it is desired that title to and accountability for the
equipment be retained by AAFES, a written permit will be obtained from the garrison and installation commanders
identifying the property and the authority for retention of title and accountability by AAFES for that property. The
facility or base civil engineer will be furnished with a copy of the permit. Equipment covered by the permit may be
removed by AAFES, provided that the public structure or land to which the property was affixed is restored by AAFES
to the condition existing at the time the property was originally affixed to it, fair wear and tear excepted.
c. Unit titles. Units to which AAFES retains title will be maintained by AAFES.
4–7. Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service facilities
Structures erected with AAFES funds or private funds (for AAFES use) will not be used for other than AAFES
purposes without prior approval by the AAFES director and chief executive officer and the department concerned.
a. Improvements. If another NAF agency takes over a facility improved with AAFES funds, that agency will
normally reimburse AAFES for the un-depreciated value of AAFES-funded construction and installed property.
b. New facilities. Exchanges established on state-operated installation will be operated and controlled by AAFES. A
memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be established providing the authority for continued use of facilities
improved or erected with AAFES funds. The MOU will contain language that specifically states AAFES will agree to
release a facility, improved or erected with AAFES funds when the installation reimburses AAFES for the undepreciated value of the facility improvement or construction. Where AAFES has made a substantial investment,
relocation will not be required unless an alternate and suitable facility is provided by the garrison and installation.
Facilities erected with AAFES funds cannot be used for purposes other than AAFES without prior approval by the
AAFES director.
4–8. Smoke-free facilities
The policies on smoke-free facilities are contained in the respective Army and Air Force regulations and instructions.
Chapter 5
5–1. Policies and practices
a. AAFES civilian personnel are Federal employees of an instrumentality of the United States within DOD. Because
they are compensated from NAFs, they are distinguished from other civilian employees of the Armed Services who are
compensated from APFs. As such, they are removed from the provisions of laws or regulations administered by the
U.S. Office of Personnel Management, except in the case of wage fixing for prevailing-rate employees covered under
the provisions of Public Law (PL) 92–392 and application of the Fair Labor Standards Act (as amended by PL
b. Personnel policy and practices are subject to DOD policy governing NAF personnel (DODI 1400.25, Volume
1401) and applicable statutes, union collective bargaining agreements, and guidance from the AAFES BOD.
c. The AAFES director and chief executive officer is expressly delegated the authority to make those decisions and
take those actions which are the responsibilities of the head of a DOD component with respect to AAFES NAF civilian
personnel policy covered in DODI 1400.25, Volume 1401. This delegation is subject to, and must be exercised in
accordance with, higher level directives and policy as promulgated within the DOD and applicable collective bargaining obligations.
d. Practices apply to all AAFES employees in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States; all U.S. citizens and U.S. national employees worldwide;
and all U.S. permanent resident alien employees worldwide.
e. AAFES employees are advised of policies, programs, and procedures in writing. This includes, but is not limited
(1) Manpower requirements worldwide, allocation of grades and/or bands of positions, and pay and compensation
(2) Employee benefits programs.
(3) Employee leave practices.
(4) Grievance rights and responsibilities, adverse action and administrative appeals process, and business-based
action practices.
(5) Professional development and training requirements.
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5–2. Overseas entitlements
When available, AAFES employees in overseas areas recruited from the United States, receive government quarters
and family housing entitlements and allowances subject to controls in DODI 1400.25, Volume 1412, under applicable
federal law. These employees and their dependents have access to the same medical health services provided APF
personnel and access to Department of Defense Dependent Schools under the provisions of applicable federal law.
United States citizens receive allowances and differentials as defined by federal regulations.
5–3. Employment of United States citizens in foreign countries
United States citizens and U.S. nationals will be employed in a pay system authorized by DODI 1400.25, Volume 1405
for DOD NAF employees. On the prior approval of the AAFES director and chief executive officer, in special
circumstances, these employees may be hired under a special contract of employment.
5–4. Travel and transportation
a. AAFES civilian employees who are authorized payment of travel and transportation expenses shall be paid in
accordance with the DOD Joint Travel Regulations, Volume 2. Expenses for essential travel and transportation of
AAFES employees, their authorized Family members, and household goods and effects are not to exceed those
prescribed in DOD Joint Travel Regulations, Volume 2, and are in accordance with implementing instructions issued
by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. AAFES employees do not authorize their own official travel. Official travel will be authorized by orderingissuing officials designated, in writing, by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
5–5. Executive management program
a. The executive management program exists to fulfill AAFES continuing requirement for executive employees who
are readily available to meet worldwide short-term and long-term executive personnel requirements. The AAFES
director and chief executive officer will administer the executive management program worldwide, pursuant to written
rules and procedures, published by the director and chief executive officer, under the guidance of the AAFES BOD.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer will periodically review and establish, as necessary, the number
and grade level of positions to be included in the executive management program. Benefits established by the AAFES
director and chief executive officer must be uniform for all executive management program employees.
c. Employees participating in the executive management program must sign a written agreement (mobility statement) obligating them to accept transfer or assignment worldwide within 30 days. Temporary exceptions may be
granted by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
d. The AAFES director and chief executive officer or designee, may withdraw executive management program
status for—
(1) Failure to fulfill executive management program obligations as per written agreement with AAFES.
(2) Unsatisfactory performance.
(3) Misconduct of a disciplinary nature, on or off the job.
e. Benefits to executive management program employees are as follows:
(1) Retention priority as a result of business-based action.
(2) Longer notice periods based on length of service in case of certain separations.
(3) Triple indemnity accidental death and supplementary life insurance benefits under the AAFES Group Insurance
(4) Supplemental retirement benefits and retention of personal grade, regardless of assignment.
5–6. Grievances, adverse actions, and administrative appeals
a. Principles of discipline. Principles of discipline are as follows:
(1) Maintenance of discipline will be achieved, to the maximum extent possible, through cooperation, fairness, good
supervisory practices, and adherence to reasonable standards of conduct.
(2) Supervisors should, when appropriate, admonish and counsel employees as the first step in constructive discipline to prevent breaches of regulation and standards of conduct and to prevent repetition of offenses.
(3) Reasonable and timely penalties will be imposed on employees whose conduct is detrimental to the efficiency of
(4) Responsible judgment must be exercised in selecting among the variety of disciplinary penalties that may be
imposed. The following must be considered in reaching a decision on the action to be taken:
(a) The seriousness of the offense.
(b) The past record of the employee.
(c) The circumstances contributing to the offense.
(d) The probable effectiveness of the penalty in stimulating improvement.
(e) The reasonableness of the penalty.
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(f) The time period since a previous-like offense.
(g) The influence of the penalty on the morale of other employees.
(5) There may be factors and considerations other than those mentioned above that are pertinent to the selection of
the penalty. The action selected should be reasonable and of such nature as to promote the efficiency of AAFES.
(6) Disciplinary action and official investigation of an incident should be initiated on a timely basis.
(7) If an employee has been disciplined for an offense, no further disciplinary action will be proposed against that
employee for the same offense.
(8) When management considers that formal disciplinary action may be required to correct misconduct on the part
of a subordinate employee, management should obtain all available information concerning the alleged misconduct and
discuss the incident with the employee to—
(a) Ensure all the relevant facts are known to both parties.
(b) Afford the employee the opportunity to explain the basis for their actions.
(c) Advise the employee that disciplinary action is under consideration.
b. Grievances. The AAFES director and chief executive officer will develop a prompt and equitable grievance
process and will issue instructions and procedures to administer this process worldwide, subject to the requirements of
DOD 1401.01–M, in circumstances where a labor organization has exclusive recognition.
c. Adverse actions. An adverse action may be either a non-disciplinary or a disciplinary-type action.
(1) Non-disciplinary actions are administrative actions taken by management that do not fall within the definition of
a disciplinary action, but cause dissatisfaction with the employee. These actions include, but are not limited to—
(a) Counseling.
(b) Warning letter.
(c) Downgrade or separation for unsatisfactory performance.
(d) Downgrade or separation for business based action.
(e) Downgrade or reduction in compensation based on reorganization, reallocation, or conversion.
(f) Administrative separation (for disqualification; during probationary period; for disability; business based action
or death; on expiration of temporary employment; based upon resignation, abandonment of position or declination of
transfer; for retirement; from leave without pay or intermittent employment; or for unsatisfactory performance).
(2) Disciplinary actions are taken by management as a result of an employee’s conduct, action, or lack of action
when action should have been taken. Authorized disciplinary actions include—
(a) Oral reprimand.
(b) Written reprimand.
(c) Suspension.
(d) Disciplinary downgrade.
(e) Disciplinary pay reduction.
(f) Separation for cause.
(g) Withdrawal of executive management program (except for declination of transfer, which is non-disciplinary).
(3) Disciplinary actions are based on the following:
(a) Conduct on the job involving insubordination; violation of laws, regulations, rules, or policies/procedures; or
other conduct incompatible with maximum employee efficiency.
(b) Conduct off the job which reflects discredit on AAFES, interferes with job performance, or involves violation of
(c) Activities and conduct which AAFES personnel are prohibited from engaging.
d. Advance notice of an adverse action. When required by EOP 15–10, an advance notice of an adverse action will
be in writing by the management official and will identify the specific adverse action with the effective date and details
of the adverse action. The employee also will be advised of their right to reply, to whom to reply, and time limit for a
response, and that consideration would be given to their response before a final decision is made. Advance notice is not
required for counseling entries, warning periods, oral or written reprimands, or for separations for resignation,
declination of transfer, retirement, from temporary or intermittent employment, from the probationary period unless for
cause or for abandonment of position.
e. Employee response to notice of adverse action. The employee may respond orally or in writing to the management official who provided the advance notice of an adverse action. The employee may provide documentation and
may be accompanied by a representative. Any expenses involved in refuting the advance notice of an adverse action
are borne by the employee. The response does not include the right to a hearing with testimony from witnesses, but is
an opportunity to refute the advance notice.
f. Final decision. After consideration of an employee response to the advance notice of adverse action, a final
decision will be made. The final decision will be in writing and will reference the advance notice of adverse action; it
will advise the employee of consideration of their response, if a response is received; state the action to be taken and
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the basis for the action and effective date. The employee will be provided the final decision and advised of the right to
appeal the final decision and the time limit for a response.
g. Appeal of final decision. When required by EOP 15–10, the employee may appeal the final decision to the
appellate authority. The employee will be provided with the procedures for appeals. The appeal may contain relevant
documents and must state the basis for the appeal in sufficient detail. Counseling entries, warning periods, and
separations for resignation, declination of transfer, disqualification, retirement, temporary or intermittent employment,
probationary period unless for cause, abandonment of position, or for leave without pay are not appealable. Oral and
written reprimands are grievable, but are not appealable unless issued by a principle management official.
h. Appellate authority determination. The appellate authority is the director and chief executive officer, AAFES, or
designee. However, if the director and chief executive officer, AAFES is the management official who made the final
decision, the appellate authority is the chairperson of the AAFES BOD. The appellate authority’s determination on the
final decision will be rendered after securing the legal advice of the applicable general counsel. The written determination will include a statement that the determination by the appellate authority is final and not subject to further appeal
or review. Copies of the determination will be provided applicable officials.
i. Exchange Operating Procedure 15–10. Chapter 6 of EOP 15–10 outlines the above process in detail. It covers the
procedures for all adverse actions, time limits for responses, issuing authorities, AAFES grievance procedures, and
AAFES adverse action appeals for nonbargaining unit employees.
5–7. Labor management relations
a. With regard to labor management relations, the AAFES director and chief executive officer makes all decisions
and takes actions that are the responsibility of the head of a DOD component. Title 5, USC 7101 and implementing
DODIs apply to AAFES labor-management policies (see DODI 1400.25).
b. AAFES recognizes the employee’s right to form, join, or assist any labor organization or to refrain from such
activity. This right is freely given without fear of penalty or reprisal.
5–8. Employee associations
The voluntary organization of employee associates to provide recreational, welfare, and social activities for its
membership is authorized and regulated under DODI 1000.15 (see also AR 210–22 and AFI 34–223). Support and
relations are regulated under DOD 5500.07–R.
5–9. Memberships in organizations
a. Memberships paid from AAFES funds are limited to those necessary for liaison with local civic, service, and
business associations of sufficient prestige to make participation desirable from a community relations or professional
development viewpoint. Funding of memberships may be authorized by the responsible HQ, AAFES staff director.
b. Memberships are in the name of AAFES or an element of the AAFES organization, not an AAFES employee.
c. All such membership activities must be in accordance with the requirements of the DOD Joint Ethics Regulation.
5–10. Equal Employment Opportunity programs
The AAFES director and chief executive officer will administer EEO programs for civilian applicants and employees
5–11. Law suits against individual employees
An AAFES employee sued for acts or omissions by the employee within the scope of employment is entitled to have
the U.S. Government substituted as the party defendant in most cases. Where this is not the case, the employee may
request representation by the Department of Justice in accordance with applicable departmental regulations. Such
requests are forwarded through the AAFES general counsel.
5–12. Fiduciary responsibilities
Military personnel and AAFES employees paid with NAFs and APFs have an individual fiduciary responsibility for
properly using AAFES resources and for preventing waste, loss, mismanagement, or unauthorized use of such funds.
a. Reporting of suspected violations at the lowest organization level is encouraged. However, reports may be made
to senior management, IGs, or to the DOD hotline.
b. According to 10 USC 2783, AAFES NAF personnel who violate regulations governing the management and use
of NAFs are subject to the same penalties as under federal laws that govern the misuse of appropriations by APF
personnel. Violations by military personnel are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
c. The use of APF shall be consistent with the provisions of 31 USC 1301, which requires that funds be used only
for the purposes for which they were appropriated. Military personnel and AAFES employees, paid with NAFs and
APF, are subject to the limitations, exceptions, and penalties governing the use of APF as contained in 31 USC Chapter
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5–13. Security clearance and investigations for assigned personnel
a. Army or Air Force regulations and instructions concerning NAF civilian personnel security investigations and
adjudications apply to AAFES employees at Army and Air Force installations, respectively.
b. Authority and procedures governing security investigations and clearances of assigned AAFES personnel will be
in accordance with AR 380–67, AFI 31–501, and DOD 5200.2–R. The AAFES director and chief executive officer has
the authority to identify security clearance jurisdiction over HQ, AAFES and its subordinate activities. The Services
clearance adjudication facilities shall adjudicate security clearances for assigned AAFES personnel who are under their
jurisdiction or installations. The determination whether an individual is qualified to fill a designated position of trust
will be adjudicated by AAFES loss prevention, unless otherwise identified by regulatory guidance.
5–14. Falsification of records
a. Any employee who, for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting a material fact, willfully or unlawfully
alters, falsifies, or destroys, or causes to be altered, falsified, or destroyed official AAFES or other government
documents, records, or files, regardless of motive, is subject to separation for cause or other disciplinary action.
b. Any employee who knowingly and willfully prices or sells, or causes to be priced or sold, merchandise or
services contrary to the established sale price, regardless of motive, is subject to separation for cause or other
disciplinary action.
5–15. Employees to furnish required reports and information
It is each employee’s duty to report and furnish information, whether favorable or unfavorable, regarding matters of
official interest (as defined in glossary) as may be lawfully required by competent authority, including supervisors and
investigative officials. Refusal to furnish required reports or information, or deliberate concealment or misrepresentation of material facts in a report or statement, will constitute grounds for separation for cause or other disciplinary
5–16. Arrest, indictment, or conviction for criminal offenses
a. Conviction of a felony, and in some instances of a lesser crime, may constitute a basis for disciplinary action,
including termination of employment. The mere fact of an arrest or indictment on a charge of a criminal offense is not
a basis for disciplinary action. However, the alleged misconduct itself, stated in specific terms, may be the basis for
disciplinary action, regardless of any arrest, indictment, conviction, or even acquittal in judicial proceedings. Disciplinary action on charges of misconduct or delinquency need not wait upon a conviction of an employee for a criminal
offense. Likewise, an employee’s acquittal on an indictment charging him with committing a criminal offense does not
invalidate prior disciplinary action or prohibit subsequent disciplinary action for the cause that resulted in the arrest or
indictment, as long as the disciplinary action is independent of the judicial proceedings and is factually supported by
available evidence.
b. Any employee arrested or indicted for any offense, including driving while intoxicated and vehicular homicide or
related charges, but excluding minor traffic violations, will report the arrest or indictment to the human resources
manager whether or not the conduct resulting in the arrest or indictment occurs on or off duty.
c. Refusal or failure of an employee to make a report of arrest or indictment will constitute grounds for separation
for cause or other disciplinary action.
5–17. Separation for cause
An employee may be separated for cause. In separations involving suspected employee theft, pilferage, or damage and
loss of AAFES property due to the employee’s negligence, final pay may be withheld pending a determination of the
employee’s liability.
5–18. Separation based on resignation
a. Separate an employee based on resignation per the following:
(1) The employee will submit a written resignation to their supervisor.
(2) The employee should give the reason for resigning and the effective date.
(3) The employee should give AAFES notice when possible. If notice is not given, a notation will be made on the
employee’s communication record. The notation will indicate the employee’s reasons for not giving notice and whether
the notice was acceptable to AAFES.
b. The employee will be separated on the date indicated in the written resignation unless the employee is separated
per another paragraph (for example, para 5–17, above) prior to this date.
c. A copy of the personnel request separating the employee based on resignation will be furnished to the employee.
No advance notice of separation based on resignation will be given.
d. An employee who has received an advance notice of separation for cause or unsatisfactory performance may
resign from employment to avoid separation prior to the proposed effective date of separation. The resignation request
will note that the employee resigned to avoid separation for cause or unsatisfactory performance, as appropriate. In
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
cases where actual or suspected employee theft or damage to AAFES property is involved, the employee’s final pay
may be withheld pending a determination of the employees liability.
Chapter 6
Exchange Operations
Section I
Exchange Establishment
6–1. Exchange service establishment
a. An exchange operation may be established at any federal or state installation and other locations where DOD
military personnel are assigned. All AAFES resale outlets (including contractor operated) will be operated and
controlled either directly or indirectly by AAFES, regardless of location. Criteria to consider when establishing an
exchange include, but are not limited to—
(1) Estimated number of assigned and present active duty military personnel located within a 25–mile radius of the
proposed exchange outlet.
(2) Estimated number of eligible Family members residing in the area.
(3) Estimated number of other eligible patrons (for example, retirees) residing in the area.
(4) Location and distance to the nearest DOD installation with an exchange outlet.
(5) Economic viability to maintain an exchange.
(6) Mission requirements.
(7) Military resale requirements.
b. At state-operated installations, an MOA will be executed between a designee of the State Adjutant General’s
office and the supporting GM, AAFES. Requests to establish an exchange will include the following:
(1) Number of assigned and present active duty military personnel (include National Guard and Reserve personnel
on continuous active duty in excess of 179 days) located within a 25–mile radius of the proposed exchange outlet.
(2) Number of eligible Family members residing in the area.
(3) Estimated number of other eligible exchange patrons (retirees) residing in the area.
(4) Name, location, and distance in miles to the nearest DOD installation with an exchange outlet.
(5) The written opinion of the AAFES region director as to the economic feasibility of the proposed outlet.
(6) A statement by the appropriate Reserve Component commander that the site available for the proposed exchange
facility is excess to mission requirements.
(7) A written statement by the State Adjutant General that state and local taxing authorities interpose no objection to
the sale of exchange merchandise to authorized patrons free of taxes. (This guidance is applicable to state-operated
installations only.)
c. Requests for permanent exchange outlets at National Guard and Reserve installations will be processed as
(1) Proposed outlets at Reserve installations will be submitted through command channels to the responsible military
department at the following address:
(a) Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC
(b) Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Director of Services (AF/A1S), 1770 AF
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330–1770.
(2) Requests for proposed outlets at state-operated Army and Air National Guard installations will be submitted
through normal command channels to Chief, National Guard Bureau (NGB–ZA), 2500 Army Pentagon, Washington,
DC 20310–0500.
(3) Each request will be supported by a proposed agreement and must—
(a) Be executed by the State Adjutant General concerned and HQ, AAFES representative or designee.
(b) Include specific provisions for financing capital investment and for exercising patronage control.
(4) The National Guard Bureau, in its endorsement, will evaluate the need for the proposed exchange outlet. The
National Guard Bureau will then forward the request, together with the agreement, signed by the State Adjutant
General, to the appropriate address in paragraph (1), above. Approvals will be granted only by the military departments
concerned, subject to the signing of the agreement by HQ, AAFES.
d. Exchanges permanently established at Army and Air National Guard and Army and Air Force Reserve sites will
be evaluated biennially by HQ, AAFES to ensure that they continue to satisfy a valid resale requirement in a cost
effective manner. The evaluation is applicable to all off-base exchange outlets (outlets not located on active DOD
military installations), notwithstanding that these outlets may be branches or annexes of main exchanges.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
e. HQ, AAFES will provide the results of the biennial evaluation to the responsible command exercising command
and control over those Army and Air Force National Guard and Reserve installations having exchange outlets.
f. The responsible command will review the updated listing of Army and Air Force National Guard and Reserve
exchange outlets, as reported in the AAFES evaluation, and forward the report with appropriate comment, for
information purposes to the military department concerned (see addressees in c, above).
g. The evaluation cycle is set for 1 July each even numbered year, with a reporting date to the respective military
departments no later than 15 August.
h. The AAFES director and chief executive officer determines whether a new exchange will be operated as a
separate outlet, that is, an Army and Air Force Exchange Service Imprest Fund Activity (AIFA) or other type of
operation (see para 6–2).
i. A sample format of an MOA between the State Adjutant General’s office and the supporting GM, AAFES is at
figure 6–1.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Figure 6–1. Sample of a memorandum of agreement
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Figure 6–1. Sample of a memorandum of agreement-continued
6–2. Exchange support in theater operations
a. AAFES is the national level provider of military exchange items and services. When requested and resourced by
the supported commander, AAFES serves as a supporting organization providing military exchange items and services
to U.S. forces, and other authorized customers, deployed for or conducting humanitarian or contingency operations and
exercises. In a contingency theater of operations or military exercises, where regular AAFES facilities are not available,
commanders may request AAFES support as follows:
(1) Army and Air Force Exchange Service Imprest Fund Activitiy. An AIFA is a unit-operated activity usually at a
small or remote site where a regular direct operation exchange cannot be provided. Units operating an AIFA will be
given a change fund, purchase merchandise for stocking and restocking from AAFES only, and sell at AAFES set
(a) The AAFES director and chief executive officer issues operating procedures to activate, operate, and deactivate
the AIFA.
(b) Unit commanders appoint a commissioned or warrant officer or senior noncommissioned officer to supervise the
AIFA, be accountable for the AAFES assets loaned, and to furnish all administrative and logistical support necessary to
operate the AIFA.
(2) Tactical field exchange. A tactical field exchange (TFE) is operated by the military usually in remote locations.
TFE operators are trained by AAFES personnel. The TFE operates using AAFES standard operating procedures, and
merchandise is pushed to these facilities by AAFES distribution centers with APF support as required in the theater of
(3) Direct operating exchange-tactical. A direct operating exchange-tactical (DOX-T) is operated by AAFES
civilian personnel. The DOX-T operates using AAFES operating procedures, and merchandise will be procured through
AAFES distribution channels with APF support as required in the theater of operation. AAFES normally will not
operate a DOX-T or deploy AAFES associates in non-permissive or combat environments.
(4) Alternate operations. When it is impractical to provide service by AIFA, TFE, or DOX-T, service may be by
(a) Mobile service or vending machines.
(b) Group representation at the nearest exchange, if vending or mobile service is not practical. (Group representation
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
is sending a representative of several exchange patrons to the nearest exchange outlet, where purchases for the group
are made.)
(c) Mail-order or e-commerce arrangements.
b. The decision to operate or deploy AAFES personnel in non-permissive or combat environments rests with the
AAFES director and chief executive officer. All AAFES support requires administrative and logistical support from the
requesting command. The requirement for exchange support, as well as any administrative or logistical support to the
exchange is set forth as specified tasks in contingency operations plans or field exercise directives. Such support also
may be formalized in MOAs between AAFES and the military command being supported or their higher headquarters.
6–3. Alternatives to regular exchange service operations
a. Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Army Reserve, and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps units normally
receive exchange support through existing exchange outlets during their annual field training period. If these outlets are
not available, an AIFA may be used during the training period (see para 6–2a(1)).
b. When it is impractical to provide service by AIFA, then TFE or DOX-T service may be provided (see para
6–2a(2) and para 6–2a(3)).
c. Issues of exchange merchandise required by military activities for gratuitous issue during emergency actions may
be furnished by exchanges to the requiring activity on a reimbursable basis, to include merchandise cost, freight,
packing, and any applicable administrative costs.
6–4. Exchanges on closed installations
a. Exchanges may operate on closed installations in the United States and its territories and possessions under
specific criteria. Policy and the criteria are found in DODI 1330.21.
b. Combined commissary and exchange stores may be operated on closed garrisons and installations. Policy is found
in DODI 1330.21.
6–5. Transfer of activities
An exchange or organizational activity may be transferred between AAFES and another NAFI. When an activity is
transferred, the AAFES director and chief executive officer and the commander or head of the other NAFI, will
establish an agreement with provisions for transferring assets and granting entitlements and benefits to the employees
whose positions will be transferred. If an agreement cannot be reached, the departments involved will determine the
provisions of transfer. Transfers between AAFES and APF government agencies will be as permitted by applicable law
and must be reviewed by the AAFES general counsel before implementation.
Section II
Other Exchange Service Operations
6–6. Motion picture service
Policy on entertainment motion picture services is contained in chapter 12.
6–7. Military clothing sales stores
a. Military clothing sales stores (MCSS) are APF activities managed by the AAFES director and chief executive
officer, pursuant to applicable departmental regulations and the MOU between AAFES and the military departments.
b. The military departments will reimburse AAFES for all costs associated with MCSS construction, facility
improvement, operation, and management as stipulated in the respective Service’s MOU.
c. The MCSS are also governed by AR 700–84 and AFMAN 23–110, Volume 1.
6–8. School food service
AAFES operates the DOD School Meal Program in accordance with AAFES/DOD Education Activity MOA under the
provisions of DODD 1015.5. Program operating costs are covered by United States Department of Agriculture
subsidies, student meal prices, and the DOD Education Activity. Facilities and equipment are provided and maintained
by the installation on a non-reimbursable basis. The GM, AAFES will provide the garrison and installation commanders with a request for replacement or procurement of the DOD School Meal Program equipment prior to the fiscal year
(October), so necessary equipment can be budgeted, ordered, and installed during the schools’ summer break, and in
order to prevent disruption of service.
6–9. Army and Air Force Exchange Service loss activities
Exchange activities will not normally be operated at a loss. The AAFES director and chief executive officer will
establish procedures to review losing operations and criteria that are the basis for continuing operations.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Section III
Financial Services
6–10. Contracts and agreements
Subject to the provisions of DODI 1000.11 and DOD 7000.14–R, Financial Management Regulations, Volume 5,
AAFES may enter into contracts or other agreements to provide check cashing, automated teller machines, and other
authorized financial services to authorized patrons in exchange facilities.
6–11. Check cashing
a. Use of AAFES funds for check cashing services is within the limits of cash working funds prescribed by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. When on-base banking facilities are available, exchange check cashing service may be offered before, during, and
after banking hours, if this does not violate existing agreements among the bank, the U.S. Department of the Treasury,
and the installation command. (Exchange check cashing service does not relieve an authorized banking facility of its
obligation to furnish the service.)
c. Checks drawn on foreign banks and payable in foreign currency are not cashed or accepted as payment for
d. The AAFES does not cash checks drawn in foreign currencies on U.S. banks or on their overseas subsidiaries.
e. Outside the continental United States (OCONUS) dollar checks issued by foreign banks authorized to act as
military banking facilities are accepted for cashing and for payment of merchandise. (Such checks are not accepted in
CONUS exchanges, unless issued by foreign subsidiaries of U.S. banks acting as military banking facilities in
f. The AAFES director and chief executive officer establishes procedures, limitations, and controls for cashing
checks and for payment for merchandise or service.
6–12. Processing dishonored checks
a. Instructions for processing dishonored check claims are issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. Upon receipt of a dishonored check, a demand for restitution is made on the maker and prior endorsers. The
amount requested includes a fee to cover the Exchange’s cost of collections and any other service and penalty charges
that may be passed on by banks.
(1) If military personnel do not make restitution within 30 days, the matter is reported to the individual’s unit
commander and garrison and installation commanders/check control officer.
(2) If restitution is not made within 60 days, the debt may be submitted for further collection action, to include
processing of involuntary pay withholdings and Treasury Offset Program, which may include, but is not limited to—
(a) Tax refund offsets.
(b) Federal salary pay, including military pay.
(c) Contractor and vendor payments.
(d) Certain federal benefits payments, such as social security, veteran benefits, disability benefits, and employee
travel pay.
(e) Other federal payments, including certain loans.
(3) Administrative wage garnishments of non-government civilian wages.
c. When checks are returned as dishonored, check cashing privileges are suspended.
(1) Exchange credit program privileges may be suspended only if such action is consistent with applicable federal
law and regulations.
(2) Privileges are restored when full voluntary restitution is received from all outstanding debts and service/penalty
(3) The AAFES director and chief executive officer, or designee, has the authority to set policy for the suspension
of check cashing privileges in cases of repeated presentation of dishonored checks, nonpayment or involuntary
collection of unpaid dishonored check debts and dishonored check fees.
6–13. Exchange credit program
AAFES may sell merchandise and services on a deferred payment basis as authorized by DODI 1330.09 and DODI
1330.21. The AAFES director and chief executive officer establishes procedures, limitations, and controls for exchange
credit products that may be used by authorized patrons to purchase merchandise and services. The AAFES BOD may
authorize the AAFES director and chief executive officer, or designee, to enter into commercial borrowing agreements
or issue commercial paper to fund this program in accordance with applicable legal authority.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Section IV
Resale Activities
6–14. Exchange service
a. AAFES is the primary resale activity on Army and Air Force installations, and other locations where AAFES
operations are established for the military community, for non-food merchandise and patron services. AAFES operation
of any vending machines at authorized locations is exempt from the Randolph-Sheppard Act (AR 210–25/AFI 34–206).
Exchanges support forward deployments, ships at sea, emergency and disaster relief efforts, international exercises, and
contingency operations.
b. Resolution of disagreements concerning the primacy of AAFES resale authority or AAFES ability to provide
requested merchandise and services resides with the appropriate region director IMCOM (Army) or commander
MAJCOM (Air Force).
c. Authorized AAFES resale activities are listed in appendix C of this regulation and DODI 1330.21.
d. The AAFES director and chief executive officer determines what is sold in AAFES facilities, either directly or by
concessionaire, subject to limitations in appendix C. CONUS-only restrictions are listed in appendix D. Merchandise
restrictions apply to direct sales (including special order and catalog or e-commerce sales) and indirect or concession
e. Garrisons and installation commanders may enter into MOAs, MOUs, or installation support agreements with
AAFES to manage designated MWR sales operations. Agreements generally include provisions for applicable management fees, audit trails that account for receipts and disbursements, and submission of monthly income and expense
statements. Such agreements can be signed by the GM, AAFES after proper coordination with HQ, AAFES, Army
IMCOM, G–9 (Family and MWR Programs)/Air Force Services. Operations that may be managed by AAFES if most
beneficial to the NAFI and with local command agreements, include but are not limited to—
(1) Amusement machines.
(2) Service and vending machines in military clubs, civilian employee NAF activities, bowling centers, and similar
(3) Commodity concession contracts and short-term sales agreements for overseas military clubs, Armed Forces
Recreation Centers, and other lodging facilities.
(4) Any other resale activity connected with MWR functions which appropriately may be performed under an MOA/
MOU/installation support agreement with AAFES.
6–15. Resale by nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, other than the Exchange Service
MWR programs may engage in resale activities and services that are directly related to their program as defined in
MWR departmental regulations. Such resale activities, including membership clubs (open messes), restaurants, cafeterias, and snack bars incidental to MWR programs, must be NAF-operated, NAF-managed, or NAF-contracted. Otherwise, military exchanges will be the primary source of resale merchandise and services on DOD installations. MWR
programs will obtain, in advance, written right of first refusal from AAFES to operate any other resale or service
Section V
Non-Army and Air Force Exchange Service Operations
6–16. Commercial solicitation
Commercial solicitation on Army/Air Force garrisons/installations is governed by DODI 1344.07, AR 210–7 (for
Army), AFI 36–2702 (for Air Force), and as permitted by applicable law. The garrison/installation commander may
authorize solicitation privileges in coordination with the local GM, AAFES, even though the merchandise sold or
services provided by these companies are similar to that available through AAFES. Commercial solicitation agreements
will receive a legal review by the servicing staff judge advocate (SJA).
6–17. Home-based business
Home enterprises on Army installations are governed by AR 210–7. Such enterprises include sales or services
customarily conducted in a domestic setting and do not compete with an installation’s officially sanctioned commerce,
that is the Exchange and MWR resale operations. Home-based businesses on Air Force installations are governed by
AFI 32–6001.
6–18. Non-incidental morale, welfare, and recreation operations
MWR programs may operate any AAFES resale operation only after obtaining, in advance, written right of first refusal
from AAFES. Any restrictions or prohibitions pertaining to AAFES operation also apply to MWR operation. Such
resale activities must be NAF-operated, NAF-managed, or NAF-contracted.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
6–19. Non-morale, welfare, and recreation entities
Any private venture that includes the acquisition or construction of privatized military family housing or privatized
military unaccompanied housing is prohibited from providing merchandise or services in direct competition with
AAFES unless AAFES relinquishes its authority in writing.
6–20. Civilian welfare fund and post restaurant
Resale operations are provided in AR 215–7 and AFJI 34–122.
Section VI
6–21. Contributions and donations
a. AAFES will not contribute funds, merchandise, or services (financial, procurement, contracting, and so forth) to
any charity or other organization. This does not prohibit
(1) Providing gift certificates and gift cards to military MWR programs for promotional purposes, as long as
recipients of such certificates and cards are authorized patrons.
(2) Transferring no-value inventory items to the garrison or installation MWR entity and fund or other installation
governmental entities without charge.
b. Collection jars or other displays for donation of money or items are not permitted in AAFES facilities.
6–22. Other
Other prohibitions are at appendix E of this regulation, as implemented from DODI 1330.21.
Chapter 7
Patrons, Privileges, and Identification
7–1. Privileges within continental United States
Limited and unlimited privileges in CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and all U.S. commonwealths, possessions, and territories
are outlined in table 7–1 and table 7–2.
7–2. Privileges in foreign (overseas) areas
a. Exchange privileges in foreign or overseas areas are neither automatic nor uniform. AAFES does not determine
shopping privileges or access to duty-free items. Overseas commanders will extend exchange privileges based solely on
the applicable international agreements.
b. If consistent with applicable international agreements, privileges will be extended to the following:
(1) All uniformed personnel assigned or on temporary duty (TDY) to that overseas area.
(2) U.S. citizen employees of the U.S. Government (including those paid from NAFs), U.S. citizen employees of
firms under contract to the DOD, and Red Cross personnel assigned with an activity of the military Services. This
includes DOD civilian employees in a TDY status.
(3) Military personnel of foreign nations on active duty, when the major overseas commander determines that the
granting of such privileges is in the best interests of the United States.
(4) Family members of persons specified in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), above.
(5) Unauthorized persons stranded on an installation may purchase small quantities of gasoline, oil, other automotive
items, or items necessary for an individual’s health.
(6) Official organizations or activities of the Armed Forces which are composed of personnel on active military
duty, including NAFIs.
(7) Overseas commanders may extend privileges to certain officials of the United Services Organization (USO)
when it will not impair the military mission.
(8) Uniformed personnel, U.S. Government civilians, and their respective Family members, when traveling on leave
to foreign and overseas areas, have only those privileges afforded/extended by international agreements and the local
command. Privileges are determined by pertinent international agreement and the local chain of command.
(9) International agreements may limit privileges of military retirees in foreign overseas areas.
(10) Specific categories of personnel or organizations authorized by the responsible commander when determined to
be in the best interests of the mission of the command concerned. If private organizations are authorized exchange
privileges, they will not be authorized to make purchases on credit.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
7–3. Purchases for patrons unable to shop for themselves
a. An authorized patron entitled to exchange privileges may have a person (referred to as an agent) accompany them
to assist in shopping, or shop on behalf of the patron, when the patron—
(1) Is incapable or unable to shop due to medical conditions, or the patron is a minor child.
(2) Lacks available transportation or is experiencing some other similar type of hardship.
b. Patrons who are bed-ridden or physically unable to do their own shopping may choose an agent to shop for them.
Items of purchase are limited to those items that will be used exclusively by the patron.
c. In these cases, the garrison and installation commanders will issue a letter of authorization to that designated
agent. The letter of authorization applies only to the installations under the control of the signing authority. A sample
of a letter of authorization to accompany a patron is found at figure 7–1.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Figure 7–1. Sample of letter of authorization
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
7–4. Identification
a. Purchases of merchandise or services from an AAFES activity requires identification of individuals who are not
in military uniform (excluding para b, below). Identification will be made prior to purchase. Commanders will issue
proper identification documents to persons authorized exchange privileges. Such identification includes—
(1) Complete regulation U.S. military uniform.
(2) An official Uniformed Services Identification Card or common access card. Specific information regarding
identification cards is contained in AFI 36–3026_IP, Volume 1/AR 600–8–14 and DODI 1000.13.
(3) DD Form 2574, an exchange identification card is issued to authorized patrons of exchanges who do not
otherwise require the Armed Services Identification Card for benefits or identification purposes.
(4) An official identification card issued by the military Service of which the patron is affiliated.
(5) Official DOD issuances (DD Form 4 (Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States),
DD Form 1610 (Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel), and DD Form 1618 (Department of
Defense (DOD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees to and Within Continental United States)).
(6) The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System may be used to verify authorized Armed Services
Exchange catalog customers.
b. Identification cards are not required from personnel as listed in table 7–2, category 9, who are authorized to
patronize only exchange food facilities (fountain, snack bar, and cafeteria).
c. Civilian students and faculty members of Service schools may use the Exchange with a picture identification.
7–5. Visitors
a. Garrison and installation commanders may permit visitors of authorized patrons to accompany the patron as a
guest unless the commander determines otherwise based upon local conditions. Visitors will not have purchasing
privileges, except as noted in table 7–2, category 11. In foreign or overseas areas, the access privilege of visitors will
be controlled as directed by the region director IMCOM (Army)/commander MAJCOM (Air Force) concerned and
based on limitations imposed by host government agreements.
b. Guests may attend all motion picture services, provided they are accompanied by authorized patrons.
7–6. Abuse of privileges
a. Garrison and installation commanders may ask the GM, AAFES or exchange manager to conduct periodic
unannounced checks of exchange patron identification.
b. The GM, AAFES will inform garrison and installation commanders of any abuses of exchange privileges.
Garrison/installation commanders will take appropriate action to include revoking or suspending exchange privileges.
The garrison and installation commanders may also request local modifications of exchange patron control procedures
deemed necessary to prevent abuse of exchange privileges. Disputes over patron control procedures may be forwarded
by garrison and installation commanders through command channels, including appropriate department staff element, to
the AAFES director and chief executive officer for resolution. If the dispute over patron control procedures is not
resolved to command satisfaction, it may be presented to the AAFES executive secretary for the AAFES BOD for
resolution by the AAFES BOD.
c. Exchange patrons are prohibited from the following:
(1) Making (or purchasing for the purpose of making) a sale, exchange, or transfer or other disposition of exchange
merchandise or services to unauthorized patrons (customary gifts of a personal nature are permissible).
(2) Using exchange merchandise or services to produce income.
(3) Making purchases for the purpose of resale by, or on behalf of, an installation private organization or other nongovernmental entity.
d. Other abuses include, but are not limited to—
(1) Theft of exchange merchandise or other assets by shoplifting, employee pilferage, or other means, by any person
having exchange privileges. The final disposition of each case of shoplifting or employee theft will be provided by the
local command to the GM, AAFES, for forwarding to HQ, AAFES, Loss Prevention Office.
(2) Intentional or repeated presentation of dishonored checks, or failing to make prompt restitution on dishonored
checks or other indebtedness determined to be owed to AAFES. Actions taken with regard to amounts owed to AAFES
under exchange credit programs will comply with applicable Federal law and regulations.
e. Garrison and installation commanders may revoke exchange privileges for any period deemed appropriate, except
in the case of shoplifting, employee pilferage, or intentional presentations of dishonored checks. In these cases,
exchange privileges will be revoked for a minimum period of 6 months. As an exception, active duty uniformed
personnel may be allowed controlled access to the Exchange to satisfy personal appearance, health, and sanitary
requirements. On appeal, the garrison and installation commander who revoked the privileges, or the next higher
commander, may reinstate exchange privileges for cogent and compelling reasons. The AAFES director and chief
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
executive officer may revoke catalog and Internet privileges for abuse of those privileges, for any period deemed
appropriate. Revocation of catalog and Internet privileges shall not affect a patron’s garrison and installation exchange
f. Pursuant to the Federal Claims Collection Act, AAFES can pursue losses and administrative costs directly relating
to shoplifting, theft detection, and theft prevention as claims of the United States recoverable from shoplifters through
federal debt collection methods.
7–7. Catalog service to replace lost or damaged items
Authorized patrons reassigned to CONUS may purchase from the AAFES catalog or e-commerce programs, those
items that are identified for purchase only while stationed or TDY overseas in order to replace items lost or destroyed
during a government-sponsored shipment from an overseas duty assignment to CONUS, provided the customer
a. Places the order, attaching the SF 95 (Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death) and reassignment orders to the catalog
b. Is responsible for payment of the sell price, shipping and handling fees, and all customs duties upon entry into the
United States.
7–8. Patronage exceptions
The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force of the military departments may grant deviations with
regard to authorized patron access for individuals or classes and groups of persons at specific garrisons and installations. Delegation of this authority outside the Secretariat concerned is prohibited. Deviations may be granted, when
based on alleviating individual hardships. General criteria for requesting deviations by garrisons and installations are at
appendix F.
7–9. Unlimited exchange access (except as noted)
Table 7–1 lists the individuals, organizations, and activities in the United States and all U.S. possessions and territories
of the United States, and, as noted, outside the United States, entitled to unlimited exchange service benefits.
Table 7–1
Unlimited exchange service privileges
1. Uniformed or retired uniformed personnel, either on active duty a. All members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast
or serving in any category of their Reserve Component.
Guard; commissioned officers of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its predecessors; and commissioned officers of the Public Health Service.
b. Former members of the Lighthouse Services and personnel of the
Emergency Officers’ Retired List of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and
Marine Corps, and members or former members of Reserve Components who, but for age, would be eligible for retired pay.
c. Enlisted personnel transferred to the Fleet Reserve of the Navy
and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve after 16 or more years of active
military service. (These personnel are equivalent to Army and Air
Force retired enlisted personnel.)
2. Involuntarily separated Servicemembers under other than adverse conditions. Appropriate Separation Program Designation
codes will be used to allow issuance of DD Form 2765 (Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege
a. Servicemembers involuntarily separated from active duty.
b. Servicemembers involuntarily separated from the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve as a result of BRAC or Global Defense Posture Realignment.
Continued use of AAFES facilities in the same manner as a member
on active duty during the 2–year period beginning on the date of the
involuntary separation of the Servicemember. Applicable period begins on 1 October 2007, ending on 31 December 2012 (10 USC
3. Servicemembers receiving sole survivorship (see glossary for Continued use of AAFES facilities in the same manner as a member
definition) discharge granted after 11 September 2001. DD Form on active duty during the 2–year period beginning on the later of the
2765 is issued as identification.
following dates:
a. Date of separation of the member.
b. Date on which the member is first notified of entitlement of exchange facility use (10 USC 1146).
4. Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.
5. Honorably discharged veterans.
a. Classified by the Department of Veterans Affairs as being 100
percent disabled.
b. Hospitalized where exchange facilities are available.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table 7–1
Unlimited exchange service privileges—Continued
6. Surviving spouses and Family members of veterans who were See glossary for definition of Family member.
posthumously determined to possess Service-connected disabilities rated as 100 percent or total.
7. Military members of foreign nations.
a. Active duty officers and enlisted personnel of foreign nations,
when on duty with the U.S. military Services under competent orders issued by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.
(Purchase of uniforms will be limited by the provisions of AR 12–15/
SECNAVINST 4950.4B/AFI 16–105.)
b. Excluded are active duty military personnel of foreign nations, retired, or on leave in the United States, or when attending U.S.
schools, but not under orders issued by the Army, Navy, Air Force,
or Marine Corps.
c. Overseas, when determined by the region director IMCOM/MAJCOM that the granting of such privileges is in the best interests of
the United States and such persons are connected with, or their activities are related to, the performance of functions of the U.S. military establishment.
8. National Guard not in federal service.
When called or ordered to duty in response to a federally declared
disaster or national emergency, during the period of such duty, on
the same basis as active duty members of the Armed Forces.
9. Red Cross personnel.
U.S. citizens assigned to duty outside the United States and Puerto
Rico with an activity of the military Service. Uniform items are not
10. U.S. civilian DOD employees.
When stationed outside the United States, except when assigned to
U.S. territories and possessions. Uniform items are not authorized.
11. U.S. employees of firms under contract to the DOD.
When employed outside the United States, except when assigned to
U.S. territories and possessions. Uniform items are not authorized.
12. Wage marine personnel and retired wage marine personnel,
including noncommissioned ships’ officers and crewmembers of
the NOAA.
13. Authorized Family members of personnel in categories 1
through 12, above.
See glossary for definition of Family member.
14. Contract surgeons.
During the period of their contract with The Surgeon General.
15. Official DOD activities.
For activity purchase and use only (not for individual purchases or
use). All purchases authorized for government-wide purchase card
use. All purchases authorized by 10 USC 2492. All other purchases
based on sole source justification.
16. Non-DOD federal departments and agencies.
a. For federal department or agency purchases and use only (not for
individual purchases or use).
b. When it is determined by the local commander that the desired
supplies or services cannot be conveniently obtained elsewhere and
the supplies or services can be furnished without unduly impairing
the service to exchange patrons.
c. All purchases authorized by 10 USC 2492.
17. Dependents of members of the Armed Forces, commissioned A dependent or former dependent entitled to transition compensaofficers of the Public Health Service, and commissioned officers of tion under 10 USC 1059, if not eligible under another provision of
the NOAA, separated for dependent abuse.
law, while receiving payments for transition compensation.
18. United Service Organizations.
a. USO personnel stationed outside the United States.
b. USO clubs and agencies may purchase supplies for use in club
snack bars, which support active duty military members and their
c. Overseas, garrison and installation commanders may extend privileges to USO area executives (directors, assistant directors) who
are U.S. citizens on invitational travel orders, when it is in the capacity of the Exchange and does not impair the Exchange military mission.
d. Uniform items are not authorized.
19. Agents.
Persons authorized in writing by the garrison and installation commander to shop for an authorized patron or official organization or
activity entitled to unlimited exchange privileges. Agents are not authorized to shop for themselves.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table 7–1
Unlimited exchange service privileges—Continued
20. Delayed Entry Program participants.
Authorized to use exchange facilities during interim period before
entering active duty.
21. Armed Services Young Men’s Christian Association.
In overseas areas, garrison and installation commanders may extend privileges to Armed Services Young Men’s Christian Associations branch or unit directors and assistant directors for their personal and family needs and for use in Armed Services Young Men’s
Christian Association programs that support active duty military
members and their families, when it is in the capability of AAFES
and does not impair the military mission. Uniform items are not authorized.
22. United Seaman’s Service.
Support to the United Seaman’s Service personnel for personal and
family needs, and for supplies and services necessary to accomplish the United Seaman’s Service mission when economic conditions or isolated locations are such that support is not available from
local civilian sources, cannot be imported from other sources, or is
available from local civilian sources or by importation only at prohibitive cost. The local commander may authorize access when available without detriment to DOD mission accomplishment.
7–10. Limited exchange privileges
Limited exchange access applies to the United States and all U.S. territories and possessions (except as noted).
Generally, it excludes tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and military uniforms. Table 7–2 lists individuals,
organizations, and activities entitled to purchases from AAFES.
Table 7–2
Limited exchange access
Status (except as noted)
1. U.S. Government civilian employees and full-time paid staff of a. No uniform items.
the Red Cross, residing on military installations within the United b. No state tax-free tobacco items.
States and Puerto Rico.
c. Tax-free alcoholic beverages may be purchased, but not removed
from the garrison and installation.
2. Armed Forces exchange employees.
a. Current employees, retired employees with 20 or more years of
service, and employees on 100 percent disability retirement from the
Exchange Service. Includes all privileges of the exchange, where
b. No uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
e. Unlimited privileges overseas, except for uniform items.
f. Overseas sales to exchange employees must not violate status of
forces agreement (SOFA) or international agreements.
3. DOD civilian employees on evacuation orders.
Employees who are directly affected by an emergency evacuation
are authorized to use the Exchange Service for the duration of the
evacuation period at their safe haven location, as determined by the
pertinent garrison and installation commander in the United States.
4. Authorized Family members of personnel in listed in 1, 2, and 3 See glossary for definition of Family member.
of this table.
5. DOD civilian employees (see para F–4 and para F–5 for report- a. Garrison and installation commanders may authorize exchange
ing requirement).
and commissary access to such employees and their Family members when the employees are assigned to U.S. territories and possessions under a valid transportation agreement, as defined in Title
41, Chapter 302, Code of Federal Regulations (41 CFR, Chapter
302). (Access does not include DOD civilian employees locally hired
in U.S. territories and possessions or those without a valid transportation agreement.)
b. No uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table 7–2
Limited exchange access—Continued
Status (except as noted)
6. Employees of firms under contract to the U.S. Government and a. Garrison and installation commanders concerned may grant extheir Family members (see para F–4 and para F–5 for reporting change and commissary access for either individuals or classes and
groups of such employees, and their Family members, who are assigned to U.S. territories or possessions, provided specific criteria in
footnote 1 are met.
b. No uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
7. Non-DOD U.S. federal civilian employees (see para F–4 and
para F–5 for reporting requirement).
a. The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of Air Force, and combatant commanders may grant non-DOD U.S. federal employees
and their Family members serving in U.S. territories and possessions access to the military exchanges when all the criteria at footnote 2, below, are met. Local commanders will execute a separate
support agreement with the non-DOD U.S. federal employee’s
b. No uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
8. DOD civilian employees in TDY status.
a. In the United States when occupying government quarters on military installations, and identified by copies of their TDY orders and
on-base billeting authorization.
b. Outside the United States when identified by copies of their TDY
c. No uniform items.
d. No state tax-free tobacco items.
e. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
9. Civilian employees of the U.S. Government working on, but re- All food and beverages sold at any AAFES food activity, if considing off military installations.
sumed on post.
10. Uniformed and non-uniformed personnel working in recognized All food and beverages sold at any AAFES food activity, if conwelfare service organization offices within an activity of the military sumed on post.
11. Visitors to military installations (also see para 7–5).
All food and beverages sold at any AAFES food activity, if consumed on post.
12. Contract technical services personnel in travel status and Ar- a. When occupying government quarters on a military installation.
my, Navy, and Air Force Academy applicants.
b. No uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
13. Foreign national active duty officers and enlisted members,
when visiting U.S. military installations on unofficial business.
a. Entitled to all exchange privileges, except that merchandise sold
to such personnel will be restricted to quantities required for their
personal use.
b. AR 12–15/SECNAVINST 4950.4B/AFI 16–105 and AFMAN
23–110, Volume 1, will govern the sale of uniform items.
14. Servicemembers of the Civil Air Patrol in a travel status and
occupying government quarters on a DOD installation.
a. For purchases other than uniforms, they will be identified with
their current membership card, their travel authorization, and evidence they are occupying government quarters on the installation.
b. Purchase of uniforms, when Civil Air Patrol membership card is
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcohol beverages.
15. Civil Air Patrol cadets.
a. Purchase of uniforms, when Civil Air Patrol membership card is
b. All food and beverage sold at any AAFES food activity, if consumed on post.
16. Members of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps and Junior
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.
a. When visiting installations under orders as part of a Service orientation program.
b. No state tax-free tobacco items.
c. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
17. Members of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps.
a. On 2–week summer training duty, if occupying government quarters on a military installation.
b. No distinctive uniform items.
c. No state tax-free tobacco items.
d. No tax-free alcoholic beverages.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table 7–2
Limited exchange access—Continued
Status (except as noted)
18. Coast Guard Auxiliary members.
a. When identified by the Coast Guard Auxiliary Membership Card
(USCG Form CG–2650).
b. Uniform articles and accessories authorized by Coast Guard Auxiliary directives.
19. Civilian students and faculty members at Service schools.
Books, supplies, and materials related to the educational process,
only at AAFES facilities which support the school.
20. Persons suffering from hardship.
Exchange employees may sell to otherwise unauthorized persons
stranded on an installation, small quantities of gasoline, oil, other
automotive items, or items necessary for an individual’s health.
21. DOD civilian employees using government authorized vehicles Gasoline for use in vehicles, upon presentation of military travel orfor official business.
ders that authorize the leasing or use of the government vehicle.
1 The employee exclusively serves DOD and was hired in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory or possession other than the one to
which the employee is assigned; due to specific difficulties faced by the employee to obtain services from civilian or other federal agencies, such as unhealthful conditions, hostile or imminent danger, or extraordinarily difficult living conditions; granting exchange and commissary privileges is in the best interest of the U.S. Government; and the denial of privileges would impair efficient DOD operations.
2 The employee is assigned under a service agreement, as defined in 41 CFR, Chapter 302–2.12 or a tour renewal agreement (41 CFR, Chapter 302–3.
209); granting access will alleviate individual hardship due to extraordinarily difficult living conditions, excessive physical hardship, or notably unhealthful
conditions; and granting access will fit into and support a web of security precautions essential to ensure the safety and security of the individual employee
who is subject to current and specific threat conditions, such as hostile or imminent danger. Delegation of this authority outside of the Secretariat or Combatant Command Headquarters concerned is prohibited.
Chapter 8
Stock assortment, sales, pricing, advertising, and promotions
Section I
Stock assortment and pricing
8–1. Retail stock assortment
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer prescribes the AAFES master stock assortment for each retail
department. HQ, AAFES sets stock assortments and stock structures for outlets within the parameters of the master
stock assortment. This includes a variety of price-lines, nationally accepted brands identified to satisfy customer
demand to the maximum extent, and private label merchandise.
b. All exchanges stock and sell retail merchandise consistent with retail industry standards and the AAFES master
stock assortment (subject to the restrictions in app E). Only the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Personnel and Readiness) (PDUSD(PR)) can make changes to the restrictions.
c. The AAFES director and chief executive officer prescribes limitations regarding stocking and special order of
specific categories or items when deemed necessary.
(1) Overseas and offshore exchanges may stock high-demand merchandise not authorized for resale in CONUS
exchanges (see app E).
(2) Merchandise sold in overseas exchanges for delivery in CONUS, either directly or through a concessionaire or
agency arrangement, is subject to the limitations for CONUS exchanges (see app E), except—
(a) As specifically approved by the PDUSD(PR).
(b) This restriction does not apply to gift items located in the CONUS mail-order warehouse.
(c) U.S. manufactured automobiles and motorcycles may be sold for delivery in CONUS.
8–2. Retail pricing and markups
a. Basis for AAFES pricing and markups—
(1) The principle that exchange privileges are a vital form of non-pay compensation that helps military personnel
sustain an acceptable American standard of living, regardless of location.
(2) The need to maintain a financially independent organization capable of generating a source of funding for the
support of Army and Air Force MWR programs.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer is responsible for and has authority to establish—
(1) Generally, uniform prices.
(2) Standard markups that support AAFES’ mission and service objectives.
(3) Internal operating procedures concerning pricing strategies that are considered proprietary to AAFES, not to be
disseminated outside exchange channels.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
c. Special order prices include the cost of transportation or postage and other related handling costs, unless
specifically exempted by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
8–3. Fees and prices
Fees and prices are determined according to EOPs and exchange service regulations issued by the AAFES director and
chief executive officer.
8–4. International Balance of Payments Program
Policy on the purchasing, sale, and pricing of foreign merchandise and services by overseas resale NAFIs is found in
DODI 7060.03.
Section II
Sales and Trade Names
8–5. Vending sales of tobacco and alcohol
For additional alcoholic beverages sales, see chapter 11.
a. Continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii—
(1) State tax-free tobacco products are not sold through vending machines.
(2) State tax-free beer may be sold through vending machines in military quarters and mess or dining halls, when
authorized by garrison and installation commanders. Such sales must comply with applicable departmental and
command directives.
b. In offshore and overseas areas, sales of beer and tobacco products through vending machines are authorized when
such sales comply with departmental and command directives and host country agreements and when authorized by the
commander concerned.
8–6. Tobacco products
a. Tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco) will not be sold to anyone under 18 years of age.
b. A customer’s identification will be checked if the buyer appears to be under 21 years of age.
c. Military retail outlets will not enter into any new merchandise display or promotion agreements, or exercise any
options in existing agreements, that provide for any increase in total tobacco shelf space. This provision does not
prohibit couponing, or incentives that allocate tobacco shelf space among brands so long as total tobacco shelf space is
not increased. Self-service promotional displays will not be used outside of the tobacco department. Incentives to
increase the total number of tobacco displays will not be accepted, except to reallocate existing tobacco shelf space
among tobacco brands, provided that the total amount of tobacco shelf space is not increased.
d. Exchanges will endeavor to display tobacco cessation products in areas that provide visibility and opportunity to
customers who desire to change their tobacco habit. AAFES will support pricing of smoking cessation products below
the local competitive price.
e. Exchange merchandise categories for tobacco products may be consigned and sold in commissary stores as
exchange items.
f. State tax-free tobacco products will be sold only to those individuals, organizations, and activities entitled to
unlimited exchange privileges. Common sense must be used in determining the quantities of state tax-free tobacco
products sold are reasonable and for the use of authorized exchange patrons.
8–7. Special sales
a. Coupon books. The use of coupon books in lieu of currency is—
(1) Prohibited in CONUS, except at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks.
(2) Permitted overseas (and encouraged where local nationals have snack bar privileges). Petroleum, oil, and
lubrication coupons are used to purchase gasoline overseas.
b. Pog gift certificates. The use of pog gift certificates in lieu of currency is—
(1) Permitted in CONUS for Servicemembers returning from contingency operations where host countries restrict
the use of U.S. coinage or U.S. coinage is not readily available.
(2) Permitted overseas in contingency operations where host countries restrict the use of U.S. coinage or U.S.
coinage is not readily available.
c. Layaway sales. Layaway sales are conducted according to EOPs and exchange service regulations.
d. Credit sales. Authority for credit card policies, procedures, limitations, and controls governing acceptance of
credit cards rests with the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
e. Special orders. Special orders, using prescribed markup procedures, may be permitted on items available outside
of the stock assortment, if available from manufacturers.
f. Financing. Financing service is allowed for the sale of new DOD authorized automobiles and motorcycles in
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
overseas exchanges. Financing must be done by a U.S. finance company, financial institution, or credit union per
applicable departmental regulations.
8–8. Organization or activity sales
a. Types.
(1) Procurement sales. AAFES sale of institutional-use merchandise and supplies, services, motor vehicles, equipment, and other retail merchandise not on the AAFES stock assortment.
(2) Bulk sales. AAFES sale of supplies, merchandise, and equipment usually in original containers issued from
AAFES storage.
(3) Convenience sales. AAFES sale of regular exchange stock selected from stock located in an AAFES resale
b. Condition of sale. Above sales are restricted to activities of the U.S. Armed Forces and authorized official
organizations determined by the AAFES director and chief executive officer. Prices will be set according to procedures
published by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
8–9. Stock assortment limitation
Limitations and controls on the sale of any item of exchange merchandise may be authorized by the AAFES director
and chief executive officer. This is different from ration controls imposed per paragraph 2–3h(3). Many times these
limitations are operational constraints caused by limits imposed on the availability of supply. Garrison and installation
commanders may also ask the GM, AAFES to establish limitations when local conditions warrant such action. To
resolve disputes over limitations on goods sold, garrison and installation commanders will forward requests for
resolution through command channels, including appropriate department staff elements, to the AAFES director and
chief executive officer. Any dispute over limitations on goods sold not resolved at command level may be presented to
the executive secretary, AAFES, for resolution by the AAFES BOD.
8–10. Refunds and adjustments
Refunds and exchanges will be authorized in accordance with EOPs and exchange service regulations for merchandise
and service that does not meet customer satisfaction. Procedures will be consistent with industry practices.
8–11. Contractor/concessionaire operations
a. Authorized exchange revenue-generating activities are listed in appendix C and DODI 1330.21, enclosure 3.
b. AAFES resale activities may be operated directly by AAFES or by AAFES contractors. Either direct or
contractor-operated activities may be operated pursuant to franchise agreements with commercial franchisors. Method
of operation will be determined by AAFES, based on a comparison of the financial return and alternative costs of
comparable service.
(1) Limitations or restrictions on AAFES sales apply to contractually-operated activities.
(2) Commodity and service concessionaires do not sell merchandise in direct competition with items sold in
exchange stores, unless authorized by the AAFES director and chief executive officer and rendered by the terms of the
contract. Concessionaire sales may be subject to state and local taxes.
(3) An AAFES contractor or concessionaire selling or providing authorized services is entitled to the same APF
support that AAFES is entitled to when providing like services.
c. Service and vending machines are exchange-controlled except for those machines maintained under concessionaire contracts or provided by military MWR programs and off-post Army Reserve Training Centers. Vending machines
located in military MWR facilities (see AR 215–1 and AFI 34–206) may be operated by AAFES under a management
fee basis as outlined in paragraph 6–14e, of this regulation.
8–12. Sanitation
Standards of sanitation prescribed in applicable departmental regulations apply to all exchange activities.
8–13. Use of Army and Air Force Exchange Service trademarks
a. AAFES registers and maintains its own trademarks with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. AAFES possesses
common law property rights, and formal trademark registration rights, in the terms and abbreviations shown below and
any combination of them to include domain names used by AAFES. This list does not include all of AAFES registered
(1) Army and Air Force Exchange Service.
(2) AAFES.
(3) Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Europe.
(4) AAFES, Europe.
(6) Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Pacific.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
(7) AAFES, Pacific.
(9) Post Exchange.
(10) PX.
(11) Base Exchange.
(12) BX.
b. Use of the trade names, domain names, abbreviations, terms, or references to AAFES or its exchanges, by and for
any person, business, or publication in any type advertisement or promotional campaign is not authorized without the
prior approval of the AAFES director and chief executive officer. AAFES personnel will ensure that proper protective
language is included in all publications containing AAFES registered trademarks or services marks. Any incidents of
such unauthorized use, advertising, or promotions will be reported to the AAFES general counsel.
Section III
Advertising and Promotions
8–14. Advertising
a. The use of AAFES premises, facilities, or personnel by firms or their representatives for any type of advertising,
promotion, or solicitation purposes is prohibited.
b. Use of AAFES premises, facilities, personnel, and funds by AAFES for advertising or promotional purposes is
authorized on a restrictive basis, as approved by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
c. AAFES advertising will not reflect unfavorably on the Federal Government, DOD, the Army, or the Air Force.
AAFES advertising is based on reaching bona fide users, in accordance with patronage policy issued in this regulation.
d. AAFES media is not distributed off military installations or outside of AAFES facilities, except for mailings to
authorized patrons and dissemination of AAFES benefit information at recruiting locations. Patrons living and working
off-base should be aware of the products and services available in the Exchange.
e. AAFES activities may contribute articles and stories as unpaid information items in base newspapers, plan-of-theday publications, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, installation cable television, Internet sites, and other
media intended primarily for distribution to authorized AAFES patrons.
f. AAFES may pay to advertise AAFES goods, services, and entertainment events in—
(1) DOD media, including installation cable television. These advertisements may include brand names, item prices,
films, theater admission prices, and names of commercial sponsors, companies, vendors, or distributors involved with
special events.
(2) Non-DOD media, if the chosen media is circulated to, written for, or geared to an audience consisting primarily
of military personnel and other authorized exchange patrons. When non-DOD media is used for advertising that may be
heard, seen, or read by other than authorized patrons, a disclaimer will be used similar to: This offer or event is open
only to authorized patrons. (This policy will not be interpreted to apply to publications distributed to a more general
audience.) This phrase is not required for advertising AAFES events that are open to the private sector (see para (3),
below). Both economic and non-economic factors will be evaluated before engaging non-DOD media to advertise
exchange services, products, and events.
(3) Appropriate civilian local and national media, when AAFES is holding or participating in special events (such as
automobile shows) that are open to the public and private sector and held on a military installation or in an AAFES
facility subject to the following:
(a) Such events do not directly compete with other MWR programs or similar events offered in the local civilian
(b) Merchandise will not be advertised, however, event-related merchandise, souvenirs, and food and beverages
consumed on the premises may be sold at the event.
(c) Open events and event advertising will be coordinated in advance with the local public affairs office.
(d) Open events are infrequent, not weekly or monthly, and enhance community relations.
(e) OCONUS advertising conforms to existing SOFA, regulations, command policy, and local laws.
(4) Advertisements, premiums, coupons, and samples (except for tobacco, alcohol, and adult-oriented products) may
be distributed directly to authorized patrons. A disclaimer is not required.
g. Official channels are not used for distribution of ads and promotional materials that are primarily advertising
devices. Such media may be placed in locations on the installation for personal pickup, if a disclaimer is attached.
h. AAFES may sell space for commercial advertising in any media (for example printed and electronic) produced
for or prepared by AAFES subject to the following:
(1) A disclaimer is included that the advertisement does not constitute AAFES, DOD, Army, Air Force, or Federal
Government endorsement. The phrase PAID ADVERTISEMENT is displayed prominently.
(2) Advertising is limited to only those products and services AAFES is authorized to sell.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
(3) Publication of paid commercial advertising by AAFES is bound by similar standards that apply to civilian
enterprise publications.
(4) Acceptance of paid commercial advertising on Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, local command
channels, or any APF electronic media is prohibited.
(5) Prominent displays containing commercial advertising complies with applicable Service regulations governing
signage on military installations.
(6) Advertising will be rejected if it—
(a) Undermines, or appears to undermine, an environment conducive to successful mission performance and
preservation of loyalty, morale, and discipline.
(b) Is considered in poor taste or contrary to DOD policy.
(c) Contains advertising for any establishment placed off limits by the garrison and installation commander, or from
contractors who are suspended or debarred from doing business with the Federal Government.
(d) Competes directly with AAFES sales of merchandise or services, unless approved by the AAFES U.S. region or
overseas senior vice president.
8–15. Promoting
a. See paragraphs 8–14a and 8–14b related to the use of AAFES premises, facilities, personnel, and funds.
b. Mailings (written or electronic) of announcements promoting exchange products and services are permitted only
to authorized patrons. Such mailings may contain advertisements for specific commercial products, commodities, or
services provided by or for any private individual, firm, or corporation, and are permitted only to those who voluntarily
agree to receive such mailings. Mailings may include advertisements or promotions on behalf of other DOD organizations, including other exchanges, other MWR programs, and the commissary, if such advertising meets the standards in
this regulation and is the result of a cooperative effort between AAFES and the other DOD programs. The cost of
promotional mailing and postage is NAF funded. A mechanism shall be adopted so those individuals who had
consented to such mailings may remove their names from the list. All customers are informed of their right to have
names removed from mailing lists, upon their request.
c. Ads, premiums, coupons, samples, and similar promotions (like those used in the commercial sector) may be
distributed directly to authorized patrons unless specifically prohibited by DOD policy. The distribution of free samples
of tobacco products is prohibited.
d. AAFES may accept premiums with a value of $10 or less when voluntarily initiated and prepared by vendors.
AAFES may accept such funds as part of promotional discounts offered by AAFES vendors, under contracts for
purchase of retail merchandise by AAFES. Materials prepared as part of such discounts may be at vendor’s expense.
Funds are not solicited from vendors or other non-DOD sources to offset costs of premiums.
e. AAFES gift certificates and gift cards and merchandise for use in customer promotions and contests are not sold
to, or put into the possession of, vendors or vendor representatives.
f. Point of sale displays and promotional material, such as reduced price and special offer coupons, may be used.
g. Vendor may provide merchandising assistance and training of exchange sales personnel. Equipment which
combines display and utility, such as retail merchandise counter dispensers of light bulbs or shoestrings, is authorized
as prescribed by the AAFES director and chief executive officer when useful and not considered to be primarily
advertising devices.
h. In-store demonstrations may be provided by vendors on the use or application of products stocked.
i. Vendor may provide free clinics for inspection and servicing of a vendor’s products.
j. The AAFES may participate in national and local coupon redemption programs available to the general public, as
well as the military community.
k. The AAFES may accept promotional displays of products being featured in AAFES programs.
8–16. Web sites
AAFES may establish, operate, and maintain unclassified Web sites in accordance with policies and procedures
prescribed for official and unofficial Web sites.
8–17. Public affairs
The AAFES public affairs officer is responsible for advising and informing the AAFES director and chief executive
officer of the public affairs impact and applications inherent in daily, planned, contingency, or wartime operations. The
public affairs officer serves as the AAFES spokesperson for response to media queries and crisis communications
concerning AAFES operations as well as ensuring information for public dissemination is reviewed for compliance
with policy requirements. The public affairs officer prepares the public affairs annex or portions of operations orders,
plans, and standard operating procedures. Additionally, the public affairs officer serves in an advisory capacity to the
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
media and works closely with the staff to ensure that liaison activities support the AAFES mission and director and
chief executive officer’s intent.
Chapter 9
9–1. General
a. AAFES contracts will be solicited, evaluated, and awarded in keeping with DODD 4105.67, and procedures
issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer. Competitive negotiation, as distinguished from sealed
bidding, will be used to the maximum extent practicable.
b. Each contractual relationship will be documented, in writing, on a prescribed AAFES form.
c. AAFES will not negotiate, purchase, or otherwise conduct any procurement business, including in-store or other
contract service, with active duty military personnel, U.S. Government employees, NAF employees, or immediate
Family members of the above who reside in the same household. Exceptions include—
(1) AAFES director and chief executive officer may waive the prohibition for immediate Family members.
(2) In overseas areas only, contracts for court reporting on a fee basis may be awarded to immediate Family
members, if the overseas region commander determines, in writing, that—
(a) Insufficient competition exists without using Family members as sources.
(b) There is no conflict or apparent conflict of interest.
(c) An exception is otherwise in the best interest of AAFES.
(3) Individuals acting in an official capacity as outlined in paragraph e, below.
d. Source lists will include only those sources, which are not debarred, suspended, or ineligible in accordance with
applicable Congressional mandates, federal law and regulations, and AAFES purchasing procedures. Garrison/installation commanders or designees will review source lists and may recommend deleting a source in writing to the GM,
AAFES. They may also recommend adding a qualified local source. Recommendations for suspension or debarment of
individuals and firms doing business with AAFES will be prepared by the cognizant contracting officer and submitted
to the AAFES general counsel for review and appropriate action.
e. AAFES may enter into contracts or other agreements with other NAFIs, DOD elements or other federal
departments, agencies, or instrumentalities, pursuant to 10 USC 2492, to provide those goods and services specifically
authorized for exchanges. Under this authority, AAFES may also provide services inherent to their internal operation.
AAFES will not enter into contracts or agreements with other NAFIs, DOD elements, or other federal departments,
agencies, or instrumentalities for the provision of goods and services that will result in the loss of jobs created pursuant
to the Randolph-Sheppard Act, or small business programs. Before entering into a contract or other agreement, AAFES
will ensure that the contract or agreement will financially benefit AAFES, considering fixed and variable direct and
overhead costs (including depreciation).
f. Other government activities referenced above may consider AAFES as a provider of such goods and services prior
to the initiation of the competitive procurement process. However, if the competitive procurement process by other
government activities has been initiated, pursuant to the above authority, AAFES may submit bids or proposals in
response to the competitive procurement.
9–2. Authority
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer is vested with the responsibility and authority for worldwide
AAFES procurement of merchandise, supplies, motion picture services, facilities, equipment, architect-engineering
services, construction, and renovation of equipment and facilities. The official assigned responsibility for procurement
management, HQ, AAFES, is sub-delegated the procurement authority of the AAFES director and chief executive
officer to manage procurement policies, procedures, and authority as outlined herein. Procurement, including preliminary communications and negotiations, will be done only through, or as authorized by, the AAFES director and chief
executive officer or designee.
b. The procurement authority of the AAFES director and chief executive officer includes—
(1) Authority to negotiate, execute, approve, and administer contracts and amendments or changes to them.
(2) Authority to appoint contracting officers.
(3) Authority to issue uniform purchasing instructions and standard contract forms. The AAFES director and chief
executive officer may approve deviations from the instructions and forms when consistent with applicable departmental
c. Only duly appointed AAFES contracting officers who have been specifically delegated the authority to execute
contracts will perform AAFES procurement.
d. The HQ, AAFES will procure all feature length entertainment motion pictures for AAFES exhibition at AAFES
theaters on Army and Air Force installations, to include contingency locations.
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e. Aside from the automatic sub-delegation stated in paragraph a, above, the AAFES director and chief executive
officer’s procurement authority may be further delegated. All delegations are written and may be contained in AAFES
purchasing procedures. Delegations may be by categories of personnel or to individuals. Authority of delegation will be
as set forth in AAFES purchasing procedures.
f. A certificate of appointment will designate AAFES contracting officers. Appointing officials are delegated
authority to issue certificates of appointment in purchasing procedures issued by the AAFES director and chief
executive officer.
(1) The AAFES is not obligated to recognize or ratify actions by AAFES personnel who do not have certificates of
appointment, or actions by personnel that exceed the limits of appointment. The AAFES personnel may be liable for
unauthorized procurement actions and may be subject to administrative actions to include disciplinary actions.
(2) When issuing certificates of appointment, the appointing official considers the appointee’s experience, training,
education, business acumen, judgment, character, reputation, and ethics.
(3) Termination of contracting officer’s authority will be automatic upon termination of the individual. Other types
of terminations of authority will be in writing.
9–3. Mandatory contract clauses
Clauses that must be included in all AAFES contracts are listed below. If language is not specified in this regulation, as
shown by quotation marks below, the AAFES director and chief executive officer issues required language in AAFES
purchasing procedures, subject to review and approval by the AAFES general counsel. If language is specified below,
all deviations must be approved in advance by the AAFES director and chief executive officer with concurrence of the
AAFES general counsel.
a. Legal status. “The Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), including its activities, offices and individual exchanges, is an integral part of the Departments of the Army and Air Force and an instrumentality of the United
States Government. AAFES contracts are United States contracts; however, they do not obligate appropriated funds of
the United States except for a judgment or compromise settlement in suits brought under the provisions of the Contract
Disputes Act of 1978, as amended, in which event AAFES will reimburse the United States Government. AAFES
procurement policy is established by applicable directives and instructions promulgated by DOD. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) does not apply to AAFES.”
b. Disputes. A clause implementing the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended.
c. Representations. “Contractor will not represent themselves to be an agent or representative of AAFES, another
instrumentality, or an agency of the United States.”
d. Advertisements. “Contractor will not represent in any manner, expressly or by implication, that products purchased under this contract are approved or endorsed by any element of the United States, including AAFES. All
contractor advertisements that refer to AAFES or military exchanges will contain a statement that the advertisement
was neither paid for nor sponsored, in whole, or in part, by AAFES, the military Exchange system, or the U.S.
e. Examination of records.
(1) This clause applies if the amount of the contract exceeds $10,000 and the contract was entered into by means of
negotiation. The contractor agrees that the contracting officer or their duly authorized representative will have the right
to examine and audit the books and records of the contractor directly pertaining to the contract during the period of the
contract and until the expiration of 3 years after the final payment under the contract. The contractor agrees to include
this clause in all subcontracts that exceed $10,000.
(2) Government Accountability Office may be substituted for contracting officer or his duly authorized representative when the prospective contractor does not accept the standard wording of the examination clause.
(3) Contracts awarded to foreign contractors may exclude the examination clause when its use is precluded by the
laws of the country involved, subject to the approval of the servicing AAFES general counsel (HQ, AAFES and
AAFESEurope). Contract files will in such circumstances be documented to show the basis for exclusion of the clause.
f. Hold harmless clause. A clause providing that the contractor will hold harmless the United States and AAFES
from any claims or legal actions arising from the contractor’s activities. Such clause will not give the contractor the
right to control defense of any suit brought against AAFES or the United States.
g. Defining clause. A clause defining the term “contracting officer” and any other personnel authorized to act on
behalf of AAFES with regard to the contract.
h. Insurance. Insurance clauses appropriate for the contract.
i. Gratuity and contingent fee. A gratuities and contingent fee clause.
j. Assignment of Claims Act. A clause prohibiting the assignment of AAFES contracts under the Assignment of
Claims Act.
k. Labor. Clauses implementing labor and socioeconomic laws and regulations applicable to AAFES contracts,
including, but not limited to—
(1) EEO requirements.
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(2) Department of Labor requirements.
(3) Service Contract Act.
(4) Davis-Bacon Act.
(5) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
l. Construction. Applicable clauses from the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act and the Miller Act. The Miller Act
clauses may be omitted if the performance and payment bond requirements are waived.
m. Termination. A contract termination clause.
9–4. Minority business concerns
a. Certain contracts for concession services, not currently available on a military installation, may be set aside for
minority business concerns. The Minority Business Development Agency identifies the eligible concerns and the
AAFES director and chief executive officer issues purchasing procedures for contract awards. The definition of
“concession services” for purposes of this provision will be as contained in AAFES purchasing procedures.
(1) Each nominated minority concern is eligible for only one reserved contract at a time. If the nominee is a
franchisee or subsidiary of a minority business enterprise, the one contract limitation will apply to the franchiser or
parent firm as if it and the franchisee or subsidiaries were one entity. If a nominated firm is determined ineligible for a
reserved contract under this provision, it will be included on the source list for competitive solicitation of the service if
otherwise eligible.
(2) Any follow-on contracts for the same service will not be set aside for the incumbent minority business concern.
The concern will be placed on the source list, subject to AAFES purchasing procedures concerning eligible sources.
(3) Before making awards to minority business concerns under this program, the contracting officer must determine
that price and fees are fair and reasonable.
b. Contracting officers award contracts for equipment or expense items under $1,000 (or construction or renovation
not exceeding $2,000) to responsible minority businesses, when AAFES requirements can be met and prices are
determined to be fair and reasonable. Contracts will be awarded to these firms without competition and according to
purchasing procedures issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
9–5. Services, agency, concession, and vending agreements
a. Contractually operated activities operate under one of the following types of contracts, as defined in the glossary:
(1) Services.
(2) Agency.
(3) Concession.
(4) Vending.
b. These contracts may be for a period not to exceed 5 years. The AAFES director and chief executive officer may
approve an initial contract period, or a combination of initial contract period and renewal options exceeding 5 years,
but not more than 25 years total. Such approval may be granted only when—
(1) The contract investment is largely unrecoverable within 5 years; or
(2) It is necessary in order to allow a reasonable return on investment to AAFES; or
(3) It is necessary for the life cycle cost of a particular product or service to include product upgrades, enhancement,
and maintenance support; or
(4) It is of such magnitude that a longer period is necessary in order to allow a reasonable return to AAFES and the
contractor or in order to permit amortization consistent with industry standards.
c. These contracts may contain provisions permitting the contracting officer to extend the contract without resorting
to competitive solicitation. To extend the contract without competition, the contracting officer must find that the
issuance of a competitive solicitation will not be to the advantage of AAFES. Such contracts must be opened to
competitive solicitation not less frequently than once every 5 years, unless a longer period has been approved per
paragraph b, above, or prior approval for extension beyond a 5–year period has been granted, in writing, by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer. The authority to approve contract extensions for a period beyond 5 years
may be delegated by the AAFES director and chief executive officer to officials who are assigned responsibility for
HQ, AAFES procurement management, without power of redelegation.
d. Short-term concession contracts may be awarded noncompetitively by GMs for the sale of unique merchandise or
services that are not normally sold in AAFES exchanges. Authority to award these contracts may not be delegated to
subordinate exchange personnel. Short-term concessionaires may sell only cash and carry merchandise and shall not be
allowed to take customer orders that cannot be filled by the last day of the sales period during which the order is taken.
Short-term concessionaires may not sell or provide customer services except as incidental to the sale of merchandise.
9–6. Procurement of retail merchandise
a. Retail merchandise is selected consistent with industry standards and federal laws and regulations applicable to
AAFES (see chap 11 for procurement of alcoholic beverages).
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b. Purchases of merchandise for resale will not be made under extended credit arrangements or on a consignment
basis, except as authorized, in writing, by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
c. Interested suppliers will be treated fairly. If their merchandise is not selected for purchase, they will be advised of
the reason.
9–7. Procurement of fixtures, equipment, and supplies
Procurement of AAFES fixtures, equipment, and supplies is accomplished in accordance with purchasing procedures
issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer. The AAFES is authorized to purchase, on a reimbursable
basis, expense-type supply items in the operation of exchange activities from Army and Air Force installation-level
9–8. Military uniforms
Purchase of articles of uniform and insignia will be from sources approved and certified in accordance with applicable
quality control procedures of the Departments of the Army and the Air Force and purchasing procedures issued by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer.
9–9. Sources of supply
HQ, AAFES will issue contracts for requirements that are common among AAFES exchanges. The CONUS and
overseas regions may also establish contracts for items that are not available from a HQ-established source, consistent
with purchasing procedures issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
9–10. Quality assurance program
The AAFES director and chief executive officer establishes and maintains a quality assurance program to ensure high
standards of merchandise, services, equipment, and supplies sold or used worldwide.
9–11. Procurement for contractors
a. Region senior vice presidents or overseas region commanders may authorize AAFES procurement, or transfers of
AAFES-owned merchandise, supplies, or equipment, to contractors, on a reimbursable basis, when determined that it
will result in better service and lower prices to the customer or it will contribute to uniformity in operations. This does
not authorize tax-free purchases for private organizations. However, such transfers will not be made if they are in
violation of applicable international agreements in overseas regions.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer issues operating procedures for AAFES procurement or transfers
of AAFES-owned goods to contractors.
9–12. Liability as an agent
Where an AAFES activity acts in an agency capacity for a vendor or a supplier, its liability will be limited to that of an
agent, and it will not bind itself to perform any of the obligations of the principal.
Chapter 10
10–1. Mode of transportation
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer is responsible for traffic management as it concerns movements
of AAFES goods.
b. The mode of transportation of AAFES cargo destined for overseas is determined by AAFES in accordance with
applicable departmental transportation regulations. When costs of transporting AAFES cargo are paid from NAFs,
AAFES, at its option, may use the Defense Transportation System or contract for commercial transportation.
10–2. Ocean shipments
a. Surface shipments. The oceanic surface movements of exchange cargo will be financed per applicable departmental transportation regulations.
b. Shipments through port terminals. Movement of AAFES merchandise, equipment, and supplies through military
ocean terminals will be per applicable departmental transportation regulations. AAFES liaison personnel may be
stationed at military terminals to assist in the management of the movement and control of AAFES supplies.
10–3. Inland movement
The funding and mode of transportation of AAFES merchandise, equipment, and supplies within CONUS and not
destined for OCONUS is the responsibility of AAFES.
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10–4. Air transport
a. Military airlift. AAFES will coordinate, as necessary, with U.S. Transportation Command for movement of
AAFES cargo via military aircraft. Requirements for military airlift from CONUS in connection with essential
exchange merchandise, equipment, or supplies in all categories will be confined to high value, emergency type or
seasonal items when other modes of transport are not reasonably available at reasonable cost or will not meet the
delivery requirements. Air shipments will be limited to sufficient quantities for immediate needs with the balance
directed by water or other means of transport.
b. Commercial air shipments. Per applicable DODDs and DODIs, when it is determined to be more cost effective
and efficient than military airlifts or to satisfy emergency requirements, AAFES may use tailored, commercial air
service for expedited movement of highly perishable, time-sensitive commodities.
10–5. Mail shipments to destinations outside the continental United States
AAFES small package shipments (such as catalog and Internet sales) of merchandise, supplies, or equipment may be
mailed from CONUS to OCONUS exchanges through the military postal channels (Army/Air Force Post Office or
Fleet Post Office).
10–6. Funding
a. DA is responsible for the appropriation funded fiscal requirements associated with the overseas transportation of
AAFES cargo. Responsibilities include the programming and budgeting of operation and maintenance funding to
support overseas transportation and port handling of AAFES cargo.
b. Appendix B provides guidance on the authorized use of APF and NAF funding for transportation-related
Chapter 11
Alcoholic Beverage Sales
11–1. Class Six Program
a. AAFES is the single manager of packaged alcoholic beverage stores (historically called Class Six) and the
primary wholesaler of alcoholic beverages on Army and Air Force installations and other locations where AAFES has
exchange outlets.
b. AAFES will operate the Class Six Program for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
c. Packaged non-alcoholic, alcoholic beverage substitutes are sold only in exchange facilities and only to those
customers authorized to purchase alcoholic beverages.
d. For all locations, garrison and installation commanders, in coordination with AAFES, authorize where Class Six
stores are sited. AAFES will coordinate proposed Class Six facility closures and consolidations with the garrison
installation commander. There will be no expansion of distilled spirits or wine products to traditional AAFES activities
without agreement of the garrison and installation commander. Once introduced, AAFES will manage products as any
other category of merchandise.
e. The AAFES director and chief executive officer prescribes the alcoholic beverage stock assortment using similar
criteria as any other category of merchandise.
f. Outside of the United States, wines and malt beverages produced in the United States receive equitable distribution, selection, and price when compared with wines and malt beverages produced in the host nation.
g. Outside of the United States, the sale of packaged alcoholic beverages with an alcoholic content of more than 7
percent by volume may be approved by the Exchange Service director/chief executive officer provided such sales do
not contradict treaties, SOFA, and local government agreements.
h. All beverages sold by AAFES will be labeled according to the Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act of 1988, as
i. Credit cards may be accepted for alcoholic beverage purchases.
j. The price of bulk/case items must be displayed by signage or through individual pricing methods.
k. Garrisons and installations will not enter into competition with AAFES operations. Sale of packaged alcoholic
beverages by other authorized MWR programs for off-premise consumption will be restricted to time periods when
AAFES-operated retail activities are closed and at no less than AAFES prices. Sales of beer and wine products
incidental to party contracts or take-out food/beverage operations are excluded from the foregoing. Take-out beverage
sales for personal and individual use are normally limited to sales of 4–packs, 6–packs, or similar small quantities.
Other exceptions must be approved jointly by the respective Services and AAFES.
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11–2. Promotions
a. AAFES sponsored promotions of alcoholic products are not authorized. For example, there will be no distribution
of coupons and free samples to promote or advertise the sale or consumption of specific brands of alcohol.
b. Commercially sponsored promotions are authorized for Class Six stores, if—
(1) The promotion is not targeted exclusively to the military community.
(2) The promotion is of the type available to the general public.
c. Beverage tastings, sponsored either by AAFES or vendors, are authorized if patronage controls and all restrictions
concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages are enforced during tastings.
11–3. Controls
a. Packaged alcohol beverage outlets are operated solely for the benefit of authorized purchasers. Members of the
uniformed Services and other authorized purchasers will not sell, exchange, or otherwise divert packaged alcoholic
beverages to unauthorized personnel or for purposes that violate federal, state, or local laws, or SOFAs.
b. Garrison and installation commanders remain responsible for ensuring that the use of alcoholic beverages is
consistent with the DOD controls in paragraph a, above. Garrison/installation commanders, with the coordination of the
GM, AAFES, remain responsible for reviewing the amount of alcoholic beverages purchased in packaged alcohol
beverage outlets against the number of authorized purchasers.
11–4. Packaged alcoholic beverage outlet establishment
a. The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force must approve the establishment of all Class Six
stores (selling alcohol with 7 percent or more alcoholic content by volume) on garrisons and installations in the United
States. Exchanges may sell wine, malt beverages, wine coolers, and other low alcoholic beverages with less than 7
percent alcoholic content by volume without establishing a Class Six store.
b. Before requesting the establishment of a Class Six facility in the United States, many factors must be considered,
primarily the importance of profits to provide, maintain, and operate MWR programs, to lighten the financial burden on
Soldiers/Airmen, and support and complement community programs for Soldiers/Airmen and their families. Other
factors include—
(1) The estimated number of authorized patrons.
(2) The availability of wholesome family social clubs to military personnel in the local civilian community and
limitations on non-military sources.
(3) Geographical inconveniences.
(4) Disciplinary and control problems caused by restrictions imposed by local laws and regulations.
(5) Highway safety.
(6) Location and distance of nearest package store and reasons that the use of that facility is not feasible.
(7) A digest of attitudes of community officials, local businesses, and civic organizations toward establishment of a
Class Six outlet. This digest consists of a summary of any written comments received from individuals and agents such
as local mayors, heads of prominent civic groups, or chambers of commerce, state legislators, members of Congress, or
other government officials. The names of the community authorities and civic organizations, including the circumstances of the contacts and the dates on which they occurred are included unless letters from local contacts are
submitted. Speculative assessments of prospective community attitudes will not satisfy this requirement.
c. Local commands, in coordination with AAFES, wishing to establish a Class Six store will submit requests
through their command channels to HQ, AAFES. HQ, AAFES will submit the request to the Army IMCOM, G–9
(Family and MWR Programs) or Air Force Services, per applicable departmental regulations (AR 215–1 or AFI
34–219). A request for approval will be submitted to the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force, as
applicable. Requests must include all of the information detailed in paragraph b, above. The Secretary of the Army or
the Secretary of the Air Force, as applicable, will notify the responsible Assistant Secretary of Defense and Congress.
HQ, AAFES will be notified upon approval by the Service Secretary, as applicable.
d. Where a package store operation is authorized for a garrison and installation, the Exchange may operate in an
independent facility or merge the alcoholic beverage operation with other exchange activities provided the garrison and
installation commander concurs, the stock and displays are segregated, and all inventory controls, ration controls, and
signage required for alcoholic beverages are in effect.
11–5. Triennial review
a. A review of packaged alcoholic beverage store operations in the United Sates is required every 3 years by the
Service Secretary concerned. The review is to determine the need for continued operation. The evaluation will consider
such factors as—
(1) Number of authorized patrons.
(2) Contributions of profits to providing, maintaining, and operating military MWR programs.
(3) Availability of wholesome family social clubs to military personnel in the local civilian community.
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(4) Geographic inconveniences.
(5) Limitations of non-military sources.
(6) Disciplinary and control problems.
(7) Highway safety.
b. The above factors are generally the same as those for establishing such operations, prescribed in AR 215–1 and
AFI 34–219.
c. If any of the above factors are adversely affected, consideration will be given to closing the packaged alcoholic
beverage store operation.
11–6. Purchase eligibility
a. United States and the District of Columbia. The authorized age for the purchase of alcoholic beverages in AAFES
U.S. facilities is consistent with the law of the state in which the garrison and installation is located. As states enact
new drinking age laws, the timing of revised garrison and installation drinking age policy shall coincide with
implementation of the new state laws by state and local authority. Exceptions to this guidance are as provided in
applicable departmental regulations.
b. Overseas. The authorized age for the purchase of alcoholic beverages in AAFES overseas facilities is 18 years or
older. This applies to all authorized patrons. Decisions on a higher minimum age will be based on treaties and
international agreements and policies of the local command.
c. Proof of eligibility. All patrons are required to show purchase eligibility before a sale is made. An exception is
patrons in full regulation uniform need no identification unless there is doubt as to active duty status or age. Special
procedures for ration control regulations may be required, if applicable.
11–7. Alcohol seller training
All employees involved in selling alcohol will be trained on subjects such as the effects of alcohol, how to identify
intoxication, and what to do when a person becomes intoxicated. Employees selling alcohol are required to sign a dram
shop certification, which will be documented in their personnel file.
11–8. Procurement procedures
a. The AAFES procures alcoholic beverages under the most advantageous contract unless applicable federal laws
and regulations restrict procurement.
b. Within the 48 contiguous states of the United States and the District of Columbia, AAFES may procure alcoholic
beverages containing distilled spirits (does not include malt beverages and wine) from the most competitive source,
price and other factors considered.
c. In Hawaii and Alaska, alcoholic beverages containing distilled spirits must be procured from a source within the
respective state in which the garrison and installation is located.
d. Malt beverages and wine must be procured from a source within the respective state in which the garrison and
installation is located (includes the District of Columbia).
e. If an installation is located in more than one state, then the source may be in any state in which the garrison and
installation is located.
f. Consignment sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited. AAFES must own the product sold.
11–9. Alcohol sales to morale, welfare, and recreation/nonappropriated fund activities
a. The AAFES provides requested products to authorized MWR/NAF activities selling alcoholic beverages by the
drink, on a priority basis.
b. Any AAFES sales (from Class Six or warehouse) to MWR/NAF activities will be at landed cost.
c. MWR/NAF activities are not authorized to resell packaged alcoholic beverages for less than full AAFES retail
d. If permitted by departmental regulations, sales of alcoholic beverages to non-MWR/NAF activities will be at no
less than full AAFES retail price, or as determined by the AAFES director and chief executive officer. Headquarters of
the Army and Air Force may grant exceptions for official government functions when alcohol is purchased with APFs
by other U.S. Government agencies.
Chapter 12
Motion Picture Service
12–1. Establishment and operational requirements of entertainment motion picture theaters
A written request for establishment of motion picture service will be submitted to appropriate CONUS region director
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or overseas region commander through command channels, sufficiently in advance of requirement for service, with
information as follows:
a. Name, mailing, and message addresses of requesting unit.
b. Name, grade, and telephone numbers (military and civilian) of unit officer to be contacted regarding the
establishment of service.
c. Telephone numbers (military and civilian) of unit commander’s offices.
d. Present and projected military and Family member strength, number of civilians authorized to attend the theater,
and will attendance be sufficient to support this service.
e. Distance (in miles) from nearest civilian theater. If overseas service is requested, distance from nearest English
language civilian theater, if there is one in the host nation.
f. Distance (in miles) from nearest videocassette or U.S. forces military theater.
g. Accessibility of post office or other methods of transporting video cassettes or films.
h. If cinema motion picture service is desired and a theater building is to be used, the following items should be
(1) Facility available, including type of building, floor plan, longitudinal and horizontal sections of auditorium, and
sizes, types, and locations of entrance and exit doors.
(2) Accurate projection room dimensions, including the type of construction, and the location of the projection and
observation portholes.
(3) Voltage, cycle, and phase of electric power.
(4) Adequate seating and sanitary facilities for the seating capacity, appropriate lighting, and a building suitable for
presenting motion pictures.
i. If cinema motion picture is desired and a multi-purpose building not designed for motion picture showings is to be
used, the following items should be considered:
(1) Type of building.
(2) Distance, in feet, from screen to proposed location of projector.
(3) Ceiling height, in feet, at screen location.
(4) Indication of any lighting fixtures or other obstructions that would interfere with projection.
(5) Distance, in feet, from proposed location of projectors to power outlet.
(6) Indication of whether projector, screen, and speaker will be left in position from one performance to another, or
whether they will be removed to permit other activity in the building.
j. If videocassette service is desired, the following items should be considered:
(1) Type of building.
(2) Room location.
(3) Type of storage security for cassettes.
(4) Check-out security procedures for cassettes.
(5) Type of viewing and playback of videocassette equipment.
(6) Estimated number of reviewers for each movie.
k. Request for service for field training exercises or maneuvers will be submitted reasonably in advance of
requirements and will include the following additional information:
(1) Identification of all units served.
(2) Rotation period of each unit to be served.
(3) Unit strength or average number of troops in the field each week.
(4) Distances of troop billeting or bivouac areas to nearest military and commercial theaters.
(5) Duration of requirement for film service.
12–2. Type of film service
Based on the information provided in paragraph 12–1, the AAFES director and chief executive officer will determine
the type of service to be provided. The service originally provided may be changed at any time conditions warrant.
12–3. Film showings
a. HQ, AAFES will procure all feature length cinema motion pictures for AAFES exhibition at theaters on Army
and Air Force garrisons and installations, to include contingency locations.
b. AAFES has the exclusive authority to obtain films from industry distributing companies.
c. Film ratings established by the motion picture industry are used.
d. Other than films obtained from the motion picture industry, AAFES may exhibit national anthem trailers. These
trailers will be supplied by the local command.
e. Motion picture films, videocassettes, and digital versatile discs will not be shown to support fund-raising
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f. Films are exhibited only with subjects scheduled by AAFES, only in officially authorized theaters, and only at
authorized performances.
g. Motion picture facilities are intended for the purpose of motion picture entertainment; all non-military uses are
subordinate. The facility will be known as an entertainment motion picture theater only during the period when used
for the paid admission exhibition of cinema motion pictures.
h. Garrison and installation commanders will provide APFs to equip, operate, and maintain theater facilities to
include seating. Maintenance of facilities includes maintenance of the grounds and structures or the outdoor areas
approved for presenting entertainment motion picture programs. Commanders will use APFs to equip, operate, and
maintain theater facilities for all purposes except when they are used for showing entertainment motion picture
i. Marquees, theater changeable letter signs, one sheet display frames, and sound and projection equipment will be
used for approved performances of entertainment motion picture films only.
j. Garrison and installation commanders will appoint a building custodian for the theater facility when it is used for
purposes other than a paid admission theater.
k. The cancellation of motion picture showings to promote attendance at other recreational or athletic activities or
the observance of religious holidays is not authorized.
l. Guests may attend motion picture theaters, provided they are accompanied by personnel authorized exchange
12–4. Additional theater expenses
AAFES will pay all personnel costs in the routine operation of paid admission entertainment motion picture theaters.
AAFES will also pay for the purchase of operating equipment and supplies. AAFES will pay janitorial services only
for the periods when the theater is used to show AAFES cinema motion pictures. When the theater is used for other
purposes, the commander (Army or Air Force supply agency) will provide janitorial services, to include expendable
articles of regular issue needed to maintain and clean the theater.
12–5. Admission charges
a. Admission charges will be established by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. All cinema motion pictures will be shown on a paid admission basis, noting provisions referenced in paragraph
12–7, for special shows.
c. Videocassette showings are to be on a free admission basis, unless paid admission service is approved by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer.
d. Free admission videocassette showings may be established under the following circumstances:
(1) Where the present and projected population is such that paid admission service is not economically feasible.
(2) When military personnel are engaged in field training exercises or maneuvers for a period exceeding 7 days.
(3) Equipment, supplies, personnel, and servicing costs required will be provided by the garrison and installation
commander with APFs.
(4) When theater facilities are not available.
(5) Free admission videocassette service will not be set up within 3 miles of, or at, any place considered to be in
competition with a paid admission Army, Air Force, or commercial theater, unless approved by the AAFES director
and chief executive officer.
(6) A maximum of two programs a week on a free admission basis may be provided at military confinement
facilities. Attendance will be restricted to military prisoners and essential attendants.
12–6. Exhibition
a. Entertainment videocassette or cinema motion picture programs will consist only of subjects scheduled by
AAFES and will be exhibited only in officially authorized theaters. No part of a motion picture program may be used
at other than authorized performances.
b. Television films and non-entertainment motion pictures and slides in such subjects as orientation, training,
appeals for funds, appeals for attendance at activities, appeals to support a cause, recruitment, or those of a purely
educational nature will not be used in connection with regularly-scheduled entertainment motion picture programs.
c. Requests will not be made upon motion picture companies or their agents or employees for free admission or paid
admission showings of any film subject. Any offers of a film subject for free admission or paid admission showings
will be rejected unless a unit at a particular installation participated in making the picture. In these cases, the
commander will inform HQ, AAFES of the arrangements that were made with the producer so that the showing may
be cleared with the appropriate distributing company.
12–7. Special shows and other uses
a. Showing of films for special programs. Showings of cinema motion pictures without an individual admission
charge are authorized for organization day programs or special programs in which the organization participates as a
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
whole. These may be held when paid for from funds available to the organization, based on the actual attendance and
the established admission rates.
b. Showing of films in other facilities. After formal concurrence from AAFES, garrisons and installations are
authorized to obligate or spend NAFs for the rental or purchase of any motion picture films for entertainment
recreational showings in MWR/NAF activities. The garrison and installation is responsible for obtaining the required
public performance license for such showings. Commercially sponsored films (including television films) not of feature
length, and available without cost, may be shown in recreation centers and military clubs (open messes). These
showings will start a half hour after the scheduled opening performance at the Army and Air Force theaters and will
not be held more frequently than twice a week. Films used for this purpose will not include those that are normally
included in Army and Air Force theater programs.
c. Utilization for training purposes. Occasionally, requests are received from installations for authority to exhibit, on
a free admission basis, AAFES-scheduled motion pictures (or portions) that may be considered to have training or
orientation value. AAFES does not hold title to the films. Such requests will not be approved.
d. Utilization for benefit purposes. Entertainment motion picture films and videocassettes will not be used to support
fund-raising activities.
12–8. Leasing arrangement
a. Entertainment motion picture films and videocassettes distributed by AAFES are leased from commercial distributors authorized to do so under film and videocassette copyrights. AAFES has a property right, as a lessee, only during
the license period specified in the rental contracts.
b. The taking, damaging, destruction, or unauthorized use of motion pictures and videocassettes leased by AAFES
could subject individuals to civilian liability, and to criminal prosecution.
Chapter 13
Claims and Incidents of Misconduct and Losses
13–1. Tort and tort-type claims
a. Tort and tort-type claims arising from AAFES operations will be investigated, processed, and settled in accordance with applicable departmental regulations.
b. Awards on administrative claims will be paid from AAFES self-insurance funds.
c. The GM, AAFES will notify, immediately, the servicing SJA of any incident likely to result in a claim for
personal injury or property damage. Servicing legal offices will notify the Office of the AAFES General Counsel,
General and Revenue Recovery Law Branch, within 3 duty days of receiving a claim SF 95 against AAFES. For cases
such as serious vehicular incidents occurring off-post, the SJA should consider requesting investigative assistance from
AAFES regional loss prevention personnel. These requests may be submitted through the AAFES general counsel. The
GM, AAFES will also notify the garrison and installation of any corrective measures necessary to prevent potential
incidents from occurring.
13–2. Other claims
a. The Military Personnel and Civilian Employees’ Claims Act of 1964 provides for AAFES civilian personnel
benefits, except that payment of claims will be made only from AAFES self-insurance funds or per applicable
insurance contracts.
(1) Personal property claims of AAFES civilian employees for loss or damage incident to their Service, inclusive of
those arising out of the authorized permanent change of station (PCS) movement or storage of household effects,
personal effects, and privately owned vehicles, will be investigated, processed, and settled per AR 27–20 and AFI
(2) AAFES employees may, at their own expense, insure against any damages or losses in excess of limits of
applicable regulations.
b. Cash payment, services, or replacement will settle customer complaints arising out of operations of AAFES
activities in kind. Any such claims that cannot be satisfactorily settled in this manner, or any claim of this nature that
includes a demand for consequential damages (such as personal injury or property damage other than to the article
purchased, serviced, lost, or damaged), will be investigated, processed, and settled by the same authorities and
procedures applicable to tort and tort-type claims.
c. Claims arising out of, or related to, AAFES contracts will be processed according to applicable federal law,
contract provisions, and AAFES EOPs and exchange service regulations.
d. The following miscellaneous claims will be processed in accordance with EOPs and exchange service regulations
issued by the AAFES director and chief executive officer:
(1) Marine cargo losses.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
(2) Claims against vendors, commercial carriers, and the U.S. Postal Service.
(3) Claims arising out of workmen’s compensation.
(4) Group insurance and retirement annuity insurance.
13–3. Criminal investigations
AAFES personnel will comply with applicable departmental regulations concerning criminal investigations.
a. The overseas region commanders, HQ, AAFES chief of staff, U.S. region and overseas senior vice presidents, and
GMs will report the following incidents promptly to the servicing military or civilian law enforcement authority for
investigation or referral to U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, AFOSI, and Federal Bureau of Investigation,
as appropriate: arson, assault, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, homicide, larceny, robbery, shoplifting, and other acts
of criminal misconduct involving exchange operations. Incidents requiring criminal investigations in offshore and
overseas areas will be reported as indicated above, except when alternate procedures are established by host country
agreements or local command directives.
b. Irregularities involving standards of conduct, other than criminal misconduct, of exchange personnel, contractors,
suppliers, their agents, and representatives will be promptly reported to the servicing Loss Prevention Office or HQ,
AAFES, Office of Inspector General Fraud, Waste, Abuse, or Mismanagement Hotline.
c. All AAFES personnel are responsible for reporting any incidents or suspicion of incidents of misconduct or
irregularities involving AAFES operations. Reports are given to an immediate supervisor, or higher official, if any
person in the chain of command is suspected of involvement. Failure to report such incidents constitutes grounds for
separation for cause or other disciplinary action. Incidents can also be reported to the HQ, AAFES Office of Inspector
General Fraud, Waste, Abuse, or Mismanagement Hotline.
d. Incident reports and reports of investigations covering the incidents above will be furnished to HQ, AAFES, Loss
Prevention Office, per applicable departmental regulations, EOPs, and exchange service regulations issued by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer.
13–4. Pecuniary loss investigations
a. An investigation into pecuniary loss is conducted by an officer (military or civilian) appointed by the AAFES
director and chief executive officer. At the discretion of the AAFES chief financial officer (CFO), if no qualified
commissioned officer assigned to duty with AAFES or no AAFES civilian employee is reasonably available, or it is
determined that an investigating officer outside of AAFES would be advisable, the AAFES director and chief executive
officer may appoint any qualified commissioned officer made available by the local garrison and installation
b. Reports of investigation will be prepared in the format and processed per procedures prescribed by the AAFES
director and chief executive officer.
c. Loss or damage of APF property is processed per applicable departmental regulations.
13–5. Other non-criminal investigations
The AAFES director and chief executive officer, or the overseas commanders, have authority to appoint investigating
officers to investigate non-criminal conduct of AAFES associates and assigned military members. This authority may
be delegated to the deputy director, AAFES, and may not be further delegated. All investigations shall be coordinated
with the servicing general counsel. This provision does not restrict the mission of the Loss Prevention Directorate, who
routinely conducts investigations into acts of misconduct, unethical behavior, and other matters of official interest. The
authority to initiate loss prevention conducted investigations rests with the vice president, loss prevention, or other
authorized designee.
13–6. Restitution and collection
Restitution and collection action, as specified below, is taken when a recommendation of pecuniary liability by an
investigating officer has been approved, or when the CFO has made an administrative determination that an individual
is pecuniary liable or accountable for a loss or shortage. The CFO may delegate this authority. An administrative
determination of indebtedness in favor of a constituent element of AAFES is a determination that the indebtedness is
due and owed AAFES. The AAFES, its constituent exchanges, and other exchange facilities constitute a single
integrated fiscal entity. The following procedures apply to restitution or collection (they do not apply to dishonored
a. The individual concerned receives a written request for payment, with a copy of the report of internal management review or investigation or other documentation upon which pecuniary liability is based. The request will show the
basis for the liability, provide notice that an administrative determination has been made that the individual is liable to
AAFES, and include appeal rights specified in paragraph 13–7.
(1) If the individual concerned is a military member assigned to a remote location or employed by an AIFA, the
request for payment is submitted to the individual’s commanding officer, with a copy of the report of internal
management review or investigation or other documentation upon which pecuniary liability is based.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
(2) If the individual concerned is an AAFES civilian employee and refuses to pay the indebtedness voluntarily, the
amount of the claim is deducted from any money AAFES owes the employee. Collection of claims against AAFES
foreign national personnel in overseas areas is according to local laws.
(3) If the individual concerned is an active duty Servicemember, the GM, AAFES, having been unable to effect
voluntary collection, will report the indebtedness, with all relevant information, to the individual’s unit commander. If
the unit commander cannot effect voluntary cash settlement in a timely basis, the Exchange—
(a) Prepares the appropriate departmental form naming the Exchange as claimant.
(b) Submits the appropriate form to the servicing finance and accounting office as certification and payment.
(4) If the individual concerned is a retired Servicemember and indebtedness is not voluntarily collected, the claim is
submitted to the appropriate retired pay branch for collection. The finance office records the indebtedness on the
individual’s pay and forwards collected amounts to the Exchange concerned.
(5) If the individual concerned is a civilian employee paid from APFs, and the debt is not voluntarily collected, the
appropriate civilian personnel officer or the garrison and installation commanders will be asked to assist in collecting
the debt. Documentation supporting the indebtedness will be forwarded with the request.
(6) If the individual concerned is an AAFES employee paid from NAFs, and the debt is not voluntarily collected,
the responsible manager will send collection notification to the payroll office unless there is an appeal. A copy of the
collection notification is sent to the employee. The amount deducted in any one pay period must be reasonable in terms
of net pay and, generally, should be sufficient to satisfy the debt in 5 to 10 pay periods.
b. Consistent with applicable laws and regulations, AAFES may use all available means to collect valid debts to
13–7. Appeals
a. Except for losses resulting from dishonored checks, when a person is notified of an approved report of
investigation or determination of pecuniary liability for a loss, reconsideration may be requested. A written request for
reconsideration to the AAFES CFO, with supporting explanation, must be submitted within 30 days after receipt of the
notice of assessment of pecuniary liability. The appeal must state specifically the alleged errors or irregularities relied
b. In coordination with AAFES general counsel review, the CFO will reconsider the earlier action and give full
consideration to the request and any other matter presented in support thereof. The appellant will be advised promptly
of one of the following results:
(1) The action is revoked and a refund of any previous collection will be issued.
(2) A new or revised report of investigation will be completed.
(3) The request is denied and will be submitted to the AAFES director and chief executive officer for final decision.
c. If the request is denied, the CFO will submit a memorandum stating the basis for denial to the AAFES director
and chief executive officer. This, with the following documents attached, will constitute the appeal of the CFO’s
decision to decline to change the assessment upon reconsideration.
(1) A copy of the request for reconsideration.
(2) All correspondence and other pertinent material.
(3) A copy of the approved report of investigation.
d. AAFES director and chief executive officer’s decision on an appeal is final. The CFO will notify the appellant of
the decision.
Chapter 14
Financial Planning, Accounting, and Accountability
14–1. Financial management
a. The financial objectives of AAFES are programmed and controlled by the Annual Financial Plan prepared by the
AAFES director and chief executive officer and approved by the AAFES BOD. The plan includes projected income
and expenses, the proposed capital program, the capital requirements schedule, and actual operating data to permit an
analysis of projected data worldwide.
b. Quarterly, and at the close of each fiscal year, the AAFES director and chief executive officer issues a statement
of financial position worldwide. Separate statements of financial position will not be prepared by any exchange,
CONUS region, or exchange system within AAFES.
c. Exchange operating statements showing sales and other income costs, expenses, profits, depreciation, and significant statistical data will be prepared monthly as prescribed by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
d. The AAFES director and chief executive officer publishes a uniform chart of accounts used worldwide, deviations
from which are permitted only with prior written approval of the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
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e. As prescribed by the AAFES director and chief executive officer, financial statements will be maintained to show
AAFES assets and liabilities for management control of resources and operations.
f. To provide timely and essential management information and ensure adequate internal controls, finance and
accounting will maintain standard accounting records as prescribed by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
14–2. Financial management reports
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer submits the financial management report, required by DODI
1015.15 for the preceding AAFES fiscal year to designated officials of the Departments of the Army and Air Force.
AAFES financial report is audited by an external audit firm. The AAFES BOD submits this report annually to the
Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force.
b. Annually, the Departments of the Army and the Air Force will submit to AAFES data on APF costs and expenses
in support of AAFES. This will be included in the report required by applicable departmental regulations and the
annual report to both the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force.
c. The Army IMCOM, G–9 (Family and MWR Programs) forwards AAFES report to the PUSD(PR) after obtaining
Air Force (AF/A1S) coordination.
14–3. Accountability
a. In normal practice, sales are made and accounted for in U.S. dollars or dollar instruments. The AAFES director
and chief executive officer may authorize sales in foreign currencies in overseas areas.
b. Selling activities account for merchandise at retail value, using the retail inventory method. Accounting for other
merchandise, supplies, equipment, and vehicles is at cost value.
c. Accountability and responsibility for AAFES assets worldwide is prescribed in EOPs and exchange service
d. Assignment and relief of accountable individuals on a temporary or permanent assignment basis will be documented as stipulated in EOPs and exchange service regulations issued by the AAFES director and chief executive
14–4. Physical inventories
a. The AAFES director and chief executive officer designates the dates for worldwide physical inventories of cash,
merchandise, and supplies. Such inventories will be taken at least annually. Fixed assets will be inventoried as directed
by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
(1) The AAFES director and chief executive officer delegates authority to the region senior vice president and vice
president to appoint disinterested (not within the direct chain of command or permanently assigned to that location)
chief and branch inventory inspectors, in writing.
(2) Appointed inventory inspectors are required to recheck assigned exchange inventories.
(3) Chief and branch inventory inspectors will control the use of inventory sheets.
(4) Chief and branch inventory inspectors will be disinterested AAFES employees. If sufficient exchange personnel
are not available, the military commander provides the necessary personnel.
(5) When accountability variances occur as a result of the official annual physical inventory, adjustments will be
made to the ledger. An adjustment to the ledger does not eliminate the requisite actions prescribed for asset write-offs,
losses, restitution, and collections.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer, overseas region commanders, region senior vice presidents, or
GMs may direct an inventory in case of catastrophe (for example, fire, flood, storm), burglary or theft, hostile action,
or evidence of unsatisfactory accountability. When inventories other than the annual inventory are taken, variance will
be maintained in a memorandum format.
14–5. Write-off of assets
a. Approval. The AAFES director and chief executive officer may approve write-off of AAFES assets. Write-off
procedures, including delegations of write-off authority, will be contained in EOPs and exchange service regulations.
Write-offs will be supported by documentation and justification initiated by the accountable and responsible individual.
(1) When a fixed asset is surplus to AAFES requirements and cannot be disposed of by trade-in or sale for reuse, it
will be written off. The amount of the write-off will be acquisition cost less applicable accumulated depreciation.
(2) Write-off of accounts receivable, including Military Star Card payment charges, expired gasoline credit card
charges, and vendor debit balances, will be initiated if and when considered uncollectable or expired.
b. Merchandise, supplies, or other inventory items of no value will be marked down to zero and disposed of by one
of the following methods:
(1) Transfer. Transfer to an installation MWR fund/garrison MWR entity, the garrison and installation chaplain,
other governmental entities, or the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office. Receipt is issued for the no-value
inventories. If the no-value inventory is sold by Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office, 90 percent of the proceeds
of the sale will be sent to the Exchange.
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(2) Destruction. The AAFES director and chief executive officer appoints an AAFES employee as a disinterested
party to witness and certify.
14–6. Insurance
AAFES self-insurance funds are reserved to pay for losses not commercially insured. The AAFES director and chief
executive officer issues policy concerning insurance coverage.
a. Named insured. Insurance policies covering claims against AAFES will expressly name the United States of
America and AAFES as named insured. As appropriate, other AAFES elements may be listed as named insured to
protect the interests of the United States against claims arising out of the activities of AAFES.
b. Legal proceedings. The legal status of AAFES, as a U.S. Government instrumentality, will not be interposed as a
defense in any legal proceedings in which the insurer’s liability is in any way concerned, unless so requested in writing
by the AAFES director and chief executive officer, after obtaining approval of the appropriate SJA.
c. Subrogation. No subrogation action will be taken against the United States.
d. Contractor’s insurance and bonds. The AAFES director and chief executive officer issues policy prescribing the
types of insurance required of all businesses under contract with AAFES. Required insurance will be funded by the
contracted business.
Chapter 15
15–1. Federal taxes
a. Reporting and remittance of federal taxes, including claims for exemptions, refunds, and drawback of duties, will
conform to applicable federal laws, regulations, EOPs, and exchange service regulations issued by the AAFES director
and chief executive officer.
b. The U.S. Department of the Treasury may issue levies against the pay of exchange personnel.
c. Exchanges located in CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. possessions, are subject to occupational taxes if imposed
by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
d. AAFES must pay federal excise taxes on items that are subject to the taxes unless the purchase is for immediate
export from the United States. In such case, the purchase by AAFES can be made tax-free if the appropriate exemption
certificate prescribed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury is completed by the appropriate AAFES official and
given to the vendor of the item.
e. Drawback of duties is allowed upon the exportation of articles manufactured or produced in the United States
wholly or in part with the use of imported or substituted merchandise.
15–2. State, territorial, and local taxes
a. As an instrumentality of the United States, AAFES is entitled to the same immunity accorded the U.S. Government from the taxes of states, the District of Columbia, territories and possessions of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and their political subdivisions.
b. Sales by exchanges are immune from state sales and use taxes. Purchases by exchanges are immune from direct
state taxation.
c. The immunity of AAFES from direct state taxation does not extend to indirect taxation (taxes the legal incidence
of which is on the wholesaler, manufacturer, importer, and the like, unless the state by law or regulation has granted an
exemption on sales to the United States).
d. Concessionaires and other independent contractors are not entitled to claim AAFES immunity from taxation.
Concessionaires must collect and remit applicable sales and use taxes as required by state jurisdictional law; contractors
may be liable for sales and use taxes as provided by jurisdictional law.
e. State and territorial income taxes will be withheld from compensation of all civilian employees whose regular
place of employment is within the state or territory.
(1) Taxes will be withheld when an agreement exists between the Secretary of the Treasury and the state or
territory, pursuant to applicable federal law or regulation.
(2) On the request, and with the authorization of a civilian employee, and otherwise subject to withholding of pay
under these agreements, voluntary withholding of income tax may be made in favor of the state of residence if that
state has entered into such a withholding agreement.
f. Where the Secretary of the Treasury has entered into an agreement with a city to withhold from the pay of federal
employees city income or employment taxes, AAFES is subject to such withholding requirements.
g. Taxes of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory of the United States upon or measured by sales,
purchases, storage, or use (except U.S. Government use) of gasoline or other motor fuels will be collected and paid
according to applicable federal law.
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h. Exchanges located in foreign countries, including occupied areas and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
will not pay to, nor collect for, any foreign country or political subdivision of a foreign country any tax, unless the
United States has consented to that levy or collection by international agreement.
i. Except as permitted by this regulation, or required by applicable law, taxes will not be paid or collected without
the express authorization of the AAFES director and chief executive officer. Inquiries, questions, tax levies, and any
other matter concerning taxation will be promptly forwarded to the AAFES general counsel.
j. AAFES is authorized to conduct negotiations with taxing authorities, except that no formal administrative contest
or litigation will be undertaken without express authorization of the AAFES general counsel in coordination with the
Department of Justice or the local U.S. Attorney’s Office (28 USC 516) and, as necessary, the appropriate Army or Air
Force litigating division or Office of the General Counsel.
15–3. U.S. Department of the Treasury records retention policy
All records relating to payments to individuals and firms must be retained for at least 4 years and must be available for
review by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, if required. CONUS operators should consult their local U.S.
Department of the Treasury office when forms, publications, or assistance is needed. Overseas local offices should be
consulted for the address and telephone number of the nearest office of the U.S. Department of the Treasury
15–4. Federal occupation taxes
a. Exchanges located in CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories are subject to the following U.S. Department
of the Treasury occupation taxes:
(1) Wholesale dealer in liquor. For the purpose of this tax, a military reservation constitutes one location under the
same proprietorship so that only one tax is due regardless of the number of outlets that an exchange operates within the
geographical limits of the reservation. The wholesale dealer’s tax is paid where AAFES sells to another organization
authorized to purchase from the Class Six store.
(2) Retail dealer in liquor, unless the tax has been paid under paragraph (1), above. For the purpose of this tax, a
military reservation constitutes one location under the same proprietorship so that only one tax is due irrespective of
the number of outlets that an exchange operates within the geographical limits of the reservation.
b. The AAFES director and chief executive officer issues procedures relating to obtaining wholesale and retail
dealer liquor tax licenses for Class Six stores.
15–5. State tax exemptions
a. The sale by AAFES of merchandise including soft drinks, alcoholic and malt beverages, and tobacco products is
exempt from state taxes. This exemption applies to all Army and Air Force installations, organizations, activities, and
personnel within the United States and its territories.
b. The immunity of AAFES from direct state taxation does not extend to indirect taxes whose legal incidence is on a
party other than the Exchange (such as a manufacturer, importer, processor, or wholesaler).
c. Several states have granted military exemptions from excise taxes that would otherwise be applicable to alcoholic
beverages and tobacco products, and soft drinks procured by exchanges for resale to authorized patrons. This
exemption is enjoyed as a privilege and not as a matter of legal right and is, therefore, to be respected and observed
through full compliance with applicable restrictions, including the prohibition against unauthorized sale or disposition.
15–6. Sale of state tax-free items
a. State tax-free alcoholic and malt beverages may be sold for on-premises consumption at exchange food service
outlets to those persons and organizations authorized to use food service outlets.
b. State tax-free packaged alcoholic beverages will be sold only to individuals, organizations, and activities entitled
to unlimited exchange privileges and civilian employees of the Federal Government who work and permanently reside
on the garrison and installation. The aforementioned civilians are prohibited, however, from removing state tax-free
beverages from the military installation.
c. State tax-free tobacco products shall be sold only to those individuals, organizations, and activities entitled to
unlimited exchange privileges.
d. The AAFES director and chief executive officer prescribes and enforces necessary controls to ensure that no sales
are made to persons who lack prescribed identification. The garrison and installation commander, in coordination with
the GM, AAFES may establish reasonable purchase quantity limitations and will ensure that restrictions and limitations
governing the sale and disposition of state tax-free items are strictly enforced. Garrison/installation commanders will
cooperate with state tax officials and will investigate all complaints. Garrison/installation commanders may take
appropriate action for abuse of exchange privileges related to purchase of tax-free items, to include revoking or
suspending exchange privileges.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Chapter 16
Audits and Inspections
16–1. Audits
a. The AAFES Audit Division fulfills all internal audit functions required by DOD regulations. The Audit Division
staff will have access to all books of accounts, records, and documents needed to audit AAFES operations, accounting,
internal controls, other audits, and funds. Operating procedures will be issued by the AAFES director and chief
executive officer.
(1) The U.S. Army Audit Agency is designated to evaluate the adequacy of AAFES internal audit function. The
Army Auditor General is the principal point of contact for the peer review function and for reporting results to the
AAFES director and chief executive officer and to the Audit Committee of the AAFES BOD. Peer reviews are in
consultation with, and with the assistance of, the U.S. Air Force Auditor General.
(2) The Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG) and the Office of the Assistant Inspector General for
Audit Policy and Oversight, with the assistance of representatives from the DOD internal audit organizations may also
conduct external quality control peer reviews of the AAFES Audit Division.
b. The General Accountability Office (GAO), or authorized representatives, have access to all books of accounts,
records, and documents needed to audit AAFES operations, accounting, internal controls, other audits, and funds.
Representatives from the GAO coordinate their reviews of AAFES operations with the AAFES Audit Division. All
levels of AAFES management will cooperate with GAO representatives and advise the AAFES Audit Division of any
direct contact by GAO representatives.
c. The DODIG auditors are authorized to have access to all books of accounts, records, and documents needed to
audit operations and funds of AAFES. Auditors coordinate their reviews of AAFES operations with the AAFES Audit
Division. All levels of AAFES management will cooperate with the auditors and advise the AAFES Audit Division of
DODIG contacts.
d. AAFES contracts with a CPA firm to perform annual examinations of its financial statements. The CPA’s work
must meet the standards specified in the government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the
United States. CPA work is subject to U.S. Army Audit Agency review to ensure that government auditing standards
are met.
16–2. Inspector General
a. AAFES will maintain an IG office operating under the regulatory policies and procedures of the DODIG. The
AAFES director and chief executive officer will issue operating procedures.
b. The IG, AAFES, in compliance with applicable departmental guidelines, will—
(1) Operate the AAFES Fraud, Waste, Abuse, or Mismanagement Hotline program.
(2) Conduct inquiries to resolve assistance complaints and perform investigations as directed by the AAFES director
and chief executive officer.
(3) Inspect AAFES facilities and operations reporting findings/observations (including, but not limited to, operational efficiency, employee morale and effectiveness, and chain of command relationships) to the AAFES director and
chief executive officer on a scheduled and unscheduled basis.
(4) Be the primary point of contact with external IG officials for non-audit actions.
(5) Obtain DOD and DA or Air Force IG assistance, as necessary, for Service or Joint support on significant issues
beyond AAFES control.
16–3. Inspector General inquiries and investigations
a. The IG may investigate or conduct investigative IG inquiries into allegations of violations of policy, regulation, or
law and mismanagement, unethical behavior, or misconduct which, if true, may be of concern to the directing authority
(see para 13–3 for processing of criminal misconduct).
b. The IG will provide results of IG investigations into allegations contained in paragraph a, above, to the AAFES
director and chief executive officer for any action deemed appropriate.
c. Allegations against AAFES senior officials will be forwarded to the DODIG. Senior officials are defined as active
duty military officers in grades O–7 and above, or selected for promotion to grade O–7; current and former members of
the Senior Executive Service; other current and former DOD civilian employees whose positions are deemed equivalent
to that of a member of the Senior Executive Service (for example, senior level employees and NAF senior executives)
(see DODD 5505.06).
d. Investigation of allegations against senior officials, not cited elsewhere in this regulation, will be administered in
accordance with the applicable component IG regulation of that senior official or by the IG, AAFES, if civilian.
e. Any allegation of misconduct may be investigated, at the direction of the AAFES director and chief executive
officer, under the purview of IG procedures, departmental investigation procedures, or director and chief executive
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
officer’s inquiry procedure. This includes command inquiries conducted by IG or loss prevention personnel, as well as
inquiries conducted by NAF civilian personnel.
16–4. Department and command inspections
a. The IG, Army and the IG, Air Force jointly inspect AAFES, as directed by the applicable Service’s Chief of
Staff. Lead responsibility alternates between the departments. The IG of the lead department submits departmental
inspections through the AAFES BOD to the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
b. The IG, AAFES will conduct inspections below department level. The IG, AAFES will develop an annual
program based on the AAFES director and chief executive officer’s guidance and provide the inspection results to the
AAFES director and chief executive officer.
16–5. Release of Army and Air Force Exchange Service inspector general records
Release and use of IG, AAFES records outside AAFES requires the approval of the AAFES director and chief
executive officer or higher authority. The IG, AAFES is designated the initial denial authority for all IG, AAFES
records requested under the FOIA.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Appendix A
Section I
Required Publications
Army publications are available at Air Force publications are available at DOD publications are available at
AR 15–110/AFI 34–203(I)
Board of Directors, Army and Air Force Exchange Service (Cited in para 1–9b.)
AR 215–1
Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (Cited in paras 2–4a,
8–11c, 11–4c, 11–5b, B–2, and table B–1, footnote 1.)
AFI 65–106
Appropriated Fund Support of Morale, Welfare, and Recreation and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (Cited in
paras 2–4a, B–2, and table B–1, footnote 1.)
DOD 5500.07–R
Joint Ethics Regulation (JER) (Cited in paras 1–11d, 5–8.)
DODI 1015.15
Establishment, Management, and Control of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Financial Management of
Supporting Resources (Cited in paras 1–9c, 3–1, 3–2a, 3–2e, 3–3a, 14–2a, B–1, B–2, B–3, and table B–1, item 8b(1)
and footnote 5.)
DODI 1330.21
Armed Services Exchange Regulations (Cited in paras 4–4a, 6–4a, 6–4b, 6–13, 6–14c, 6–22, 8–11a, B–1, C–1, D–2,
and F–5.)
DODI 7060.03
International Balance of Payments—Nonappropriated Fund Activities (Cited in para 8–4.)
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read a related publication to
understand this publication.
AR 11–2
Managers’ Internal Control Program
AR 12–15/SECNAVINST 4950.4B/AFI 16–105
Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training
AR 15–1
Committee Management
AR 25–30
The Army Publishing Program
AR 27–20
AR 195–2
Criminal Investigation Activities
AR 200–1
Environmental Protection and Enhancement
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
AR 210–7
Personal Commercial Solicitation on Army Installations
AR 210–22
Private Organizations on Department of the Army Installations
AR 210–25
Vending Facility Program for the Blind on Federal Property
AR 215–7
Civilian Nonappropriated Funds and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities
AR 380–67
Personnel Security Program
AR 700–84
Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing
AFI 31–501
Personnel Security Program Management
AFI 32–6001
Family Housing Management
AFI 34–206
Vending Facility Program for the Blind on Air Force Property
AFI 34–219
Alcoholic Beverage Program
AFI 34–223
Private Organizations (PO) Program
AFI 34–262
Services Program and Use Eligibility
AFI 36–2702
Personal Commercial Solicitation on Air Force Installations
AFI 36–3026_IP, Vol 1/AR 600–8–14
Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible
AFI 51–502
Personnel and Government Recovery Claims
AFI 71–101 (Volume 1)
Criminal Investigations Program
AFJI 34–122
Civilian Nonappropriated Funds and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Activities
AFMAN 23–110 (Volume 1)
USAF Supply Manual
AFPD 36–29
Military Standards
DOD 1401.01–M
Personnel Policy Manual for Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
DOD 5200.2–R
Personnel Security Program
DOD 7000.14–R
Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRS): Volumes 2A and 2B, Budget Formulation and
Presentation; Volume 5, Disbursing Policy and Procedures; and Volume 13, Nonappropriated Fund Policy and
DODD 1015.5
DOD Student Meal Program
DODD 4105.67
Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Procurement Policy
DODD 5505.06
Investigations of Allegations Against Senior Officials of the Department of Defense
DODI 1000.11
Financial Institutions on DOD Installations
DODI 1000.13
Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals
DODI 1000.15
Procedures and Support for Non-Federal Entities Authorized to Operate on DOD Installations
DODI 1015.10
Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs
DODI 1015.12
Lodging Program Resource Management
DODI 1015.13
DOD Procedures for Implementing Public-Private Ventures (PPVs) for Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), and
Armed Services Exchange Category C Revenue-Generating Activities
DODI 1330.09
Armed Services Exchange Policy
DODI 1344.07
Personal Commercial Solicitation on DOD Installations
DODI 1400.25
DOD Civilian Personnel Management
DODI 1401.1
Personnel Policy for Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFIs)
DODI 1401.25
DOD Civilian Personnel Management
DODI 2000.16
DOD Antiterrorism (AT) Standards
DODI 4000.19
Interservice and Intragovernmental Support
DODI 4105.70
Sale or Rental of Sexually Explicit Material on DOD Property
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
DODI 4165.71
Real Property Acquisition
DODI 7600.6
Audit of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Related Activities
DODI 7700.18
Commissary Surcharge, Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) and Privately Financed Construction Reporting Procedures
EO 13149
Greening the Government Though Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency
EOP 15–10
Exchange Operating Procedures: Managing Human Resources
Joint Travel Regulations, Volume 2
PL 87–581
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
PL 88–558
Military Personnel and Civilian Employees’ Claims Act of 1964
PL 89–286
Service Contract Act of 1965
PL 89–508
Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966
PL 92–392
Federal Wage System
PL 93–259
Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1974
PL 95–563
Contract Disputes Act of 1978
Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) policy memorandum
Funding Sources for Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Facilities, dated 4 December 2007 (Available from
the Assistant Chief of Staff Installation Management (DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC
41 CFR, Chapter 302
Relocation Allowances
4 USC 104
Tax on motor fuel sold on military or other reservations—reports to State taxing authority
5 USC 552
Freedom of Information Reform Act of 1986: Public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and
5 USC 7101
Findings and purpose
10 USC Chapter 49
Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
10 USC 1059
Dependents of members separated for dependent abuse: transitional compensation; commissary and exchange benefits
10 USC 1146
Commissary and exchange benefits
10 USC 2481
Defense commissary and exchange systems: existence and purpose
10 USC 2492
Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: contracts with other agencies and instrumentalities to provide and obtain goods
and services
10 USC 2643
Commissary and exchange services: transportation overseas
10 USC 2783
Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: financial management and use of nonappropriated funds
10 USC 3911
Twenty years or more: regular or reserve commissioned officers (Army)
10 USC 6323
Officers: 20 years
10 USC 8911
Twenty years or more: regular or reserve commissioned officers (Air Force)
10 USC Chapter 61
Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability
10 USC Chapter 1223
Retired Pay for Non-Regular Service
18 USC 874
Kickbacks from public works employees (Copeland Anti-Kickback Act)
20 USC 107
Operation of vending facilities (Randolph-Sheppard Act)
27 USC 201
Federal Alcohol Administration Act (Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act of 1988)
27 USC 215
Labeling Requirement
28 USC 516
Conduct of litigation reserved to Department of Justice
31 USC Chapter 13
31 USC 3727
Assignment of Claims (Assignment of Claims Act of 1940)
33 USC
Navigation and Navigable Waters
38 USC
Veterans’ Benefits
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
40 USC 3131
Bonds of contractors of public buildings or works (Miller Act)
40 USC 3141
Definitions (Davis-Bacon Act)
40 USC Chapter 37
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards
41 USC
Public Contracts
42 USC 6374
Alternative fuel use by light duty Federal vehicles
42 USC 7586
Centrally fueled fleets
42 USC 12101
Equal Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)
47 USC 548
Development of competition and diversity in video programming distribution
Section III
Prescribed Forms
Unless otherwise indicated, DD Forms are available at
DD Form 2574
Armed Forces Exchange Service Identification and Privilege Card (Available through normal forms supply channels.)
(Cited in paras 2–4e, 7–4a(3).)
Section IV
Referenced Forms
Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available at; DD forms are available at http://www.; Standard Forms (SFs) are available at
DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
DD Form 4
Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States
DD Form 1610
Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel
DD Form 1618
Department of Defense (DOD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees to and Within Continental
United States
DD Form 2765
Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
SF 95
Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
USCG Auxiliary Membership Card
Appendix B
Funding Authorizations
B–1. Appropriated fund authorization
DODI 1015.15 and DODI 1330.21 authorize APF support to AAFES.
B–2. Remote and isolated locations
At designated remote and isolated locations, AAFES is authorized APF funding under category B rules in accordance
with DODI 1015.15. Army designated remote and isolated locations are listed in AR 215–1 and Air Force designated
sites are listed in AFI 65–106.
B–3. Base realignment and closures locations
Exchanges at installations identified for closure under BRAC procedures may receive APF support authorized for
category B activities (see DODI 1015.15). APFs may finance costs that are a direct result of an approved BRAC
action. Those costs include, but are not limited to PCS for NAF employees, exchange unemployment and severance
payments associated with NAF personnel, and facilities construction. Exchange BRAC costs are authorized funding
from all BRAC accounts (see DODI 1015.15) and other valid appropriations.
B–4. Force protection conditions
During force protection conditions Charlie and Delta, exchanges are authorized APF support for civilian personnel with
installation executive control and essential command supervision (ECECS) except for those directly involved in resale
B–5. Elements of expense
Table B–1 outlines the elements of expense authorized APF and AAFES NAF support. Also see chapter 3 of this
regulation for additional policy on expenditure of APFs and AAFES NAFs.
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
1. Military personnel.
a. Active duty military personnel assigned and used on Authorized.
a full-time permanent basis to perform ECECS.
b. All other personnel.
Not applicable.
Not authorized, except as outlined Not applicable, except as outlined in footin footnote 3 of this table.
note 4 of this table.
2. Civilian personnel.
a. Permanent assignment for ECECS purposes.
Authorized, only per footnote 5.
b. Personnel performing managerial functions or requir- Not authorized, except at locations Authorized.
ing technical and professional qualification. Also peridentified in paras B–2, B–3, and
sonnel accountable for APF resources and protection in B–4, and footnote 5 of this table.
the interests of the Federal Government.
c. Personnel directly and primarily involved in resale.
Not authorized.
d. Additional and collateral duties. Applies to APF em- Not authorized, except at locations Not applicable.
ployees who are assigned duties on an additional or
identified in paras B–2, B–3, and
collateral duty basis. These duties are in addition to the B–4, and footnote 5 of this table.
civilian employee’s primary duty assignment and may
be of an ECECS or operational nature.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities—Continued
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
3. Civilian Personnel Office assistance and administration. Relates to APF Civilian Personnel Advisory Center/Civilian Personnel Operations Center support for–
a. Technical advice and counsel that may be provided Authorized.
by the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center/Civilian Personnel Operations Center to assist in the personnel
management of employees paid with NAFs.
Not authorized.
b. Day-to-day personnel administration of employees
Authorized, when no additional in- Authorized.
paid with NAFs to include, but not limited to, recruitcremental APF costs are incurred.
ment, placement, position classification, salary and
wage administration, training, personnel records maintenance, employee relations, and personnel matters.
4. Family housing overseas. Applies to those employees who are authorized housing or a housing allowance
in overseas areas.
a. APF personnel.
Not authorized.
b. NAF personnel.
Authorized for APF-authorized
NAF positions.
a. APF personnel.
Not authorized.
b. NAF personnel.
Authorized, only when APFs are not available or sufficient.
5. Personnel evacuation expenses. Includes evacuation
payments, evacuation transportation to and from safe
haven locations, and per diem and subsistence allowances for those employees ordered to evacuate by the
commanding officer or other DOD authority.
6. Travel of personnel. Applies to personnel employed
by or assigned or detailed to AAFES programs and activities.
a. PCS. Applies to the relocation of APF and NAF per- Authorized for APF personnel and Not authorized for APF personnel.
sonnel assigned on a full-time permanent basis.
APF authorized AAFES NAF per- Authorized for AAFES NAF personnel.
sonnel as a direct result of an approved BRAC action.
b. TDY and temporary assigned duty travel for military Authorized for military and APF ci- Authorized for personnel engaged in interand APF civilian personnel and for AAFES NAF pervilian personnel. Authorized for
nal AAFES operations.
AAFES NAF personnel, when directed by the DOD and relates to
APF business.
7. Government-owned, motor pool-controlled. Use of
government-owned, motor pool-controlled passenger
vehicles by AAFES activities.
Authorized when assisting in
ECECS functions.
AAFES NAFs are authorized and will reimburse APF when government-owned
vehicles are used for other than ECECS
Not authorized.
8. Transportation of AAFES goods.
a. Purchased with APFs.
b. Purchased with NAFs.
(1) Transoceanic movement expenses of transporting Authorized.
supplies and products from CONUS sea and aerial
ports of embarkation to OCONUS final AAFES retail facility (see chap 10).
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Not authorized (per DODI 1015.15 as implemented by 10 USC 2643).
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities—Continued
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
(2) Movement of U.S. and foreign goods within foreign Authorized.
areas when commercial transportation is not available,
or in contingency areas.
Authorized when APFs are not available.
(3) Transoceanic movement of goods from OCONUS Authorized.
sea and aerial ports of embarkation to first destination
CONUS or bulk breakdown point.
Authorized when APFs are not available.
(4) Movement of U.S. goods between DOD installations Authorized.
because of base closures, or to safeguard goods under
emergency conditions, for example, threat of hostile
force or natural disaster.
Authorized when APFs are not available.
(5) All other transportation of NAF goods.
Not authorized, except on a reim- Authorized.
bursable basis; initial APF funding
permitted only when NAF will reimburse APF.
9. Household goods.
a. APF personnel.
Not authorized.
b. AAFES personnel.
Authorized for APF-authorized
AAFES NAF positions. Initial APF
funding is permitted for other
AAFES NAF positions only when
AAFES will reimburse APF (except
at BRAC locations that are authorized APFs).
10. Utilities. Applies to heat, steam, water, gas, electric- Authorized in CONUS and
ity, air conditioning, and other utility services for facili- OCONUS.
ties used primarily for AAFES purposes.
Authorized for costs in CONUS when
APFs are not available. Not authorized
OCONUS and for remote and isolated locations (CONUS and OCONUS) (see
footnote 6 of this table).
11. Rents. Applies to the use and possession of non- Not authorized, except upon speDOD lands, buildings, and other improvements and in- cific approval by the Secretary of
stalled equipment for a specified period through con- the Army/Air Force concerned.
tract, lease agreement, or other legal instrument when
authority is granted through appropriate channels.
Not authorized, except upon specific approval by the Secretary of the Army/Air
Force concerned and in accordance with
real property acquisition regulations of the
Army and Air Force.
12. Communications.
a. Electronic communications. Applies to electronic
communications (telephone, teletype, television, fax, Internet), Defense Switched Network, public address systems, and other electronic media) provided to AAFES.
Authorized in support of ECECS
functions, statistical data gathering,
communications with other DOD
and government agencies, and
b. Postal service and postage. Official communications Authorized.
within and between government agencies and individuals, communications with commercial agencies, persons, private commercial agencies, not related to the
sale of goods and services.
Authorized when supporting the operational function of the activity, such as procurement of items for resale and collection of income for merchandise or services sold in CONUS.
Authorized for all other correspondence
related to the operation of AAFES, sale of
goods and services, such as the inventory
procurement and sales, collection of income, advertising, and AAFES equipment
maintenance. (Does not preclude use of
Army Post Office/Fleet Post Office for unofficial mail.)
13. Equipment maintenance.
a. Government-owned equipment. Applies to maintenance, repair, overhaul, or rework of equipment.
Authorized, except for surplus and Authorized.
excess government equipment.
b. Equipment acquired with NAF. Applies to maintenance, repair, overhaul, or rework of equipment acquired with NAF.
Authorized for equipment acquired Authorized.
with NAFs, but authorized for purchase with APFs where the title
transfers to the government.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities—Continued
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
c. Real property installed equipment/building equipAuthorized.
ment. This includes permanently attached real property
generally installed as a part of a construction project,
that cannot be removed from the structure without
physically damaging the structure and without which
the facility (structure) would be unable to operate as
14. Printing and reproduction. Applies to printing and
reproduction such as work done on printing presses,
lithographing, and other duplicating, related binding operations, photography, electronic media, microfilming,
formats and forms, editing, and graphics.
NAFs authorized only when a certification
of non-availability of funds is signed by
the garrison and installation commander.
Authorized for all costs except
those related to the sale of merchandise or services and to the internal operation of AAFES.
15. Education and training. Pertains to the advanceAuthorized for APF positions and Authorized for AAFES NAF personnel.
ment of job knowledge, development of skills, and im- APF-authorized AAFES NAF posi- Not authorized for APF non-tuition
provement of abilities of AAFES personnel.
tions and for Army/Air Force-apcourses.
proved training that is not job
unique such as management and
leader development courses, quality training, health and safety, sexual harassment, and so forth.
16. Auditing services. Relates to the independent ex- Authorized in accordance with
amination, review, and evaluation of the records, con- DODI 7600.6.
trols, practices, and procedures in the area of financial
and operational management of AAFES by DOD components’ audit organizations or independent public accountants.
Authorized in accordance with DODI
17. Data automation. Applies to automatic data processing system development or operation (personnel,
equipment, supplies) needed for either ECECS or internal operation of AAFES.
Authorized for services required for Authorized for costs related to internal
ECECS and to discharge a com- management of AAFES NAF resources.
mander’s supervisory responsibility
for management review and analysis.
18. Financial management services. Relates to those
services that reflect the preparation of APF and AAFES
NAF budgets; provide accounting for financial management data; facilitate the preparation of financial reports;
and provide for management review and analysis to ensure proper control over all the resources that support
Authorized to provide technical
Authorized for all costs related to AAFES
guidance and assistance in prepar- NAF accounting and analytical functions
ing budgets, financial and analyti- required for the operation of AAFES.
cal data required for ECECS. Not
authorized for AAFES NAF accounting and analytical functions.
19. Legal services. Applies to that service and assist- Authorized.
ance provided by or through The Judge Advocate General or general counsel.
Authorized for AAFES internal legal staffing.
20. Procurement office assistance and administration.
(a) Assistance. Applies to technical advice and assist- Authorized.
ance that may be provided by the procurement office to
assist AAFES management in the procurement of
goods and services with NAFs.
(b) Administration. Applies to the functions of procurement (source development, preparation of procurement
documents, negotiation of prices, contract administration and audit, and related procurement functions) being performed by the procurement office in the procurement of goods and services with NAFs.
Not applicable.
Authorized when no additional in- Authorized.
cremental APF costs are incurred
and when existing APF contracts
may be used to purchase the item
or services.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities—Continued
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
21. Custodial and janitorial services. Applies to the
Authorized for locations identified
manpower, supplies, and equipment provided by the in- in paras B–2, B–3, and B–4.
stallation engineer, the public works department, or by Not authorized all other locations.
Authorized when APFs are not available
or not sufficient at locations identified in
paras B–2, B–3, and B–4.
Authorized all other locations.
22. Other services. Relates to those services of a protective or sanitary nature normally supplied as a command function. Such services include, but are not limited to fire protection, including acquisition and installation of extinguishers and sprinkler and alarm systems;
security protection, including physical security of buildings (such as alarm systems and security bars), personnel background investigations under the provisions
of DOD 5200.2–R and protection of funds; pest control;
sewage disposal; environmental compliance and
remediation; trash and garbage removal; snow removal;
safety; medical, veterinary and sanitary inspections;
rescue operations.
Trash and garbage removal are authorized for AAFES activities in CONUS. Otherwise, authorized only when APFs are
not available or sufficient.
Authorized for all costs associated
with protecting the health and
safety of participants and employees and with protecting AAFES
NAF resources.
Trash and garbage removal are
not authorized for AAFES activities
Trash and garbage removal are
authorized OCONUS.
Authorized for sewage disposal.
23. Minor construction and modernization. These terms Authorized only per footnotes 7, 8, Authorized. Not authorized for conditions
are defined in the glossary. Also see terms for restora- and 9 of this table.
outlined in footnotes 7, 8, and 9 of this tation, sustainment, real property, construction project,
construction costs, and construction.
24. Sustainment and restoration. These terms are defined in the glossary.
Authorized when APFs are not available
or sufficient.
25. Routine grounds maintenance. Applies to work re- Authorized.
quired to maintain surrounding building grounds.
Authorized when APFs are not available
or sufficient.
26. Supplies. Applies to supply items (expendables)
Authorized for supplies required for Authorized.
that are consumed or lose their identity when used, or ECECS.
whose low value does not require the same accountability required for equipment. Included in this group are
clothing, tentage, organizational tools, administrative
and housekeeping supplies (other than in #21 of this table), petroleum fuels, lubricants, preservatives, coolants, oil derivatives.
27. Investment equipment. Relates to the acquisition
and use of equipment that meets the criteria of investment items, as defined in DOD 7000.14–R (Volume
Not authorized, (except for use of Authorized.
surplus/excess government equipment) unless permitted by footnote
10 of this table.
28. Equipment. Includes the acquisition cost of any item
of equipment, furniture, or furnishing that does not meet
the criteria of an investment cost as defined in DOD
7000.14–R (Volume 2A).
Authorized for equipment required Authorized.
for ECECS and surplus/excess
government equipment at all other
locations and per footnote 10 of
this table.
29. Other operating expenses. Includes the cost of
types of resources not otherwise provided for, such as
investments and loans, grants, subsidies and contributions, insurance claims and indemnities, interest and
dividends, and payments instead of taxes, if such resources are included in operations appropriations.
Authorized for costs incurred inci- Authorized.
dent to the performance of functions related to ECECS or as specifically authorized by statute or
DOD publication.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Table B–1
General funding authorizations for AAFES activities—Continued
Elements of expense
(see footnotes 1 and 2 of this table)
30. Architecture and engineering services. Applies to
professional services that include the necessary consultations, preparation of preliminary studies, analyses,
cost estimates, working drawings, specifications, interior design and decoration, and the inspection and supervision services required for the construction, alteration, or restoration of real property facilities.
Authorized for APF construction
and NAF construction when no additional manpower authorizations
are required.
Authorized for NAF construction, except
for inspection and supervision services required for government acceptance of the
facility (see also para 3–3c(10)(a)).
31. Major construction. See glossary for a definition of Not authorized unless permitted by Authorized. Not authorized for conditions
this term.
footnotes 7, 8, and 9 of this table. in footnotes 7, 8, and 9 of this table.
32. Purchase of real property. Relates to the acquisition Authorized only to the extent apcost of land, buildings, and other fixed improvements. proved by Congress.
Not authorized, except for the purchase of
commercially owned buildings located on
government property.
33. Merchandise, service, and equipment for resale or Not authorized, unless permitted
rent. Pertains to that procured by AAFES for resale or per footnotes 10 and 11 of this tarent to authorized patrons or related to the sale of mer- ble.
chandise or services.
1 AAFES activities at designated remote and isolated locations are authorized APF funding under category B rules (AR 215–1 and AFI 65–106).
2 During Force Protection conditions at Charlie and Delta, AAFES activities are authorized APF support for civilian personnel with installation management
and supervisory functions (excluding personnel directly and primarily involved in resale), utilities, rents, and custodian and janitorial services.
3 Active duty military personnel performing ECECS are authorized in sufficient numbers for AAFES programs to provide a trained cadre to meet wartime and
deployment requirements and to perform managerial functions.
4 Enlisted personnel may be employed during non-duty hours by NAFIs as part-time NAF-paid employees.
5 APFs authorized for civilian personnel in sufficient numbers to provide a trained cadre to perform ECECS and managerial functions to meet exchange wartime deployment requirements in support of contingency, humanitarian, and peacekeeping operations. APF civilian positions may be provided by permanent
assignment utilization and the assignment of additional or collateral duties, in lieu of military positions authorized by #1b of this table and footnote 3, above.
Where NAF positions are utilized, APF support is authorized for NAF expenditures incurred for compensation and benefits, travel of personnel, transportation of household goods, and education and training. APF support will be executed under an MOA as prescribed in DODI 1015.15, pertaining to MWR utilization, support, and accountability and uniform funding and management practices.
6 Rates charged shall not include incremental or prorated share of overhead, maintenance, and repair to utility systems, or capital investments in the installation’s utility infrastructure system unless otherwise specified by an MOU or installation support agreement.
7 APFs must be used for all AAFES facility construction (major and minor) determined by the applicable military Service to be required to establish, activate,
or expand a military installation, including BRAC and global re-stationing requirements; relocation for convenience of the government; replacement of facilities denied by country-to-country agreements; and restoration of facilities and improvements destroyed by acts of nature, fire, or terrorism; antiterrorism/
force protection measures required under DODI 2000.16, and to correct life, safety, and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and force protection deficiencies. Expansion must be the result of a mission change or influx of new units or systems, and result in a 25 percent increase in authorized and assigned
personnel strength within a 2–year time span.
8 APFs are authorized and will be used for site development costs, archeological and ammunition clearances, environmental assessment and remediation,
water purification, demolition, excessive utility connections, and road services.
9 APFs must be used for exchange administrative, storage, and maintenance facilities OCONUS; NAFs will be used for these facilities inside the United
States. APFs must be used for facilities required in areas of military conflict or as integral parts of air terminal, hospital, housing, or other military construction projects. APFs must be used for all exchange-operated laundries, dry cleaning plants, bakeries, dairies, or similar facilities operated by exchanges when
in support of a military mission (see para 3–4 for deviations/exceptions to use of NAFs in lieu of APFs). For all other exchange facilities, NAFs will be used.
10 APFs are authorized for losses caused by acts of nature; losses during wartime deployments, and in support of contingency, humanitarian, and
peacekeeping operations; and for equipment required to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
11 APFs are authorized for military clothing and other APF-funded items sold in military exchanges on a cost-reimbursable basis.
Appendix C
Authorized Army and Air Force Exchange Service Resale Activities
C–1. Army and Air Force Exchange Service primary activities
AAFES is authorized to operate the below listed revenue-generating activities on military installations; in areas of
military conflict; in military air terminals, hospitals, and housing areas (including government-owned, governmentleased, or government-contracted); and in support of military operations. Any differences in this appendix and DODI
1330.21 are resolved in favor of DODI 1330.21.
a. Retail stores.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
b. Mail-order, catalog, and e-commerce services.
c. Automobile services, including garages, fuel sales, car washes, and service stations.
d. Restaurants, cafeterias, and snack bars, and name-brand fast food outlets, including nationally and regionally
recognized franchises and exchange signature brands.
e. Packaged beverage stores.
f. Barber and beauty services, including nail salons, day spas.
g. Flower shops.
h. Laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing plants and services.
i. Alteration and tailor services.
j. Product repair services, such as watch, shoe, radio, television, computer and electronic repair.
k. Photographic studios.
l. Vending machines.
m. Personal services.
n. Newsstands.
o. Unofficial telecommunication services (including, but not limited to, pay telephone stations and telephone calling
p. Military clothing sales operations.
q. Exchange credit programs.
r. Tax preparation services.
s. Exchange marts.
t. Motion picture theaters.
u. Rental of merchandise. Rental of any merchandise AAFES is authorized to sell.
v. The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe in their regulations a selection of
food and beverages, including malt beverages, wines, and other alcoholic beverages. Food items will supplement the
primary full-line grocery service provided by the commissary system.
w. Pet services, including, but not limited to, pet grooming services.
C–2. Departmental authorized activities
The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force may authorize the exchanges to operate the activities
listed below. Requests for AAFES operation will be forwarded for approval to the respective Army and Air Force
military department at the appropriate addresses in paragraph 6–1 of this regulation.
a. Membership clubs (open messes), restaurants, cafeterias, and snack bars incidental to MWR programs. Includes
national name-brand casual dining (full table service) restaurants as replacements for existing military MWR food
b. Lodging operations in categories A, B, and C, as permitted in DODI 1015.12, enclosure 3. Authorized users of
these facilities are outlined in DODI 1015.12, paragraph 4.
c. School lunch programs.
d. Amusement machines. AAFES will own and operate, or contract for, amusement machines located in AAFESoperated outlets, and at the discretion of the garrison and installation commander in other locations. Displacement of
AAFES-controlled amusement machines, or transfer of amusement machines to AAFES control, will be planned and
coordinated with local AAFES management for orderly transition, to preclude disruption of service, financial loss, or
conflict with expiration terms of contracts.
e. Recreational, social, and family support activities.
f. Animal kennels (services for boarding pets).
g. Personal Information Services. Personal Information Services is defined as Internet, telephone, or television
services for which an individual user pays a fee to obtain service for personal use.
C–3. Additional authorized activities with special requirements
a. Fresh meat and produce departments. The garrison and installation commander may request the local GM,
AAFES to sell fresh meat, fresh poultry, fresh seafood, fresh fruit, and produce when no commissary store is available
on the installation or when fresh meat and produce are not available within a reasonable distance at a reasonable price,
or in satisfactory quality and quantity. Other necessary grocery items may be sold without limitation in the number of
items or container size.
b. Self-storage activities. These activities provide rental space in facilities and temporary rental storage units on
military installations and government-owned or government-leased military housing areas for the temporary storage of
personal possessions of authorized patrons. This does not include vehicle storage facilities, which are an authorized
MWR operation. Proposals to establish and operate self-storage activities (major or minor construction or publicprivate ventures) shall be submitted 60 days in advance to the PDUSD(PR) for Congressional notification. Reporting
requirements for construction and public-private ventures are found in DODI 7700.18. Such notification will document
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
the lack of adequate commercial facilities in the area around the installation or government-owned or governmentleased military housing area and provide both a description of the process used to notify the local business community
and the responses received. DOD components shall not establish and operate permanently constructed self-storage
activities to include placing proposals under contract until the PDUSD(PR) approves the proposal and notifies
c. Medical and dental services including pharmacies. Medical services include, but are not limited to dental,
optometry, audiology, and pharmacy activities.
(1) Proposals for medical services at specific locations must be submitted 60 days in advance to PDUSD(PR) for
Congressional notification. The PDUSD(PR) must approve the offering of new medical and dental services and shall
notify Congress of such approval. Congressional notification and PDUSD(PR) approval must be obtained before
exchanges initiate construction or contract action, including entering into any license agreement with private
(2) Proposals must include the garrison’s/installation’s name and location; statements that solicitations will include
small businesses from the surrounding communities and that no military doctors will be used in the clinic; that the
garrison and installation commander and local military health care facility commander support the project; the number
of customers to be served; projected sales and financial return to the DOD, and AAFES; projected customer savings; a
statement that space available for the service meets DOD military medical space requirements; a detailed site specific
description of the contract award process, the contract requirements, the length of the contract, the scope of services to
be offered; and specific benefits to Servicemembers. While there is no requirement that local business leaders agree
with the new service, the local business community and government officials must be made aware of the initiative and
the proposal must include their views.
(3) An MOA with the Army and Air Force Surgeon Generals are required for all health care services provided.
(4) Renotification is not required for renewal of a previously-approved specific medical concession at a specific
d. Optical shops. Services may not include eye exams or any medical procedures.
e. Magazines and periodicals. Magazines and periodicals are authorized exchange sale items. DODI 4105.70
governs the sale or rental of sexually explicit material on DOD property.
f. Firearms and ammunition. Firearms and ammunition are authorized exchange sale items. Firearms will be sold in
compliance with federal laws and regulations. Overseas activities shall conform to all applicable SOFA requirements,
as well as any requirements imposed by bilateral agreements between the United States and the host nation.
g. Name-brand fast-food operations. When establishing name-brand commercial fast-food operations, concession
operations are preferred for military bases in the United States, and exchange direct-run operations are the preferred
method for bases overseas. Both economic and non-economic factors shall be evaluated to decide on the method of
operation that best meets the Exchange mission for each location. In addition, the following factors shall be considered
in the aggregate: financial risk, customer service, employment opportunities, management control, operational risk, and
investment opportunities. Primary consideration will be given to the overall quality of life and welfare of the active
duty military community. Notice of deviations from the preferred method that result in major construction projects as
defined in DODI 7700.18 will accompany the major construction program submitted to the PDUSD(PR) and include
the evaluation of economic and non-economic factors.
h. New car sales. Only Armed Services exchanges are permitted to sell, publicize, or display new or factory
certified cars or motorcycles on overseas DOD installations. This does not preclude brief periods of publicity and
display of foreign cars or motorcycles as sponsor recognition authorized for military MWR programs. AAFES may sell
automobiles and motorcycles only to authorized patrons who are stationed or are assigned overseas for 30 consecutive
days or more. Orders may be taken for U.S.-made automobiles, foreign name-plated vehicles with at least 75 percent
U.S. or Canadian content, and motorcycles. Sales may be made for stateside delivery or for in-country delivery where
permitted under the SOFA.
i. Alternative fuels. The AAFES may sell alternative fuels to the general public in compliance with 42 USC 6374,
42 USC 7586, and Executive Order 13149.
j. Cable television services. AAFES may provide cable television services in compliance with 47 USC 548.
k. Home services. The AAFES is authorized to operate home services on or off DOD garrisons and installations,
including, but not limited to, maid service, lawn care, and fence construction under concession contracts.
l. Automobile rental. AAFES is authorized to operate short-term automobile, truck, and trailer rental services on a
concession basis. Leasing of vehicles is not authorized, nor is the sale of used vehicles.
m. Logistical facilities. AAFES is authorized to operate logistical, administration, storage, and maintenance facilities
in support of the Exchange mission.
n. Plants. AAFES is authorized to operate laundries, dry cleaning plants, bakeries, dairies, or similar facilities in
support of a military mission.
o. Taxicab and bus services. These services may be provided only to authorized patrons or civilians employed on
military garrisons and installations. Each trip must either start or end on the military garrison and installation. Any
travel off the installation must be incidental to providing transportation to or from the military garrison and installation.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
p. Used media. Used media of any type, including, but not limited to, books, magazines, videos, recorded music, or
computer software will not be sold unless specifically authorized by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
This does not apply to previously rented videos which may be sold by AAFES or its concessionaires when clearly
identified as such.
q. Services. AAFES will not provide services that require the customer to sign a separate contract with a service
provider, except as approved by the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
r. Live animals. AAFES will not sell live animals, including fish, birds, or reptiles unless specifically authorized by
the AAFES director and chief executive officer.
s. Tattooing/body piercing. AAFES will not offer any form of permanent tattooing or body piercing (other than ear
piercing consistent with standard industry retail practices) unless approved in advance by the AAFES director and chief
executive officer.
t. Vendor-owned equipment. AAFES will not use vendor-owned equipment except as authorized by the AAFES
director and chief executive officer.
u. Insurance contracts. AAFES may sell, place, solicit, or service insurance contracts of any description to
authorized patrons as a customer service only as specifically authorized by the AAFES director and chief executive
officer and with the approval of the AAFES BOD.
v. Personal information services. Applies to Army garrisons only and provides for an AAFES and Army IMCOM,
G–9 (Family and MWR Programs) noncompetitive partnership agreement to provide Internet, telephone, or television
services for which an individual user pays a fee to obtain service. The partnership will operate under a mutually agreed
upon MOU.
Appendix D
Continental United States Only Merchandise Restrictions
D–1. Sale restrictions
Exchanges in CONUS will not sell—
a. Diamond settings with individual stones that exceed one and one-half carat.
b. Jewelry other than diamond jewelry with per unit (piece) cost to the Exchange in excess of the cost price of 2
ounces of gold.
c. Finished furniture with per unit (piece) cost to the Exchange in excess of $1,100.
(1) Exchanges in CONUS may not undertake new capital construction or renovation of an exchange facility of any
kind for the purpose, in whole or in part, of providing additional space in which to sell finished furniture.
(2) At any location at which AAFES proposes to sell finished furniture, the GM, AAFES or garrison and installation
commander will consult in advance with local furniture merchants and ascertain in writing whether there are any
objections to the introduction of furniture at the Exchange facility.
(3) Any objections, along with a list of locations where exchanges propose to sell finished furniture, will be
forwarded to the office of the PDUSD(PR) within 60 days in advance of sales, so that the office can notify the Armed
Services Congressional Committees in advance.
(4) The office of the PDUSD(PR) must approve the offering of finished furniture at new locations and will notify
the Congress of such approval prior to offering finished furniture at new locations.
d. Decorative housewares and furnishings with per unit (piece) cost to the Exchange Service in excess of $500.
e. Small appliances with per unit (piece) cost to the Exchange in excess of $150, except that there is no cost
limitation on floor polishers, food processors, fans, coffee makers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air purifiers, microwave
ovens, refrigerators, rotisseries, roasters, broilers, and vacuum cleaners.
f. Recreational boats with per unit (piece) cost to the Exchange in excess of $750.
g. Sports, recreational, garden, and manual arts equipment and supplies, photographic supplies and film with per
unit (piece) cost to the Exchange Service in excess of $500. There is no cost limitation on aquatic equipment; bicycles;
cameras and projectors; camera and projector accessories; fishing equipment; golf club sets; guns and gun accessories;
physical fitness exercise equipment; power tools; outdoor power equipment, including lawn mowers, edgers, and snow
blowers; ski equipment; surfboards; and tents.
D–2. Changes to sale restrictions
Differences between the above restrictions and those contained in DODI 1330.21, enclosure 4, are resolved in favor of
those contained in DODI 1330.21, enclosure 4.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Appendix E
Prohibited Exchange Activities
E–1. Prohibitions
AAFES is not authorized to—
a. Sell or solicit the sale of real estate to authorized patrons, either as a retail item or a service.
b. Operate pawnshops, adults-only entertainment centers, or childcare centers.
c. Sell, lease, or display new cars on installations except overseas (see app C for new car sales overseas).
d. Sell or lease space in AAFES facilities. The AAFES in-store bank, automated teller machine, and concession and
franchise agreements are not leases as contemplated by this prohibition.
e. Provide paid or free babysitting services, non-sports or non-therapeutic massage (whether clothed or unclothed),
legal services, financial planning services, or funeral and mortuary services.
f. Sell or solicit the sale of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investment instruments.
g. Use service or equipment items that contain product promotional advertisement, except where the product name is
an integral part of the display. (Examples: packaged cereal and dessert displays, table condiments, gasoline pumps, and
gasoline pylons.)
h. Authorize credit sales except as provided in this regulation.
i. Stock or sell drug abuse paraphernalia.
j. Sell or rent media of any type if it contains sexually explicit material (see DODI 4105.70).
k. Operate gambling devices in the United States and U.S. territories and possessions.
E–2. Continental United States restrictions
See appendix D for restrictions applicable to CONUS only.
Appendix F
Exceptions to the Armed Services Exchange Service regulations
F–1. Exceptions to exchange patronage within the 50 United States (to include the District of
Garrison/installation commanders within the 50 United States (to include the District of Columbia) may request
(through command channels) approval of deviations to the Armed Services Exchange regulations with regard to
patronage privileges for individuals or classes and groups of persons. Exceptions for patronage privileges are approved
only by the appropriate Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force. Delegation of this authority is
a. The garrison and installation commander must sign the request, and commanders at all levels must ensure that
requests are fully responsive to the requirements prescribed herein.
b. The Army IMCOM or the Air Force MAJCOM recipients will conduct a judicious review of the respective
garrison and installation request to determine if it should be forwarded.
c. If forwarded, requests will be submitted to—
(1) Army: Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (DAIM–ISS), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC
(2) Air Force: Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Director of Services (AF/A1S), 1770
Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330–1770.
F–2. Evaluation criteria
The Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force will approve exceptions for patronage privileges only
under the most stringent circumstances.
a. Requests for exceptions will be submitted and evaluated primarily on the basis of the geographic isolation of the
garrison and installation concerned. Such requests will be strictly limited to those items necessary to ensure a
reasonable standard of living to DOD civilian and contract personnel and their families assigned to the isolated
b. Requests for exchange privilege exceptions will be submitted and evaluated solely on the basis of their necessity
for alleviating conditions of personal hardship.
F–3. Justification
Requests for exceptions will include the following:
a. A by-name listing of civilians or classes and groups of persons (to include the number of individuals within the
class/group) and their Family members at the specific installation for who exchange privileges are being requested.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
b. The personal hardships being experienced, described in detail.
c. The reasons why commercial retail facilities cannot be used will be explained.
F–4. Exceptions to exchange and commissary patronage—U.S. territories and possessions
a. DOD civilian employees and their dependents may be granted limited exchange and commissary access by the
garrison and installation commander in accordance with table 7–2. DOD civilian employees must be assigned under a
valid transportation agreement (as defined in 41 CFR, Chapter 302). An annual report of all approved exceptions is
required for the 12–month period prior to 30 January.
b. Employees of firms under contract to the U.S. Government and their dependents may be granted limited exchange
and commissary access by the garrison and installation commander in accordance with table 7–2. Employees must be
hired in the 50 states or the District of Columbia and must exclusively serve the DOD. An annual report of all
approved exceptions is required for the 12–month period prior to 30 January.
c. Non-DOD federal employees and their dependents may be granted limited exchange and commissary access by
the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force and combatant commanders in accordance with table 7–2.
Delegation of this authority outside the Secretariat or Combatant Command Headquarters concerned is prohibited.
Employees must be assigned under a service agreement or tour renewal agreement (defined in 41 CFR, Chapter 302).
Requests will be sent to the garrison and installation commander by the federal agency and then forwarded through
command channels to the appropriate address in paragraph F–1, for consideration and processing to the applicable
Secretariat. An annual report of all approved exceptions is required for the 12–month period prior to 30 January.
F–5. Reports
A report of deviations granted by the garrison and installation commander and appropriate Army/Air Force Secretariat
is required by DODI 1330.21. Deviations approved by commanders allowing access to exchanges and commissaries
(see para F–4a and para F–4b) will be submitted through command channels to the appropriate Army/Air Force at the
address in paragraph F–1. The report must include the names of the employee and Family members and the
justification required in paragraph F–4a and paragraph F–4b. This report will be compiled with approvals granted by
the Army/Air Force Secretariat and submitted to the Office of the Secretary of Defense by Headquarters, Department
of the Army and Headquarters, Department of the Air Force (see para F–1).
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Section I
Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Department of the Army Committee Management Office
Army Command
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
Air Force: Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services
Air Force: Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services, Director of Services
Air Force Instruction
Air Force Joint Instruction
Air Force Manual
Air Force Policy Directive
AAFES Imprest Fund Activity
appropriated funds or appropriated fund
Army regulation
board of directors
base realignment and closures
chief financial officer
Code of Federal Regulations
continental United States
certified public accountant
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Department of the Army
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (Soldier and Family Support Division)
District of Columbia
Department of Defense
Department of Defense directive
Department of Defense instruction
Department of Defense Inspector General
direct operating exchange-tactical
executive control and essential command supervision
Equal Employment Opportunity
exchange operating procedure
Federal Acquisition Regulation
Freedom of Information Act
General Accountability Office
general manager
Headquarters, Department of the Army
inspector general
Installation Management Command
major command (Air Force)
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
military clothing sales store
memorandum of agreement
memorandum of understanding
morale, welfare, and recreation
nonappropriated fund or nonappropriated funds
nonappropriated fund instrumentality or nonappropriated fund instrumentalities
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
outside the continental United States
permanent change of station
Public Law
Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
standard form
staff judge advocate
status of forces agreement
temporary duty
tactical field exchange
United States
United States Code
United Services Organization
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Section II
Adverse action
An action taken against an employee that is contrary to the employee’s best interests; it can be appealed under the
procedures in EOP 15–10.
A specific named person authorized on a temporary basis (not exceeding 1 year unless extended for continuing
hardship) by the commanding officer, at the command level designated by the Army/Air Force concerned to shop for
an authorized patron in extreme hardship cases; or when no adult dependent member is capable of shopping due to
sickness or stationing away from their household.
Air Force Services
An organization whose mission is to increase combat capability and improve productivity through programs promoting
readiness, esprit de corps, and quality of life for Air Force people. Programs include physical fitness, peacetime and
wartime troop feeding, mortuary affairs, Armed Forces entertainment, Air Force protocol, lodging, libraries, child
development centers, youth centers, and a wide spectrum of recreation activities.
Alcoholic beverage
Beverages including wines, malt beverages, and distilled spirits.
Amusement machine
Electronic machine that accepts coins to play and provides entertainment or pleasurable diversions. This does not
include Army Recreation Machine Program or Air Force Services Gaming machines.
A facility reporting directly to a branch and which, for accounting, management, and operational and administrative
control, is considered to be a component of that branch.
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Imprest Fund Activity
An activity that furnishes exchange support to a small military unit where it is impractical to establish a regular
exchange outlet.
An activity for which separate asset and financial accountability exists.
Business based action
Non-disciplinary, involuntary action taken to adjust personnel resources.
An expression of dissatisfaction.
Includes major and minor construction and modifications (see definitions at major and minor construction).
Construction costs
The direct cost for labor, material, installed equipment integral to the facility, supervision, inspection and overhead, and
profit required in order to construct a facility. It includes design costs when part of a design/build construction contract.
It does not include design costs prior to construction contract award or the cost of collateral equipment.
Construction project
The erection, installation, or assembly of a new facility; the addition, expansion, extension, alteration, conversion, or
replacement of an existing facility; or the relocation of a facility from one place to another. Includes equipment
installed and made a part of such facilities, and related site preparation, demolition, excavation, filling, and landscaping, or other improvements.
Continental United States
The 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Contracting officer
A person authorized to execute and administer contracts on behalf of AAFES, within the limits imposed in their
designation, and to make determination and findings with respect thereto.
Contracts include all contractual arrangements prescribed by the AAFES director and chief executive officer, in
AAFES purchasing procedures, including—
a. Agency contract. A contract whereby AAFES performs certain services as an agent for another who is dealing
with AAFES customers.
b. Concessionaire contract. A contract between AAFES and another, known as a concessionaire, whereby the
concessionaire performs certain authorized exchange activities on a military installation.
c. Vending machine contract (rental basis). A contract whereby a contractor rents to AAFES and services vending
machines that vend merchandise owned by AAFES on a military installation.
d. Installment contract. An agreement whereby, in consideration of the purchase of property or equipment, the
purchase price is divided into parts payable over a period of time.
e. Service contract. A contract whereby a contractor performs a service for AAFES off a military installation, such
as laundry, dry cleaning, photo processing, and repair service. This type contract may also include procurement of
direct services such as janitorial and window cleaning service, or financial services provided by a financial institution.
Dram shop certification
Required by employees selling alcohol to ensure they are aware of their liability in serving alcohol to underage patrons
or serving alcohol to someone who appears drunk under the influence.
Exchange (post exchange/base exchange)
The organizational grouping of businesses and services that provide exchange services on Army and Air Force military
installations and other locations where AAFES operates.
Expense supplies
Materials and articles, exclusive of motor vehicles, equipment, and other fixed assets that are used or consumed in
performing administrative or customer services.
A general term used to designate any separate unit of real property at which exchange selling and administrative or
support functions are performed.
Family member
An individual whose relationship to the sponsor leads to entitlements, benefits, or access administered by the
Uniformed Services. Family members include—
a. Dependent children 21 or over. Children, including adopted children, stepchildren, and wards, who are 21 years
of age or older, unmarried, and dependent upon the sponsor for over half of their support and either incapable of selfsupport because of a mental or physical handicap; or have not passed their 23rd birthday and are enrolled in a full-time
course of study at an institution of higher education.
b. Dependent children under 21. Unmarried children under 21 years of age, including pre-adoptive children, adopted
children, stepchildren, foster children, and wards dependent on the sponsor for over half of their support.
c. Lawful spouse. If separated, a dependent spouse retains privileges until a final divorce decree is issued.
d. Orphans. Surviving unmarried children of a deceased uniformed Servicemember or retired member of a Uniformed Service, who are either adopted or natural born and under the age of 21, or who are over 21 and incapable of
self-support; or under 23 and enrolled in a full-time course of study. The surviving children must have been dependents
under the Family member definitions at the time of the death of the parent or parents.
e. Parents. Father, mother, stepparent, parent by adoption, and parents-in-law, who depend on the sponsor for over
half of their support. The surviving dependent parents of a member of the Armed Services who dies while on active
duty are included.
f. Surviving Family member. Children or parents of a sponsor who are dependent on the surviving spouse for over
half their support.
g. Surviving spouse. A widow or widower of a sponsor who has not remarried or who, if remarried, has reverted
through divorce, annulment, or the demise of the spouse, to an unmarried status.
h. Unmarried children. Unmarried children, including pre-adoptive children, adopted children, stepchildren, foster
children, and wards not having passed their 23rd birthday and enrolled in a full-time course of study at an institution of
higher education and dependent on the sponsor for over half of their support.
i. Un-remarried former spouse. An un-remarried former spouse of a member or former member of the Uniformed
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
Services, who (on the date of the final decree of divorce, dissolution, or annulment) had been married to the member or
former member for a period of at least 20 years during which period the member or former member performed at least
20 years of service creditable for retired or retainer pay, or equivalent pay.
Fixed assets
Buildings and improvements, motor vehicles, equipment, and other fixed assets owned and capitalized by AAFES.
a. Building and improvements. AAFES investment in renovation and construction of facilities.
b. Equipment. Any item not for resale that meets the dollar thresholds as established by the AAFES director and
chief executive officer in the EOP that has a life expectancy of 1 year or more, including—
(1) Vehicles used exclusively for sale of food, merchandise, or services. (These vehicles will be considered motor
vehicles for insurance purposes.)
(2) Equipment designed for use in depots, warehouses, stockrooms, and port operations, such as forklifts, tow
motors, tow tractors, and trailer movers.
(3) Equipment designed for earth moving, lawn cutting, and snow removal.
c. Motor vehicles. Passenger, cargo, and special purpose vehicles designed for use on public highways.
d. Other fixed assets. Multiple or groups of similar items not for resale that do not meet the dollar threshold for
being classified as equipment (see para b, above), but that meet the established categories and dollar thresholds for
being capitalized.
For purposes of this regulation, the Army uses garrison to define any real property or area that is controlled, owned, or
leased by DA.
Garrison commander
For the purpose of this regulation, garrison commanders are responsible for exchange operations at Army locations,
such as a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, home port facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction
of the DOD, including leased facilities.
General manager (GM)
An AAFES civilian employee who is responsible to a region senior vice president for the operational supervision of
AAFES activities located on a garrison and installation that is part of a region.
A complaint that has been reduced to writing (this definition applies only to proceedings within the purview of this
regulation and EOP 15–10).
Inside the United States
The 50 United States and the District of Columbia.
For the purpose of this regulation, the Air Force uses installation to define any real property or area that is controlled,
owned, or leased by the Department of the Air Force.
Installation commander
For purposes of this regulation, installation commanders are responsible for exchange operations at Air Force locations,
such as a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, home port facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction
of the DOD, including leased facilities.
Landed cost
Vendor invoice plus warehousing and applicable transportation costs.
Limited privileges
Generally, purchasing privileges exclude tax-free alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and military uniforms. Other
limitations are explained in table 7–2.
Major construction
A construction project with a construction component cost that exceeds $750,000.
Matters of official interest
Any matter that concerns or affects AAFES business, personnel, customers and reputation; either on-duty conduct, or
off-duty conduct that has a nexus to AAFES or has any implications regarding the employee’s ability to perform their
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
job. This includes, but is not limited to, activities on AAFES premises and involving AAFES merchandise, funds, or
property; interactions between activities of, or actions by and affecting AAFES personnel whether in their official
capacity or in any way affecting AAFES; information about or concerning customers including transactional information and financial activities; and any matter affecting AAFES’ reputation in the community, within the government, or
with its customers.
Any method used to convey an advertising message; it includes newspapers, magazines, trade, and professional
journals, special printed matter, circulars, flyers, posters, signs, radio, television, and other promotional devices such as
decals, table tents, or activity calendars.
Items of consumer goods purchased and offered for sale to authorized customers through retail, food, service, and
vending outlets.
Minor construction
A construction project with a construction component cost between $200,000 and $750,000.
Includes alterations of facilities solely to implement new or higher standards (including regulatory changes) to
accommodate new functions, or to replace building components that typically last more than 50 years (such as
foundation, structural members).
Morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) programs
Those military MWR programs located on DOD installations or on property controlled (by lease or other means) by the
DOD or furnished by a DOD contractor that provide mission sustainment, community support, and other revenuegenerating programs for authorized DOD personnel. They include the programs listed in respective Army and Air
Force regulations and instructions, as implemented from DODI 1015.10. Private organizations are not MWR programs.
Nonappropriated fund (NAF)
Cash and other assets received from sources other than Congressional appropriations. NAFs are government funds used
for the collective benefit of those who generate them. These funds are separate and apart from funds that are recorded
in the books of the Treasurer of the United States.
Nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI)
A U.S. Government organization and fiscal entity that performs essential government functions. It is not a federal
agency. It acts in its own name to provide, or assist other DOD organizations in providing MWR and other programs
for military personnel, their families, and authorized civilians. It is established and maintained individually or jointly by
two or more DOD components. As a fiscal entity, it maintains custody of and control over its NAFs, equipment,
facilities, land, and other assets. It is responsible for the prudent administration, safeguarding, preservation, and
maintenance of those APF resources made available to carry out its function. With its NAFs, it contributes to the
MWR programs of other authorized organizational entities, when so authorized. It is not incorporated under the laws of
any state or the District of Columbia and enjoys the legal status of an instrumentality of the United States. NAFIs are
not persons subject to federal trade and antitrust laws, and they are not subject to state regulation or control in absence
of specific authorization in a federal statute.
Outside the continental United States (OCONUS)
Areas other than the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Includes Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealths
of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. territories and possessions.
Outside the United States
All locations except the 50 United States and the District of Columbia.
Areas other than the 50 United States and the District of Columbia.
Packaged alcoholic beverage
An alcoholic beverage in an unopened container for consumption at a location other than the place of sale.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
An artificial coin used in combat, mobilization, contingency areas where U.S. coinage is not readily available.
Items furnished without charge to advertise an activity, product, service, or event or to serve as an inducement to buy.
Principal management official
Individuals with the delegated authority for administrative and disciplinary actions involving a loss of pay or grade, to
include separations. Specific delegations are contained in EOP 15–10.
All functions pertaining to purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining merchandise, equipment, supplies,
facilities, and services.
Purchasing activity
An organizational element assigned the responsibility for purchasing merchandise, equipment, supplies, facilities, or
Real property
Lands, buildings, structures, utilities systems, improvements, and appurtenances thereto. Includes equipment attached to
and made part of buildings and structures (such as heating systems) but not movable equipment (such as plant
Remote and isolated locations
Sites identified as remote and isolated locations in accordance with DODI 1015.10 and the DOD approved list of
military locations. Also see departmental regulations.
Reserve Components
The Army National Guard, the Army National Guard of the United States, the Air National Guard, the Air National
Guard of the United States, the Army Reserve, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air Force Reserve,
the Coast Guard Reserve, and the Reserve Officers of the Public Health Service. Members of the Reserve Components
include all individuals in any category of the foregoing, whether on active or inactive status, to include any retirees
who would be eligible for retired pay except for the fact that they have not reached age 60.
Includes the restoration of facilities damaged by inadequate sustainment, excessive age, natural disaster, fire, accident,
or other causes.
Retired uniformed military personnel
The term retired uniformed personnel includes—
a. All retired personnel carried on the official retired lists (Active and Reserve) of the Uniformed Services, who are
retired with pay, granted retirement pay for physical disability, or entitled to retirement pay whether or not such pay is
waived, or pending due to age requirement.
b. Members of the Retired Reserve who are eligible for retired pay at age 60, but have not yet reached age 60.
c. Personnel on the emergency officers’ retired list of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps who
retired under 38 USC, (reference (l)).
d. Officers, crews of vessels, light keepers, and depot keepers of the former Lighthouse Service who retired under
33 USC (reference (m)).
e. Retired noncommissioned ships’ officers and crewmembers of the NOAA and its predecessors, who either were
on active duty as a vessel employee on 19 July 1963, and whose employment as such vessel employee was continuous
from that date until the date of retirement, or who had retired as a vessel employee on or before 19 July, 1963.
Sole survivorship
A member of the Armed Forces who is discharged from the Armed Forces at their request based on the member being
the only surviving child in a family in which the father or mother, or one or more siblings, was killed, died as a result
of wounds, accident, or disease, is in a captured or missing in action status, or is permanently disabled while serving
honorably in the Armed Forces.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
State tax-free items
Soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products which are purchased and resold by AAFES free of state and
local excise taxes.
Includes maintenance and repair activities necessary to keep an inventory of facilities in good working order. It
includes regularly scheduled adjustments and inspections, preventive maintenance tasks, and emergency response and
service calls for minor repairs. It also includes major repairs or replacement of facility components (usually accomplished by contract) that are expected to occur periodically throughout the life cycle of facilities. This work includes
regular roof replacement, refinishing of wall surfaces, repairing and replacement of heating and cooling systems,
replacing tile and carpeting, and similar types of work. It does not include environmental compliance costs, facility
leases, or other tasks associated with facilities operations (such as custodial services, grounds services, waste disposal,
and the provision of central utilities).
Tactical field exchange (TFE)
An exchange activity established for a temporary period to support a military contingency operation or training
Uniformed personnel
Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard; cadets and midshipmen of the Army, Navy,
Air Force, and Coast Guard academies; commissioned officers of the NOAA; commissioned officers of the Public
Health Service; and members of the Reserve Components while on extended active duty.
Uniformed Services
The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard; commissioned officers of the Public Health Service; and
active duty and retired commissioned officers of vessels of the NOAA and its predecessors, the Coast and Geodetic
Survey, and the Environmental Science Services Administration.
U.S. Government employee
A federal civilian employee of DOD directly hired and paid from APFs or NAFs.
U.S. territories and possessions
Includes Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
This section contains no entries.
AR 215–8/AFI 34–211(I) • 5 October 2012
PIN 084437–000
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10 USC 3013: Secretary of the Army
Text contains those laws in effect on February 22, 2016
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle B-Army
Jump To:
Source Credit
Prior Provisions
§3013. Secretary of the Army
(a)(1) There is a Secretary of the Army, appointed from civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate. The Secretary is the head of the Department of the Army.
(2) A person may not be appointed as Secretary of the Army within five years after relief from active duty as a
commissioned officer of a regular component of an armed force.
(b) Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense and subject to the provisions of chapter 6 of
this title, the Secretary of the Army is responsible for, and has the authority necessary to conduct, all affairs of the
Department of the Army, including the following functions:
(1) Recruiting.
(2) Organizing.
(3) Supplying.
(4) Equipping (including research and development).
(5) Training.
(6) Servicing.
(7) Mobilizing.
(8) Demobilizing.
(9) Administering (including the morale and welfare of personnel).
(10) Maintaining.
(11) The construction, outfitting, and repair of military equipment.
(12) The construction, maintenance, and repair of buildings, structures, and utilities and the acquisition of real property
and interests in real property necessary to carry out the responsibilities specified in this section.
(c) Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army is also responsible
to the Secretary of Defense for(1) the functioning and efficiency of the Department of the Army;
(2) the formulation of policies and programs by the Department of the Army that are fully consistent with national security
objectives and policies established by the President or the Secretary of Defense;
(3) the effective and timely implementation of policy, program, and budget decisions and instructions of the President or
the Secretary of Defense relating to the functions of the Department of the Army;
(4) carrying out the functions of the Department of the Army so as to fulfill the current and future operational
requirements of the unified and specified combatant commands;
(5) effective cooperation and coordination between the Department of the Army and the other military departments and
agencies of the Department of Defense to provide for more effective, efficient, and economical administration and to
eliminate duplication;
(6) the presentation and justification of the positions of the Department of the Army on the plans, programs, and policies
of the Department of Defense; and
(7) the effective supervision and control of the intelligence activities of the Department of the Army.
(d) The Secretary of the Army is also responsible for such other activities as may be prescribed by law or by the President
or Secretary of Defense.
(e) After first informing the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army may make such recommendations to Congress
relating to the Department of Defense as he considers appropriate.
(f) The Secretary of the Army may assign such of his functions, powers, and duties as he considers appropriate to the
Under Secretary of the Army and to the Assistant Secretaries of the Army. Officers of the Army shall, as directed by the
Secretary, report on any matter to the Secretary, the Under Secretary, or any Assistant Secretary.
(g) The Secretary of the Army may(1) assign, detail, and prescribe the duties of members of the Army and civilian personnel of the Department of the Army;
(2) change the title of any officer or activity of the Department of the Army not prescribed by law; and
(3) prescribe regulations to carry out his functions, powers, and duties under this title.
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(Added Pub. L. 99–433, title V, §501(a)(5), Oct. 1, 1986, 100 Stat. 1035 ; amended Pub. L. 99–661, div. A, title V, §534, Nov.
14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3873 ; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title IX, §901, Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1558 .)
A prior section 3013, acts Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 157, §3012; Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85–861, §1
(57), 72 Stat. 1462 ; Sept. 7, 1962, Pub. L. 87–651, title II, §211, 76 Stat. 524 ; Aug. 14, 1964, Pub. L. 88–426,
title III, §§305(2), 306(j)(1), 78 Stat. 422 , 431; Nov. 2, 1966, Pub. L. 89–718, §22, 80 Stat. 1118 ; renumbered
§3013, Oct. 1, 1986, Pub. L. 99–433, title V, §501(a)(2), 100 Stat. 1034 , related to Secretary of the Army,
powers and duties, and delegations, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 99–433, §501(a)(5).
Another prior section 3013 was renumbered section 3014 of this title and subsequently repealed.
2003-Subsec. (c)(4). Pub. L. 108–136 struck out "(to the maximum extent practicable)" after "fulfill".
1986-Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 99–661 substituted "five years" for "10 years".
Pub. L. 113–291, div. A, title X, §1075, Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3519 , provided that:
"(a) Pilot Program Required.-The Secretary of the Army may carry out a pilot program under which the
Secretary utilizes Human Terrain System assets in the United States Pacific Command area of responsibility to
support phase 0 shaping operations and the theater security cooperation plans of the Commander of the
United States Pacific Command.
"(b) Reports."(1) Initial report.-Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 19, 2014], the
Secretary of the Army shall submit to the congressional defense committees [Committees on Armed
Services and Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives] a report on the status of the
pilot program under this section. Such report shall include the independent analysis and recommendations of
the Commander of the United States Pacific Command regarding the effectiveness of the program and how
it could be improved.
"(2) Final report.-Not later than December 1, 2016, the Secretary of the Army shall submit to the
congressional defense committees a final report on the pilot program. Such report shall include an analysis
of the comparative value of human terrain information relative to other analytic tools and techniques,
recommendations regarding expanding the program to include other combatant commands, and any
improvements to the program and necessary resources that would enable expanding the program.
"(c) Termination.-The authority to carry out a pilot program under this section shall terminate on September
30, 2016."
Pub. L. 111–84, div. B, title XXVIII, §2807, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2663 , provided that:
"(a) Expansion of Initiative.-Not later than September 30, 2011, the Secretary of the Army shall expand the
First Sergeants Barracks Initiative (FSBI) to include all Army installations in order to improve the quality of life
and living environments for single soldiers.
"(b) Progress Reports.-Not later than February 15, 2010, and February 15, 2011, the Secretary of the Army
shall submit to the congressional defense committees [Committees on Armed Services and Appropriations of
the Senate and the House of Representatives] a report describing the progress made in expanding the First
Sergeants Barracks Initiative to all Army installations."
Pub. L. 111–84, div. B, title XXVIII, §2825, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2668 , provided that: "In selecting the
military installations at which brigade combat teams will be stationed, the Secretary of the Army shall take into
consideration the availability and proximity of training spaces for the units and the capacity of the installations
to support the units."
Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title III, §353, Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3203 , provided that:
"(a) Training Strategy."(1) Strategy required.-The Secretary of the Army shall develop and implement a strategy for the training
Page 3 of 4
of brigade-based combat teams and functional supporting brigades in order to ensure the readiness of
such teams and brigades.
"(2) Elements.-The training strategy under paragraph (1) shall include the following:
"(A) A statement of the purpose of training for brigade-based combat teams and functional
supporting brigades.
"(B) Performance goals for both active-component and reserve-component brigade-based combat
teams and functional supporting brigades, including goals for live, virtual, and constructive training.
"(C) Metrics to quantify training performance against the performance goals specified under
subparagraph (B).
"(D) A process to report the status of collective training to Army leadership for monitoring the
training performance of brigade-based combat teams and functional supporting brigades.
"(E) A model to quantify, and to forecast, operation and maintenance funding required for each
fiscal year to attain the performance goals specified under subparagraph (B).
"(3) Timing of implementation.-The Secretary of the Army shall develop and implement the training
strategy under paragraph (1) as soon as practicable.
"(b) Report."(1) Report required.-Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 6, 2006],
the Secretary of the Army shall submit to the congressional defense committees [Committees on Armed
Services and Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives] a report on the training
strategy developed under subsection (a).
"(2) Elements.-The report under paragraph (1) shall include the following:
"(A) A discussion of the training strategy developed under subsection (a), including a description of
the performance goals and metrics developed under that subsection.
"(B) A discussion and description of the training ranges and other essential elements required to
support the training strategy.
"(C) A list of the funding requirements, shown by fiscal year and set forth in a format consistent with
the future-years defense program to accompany the budget of the President under section 221 of title 10,
United States Code, necessary to meet the requirements of the training ranges and other essential elements
described under subparagraph (B).
"(D) A schedule for the implementation of the training strategy.
"(c) Comptroller General Review of Implementation."(1) In general.-The Comptroller General shall monitor the implementation of the training strategy
developed under subsection (a).
"(2) Report.-Not later than 180 days after the date on which the Secretary of the Army submits the report
under subsection (b), the Comptroller General shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report
containing the assessment of the Comptroller General of the current progress of the Army in implementing
the training strategy."
Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title V, §595(c), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 1937 , provided that: "The Secretary of the
Army shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services
of the House of Representatives an annual report on the status of the internal transformation of the Army from
a division-orientated force to a brigade-orientated force. Such report shall be submitted not later than March 31
of each year, except that the requirement to submit such annual report shall terminate when the Secretary of
the Army submits to those committees the Secretary's certification that the transformation of the Army to a
brigade-orientated force has been completed. Upon the submission of such certification, the Secretary shall
publish in the Federal Register notice of that certification and that the statutory requirement to submit an
annual report under this subsection has terminated."
Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title X, §1065, Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2849 , provided that:
"(a) Demonstration Project Authorized.-The Secretary of the Army may conduct a demonstration project to
test the feasibility of using Army facilities to provide employment training to nonviolent offenders in a State
penal system before their release from incarceration. The demonstration project shall be limited to not more
than three military installations under the jurisdiction of the Secretary.
"(b) Sources of Training.-The Secretary may enter into a cooperative agreement with one or more private,
nonprofit organizations for purposes of providing at the military installations included in the demonstration
Page 4 of 4
project the prerelease employment training authorized under subsection (a) or may provide such training
directly at such installations by agreement with the State concerned.
"(c) Use of Facilities.-Under a cooperative agreement entered into under subsection (b), the Secretary may
lease or otherwise make available to a nonprofit organization participating in the demonstration project at a
military installation included in the demonstration project any real property or facilities at the installation that the
Secretary considers to be appropriate for use to provide the prerelease employment training authorized under
subsection (a). Notwithstanding section 2667(b)(4) of title 10, United States Code, the use of such real property or
facilities may be permitted with or without reimbursement.
"(d) Acceptance of Services.-Notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, the Secretary may
accept voluntary services provided by persons participating in the prerelease employment training authorized
under subsection (a).
"(e) Liability and Indemnification.-(1) The Secretary may not enter into a cooperative agreement under
subsection (b) with a nonprofit organization for the participation of that organization in the demonstration
project unless the agreement includes provisions that the nonprofit organization shall"(A) be liable for any loss or damage to Federal Government property that may result from, or in
connection with, the provision of prerelease employment training by the organization under the
demonstration project; and
"(B) hold harmless and indemnify the United States from and against any suit, claim, demand, action, or
liability arising out of any claim for personal injury or property damage that may result from or in connection
with the demonstration project.
"(2) The Secretary may not enter into an agreement under subsection (b) with the State concerned for the
provision of prerelease employment training directly by the Secretary unless the agreement with the State
concerned includes provisions that the State shall"(A) be liable for any loss or damage to Federal Government property that may result from, or in
connection with, the provision of the training except to the extent that the loss or damage results from a
wrongful act or omission of Federal Government personnel; and
"(B) hold harmless and indemnify the United States from and against any suit, claim, demand, action, or
liability arising out of any claim for personal injury or property damage that may result from, or in connection
with, the provision of the training except to the extent that the personal injury or property damage results
from a wrongful act or omission of Federal Government personnel.
"(f) Report.-Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 1994], the Secretary
shall submit to Congress a report evaluating the success of the demonstration project and containing such
recommendations with regard to the termination, continuation, or expansion of the demonstration project as the
Secretary considers appropriate."
For order of succession in event of death, permanent disability, or resignation of Secretary of the Army, see
Ex. Ord. No. 12908, Apr. 22, 1994, 59 F.R. 21907, listed in a table under section 3345 of Title 5.
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10 USC 8013: Secretary of the Air Force
Text contains those laws in effect on February 22, 2016
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle D-Air Force
Jump To:
Source Credit
Prior Provisions
§8013. Secretary of the Air Force
(a)(1) There is a Secretary of the Air Force, appointed from civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate. The Secretary is the head of the Department of the Air Force.
(2) A person may not be appointed as Secretary of the Air Force within five years after relief from active duty as a
commissioned officer of a regular component of an armed force.
(b) Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense and subject to the provisions of chapter 6 of
this title, the Secretary of the Air Force is responsible for, and has the authority necessary to conduct, all affairs of the
Department of the Air Force, including the following functions:
(1) Recruiting.
(2) Organizing.
(3) Supplying.
(4) Equipping (including research and development).
(5) Training.
(6) Servicing.
(7) Mobilizing.
(8) Demobilizing.
(9) Administering (including the morale and welfare of personnel).
(10) Maintaining.
(11) The construction, outfitting, and repair of military equipment.
(12) The construction, maintenance, and repair of buildings, structures, and utilities and the acquisition of real property
and interests in real property necessary to carry out the responsibilities specified in this section.
(c) Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force is also
responsible to the Secretary of Defense for(1) the functioning and efficiency of the Department of the Air Force;
(2) the formulation of policies and programs by the Department of the Air Force that are fully consistent with national
security objectives and policies established by the President or the Secretary of Defense;
(3) the effective and timely implementation of policy, program, and budget decisions and instructions of the President or
the Secretary of Defense relating to the functions of the Department of the Air Force;
(4) carrying out the functions of the Department of the Air Force so as to fulfill the current and future operational
requirements of the unified and specified combatant commands;
(5) effective cooperation and coordination between the Department of the Air Force and the other military departments
and agencies of the Department of Defense to provide for more effective, efficient, and economical administration and to
eliminate duplication;
(6) the presentation and justification of the positions of the Department of the Air Force on the plans, programs, and
policies of the Department of Defense; and
(7) the effective supervision and control of the intelligence activities of the Department of the Air Force.
(d) The Secretary of the Air Force is also responsible for such other activities as may be prescribed by law or by the
President or Secretary of Defense.
(e) After first informing the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force may make such recommendations to
Congress relating to the Department of Defense as he considers appropriate.
(f) The Secretary of the Air Force may assign such of his functions, powers, and duties as he considers appropriate to the
Under Secretary of the Air Force and to the Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force. Officers of the Air Force shall, as directed
by the Secretary, report on any matter to the Secretary, the Under Secretary, or any Assistant Secretary.
(g) The Secretary of the Air Force may(1) assign, detail, and prescribe the duties of members of the Air Force and civilian personnel of the Department of the
Air Force;
(2) change the title of any officer or activity of the Department of the Air Force not prescribed by law; and section:8013 edition:prelim) OR (granuleid:USC-prelim... 2/23/2016
Page 2 of 2
(3) prescribe regulations to carry out his functions, powers, and duties under this title.
(Added Pub. L. 99–433, title V, §521(a)(3), Oct. 1, 1986, 100 Stat. 1055 ; amended Pub. L. 99–661, div. A, title V, §534, Nov.
14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3873 ; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title IX, §901, Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1558 .)
A prior section 8013, acts Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 488, §8012; Sept. 2, 1958, Pub. L. 85–861, §1
(152), 72 Stat. 1513 ; Sept. 7, 1962, Pub. L. 87–651, title II, §211, 76 Stat. 524 ; Aug. 14, 1964, Pub. L. 88–
426, title III, §§305(7), 306(j)(7), 78 Stat. 423 , 432; renumbered §8013, Oct. 1, 1986, Pub. L. 99–433, title V,
§521(a)(1), 100 Stat. 1055 , related to Secretary of the Air Force, powers and duties, and delegations, prior to
repeal by Pub. L. 99–433, §521(a)(3).
Another prior section 8013 was renumbered section 8014 of this title and subsequently repealed.
2003-Subsec. (c)(4). Pub. L. 108–136 struck out "(to the maximum extent practicable)" after "fulfill".
1986-Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 99–661 substituted "five years" for "10 years".
For order of succession in event of death, permanent disability, or resignation of Secretary of the Air Force,
see Ex. Ord. No. 12909, Apr. 22, 1994, 59 F.R. 21909, listed in a table under section 3345 of Title 5.
Pub. L. 112–239, div. A, title III, §323, Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 1696 , provided that: "The Secretary of the Air
Force, in managing system program management responsibilities for sustainment programs not assigned to a
program executive officer or a direct reporting program manager, shall comply with the Department of Defense
Instructions regarding assignment of program responsibility." section:8013 edition:prelim) OR (granuleid:USC-prelim... 2/23/2016
Army Regulation 380–67
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
24 January 2014
AR 380–67
Personnel Security Program
This rapid action revision, dated 24 January 2014-o
Revises criteria for application of security standards (para 2-4q).
Incorporates the provisions to provide procedural benefits to afford
individuals an opportunity to appeal a final adjudicative decisions to a
higher level authority (para 8-6d).
Adds performance measures (para 11-5).
Rescinds appendix on reporting of nonderogatory cases (app E).
Deletes appendix on guidelines for conducting prenomination personal
interviews (app G).
Deletes appendix on the list of designated countries (app H).
Updates the National Adjudicative Guidelines (app I).
Adds internal control evaluation (app M).
*Army Regulation 380–67
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
24 January 2014
Effective 24 February 2014
Personnel Security Program
includes all recommendations of the Commission to Review DOD Security Policies
and Practices (Stilwell Commission) approved for implementation. Army implementing instructions in this regulation
are set in boldface type.
Applicability. This regulation applies to
the active Army, the Army National
Guard/Army National Guard of the United
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless
otherwise stated. Also, it applies only to
Army contractor personnel who require
access to sensitive compartmented information in the performance of their duties.
History. This publication is a rapid action
revision. The portions affected by this
rapid action revision are listed in the
summary of change.
Summary. This regulation implements
the DOD and Department of the Army
Personnel Security Program and takes
precedence over all other departmental issuances affecting these programs. It contains the policies and procedures for
access to classified information and assignment in a sensitive position. It also
prescribes the investigative scope and adjudicative standards and criteria that are
necessary prerequisites for such access or
employment. It includes due process procedures for appealing adverse administrative actions rendered in accordance with
the provisions of this regulation. This regulation contains all of DOD 5200.2–R and
Proponent and exception authority.
The proponent of this regulation is the
Deputy Chief of Staff, G–2. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are
consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this
approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or
its direct reporting unit or field operating
agency, in the grade of colonel or the
civilian equivalent. Activities may request
a waiver to this regulation by providing
justification that includes a full analysis of
the expected benefits and must include
formal review by the activity’s senior
legal officer. All waiver requests will be
endorsed by the commander or senior
leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters
to the policy proponent. Refer to AR
25–30 for specific guidance.
Army internal control process. This
regulation contains internal control provisions in accordance with AR 11–2 and
identifies key internal controls that must
be evaluated (see appendix M).
Supplementation. Supplementation of
this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Deputy Chief
of Staff, G–2, 1000 Army Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20310–1000.
Suggested improvements. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms) directly to the Deputy Chief
of Staff, G–2, 1000 Army Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20310–1000.
Distribution. This regulation is available
in electronic media only and is intended
for command levels A, B, C, D, and E for
the active Army, the Army National
Guard/Army National Guard of the United
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.
(Listed by paragraph and page number)
Chapter 1
General Provisions, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Objectives • 1–5, page 1
*This regulation supersedes AR 380–67, dated 9 September 1988.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Chapter 2
Policies, page 1
Section I
Standards for Access to Classified Information or Assignment to Sensitive Duties, page 1
General • 2–1, page 1
Clearance and sensitive position standard • 2–2, page 2
Military service standard • 2–3, page 2
Section II
Criteria for Application of Security Standards, page 2
Criteria for application of security standards • 2–4, page 2
Section III
Types and Scope of Personnel Security Investigations, page 3
General • 2–5, page 3
National agency check/entrance national agency check • 2–6, page 3
National agency check and written inquiries • 2–7, page 3
DOD national agency check and written inquiries • 2–8, page 3
Background investigation • 2–9, page 3
Special background investigation • 2–10, page 3
Special investigative inquiry • 2–11, page 4
Periodic reinvestigation • 2–12, page 4
Personal interview • 2–13, page 4
Expanded investigation • 2–14, page 5
Section IV
Authorized Personnel Security Investigative Agencies, page 5
General • 2–15, page 5
Subversive affiliations • 2–16, page 5
Suitability information • 2–17, page 5
Hostage situations • 2–18, page 6
Overseas personnel security investigations • 2–19, page 6
Section V
Limitations and Restrictions, page 6
Authorized requesters and personnel security determination authorities • 2–20, page 6
Limit investigations and access • 2–21, page 6
Collection of investigative data • 2–22, page 6
Privacy Act notification • 2–23, page 6
Restrictions on investigators • 2–24, page 7
Polygraph restrictions • 2–25, page 7
Chapter 3
Personnel Security Investigative Requirements, page 7
Section I
Sensitive Positions, page 7
Designation of sensitive positions • 3–1, page 7
Criteria for security designation of positions • 3–2, page 7
Authority to designate sensitive positions • 3–3, page 8
Limitation of sensitive positions • 3–4, page 8
Billet control system for TOP SECRET • 3–5, page 8
Section II
Civilian Employment, page 8
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
General • 3–6, page 8
Nonsensitive positions • 3–7, page 8
Exceptions to investigative requirements • 3–8, page 8
Noncritical-sensitive positions • 3–9, page 9
Critical-sensitive positions • 3–10, page 9
Exceptions • 3–11, page 9
Mobilization of DOD civilian retirees • 3–12, page 9
Section III
Military Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction, page 10
General • 3–13, page 10
Entrance investigation • 3–14, page 10
Reserve Components and National Guard • 3–15, page 10
Exceptions for certain commissioned officers of Reserve Components • 3–16, page 10
Mobilization of military retirees • 3–17, page 10
Mobilization exercises • 3–18, page 10
Section IV
Security Clearance, page 10
General • 3–19, page 10
Investigative requirements for clearance • 3–20, page 11
Naturalized U.S. citizens • 3–21, page 12
Access to classified information by non-U.S. citizens • 3–22, page 12
Access by persons outside the executive branch • 3–23, page 13
Restrictions on issuance of personnel security clearances • 3–24, page 13
Administrative downgrading • 3–25, page 14
Dual citizenship • 3–26, page 14
One-time access • 3–27, page 14
Access by retired flag/general officers • 3–28, page 15
Section V
Special Access Programs, page 15
General • 3–29, page 15
Sensitive compartmented information • 3–30, page 15
Retired general officer sensitive compartmented information access determinations • 3–31, page 18
Single Integrated Operation Plan–Extra Sensitive Information • 3–32, page 18
Presidential support activities • 3–33, page 18
Nuclear weapon personnel reliability program • 3–34, page 19
Chemical Personnel Reliability Program • 3–35, page 20
Automation security • 3–36, page 20
Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization classified information • 3–37, page 20
Other special access programs • 3–38, page 20
Section VI
Certain Positions Not Necessarily Requiring Access to Classified Information, page 20
General • 3–39, page 20
Access to restricted areas, sensitive information, or equipment not involving access to classified information • 3–40,
page 21
Nonappropriated fund employees • 3–41, page 21
Customs inspectors • 3–42, page 21
Red Cross/united service organizations personnel • 3–43, page 21
Officials authorized to issue security clearances • 3–44, page 21
Officials authorized to grant access to sensitive compartmented information • 3–45, page 22
Personnel security clearance adjudication officials • 3–46, page 22
Persons requiring DOD building passes • 3–47, page 22
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Foreign national employees overseas not requiring access to classified information • 3–48, page 22
Special agents and investigative support personnel • 3–49, page 22
Persons requiring access to chemical agents • 3–50, page 22
Education and orientation personnel • 3–51, page 22
Contract guards • 3–52, page 22
Transportation of arms, ammunition and explosives • 3–53, page 22
Personnel occupying information systems positions designated automated data processing–I, –II, and –III • 3–54,
page 22
Others • 3–55, page 23
Section VII
Reinvestigation, page 23
General • 3–56, page 23
Allegations related to disqualification • 3–57, page 23
Access to sensitive compartmented information • 3–58, page 23
Critical-sensitive positions • 3–59, page 23
Critical military duties • 3–60, page 23
Presidential support duties • 3–61, page 24
North Atlantic Treaty Organization staff • 3–62, page 24
Extraordinarily sensitive duties • 3–63, page 24
Foreign nationals employed by DOD organizations overseas • 3–64, page 24
Persons accessing very sensitive information classified SECRET • 3–65, page 24
Access to TOP SECRET information • 3–66, page 24
Personnel occupying computer positions designated automated data processing–I • 3–67, page 24
Critical nuclear duty positions • 3–68, page 24
Section VIII
Authority to Waive Investigative Requirements, page 25
Authorized officials • 3–69, page 25
Combat operations, DA-directed mobilization • 3–70, page 25
Chapter 4
Reciprocal Acceptance of Prior Investigations and Personnel Security Determinations, page 25
General • 4–1, page 25
Prior investigations conducted by DOD investigative organizations • 4–2, page 25
Prior personnel security determinations made by DOD authorities • 4–3, page 25
Investigations conducted and clearances granted by other agencies of the Federal Government • 4–4, page 26
Chapter 5
Requesting Personnel Security Investigations, page 26
General • 5–1, page 26
Authorized requesters • 5–2, page 26
Criteria for requesting investigations • 5–3, page 27
Request procedures • 5–4, page 27
Priority requests • 5–5, page 27
Personal data provided by the subject of the investigation • 5–6, page 27
Requests for additional information or clarification • 5–7, page 27
Grounds for denial • 5–8, page 28
Requesting National Agency Check and written inquiries from the Office of Personnel Management • 5–9, page 28
Chapter 6
Adjudication, page 29
General • 6–1, page 29
Central adjudication • 6–2, page 29
Evaluation of personnel security information • 6–3, page 30
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Adjudicative record • 6–4, page 30
Reporting results of security or suitability determinations for civilian employees • 6–5, page 30
Chapter 7
Issuing Clearance and Granting Access, page 30
General • 7–1, page 30
Issuing clearance • 7–2, page 30
Granting access • 7–3, page 31
Administrative withdrawal • 7–4, page 32
Chapter 8
Unfavorable Administrative Actions, page 32
Section I
Requirements, page 32
General • 8–1, page 32
Referral for action • 8–2, page 32
Suspension • 8–3, page 33
Final unfavorable administrative actions • 8–4, page 34
Section II
Procedures, page 34
General • 8–5, page 34
Unfavorable administrative action procedures • 8–6, page 34
Requests for reconsideration • 8–7, page 35
Involuntary separation of military members and DA civilian personnel • 8–8, page 36
Exceptions to policy • 8–9, page 36
Section III
Reinstatement of Civilian Employees, page 36
General • 8–10, page 36
Reinstatement benefits • 8–11, page 36
Chapter 9
Continuing Security Responsibilities, page 37
Section I
Evaluating Continued Security Eligibility, page 37
General • 9–1, page 37
Management responsibility • 9–2, page 37
Supervisory responsibility • 9–3, page 37
Individual responsibility • 9–4, page 38
Coworker responsibility • 9–5, page 38
Section II
Security Education, page 38
General • 9–6, page 38
Initial briefing • 9–7, page 38
Refresher briefing • 9–8, page 39
Foreign travel briefing • 9–9, page 39
Termination briefing • 9–10, page 39
Chapter 10
Safeguarding Personnel Security Investigative Records, page 40
General • 10–1, page 40
Responsibilities • 10–2, page 40
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Access restrictions • 10–3, page 40
Safeguarding procedures • 10–4, page 40
Records disposition • 10–5, page 41
Foreign source information • 10–6, page 41
Chapter 11
Program Management, page 41
General • 11–1, page 41
Responsibilities • 11–2, page 41
Reporting requirements • 11–3, page 42
Inspections • 11–4, page 43
Performance measures • 11–5, page 43
References, page 44
Investigative Scope, page 48
Request Procedures, page 54
Tables for requesting investigations, page 56
Reporting of Nonderogatory Cases, page 59
Personnel Security Determination Authorities, page 59
Guidelines for Conducting Prenomination Personal Interviews, page 61
List of Designated Countries, page 61
Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Collateral Classified Information and Sensitive
Compartmented Information and Controlled Access Program Information, page 61
Overseas Investigations, page 69
ADP Position Categories and Criteria for Designating Positions, page 72
Defense Security Briefing Provided U.S. Government Employees Traveling to Communist-Controlled Countries,
page 73
Internal Control Evaluation, page 76
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Chapter 1
General Provisions
1–1. Purpose
a. To establish policies and procedures to ensure that acceptance and retention of personnel in the Armed Forces and
United States Army, acceptance and retention of civilian employees in the Department of Defense (DOD) and
Department of the Army (DA), and granting members of the Armed Forces, Army, DA and DOD civilian employees,
DA and DOD contractors, and other affiliated persons access to classified information and assignment to sensitive
positions are clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
b. This regulation—
(1) Establishes DA and DOD personnel security policies and procedures;
(2) Sets forth the standards, criteria and guidelines upon which personnel security determinations shall be based;
(3) Prescribes the kinds and scopes of personnel security investigation (PSIs) required;
(4) Details the evaluation and adverse action procedures by which personnel security determinations shall be made;
(5) Assigns overall program management responsibilities.
1–2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
1–4. Responsibilities
Responsibilities are listed throughout this regulation.
1–5. Objectives
a. This regulation implements the DOD and DA Personnel Security Program and takes precedence over all other
departmental issuances affecting that program.
b. All provisions of this regulation apply to DA and DOD civilian personnel, members of the Armed Forces,
excluding the Coast Guard in peacetime, U.S. Army, DA and contractor personnel and other personnel who are
affiliated with the DOD and the Army except that the unfavorable administrative action procedures pertaining to
contractor personnel requiring access to classified information are contained in DOD 5220.22–R (AR 380–49) and in
Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 5220.6 (AR 380–49).
c. The policies and procedures which govern the National Security Agency are prescribed by Public Laws (PL)
88–290 and 86–36, Executive Orders 10450 (EO 10450) and 12333, DODD 5210.45, Director of Central Intelligence
Directive (DCID) 1/14 (references (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (l), respectively), and regulations of the National Security
d. Under combat conditions or other military exigencies, an authority in paragraph 1, appendix F, may waive such
provisions of this regulation as the circumstances warrant.
e. This regulation also applies to —
(1) Persons employed, hired on an individual basis, or serving on an advisory or consultant basis (including
co-op and summer hire students) for whom Army personnel security clearances are required, whether or not
such persons are paid from appropriated or nonappropriated funds.
(2) Employees of the Army National Guard (ARNG), Army-Air Force Exchange Service, American Red
Cross, the United Service Organizations (USO), who are required to have Army personnel security clearances.
Chapter 2
Section I
Standards for Access to Classified Information or Assignment to Sensitive Duties
2–1. General
a. Only U.S. citizens shall be granted a personnel security clearance, assigned to sensitive duties, or granted access
to classified information unless an authority designated in appendix F has determined that, based on all available
information, there are compelling reasons in furtherance of the DOD mission, including, special expertise, to assign an
individual who is not a citizen to sensitive duties or grant a limited access authorization to classified information. Non-
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
U.S. citizens may be employed in the competitive service in sensitive civilian positions only when specifically
approved by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), pursuant to EO 11935. Exceptions to these requirements
shall be permitted only for compelling national security reasons.
b. No person is entitled to knowledge of, possession of, or access to classified defense information solely by
virtue of office, position, grade, rank, or security clearance. Such information will be entrusted only to persons
whose official military or other governmental duties require it and who have been investigated and cleared for
access under the standards prescribed by this regulation. Security clearances indicate that the persons concerned are eligible for access to classified information should their official duties require it.
2–2. Clearance and sensitive position standard
The personnel security standard that must be applied to determine whether a person is eligible for access to classified
information or assignment to sensitive duties is whether, based on all available information, the person’s loyalty,
reliability, and trustworthiness are such that entrusting the person with classified information or assigning the person to
sensitive duties is clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
2–3. Military service standard
The personnel security standard that must be applied in determining whether a person is suitable under national
security criteria for appointment, enlistment, induction, or retention in the Armed Forces is that, based on all available
information, there is no reasonable basis for doubting the person’s loyalty to the Government of the United States.
Section II
Criteria for Application of Security Standards
2–4. Criteria for application of security standards
The ultimate decision in applying either of the security standards set forth in paragraphs 2–2 and 2–3, above, must be
an overall common sense determination based upon all available facts. The criteria for determining eligibility for a
clearance or assignment to a sensitive position under the security standard shall include, but not be limited to the
following (see app I for further guidance on the application of these factors):
a. Commission of any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, terrorism, anarchy, sedition, or attempts thereat or
preparation therefore, or conspiring with or aiding or abetting another to commit or attempt to commit any such act.
b. Establishing or continuing a sympathetic association with a saboteur, spy, traitor, seditionist, anarchist, terrorist,
revolutionist, or with an espionage or other secret agent or similar representative of a foreign nation whose interests
may be inimical to the interests of the United States, or with any person who advocates the use of force or violence to
overthrow the Government of the United States or to alter the form of Government of the United States by
unconstitutional means.
c. Advocacy or use of force or violence to overthrow the Government of the United States or to alter the form of
Government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
d. Knowing membership with the specific intent of furthering the aims of, or adherence to and active participation in
any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group or combination of persons (hereafter referred to as
organizations) which unlawfully advocates or practices the commission of acts of force or violence to prevent others
from exercising their rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State or which seeks to
overthrow the Government of the United States, or any State or subdivision thereof by unlawful means.
e. Unauthorized disclosure to any person of classified information, or of other information, disclosure of which is
prohibited by statute, Executive order, or regulation.
f. Performing or attempting to perform one’s duties, acceptance and active maintenance of dual citizenship, or other
acts conducted in a manner which serves or which could be expected to serve the interests of another government in
preference to the interests of the United States.
g. Disregard of public law, statutes, EOs, or regulations, including violation of security regulations or practices.
h. Criminal or dishonest conduct.
i. Acts of omission or commission that indicate poor judgment, unreliability, or untrustworthiness.
j. Any behavior or illness, including any mental condition, which, in the opinion of competent medical authority,
may cause a defect in judgment or reliability with due regard to the transient or continuing effect of the illness and the
medical findings in such case.
k. Vulnerability to coercion, influence, or pressure that may cause conduct contrary to the national interest. This may
be (1) the presence of immediate family members or other persons to whom the applicant is bonded by affection or
obligation in a nation (or areas under its domination) whose interests may be inimical to those of the United States, or
(2) any other circumstances that could cause the applicant to be vulnerable.
l. Excessive indebtedness, recurring financial difficulties, or unexplained affluence.
m. Habitual or episodic use of intoxicants to excess.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
n. Illegal or improper use, possession, transfer, or sale of or addiction to any controlled or psychoactive substance,
narcotic, cannabis, or other dangerous drug.
o. Any knowing and willful falsification, cover up, concealment, misrepresentation, or omission of a material fact
from any written or oral statement, document, form or other representation or device used by DOD or any other
Federal agency.
p. Failing or refusing to answer or to authorize others to answer questions or provide information required by a
congressional committee, court, or agency in the course of an official inquiry whenever such answers or information
concern relevant and material matters pertinent to an evaluation of the individual’s trustworthiness, reliability, and
judgment. Refusing or intentionally failing to provide a current personal security questionnaire (PSQ) or
omitting material facts in a PSQ or other security form. Refusing to submit to a medical or psychological
evaluation when information indicates the individual may have a mental or nervous disorder or be addicted to
alcohol or any controlled substance.
q. Sexual behavior that involves a criminal offense, indicates a personality or emotional disorder, reflects lack of
judgment or discretion, or which may subject the individual to undue influence or coercion, exploitation, or duress can
raise questions about an individual’s reliability, trustworthiness and ability to protect classified information. No adverse
inference may be made solely on the basis of the sexual orientation of the individual.
Section III
Types and Scope of Personnel Security Investigations
2–5. General
The types of PSIs authorized below vary in scope of investigative effort required to meet the purpose of the particular
investigation. No other types are authorized. The scope of a PSI may be neither raised nor lowered without the
approval of the DUSD(P).
2–6. National agency check/entrance national agency check
Essentially, a national agency check (NAC) is a records check of designated agencies of the Federal Government that
maintain record systems containing information relevant to making a personnel security determination. An entrance
national agency check (ENTNAC) is a NAC (scope as outlined in para B–1, app B) conducted on inductees and firstterm enlistees, but lacking a technical fingerprint search. A NAC is also an integral part of each background
investigation (BI), special background investigation (SBI), and periodic reinvestigation (PR). Chapter 3 prescribes
when a NAC is required.
2–7. National agency check and written inquiries
The OPM conducts a NAC and written inquiries (NACI) on civilian employees for all departments and agencies of the
Federal Government, pursuant to EO 10450. NACIs are considered to meet the investigative requirements of this
regulation for a nonsensitive or noncritical-sensitive position and/or up to a SECRET clearance and, in addition to the
NAC, include coverage of law enforcement agencies, former employers and supervisors, references, and schools
covering the last 5 years.
2–8. DOD national agency check and written inquiries
The Defense Investigative Service (DIS) will conduct a Department of Defense National Agency check with written
inquiries (DNACI), consisting of the scope contained in paragraph B–2, appendix B, for DOD military and contractor
personnel for access to SECRET information. Chapter 3 prescribes when a DNACI is required.
2–9. Background investigation
The BI is the principal type of investigation conducted when an individual requires TOP SECRET clearance or is to be
assigned to a critical-sensitive position. The BI normally covers a 5-year period and consists of a subject interview,
NAC, local agency check (LAC)s, credit checks, developed character references (3), employment records checks,
employment references (3), and select scoping as required to resolve unfavorable or questionable information. (See
paraB–3, app B.) Chapter 3 prescribes when a BI is required.
2–10. Special background investigation
a. An SBI is essentially a BI providing additional coverage both in period of time as well as sources of information,
scoped in accordance with the provisions of Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 1/14 but without the
personal interview. While the kind of coverage provided for by the SBI determines eligibility for access to sensitive
compartmented information (SCI), DD has adopted this coverage for certain other special access programs. Chapter 3
prescribes when an SBI is required.
b. The OPM, FBI, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Secret Service, and the Department of State conduct specially
scoped BIs under the provisions of DCID 1/14. Any investigation conducted by one of the above-cited agencies under
DCID 1/14 standards is considered to meet the SBI investigative requirements of this regulation.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
c. The detailed scope of an SBI is set forth in paragraph B–4, appendix B.
2–11. Special investigative inquiry
a. A special investigative inquiry (SII) is a PSI conducted to prove or disprove allegations relating to the criteria
outlined in paragraph 2–4 of this regulation, except current criminal activities (see para 2–17d, below), that have arisen
concerning an individual upon whom a personnel security determination has been previously made and who, at the
time of the allegation, holds a security clearance or otherwise occupies a position that requires a trustworthiness
b. Special investigative inquiries are scoped as necessary to address the specific matters requiring resolution in the
case concerned and generally consist of record checks and/or interviews with potentially knowledgeable persons. An
SII may include an interview with the subject of the investigation when necessary to resolve conflicting information
and/or to provide an opportunity to refute or mitigate adverse information.
c. In those cases when there is a disagreement between DIS and the requester as to the appropriate scope of the
investigation, the matter may be referred to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) (DUSD(P)) for resolution.
Requests for resolution will be forwarded through command channels to HQDA (DAMI–CIS), Washington, DC
2–12. Periodic reinvestigation
As referred to in paragraph 3–55 and other national directives, certain categories of duties, clearance, and access
require the conduct of a PR every 5 years according to the scope outlined in paragraph B–5, appendix B. The PR scope
applies to military, civilian, contractor, and foreign national personnel.
2–13. Personal interview
Investigative experience over the years has demonstrated that, given normal circumstances, the subject of a PSI is the
best source of accurate and relevant information concerning the matters under consideration. Further, restrictions
imposed by the Privacy Act of 1974 dictate that Federal investigative agencies collect information to the greatest extent
practicable directly from the subject when the information may result in adverse determinations about an individual’s
rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal programs. Accordingly, personal interviews are an integral part of the
DOD personnel security program and shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in the following
paragraphs of this section.
a. Background investigation/periodic reinvestigation. A personal interview shall be conducted by a trained DIS
agent as part of each BI and PR.
b. Resolving adverse information. A personal interview of the subject shall be conducted by a DIS agent (or, when
authorized, by investigative personnel of other DOD investigative organizations designated in this regulation to conduct
PSIs), when necessary, as part of each special investigative inquiry, as well as during the course of initial or expanded
investigations, to resolve or clarify any information which may impugn the subject’s moral character, threaten the
subject’s future Federal employment, raise the question of subject’s security clearability, or be otherwise stigmatizing.
c. Hostage situation. A personal interview shall be conducted by a DIS agent (or, when authorized, by investigative
personnel of other DOD investigative organizations designated in this regulation to conduct PSIs) in those instances in
which an individual has immediate family members or other persons bound by ties of affection or obligation who
reside in a nation whose interests are inimical to the interests of the United States. (See para 2–18.)
d. Applicants/potential nominees for DOD Military or civilian positions requiring access to sensitive compartmented
information or other positions requiring an special background investigation. A personal interview of the individual
concerned shall be conducted, to the extent feasible, as part of the selection process for applicants/potential nominees
for positions requiring access to SCI or completion of an SBI. The interview shall be conducted by a designee of the
component to which the applicant or potential nominee is assigned. Clerical personnel are not authorized to conduct
these interviews. Such interviews shall be conducted utilizing resources in the order of priority indicated below:
(1) Existing personnel security screening systems (for example, Air Force Assessment Screening Program, Naval
Security Group Personnel Security Interview Program, U.S. Army Personnel Security Screening Program); or
(2) Commander of the nominating organization or such official as they have designated, in writing (for example,
deputy commander, executive officer, security officer, security manager, S–2, counterintelligence specialist, personnel
security specialist, or personnel officer); or
(3) Agents of investigative agencies in direct support of the component concerned.
e. Administrative procedures.
(1) The personal interview required by paragraph d, above, shall be conducted in accordance with appendix G.
(2) For those investigations requested subsequent to the personal interview requirements of paragraph d, above, the
following procedures apply:
(a) The DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security Investigation) shall be annotated under Item 20 (Remarks)
with the statement “Personal Interview Conducted by (cite the duty assignment of the designated official (for example,
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
commander, security officer, personnel security specialist, and so forth))” in all cases in which an SBI is subsequently
(b) Unfavorable information developed through the personal interview required by paragraph d, above, will be
detailed in a written report attached to the DD Form 1879 to include full identification of the interviewer. Failure to
provide such information may result in conduct of an incomplete investigation by DIS.
(c) Whenever it is determined that it is not feasible to conduct the personal interview required by paragraph d,
above, prior to requesting the SBI, the DD Form 1879 shall be annotated under Item 20 citing the reason for not
conducting the interview.
2–14. Expanded investigation
If adverse or questionable information relevant to a security determination is developed during the conduct of a PSI,
regardless of type, the investigation shall be expanded, consistent with the restrictions in paragraph 2–24, to the extent
necessary to substantiate or disprove the adverse or questionable information.
Section IV
Authorized Personnel Security Investigative Agencies
2–15. General
The DIS provides a single centrally directed personnel security investigative service to conduct PSIs within the 50
states, District of Columbia, and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for DOD components, except as provided for in
DODD 5100.23. DIS will request the military departments or other appropriate Federal agencies to accomplish DOD
investigative requirements in other geographic areas beyond their jurisdiction. No other DOD component shall conduct
PSIs unless specifically authorized by the DUSD(P). In certain instances provided for below, the DIS shall refer an
investigation to other investigative agencies.
2–16. Subversive affiliations
a. General. In the context of DOD investigative policy, subversion refers only to such conduct as is forbidden by
the laws of the United States. Specifically, this is limited to information concerning the activities of individuals or
groups that involve or will involve the violation of Federal law, for the purpose of:
(1) Overthrowing the Government of the United States or the government of a State;
(2) Substantially impairing for the purpose of influencing U.S. Government policies or decisions:
(a) The functions of the Government of the United States, or
(b) The functions of the government of a State;
(3) Depriving persons of their civil rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States.
b. Military department/Federal Bureau of Investigation jurisdiction. Allegations of activities covered by criteria a
through f of paragraph 2–4 of this regulation are in the exclusive investigative domain of either the counterintelligence
agencies of the military departments or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), depending on the circumstances of
the case and the provisions of the Agreement Governing the Conduct of Defense Department Counterintelligence
Activities in Conjunction with the FBI . Whenever allegations of this nature are developed, whether before or after a
security clearance has been issued or during the course of a PSI conducted by DIS, they shall be referred immediately
to either the FBI or to a military department counterintelligence agency, as appropriate.
c. Defense Investigative Service jurisdiction. Allegations of activities limited to those set forth in criterion g through
q of paragraph 2–4 of this regulation shall be investigated by DIS.
2–17. Suitability information
a. General. Most derogatory information developed through PSIs of DOD military or civilian personnel is so- called
suitability information, that is, information pertaining to activities or situations covered by criteria g through q of
paragraph 2–4 of this regulation. Almost all unfavorable personnel security determinations made by DOD authorities
are based on derogatory suitability information, although such information is often used as a basis for unfavorable
administrative actions not of a security nature, such as action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or
removal from Federal employment under OPM regulations.
b. Preclearance investigation. Derogatory suitability information, except that covered in paragraph d, below,
developed during the course of a PSI, prior to the issuance of an individual’s personnel security clearance, shall be
investigated by DIS to the extent necessary to confirm or refute its applicability to criteria in paragraph 2–4, g through
q of this regulation.
c. Postadjudication investigation. Derogatory suitability allegations, except those covered by paragraph d, below,
arising subsequent to clearance requiring investigation to resolve and to determine the individual’s eligibility for
continued access to classified information, reinstatement of clearance/access, or retention in a sensitive position shall be
referred to DIS to conduct a special investigative inquiry. Reinvestigation of individuals for adjudicative reconsideration due to the passage of time or evidence of favorable behavior shall also be referred to DIS for investigation. In such
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
cases, completion of the appropriate statement of personal history by the individual constitutes consent to be investigated. Individual consent or completion of a statement of personal history is not required when paragraph 3–56 applies.
Postadjudication investigation of allegations of a suitability nature required to support other types of unfavorable
personnel security determinations or disciplinary procedures independent of a personnel security determination shall be
handled in accordance with applicable component administrative regulations. These latter categories of allegations lie
outside the DOD personnel security program and are not a proper investigative function for departmental counterintelligence organizations, component personnel security authorities, or DIS.
d. Allegations of criminal activity. Any allegations of conduct of a nature indicating possible criminal conduct,
including any arising during the course of a PSI, shall be referred to the appropriate DOD, military department, or
civilian criminal investigative agency. Military department investigative agencies have primary investigative jurisdiction in cases where there is probable cause to believe that the alleged conduct will be the basis for prosecution under
the UCMJ. Such information will be referred to the installation or unit provost marshal and/or security manager
or the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command for action.
2–18. Hostage situations
a. General. A hostage situation exists when a member of an individual’s immediate family or such other person to
whom the individual is bound by obligation or affection resides in a country whose interests are inimical to the
interests of the United States. The rationale underlying this category of investigation is based on the possibility that an
individual in such a situation might be coerced, influenced, or pressured to act contrary to the best interests of national
b. DIS jurisdiction. In the absence of evidence of any coercion, influence, or pressure, hostage investigations are
exclusively a personnel security matter, rather than counterintelligence, and all such investigations shall be conducted
by DIS.
c. Military department and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation jurisdiction. Should indications be developed that
hostile intelligence is taking any action specifically directed against the individual concerned—or should there exist any
other evidence that the individual is actually being coerced, influenced, or pressured by an element inimical to the
interests of national security—then the case becomes a counterintelligence matter (outside of the investigative jurisdiction of DIS) to be referred to the appropriate military department or the FBI for investigation.
2–19. Overseas personnel security investigations
Personnel security investigations requiring investigation overseas shall be conducted under the direction and control of
DIS by the appropriate military department investigative organization (AR 381–20 applies). Only postadjudication
investigations involving an overseas subject may be referred by the requester directly to the Military Department
investigative organization having investigative responsibility in the overseas area concerned (see app J) with a copy of
the investigative request sent to DIS. In such cases, the military department investigative agency will complete the
investigation and forward the completed report of investigation directly to DIS, with a copy to the requester.
Section V
Limitations and Restrictions
2–20. Authorized requesters and personnel security determination authorities
Personnel security investigations may be requested and personnel security clearances (including special access authorizations as indicated) granted only by those authorities designated in paragraph 5–1 and appendix F.
2–21. Limit investigations and access
The number of persons cleared for access to classified information shall be kept to a minimum, consistent with the
requirements of operations. Special attention shall be given to eliminating unnecessary clearances and requests for
2–22. Collection of investigative data
To the greatest extent practicable, personal information relevant to security determinations shall be obtained directly
from the subject of a PSI. Such additional information required to make the necessary personnel security determination
shall be obtained as appropriate from knowledgeable personal sources, particularly the subject’s peers, and through
checks of relevant records, including school, employment, credit, medical, and law enforcement records.
2–23. Privacy Act notification
Whenever personal information is solicited from an individual preparatory to the initiation of a PSI, the individual must
be informed of (1) the authority (statute or Executive order that authorized solicitation); (2) the principal purpose or
purposes for which the information is to be used; (3) the routine uses to be made of the information; (4) whether
furnishing such information is mandatory or voluntary; (5) the effect on the individual, if any, of not providing the
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information; and (6) that subsequent use of the data may be employed as part of an aperiodic, random process to screen
and evaluate continued eligibility for access to classified information.
2–24. Restrictions on investigators
Investigation shall be carried out insofar as possible to collect only as much information as is relevant and necessary
for a proper personnel security determination. Questions concerning personal and domestic affairs, national origin,
financial matters, and the status of physical health thus should be avoided unless the question is relevant to the criteria
of paragraph 2–4 of this regulation. Similarly, the probing of a person’s thoughts or beliefs and questions about
conduct that have no personnel security implications are unwarranted. When conducting investigations under the
provisions of this regulation, investigators shall:
a. Investigate only cases or persons assigned within their official duties.
b. Interview sources only where the interview can take place in reasonably private surroundings.
c. Always present credentials and inform sources of the reasons for the investigation. Inform sources of the subject’s
accessibility to the information to be provided and to the identity of the sources providing the information. Restrictions
on investigators relating to Privacy Act advisements to subjects of PSIs are outlined in paragraph 2–23.
d. Furnish only necessary identity data to a source and refrain from asking questions in such a manner as to indicate
that the investigator is in possession of derogatory information concerning the subject of the investigation.
e. Refrain from using, under any circumstances, covert or surreptitious investigative methods, devices, or techniques,
including mail covers, physical or photographic surveillance, voice analyzers, inspection of trash, paid informants,
wiretaps, or eavesdropping devices.
f. Refrain from accepting any case in which the investigator knows of circumstances that might adversely affect
their fairness, impartiality, or objectivity.
g. Refrain from conducting, under any circumstances, physical searches of the subject or their property.
h. Refrain from attempting to evaluate material contained in medical files. Medical files shall be evaluated for
personnel security program purposes only by such personnel as are designated by DOD medical authorities. However,
review and collection of medical record information may be accomplished by authorized investigative personnel.
2–25. Polygraph restrictions
The polygraph may be used as a personnel security screening measure only in those limited instances authorized by the
Secretary of Defense in DODD 5210.48, (AR 195–6).
Chapter 3
Personnel Security Investigative Requirements
Section I
Sensitive Positions
3–1. Designation of sensitive positions
Certain civilian positions within DOD entail duties of such a sensitive nature, including access to classified information, that the misconduct, malfeasance, or nonfeasance of an incumbent in any such position could result in an
unacceptably adverse impact upon the national security. These positions are referred to in this regulation as sensitive
positions. It is vital to the national security that great care be exercised in the selection of individuals to fill such
positions. Similarly, it is important that only positions which truly meet one or more of the criteria set forth in
paragraph 3–2 be designated as sensitive. A sensitive position will not be downgraded or reclassified as nonsensitive solely to aid in recruiting personnel.
3–2. Criteria for security designation of positions
Each civilian position within DOD shall be categorized, with respect to security sensitivity, as either nonsensitive,
noncritical-sensitive, or critical-sensitive.
a. The criteria to be applied in designating a position as sensitive are:
(1) Critical-sensitive.
(a) Access to TOP SECRET information.
(b) Development or approval of plans, policies, or programs that affect the overall operations of the DOD or of a
DOD component.
(c) Development or approval of war plans, plans or particulars of future major or special operations of war, or
critical and extremely important items of war.
(d) Investigative and certain investigative support duties, the issuance or adjudication of personnel security clearances or access authorizations, or the making of personnel security determinations.
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(e) Fiduciary, public contact, or other duties demanding the highest degree of public trust.
(f) Duties falling under special access programs.
(g) Category I automated data processing (ADP) positions.
(h) Any other position so designated by the head of the component or designee.
(2) Noncritical-sensitive.
(a) Access to SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information.
(b) Security police/provost marshal-type duties involving the enforcement of law and security duties involving the
protection and safeguarding of DOD personnel and property.
(c) Category II automated data processing positions.
(d) Duties involving education and orientation of DOD personnel.
(e) Duties involving the design, operation, or maintenance of intrusion detection systems deployed to safeguard
DOD personnel and property.
(f) Any other position so designated by the head of the component or designee.
b. All other positions shall be designated as nonsensitive.
3–3. Authority to designate sensitive positions
The authority to designate sensitive positions is limited to those authorities designated in paragraph F–7, appendix F.
These authorities shall designate each position within their jurisdiction as to its security sensitivity and maintain these
designations current vis-a-vis the specific duties of each position.
3–4. Limitation of sensitive positions
It is the responsibility of those authorities authorized to designate sensitive positions to ensure that (1) only those
positions that meet the criteria of paragraph 3–2, above, are designated as sensitive, and (2) the designation of sensitive
positions is held to a minimum consistent with mission requirements. Designating authorities shall maintain an
accounting of the number of sensitive positions by category, that is, critical or noncritical-sensitive. Such information
will be included in the annual report required in chapter 11.
3–5. Billet control system for TOP SECRET
a. To standardize and control the issuance of TOP SECRET clearances within the Department of Defense, a specific
designated billet must be established and maintained for all DOD military and civilian positions requiring access to
TOP SECRET information. Only persons occupying these billet positions will be authorized TOP SECRET access. If
an individual departs from a TOP SECRET billet to a billet/position involving a lower level clearance, the TOP
SECRET access will be administratively rescinded. This TOP SECRET billet requirement is in addition to the existing
billet structure maintained for SCI access.
b. Each request to DIS for a BI or SBI that involves access to TOP SECRET or SCI information will require
inclusion of the appropriate billet reference, on the request for investigation.
Section II
Civilian Employment
3–6. General
The appointment of each civilian employee in any DOD component is subject to investigation, except for reappointment when the break in employment is less than 12 months. The type of investigation required is set forth in this
section according to position sensitivity.
3–7. Nonsensitive positions
In accordance with the OPM Federal Personnel Manual, a NACI shall be requested not later than 3 working days after
a person is appointed to a nonsensitive position. Although there is normally no investigation requirement for per diem,
intermittent, temporary, or seasonal employees in nonsensitive positions provided such employment does not exceed an
aggregate of 120 days in either a single continuous or series of appointments, a NAC may be requested of DIS where
deemed appropriate by the employing activity.
3–8. Exceptions to investigative requirements
The following exceptions have been granted DA by the OPM:
a. When a U.S. citizen or an alien scheduled to work in the United States and its territories or possessions is
to be assigned to a nonsensitive position on a temporary basis not to exceed 6 months, a NACI is not
automatically required. The commander or head of the activity will decide whether or not it is needed. In no
case will this investigation be less than the preemployment inquiries prescribed by CPR 296–31, appendix B,
S731–3. Commanders will ensure maximum and proper use of this exception.
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b. A non-U.S. citizen to be assigned to a nonsensitive position outside the United States and its territories and
possessions will be subject to as much of the investigation outlined below as it is feasible to conduct:
(1) A check of the national investigative agencies of the foreign government.
(2) A check of the appropriate local law enforcement agencies where the person has resided for the past 5
(3) A check of the appropriate U.S. military intelligence files.
c. The requirement for the “written inquiries” portion of the NACI in connection with summer hire personnel has been waived. A NACI will be required if a summer hire employee is subsequently hired as a permanent
d. A NACI will not be requested for a military or civilian family member hired under 5 CFR 213.3106(b)(6).
Commanders will ensure that this employment will not be adverse to U.S. interests.
3–9. Noncritical-sensitive positions
a. An NACI shall be requested and the NAC portion favorably completed before a person is appointed to a
noncritical-sensitive position (for exceptions see para 3–10). An ENTNAC, NAC or DNACI conducted during military
or contractor employment may also be used for appointment provided a NACI has been requested from OPM and there
is no more than 12 months break in service since completion of the investigation.
b. Seasonal employees (including summer hires) normally do not require access to classified information. For those
requiring access to classified information, the appropriate investigation is required. The request for the NAC should be
submitted to DIS by entering “SH” (summer hire) in red letters approximately 1 inch high on the DD Form 398–2,
Personnel Security Questionnaire (National Agency Check). Additionally, to ensure expedited processing by DIS,
summer hire requests should be assembled and forwarded to DIS in bundles, when appropriate.
3–10. Critical-sensitive positions
A BI shall be favorably completed prior to appointment to critical-sensitive positions (for exceptions see para 3–10).
Certain critical-sensitive positions require a preappointment SBI in accordance with section V of this chapter. Preappointment BIs and SBIs will be conducted by DIS. Inasmuch as a BI or SBI is of greater scope, a NACI will not be
requested from OPM if a BI or SBI for employment in a critical-sensitive position is requested from DIS or a
valid BI or SBI exists.
3–11. Exceptions
a. Noncritical-sensitive. In an emergency, a noncritical-sensitive position may be occupied pending the completion
of the NACI if the head of the requesting organization finds that the delay in appointment would be harmful to the
national security and such finding is reduced to writing and made a part of the record in the official personnel folder
(OPF). The emergency finding will include a statement of why a delay pending completion of the required
investigation will be harmful to the national interest. In such instances, the position may be filled only after the
NACI has been requested.
b. Critical-sensitive. In an emergency, a critical-sensitive position may be occupied pending completion of the BI (or
SBI, as appropriate) if the head of the requesting organization or an authority listed in paragraph F–7a, appendix F
finds that the delay in appointment would be harmful to the national security and such finding is reduced to writing and
made a part of the record in the OPF. The emergency finding will include a statement of why a delay pending
completion of the required investigation will be harmful to the national interest. In such instances, the position
may be filled only when the NAC portion of the BI (or SBI) or a previous valid NACI, NAC, or ENTNAC has been
completed and favorably adjudicated, and there has been no break in service in excess of 12 months.
c. Harmful delays. In exceptions aand b above, a delay in appointment may be considered harmful to national
interests if the following apply:
(1) Regulatory requirements, mission-essential functions, or responsibilities cannot be met. A detailed explanation will be provided.
(2) No other personnel are available on a temporary basis to complete these requirements.
d. Applicability. This policy applies to new appointments and to current incumbents of positions when the
sensitivity designation is changed.
3–12. Mobilization of DOD civilian retirees
The requirements contained in paragraph 3–5 of this section, regarding the type of investigation required by position
sensitivity for a DOD civilian retiree’s temporary appointment when the break in employment is greater than 12
months, should either be expedited or waived for the purposes of mobilizing selected reemployed annuitants under the
provisions of 5 USC, depending upon the degree of sensitivity of the position to which assigned. Particular priority
should be afforded to newly assigned personnel assigned to the defense intelligence and security agencies with respect
to granting security clearances in an expeditious manner under paragraph 3–5 of this section.
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Section III
Military Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction
3–13. General
The appointment, enlistment, and induction of each member of the Armed Forces or their Reserve Components into
any of the components of the U.S. Army shall be subject to the favorable completion of a PSI. The types of
investigation required are set forth in this section.
3–14. Entrance investigation
a. An ENTNAC shall be conducted on each enlisted member of the Armed Forces at the time of initial entry into
the service. A DNACI shall be conducted on each commissioned officer, warrant officer, cadet, midshipman, and
Reserve Officers Training Candidate, at the time of or before appointment. A SECRET clearance is a condition of
appointment. Paragraph 3–303 outlines exceptions. A full NAC shall be conducted upon reentry of any of the above
when there has been a break in service greater than 12 months.
b. If an officer or warrant officer candidate has been the subject of a favorable NAC or ENTNAC and there has not
been a break in service of more than 12 months, a new NAC is not authorized and the NAC or ENTNAC may be
used as the authority for commissioning, subject to favorable completion of a DNACI. This includes ROTC
graduates who delay entry onto active duty pending completion of their studies.
c. All derogatory information revealed during the enlistment or appointment process (including Personnel Security
Screening Program processing) that results in a moral waiver will be fully explained on a written summary attached
to the DD Form 398–2 or DD Form 398.
3–15. Reserve Components and National Guard
Reserve Components and National Guard personnel not on active duty are subject to the investigative requirements of
this chapter.
3–16. Exceptions for certain commissioned officers of Reserve Components
The requirements for entrance investigation shall be rigidly adhered to except as follows. Health professionals,
chaplains, and attorneys may be commissioned in the Reserve Components prior to completion of a DNACI provided
a. A DNACI is initiated at the time an application for a commission is received; and
b. The applying health professional, chaplain, or attorney agrees in writing that, if the results of the investigation are
unfavorable, he or she will be subject to discharge if found to be ineligible to hold a commission. Under this exception,
commissions in Reserve Components other than the National Guard may be tendered to immigrant alien health
professionals, chaplains, and attorneys; however, provisions of paragraph 3–21 apply regarding eligibility for
access to classified information.
3–17. Mobilization of military retirees
The requirements contained in paragraph 3–13 of this section, regarding a full NAC upon reentry to active duty of any
officer or enlisted regular/reserve military retiree or Individual Ready Reserve(IRR)who has been separated from
service for a period of greater than 12 months are waived for the purposes of partial or full mobilization under
provisions of 10 USC, to include the period of prescribed service refresher training. Particular priority should be
afforded to military retirees mobilized and assigned to the defense intelligence and security agencies communities. (See
para 7–2 for issuance of interim clearances.)
3–18. Mobilization exercises
MACOMs may waive the investigative requirements in paragraph 3–19 for any personnel under combat
conditions or participating in HQDA-directed mobilization exercises. (See para 7–2e for issuance of interim
Section IV
Security Clearance
3–19. General
a. The authorities designated in paragraph F–1, appendix F, are the only authorities authorized to grant, deny or
revoke DOD personnel security clearances. The granting of such clearances shall be limited to only those persons who
require access to classified information for mission accomplishment.
b. Military, DOD civilian, and contractor personnel who are employed by or serving in a consultant capacity to the
DOD, may be considered for access to classified information only when such access is required in connection with
official duties. Such individuals may be granted either a final or interim personnel security clearance provided the
investigative requirements set forth below are complied with, and provided further that all available information has
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
been adjudicated and a finding made that such clearance would be clearly consistent with the interests of national
c. Before issuing any security clearance, final or interim, the commander must verify the following:
(1) That the person has had no break in Federal service exceeding 12 months since the completion of the
(2) That the person can prove U.S. citizenship by presenting one of the documents listed in paragraph B–4d,
appendix B (see para 3–20).
3–20. Investigative requirements for clearance
(1) Final clearance:
(a) BI/SBI.
(b) Established billet per paragraph 3–4 (except contractors).
(c) Favorable review of local personnel, post military police, medical records, and other security records, as
(2) Interim clearance:
(a) Favorable NAC, ENTNAC, DNACI, or NACI completed within past 5 years.
(b) Favorable review of DD Form 398/SF–86/OF 612/DD Form 49.
(c) BI or SBI has been initiated.
(d) Favorable review of local personnel, post or base military police, medical, and other security records as
(e) Established billet per paragraph 3–4 (except contractors).
(f) Provisions of paragraph 3–10 have been met regarding civilian personnel.
(g) If evidence exists of a BI, SBI, full field investigation, Criminal Investigation Command (CID) character
investigation, or comparable investigation not over 41⁄2 years old, provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c), above,
are waived and a requesting a final TOP SECRET clearance will be submitted to central clearance facility
(CCF) noting that an interim clearance was granted. Such evidence will be attached to the DA Form 5247–R.
CCF will check the defense central investigations index (DCII) to find whether or not a later investigation exists
that would require withdrawal of a security clearance.
(h) Commanders may grant an interim TOP SECRET clearance for 180 days in the name of the Commander,
(1) Final clearance:
(a) DNACI: Military (except first-term enlistees) and contractor employees.
(b) NACI: Civilian employees.
1. The NACI is required even though the individual held a valid security clearance based on a NAC,
ENTNAC, or DNACI while a member of the Armed Forces.
2. Exception: Summer hires, members of cooperative education programs, employees of nonappropriated
fund instrumentalities, Army and Air Force Exchange Service employees, Red Cross members, USO employees,
and non-Federal employees of the ARNG may be granted a final clearance on the basis of a favorable completed
NAC/ENTNAC conducted by the DIS. No interim clearance is authorized for these employees.
(c) Entrance: First-term enlistees.
(d) Favorable review of local personnel, post military police, medical, and other security records as
(2) Interim clearance:
(a) When a valid need to access SECRET information is established, an interim SECRET clearance may be issued
for 180 days in the name of the CDR, CCF, in every case, provided that a DA Form 5247–R has been submitted to
CCF, and the steps outlined in paragraphs (b) through (e), below, have been complied with.
(b) Favorable review of DD Form 398–2/SF 85/OF 612/DD Form 48.
(c) NACI, DNACI, or ENTNAC initiated.
(d) Favorable review of local personnel, post or base military police, medical, and other security records as
(e) NAC or ENTNAC completed or, in an emergency, provisions of paragraph 3–10 have been complied with
regarding civilian personnel.
(1) Final clearance:
(a) NAC or ENTNAC: Military and contractor employees (except for Philippine national members of the United
States Navy on whom a BI shall be favorably completed).
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(b) NACI; Civilian employees (except for summer hires and others listed in paragraph 3–19b(l)(b)(l)2 who may
be granted a final clearance on the basis of a NAC).
(c) Favorable review of local personnel, post military police, medical, and other security records as
(2) Interim clearance:
(a) Favorable review of DD Form 398–2/SF 86/OF 612/DD Form 48.
(b) NAC, ENTNAC, or NACI initiated.
(c) Favorable review of local personnel, post or base military police, medical, and other security records as
(d) Provisions of paragraph 3–10 have been complied with regarding civilian personnel.
d. Validity of, previously granted clearances. Clearances granted under less stringent investigative requirements
retain their validity; however, if a higher degree of clearance is required, investigative requirements of this regulation
will be followed.
3–21. Naturalized U.S. citizens
This paragraph rescinded per DUSD(P) memorandum dated 12 February 1988, subject: Revocation of the
Policy, in paragraph 3–20, DOD 5200.2–R.
3–22. Access to classified information by non-U.S. citizens
a. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for a security clearance. Therefore, every effort shall be made to ensure that nonU.S. citizens are not employed in duties that may require access to classified information. However, when there are
compelling reasons to grant access to classified information to an immigrant alien or a foreign national in furtherance
of the mission of the Department of Defense, such individuals may be granted a “limited access authorization” (LAA)
under the following conditions:
(1) The LAAs will be limited to SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL level only; LAAs for TOP SECRET are
(2) Access to classified information is not inconsistent with that determined releasable by designated disclosure
authorities, in accordance with DODD 5230.11 (AR 380–10) to the country of which the individual is a citizen.
(3) Access to classified information must be limited to information relating to a specific program or project.
(4) Favorable completion of a BI (scoped for 10 years); where the full investigative coverage cannot be completed, a
counterintelligence scope polygraph examination will be required in accordance with the provisions of DODD 5210.48
(AR 195–6).
(5) Security clearances previously issued to immigrant aliens will be reissued as LAAs. Immigrant aliens who are
eligible for U.S. citizenship and have not tried to become naturalized within 12 months of eligibility will not be
considered for an LAA. They will be reported to CCF for action under chapter 8, if appropriate.
(6) The limited access authorization determination shall be made only by an authority designated in paragraph F–2,
appendix F.
(7) The LAAs issued by the Unified and Specified Commands shall be reported to the central adjudicative facility of
the appropriate Military Department in accordance with the assigned responsibilities in DODD 5100.3 for inclusion in
the DCII.
(8) The LAAs will be limited to persons who have a special skill or technical expertise essential to the national
security that is not available from U.S. personnel. LAAs will not be granted to secretarial or clerical personnel
or others who perform routine administrative duties.
(9) Commanders are reminded that an LAA is not a security clearance but an authorization for access to
specific, U.S. classified information required in performance of job duties. Exposure to classified information
outside the scope of an approved LAA is a compromise of such information and will be processed according to
AR 380–5.
b. In each case of granting a limited access authorization, a record shall be maintained as to:
(1) The identity (including current citizenship) of the individual to whom the limited access authorization is granted,
to include, name and date and place of birth;
(2) Date and type of most recent investigation to include the identity of the investigating agency;
(3) The nature of the specific program material(s) to which access is authorized (delineated as precisely as possible);
(4) The classification level to which access is authorized;
(5) The compelling reasons for granting access to the materials cited in paragraph (3), above, and
(6) Status of the individual (that is, immigrant alien or foreign national).
c. Individuals granted LAAs under the foregoing provisions shall be the subject of a 5-year periodic reinvestigation
as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
d. Foreign nationals who are LAA candidates must agree to submit to a counterintelligence-scope polygraph
examination prior to being granted access in accordance with DODD 5210.48 (AR 195–6).
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e. If geographical and political situations prevent the full completion of the BI (and/or counterintelligence-scope
polygraph), issuance of an LAA shall not be authorized; exceptions to the policy may only be authorized by the
f. A report on all LAAs in effect, including the data required in paragraphs b(l) through (6), above, shall be
furnished to the DUSD(P), DCSINT (DAMI–CIS), within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year (See para 11–102.)
3–23. Access by persons outside the executive branch
a. Access to classified information by persons outside the executive branch shall be accomplished in accordance
with chapter VII, DOD 5200.1–R (AR 380–5). The investigative requirement shall be the same as for the appropriate
level of security clearance, except as indicated below.
b. Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives do not require personnel security clearances, They
may be granted access to DOD classified information which relates to matters under the jurisdiction of the respective
committees to which they are assigned and is needed to perform their duties in connection with such assignments.
c. Congressional staff members requiring access to DOD classified information shall be processed for a security
clearance in accordance with DODD 5142.1 and the provisions of this regulation. The Director, Washington Headquarters Services (WHS), will initiate the required investigation (initial or reinvestigation) to DIS, adjudicate the results and
grant, deny or revoke the security clearance, as appropriate. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
will be notified by WHS of the completed clearance action.
d. State Governors do not require personnel security clearances. They may be granted access to specifically
designated classified information, on a“need-to-know” basis, based upon affirmation by the Secretary of Defense, the
Secretary of the Army (SA), or the Deputy Chief of Staff, G–2 (DCS, G–2) that access, under the circumstances,
serves the national interest. Staff personnel of a Governor’s office requiring access into classified information shall be
investigated and cleared in accordance with the prescribed procedures of this regulation when the head of a DOD
component or single designee, the SA, or the DCS, G–2 affirms that such clearance serves the national interest.
Access shall also be limited to specifically designated classified information on a“need-to-know” basis. Requests for
access by State Governors and/or the staff of a Governor’s office will be submitted to HQDA (DAMI–CIS.)
e. Members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Federal judiciary and the Supreme Courts of the individual States do not
require personnel security clearances. They may be granted access to DOD classified information to the extent
necessary to adjudicate cases being heard before these individual courts.
f. Attorneys representing DOD military, civilian or contractor personnel, requiring access to DOD or DA classified
information to properly represent their clients, shall normally be investigated by DIS and cleared in accordance with
the prescribed procedures in paragraph 3–19. This shall be done upon certification of the General Counsel of the DOD
component involved in the litigation or Office of The Judge Advocate General that access to specified classified
information, on the part of the attorney concerned, is necessary to adequately represent their client. In exceptional
instances, when the exigencies of a given situation do not permit timely compliance with the provisions of paragraph
3–19, access may be granted with the written approval of an authority designated in paragraph F–1, appendix F,
provided that as a minimum: (a) a favorable name check of the FBI and the DCII has been completed, and (b) a DOD
Non-Disclosure Agreement has been executed. Requests for access for attorneys representing DA military, civilian,
or contractor personnel will be submitted through the Office of The Judge Advocate General (DAJA–AL),
Washington, DC 20310–2212 to the Office of The Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DAMI–CIS), Washington, DC 20310–1056. In postindictment cases, after a judge has invoked the security procedures of PL 96–456, Stat.
2025, the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), the Department of Justice may elect to conduct the necessary
BI and issue the required security clearance, in coordination with the affected DOD component or the DA.
3–24. Restrictions on issuance of personnel security clearances
Personnel security clearances must be kept to the absolute minimum necessary to meet mission requirements.
Personnel security clearances shall not be issued:
a. To persons in nonsensitive positions.
b. To persons whose regular duties do not require authorized access to classified information.
c. For ease of movement of persons within a restricted, controlled, or industrial area, whose duties do not require
access to classified information.
d. To persons who may only have inadvertent access to sensitive information or areas, such as guards, emergency
service personnel, firemen, doctors, nurses, police, ambulance drivers, or similar personnel.
e. To persons working in shipyards whose duties do not require access to classified information.
f. To persons who can be prevented from accessing classified information by being escorted by cleared personnel.
g. To food service personnel, vendors and similar commercial sales or service personnel whose duties do not require
access to classified information.
h. To maintenance or cleaning personnel who may only have inadvertent access to classified information unless such
access cannot be reasonably prevented.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
i. To persons who perform maintenance on office equipment, computers, typewriters, and similar equipment who
can be denied classified access by physical security measures.
j. To perimeter security personnel who have no access to classified information.
k. To drivers, chauffeurs and food service personnel.
3–25. Administrative downgrading
Clearance certificates will not be administratively reduced or invalidated because a person has been assigned to
duties that do not require access to the same or lower degree of classified information, the permanent duty
station has been changed, or to avoid revocation in the face of credible derogatory information.
3–26. Dual citizenship
Persons claiming both U.S. and foreign citizenship shall be processed under paragraph 3–19, above, and adjudicated in
accordance with the“Foreign Preference” standard in appendix I.
3–27. One-time access
Circumstances may arise where an urgent operational or contractual exigency exists for cleared DOD personnel to have
one-time or short duration access to classified information at a higher level than is authorized by the existing security
clearance. In many instances, the processing time required to upgrade the clearance would preclude timely access to the
information. In such situations, and only for compelling reasons in furtherance of the DOD or DA mission, an
authority referred to in paragraph a, below, may grant higher level access on a temporary basis subject to the terms and
conditions prescribed below. This special authority may be revoked for abuse, inadequate record keeping, or inadequate
security oversight. These procedures do not apply when circumstances exist which would permit the routine processing
of an individual for the higher level clearance. Procedures and conditions for effecting emergency one-time access to
the next higher classification level are as follows:
a. Authorization for such one-time access shall be granted by a general officer, a general court martial convening
authority or equivalent Senior Executive Service member, after coordination with appropriate security officials.
b. The recipient of the one-time access authorization must be a U.S. citizen, possess a current DOD security
clearance, and the access required shall be limited to classified information one level higher than the current clearance.
c. Such access, once granted, shall be canceled promptly when no longer required, at the conclusion of the
authorized period of access, or upon notification from the granting authority.
d. The employee to be afforded the higher level access shall have been continuously employed by a DOD
Component or a cleared DOD contractor for the preceding 24-month period. Higher level access is not authorized for
part-time employees.
e. Pertinent local records concerning the employee concerned shall be reviewed with favorable results.
f. Whenever possible, access shall be confined to a single instance or, at most, a few occasions. The approval for
access shall automatically expire 30 calendar days from date access commenced. If the need for access is expected to
continue for a period in excess of 30 days, written approval of the granting authority is required. At such time as it is
determined that the need for access is expected to extend beyond 90 days, the individual concerned shall be promptly
processed for the level of clearance required. When extended access has been approved, such access shall be canceled
at or before 90 days from original date of access.
g. Access at the higher level shall be limited to information under the control and custody of the authorizing official
and shall be afforded under the general supervision of a properly cleared employee. The employee charged with
providing such supervision shall be responsible for: (1) recording the higher level information actually revealed, (2) the
date(s) such access is afforded, and (3) the daily retrieval of the material accessed.
h. Access at the next higher level shall not be authorized for communications security (COMSEC), SCI, NATO, or
foreign government information.
i. The exercise of this provision shall be used sparingly and repeat use within any 12-month period on behalf of the
same individual is prohibited. The approving authority shall maintain a record containing the following data with
respect to each such access approved:
(1) The name and social security number (SSN) of the employee afforded higher level access.
(2) The level of access authorized.
(3) Justification for the access, to include an explanation of the compelling reason to grant the higher level access
and specifically how the DOD mission would be furthered.
(4) An unclassified description of the specific information to which access was authorized and the duration of access
along with the date(s) access was afforded.
(5) A listing of the local records reviewed and a statement that no significant adverse information concerning the
employee is known to exist.
(6) The approving authority’s signature certifying are listed in paragraphs (1) through (5), above.
(7) Copies of any pertinent briefings/debriefings administered to the employee.
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3–28. Access by retired flag/general officers
a. Upon determination by an active duty flag/general officer that there are compelling reasons, in furtherance of the
Department of Defense or DA mission, to grant a retired general officer access to classified information in connection
with a specific DOD or DA program or mission, for a period not greater than 90 days, the investigative requirements
of this regulation may be waived. The access shall be limited to classified information at a level commensurate with
the security clearance held at the time of retirement—not including access to SCI. This level of access may be
determined by contacting the CDR, CCF (PCCF–SC).
b. The flag/general officer approving issuance of the clearance shall provide the CCF a written record to be
incorporated into the DCII detailing—
(1) All data pertaining to the cleared subject;
(2) The classification of the information to which access was authorized.
c. Such access may be granted only after the compelling reason and the specific aspect of the DOD or DA mission
which is served by granting such access has been detailed and under the condition that the classified materials involved
are not removed from the confines of a Government installation or other area approved for storage of DOD or DA
classified information.
Section V
Special Access Programs
3–29. General
It is the policy of the Department of Defense to establish, to the extent possible, uniform and consistent personnel
security investigative requirements. Accordingly, investigations exceeding established requirements are authorized only
when mandated by statute, national regulations, or international agreement. In this connection, there are certain Special
Access programs originating at the national or international level that require PSIs and procedures of a special nature.
These programs and the special investigative requirements imposed by them are described in this section. A Special
Access program is any program designed to control access, distribution, and protection of particularly sensitive
information established pursuant to section 4–2 of EO 12356, section 4–2 and prior EOs. DOD 5200.1–R (AR 380–5)
governs the establishment of Departmental Special Access Programs.
3–30. Sensitive compartmented information
a. Investigative requirement. The investigative requirement for access to SCI is an SBI (see para B–4, app B)
including a NAC on the individual’s spouse or cohabitant. When conditions indicate, additional investigation shall be
conducted on the spouse of the individual and members of the immediate family (or other persons to whom the
individual is bound by affection or obligation) to the extent necessary to permit a determination by the adjudication
agency that the personnel security standards of DCID 1/14 (reference (l)) are met.
(1) The individual must not be under flagging action under AR 600–8–2.
(2) The individual must not be under psychiatric care or participating in any drug or alcohol rehabilitation
(3) The individual must have no pending action under chapter 8 of this regulation.
(4) The individual must not be the defendant in any pending civil litigation.
(5) The individual and spouse, parents, brother, sister, children, or other persons with whom the individual
cohabits or is bound by affection or obligation must be U.S. citizens. Requests for waiver of this criterion must
justify a compelling operational requirement and be forwarded to CCF for approval with the SBI packet
attached. (See parad, below, for specific guidelines concerning foreign national affiliations.)
(6) Unresolved or unsubstantiated derogatory allegations should not normally be used to disqualify an
individual without a complete investigation. Information of this type will be adjudicated by CCF after completion of the investigation. If the commander decides that the derogatory information clearly warrants denial of
SCI access, the nomination and the derogatory information will be forwarded to CCF with the SBI packet
b. Previous investigations. A previous investigation conducted within the past 5 years which substantially meets the
investigative requirements prescribed by this section may serve as a basis for granting access approval provided that
there has been no break in the individual’s military service, DOD civilian employment, or access to classified
information under the Industrial Security Program greater than 12 months. If the last SBI is more than 3 years old,
the individual shall submit one copy of an updated PSQ covering the period since the completion of the last SBI to the
servicing special security officer (SSO) for review.
c. Nomination procedures. An individual requiring SCI access should be nominated to CCF as soon as he or
she is identified to fill an approved billet. Nominations will be submitted in accordance with AR 380–28. If
appropriate, nomination will certify that a review of the PSQ revealed no unfavorable information, or forward a
copy of DD Form 398.
(1) “One-time” access. Exceptions are nominations for “one- time” SCI access to attend a conference or
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
briefing, or other situation in which temporary (no more than 90 days) SCI access appears warranted. Normal
SCI investigative standards (SBI completed within the last 5 years) apply in cases involving one-time access.
(2) Exceptional circumstances. Interim SCI access may be granted by the CDR, CCF, before completion of the
fully prescribed investigation when the need for access to SCI is so urgent that the benefits would far outweigh
the security risk. Requests for interim access are based on compelling need (see parad(l)(c), below). Requests for
exceptions must clearly state the compelling need and describe how denial of access will affect the ability of the
organization to accomplish its mission.
d. Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1/14 requirements. The DCID 1/14, paragraph 5b, requires that
both the subject and members of their immediate family or cohabitant be U.S. citizens. Immediate family
members, cohabitant, and persons to whom the subject is bound by affection or obligation should neither be
subject to physical, mental, or other forms of duress by a foreign power, or advocate the use of force or violence
to overthrow the Government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
e. Foreign affiliation. Individuals who are not U.S. citizens or who claim both U.S. and foreign citizenship are
not eligible for SCI access. In addition, established criteria normally will not be waived if—
(1) Subject is a U.S. citizen but has resided in a country listed in appendix H for a significant period and/or
has close foreign ties with relatives or associates residing in such a country. Whether or not such association is
extensive or a risk to security depends on the nature and degree of contact and the potential for adverse
influence or duress.
(2) Although a naturalized U.S. citizen, subject was born in a country listed in appendix H and has had
extensive travel that was not a result of directed Federal service or has lived in or near the native country after
obtaining U.S. citizenship.
f. Family members with foreign affiliation. A nominee who has parents, brothers, sisters, or children who are
not U.S. citizens is not eligible for SCI unless CCF grants a waiver. The DCID 1/14 criteria may be waived in
the absence of a compelling need, provided there is no evidence of anti-American feeling, and the family
members were—
(1) Born in a country not listed in appendix H and live in the United States or in a country not listed in
appendix H.
(2) Born in a country listed in appendix H but have not lived under a Communist regime, have no close ties
with anyone living in a country listed in appendix H, and live in the United States.
g. Spouse with foreign affiliation. A nominee who is currently married to a foreign national is normally not
eligible for SCI access. The prenomination interview required by paragraph 2–13 should reveal the affiliation
and will normally preclude further processing of the SBI paperwork to DIS. This is particularly true when the
nominee is identified by the losing command as requiring SCI access for a projected assignment. The losing
command cannot determine the existence of a compelling need at the gaining command. When this situation
arises, the losing command will immediately notify TAPA and suspend SCI processing pending notification by
(1) The DCID 1/14 criteria may be waived if the commander (05 or above) certifies a compelling need exists
and the following factors apply:
(a) Spouse was born in a country other than those listed in appendix H.
(b) There is no evidence of anti-American feeling demonstrated by spouse.
(c) A statement is submitted to CCF indicating that spouse intends to become a U.S. citizen, when eligible.
(2) The DCID 1/14 criteria may be waived for a non-U.S. citizen spouse from a country listed in appendix H
provided the spouse has not lived for any significant period under a terrorist or Communist regime, has no close
ties in such countries, and the supported command shows a compelling need for the nominee to have SCI access
(see parad(l)(c), above). There must be no evidence that the spouse has anti-American feelings. A statement must
have been submitted indicating intent to apply for U.S. citizenship as soon as eligible.
(3) Established criteria normally may not be waived if the following factors apply:
(a) Spouse was born in a country listed in appendix H and has resided under a terrorist or communist regime
with interests adverse to those of the United States for a significant period and/or maintains close ties with
anyone in a country listed in appendix H. The fact that the spouse has obtained U.S. citizenship does not alter
the circumstances.
(b) Spouse is eligible for U.S. citizenship, but has not tried to apply within 12 months of eligibility.
(4) The circumstances described above that apply to foreign-born spouses apply equally to subjects who share
living quarters or cohabitate with foreign nationals.
(5) Nominees for whom a foreign national spouse waiver is granted under paragraph 3–29g may not be
transferred in status, recertified to a gaining command, or extended in their present assignment without prior
authorization from CCF.
h. Waiver of foreign connections. Requests for waiver of foreign connections for personnel in career management field (CMF) 33 or 98 need not be accompanied by a compelling need statement. Possession of CMF 33 or
98 is considered a compelling need because of the extreme shortage of personnel in these CMFs. However, all
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
other requirements of i, below, apply. If CCF grants a waiver, these individuals may retain their SCI access
eligibility upon transfer outside the foreign spouse’s country of origin, may extend their foreign duty tour within
the spouse’s country of origin up to 4 years, and may be reassigned to spouse’s country of origin provided
spouse has applied for U.S. citizenship within 12 months of becoming eligible. Individuals in CMF 33 and 98
may be recertified to the gaining command for SCI access without prior authorization from CCF provided the
spouse has applied for U.S. citizenship within 12 months of becoming eligible.
i. Marriage to a foreign national. The following measures apply to individuals indoctrinated for SCI access
who plan to marry a non-U.S. citizen:
(1) An individual who declares an intent to marry a foreign national will immediately receive a command
interview. Results of the interview stating whether or not a waiver will be requested will be forwarded to CCF
and will cover the following information:
(a) Full name, date and place of birth, occupation, and citizenship of the prospective spouse and their family
(b) Whether or not the prospective spouse has had any connections with a hostile intelligence service or has
any friends, relatives, or contacts residing in a country listed in appendix H.
(c) If the prospective spouse or a family member was born in what is now a country listed in appendix H, the
dates, method, and circumstances of their departure from that country and the nature and extent of all ties
remaining in that country will be fully determined.
(d) Whether or not the prospective spouse or any family member has expressed any unusual interest in the
subject’s assignments and/or duty position.
(e) Acknowledgment that the person understands the obligation to report any situation of potential subversion and espionage directed against the Army (SAEDA) and deliberate security violations interest under
provisions of AR 381–12.
(2) If the command interview is favorable and the subject does not request a waiver or no compelling need
for continuing access exists, the subject may remain indoctrinated until the marriage. At that time, the subject
will be debriefed.
(3) If the subject wants to request a waiver and a compelling need exists, the request will be submitted
through command channels to CCF. To permit continuous uninterrupted access, allow at least 6 months to
process the waiver request and conduct the premarital investigation. The process involves the following actions:
(a) The command must certify that a compelling need exists and that a waiver is essential to the command’s
mission (or provide a statement that the person is in CMF 33 or 98) and furnish results of the command
interview conducted under provisions of paragraphi(l), above.
(b) The person submitting the waiver request must furnish the following:
1. A statement that he or she understands that should the waiver be granted, he or she cannot be reassigned
to the spouse’s country of origin in a position requiring SCI access until the spouse has obtained U.S.
citizenship, cannot be reassigned to a position requiring SCI access when a compelling need does not exist, and
cannot request extension of a foreign service tour and retain SCI access unless exceptional circumstances
involving operational deficiencies exist. (See parah, above, for exception for CMF 33 and 98.)
2. A current DD Form 398–2, or its dual-language equivalent, completed by the prospective spouse.
3. A statement by the prospective spouse indicating an intention to become a U.S. citizen when eligible.
4. If the person is assigned to an overseas command, the command endorsement of the waiver request will
include a copy of the investigation completed on the spouse in accordance with AR 608–61 and paragraph 4, AR
600–240 (reference (ww)). These premarital investigations will essentially be at least equal to a foreign-country
NAC, which includes investigative checks of national and local security and law enforcement agencies as well as
other appropriate civil authorities in the place where the prospective spouse has resided since age 16 (Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) check will be requested by CCF, if required).
5. If the person is assigned to a continental United States (CONUS) command, CCF will use the DD Form
398–2 submitted with the waiver request to obtain appropriate CIA, Immigration and Naturalization Service
(INS), and FBI checks on the prospective spouse. This will be the only investigation required unless adverse
information is found during the processing and/or investigation.
(c) The person need not be debriefed from SCI access upon marriage to a foreign national if the requirements
of this paragraph are met. If the command interview, review of the premarital investigation of the spouse, or
review of DD Form 398–2 reveals information indicating a potential hostage situation, a SAEDA attempt, or
possible connections with a hostile intelligence service, access will be suspended pending final determination by
CCF and action under AR 381–12, if appropriate.
(4) If a person marries a foreign national without complying with the provisions outlined in paragraphsi(3)(a)
and (b), above, he or she is ineligible for continued SCI access and will be debriefed. The SSO will tell CCF why
the individual has been debriefed.
(5) When the spouse obtains U.S. citizenship, proof of citizenship must be presented to the supporting SSO.
The SSO will immediately certify the following information to the CCF:
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(a) Spouse’s full identifying data.
(b) Date and place of entry of spouse into the United States.
(c) Naturalization certificate number.
(d) Date, court, and place of naturalization.
(e) Complete personal identifying data of the indoctrinated person.
j. Close and continuous contact. A person who establishes a close and continuous contact with a foreign
national will have their SCI access suspended if there is reason to believe that the foreign national is involved
with hostile intelligence, has connections in a country listed in appendix H, or is working for a foreign
government in some capacity that may present a security threat. In the absence of those conditions, suspension
may not be appropriate. The person should be counseled on their security responsibilities and given a SAEDA
briefing. A report of the command’s action will be sent to the CCF.
k. Other conditions. The CCF will be promptly notified if any of the following conditions become known or a
matter of record:
(1) Adverse information reported or developed concerning the person or spouse.
(2) Spouse’s refusal to apply, procrastination, or any other action that delays obtaining a U.S. citizenship.
(3) Spouse has or is suspected of having committed, on behalf of a foreign power, any act that is contrary to
the best interest of the United States. The details of the situation will be immediately reported to the CCF and
will include the person’s degree of access to any compartment operation or project. No further action will be
taken pending receipt of instructions from the CCF unless the security of SCI is endangered.
l. Status of waiver. CCF correspondence approving a waiver will advise whether or not the individual may be
recertified to the gaining command for SCI access upon completion of current assignment without prior
authorization from the CCF. The losing SSO’s message to the gaining SSO will clearly state that the subject is
married to a foreign national and whether or not CCF instructions allow a transfer in status.
3–31. Retired general officer sensitive compartmented information access determinations
a. A retired general officer (GO) may participate in activities requiring one-time SCI access under the
provisions of AR 380–28 under the following conditions:
(1) The GO has a favorably completed SBI that meets the standards of DCID 1/14 at the time the investigation was completed.
(2) The GO is officially representing the U.S. Government at the request of an authorized U.S. Government
agency. Such access is not authorized when the GO is representing a U.S. Government contractor, consulting
firm, independent business, or the retired GO.
(3) No disqualifying information is available that would preclude granting SCI access.
b. An active duty GO whose SBI exceeds the 5-year-expiration period and who states an intention to retire
within 6 months will not be required to have an SBI PR. However, such a GO will be encouraged to submit a
request for an SBI PR because it would be advantageous to the Army and the GO to maintain current SCI
3–32. Single Integrated Operation Plan–Extra Sensitive Information
The investigative requirement for access to Single Integrated Operation Plan–Extra Sensitive Information (SIOP–ESI)
is an SBI, including a NAC on the spouse and the individual’s immediate family who are 18 years of age or over and
who are U.S. citizens other than by birth or who are resident aliens.
3–33. Presidential support activities
a. DODD 5210.55 prescribes the policies and procedures for the nomination, screening, selection, and continued
evaluation of DOD and DA military and civilian personnel and contractor employees assigned to or utilized in
Presidential support activities. The type of investigation of individuals assigned to Presidential support activities varies
according to whether the person investigated qualifies for Category One or Category Two as indicated below:
(1) Category One.
(a) Personnel assigned on a permanent or full-time basis to duties in direct support of the President (including the
office staff of the Director, White House Military Office, and all individuals under his control):
1. Presidential aircrew and associated maintenance and security personnel.
2. Personnel assigned to the White House communications activities and the Presidential retreat.
3. White House transportation personnel.
4. Presidential mess attendants and medical personnel.
5. Other individuals filling administrative positions at the White House.
(b) Personnel assigned on a temporary or part-time basis to duties supporting the President:
1. Military social aides.
2. Selected security, transportation, flightline safety, and baggage personnel.
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3. Others with similar duties.
(c) Personnel assigned to the Office of the Military Aide to the Vice President.
(2) Category Two.
(a) Personnel assigned to honor guards, ceremonial units, and military bands who perform at Presidential functions
and facilities.
(b) Employees of contractors who provide services or contractors employees who require unescorted access to
Presidential support areas, activities, or equipment, including maintenance of the Presidential retreat, communications,
and aircraft.
(c) Individuals in designated units requiring a lesser degree of access to the President or Presidential support
b. Personnel nominated for Category One duties must have been the subject of an SBI, including a NAC on the
spouse and all members of the individual’s immediate family of 18 years of age or over who are U. S. citizens other
than by birth or who are resident aliens. The SBI must have been completed within the 12 months preceding selection
for Presidential support duties. If such an individual marries subsequent to the completion of the SBI, the required
spouse check shall be made at that time.
c. Personnel nominated for Category Two duties must have been the subject of a BI, including a NAC on the spouse
and all members of the individual’s immediate family of 18 years of age or over who are U.S. citizens other than by
birth or who are resident aliens. The BI must have been completed within the 12 months preceding selection for
Presidential support duties. It should be noted that duties (separate and distinct from their Presidential support
responsibilities) of some Category Two personnel may make it necessary for them to have special access clearances
which require an SBI.
d. The U.S. citizenship of foreign-born immediate family members of all Presidential support nominees must be
verified by investigation.
e. A limited number of Category One personnel having especially sensitive duties have been designated by the
Director, White House Military Office as“Category A.” These personnel shall be investigated under special scoping in
accordance with the requirements of reference (jj).
3–34. Nuclear weapon personnel reliability program
a. DODD 5210.42 (AR 50–5) (reference (s)) sets forth the standards of individual reliability required for personnel
performing duties associated with nuclear weapons and nuclear components. The investigative requirement for personnel performing such duties is:
(1) Critical position: Background investigation. In the event that it becomes necessary to consider an individual for
a critical position and the required BI has not been completed, interim certification may be made under carefully
controlled conditions as set forth below.
(a) The individual has had a favorable DNACI or NAC (or ENTNAC) within the past 5 years without a break in
active service or employment in excess of 1 year.
(b) The BI has been requested.
(c) All other requirements of the Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) screening process have been fulfilled.
(d) The individual is identified to supervisory personnel as being certified on an interim basis.
(e) The individual is not used in a two-man team with another such individual.
(f) Justification of the need for interim certification is documented by the certifying official.
(g) Should the BI not be completed within 150 days from the date of the request, the certifying official shall query
the Component clearance authority (by forwarding DA Form 5247–R to CDR, CCF (PCCF–M)), who shall
ascertain from DIS the status of the investigation. On the basis of such information, the certifying official shall
determine whether to continue or to withdraw the interim certification.
(2) Controlled position: Department of Defense National Agency check with written inquiries/national agency check
with inquiries .
(a) An ENTNAC completed for the purpose of first-term enlistment or induction into the Armed Forces does not
satisfy this requirement.
(b) Interim certification is authorized for an individual who has not had a DNACI/NACI completed within the past 5
years, subject to the following conditions:
1. The individual has had a favorable ENTNAC/NAC, or higher investigation, that is more than 5 years old and has
not had a break in service or employment in excess of 1 year.
2. A DNACI/NACI has been requested at the time of interim certification.
3. All other requirements of the PRP screening process have been fulfilled.
4. Should the DNACI/NACI not be completed within 90 days from the date of the request, the procedures set forth
in paragraph a(l)(g), above, for ascertaining the delay of the investigation in the case of a critical position shall apply.
(3) Additional requirements apply.
(a) The investigation upon which certification is based must have been completed within the last 5 years from the
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
date of initial assignment to a PRP position and there must not have been a break in active service or employment in
excess of 1 year between completion of the investigation and initial assignment.
(b) In those cases in which the investigation was completed more than 5 years prior to initial assignment or in which
there has been a break in service or employment in excess of 1 year subsequent to completion of the investigation, a
reinvestigation is required.
(c) Periodic reinvestigation is required every 5 years for individuals assigned to critical nuclear weapon
positions. PR is not required subsequent to initial assignment to PRP for controlled nuclear weapon positions so
long as the individual remains in PRP.
(d) A medical evaluation of the individual as set forth in DODD 5210.42 (AR 50–5) (reference (s)).
(e) Review of the individual’s personnel file and other official records and information locally available concerning
behavior or conduct which is relevant to PRP standards.
(f) A personal interview with the individual for the purpose of informing him of the significance of the assignment,
reliability standards, the need for reliable performance, and of ascertaining his attitude with respect to the PRP.
(g) Service in the Army, Navy and Air Force Reserve does not constitute active service for PRP purposes.
b. The Commander, CCF, will make security clearance determinations for nuclear duty positions under AR
50–5. The CCF will forward cases that contain potentially disqualifying information to the unit commander for
PRP determination if the subject of the investigation is in a critical nuclear duty position. Where potentially
disqualifying information exists, CCF will annotate part III of DA Form 873 (Certificate of Clearance and/or
Security Determination) “Dossier review required for critical nuclear duty.” If potentially disqualifying information does not exist, CCF will annotate the DA Form 873 “PRP/Surety Considered.” If the certifying authority
waives the potentially disqualifying information, he or she will annotate the individual’s DA Form 3180
(Personnel Screening and Evaluation Record) in accordance with chapter 3, AR 50–5. In this event, the
commander shall not annotate “PRP/Surety Considered” in part III of DA Form 873.
3–35. Chemical Personnel Reliability Program
The CDR, CCF, will make security clearance determinations for chemical duty positions under AR 50–6
(reference (y)).
3–36. Automation security
The CDR, CCF, will make security clearance determinations for the Personnel Security and Screening Program.
CCF will forward cases that contain potentially disqualifying information to the unit commander for Personnel
Security and Screening Program determination if the subject of the investigation is in an ADP position. Where
potentially disqualifying information exists, CCF will annotate part II of DA Form 873 “Dossier review required
for critical nuclear duty.” If potentially disqualifying information does not exist, CCF will annotate the DA
Form 873“PRP/Surety Considered.” (See para 3–614 and app K.) If the automation security officer waives the
potentially disqualifying information, the commander will not annotate, “PRP/Surety Considered” in part III of
DA Form 873.
3–37. Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization classified information
a. Personnel assigned to NATO staff position requiring access to NATO COSMIC (TOP SECRET), SECRET or
CONFIDENTIAL information shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI (10-year scope), DNACI/
NACI, or NAC/ENTNAC, current within 5 years prior to the assignment, in accordance with USSAN Instruction 1–69
(AR 380–15) and paragraph 3–61, below.
b. Personnel not assigned to a NATO staff position, but requiring access to NATO COSMIC, SECRET or
CONFIDENTIAL information in the normal course of their duties, must possess the equivalent final U.S. security
clearance based upon the appropriate PSI (see app B) required by paragraphs 3–19 and 3–65 of this regulation.
3–38. Other special access programs
Special investigative requirements for special access programs not provided for in this paragraph may not be established without the written approval of the DUSD(P).
Section VI
Certain Positions Not Necessarily Requiring Access to Classified Information
3–39. General
DODD 5200.8 (AR 190–16) outlines the authority of military commanders under the Internal Security Act of 1950 to
issue orders and regulations for the protection of property or places under their command. Essential to carrying out this
responsibility is a commander’s need to protect the command against the action of untrustworthy persons. Normally,
the investigative requirements prescribed in this regulation should suffice to enable a commander to determine the
trustworthiness of individuals whose duties require access to classified information or appointment to positions that are
sensitive and do not involve such access. However, there are certain categories of positions or duties which, although
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
not requiring access to classified information, if performed by untrustworthy persons, could enable them to jeopardize
the security of the command or otherwise endanger the national security. The investigative requirements for such
positions or duties are detailed in this section.
3–40. Access to restricted areas, sensitive information, or equipment not involving access to
classified information
a. Access to restricted areas, sensitive information or equipment (such as critical COMSEC items) by DOD
military, civilian, or contractor personnel shall be limited to those individuals who have been determined trustworthy as
a result of the favorable completion of a NAC (or ENTNAC) or who are under the escort of appropriately cleared
personnel. Where escorting such persons is not feasible, a NAC shall be conducted and favorably reviewed by the
appropriate component agency or activity, MACOM commander and staff agency heads authorized to request
security investigations, or head of DA Staff agency prior to permitting such access. DOD components, MACOM
commanders, and heads of DA Staff agencies shall not request, and shall not direct or permit their contractors to
request, security clearances to permit access to areas when access to classified information is not required in the normal
course of duties or which should be precluded by appropriate security measures. In determining trustworthiness under
this paragraph, the provisions of paragraph 2–4 and appendix I will be utilized.
b. In meeting the requirements of this paragraph, approval shall be obtained from one of the authorities designated
in paragraph F–1, appendix F of this regulation, or the DCSINT (DAMI–ClS) for authority to request NACs on DOD
military, civilian, or contractor employees. A justification shall accompany each request and shall detail the reasons
why escorted access would not better serve the national security. Requests for investigative requirements beyond a
NAC shall be forwarded to the DUSD(P) for approval.
c. The NAC requests shall (1) be forwarded to DIS in accordance with the provisions of paragraph C–2, appendix
C, (2) contain a reference to this paragraph on the DD Form 398–2, and (3) list the authority in appendix F who
approved the request.
d. Determinations to deny access under the provisions of this paragraph must not be exercised in an arbitrary,
capricious, or discriminatory manner and shall be the responsibility of the military or installation commander as
provided for in DODD 5200.8 (AR 190–16).
3–41. Nonappropriated fund employees
a. Each nonappropriated fund employee who is employed in a position of trust as designated by an official
authorized in paragraph F–8, appendix F, shall have been the subject of a NAC completed no longer than 12 months
prior to employment or a prior PSI with no break in Federal service or employment greater than 12 months in
accordance with DOD 1401.1–M (AR 215–3). An individual who does not meet established suitability requirements
may not be employed without prior approval of the authorizing official. Issuance of a CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET
clearance will be based on a DNACI or NAC in accordance with paragraph 3–19.
b. If a nonappropriated fund employee requires a security clearance, the commander of the host installation
will request a personnel security clearance from CCF.
3–42. Customs inspectors
DOD employees appointed as customs inspectors, under waivers approved in accordance with DOD 5030.49–R, shall
have undergone a favorably adjudicated NAC completed within the past 5 years unless there has been a break in DOD
employment greater than 1 year, in which case a current NAC is required.
3–43. Red Cross/united service organizations personnel
a. A favorably adjudicated NAC shall be accomplished on Red Cross or united service organizations personnel as a
prerequisite for assignment with the Armed Forces overseas (DODD 5210.25 (AR 380–49) Employees who are not
U.S. citizens shall have been the subject of a BI, completed with favorable results, before being nominated for
assignment with Army elements overseas.
b. A completed PSQ (DD Form 398 or DD Form 398–2) shall be forwarded to the Defense Industrial Security
Clearance Office (DISCO), DIS, P.O. Box 2499, Columbus, OH 43216, for initiation of the BI or NAC in
accordance with the provisions of DOD Directive 5220.6 (AR 380–49).
c. If a Red Cross or USO employee requires a personnel security clearance, the commander of the host
installation will request the appropriate clearance from the CDR, CCF. The request for clearance will include a
copy of the favorable employment determination by DISCO.
3–44. Officials authorized to issue security clearances
Any person authorized to adjudicate personnel security clearances shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI.
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3–45. Officials authorized to grant access to sensitive compartmented information
Any person authorized to adjudicate SCI access eligibility will have been the subject of a favorably completed
3–46. Personnel security clearance adjudication officials
Any person selected to serve with a board, committee, or other group responsible for adjudicating personnel security
cases shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI.
3–47. Persons requiring DOD building passes
Pursuant to DODD 5210.46, each person determined by the designated authorities of the components concerned as
having an official need for access to DOD buildings in the National Capital Region shall be the subject of a favorably
adjudicated NAC prior to issuance of a DOD building pass. Conduct of a BI for this purpose is prohibited unless
approved in advance by ODUSD(P).
3–48. Foreign national employees overseas not requiring access to classified information
Foreign nationals employed by DOD organizations overseas, whose duties do not require access to classified information, shall be the subject of the following record checks, initiated by the appropriate military department investigative
organization consistent with paragraph 2–19, prior to employment:
a. Host government law enforcement and security agency checks at the city, State (Province), and national level,
whenever permissible by the laws of the host government;
b. DCII; and
c. FBI–Headquarters (HQ)/ID (where information exists regarding residence by the foreign national in the United
States for 1 year or more since age 18).
3–49. Special agents and investigative support personnel
Special agents and those non-investigative personnel assigned to investigative agencies whose official duties require
continuous access to complete investigative files and material require an SBI.
3–50. Persons requiring access to chemical agents
Personnel whose duties involve access to or security of chemical agents shall be screened initially for suitability and
reliability and shall be evaluated on a continuing basis at the supervisory level to ensure that they continue to meet the
high standards required. At a minimum, all such personnel shall have had a favorably adjudicated NAC completed
within the last 5 years prior to assignment in accordance with the provisions of DODD 5210.65.(AR 50–6).
3–51. Education and orientation personnel
Persons selected for duties in connection with programs involving the education and orientation of military personnel
shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to such assignment. This does not include teachers/
administrators associated with university extension courses conducted on military installations in the United States.
Non-U.S. citizens from a country listed in appendix H shall be required to undergo a BI if they are employed in a
position covered by this paragraph. Investigations for military service or civilian employment with a DOD
component satisfy the investigation requirement.
3–52. Contract guards
Any person performing contract guard functions shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC by
DISCO prior to such assignment to any security duties and in accordance with AR 190–56.
3–53. Transportation of arms, ammunition and explosives
Any DOD military, civilian or contract employee (including commercial carrier) operating a vehicle or providing
security to a vehicle transporting Category I, II, or CONFIDENTIAL arms, ammunition and explosives shall have been
the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC or ENTNAC. Results of the completed NAC or ENTNAC shall be
returned to CDR, Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) (MT–SS), Room 403, 5611 Columbia Pike,
Falls Church, VA 22041–5050, for adjudication.
3–54. Personnel occupying information systems positions designated automated data processing–I,
–II, and –III
DOD military, civilian personnel, consultants, and contractor personnel performing on unclassified automated information systems may be assigned to one of three position sensitivity designations (in accordance with app K) and
investigated as follows:
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Table 3–1
3–55. Others
Requests for approval to conduct an investigation of other personnel not provided for in paragraphs 3–39 through 3–53,
above, considered to fall within the general provisions of paragraph 3–38, above, shall be submitted, detailing the
justification thereof, for approval through the DCS, G–2 (DAMI–CIS) to the DUSD(P). Approval of such requests
shall be contingent upon an assurance that appropriate review procedures exist and that adverse determinations will be
made at no lower than major command level.
Section VII
3–56. General
DOD policy prohibits unauthorized and unnecessary investigations. There are, however, certain situations and requirements that necessitate reinvestigation of an individual who has already been investigated under the provisions of this
regulation. It is the policy to limit reinvestigation of individuals to the scope contained in paragraph B–5, appendix B,
to meet overall security requirements. Reinvestigation, generally, is authorized only as follows:
a. To prove or disprove an allegation relating to the criteria set forth in paragraph 2–15 of this regulation with
respect to an individual holding a security clearance or assigned to a position that requires a trustworthiness
b. To meet the periodic reinvestigation requirements of this regulation with respect to those security programs
enumerated below; and
c. Upon individual request, to assess the current eligibility of individuals who did not receive favorable adjudicative
action after an initial investigation, if a potential clearance need exists and there are reasonable indications that the
factors upon which the adverse determination was made no longer exists.
d. Reinvestigation will not be requested if the subject is within 12 months of retirement.
3–57. Allegations related to disqualification
Whenever questionable behavior patterns develop, derogatory information is discovered, or inconsistencies arise related
to the disqualification criteria outlined in paragraph 2–15 that could have an adverse impact on an individual’s security
status, a SII, psychiatric, drug, or alcohol evaluation, as appropriate, may be requested to resolve all relevant issues in
doubt. If it is essential that additional relevant personal data is required from the investigative subject and the subject
fails to furnish the required data, the subject’s existing security clearance or assignment to sensitive duties shall be
terminated in accordance with paragraph 8–5 of this regulation.
3–58. Access to sensitive compartmented information
Each individual having current access to SCI shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis scoped
as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–59. Critical-sensitive positions
Each DOD civilian employee occupying a critical-sensitive position shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year
recurring basis scoped as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–60. Critical military duties
All military personnel with a military occupational speciality (MOS) or specialty classification under PAM
611–21 that requires eligibility for SCI, regardless of access level, shall be the subject of a PR on a 5-year
recurring basis as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B. So will military personnel with duties that fall under
any of the following criteria:
a. Access to TOP SECRET information.
b. Development or approval of plans, policies, or programs that affect the overall operations of the DOD or a
c. Development or approval of war plans, plans or particulars of future major or special operations of war, or
critical and extremely important items of war.
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d. Investigative and certain support duties, adjudication of personnel security clearances or access authorizations, or making personnel security determinations.
e. Fiduciary, public contact, or other duties demanding the highest degree of public trust.
f. Duties falling under special access programs (excluding controlled nuclear duty positions).
g. Category I ADP positions.
h. Any other position so designated by the SA or designee.
3–61. Presidential support duties
Each individual assigned Presidential support duties shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis
scoped as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–62. North Atlantic Treaty Organization staff
Each individual assigned to a NATO staff position requiring a COSMIC clearance shall be the subject of a PR
conducted on a 5-year recurring basis scoped as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B. Those assigned to a NATO
staff position requiring a NATO SECRET clearance shall be the subject of a new NAC conducted on a 5-year
recurring basis.
3–63. Extraordinarily sensitive duties
In extremely limited instances, extraordinary national security implications associated with certain SCI duties may
require very special compartmentation and other special security measures. In such instances, a component of Senior
Official of the Intelligence Community or the DCS, G–2 may, with the approval of the DUSD(P), request PRs at
intervals of less than 5 years as outlined in paragraph B–5, appendix B. Such requests shall include full justification
and a recommendation as to the desired frequency. In reviewing such requests, the DUSD(P) shall give due consideration to:
a. The potential damage that might result from the individual’s defection or abduction.
b. The availability and probable effectiveness of means other than reinvestigation to evaluate factors concerning the
individual’s suitability for continued SCI access.
3–64. Foreign nationals employed by DOD organizations overseas
Foreign nationals employed by DOD organizations overseas who have been granted a “limited access authorization”
pursuant to paragraph 3–21 shall be the subject of a PR, as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B, conducted under
the auspices of DIS by the appropriate military department or other U.S. Government investigative agency consistent
with paragraph 2–19 and appendix J of this regulation.
3–65. Persons accessing very sensitive information classified SECRET
a. Heads of DOD Components shall submit a request to the DUSD(P) for approval to conduct periodic reinvestigations on persons holding SECRET clearances who are exposed to very sensitive SECRET information.
b. Generally, the DUSD(P) will only approve periodic reinvestigations of persons having access to SECRET
information if the unauthorized disclosure of the information in question could reasonably be expected to:
(1) Jeopardize human life or safety.
(2) Result in the loss of unique or uniquely productive intelligence sources or methods vital to U.S. security.
(3) Compromise technologies, plans, or procedures vital to the strategic advantage of the United States.
c. Each individual accessing very sensitive SECRET information who has been designated by an authority listed in
paragraph F–1, appendix F as requiring periodic reinvestigation, shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year
recurring basis scoped as stated in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–66. Access to TOP SECRET information
Each individual having current access to TOP SECRET information shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year
recurring basis scoped as outlined in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–67. Personnel occupying computer positions designated automated data processing–I
All DOD military, civilian, consultant, and contractor personnel occupying computer positions designated ADP–I shall
be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
3–68. Critical nuclear duty positions
All DA military (including those with an MOS that requires eligibility for critical nuclear duties), civilian, and
contractor personnel occupying critical nuclear duty positions in accordance with AR 50–5 shall be the subject
of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis as set forth in paragraph B–5, appendix B.
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Section VIII
Authority to Waive Investigative Requirements
3–69. Authorized officials
Only an official designated in paragraph F–7, appendix F, is empowered to waive the investigative requirements for
appointment to a sensitive position, assignment to sensitive duties or access to classified information pending completion of the investigation required by this chapter. Such waiver shall be based upon certification in writing by the
designated official that such action is necessary to the accomplishment of a DOD mission. A minor investigative
element that has not been met should not preclude favorable adjudication—nor should this require a waiver when all
other information developed on an individual during the course of a prescribed investigation is favorable.
3–70. Combat operations, DA-directed mobilization
Under combat conditions, authorities listed in paragraph F–7, appendix F, may waive such provisions of this
regulation as are operationally necessary and warranted by the circumstances. Under mobilization or similar
conditions and mobilization exercises, prior approval to waive requirements of this regulation must be obtained
from the DCS, G–2 (DAMI–CIS). This authority may be redelegated to commanders of subordinate elements to
expedite security clearance actions. Such redelegation will not be made to echelons below that at which the
military personnel records jacket (MPRJ) is maintained. Investigative prerequisites waived under the authority
of this paragraph will be complied with as soon as the situation permits.
Chapter 4
Reciprocal Acceptance of Prior Investigations and Personnel Security Determinations
4–1. General
Previously conducted investigations and previously rendered personnel security determinations shall be accepted within
DOD in accordance with the policy set forth below.
4–2. Prior investigations conducted by DOD investigative organizations
As long as there is no break in military service/civilian employment greater than 12 months, any previous personnel
security investigation conducted by DOD investigative organizations that essentially is equivalent in scope to an
investigation required by this regulation will be accepted without requesting additional investigation. There is no time
limitation as to the acceptability of such investigations, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2–12 and 4–3b of this
4–3. Prior personnel security determinations made by DOD authorities
a. Adjudicative determinations for appointment in sensitive positions, assignment to sensitive duties or access to
classified information (including those pertaining to SCI) made by designated DOD authorities will be mutually and
reciprocally accepted by all DOD Components without requiring additional investigation, unless there has been a break
in the individual’s military service/civilian employment of greater than 12 months or unless derogatory information that
occurred subsequent to the last prior security determination becomes known. A check of the DCII should be conducted
to accomplish this task.
b. Whenever a valid DOD security clearance or special access authorization (including one pertaining to SCI) is on
record, Components shall not request DIS or other DOD investigative organizations to forward prior investigative files
for review unless:
(1) Significant derogatory information or investigation completed subsequent to the date of last clearance or Special
Access authorization is known to the requester; or
(2) The individual concerned is being considered for a higher level clearance (for example, SECRET or TOP
SECRET) or the individual does not have a special access authorization and is being considered for one; or
(3) There has been a break in the individual’s military service/civilian employment of greater than 12 months
subsequent to the issuance of a prior clearance; or
(4) The most recent SCI access authorization of the individual concerned was based on a waiver.
c. Requests for prior investigative files authorized by this regulation shall be made in writing, shall cite the specific
justification for the request (that is, upgrade of clearance, issue Special Access authorization, and so forth), and shall
include the date, level, and issuing organization of the individual’s current or most recent security clearance or special
access authorization.
d. All requests for non-DOD investigative files, authorized under the criteria prescribed by paragraphs a, b(l), (2),
(3), and (4) and c, above, shall be:
(1) Submitted on DD Form 398–2 to DIS;
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(2) Annotated as a “single agency check” of whichever agency or agencies developed the investigative file or to
obtain the check of a single national agency.
e. When further investigation is desired, in addition to an existing non-DOD investigative file, a DD Form 1879 will
be submitted to DIS with the appropriate security forms attached. The submission of a Single Agency Check via DD
Form 398–2 will be used to obtain an existing investigative file or check a single national agency.
f. Whenever a civilian or military member transfers from one DOD activity to another (or from one Army
organization to another), the losing organization is responsible for advising the gaining organization of any pending
action to suspend, deny, or revoke the individual’s security clearance as well as any adverse information (or
disqualifying information, i.e., marriage to a foreign national) that may exist in security, personnel, or other files. In
such instances, the clearance shall not be reissued until the questionable information has been adjudicated.
4–4. Investigations conducted and clearances granted by other agencies of the Federal Government
a. Whenever a prior investigation or personnel security determination (including clearance for access to information
classified under EO 12356 of another agency of the Federal Government meets the investigative scope and standards of
this regulation, such investigation or clearance may be accepted for the investigative or clearance purposes of this
regulation, provided that the employment with the Federal agency concerned has been continuous and there has been
no break longer than 12 months since completion of the prior investigation, and further provided that inquiry with the
agency discloses no reason why the clearance should not be accepted. If it is determined that the prior investigation
does not meet the provisions of this paragraph, supplemental investigation shall be requested.
b. A NACI conducted by OPM is of greater scope than a NAC or DNACI, and shall be accepted and considered
equivalent to a DNACI for the purposes of this regulation.
c. DOD policy on reciprocal acceptance of clearances with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department
of Energy is set forth in DODD 5210.2 (AR 380–5).
d. When a DA organization must authorize access to classified information in its custody to a member of
another service or agency who has not been cleared or who needs a higher degree of clearance, the parent
service or agency will be asked to grant the clearance.
e. If it is not in the best interests of the national security to permit the person access to classified defense
information in Army custody, or if the person is denied the required clearance, the commander will reassign the
person to nonsensitive duties or, if appropriate, revoke the detail or assignment and advise the parent Service or
agency of the reasons. The parent Service or agency is responsible for initiating security proceedings and
denying or revoking a security clearance.
f. The CDR, CCF, is responsible for granting, revoking, or denying security clearances for Army personnel
who are assigned or detailed to other Services, Defense Agencies, and the Unified and Specified Commands.
Chapter 5
Requesting Personnel Security Investigations
5–1. General
Requests for PSIs shall be limited to those required to accomplish the Defense mission. Such requests shall be
submitted only by the authorities designated in paragraph 5–2, below. These authorities shall be held responsible for
determining if persons under their jurisdiction require a PSI. Proper planning must be effected to ensure that
investigative requests are submitted sufficiently in advance to allow completion of the investigation before the time it is
needed to grant the required clearance or otherwise make the necessary personnel security determination.
5–2. Authorized requesters
Requests for PSI shall be accepted only from the requesters designated below:
a. Military departments.
(1) Army.
(a) CCF, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755–5250.
(b) DCS, G–2.
(c) All activity commanders designated in paragraph F–7.
(d) Chiefs of recruiting stations.
(e) State adjutants general for the ARNG.
(2) Navy (including Marine Corps)
(a) Central Adjudicative Facility.
(b) Commanders and commanding officers of organizations listed on the Standard Navy Distribution List.
(c) Chiefs of recruiting stations.
(3) Air Force
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(a) Air Force Security Clearance Office.
(b) Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence.
(c) All activity commanders.
(d) Chiefs of recruiting stations.
b. Defense Agencies—Directors of Security and activity commanders.
c. Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Chief, Security Division.
d. Office of the Secretary of Defense—Director for Personnel and Security, WHS.
e. Commanders of the Unified and Specified Commands or their designees.
f. Such other requesters approved by the DUSD(P).
5–3. Criteria for requesting investigations
Authorized requesters shall use the tables set forth in appendix D to determine the type of investigation that shall be
requested to meet the investigative requirement of the specific position or duty concerned.
5–4. Request procedures
To ensure efficient and effective completion of required investigations, all requests for PSIs shall be prepared and
forwarded in accordance with appendix C and the investigative jurisdictional policies set forth in section IV, chapter 2
of this regulation.
5–5. Priority requests
To ensure that PSIs are conducted in an orderly and efficient manner, requests for priority for individual investigations
or categories of investigations shall be kept to a minimum. DIS shall not assign priority to any PSI or categories of
investigations without written approval of the DUSD(P).
5–6. Personal data provided by the subject of the investigation
a. To conduct the required investigation, it is necessary that the investigative agency be provided certain relevant
data concerning the subject of the investigation. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that, to the greatest extent
practicable, personal information shall be obtained directly from the subject individual when the information may result
in adverse determinations affecting an individual’s rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal programs.
b. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon the subject of each PSI to provide the personal information required by this
regulation. At a minimum, the individual shall complete the appropriate investigative forms, provide fingerprints of a
quality acceptable to the FBI, and execute a signed release, as necessary, authorizing custodians of police, credit,
education, employment, and medical and similar records, to provide relevant record information to the investigative
agency. When the FBI returns a fingerprint card indicating that the quality of the fingerprints is not acceptable, an
additional set of fingerprints will be obtained from the subject. In the event the FBI indicates that the additional
fingerprints are also unacceptable, no further attempt to obtain more fingerprints need be made; this aspect of the
investigation will then be processed on the basis of the name check of the FBI files. As an exception, a minimum of
three attempts will be made (1) for all Presidential support cases, (2) for SCI access nominations if the requester so
indicates, and (3) in those cases in which more than minor derogatory information exists. Each subject of a PSI
conducted under the provisions of this regulation shall be furnished a Privacy Act Statement advising of (1) the
authority for obtaining the personnel data, (2) the principal purpose(s) for obtaining it, (3) the routine uses, (4) whether
disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, (5) the effect on the individual if it is not provided, and (6) that subsequent use of
the data may be employed as part of an aperiodic review process to evaluate continued eligibility for access to
classified information.
c. Failure to respond within the time limit prescribed by the requesting organization with the required security forms
or refusal to provide or permit access to the relevant information required by this regulation shall result in termination
of the individual’s security clearance or assignment to sensitive duties utilizing the procedures of paragraph 8–6 or
further administrative processing of the investigative request.
5–7. Requests for additional information or clarification
When questionable behavior, inconsistencies, or other derogatory information related to the criteria in paragraph 2–4 arise, CCF may request more information or clarification directly from the field commander or the
subject (see para 3–56). Such requests include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Results of command inquiries and investigations; copies of courts- martial proceedings; copies of administrative or disciplinary actions, written reprimands, Articles 15; results of local records file checks or of previous
psychiatric or drug and alcohol evaluations; or letters of indebtedness received by the command.
b. DD Forms 398, fingerprint cards, and other forms or release statements required to conduct investigations;
verification of citizenship of the subject and/or immediate family. Occasionally, to expedite the decisionmaking
process, CCF will ask security managers to obtain specific information from the subject, such as current
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
financial status, proof of payment of delinquent debts, or clarification of information listed on DD Form 398 or
similar forms.
c. Progress and final reports from Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program officials on
alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment. Such reports will include history and extent of substance abuse,
diagnosis, attitude toward treatment, results of treatment, and immediate and long-term prognosis. CCF will
request a current alcohol or drug evaluation when incidents of alcohol or drug abuse are reported and the
subject has not been referred for drug and/or alcohol treatment; more than 1 year has passed since treatment
occurred, or it occurred during a previous assignment and results are not available; or there was an indication
of substance abuse after completion of treatment. A physician or mental health clinician trained in the alcohol
and drug rehabilitation field, who is employed by or under contract to the U.S. military or U.S. Government,
will conduct the evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the subject’s ability to refrain from abuse
and to obtain an opinion on the potential impact upon the subject’s judgment and reliability in protecting
classified information and material.
d. Information from medical records that indicates mental disorder or emotional instability or results of any
psychiatric or mental health evaluation or treatment for a mental condition. When any information indicates a
history of mental or nervous disorder or reported behavior appears to be abnormal, indicating impaired
judgment, reliability, or maturity, CCF will request a mental health evaluation to determine whether or not any
defect in judgment or reliability or any serious behavior disorder exists. A board- certified or board-eligible
psychiatrist or licensed or certified clinical psychologist who is employed by or under contract to the U.S.
military or U.S. Government will conduct mental health evaluations for security clearance purposes. The
evaluation report should outline the methods used in the evaluation (for example, psychological testing and
clinical interviews), include a narrative case history, assess the results of any psychological tests, and include a
diagnosis under DSM III (see note) or state that no diagnosis exists. The report should include a prognosis and
indicate what effect the diagnosed condition has on judgment, reliability, and stability, and describe any
characteristics in a normal or stressful situation. If the individual’s condition is under control through treatment
or medication, the report should indicate what could happen if the individual did not comply with treatment and
what likelihood exists of failure to comply. If appropriate, the report should indicate an estimated time or
condition that could cause a favorable change.
American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Wash, DC:
APA, 1980.
e. It is imperative, in the interests of national security, that the commander and the subject of the case
respond promptly to CCF’s request for information. Failure to respond to requests for information required by
CCF for personnel security clearance determinations within the prescribed time shall result in CCF directing
suspension of the individual’s access to classified information or termination of action to process request for
security clearance. Continued failure to respond to CCF’s request for information shall result in action to
terminate the individual’s security clearance utilizing the procedures of paragraph 8–6.
5–8. Grounds for denial
If information developed by the command indicates the existence, current or past, of any mental or nervous
disorder or emotional instability, a request for a PSI will not be submitted and interim clearance will not be
granted. Clearance can be granted only if competent medical authority, as defined above, certifies that the
disorder or instability has been overcome or will not cause a defect in the person’s judgment or reliability.
5–9. Requesting National Agency Check and written inquiries from the Office of Personnel
A NACI will be submitted to OPM according to OPM instructions. Block H of the agency use block of Standard
Form 86 will show the employing agency’s security office identification (SOI) number where OPM will forward
the results of the NACI. The Security Manager will coordinate with the appropriate civilian personnel office to
determine eligibility for employment prior to requesting a security clearance determination from CCF.
a. If the NACI is completely favorable, the Security Manager may attest to that fact in the “Remarks” block
of DA Form 5247–R. If the NACI contains unfavorable information, a copy of the entire NACI will be submitted
to the CCF with the request for security clearance.
b. If the NACI contains other than minor unfavorable information, an interim clearance is not authorized
and DA Form 5247–R will indicate that a favorable employment determination was made.
c. If a clearance is not immediately required, the NACI results may be maintained by the Security Manager
as long as the person is employed and may be transferred within the DOD.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Chapter 6
6–1. General
a. The standard which must be met for clearance or assignment to sensitive duties is that, based on all available
information, the person’s loyalty, reliability, and trustworthiness are such that entrusting the person with classified
information or assigning the person to sensitive duties is clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
b. The principal objective of the DOD personnel security adjudicative function, consequently, is to ensure selection
of persons for sensitive positions who meet this standard. The adjudication process involves the effort to assess the
probability of future behavior which could have an effect adverse to the national security. Since few, if any, situations
allow for positive, conclusive evidence of certain future conduct, it is an attempt to judge whether the circumstances of
a particular case, taking into consideration prior experience with similar cases, reasonably suggest a degree of
probability of prejudicial behavior not consistent with the national security. It is invariably a subjective determination,
considering the past but necessarily anticipating the future. Rarely is proof of trustworthiness and reliability or
untrustworthiness and unreliability beyond all reasonable doubt.
c. Establishing relevancy is one of the key objectives of the personnel security adjudicative process in evaluating
investigative material. It involves neither the judgment of criminal guilt nor the determination of general suitability for
a given position; rather, it is the assessment of a person’s trustworthiness and fitness for a responsibility which could, if
abused, have unacceptable consequences for the national security.
d. While equity demands optimal uniformity in evaluating individual cases, ensuring fair and consistent assessment
of circumstances from one situation to the next, each case must be weighed on its own merits, taking into consideration
all relevant facts, and prior experience in similar cases. All information of record, both favorable and unfavorable, must
be considered and assessed in terms of accuracy, completeness, relevance, seriousness, and overall significance. In all
adjudications the protection of the national security shall be the paramount determinant.
6–2. Central adjudication
a. To ensure uniform application of the requirement of this regulation and to ensure that DOD personnel security
determinations are effected consistent with existing statutes and Executive orders, the head of each military department
and Defense Agency shall establish a single central adjudication facility for their component. The CCF, Fort George
G. Meade, MD, has been designated as the single central adjudication facility for the DA. The function of each
facility or the CCF shall be limited to evaluating PSIs and making personnel security determinations. The chief of
each central adjudication facility or CDR, CCF, shall have the authority to act on behalf of the head of the component
or the SA with respect to personnel security determinations. All information relevant to determining whether a person
meets the appropriate personnel security standard prescribed by this regulation shall be reviewed and evaluated by
personnel security specialists specifically designated by the head of the component concerned, or designee, or by the
SA or the DCS, G–2.
b. In view of the significance each adjudicative decision can have on a person’s career and to ensure the maximum
degree of fairness and equity in such actions, a minimum level of review shall be required for all clearance/access
determinations related to the following categories of investigations:
(1) Background investigation/special background investigation/periodic investigation/entrance national agency check/special investigative inquiry.
(a) Favorable: Completely favorable investigations shall be reviewed and approved by an adjudicative official in the
civilian grade of GS–7/9 or the military rank of O–3.
(b) Unfavorable: Investigations that are not completely favorable shall undergo at least two levels of review by
adjudicative officials, the second of which must be at the civilian grade of GS–11/12 or the military rank of O–4.
When an unfavorable administrative action is contemplated under paragraph 8–201, the letter of intent (LOI) to deny or
revoke must be approved and signed by an adjudicative official at the civilian grade of GS–13/14 or the military rank
of O–5. A final notification of unfavorable administrative action, subsequent to the issuance of the LOI, must be
approved and signed at the civilian grade of GS–14/15 or the military rank of O–6.
(2) National agency check with inquiries/Department of Defense National Agency check with written inquiries/
national agency check/entrance national agency check.
(a) Favorable. A completely favorable investigation may be finally adjudicated after one level of review provided
that the decisionmaking authority is at the civilian grade of GS–5/7 or the military rank of O–2.
(b) Unfavorable. Investigations that are not completely favorable must be reviewed by an adjudicative official in the
civilian grade of GS–7/9 or the military rank of O–3. When an unfavorable administrative action is contemplated under
paragraph 8–6, the letter of intent to deny/revoke must be signed by an adjudicative official at the civilian grade of
GS–11/12 or the military rank of O–4. A final notification of unfavorable administrative action subsequent to the
issuance of the LOI must be signed by an adjudicative official at the civilian grade of GS–13 or the military rank of
O–5 or above.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
c. Exceptions to the above policy may only be granted by the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
6–3. Evaluation of personnel security information
a. The criteria and adjudicative policy to be used in applying the principles at paragraph 6–1, above, are set forth in
paragraph 2–4 and appendix I of this regulation. The ultimate consideration in making a favorable personnel security
determination is whether such determination is clearly consistent with the interests of national security and shall be an
overall common sense evaluation based on all available information. Such a determination shall include consideration
of the following factors:
(1) The nature and seriousness of the conduct;
(2) The circumstances surrounding the conduct;
(3) The frequency and recency of the conduct;
(4) The age of the individual;
(5) The voluntariness of participation; and
(6) The absence or presence of rehabilitation.
b. Detailed adjudication policy guidance to assist adjudicators in determining whether a person is eligible for access
to classified information or assignment to sensitive duties is contained in appendix I. Adjudication policy for access to
SCI is contained in DCID 1/14.
6–4. Adjudicative record
a. Each clearance/access determination, whether favorable or unfavorable, shall be entered by the CDR, CCF, into
the Defense Central Security Index (DCSI), a sub-element of the DCII. (Operational details regarding implementation
of the DCSI shall be implemented in a forthcoming change to this regulation.)
b. The rationale underlying each unfavorable administrative action shall be reduced to writing and is subject to the
provisions of DODD 5400.7(AR 25–55) and DODD 5400.11 (AR 340–21).
6–5. Reporting results of security or suitability determinations for civilian employees
The CCF will forward a copy of the initial BI or SBI of civilian employees, conducted by DIS, to the Security
Manager of the employing command after making a security clearance determination. This will allow the
employing command to determine employment eligibility and notify OPM. Employing activities will forward
OFI Form 79A to report security or suitability determinations based on results of BI/SBI to: OPM–FIPC (OFI
79A), Boyers, PA 16018–0618, within 30 days after final determination.
Chapter 7
Issuing Clearance and Granting Access
7–1. General
a. The issuance of a personnel security clearance (as well as the function of determining that an individual is
eligible for access to Special Access program information, or is suitable for assignment to sensitive duties or such other
duties that require a trustworthiness determination) is a function distinct from that involving the granting of access to
classified information. Clearance determinations are made on the merits of the individual case with respect to the
subject’s suitability for security clearance. Access determinations are made solely on the basis of the individual’s need
for access to classified information in order to perform official duties. Except for suspension of access pending final
adjudication of a personnel security clearance, access may not be finally denied for cause without applying the
provisions of paragraph 8–6.
b. Only the authorities designated in paragraph F–1, appendix F, are authorized to grant, deny or revoke personnel
security clearances or special access authorizations (other than SCI). Any commander or head of an organization, to
include CCF, may suspend access for cause when there exists information raising a serious question as to the
individual’s ability or intent to protect classified information, provided that the procedures set forth in paragraph 8–3 of
this regulation are complied with.
c. All commanders and heads of DOD organizations have the responsibility for determining those position functions
in their jurisdiction that require access to classified information and the authority to grant access to incumbents of such
positions who have been cleared under the provisions of this regulation.
7–2. Issuing clearance
a. Authorities designated in paragraph F–1, appendix F, shall record the issuance, denial or revocation of a
personnel security clearance in the DSCI (see para 6–4, above). A record of the clearance issued shall also be recorded
in an individual’s personnel/security file or official personnel folder, as appropriate. The CDR, CCF, will forward DA
Form 873 to the command security manager for inclusion in the OPF or in the MPRJ in accordance with AR
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
640–10. The DA Form 873 will not be removed except to make a copy, correct an administrative error, when a
more recent clearance certificate is issued by CCF, to suspend access, or to comply with a direction of CCF.
b. A personnel security clearance remains valid until (1) the individual is separated from the Armed Forces, (2)
separated from DOD civilian employment, (3) has no further official relationship with DOD or other Federal
agencies, (4) official action has been taken to deny, revoke or suspend the clearance or access, or (5) regular access to
the level of classified information for which the individual holds a clearance is no longer necessary in the normal
course of their duties. If an individual resumes the original status of (1), (2), (3), or (5) above, no single break in the
individual’s relationship with DOD exists greater than 12 months, and/or the need for regular access to classified
information at or below the previous level recurs, the appropriate clearance shall be reissued without further investigation or adjudication provided there has been no additional investigation or development of derogatory information.
c. Personnel security clearances of DOD military personnel shall be granted, denied, or revoked only by the
designated authority of the parent military department. Issuance, reissuance, denial, or revocation of a personnel
security clearance by any DOD component concerning personnel who have been determined to be eligible for clearance
by another component is expressly prohibited. Investigations conducted on Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel by
DIS will be returned only to the parent service of the subject for adjudication regardless of the source of the original
request. The adjudicative authority will be responsible for expeditiously transmitting the results of the clearance
determination. As an exception, the employing DOD component may issue an interim clearance to personnel under
their administrative jurisdiction pending a final eligibility determination by the individual’s parent component. Whenever an employing DOD component issues an interim clearance to an individual from another component, written
notice of the action shall be provided to the parent component.
d. When a Defense Agency, to include OJCS, initiates an SBI (or PR) for access to SCI on a military member, DIS
will return the completed investigation to the appropriate Military Department adjudicative authority in accordance
with paragraph c, above, for issuance (or reissuance) of the TOP SECRET clearance. Following the issuance of the
security clearance, the military adjudicative authority will forward the investigative file to the Defense Agency
identified in the “Return Results To” block of the DD Form 1879. The receiving agency will then forward the
completed SBI on to DIA for the SCI adjudication in accordance with DCID 1/14.
e. The interim clearance will be recorded on DA Form 873 and shall be recorded in the DCSI by the parent DOD
Component in accordance with paragraph 6–103 in the same manner as a final clearance. If a final clearance has
not been received within 150 days, commanders will submit DA Form 5247–R (Request for Security Determination) to CDR, CCF (PCCF–M), as a tracer action and extend the interim period for an additional 180 days. If
the DCII reveals existence of unevaluated derogatory information, CCF will advise requester that interim
clearance is not authorized.
f. Requests for investigation for security clearances (DD Form 1879 and DD Form 398–2) forwarded to DIS
do not require submission of DA Form 5247–R to CCF. DIS will forward the completed investigation to CCF,
who will make a clearance determination and inform the requester. If a clearance determination is not received
in 150 days, the requester may trace the action by forwarding DA Form 5247–R to CCF. Commands should
forward DA Form 5247–R on newly arrived personnel in their command if the personnel file or the individual
indicates that an investigation was initiated at the former command. This will allow CCF to forward the
clearance determination to the current commander.
g. CCF will forward DA Form 873 to the command whose unit identification code (UIC) appears on the DA
Form 5247–R, DD Form 1879, or DD Form 398–2, if the UIC is documented in CCF’S data base. The UIC is
used by CCF to add the requester’s mailing address to the DA Form 873. Action to add, delete, or correct a UIC
or associated address should be forwarded to Commander, CCF (PCCF–S). Commands may also request that a
higher command, “THRU” UIC, be associated with any of their subordinate command UICs. This will allow
CCF to forward the DA Form 873 addressed through the higher headquarters to the subordinate commander.
7–3. Granting access
a. Access to classified information shall be granted to persons whose official duties require such access, and who
have the appropriate personnel security clearance. CCF normally grants the highest level of clearance authorized by
the personnel security investigation on record. Access determinations (other than for special access programs) are
not an adjudicative function relating to an individual’s suitability for such access. Rather they are decisions made by
the commander that access is officially required.
b. In the absence of derogatory information on the individual concerned, DOD commanders and organizational
managers shall accept a personnel security clearance determination, issued by any DOD authority authorized by this
regulation to issue personnel security clearances, as the basis for granting access, when access is required, without
requesting additional investigation or investigative files. For Army-affiliated personnel, this determination is documented by a DA Form 873 in the personnel file. A DA Form 873, as well as clearance certificates issued by other
DOD Components, will be honored provided—
(1) There has been no break in Federal service exceeding 12 months since the investigation date; and
(2) A check of local records discloses no unfavorable information.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
c. The access level of cleared individuals will also be entered into the DCSI by the CDR, CCF, along with
clearance eligibility status, as systems are developed and adopted which make such actions feasible.
d. Once the CDR, CCF, has granted a person’s security clearance, special access for NATO, SIOP–ESI, or
other programs will be granted by the commander responsible for their control under appropriate regulations.
The Commander, CCF, will make all eligibility determinations for SCI access.
e. DA Form 5247–R, with a copy of the clearance documentation, will be forwarded to CDR, CCF
(PCCF–M), when accepting an Army clearance granted prior to CCF’s assumption of clearance authority or by
another DOD Component or Federal agency. In these cases, access to classified information need not be delayed
pending receipt of a DA Form 873. Access may be granted and continued provided local file checks are
favorable. Forwarding is not necessary if DA Form 873 is annotated, “Project Top Feed Completed.”
7–4. Administrative withdrawal
As set forth in paragraph 7–2b, above, the personnel security clearance and access eligibility must be withdrawn when
the events described therein occur. When regular access to a prescribed level of classified information is no longer
required in the normal course of an individual’s duties, the previously authorized access eligibility level must be
administratively downgraded or withdrawn, as appropriate. Access based on an investigation completed over 5 years
ago will be limited to no higher than SECRET unless a request for periodic reinvestigation was forwarded to
DIS prior to the 5-year anniversary date of the previous investigation.
Chapter 8
Unfavorable Administrative Actions
Section I
8–1. General
For purposes of this regulation, an unfavorable administrative action includes any adverse action which is taken as a
result of a personnel security determination, as defined in the terms section, and any unfavorable personnel security
determination, as defined in the terms section. This chapter is intended only to provide guidance for the internal
operation of the DOD and is not intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon, to create or enlarge the jurisdiction
or review authority of any court or administrative tribunal, including the Merit Systems Protection Board.
8–2. Referral for action
a. Whenever derogatory information relating to the criteria and policy set forth in paragraph 2–4 and appendix I of
this regulation is developed or otherwise becomes available to any DOD element, it shall be referred by the most
expeditious means to the commander or the security officer of the organization to which the individual is assigned for
duty. The CDR or security officer of the organization to which the subject of the information is assigned shall review
the information in terms of its security significance and completeness. If further information is needed to confirm or
disprove the allegations, additional investigation should be requested. The commander of the duty organization shall
ensure that the parent component of the individual concerned is informed promptly concerning (1) the derogatory
information developed and (2) any actions taken or anticipated with respect thereto by forwarding DA Form 5248–R
(Report of Unfavorable Information for Security Determination) to the CDR, CCF (PCCF–M). However, referral
of derogatory information to the commander or security officer shall in no way affect or limit the responsibility of the
central adjudication facility to continue to process the individual for denial or revocation of clearance or access to
classified information, in accordance with paragraph 8–6, below, if such action is warranted and supportable by the
criteria and policy contained in paragraph 2–4 and appendix I. No unfavorable administrative action as defined in the
terms section may be taken by the organization to which the individual is assigned for duty without affording the
person the full range of protections contained in paragraph 8–6, below, or, in the case of SCI, Annex B, DCID 1/14.
b. The Director, DIS, shall establish appropriate alternative means whereby information with potentially serious
security significance can be reported other than through DOD command or industrial organization channels. Such
access shall include utilization of the DOD Inspector General “hotline” to receive such reports for appropriate followup
by DIS. DOD components and industry will assist DIS in publicizing the availability of appropriate reporting channels.
Additionally, DOD components will augment the system when and where necessary. Heads of DOD components will
be notified immediately to take action, if appropriate.
(1) When the commander learns of credible derogatory information on a member of their command that falls
within the scope of paragraph 2–4, the commander will immediately forward DA Form 5248–R to the CDR,
(2) DA Form 5248–R will be submitted in a timely manner. At a minimum, initial reports will indicate the
details of the credible derogatory information and actions being taken by the commander or appropriate
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
authorities (for example, conducting an inquiry or investigation) to resolve the incident. Followup reports will be
submitted at 90-day intervals if the commander has not taken final action or, for example, the subject is still
pending action by civil court. At the conclusion of the command action, a final report will be forwarded to CCF
indicating the action taken by the commander. The final report must contain results of any local inquiry,
investigation, or board action and recommendation of the command concerning restoration or revocation of the
person’s security clearance, if appropriate.
(3) Commanders will not delay any contemplated personnel action while awaiting final action by CCF. The
personnel action should proceed, with CCF being informed of the final action by submission of DA Form
5248–R through established channels.
(4) If the personnel file does not indicate the existence of a security clearance, commanders must still report
information that falls within the scope of paragraph 2–4, since the person might later require a clearance. Only
a final report is required on personnel who do not have a security clearance.
(5) The SSOs are charged with protecting SCI. If an SSO learns of any derogatory information falling within
the scope of paragraph 2–4 concerning any person under the SSO’s security cognizance, the SSO will immediately inform the commander. The failure of a commander to forward a DA Form 5248–R to CCF, when
derogatory information has been developed on SCI indoctrinated individuals, should be brought to the attention
of the individual’s security manager and the senior intelligence officer.
8–3. Suspension
The commander or head of the organization shall determine whether, on the basis of all the facts available upon receipt
of the initial derogatory information, it is in the interests of national security to continue subject’s security status
unchanged or to take interim action to suspend subject’s access to classified information or assignment to sensitive
duties (or other duties requiring a trustworthiness determination), if information exists which raises serious questions as
to the individual’s ability or intent to protect classified information, until a final determination is made by the
appropriate authority designated in appendix F. Every effort shall be made to resolve a suspension action as expeditiously as possible.
a. When a commander learns of significant derogatory information falling within the scope of paragraph 2–4,
in addition to the reporting requirements of 8–2a, above, the commander must decide whether or not to suspend
the individual’s access to classified information. The commander may wish to suspend access on an “informal”
basis while gathering information to determine whether or not formal suspension is warranted. After gathering
the required data, the commander may decide to restore access. If the CDR does not suspend access, CCF will
review all available information and, if warranted, advise the commander to suspend access.
b. If the commander decides on formal suspension of access, DA Form 873 will be removed from individual’s
personnel file and attached to DA Form 5248–R reporting the suspension to CCF. Once this is done, the
commander may not restore access until a final favorable determination by the CDR, CCF, unless ALL the
following criteria are met. These following procedures apply to both collateral and SCI access:
(1) If the commander determines that the person has been cleared of all charges and that the alleged offense
or disqualifying information has been disproved or found groundless, and the commander is completely convinced that no element of risk remains, the commander may restore interim access in the name of the CDR,
CCF. The commander will notify CCF of this action. Access will not normally be restored in cases where factors
such as dismissal of charges, acquittal because of legal technicalities, plea bargaining, or absence of a speedy
trial are involved. These factors cannot be construed as a clearing of all charges.
(2) When the commander is considering suspending or has suspended a person’s access because of a suspected or actual psychological problem, the commander may elect to retain the person in status or reinstate
access if the following conditions are met:
(a) A current medical evaluation indicates the condition was a one-time occurrence.
(b) The condition has no lasting effects that would affect the person’s judgment.
(c) There is no requirement for further medical consultation relating to the condition.
(d) The examining physician recommends the person be returned to full duty status.
(e) The person exhibits no unacceptable behavior after the favorable medical evaluation.
(f) The commander firmly believes the person does not pose a risk to the security of classified information.
(3) If the commander has any doubts concerning the person’s current acceptability for access, even though
the above provisions have been met, the case will be referred to CCF. Only the CDR, CCF, may reinstate access
in cases where the person attempted suicide.
c. The commander will ensure that the SSO is expeditiously notified of any information within the scope of
paragraph 2–200 if the person is indoctrinated for SCI. This notification is especially critical if the commander
suspends access.
d. A commander who suspends access to classified information will ensure that the suspension is documented
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
in the Field Determined Personnel Security Status data field of the Standard Installation/Division Personnel
System personnel file.
8–4. Final unfavorable administrative actions
The authority to make personnel security determinations that will result in an unfavorable administrative action is
limited to those authorities designated in appendix F, except that the authority to terminate the employment of a
civilian employee of a military DOD Agency is vested solely in the head of the DOD component concerned and in
such other statutory official as may be designated. Action to terminate civilian employees of the Office of the Secretary
of Defense and DOD components, on the basis of criteria listed in paragraphs 2–4, a through f, shall be coordinated
with the DUSD(P) prior to final action by the head of the DOD component. DOD civilian employees or members of
the Armed Forces shall not be removed from employment or separated from the Service under provisions of this
regulation if removal or separation can be effected under OPM regulations or administrative (nonsecurity) regulations
of the military departments. However, actions contemplated in this regard shall in no way affect or limit the
responsibility of the central adjudication facility to continue to process the individual for denial or revocation of a
security clearance, or access to classified information on or assignment to a sensitive position if warranted and
supportable by the criteria and standards contained in this regulation.
Section II
8–5. General
No final personnel security determination shall be made on a member of the Armed Forces, an employee of the DOD,
a consultant to the DOD, or any other person affiliated with the DOD without granting the individual concerned the
procedural benefits set forth in 8–6, below, when such determination results in an unfavorable administrative action
(see para 8–1). As an exception, Red Cross/united service organizations employees shall be afforded the procedures
prescribed by DODD 5210.25 (AR 380–49).
8–6. Unfavorable administrative action procedures
Except as provided for below, no unfavorable administrative action shall be taken under the authority of this regulation
unless the person concerned has been given:
a. A written statement of the reasons why the unfavorable administrative action is being taken. The statement shall
be as comprehensive and detailed as the protection of sources afforded confidentiality under the provisions of the
Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a) and national security permit. Prior to issuing a statement of reasons to a civilian
employee for suspension or removal action, the issuing authority must comply with the provisions of Federal Personnel
Manual, chapter 732, subchapter 1, paragraph 1–6b. The signature authority must be as provided for in paragraphs
6–101b(1)(b) and 6–101b (2)(b).
(1) The CDR, CCF, is the DA authority for denial and/or revocation of security clearances and/or SCI access
eligibility. The CDR, CCF, may delegate this authority to those individuals outlined in paragraph 6–2b.
(2) When CCF receives credible derogatory information and denial or revocation of a security clearance and/
or SCI access eligibility is considered appropriate, CCF will forward a letter of intent through the command
security manager to the individual. This LOI will outline the derogatory information and explain the proposed
action. It will offer the person a chance to reply in writing with an explanation, rebuttal, or mitigation for the
(3) The LOI will direct suspension of access to classified information. If the LOI addresses SCI access only,
access to collateral information may continue.
(4) If the person needs access to classified information in order to prepare a response to the LOI, CCF may
authorize limited access for that specific purpose.
(5) When a commander receives an LOI concerning a person who is no longer assigned to the command, one
of the following actions will be taken:
(a) If the person is transferred, endorse the LOI to the gaining command and forward an information copy of
the endorsement to CCF (PCCF–M).
(b) If the person has been released from active duty and has a Reserve obligation, forward the LOI to the
U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center (DARP–SPI), St. Louis, MO 63132–5200. Forward an information copy of
the endorsement to CCF (PCCF–M).
(c) If the person has been discharged from military service with no Reserve obligation, endorse the LOI to
CCF (PCCF–M), attaching a copy of the discharge orders.
(6) The CDR, CCF, may waive the due process requirements of this chapter when a person is incarcerated by
military or civilian authorities on conviction of a criminal offense, or when a person is dropped from the rolls as
a deserter. In such instances, the commander will take the following actions immediately:
(a) Withdraw the DA Form 873 from the person’s MPRJ or OPF and stamp or print across the face,
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
“Revoked by authority of CDR, CCF—deserted (date)” or “Revoked by authority of Commander, CCF—
incarcerated as a result of civil conviction or court-martial (date),” as appropriate for military and civilian
personnel. Forward the DA Form 873 and DA Form 5248 explaining the circumstances to the CDR, CCF
(b) If the MPRJ or OPF does not contain a DA Form 873, forward DA Form 5248–R, explaining the
circumstances, to the Commander, CCF (PCCF–M).
b. An opportunity to reply in writing to such authority as the head of the component concerned may designate.
(1) The commander will ensure that the person acknowledges receipt of the LOI by signing and dating the
form letter enclosed with the LOI. The person will indicate their intention of submitting a rebuttal. The form
letter will be forwarded immediately to CCF.
(2) The commander will ensure that the person is counseled as to the seriousness of CCF’s contemplated
action and will offer advice and assistance needed in forming a reply. The person can obtain legal counsel or
other assistance at his or her own expense and may request a copy of the investigative files under the provisions
of the Privacy Act. Privacy requests must be forwarded to the Chief, Freedom of Information/Privacy Office,
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (IACSF–FI), Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755–5995. If other
than Army investigative records repository files exist, the Freedom of Information (FOI)/Privacy Office will
refer the request to the appropriate repository. The individual must provide full name (including aliases), SSN,
and date and place of birth. The person’s signature must be notarized by a commissioned officer. If the person
requires an extension of the 60-day suspension, the command security manager should forward a request, with
justification, to the CDR, CCF (PCCF–M). An expected completion date will be provided.
(3) The person’s response must address each issue raised in CCF’s LOI. Any written documentation may be
forwarded. Letters of recommendation from supervisory personnel may be attached to the response.
(4) The person will forward the response to CCF through the representative of the CDR who provided the
LOI. The LOI must be endorsed by at least one CDR. The CDR should recommend whether the person’s
clearance should be denied, revoked, or restored. The CDR should provide a rationale, addressing the issues
outlined in the LOI. Responses to LOIs that do not include the CDR’s recommendation will be returned with a
request for comments.
c. A written response to any submission under paragraph b, stating the final reasons therefore, which shall be as
specific as privacy and national security considerations permit. The signature authority must be as provided for in
paragraphs 6–2b(1)(b) and 6–2b(2)(b). Such response shall be as prompt as individual circumstances permit, not to
exceed 60 days from the date of receipt of the appeal submitted under paragraph b, above, provided no additional
investigative action is necessary. If a final response cannot be completed within the timeframe allowed, the subject
must be notified in writing of this fact, the reasons therefore, and the date a final response is expected, which shall not,
in any case, exceed a total of 90 days from the date of receipt of the appeal under paragraph b.
(1) The CCF’s decision is considered final. This decision will be forwarded through the command security
office to the individual.
(2) In accordance with AR 600–37, CCF must provide unfavorable information developed during the PSI to
both the DA Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB) and the appropriate TAPA, Army Reserve Personnel
Center, or Guard Personnel Center personnel management office on all senior enlisted (E–6 and above),
commissioned, or warrant officer personnel. Specifically included is any information that results in denial or
revocation of a security clearance. A copy of CCF’s LOI, the person’s response, and CCF’s final letter will be
forwarded. The regulation does not exclude providing other significant unfavorable information that does not in
itself result in an adverse decision. The DASEB determines which information is retained in a person’s official
military personnel file (OMPF). The fact that the information is being forwarded to the DASEB or personnel
management office will be documented in CCF’s final letter of determination.
d. No final unfavorable personnel security clearance or access determination shall be made on an individual
without granting them an opportunity to appeal to a higher level of authority as set forth in DOD 5200.02-R
when such determination results in unfavorable administrative action. CCF’s final letter of determination will state
that if the person intends to appeal in writing directly to the Army’s Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) or
request a personal appearance to the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA). The DOHA will review the
facts of the case and make a recommendation to the PSAB. If, upon review of the in person or written appeal, a
determination by PSAB is considered the final security clearance eligibility determination, no further appeal is
authorized. All requests for appeal must be returned within 60 days from receipt of the letter.
8–7. Requests for reconsideration
a. If during the 60 days following receipt of CCF’s final letter of determination the subject has additional
information in rebuttal or mitigation, he or she should submit it to the CDR, CCF, rather than submitting an
appeal to HQDA (DAMI–CIS). DAMI–CIS will forward such information to the CCF Commander. If the CCF
review again results in denial or revocation, the person may then appeal to HQDA.
b. If after a final determination by the CDR, CCF, or by HQDA (DAMI–CIS), the person files an appeal,
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
CCF will accept no requests for reconsideration based solely on the passage of time as a mitigating factor for at
least 1 year from the date of the final letter of determination or the DA appeal decision, whichever was later.
c. Any request for reconsideration submitted to the CDR, CCF, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs a and b, above, must outline the reasons for loss of clearance and provide a rationale for favorable action
by CCF. The request for reconsideration must be endorsed by the person’s CDR. The CDR should be familiar
with the information available to CCF and with CCF’s rationale for denial or revocation. The CDR should state
why the clearance and/or SCI access should be restored. If the person is not able to provide the CDR with a
copy of CCF’s original action, the commander should request a copy of the Army Investigative Records
Repository dossier through their authorized file requester, normally the installation directorate of security
(DSEC)/security manager at separate brigade, division, corps, and major command levels.
8–8. Involuntary separation of military members and DA civilian personnel
As soon as involuntary separation is considered for military members or DA civilian personnel who have had
access to SCI, Special Access programs, or other sensitive programs, the local CDR will send the information
listed below to HQDA (DAMI–CIS), Washington, DC 20310–1051. Elimination action will not be completed until
DAMI–CIS acknowledges receipt of this information.
a. Individual’s name, grade, and SSN.
b. Date and place of birth.
c. Marital status.
d. Length of service.
e. Reason(s) for proposed involuntary discharge or dismissal.
f. Type of discharge or dismissal contemplated.
g. Level of access to classified information. Classified details should not be submitted.
8–9. Exceptions to policy
a. Notwithstanding paragraph 8–6, above, or any other provision of this regulation, nothing in this regulation shall
be deemed to limit or affect the responsibility and powers of the Secretary of Defense to find that a person is
unsuitable for entrance or retention in the Armed Forces, or is ineligible for a security clearance or assignment to
sensitive duties, if the national security so requires, pursuant to 5 USC 7532. Such authority may not be delegated and
may be exercised only when it is determined that the procedures prescribed in paragraph 8–6, above, are not
appropriate. Such determination shall be conclusive.
b. Notification of adverse action need not be given to—
(1) Military personnel who have been dropped from the rolls of their organization for absence without
(2) Persons who have been convicted of a criminal offense by a civilian court or court-martial and are
Section III
Reinstatement of Civilian Employees
8–10. General
Any person whose civilian employment in the DOD is terminated under the provisions of this regulation shall not be
reinstated or restored to duty or reemployed in the DOD unless the Secretary of Defense, or the head of a DOD
component, finds that such reinstatement, restoration, or reemployment is clearly consistent with the interests of
national security. Such a finding shall be made a part of the personnel security record.
8–11. Reinstatement benefits
A DOD civilian employee whose employment has been suspended or terminated under the provisions of this regulation
and who is reinstated or restored to duty under the provisions of 5 USC 3571 is entitled to benefits as provided for by
PL 89–380.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Chapter 9
Continuing Security Responsibilities
Section I
Evaluating Continued Security Eligibility
9–1. General
A personnel security determination is an effort to assess the future trustworthiness of an individual in terms of the
likelihood of the individual preserving the national security. Obviously it is not possible at a given point to establish
with certainty that any human being will remain trustworthy. Accordingly, the issuance of a personnel security
clearance or the determination that a person is suitable for assignment to sensitive duties cannot be considered as a
final personnel security action. Rather, there is the clear need to ensure that, after the personnel security determination
is reached, the individual’s trustworthiness is a matter of continuing assessment. The responsibility for such assessment
must be shared by the organizational commander or manager, the individual’s supervisor and, to a large degree, the
individual himself. Therefore, the heads of DOD components shall establish and maintain a program designed to
evaluate on a continuing basis the status of personnel under their jurisdiction with respect to security eligibility. This
program should ensure close coordination between security authorities and personnel, medical, legal, and supervisory
personnel to ensure that all pertinent information available within a command is considered in the personnel security
9–2. Management responsibility
a. Commanders and heads of organizations shall ensure that personnel assigned to sensitive duties (or other duties
requiring a trustworthiness determination under the provisions of this regulation) are initially indoctrinated and
periodically instructed thereafter on the national security implication of their duties and on their individual
b. The heads of all DOD components are encouraged to develop programs designed to counsel and assist employees
in sensitive positions who are experiencing problems in their personal lives with respect to such areas as financial,
medical or emotional difficulties. Such initiatives should be designed to identify potential problem areas at an early
stage so that any assistance rendered by the employing activity will have a reasonable chance of precluding long-term,
job-related security problems.
9–3. Supervisory responsibility
Security programs shall be established to ensure that supervisory personnel are familiarized with their special responsibilities in matters pertaining to personnel security with respect to personnel under their supervision. Such programs
shall provide practical guidance as to indicators that may signal matters of personnel security concern. Specific
instructions should be disseminated by security managers concerning reporting procedures to enable the appropriate
authority to take timely corrective action to protect the interests of national security as well as to provide any necessary
help to the individual concerned to correct any personal problem which may have a bearing upon the individual’s
continued eligibility for access.
a. In conjunction with the submission of BIs and SBIs stated in chapter 2, section II, and appendix B,
paragraphs B–3 and B–4; and with the submission of PRs stated in section VII, chapter 3, and paragraph B–5,
appendix B; supervisors will be required to review an individual’s DD Form 398 to ensure that no significant adverse
information of which they are aware and that may have a bearing on subject’s initial or continued eligibility for access
to classified information is omitted.
b. If the supervisor is not aware of any significant adverse information that may have a bearing on the subject’s
initial or continued eligibility for access, then the following statement must be documented, signed and dated, and
forwarded to DIS with the investigative package. “I am aware of no information of the type contained in DOD 5200.
2–R, appendix E (AR 380–67) relating to subject’s trustworthiness, reliability, or loyalty that may reflect adversely on
his/her ability to safeguard classified information.”
c. If the supervisor is aware of such significant adverse information, the following statement shall be documented,
signed and dated, and forwarded to DIS with the investigative package, and a written summary of the derogatory
information forwarded to DIS with the investigative package: “I am aware of information of the type contained in
DOD 5200.2–R, appendix E (AR 380–67), relating to subject’s trustworthiness, reliability, or loyalty that may reflect
adversely on their ability to safeguard classified information and have reported all relevant details to the appropriate
security official(s).”
d. In conjunction with regularly scheduled fitness and performance reports of military and civilian personnel whose
duties entail access to classified information, supervisors will include a comment in accordance with paragraphs 9–3 b
and c, above, as well as a comment regarding an employee’s discharge of security responsibilities, pursuant to their
component guidance.
e. If the statement in paragraph 9–3c, above applies, the supervisor must ensure that all relevant information
is reported to the local command security official responsible for processing the investigative paperwork.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
f. If the information seems to warrant adverse action, the command security official will immediately refer it
to the CDR, CCF (PCCF–M), using DA Form 5248–R. The CCF will process the cases in accordance with
established procedures.
g. If the local command security official determines that the information is minor and does not warrant an
adverse action, the PSI request should be forwarded to DIS. A summary of the derogatory information will be
part of the investigative request packet. DIS will initiate the investigation and expand as appropriate. DIS will
forward results of the investigation to CCF for adjudication.
h. It is important that immediate supervisors take an objective approach to the requirements in paragraphsb
and c, above, to ensure equity to both the subject of the investigation and national security.
9–4. Individual responsibility
a. Individuals must familiarize themselves with pertinent security regulations that pertain to their assigned duties.
Further, individuals must be aware of the standards of conduct required of persons holding positions of trust. In this
connection, individuals must recognize and avoid the kind of personal behavior that would result in rendering one
ineligible for continued assignment in a position of trust. In the final analysis, the ultimate responsibility for maintaining continued eligibility for a position of trust rests with the individual.
b. Moreover, individuals having access to classified information must report promptly to their security office:
(1) Any form of contact, intentional or otherwise, with a citizen of a designated country, (see app H) unless
occurring as a function of one’s official duties.
(2) Attempts by representatives or citizens of designated countries to cultivate friendships or to place one under
(3) Attempts by representatives or citizens of foreign countries to:
(a) Cultivate a friendship to the extent of placing one under obligation that they would not normally be able to
reciprocate, or by offering money payments or bribery to obtain information of actual or potential intelligence value.
(b) Obtain information of actual or potential intelligence value through observation, collection of documents, or by
personal contact.
(c) Coerce by blackmail, by threats against or promises of assistance to relatives living under foreign control,
especially those living in a designated country.
(4) All personal foreign travel in advance.
(5) Any information of the type referred to in paragraph 2–4 or appendix I.
9–5. Coworker responsibility
Coworkers have an equal obligation to advise their supervisor or appropriate security official when they become aware
of information with potentially serious security significance regarding someone with access to classified information or
employed in a sensitive position.
Section II
Security Education
9–6. General
The effectiveness of an individual in meeting security responsibilities is proportional to the degree to which the
individual understands them. Thus, an integral part of the DOD security program is the indoctrination of individuals on
their security responsibilities. Moreover, such indoctrination is essential to the efficient functioning of the DOD
personnel security program. Accordingly, heads of DOD components shall establish procedures in accordance with this
chapter whereby persons requiring access to classified information, or being assigned to positions that require the
occupants to be determined trustworthy are periodically briefed as to their security responsibilities.
9–7. Initial briefing
a. All persons cleared for access to classified information or assigned to duties requiring a trustworthiness determination under this regulation shall be given an initial security briefing. A record of this briefing will be maintained in
the security office. The briefing shall be in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 10–3, DOD 5200.1–R (AR
380–5) and consist of the following elements:
(1) The specific security requirements of their particular job.
(2) The techniques employed by foreign intelligence activities in attempting to obtain classified information and
their responsibility for reporting such attempts (AR 381–12).
(3) The prohibition against disclosing classified information, by any means, to unauthorized persons or discussing or
handling classified information in a manner that would make it accessible to unauthorized persons.
(4) The penalties that may be imposed for security violations.
b. If an individual declines to execute SF Form 189, “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement,” the DOD
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
component shall initiate action to deny or revoke the security clearance of such person in accordance with paragraph
8–6, above.
9–8. Refresher briefing
Programs shall be established to provide, at a minimum, annual security training for personnel having continued access
to classified information. The elements outlined in paragraph 10–2, DOD 5200.1–R (AR 380–5) shall be tailored to fit
the needs of experienced personnel.
9–9. Foreign travel briefing
a. DOD components will establish appropriate internal procedures requiring all personnel possessing a DOD
security clearance to report to their security office all personal foreign travel in advance of the travel being performed.
When travel patterns, or the failure to report such travel, indicate the need for investigation, the matter will be referred
to the appropriate counterintelligence investigative agency.
b. Personnel having access to classified information shall be given a foreign travel briefing by a counterintelligence
agent, security specialist, security manager, or other qualified individual, as a defensive measure prior to travel to a
designated country (see app H) in order to alert them to their possible exploitation by hostile intelligence services.
These personnel will also be debriefed upon their return. The briefings will be administered under the following
(1) Travel to or through designated country for any purpose.
(2) Attendance at international, scientific, technical, engineering, or other professional meetings in the United States
or in any country outside the United States when it can be anticipated that representative(s) of designated countries will
participate or be in attendance.
c. Individuals who travel frequently, or attend or host meetings of foreign visitors as described in paragraph b2,
above, need not be briefed for each occasion, but shall be provided a thorough briefing at least once every 6 months
and a general reminder of security responsibilities before each such activity.
d. Records on such employees of all personal foreign travel will be maintained for 5 years and may be in manual
or automated form. Foreign travel records will be forwarded to the gaining command upon transfer of the
individual. The losing command will retain a copy of the foreign travel record on file for 1 year after the
individual’s departure. Record of individuals who retire, separate, or terminate employment will be retained at
the losing command until the expiration of the 5-year period. Data to be recorded are listed below:
(1) Name.
(2) SSN.
(3) Organization.
(4) Date security office was notified of proposed travel.
(5) Country or countries to be visited and inclusive dates.
(6) Date of foreign travel briefing (if travel meets criteria in para b, above) and name of person conducting
(7) Date of foreign travel debriefing (in accordance with para b, above) and name of person conducting
(8) Purpose of visit.
9–10. Termination briefing
a. Upon termination of employment, administrative withdrawal of security clearance, revocation of security clearance, or contemplated absence from duty or employment for 60 days or more, DOD military personnel and civilian
employees shall be given a termination briefing, return all classified material, and execute a Security Termination
Statement. DA Form 2962 (Security Termination Statement and Debriefing Certificate) will be used for this
purpose. Paragraph 10–5, AR 380–5 applies. This statement shall include the following;
(1) An acknowledgement that the individual has read the appropriate provisions of the Espionage Act and other
criminal statutes and DOD regulations applicable to the safeguarding of classified information to which the individual
has had access, and understands the implications thereof;
(2) A declaration that the individual no longer has any documents or material containing classified information in
their possession;
(3) An acknowledgement that the individual will not communicate or transit classified information to any unauthorized person or agency; and
(4) An acknowledgement that the individual will report without delay to the FBI or the DOD component concerned
any attempt by any unauthorized person to solicit classified information.
b. When an individual refuses to execute a security termination statement, that fact shall be reported immediately to
the security manager of the cognizant organization concerned. In any such case, the individual involved shall be
debriefed orally. The fact of a refusal to sign a security termination statement shall be reported to the Director, DIS,
who shall ensure that it is recorded in the DCII.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
c. The security termination statement shall be retained by the DOD component that authorized the individual access
to classified information for the period specified in the component’s records retention schedules, but for a minimum of
2 years after the individual is given a termination briefing.
d. In addition to the provisions of paragraphs a, b, and c, above, DOD components shall establish a central authority
to be responsible for ensuring that security termination statements are executed by senior personnel (general officers,
flag officers, and senior executive service (SES)s). Failure on the part of such personnel to execute a security
termination statement shall be reported immediately to the DUSD(P). Senior civilian employees, SESs and above,
will execute the DA Form 2962 at the employing activity at time of separation. The General Officer Management Office, ODCS, G–1, is the control office authorized to execute a DA Form 2962 for each separating general
Chapter 10
Safeguarding Personnel Security Investigative Records
10–1. General
In recognition of the sensitivity of personnel security reports and records, particularly with regard to individual privacy,
it is DOD policy that such personal information shall be handled with the highest degree of discretion. Access to such
information shall be afforded only for the purpose cited herein and to persons whose official duties require such
information. Personnel security investigative reports may be used only for the purposes of determining eligibility of
DOD military and civilian personnel, contractor employees, and other persons affiliated with the DOD, for access to
classified information, assignment or retention in sensitive duties or other specifically designated duties requiring such
investigation, or for law enforcement and counterintelligence investigations. Other uses are subject to the specific
written authorization of the DUSD(P).
10–2. Responsibilities
DOD authorities responsible for administering the DOD personnel security program and all DOD personnel authorized
access to personnel security reports and records shall ensure that the use of such information is limited to that
authorized by this regulation and that such reports and records are safeguarded as prescribed herein. The heads of DOD
components and the DUSD(P) for the Office of the Secretary of Defense shall establish internal controls to ensure
adequate safeguarding and limit access to and use of personnel security reports and records as required by paragraphs
10–3 and 10–4, below.
10–3. Access restrictions
Access to personnel security investigative reports and personnel security clearance determination information shall be
authorized only in accordance with DODD 5400.7 (AR 25–55) and DODD 5400.11 (AR 340–21) and with the
a. DOD personnel security investigative reports shall be released outside of the DOD only with the specific approval
of the investigative agency having authority over the control and disposition of the reports.
b. Within DOD, access to personnel security investigative reports shall be limited to those designated DOD officials
who require access in connection with specifically assigned personnel security duties, or other activities specifically
identified under the provisions of paragraph 10–1. Under no circumstances will foreign national employees of the
DA be permitted access to investigative files concerning U.S. military, U.S. civilian, or foreign national employees, unless such employees shall themselves have been the subject of a favorable counterintelligence scoped BI.
c. Access by subjects of personnel security investigative reports shall be afforded in accordance with DODD 5400.
11 (AR 340–21).
d. Access to personnel security clearance determination information shall be made available, other than provided for
in paragraph c, above, through security channels, only to DOD or other officials of the Federal Government who have
an official need for such information.
10–4. Safeguarding procedures
Personnel security investigative reports and personnel security determination information (to include NACI) shall be
safeguarded as follows:
a. Authorized requesters shall control and maintain accountability of all reports of investigation received.
b. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of personnel security investigative reports by requesters shall be restricted to
the minimum number of copies required for the performance of assigned duties.
c. Personnel security investigative reports shall be stored in a vault, safe, or steel file cabinet having at least a lock
bar and an approved three-position dial-type combination padlock or in a similarly protected area/container.
d. Reports of DOD PSIs shall be sealed in double envelopes or covers when transmitted by mail or when carried by
persons not authorized access to such information. The inner cover shall bear a notation substantially as follows: “TO
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
e. An individual’s status with respect to a personnel security clearance or a special access authorization is to be
protected as provided for in paragraph VI.C.6., DODD 5400.7 (AR 25–55).
10–5. Records disposition
a. Personnel security investigative reports, to include OPM NACIs may be retained by DOD recipient organizations,
if the head of the component deems it necessary to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 9–1 of this regulation,
only for the period necessary to complete the purpose for which they were originally requested. Such reports are
considered to be the property of the investigating organization and are on loan to the recipient organization. All copies
of such reports shall be destroyed within 90 days after completion of the required personnel security determination.
Destruction shall be accomplished in the same manner as for classified information in accordance with paragraph 9–2,
DOD 5200.1–R (AR 380–5).
b. DOD record repositories authorized to file personnel security investigative reports shall destroy PSI reports of a
favorable or of a minor derogatory nature 15 years after the date of the last action. That is, after the completion date of
the investigation or the date on which the record was last released to an authorized user—whichever is later. Personnel
security investigative reports resulting in an unfavorable administrative personnel action or court-martial or other
investigations of a significant nature due to information contained in the investigation shall be destroyed 25 years after
the date of the last action. Files in this latter category that are determined to be of possible historical value and those of
widespread public or congressional interest may be offered to the National Archives after 15 years. AR 381–45
c. Personnel security investigative reports on persons who are considered for affiliation with DOD will be destroyed
after 1 year if the affiliation is not completed.
10–6. Foreign source information
Information that is classified by a foreign government is exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of
Information and Privacy Acts. Further, information provided by foreign governments requesting an express promise of
confidentiality shall be released only in a manner that will not identify or allow unauthorized persons to identify the
foreign agency concerned.
Chapter 11
Program Management
11–1. General
To ensure uniform implementation of the DOD personnel security program throughout the department, program
responsibility shall be centralized at the DOD component level.
11–2. Responsibilities
a. The DUSD(P) shall have primary responsibility for providing guidance, oversight, development and approval for
policy and procedures governing personnel security program matters within the department:
(1) Provide program management through issuance of policy and operating guidance.
(2) Provide staff assistance to the DOD components and Defense Agencies in resolving day-to-day security policy
and operating problems.
(3) Conduct inspections of the DOD Components for implementation and compliance with DOD security policy and
operating procedures.
(4) Provide policy, oversight, and guidance to the component adjudication functions.
(5) Approve, coordinate and oversee all DOD personnel security research initiatives and activities.
b. The General Counsel shall ensure that the program is administered in a manner consistent with the laws; all
proceedings are promptly initiated and expeditiously completed; and that the rights of individuals involved are
protected, consistent with the interests of national security. The General Counsel shall also ensure that all relevant
decisions of the courts and legislative initiatives of the Congress are obtained on a continuing basis and that analysis of
the foregoing is accomplished and disseminated to DOD personnel security program management authorities.
c. The heads of the components shall ensure that—
(1) The DOD personnel security program is administered within their area of responsibility in a manner consistent
with this regulation.
(2) A single authority within the office of the head of the DOD component is assigned responsibility for administering the program within the component.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
(3) Information and recommendations are provided the DUSD(P) and the General Counsel at their request concerning any aspect of the program.
d. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civilian Personnel, Nonappropriated Funds, and Security
Policy will ensure the implementation of DODD 5200.2 and DOD 5200.2–R. The DASA (SAMR–PSP) will
conduct oversight to include approving and disapproving of security-related policy and will provide guidance, as
needed, on Army personnel security policy in its broadest dimensions.
e. The DCS, G–2 is responsible for formulating policy governing —
(1) Army personnel security.
(2) Submitting PSI requests.
(3) Adjudicating personnel security.
(4) Continually assessing the suitability of individuals for access to classified information.
f. The DCS , G–1 is responsible for—
(1) Accessing personnel for the total force.
(2) Determining personnel classification and standards.
(3) Adjudicating centralized personnel security.
(4) Formulating personnel management policy and procedures in compliance with existing security standards
and criteria.
(5) Developing automation architecture for integrating the Total Army Information Systems.
(6) Using designation criteria to determine the number of civilian positions designated as sensitive. Records of
sensitive and nonsensitive positions will be maintained by the servicing civilian personnel office. Those individuals authorized to designate sensitive positions will inform the servicing civilian personnel office of any change in
position sensitivity.
g. The CDR, CCF, is responsible for the centralized adjudication, granting, revocation, and denial of personnel security clearances and SCI access eligibility determinations. The CDR, CCF, is authorized to suspend or
direct the suspension of access to classified information.
h. The CDRs, Army Staff heads, and supervisors are responsible for implementing the personnel security
provisions of this regulation. Personnel security functions are normally delegated to the installation DSEC/
security manager/G2, who will—
(1) Initiate requests for PSIs.
(2) Suspend an individual’s access to classified information.
(3) Request security clearances.
(4) Grant interim security clearances.
(5) Report any adverse information.
(6) Assist personnel in completing applicable investigative forms.
(7) Conduct oversight visits of subordinate units at least once every 2 years.
11–3. Reporting requirements
a. Personnel security program management data will be developed and submitted by 1 November each year for the
preceding fiscal year in a report to the DUSD(P) DCS, G–2 (DAMI–CIS), Washington, DC 20310–1051. The
information required below is essential for basic personnel security program management and in responding to requests
from the Secretary of Defense and Congress. The report will cover the preceding fiscal year, broken out by clearance
category, according to officer, enlisted, civilian or contractor status.
b. The CDR, CCF, will report the following:
(1) Number of TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL clearances issued;
(2) Number of TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL clearances denied;
(3) Number of TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL clearances revoked;
(4) Number of SCI access determinations issued;
(5) Number of SCI access determinations denied;
(6) Number of SCI access determinations revoked;
(7) Number of actions which resulted in nonappointment or nonselection to a sensitive position;
(8) Number of personnel adjudicating personnel security cases on a full- or part- time basis;
(9) Number of man-years expended in adjudicating personnel security cases.
c. MACOM commanders and heads of Army Staff agencies will consolidate reports submitted by their
subordinate units and field operating agencies pertaining to the following data:
(1) Total number of personnel holding a clearance for TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, and sensitive
compartmented information as of the end of the fiscal year.
(2) Total number of personnel authorized access to TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, and sensitive
compartmented information as of the end of the fiscal year.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
(3) Number of TOP SECRET billets established (see para 3–4).
(4) Number of civilian positions designated sensitive, by designation criteria.
(5) The number of limited access authorizations in effect (in accordance with para 3–21).
d. This reporting requirement has been assigned report control symbol DD–POL(A)1749.
11–4. Inspections
The heads of DOD components shall ensure that personnel security program matters are included in their administrative inspection programs.
11–5. Performance measures
a. Commander’s and/or organization head.
(1) Provide the document that establishes or identifies command’s security organization and demonstrates the
security manager as having direct and ready access to the commanding officer.
(2) Provide evidence of formal security management training.
(3) Provide the documentation that identifies the security manager by name to all command personnel.
(4) Provide examples of security management functions that demonstrate overall management of the program.
(5) How many persons are assigned duties and responsibilities to support the command’s security program, what are
their duties, and how do they report to the security manager?
(6) Provide a copy of the most current written command security procedures.
(7) Explain any security services provided by the command including inspection, evaluation, education, or assist
(8) Provide the format or requirements for the annual refresher briefings.
(9) Provide the command’s security termination statement procedures.
(10) What security procedures are in place to ensure only those with validated need are submitted for a
limited access authorization?
(11) What protocols are in place to limit investigative and security clearance requests to only those individuals who
need such in performance of their duties or functions?
b. Security officers and/or managers.
(1) Annual volume of security clearances submitted.
(2) Provide number of submissions rejected by the Personnel Security Investigation Center of Excellence based on
existence of a prior valid investigation that meets requirements.
(3) Does the security manager verify security clearance of persons authorized access to classified info?
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Appendix A
Section I
Required Publications
This section contains no entries.
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this
regulation. DOD publications are available at United States Codes
are available at
AR 11–2
Managers’ Internal Control Program
AR 25–30
The Army Publishing Program
AR 25–55
Release of Information and Records from Army Files
AR 50–5
Nuclear Surety
AR 50–6
Chemical Surety
AR 190–16
Physical Security
AR 190–56
The Army Civilian Police and Security Guard Program
AR 215–3
Nonappropriated Funds Personnel Policy
AR 340–21
The Army Privacy Program
AR 380–5
Department of the Army Information Security Program
AR 380–10
Foreign Disclosure and Contacts with Foreign Representatives (U)
AR 380–28
Department of the Army Special Security System
AR 380–49
Industrial Program
AR 380–381
Special Access Programs (SAPs) and Sensitive Activities
AR 381–12
Threat Awareness and Reporting Program
AR 381–20
The Army Counterintelligence Program (S)
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
AR 381–45
Investigative Records Repository
AR 600–8–2
Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAGS)
AR 600–37
Unfavorable Information
AR 600–8–104
Military Personnel Information Management/Records
AR 608–10
Child Development Services
AR 614–200
Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management
DA Pam 611–21
Military Occupational Classification and Structure
Director of Central Intelligence Directive: DCID No 1/14
Minimum Personnel Security Standards and Practices Governing Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information
DIS 20–1–M
Manual for Personnel Security Investigations
DOD 1401.1–M
Personnel Policy Manual for Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities
DOD 5030.49–R
Customs Inspection
DOD 5200.1–R
Information Security Program Regulation
DOD 5200.2–R
DOD Personnel Security Program
DOD 5220.22–R
Industrial Security Regulation
DOD 7000.14–R, Volume 13
Financial Management Regulation, Volume 13, Nonappropriated Funds Policy and Procedures
DODD 5100.3
Support of the Headquarters of Unified Specified, and Subordinate Joint Commands
DODD 5100.23
Administrative Arrangements for the National Security Agency
DODD 5100.55
United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs
DODD 5105.42
The Defense Investigative Service
DODD 5142.1
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
DODD 5200.8
Security of Military Installations and Resources
DODD 5210.2
Access to and Dissemination of Restricted Data
DODD 5210.25
Assignment of American National Red Cross and United Service Organizations
DODD 5210.42
Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program
DODD 5210.45
Personnel Security in the National Security Agency
DODD 5210.46
Department of Defense Building Security for the National Capital Region
DODD 5210.48
DOD Polygraph Program
DODD 5210.55
Selection of DOD Military and Civilian Personnel and Contractor Employees for Assignment to Presidential Support
DODD 5210.65
Chemical Agency Security Program
DODD 5220.22
Industrial Security Regulation
DODD 5230.11
Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations
DODD 5400.7
DOD Freedom of Information Act Program
DODD 5400.11
Department of Defense Privacy Program
EO 9835
Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of an Employee Loyalty Program in the Executive Branch of the
EO 10450
Security Requirements for Government Employment
EO 11935
Citizenship Requirements for Federal Employment
EO 12333
United States Intelligence Activities
EO 12356
National Security Information
PL 86–36
National Security Agency–Officer and Employees
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
PL 88–290
National Security Agency–Personnel Security Procedures
PL 89–380
Unauthorized publication or use of communications
PL 96–456
Classified Information Procedures Act of 1980
UCMJ, Art. 15
Nonjudicial Punishment (Available at
Atomic Energy Act of 1954
Atomic Energy
Privacy Act of 1974
5 CFR 213.306
Accepted service
5 USC 552a
Records maintained on individuals
5 USC 3571
Reinstatement or restoration; individuals suspended or removed for national security
5 USC 7532
Suspension and removal
10 USC
Armed Forces
FPM letter 732
Military Personnel Information Management/Records
OMB Circular A–130
Management of Federal Resources (Available at
No information
Section III
Prescribed Forms
This section contains no entries.
Section IV
Referenced Forms
The following forms are available on the APD Web site http://
DA Form 11–2
Internal Control Evaluation Certification
DA Form 477 (obsolete)
Requisition for Enlisted Personnel
DA Form 872
Requisition for Individual Officer Personnel
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
DA Form 873 (obsolete)
Certificate Clearance and/or Security Determination
DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
DA Form 2962
Security Termination Statement
DA Form 5247–R (obsolete)
Request for Security Determination (LRA)
DA Form 5248–R
Report of Unfavorable Information for Security Determination (LRA)
DD Form 398 (obsolete)
Personnel Security Questionnaire
DD Form 398–2 (obsolete)
DOD National Agency Questionnaire (NAQ)
DD Form 1879 (obsolete)
DOD Request for Personnel Security Investigation
DD Form 2221 (obsolete)
DOD Authority for Release of Information and Records
FD 258
Applicant Fingerprint Card
Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America
Certification of Birth
SF Form 85
Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions
SF Form 87
Fingerprint Chart
SF 171 (superseded by OF 612)
Application for Federal Employment
Appendix B
Investigative Scope
This appendix prescribes the scope of the various types of PSIs.
B–1. National Agency Check
At a minimum, the first three of the described agencies (DCII, FBI/HQ, and FBI/ID) below shall be included in each
complete NAC; however, a NAC may also include a check of any or all of the other described agencies, if appropriate.
a. The DCII records consist of an alphabetical index of personal names and impersonal titles that appear as subjects
or incidentals in investigative documents held by the criminal, counterintelligence, fraud, and personnel security
investigative activities of the three military departments, DIS, DCIS, and the National Security Agency. DCCI records
will be checked on all subjects of DOD investigations.
b. The FBI/HQ has on file copies of investigations conducted by the FBI. The FBI/HQ check, included in every
NAC, consists of a review of files for information of a security nature and that developed during applicant-type
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
c. An FBI/ID check, included in every NAC (but not ENTNAC), is based upon a technical fingerprint search that
consists of a classification of the subject’s fingerprints and comparison with fingerprint cards submitted by law
enforcement activities. If the fingerprint card is not classifiable, a “name check only” of these files is automatically
d. The files of OPM contain the results of investigations conducted by OPM under EOs 9835 and 10450, those
requested by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of Energy (DOE) and those requested since
August 1952 to serve as a basis for “Q” clearances. Prior to that date, “Q” clearance investigations were conducted by
the FBI. A “Q” clearance is granted to individuals who require access to DOE information. In order to receive a “Q”
clearance, a full field BI must be completed on the individual requiring access in accordance with the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954. Also on file are the results of investigations on the operation of the Merit System, violations of the
Veterans Preference Act, appeals of various types, fraud and collusion in civil service examinations and related matters,
data on all Federal employment, and an index of all BIs on civilian employees or applicants completed by agencies of
the executive branch of the U.S Government. The OPM files may also contain information relative to U.S. citizens who
are, or who were, employed by a United Nations organization or other public international organization such as the
Organization of American States. OPM records are checked on all persons who are, or who have been, civilian
employees of the U.S. Government; or U.S. citizens who are, or who have been, employed by a United Nations
organization or other public international organization; and on those who have been granted security clearances by the
e. The files of Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) contain (or show where filed) naturalization certificates, certificates of derivative citizenship, all military certificates of naturalization, repatriation files, petitions for
naturalization and declaration of intention, visitors’ visas, and records of aliens (including government officials and
representatives of international organizations) admitted temporarily into the United States INS records are checked
when the subject is—
(1) An alien in the United States, or
(2) A naturalized citizen whose naturalization has not been verified, or
(3) An immigrant alien, or
(4) A U.S. citizen who receives derivative citizenship through the naturalization of one or both parents, provided
that such citizenship has not been verified in a prior investigation.
f. The State Department maintains the following records:
(1) Security division files contain information pertinent to matters of security, violations of security, personnel
investigations pertinent to that agency, and correspondence files from 1950 to date. These files are checked on all
former State Department employees.
(2) Passport division shall be checked if subject indicates U.S. citizenship due to birth in a foreign country of
American parents. This is a check of State Department Embassy files to determine if subject’s birth was registered at
the U.S. Embassy in the country where he was born. Verification of this registration is verification of citizenship.
g. The files of CIA contain information on present and former employees, including members of the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), applicants for employment, foreign nationals, including immigrant aliens in the United States,
and U.S. citizens traveling outside the United States after July 1, 1946. These files shall be checked under the
following guidelines.
Table B–1
Criteria for Central Intelligence Agency checks
Investigation: NAC, DNACI, or ENTNAC
Criteria for CIA checks: Residence anywhere outside of the United States for a year or more since age 18 except under the auspices of the
United States Government; and travel, education, residence, or employment since age 18 in any designated country (app H).
Investigation: BI
Criteria for CIA checks: Same as NAC, DNACI, and ENTNAC requirements plus travel, residence, employment, and education outside the
United States for more than a continuous 3-month period during the past 5 years, or since age 18, except when under the auspices of the
Investigation: SBI
Criteria for CIA checks: Same as BI requirements except the period of the investigation will cover the past 15 years, or since age 18. Also
when subject’s employment, education, or residence has occurred overseas for a period of more than 1 year under the auspices of the U.S.
Government, such checks will be made.
h. Military personnel record center files are maintained by separate departments of the Armed Forces, General
Services Administration and the reserve records centers. They consist of the master personnel records of retired,
separated, reserve, and active duty members of the Armed Force. These records shall be checked when the requester
provides required identifying data indicating service during the last 15 years.
i. The files of Treasury Department agencies (Secret Service, Internal Revenue Service, and Bureau of Customs)
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
will be checked only when available information indicates that an agency of the Treasury Department may be
reasonably expected to have pertinent information.
j. The files of other agencies such as the National Guard Bureau, the DISCO, and so forth, will be checked when
pertinent to the purpose for which the investigation is being conducted.
B–2. DOD National Agency Check and written inquiries
a. Scope. The time period covered by the DNACI is limited to the most recent 5 years, or since the 18th birthday,
whichever is shorter, provided that the investigation covers at least the last 2 full years of the subject’s life, although it
may be extended to the period necessary to resolve any questionable or derogatory information. No investigation will
be conducted prior to an individual’s 16th birthday. All DNACI investigation information will be entered on the DD
Form 398–2 and FD–Form 258 and forwarded to the Defense Investigative ServiceC–4, app C).
b. Components of a DOD National Agency Check and written inquiries.
(1) NAC. This is the same as described in paragraph B–1, above.
(2) Credit.
(a) A credit bureau check will be conducted to cover the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam,
and the Virgin Islands, at all locations where subject has resided (including duty stations and home ports), been
employed, or attended school for 6 months (cumulative) during the past 5 years.
(b) When information developed reflects unfavorably upon a person’s current credit reputation or financial responsibility, the investigation will be expanded as necessary.
(3) Employment.
(a) Non-Federal employment.
1. Verify, via written inquiry, all employment within the period of investigation with a duration of 6 months or
more. Current employment will be checked regardless of duration.
2. If all previous employments have been less than 6 months long, the most recent employment, in addition to the
current, will be checked in all cases.
3. Seasonal holiday, part-time and temporary employment need not be checked unless subparagraph 2, above,
(b) Federal employment. All Federal employment (to include military assignments) within the period of investigation will be verified by the requester through locally available records, and a statement reflecting that such checks have
been favorably accomplished will be contained in the investigative request. Those that cannot be verified in this fashion
will be accomplished via written inquiry by DIS (within the 50 United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin
B–3. Background investigation
The period of investigation for the BI is 5 years and applies to military, civilian, and contractor personnel.
a. National agency check. See paragraph B–1, above.
b. Local agency checks. Same as paragraph B–4j, below, except period of coverage is 5 years.
c. Credit checks. Same as paragraph B–4i, below.
d. Subject interview. This is the principal component of a BI. In some instances an issue will arise after the primary
SI and a secondary interview will be conducted. Interviews in the latter category are normally “issue” interviews that
will be reported in the standard BI narrative format.
e. Employment records. Employment records will be checked at all places where employment references are
interviewed with the exception of current Federal employment when the requester indicates that such employment has
been verified with favorable results.
f. Employment reference coverage. A minimum of three references, either supervisors or coworkers, who have
knowledge of the SUBJECT’s activities in the work environment will be interviewed. At least one employment
reference at the current place of employment will always be interviewed with the exception of an individual attending
military basic training, or other military training schools lasting less than 90 days. However, if the SUBJECT has only
been at the current employment for less than 6 months, it will be necessary to go not only to their current employment
(for example, for one employment reference) but also to the preceding employment of at least 6 months for additional
employment references. If the SUBJECT has not had prior employment of at least 6 months, interview(s) will be
conducted at the most recent short-term employment in addition to the current employment.
g. Developed and listed character references. A minimum of three developed character references (DCRs) whose
combined association with the subject covers the entire period of investigation will be interviewed. If coverage cannot
be obtained through the DCRs, a listed character reference (LCR) will be contacted to obtain coverage.
h. Unfavorable information. Unfavorable information developed in the field will be expanded.
B–4. Special background investigation
a. Components of an special background investigation. The period of investigation for an SBI is the last 15 years or
since the 18th birthday, whichever is the shorter period, provided that the investigation covers at least the last 2 full
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
years of the subject’s life. No investigation will be conducted for the period prior to an individual’s 16th birthday.
Emphasis shall be placed on peer coverage whenever interviews are held with personal sources in making education,
employment, and reference (including developed) contacts.
b. National agency check. In addition to conducting a NAC on the subject of the investigation, the following
additional requirements apply:
(1) A DCII, FBI/ID name check only and FBI/HQ check shall be conducted on subject’s current spouse or
cohabitant. In addition, such other national agency checks as deemed appropriate based on information on the subject’s
statement of personal history or PSQ shall be conducted.
(2) A check of FBI/HQ files on members of subject’s immediate family who are aliens in the United States or
immigrant aliens who are 18 years of age or older shall be conducted. As used throughout the regulation, members of
subject’s immediate family include the following:
(a) Current spouse.
(b) Adult children, 18 years of age or older, by birth, adoption, or marriage.
(c) Natural, adopted, foster, or stepparents.
(d) Guardians.
(e) Brothers and sisters either by birth, adoption, or remarriage of either parent.
(3) The files of CIA shall be reviewed on alien members of subject’s immediate family who are 18 years of age or
older, regardless of whether or not these persons reside in the United States.
(4) The INS files on members of subject’s immediate family 18 years of age or older shall be reviewed when they
(a) Aliens in the United States, or
(b) Naturalized U.S. citizens whose naturalization has not been verified in a prior investigation, or
(c) Immigrant aliens, or
(d) U.S. citizens born in a foreign country of American parent(s) or U.S. citizens who received derivative citizenship
through the naturalization of one or both parents, provided that such citizenship has not been verified in a prior
c. Birth. Verify subject’s date and place of birth (DPOB) through education, employment and/or other records.
Verify through Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS) records if not otherwise verified under paragraph d, below, or if a
variance is developed.
d. Citizenship. Subject’s citizenship status must be verified in all cases. U.S. citizens who are subjects of investigation will be required to produce documentation that will confirm their citizenship. Normally, such documentation
should be presented to the DOD Component concerned prior to the initiation of the request for investigation. When
such documentation is not readily available, investigative action may be initiated with the understanding that the
designated authority in the DOD Component will be provided with the documentation prior to the issuance of a
clearance. DIS will not check the BVS for native-born U.S. citizens except as indicated in paragraph c, above. In the
case of foreign-born U.S. citizens, DIS will check INS records. The citizenship status of all foreign-born members of
subject’s immediate family shall be verified. Additionally, when the investigation indicates that a member of subject’s
immediate family has not obtained U.S. citizenship after having been eligible for a considerable period of time, an
attempt should be made to determine the reason. The documents listed below are acceptable for proof of U.S.
citizenship for personnel security determination purposes:
(1) A birth certificate must be presented if the individual was born in the United States. To be acceptable, the
certificate must show that the birth record was filed shortly after birth and must be certified with the registrar’s
signature and the raised, impressed, or multicolored seal of their office except for States or jurisdictions which, as a
matter of policy, do not issue certificates with a raised or impressed seal. Uncertified copies of birth certificates are not
(a) A delayed birth certificate (a record filed more than 1 year after the date of birth) is acceptable provided that it
shows that the report of birth was supported by acceptable secondary evidence of birth as described in paragraph (b),
(b) If such primary evidence is not obtainable, a notice from the registrar stating that no birth record exists should
be submitted. The notice shall be accompanied by the best combination of secondary evidence obtainable. Such
evidence may include a baptismal certificate, a certificate of circumcision, a hospital birth record, affidavits of persons
having personal knowledge of the facts of the birth, or other documentary evidence such as early census, school, or
family Bible records, newspaper files and insurance papers. Secondary evidence should have been created as close to
the time of birth as possible.
(c) All documents submitted as evidence of birth in the United States shall be original or certified documents.
Uncertified copies are not acceptable.
(2) A certificate of naturalization shall be submitted if the individual claims citizenship by naturalization.
(3) A certificate of citizenship issued by the INS shall be submitted if citizenship was acquired by birth abroad to a
U.S. citizen parent or parents.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
(4) A Report of Birth Abroad of A Citizen of The United States of America (Form FS–240), a Certification of Birth
(Form FS–545 or DS–1350), or a Certificate of Citizenship is acceptable if citizenship was acquired by birth abroad to
a U.S. citizen parent or parents.
(5) A passport or one in which the individual was included will be accepted as proof of citizenship.
e. Education.
(1) Verify graduation or attendance at institutions of higher learning in the United States within the last 15 years, if
such attendance was not verified during a prior investigation.
(2) Attempts will be made to review records at overseas educational institutions when the subject resided overseas in
excess of 1 year.
(3) Verify attendance or graduation at the last secondary school attended within the past 10 years if there was no
attendance at an institution of higher learning within the period of investigation.
(4) Verification of attendance at military academies is only required when the subject failed to graduate.
f. Employment.
(1) Non-Federal employment. Verify all employment within the period of investigation to include seasonal, holiday,
Christmas, part-time, and temporary employment. Interview one supervisor and one coworker at subject’s current place
of employment as well as at each prior place of employment during the past 10 years of 6 months or longer. The
interview requirement for supervisors and coworkers does not apply to seasonal, holiday, Christmas, part-time, and
temporary employment (4 months or less) unless there are unfavorable issues to resolve or the letter of inquiry provides
insufficient information.
(2) Federal employment. All Federal employment will be verified within the period of investigation to include
Christmas, seasonal temporary, summer hire, part-time, and holiday employment. Do not verify Federal employment
through review of records if already verified by the requester. If Federal employment has not been verified by the
requester, then subject’s personnel file at their current place of employment will be reviewed. All previous Federal
employment will be verified during this review. In the case of former Federal employees, records shall be examined at
the Federal Records Center in St. Louis, Mo. Interview one supervisor and one coworker at all places of employment
during the past 10 years if so employed for 6 months or more.
(3) Military employment. Military service for the last 15 years shall be verified. The subject’s duty station, for the
purpose of interview coverage, is considered as a place of employment. One supervisor and one coworker shall be
interviewed at subject’s current duty station if subject has been stationed there for 6 months or more; additionally, a
supervisor and a coworker at subject’s prior duty stations where assigned for 6 months or more during the past 10
years shall be interviewed.
(4) Unemployment. Subject’s activities during all periods of unemployment in excess of 30 consecutive days, within
the period of investigation, that are not otherwise accounted for shall be verified.
(5) When an individual has resided outside the United States continuously for over 1 year, attempts will be made to
confirm overseas employments as well as conduct required interviews of a supervisor and coworker.
g. References. Three developed character references who have sufficient knowledge of subject to comment on their
background, suitability, and loyalty shall be interviewed personally. Efforts shall be made to interview developed
references whose combined association with subject covers the full period of the investigation with particular emphasis
on the last 5 years. Employment, education, and neighborhood references, in addition to the required ones, may be used
as developed references provided that they have personal knowledge concerning the individual’s character, discretion,
and loyalty. Listed character references will be interviewed only when developed references are not available or when
it is necessary to identify and locate additional developed character references or when it is necessary to verify
subject’s activities (e.g., unemployment).
h. Neighborhood investigation. Conduct a neighborhood investigation to verify each of subject’s residences in the
United States of a period of 6 months or more on a cumulative basis, during the past 5 years or during the period of
investigation, whichever is shorter. During each neighborhood investigation, interview two neighbors who can verify
subject’s period of residence in that area and who were sufficiently acquainted to comment on subject’s suitability for a
position of trust. Neighborhood investigations will be expanded beyond this 5-year period only when there is
unfavorable information to resolve in the investigation.
i. Credit. Conduct credit bureau check in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and overseas (where
APO/FPO addresses are provided) at all places where subject has resided (including duty stations and home ports),
been employed, or attended school for 6 months or more, on a cumulative basis, during the last 7 years or during the
period of the investigation, whichever is shorter. When coverage by a credit bureau is not available, credit references
located in that area will be interviewed. Financial responsibility, including unexplained affluence, will be stressed in all
reference interviews.
j. Local agency checks. LACs, including State central criminal history record repositories, will be conducted on
subject at all places of residence to include duty stations and/or home ports, in the 50 States, the District of Columbia,
and Puerto Rico, where residence occurred during the past 15 years or during the period of investigation, whichever is
shorter. If subject’s place of employment and/or education is serviced by a different law enforcement agency than that
servicing the area of residence, LACs shall be conducted also in these areas.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
k. Foreign travel. If subject has been employed or educated or has traveled or resided outside of the United States
for more than 90 days during the period of investigation, except under the auspices of the U.S. Government, additional
record checks during the NAC shall be made in accordance with paragraph B–1f of this appendix. In addition, the
following requirements apply:
(1) Foreign travel not under the auspices of the U.S. Government. When employment, education, or residence has
occurred overseas for more than 90 days during the past 15 years or since age 18, which was not under the auspices of
the U.S. Government, a check of records will be made at the Passport Office of the Department of State, the CIA, and
other appropriate agencies. Efforts shall be made to develop sources, generally in the United States, who knew the
individual overseas to cover significant employment, education, or residence and to determine whether any lasting
foreign contacts or connections were established during this period. If the individual has worked or lived outside of the
United States continuously for over 1 year, the investigation will be expanded to cover fully this period through the use
of such investigative assets and checks of record sources as may be available to the U.S. Government in the foreign
country in which the individual resided.
(2) Foreign travel under the auspices of the U.S. Government. When employment, education, or residence has
occurred overseas for a period of more than 1 year, under the auspices of the U.S. Government, a record check will be
made at the Passport Office of the Department of State, the CIA, and other appropriate agencies. Efforts shall be made
to develop sources (generally in the United States) who knew the individual overseas to cover significant employment,
education, or residence and to determine whether any lasting foreign contacts or connections were established during
this period. Additionally, the investigation will be expanded to cover fully this period through the use of such
investigative assets and checks of record sources as may be available to the United States Government in the foreign
country in which the individual resided.
l. Foreign connections. All foreign connections (friends, relatives, and/or business connections) of subject and
immediate family in the United States or abroad, except where such association was the direct result of subject’s
official duties with the U.S. Government, shall be ascertained. Investigation shall be directed toward determining the
significance of foreign connections on the part of subject and the immediate family, particularly where the association
is or has been with persons whose origin was within a country whose national interests are inimical to those of the
United States. When subject or their spouse have close relatives residing in a Communist-controlled country, or subject
has resided, visited, or traveled in such a country, not under U.S. Government auspices, the provisions of paragraph
2–308c of this regulation apply.
m. Organizations. Efforts will be made during reference interviews and record reviews to determine if subject and/or
the immediate family has, or formerly had, membership in, affiliation with, sympathetic association towards, or
participated in any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group, or combination of persons of the
type described in paragraphs 2–4a through d of this regulation.
n. Divorce. Divorces, annulments, and legal separations of subject shall be verified only when there is reason to
believe that the grounds for the action could reflect on subject’s suitability for a position of trust.
o. Military service. All military service and types of discharge during the last 15 years shall be verified.
p. Medical records. Medical records shall not be reviewed unless:
(1) The requester indicates that subject’s medical records were unavailable for review prior to submitting the request
for investigation, or
(2) The requester indicates that unfavorable information is contained in subject’s medical records, or
(3) The subject lists one or more of the following on the statement of personal history or PSQ:
(a) A history of mental or nervous disorders.
(b) That subject is now or has been addicted to the use of habit-forming drugs such as narcotics or barbiturates or is
now or has been a chronic user to excess of alcoholic beverages.
q. Updating a previous investigation to SBI standards. If a previous investigation does not substantially meet the
minimum standards of an SBI or if it is more than 5 years old, a current investigation is required but may be limited to
that necessary to bring the individual’s file up to date in accordance with the investigative requirements of an SBI.
Should new information be developed during the current investigation that bears unfavorably upon the individual’s
activities covered by the previous investigation, the current inquiries shall be expanded as necessary to develop full
details of this new information.
B–5. Periodic reinvestigation
a. Each DOD military, civilian, consultant, and contractor employee (to include foreign nationals holding a limited
access authorization) occupying a critical-sensitive position, possessing a TOP SECRET clearance, or occupying a
special access program position or whose MOS requires access to TOP SECRET and/or SCI, shall be the subject of
a PR initiated not later than 5 years from the date of completion of the last investigation. The PR shall cover the
period of the last 5 years.
(1) If there has been a break in the individual’s military service, DA civilian employment, or contractor
employment (for contractor employees who require access to SCI) of more than 12 months, a PR is not
acceptable. A BI or SBI, as appropriate, is required.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
(2) If the previous investigation (BI, SBI, or PR) is more than 6 years old, a PR is not acceptable. A BI or
SBI, as appropriate, is required to cover the period since the last investigation.
b. Minimum investigative requirements. A PR shall include the following minimum scope.
(1) National agency check. A valid NAC on the subject will be conducted in all cases. Additionally, for positions
requiring SCI access, checks of DCII, FBI/HQ, FBI/ID name check only, and other agencies deemed appropriate will
be conducted on the subject’s current spouse or cohabitant, if not previously conducted. Additionally, NACs will be
conducted on immediate family members, 18 years of age or older, who are aliens and/or immigrant aliens, if not
previously accomplished.
(2) Credit. Credit bureau checks covering all places where the subject resided for 6 months or more, on a
cumulative basis, during the period of investigation, in the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and overseas
(where APO/FPO addresses are provided) will be conducted.
(3) Subject interview. The interview should cover the entire period of time since the last investigation, not just the
last 5-year period. Significant information disclosed during the interview, which has been satisfactorily covered during
a previous investigation, need not be explored again unless additional relevant information warrants further coverage.
An SI is not required if one of the following conditions exist:
(a) The subject is aboard a deployed ship or in some remote area that would cause the interview to be excessively
(b) The subject is in an overseas location serviced by the State Department or the FBI.
(4) Employment. Current employment will be verified. Military and Federal service records will not routinely be
checked, if previously checked by the requester when PR was originally submitted. Also, employment records will be
checked wherever employment interviews are conducted. Records need be checked only when they are locally
available, unless unfavorable information has been detected.
(5) Employment references. Two supervisors or coworkers at the most recent place of employment or duty station of
6 months will be interviewed; if the current employment is less than 6 months, employment reference interviews will
be conducted at the next prior place of employment of at least a 6-month duration.
(6) Developed character references. Two developed character references who are knowledgeable of the subject will
be interviewed. The developed character references who were previously interviewed will only be reinterviewed when
other developed references are not available.
(7) Local agency checks. The DIS will conduct local agency checks on the subject at all places of residence,
employment, and education during the period of investigation, regardless of duration, including overseas locations.
(8) Select scoping. When the facts of the case warrant, additional select scoping will be accomplished, as necessary,
to fully develop or resolve an issue.
Appendix C
Request Procedures
C–1. General
To conserve investigative resources and to ensure that PSIs are limited to those essential to current operations and are
clearly authorized by DOD policies, organizations requesting investigations must ensure that continuing command
attention is given to the investigative request process.
In this connection, it is particularly important that the provision of EO 12356 requiring strict limitations on the
dissemination of official information and material be closely adhered to and that investigations requested for issuing
clearances are limited to those instances in which an individual has a clear need for access to classified information.
Similarly, investigations required to determine eligibility for appointment or retention in DOD, in either a civilian or
military capacity, must not be requested in frequency or scope exceeding that provided for in this regulation.
In view of the foregoing, the following guidelines have been developed to simplify and facilitate the investigative
request process:
a. Limit requests for investigation to those that are essential to current operations and clearly authorized by DOD
policies and attempt to utilize individuals who, under the provisions of this regulation, have already met the security
b. Ensure that military personnel on whom investigative requests are initiated will have sufficient time remaining in
service after completion of the investigation to warrant conducting it;
c. Ensure that request forms and prescribed documentation are properly executed in accordance with instructions;
d. Dispatch the request directly to the DIS Personnel Investigations Center;
e. Promptly notify the DIS Personnel Investigations Center through CCF (PCCF–M) if the investigation is no
longer needed (notify OPM if a NACI is no longer needed; and
f. Limit access through strict need to know, thereby requiring fewer investigations.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
In summary, close observance of the above-cited guidelines will allow the DIS to operate more efficiently and permit
more effective, timely, and responsive service in accomplishing investigations.
C–2. National agency check
When a NAC is requested, an original only of the DD Form 398–2 (National Agency Check Request) and a completed
FD 258 (Applicant Fingerprint Card) are required. If the request is for an ENTNAC, an original only of the DD Form
398–2 and a completed DD Form 2280 (Armed Forces Fingerprint Card) are required. Those forms should be sent
directly to: Personnel Investigation Center, Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 1083, Baltimore, MD 21203.
C–3. National agency check and written inquiries
When a NACI is requested, an original and one copy of the SF 86 (Questionnaire for Sensitive Positions), an Of 612
(Optional Application for Federal Employment), and an SF 87 (U.S. Civil Service Commission Fingerprint Chart) shall
be sent directly to: Office of Personnel Management, Bureau of Personnel Investigations, NACI Center, Boyers, PA
16018. The notation “ALL REFERENCES” shall be stamped immediately above the title at the top of the Standard
Form 85.
C–4. DOD National Agency Check and written inquiries
a. When a DNACI is requested, one copy of DD Form 1879, an original and two copies of the DD Form 398–2
(National Agency Check Request), two copies of FD 258 (Fingerprint Card), and an original of DD Form 2221
(Authority for Release of Information and Records) shall be sent directly to: Personnel Investigations Center, Defense
Investigative Service, P.O. Box 1083, Baltimore, MD 21203.
b. The DD Form 398–2 must be completed to cover the most recent 5-year period. All information, to include items
relative to residences and employment, must be complete and accurate to avoid delays in processing.
C–5. Special background investigation/background investigation
a. When requesting a BI or SBI, one copy of DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security Investigation), an
original and four copies of DD Form 398 (Statement of Personnel History), two copies of FD 258, and an original of
DD Form 2221 (Authority for Release of Information and Records) shall be sent directly to: Personnel Investigations
Center, Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 454, Baltimore, MD 21203.
b. For the BI and SBI, the DD Form 398 must be completed to cover the most recent 5- and 15-year period,
respectively, or since the 18th birthday, whichever is shorter.
c. When requesting an SBI, DD Form 398–2 must be submitted for the spouse or cohabitant. A DD Form
398–2 must also be submitted for immediate family members over 18 years of age who are not U.S. citizens.
C–6. Periodic reinvestigation
a. The PRs shall be requested only in such cases as are authorized by paragraph 2–12 of this regulation.
(1) For a PR requested in accordance with paragraph 2–12, the DD Form 1879 must be accompanied by the
following documents:
(a) Original and four copies of DD Form 398.
(b) Two copies of FD–258.
(c) Original copy of DD Form 2221.
(2) In processing PRs, previous investigative reports will not be requested by the requesting organization, unless
significant derogatory or adverse information, postdating the most recent favorable adjudication, is developed during
the course of reviewing other locally available records. In the latter instance, requests for previous investigative reports
may only be made if it is determined by the requesting organization that the derogatory information is so significant
that a review of previous investigative reports is necessary for current adjudicative determinations.
b. No abbreviated version of DD Form 398 may be submitted in connection with a PR.
c. The DD Form 398 completed for a BI PR will cover the most recent 5-year period and for an SBI PR it
will be completed to cover the period from the date of the most recent SBI or SBI PR to present date.
d. The PR request shall be sent to the address in paragraphC–5a, above.
C–7. Additional investigation to resolve derogatory or adverse information
a. Requests for additional investigation required to resolve derogatory or adverse information shall be submitted by
DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security Investigation) to: Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 454,
Baltimore, MD 21203. Such requests shall set forth the basis for the additional investigation and describe the specific
matter to be substantiated or disproved.
b. The request should be accompanied by an original and four copies of the DD Form 398, when appropriate, two
copies of FD–258 and an original copy of DD Form 2221, unless such documentation was submitted within the last 12
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
months to DIS as part of a NAC or other PSI. If pertinent, the results of a recently completed NAC, NACI, or other
related investigative reports available should also accompany the request.
C–8. Obtaining results of prior investigations
Requesters requiring verification of a specified type of PSI, and/or requiring copies of prior investigations conducted
by the DIS shall submit requests by letter or message to: Defense Investigative Service Investigative Files Division, P.
O. Box 1211, Baltimore, MD 21203. Message address: DIS personnel investigation center (PIC) Baltimore, MD/ /
D0640. The request will include subject’s name, grade, SSN, date and place of birth, and DIS case control number if
C–9. Requesting postadjudication cases
a. Requests pertaining to issues arising after adjudication of an investigation (post-adjudication cases) shall be
addressed to DIS on a DD Form 1879 accompanied by a DD Form 398, when appropriate.
b. All requests for initial investigations will be submitted to PIC regardless of their urgency. If, however, there is an
urgent need for a postadjudication investigation, or the mailing of a request to PIC for initiation of a postadjudication
case would prejudice timely pursuit of investigative action, the DD Form 1879 may be directed for initiation, in
CONUS, to the nearest DIS field office, and in overseas locations, to the military investigative service element
supporting the requester (app J). The field element (either DIS or the military investigative agency) will subsequently
forward either the DD Form 1879 or completed investigation to PIC.
c. A fully executed DD Form 1879 and appropriate supporting documents may not be immediately available.
Further, a case that is based on sensitive security issues may be compromised by a request that the subject submit a DD
Form 398. A brief explanation should appear on the DD Form 1879 which does not include complete supporting
C–10. Requests involving contractor employees
To preclude duplicative investigative requests and double handling of contractor employee cases involving access to
classified information, all requests for investigation of contractor personnel must be submitted, using authorized
industrial security clearance forms, for processing through the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office, except for
programs in which specific approval has been obtained from the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy to
utilize other procedures.
C–11. Responsibility for proper documentation of requests
The official signing the request for investigation shall be responsible for ensuring that all documentation is completed
in accordance with these instructions.
C–12. Requests involving Red Cross and United Services Organization employees
a. The Red Cross and USO will prepare the request for NAC on prospective employees. DD Form 398–2 and
FD Form 258 will be forwarded to the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) for processing.
b. The DISCO will make a determination as to the acceptability of the prospective employee. If the determination is favorable, the Red Cross or USO will be notified. All unfavorable determinations will be forwarded to
the Director for Industrial Security Clearance Review Office of the Defense General Counsel for action. The
applicant, Red Cross or USO, and the host commander will be advised of the final determination.
c. If derogatory information is received on a Red Cross or USO employee, the host command or Red Cross or
USO will forward the information for review to: Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO–A), P.O.
Box 2499, Columbus, OH 43216–5006.
d. The DISCO will initiate any investigation necessary to resolve derogatory information.
e. If a Red Cross or USO employee requires a security clearance, the host commander will forward the
request together with a copy of the DISCO acceptability determination to the CDR, CCF, for action. All security
clearances will be granted by the CDR, CCF, for Red Cross and/or USO employees on Army installations.
Appendix D
Tables for requesting investigations
See table D-1 for a guide on requesting background investigations.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Table D–1
Guide for requesting background investigations
If the individual is a
and duties require
then a BI is required before
U.S. national military member, civilian, consultant, or TOP SECRET clearance
contractor employee
granting final clearance
U.S. national civilian employee
assignment to the position
assignment to a “critical-sensitive” position
U.S. national military member, civilian, or contractor occupying a “critical” position in the Nuclear Weapon occupying a “critical” DOD
U.S. national military member or civilian employee
granting or denying clearances
performing clearance functions
U.S. national military member or civilian employee
membership on security screening, hearing, or review board
appointment to the board
immigrant alien
limited access to SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL infor- issuing limited access aumation
thorization (see note)
non-U.S. national employee, excluding immigrant al- limited access to SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL infor- issuing limited access auien,
non-U.S. national nominee for military education and education and orientation of military personnel
orientation program (from a country listed at app H)
performing duties
U.S. national military member or DOD civilian or con- assignment to a category two Presidential support
tractor employee
U.S. national military member or DOD civilian or con- access to NATO COSMIC information
tractor employee assigned to NATO
access may be granted
BI will cover a 10-year scope.
Table D–2
Guide for requesting special background investigations
then a SBI is required
If the individual is a
and duties require
U.S. national military member or DOD civilian, con- access to SCI
sultant, or contractor employee
granting access
assignment to a category one Presidential support
access to SIOP-ESI
granting access
assignment to the National Security Agency
access to other special access programs approved
under paragraph 3–37
granting access
assignment to personnel security, counterintelligence, or criminal investigative or direct investigative support duties
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Table D–3
Guide for requesting periodic reinvestigations
If the individual is a
and duties require
then a PR is required
U.S. national military member or DOD civilian, con- access to SCI
sultant, or contractor employee
5 years from date of last
TOP SECRET clearance 5 years from date of last
access to NATO COSMIC
5 years from date of last
assignment to Presidential support activities
5 years from date of last
U.S. national civilian employee
assignment to a “critical-sensitive” position
5 years from last SBI/BI or
non-U.S. national employee
current limited access authorization to SECRET or
CONFIDENTIAL information
5 years from last SBI/BI or
U.S. national military member
assignment to duties defined in paragraph 3–59 or 5 years from last SBI/BI or
requiring TS or SCI eligibility in accordance with DA PR
Pam 611–21.
Table D–4
Guide for requesting DOD National Agency Check with written inquiries or national agency check and inquiries
If the individual is a
and duties require
then a DNACI/NACI is required
U.S. national military member or contractor employee
SECRET clearance
before granting clearance
(see note 1)
Interim SECRET clearance
automatically (see note 2)
SECRET clearance
before granting clearance
Interim SECRET clearance
automatically (see note 3)
Appointment to “noncritical-sensitive” position
before appointment
U.S. national civilian employee or consultant
U.S. national military member or DOD civilian or con- occupying a “controlled” position in the Nuclear
tractor employee
Weapon PRR
before assignment
applicant for appointment as a commisioned officer
commission in the Armed Forces
before appointment (after
appointment for health
professionals, chaplains,
and attorneys, under conditions authorized by para
3–15 of this regulation)
Naval Academy Midshipman, Military Academy Cadet, or Air Force Academy Cadet
to be initiated 90 days after
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadet or
entry to advanced course or college scholarship pro- to be initiated 90 days after
1 First-term enlistees shall require an ENTNAC.
2 Provided DD Form 398–2 is favorably reviewed, local records check favorably accomplished, and DNACI initiated.
3 Provided an authority designated in appendix F finds delay in such appointment would be harmful to national security; favorably review of DD Form 389–2;
NACI initiated; and favorable local records check accomplished.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Table D–5
Guide for requesting National Agency Checks
If the individual is a
and duties require
then a NAC is required
first-term enlistee
retention in the Armed Forces (including National
Guard and Reserve)
to be initiated NLT 3 work
days after entry (see note
prior service member reentering military service after retention in the Armed Forces (including National
break in Federal employment exceeding 1 year
Guard and Reserve)
to be initiated NLT 3 work
days after reentry
nominee for military education and orientation program
education and orientation of military personnel
before performing duties
(see note 2)
U.S. national military or DOD civilian or contractor
access to restricted areas, sensitive information, or
equipment as defined in paragraph 3–39
before authorizing entry
nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) civilian
appointment as NAFI custodian
before appointment
accountability for nonappropriated funds
before completion of probationary period
fiscal responsibility as determined by NAFI custodian before completion of probationary period
other “positions of trust”
Persons requiring access to chemical agents
access to or security of chemical agents
before appointment
before assignment
U.S. national, civilian employee nominee for customs waiver under provisions of paragraph 3–41
inspection duties
before appointment (see
note 3)
Red Cross/USO personnel
assignment with the Armed Forces overseas
before assignment (see
note 4 for foreign national
U.S. national
a DOD building pass
prior to issuance
Foreign national employed overseas
no access to classified information
prior to employment (see
note 4)
1 Request ENTNAC only.
2 Except when personnel whose country of origin is listed at appendix H, a BI will be required (see para 3–50).
3 A NAC not over 5 years old suffices unless there has been a break in employment over 12 months. Then a current NAC is required.
4 In such cases, the NAC shall consist of: (a) host government law enforcement and security agency record checks at the city, State (Province), and national
level, and (b) DCII.
Appendix E
Reporting of Nonderogatory Cases
Appendix F
Personnel Security Determination Authorities
F–1. Officials authorized to grant, deny, or revoke personnel security clearances (TOP SECRET,
a. Secretary of Defense and/or designee.
b. Secretary of the Army and/or designee.
c. Secretary of the Navy and/or designee.
d. Secretary of the Air Force and/or designee.
e. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and/or designee.
f. Directors of the Defense Agencies and/or designee.
g. Commanders of the Unified and Specified Commands and/or designee.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
h. DCS, G–2 and/or designee.
i. Commander, CCF, and/or designee.
F–2. Officials authorized to grant limited access authorizations:
a. Secretaries of the Military Departments and/or designees.
b. Director, Washington Headquarters Services, for OSD and/or designee.
c. Chairman, JCS, and/or designee.
d. Directors of the Defense Agencies and/or designees.
e. Commanders, Unified and Specified Commands, and/or designees.
f. Heads of HQDA Staff agencies.
g. Commanders of MACOMs.
h. Commander, CCF.
F–3. Officials authorized to grant access to sensitive compartmented investigation
a. Director, NSA—for NSA.
b. Director, DIA—for OSD, OJCS, and Defense Agencies.
c. Senior Officers of the Intelligence Community of the Army (DCS, G–2), Navy, and Air Force—for their
respective Military Departments, or their single designee.
d. Commander, CCF.
F–4. Officials authorized to certify personnel under their jurisdiction for access to restricted data (to
include critical nuclear weapon design information)
See enclosure to DODD 5210.2 (AR 380–5).
F–5. Officials authorized to approve personnel for assignment to Presidential support activities
a. The Executive Secretary to the Secretary.
b. Deputy Secretary of Defense or designee.
F–6. Officials authorized to grant access to SIOP–ESI
a. Director of Strategic Target Planning.
b. Director, Joint Staff, OJCS.
c. Chief of Staff, U.S. Army.
d. Chief of Naval Operations.
e. Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force.
f. Commandant of the Marine Corps.
g. Commanders of Unified and Specified Commands.
h. The authority to grant access delegated above may be further delegated in writing by the above officials to the
appropriate subordinates.
F–7. Officials authorized to designate sensitive positions
a. Heads of DOD Components or their designees for critical-sensitive positions.
(1) Under Secretary of the Army.
(2) Assistant secretaries of the Army.
(3) Deputy assistant secretaries of the Army.
(4) Chief of Staff.
(5) Heads of HQDA Staff agencies.
(6) Commanders of MACOMs. Note: These officials may redelegate this authority to subordinate commanders as deemed necessary.
b. Organizational commanders for noncritical-sensitive positions.
F–8. Nonappropriated Fund positions of trust
Officials authorized to designate Nonappropriated Fund positions of trust: Heads of DOD Components and/or their
a. Under Secretary of the Army.
b. Assistant secretaries of the Army.
c. Deputy assistant secretaries of the Army.
d. Chief of Staff.
e. Heads of HQDA Staff agencies.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
f. Commanders of MACOMs.
g. Organizational commanders.
Appendix G
Guidelines for Conducting Prenomination Personal Interviews
Appendix H
List of Designated Countries
Appendix I
Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Collateral Classified
Information and Sensitive Compartmented Information and Controlled Access Program
I–1. Introduction
a. The following adjudicative guidelines are established for all U.S. Government civilian and military personnel,
consultants, contractors, employees of contractors, licensees, certificate holders or grantees and their employees and
other individuals who require access to classified information. They apply to persons being considered for initial or
continued eligibility for access to classified information, to include sensitive compartmented information and special
access programs, and are to be used by Government departments and agencies in all final clearance determinations.
Government departments and agencies may also choose to apply these guidelines to analogous situations regarding
persons being considered for access to other types of protected information.
b. Decisions regarding eligibility for access to classified information take into account factors that could cause a
conflict of interest and place a person in the position of having to choose between his or her commitment to the United
States, including the commitment to protect classified information, and any other compelling loyalty. Access decisions
also take into account a person’s reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect classified information. No coercive
policing could replace the self-discipline and integrity of the person entrusted with the nation’s SECRETs as the most
effective means of protecting them. When a person’s life history shows evidence of unreliability or untrustworthiness,
questions arise whether the person can be relied on and trusted to exercise the responsibility necessary for working in a
secure environment where protecting classified information is paramount.
I–2. Adjudicative Process
a. The adjudicative process is an examination of a sufficient period of a person’s life to make an affirmative
determination that the person is an acceptable security risk. Eligibility for access to classified information is predicated
upon the individual meeting these personnel security guidelines. The adjudication process is the careful weighing of a
number of variables known as the whole-person concept. Available, reliable information about the person, past and
present, favorable and unfavorable, should be considered in reaching a determination. In evaluating the relevance of an
individual’s conduct, the adjudicator should consider the following factors:
(1) The nature, extent, and seriousness of the conduct.
(2) The circumstances surrounding the conduct, to include knowledgeable participation.
(3) The frequency and recency of the conduct.
(4) The individual’s age and maturity at the time of the conduct.
(5) The extent to which participation is voluntary.
(6) The presence or absence of rehabilitation and other permanent behavioral changes.
(7) The motivation for the conduct.
(8) The potential for pressure, coercion, exploitation, or duress.
(9) The likelihood of continuation or remain.
b. Final determinations for Army personnel remains the responsibility of the CCF or Army PSAB, as appropriate.
The Command may provide supporting documentation for CCF or Army PSAB consideration. Any doubt concerning
personnel being considered for access to classified information will be resolved in favor of national security.
c. The ability to develop specific thresholds for action under these guidelines is limited by the nature and complexity
of human behavior. The ultimate determination of whether the granting or continuing of eligibility for security
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
clearance eligibility is clearly consistent with the interests of national security must be an overall common sense
judgment based upon careful consideration of the following guidelines, each of which is to be evaluated in the context
of the whole person.
(1) Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States.
(2) Guideline B: Foreign Influence.
(3) Guideline C: Foreign Preference.
(4) Guideline D: Sexual Behavior.
(5) Guideline E: Personal Conduct.
(6) Guideline F: Financial Considerations.
(7) Guideline G: Alcohol Consumption.
(8) Guideline H: Drug Involvement.
(9) Guideline I: Psychological Conditions.
(10) Guideline J: Criminal Conduct.
(11) Guideline K: Handling Protected Information.
(12) Guideline L: Outside Activities.
(13) Guideline M: Use of Information Technology Systems.
d. Although adverse information concerning a single criterion may not be sufficient for an unfavorable determination, the individual may be disqualified if available information reflects a recent or recurring pattern of questionable
judgment, irresponsibility, or emotionally unstable behavior. Notwithstanding the whole-person concept, pursuit of
further investigation may be terminated by an appropriate adjudicative agency in the face of reliable, significant,
disqualifying, adverse information.
e. When information of security concern becomes known about an individual who is currently eligible for access to
classified information, the adjudicator should consider whether the person:
(1) Voluntarily reported the information.
(2) Was truthful and complete in responding to questions.
(3) Sought assistance and followed professional guidance, where appropriate.
(4) Resolved or appears likely to favorably resolve the security concern.
(5) Has demonstrated positive changes in behavior and employment.
(6) Should have his or her access temporarily suspended pending final adjudication of the information.
f. If after evaluating information of security concern, the adjudicator decides that the information is not serious
enough to warrant a recommendation of disapproval or revocation of the security clearance eligibility, it may be
appropriate to recommend approval with a warning that future incidents of a similar nature may result in revocation of
I–3. Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States
a. The concern. An individual must be of unquestioned allegiance to the United States. The willingness to safeguard
classified information is in doubt if there is any reason to suspect an individual’s allegiance to the United States.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Involvement in, support of, training to commit, or advocacy of any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, terrorism,
or sedition against the United States of America.
(2) Association or sympathy with persons who are attempting to commit, or who are committing, any of the above
(3) Association or sympathy with persons or organizations that advocate, threaten, or use force or violence, or use
any other illegal or unconstitutional means, in an effort to:
(a) Overthrow or influence the Government or any State or local government.
(b) Prevent Federal, State, or local government personnel from performing their official duties.
(c) Gain retribution for perceived wrongs caused by the Federal, State, or local government.
(d) Prevent others from exercising their rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The individual was unaware of the unlawful aims of the individual or organization and severed ties upon
learning of these.
(2) The individual’s involvement was only with the lawful or humanitarian aspects of such an organization.
(3) Involvement in the above activities occurred for only a short period of time and was attributable to curiosity or
academic interest.
(4) The involvement or association with such activities occurred under such unusual circumstances, or so much
times has elapsed, that it is unlikely to recur and does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or loyalty.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
I–4. Guideline B: Foreign Influence
a. Concern. Foreign contacts and interests may be a security concern if the individual has divided loyalties or
foreign financial interests, may be manipulated or induced to help a foreign person, group, organization, or government
in a way that is not in U.S. interests, or is vulnerable to pressure or coercion by any foreign interest. Adjudication
under this guideline can and should consider the identity of the foreign country in which the foreign contact or
financial interest is located, including, but not limited to, such considerations as whether the foreign country is known
to target United States citizens to obtain protected information and/or is associated with a risk of terrorism.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Contact with a foreign family member, business or professional associate, friend, or other person who is a citizen
of or resident in a foreign country if that contact creates a heightened risk of foreign exploitation, inducement,
manipulation, pressure, or coercion;
(2) Connections to a foreign person, group, government, or country that create a potential conflict of interest
between the individual’s obligation to protect sensitive information or technology and the individual’s desire to help a
foreign person, group, or country by providing that information;
(3) Counterintelligence information, that may be classified, indicates that the individual’s access to protected
information may involve unacceptable risk to national security;
(4) Sharing living quarters with a person or persons, regardless of citizenship status, if that relationship creates a
heightened risk of foreign inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion;
(5) A substantial business, financial, or property interest in a foreign country, or in any foreign-owned or foreignoperated business, which could subject the individual to heightened risk of foreign influence or exploitation;
(6) Failure to report, when required, association with a foreign national;
(7) Unauthorized association with a suspected or known agent, associate, or employee of a foreign intelligence
(8) Indications that representatives or nationals from a foreign country are acting to increase the vulnerability of the
individual to possible future exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion;
(9) Conduct, especially while traveling outside the United States, which may make the individual vulnerable to
exploitation, pressure, or coercion by a foreign person, group, government, or country.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The nature of the relationships with foreign persons, the country in which these persons are located, or the
positions or activities of those persons in that country are such that it is unlikely the individual will be placed in a
position of having to choose between the interests of a foreign individual, group, organization, or government and the
interests of the United States.
(2) There is no conflict of interest, either because the individual’s sense of loyalty or obligation to the foreign
person, group, government, or country is so minimal, or the individual has such deep and longstanding relationships
and loyalties in the United States, that the individual can be expected to resolve any conflict of interest in favor of the
U.S. interest.
(3) Contact or communication with foreign citizens is so casual and infrequent that there is little likelihood that it
could create a risk for foreign influence or exploitation.
(4) The foreign contacts and activities are on U.S. Government business or are approved by the cognizant security
(5) The individual has promptly complied with existing agency requirements regarding the reporting of contacts,
requests, or threats from persons, groups, or organizations from a foreign country.
(6) The value or routine nature of the foreign business, financial, or property interests is such that it is unlikely to
result in a conflict and could not be used effectively to influence, manipulate, or pressure the individual.
I–5. Guideline C: Foreign Preference
a. Concern. When an individual acts in such a way as to indicate a preference for a foreign country over the United
States, then he or she may be prone to provide information or make decisions that are harmful to the interests of the
United States.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Exercise of any right, privilege, or obligation of foreign citizenship after becoming a U.S. citizen or through the
foreign citizenship of a family member. This includes but is not limited to:
(a) Possession of a current foreign passport.
(b) Military service or a willingness to bear arms for a foreign country.
(c) Accepting educational, medical, retirement, social welfare, or other such benefits from a foreign country.
(d) Residence in a foreign country to meet citizenship requirements.
(e) Using foreign citizenship to protect financial or business interests in another country.
(f) Seeking or holding political office in a foreign country.
(g) Voting in a foreign election.
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(2) Action to acquire or obtain recognition of a foreign citizenship by an American citizen;
(3) Performing or attempting to perform duties, or otherwise acting, so as to serve the interests of a foreign person,
group, organization, or government in conflict with the national security interest;
(4) Any statement or action that shows allegiance to a country other than the United States: for example, declaration
of intent to renounce U.S. citizenship; renunciation of U.S. citizenship.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) Dual citizenship is based solely on parents’ citizenship or birth in a foreign country.
(2) The individual has expressed a willingness to renounce dual citizenship.
(3) Exercise of the rights, privileges, or obligations of foreign citizenship occurred before the individual became a
U.S. citizen or when the individual was a minor.
(4) Use of a foreign passport is approved by the cognizant security authority.
(5) The passport has been destroyed, surrendered to the cognizant security authority, or otherwise invalidated.
(6) The vote in a foreign election was encouraged by the U.S. Government.
I–6. Guideline D: Sexual Behavior
a. The concern. Sexual behavior that involves a criminal offense, indicates a personality or emotional disorder,
reflects lack of judgment or discretion, or which may subject the individual to undue influence or coercion, exploitation, or duress can raise questions about an individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect classified
information. No adverse inference concerning the standards in the Guideline may be raised solely on the basis of the
sexual orientation of the individual.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Sexual behavior of a criminal nature, whether or not the individual has been prosecuted.
(2) A pattern of compulsive, self-destructive, or high-risk sexual behavior that the person is unable to stop or that
may be symptomatic of a personality disorder.
(3) Sexual behavior that causes an individual to be vulnerable to coercion, exploitation, or duress.
(4) Sexual behavior of a public nature and/or that which reflects lack of discretion or judgment.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The behavior occurred prior to or during adolescence and there is no evidence of subsequent conduct of a similar
(2) The sexual behavior happened so long ago, so infrequently, or under such unusual circumstances, that it is
unlikely to recur and does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good judgment.
(3) The behavior no longer serves as a basis for coercion, exploitation, or duress.
(4) The sexual behavior is strictly private, consensual, and discreet.
I–7. Guideline E: Personal Conduct
a. The concern. Conduct involving questionable judgment, lack of candor, dishonesty, or unwillingness to comply
with rules and regulations can raise questions about an individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect
classified information. Of special interest is any failure to provide truthful and candid answers during the security
clearance eligibility process or any other failure to cooperate with the security clearance eligibility process. The
following will normally result in an unfavorable clearance action or administrative termination of further processing for
clearance eligibility:
(1) Refusal, or failure without reasonable cause, to undergo or cooperate with security processing, including but not
limited to meeting with a security investigator for subject interview, completing security forms or releases, and
cooperation with medical or psychological evaluation.
(2) Refusal to provide full, frank, and truthful answers to lawful questions of investigators, security officials, or
other official representatives in connection with a personnel security clearance or trustworthiness determination.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying also include:
(1) Deliberate omission, concealment, or falsification of relevant facts from any personnel security questionnaire,
personal history statement, or similar form used to conduct investigations, determine employment qualifications, award
benefits or status, determine security clearance eligibility or trustworthiness, or award fiduciary responsibilities;
(2) Deliberately providing false or misleading information concerning relevant facts to an employer, investigator,
security official, competent medical authority, or other official Government representative;
(3) Credible adverse information in several adjudicative issue areas that is not sufficient for an adverse determination under any other single guideline, but which, when considered as a whole, supports a whole-person assessment of
questionable judgment, untrustworthiness, unreliability, lack of candor, unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations, or other characteristics indicating that the person may not properly safeguard protected information;
(4) Credible adverse information that is not explicitly covered under any other guideline and may not be sufficient
by itself for an adverse determination, but which, when combined with all available information supports a wholeperson assessment of questionable judgment, untrustworthiness, unreliability, lack of candor, unwillingness to comply
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
with rules and regulations, or other characteristics indicating that the person may not properly safeguard protected
information. This includes but is not limited to consideration of:
(a) Untrustworthy or unreliable behavior to include breach of client confidentiality, release of proprietary information, unauthorized release of sensitive corporate or other Government protected information.
(b) Disruptive, violent, or other inappropriate behavior in the workplace.
(c) A pattern of dishonesty or rule violations.
(d) Evidence of significant misuse of Government or other employer’s time or resources.
(5) Personal conduct or concealment of information about one’s conduct, that creates a vulnerability to exploitation,
manipulation, or duress, such as (1) engaging in activities which, if known, may affect the person’s personal,
professional, or community standing, or (2) while in another country, engaging in any activity that is illegal in that
country or that is legal in that country but illegal in the United States and may serve as a basis for exploitation or
pressure by the foreign security or intelligence service or other group.
(6) Violation of a written or recorded commitment made by the individual to the employer as a condition of
(7) Association with persons involved in criminal activity.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The individual made prompt, good-faith efforts to correct the omission, concealment, or falsification before
being confronted with the facts.
(2) The refusal or failure to cooperate, omission, or concealment was caused or significantly contributed to by
improper or inadequate advice of authorized personnel or legal counsel advising or instructing the individual specifically concerning the security clearance eligibility process. Upon being made aware of the requirement to cooperate or
provide the information, the individual cooperated fully and truthfully.
(3) The offense is so minor, or so much time has passed, or the behavior is so infrequent, or it happened under such
unique circumstances that it is unlikely to recur and does not cast doubt on the individual’s reliability, trustworthiness,
or good judgment.
(4) The individual has acknowledged the behavior and obtained counseling to change the behavior or taken other
positive steps to alleviate the stressors, circumstances, or factors that caused untrustworthy, unreliable, or other
inappropriate behavior, and such behavior is unlikely to recur.
(5) The individual has taken positive steps to reduce or eliminate vulnerability to exploitation, manipulation, or
(6) The information was unsubstantiated or from a source of questionable reliability.
(7) Association with persons involved in criminal activities has ceased or occurs under circumstances that do not
cast doubt upon the individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, judgment, or willingness to comply with rules and
I–8. Guideline F: Financial Considerations
a. The concern. Failure or inability to live within one’s means, satisfy debts, and meet financial obligations may
indicate poor self-control, lack of judgment, or unwillingness to abide by rules and regulations, all of which can raise
questions about an individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect classified information. An individual
who is financially overextended is at risk of having to engage in illegal acts to generate funds. Compulsive gambling is
a concern as it may lead to financial crimes including espionage. Affluence that cannot be explained by known sources
of income is also a security concern. It may indicate proceeds from financially profitable criminal acts.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Inability or unwillingness to satisfy debts.
(2) Indebtedness caused by frivolous or irresponsible spending and the absence of any evidence of willingness or
intent to pay the debt or establish a realistic plan to pay the debt.
(3) A history of not meeting financial obligations.
(4) Deceptive or illegal financial practices such as embezzlement, employee theft, check fraud, income tax evasion,
expense account fraud, filing deceptive loan statements, and other intentional financial breaches of trust.
(5) Consistent spending beyond one’s means, which may be indicated by excessive indebtedness, significant
negative cash flow, high debt-to-income ratio, and/or other financial analysis.
(6) Financial problems that are linked to drug abuse, alcoholism, gambling problems, or other issues of security
(7) Failure to file annual Federal, state, or local income tax returns as required or the fraudulent filing of the same.
(8) Unexplained affluence, as shown by a lifestyle or standard of living, increase in net worth, or money transfers
that cannot be explained by subject’s known legal sources of income.
(9) Compulsive or addictive gambling as indicated by an unsuccessful attempt to stop gambling, “chasing losses”
(that is, increasing the bets or returning another day in an effort to get even), concealment of gambling losses,
borrowing money to fund gambling or pay gambling debts, family conflict, or other problems caused by gambling.
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c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The behavior happened so long ago, was so infrequent, or occurred under such circumstances that it is unlikely
to recur and does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good judgment.
(2) The conditions that resulted in the financial problem were largely beyond the person’s control (for example, loss
of employment, a business downturn, unexpected medical emergency, or a death, divorce or separation), and the
individual acted responsibly under the circumstances.
(3) The person has received or is receiving counseling for the problem and/or there are clear indications that the
problem is being resolved or is under control.
(4) The individual initiated a good-faith effort to repay overdue creditors or otherwise resolve debts.
(5) The individual has a reasonable basis to dispute the legitimacy of the past-due debt which is the cause of the
problem and provides documented proof to substantiate the basis of the dispute or provides evidence of actions to
resolve the issue.
(6) The affluence resulted from a legal source of income.
I–9. Guideline G: Alcohol consumption
a. The concern. Excessive alcohol consumption often leads to the exercise of questionable judgment or the failure to
control impulses, and can raise questions about an individual’s reliability and trustworthiness.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Alcohol-related incidents away from work, such as driving while under the influence, fighting, child or spouse
abuse, disturbing the peace, or other incidents of concern, regardless of whether the individual is diagnosed as an
alcohol abuser or alcohol dependent.
(2) Alcohol-related incidents at work, such as reporting for work or duty in an intoxicated or impaired condition, or
drinking on the job, regardless of whether the individual is diagnosed as an alcohol abuser or alcohol dependent.
(3) Habitual or binge consumption of alcohol to the point of impaired judgment, regardless of whether the individual
is diagnosed as an alcohol abuser or alcohol dependent.
(4) Diagnosis by a duly qualified medical professional (for example, physician, clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist)
of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence.
(5) Evaluation of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence by a licensed clinical social worker who is a staff member of
a recognized alcohol treatment program.
(6) Relapse after diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence and completion of an alcohol rehabilitation program.
(7) Failure to follow any court order regarding alcohol education, evaluation, treatment, or abstinence.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) So much time has passed, or the behavior was so infrequent, or it happened under such unusual circumstances
that it is unlikely to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good
(2) The individual acknowledges his or her alcoholism or issues of alcohol abuse, provides evidence of actions taken
to overcome this problem, and has established a pattern of abstinence (if alcohol dependent) or responsible use (if an
alcohol abuser).
(3) The individual is a current employee who is participating in a counseling or treatment program, has no history of
previous treatment and relapse, and is making satisfactory progress.
(4) The individual has successfully completed inpatient or outpatient counseling or rehabilitation along with any
required aftercare, has demonstrated a clear and established pattern of modified consumption or abstinence in accordance with treatment recommendations, such as participation in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar
organization and has received a favorable prognosis by a duly qualified medical professional or a licensed clinical
social worker who is a staff member of a recognized alcohol treatment program.
I–10. Guideline H: Drug Involvement
a. The concern. Use of an illegal drug or misuse of a prescription drug can raise questions about an individual’s
reliability and trustworthiness, both because it may impair judgment and because it raises questions about a person’s
ability or willingness to comply with laws, rules, and regulations.
(1) Drugs are defined as mood and behavior altering substances, and include:
(a) Drugs, materials, and other chemical compounds identified and listed in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970,
as amended (for example, marijuana or cannabis, depressants, narcotics, stimulants, and hallucinogens), and
(b) Inhalants and other similar substances.
(2) Drug abuse is the illegal use of a drug or use of a legal drug in a manner that deviates from approved medical
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Any drug abuse (see above definition).
(2) Testing positive for illegal drug use.
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(3) Illegal drug possession, including cultivation, processing, manufacture, purchase, sale, or distribution; or possession of drug paraphernalia.
(4) Diagnosis by a duly qualified medical professional (for example, physician, clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist)
of drug abuse or drug dependence.
(5) Evaluation of drug abuse or drug dependence by a licensed clinical social worker who is a staff member of a
recognized drug treatment program.
(6) Failure to successfully complete a drug treatment program prescribed by a duly qualified medical professional.
(7) Any illegal drug use after being granted security clearance eligibility.
(8) Expressed intent to continue illegal drug use, or failure to clearly and convincingly commit to discontinue drug
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The behavior happened so long ago, was so infrequent, or happened under such circumstances that it is unlikely
to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good judgment.
(2) A demonstrated intent not to abuse any drugs in the future, such as:
(a) Dissociation from drug-using associates and contacts.
(b) Changing or avoiding the environment where drugs were used.
(c) An appropriate period of abstinence.
(d) A signed statement of intent with automatic revocation of clearance for any violation.
(3) Abuse of prescription drugs was after a severe or prolonged illness during which these drugs were prescribed,
and abuse has since ended.
(4) Satisfactory completion of a prescribed drug treatment program, including but not limited to rehabilitation and
aftercare requirements, without recurrence of abuse, and a favorable prognosis by a duly qualified medical professional.
I–11. Guideline I: Psychological Conditions
a. The concern. Certain emotional, mental, and personality conditions can impair judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness. A formal diagnosis of a disorder is not required for there to be a concern under this guideline. A duly qualified
mental health professional (for example, clinical psychologist or psychiatrist) employed by, or acceptable to and
approved by the U.S. Government, should be consulted when evaluating potentially disqualifying and mitigating
information under this guideline. No negative inference concerning the standards in this guideline may be raised solely
on the basis of seeking mental health counseling.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Behavior that casts doubt on an individual’s judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness that is not covered under
any other guideline, including but not limited to emotionally unstable, irresponsible, dysfunctional, violent, paranoid, or
bizarre behavior.
(2) An opinion by a duly qualified mental health professional that the individual has a condition not covered under
any other guideline that may impair judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness.
(3) The individual has failed to follow treatment advice related to a diagnosed emotional, mental, or personality
condition (for example, failure to take prescribed medication).
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The identified condition is readily controllable with treatment, and the individual has demonstrated ongoing and
consistent compliance with the treatment plan.
(2) The individual has voluntarily entered a counseling or treatment program for a condition that is amenable to
treatment, and the individual is currently receiving counseling or treatment with a favorable prognosis by a duly
qualified mental health professional.
(3) Recent opinion by a duly qualified mental health professional employed by, or acceptable to and approved by
the U.S. Government that an individual’s previous condition is under control or in remission, and has a low probability
of recurrence or exacerbation.
(4) The past emotional instability was a temporary condition (for example, one caused by a death, illness, or marital
breakup), the situation has been resolved, and the individual no longer shows indications of emotional instability.
(5) There is no indication of a current problem.
I–12. Guideline J: Criminal Conduct
a. The concern. Criminal activity creates doubt about a person’s judgment, reliability, and trustworthiness. By its
very nature, it calls into question a person’s ability or willingness to comply with laws, rules, and regulations.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) A single serious crime or multiple lesser offenses.
(2) Discharge or dismissal from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
(3) Allegation or admission of criminal conduct, regardless of whether the person was formally charged, formally
prosecuted, or convicted.
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(4) Individual is currently on parole or probation.
(5) Violation of parole or probation, or failure to complete a court-mandated rehabilitation program.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) So much time has elapsed since the criminal behavior happened, or it happened under such unusual circumstances that it is unlikely to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, or good
(2) The person was pressured or coerced into committing the act and those pressures are no longer present in the
person’s life.
(3) Evidence that the person did not commit the offense.
(4) There is evidence of successful rehabilitation; including but not limited to the passage of time without recurrence
of criminal activity, remorse or restitution, job training or higher education, good employment record, or constructive
community involvement.
I–13. Guideline K: Handling Protected Information
a. The concern. Deliberate or negligent failure to comply with rules and regulations for protecting classified or other
sensitive information raises doubt about an individual’s trustworthiness, judgment, reliability, or willingness and ability
to safeguard such information, and is a serious security concern.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Deliberate or negligent disclosure of classified or other protected information to unauthorized persons, including
but not limited to personal or business contacts, to the media, or to persons present at seminars, meetings, or
(2) Collecting or storing classified or other protected information in any unauthorized location.
(3) Loading, drafting, editing, modifying, storing, transmitting, or otherwise handling classified reports, data, or
other information on any unapproved equipment including but not limited to any typewriter, word processor, or
computer hardware, software, drive, system, game board, handheld, “palm” or pocket device or other adjunct
(4) Inappropriate efforts to obtain or view classified or other protected information outside one’s need to know.
(5) Copying classified or other protected information in a manner designed to conceal or remove classification or
other document control markings.
(6) Viewing or downloading information from a secure system when the information is beyond the individual’s need
to know.
(7) Any failure to comply with rules for the protection of classified or other sensitive information.
(8) Negligence or lax security habits that persist despite counseling by management.
(9) Failure to comply with rules or regulations that results in damage to the National Security, regardless of whether
it was deliberate or negligent.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) So much time has elapsed since the behavior, or it happened so infrequently or under such unusual circumstances that it is unlikely to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s current reliability, trustworthiness, or good
(2) The individual responded favorably to counseling or remedial security training and now demonstrates a positive
attitude toward the discharge of security responsibilities.
(3) The security violations were due to improper or inadequate training.
I–14. Guideline L: Outside Activities
a. The concern. Involvement in certain types of outside employment or activities is of security concern if it poses a
conflict of interest with an individual’s security responsibilities and could create an increased risk of unauthorized
disclosure of classified information.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Any employment or service, whether compensated or volunteer, with:
(a) The government of a foreign country.
(b) Any foreign national, organization, or other entity.
(c) A representative of any foreign interest.
(d) Any foreign, domestic, or international organization or person engaged in analysis, discussion, or publication of
material on intelligence, defense, foreign affairs, or protected technology;
(2) Failure to report or fully disclose an outside activity when this is required.
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) Evaluation of the outside employment or activity by the appropriate security or counterintelligence office
indicates that it does not pose a conflict with an individual’s security responsibilities or with the national security
interests of the United States.
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(2) The individual terminates the employment or discontinued the activity upon being notified that it was in conflict
with their security responsibilities.
I–15. Guideline M: Use of Information Technology Systems
a. Concern. Noncompliance with rules, procedures, guidelines, or regulations pertaining to information technology
systems may raise security concerns about an individual’s reliability and trustworthiness, calling into question the
willingness or ability to properly protect sensitive systems, networks, and information. Information technology systems
include all related computer hardware, software, firmware, and data used for the communication, transmission,
processing, manipulation, storage, or protection of information.
b. Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Illegal or unauthorized entry into any information technology system or component thereof.
(2) Illegal or unauthorized modification, destruction, manipulation, or denial of access to information, software,
firmware, or hardware in an information technology system.
(3) Use of any information technology system to gain unauthorized access to another system or to a compartmented
area within the same system.
(4) Downloading, storing, or transmitting classified information on or to any unauthorized software, hardware, or
information technology system.
(5) Unauthorized use of a Government or other information technology system.
(6) Introduction, removal, or duplication of hardware, firmware, software, or media to or from any information
technology system without authorization, when prohibited by rules, procedures, guidelines, or regulations.
(7) Negligence or lax security habits in handling information technology that persist despite counseling by
(8) Any misuse of information technology, whether deliberate or negligent, that results in damage to the national
c. Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) So much time has elapsed since the behavior happened, or it happened under such unusual circumstances, that it
is unlikely to recur or does not cast doubt on the individual’s reliability, trustworthiness, or good judgment.
(2) The misuse was minor and done only in the interest of organizational efficiency and effectiveness, such as
letting another person use one’s password or computer when no other timely alternative was readily available.
(3) The conduct was unintentional or inadvertent and was followed by a prompt, good-faith effort to correct the
situation and by notification of supervisor.
Appendix J
Overseas Investigations
J–1. Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to establish, within the framework of this regulation, DODD 5105.42 and DIS
20–1–M, standardized procedures for the military investigative agencies to follow when they perform administrative
and investigative functions on behalf of DIS at overseas locations.
J–2. Type investigation
This regulation describes in detail background investigations (BIs) which are conducted for limited access authorizations and those special investigative inquiries conducted for postadjudicative purposes. Hereafter they are referred to as
LAA and postadjudicative cases and are briefly described in paragraphs a and b, below:
a. Limited access authorization. A level of access to classified defense information that may be granted to a nonU.S. citizen under certain conditions, one of which is that a BI must have been completed with satisfactory results.
Paragraph 3–403 further describes LAA cases.
b. Postadjudication investigation. A PSI predicated on new, adverse, or questionable security, suitability or hostage
information that arises and requires the application of investigation procedures subsequent to adjudicative action on a
DOD-affiliated person’s eligibility for continued access to classified information, assignment to or retention in sensitive
duties or other designated duties requiring such investigation. While these cases are normally predicated on the
surfacing of unfavorable information subsequent to favorable adjudication, they may also be opened when favorable
information is offered to counter a previous unfavorable adjudication. Paragraph 2–17c further describes these cases.
J–3. General
a. As a rule, investigative activity in most PSIs occurs in the United States even when the subject is at an overseas
location. Therefore, the submission of requests for investigation to the PIC at Baltimore is a required procedure as it
ensures uniform application of DOD PSI policy and the efficient dispatch and coordination of leads.
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b. When the purpose of the investigation is for an LAA or postadjudication on a subject overseas, much, if not all of
the leads are at an overseas location. While these cases also may be submitted directly to PIC for action, there is an
inherent delay in the mailing of the request, the exchange of leads and reports with PIC, and transmittal of the reports
back to the requester. To avoid this delay, the military investigative agencies, when acting for DIS overseas in
accordance with DODD 5105.42 may, with their headquarters approval, accept these requests for investigations, initiate
them and disseminate the results from the same level as they open, close, and disseminate their own cases. Usually this
will greatly improve response time to the requester.
c. Under the procedures in paragraph b, above, DIS will not often be in a position to directly exercise its
responsibility for control and direction until the case or lead is in progress or even completed; therefore, adherence to
the policy stated in referenced documents, and as modified herein, is mandatory. When the policy of the military
investigative agency is at variance with the above, the matter will be referred to the respective headquarters for
d. Since DIS is ultimately responsible for the personnel security product, it must be kept informed of all such
matters referred to in this appendix. For instance, when the investigative agency overseas receives a DD Form 1879
(Request for Personnel Security Investigation), which sets forth an issue outside DIS jurisdiction, it will reject the
request, inform the requester of the reason and furnish an information copy of the DD Form 1879 and rejection letter to
PIC. When the issue/jurisdiction is unclear to the investigative agency, the DD Form 1879 and the perceived
jurisdictional question should be promptly forwarded to DIS for action and, if appropriate, to the Component’s
headquarters for information. Questions on the interpretation of DIS or DOD policy and directives pertaining to
individual PSI cases can usually be resolved through direct communications with PIC.
e. DODD 5105.42, establishes the supporting relationship of the military investigative agencies to DIS in overseas
areas, and DIS provides these agencies with copies of relevant policy and interpretive guidance. For these reasons, the
investigative agency vice the requester, is responsible for evaluating the request, processing it, collecting and evaluating
the results within their jurisdiction for sufficiency, and forwarding the completed product to the appropriate activity.
f. The magnitude of operations at PIC requires that methods of handling LAA and postadjudicative cases be
consistent to the maximum extent possible. For this reason, the procedures for LAA cases are nearly identical to those
for postadjudicative cases. Briefly, the main exceptions are:
(1) The notification to PIC that a postadjudication case has been opened will be by message, since an issue is
present at the outset, whereas notification of an LAA case should normally be by mail.
(2) The scope of the LAA investigation is 10 years or since the person’s 18th birthday, whichever is shortest,
whereas the leads in a postadjudication case are limited to resolving the issue.
J–4. Jurisdiction
a. As set forth in DODD 5105.42, DIS is responsible for conducting all DOD PSIs in the 50 States, District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico, and will request the military departments to accomplish investigative requirements
elsewhere. The military investigative agencies in overseas locations routinely respond to personnel security investigative leads for DIS.
b. The DIS jurisdiction also includes investigation of subversive affiliations, suitability information, and hostage
situations when such inquiries are required for personnel security purposes; however, jurisdiction will rest with the
military investigative agencies, FBI and/or civil authorities as appropriate when the alleged subversion or suitability
issue represents a violation of law or, in the case of a hostage situation, there is an indication that the person concerned
is actually being pressured, coerced, or influenced by interests inimical to the United States, or that hostile intelligence
is taking action specifically directed against that person. Specific policy guidance on the applicability of these
procedures and the jurisdictional considerations are stated in chapter II, section 4.
J–5. Case opening
a. A request for investigation must be submitted by using DD Form 1879 and accompanied by supporting
documentation unless such documentation is not immediately available, or the obtaining of documentation would
compromise a sensitive investigation. Upon receipt of the request, the military investigative component will identify the
issue(s), scope the leads, and ensure that the proposed action is that which is authorized for DIS as delineated in this
regulation, DODD 5105.42, and DIS 20–1–M.
b. Upon such determination, the component will prepare an ALS which fully identifies the subject and the scope of
the case, and specifies precisely the leads which each investigative component (including DIS/PIC when appropriate) is
to conduct.
c. Case-opening procedures described above are identical for LAA and postadjudication cases except with respect to
notification of case opening to PIC:
(1) Postadjudication cases. These cases, because they involve an issue, are potentially sensitive and must be
examined as early as possible by PIC for conformity to the latest DOD policy. Accordingly, the initial notification to
PIC of case openings will always be by message. The message will contain at a minimum:
(a) Full identification of the subject;
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(b) A narrative describing the allegation/facts in sufficient detail to support opening of the case; and
(c) A brief listing of the leads that are planned. The DD Form 1879 and supporting documents, along with the
agency’s ALS, should be subsequently mailed to PIC.
(2) Limited access authorization cases. The notification to PIC of case opening will normally be accomplished by
mailing the DD Form 1879, DD Form 398 (Personal History Statement), a copy of the ALS, and any other supporting
documents to PIC. Message notification to PIC in LAA cases will only be required if there is a security or suitability
issue apparent in the DD Form 1879 or supporting documents.
d. Beyond initial actions necessary to test allegation for investigative merit and jurisdiction, no further investigative
action should commence until the notification of case opening to PIC has been dispatched.
e. The PIC will promptly respond to the notification of case opening by mail or message specifying any qualifying
remarks along with a summary of previously existing data. PIC will also provide a DIS case control number (CCN).
This number must be used by all Components on all case-related paperwork/reports.
(The investigating agency may assign its unique service CCN for interim internal control; however, the case will be
processed, referenced, and entered into the DCII by the DIS case control number.) The first five digits of the DIS CCN
will be the Julian date of the case opening when received at DIS.
J–6. Case processing
a. The expected completion time for leads in LAA cases is 50 calendar days and for postadjudication cases, 30 days,
as computed from the date of receipt of the request. If conditions preclude completion in this time period, a pending
report of the results to date, along with an estimated date of completion will be submitted to PIC.
b. Copies of all ALSs will be furnished to PIC. In addition, PIC will be promptly notified of any significant change
in the scope of the case, or the development of an investigative issue.
c. The procedures for implementing the Privacy Act in PSI cases are set in DIS 20–1–M. Any other restrictions on
the release of information imposed by an overseas source or by regulations of the country where the inquiry takes place
will be clearly stated in the report.
d. The report format for these cases will be that used by the military investigative agency.
e. Investigative action outside the jurisdictional area of an investigative Component office may be directed elsewhere by ALS as needed in accordance with that agency’s procedures and within the following geographical
(1) Leads will be sent to PIC if the investigative action is in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
American Samoa, The Bahamas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the following islands in the Pacific: Wake, Midway,
Kwajalin, Johnston, Carolines, Marshalls, and Eniwetok.
(2) Leads to areas not listed above may be dispatched to other units of the investigative agency or even to another
military agency’s field units if there is an agreement or memorandum of understanding that provides for such action.
For case accountability purposes, copies of such “lateral” leads must be sent to the PIC.
(3) Leads that cannot be dispatched as described in paragraph (2), above, and those that must be sent to a non-DOD
investigative agency should be sent to PIC for disposition.
f. The DIS 20–1–M calls for obtaining PIC approval before conducting a subject interview on a postadjudicative
investigation. To avoid the delay that compliance with this procedure would create, a military investigative component
may conduct the interview provided:
(1) All other investigative leads have been completed and reviewed.
(2) The CCN has been received, signifying DIS concurrence with the appropriateness of the investigation.
(3) Contrary instructions have not been received from the PIC.
(4) The interview is limited to the resolution of the relevant issues disclosed by the investigation.
g. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs f(1) through (4), above, if time is of the essence due to imminent
transfer of the subject, a subject interview may be conducted at the discretion of the investigative agency.
J–7. Case responsibility limited access authorization and PA
Paragraph J–3, above, describes the advantages of timely handling which accrue when the military investigative
Components act for DIS overseas. These actions for DIS may, however, be limited by the component’s staffing and
resource limitations, especially since some cases require more administration and management than others. Postadjudication case leads, for instance, will normally be within the geographical jurisdiction of the component that accepted
the request for investigation; therefore, relatively little case management is required. In contrast, LAA cases may
require leads worldwide, and, therefore, create more complex case management and administration, especially in the
tracking, monitoring and reviewing of leads outside the component’s geographical area. Accordingly, an investigative
component will accept the case from the requester, but only assign itself the appropriate leads within its own
geographical jurisdiction and send the balance to PIC for appropriate disposition in accordance with the following:
a. The investigative agency will accept the request for investigation (thereby saving time otherwise lost in mailing to
PIC) but limit its involvement in case management by extracting only those leads it will conduct or manage locally.
b. The agency should then prepare an ALS that shows clearly what leads it will cover and send PIC a copy of this
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
ALS, along with the request for investigation and any other appropriate documentation. It must be clear in the ALS
that PIC is to act on all those leads that the unit has not assigned to itself.
c. PIC, as case manager, will assume responsibility for the complete investigative package and, upon receipt of the
last lead, will send the results to the appropriate activity.
d. The agency that accepted the case and assigned itself leads may send a copy of its report to the activity in the
“Results to” block at the same time it sends the originals to PIC. If so, the letter of transmittal must inform the
recipient that these reports are only a portion of the investigation, and that the balance will be forthcoming from PIC.
Similarly, PIC must be informed of which investigative reports were disseminated. (This is normally done by sending
PIC a copy of the letter of transmittal.)
J–8. Scope
a. Limited access authorization. The scope of investigation is 10 years or from age 18, whichever is the shortest
b. Postadjudication cases. There is no standard scope. The inquiries conducted will be limited to those necessary to
resolve the issue(s).
J–9. Case closing: limited access authorization and PA
a. Whether the investigative component or PIC closes out an investigation, there are three key elements to consider:
(1) The investigative results must be reviewed for quality and conformance to policy.
(2) The results must be sent to the activity listed in the “Results to” block of the DD Form 1879.
(3) PIC must be informed whether or not any dissemination was made by the investigative agency and, if so, what
reports were furnished.
b. Investigative results may also be sent to a requester or higher level activity that makes a statement of need for the
results. In such instances, a copy of the letter requesting the results and the corresponding letter of transmittal must be
sent to PIC for retention.
c. When an investigative agency disseminates reports for PIC, it may use the transmittal documents, letters, or cover
sheets it customarily uses for its own cases.
d. The material that is to be provided to PIC will consist of: The originals of all reports, and all other case
documentation such as original statements, confidential source sheets, interview logs, requests for investigation, letters
of transmittal to adjudicators/requesters, or communications with the requester, such as those that modify the scope of
the investigation.
e. For DIS to fulfill its responsibilities under DOD 5220.22–R (AR 380–49) and the Privacy Act of 1974, all
inquiries conducted in its behalf must be set forth in a Report of Investigation for the permanent file, whether the case
is completed, terminated early, or referred to another agency.
J–10. Referral
A case may require premature closing at any time after receipt of the DD Form 1879 by the investigative Component if
the information accompanying the request, or that which is later developed, is outside DIS jurisdiction. For example,
alleged violations of law, a counterintelligence matter, or actual coercion/influence in a hostage situation (see paraJ–4b
above) must be referred to the appropriate agency, and DIS involvement terminated. The requester will be informed by
letter or endorsement to the DD Form 1879 of the information developed that, due to jurisdictional consideration, the
case was referred to (fill in appropriate address) and that the DIS case is closed. The agency to which referral was
made and PIC will be furnished with the results of all investigations conducted under DIS auspices. DIS, however, has
an interest in the referral agency’s actions and no information should be solicited from that agency.
Appendix K
ADP Position Categories and Criteria for Designating Positions
OMB Circular A–71 (and Transmittal Memo #1), July 1978, OMB Circular A–130, December 12, 1985 , and FPM
Letter 732, November 14, 1978 contain the criteria for designating positions under the existing categories used in the
personnel security program for Federal civilian employees as well as the criteria for designating ADP and ADP-related
positions. This policy is outlined below:
K–1. Automated data processing position categories
a. Critical-sensitive positions (ADP–I positions).. Those positions in which the incumbent is responsible for the
planning, direction, and implementation of a computer security program; major responsibility for the direction,
planning and design of a computer system, including the hardware and software; or, can access a system during the
operation or maintenance in such a way, and with a relatively high risk for causing grave damage, or realize a
significant personal gain.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
b. Noncritical-sensitive positions (ADP–II positions.) Those positions in which the incumbent is responsible for the
direction, planning, design, operation, or maintenance of a computer system, and whose work is technically reviewed
by a higher authority of the ADP–I category to ensure the integrity of the system.
c. Nonsensitive positions (ADP–III positions.) All other positions involved in computer activities.
In establishing the categories of positions, other factors may enter into the determination, permitting placement in
higher or lower categories based on the agency’s judgment as to the unique characteristics of the system or the
safeguards protecting the system.
K–2. Criteria for designating positions
Three categories have been established for designating computer and computer-related positions—ADP–I, ADP–II, and
ADP– III. Specific criteria for assigning positions to one of these categories are as follows:
a. ADP–I.
(1) Responsibility for the development and administration of agency computer security programs, including direction
and control of risk analysis and/or threat assessment.
(2) Significant involvement in life-critical or mission-critical systems.
(3) Responsibility for the preparation or approval of data for input into a system which does not necessarily involve
personal access to the system, but with relatively high risk for effecting grave damage or realizing significant personal
(4) Relatively high risk assignments associated with or directly involving the accounting, disbursement, or authorization for disbursement from systems of (1) dollar amounts of $10 million per year or greater, or (2) lesser amounts if the
activities of the individual are not subject to technical review by higher authority in the ADP–I category to ensure the
integrity of the system.
(5) Positions involving major responsibility for the direction, planning, design, testing, maintenance, operation,
monitoring, and/or management of systems hardware and software.
(6) Other positions as designated by the agency head that involve relatively high risk for effecting grave damage or
realizing significant personal gain.
b. ADP–II. Responsibility for systems design, operation, testing, maintenance, and/or monitoring that is carried out
under technical review of higher authority in the ADP–I category, includes, but is not limited to:
(1) access to and/or processing of proprietary data, information requiring protection under the Privacy Act of 1974,
and Government-developed privileged information involving the award of contracts;
(2) accounting, disbursement, or authorization for disbursement from systems of dollar amounts less than $10
million per year. Other positions are designated by the agency head that involve a degree of access to a system that
creates a significant potential for damage or personal gain less than that in ADP–I positions.
c. ADP–III. All other positions involved in Federal computer activities.
Appendix L
Defense Security Briefing Provided U.S. Government Employees Traveling to CommunistControlled Countries
L–1. Introduction
All U.S. Government employees, regardless of position or assignment, are likely to be of interest to intelligence
services of communist-controlled countries. Hostile intelligence networks make it their business to learn the
identities of Americans, and frequently try to target them for intelligence approaches when they travel abroad.
The approach may be direct or indirect, highly sophisticated or crudely obvious. In any case, U.S. personnel
traveling to communist-controlled countries should be constantly alert to the problems that can befall them. The
purpose of this briefing is to make employees aware of pitfalls associated with such travel, and to advise them on
defensive measures against hostile intelligence exploitation.
L–2. Before departure
a. The Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State, frequently publishes advisory material on
current travel conditions in communist-controlled countries. This material should be available through your
agency, and you should carefully review any such information covering a country you will be visiting. It is
especially important that you are aware of the items that you may or may not take into a country.
b. Visa applications are routinely scrutinized by intelligence services of communist-controlled countries. To
avoid difficulties in this area, it is important that you complete the forms truthfully and accurately. It is
especially important that you name any relatives that you intend to visit in the host country.
c. When obtaining visas, ask the appropriate consular officer how much foreign currency (United States and
other) and what valuables you may take into and out of the communist country or countries to be visited. Make
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
sure you have enough money for the trip, and strictly follow the approved itinerary. You may not import local
currency into a country you will be visiting.
d. If you are a naturalized American citizen of East European origin, please note that there have been
instances in which an East European country has not recognized the U.S. citizenship of former nationals and has
taken the position that such persons retain their original nationality and are therefore subject to treatment as
citizens of that country upon reentry into its jurisdiction. If this situation applies to you, consult first with the
U.S. Department of State for advice and clarification of your status.
e. You may wish to carry with you gifts for friends or relatives. Such gifts should be neither controversial nor
prohibited. Do not bring pornography, narcotics, or political material. Communist pornography laws are more
strict than those in the United States, and you should avoid taking with you magazines or other materials that
might be considered pornographic. Any patent medicines or prescription drugs should be clearly for your own
use and in quantities reasonable enough to convince authorities that they are for your personal consumption.
f. Do not carry with you, on behalf of a third party, any letters, messages, or packages for private individuals
in Communist countries. You may be deemed guilty of circumventing normal channels of communication, or
you may be regarded as a courier for illegal or subversive purposes.
g. Carry only essential forms of identification. Leave Government badges, building passes, and so forth, at
home. Write down your passport number and keep it separate from your passport. Do the same with the
address and telephone number of the American Embassy.
h. DO NOT TAKE THIS DOCUMENT WITH YOU| Study, think about, and remember its warnings during
your visit, but leave the document at home.
L–3. Upon arrival
a. Rules governing declaration of valuables and currency and those relating to transactions are strictly
enforced. Make an accurate declaration at entry of all money and valuables, including travelers checks. Some
countries give the traveler a copy of the declaration, which must be surrendered upon leaving. It is important to
keep receipts of all money changes, as these are frequently requested upon departure. Undeclared sums of U.S.
or other currency are most likely to cause difficulty with authorities and may be confiscated upon departure.
b. You will generally be permitted to take in such items as cameras, transistor radios, and so forth. It is wise
to declare such items as you enter, however, to preclude possible explanations, customs charges, or confiscations
when you leave. Baggage inspections may be extremely thorough or only perfunctory. On occasion, your
baggage may not even be opened at entry.
c. As soon as possible after arrival, you should contact the American Embassy or consulate, either by
telephone or in person, and provide your local address and the probable length of your visit.
d. It is unwise for you to drive in a communist country. Try to use public transportation or hire a driver, as
local traffic regulations may be confusing. There have been incidents when traffic accidents were deliberately
provoked to incriminate or embarrass a visitor.
L–4. Activities while in communist countries
a. Assume that your hotel room is equipped with devices to overhear or record your conversations. There
may be devices installed through which you can be physically observed, even while your room is in darkness. In
addition to the usual microphones, telephone tapes, miniature recording devices, and so forth, intelligence
operatives today use infrared cameras, infrared “snooper-scopes” and optical lenses, closed-circuit TV, and
other highly advanced equipment. Do not search for such devices, and do not make an issue of it if you should
by chance find one. The presence of such equipment may not necessarily concern you. A device may or may not
be monitored during your visit, or it may be monitored only on a “spot check” basis. Do not try to neutralize
such a device by running tap water, playing your radio, and so forth. Some modern devices are so sophisticated
that they cannot be neutralized. Efforts to combat such penetration will only make the intelligence service more
suspicious of you. The best defense against such devices is to keep your conversations light and uninformative.
IMPORTANT: Should you discover any device of the above kind, take no overt action against it. Continue your
normal conversation, giving no indication of your discovery, and report your findings to the American Embassy
or consulate or to your security officer upon your return.
b. Beyond your hotel room, you should assume that conversations in vehicles (including Embassy vehicles),
train compartments, restaurants, conference rooms, and other public places may be monitored. Miniature
microphones with transmitters or recorders can easily be secreted on the person of an individual in your group.
It is even technically possible to record your conversations in open, outdoor areas; however, those areas are
normally more secure than indoor locations.
c. Avoid unnecessary discussions of your job, your workplace, and other official matters. Also avoid discussing other U.S. employees’ habits, character, or other matters that reveal weaknesses or idiosyncrasies.
d. Assume that your personal luggage will be searched at some time in your hotel room. If you discover
evidence of this, do not make a big issue of it. You should, however, report positive evidence of such activity to
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
the American Embassy and to your security officer upon your return. It is just as well not to bother locking
your luggage since most locks will be readily picked. Locked luggage will only increase the curiosity of the
intelligence agent and the lock may be broken. Never leave unattended luggage containing valuable papers or
documents you do not wish anyone else to read. If you surprise someone searching your possessions, don’t take
any violent or physical action, but report the incident to local and U.S. authorities.
e. You may receive a “wrong number” or otherwise mysterious telephone call in the hotel room at any hour.
Do not let this unduly upset you. It may be a crude but effective method of determining whether you are in your
room, or it may be only a result of poor telephone service.
f. Do not rely on hotel employees for protection service. Assume that they, as well as restaurant employees,
are in the employ of the intelligence services. Be particularly circumspect in your relations with guides,
interpreters, and Communist travel agency personnel, since these people are invariably used by intelligence
g. You may be under physical surveillance when you travel, whether on foot or in a vehicle. Or you may
suspect you are being observed when actually you are not. In either event, the best tactic is to ignore it.
Communist intelligence agents at various times observe visitors on a spot check basis for no apparent reason.
On the other hand, they may be collecting detailed data concerning your activities in preparation for a more
direct intelligence approach. Do not attempt to lose surveillance agents. If you are actually being followed for
intelligence objectives, you will be covered by a team of several agents, and your evasion attempts will make
them more suspicious.
h. You will be permitted to take photographs with your personal camera, but be careful not to photograph
restricted areas. You should not take photographs from aircraft, or of military and police installations and
personnel, industrial structures, harbors, rail and airport facilities, and border areas. Communist officials also
resent your photographing items that put them in a bad light, such as slum areas, public drunks, scenes of civil
disorder, or public disturbances. If you do take such photographs, your film may be confiscated.
i. Be particularly circumspect in approaches from persons offering social companionship, especially of a
sexual nature. Many of these persons are“plants” from communist intelligence agencies and will attempt to
entice you into a compromising situation, which they can use to blackmail you to force your cooperation in
intelligence activities. Under no circumstances should you seek or accept this kind of companionship in a
communist country. The intelligence services will capitalize immediately on any indication of immoral or
indiscreet behavior of American travelers. Even when failing to detect a vulnerability, communist agents have
attempted to entrap innocent travelers. For this reason, you should maintain the highest level of personal
behavior at all times, avoid long walks at night alone, and endeavor always to be in the company of someone you
can trust. Be especially careful not to drink too heavily so as not to weaken your defense or lose your selfcontrol.
j. Do not accept from anyone (including friends, relatives, or professional contacts) letters, photographs,
packages, or any other material to be smuggled out of the country or carried in your effects when you depart.
Be firm in your denials in these matters, since such requests may be acts of intelligence agents seeking to entrap
k. Bear in mind that there are many political, cultural, and legal differences between the United States and
Communist countries. Actions that are innocent or, at worst, carry wrist-slapping penalties in the United States,
are often considered serious offenses against the law in communist-dominated societies. Persons violating the
law, even unknowingly, run the risk of arrest or expulsion. Do not, for instance, take “souvenirs” from hotels or
institutions, however insignificant in value they may appear.
l. Do not engage in any private currency transactions with individual citizens. Do not try to sell or trade any
personal item, including clothing, which you have brought into the country, or purchase bargains from street
peddlers or questionable vendors. Do not engage in black-market activities. Many communist countries have
laws governing exportation of artwork and historic relics. Be familiar with these laws if you intend to purchase
such items, and make these purchases only at official establishments.
m. Should you be detained or arrested for any reason by police or other officials of these countries, be
cooperative, but insist politely and repeatedly, if necessary, that the American Embassy or consulate be notified
promptly. Do not make any statements or sign any documents that you do not fully understand until you have
had an opportunity to confer with an Embassy representative. You may possibly be accused of having some
connection with an American intelligence service or of having accepted an assignment from such service to be
carried out in the host country. You should make no admission that you had any dealings, under any
circumstances, with any U.S. intelligence agency.
n. Mail you receive or send in a communist country is subject to censorship. In any correspondence before,
during, or after your visit, make no reference to classified information nor reveal information of possible value
to a hostile intelligence service. Be careful in writing to or about relatives or friends in these countries, since
they may become targets for investigation or exploitation.
o. There have been several incidents in communist countries wherein speech-inducing drugs, medicines, and
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
so forth, have been used to aid in interrogation. In nonemergency situations, make every effort to avoid
communist hospitals or medical facilities without first notifying the American Embassy or consulate.
p. Report immediately any attempt to pressure or compromise you, or any action that might lead to such
pressure or compromise, to the American Embassy security officer in the country being visited. Report to your
security manager immediately if you have unusual subsequent contacts with nationals of a communist country.
L–5. Conclusion
This briefing covers many, but not necessarily all, pitfalls that an American traveler may encounter. New
espionage techniques and tactics are constantly being developed, and you should always be alert for them.
Although the techniques employed by communist countries’ intelligence services may seem farfetched or taken
from spy novels, they are in fact used in day-to-day activities and operations. American travelers must recognize
that these techniques; however distasteful, are part of the communist system and be prepared to counter them.
The pitfalls outlined above reflect possibilities, not probabilities, however. You probably will not have any
problems if you respect local laws and customs, act honestly in your dealings, and behave discreetly. You can
expect friendly treatment from most of the citizens you meet, and you will find that they are very interested in
all aspects of American life. You can therefore serve as a valuable goodwill ambassador for the United States
while you are traveling in communist countries. Be open to this experience, have a good trip, and come home
Appendix M
Internal Control Evaluation
M–1. Function
The function covered by this evaluation is the Army Personnel Security Program.
M–2. Purpose
The purpose of this evaluation is to assist commanders and organizations in evaluating key internal controls outlined
below. It is not intended to address all internal control elements.
M–3. Instructions
Answers must be based upon the actual testing of key internal controls (for example, document analysis, direct
observation, sampling, and simulation). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained and the corrective action
indicated in the supporting documentation. These internal controls must be evaluated at least once every 5 years.
Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11–2 (Internal Control
Evaluation Certification).
M–4. Test questions
a. Are Security Managers appointed in writing?
b. Is personal identifiable information protected in accordance with AR 340-21?
c. Has a Joint Personnel Adjudication System Account been established for Security Managers, email addresses
current, and security management office owning/servicing relationships in the JPAS reviewed/updated annually?
d. Are classified reports stored in accordance with AR 380-381 and AR 380-5?
e. When transported, are reports of personnel security information sealed in double envelopes when transmitted by
mail or when carried by persons and the package labeled “TO BE OPENED ONLY BY OFFICIALS DESIGNATED
f. Is the DCS, G-2 monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the administration of the Army Personnel Security
g. Did the commander establish written local security policies and procedures?
h. Has the commander established a self inspection security program for his or her headquarters and subordinate
i. Does the security manager advise, update, and communicate with the commander to ensure matters related to
security clearance actions are presented for a final decision?
j. Do security managers promptly and appropriately report security incidents, violations, and compromises, related to
classified and sensitive information, as directed by AR 380-5 to the commander?
k. Does the security manager adhered to deadlines and provide consultation to personnel who receive a letter of
intent or statement of reason on the seriousness of the action; provide support to such persons to ensure due process is
l. Are personnel submitted for periodic reviews in a timely manner?
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
m. Are security managers trained?
n. Have supervisors ensured that subordinate personnel are trained in, understand, and follow requirements of this
regulation, local command policy, and procedures concerning the Personnel Security Program?
o. Has the commander established annual security training for personnel having continued access to classified
p. Has the commander ensured personnel security investigations are initiated through the Personnel Security Investigation Center of Excellence as authorized?
q. Has the commander ensured prior to indoctrination, conduct initial security briefings, educating personnel on their
security responsibilities?
r. Has the commander ensured supervisors are familiar with special responsibilities in matters pertaining to indicators that may signal matters of personnel security concern and reinforce the requirements for self, supervisor, and
command reporting of security incidents via the JPAS?
s. Has the commander ensured personnel holding a security clearance report all foreign travel to the security office?
t. Has the commander immediately documented in writing any unfavorable incidents and made the recommendation
on the DA Form 5248–R and subsequently submitted an incident report via the JPAS to the DOD Consolidated
Adjudication Facility?
M–5. Supersession
Not applicable.
M–6. Comments
To make this evaluation a more useful tool for internal controls, submit comments to DCS, G-2, 1000 Army Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20310-1000.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Section I
automated data processing
action lead sheet
Army National Guard
background investigation
Bureau of Vital Statistics
centralized assignment procedure
U.S. Army Central Clearance Facility
Central Intelligence Agency
career management field
Department of the Army
Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board
defense central investigations index
Defense Criminal Investigative Service
DCS, G–1
Deputy Chief of Staff , G–1
DCS, G–2
Deputy Chief of Staff, G–2
department-determined personnel security status
Defense Investigative Service
Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
DOD National Agency Check and written inquiries
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Department of Energy
Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals
date and place of birth
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Entrance National Agency Check
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Headquarters, Department of the Army
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Individual Ready Reserve
limited access authorization
local agency check
listed character reference
letter of intent
major Army command
military occupational specialty
Military Personnel Records Jacket
modification table of organization and equipment
National Agency Check
National Agency Check and written inquiries
nonappropriated fund instrumentality
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National Security Agency
Officer of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G–1
Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
official military personnel file
official personnel folder
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Strategic Services
personnel investigation center
periodic reinvestigation
Personnel Reliability Program
Personnel Security Appeals Board
personnel security investigation
personal security questionnaire
Reserve Officer Training Corps
Secretary of the Army
special background investigation
sensitive compartmented information
Standard Installation/Division Personnel
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
special investigative inquiry
Single Integrated Operation Plan–Extra Sensitive Information
social security number
special security officer
Total Army Personnel Agency
uniform code of military justice
United Services Organization
White House Liaison Office, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army
Section II
The ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information. An individual, in fact, may have access to
classified information by being in a place where such information is kept, if the security measures that are in force do
not prevent him from gaining knowledge of such information.
Adverse action
A removal from employment, suspension from employment of more than 14 days, reduction in grade, reduction in pay,
or furlough of 30 days or less.
A person not currently employed by the DA or serving in the Armed Forces, or a person being considered for
employment for a sensitive position.
Background investigation
A PSI consisting of both record reviews and interviews with sources of information as prescribed in paragraph B–3,
appendix B, this regulation, covering the most recent 5 years of an individual’s life or since the 18th birthday,
whichever is shorter, provided that at least the last 2 years are covered and that no investigation will be conducted prior
to an individual’s 16th birthday.
Classified information
Official information or material that requires protection in the interests of national security and that is classified for
such purpose by appropriate classifying authority in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12356
(reference (j)).
Close and continuous relationship
Persons to whom subject is bound by affection or obligation. May include sharing living quarters with an individual
even though no intimate relationship exists.
Close foreign ties
Recurring contact, either personal or by correspondence, with foreign nationals residing in a foreign country.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Compelling need
ccess to Sensitive Compartmented information (SCI) is urgently required by an individual to prevent failure or serious
impairment of missions or operations that are in the best interest of national security.
Competent medical authority
A board–eligible or board–certified psychiatrist or clinical psychologist employed by or under contract to the U.S.
military or U.S. Government.
Defense Central Index of Investigation
An alphabetical index of personal names and impersonal titles that appear as subjects of incidents in investigative
documents held by the criminal, counterintelligence, fraud, and personnel security investigative activities of the
Defense Investigative Service (DIS), the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), and the NSA. DCII records
will be checked on all subjects of DOD investigations.
Defense Central Security Index
An automated subsystem of the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) designed to record the issuance, denial
or revocation of security clearances, access to classified information, or assignment to a sensitive position by all DOD
Components for military, civilian, and contractor personnel. The DCSI will serve as the central DOD repository of
security–related actions in order to assist DOD security officials in making sound clearance and access determinations.
The DCSI shall also serve to provide accurate and reliable statistical data for senior DOD officials, Congressional
committees, the General Accounting Office and other authorized Federal requesters.
Denial of security clearance
The refusal to grant a security clearance or to grant a higher level of clearance to a person who possesses a clearance
of a lower degree.
Department–determined personnel security status
Information that constitutes a possible basis for taking an adverse or unfavorable personnel security action.
a. Adverse loyalty information (see paras 2–4 a–f, k , and app E, para 3).
b. Adverse suitability information (see paras 2–200 g through j and 2–4 through q and app E, paras 1, 2, 4, 5, and
DOD component
Includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the military departments; Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Directors of Defense Agencies and the United and Specified Commands.
Entrance national agency check
A PSI scoped and conducted in the same manner as a national agency check except that a technical fingerprint search
of the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not conducted.
Federal service
Federal service consists of active duty in the military services, Federal civilian employment, membership in the ARNG
or U.S. Army Reserve (includes Troop Program Units, Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA), and Individual
Ready Reserve), membership in the ROTC Scholarship Program, Federal contractor employment with access to
classified information under the Industrial Security Program, or a combination thereof, without a break exceeding 12
Head of DOD component
The Secretary of Defense; the Secretaries of the Military Departments; the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the
Commanders of Unified and Specified Commands; and the Directors of Defense Agencies.
Immediate family
Includes subject’s spouse, parents, brothers, sisters, and children.
Immigrant alien
Any alien lawfully admitted into the United States under an immigration visa for permanent residence.
Interim security clearance
A security clearance based on the completion of minimum investigative requirements, which is granted on a temporary
basis, pending the completion of the full investigative requirements.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
Limited access authorization
Authorization for access to CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET information granted to non–U.S. citizens and immigrant
aliens, which is limited to only that information necessary to the successful accomplishment of their assigned duties
and based on a background investigation scoped for 10 years (see app J).
Local records check
A review of local personnel, post military police, medical records, and other security records, as appropriate.
Major Army command (MACOM)
A command directly subordinate to, established by authority of, and specifically designated by HQDA. Army component of Unified and Specified Commands are MACOMs.
Minor derogatory information
Information that, by itself, is not of sufficient importance or magnitude to justify an unfavorable administrative action
in a personnel security determination.
National Agency Check
A PSI consisting of a records review of certain national agencies as prescribed in paragraph 1, appendix B, this
regulation, including a technical fingerprint search of the files of the FBI.
National Agency Check and written inquiries
A personnel security investigation conducted by the Office of Personnel Management, combining a NAC and written
inquiries to law enforcement agencies, former employers and supervisors, references and schools.
DOD National Agency Check and written inquiries
A personnel security investigation conducted by the DIS for access to SECRET information consisting of a NAC, a
credit bureau check, and written inquiries to current and former employers (see para B–2, app B), covering a 5–year
National of the United States
A citizen of the United States or a person who, though not a citizen, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
The provisions of this regulation are equally applicable to U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals.
National security
National security means the national defense and foreign relations of the United States.
Need to know
A determination made by a possessor of classified information that a prospective recipient, in the interest of national
security, has a requirement for access to, knowledge, or possession of the classified information in order to perform
tasks or services essential to the fulfillment of an official U.S. Government program. Knowledge of, possession of, or
access to, classified information shall not be afforded to any individual solely by virtue of the individual’s office,
position, or security clearance.
Periodic reinvestigation
An investigation conducted every 5 years for the purpose of updating a previously completed background or special
background investigation on persons occupying positions referred to in paragraphs 3–55 through 3–67. The scope will
consist of a personal interview, NAC, LACs, credit bureau checks, employment records, employment references and
developed character references and will normally not exceed the most recent 5–year period.
Personnel security
The application of standards and criteria to determine whether or not an individual is eligible for access to classified
information, qualified for assignment to or retention in sensitive duties, and suitable for acceptance and retention in the
total Army consistent with national security interests.
Personnel security investigation
Any investigation required for the purpose of determining the eligibility of DOD military and civilian personnel,
contractor employees, consultants, and other persons affiliated with the DOD, for access to classified information,
acceptance or retention in the Armed Forces, assignment or retention in sensitive duties, or other designated duties
requiring such investigation. PSIs include investigations of affiliations with subversive organizations, suitability information, or hostage situations (see para 2–18) conducted for the purpose of making personnel security determinations.
They also include investigations of allegations that arise subsequent to adjudicative action and require resolution to
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
determine an individual’s current eligibility for access to classified information or assignment or retention in a sensitive
Polygraph examination
A voluntary examination by qualified examiners using polygraph equipment approved by the DA. (AR 195–6 applies).
Revocation of security clearance
The cancellation of a person’s eligibility for access to classified information.
The time period to be covered and the sources of information to be contacted during the prescribed course of a PSI.
Security clearance
A determination that a person is eligible under the standards of this regulation for access to classified information.
Senior officer of the Intelligence Community
The DOD Senior Officers of the Intelligence Community include: the Director, National Security Agency/Central
Security Service; Director, Defense Intelligence Agency; DCS, G–2, U.S. Army; Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Air Force; and the Director of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy.
Sensitive compartmented information
Classified information concerning or derived from intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes that must be
handled exclusively within formal access control systems established by the DCI. DCID Directive (DCID) 1/14
contains the minimum personnel security standards and procedures governing eligibility for access to SCI.
Sensitive position
Any position so designated within the DOD, the occupant of which could bring about, by virtue of the nature of the
position, a materially adverse effect on the national security. All civilian positions are either critical–sensitive,
noncritical–sensitive, or non-sensitive as described in paragraph 3.
Significant derogatory information
Information that could, in itself, justify an unfavorable administrative action, or prompt an adjudicator to seek
additional investigation or clarification.
Special access program
Any program imposing “need–to–know” or access controls beyond those normally provided for access to CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, OR TOP SECRET information. Such a program may include, but not be limited to, special clearance,
adjudication, investigative requirements, material dissemination restrictions, or special lists of persons determined to
have a need to know.
Special background investigation
A PSI consisting of all of the components of a BI plus certain additional investigative requirements as prescribed in
paragraph B–4, appendix B, this regulation. The period of investigation for an SBI is the last 15 years or since the 18th
birthday, whichever is shorter, provided that the last 2 full years are covered and that no investigation will be
conducted prior to an individual’s 16th birthday.
Special investigative inquiry
A supplemental PSI of limited scope conducted to prove or disprove relevant allegations that have arisen concerning a
person upon whom a personnel security determination has been previously made and who, at the time of the allegation,
holds a security clearance or otherwise occupies a position that requires a personnel security determination under the
provisions of this regulation.
Special geographic area
The assignment location of a person. It is determined by the Commanding General, U.S. Army Human Resources
Command with the DCS, G–2.
Honorable active duty (including attendance at the military academies), membership in ROTC Scholarship Program,
Army and Air Force National Guard, Military Reserve Force (including active status and ready reserve), civilian
employment in Government service, or civilian employment with a DOD contractor or as a consultant involving access
under the DOD Industrial Security Program. Continuity of service is maintained with change from one status to another
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
as long as there is no single break in service greater than 12 months. Service for nuclear and chemical surety positions
is defined in AR 50–5 and AR 50–6 and in this regulation.
Suspension of access
The temporary withdrawal of a person’s eligibility for access to classified information. Access is suspended when
information becomes known that casts doubt on whether continued access is consistent with national security interests.
Unfavorable administrative action
Adverse action taken as the result of personnel security determinations and unfavorable personnel security determinations as defined in this regulation.
Unfavorable personnel security determination
A denial or revocation of clearance for access to classified information; denial or revocation of access to classified
information; denial or revocation of a special access authorization (including access to SCI); retention, non-appointment to or non-selection for appointment to a sensitive position; retention, non-appointment to or non-selection for any
other position requiring a trustworthiness determination under this regulation; reassignment to a position of lesser
sensitivity or to a non-sensitive position; and nonacceptance for or discharge from the Armed Forces when any of the
foregoing actions are based on derogatory information of personnel security significance.
United States citizen
a. Native born. A person born in one of the 50 United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern
Marina Islands; U.S. Virgin Islands; or Panama Canal Zone (if the father or mother (or both) was or is a citizen of the
United States).
b. Naturalized. A person born outside of the United States who has completed naturalization procedures and has
been given U.S. citizenship by duly constituted authority.
c. Derivative birth. A person born outside the United States who acquires U.S. citizenship at birth because one or
both of their parents are U.S. citizens at the time of the person’s birth.
d. Derivative naturalization. A person who acquires U.S. citizenship after birth through naturalization of one or both
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
There are no special terms.
AR 380–67 • 24 January 2014
PIN 064502–000
27 JANUARY 2005
Incorporating Through Change 2, 29 November 2012
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
AFI31-501, 1 August 2000
Certified by: HQ USAF/XOF
(Brig Gen James M. Shamess)
Pages: 127
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 315, Personnel Security
Program Policy. It provides guidance for personnel security investigations and clearance needs.
Use this instruction with Department of Defense (DOD) Regulation 5200.2-R, DOD Personnel
Security Program, January 1987, and Executive Order 12968 ―Access to Classified
This interim change implements new guideline at Paragraph 3.16 for processing requests for
access by retired general officers of civilian equivalents. A margin bar (|) indicates newly
revised material.
Purpose. ..................................................................................................................
Applicability. .........................................................................................................
Definitions. ............................................................................................................
Records Management. ...........................................................................................
Chapter 2—POLICIES
Clearance and Sensitive Position Standard. ...........................................................
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Military Service Standard. .....................................................................................
Criteria for Application of Security Standards. .....................................................
Types and Scope of Personnel Security Investigations. ........................................
Authorized Personnel Security Investigation Provider. .........................................
Allegations of Criminal Activity. ..........................................................................
Overseas Personnel Security Investigations. .........................................................
Limitations and Restrictions. .................................................................................
Authority to Designate Sensitive Positions. ...........................................................
Nonsensitive Positions. ..........................................................................................
Reassignment to a Noncritical Sensitive Position. .................................................
Reassignment to a Critical Sensitive Position. .......................................................
PRs for Critical Sensitive and Noncritical Sensitive Positions. .............................
Pre-employment Waivers. ......................................................................................
Mobilization of DOD Civilian Retirees. ................................................................
Military Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction. ................................................
Mobilization of Military Retirees. .........................................................................
Security Clearance Authority. ................................................................................
Interim Security Clearances. ..................................................................................
Access to Classified Information by Non-US Citizens. .........................................
Access by Persons Outside the Executive Branch. ................................................
Access by Different Categories of Individuals. .....................................................
One Time Access. ..................................................................................................
Granting Access to Retired General Officers or Civilian Equivalents and Former
Presidential Appointees .........................................................................................
Processing Requests for Access by Historical Researchers. ..................................
Sensitive Compartmented Information. .................................................................
Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information. ..................
Presidential Support Activities. .............................................................................
Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program. .................................................
Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Classified Information. .................
Special Access Program. ........................................................................................
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Processing Requests for Access to Restricted Areas, Sensitive Information or
Equipment Not Involving Access to Classified Information. ................................
Nonappropriated Fund Employees. .......................................................................
Special Agents and Investigative Support Personnel. ............................................
Personnel Occupying Information Systems Positions Designated Auto mated
Information Systems, AIS-I, AIS-II, and AIS-III (formerly ADP positions). .......
Periodic Reinvestigations (PR). .............................................................................
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). ...................................................................
Prior Federal Civilian Investigations. ....................................................................
General. ..................................................................................................................
Authorized Requesters. ..........................................................................................
Criteria for Requesting Investigations. ..................................................................
Request Procedures. ...............................................................................................
Priority Requests. ...................................................................................................
Personal Data Provided by the Subject of the Investigation. .................................
Dual Citizenship. ...................................................................................................
Central Adjudication Authority. ............................................................................
Adjudicative Record. .............................................................................................
General ...................................................................................................................
Investigative Requirements for Coding Positions. .................................................
Investigative Requirements for Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs). ...................
Investigative Requirements for Sensitive Programs. .............................................
Investigative Requirements for Air Force Deployments, Operational or
Contractual Exigencies. .........................................................................................
Approval Authorities for Additional/New/Upgrade of SSBIs. ..............................
Periodic Reinvestigations. ......................................................................................
Issuing Security Clearance Eligibility. ..................................................................
The Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). ................................................
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
AF JPAS Users Guide. ...........................................................................................
Granting Access. ....................................................................................................
Obtaining Information from the AFCAF. ..............................................................
Referral for Action. ................................................................................................
Suspension. ............................................................................................................
Air Force Office of Special Investigations. ...........................................................
Final Unfavorable Administrative Actions. ...........................................................
Procedures. .............................................................................................................
Unfavorable Administrative Action Procedures. ...................................................
Security Clearance Reinstatement. ........................................................................
Special Access Programs. ......................................................................................
Obtaining Permission to Proceed in Courts-Martial, Administrative Discharges,
and Civilian Removal Actions. ..............................................................................
Evaluating Continued Security Clearance. ............................................................
Supervisory Responsibility. ...................................................................................
Initial Briefings and Refresher Briefings. ..............................................................
Foreign Travel Briefing. ........................................................................................
Termination Briefing. ............................................................................................
Responsibilities. .....................................................................................................
Access Restrictions. ...............................................................................................
Safeguarding Procedures. ......................................................................................
Responsibilities. .....................................................................................................
Chapter 12—DELETED
(DELETED) ..........................................................................................................
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 26—IC 2005-1 TO AFI 31-501, PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 1
1.1. Purpose.
1.1.1. Use this instruction with the DOD Regulation 5200. 2-R and AFPD 31-5 to
implement the personnel security program. This instruction requires collecting and
maintaining information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Executive
Orders 9397, 9838, 10450, 11652, and 12968; and 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) 7513, 7532,
7533; 10 U.S.C. 8013. Privacy Act system of records notices F031 497IG A, SCI Personnel
Records; F031 497IG B Special Security Case Files; F031 11 SPS A, Presidential Support
Files; F031 11 SPS B, Personnel Security Clearance and Investigation Records; F031 AF SP
N, Special Security Files;.F031 SAFPA A, Requests for Access to Classified Information by
Historical Researchers; F036 497 IG B, For Cause Discharge Program apply.
1.1.2. Submit waivers to DOD Regulation 5200.2-R and AFPD 315 through command
Information Security Program Manager (ISPM) channels to HQ USAF/XOFI,
1340 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 203301340.
1.2. Applicability. This AFI applies to DOD civilian employees, active duty military, the Air
National Guard and Air Force Reserves.
1.3. Definitions. See Attachment 1 for additional definitions. For purposes of this AFI the term
―Commander‖ means: Commanders or equivalent and staff agency chiefs.
1.4. Records Management. Maintain and dispose of all records created as a result of
prescribed processes in accordance with AFMAN 37-139, Records Disposition Schedule.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 2
2.1. Clearance and Sensitive Position Standard. The personnel security standard that must be
applied to determine whether a person is eligible for access to classified information or
assignment to sensitive duties is whether, based on all available information, the person’s
loyalty, reliability, and trustworthiness are such that entrusting the person with classified
information or assigning the person to sensitive duties is clearly consistent with the interest of
national security.
2.2. Military Service Standard. See AFPD 36-29, Military Standards and AFPD 36-20,
Accession of Air Force Military Personnel. It provides policies to ensure the Air Force employs
the right quantity and quality of people in the Air Force.
2.3. Criteria for Application of Security Standards. The criteria for determining eligibility
for a security clearance are listed in DOD 5200.2-R, para 2-200. Commanders apply the criteria
for security standards when granting access to classified information.
2.4. Types and Scope of Personnel Security Investigations. The scope of each type of
personnel security investigation is listed in DoD 5200.2-R, Appendix B. See Attachment 2 for
procedures on requesting personnel security investigations (PSI). See Attachment 3 for
guidance on the types of required personnel security investigations and appropriate questionnaire
forms and or Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) Software.
2.4.1. General. The investigations listed in DoD Regulation 5200.2R and this instruction are
the only PSIs authorized. The Secretary of the Air Force and/or the Under Secretary of
Defense, Intelligence must approve raising or lowering the scope of the authorized
2.4.2. Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC). ENTNACS were replaced by the
NACLC on 1 Oct 99 for military accessions.
2.4.3. National Agency Check (NAC). NACs are primarily used for positions of trust.
2.4.4. National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries and Credit Check (NACIC). NACICs
are conducted by OPM and are required on all civilian employees entering government
employment and assigned to nonsensitive positions.
2.4.5. Access National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check (ANACI).
ANACIs are conducted by OPM and are required for civilian employees’ initial Secret
security clearance or assignment to noncritical sensitive positions.
2.4.6. National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit Check (NACLC).
NACLCs are required for military access to Secret information.
2.4.7. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). SSBIs are required for access to TOP
SECRET, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), special sensitive positions and for
critical sensitive positions.
2.4.8. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR). PRs are investigations conducted at prescribed
intervals for the purpose of updating a previously completed background investigation.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
2.4.9. Special Investigative Inquiry (SII). SIIs are used to prove or disprove allegations or
new information concerning the security standards that arise after a person has been granted a
security clearance.
2.5. Authorized Personnel Security Investigation Provider. The Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) is the DoD Authorized Personnel Security Investigation Provider.
2.6. Allegations of Criminal Activity. Commanders refer possible criminal conduct to the
supporting Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) detachment.
2.7. Overseas Personnel Security Investigations. AFOSI personnel conduct the overseas
portion of personnel security investigations, augmented by Army, Navy, and State Department
2.8. Limitations and Restrictions. A break in service of over 24 months invalidates an
individual’s personnel security clearance eligibility.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 3
3.1. Authority to Designate Sensitive Positions. Commanders with position designation
authority determine the security sensitivity of civilian positions. Each civilian employee is
subject to an investigation depending on the sensitivity of the position to be occupied, except for
reappointment when the break in employment is less than 24 months.
3.2. Nonsensitive Positions.
3.2.1. The servicing civilian personnel flight (CPF) processes the initial request for NACIC’s
to OPM for civilians occupying nonsensitive positions, not requiring access to classified
information. OPM forwards the investigation to the CAF. Suitability determinations for
civilian government employment are made accordingly:
3.2.2. The CAF forwards the completed investigation, OPM ―Certificate of Investigation‖
and the OPM INV Form 79A, Report of Agency Adjudicative Action on OPM Personnel
Investigations to the base servicing CPF.
3.2.3. The CPF: Determines if the individual is deemed suitable for employment IAW 5 CFR
731.201-202. Coordination and or consultation with the supervisor and or commander
may be made. If employee is determined suitable, CPF signs off on the OPM Certificate of
Investigation and the form is filed in the individual’s Official Personnel Folder (OPF)
IAW AFI 36.114, Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping. If applicant is determined unsuitable, CPF fills out the OPM INV Form 79A,
Report of Agency Adjudicative Action on OPM Personnel Investigations and coordinates
with the employee’s supervisor and or commander. CPF forwards the OPM INV Form
79A to OPM.
3.3. Reassignment to a Noncritical Sensitive Position. If a civilian employee is subsequently
selected for a position requiring access to classified information and unescorted entry into
restricted areas (noncritical sensitive), security managers process the completed SF 86,
Questionnaire for National Security Positions, to security forces authorized requesters.
3.3.1. Security Forces Authorized Requesters: Submit the SF 86 to OPM for an ―Access NACI‖. The address is: OPM-FIPC
PO Box 618, 1137 Branchton Road, Boyers, PA, 16018. OPM does not have the EPSQ,
therefore requests must be sent in hard copy. Use the EPSQ at the unit, validate the
EPSQ, and print the SF 86 for mailing. Contact the servicing CPF for any questions
concerning Part 1 of the SF 86 or the OPM Agency Use Information Sheet. A fingerprint
card is not required as the individual has already been the subject of a NACI or NACIC.
3.4. Reassignment to a Critical Sensitive Position. If, in the future, the individual is selected
for a critical sensitive position, security managers process the request for investigation to the
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
security forces authorized requester who will submit an SF 86 requesting a SSBI in accordance
with Attachment 2.
3.5. PRs for Critical Sensitive and Noncritical Sensitive Positions. The periodic
reinvestigation requirements apply to civilian employees in noncritical sensitive positions that
require access to classified information. The reinvestigation requirements apply to civilian
employees in critical sensitive positions whether or not they have access to classified
information. See Attachment 3.
3.6. Pre-employment Waivers.
3.6.1. Sensitive Positions. Commanders must ensure procedures for pre-appointment to
sensitive positions preclude an uncleared person from having access to classified
3.6.2. Noncritical Sensitive and Critical Sensitive Positions (3-204). The commander or staff
agency chief (or designee) with position sensitivity determination authority prepares a waiver
of preemployment investigation requirements when such action is necessary and in the
national interest. See Attachment 6 for sample waiver memorandum. The memorandum is
filed in the individual’s OPF IAW AFI 36-114, Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping.
3.7. Mobilization of DOD Civilian Retirees. MAJCOM commanders can waive the
investigative requirements for the mobilization of selected re-employed annuitants for temporary
appointment when the break in employment is greater than 24 months.
3.8. Military Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction. Personnel appointed, enlisted, or
inducted to the active or reserve forces of the Air Force must have a favorable personnel security
investigation. See Attachment 3.
3.8.1. Clearance requirements for officer training school selectees are outlined in Air Force
Instruction (AFI)362005, Appointment in Commissioned Grades and Designation and
Assignment in Professional Categories.
3.9. Mobilization of Military Retirees. MAJCOM commanders can waive the requirement for
a full NACLC for the mobilization of military retirees upon reentry to active duty after a break of
more than 24 months.
3.10. Security Clearance Authority. The 497 Intelligence Group/INS, Directorate of Security
and Communications Management, the Air Force Central Adjudication Facility, is the designated
authority to grant, suspend, deny, or revoke personnel security clearances and SCI access (see
Chapter 11).
3.10.1. The CAF issues security clearance eligibility to the highest level authorized based on
the type of investigation conducted. Unit commanders grant clearance access based on the
level of the position occupied by the individual. The access level required should be
annotated on the request for investigation.
3.10.2. The SAF Special Access Program (SAP) Central Adjudication Office, WrightPatterson AFB Ohio is the designated authority to grant, suspend, deny, revoke, or limit SAF
access. (See AFI 16-701, Special Access Programs).
3.10.3. Commanders control security clearances within their activity. See para 7.1.2.
3.10.4. See Chapter 7 for granting of access to classified information.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.11. Interim Security Clearances. Commanders may grant interim security clearances for
access to Top Secret and Secret information when the requirements of DoD 5200.2-R, paragraph
3.401 have been met. Use of local information and the following requirements provide
Commanders with the necessary tools to exercise their authority to grant interim security
clearances. Also see Attachment 25, Table A25.1 for guidance on the authority level to grant
interim security clearance/access to specific programs.
3.11.1. Interim Top Secret security clearances: Favorable ENTNAC, NAC, NACI, NACIC, NACLC, or ANACI completed. Consult the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) to determine the
existence of a favorable ENTNAC, NAC, NACI, NACIC, NACLC, or ANACI. The
investigation is acceptable if there is no break in service over two years. Favorable review of personnel security questionnaire. Favorable review of local personnel records, base and or security force records,
medical records, and other security records, as appropriate. SSBI package has been submitted by an Authorized Requester to the
investigative agency provider.
3.11.2. Commanders can grant interim Top Secret security clearance if the above provisions
have been met. Favorable review of EPSQ or SF 86. Favorable review of local personnel records, base/security force records,
medical records, and other security records as appropriate. Confirmation of a previous secret security clearance for newly hired civilian
employees who have held a secret security clearance as a former military member
(without a break in service of 24 months) or who hold a secret security clearance either as
an Air Reserve Technician or as a traditional reservist. Confirmed receipt of NACLC request at DSS by DSS EPSQ Receipt System.
Confirmed receipt of ANACI request at OPM through the supporting CPF.
3.11.3. If there is no record of a completed investigation (NAC portion) in JPAS, contact Air
Force Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) Customer Support through JPAS to determine
if there is a favorable NAC. (Note Optional: Authorized requesters can request ―Advanced
NAC Results‖ from OPM on the OPM Agency Use Sheet.)
3.11.4. Interim Secret security clearances: Favorable review of personnel security questionnaire. Favorable review of local personnel records, base and or security forces
records, medical records, and other security records, as appropriate. NACLC or ANACI has been submitted by an Authorized Requester to an
investigative agency provider.
3.11.5. Interim security clearances must be documented in JPAS or in writing if JPAS is
unavailable, until the final security clearance eligibility is granted by the AFCAF.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.11.6. For Civilians: Consult JPAS on a newly hired civilian for a previous security
clearance/personnel security investigation to determine if a previous security clearance
was held as a former military member (without a break in service of two years) or if a
security clearance as either an Air Reserve Technician or as a traditional reservist was
held. Pending completion of ANACIs or SSBIs, as appropriate, civilians may occupy
non-critical sensitive or critical sensitive positions. Commanders prepare a waiver of preemployment investigation requirements when such action is necessary and in the national
interest. Interim security clearance may not be granted until after the commander signs
the waiver memorandum.
3.11.7. JPAS is the source for determining investigative status on pending investigations.
Also see para 7.9.
3.12. Access to Classified Information by Non-US Citizens.
3.12.1. Initial Limited Access Authorization (LAA). The MAJCOM/SF approves the
request for a personnel security investigation for the purpose of LAA. Approvals are returned
to the requester and an information copy is provided to the CAF. Authorized requesters
initiate the personnel security action and submit a SSBI to DSS. A favorable SSBI is a
prerequisite for LAA. The CAF will adjudicate the SSBI, issue the LAA authorization to
MAJCOM/SF, and enter the information in the Adjudication Management System (AMS).
MAJCOM/SF forwards the authorization to the requester. The requester grants the LAA.
Requirements governing nondisclosure agreement form and a security termination statement
apply to LAAs.
3.12.2. Annual Certification. MAJCOM/SF provides an annual report to the CAF by 1 Nov
of each year certifying the continued need for the command’s LAAs. The CAF provides a
consolidated report to HQ USAF/XOFI by 25 Nov each year. HQ USAF/XOFI approves the
report and forwards to OASD (C3I) by 1 Dec of each year.
3.13. Access by Persons Outside the Executive Branch. Refer to AFI 31401, Information
Security Program Management, for granting access to persons outside the Executive Branch.
3.13.1. Authorized requesters submit the appropriate investigation according to Attachment
2 based on the level of access required. Annotate the request, ―Request for investigation is required IAW DOD 5200.1R, paragraph 6-201, Access to Person Outside the Executive Branch.‖ The CAF does the adjudication and enters the results in the AMS.
3.14. Access by Different Categories of Individuals.
3.14.1. Voluntary Emeritus Corps and Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). There is an affiliation with the Government by virtue of the signing of an
agreement. As a general rule, these individuals will not have access to classified
information. In certain instances, the commander may approve access to classified
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Access will be justified and must provide a specific benefit or gain to the
Government. The access will be commensurate with the level the person held prior to
retirement/separation or the level currently held by IPA personnel under the National
Industrial Security Program. Offices should accept and maintain visit authorization
requests submitted by the sponsoring cleared facility as evidence of an IPA participant’s
current clearance. Access will be kept to the absolute minimum for the work being performed and
limited to a specific time period. The agreement between the individual and the organization will include a
security clause. The individual will sign an SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure
Agreement (NdA) and be briefed or re-briefed on security requirements (individuals
need not sign another SF 312 if verification can be made that an NdA was previously
signed). Physical custody of classified information is not authorized. The CAF will certify the individual’s security clearance. If a break in service
exceeds 24 months, the requesting organization must initiate a request for the appropriate
investigation. The CAF will provide an AF Form 2584, Record of Personnel Security
Investigation and Clearance to the requesting organization if required due to lack of
automation capabilities.
3.14.2. Consultants. A consultant, paid or unpaid, will only require access to classified
information at an Air Force activity or in connection with authorized visits and is not
required to be cleared under the National Industrial Security Program. The consultant is
considered to be an Air Force employee and will be issued a clearance, adjudicated by the
CAF, in accordance with this AFI.
3.14.3. Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). The IRR is a manpower pool of pre-trained
individuals who have already served in active component units or in the Selected Reserve
and have some part of their Military Service Obligation remaining. Refer to DOD 1215.15-H,
Reserve Components of the U.S. Armed Forces. As a general rule, these individuals will not have access to classified
information. In certain instances, the commander may approve access to classified
information. Access will be justified and must provide a specific benefit to the Air Force. Access will be commensurate with the level the person held prior to transfer to
the IRR, kept to the absolute minimum for the work being performed, and limited to a
specific time. An agreement between the individual and the organization is required and will
include a security clause.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
15 The individual will sign an SF 312, NdA, and be briefed or re-briefed on
security requirements (individuals need not sign another SF 312 if verification can be
made that one was previously signed).
3.15. One Time Access. A general court martial convening authority or equivalent Senior
Executive Service member, MAJCOM commander, wing commander, or civilian equivalent may
approve access to classified information at a higher level than authorized by the existing security
clearance during contingencies, or when an urgent operational or contractual exigency exists.
This authority can be used when the conditions of DOD 5200.2-R, para 3-406 are met. This does
not apply to SCI access (see para 3.18 below), COMSEC, NATO, or foreign government
information. The approving authority’s authorization for the access is maintained on file with the
servicing security manager and or servicing security activity until the access is no longer needed.
3.16. Granting Access to Retired General Officers or Civilian Equivalents and Former
Presidential Appointees
3.16.1. The Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF), Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) or
Commanders of Air Force Major Commands (MAJCOM/CCs) or Headquarters Air Force
two letter Directors may request that SAF/AA approve sponsorship for a retired general
officer, Senior Executive Service (SES) member or former Presidential appointees to support
a specific Air Force Program or mission where the authorized holder has verified the
individual requires access to specific classified information in order to perform or assist in a
lawful and authorized governmental function. SAF/AA, based upon information provided by
the requesting official, will determine on a case by case basis, whether a nominee has a
particular skill or expertise that would benefit the Air Force, clearly consistent, or compelling
with the interests of national security, and there is a compelling need justifying sponsorship.
Nominee must have in-scope investigation and be on appointment as an unpaid consultant
with the Air Force. Any such request is subject to the following conditions and limitations. Nominees with in-scope background investigations may be granted eligibility
for one year or the completion of the mission/program whichever is less. Eligibility may
be extended for additional periods provided there is a request specifying a continuing
compelling need and the background investigation remains current. Investigative requirements for nominees with out of scope investigations may
be waived; however, access for such individuals will not exceed a period of 90 days.
Access may be extended for additional periods of 90 days at the discretion of the
approving authority upon a demonstration of continuing compelling need for access by
the nominating official. The decision to fund investigations to allow continued access will be made on
a case by case basis depending on a demonstrated compelling need. Level of access shall not exceed that held at the time of retirement or
government separation. SCI or SAP access will not be granted under this authority. Requests for
SCI/SAP access must be processed thru AF/A2RS (SCI) and SAF/AAZ (SAP) after
clearance eligibility is granted by SAF/AA.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Classified materials may not be removed from a Government installation or
other area approved for storage of classified information. Individuals employed by government contractors will abide by all ethical terms
and agreements as put forth in the unpaid consultant package. Failure to do so will result
in removal from the program and discontinued access under this program. Blanket access based on a retiree’s or former Presidential appointee’s grade or
past assignments is prohibited.
3.16.2. Nominating officials must send request to SAF/AAZ through MAJCOM/FOA/DRU
Information Protection Office. SAF/AAZ will process request and forward to SAF/AA for
approval. The request must include the following information: The nominee’s name, grade/rank, SSAN, telephone number, personal e-mail
address, and last position held while on active duty, as a General Officer, SES, or
Presidential appointee. The justification must identify the particular program or mission, organization
or personnel that will be supported. The level of classification to which access is requested. Individuals accepted for access/eligibility into the program will not be afforded
any competitive advantage through material released to him/her.
3.16.3. SAF/AA will determine on a case by case basis whether: (a) nominated individuals
have a particular skill or knowledge that would benefit a specific Air Force program, and (b)
there is a compelling need justifying access. If eligibility is approved, SAF/AAZ will
provide a memorandum to the appropriate agency(s) and ensure the necessary systems
(JPAS) are updated.
3.16.4. Former Secretaries of the Air Force, retired Chief of Staffs of the Air Force, or other
former Air Force Presidential Appointees may be approved for access to classified
information upon a determination by SAF/AA that access by the individual is necessary for
the purpose of accomplishing a national security objective and consistent with current
administration guidance (see DoD 5200.1-R, C6.2.2.7). Investigative requirements may be
waived upon a determination by SAF/AA that the individual is trustworthy and that the
individual can and will safeguard information from unauthorized disclosure. Any such
access must be reviewed and validated by SAF/AA at the beginning of each calendar year.
Access will not be approved for individuals who are employees of government contractors
unless they meet all ethical requirements and provisions and are on appointment as an unpaid
consultant with the Air Force.
3.17. Processing Requests for Access by Historical Researchers. Refer to AFI 31-401 for
guidance in granting of access to researchers.
3.17.1. Authorized requesters request a NAC according to Attachment 2. Identify the
request as ―Special Category Historical Researcher‖ in remarks.
3.17.2. The CAF will forward the completed investigation to the Air Force Historian.
3.17.3. The United States Air Force History Support Office (AFHSO/HO), 200 McChord,
Box 94, Bolling AFB DC 20332, will make the access determination.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.18. Sensitive Compartmented Information. The Director of Intelligence Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/XOI), 1480 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1480,
controls access to SCI within the Air Force. Routine prescreening for SCI access is no longer
required. Refer to AFMAN 14-304, The Security, Use, and Dissemination of Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI). for specific guidance on conducting SCI prescreening
interviews, requesting investigations, granting access, and waiver information.
3.18.1. The 319th Training Squadron (319 TRS/TPCSS), 1550 Wurtsmith Street, Suite 7,
Lackland AFB TX 78236-5242, conducts interviews pertaining to individuals identified for
SCI positions during basic military training. They also conduct interviews of individuals
requiring Top Secret for Air Force specialty code retention and critical personnel reliability
program certification.
3.18.2. A single agency check (SAC) is required on the following categories of individuals
associated with the subject of an SSBI (a) spouse or cohabitant, (b) immediate family
members, 18 years old or older, who were born outside the United States. If marriage or
cohabitation occurs after completion of the SSBI, submit Spouse SAC via EPSQ to DSS.
Keep one copy for the authorized requester’s suspense file.
3.19. Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information. See AFI 101102, Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOP-ESI).
3.20. Presidential Support Activities. The following guidance supplements DOD Directive
5210.55, Department of Defense PSP and DOD Instruction 5210.87, Selection of DOD Military
and Civilian Personnel and Contractor Employees for Assignment to Presidential Support
Activities (PSAs). The PSP includes personnel assigned duties involving regular or frequent
contact with or access to the President or Presidential facilities, communications activities, or
modes of transportation.
3.20.1. The Office of the Administrative Assistant, Director for Security and Investigative
Programs (SAF/AAZ) is the single office designated to develop policy and represent the Air
Force on matters covered by the DOD Presidential Support Directive and Instruction.
3.20.2. HQ USAF/XOFI implements policy for the PSP.
3.20.3. The CAF: Manages adjudicative functions as required by the PSP. Accomplishes requisite cover letters and coordination with support units on
behalf of SAF/AAZ. Forwards nomination packages, regardless of adjudicative outcome to
SAF/AAZ. Submits the ―Information Requirements‖ report on a quarterly basis to
SAF/AAZ for approval and forwards approved report to the Executive Secretary. Copies
of the approved report are provided to HQ USAF/XOFI, the servicing security activity,
and contracting officers for distribution. Maintains historical files.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.20.4. SAF/AAZ advises commanders or company representatives when nominees have
been selected or nonselected by SAF/AAZ or the Executive Secretary. SAF/AAZ enters
selection status information in the AMS.
3.20.5. Appeals. Any DOD civilian or contractor employee not selected for, or removed
from, presidential support duties shall be afforded an opportunity to appeal this decision as
provided in DODD 5210.55 and DODI 5210.87. The governing directives do not provide
appeal rights for military members, however, when exceptional mitigating circumstances
exist, or derogatory information is reported in error, SAF/AAZ will reconsider non-selection
decisions. Reconsideration of military non-selections requires unit commander approval and
3.20.6. The servicing security activity of the nominating unit: Processes the appropriate investigation to DSS or OPM. See Attachment 2. Completes DD Form 1879 for an SSBI by typing ―YANKEE WHITE‖ in
capital letters in the remarks section. Checks the ―Presidential Support‖ block and
indicates the level of clearance required for the position. Includes the title of the
authorized presidential support position and the unit or organization to which the
individual will be assigned. Completes the SF 86 for a NACLC by typing ―YANKEE WHITE‖ in
capital letters in the remarks section. Type ―Presidential Support‖ and indicate the
level of clearance required for the position. Include the title of the authorized
presidential support position and the unit or organization to which the individual will
be assigned. Prepares the ―servicing security activity‖ nomination memorandum for the
CAF outlined in Attachment 9. Forwards the nomination memorandum to the CAF for further processing. Notifies the servicing medical facility that must mark and monitor the
individual’s medical records, upon notification by the Commander that the member has
been approved for presidential support duties. See Attachment 10. Notifies the servicing medical facility when individuals are no longer assigned
presidential support duties. Notifies the CAF presidential support representative telephonically within 24
hours when an individual’s access has been temporarily suspended or removed and note
if publicity is anticipated. The temporary suspension or removal should also be input into
the CAVS which will provide the information to the CAF electronically. Provides written
follow-up to include a summary of all available information within 2 working days. If
applicable a full report of investigation of the allegations and commander’s
recommendation for removal or reinstatement shall be forwarded to the CAF within 50
days. Provide a status report within 30 working days. Temporary suspension in which the
issues are unresolved by the applicant within 90 days shall become a permanent removal.
Notifies the CAF within five working days, when this occurs. Notifies the CAF when
individual’s (1) are permanently removed from presidential support duties, (2) separate or
(3) retire. The CAF notifies SAF/AAZ immediately in all cases.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
19 Completes and forwards to DSS the FD Form 258, FBI Fingerprint Card. Forwards requests for transfer or designation of additional presidential support
positions to the CAF for coordination. The CAF will attach the current unit billet
structure and forward it to SAF/AA for approval. Processes individuals for periodic reinvestigations.
3.20.7. Servicing Medical Authority: Ensures the medical records of members approved for presidential support
duties are identified, evaluated and monitored while assigned to presidential support. Identifies the medical records using AF Form 745, Sensitive Duties Program
Record Identifier (see AFI 41-210, Patient Administration Functions). Immediately notifies the individual’s commander or designated representative
and the servicing security activity when a significant effect on the individual’s suitability
to perform presidential support duties is expected as a result of medical, dental, or mental
health treatment or medication, and if drug or alcohol abuse is suspected. Provides a summary of pertinent health records to individual’s commander or
designated representative at their request. The actual record will be provided only if
specifically requested for clarification purposes or other compelling need. Mental health
clinic records may, if necessary, be reviewed in their entirety by the individual’s
commander or reviewing official, provided a privileged mental health provider is present
to help interpret psychological testing data and other technical information which may be
contained in the record. The information contained in the record is protected under the
Privacy Act and is not to be discussed or released except as indicated in this paragraph.
3.20.8. Commander and or Supervisory Indoctrination Program. Commanders and or
supervisors will become knowledgeable of DOD 55210.55 and requirements of this AFI
prior to evaluating and recommending individuals for presidential support positions.
3.20.9. Continuing Evaluation. Commanders and supervisors continually evaluate the
trustworthiness of personnel serving in presidential support duties to ensure they meet the
standards. Take necessary action when adverse information becomes known to access the
validity of the information. If appropriate, initiate action for suspension and or removal.
Follow SIF procedures as outlined in Chapter 8 when unfavorable information surfaces on
an individual already in the PSP program.
3.20.10. Investigative Requirements. Persons nominated for presidential support duties must
have an SSBI or NACLC current within 36 months of assignment to presidential support
duties. The DD Form 1879/SF 86 will be annotated to reflect if the investigation is for initial
assignment into the program.
3.21. Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program. Refer to AFI 36-2104, Nuclear
Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) for PRP certification and investigative guidance.
A new personnel security investigation (PSI) or periodic reinvestigation is required when there is
a break in personnel reliability program certification of more than five years, or for new PRP
assignments when the security investigation date is over five years. A new PSI is also required
any time a break in service of more than 24 months occurs between completion of the security
investigation and PRP certification dates.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.22. Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Classified Information. U.S. military
personnel, civilians, and contractors shall be permitted temporary access to COSMIC Top Secret
information based on a final U.S. Secret clearance and issuance of an interim Top Secret
clearance, pending completion of an SSBI and issuance of a final Top Secret clearance. The
temporary access will be valid until completion of the investigation and adjudication of the final
clearance. However, the agency granting the access will rescind it if adjudicatively significant
information is identified during the course of the investigation. The same procedures apply to
personnel not assigned to a NATO staff position, but requiring access to NATO COSMIC Top
Secret, Secret or Confidential information. The granting agency records NATO access in the
CAVS. Refer to AFI 31-406, Applying NATO Protection Standards.
3.23. Special Access Program. Certain programs require additional investigative and or
safeguarding requirements. Refer to AFI 16-701, The US Air Force Special Access Programs.
3.24. Processing Requests for Access to Restricted Areas, Sensitive Information or
Equipment Not Involving Access to Classified Information. Access for unescorted entry may
be granted based on the following investigative requirements. Refer to Attachment 3, Table
3.24.1. DOD and OPM civilians require a National Agency Check with Written Inquiries
and Credit Check (NACIC).
3.24.2. Air Reserve forces personnel with a current Entrance National Agency Check
(ENTNAC) or NAC may have unescorted entry to restricted areas while in civilian status,
pending completion of the required NACIC.
3.24.3. Department of Energy employees require an ―L‖ (Secret) clearance.
3.24.4. Federal employees require a NAC.
3.24.5. United States active duty, retired, or separated military members with an Honorable
Discharge and no break in service greater than 24 months, may use a previously completed
3.24.6. Contractor employees require a NAC. Contractors operating as visitor groups only
(contract performance exceeding 90 consecutive days), have the following option.
Commanders may grant individuals access to restricted areas subject to: (1) the contractor
completing the SF 85P and it is submitted to OPM for a NAC; (2) a check of the Defense
Clearance and Investigations Index reveals no relevant, significant information which might
preclude unescorted access; and (3) a check of appropriate local records.
3.24.7. Commanders may waive on a case by case basis, the investigative requirements for
unescorted entry to restricted areas containing PL2 and or 3 resources pending completion of
a favorable NAC, or NACIC after favorable review of the completed personnel security
questionnaire for the investigation. Decisions to deny or withdraw must be fully supported by
the documented facts. Individuals must be informed of the adverse information about them
(unless precluded by security considerations) and given the opportunity to appear before the
commander. This allows the individual to refute or to mitigate the information. Forward
appeals of denials or withdrawals to the MAJCOM commander or designee.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
3.24.8. Interim access to restricted areas may be granted to military, civilians, and
contractors. Use the same procedures for interim access as established for interim AIS (para
3.24.9. For Foreign National military members and host military members assigned to USAF
activities, entry authorization is based on government-to-government agreements, treaties,
and unified command directives. A SSBI is required for restricted areas containing PL1 or 2
resources, and a local agency check for restricted areas containing PL3 resources.
3.24.10. Unit commanders through the installation commander, request NACs on contractor
employees requiring unescorted entry to restricted areas. The CAF adjudicates the completed
NAC and enters the results in the appropriate database. Installation commanders approve all
denials or withdrawals of unescorted entry for contractor employees.
3.25. Nonappropriated Fund Employees. Human Resources Office (HRO) managers
(Attachment 4) designate positions of trust. AFPD 34-3, Nonappropriated Funds Personnel
Management and Administration and AFI 34-301, Nonappropriated Fund Personnel
Management and Administration establish policies for the management of the AF
Nonappropriated Fund Personnel Program. HRO managers make suitability determinations
according to the suitability criteria outlined in 5 CFR 731.201-202. The determination will be
filed in the individual’s personnel file.
3.26. Special Agents and Investigative Support Personnel. See Attachment 3. Noninvestigative personnel whose official duties require direct investigative support include
administrative processing and or handling of the investigative reports on a continuous basis. The
CAF adjudicates the investigation and enters the data in the DCII and AMS.
3.27. Personnel Occupying Information Systems Positions Designated Auto mated
Information Systems, AIS-I, AIS-II, and AIS-III (formerly ADP positions). Refer to DOD
5200.2-R, appendix K for ADP definitions.
3.27.1. See Attachment 3 for AIS I, II, and III investigation requirements. See paragraph
3.11 for interim security clearance requirements.
3.27.2. The CAF provides the results of the investigations for AIS I, II, and III purposes to
the authorized requester for the commander’s suitability determination according to the
suitability criteria outlined in 5 CFR 731.201-202. The CAF does not review the
investigation for security clearance purposes.
3.27.3. Commanders may recommend to the Designated Approving Authority (DAA) that
interim AIS access be granted. Commanders may waive, on a case by case basis, the
investigative requirements for access to AIS pending completion of a favorable ENTNAC,
NAC, NACIC, ANACI, or SSBI, after favorable review of the completed personnel security
questionnaire for the investigation. Commanders confirm that the following actions have
been accomplished prior to access: Mandatory information assurance training has been given and documentation
by a supervisor accompanies the request. Systems Administrators have implemented measures to limit access to the
information required to conduct assigned duties.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Commanders and or supervisors have ensured increased monitoring of the
individual having AIS access. For military members: after verification from the unit security manager that the
required investigation has been initiated and the preliminary suitability determination has
been made. For AF Appropriated and NAF Civilians (over 180 day appointment or an
aggregate of 180 days has been reached): CPF/HRO returns to the commander, a favorable suitability determination
based on the results of the completed OF 306, Declaration for Federal Employment,
and the SF 85, Questionnaire for Non Sensitive Positions, or 85P. Unit security managers initiate a local files check (LFC). Security Forces verify that the appropriate investigation has been initiated
and no adverse information was revealed in the completed LFC. For AF Appropriated and NAF Seasonal or Summer Hire Employee (under 180
day appointment): CPF/HRO returns to the commander, a favorable suitability determination
based on the results of the completed OF 306. Unit security managers initiate a LFC. Security Forces verify that no adverse information was revealed in the
completed LFC. For Contractors: Unit security managers initiate the LFC. Security Forces verify that the appropriate investigation has been initiated
and no adverse information was revealed in the completed LFC.
3.28. Periodic Reinvestigations (PR). PRs are required every 5 years for Top Secret and 10
years for Secret. Authorized requesters submit requests for reinvestigations to the DoD
Authorized Investigation Provider as outlined in A2.2.2.1. See AFI 31-406, Applying North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protection Standards, for submission of PRs for NATO
3.29. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). Although such personnel normally only require a
Secret clearance, an SSBI is initially required due to training and assignments involving nuclear
weapons. Persons occupying an EOD position shall undergo a Secret PR on a five year recurring
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 4
4.1. Prior Federal Civilian Investigations. Investigations previously conducted on civilian
employees are suitable and accepted for granting immediate access to classified information.
4.1.1. Civilian Personnel Flight: Verifies prior federal employment in a sensitive position was continuous with no
single break longer than 24 months. Confirms the individual is employed in a sensitive position with the Air Force
and that clearance eligibility is valid. Confirms with the CAF that a valid investigation is on file. The CAF updates the
DCII and AMS. Forwards verification of the investigation to the subject's commander.
4.1.2. Unit commander: Grants access when actions are completed. Destroys all copies of the documentation when SK shows the security clearance
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 5
5.1. General.
5.1.1. Security Managers provide personnel security support to active duty military, civilian,
and guard and reserve members assigned or attached to the active duty organization. Submit completed personnel security questionnaires to supporting authorized
requester. See Attachment 3 for additional guidance.
5.2. Authorized Requesters.
5.2.1. MAJCOM, field operating agency (FOA), or direct reporting unit (DRU) staffs
designate authorized requesters to initiate PSIs for their organization. As a general rule, the
number of authorized requesters will be kept to the minimum number required to meet
mission requirements. See Attachment 2 for request procedures.
5.2.2. Authorized requesters provide the AFCAF with the name, telephone number, and
office symbol of individual(s) who may obtain security clearance and or investigative data on
individuals within their organization and provide copy to respective MAJCOM. See para 6.1
for AFCAF address.
5.2.3. Authorized requesters may query the JCAVS or call the CAF Customer Support
Section at DSN 754-1242/43 to determine investigative and/or adjudicative status.
5.2.4. Authorized requesters approve and submit personnel security questionnaires to the
DoD Authorized Personnel Investigation Provider according to Attachment 2.
5.2.5. Advise HQ USAF/XOFI when authorized requesters are disestablished.
5.3. Criteria for Requesting Investigations. See Attachment 3 for the type of investigation to
5.4. Request Procedures. See Attachment 2 for the request procedures.
5.5. Priority Requests. The following sensitive programs are authorized priority processing
service by OPM:
5.5.1. PRP. In cases where a PRP ―C‖ coded case warrants ―Priority‖ service by OPM, the
authorized requester must coordinate the request through channels to AF/XOS-FI. Each
authorized requester will maintain a fiscal year (FY) Excel spreadsheet listing for this
purpose. The spreadsheet will include all previously coordinated FY priority PSIs and all
new requirements the authorized requester is coordinating under this authority. When
coordinating new priority cases, forward the entire FY spreadsheet to AF/XOS-FI will return to the authorized requester for
monitoring the completion of the investigation.
5.5.2. SCI. When the NACLC adjudication date is less than 12 months (DCID 6/4, Annex A,
para 5), the servicing Authorized Requester will provide the servicing SSO a copy of the
completed SF 86 for each SSBI request with an SCI access requirement. This will be done at
the same time the request for SSBI/SCI is forwarded to OPM. Security
Managers/SSOs/Authorized Requesters will expedite the processing of the SSBI off the
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
installation to OPM and request priority level of service. On the OPM Agency Use Sheet
annotate 30A in Block A. Also see AFMAN 14-304.
5.6. Personal Data Provided by the Subject of the Investigation.
5.6.1. The Air Force goal for processing personnel security investigation requests at base
level is 14 duty days. However, commands that have extensive deployments and TDY
requirements may establish their own internal management controls and or timelines for the
processing of investigation requests.
5.6.2. The subject of the investigation will provide the required documentation to the
security manager to verify birth and education information. See Attachment 2 for details.
5.6.3. Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA): Upon accession, IMAs complete the PSI
during the first three days of the individual duty training (IDT) period or not later than 90
days at the unit of assignment or attachment and turn-in to the servicing security manager
and or gaining active duty security manager.
5.6.4. See Chapter 8 for actions when individuals refuse to provide the required information
for a personnel security investigation.
5.6.5. DSS and OPM are the DOD repository of personnel security investigative files. To
obtain a personal copy of an investigation, forward a notarized request that includes: name,
SSAN, date of birth, and place of birth to: DSS, ATTN: Privacy Act Office, PO Box 46060,
Baltimore, MD 212406060 or OPM, ATTN: FOIA, PO Box 618, 1137 Branchton Rd,
Boyers, PA 16018-0618. The request should refer to the Privacy Act and include a valid
return address. All signatures must be notarized. Military personnel may use a commissioned
officer in lieu of a notary public to attest to the signature. Identify the SSN and rank of the
officer. Also refer to AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Act Program.
5.7. Dual Citizenship. A security concern could exist when a military member, DoD civilian,
contractor, or consultant is submitted for a personnel security investigation and they are a dual
citizen and/or possess/use a foreign passport.
5.7.1. Dual Citizenship. Dual citizenship in and of itself is not an automatic disqualifier for
security clearance eligibility. However, possession of dual citizenship and particularly the
exercise of dual citizenship is a condition that raises a security concern and may be a
disqualifying factor in a security clearance eligibility determination. There are factors that
could mitigate the maintenance of dual citizenship, as outlined in DoD 5200.2-R, App I,
Foreign Preference. An individual’s expressed willingness to renounce dual citizenship is one
of the conditions that could mitigate security concerns.
5.7.2. Possession or Use of a Foreign Passport. Possession and/or use of a foreign passport in
preference to a US passport raises doubt as to whether the person’s allegiance to the US is
paramount and could also facilitate foreign travel unverifiable by the US. The security
clearance will be denied or revoked, unless the applicant surrenders the foreign passport or
obtains official approval for its use from SAF/AA. Requests for approval are forwarded
through respective Information Security Program Manager (ISPM) channels to HQ
USAF/XOS-FI for processing to SAF/AA. Justification must include what benefit the AF
will gain from a person holding a foreign passport. AFCAF will annotate approvals in the
remarks field of the JPAS.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
5.7.3. Surrendering the Passport. Individuals who indicate they possess a foreign passport in
item 15 of the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire or item 17d on the Standard Form
86, ―Questionnaire for National Security Positions,‖ will be required to surrender the
passport via one of the following methods: Return the passport to the appropriate country embassy or consulate via certified
receipt mail. A copy of the transmittal memo forwarding the passport and the return
receipt will be forwarded to the AFCAF. See para 6.1 for AFCAF address. If the name
of adjudicator assigned to the case is known, include this in the ATTN line of the address. Destroy the passport as witnessed by an AF security manager. Cut up the
passport and place in a burn bag. The witnessing security manager will document the
destruction of the passport in an explanatory memorandum, which will be forwarded to
the AFCAF and a copy provided to the subject.
5.7.4. Security Clearance Eligibility. In order for individuals who hold foreign passport and
dual citizenship to be considered for and/or be granted security clearance eligibility the
following must be completed: Provide a written statement expressing their willingness to renounce foreign
citizenship claims in favor of a sole United States citizenship status. Actual
renouncement is not required. Return and or destroy the passport.
5.7.5. The renouncement statement and documentation of destruction of the passport must be
provided to the AFCAF. The AFCAF reviews each case on its own merits to determine
security clearance eligibility.
5.7.6. This same guidance will apply if the passport is identified after a security clearance
determination is made.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 6
6.1. Central Adjudication Authority. The Air Force Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF)
is the Central Adjudication Authority. Address is: AFCAF/PSA, 229 Brookely Ave, Bolling
AFB 20032.
6.1.1. The policy and criteria set forth in DOD Regulation 5200.2-R, paragraph 2-200, 6-102
and Appendix I will be applied in making personnel security determinations for a security
clearance or assignment to sensitive duties.
6.1.2. Unfavorable adjudication results in the denial/revocation of clearance eligibility (see
Chapter 8).
6.1.3. The AFCAF will review all investigative products and make an eligibility
6.1.4. AFCAF Customer Service will not release adverse information to inquiring customers
on pending investigations, as it invokes privacy act concerns. Derogatory issues are often
resolved through completion of the investigation and or adjudication of the case. Premature
dissemination of unresolved and or un-adjudicated issues could result in discriminatory
practices with respect to such areas as employments or assignments.
6.2. Adjudicative Record. Personnel security determinations are reflected in the JPAS. JPAS
replaced Sentinel Key (SK) as used throughout AFI 31-501.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 7
7.1. General
7.1.1. The AFCAF is the designated authority to grant, suspend, deny, or revoke personnel
security clearances and SCI accesses (see Chapter 11).
7.1.2. Position Designations (7-100c). Commanders: Determine the level of access necessary for each military and civilian position
based on mission needs. Each position is coded with the appropriate security access
requirement (SAR) and identified in the unit manning document (UMD), the Defense
Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS), and SK. See Attachment 3, for SAR code
definitions. If the SAR code requires a change, the unit commander submits an
authorization change request to the servicing security activity. Conduct a review annually to determine the accuracy of position coding,
eliminate unnecessary access codings, and adjust SAR code appropriately. Record findings in the UMD and SK. Ensure only necessary investigations are requested to meet mission essential
7.2. Investigative Requirements for Coding Positions. Commanders will:
7.2.1. Determine the type of investigation required for mission purposes for each military
and civilian position in the organization. Investigations are required for multiple purposes: to
determine suitability and/or trustworthiness of individual for employment/assignment to
positions of trust/access to certain programs; and for security clearance. Each position is
coded with the appropriate position code reflecting the required investigation level in the unit
manning document (UMD) and the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS).
These will also be reflected in the Headquarters Air Force Manpower Data System (HAFMDS). Assign one of the five investigation types to each position: Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit (NACLC). Access National Agency Check and Inquiries (ANACI). National Agency Check Plus Inquiries (NACI). National Agency Check (NAC). The definitions and corresponding codes are located in Attachment 22, Table
A22.1. Conduct annual review to determine the accuracy of position coding. The last
AF-wide directed review was conducted in May 04. Reviews will be conducted each
May. Retain results for review during self inspections, etc.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
29 Ensure only necessary investigations are requested to meet mission essential
needs. See Attachment 22 for additional guidance.
7.2.2. Mandatory Secret or Top Secret requirement may be required when every position in a
specialty is not coded as requiring access to classified information if the functional
community can validate security access requirements for the AFSC and provide justification
that demonstrates mandatory qualification required for mission accomplishment, such as
access to classified information or equipment.
7.3. Investigative Requirements for Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs). HQ USAF/XOSFI approves requests for adding security clearances or investigations as AFSC prerequisites.
Requests are staffed through ISPM channels. AFMAN 36-2105, Officer Classification and
AFMAN 36-2108, Enlisted Classification will reflect an SSBI requirement for entry, award, and
retention for the respective mandatory AFSCs. See Attachment 22; Table A22.2, A22.3.
7.3.1. Security clearance data can be verified by the CAVS, Permanent Change of Station
Orders, or Temporary Duty Orders.
7.4. Investigative Requirements for Sensitive Programs. There are several sensitive
programs that have been designated as a mandatory SSBI requirement, i.e., Presidential Support,
Personnel Reliability Program, etc. See Attachment 22, Table A22.4.
7.4.1. AMS is the application used by the CAF and is restricted to CAF personnel only. It is a centralized database enabling CAF personnel to post adjudication results;
security clearance determinations; access eligibility; pending actions; status of due
process actions, i.e. security information files; statistical reporting requirements; and
other personnel security management functions. Selected data fields from AMS will be available through CAVS to Air Force
customers/users almost immediately after input by CAF personnel and within 24 hours of
data input by other customers/users.
7.4.2. CAVS is the application used by MAJCOM/FOA/DRUs, ISPMs, SSOs, unit level
security managers, and other individuals with personnel/physical security responsibilities.
MAJCOM/FOA/DRUs will determine those organizations and individuals within their
organizations who will be given CAVS access. Clearance data elements in the CAVS include
the full date and type of investigation and the full date and status of security clearance. The
information is invalid when any of these four data elements are incomplete. Use the most current highest level eligibility recorded in the CAVS when more
than one entry appears for an individual. An individual may have multiple SAR codes recorded in the CAVS if the
individual is in multiple positions (i.e. civilian, reserve, or air national guard). The level
of access given to the individual should be based on the access necessary for the position.
Commanders make the decision on the level of access required. The term ―DCID 6/4 (formerly DCID 1/14)‖ means the person has been the
subject of a SSBI, has been granted a Top Secret security clearance, is eligible for SCI
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
access if required for mission essential purposes (depending on the currency of the
investigation) and or may already have SCI access. See AFMAN 14-304. The CAVS will provide the following information: An individual’s security clearance level and access. Visit and suspension notifications. SCI indoctrination, nondisclosure statement, and debriefing dates. Establishment of a SIF. Access to the CAVS is restricted to Air Force employees only. Contractors and
others who are assigned to an ISPM or SSO office must have prior approval by the SK
Program Management Office (497 IG/INSP (PMO)) for access. There are 7 User Levels in the CAVS. These levels are defined as follows: Level 1: CAF personnel and Systems Administrators. Level 2: MAJCOM/FOA/DRU SCI security personnel. Level 3: Base SCI security personnel. Level 4: MAJCOM/FOA/DRU non-SCI security personnel. Level 5: Base ISPM security personnel. Level 6: Entry Controller. Level 7: Unit Level Security Manager. User Levels have the following CAVS read and write access: User levels 2-7 have read access to all Air Force personnel. User levels 2 and 4 may write to records within their MAJCOM/FOA/DRU
PASCODE. User levels 3 and 5 may write to records within their local PASCODE and
to records of individuals assigned to another MAJCOM/FOA/DRU supported by
levels 3 and 5. User level 6, entry controller, has the ability to verify an individual’s
clearance eligibility and access in the CAVS. MAJCOM/FOA/DRU may have reports
printed for entry controllers by base ISPM security personnel (user level 5) listing the
clearance eligibility and access of expected visitors. Reports will only be valid for the
date and time printed. User level 7 has the ability to write non-SCI access (interim, secret, and top
secret); nondisclosure dates; NATO access; and the indoctrination/debriefing dates.
Level 7 is also authorized to view non-SCI access history and print reports associated
with their write capabilities. ISPMs determine the number of users and the access level for each user within
their command. The system administrator will establish user accounts. SK allows
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
unlimited users on one computer, but each user must have an individual account. A user
account must be restricted to the registered user only. User Levels 1-3 must have a Top Secret clearance based on an SSBI or PR. User
Levels 4-7 require a Secret clearance based on an ENTNAC, NAC, NACLC, NACI,
7.4.3. The CAF will publish and keep current a SK training guide with instructions on the
use of AMS and CAVS. The CAF will review/update the SK web page at least monthly, to
provide additional guidance and references as needed.
7.4.4. Requests for changes to SK must be forwarded by the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU Security
Forces or Special Security Office (SSO) to the SK Requirements Group through the 497
IG/INSP, 229 Brookley Ave, Bolling AFB DC, 20332-7040.
7.4.5. SK will be replaced with the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) which will
be the DOD personnel security automated system that contains investigative and security
clearance data.
7.5. Investigative Requirements for Air Force Deployments, Operational or Contractual
Exigencies. This policy does not apply to SCI. Positions identified for deployments will, as a
minimum, be assigned a NACLC, requiring access to Secret information for the in-country threat
briefing. SSBIs are not authorized for purposes of Top Secret eligibility ―just in case of‖
deployment. In these situations, commanders grant interim Top Secret access for a period of up
to 180 days. This can be renewed for extended deployment purposes and for redeployment.
Interim Top Secret access is granted for the purpose of deployment based on the existing
NACLC, and discontinued upon return to home station. SSBIs will not be required for this
purpose. Persons must be US citizens and have not had a break in service for more than 24
months. Record of the interim TS is annotated in JPAS or in cases where it is not available,
documented and maintained with security related documents. However, SSBI is authorized if a
joint or theater deployment requires a final Top Secret security clearance and will not accept
interims, i.e., JCS contingencies. These requirements need to be identified and positions coded
IAW para 7.2 of this instruction.
7.6. Approval Authorities for Additional/New/Upgrade of SSBIs. 3-Star/Civilian Equivalent
authority is required to approve any additional/new/upgrade SSBIs before the servicing
Manpower Office codes the positions on the UMD. Approval authorized can not be delegated.
Approval authorities are as follows:
7.6.1. MAJCOMs: CV or NAF/CC The authorized requester forwards a copy of the MFR to the individual's security
manager. The authorized requester and the unit keep the MFR until the CAVS shows a
final security clearance.
7.6.2. FOAs: parent 2-Ltr or SAF/AA or AF/CVA if the parent 2-Ltr is not at the appropriate
grade level.
7.6.3. DRUs: AF/CVA.
7.6.4. HQ USAF:
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Air Staff: AF/CVA Secretariate: SAF/AA
7.6.5. Commands will establish internal certifying procedures. The approval documentation
will be retained by the Manpower Office for three years and is subject to compliance review
by HQ AFIA or their designee. Approval will increase MAJCOM funds withhold for
personnel security investigations through the FYDP.
7.7. Periodic Reinvestigations. Periodic Reinvestigations will be kept current for incumbents
assigned against positions coded as requiring SSBI and NACLC/ANACI. Also see para A2.7.
7.8. Issuing Security Clearance Eligibility. AFCAF issues security clearance eligibility and
enters the determination into JPAS.
7.9. The Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). JPAS is the Department of Defense
(DoD) personnel security clearance and access database. It facilitates personnel security
management for the DoD Central Adjudication Facilities (CAF), security managers, and offers
both non-SCI and SCI functions. It interfaces with the investigative providers, the personnel
systems within the Department thus eliminating manual transactions and expediting the flow of
personnel security information to warfighters.
7.9.1. JPAS is the primary source for determining investigative data/status of investigations
on individuals in the DoD. JPAS allows communication between the CAFs and its
customers. All information in JPAS is unclassified, but must be protected according to the
requirements for privacy/sensitive information and For Official Use Only (FOUO) in
accordance with AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Act Program and DoDR 5400.7/AF
Supplement, DoD Freedom of Information Act Program.
7.9.2. JPAS has two applications: The Joint Adjudication Management System (JAMS) and
Joint Clearance and Access Verification System (JCAVS) JAMS is for adjudicative personnel only and provides capabilities such as case
management/distribution, adjudication decisions, adjudicative history and summary, due
process, and future ability for each CAF to electronically access investigative reports
from the investigative providers. JAMS replaced the Adjudicative Management System (AMS), as used
throughout this instruction. JCAVS is for non-SCI and SCI security managers/officers and authorized
requesters and provides capabilities such as access indoctrination/debriefing history,
incident/issue file reporting, history and management of unit personnel security functions. JCAVS replaced Clearance and Access Verification System (CAVS), as
used throughout this instruction.
7.9.3. ISPMs determine the number of users and the access levels for each user. Clearance
data elements in the JCAVS include the full date and type of investigation and the full date
and status of security clearance. The information is invalid when any of these four data
elements are incomplete. Use the most current highest level eligibility recorded in the JCAVS when more
than one entry appears for an individual.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
33 The term ―DCID 6/4 (formerly DCID 1/14)‖ means the person has been the
subject of a SSBI, has been granted a Top Secret security clearance eligibility, is eligible
for SCI access if required for mission essential purposes and may already have SCI
access. See AFMAN 14-304.
7.9.4. The JCAVS will provide the following information: An individual’s security clearance eligibility level and access level. Visit notification. Suspension notification. SCI indoctrination, nondisclosure statement, and debriefing dates. Establishment of a SIF.
7.9.5. JCAVS User Levels are as follows: Level 2 - SCI security personnel at unified command, DoD agency, military
installation or major command/equivalent headquarters. Personnel Security Management
(PSM) - Net is determined by the responsible SOIC or designee. (Read and Write Access
- SSBI/DCID 6/4 with current SCI Access.) Level 3 - SCI security personnel at echelons subordinate to Level 2 at a
particular geographic location (installation, base, post, naval vessel). PSM - Net is
determined by the responsible SOIC or designee. (Read and Write Access - SSBI/DCID
6/4 with current SCI Access.) Level 4 - Non-SCI security personnel at unified command, DoD agency, military
department or major command/equivalent headquarters. PSM - Net is determined by the
responsible Security Officer or designee. (Read and Write Access NACLAC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 5 - Non-SCI security personnel at echelons subordinate to Level 4 at
geographic location (installation, base, post, naval vessel). PSM - Net is determined by
the responsible Security Officer or designee. (Read and Write Access NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 6 - Unit Security Manager (additional duty) responsible for security
functions as determined by responsible senior security official. (Read and Write Access NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 7 - Non-SCI Entry Control Personnel. Individuals who grant access to
installations, buildings, etc. Varies according to organizations. (Read Access NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 8 - SCI Entry Control Personnel. Individuals who grant access to SCIF
installations, buildings, etc. Varies according to organizations. (Read Access SSBI/DCID 6/4 Eligibility.) Level 10 - Visitor Management. Level 10 users will have the same view of the
JCAVS Personnel Summary as a JCAVS Level 7 User. They will receive Visit
Notification when their Security Management Office (SMO) is being notified of a visit.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A Level 10 User may not be an account manager to create or delete an account at any
level. NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.
7.10. AF JPAS Users Guide. Contains detailed instructions on operating JPAS and becoming a
new user. See the follow URL:
AFXOF/XOF%20memo%2012%20Jul%2004%20AF%20JPAS%20Guide1.pdf. JPAS web
site is: Requests for changes to JPAS may be made on-line at
7.11. Granting Access. Commanders grant access to classified information when a mission
essential need exists and only when all of the following prerequisites are met: (1) individual has
the appropriate security clearance eligibility; (2) individual has signed an SF 312 (see AFI 31401); and (3) individual has a need-to-know. Authorized base level users will record access in
the JCAVS. See Chapter 3 for other situations when access to classified information may be
7.12. Obtaining Information from the AFCAF.
7.12.1. Authorized requesters may contact the AFCAF Customer Support Section through
JPAS. In situations where no security clearance data is available at the unit, no information is
available in the JCAVS, and the AFCAF has valid security clearance information on file, a
record of the call will be used as evidence of valid clearance data pending update of the
JCAVS. The authorized requester prepares a memorandum for record (MFR) showing: (1)
name, grade, and organization of the individual calling the AFCAF; (2) name, grade,
organization, and SSN of the subject; (3) name of person at the AFCAF providing clearance
eligibility data, and (4) type and date of investigation and, if granted, level and date of
security clearance eligibility. Also see para 6.1. The authorized requester forwards a copy of the MFR to the individual's
security manager. The authorized requester and the security manager keep the MFR until JCAVS
is updated to show the data addressed in the MFR.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 8
8.1. Referral for Action.
8.1.1. Security Information File (SIF). A SIF is a collection of documents generated as a
result of the discovery or development of unfavorable information which brings into question
a person’s continuing eligibility for a security clearance or access to SCI. It may be
established by a commander, civilian equivalent, or by the CAF. The SIF serves as a
repository for unfavorable or derogatory information that requires further review, evaluation,
or investigation to resolve outstanding administrative or adjudicative concerns. Report
administrative change of status information for individuals with SCI access according to
AFMAN 14-304.
8.1.2. Reporting Government Charge Card Abuses and Misuse. Security Officials, AFOSI,
or AF Government Charge Card program coordinators are required to immediately report
Government Charge Card abuses and misuses to the appropriate commander. This
information constitutes serious questions as to the individual’s ability or intent to protect
classified information or execute sensitive duties. The commander will make an immediate
determination to either leave the individual’s security status unchanged or suspend their
access to classified information or assignment to sensitive duties until the appropriate
authority makes a final determination regarding the individual’s eligibility to retain a security
clearance. In addition, commanders may take action in accordance with Chapter 8, to
determine if a SIF should be established and/or the person’s access to classified information
should be suspended.
8.1.3. Implementation of Restrictions on the Granting or Renewal of Security Clearances as
Mandated by the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001
– Smith Amendment. Attachment 24 outlines the instructions.
8.2. Suspension.
8.2.1. Commander: Reviews unfavorable information on individuals under the commander’s
jurisdiction when reported or developed which would directly impact an individual’s
security clearance or SCI access, to include the following (see Attachment 11 for sample
memorandum): Activities’ tenant or geographically separated units. TDY personnel. Establishes a SIF when an individual’s activity, conduct or behavior is
inconsistent with the security criteria specified in DOD 5200.2-R, para 2-200 and
Appendix I. See Attachment 12 for sample request for SIF establishment to the servicing
security activity. Determines whether or not to establish a SIF on a case by case basis, normally
within 20 days of receipt of unfavorable information (as soon as possible if SCI access is
involved). This decision is made by considering the seriousness of the incident; the
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
individual’s motivation; whether it was out of character for the individual; or whether the
undesirable conduct or behavior is likely to continue. Coordination and consultation with
the chief of the servicing security activity, SSO (for SCI access) or program security
officer (for SAP access) and legal representatives is recommended. However, if the
commander has sufficient reason to doubt the validity of unfavorable information the
decision to establish a SIF and notification to the CAF may be extended up to 45 days. If
the servicing security activity and the commander disagree on establishment of a SIF,
elevate the issue to the installation commander for resolution. Once a SIF is formally
established it must be processed accordingly and only the CAF has closure authority. Examples of reasons to establish a SIF are outlined in para 2-200, DOD
5200.2-R and include the following: Refusal to sign a required SF 312 or other nondisclosure agreement. Refusal or intentional failure of an individual requiring an
investigation or periodic reinvestigation to provide the personnel security
questionnaire information or release statements for review of medical, financial,
or employment records. Refusal by an individual to be interviewed in connection with a
personnel security investigation, regardless of whether the information is
requested by the investigative agency or the CAF. Incidents of theft, embezzlement, child or spouse abuse, unauthorized
sale or use of firearms, explosives, or dangerous weapons, or misuse or improper
disposition of government property or other unlawful activities. Information leading to permanent decertification from PRP for other
than physical reasons. The following are some examples of reasons that may not warrant
establishment of a SIF: Minor traffic violations. Minor one-time alcohol related incident. Permanent decertification from PRP related to medical reasons of a
physical nature. Disciplinary issues; such as failure to repair; poor duty performance;
failure to maintain weight standards; and any single isolated incident of poor
judgment based on immaturity or extenuating circumstances which does not
impact on the individual’s ability to safeguard classified information. Federal civilian employees occupying nonsensitive positions. Incidents where a SIF has already been established by the CAF based
on the same unfavorable information. Determines whether or not to initiate suspension action for the individual’s
access to classified information upon establishment of a SIF. If the decision is to suspend
the person’s access to classified information the same decision automatically applies to
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
the SCI and SAP access. The access to classified information and SCI is considered one
under the new DOD personnel security common adjudicative guidelines. Additionally,
the commander determines suspension of unescorted entry to restricted areas if
applicable. The determination to suspend should be based on a thorough review of the
facts and an assessment of the risk to national security. For SCI access see AFMAN 14304 and DOD S-5105.21-M-1, Sensitive Compartmented Information Administrative
Manual. Notifies the individual accordingly with information copy to the servicing
security activity. See Attachment 13 and Attachment 14 for sample memorandums. Requests AFOSI investigation, if criminal activity is involved. Includes a recommendation whether to grant, reinstate, deny, or revoke the
individual’s security clearance and or SCI/SAP access and the rationale for the decision
in the completed SIF. The documented facts must fully support the recommendation.
Refer to DOD 5200.2-R, Appendix I, Adjudicative Guidelines. Requests the CAF to immediately close a SIF favorably via priority message
(through the MAJCOM or activity SSO for SCI) when special circumstances exist (i.e.,
individual was falsely accused or holds a special expertise that is essential for mission
accomplishment). The commander provides the CAF with the SIF (if not already at the
CAF) and full justification for favorable closure. The CAF will then make the security
clearance determination or request additional information, if necessary. Endorses requests by Chief of Servicing Security Activity (SF), SSO, and
Program Security Officer (PSO) for evaluations and relevant documentation from on base
activities when issues warrant such coordination.
8.2.2. Chief of Servicing Security Activity, SSO, and PSO: Provides guidance to commanders on SIF establishment. SF is OPR for Top
Secret and Secret security clearance SIFs; SSO is OPR for SCI access SIFs. Establishes, processes, maintains, monitors SIFs for commanders. See
Attachment 15 for sample memorandum for notification to the commander of SIF
establishment. See Attachment 16 for sample SIF custodian checklist. Provides initial notification to the CAF upon SIF establishment via message or
CAVS within 10 days. Provide full name, SSAN, security clearance data, date SIF
established, reason, and if access to classified information and SCI has been suspended or
withdrawn. If the individual has or is being processed for SCI access, forward the
notification to the CAF through the MAJCOM or activity SSO. Notify the CAF via
memorandum when the individual will be permitted to continue access to classified
information and SCI access. See Attachment 17 for sample memorandum. Notify the
CAF via memorandum when the individual’s access is withdrawn. Process SIFs
concerning SCI access according to AFMAN 14-304. If SCI access is involved, the SSO
is responsible for managing the SIF in its entirety to include actions required for the
security clearance. SF, SSO, and PSO exchange notification information and coordinate
actions with each other. Additionally, notify the CAF when:
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Unfavorable information results in a discharge, retirement, or separation.
Forward a copy of the discharge or separation orders or a copy of the SF 50B3PT,
Notification of Personnel Action, plus any additional unfavorable information used in
these actions. If discharge is involved and the individual is or has been indoctrinated
for SCI in the past three years, see AFMAN 14-304 for discharge for cause
procedures. An adverse discharge is overturned and the individual returns to active
duty. Notifies the Installation Commander when SIFs are established. See
Attachment 18 for sample memorandum. Requests evaluations and relevant documentation from the following activities
when the issue involved indicates coordination is appropriate (see Attachment 19): Director of Personnel. For any Unfavorable Information Files (UIF),
performance report summaries, suitability determinations, and personnel actions. Security Forces. For any criminal activities or other pertinent data
regarding the subject’s police record, involvement in previous compromises or
security incidents. Judge Advocate. For any court proceedings or nonjudicial punishment if
legally supportable by nature of individual’s actions. For suitability determinations
and legal advice, when needed. Surgeon General. For any physical, mental, or emotional evaluation that
may affect the subject’s ability to protect classified information. Mental Health Clinic. For any reports of involvement, previous or present,
with alcohol or dangerous drugs which may indicate security weakness. Forwards SIF to the gaining servicing security activity or SSO when an
individual transfers to another assignment. See Attachment 20 for sample memorandum. Forwards completed SIF, with required documentation, to the CAF for closure
within 120 days. See Attachment 21 for sample memorandum. If SCI access is involved
forward the SIF through the MAJCOM or activity SSO to the CAF. See AFMAN 14-304
and DOD S5105.21-M-1 for SCI guidance. Refer to DOD 5200.2-R, Chapter 8-102d
regarding suspension cases over 180 days. Use first class mail in accordance with DODM
4525-8AFSUP1, Official Mail Manual. Contacts the CAF for an extension if SIF cannot be closed in 120 days. Ensures all supporting documentation is included prior to submitting to the CAF.
The commander’s recommendation and rationale for the final decision must also be
included. The following are examples of the types of required documentation relevant to
the issue: PSIs conducted by DSS, OPM, or similar agencies. AFOSI reports of investigation, civil, police, or child advocacy reports. Security forces incident or complaint reports and SSO reports.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
39 Summaries of facts to substantiate any unfavorable information not
covered by one of the investigative sources above. Include a complete reference to the
source of the information. Summaries of UIF entries. Medical or mental health evaluations which indicate impairment of the
individual’s judgment or reliability. The report of evaluation must contain a
diagnosis, its effect on the individual’s judgment or reliability and prognosis along
with any additional instructions or restrictions on the use of the information by
appropriate medical authority. Summaries of actions by Mental Health Clinics, such as, when individual
was enrolled in the program; why the person was enrolled; how the program
personnel categorized the individual’s situation; a diagnosis and Mental Health
authorities recommendations regarding subject’s ability to safeguard classified
information. Reports showing the date of successful completion of a rehabilitation
program, progress in a rehabilitation program, or the date termed a rehabilitative
failure. Summaries or actual report of administrative or disciplinary actions to
include records of counseling, letters of reprimand, Article 15, Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ), or courts-martial orders, bankruptcy petitions, discharge
orders, or copies of letters of indebtedness. Orders or written notification advising the status and location of
individuals placed in retraining, on appellate leave, or rehabilitation or confinement
status. Reports relating to the withdrawal of access, including special access
programs, unescorted entry, or decertification from PRP. Forwards to the CAF within 60 days all SIFs returned from the CAF as
incomplete. Requests an extension in writing to the CAF if an incomplete SIF cannot be
completed in 60 days. When the SIF was established by the CAF, return the original case
file to the CAF. Maintains a suspense copy until the CAF has made the final determination,
then destroys the SIF. If the individual had SCI access, destroy six months after
accountability of the person ceases or when no longer needed, whichever is longer.
8.2.3. Unit Security Manager: Implements the personnel security program within the organization and provides
support to the servicing security activity or SSO.
8.2.4. The CAF: Adjudicates the information contained in the SIF and makes a final security
clearance and or SCI access determination.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Requests a Special Investigative Inquiry from DSS or a Reimbursable Suitability
Investigation from OPM when required in order to make an adjudicative decision. Forwards the notification of eligibility decision to the commander (through the
MAJCOM or activity SSO for SCI access) and updates the AMS and DCII with the
eligibility determination. Initiates and oversees due process procedures when security clearance eligibility
and or access is denied, revoked, or suspended. Returns incomplete SIFs to commanders, through the servicing security activity,
with a request for: (1) the required documentation; (2) the commander’s recommendation
(3) an update on the individual’s current situation; and or (4) actions taken, expected, or
pending. Establishes SIFs when unfavorable information is provided from other
government agencies, court-martial orders, information summary reports from DSS,
AFOSI reports of investigation, and notification of special access denial from various
access granting authorities. Notifies the commander for further action, when necessary.
8.3. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. AFOSI conducts personnel security
investigation leads in overseas areas for DSS. All Air Force commanders must report to AFOSI
any alleged criminal activity falling under the security standards criteria. A table of offenses by
case category that AFOSI investigates is available in AFI 71- 101, Volume I, Criminal
8.4. Final Unfavorable Administrative Actions.
8.4.1. The CAF is the designated authority to make personnel security determinations that
can result in an unfavorable administrative action. Commanders take actions for removal due
to unsuitability IAW 5 CFR 731.201-202, Suitability for Government Employment, at the
same time as actions are being taken for denial or revocation of a person’s security clearance.
The unfavorable administrative action on civilian personnel may not include any reference to
security clearance issues until the results of the final security adjudication are available.
8.5. Procedures.
8.5.1. General. The CAF will make a final personnel security determination resulting in an
unfavorable clearance action on an Air Force member, civilian employee, contractor (for
SCI), or any other Air Force affiliated person when the individual concerned has been
afforded due process procedures according to this AFI and DOD 5200.2-R. These same due
process procedures are also applicable for suspension, denial, or revocation of access to SCI.
There is no distinction between a security clearance and SCI access in the adjudication
process. If a clearance is revoked or denied, SCI access is also revoked or denied. The CAF
will notify individuals concerning unfavorable administrative actions using the instructions in
this AFI and DOD 5200.2-R. Although SAP access is also revoked or denied when a
clearance is revoked or denied, administrative recourse (appeal) procedures are separate and
distinct. See AFI 16-702, The Appeal Board (for Special Access Programs).
8.5.2. The Air Force is not authorized to make any adverse security clearance determination
on a civilian employee occupying a nonsensitive position. Since such positions do not
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
involve sensitive duties or access to classified information, the provisions of the personnel
security program regarding security clearance eligibility do not apply.
8.5.3. Confinement. When it is determined that an applicant for a security clearance, or a
person holding a clearance, has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment for
more than one year, the clearance of such person shall be denied or revoked with the
following actions taken by the CAF: Verification that the individual is presently imprisoned, serving a term of more
than 12 months. A Notice of Revocation or Denial of Security Clearance Eligibility forwarded
through the Servicing Security Activity and SSO (for SCI) to the individual and the
commander. The Notice is final and no rebuttal privileges or appeal rights are applicable. The revocation or denial action is entered in DCII and AMS.
8.6. Unfavorable Administrative Action Procedures.
8.6.1. Denial Authority. The CAF provides individuals with written statements of reasons
and other required documentation stating intent to deny or revoke their security clearances
and SCI access using sample format in DOD 5200.2-R, App L and Atch 11.
8.6.2. Instructions. Individuals may appeal unfavorable administrative actions according to
the instructions in this AFI, DOD 5200.2-R, Chapter 8, and Appendix L and M. Individuals
send communications to the CAF and the local supporting Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
through their commanders.
8.6.3. Designated Point of Contact (POC). Unit commanders will designate a POC to serve
as a liaison between the CAF and individuals under their jurisdiction when unfavorable
administrative actions are being taken. POCs conduct the associated duties as outlined in
DOD 5200.2-R, Appendix L-2. The CAF will send communications to the individual through
the commander, SF, and SSO (for SCI). The supporting SJA will provide the Defense Office
of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) Administrative Judge (AJ) appropriate legal support, upon
8.6.4. Individual’s Response to the CAF. Individuals must advise the CAF in writing of their
intent to respond to the statements of reasons. This must be done within ten days of receipt of
the statement of reasons. Individuals state whether they intend to submit statements or
documents to refute, correct, or mitigate the intended actions. Within 60 days from the date
of receipt of statements of reasons, individuals must provide the CAF with their written
8.6.5. Extensions. Extensions may only be granted by the CAF. A written request for an
extension for up to 30 days can be submitted to the CAF through the POC and installation or
unit commander.
8.6.6. CAF Review of Individual’s Response to the Statement of Reasons. Upon receipt of
the rebuttal, the CAF will determine whether a security clearance should be reinstated,
revoked, or denied and a final response will be provided to the individual. This must be done
within 60 days from the date of receipt of the individual’s response. If a final response cannot
be completed within 60 days, the individual must be notified in writing of this fact, the
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
reasons, and the date a final response is expected. AMS will be updated to reflect the CAF
8.6.7. CAF Decision to Deny or Revoke. If the CAF decision is to deny or revoke a person’s
security clearance the reasons for the final action will be included in a Letter of
Denial/Revocation to the individual. Individuals will be afforded an opportunity to appeal to
a letter of denial/revocation through the Personnel Security Appeal Board (PSAB) by one of
two methods as outlined in this section and DOD 5200.2-R: (1) appeal without a personal
appearance; or (2) appeal with a personal appearance before an Administrative Judge (AJ)
from DOHA. Individuals must elect either (1) or (2); individuals may not do both. The CAF
will process appeal cases as outlined in DOD 5200.2-R, Appendix L and Atch 11. Appeal Without a Personal Appearance. Individuals directly notify the PSAB of
their intent to appeal without a personal appearance within 10 days of receipt of the letter
of denial/revocation. Address requests to: President, Personnel Security Appeal Board,
NAIC/IAN, 5113 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3230. Individuals send their
appeals to the President of the PSAB within 40 days of receipt of the letter of
denial/revocation. Appeal With a Personal Appearance. Individuals include the name and telephone
number of the supporting SJA when requesting a personal appearance from DOHA (see
Attachment 13). The POC will provide this information to the individual. DOHA
initially contacts the SJA for support with the appeal proceedings. Individuals advise
DOHA in writing of their desire for a personal appearance within 10 days of receipt of
the letters of denial/revocation. Copies of these advisement’s are provided to the
following: the POC, the supporting SJA, and the CAF. The SJA will coordinate with the
DOHA AJ to assist in providing legal support, upon request and will advise on legal
matters to the commander and the POC. The CAF will provide the individual’s case file
to DOHA within 10 days upon DOHA’s request. A DOHA AJ will hear the individual’s
case and forward the file, transcripts, any documentation obtained from the individual,
and a recommendation to sustain or overturn the letter of denial/revocation to the PSAB.
The deadline for this is 30 days after the personal appearance. The AJ provides the CAF
with a copy of the recommendation. Within CONUS personal appearances will be conducted at the individual’s
duty station or at a nearby location for duty stations within the lower 48 states. For
personnel assigned OCONUS, the appearances will be conducted at: (1) the
individual’s duty station or a nearby suitable location; or (2) at DOHA facilities
located in the metropolitan area of Washington, DC, or Los Angeles, California. The
Director, DOHA or designee determines the appearance location. Travel and TDY
costs for the individual will be the responsibility of the employing organization.
8.6.8. Personnel Security Appeal Board (PSAB). The PSAB will review the individuals
appeal package, along with DOHA recommendation (if applicable) and notify the individual
through the CAF of the board’s final decision. See Attachment 5 for additional guidance on
the PSAB.
8.7. Security Clearance Reinstatement. An individual’s commander may request
reinstatement of their security clearance 12 months after the effective date of revocation or denial
or decision of the PSAB, whichever is later. Requests should be sent to the CAF with the
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
commander’s recommendation for approval. The commander includes an explanation on how the
individual’s behavior has improved and the appropriate documentation corresponding to the
reason(s) for the denial or revocation. The documentation required depends on the reason(s)
involved, such as, evaluation for mental health issues, evaluation for drug or alcohol abuse; or
current financial statement(s).
8.8. Special Access Programs. Administrative due process for special access programs is
handled separately. See AFI 16-702, The Appeal Board (for Special Access Programs).
8.9. Obtaining Permission to Proceed in Courts-Martial, Administrative Discharges, and
Civilian Removal Actions.
8.9.1. Unit commanders contemplating disciplinary or administrative action against military
members or civilian employees that could lead to a discharge or removal must first obtain
permission to proceed when personnel hold a special access. Do not take action on personnel
who now hold or have held access within the periods specified below, to Single Integrated
Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOPESI), SCI, research and
development (R&D) special access program, AFOSI special access program, or other special
access program information until the appropriate special access program office approves.
(Exceptions are for investigative and preliminary administrative procedures until the
proposed action has been reviewed and approved by the functional activities having overall
ownership for the affected information.) Commanders send a written request to the
appropriate special access program functional office for permission to proceed with further
processing as outlined below. Apply security classification according to message contents.
The request must include: The individual’s name, SSAN, age, marital status, duty assignment, unit
assignment, date of separation and length of service of the member. The name of the official who authorized SCI or other special access. Include
inclusive dates that the person was given access and the units involved. The specific reason for the proposed ―for cause‖ action. Include the maximum
sentence and type of separation, or discharge, or dismissal allowable. The type of separation, discharge, or dismissal contemplated in administrative
cases, and the commander’s recommended type of discharge certificate to be issued. The type of court-martial, to include a description of offenses, with an outline of
proposed charges and specifications; data as to any restraint; and any unusual
circumstances which may affect the trial. Comparable data for civilian employees. Any other information bearing on the proposed action.
8.9.2. For SCI access contact the servicing MAJCOM or FOA Senior Intelligence Officer
(SIO) for persons having current SCI access, and persons debriefed within the past three
years, where damage assessment is considered minimal. Contact the servicing Special
Security Office (SSO) to determine if the individual had SCI access. Commanders will
continue to forward ―Authority to Proceed‖ requests, where disclosure could result in serious
damage, to SSO HQ USAF/INSD for AF Director of Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/XOI) approval. Send the request as a Defense Special Security
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Communications System (DSSCS) message through the SSO to the MAJCOM or FOA SIO
and to SSO HQ USAF/INSD. See AFMAN 14-304 for detailed instructions on how to
prepare the DSSCS message.
8.9.3. For SIOP-ESI access. Refer to AFI 10-1102, Safeguarding the Single Integrated
Operational Plan (SIOP).
8.9.4. For R&D access contact SAF/AQL for persons having current access to R&D special
access programs and persons debriefed within the past year.
8.9.5. For persons who have had a duty assignment with AFOSI and have held an AFOSI
special access contact HQ AFOSI/IVO. The personnel records will reflect AFOSI
employment or assignment. Commanders contact the local AFOSI detachment commander
or HQ AFOSI/IVO to determine if the person held an AFOSI special access.
8.9.6. For multiple accesses, commanders must obtain separate authorizations from each
appropriate action agency listed above prior to proceeding.
8.9.7. Processing goals at all command levels must comply with the speedy trial requirement
and the potentially more restrictive time requirements in civilian removal actions. Normally,
the processing time period should be concluded within 15 days; measured from the date of
initiation request, to the date of approval; or denial by the OPR. Voluntary separations of
airmen, officers, and civilian resignations will not be handled under these procedures unless
they are in lieu of adverse action. For voluntary separations that are in lieu of adverse action,
do not allow the separation authority to approve the separation until the appropriate action
office grants authority to proceed.
8.9.8. If a commander contemplates a general or special court-martial, processing of the case
may proceed through preferral of charges and completion of the investigation required by
Article 32, UCMJ together with collateral actions required under Article 32. Under no
circumstances may the charges be referred to trial until the appropriate action office grants
authority to proceed. Actions required by this paragraph do not apply to summary courtmartials.
8.9.9. If a commander contemplates discharging an enlisted member, processing of a
"notification" case or a board hearing entitlement may proceed through giving the member
notice of the proposed discharge, obtaining the member's response, scheduling necessary
appointments, and conducting those appointments. Under no circumstances may the
discharge be "approved" by the separation authority until the appropriate action office grants
authority to proceed. For board hearing cases, the processing may proceed through initiation
of the case, obtaining the member’s response, scheduling necessary appointments, and
conducting those appointments. Under no circumstances may the convening authority order
the board to be convened to hear the case until the appropriate action office grants authority
to proceed.
8.9.10. If a commander or staff agency chief contemplates discharging an officer, the show
cause authority may not initiate the discharge, issue the show cause memorandum, or
otherwise require officers to show cause for retention until the appropriate action office
grants authority to proceed.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
8.9.11. If a supervisor contemplates removal action against a civilian employee who holds
special access, the supervisor must first coordinate with the servicing CPF. The commander
of the unit to which the civilian is assigned will then forward a message to the appropriate
Air Force OPR. Under no circumstances may a "notice of proposed removal" be issued until
the Air Force OPR grants authority to proceed.
8.9.12. Periodic reporting by the unit commanders should advise the parent MAJCOM and
decision authority of any changes to the proposed action every 90 days until the action has
been completed. If the nature of the case changes significantly (for example, from discharge
to court martial or from voluntary to involuntary discharge), the unit commander should
notify the decision authority and seek further instruction. Unit commanders should transmit a
final report when the adverse action has been completed. In the final report, include date and
place of discharge. If a SIF has been established on the individual, the commander will notify
the CAF of the discharge, and request closure of the SIF.
8.9.13. Decision authorities submit an annual report of completed cases showing the number
of cases considered, number of approvals and disapprovals, and number pending as of the
end of the fiscal year to SAF/AAZ, 1720 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 203301720.
For SCI: Quarterly Reporting Requirement (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct): MAJCOM and FOA SIOs will
submit quarterly reports to 497 IG/INSD (SSO), 229 Brookley Ave, Bolling AFB DC 203327040. For case management and control purposes include in the reports (1) name, grade,
SSAN, organization; (2) reason for action (drug abuse, minor disciplinary infraction, etc); (3)
proposed action (type discharge or court martial); (4) date authority to proceed given by SIO;
and (5) current disposition (indicate whether case is open or closed). If closed, show type and
date of discharge.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 9
9.1. Evaluating Continued Security Clearance.
9.1.1. Commanders and supervisors: Continuously evaluate cleared personnel to ensure they continue to be
trustworthy in accordance with the standards in DOD 5200.2-R, Chapter 2. Determine the appropriate steps to take when information or actions occur that
bring into question a person’s compliance with the adjudication guidelines. See Chapter
8 for unfavorable administrative actions.
9.2. Supervisory Responsibility. Supervisors do not review the security forms of anyone
undergoing a periodic reinvestigation. Supervisory knowledge of any significant adverse
information is to be independent of the information reflected on the security form.
9.3. Initial Briefings and Refresher Briefings. Commanders, supervisors, and or security
managers provide initial and refresher briefings to individuals with security clearance eligibility
to ensure they are knowledgeable to execute security responsibilities tailored to the specific job
requirements. These briefings will emphasize the individual’s responsibility to meet the
standards and criteria for a security clearance as stated in DOD 5200.2-R.
9.4. Foreign Travel Briefing. Individuals possessing a security clearance will report to their
security manager or supervisor contacts with individuals of any nationality, whether within or
outside the scope of the employee’s official activities, when:
9.4.1. Illegal or unauthorized access is sought to classified or otherwise sensitive
9.4.2. Individuals are concerned that they may be the target of exploitation by a foreign
9.5. Termination Briefing. Security Managers execute AF 2587, Security Termination
Statement according to AFI 31-401.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 10
10.1. Responsibilities. The CAF will establish internal controls to ensure adequate
safeguarding and limit access to and use of personnel security reports and records under its
jurisdiction as required by DOD 5200.2-R, Chapter 10.
10.2. Access Restrictions.
10.2.1. The CAF will approve release of completed reports of investigation to appropriate
officials for mission essential needs, such as public trust determinations, suitability
determinations and appeal decisions. These reports will be safeguarded according to DOD
5200.2-R, Chapter X and not released further without permission from the CAF. HQ AFOSI
may request investigations from DSS.
10.2.2. See AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Act Program and DOD 5400.7-R/AF
Supplement AFI 37-131, Freedom of Information Act Program.
10.3. Safeguarding Procedures. Officials authorized to receive completed investigation
reports ensure the appropriate safeguarding measures are in place in accordance with DOD
5200.2-R, Chapter X.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 11
11.1. Responsibilities.
11.1.1. Chief, Information Security Division, Air Force Chief of Security Forces
(HQ USAF/XOFI), 1340 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 203301340, develops Air
Force personnel security policy.
11.1.2. Director of Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/XOI) is
responsible for SCI policy. HQ USAF/XOI has designated: The 497 IG/INS (CAF), 229 Brookley Avenue, Bolling AFB DC 20332-7040,
to serve as the single authority to grant, suspend, deny, or revoke personnel security
clearance eligibility’s and SCI accesses, as well as the determinations of acceptability or
non-acceptability for assignment or retention of personnel in sensitive positions. Air Force Intelligence Security (HQ USAF/XOIIS) as the cognizant security
authority (CSA) for the development and promulgation of the Air Force SCI security
policy. The Personnel Security Appeal Board as the appeal authority for personnel
security clearances and SCI access (see Attachment 5).
11.1.3. The CAF is the single issuing authority for LAAs. The CAF is also the Office of
Primary Responsibility (OPR) for the LAA, PSP, and SK.
11.1.4. ISPMs at MAJCOM and installation levels implement the personnel security
11.1.5. Commanders ensure: Security managers are appointed to implement their personnel security
programs. Personnel security program oversight is included in self-inspections, unit
inspections, program reviews and metrics. Continuing evaluation of personnel with security clearances (see Chapter 9).
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Chapter 12
12.1. (DELETED)
DCS/Air & Space Operations
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 1
AFI 10-1102, Safeguarding Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP)
AFI 16-701, The US Air Force Special Access Programs
AFI 16-702, The Appeal Board (for Special Access Programs)
AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Act Program
AFI 34-301, Nonappropriated Fund Personnel Management and Administration
AFI 36-2005, Appointment in Commissioned Grades and Designation and Assignment in
Professional Categories Reserve of the Air Force and United States Air Force
AFI 36-2104, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program
AFI 41-210, Patient Administration Functions
AFI 71-101, Volume I, Criminal Investigations
AFH 31-502, Personnel Security Program Policy
AFMAN 14-304, The Security, Use, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented Information
AFMAN 37-139, Records Disposition Schedule
AFPD 31-5, Investigations, Clearances, and Program Requirements
AFPD 34-3, Nonappropriated Funds Personnel Management and Administration
DCID 6/4, “Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to
Sensitive Compartmented Information”
DODM 4525-8AFSUP1, Official Mail Manual
DOD S-51105.21-M-1, Sensitive Compartmented Information Administrative Manual
DOD Regulation 5200.2-R, DoD Personnel Security Program
DOD 5210.42, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program
DOD 5210.55, Department of Defense Presidential Support Program
DOD 5210.87, Selection of DoD Military and Civilian Personnel and Contractor Employees for
Assignment to Presidential Support Activities
DOD 5400.7-R/AF Supplement 37-131, Freedom of Information Act Program
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AF—Air Force
AFH—Air Force Handbook
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
AFI—Air Force Instruction
AFOSI— Air Force Office of Special Investigations
AFPD—Air Force Policy Directive
AFR—Air Force Regulation
AFSC—Air Force Specialty Codes
AIS—Automated Information Systems
AMS—Adjudication Management System
ANACI—Access National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check
ASCAS—Automated Security Clearance Approval System
BI—Background Investigation
CAF—Central Adjudication Facility
CAVS—Clearance and Access Verification System
CONUS—Continental United States
CPF—Civilian Personnel Flight
DCII—Defense Clearance and Investigations Index
DCID—Director of Central Intelligence Directive
DCPDS—Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
DSS—Defense Security Service
DOD—Department of Defense
DRU—Direct Reporting Unit
ENTNAC—Entrance National Agency Check
EPSQ—Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire
ESI—Extremely Sensitive Information
FBI—Federal Bureau of Investigations
FOA—Field Operating Agency
HQ USAF—Headquarters United States Air Force
IMA—Individual Mobilization Augmentee
ISPM—Information Security Program Manager
LAA—Limited Access Authorization
LFC—Local Files Check
MAJCOM—Major Command
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
MEPS—Military Entrance Processing Station
NAC—National Agency Check
NACIC—National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check
NACLC—National Agency Check with Local Agency Check and Credit Check
NAFI—Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities
NAQ—National Agency Questionnaire
NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NdA—Nondisclosure Agreement
OPM—Office of Personnel Management
OPR—Office of Primary Responsibility
PCS—Permanent Change of Station
PCIII—Personnel Concept III
PDS—Personnel Data System
PR—Periodic Reinvestigation
PRP—Personnel Reliability Program
PSAB—Personnel Security Appeal Board
PSI—Personnel Security Investigation
PSO—Program Security Officer
PSP—Presidential Support Program
PSQ—Personnel Security Questionnaire
R&D—Research & Development
SAC—Single Agency Check
SAF—Secretary of the Air Force
SAP—Special Access Program
SAR—Security Access Requirement
SBI—Special Background Investigation
SCI—Sensitive Compartmented Information
SIF—Security Information File
SII—Special Investigative Inquiry
SIOP—Single Integrated Operational Plan
SIOP-ESI—Single Integrated Operational Plan -Extremely Sensitive Information
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
SSN—Social Security Number
SSBI—Single Scope Background Investigation
SIF—Security Information File
TDY—Temporary Duty
UCMJ—Uniform Code of Military Justice
UIF—Unfavorable Information File
UMD—Unit Manpower Document
U.S.C.—United States Code
497 IG/INS—497th Intelligence Group/Directorate of Security and Communications
Authorized Requester—Organizations authorized to request Personnel Security Investigations
(PSIs) from DSS or OPM. The servicing security forces activity usually requests PSIs from DSS.
The CPF requests National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check (NACICs)
and Access National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check (ANACIs) from
Authorized Requester Code Listing—A listing of organizations specifically designated by
MAJCOM, FOA, or DRU to request PSIs.
Break In Service—Any break in active employment with a Federal agency or DOD contractor,
including suspension or termination of service or temporary retirement, whether or not seniority
or pay is affected. This does not include active duty military personnel attending civilian schools
from which a service commitment remains. A 24-month continuous break in service requires
completion of a new PSI prior to reissuance of a security clearance eligibility.
Catch'Em In CONUS—A DSS Program utilized to facilitate the completion of an SSBI or
SSBI-PR on individuals who are within 180 days of departing for an overseas assignment. This
program allows the DSS investigator to conduct the personal interview prior to PCS.
Central Adjudication Facility (CAF)—A single facility designated by the head of the DOD
Component to evaluate PSIs and other relevant information and to render final personnel security
determinations. The 497 IG/INS is the CAF for the Air Force.
Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, Standard Form 312—An individual must
sign a Standard Form 312 before being given access to classified information.
Cohabitant—A person living in a spouse-like relationship with another person.
Continuing Evaluation—Procedures employed to ensure an individual remains eligible for
access to classified information.
Critical Sensitive Position—Include positions involving any of the following: Access to Top
Secret defense information; development or approval of war plans, plans or particulars of future
or major special operations of war, or critical and extremely important items of war;
investigative duties, the issuance of personnel security clearances, or duty on personnel security
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
appeal boards, computer and or computer-related positions designed AIS I, or other positions
related to national security, regardless of duties that require the same degree of trust.
Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS)—Method used to transmit civilian
personnel data to or from an installation.
Defense Security Service (DSS)—The personnel security investigative agency for DOD to
include the military departments, defense agencies and DOD contractors.
Escorted Entry—A situation where personnel are required to be escorted into a restricted area
and kept under surveillance by authorized personnel while in the area.
Foreign National—Any person who is neither a citizen nor national of the United States nor an
immigrant alien. Also referred to as a non-United States national.
Foreign Travel—Any travel outside the 50 United States and its territories.
Immediate Family—Includes: father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, cohabitant, son, daughter.
The basis of the relationship is immaterial: included are stepparents, foster parents, brothers and
sisters by adoption, half-brothers and half-sisters, foster brothers and sisters, adopted children,
stepchildren, and foster children.
Indoctrination Briefing—A briefing of job related security responsibilities and requirements,
intelligence collection techniques employed by foreign intelligence activities, and penalties that
may be imposed for security violations.
Installation Records Check—An investigation conducted through the records of all
installations of an individual’s identified residences for the preceding 2 years before the date of
the application. This record check shall include at a minimum, police (base and or military
police, security office, or criminal investigators or local law enforcement) local files check, Drug
and Alcohol Program, Family Housing, Medical Treatment Facility for Family Advocacy
Program to include Service Central Registry records and mental health records, and any other
record checks as appropriate, to the extent permitted by law.
Local Files Check (LFC)—A local check of the security forces, medical facility, personnel
files, etc., designed to uncover the existence of unfavorable information concerning a person.
Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFI) Employee—Personnel hired by the DOD
components, compensated from NAFI funds. This includes temporary employees, 18 years or
older, who work with children.
Nonappropriated Fund Position of Trust (NAF)—An employee whose duties are fiduciary in
nature and require a high degree of trust and integrity to ensure the safety of people, protection of
money or property or who could directly and adversely affect the mission of the organization.
Noncritical—Sensitive Position-Includes positions that involve access to Secret or Confidential
national security material or information; or duties that may directly or indirectly adversely
affect the national security operations of the agency.
Personnel Data System (PDS)—Method used to transmit personnel data from or to an
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Personnel Reliability Program (PRP)—A program designed to ensure the highest possible
standards of individual reliability in personnel performing duties associated with nuclear
weapons systems and critical components.
Personnel Security—A criterion of security based upon standards that must be met for
clearance or assignment to sensitive duties. The allegiance, reliability, trustworthiness and
judgment of the individual being considered for such positions must be assessed to ensure that
the placement of each individual in such a position is clearly consistent with the interests of
national security.
Personnel Security Appeal Board—Designated representatives review appeals to denials or
revocations of security clearances.
Presidential Support—Personnel assigned to duties involving regular or frequent contact with
or access to the President or Presidential facilities, communication activities, or modes of
Program Security Officer—The government official who administers the security policies for
the Special Access Program (SAP).
Restricted Area—A legally established military zone under Air Force jurisdiction into which
persons may not enter without specific authorization.
Secret Clearance—The individual has been granted eligibility to information classified Secret
or below.
Security Access Requirement—A code used to manage and control security clearances within
the Air Force. It identifies the level of access required for day-to-day job performance. The
security access requirement code is based upon the supervisors or commanders determination of
level of access required for each position and the security clearance eligibility determined by the
CAF for the incumbent.
Security Clearance—A determination that a person has met the standards of DOD and Air
Force personnel security programs for eligibility to classified information.
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)—Classified information concerning or derived
from intelligence sources, methods, or analytical processes which must be processed exclusively
within formal access control systems established by the Director of Central Intelligence.
SENTINEL KEY—The Air Force system of records for personnel security and access
information. Replaces the ASCAS.
Service—Honorable active duty (including attendance at the military academies), membership in
ROTC Scholarship Program, Army and Air Force National Guard, Military Reserve Force
(including active status and ready reserve), civilian employment in government service, or
civilian employment with a DOD contractor involving access under the National Industrial
Security Program. Continuity of service is maintained with change from one status to another
provided no single break in service is greater than 24 months.
SCI Screening Interview—A representative from the SSO or a security manager will conduct
an interview to assist in determining the acceptability of an individual for nomination and further
processing for a position requiring access to SCI. This interview is conducted when there is no
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
current investigative information available to make an adjudicative determination of eligibility
for immediate access to SCI.
Sensitive Position—Any civilian position designated within the Air Force wherein the occupant
could cause by virtue of the nature of the position a materially adverse effect on national
security. All federal civilian positions are designated either special sensitive, critical sensitive,
noncritical sensitive, or nonsensitive.
Servicing Security Activity—The activity, designated by the commander, that supports the
installation population and tenant units in all areas of personnel security program
Single Agency Check—A check of one or more designated agencies of a NAC.
Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)—A PSI covering 7 years of a person's history
(10 years for employment, residence, and education). It is used to determine acceptability for a
Top Secret security clearance, access to specific special access programs, or access to SCI.
Top Secret Clearance—The individual has been granted eligibility to Top Secret information or
Trustworthiness Determination—A determination made by commanders to protect DOD
property and resources under their jurisdiction.
Unescorted Entry—Authority for an individual to enter and move about a restricted area
without escort.
Unfavorable Information—Information that could justify an unfavorable administrative action,
or prompt an adjudicator to seek additional investigation or clarification.
Unfavorable Personnel Security Determinations—A denial or revocation of a person’s
security clearance; denial or revocation of access to classified information; denial or revocation
of special access authorization (including SCI access); non-appointment to or non-selection for
appointment to a sensitive position; non-appointment to or non-selection for any other position
requiring a trustworthiness determination; reassignment to a position of lesser sensitivity or to a
nonsensitive position; and non-acceptance for or discharge from the armed forces when any of
the foregoing actions are based on derogatory information of personnel security significant.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 2
A2.1. General
A2.1.1. Security managers:
A2.1.1.1. Process completed personnel security questionnaires for active duty, reserve
military, National Guard, civilian and or contractor personnel to the unit’s supporting
authorized requester of investigations IAW with this AFI. See Attachment 3 for required
security forms, types of investigations to request and in what situations. An individual
must have one year retainability for an investigation to be requested.
A2.1.1.2. Verify the most recent or most significant claimed attendance, degree or
diploma at an educational institution. This is not required for Periodic Reinvestigations.
A2.1.1.3. Verify the date and place of birth through a check of appropriate
documentation, e.g., a birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, passport, or Report of
Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America. This is not required for
Periodic Reinvestigations.
A2.1.1.4. Show the verification of birth and highest level of education on the SF
86/EPSQ software.
A2.1.2. The subject will provide the required documentation to the security manager.
A2.1.3. Air Force Reserves and IMAs. The Air Force Reserve Recruiting Service
(AFRS/RS) processes reservist’s initial personnel security investigation during accession to
the supporting authorized requester.
A2.2. Authorized Requesters.
A2.2.1. Authorized Requestors for Accessions.
A2.2.1.1. HQ AFRS submits initial investigations (NACLC) for enlisted recruits through
the Air Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS).
A2. 319 TRS/DPAS:
A2. Verifies that the NACLC, submitted by AFRS, is open by checking
JPAS and the OPM help desk, if necessary. When an open NACLC cannot be
confirmed through either source, the 319 TRS/DPAS:
A2. Submits a new NACLC and file a copy of the submitted
investigation in the member’s Unit Personnel Record Group (UPRG).
A2. Submits SSBI investigation requests to OPM for all personnel
training into a sensitive skill. A copy of the investigation request and receipt will
be filed in the member's UPRG. On arrival at the student's technical training
location, security managers will remove the investigation package and forward to
the servicing security activity.
A2. Processes priority SSBI investigations for authorized AFSCs. HQ
AETC/SFI, in conjunction with AF/XOS-FI, is the approval authority for priority
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
investigations for accessions.
A2.2.1.2. Officer accession sources submit initial investigations (NACLC) to OPM for
recruits, normally within 30 days of their contract obligation to the Air Force.
A2.2.1.3. Officer accession sources submit SSBI investigation requests to OPM for
personnel training into a sensitive skill.
A2.2.1.4. Losing authorized requesters and AFRS submit SSBI requests for prior service
and non-prior service OTS selects prior to their departure.
A2.2.2. Authorized Requesters for Non-Accessions:
A2.2.2.1. Request personnel security investigations according to position coding
requirements (see para 7.2 and Attachment 22). See Attachment 3, for required
security forms, types of investigations to request. Submit investigation requests to OPM.
A2.2.2.2. Use the EPSQ software as the primary source for the investigative request.
Validate the EPSQ, and print a hard copy for mailing investigation requests to OPM.
OPM does not have electronic transmission capability.
A2. For additional EPSQ guidance consult the DSS web site: Contact DSS Customer Service Center at 1-800-542-0237 or
DSN 283-7731, if necessary.
A2.2.2.3. Request all types of investigations from OPM, as the DoD Authorized
Investigation Provider. Use OPM Investigation Handbook, IS-15, Requesting OPM
Personnel Investigations. It can be accessed via AF/XOS-FI web:
A2.2.2.4. Obtain Submitting Office Number (SON) from OPM. This four character SON
identifies the office as authorized to request investigations from OPM.
A2.2.2.5. A complete package requesting an investigation includes the following: OPM
Agency Use Sheet, applicable personnel security questionnaire, Fingerprint Card, if
applicable, original signed ―Authorization for Release of Information,‖ and if applicable,
the ―Authorization for Release of Medical Information.‖
A2.2.2.6. OPM does not require the DD Form 1879.
A2.2.2.7. Complete OPM Agency Use Sheet – AF specifics:
A2. AF has two billing codes which are annotated in Block N.
A2. DoD-AFM. This is for investigation requests on military members.
A2. DoD-AF. This is for investigation requests other than military.
A2. Civilians (appropriated and nonappropriated).
A2. Child Care
A2. Contractor
clearances. AF does not request investigations for security clearances on
contractors under the National Industrial Security Program.)
A2. Block L is always: AF 00.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A2. Block H. Annotate ―J‖ to indicate Personnel Reliability Program (PRP)
A2.2.2.8. Mail requests as OPM does not have electronic transmission capability. See
Table A2.2.2.8. for OPM addresses and type of investigation.
Table A2.1. Mailing Addresses for OPM.
OPM Address
Investigation Description
PO Box 700
ATTN: AF Liaison
1137 Branchton Rd
Boyers, PA 16018
General correspondence and MEPS new accession releases and
fingerprint cards that require the SF 86 to be printed via the
AFRISS program (No actual PSI should be mailed to this
PO Box 49
ATTN: AF Liaison
1137 Branchton Rd
Boyers, PA 16018
All Periodic Reinvestigations.
35-Day Cases
All Presidential Support, PRP, Blowtorch Cases (initials & PRs)
PO Box 618
1137 Branchton Rd
Boyers, PA 16018
All Initial Investigations
A2.2.2.9. Maintain a suspense copy of PSIs and all other information until the
investigative data appears in the JCAVS.
A2.2.2.10. Check JPAS weekly to monitor the status of the investigation until it is
closed. An SII inquiry, from the Person Summary screen, should be conducted to
ascertain if the case was determined unacceptable. Should the investigation remain
unopened for 30 days after it was submitted, and is not shown as unacceptable in SII,
contact the OPM help desk at (724) 794-5228 to inquire as to its status. If the status
cannot be ascertained, resubmit the investigation.
A2.2.2.11. Forward the suspense copy of the PSI to the gaining base authorized requester
when a permanent change of station (PCS) occurs.
A2.2.3. Investigation Types.
A2.2.3.1. National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks and Credit Check
(NACLC). SF 86 for individuals requiring access to Secret information and/or
suitability. All military members require a NACLC.
A2. The SF 86 must cover the most recent seven-year period. The ―Have you
ever‖ questions cover the individual’s entire lifetime.
A2. NACLCs will be requested for military personnel with no prior or current
security clearance eligibility if and when access to Secret information is required.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A2. Existing ENTNAC or NAC investigations remain valid for individuals
with prior or current Secret eligibility regardless of the age of the investigations there
has been no break in service over 24 months. Periodic reinvestigation rules apply.
A2.2.3.2. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). Authorized requesters
submit SF 86.
A2. The questionnaire must be completed to cover the most recent seven-year
period with 10 years coverage on the residence, education, and employment
questions, or since the 18th birthday, but at least the last two years. ―Have you ever‖
questions must cover the individual’s entire lifetime. Use SF 86A, Continuation Sheet
for Questionnaires for information for years 8 through 10.
A2. Provide both the alien and naturalization/citizenship number for each
foreign-born relative and associate listed on the SF 86 that claims US citizenship.
Other authorized means in proving U.S. citizenship for foreign-born relatives are the
State Department form 240, Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the U.S., or the
number from either a current or previous U.S. passport.
A2. If selective service number is not known, the subject’s SSAN will be
A2. A Single Agency Check (SAC) is required on the following individuals
associated with the subject of an SSBI: (a) spouse or cohabitant, (b) immediate family
members 18 years old or older who were born outside the United States. If marriage
or cohabitation occurs after completion of the SSBI, transmit Spouse SAC to OPM,
using EPSQ software. Keep a hard copy for suspense file.
A2.2.3.3. National Agency Check (NAC). Authorized requesters use SF 85P and an SF
87 or FD Form 258.
A2.2.3.4. National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries and Credit Check (NACI). The
CPF will submit SF 85 or SF 85P, as appropriate and SF 87 or FD Form 258.
A2.2.3.5. Access National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check
(ANACI). For civilians requiring access to classified information at the Secret level in
order to perform mission duties or in noncritical sensitive positions, the CPF will submit
SF 86 or FD Form 258 and an SF 87.
A2.3. IMAs. The authorized requester of the unit of assignment or attachment will submit
periodic reinvestigations or confirm revalidation’s of security clearances for IMAs.
A2.4. Catch’Em in Continental United States (CEIC) Program. Personnel requiring an
SSBI or periodic reinvestigation and who are scheduled for a PCS move to an overseas location,
including Shemya AFB, AK, fall within the CEIC program. Such individuals must complete the
personnel security questionnaire within 180 days prior to departure. This allows the investigative
agency time to conduct the personal interview before they PCS.
A2.5. Subject Interview. Individuals completing a personnel security questionnaire must
specify any circumstances that would make them unavailable for a subject interview within 180
calendar days of the date the form is transmitted. Detailed information regarding the period in
which the individual will be unavailable such as date, location, and duration should be provided
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
in the remarks section of the appropriate form. The investigative agency will try to conduct the
subject interview prior to departure of the individual.
A2.6. Local Files Check. The unit security manager initiates and verifies completion of a LFC
that includes a review of local personnel, medical facility, law enforcement, or other security
records, as appropriate. Use AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action, to
document an LFC. See Attachment 23 for instructions on filling out AF Form 2583.
A2.6.1. Headquarters Air Education and Training Command/Recruiting Service (HQ
AETC/RS), 550 D Street West, Suite 1, Randolph AFB TX 781504527 does not have to
complete AF Form 2583 when personnel records are unavailable.
A2.6.2. The Reserve Recruiting Service (HQ AFRS/RS) or their authorized requesters do
not have to complete AF Form 2583 for IMAs, IRRs, and traditional reservists when
personnel records are unavailable.
A2.6.3. AF Form 2583 is not needed for civilian applicants for federal employment when
local files are unavailable.
A2.6.4. Record briefings for access to special access program information on AF Form 2583
when the governing program directive does not prescribe other procedures.
A2.7. Periodic Reinvestigations (PR).
A2.7.1. Requests for PRs are submitted in the same manner as initial investigations.
However, no fingerprint card or birth certification is required. No abbreviated version of SF
86/EPSQ may be submitted in connection with a PR. A person must have one-year
retainability before a PR may be requested.
A2.7.2. An authorized requester should initiate a Secret PR at the 9.5 year mark from the
date of the previous investigation or reinvestigation. Questionnaire must cover the most
recent 10-year period or the period since the last investigation.
A2.7.3. An authorized requester should initiate a Top Secret PR at the 4.5 year mark from
the date of the previous investigation or reinvestigation.
A2.7.4. For individuals in a NATO billet, submit the PR IAW AFI 31-406, Applying North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protection Standards and Table A3.5, Rule 12 & 15.
A2.8. Air Force Liaison Office at the Operations Center-Baltimore. Address for the
AFLNO is: Defense Security Service, ATTN: Air Force Liaison Office, 601 10TH street, Suite
135, Ft George Meade, MD 20755-5134.
A2.9. Air Force Liaison Office at OPM. Address for the AF Liaison at OPM is: OPM-FIPC,
PO Box 700, ATTN: Air Force Liaison, 1137 Branchton Road, Boyers, PA 16018.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 3
A3.1. Personnel Security Investigations. Use the following table for guidance on the types of
required personnel security investigations and appropriate questionnaire forms and or EPSQ.
Table A3.1. Personnel Security Questionnaire Forms/Software for Investigations.
Type of
EPSQ Software
SF 86/85P/85
SF 85P
2 NACLC including
Secret/PRs and SAP/
SF 86
5 SSBI including
Original and 1 copy of SF 86
SF 86
6 Special Investigative
Original and 2 copies of SF 86
Original and 1 copy of SF 85/85P
(see notes 1& 2)
FD Form 258 or
SF 87
(Either Form)
1 signed original of SF 87/FD
Form 258
1 signed original of SF 87/FD
Form 258 (except PRs)
1 signed original of SF 87/FD
Form 258
1 signed original of SF 87/FD
Form 258 (except PRs)
1 signed original if FBI/ID
check desired
1. Send original and 1 copy to the AFCAF for forwarding to OPM. One copy is for the authorized
requester's suspense file.
2. An original copy of the SF 86 (or EPSQ) should accompany the request, where appropriate,
unless such documentation was submitted within the last 12 months to OPM as part of another
PSI. The results of any other recently completed investigative reports should also be sent. Indicate
the specific areas or issues requiring investigation with justification in Remarks.
A3.2. Requesting NAC/NACIC Investigations. Use the following table for guidance on NAC
and NACIC investigations as a minimum requirement for positions having no access to classified
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Table A3.2. Requesting NAC/NACIC Investigations.
If the individual is a and duties require
requiring unescorted entry into restricted
unescorted entry (see areas, access to sensitive areas,
note 1)
or equipment
fund employee
Person requiring a
DOD building pass
Foreign national
employed overseas
Person requiring
NACIC for DOD civilian
Before entry or access (see notes 2
& 3)
employment in a position of trust NAC before performing duties
a DOD building pass
(see note 4)
NAC before issuance
no access to classified
access to or security
NAC before employment (see
note 5)
NAC before assignment
of chemical agents
to chemical agents
Civilian nominee for education and orientation
military education
of military personnel
and orientation
Contract guard
Person assigned to
Then a NAC/NACIC is required
NAC for military & contractor
performing guard functions
Assignment to AIS II or III
(formerly ADP) positions
A NACIC before performing
duties (process limited access
authorization for non-United
States citizens) (foreign educators
are employed in noncritical
sensitive positions)
NAC prior to assignment
NAC for military & contractor
NACIC for DOD civilians
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
1. A NACLC is a prerequisite for military members upon entry. DOD civilians receive a NACIC as
a prerequisite for federal employment. These investigations exceed the required investigations and
can be used for unescorted entry.
2. Air Reserve forces personnel with a current ENTNAC or NAC on file may have unescorted
entry to restricted areas while in civilian status, pending completion of the required NACIC.
3. Prior ENTNAC/NAC/NACI/NACIC investigations meet the requirements for prior military
members who have been separated. Commanders may waive on a case by case basis, the
investigative requirements for unescorted entry to restricted areas containing Protection Level (PL)
2 and or 3 resources pending completion of a favorable NACLC, NAC, or NACIC after favorable
review of the completed personnel security questionnaire for the investigation.
4. Installation records checks on employees in child care services include a check of the state
criminal history repository. The state criminal history repository checks are for suitability affecting
the consolidated civilian personnel office and morale, welfare, and recreation programs. The
sponsoring activity sends out and receives the state criminal history repository.
5. The NAC must consist of: (a) host-government law enforcement and security agency records
check at the city, state, province, and national level, (b) DCII check, and (c) FBI check where
information exists indicating residence by the foreign national in the United States for one year or
more since the age 18.
A3.3. Requesting NACLC/ANACI Investigations. Use the following table for guidance on
NACLC and ANACI investigations required for access to classified information.
Table A3.3. Requesting NACLC/ANACI Investigations.
and duties require
a Secret clearance
Then a NACLC/ANACI is required
NACLC before granting final clearance
E If the individual is a
1 United States military
2 Prior military member
reentering Air Force
after a break in military
service exceeding 24
3 Applicant
commissioned officer
4 Air Force academy
cadet, military academy
cadet, or naval academy
retention in the Air Force NACLC to be initiated no later than 3
to include Air Reserve workdays after reentry
Commissioning as an NACLC before appointment (after
officer, includes Air appointment for health professionals,
Reserve forces
chaplains, and attorneys) (see note 1)
NACLC to be initiated 90 days after
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
E If the individual is a
5 Reserve officer training
6 United States military
and duties require
entry to advanced course
of college scholarship
program (see note 2)
customs inspector duty
Then a NACLC/ANACI is required
NACLC to be initiated 90 days after
contract employee
United States military
member, civilian, or
contract employee
access to or security of
chemical agents
assignment to North
Organization positions
secret special access
assignment to Category
controlled PRP position
NACLC before assignment
NACLC before assignment
NACLC for military and contractor
Before performing duties and at 5-year
intervals thereafter while assigned
NACLC for military and contractor
employee before PRP certification
1. The individual must agree in writing that if the results of the investigation are unfavorable, the
individual will be subject to discharge. Under the exception, commissions in the reserve
components other than the National Guard may be offered to immigrant alien health professionals,
chaplains, and attorneys.
2. Reserve officer training candidate graduates who delay entry on active duty pending completion
of further college study are not authorized a new NACLC once they have been commissioned.
Request recertification when the officer comes on active duty.
A3.4. Guide for Requesting SSBIs. Use the following table for guidance on the minimum
standards required for SSBIs.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Table A3.4. Guide for Requesting SSBIs.
If the individual is a (an) and duties require
United States military Top Secret clearance
member, civilian, or
contractor employee
assignment to a "critical or
special sensitive position"
assignment to a "critical" position
in the personnel reliability
AIS I (formerly ADP I) positions
assignment to a category I or II
presidential support position
access to North Atlantic Treaty
Organization COSMIC Top
Secret or COSMIC Top Secret
access to SCI or an approved
special access program
access to SIOP-ESI
Assignment to the National
Security Agency
Assignment to the Defense
Courier Service
Assignment to personnel security
counterintelligence, or criminal
investigative support duties
immigrant alien
limited access to Secret or
Confidential information
national employee
the education and orientation of
military personnel
Unescorted entry to PL 1 and 2
restricted areas
then a favorably completed
SSBI is required before
granting final clearance
assignment to position
PRP certification
within 36 months prior to
access may be granted
granting access
performing duties
authorized entry
A3.5. Guide for Requesting Periodic Reinvestigations. Use the following table for guidance
on the minimum standards for PRs.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Table A3.5. Guide For Requesting Periodic Reinvestigations.
If the individual is a
and duties require
United States military member,
DOD civilian, or contractor
access to Top Secret
then request a periodic
4.5 years from the date of
the last SSBI or SSBI-PR
United States civilian employee
Non-United States national
employee and immigrant alien
United States military member,
DOD civilian, or contractor
United States military member,
DOD civilian, or contractor
access to SCI
assignment to presidential
assignment to an AIS I position
access to SIOP-ESI
assignment to AFOSI duties
assignment to a critical personnel
reliability program position
access to Top Secret special
access programs
assignment to a special or critical
sensitive position
limited access authorization
unescorted entry to PL 1 or 2
restricted areas
North Atlantic Treaty
Organization COSMIC Top
Secret or COSMIC Top Secret
access to an approved Secret
special access program
Explosives Ordinance Disposal
assigned to a North Atlantic
Treaty Organization staff
access to Secret information
and/or assignment to noncritical
sensitive positions
4 years from the date of
the last SSBI or SSBI/PR
4.5 years from the date of
the last investigation
4.5 years from the date of
the last SSBI/S-PR
(note 1)
9 years from the date of
the last investigation
9.5 years from the date of
the last investigation
NOTE: 1. EOD assignment requires a Secret PR on a five year recurring basis.
A3.6. Guide for Requesting Investigations for Unescorted Entry to Restricted Areas. Use
the following table for guidance for investigations required for the minimum investigative
standards for unescorted entry to restricted areas.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Table A3.6. Guide for requesting investigations for Unescorted Entry to Restricted Areas.
If the individual is a (an)
and duties
areas, access
to sensitive
U.S. active duty military
U.S. retired or separated
military member with an
Honorable Discharge and
no break in service greater
than 24 months.
areas, or
DOD Civilian with no equipment
break in federal service
greater than 24 months
NAF employee
DOE employees with no
break in service greater
than 24 months
Federal employees
Contractor employees
Foreign nationals, Other
non-US national
Foreign National Military
members and host nation
military members assigned
to USAF activities
Then the following favorably completed
Investigation is required before entry
NACIC (see note 1)
NACIC is equivalent to the Department of Energy
―L‖ investigation
NAC or equivalent investigation certified by the non
DOD agency
SSBI for PL 1 or 2 resources. Local Agency Check
for PL 3.
Security assurance of favorable investigation based
on government-to-government agreements, treaties,
(NATO) agreements, for PL 1 & 2. For PL 3,
verification of security clearance by foreign
commander and authenticated by Security forces or
designated representative; personnel foreign travel
orders; and the restricted area badge or home-station
Host government law enforcement and security
agency checks at the city, state (province) and
national level whenever permissible by the law of
the host government, DCII, and FBI-HQ/ID (where
information exists regarding residence in US for one
year or more since age 18).
1. Verification of NACIC can be made by contacting the CPF.
Table A3.7. (DELETED)
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 4
A4.1. Officials Authorized to Grant, Deny, or Revoke Personnel Security Clearances (Top
Secret, Secret). The 497th Intelligence Group/INS, Directorate of Security and Communications
Management, the Air Force Central Adjudication Facility, is the designated authority to grant,
suspend, deny, or revoke personnel security clearances and SCI access.
A4.2. Officials Authorized to Grant, Deny, or Revoke LAA. The CAF is the single authority
to grant, deny, or revoke an individual’s LAA.
A4.3. Officials Authorized to Certify Personnel Under Their Jurisdiction for Access to
Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information. Commanders and staff agency chiefs have the
authority to grant CNWDI access. This authority is assigned to division chiefs and above at all
levels of command. (Refer to AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management).
A4.4. Official Authorized to Approve Personnel for Assignment to Presidential Support
Activities. Commanders nominate individuals to the CAF for assignment to Presidential
Support Activities. The CAF makes the final recommendation to the DOD Executive Secretary
to the Secretary of Defense.
A4.5. Officials Authorized to Grant Access to SIOP-ESI. The Air Force has approved the
Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, and Deputy Chiefs of Staff for
SIOP-ESI access and has designated them as SIOP-ESI access granting authorities. These
officials may further delegate their access granting authority. (Refer to AFI 10-1102,
Safeguarding the Single Integrated Operational Plan).
A4.6. Authority to Render Final Appeal Decisions. The Personnel Security Appeal Board is
designated as the appeal authority for personnel security clearances and SCI access.
A4.7. Officials Authorized to Suspend Access to Classified Information.
A4.7.1. Security Clearances. Commanders have the authority to suspend access to classified
A4.7.2. SCI. Director of Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/XOI) and
Senior Intelligence Officers or their designees are the authorities to suspend access to SCI.
A4.8. Official’s Authorized to Grant, Deny, Suspend, Revoke, or Limit SAP access. The
Air Force CAO, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH is the authority to grant, deny, suspend, revoke, or
limit SAP access eligibility.
A4.9. Officials Authorized to Issue Interim Clearances. Commanders have the authority to
grant interim security clearances.
A4.10. Officials Authorized to Designate Nonappropriated Fund Positions of Trust. HRO
managers designate these positions within their jurisdiction. See AFI, 34-301, Nonappropriated
Fund Personnel Management and Administration.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 5
A5.1. Personnel Security Appeal Board.
A5.1.1. Responsibilities:
A5.1.1.1. The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/AA) has
oversight of the Personnel Security Appeal Board (PSAB).
A5.1.1.2. The PSAB:
A5. The PSAB is the appeal authority for security clearances and SCI access
(see Chapter 11). Determinations made to deny or revoke security clearances shall
be made IAW DOD 5200.2-R, this AFI Chapter 8, and ―BY AUTHORITY OF THE
A5. The PSAB is comprised of three members.
A5. The PSAB President will be an HQ USAF/XO representative and will
serve as a permanent member. An attorney from HQ USAF/JA and a security official
from HQ USAF/XOFI will be permanent members. A medical advisor from HQ
USAF/SG will be available to the board at two-year intervals. The members will be
briefed on and familiar with the personnel security clearance process.
A5. Minimum grade 0-5/GS-14. In cases where the appellant is at or above
the grade of military 0-5 or GM/GS-14, at least one member of the board will be
equivalent or senior in grade to the appellant.
A5. The President executes board responsibilities as outlined in DOD 5200.2R, Appendix M and this AFI.
A5. The PSAB convenes upon receipt of appeal cases.
A5. The PSAB president notifies appellants, in writing, of the decision
generally within 60 days of receipt of the appeal (with no personal appearance) or 30
days of receipt of the Administrative Judge’s recommendation (with a personal
appearance). The notice will include a statement that the PSAB decision is final and
no other appeal rights are authorized. If SCI is involved, the notice will specify the
status of the access to SCI, in addition to the security clearance. A copy of the board’s
final decision is forwarded to the CAF.
A5.1.1.3. The CAF:
A5. Provides operational support to SAF/AA and the PSAB.
A5. Forwards the appeal case file to the PSAB President and includes a case
summary on all cases to assist the board members’ review.
A5. Sends membership letters to designated functional representatives to
serve on the board.
A5. Provides the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) with the
case files upon request.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A5. Updates the DCII and AMS.
A5. Maintains the redacted file for the PSAB. AFI 37-131 applies when
requests for information are received.
A5. Provides SAF/AA with a report quarterly that tracks the decisions on
appeal cases.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 6
MEMORANDUM FOR (Servicing Civilian Personnel Flight)
FROM: Unit of Assignment Full Address
SUBJECT: Waiver of Preappointment Investigative Requirements
In accordance with AFI 31-501, paragraph 3.1, I have waived the investigative
requirements and give authority to fill a critical sensitive (or noncritical sensitive) position prior
to completion of the personnel security investigation. (Name of individual, SSAN) has been
selected for the position of (fill in), grade, and office symbol.
Appointment prior to completion of the investigation is necessary to accomplish (fill in)
function in support of national security.
Temporary changes will be made in duties or work situation to preclude the person from
access to classified material or information before completion of the required investigation.
Commander’s Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 7
MEMORANDUM FOR (Commander of Individual Being Nominated)
FROM: Medical Officer Full Address
SUBJECT: Medical Certificate
(One of the following actions have been taken:)
This certifies a competent medical authority reviewed the medical records regarding
(grade, full name, SSN of individual) and no physical or mental disorder is noted in the record
that could adversely affect the individual’s judgment or reliability. The medical authority who
reviewed the records is (name) and may be contacted at (telephone number).
This certifies a competent medical authority reviewed the medical records regarding
(grade, full name, SSN of individual) and found the following potentially disqualifying
information that could adversely affect the individual’s judgment or reliability: (i.e., drug abuse,
alcohol abuse, mental or emotional problems, etc). The medical authority who reviewed the
records is (name) and may be contacted at (telephone number).
Medical Officer’s Signature Block
NOTE: If a commander needs an interview with the medical authority to discuss the findings in
order to base a nominating decision, the medical authority provides a statement of that interview
to the commander. Any statements will be kept with the certificate.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 8
FROM: Commander Full Address
SUBJECT: Presidential Support Nomination for (Job Title) by (Full Name, Rank/Grade, SSAN)
The attached personnel security investigation package on (enter name, rank or civilian
grade, SSAN), United States Air Force (or company name of contractor) has been completed in
accordance with DOD Instruction 5210.55 and AFI 31-501. It is forwarded for further processing
(Atchs 1 & 2).
(Enter name) is being nominated for (state initial or continued assignment) to (identify
the specific presidential support activity) as a (identify the individual’s specific duty assignment,
i.e., aviation maintenance technician, security force, steward, rotor blade examiner, driver, etc).
These duties are identified as (Category One) or (Category Two) requiring a favorably
completed Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) or (Category Three) requiring
completion of a favorable National Agency Check, local agency check and credit check
I have personally reviewed the individual’s records as follows and there is no derogatory
information that would disqualify the nominee from selection:
(1) efficiency and or fitness reports file reflects the individual has demonstrated
consistent high standards of performance;
(2) military personnel records or civilian official personnel folder, or contractor
personnel records reveal no derogatory information; and
(3) local security files reveal no derogatory information.
I have on file the certificate from a competent medical authority that certifies no physical
or mental disorder is noted that could adversely affect the individual’s reliability or judgment. I
have no knowledge of, and base law enforcement records do not reveal, any delinquency or
criminal activities on the part of the nominee. No actions are pending to deny, revoke, or
withdraw any security clearance or access.
(Enter name) is recommended for assignment to (enter unit/company and location) and
duties (enter job title) for which nominated. (Justify the recommendation if derogatory
information is in the records. Specifically identify all reasons for a recommendation that a
contractor employee shall not be selected for the particular position in question).
Our POC is (name and telephone number)
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Commander’s Signature Block
1. EPSQ Disk & 1 Signed Original
2. FBI Fingerprint Card
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 9
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Request for Processing Presidential Support Program Nominee
The attached Commander’s Nomination Memorandum on (enter name, rank or civilian
grade, SSAN), United States Air Force (or company name of contractor) has been processed in
accordance with DOD 5210.55 and AFI 31-501. It is forwarded for your further processing.
The commander (name and unit) has recommended (enter name, rank or civilian grade,
SSAN) for assignment to (or continued assignment) (enter unit/company and location) and duties
to an authorized Presidential Support position (enter job title).
The commander has certified the records of (enter name, rank or civilian grade, SSAN)
reveal no disqualifying information.
The required investigation (NACLC or SSBI) was submitted to the Defense Security
Service or the Office of Personnel Management on (date).
Our POC is (name, grade, telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
Commander’s Nomination Memorandum (attachments withdrawn)
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 10
MEMORANDUM FOR (Servicing Medical Facility)
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Assignment of Presidential Support Duties
The following individual has been approved for assignment to a Presidential Support
position on (date).
(name, rank, grade, SSAN, unit, office symbol)
Request the individual’s medical records be marked and monitored during this
assignment in accordance with the instructions in AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program
Management and use of AF Form 745, Sensitive Duties Program Record Identifier. See AFI 41210, Patient Administration Functions. Notify the individual’s commander or designated
representative and this office when a significant effect on the individual’s suitability to perform
Presidential Support duties is expected as a result of medical, dental, or mental health treatment
or medication, and if drug or alcohol abuse is suspected.
We will notify you to terminate monitoring when the individual is no longer assigned to
Presidential Support duties.
Our POC is (name, grade, and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 11
MEMORANDUM FOR (Unit Commander )
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Evaluation of Continued Security Clearance
The attached unfavorable and or derogatory information has been developed concerning
the above member of your organization. Please review this information and determine on the
basis of the facts available, if it is in the interest of national security to establish a Security
Information File (SIF) and whether or not to suspend access to classified information/unescorted
entry to restricted areas while such information is resolved. Your review of the security standard
criteria in AFI 31-501, Chapter 8, and DOD 5200.2-R, paragraph 2-200 will guide your decision.
Upon completion, please provide your decision and rationale for or against SIF
My POC, (name and telephone number) stands ready to assist you. Please respond NLT
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
1st Ind, (date)
I have reviewed the referred available unfavorable information concerning subject and do
not believe the suspension of access to classified information and or unescorted entry is
warranted. My rationale for this decision is (explain). Consequently, I’ve determined this case
doesn’t meet the purview of AFI 31-501 for SIF establishment. This individual’s continued
access and or entry is in the best interest of national security. Should additional unfavorable and
or derogatory information become available, I will reevaluate my decision. I have or have not
coordinated this decision with the JA.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
I have reviewed the referred unfavorable information concerning the subject. I have determined
the derogatory and or unfavorable information concerning subject falls within the criteria of AFI
31-501, Chapter 8. A SIF has been established, please set up a folder and maintain a SIF as
outlined in AFI 31- 501, Chapter 8.
I have or have not withdrawn (suspended) subject’s access to classified information and
or unescorted entry to restricted areas. Attached as applicable is the:
a. AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action. (This form is used to
document Special Access, i.e., NATO, CNWDI, SIOP, etc.)
b. AF Form 2586, Unescorted Entry Authorization Certificate, stamped by Pass &
Registration Section, reflecting restricted area badge was returned.
c. AF Form 2587, Security Termination Statement.
d. Notification of suspension of access.
My rationale for this decision is: Subject’s current situation (conduct, incident, status,
pending administrative or judicial action, etc.). Previous disciplinary problems/incidents and
action taken, if any. Subject’s duty performance. Any evaluations the subject has received. Any
other pertinent information. Subject’s retainability in the Air Force.
To assist in resolving this case I’ve taken the following actions: requested investigation,
referred individual for evaluation, etc. We’ll keep your office informed of any developments and
or changes.
Our POC is (name and telephone number):
Commander’s Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 12
FROM: Commander Full Address
SUBJECT: Request Establishment of Security Information File (SIF), re: (Last Name, First,
Middle, Rank, SSAN)
Request a SIF be established on (Individual) and processed IAW AFI 31-501, Personnel
Security Program Management.
I have become aware of the Subject’s involvement in (specify situation). After review of
DOD 5200.2-R, paragraph 2-200, Appendix I, and AFI 31-501, Chapter 8, it is determined that
further evaluation is needed to determine the subject’s eligibility to retain access to classified
information/unescorted entry to restricted areas.
(One of the following actions have been taken:)
(SUBJECT) has been placed in a nonsensitive position and all access to classified
information and or unescorted entry to restricted areas has been withdrawn (suspended) in
accordance with AFI 31-501.
(SUBJECT) will continue access to classified information/unescorted entry to restricted
areas in accordance with AFI 31-501. (ANY OF THE FOLLOWING AS PERTINENT).
Please notify the 497 IG/INS (CAF) of the suspension (or continued access to classified
There is a Report of Investigation (ROI). Name of agency conducting the investigation.
Date of ROI.
Subject has been referred to (when applicable):
Mental Health for an evaluation Date of referral.
Subject was given disciplinary action for this incident. Type of disciplinary action. (e.g.,
Article 15)
A Court-Martial is projected for this individual: (Date)
Subject was placed in appellate leave status: (Date)
The subject’s present Date Eligible Retirement or Separation (DEROS) date is.
We (do/do not) intend to discharge the subject in accordance with AFI 36-3206,
Administrative Discharge Procedures for Commissioned Officers, or AFI 36-3208,
Administrative Separation of Airmen.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
I will provide your office with status updates. Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Commander’s Signature Block
1. Adverse Security Determination
2. AF Form 2583 (Only if special access is being withdrawn, not to include SCI)
3. AF Form 2586
4. AF Form 2587
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 13
MEMORANDUM FOR (Individual Concerned)
FROM: Commander Full Address
SUBJECT: Notification of Suspension of Access
You are hereby notified that a security determination has been made to suspend your access
to classified information/unescorted entry into restricted areas. This action is being taken because of
your alleged (be as specific as protection of sources allows and national security permits.)
If you wish to provide a rebuttal reply to this determination, I must receive it no later than 72
hours (unit establishes time frame) after your receipt of this notification.
If you choose to reply, a written response to your submission will be made dealing with the
points or questions you raise.
A Security Information File will be established. When all final actions in this case have been
completed, I will evaluate the incident(s) and make a security recommendation. The 497 IG/INS
(CAF) will make the final security determination concerning your reinstatement of clearance
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Commander’s Signature Block
Servicing Security Activity
1st Ind, (Individual Concerned)
TO: (Individual’s Commander or Staff Agency Chief)
Receipt acknowledge (Date)
I (do/do not) intend to submit a written reply within 72 hours. (Unit establishes time frame)
Individual’s Signature Block
Servicing Security Activity
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 14
MEMORANDUM FOR (Individual Concerned)
FROM: Commander Full Address
SUBJECT: Notification of Decision to Establish a Security Information File with Individual
Continuing Access to Classified Information
You are hereby notified that a security determination has been made to establish a
Security Information File. This action is being taken because of your alleged (be as specific as
protection of sources allows and national security permits.)
However, I have determined your current access to classified information may continue
until further notice.
If you wish to provide a written rebuttal reply to this determination, I must receive it no
later than 72 hours (unit establishes time frame) after your receipt of this notification.
If you choose to reply, a written response to your submission will be made dealing with
the points or questions you raise.
When all final actions in this case have been completed, I will evaluate the incident(s)
and make a security recommendation. The 497 IG/INS (CAF) will make the final security
determination concerning your security clearance eligibility.
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Commander’s Signature Block
Servicing Security Activity
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 15
MEMORANDUM FOR (Commander of Subject)
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Establishment of a Security Information File (SIF) RE: (Name of Subject)
A SIF has been established on subject individual within your organization IAW AFI 31501, Chapter 8.
The following documents have been placed in the file:
a. A copy of your letter, dated (date) Subject: Establishment of a Security
Information File.
b. A copy of the SIF establishment notification to 497 IG/INS (CAF).
c. A copy of my notification to the (Commander, Support Group), informing
him/her of establishment of the file and the contents therein.
The file will be maintained by this office until all local actions are complete. The file will
then be forwarded to the 497 IG/INS for a final security clearance determination.
We will request written opinions from base level staff agencies, such as legal, medical,
mental health, security forces, and personnel on your behalf. If a Special Investigative Inquiry is
necessary, we will request the CAF have DSS conduct one accordingly.
Please provide us with the following recommendation and or documentation for
incorporation into the file:
a. Copies of any investigative reports (e.g., AFOSI, DSS, local security forces
investigations, FBI, etc.) that will have a bearing on the final resolution of the case.
b. Summary of appropriate portions of subject’s Unfavorable Information File
(UIF), if any, that may have a bearing on the final adjudication of the case.
c. Correspondence and forms related to withdrawal, revocation, suspension of
special access, or correspondence documenting a commander’s recommendations relating to
withdrawal or suspension of special access or clearance. If not already accomplished, the AF
Form 2586, Unescorted Entry Authorization Certificate, must be submitted to show that the
AF Form 1199A/B/C/, Restricted Area Badge, has been turned over to the Pass & Registration
Section. In addition, an AF Form 2587, Security Termination Statement; and an AF Form
2583, Special Access Certificate; must be supplied for inclusion in the SIF.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Please advise this office of any changes and or status reports in order that we may keep
the CAF informed of the actions taken. The first update is due to our office by (date) (determined
by security activity) and at (number of days) day intervals until the case file is closed.
Once all required documentation is provided, we will provide you with the completed file
for your review and final recommendation for closure. We will then forward it to the CAF for
final adjudication.
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 16
1. Identifying Data: NAME, RANK, SSAN, OFFICE SYMBOL
2. Establishment Date: DATE, BY (AUTHORITY), REASON, SOURCE: (If appropriate)
4. SIF request letter to Chief, Security Activity. (NOTE: Discuss with Chief, Servicing Security
Activity if establishment may compromise an ongoing investigation.)
5. Evaluation letter to unit commander based on unfavorable information developed within SF
channels, e.g., DD Form 1569, AF 3545, OSI report, PRP suspension/decertification, etc.
6. Adverse action determination letter presented.
7. Moved to nonsensitive position, access to classified/unescorted entry to restricted areas
suspended, peers/supervisors briefed.
8. SIF establishment notification to the 497 IG/INS (CAF).
9. Installation Commander notified of SIF establishment.
10. Relinquish AF Form 1199, USAF Restricted Area Badge, to Pass and Registration.
11. AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action, used as a special access certificate,
12. AF Form 2586, Unescorted Entry Authorization Certificate, annotated.
13. AF Form 2587, Security Termination Statement, completed.
14. Request appropriate Servicing Security Activity, AFOSI, or DSS investigation. (Ensure
copies of all reports are provided to Servicing Security Activity for SIF inclusion.)
15. Direct and ensure subject receives assistance and counseling as necessary from such agencies
as mental health, social actions, chaplains, etc.
16. Provide status reports, via CAVS or memorandum to the 497 IG/INS (CAF).
17. Judicial/administrative actions complete.
18. Obtain written opinions requested and received from appropriate staff agencies, e.g. DP, SF,
JA, SG, etc.
19. Forward SIF to gaining installation Chief, Servicing Security Activity based on PCS orders.
Information copy to the 497 IG/INS (CAF).
20. Completed file with any written suspension response from subject transmitted to the CAF.
21. Maintain all documentation necessary to complete the SIF.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 17
229 Brookley Ave
Bolling AFB, DC 20332-7040
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Establishment of Security Information File (SIF), re: (name of subject)
The commander of (identify unit) has requested establishment of a SIF on (name and
SSAN) due to (specify issue as outlined in the adjudication guidelines, DOD 5200.2-R). At this
time the commander has authorized the individual to maintain current access to classified
information, to include SCI access.
The SIF was established on (date).
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 18
MEMORANDUM FOR (Installation Commander)
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Establishment of Security Information File (SIF)
The following information is provided to inform you of the establishment of a SIF:
a. Name:
b. Rank:
c. Organization:
d. Reason for SIF Establishment:
e. Date SIF was established by commander or staff agency chief:
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 19
MEMORANDUM FOR (DP, SF, JA, SG, as determined by the nature of the case)
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Review and Written Opinion - Security Information File (SIF)
The Commander of (organization) has requested this office to establish a SIF on
(individual and SSAN).
AFI 31-501, Chapter 8, request your review and written opinion concerning the
attached SIF. Please review the file and provide your professional opinion and or
recommendation concerning whether this individual should or should not retain a security
clearance. This information is required to assist me and 497 IG/INS (CAF) in determining if this
person’s clearance is in the best interest of the Air Force and national security.
In addition, please review any other pertinent records available in your office and advise
if there is any additional information that would warrant the continued denial of access to all
classified information and unescorted entry to all restricted areas. A denial or revocation will
cover classified at all levels.
Please return the entire package with a record of your review comments and
recommendation not later than (10 working days).
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
SIF, RE: (Name of Subject)
Commander (organization)
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 20
MEMORANDUM FOR (Gaining Chief, Security Activity)
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Transfer of Security Information File (SIF), ref: (Name of Subject, Rank, SSAN)
The attached SIF is forwarded in accordance with AFI 31-501, Chapter 8.
The subject has received orders for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to your
installation, with a report date of (date).
A copy of this transmittal letter is being forwarded to the 497 IG/INS (CAF) for
Our POC is (name and telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
Commander (of subject)
497 IG/INS (CAF) w/o attachment
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 21
FROM: Chief, Servicing Security Activity Full Address
SUBJECT: Recommendation for SIF Closure RE: (Name of Subject)
The attached SIF on (name and SSAN of subject) is forwarded for your final adjudication. All
final actions in this case completed as outlined below:
a. Mental health evaluation:
b. Completed alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation program:
c. Received financial counseling from:
d. Administrative action taken:
e. Judicial action: (An opinion from staff judge advocate regarding factors used in
determination of withdrawal or dismissal of charges when there is evidence the individual
engaged in the misconduct. For example, positive urinalysis, but found not guilty through courtmartial. Was the finding based on technicalities or evidence?)
f. Add any additional pertinent information.
This individual will be returned to duty and or cross trained/separated/placed in appellate
leave status.
The individual’s commander (name, organization, telephone number) recommendation for
(favorable closure and or revocation of security clearance) is included in the SIF.
Our POC is (name and DSN telephone number).
Chief, Servicing Security Activity Signature Block
SIF (if applicable)
Commander (of subject)
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 22
A22.1. Guide for Identifying Investigative Requirements for Position Coding. Use the
following table for guidance on identifying investigative requirements for each authorized
manpower position. See Chapter 7 for additional guidance on coding of investigations.
Table A22.1. Personnel Security Investigation Position Coding
Position Investigation Investigation Description
The SSBI is the initial investigation for access to Top Secret
(including Top Secret Special Access Programs (SAP), SCI, and for
Critical Sensitive Positions.) In addition, the SSBI is required for
Mandatory AFSCs or Program Mandates.
The NACLC is the prescribed investigation for initial and continued
access to Secret and Confidential information for DoD military and
contractor personnel. It is also the reinvestigation requirement for
federal employees at the same access levels. Also, all military or
Mandatory Program Mandate.
The ANACI is the investigative requirement for federal employees
under Executive Order 10450, ―Suitability for Government Hire,‖ in
non-critical sensitive positions that require access to classified
information up to the Secret level. Access to Secret (civilian) or
Mandatory Program Mandate.
The NACI is the baseline investigative requirement for entry into
government service under Executive Order 10450 and for federal
employees in nonsensitive positions that do not require access to
classified information. All OPM NACIs conducted for DoD
include a credit check (NACIC). Suitability Requirement
The NAC is a records check of designated agencies of the Federal
Government that maintain record systems containing information
relevant to making personnel security determinations. A NAC is
also an integral part of all initial and periodic reinvestigations and is
the baseline for trustworthiness determinations. Trustworthiness
Positions (Non Appropriated Fund/Contractor/Consultant).
A22.2. Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Officer AFSCs. The following is the Officer
Mandatory SSBI list. The appropriate position coding is reflected in the Headquarters Air Force
Manpower Data System (HAF-MDS).
Operations Commander
Bomber Pilot
Fighter Pilot
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Generalist Pilot
Reconnaissance/Surveillance/Electronic Warfare Pilot
Special Operations Pilot
Tanker Pilot
Bomber Navigator
Fighter Navigator
Generalist Navigator
Reconnaissance/Surveillance/Electronic Warfare Navigator
Special Operations Navigator
Tanker Navigator
Air Battle Manager
Control And Recovery
Space And Missile Operations
Foreign Area
Air Force Operations Staff Officer
Planning And Programming
Logistics Commander
Munitions and Maintenance
Communications Commander
Program Director
Special Investigations
United States Air Force Honor Guard
Command And Control
General Officer
Wing Commander
Pilot Trainee
Navigator Trainee
Executive Officer Above Wing Level
A22.3. Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Enlisted AFSCs. The appropriate position
coding is reflected in the Headquarters Air Force Manpower Data System (HAF-MDS).
In-Flight Refueling
Airborne Communications Systems
Flight Attendant
Airborne Cryptologic Linguist
Command Post
Intelligence Applications
Imagery Analysis
Signals Intelligence Production
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Cryptologic Linguist
Signals Intelligence Analysis
Electronic Signals Intelligence Exploitation
Electronic System Security Assessment
Computer, Network, Switching And Cryptographic Systems
Missile and Space Systems Maintenance (Excluding 2M0X3)
Nuclear Weapons
Communications - Computer Systems Operations
Communications - Computer Systems Control
Premier Band
Special Investigations
Research And Development Technician
Defense Attaché
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Technical Applications Specialist
A22.4. Mandatory SSBI Sensitive Program Requirements. The following table outlines
mandatory SSBI requirements for selected positions/programs.
Table A22.2. Mandatory SSBI Sensitive Programs Requirements.
Top Secret Access
Presidential Support Category 1 and 2 duties
Personnel Reliability Program Critical duties
Sensitive Compartmented Information required
Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOP-ESI) Access
Top Secret Special Access Program (SAP) Access Mandate
DoD or Agency External to AF Top Secret Access Mandate
Civilian Critical Sensitive Positions (which includes: access to TS; development or
approval of war plans, future major or special operations of war; critical and extremely
important of war; or other positions related to national security, regardless of duties, that
requires the same degree of trust)
Initial assignment - Explosive Ordnance Disposal involving Nuclear Weapons positions
Defense Courier Service duties
Access to NATO COSMIC Top Secret
AFOSI investigative agents and investigative support staff, the issuance of personnel
security clearances or access authorizations, rendering of personnel security
determinations, or duty on personnel security boards
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A22.5. Mandatory Positions/Programs Requiring Investigation (Other Than SSBIs). The
following table outlines mandatory NACLC, ANACI, NACI, NAC investigation requirements
for selected positions/programs.
Table A22.3. Mandatory Positions/Programs Requiring Investigations by Type (Other
Than SSBIs).
Investigation Type
Access to Secret Information
Military Accessions
Commissioned Officers
Civilian Non-Critical
Category 3
Personnel Reliability
Controlled Position
Customs Inspectors
Contractor Volunteer/
Consultant Care
Program X
Program X
Secret SAP Access Mandate
Information Technology (IT)-II
Secret/ X
Access to Chemical Agents
Arms, Ammunition & Explosives X
(AA&E) Duties
Deployment Purposes
Suitability Requirement
Federal Employment
*IT-III for military only requires a NAC, however, all AF military receive a NACLC which is
above a NAC.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 23
Table A23.1. Instructions to Complete AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action.
To Complete
last, first, middle, and maiden name to agree with military or employment records; if
not, explain in Section VII. If no middle name, or initial only, enter ―NUN‖ or
―IOU,‖ respectively. Also, enter the maiden name for female personnel.
the unit designation. When the form pertains to non-DOD personnel, enter the unit
designation of the sponsoring activity.
grade. Do not change this entry after the form is filed and a change in grade occurs.
social security number.
an ―X‖ in only one block.
year, month, and day of birth, in that order. For example: 20000210
city, state, and country of place of birth.
an ―X‖ in only one block.
an ―X‖ in applicable blocks. Check only the highest level of clearance, access, or
entry requirement. (See Note 1 for Limited Access Authorization requests.)
activities required to search their records for possible derogatory information from a
personnel security standpoint. Medical and security police activities are usually the
agencies required to take this action (see Notes 2 and 3).
unit of assignment. Also include the telephone number of the requester, to ensure that
immediate contact can be made in the event questions should arise.
date when requester signs the form.
typed name, grade, and title of the unit commander or staff agency chief, or security
manager when delegated this authority.
self-explanatory. The signature certifies actions in Note 4 have been complied with.
self-explanatory (see Note 3).
date when the check is completed.
typed name and grade of base director of medical services (see Note 5).
see Notes 2 and 6.
date when the check is completed.
typed name and grade of the chief of servicing security activity, or designees, in the
security clearance function or reports and analysis section.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
an ―X‖ in applicable blocks. In spaces provided, also include the classification level
the member requires access to. Except for sensitive compartmented information
(SCI) and the PRP, use Section VII to add any other special access program not
covered. SCI is not entered, because the MAJCOM or FOA SCI billet manager
centrally manages personnel authorized this access. PRP is not entered, since
separate forms are used to administer this program.
enter name, grade, and title of one-time access approving official.
date when access to special program information is granted.
typed name, grade, and title of special access program certifying official. Only
officials authorized by the governing directive may certify this entry. Use Section VII
to show coordination action when two or more special access programs are involved,
and the same official grants all access.
self-explanatory (see Note 7).
1. Send a request letter through channels to the approving authority when non-US nationals or immigrant alien
personnel require limited access to Secret or Confidential defense information or unescorted entry to PL 1, 2, or 3
restricted areas.
2. Complete items 10 through 14 when an investigation or a security clearance is required. The LFC is not required
when recording special access program authorizations, unless specified in the governing directive. This guidance also
applies to sections IV and V.
3. If the individual records derogatory information in Section VII, promptly notify the requester and security
information file custodians. This action determines if re-adjudication of the person’s security clearance is necessary
by the CAF. This guidance also applies to Section V.
4. Ensure the request process includes a review of SK for evidence of an UIF concerning the member. Also, review
personnel records to determine if derogatory information exists from a personnel security standpoint. Check
personnel records to confirm other data, such as employment or military service as listed on SF Form 86, when
necessary. Persons designated to sign Item 14 of the form must take or confirm these actions. Enter results of these
reviews in Section VII.
5. Note that this authority may be delegated to other medical staff personnel who may review medical records and
form professional opinions based on the information being evaluated. If no medical records are on file (as for many
civil service employees) annotate the form to that effect. The DD Form 1879 then shows no local medical records
were checked and DSS agents check the records.
6. Review the records of the security clearance function and reports and analysis section. If a SIF exists, deny the
requested personnel security action pending completion of adjudication actions. In these cases, also enter in Section
VII that a SIF exists. Also, review the remarks section for any other derogatory information reported and evaluate the
need to establish a SIF for further adjudication. Enter results of this evaluation in Section VII.
7. Annotate Section VII to reflect what document was used to verify citizenship status.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 24
A24.1. Implementation of the Section 1071 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001, which amended Title 10, United States Code, to add a
new section that precludes the initial granting or renewal of a security clearance by the DoD
under four specific circumstances as outlined below.
A24.1.1. Provision (1) disqualifies persons with convictions in both State and Federal courts,
including UCMJ offenses, with sentences imposed of more than one year, regardless of the
amount of time actually served.
A24.1.2. Provision (2) does not change the substance of the existing adjudication guideline
relative to current drug involvement. Anyone who is currently an unlawful user of, or
addicted to, a controlled substance.
A24.1.3. Provision (3) does not change the substance of the adjudication guidelines for
emotional, mental, or personality disorders. Anyone who is found to be mentally incompetent
(incapable of safeguarding classified information) by a credentialed mental health
professional approved by DoD.
A24.1.4. Provision (4) disqualifies persons who have been discharged or dismissed from the
Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
A24.2. Secretary of the Air Force may authorize a waiver in meritorious cases under provisions
(1) & (4). Waiver authority is not delegable.
A24.3. Provision (2) & (3) disqualifies a person for eligibility for a security clearance and may
not be waived.
A24.4. Individuals that fall under the categories (1) through (4) will be afforded applicable due
process and appeal opportunity IAW the DoD 5200.2-R, Personnel Security Program and this
A24.5. When AFCAF issues a final statement of reasons to deny or revoke a security clearance
in cases where a waiver is allowed (provisions 1 and 4) the subject will be informed of the
waiver provision, provided a copy of the statute and other information on how to respond. The
subject must include in the response to the statement of reasons if they want to be considered for
a waiver, if applicable.
A24.6. Decision process for determining whether a particular case warrents a meritorious
A24.6.1. The AFCAF is the first level nominating office and determines if the case warrants
a meritorious waiver under the provisions of the statute. If approved, the case is forwarded
with the proposed request for waiver and full justification to the Air Force Personnel Security
Appeal Board (PSAB) for review.
A24.6.2. If the PSAB determines the case has meritorious justification, the case summary is
returned to the AFCAF for forwarding to SAF/AA.
A24.6.2.1. SAF/AA may disapprove the waiver request or forward it to the SECAF with
recommendation for approval. Both the SAF/AA and SECAF decisions are final.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A24.7. AFCAF will provide quarterly summaries to SAF/AA by the10th of each month
following the end of each calendar quarter of all waivers submitted to SECAF. SAF/AA provides
report to USD/I by the 15th..
A24.8. The statute policy applies to:
A24.8.1. All initial determinations to grant security clearance eligibility or access and
determinations to continue clearance eligibility/accesses following a reinvestigation.
A24.8.2. Existing clearances eligibility or access which a previous or other investigation
reveals a previous favorably resolved issue involving one or more of the four statutory
provisions, regardless of the presence or absence of subsequent disqualifying issues;
A24.8.3. Previous and follow-on periodic reinvestigations and other investigations initiated
for other reasons; such as:
A24.8.3.1. Security Information File, Special Investigation Inquiry, etc., and all pending
cases in which a final decision had not been issued as of 7 Jun 01.
A24.9. The statue polices do not apply to:
A24.9.1. Conversions/transfers/reinstatements of current DoD security clearances, including
transfers of clearances of employees within the DoD, clearances of employees who fall under
the National Industrial Security Program, and transfers of clearances to the DoD of
employees coming from other Federal agencies.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 25
A25.1. Authority to Grant Interim Security Clearance/Access. Use the following table for
guidance on authority level to grant interim security clearance/access to specific programs. Items
contained in Column E, 3a-d & 4 may be found at: Copy
and paste into the browser. Once at the home page, click on ―HQ USAF Security Forces,‖ click
―Information Security Division,‖ scroll down to ―Personnel Security Policy Updates.‖ The
references are listed under Personnel Security Policy Updates.
Table A25.1. Authority to Grant Interim Security Clearance/Access.
If the
The investigation
requirement is requirements are
level is
As governed by
level is
Interim Secret - Local files check
(see note 1)
- Favorable Review
of SF 86
Interim Top - Local files check
- Favorable review of
(see note 1)
SF 86
- SSBI submitted
- Favorable NAC,
Interim PRP
(see note 1)
(a) Initial PRP - NACLC submitted
- Favorable PRP
for Controlled
(b) Initial PRP - SSBI submitted
- Favorable PRP
for Critical
AFI 31-501, Personnel
Security Program
Top Secret Unit
AFI 31-501, Personnel
Security Program
17 Dec 03, Extension of
Temporary PRP
17 Dec 03, Extension of
Temporary PRP
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
If the
The investigation
requirement is requirements are
level is
As governed by
level is
(c) Formally
Certified for
Position When
Investigation is
Over 5 Years
(d) Formally
Certified for
Position When
Investigation is
Over 5 Years
Crypto Access
for Access to
Missile Entry
Control System
(see note 1)
Interim SCI
(see note 1)
29 Apr 04, Extension of
the Relief to DoD
5210.42, Nuclear
Weapons PRP, Para C31
- SSBI-PR submitted PRP
- Favorable PRP
29 Apr 04, Extension of
the Relief to DoD
5210.42, Nuclear
Weapons PRP, Para C31
- Interim Secret
clearance granted
Secret for Unit
- Interim Top Secret
clearance granted
- Favorable SCI
screening interview
18 Dec 03,
Request Extension for
Authorization for Interim
Secret Clearance for
AFMAN 14-304, The
Security, Use and
Office obtains Dissemination of SCI
approval then
SSO conducts
- Favorable PRP
Rule 1 or 2 must be in place accordingly before application of rules 3-5.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Attachment 26
27 JANUARY 2005
This revision incorporates Interim Change IC 2005-1. This change incorporates previously
published guidance concerning: personnel security investigation forms (paragraph 2.4); DoD
authorized personnel security investigation provider (paragraph 2.5); interim security
clearances (paragraph 3.11); requesting investigations (paragraph5.2; Attachment 2);
requesting priority processing of investigations (paragraph 5.5); dual citizenship/possession or
use of a foreign passport (paragraph 5.7); investigative requirements for coding positions on the
Unit Manning Document (paragraph 7.2); mandatory SSBI requirement for certain AFSCs
(paragraph 7.3); mandatory SSBI requirement for sensitive programs (paragraph 7.4);
requirements for AF deployments (paragraph 7.5); approval process for new/upgrade SSBIs
(paragraph 7.6); central repository for adjudicative/investigative data Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) (paragraph 7.9); reporting government charge card abuses and misuse
(paragraph 8.1.2); restrictions on the granting or renewal of security clearances as mandated by
the Floyd D Spence National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2001 – Smith Amendment
(Attachment 24). Replaces: the organization title 497th IG/INS with the Air Force Central
Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) (paragraph 7.1); Attachment 22 on DCII with new
Attachment 22 on instructions for identifying personnel security investigation requirements for
positions. Revises: frequency of submission of PRs (3.28), A2.7, & Table A3.5. Clarifies:
definition of Commander (paragraph 1.3). Adds: initial and PR requirements for Explosive
Ordnance Disposal assignments (3.29.) and Table A3.5; address for AFCAF (paragraph 6.1);
position coding annual review to be conducted each May (; option to use FD Form 258 in
place of SF 87 for fingerprint form (Table A3.1); OPM as the organization to send requests for
investigation (paragraph 2.5. & A2.2.2.1); mailing addresses for OPM (Table A2.2.2.8); address
for AF Liaison Office at OPM (paragraph A2.9); Table for Personnel Security Investigation
Position Coding (Table A22.1); Table for Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Officer AFSCs
(paragraph A22.2); Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Enlisted AFSCs (paragraph A22.3);
Mandatory SSBI Sensitive Program Requirements (Table A22.4); Mandatory
Positions/Programs Requiring Investigations by Type (Other than SSBIs) (Table A22.5);
Authority to Grant Interim Security Clearance/Access (Table A25.1). Deletes: use of PCS or
TDY orders as verification of security clearance (paragraph 7.8.); reference to Sentinel Key
(7.9); Chapter 12 on DCII; DSS as organization to send investigation requests (A2.2.2.1);
reference to security access requirement (SAR) (paragraph 7.2.)
1.3. Definitions. See Attachment 1 for additional definitions. For purposes of this AFI the term
―Commander‖ means: Commanders or equivalent and staff agency chiefs.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
2.4. Types and Scope of Personnel Security Investigations. The scope of each type of
personnel security investigation is listed in DoD 5200.2-R, Appendix B. See Attachment 2 for
procedures on requesting personnel security investigations (PSI). See Attachment 3 for
guidance on the types of required personnel security investigations and appropriate questionnaire
forms and or Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) Software.
2.4.1. General. The investigations listed in DoD Regulation 5200.2-R and this instruction are the
only PSIs authorized. The Secretary of the Air Force and/or the Under Secretary of Defense,
Intelligence must approve raising or lowering the scope of the authorized investigation.
2.5 Authorized Personnel Security Investigation Provider. The Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) is the DoD Authorized Personnel Security Investigation Provider.
2.7. Overseas Personnel Security Investigations. AFOSI personnel conduct the overseas
portion of personnel security investigations, augmented by Army, Navy, and State Department
3.11. Interim Security Clearances. Commanders may grant interim security clearances for
access to Top Secret and Secret information when the requirements of DoD 5200.2-R, paragraph
3.401 have been met. Use of local information and the following requirements provide
Commanders with the necessary tools to exercise their authority to grant interim security
clearances. Also see Attachment 25, Table A25.1 for guidance on the authority level to grant
interim security clearance/access to specific programs.
3.11.1. Interim Top Secret security clearances: Favorable ENTNAC, NAC, NACI, NACIC, NACLC, or ANACI completed. Consult the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) to determine the existence of
a favorable ENTNAC, NAC, NACI, NACIC, NACLC, or ANACI. The investigation is
acceptable if there is no break in service over two years. Favorable review of personnel security questionnaire. Favorable review of local personnel records, base and or security force records, medical
records, and other security records, as appropriate. SSBI package has been submitted by an Authorized Requester to the investigative
agency provider.
3.11.2. Commanders can grant interim Top Secret security clearance if the above provisions have
been met.
3.11.3. If there is no record of a completed investigation (NAC portion) in JPAS, contact Air
Force Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) Customer Support through JPAS to determine if
there is a favorable NAC. (Note Optional: Authorized requesters can request ―Advanced NAC
Results‖ from OPM on the OPM Agency Use Sheet.)
3.11.4. Interim Secret security clearances:
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Favorable review of personnel security questionnaire. Favorable review of local personnel records, base and or security forces records,
medical records, and other security records, as appropriate. NACLC or ANACI has been submitted by an Authorized Requester to an investigative
agency provider.
3.11.5. Interim security clearances must be documented in JPAS or in writing if JPAS is
unavailable, until the final security clearance eligibility is granted by the AFCAF.
3.11.6. For Civilians: Consult JPAS on a newly hired civilian for a previous security clearance/personnel
security investigation to determine if a previous security clearance was held as a former military
member (without a break in service of two years) or if a security clearance as either an Air
Reserve Technician or as a traditional reservist was held. Pending completion of ANACIs or SSBIs, as appropriate, civilians may occupy noncritical sensitive or critical sensitive positions. Commanders prepare a waiver of pre-employment
investigation requirements when such action is necessary and in the national interest. Interim
security clearance may not be granted until after the commander signs the waiver memorandum.
3.11.7. JPAS is the source for determining investigative status on pending investigations. Also
see para 7.9.
3.28. Periodic Reinvestigations (PR). PRs are required every 5 years for Top Secret and 10
years for Secret. Authorized requesters submit requests for reinvestigations to the DoD
Authorized Investigation Provider as outlined in A2.2.2.1. See AFI 31-406, Applying North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protection Standards, for submission of PRs for NATO
3.29. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). Although such personnel normally only require a
Secret clearance, an SSBI is initially required due to training and assignments involving nuclear
weapons. Persons occupying an EOD position shall undergo a Secret PR on a five year recurring
5.2. Authorized Requesters.
5.2.1. MAJCOM, field operating agency (FOA), or direct reporting unit (DRU) staffs designate
authorized requesters to initiate PSIs for their organization. As a general rule, the number of
authorized requesters will be kept to the minimum number required to meet mission
requirements. See Attachment 2 for request procedures.
5.2.2. Authorized requesters provide the AFCAF with the name, telephone number, and office
symbol of individual(s) who may obtain security clearance and or investigative data on
individuals within their organization and provide copy to respective MAJCOM. See para 6.1 for
AFCAF address.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
5.2.3. Authorized requesters may query the JCAVS or call the CAF Customer Support Section at
DSN 754-1242/43 to determine investigative and/or adjudicative status.
5.2.4. Authorized requesters approve and submit personnel security questionnaires to the DoD
Authorized Personnel Investigation Provider according to Attachment 2.
5.5. Priority Requests. The following sensitive programs are authorized priority processing
service by OPM:
5.5.1. PRP. In cases where a PRP ―C‖ coded case warrants ―Priority‖ service by OPM, the
authorized requester must coordinate the request through channels to AF/XOS-FI. Each
authorized requester will maintain a fiscal year (FY) Excel spreadsheet listing for this purpose.
The spreadsheet will include all previously coordinated FY priority PSIs and all new
requirements the authorized requester is coordinating under this authority. When coordinating
new priority cases, forward the entire FY spreadsheet to
AF/XOS-FI will return to the authorized requester for monitoring the completion of the
5.5.2. SCI. When the NACLC adjudication date is less than 12 months (DCID 6/4, Annex A,
para 5), the servicing Authorized Requester will provide the servicing SSO a copy of the
completed SF 86 for each SSBI request with an SCI access requirement. This will be done at the
same time the request for SSBI/SCI is forwarded to OPM. Security Managers/SSOs/Authorized
Requesters will expedite the processing of the SSBI off the installation to OPM and request
priority level of service. On the OPM Agency Use Sheet annotate 30A in Block A. Also see
AFMAN 14-304.
5.7. Dual Citizenship. A security concern could exist when a military member, DoD civilian,
contractor, or consultant is submitted for a personnel security investigation and they are a dual
citizen and/or possess/use a foreign passport.
5.7.1. Dual Citizenship. Dual citizenship in and of itself is not an automatic disqualifier for
security clearance eligibility. However, possession of dual citizenship and particularly the
exercise of dual citizenship is a condition that raises a security concern and may be a
disqualifying factor in a security clearance eligibility determination. There are factors that could
mitigate the maintenance of dual citizenship, as outlined in DoD 5200.2-R, App I, Foreign
Preference. An individual’s expressed willingness to renounce dual citizenship is one of the
conditions that could mitigate security concerns.
5.7.2. Possession or Use of a Foreign Passport. Possession and/or use of a foreign passport in
preference to a US passport raises doubt as to whether the person’s allegiance to the US is
paramount and could also facilitate foreign travel unverifiable by the US. The security clearance
will be denied or revoked, unless the applicant surrenders the foreign passport or obtains official
approval for its use from SAF/AA. Requests for approval are forwarded through respective
Information Security Program Manager (ISPM) channels to HQ USAF/XOS-FI for processing to
SAF/AA. Justification must include what benefit the AF will gain from a person holding a
foreign passport. AFCAF will annotate approvals in the remarks field of the JPAS.
5.7.3. Surrendering the Passport. Individuals who indicate they possess a foreign passport in item
15 of the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire or item 17d on the Standard Form 86,
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
―Questionnaire for National Security Positions,‖ will be required to surrender the passport via
one of the following methods: Return the passport to the appropriate country embassy or consulate via certified receipt
mail. A copy of the transmittal memo forwarding the passport and the return receipt will be
forwarded to the AFCAF. See para 6.1 for AFCAF address. If the name of adjudicator assigned
to the case is known, include this in the ATTN line of the address. Destroy the passport as witnessed by an AF security manager. Cut up the passport and
place in a burn bag. The witnessing security manager will document the destruction of the
passport in an explanatory memorandum, which will be forwarded to the AFCAF and a copy
provided to the subject.
5.7.4. Security Clearance Eligibility. In order for individuals who hold foreign passport and dual
citizenship to be considered for and/or be granted security clearance eligibility the following
must be completed: Provide a written statement expressing their willingness to renounce foreign citizenship
claims in favor of a sole United States citizenship status. Actual renouncement is not required. Return and or destroy the passport.
5.7.5. The renouncement statement and documentation of destruction of the passport must be
provided to the AFCAF. The AFCAF reviews each case on its own merits to determine security
clearance eligibility.
5.7.6. This same guidance will apply if the passport is identified after a security clearance
determination is made.
6.1. Central Adjudication Authority. The Air Force Central Adjudication Facility (AFCAF) is
the Central Adjudication Authority. Address is: AFCAF/PSA, 229 Brookely Ave, Bolling AFB
6.1.1. The policy and criteria set forth in DOD Regulation 5200.2-R, paragraph 2-200, 6-102 and
Appendix I will be applied in making personnel security determinations for a security clearance
or assignment to sensitive duties.
6.1.2. Unfavorable adjudication results in the denial/revocation of clearance eligibility (see
Chapter 8).
6.1.3. The AFCAF will review all investigative products and make an eligibility determination.
6.1.4. AFCAF Customer Service will not release adverse information to inquiring customers on
pending investigations, as it invokes privacy act concerns. Derogatory issues are often resolved
through completion of the investigation and or adjudication of the case. Premature dissemination
of unresolved and or unadjudicated issues could result in discriminatory practices with respect to
such areas as employments or assignments.
6.2. Adjudicative Record. Personnel security determinations are reflected in the JPAS. JPAS
replaced Sentinel Key (SK) as used throughout AFI 31-501.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
7.1. General
7.1.1. The AFCAF is the designated authority to grant, suspend, deny, or revoke personnel
security clearances and SCI accesses (see Chapter 11).
7.2. Investigative Requirements for Coding Positions. Commanders will:
7.2.1. Determine the type of investigation required for mission purposes for each military and
civilian position in the organization. Investigations are required for multiple purposes: to
determine suitability and/or trustworthiness of individual for employment/assignment to
positions of trust/access to certain programs; and for security clearance. Each position is coded
with the appropriate position code reflecting the required investigation level in the unit manning
document (UMD) and the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS). These will also be
reflected in the Headquarters Air Force Manpower Data System (HAF-MDS). Assign one of the five investigation types to each position:.
7.2.1. l.1. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit (NACLC). Access National Agency Check and Inquiries (ANACI). National Agency Check Plus Inquiries (NACI). National Agency Check (NAC). The definitions and corresponding codes are located in Attachment 22, Table A22.1. Conduct annual review to determine the accuracy of position coding. The last AF-wide
directed review was conducted in May 04. Reviews will be conducted each May. Retain results
for review during self inspections, etc. Ensure only necessary investigations are requested to meet mission essential needs. See Attachment 22 for additional guidance.
7.3. Investigative Requirements for Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs). HQ USAF/XOS-FI
approves requests for adding security clearances or investigations as AFSC prerequisites.
Requests are staffed through ISPM channels. AFMAN 36-2105, Officer Classification and
AFMAN 36-2108, Enlisted Classification will reflect an SSBI requirement for entry, award, and
retention for the respective mandatory AFSCs. See Attachment 22; Table A22.2., A22.3.
7.4. Investigative Requirements for Sensitive Programs. There are several sensitive programs
that have been designated as a mandatory SSBI requirement, i.e., Presidential Support, Personnel
Reliability Program, etc. See Attachment 22, Table A22.4.
7.5. Investigative Requirements for Air Force Deployments, Operational or Contractual
Exigencies. This policy does not apply to SCI. Positions identified for deployments will, as a
minimum, be assigned a NACLC, requiring access to Secret information for the in-country threat
briefing. SSBIs are not authorized for purposes of Top Secret eligibility ―just in case of‖
deployment. In these situations, commanders grant interim Top Secret access for a period of up
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
to 180 days. This can be renewed for extended deployment purposes and for redeployment.
Interim Top Secret access is granted for the purpose of deployment based on the existing
NACLC, and discontinued upon return to home station. SSBIs will not be required for this
purpose. Persons must be US citizens and have not had a break in service for more than 24
months. Record of the interim TS is annotated in JPAS or in cases where it is not available,
documented and maintained with security related documents. However, SSBI is authorized if a
joint or theater deployment requires a final Top Secret security clearance and will not accept
interims, i.e., JCS contingencies. These requirements need to be identified and positions coded
IAW para 7.2. of this instruction.
7.6. Approval Authorities for Additional/New/Upgrade of SSBIs. 3-Star/Civilian Equivalent
authority is required to approve any additional/new/upgrade SSBIs before the servicing
Manpower Office codes the positions on the UMD. Approval authorized cannot be delegated.
Approval authorities are as follows:
7.6.1. MAJCOMs: CV or NAF/CC
7.6.2. FOAs: parent 2-Ltr or SAF/AA or AF/CVA if the parent 2-Ltr is not at the appropriate
grade level
7.6.3. DRUs: AF/CVA.
7.6.4. HQ USAF: Air Staff: AF/CVA Secretariate: SAF/AA.
7.6.5. Commands will establish internal certifying procedures. The approval documentation will
be retained by the Manpower Office for three years and is subject to compliance review by HQ
AFIA or their designee. Approval will increase MAJCOM funds withhold for personnel security
investigations through the FYDP.
7.7. Periodic Reinvestigations. Periodic Reinvestigations will be kept current for incumbents
assigned against positions coded as requiring SSBI and NACLC/ANACI. Also see para A2.7.
7.8. Issuing Security Clearance Eligibility. AFCAF issues security clearance eligibility and
enters the determination into JPAS.
7.9. The Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). JPAS is the Department of Defense
(DoD) personnel security clearance and access database. It facilitates personnel security
management for the DoD Central Adjudication Facilities (CAF), security managers, and offers
both non-SCI and SCI functions. It interfaces with the investigative providers, the personnel
systems within the Department thus eliminating manual transactions and expediting the flow of
personnel security information to warfighters.
7.9.1 JPAS is the primary source for determining investigative data/status of investigations on
individuals in the DoD. JPAS allows communication between the CAFs and its customers. All
information in JPAS is unclassified, but must be protected according to the requirements for
privacy/sensitive information and For Official Use Only (FOUO) in accordance with AFI 33-332,
Air Force Privacy Act Program and DoDR 5400.7/AF Supplement, DoD Freedom of
Information Act Program.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
7.9.2. JPAS has two applications: The Joint Adjudication Management System (JAMS) and Joint
Clearance and Access Verification System (JCAVS) JAMS is for adjudicative personnel only and provides capabilities such as case
management/distribution, adjudication decisions, adjudicative history and summary, due process,
and future ability for each CAF to electronically access investigative reports from the
investigative providers. JAMS replaced the Adjudicative Management System (AMS), as used throughout this
instruction. JCAVS is for non-SCI and SCI security managers/officers and authorized requesters and
provides capabilities such as access indoctrination/debriefing history, incident/issue file reporting,
history and management of unit personnel security functions. JCAVS replaced Clearance and Access Verification System (CAVS), as used
throughout this instruction.
7.9.3. ISPMs determine the number of users and the access levels for each user. Clearance data
elements in the JCAVS include the full date and type of investigation and the full date and status
of security clearance. The information is invalid when any of these four data elements are
incomplete. Use the most current highest level eligibility recorded in the JCAVS when more than one
entry appears for an individual. The term ―DCID 6/4 (formerly DCID 1/14)‖ means the person has been the subject of a
SSBI, has been granted a Top Secret security clearance eligibility, is eligible for SCI access if
required for mission essential purposes and may already have SCI access. See AFMAN 14-304.
7.9.4. The JCAVS will provide the following information: An individual’s security clearance eligibility level and access level. Visit notification. Suspension notification. SCI indoctrination, nondisclosure statement, and debriefing dates. Establishment of a SIF.
7.9.6. JCAVS User Levels are as follows: Level 2 - SCI security personnel at unified command, DoD agency, military installation
or major command/equivalent headquarters. Personnel Security Management (PSM) - Net is
determined by the responsible SOIC or designee. (Read and Write Access - SSBI/DCID 6/4 with
current SCI Access.). Level 3 - SCI security personnel at echelons subordinate to Level 2 at a particular
geographic location (installation, base, post, naval vessel). PSM - Net is determined by the
responsible SOIC or designee. (Read and Write Access - SSBI/DCID 6/4 with current SCI
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005 Level 4 - Non-SCI security personnel at unified command, DoD agency, military
department or major command/equivalent headquarters. PSM - Net is determined by the
responsible Security Officer or designee. (Read and Write Access - NACLAC/ANACI/Secret
Eligibility.) Level 5 - Non-SCI security personnel at echelons subordinate to Level 4 at geographic
location (installation, base, post, naval vessel). PSM - Net is determined by the responsible
Security Officer or designee. (Read and Write Access - NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 6 - Unit Security Manager (additional duty) responsible for security functions as
determined by responsible senior security official. (Read and Write Access NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.) Level 7 - Non-SCI Entry Control Personnel. Individuals who grant access to installations,
buildings, etc. Varies according to organizations. (Read Access - NACLC/ANACI/Secret
Eligibility.) Level 8 - SCI Entry Control Personnel. Individuals who grant access to SCIF
installations, buildings, etc. Varies according to organizations. (Read Access - SSBI/DCID 6/4
Eligibility.) Level 10 - Visitor Management. Level 10 users will have the same view of the JCAVS
Personnel Summary as a JCAVS Level 7 User. They will receive Visit Notification when their
Security Management Office (SMO) is being notified of a visit. A Level 10 User may not be an
account manager to create or delete an account at any level. NACLC/ANACI/Secret Eligibility.
7.10. AF JPAS Users Guide. Contains detailed instructions on operating JPAS and becoming a
new user. See the follow URL:
%2004%20AF%20JPAS%20Guide1.pdf .
JPAS web site is: Requests for changes to JPAS may be made on-line at
7.11. Granting Access. Commanders grant access to classified information when a mission
essential need exists and only when all of the following prerequisites are met: (1) individual has
the appropriate security clearance eligibility; (2) individual has signed an SF 312 (see AFI 31401); and (3) individual has a need-to-know. Authorized base level users will record access in
the JCAVS. See Chapter 3 for other situations when access to classified information may be
7.12. Obtaining Information from the AFCAF.
7.12.1. Authorized requesters may contact the AFCAF Customer Support Section through JPAS.
In situations where no security clearance data is available at the unit, no information is available
in the JCAVS, and the AFCAF has valid security clearance information on file, a record of the
call will be used as evidence of valid clearance data pending update of the JCAVS. The
authorized requester prepares a memorandum for record (MFR) showing: (1) name, grade, and
organization of the individual calling the AFCAF; (2) name, grade, organization, and SSN of the
subject; (3) name of person at the AFCAF providing clearance eligibility data, and (4) type and
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
date of investigation and, if granted, level and date of security clearance eligibility. Also see
para 6.1. The authorized requester forwards a copy of the MFR to the individual's security
manager. The authorized requester and the security manager keep the MFR until JCAVS is
updated to show the data addressed in the MFR.
8.1.2. Reporting Government Charge Card Abuses and Misuse. Security Officials, AFOSI, or AF
Government Charge Card program coordinators are required to immediately report Government
Charge Card abuses and misuses to the appropriate commander. This information constitutes
serious questions as to the individual’s ability or intent to protect classified information or
execute sensitive duties. The commander will make an immediate determination to either leave
the individual’s security status unchanged or suspend their access to classified information or
assignment to sensitive duties until the appropriate authority makes a final determination
regarding the individual’s eligibility to retain a security clearance. In addition, commanders may
take action in accordance with Chapter 8, to determine if a SIF should be established and/or the
person’s access to classified information should be suspended.
8.1.3. Implementation of Restrictions on the Granting or Renewal of Security Clearances as
Mandated by the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 –
Smith Amendment. Attachment 24 outlines the instructions.
8.9.3. For SIOP-ESI access. Refer to AFI 10-1102, Safeguarding the Single Integrated
Operational Plan (SIOP).
Chapter 12
Attachment 2
A2.1. General
A2.1.1. Security managers:
A2.1.1.1. Process completed personnel security questionnaires for active duty, reserve military,
National Guard, civilian and or contractor personnel to the unit’s supporting authorized requester
of investigations IAW with this AFI. See Attachment 3 for required security forms, types of
investigations to request and in what situations. An individual must have one year retainability
for an investigation to be requested.
A2.1.1.2. Verify the most recent or most significant claimed attendance, degree or diploma at an
educational institution. This is not required for Periodic Reinvestigations.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A2.1.1.3. Verify the date and place of birth through a check of appropriate documentation, e.g., a
birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, passport, or Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of
the United States of America. This is not required for Periodic Reinvestigations.
A2.1.1.4. Show the verification of birth and highest level of education on the SF 86/EPSQ
A2.1.2. The subject will provide the required documentation to the security manager.
A2.1.3. Air Force Reserves and IMAs. The Air Force Reserve Recruiting Service (AFRS/RS)
processes reservist’s initial personnel security investigation during accession to the supporting
authorized requester.
A2.2. Authorized Requesters.
A2.2.1. Authorized Requestors for Accessions.
A2.2.1.1. HQ AFRS submits initial investigations (NACLC) for enlisted recruits through the Air
Force Recruiting Information Support System (AFRISS).
A2. 319 TRS/DPAS:
A2. Verifies that the NACLC, submitted by AFRS, is open by checking JPAS and the
OPM help desk, if necessary. When an open NACLC cannot be confirmed through either source,
the 319 TRS/DPAS:
A2. Submits a new NACLC and file a copy of the submitted investigation in the
member’s Unit Personnel Record Group (UPRG).
A2. Submits SSBI investigation requests to OPM for all personnel training into a
sensitive skill. A copy of the investigation request and receipt will be filed in the member's
UPRG. On arrival at the student's technical training location, security managers will remove the
investigation package and forward to the servicing security activity.
A2. Processes priority SSBI investigations for authorized AFSCs. HQ AETC/SFI, in
conjunction with AF/XOS-FI, is the approval authority for priority investigations for accessions.
A2.2.1.2. Officer accession sources submit initial investigations (NACLC) to OPM for recruits,
normally within 30 days of their contract obligation to the Air Force.
A2.2.1.3. Officer accession sources submit SSBI investigation requests to OPM for personnel
training into a sensitive skill.
A2.2.1.4. Losing authorized requesters and AFRS submit SSBI requests for prior service and
non-prior service OTS selects prior to their departure.
A2.2.2. Authorized Requesters for Non-Accessions:
A2.2.2.1. Request personnel security investigations according to position coding requirements
(see para 7.2. and Attachment 22). See Attachment 3, for required security forms, types of
investigations to request. Submit investigation requests to OPM.
A2.2.2.2. Use the EPSQ software as the primary source for the investigative request. Validate the
EPSQ, and print a hard copy for mailing investigation requests to OPM. OPM does not have
electronic transmission capability.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A2. For additional EPSQ guidance consult the DSS web site:
Contact DSS Customer Service Center at 1-800-542-0237 or DSN 283-7731, if necessary.
A2.2.2.3. Request all types of investigations from OPM, as the DoD Authorized Investigation
Provider. Use OPM Investigation Handbook, IS-15, Requesting OPM Personnel Investigations.
It can be accessed via AF/XOS-FI web:
A2.2.2.4. Obtain Submitting Office Number (SON) from OPM. This four character SON
identifies the office as authorized to request investigations from OPM.
A2.2.2.5. A complete package requesting an investigation includes the following: OPM Agency
Use Sheet, applicable personnel security questionnaire, Fingerprint Card, if applicable, original
signed ―Authorization for Release of Information,‖ and if applicable, the ―Authorization for
Release of Medical Information.‖
A2.2.2.6. OPM does not require the DD Form 1879.
A2.2.2.7. Complete OPM Agency Use Sheet – AF specifics:
A2. AF has two billing codes which are annotated in Block N.
A2. DoD-AFM. This is for investigation requests on military members.
A2. DoD-AF. This is for investigation requests other than military.
A2. Civilians (appropriated and nonappropriated).
A2. Child Care.
A2. Contractor suitability/trustworthiness. (Not security clearances. AF does not
request investigations for security clearances on contractors under the National Industrial
Security Program.)
A2. Block L is always: AF 00.
A2. Block H. Annotate ―J‖ to indicate Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) investigation.
A2.2.2.8. Mail requests as OPM does not have electronic transmission capability. See Table
A2.2.2.8 for OPM addresses and type of investigation.
Table A2.1. Mailing Addresses for OPM.
OPM Address
PO Box 700
ATTN: AF Liaison 1137
Branchton Rd Boyers,
PA 16018
PO Box 49
ATTN: AF Liaison 1137
Branchton Rd Boyers,
PA 16018
Investigation Description
General correspondence and MEPS new accession releases and fingerprint
cards that require the SF 86 to be printed via the AFRISS program (No
actual PSI should be mailed to this address)
All Periodic Reinvestigations.
35-Day Cases
All Presidential Support, PRP, Blowtorch Cases (initials & PRs)
PO Box 618
1137 Branchton Rd
Boyers, PA 16018
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
All Initial Investigations
A2.2.2.9. Maintain a suspense copy of PSIs and all other information until the investigative data
appears in the JCAVS.
A2.2.2.10. Check JPAS weekly to monitor the status of the investigation until it is closed. An SII
inquiry, from the Person Summary screen, should be conducted to ascertain if the case was
determined unacceptable. Should the investigation remain unopened for 30 days after it was
submitted, and is not shown as unacceptable in SII, contact the OPM help desk at (724) 7945228 to inquire as to its status. If the status cannot be ascertained, resubmit the investigation.
A2.2.2.11. Forward the suspense copy of the PSI to the gaining base authorized requester when a
permanent change of station (PCS) occurs.
A2.2.3. Investigation Types.
A2.2.3.1. National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks and Credit Check (NACLC).
SF 86 for individuals requiring access to Secret information and/or suitability. All military
members require a NACLC.
A2. The SF 86 must cover the most recent seven-year period. The ―Have you ever‖
questions cover the individual’s entire lifetime.
A2. NACLCs will be requested for military personnel with no prior or current security
clearance eligibility if and when access to Secret information is required.
A2. Existing ENTNAC or NAC investigations remain valid for individuals with prior or
current Secret eligibility regardless of the age of the investigations there has been no break in
service over 24 months. Periodic reinvestigation rules apply.
A2.2.3.2. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). Authorized requesters submit SF 86.
A2. The questionnaire must be completed to cover the most recent seven-year period with
10 years coverage on the residence, education, and employment questions, or since the 18th
birthday, but at least the last two years. ―Have you ever‖ questions must cover the individual’s
entire lifetime. Use SF 86A, Continuation Sheet for Questionnaires for information for years 8
through 10.
A2. Provide both the alien and naturalization/citizenship number for each foreign-born
relative and associate listed on the SF 86 that claims US citizenship. Other authorized means in
proving U.S. citizenship for foreign-born relatives are the State Department form 240, Report of
Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the U.S., or the number from either a current or previous U.S.
A2. If selective service number is not known, the subject’s SSAN will be accepted.
A2. A Single Agency Check (SAC) is required on the following individuals associated
with the subject of an SSBI: (a) spouse or cohabitant, (b) immediate family members 18 years
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
old or older who were born outside the United States. If marriage or cohabitation occurs after
completion of the SSBI, transmit Spouse SAC to OPM, using EPSQ software. Keep a hard copy
for suspense file.
A2.2.3.3. National Agency Check (NAC). Authorized requesters use SF 85P and an SF 87 or FD
Form 258.
A2.2.3.4. National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries and Credit Check (NACI). The CPF
will submit SF 85 or SF 85P, as appropriate and SF 87 or FD Form 258.
A2.2.3.5. Access National Agency Check with Written Inquiries and Credit Check (ANACI).
For civilians requiring access to classified information at the Secret level in order to perform
mission duties or in noncritical sensitive positions, the CPF will submit SF 86 or FD Form 258
and an SF 87.
A2.3. IMAs. The authorized requester of the unit of assignment or attachment will submit
periodic reinvestigations or confirm revalidation’s of security clearances for IMAs.
A2.4. Catch’Em in Continental United States (CEIC) Program. Personnel requiring an SSBI
or periodic reinvestigation and who are scheduled for a PCS move to an overseas location,
including Shemya AFB, AK, fall within the CEIC program. Such individuals must complete the
personnel security questionnaire within 180 days prior to departure. This allows the investigative
agency time to conduct the personal interview before they PCS.
A2.5. Subject Interview. Individuals completing a personnel security questionnaire must
specify any circumstances that would make them unavailable for a subject interview within 180
calendar days of the date the form is transmitted. Detailed information regarding the period in
which the individual will be unavailable such as date, location, and duration should be provided
in the remarks section of the appropriate form. The investigative agency will try to conduct the
subject interview prior to departure of the individual.
A2.6. Local Files Check. The unit security manager initiates and verifies completion of a LFC
that includes a review of local personnel, medical facility, law enforcement, or other security
records, as appropriate. Use AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action, to
document an LFC. See Attachment 23 for instructions on filling out AF Form 2583.
A2.6.1. Headquarters Air Education and Training Command/Recruiting Service (HQ AETC/RS),
550 D Street West, Suite 1, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4527 does not have to complete
AF Form 2583 when personnel records are unavailable.
A2.6.2. The Reserve Recruiting Service (HQ AFRS/RS) or their authorized requesters do not
have to complete AF Form 2583 for IMAs, IRRs, and traditional reservists when personnel
records are unavailable.
A2.6.3. AF Form 2583 is not needed for civilian applicants for federal employment when local
files are unavailable.
A2.6.4. Record briefings for access to special access program information on AF Form 2583
when the governing program directive does not prescribe other procedures.
A2.7. Periodic Reinvestigations (PR).
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A2.7.1. Requests for PRs are submitted in the same manner as initial investigations. However, no
fingerprint card or birth certification is required. No abbreviated version of SF 86/EPSQ may be
submitted in connection with a PR. A person must have one-year retainability before a PR may
be requested.
A2.7.2. An authorized requester should initiate a Secret PR at the 9.5 year mark from the date of
the previous investigation or reinvestigation. Questionnaire must cover the most recent 10-year
period or the period since the last investigation.
A2.7.3. An authorized requester should initiate a Top Secret PR at the 4.5 year mark from the
date of the previous investigation or reinvestigation.
A2.7.4. For individuals in a NATO billet, submit the PR IAW AFI 31-406, Applying North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protection Standards and Table A3.5, Rule 12 & 15.
A2.8. Air Force Liaison Office at the Operations Center-Baltimore. Address for the AFLNO
is: Defense Security Service, ATTN: Air Force Liaison Office, 601 10TH street, Suite 135, Ft
George Meade, MD 20755-5134.
A2.9. Air Force Liaison Office at OPM. Address for the AF Liaison at OPM is: OPM-FIPC,
PO Box 700, ATTN: Air Force Liaison, 1137 Branchton Road, Boyers, PA 16018.
A3.1. Personnel Security Investigations. Use the following table for guidance on the types of
required personnel security investigations and appropriate questionnaire forms and or EPSQ.
Table A3.1. Personnel Security Questionnaire Forms/Software for Investigations.
Type of
EPSQ Software
SF 86/85P/85
SF 85P
SF 86
NACLC including
Secret/PRs and
SSBI including
Original and 1 copy of SF 86
SF 86
Original and 1 copy of SF 85/85P
Original and 2 copies of SF 86
(see notes 1& 2)
FD Form 258 or
SF 87
(Either Form)
1 signed original of SF
87/FD Form 258
1 signed original of SF
87/FD Form 258 (except
1 signed original of SF
87/FD Form 258
1 signed original of SF
87/FD Form 258 (except
1 signed original if FBI/ID
check desired
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Type of
EPSQ Software
SF 86/85P/85
FD Form 258 or
SF 87
(Either Form)
1. Send original and 1 copy to the AFCAF for forwarding to OPM. One copy is for the
authorized requester's suspense file.
2. An original copy of the SF 86 (or EPSQ) should accompany the request, where appropriate,
unless such documentation was submitted within the last 12 months to OPM as part of another
PSI. The results of any other recently completed investigative reports should also be sent.
Indicate the specific areas or issues requiring investigation with justification in Remarks.
A3.5. Guide for Requesting Periodic Reinvestigations. Use the following table for guidance
on the minimum standards for PRs.
Table A3.5. Guide For Requesting Periodic Reinvestigations.
If the individual is a
and duties require
United States military member, access to Top Secret
DOD civilian, or contractor
access to SCI
assignment to presidential
assignment to an AIS I position
access to SIOP-ESI
assignment to AFOSI duties
assignment to a critical
personnel reliability program
access to Top Secret special
access programs
United States civilian employee assignment to a special or
critical sensitive position
Non-United States national
limited access authorization
employee and immigrant alien
unescorted entry to PL 1 or 2
restricted areas
then request a periodic
4.5 years from the date of
the last SSBI or SSBI-PR
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
If the individual is a
and duties require
United States military member, North Atlantic Treaty
DOD civilian, or contractor
Organization COSMIC Top
Secret or COSMIC Top Secret
United States military member, access to an approved Secret
DOD civilian, or contractor
special access program
Explosives Ordinance Disposal
then request a periodic
4 years from the date of
the last SSBI or SSBI/PR
assigned to a North Atlantic
Treaty Organization staff
access to Secret information
and/or assignment to
noncritical sensitive positions
4.5 years from the date of
the last investigation
4.5 years from the date of
the last SSBI/S-PR
(note 1)
9 years from the date of
the last investigation
9.5 years from the date of
the last investigation
Note 1. EOD assignment requires a Secret PR on a five year recurring basis.
A3.7. Deleted.
Table A3.7. DELETED
Attachment 22
A22.1. Guide for Identifying Investigative Requirements for Position Coding. Use the
following table for guidance on identifying investigative requirements for each authorized
manpower position. See Chapter 7 for additional guidance on coding of investigations.
Table A22.1. Personnel Security Investigation Position Coding
Position Investigation Investigation Description
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Position Investigation Investigation Description
The SSBI is the initial investigation for access to Top Secret
(including Top Secret Special Access Programs (SAP), SCI, and for
Critical Sensitive Positions.) In addition, the SSBI is required for
Mandatory AFSCs or Program Mandates.
The NACLC is the prescribed investigation for initial and continued
access to Secret and Confidential information for DoD military and
contractor personnel. It is also the reinvestigation requirement for
federal employees at the same access levels. Also, all military or
Mandatory Program Mandate.
The ANACI is the investigative requirement for federal employees
under Executive Order 10450, ―Suitability for Government Hire,‖ in
non-critical sensitive positions that require access to classified
information up to the Secret level. Access to Secret (civilian) or
Mandatory Program Mandate.
The NACI is the baseline investigative requirement for entry into
government service under Executive Order 10450 and for federal
employees in nonsensitive positions that do not require access to
classified information. All OPM NACIs conducted for DoD include a
credit check (NACIC). Suitability Requirement (civilian).
The NAC is a records check of designated agencies of the Federal
Government that maintain record systems containing information
relevant to making personnel security determinations. A NAC is also
an integral part of all initial and periodic reinvestigations and is the
baseline for trustworthiness determinations. Trustworthiness
Positions (Non Appropriated Fund/Contractor/Consultant).
A22.2. Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Officer AFSCs. The following is the Officer
Mandatory SSBI list. The appropriate position coding is reflected in the Headquarters Air Force
Manpower Data System (HAF-MDS).
Operations Commander
Bomber Pilot
Fighter Pilot
Generalist Pilot
Reconnaissance/Surveillance/Electronic Warfare Pilot
Special Operations Pilot
Tanker Pilot
Bomber Navigator
Fighter Navigator
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Generalist Navigator
Reconnaissance/Surveillance/Electronic Warfare Navigator
Special Operations Navigator
Tanker Navigator
Air Battle Manager
Control And Recovery
Space And Missile Operations
Foreign Area
Air Force Operations Staff Officer
Planning And Programming
Logistics Commander
Munitions and Maintenance
Communications Commander
Program Director
Special Investigations
United States Air Force Honor Guard
Command And Control
General Officer
Wing Commander
92T0 Pilot Trainee
92T1 Navigator Trainee
Executive Officer Above Wing Level
A22.3. Mandatory SSBI Requirement List for Enlisted AFSCs. The appropriate position
coding is reflected in the Headquarters Air Force Manpower Data System (HAF-MDS).
In-Flight Refueling
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Airborne Communications Systems
Flight Attendant
Airborne Cryptologic Linguist
Command Post
Intelligence Applications
Imagery Analysis
Signals Intelligence Production
Cryptologic Linguist
Signals Intelligence Analysis
Electronic Signals Intelligence Exploitation
Electronic System Security Assessment
Computer, Network, Switching And Cryptographic Systems
2MO Missile and Space Systems Maintenance (Excluding 2M0X3)
Nuclear Weapons
Communications - Computer Systems Operations
Communications - Computer Systems Control
Premier Band
Special Investigations
Research And Development Technician
Defense Attaché
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Technical Applications Specialist
A22.4. Mandatory SSBI Sensitive Program Requirements. The following table outlines
mandatory SSBI requirements for selected positions/programs.
Table A22.4. Mandatory SSBI Sensitive Programs Requirements.
Top Secret Access
Presidential Support Category 1 and 2 duties
Personnel Reliability Program Critical duties
Sensitive Compartmented Information required
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information (SIOP-ESI) Access
Top Secret Special Access Program (SAP) Access Mandate
DoD or Agency External to AF Top Secret Access Mandate
Civilian Critical Sensitive Positions (which includes: access to TS; development or
approval of war plans, future major or special operations of war; critical and extremely
important of war; or other positions related to national security, regardless of duties, that
requires the same degree of trust)
Initial assignment - Explosive Ordnance Disposal involving Nuclear Weapons positions
Defense Courier Service duties
Access to NATO COSMIC Top Secret
AFOSI investigative agents and investigative support staff, the issuance of personnel
security clearances or access authorizations, rendering of personnel security
determinations, or duty on personnel security boards
A22.5. Mandatory Positions/Programs Requiring Investigation (Other Than SSBIs). The
following table outlines mandatory NACLC, ANACI, NACI, NAC investigation requirements
for selected positions/programs.
Table A22.5. Mandatory Positions/Programs Requiring Investigations by Type (Other
Than SSBIs).
Investigation Type
Military Civilian
Access to Secret Information
Military Accessions
Commissioned Officers
Civilian Non-Critical Sensitive
Presidential Support Program
Category 3
Personnel Reliability Program
Controlled Position
Customs Inspectors
Secret SAP Access Mandate
Information Technology (IT)-II
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Investigation Type
Military Civilian
Access to NATO Secret/Confidential X
Access to Chemical Agents
Arms, Ammunition & Explosives
(AA&E) Duties
Deployment Purposes
Suitability Requirement
Federal Employment
*IT-III for military only requires a NAC, however, all AF
above a NAC.
military receive a NACLC which is
Attachment 24
A24.1. Implementation of the Section 1071 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001, which amended Title 10, United States Code, to add a
new section that precludes the initial granting or renewal of a security clearance by the DoD
under four specific circumstances as outlined below.
A24.1.1. Provision (1) disqualifies persons with convictions in both State and Federal courts,
including UCMJ offenses, with sentences imposed of more than one year, regardless of the
amount of time actually served.
A24.1.2. Provision (2) does not change the substance of the existing adjudication guideline
relative to current drug involvement. Anyone who is currently an unlawful user of, or addicted to,
a controlled substance.
A24.1.3. Provision (3) does not change the substance of the adjudication guidelines for
emotional, mental, or personality disorders. Anyone who is found to be mentally incompetent
(incapable of safeguarding classified information) by a credentialed mental health professional
approved by DoD.
A24.1.4. Provision (4) disqualifies persons who have been discharged or dismissed from the
Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
A24.2. Secretary of the Air Force may authorize a waiver in meritorious cases under provisions
(1) & (4). Waiver authority is not delegable.
A24.3. Provision (2) & (3) disqualifies a person for eligibility for a security clearance and may
not be waived.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
A24.4. Individuals that fall under the categories (1) through (4) will be afforded applicable due
process and appeal opportunity IAW the DoD 5200.2-R, Personnel Security Program and this
A24.5. When AFCAF issues a final statement of reasons to deny or revoke a security clearance
in cases where a waiver is allowed (provisions 1 and 4) the subject will be informed of the
waiver provision, provided a copy of the statute and other information on how to respond. The
subject must include in the response to the statement of reasons if they want to be considered for
a waiver, if applicable.
A24.6. Decision process for determining whether a particular case warrents a meritorious waiver:
A24.6.1. The AFCAF is the first level nominating office and determines if the case warrants a
meritorious waiver under the provisions of the statute. If approved, the case is forwarded with
the proposed request for waiver and full justification to the Air Force Personnel Security Appeal
Board (PSAB) for review.
A24.6.2. If the PSAB determines the case has meritorious justification, the case summary is
returned to the AFCAF for forwarding to SAF/AA.
A24.6.2.1. SAF/AA may disapprove the waiver request or forward it to the SECAF with
recommendation for approval. Both the SAF/AA and SECAF decisions are final.
A24.7. AFCAF will provide quarterly summaries to SAF/AA by the10th of each month following
the end of each calendar quarter of all waivers submitted to SECAF. SAF/AA provides report to
USD/I by the 15th.
A24.8. The statute policy applies to:
A24.8.1. All initial determinations to grant security clearance eligibility or access and
determinations to continue clearance eligibility/accesses following a reinvestigation;
A24.8.2. Existing clearances eligibility or access which a previous or other investigation reveals
a previous favorably resolved issue involving one or more of the four statutory provisions,
regardless of the presence or absence of subsequent disqualifying issues;
A24.8.3. Previous and follow-on periodic reinvestigations and other investigations initiated for
other reasons; such as:
A24.8.3.1. Security Information File, Special Investigation Inquiry, etc., and all pending cases in
which a final decision had not been issued as of 7 Jun 01.
A24.9. The statue polices do not apply to:
A24.9.1. Conversions/transfers/reinstatements of current DoD security clearances, including
transfers of clearances of employees within the DoD, clearances of employees who fall under the
National Industrial Security Program, and transfers of clearances to the DoD of employees
coming from other Federal agencies.
Attachment 25
A25.1. Authority to Grant Interim Security Clearance/Access. Use the following table for
guidance on authority level to grant interim security clearance/access to specific programs. Items
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
contained in Column E, 3a-d & 4 may be found at: Copy
and paste into the browser. Once at the home page, click on ―HQ USAF Security Forces,‖ click
―Information Security Division,‖ scroll down to ―Personnel Security Policy Updates.‖ The
references are listed under Personnel Security Policy Updates.
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
Table A25.1. Authority to Grant Interim Security Clearance/Access.
If the
The investigation
requirement is requirements are
level is
As governed by
n level is
Interim Secret - Local files check
(see note 1)
- Favorable Review of
SF 86
- Local files check
2 Interim Top
- Favorable review of
(see note 1)
SF 86
- SSBI submitted
- Favorable NAC,
3 Interim PRP
(see note 1)
(a) Initial PRP - NACLC submitted
- Favorable PRP
Certification for interview
(b) Initial PRP - SSBI submitted
- Favorable PRP
Certification for interview
Critical Position
AFI 31-501, Personnel
Commander Security Program
AFI 31-501, Personnel
Commander Security Program
Controlled Certifying
Position Official
17 Dec 03, Extension of
Temporary PRP
17 Dec 03, Extension of
Temporary PRP
(c) Formally
- NACLC-PR submitted PRP
Certified for
- Favorable PRP
Controlled Certifying
Position Official
Position When
Investigation is
Over 5 Years
29 Apr 04, Extension of
the Relief to DoD 5210.42,
Nuclear Weapons PRP,
Para C31
AFI31-501 27 JANUARY 2005
R If the
The investigation
U requirement is requirements are
L for
level is
As governed by
n level is
(d) Formally
Certified for
Critical Position
Investigation is
Over 5 Years
4 Interim Crypto
for Access to
Missile Entry
Control System
(see note 1)
5 Interim SCI
(see note 1)
- SSBI-PR submitted
- Favorable PRP
- Interim Secret
clearance granted
- Interim Top Secret
clearance granted
- Favorable SCI
screening interview
29 Apr 04, Extension of
the Relief to DoD 5210.42,
Nuclear Weapons PRP,
Para C31
Secret for Unit
18 Dec 03,
Request Extension for
Authorization for Interim
Secret Clearance for
AFMAN 14-304, The
Security, Use and
Dissemination of SCI
approval then
conducts SCI
1. Rule 1 or 2 must be in place accordingly before application of rules 3-5.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(a) DoD 5200.2-R, "DoD Personnel Security Program," January 1987, authorized by
DoD Directive 5200.2, May 6, 1992
(b) DoD 5220.22-R, "Industrial Security Regulation," authorized by DoD Directive
5220.22, December 8, 1980
(c) DoD Directive 5220.6, "Defense Industrial Personnel Security Clearance Review
Program," February 2, 1992
(d) Reference Not Used
(e) Public Law 88-290, "National Security Agency - Personnel Security Procedures,"
March 26, 1964 (78 STAT. 168)
(f) Public Law 86-36, "National Security Agency Officers and Employees," May 29,
1959 (73 Stat. 63)
(g) Executive Order 10450, "Security Requirements for Government Employment,"
April 27, 1953
(h) Executive Order 12333, "United States Intelligence Activities," December 4, 1981
(i) DoD Directive 5210.45, "Personnel Security in the National Security Agency," May
(j) Executive Order 1295.8, "Classified National Security Information," April 17,1995
(k) Executive Order 11935, "Citizenship Requirements for Federal Employment,"
September 2, 1976
(l) Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) No. 1/14, "Personnel Security
Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI)," January 22, 1992
(m) Section 552a of title 5, United States Code
(n) DoD Directive 5100.23, "Administrative Arrangements for the National Security
Agency, May 17, 1967
(o) Agreement Governing the Conduct of Defense Department Counterintelligence
Activities in Conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, April 5, 1979
(p) DoD Directive 5210.48, "DoD Polygraph Program," December 24, 1984
(q) DoD 5200.1-R, "Information Security Program Regulation," June 1986, authorized by
DoD Directive 5200.1, "DoD Information Security Program," June 7, 1982
(r) DoD Directive 5210.55, "Selection of DoD Military and Civilian Personnel and
Contractor Employees for Assignment to Presidential Support Activities," July 6,
(s) DoD Directive 5210.42, "Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program (PRP),"
May 25, 1993
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(t) DoD Directive 5200.8, "Security of Military Installations and Resources," April
(u) DoD 1401.1-M, "Personnel Policy Manual for Nonappropriated Fund
Instrumentalities," January 1981, authorized by DoD Instruction 1401.1, November
15, 1985
(v) DoD 5030.49-R, "Customs Inspection," May 1977, authorized by DoD Directive
5030.49, January 6, 1984
(w) DoD Instruction 5210.25, "Assignment of American National Red Cross and United
Service Organizations, Inc., Employees to Duty with the Military Services," May 12,
(x) DoD Directive 5210.46, "DoD Building Security for the National Capital Region,"
January 28, 1982
(y) DoD Directive 5210.65, "Chemical Agent Security Program," October 15, 1986
(z) DoD Directive 5210.2, "Access to and Dissemination of Restricted Data," January
12, 1978
(aa) DoD Directive 5400.7, "DoD Freedom of Information Act Program," May 13, 1988
(bb) DoD Directive 5400.11, "Department of Defense Privacy Program," June 9, 1982
(cc) 5 CFR, Part 732, "National Security Positions," January 1, 1995
(dd) Section 3571 of title 5, United States Code
(ee) Section 3 of Public Law 89-380, "Back Pay Act of 1966," March 30, 1966 (80 Stat.
(ff) Executive Order 9835, "Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of an
Employee Loyalty Program in the Executive Branch of the Government," issued 1947
(superseded by Executive Order 10450)
(gg) Public Law 83-703, "Atomic Energy Actof 1954," as amended, August 30, 1954
(hh) DoD Directive 5105.42, "Defense Investigative Service," June 14, 1985
(ii) Defense Investigative Service 20-1-M, "Manual for Personnel Security
Investigations," January 1993
(jj) Memorandum of Understanding between the Director, White House Military Office
and the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, "White
House Clearances," July 30, 1980
(kk) USSAN Instruction 1-69, April 21, 1982 (Enclosure 2 to DoD Directive 5100.55,
"United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs,"
April 21, 1982
(ll) DoD Directive 5230.11, "Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign
Governments and International Organizations," June 16, 1982
(mm) DoD Directive 5100.3, "Support of the Headquarters of Unified, Specified, and
Subordinate Joint Commands," November 1, 1988
(nn) Public Law 96-456, "Classified Information Procedures Act," October 15, 1980 (94
Stat. 2025)
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(oo) DoD Directive 5142.1, "Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)," July
2, 1982
(pp) Section 7532 of title 5, United States Code
(qq) DoD Directive O-5205.7, "Special Access Program (SAP) Policy," January 4, 1989
(rr) National Security Directive 63, "Single Scope Background Investigations," October
21, 1991
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DL1.1.1. Access. The ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified
information. An individual, in fact, may have access to classified informaiton by being
in a place where such information is kept, if the security measures that are in force do
not prevent him from gaining knowledge of such information.
DL1.1.2. Adverse Action. A removal from employment, suspension from
employment of more than 14 days, reduction in grade, reduction in pay, or furlough of
30 days or less.
DL1.1.3. Background Investigation (BI). A personnel security investigation
consisting of both record reviews and interviews with sources of information as
prescribed in paragraph AP1.1.1.3., Appendix 1, this Regulation, covering the most
recent 5 years of an individual's life or since the 18th birthday, whichever is shorter,
provided that at least the last 2 years are covered and that no investigation will be
conducted prior to an individual's 16th birthday.
DL1.1.4. Classified Informaiton. Official information or material that requires
protection in the interests of national security and that is classified for such purpose by
appropriate classifying authority in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order
12356 (reference (j)).
DL1.1.5. Defense Central Security Index (DCSI). An automated sub-system of the
Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) designed to record the issuance, denial
or revocation of security clearances, access to classified information, or assignment to
a sensitive position by all DoD Components for military, civilian, and contractor
personnel. The DCSI will serve as the central DoD repository of security related
actions in order to assist DoD security officials in making sound clearance and access
determinations. The DCSI shall also serve to provide accurate and reliable statistical
data for senior DoD officials, Congressional committees, the General Accounting
Office and other authorized Federal requesters.
DL1.1.6. DoD Component. Includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the
Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant
Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the
Defense Agencies, The DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within
the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD
DL1.1.7. Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC). A personnel security
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
investigation scoped and conducted in the same manner as a National Agency Check
(NAC) except that a technical fingerprint search of the files of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation is not conducted.
DL1.1.8. Head of DoD Component. The Secretary of Defense; the Secretaries of
the Military Departments; the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the Commanders of
the Combatant Commands; and the Directors of Defense Agencies.
DL1.1.9. Immigrant Alien. Any alien lawfully admitted into the United States
under an immigration visa for permanent residence.
DL1.1.10. Interim Security Clearance. A security clearance based on the
completion of minimum investigative requirements, which is granted on a temporary
basis, pending the completion of the full investigative requirements.
DL1.1.11. Limited Access Authorization. Authorization for access to
Confidential or Secret information granted to non-United States citizens and immigrant
aliens, which is limited to only that information necessary to the successful
accomplishment of their assigned duties and based on a background investigation scoped
for 10 years (paragraph AP1.1.1.3., Appendix 1).
DL1.1.12. Minor Derogatory Information. Information that, by itself, is not of
sufficient importance or magnitude to justify an unfavorable administrative action in a
personnel security determination.
DL1.1.13. National Agency Check (NAC). A personnel security investigation
consisting of a records review of certain national agencies as prescribed in paragraph
AP1.1.1.1., Appendix 1, this Regulation, including a technical fingerprint search of the
files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
DL1.1.14. National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries (NACI). A personnel
security investigation conducted by the Office of Personnel Management, combining a
NAC and written inquiries to law enforcement agencies, former employers and
supervisors, references and schools.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DL1.1.15. DoD National Agency Check Plus Written Inquiries (DNACI). A
personnel security investigation conducted by the Defense Investigative Service (DIS)
for access to SECRET information consisting of a NAC, credit bureau check, and written
inquiries to current and former employers (see paragraph AP1.1.1.2., Appendix 1),
covering a 5-year scope.
DL1.1.16. National Security. National security means the national defense and
foreign relations of the United States.
DL1.1.17. Need-to-Know A determination made by a possessor of classified
information that a prospective recipient, in the interest of national security, has a
requirement for access to, knowledge, or possession of the classified information in
order to perform tasks or services essential to the fulfillment of an official United
States Government program. Knowledge, possession of, or access to, classified
information shall not be afforded to any individual solely by virtue of the individual's
office, position, or security clearance.
DL1.1.18. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR). An investigation conducted every 5
years for the purpose of updating a previously completed background or special
background investigation on persons occupying positions referred to in paragraphs C3.7.
through C3.7.10. The scope will consist of a personal interview, NAC, LACs, credit
bureau checks, employment records, employment references and developed character
references and will normally not exceed the most recent 5-year period.
DL1.1.19. Personnel Security Investigation (PSI). Any investigation required for
the purpose of determining the eligibility of DoD military and civilian personnel,
contractor employees, consultants, and other persons affiliated with the Department of
Defense, for access to classified information, acceptance or retention in the Armed
Forces, assignment or retention in sensitive duties, or other designated duties requiring
such investigation. PSIs include investigations of affiliations with subversive
organizations, suitability information, or hostage situations (see paragraph C2.4.3.)
conducted for the purpose of making personnel security determinations. They also
include investigations of allegations that arise subsequent to adjudicative action and
require resolution to determine an individual's current eligibility for access to classified
information or assignment or retention in a sensitive position.
DL1.1.20. Scope The time period to be covered and the sources of information to
be contacted during the prescribed course of a PSI.
DL1.1.21. Security Clearance. A determination that a person is eligible under the
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
standards of this Regulation for access to classified information.
DL1.1.22. Senior Officer of the Intelligence Community (SOIC). The DoD
Senior Officers of the Intelligence Community include: the Director, National
Security Agency/Central Security Service; Director, Defense Intelligence Agency;
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army; Assistant Chief of Staff for
Intelligence, U.S. Air Force; and the Director of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy.
DL1.1.23. Sensitive Position. Any position so designated within the Department
of Defense, the occupant of which could bring about, by virtue of the nature of the
position, a materially adverse effect on the national security. All civilian positions are
either critical-sensitive, noncritical-sensitive, or nonsensitive as described in paragraph
DL1.1.24. Significant Derogatory Information. Information that could, in itself,
justify an unfavorable administrative action, or prompt an adjudicator to seek additional
investigation or clarification.
DL1.1.25. Special Access Program. Any program imposing "need-to-know" or
access controls beyond those normally provided for access to Confidential, Secret, or
Top Secret information. Such a program may include, but not be limited to, special
clearance, adjudication, investigative requirements, material dissemination restrictions,
or special lists of persons determined to have a need-to-know.
DL1.1.26. Special Background Investigation (SBI). A personnel security
investigation consisting of all of the components of a BI plus certain additional
investigative requirements as prescribed in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1, this
Regulation. The period of investigation for an SBI is the last 15 years or since the 18th
birthday, whichever is shorter, provided that the last 2 full years are covered and that no
investigation will be conducted prior to an individual's 16th birthday.
DL1.1.27. Special Investigative Inquiry (SII). A supplemental personnel security
investigation of limited scope conducted to prove or disprove relevant allegations that
have arisen concerning a person and who, at the time of the allegation, holds a security
clearance or otherwise occupies a position that requires a personnel security
determination under the provision of this Regulation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DL1.1.28. Service. Honorable active duty (including attendance at the military
academies), membership in ROTC Scholarship Program, Army and Air Force National
Guard, Military Reserve Force (including active status and ready reserve), civilian
employment in Government service, or civilian employment with a DoD contractor or
as a consultant involving access under the DoD Industrial Security Program. Continuity
of service is maintained with change from one status to another as long as there is no
single break in service greater than 12 months.
DL1.1.29. Unfavorable Administrative Action. Adverse action taken as the result
of personnel security determinations and unfavorable personnel security determinations
as defined in this Regulation.
DL1.1.30. Unfavorable Personnel Security Determination. A denial or revocation
of clearance for access to classified information; denial or revocation of access to
classified information; denial or revocation of a Special Access authorization (including
access to SCI); nonappointment to or nonselection for appointment to a sensitive
position; nonappointment to or nonselection for any other position requiring a
trustworthiness determination under this Regulation; reassignment to a position of
lesser sensitivity or to a nonsensitive position; and nonacceptance for or discharge from
the Armed Forces when any of the foregoing actions are based on derogatory
information of personnel security significance.
DL1.1.31. United States Citizen. (Native Born) - A person born in one of the 50
United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S.
Virgin Islands; or the Republic of Panama (former Panama Canal Zone) (if the father or
mother (or both) was or is, a citizen of the United States).
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C1.1. Purpose
C1.1.1. To establish policies and procedures to ensure that acceptance and
retention of personnel in the Armed Forces, acceptance and retention of civilian
employees in the Department of Defense, and granting members of the Armed Forces,
DoD civilian employees, DoD contractors, and other affiliated persons access to
classified information are clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
C1.1.2. This Regulation:
C1.1.2.1. Establishes DoD personnel security policies and procedures;
C1.1.2.2. Sets forth the standards, critera, and guidelines upon which
personnel security determinations shall be based;
C1.1.2.3. Prescribes the kinds and scopes of personnel security
investigations required;
C1.1.2.4. Details the evaluation and adverse action procedures by which
personnel security determinations shall be made; and
C1.1.2.5. Assigns overall program management responsibilities.
C1.2. Applicability
C1.2.1. This Regulation implements the Department of Defense Personnel
Security Program and takes precedence over all other departmental issuances affecting
that program.
C1.2.2. All provisions of this Regulation apply to DoD civilian personnel,
members of the Armed Forces, excluding the Coast Guard in peacetime, contractor
personnel and other personnel who are affiliated with the Department of Defense
except that the unfavorable administrative action procedures pertaining to contractor
personnel requiring access to classified information are contained in DoD 5220.22-R
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(reference (b)) and in DoD Directive 5220.6 (reference (c)).
C1.2.3. The policies and procedures THAT govern the National Security
Agency are prescribed by Public Laws 88-290 and 86-36, Executive Orders 10450 and
12333, DoD Directive 5210.45, Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID)
1/14 (references (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (l) respectively), and regulations of the
National Security Agency.
C1.2.4. Under combat conditions or other military exigencies, an authority in
paragraph AP6.1., Appendix 6, may waive such-provisions of this regulation as the
circumstances warrant.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C2.1.1. General. Only United States citizens shall be granted a personnel security
clearance, assigned to sensitive duties, or granted access to classified information
unless an authority designated in Appendix 6 has determined that, based on all available
information, there are compelling reasons in furtherance of the Department of Defense
mission, including, special expertise, to assign an individual who is not a citizen to
sensitive duties or grant a Limited Access Authorization to classified information.
Non-U.S. citizens may be employed in the competitive service in sensitive civilian
positions only when specifically approved by the Office of Personnel Management,
pursuant to E.O. 11935 (reference (k)). Exceptions to these requirements shall be
permitted only for compelling national security reasons.
C2.1.2. Clearance and Sensitive Position Standard. The personnel security
standard that must be applied to determine whether a person is eligible for access to
classified information or assignment to sensitive duties is whether, based on all
available information, the person's loyalty, reliability, and trustworthiness are such that
entrusting the person with classified information or assigning the person to sensitive
duties is clearly consistent with the interests of national security.
C2.1.3. Military Service Standard. The personnel security standard that must be
applied in determining whether a person is suitable under national security criteria for
appointment, enlistment, induction, or retention in the Armed Forces is that, based on all
available information, there is no reasonable basis for doubting the person's loyalty to
the Government of the United States.
C2.2.1. Criteria for Application of Security Standards. The ultimate decision in
applying either of the security standards set forth in paragraph C2.1.2. and C2.1.3.,
above, must be an overall common sense determination based upon all available facts.
The criteria for determining eligibility for a clearance under the security standard shall
include, but not be limited to the following:
C2.2.1.1. Commission of any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, terrorism,
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
anarchy, sedition, or attempts thereat or preparation therefor, or conspiring with or
aiding or abetting another to commit or attempt to commit any such act.
C2.2.1.2. Establishing or continuing a sympathetic association with a saboteur,
spy, traitor, seditionist, anarchist, terrorist, revolutionist, or with an espionage or other
secret agent or similar representative of a foreign nation whose interests may be
inimical to the interests of the United States, or with any person who advocates the use
of force or violence to overthrow the Government of the United States or to alter the
form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
C2.2.1.3. Advocacy or use of force or violence to overthrow the Government
of the United States or to alter the form of Government of the United States by
unconstitutional means.
C2.2.1.4. Knowing membership with the specific intent of furthering the aims
of, or adherence to and active participation in any foreign or domestic organization,
association, movement, group or combination of persons (hereafter referred to as
organizations), which unlawfully advocates or practices the commission of acts of force
or violence to prevent others from exercising their rights under the Constitution or laws
of the United States or of any State or which seeks to overthrow the Government of the
United States or any State or subdivision thereof by unlawful means.
C2.2.1.5. Unauthorized disclosure to any person of classified information, or
of other information, disclosure of which is prohibited by Statute, Executive Order or
C2.2.1.6. Performing or attempting to perform one's duties, acceptance and
active maintenance of dual citizenship, or other acts conducted in a manner which serve
or which could be expected to serve the interests of another government in reference to
the interests of the United States.
C2.2.1.7. Disregard of public law, Statutes, Executive Orders or Regulations
including violation of security regulations or practices.
C2.2.1.8. Criminal or dishonest conduct.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C2.2.1.9. Acts of omission or commission that indicate poor judgment,
unreliability or untrustworthiness.
C2.2.1.10. Any behavior or illness, including any mental condition, which, in
the opinion of competent medical authority, may cause a defect in judgment or
reliability with due regard to the transient or continuing effect of the illness and the
medical findings in such case.
C2.2.1.11. Vulnerability to coercion, influence, or pressure that may cause
conduct contrary to the national interest. This may be:
C2. The presence of immediate family members or other
persons to whom the applicant is bonded by affection or obligation in a nation (or areas
under its domination) whose interests may be inimical to those of the United States; or
C2. Any other circumstances that could cause the applicant to be
C2.2.1.12. Excessive indebtedness, recurring financial difficulties, or
unexplained affluence.
C2.2.1.13. Habitual or episodic use of intoxicants to excess.
C2.2.1.14. Illegal or improper use, possession, transfer, sale or addiction to
any controlled or psychoactive substance, narcotic, cannabis or other dangerous drug.
C2.2.1.15. Any knowing and willful falsification, cover up, concealment,
misrepresentation, or omission of a material fact from any written or oral statement,
document, form or other representation or device used by the Department of Defense
or any other Federal Agency.
C2.2.1.16. Failing or refusing to answer or-to-authorize others to answer
questions or provide information required by a congressional committee, court, or
agency in the course of an official inquiry whenever such answers or information
concern relevant and material matters pertinent to an evaluation of the individual's
trustworthiness, reliability, and judgment.
C2.2.1.17. Acts of sexual misconduct or perversion indicative of moral
turpitude, poor judgment, or lack of regard for the laws of society.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C2.3.1. General. The types of personnel security investigations authorized below
vary in scope of investigative effort required to meet the purpose of the particular
investigation. No other types are authorized. The scope of a PSI may be neither raised
nor lowered without the approval of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
C2.3.2. National Agency Check (NAC) Essentially, a NAC is a records check of
designated agencies of the Federal Government that maintain record systems containing
information relevant to making a personnel security determination. An ENTNAC is a
NAC (scope as outlined in paragraph AP1.1.1., Appendix 1) conducted on inductees and
first-term enlistees, but lacking a technical fingerprint search. A NAC is also an
integral part of each BI, SBI, and Periodic Reinvestigation (PR). Chapter 3 prescribes
when a NAC is required.
C2.3.3. National Agency Check plus Written Inquiries. The Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) conducts a NAC plus Written Inquiries (NACIs) on civilian
employees for all Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government, pursuant to
E.O. 10450 (reference (g)). NACIs are considered to meet the investigative
requirements of this Regulation for a nonsensitive or noncritical sensitive position
and/or up to a SECRET clearance and, in addition to the NAC, include coverage of law
enforcement agencies, former employers and supervisors, references, and schools
covering the last 5 years.
C2.3.4. DoD National Agency Check (DNCI) Plus Written Inquiries. DIS will
conduct a DNACI, consisting of the scope contained in paragraph AP1., Appendix
1, for DoD military and contractor personnel for access to SECRET information.
Chapter 3 prescribes when a DNACI is required.
C2.3.5. Background Investigation (BI). The BI is the principal type of investigation
conducted when an individual requires TOP SECRET clearance or is to be assigned to a
critical sensitive position. The BI normally covers a 5-year period and consists of a
subject interview, NAC, LACs, credit checks, developed character references (3),
employment records checks, employment references (3), and select scoping as required
to resolve unfavorable or questionable information. (See paragraph AP1.,
Appendix 1). Chapter 3 prescribes when a BI is required.
C2.3.6. Special Background Investigation (SBI)
C2.3.6.1. An SBI is essentially a BI providing additional coverage both in
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
period of time as well as sources of information, scoped in accordance with the
provisions of DCID 1/14 (reference (l)) but without the personal interview. While the
kind of coverage provided for by the SBI determines eligibility for access to SCI, the
Department of Defense has adopted this coverage for certain other Special Access
programs. Chapter 3 prescribes when an SBI is required.
C2.3.6.2. The OPM, FBI, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Secret Service,
and the Department of State conduct specially scoped BIs under the provisions of DCID
1/14. Any investigation conducted by one of the above-cited Agencies under DCID
1/14 standards is considered to meet the SBI investigative requirements of this
C2.3.6.3. The detailed scope of an SBI is set forth in paragraph AP1.,
Appendix 1.
C2.3.7. Special Investigative Inquiry (SII)
C2.3.7.1. A Special Investigative Inquiry is a personnel security investigation
conducted to prove or disprove allegations relating to the criteria outlined in paragraph
C2.2.1. of this Regulation, except current criminal activities (see paragraph C2.4.3.4.),
that have arisen concerning an individual upon whom a personnel security determination
has been previously made and who, at the time of the allegation, holds a security
clearance or otherwise occupies a position that requires a trustworthiness determination.
C2.3.7.2. Special Investigative Inquiries are scoped as necessary to address
the specific matters requiring resolution in the case concerned and generally consist of
record checks and/or interviews with potentially knowledgeable persons. An SII may
include an interview with the subject of the investigation when necessary to resolve
conflicting information and/or to provide an opportunity to refute or mitigate adverse
C2.3.7.3. In those cases when there is a disagreement between Defense
Investigative Service (DIS) and the requester as to the appropriate scope of the
investigation, the matter may be referred to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Policy for resolution.
C2.3.8. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR). As referred to in paragraph C3.7.1. and
other national directives, certain categories of duties, clearance, and access require the
conduct of a PR every five years according to the scope outlined in paragraph
AP1., Appendix 1. The PR scope applies to military, civilian, contractor, and
foreign national personnel.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C2.3.9. Personal Interview. Investigative experience over the years has
demonstrated that, given normal circumstances, the subject of a personnel security
investigation is the best source of accurate and relevant information concerning the
matters under consideration. Further, restrictions imposed by the Privacy Act of 1974
(reference (m)) dictate that Federal investigative agencies collect information to the
greatest extent practicable directly from the subject when the information may result in
adverse determinations about an individual's rights, benefits, and privileges under
Federal programs. Accordingly, personal interviews are an integral part of the DoD
personnel security program and shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements
set forth in the following paragraphs of this section.
C2.3.9.1. BI/PR. A personal interview shall be conducted by a trained DIS
agent as part of each BI and PR.
C2.3.9.2. Resolving Adverse Information. A personal interview of the subject
shall be conducted by a DIS agent (or, when authorized, by investigative personnel of
other DoD investigative organizations designated in this Regulation to conduct
personnel security investigations), when necessary, as part of each Special Investigative
Inquiry, as well as during the course of initial or expanded investigations, to resolve or
clarify any information which may impugn the subject's moral character, threaten the
subject's future federal employment, raise the question of subject's security clearability,
or be otherwise stigmatizing.
C2.3.9.3. Hostage Situation. A personal interview shall be conducted by a DIS
agent (or, when authorized, by investigative personnel of other DoD investigative
organizations designated in this Regulation to conduct personnel security investigations)
in those instances in which an individual has immediate family members or other
persons bound by ties of affection or obligation who reside in a nation whose interests
are inimical to the interests of the United States. (See paragraph C2.4.4.)
C2.3.9.4. Applicants/Potential Nominees for DoD Military or Civilian
Positions Requiring Access to SCI or Other Positions Requiring SBI. A personal
interview of the individual concerned shall be conducted, to the extent feasible, as part
of the selection process for applicants/potential nominees for positions requiring
access to SCI or completion of an SBI. The interview shall be conducted by a designee
of the Component to which the applicant or potential nominee is assigned. Clerical
personnel are not authorized to conduct these interviews. Such interviews shall be
conducted utilizing-resources in the order of priority indicated below:
C2. Existing personnel security screening systems (e.g., Air Force
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Assessment Screening Program, Naval Security Group Personnel Security Interview
Program, U.S. Army Personnel Security Screening Program); or
C2. Commander of the nominating organization or such official as
he or she has designated in writing (e.g., Deputy Commander, Executive Officer,
Security Officer, Security Manager, S-2, Counterintelligence Specialist, Personnel
Security Specialist, or Personnel Officer); or
C2. Agents of investigative agencies in direct support of the DoD
Component concerned.
C2.3.9.5. Administrative Procedures
C2. The personal interview required by paragraph C2.3.9.4., above,
shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix 6.
C2. For those investigations requested subsequent to the personal
interview requirements of paragraph C2.3.9.4., above, the following procedures apply:
C2. The DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security
Investigation) shall be annotated under Item 20 (Remarks) with the statement, "Personal
Interview Conducted by (cite the duty assignment of the designated official (e.g.,
Commander, Security Officer, Personnel Security Specialist, etc.))" in all cases in which
an SBI is subsequently requested.
C2. Unfavorable information developed through the
personal interview required by paragraph C2.3.9.4., above, will be detailed in a written
report attached to the DD Form 1879 to include full identification of the interviewer.
Failure to provide such information may result in conduct of an incomplete investigation
by DIS.
C2. Whenever it is determined that it is not feasible to
conduct the personal interview required by paragraph C2.3.9.4., above, prior to
requesting the SBI, the DD Form 1879 shall be annotated under Item 20 citing the
reason for not conducting the interview.
C2.3.10. Expanded Investigation. If adverse or questionable information relevant
to a security determination is developed during the conduct of a personnel security
investigation, regardless of type, the investigation shall be expanded, consistent with the
restrictions in paragraph C2.5.5., to the extent necessary to substantiate or disprove the
adverse or questionable information.
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C2.4.1. Genera. The DIS provides a single centrally directed personnel security
investigative service to conduct personnel security investigations within the 50 States,
District of Columbia, and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for DoD Components, except
as provided for in DoD Directive 5100.23 (reference (n)). DIS will request the
Military Departments or other appropriate Federal Agencies to accomplish DoD
investigative requirements in other geographic areas beyond their jurisdiction. No
other DoD Component shall conduct personnel security investigations unless
specifically authorized by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence and
Security). In certain instances provided for below, the DIS shall refer an investigation to
other investigative agencies.
C2.4.2. Subversive Affiliations
C2.4.2.1. General. In the context of DoD investigative policy, subversion
refers only to such conduct as is forbidden by the laws of the United States.
Specifically, this is limited to information concerning the activities of individuals or
groups that involve or will involve the violation of Federal law, for the purpose of:
C2. Overthrowing the Government of the United States or the
government of a State;
C2. Substantially impairing for the purpose of influencing U.S.
Government policies or decisions:
C2. The functions of the Government of the United States,
C2. The functions of the government of a State;
C2. Depriving persons of their civil rights under the
Constitution or laws of the United States.
C2.4.2.2. Military Department/FBI Jurisdiction. Allegations of activities
covered by criteria C2.2.1.1. through C2.2.1.6. of paragraph C2.2.1. of this Regulation
are in the exclusive investigative domain of either the counterintelligence agencies of
the Military Departments or the FBI, depending on the circumstances of the case and
the provisions of the Agreement Governing the Conduct of Defense Department
Counterintelligence Activities in Conjunction with the FBI (reference (o)). Whenever
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
allegations of this nature are developed, whether before or after a security clearance has
been issued or during the course of a personnel security investigation conducted by DIS,
they shall be referred immediately to either the FBI or to a Military Department
counterintelligence agency as appropriate.
C2.4.2.3. DIS Jurisdiction. Allegations of activities limited to those set forth
in criterion C2.2.1.7. through C2.2.1.17. of paragraph C2.2.1. of this Regulation shall be
investigated by DIS.
C2.4.3. Suitability Information
C2.4.3.1. General. Most derogatory information developed through personnel
security investigations of DoD military or civilian personnel is so-called suitability
information, that is, information pertaining to activities or situations covered by criteria
C2.2.1.7. through C2.2.1.17. of paragraph C2.2.1. of this Regulation. Almost all
unfavorable personnel security determinations made by DoD authorities are based on
derogatory suitability information, although such information is often used as a basis for
unfavorable administrative actions not of a security nature, such as action under the
Uniform Code of Military Justice or removal from Federal employment under OPM
C2.4.3.2. Pre-Clearance Investigation. Derogatory suitability information,
except that covered in C2.4.3.4., below, developed during the course of a personnel
security investigation, prior to the issuance of an individual's personnel security
clearance, shall be investigated by DIS to the extent necessary to confirm or refute its
applicability to criteria C2.2.1.7. through C2.2.1.17. of paragraph C2.2.1.
C2.4.3.3. Postjudicative Investigation. Derogatory suitability allegations,
except those covered by C2.4.3.4., below, arising subsequent to clearance requiring
investigation to resolve and to determine the individual's eligibility for continued access
to classified information, reinstatement of clearance/access, or retention in a sensitive
position shall be referred to DIS to conduct a Special Investigative Inquiry.
Reinvestigation of individuals for adjudicative reconsideration due to the passage of
time or evidence of favorable behavior shall also be referred to DIS for investigation.
In such cases, completion of the appropriate statement of personal history by the
individual constitutes consent to be investigated. Individual consent or completion of a
statement of personal history is not required when paragraph C3.7.2. applies. Post
adjudication investigation of allegations of a suitability nature required to support other
types of unfavorable personnel security determinations or disciplinary procedures
independent of a personnel security determination shall be handled in accordance with
applicable Component administrative regulations. These latter categories of allegations
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
lie outside the DoD personnel security program and are not a proper investigative
function for departmental counterintelligence organizations, Component personnel
security authorities, or DIS.
C2.4.3.4. Allegations of Criminal Activity. Allegations of possible criminal
conduct arising during a personnel security investigation shall be referred to the
appropriate Department of Defense criminal investigative agency, Military Department
or civilian jurisdiction unless the limitations in paragraph C2. through
C2., below, apply. Where the allegation concerns a potential violation of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice, Military Department investigative agencies have
primary investigative jurisdiction. The following limitations apply to referrals to all law
enforcement agencies, both military and civilian.
C2. Allegations shall not be referred or reported to law
enforcement agencies where agreements with the agency or in cases where there is no
agreement, past experience indicates that the jurisdiction does not have a substantial
interest in prosecution of the offense or in receiving reports of the offense either due
to the type or offense involved or the circumstances under which it occurred.
C2. Allegations about private consensual sexual acts with adults
shall not be referred or reported to law enforcement agencies or to Military
Departments (other than consolidated adjudication facilities) for any purpose. That
limitation does not apply to allegations that an individual attempted, solicited, or
committed a criminal offense in the following circumstances:
C2. By using force, coercion, or intimidation.
C2. With a person under 17 years of age.
C2. Openly in public view.
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C2. For compensation or with an offer of compensation to
another individual.
C2. While on active duty in, or on duty in a Reserve
component of, the Armed Forces of the United States, and
C2. Aboard a military vessel or aircraft; or
C2. With a subordinate in circumstances that violate
customary military superior-subordinate relationships.
Exceptions to that limitation will be made only with the specific written authorization of
the General Counsel of the Department of Defense, or his or her designee.
C2. Information about an individual's sexual orientation or
statements by an individual that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or words to that
effect, shall not be referred or reported to law enforcement agencies or to Military
Departments (other than consolidated adjudication facilities) for any purpose. If
investigative reports containing such information are referred to law enforcement
agencies or Military Departments for other reasons, information subject to the
limitations in this paragraph will be removed.
C2.4.4. Hostage Situations
C2.4.4.1. General. A hostage situation exists when a member of subjects
immediate family or such other person to whom the individual is bound by obligation or
affection resides in a country whose interests are inimical to the interests of the United
States. The rationale underlying this category of investigation is based on the
possibility that an individual in such a situation might be coerced, influenced, or
pressured to act contrary to the interests of national security.
C2.4.4.2. DIS Jurisdiction. In the absence of evidence of any coercion,
influence or pressure, hostage investigations are exclusively a personnel security matter,
rather than counterintelligence, and all such investigations shall be conducted by DIS.
C2.4.4.3. Military Department and/or FBI Jurisdiction. Should indications be
developed that hostile intelligence is taking any action specifically directed against the
individual concerned, or should there exist any other evidence that the individual is
actually being coerced, influenced, or pressured by an element inimical to the interests
of national security, then the case becomes a counter intelligence matter (outside of
investigative jurisdiction of DIS) to be referred to the appropriate Military Department
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
or the FBI for investigation.
C2.4.5. Overseas Personnel Security Investigations. Personnel security
investigations requiring investigation overseas shall be conducted under the direction
and control of DIS by the appropriate Military Department investigative organization.
Only post adjudication investigations involving an overseas subject may be referred by
the requester directly to the Military Department investigative organization having
investigative responsibility in the overseas area concerned (see Appendix 9) with a copy
of the investigative request sent to DIS. In such cases, the Military Department
investigative agency will complete the investigation, forward the completed report of
investigation directly to DIS, with a copy to the requester.
C2.5.1. Authorized Requesters and Personnel Security Determination Authorities.
Personnel security investigations may be requested and personnel security clearances
(including Special Access authorizations as indicated) granted only by those authorities
designated in paragraph C5.1.2. and Appendix 5.
C2.5.2. Limit Investigations and Access. The number of persons cleared for
access to classified information shall be kept to a minimum, consistent with the
requirements of operations. Special attention shall be given to eliminating unnecessary
clearances and requests for personnel security investigations.
C2.5.3. Collection of Investigative Data. To the greatest extent practicable,
personal information relevant to personnel security determinations shall be obtained
directly from the subject of a personnel security investigation. Such additional
information required to make the necessary personnel security determination shall be
obtained as appropriate from knowledgeable personal sources, particularly subjects
peers, and through checks of relevant records including school, employment, credit,
medical, and law enforcement records.
C2.5.4. Privacy Act Notification. Whenever personal information is solicited
from an individual preparatory to the initiation of a personnel security investigation, the
individual must be informed of:
C2.5.4.1. The authority (statute or Executive Order that authorized
C2.5.4.2. The principal purpose or purposes for which the information is to
be used;
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C2.5.4.3. The routine uses to be made of the information;
C2.5.4.4. Whether furnishing such information is mandatory or voluntary;
C2.5.4.5. The effect on the individual, if any, of not providing the information;
C2.5.4.6. That subsequent use of the data may be employed as part of an a
periodic, random process to screen and evaluate continued eligibility for access to
classified information.
C2.5.5. Restrictions on Investigators. Investigations shall be carried out insofar as
possible to collect only as much information as is relevant and necessary for a proper
personnel security determination. Questions concerning personal and domestic affairs,
national origin, financial matters, and the status of physical health should be avoided
unless the question is relevant to the criteria of paragraph C2.2.1. of this Regulation.
Similarly, the probing of a person's thoughts or beliefs and questions about conduct that
have no personnel security implications are unwarranted. When conducting
investigations under the provisions of this Regulation, investigators shall:
C2.5.5.1. Investigate only cases or persons assigned within their official
C2.5.5.2. Interview sources only where the interview can take place in
reasonably private surroundings.
C2.5.5.3. Always present credentials and inform sources of the reasons for
the investigation.. Inform sources of the subjects accessibility to the information to be
provided and to the identity of the sources providing the information. Restrictions on
investigators relating to Privacy Act advisements to subjects of personnel security
investigations are outlined in paragraph C2.5.4., above.
C2.5.5.4. Furnish only necessary identity data to a source, and refrain from
asking questions in such a manner as to indicate that the investigator is in possession of
derogatory information concerning the subject of the investigation.
C2.5.5.5. Refrain from using, under any circumstances, covert or surreptitious
investigative methods, devices, or techniques including mail covers, physical or
photographic surveillance, voice analyzers, inspection of trash, paid informants, wiretap,
or eavesdropping devices.
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C2.5.5.6. Refrain from accepting any case in which the investigator knows of
circumstances that might adversely affect his fairness, impartiality, or objectivity.
C2.5.5.7. Refrain, under any circumstances, from conducting physical searches
of subject or his property.
C2.5.5.8. Refrain from attempting to evaluate material contained in medical
files. Medical files shall be evaluated for personnel security program purposes only by
such personnel as are designated by DoD medical authorities. However, review and
collection of medical record information may be accomplished by authorized
investigative personnel.
C2.5.6. Polygraph Restrictions. The polygraph may be used as a personnel security
screening measure only in those limited instances authorized by the Secretary of
Defense in DoD Directive 5210.48, (reference (p)).
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C3.1.1. Designation of Sensitive Positions. Certain civilian positions within the
Department of Defense entail duties of such a sensitive nature including access to
classified information, that the misconduct, malfeasance, or nonfeasance of an
incumbent in any such position could result in an unacceptably adverse impact upon the
national security. These positions are referred to in this Regulation as sensitive
positions. It is vital to the national security that great care be exercised in the selection
of individuals to fill such positions. Similarly, it is important that only positions which
truly meet one or more of the criteria set forth in paragraph C3.1.2., below, be
designated as sensitive.
C3.1.2. Criteria for Security Designation of Positions. Each civilian position
within the Department of Defense shall be categorized, with respect to security
sensitivity, as either nonsensitive, noncritical-sensitive, or critical-sensitive.
C3.1.2.1. The criteria to be applied in designating a position as sensitive are:
C3. Critical-sensitive
C3. Access to Top Secret information.
C3. Development or approval of plans, policies, or
programs that affect the overall operations of the Department of Defense or of a DoD
C3. Development or approval of war plans, plans or
particulars of future major or special operations of war, or critical and extremely
important items of war.
C3. Investigative and certain investigative support duties,
the issuance of personnel security clearances or access authorizations, or the making of
personnel security determinations.
C3. Fiduciary, public contact, or other duties demanding the
highest degree of public trust.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. Duties falling under Special Access programs.
C3. Category I automated data processing (ADP) positions.
C3. Any other position so designated by the Head of the
DoD Component or designee.
C3. Noncritical-sensitive
C3. Access to Secret or Confidential information.
C3. Security police/provost marshal-type duties involving
the enforcement of law and security duties involving the protection and safeguarding of
DoD personnel and property.
C3. Category II automated data processing positions.
C3. Duties involving education and orientation of DoD
C3. Duties involving the design, operation, or maintenance
of intrusion detection systems deployed to safeguard DoD personnel and property.
C3. Any other position so designated by the Head of the
DoD Component or designee.
C3.1.2.2. All other positions shall be designated as nonsensitive.
C3.1.3. Authority to Designate Sensitive Positions. The authority to designate
sensitive positions is limited to those authorities designated in paragraph AP5.7.,
Appendix 5. These authorities shall designate each position within their jurisdiction as
to its security sensitivity and maintain these designations current vis-a-vis the specific
duties of each position.
C3.1.4. Limitation of Sensitive Positions. It is the responsibility of those
authorities authorized to designate sensitive positions to insure that (1) only those
positions are designated as sensitive that meet the criteria of paragraph C3.1.2. above
and (2) that the designation of sensitive positions is held to a minimum consistent with
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
mission requirements. Designating authorities shall maintain an accounting of the
number of sensitive positions by category, i.e., critical or non-critical sensitive. Such
information will be included in annual report required in Chapter 9.
C3.1.5. Billet Control System For Top Secret
C3.1.5.1. To standardize and control the issuance of Top Secret clearances
within the Department of Defense, a specific designated billet must be established and
maintained for all DoD military and civilian positions requiring access to Top Secret
information. Only persons occupying these billet positions will be authorized a Top
Secret clearance. If an individual departs from a Top Secret billet to a billet/position
involving a lower level clearance, the Top Secret clearance will be administratively
rescinded. This Top Secret billet requirement is in addition to the existing billet
structure maintained for SCI access.
C3.1.5.2. Each request to DIS for a BI or SBI that involves access to Top
Secret or SCI information will require inclusion of the appropriate billet reference, on
the request for investigation. Each Component head should incorporate, to the extent
feasible, the Top Secret billet structure into the component Manpower Unit Manning
Document. Such a procedure should minimize the time and effort required to maintain
such a billet structure.
C3.1.5.3. A report on the number of established Top Secret billets will be
submitted each year to the DUSD(P) as part of the annual clearance report referred to
in Chapter 11.
C3.2.1. General. The appointment of each civilian employee in any DoD
Component is subject to investigation, except for reappointment when the break in
employment is less than 12 months. The type of investigation required is set forth in
this section according to position sensitivity.
C3.2.2. Nonsensitive Positions. In accordance with the OPM Federal Personnel
Manual, (reference (cc)) a NACI shall be requested not later than 3 working days after a
person is appointed to a nonsensitive position. Although there is normally no
investigation requirement for per diem, intermittent, temporary or seasonal employees
in nonsensitive positions provided such employment does not exceed an aggregate of
120 days in either a single continuous or series of appointments, a NAC may be
requested of DIS where deemed appropriate by the employing activity.
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C3.2.3. Noncritical-Sensitive Positions
C3.2.3.1. An NACI shall be requested and the NAC portion favorably
completed before a person is appointed to a noncritical-sensitive position (for
exceptions see paragraph C3.2.5.). An ENTNAC, NAC or DNACI conducted during
military or contractor employment may also be used for appointment provided a NACI
has been requested from OPM and there is no more than 12 months break in service
since completion of the investigation.
C3.2.3.2. Seasonal employees (including summer hires) normally do not
require access to classified information. For those requiring access to classified
information the appropriate investigation is required. The request for the NAC (or
NACI) should be submitted to DIS by entering "SH" (summer hire) in red letters
approximately one inch high on the DD Form 398-2, "Personnel Security Questionnaire
(National Agency Checklist)." Additionally, to ensure expedited processing by DIS,
summer hire requests should be assembled and forwarded to DIS in bundles, when
C3.2.4. Critical-Sensitive Positions. A BI shall be favorably completed prior to
appointment to critical-sensitive positions (for exceptions see paragraph C3.2.5.).
Certain critical-sensitive positions require a preappointment SBI in accordance with
section C3.5. of this chapter. Preappointment BIs and SBIs will be conducted by DIS.
C3.2.5. Exceptions
C3.2.5.1. Noncritical-sensitive. In an emergency, a noncritical-sensitive
position may be occupied pending the completion of the NACI if the head of the
requesting organization finds that the delay in appointment would be harmful to the
national security and such finding is reduced to writing and made part of the record. In
such instances, the position may be filled only after the NACI has been requested.
C3.2.5.2. Critical-sensitive. In an emergency, a critical-sensitive position may
be occupied pending completion of the BI (or SBI, as appropriate) if the head of the
requesting organization finds that the delay in appointment would be harmful to the
national security and such finding is reduced to writing and made a part of the record. In
such instances, the position may be filled only when the NAC portion of the BI (or SBI)
or a previous valid NACI, NAC or ENTNAC has been completed and favorably
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C3.2.6. Mobilization of DoD Civilian Retirees. The requirements contained in
paragraph C3.2.1. of this section, regarding the type of investigation required by position
sensitivity for DoD civilian retirees temporary appointment when the break in
employment is greater than 12 months, should either be expedited or waived for the
purposes of mobilizing selected reemployed annuitants under the provisions of Title 5,
United States Code, depending upon the degree of sensitivity of the position to which
assigned. Particular priority should be afforded to newly assigned personnel assigned to
the defense intelligence and security agencies with respect to granting security
clearances in an expeditious manner under paragraph C3.2.1. of this section.
C3.3.1. General. The appointment, enlistment, and induction of each member of
the Armed Forces or their Reserve components shall be subject to the favorable
completion of a personnel security investigation. The types of investigation required
are set forth in this section.
C3.3.2. Entrance Investigation
C3.3.2.1. An ENTNAC shall be conducted on each enlisted member of the
Armed Forces at the time of initial entry into the service. A DNACI shall be conducted
on each commissioned officer, except as permitted by paragraph C3.3.4. of this section,
warrant officer, cadet, midshipman, and Reserve Officers Training Candidate, at the time
of appointment. A full NAC shall be conducted upon reentry of any of the above when
there has been a break in service greater than 12 months.
C3.3.2.2. If an officer or warrant officer candidate has been the subject of a
favorable NAC or ENTNAC and there has not been a break in service of more than 12
months, a new NAC is not authorized. This includes ROTC graduates who delay entry
onto active duty pending completion of their studies.
C3.3.2.3. All derogatory information revealed during the enlistment or
apppointment process that results in a moral waiver will be fully explained on a written
summary attached to the DD Form 398-2.
C3.3.3. Reserve Components and National Guard. Reserve component and
National Guard personnel not on active duty are subject to the investigative
requirements of this chapter.
C3.3.4. Exceptions for Certain Commissioned Officers of Reserve Components.
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The requirements for entrance investigation shall be rigidly adhered to except as
follows. Healthcare professionals, chaplains, and attorneys may be commissioned in
the Reserve components prior to completion of a DNACI provided that:
C3.3.4.1. A DNACI is initiated at the time an application for a commission is
received; and
C3.3.4.2. The applying health professional, chaplain, or attorney agrees in
writing that, if the results of the investigation are unfavorable, he or she will be subject
to discharge if found to be ineligible to hold a commission. Under this exception,
commissions in Reserve Components other than the National Guard may be tendered to
immigrant alien health professionals, chaplains, and attorneys.
C3.3.5. Mobilization of Military Retirees. The requirements contained in
paragraph C3.3.2. of this section, regarding a full NAC upon reentry to active duty of any
officer or enlisted regular/reserve military retiree or Individual Ready Reserve who has
been separated from service for a period of greater than 12 months, should be waived
for the purposes of partial or full mobilization under provisions of Title 10, (Title 14,
pertaining to the U.S. Coast Guard as an element of the Navy) United States Code, to
include the period of prescribed service refresher training. Particular priority should
be afforded to military retirees mobilized and assigned to the defense intelligence and
security agencies communities.
C3.4.1. General
C3.4.1.1. The authorities designated in paragraph AP5.1., Appendix 5 are the
only authorities authorized to grant, deny or revoke DoD personnel security clearances.
The granting of such clearances shall be limited to only those persons who require
access to classified information for mission accomplishment.
C3.4.1.2. Military, DoD civilian, and contractor personnel who are employed
by or serving in a consultant capacity to the Department of Defense, may be considered
for access to classified information only when such access is required in connection
with official duties. Such individuals may be granted either a final or interim personnel
security clearance provided the investigative requirements set forth below are complied
with, and provided further that all available information has been adjudicated and a
finding made that such clearance would be clearly consistent with the interests of
national security.
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C3.4.2. Investigative Requirements for Clearance
C3.4.2.1. Top Secret
C3. Final Clearance:
C3. BI.
C3. Established billet per paragraph C3.1.5. (except
C3. Interim Clearance:
C3. Favorable NAC, ENTNAC, DNACI, or NACI completed.
C3. Favorable review of DD Form 398/SF-86/SF-171/DD
Form 49.
C3. BI or SBI has been initiated.
C3. Favorable review of local personnel, base/military
police, medical, and other security records as appropriate.
C3. Established billet per paragraph C3.1.5. (except
C3. Provisions of paragraph C3.2.5. have been met
regarding civilian personnel.
C3.4.2.2. Secret
C3. Final Clearance:
C3. DNACI: Military (except first-term enlistees) and
contractor employees.
C3. NACI: Civilian employees.
C3. ENTNAC: First-term enlistees.
C3. Interim Clearance:
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. When a valid need to access Secret information is
established, an interim Secret clearance may be issued in every case, provided that the
steps outlined in subparagraphs C3. through C3., below, have been
complied with.
C3. Favorable review of DD Form 398-2/SF-85/SF-171/DD
Form 48.
C3. NACI, DNACI, or ENTNAC initiated.
C3. Favorable review of local personnel, base military
police, medical, and security records as appropriate.
C3. Provisions of paragraph C3.2.5. have been complied
with regarding civilian personnel.
C3. Confidential
C3. Final Clearance:
C3. NAC or ENTNAC: Military and contractor
employees (except for Philippine national members of the United States Navy on whom
a BI shall be favorably completed).
C3. NACI: Civilian employees (except for summer
hires who may be granted a final clearance on the basis of a NAC).
C3. Interim Clearance
C3. Favorable review of DD Form 398-2/SF 85/SF
17 1/DD Form 48.
C3. NAC, ENTNAC or NACI initiated.
C3. Favorable review of local personnel, base
military police, medical, and security records as appropriate.
C3. Provisions of paragraph C3.2.5. have been
complied with regarding civilian personnel.
C3. Validity of Previously Granted Clearances: Clearances
granted under less stringent investigative requirements retain their validity; however, if a
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
higher degree of clearance is required, investigative requirements of this Regulation
will be followed.
C3.4.3. Access to Classified Information by Non-U.S. Citizens
C3.4.3.1. Only U.S. citizens are eligible for a security clearance. Every effort
shall be made to ensure that non-U.S. citizens are not employed in duties that may
require access to classified information. However, compelling reasons may exist to
grant access to classified information to an immigrant alien or a foreign national. Such
individuals may be granted a "Limited Access Authorization" (LAA) in those rare
circumstances where a non-U.S. citizen possesses a unique or unusual skill or expertise
that is urgently needed in pursuit of a specific DoD requirement involving access to
specified classified information for which a cleared or clearable U.S. citizen is not
C3.4.3.2. Limitations
C3. LAAs shall be limited only to individuals who have a special
skill or technical expertise essential to the fulfillment of a DoD requirement that
cannot reasonably be filled by a U.S. citizen.
C3. LAAs shall not be granted to personnel who perform routine
administrative or other support duties, such as secretaries, clerks, drivers, or mechanics,
unless it has been clearly established that those duties cannot be performed by a U.S.
C3. Personnel granted LAAs shall not be permitted uncontrolled
access to areas where classified information is stored or discussed. Classified
information shall be maintained in a location that will be under the continuous control
and supervision of an appropriately cleared U.S. citizen.
C3. LAA personnel shall not be designated as a courier or escort
for classified material outside the location in which access is permitted unless they are
accompanied by an appropriately cleared U.S. person.
C3.4.3.3. Authorized Access Levels
C3. LAAs may be granted only at the SECRET and
CONFIDENTIAL level. LAAs for TOP SECRET are prohibited. Interim access is not
authorized pending approval of a LAA.
C3. The information the non-U S. citizen may have access to must
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
be approved for release to the persons country or countries of citizenship, in
accordance with DoD Directive 5230.11 (reference (ll)).
C3. Access to classified information shall be limited or related to
a specific program or project; the LAA shall be canceled or rejustified as described
herein upon completion of the program or project.
C3. Access to classified information outside the scope of the
approved LAA shall be considered a compromise of classified information and shall be
investigated, in accordance with DoD 5200.1-R (reference (q)).
C3.4.3.4. Requirements
C3. The LAA granting authority (Appendix 5) may consider issuing
an LAA only after a written determination is made that access is essential for a critical
mission and no U.S. citizen is available to perform the duties.
C3. When a non-U.S. citizen who is nominated for an LAA is a
citizen of a country with which the United States has an agreement providing for security
assurances based on that countries investigative requirements, which are commensurate
with the standards provided herein, an LAA may be issued at the requisite level.
C3. In addition to the above, a favorably completed (within the last
5 years) and adjudicated SSBI is required prior to granting an LAA. If the SSBI cannot
provide full investigative coverage, a polygraph examination (if there are no host
country legal prohibitions) to resolve the remaining personnel security issues (see DoD
Directive 5210.48 (reference (p))), must be favorably completed before granting access.
C3. If geographical, political or medical situations prevent the
full completion of the SSBI or prevent the than full SSBI, a LAA may be granted only
with approval of the ASD(C3I).
C3. If an LAA is withdrawn and the individual subsequently is
considered for an LAA, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply concerning an SSBI
and polygraph examination. The scope of the SSBI normally shall cover the period
since the previous background investigation or 10 years, whichever is shorter.
C3. A PR shall be conducted on every individual with a LAA 5
years from the date of the last PR or SSBI, as appropriate.
C3. All requests for initial LAAs shall contain a detailed
justification and plan describing the following:
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. The location of the classified material (security
containers) in relationship to the location of the foreign national.
C3. The compelling reason for not employing a cleared or
clearable U.S. citizen.
C3. A synopsis of an annual continuing assessment program
to evaluate the individuars continued trustworthiness and eligibility for access.
C3. A plan to control access to secure areas and to
classified and controlled unclassified information.
C3.4.3.5. LAA Determination Authority
C3. LAA determinations may only be made by an official listed in
paragraph AP5.2., Appendix 5. The designated single authorizing official for the
Military Departments, the Combatant Commands, and the DIS precludes an LAA
determination by any other official at the major command level, or equivalent.
C3. LAA determinations for employees of the Military
Departments shall be the sole authority of the Secretary of the Military Department or a
single designee such as the Service central adjudication facility. Field elements must
submit their recommendations for access to the designated official for approval, along
with affiliated information in support of the action.
C3. The Commander of a Combatant Command, or single
designee (flag officer or civilian equivalent) responsible for implementation of the
personnel security program, shall be authorized to issue, deny, or revoke an LAA. LAA
determinations by the Combatant Commands shall be reported to the central
adjudicative facility of the Military Department in accordance with the assigned
responsibilities in DoD Directive 5100.3 (reference (mm)) for inclusion in the DCII.
C3. All LAA determinations, favorable and unfavorable, shall be
entered into the DCII
C3. The administrative action procedures in Chapter 8 do not
apply to LAA determinations.
C3.4.3.6. Record
C3. The LAA granting authority shall ensure that a record is
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
created on issuance and maintained for 5 years from the date the LAA ceases. The
record shall include the following:
C3. The identity of the individual granted the LAA, to
include the full name, date and place of birth, current citizenship(s), any SSN, and any
national identifying number issued by the individual's country or countries of citizenship;
C3. The individual's status as an immigrant alien or foreign
national; if an immigrant alien, the date and place such status was granted;
C3. The classification level of the LAA; i.e., SECRET or
C3. Date and type of most recent background investigation
or PR and the investigating Agency.
C3. Whether a polygraph examination was conducted; if so,
the date and administering Agency for the most recent examination.
C3. The nature and identity of the classified program
materials to which access is authorized and the precise duties performed.
C3. The compelling reasons for granting access to the
C3. All LAA SSBIs and PRs shall be conducted under the auspices
of the DIS and shall comply with the requirements of Appendix 1. The DIS shall
initiate leads to the respective Military Department investigative agencies overseas as
well as the Department of State (DOS). The results of all investigations, to include
those conducted by the DOS, shall be returned to the DIS for review and entry into the
DCII and return to the designated granting official for adjudication. (To expedite
matters, the investigation may be initiated locally provided the necessary paperwork has
been submitted to the DIS for assignment of a case control number and initiation of
such other checks as needed.)
C3. The Combatant Commands shall report LAAs they issue to
the applicable DoD Component CAF for entry into the DCII. The Combatant
Commands shall ensure that all investigative paperwork for the initiation of the SSBI or
PR is submitted to the DIS through the designated single-approval authority responsible
for adjudication and issuance of the LAA.
C3. All LAA nominees must agree to undergo a polygraph
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
examination at any time during the period the LAA is in effect, if there is no
host-country legal prohibition.
C3.4.3.7. All LAAs shall be reviewed annually by the issuing component to
determine if continued access is in compliance with DoD policy. A report on all LAAs
in effect, including the data required in paragraph C3. shall be furnished to the
DASD(I&S) within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year (see subsection C11.1.3.,
C3.4.4. Access by Persons Outside the Executive Branch
C3.4.4.1. Access to classified information by persons outside the Executive
Branch shall be accomplished in accordance with Chapter VII, DoD 5200.1-R (reference
(q)). The investigative requirement shall be the same as for the appropriate level of
security clearance, except as indicated below.
C3.4.4.2. Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representative do not
require personnel security clearances. They may be granted access to DoD classified
information that relates to matters under the jurisdiction of the respective Committees
to which they are assigned and is needed to perform their duties in connection with such
C3.4.4.3. Congressional staff members requiring access to DoD classified
information shall be processed for a security clearance in accordance with DoD
Directive 5142.1 (reference (oo)) and the provisions of this Regulation. The Director,
Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) will initiate the required investigation (initial
or reinvestigation) to DIS, adjudicate the results and grant, deny or revoke the security
clearance, as appropriate. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) will
be notified by WHS of the completed clearance action.
C3.4.4.4. State governors do not require personnel security clearances. They
may be granted access to specifically designated classified information, on a
"need-to-know" basis, based upon affirmation by the Secretary of Defense or the Head of
a DoD Component or single designee, that access, under the circumstances, serves the
national interest. Staff personnel of a governor's office requiring access to classified
information shall be investigated and cleared in accordance with the prescribed
procedures of this Regulation when the Head of a DoD Component, or single designee,
affirms that such clearance serves the national interest. Access shall also be limited to
specifically designated classified information on a "need-to-know" basis.
C3.4.4.5. Members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Federal judiciary and the
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Supreme Courts of the individual States do not require personnel security clearances.
They may be granted access to DoD classified information to the extent necessary to
adjudicate cases being heard before these individual courts.
C3.4.4.6. Attorneys representing DoD military, civilian or contractor
personnel requiring access to DoD classified information to properly represent their
clients, shall normally be investigated by DIS and cleared in accordance with the
prescribed procedures in paragraph C3.4.2. This shall be done upon certification of the
General Counsel of the DoD Component involved in the litigation that access to
specified classified information, on the part of the attorney concerned, is necessary to
adequately represent his or her client. In exceptional instances, when the exigencies of
a given situation do not permit timely compliance with the provisions of paragraph
C3.4.2., access may be granted with the written approval of an authority designated in
Appendix 5 provided that as a minimum: (a) a favorable name check of the FBI and the
DCII has been completed, and (b) a DoD Non-Disclosure Agreement has been
executed. In post-indictment cases, after a judge has invoked the security procedures of
the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) (reference (m)), the Department of
Justice may elect to conduct the necessary background investigation and issue the
required security clearance, in coordination with the affected DoD Component.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3.4.5. Restrictions on Issuance of Personnel Security Clearance. Personnel
security clearances must be kept to the absolute minimum necessary to meet mission
Personnel security clearances shall normally not be issued:
C3.4.5.1. To persons in nonsensitive positions.
C3.4.5.2. To persons whose regular duties do not require authorized access to
classified information.
C3.4.5.3. For ease of movement of persons within a restricted, controlled, or
industrial area, whose duties do not require access to classified information.
C3.4.5.4. To persons who may only have inadvertent access to sensitive
information or areas, such as guards, emergency service personnel firemen, doctors,
nurses, police, ambulance drivers, or similar personnel.
C3.4.5.5. To persons working in shipyards whose duties do not require access
to classified information.
C3.4.5.6. To persons who can be prevented from accessing classified
information by being escorted by cleared personnel.
C3.4.5.7. To food service personnel, vendors and similar commercial sales or
service personnel whose duties do not require access to classified information.
C3.4.5.8. To maintenance or cleaning personnel who may only have
inadvertent access to classified information unless such access cannot be reasonably
C3.4.5.9. To persons who perform maintenance on office equipment,
computers, typewriters, and similar equipment who can be denied classified access by
physical security measures.
C3.4.5.10. To perimeter security personnel who have no access to classified
C3.4.5.11. To drivers, chauffeurs and food service personnel.
C3.4.6. Dual Citizenship. Persons claiming both United States and foreign
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
citizenship shall be processed: under paragraph C3.4.2., above, and adjudicated in
accordance with the "Foreign Preference" standard in Appendix 8.
C3.4.7. One-Time Access. Circumstances may arise where an urgent operational
or contractual exigency exists for cleared DoD personnel to have one-time or short
duration access to classified information at a higher level than is authorized by the
existing security clearance. In many instances, the processing time required to upgrade
the clearance would preclude timely access to the information. In such situations, and
only for compelling reasons in furtherance of the DoD mission, an authority referred to
in subparagraph C3.4.7.1., below, may grant higher level access on a temporary basis
subject to the terms and conditions prescribed below. This special authority may be
revoked for abuse, inadequate record keeping, or inadequate security oversight. These
procedures do not apply when circumstances exist which would permit the routine
processing of an individual for the higher level clearance. Procedures and conditions
for effecting emergency one-time access to the next higher classification level are as
C3.4.7.1. Authorization for such one-time access shall be granted by a flag or
general officer, a general court martial convening authority or equivalent Senior
Executive Service member, after coordination with appropriate security officials.
C3.4.7.2. The recipient of the one-time access authorization must be a U.S.
citizen, possess a current DoD security clearance, and the access required shall be
limited to classified information one level higher than the current clearance.
C3.4.7.3. Such access, once granted, shall be canceled promptly when no
longer required, at the conclusion of the authorized period of access, or upon
notification from the granting authority.
C3.4.7.4. The employee to be afforded the higher level access shall have been
continuously employed by a DoD Component or a cleared DoD contractor for the
preceding 24-month period. Higher level access is not authorized for part-tune
C3.4.7.5. Pertinent local records concerning the employee concerned shall be
reviewed with favorable results.
C3.4.7.6. Whenever possible, access shall be confined to a single instance or
at most, a few occasions. The approval for access shall automatically expire 30
calendar days from date access commenced. If the need for access is expected to
continue for a period in excess of 30 days, written approval of the granting authority is
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
required. At such time as it is determined that the need for access is expected to
extend beyond 90 days, the individual concerned shall be promptly processed for the
level of clearance required. When extended access has been approved, such access
shall be canceled at or before 90 days from original date of access.
C3.4.7.7. Access at the higher level shall be limited to information under the
control and custody of the authorizing official and shall be afforded under the general
supervision of a properly cleared employee. The employee charged with providing such
supervision shall be responsible for:
C3. Recording the higher-level information actually revealed,
C3. The date(s) such access is afforded, and
C3. The daily retrieval of the material accessed.
C3.4.7.8. Access at the next higher level shall not be authorized for
COMSEC, SCI, NATO, or foreign government information.
C3.4.7.9. The exercise of this provision shall be used sparingly and repeat use
within any 12 month period on behalf of the same individual is prohibited. The
approving authority shall maintain a record containing the following data with respect to
each such access approved:
C3. The name, and SSN of the employee afforded higher level
C3. The level of access authorized.
C3. Justification for the access, to include an explanation of the
compelling reason to grant the higher level access and specifically how the DoD
mission would be furthered.
C3. An unclassified description of the specific information to
which access was authorized and the duration of access along with the date(s) access
was afforded.
C3. A listing of the local records reviewed and a statement that no
significant adverse information concerning the employee is known to exist.
C3. The approving authority's signature certifying C3.
through C3., above.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. Copies of any pertinent briefings/debriefings administered to
the employee.
C3.4.8. Access by Retired Flag and/or General Officers
C3.4.8.1. Upon determination by an active duty flag/general officer that there
are compelling reasons, in furtherance of the Department of Defense mission, to grant a
retired flag/general officer access to classified information in connection with a
specific DoD program or mission, for a period not greater than 90 days, the
investigative requirements of this Regulation may be waived. The access shall be
limited to classified information at a level commensurate with the security clearance
held at the time of retirement -- not including access to SCI.
C3.4.8.2. The flag/general officer approving issuance of the clearance shall,
provide the appropriate DoD Component central clearance facility a written record to be
incorporated into the DCII detailing:
C3. Full identifying data pertaining to the cleared subject;
C3. The classification of the information to which access was
C3.4.8.3. Such access may be granted only after the compelling reason and the
specific aspect of the DoD mission which is served by granting such access has been
detailed and under the condition that the classified materials involved are not removed
from the confines of a Government installation or other area approved for storage of
DoD classified information.
C3.5.1. General. It is the policy of the Department of Defense to establish, to
the extent possible, uniform and consistent personnel security investigative
requirements. Accordingly, investigations exceeding established requirements are
authorized only when mandated by statute, national regulations, or international
agreement or Executive Order 12968 or its successor. In this connection, there are
certain special access programs (SAPs) originating at the national or international level
that require personnel security investigations and procedures of a special nature. Those
programs and the special investigative requirements imposed by them are described in
this section. A SAP is any program designed to control access, distribution, and
protection of particularly sensitive information established pursuant to E. O. 12958
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(reference (j)) and prior Executive Orders. DoD Directive O-5205.7 (reference (qq))
prescribes policy and procedures for establishment, administration and reporting of
Departmental SAPs.
C3.5.2. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)
C3.5.2.1. The investigative requirements for access to SCI is an SBI (see
paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1) including a NAC on the individual's spouse or
cohabitant. When conditions indicate, additional investigation shall be conducted on the
spouse of the individual and members of the immediate family (or other persons to
whom the individual is bound by affection or obligation) to the extent necessary to
permit a determination by the adjudication agency that the Personnel Security standards
of DCID 1/14 (reference (l)) are met.
C3.5.2.2. A previous investigation conducted within the past five years which
substantially meets the investigative requirements prescribed by this section may serve
as a basis for granting access approval provided that there has been no break in the
individuals Military Service, DoD civilian employment, or access to classified
information under the Industrial Security Program greater than 24 months. The
individual shall submit one copy of an updated PSQ covering the period since the
completion of the last SBI and/or SSBI and certify any substantive changes that may have
C3.5.2.3. In accordance with DCID 1/14 (reference (l)), a TOP SECRET
security clearance shall not be a prerequisite for access to SCI. Determination of
eligibility for access to SCI under reference (l) shall include eligibility for access to
TOP SECRET and below.
C3.5.3. Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information
(SIOP-ESI). The investigative requirement for access to SIOP-ESI is an SBI, including
a NAC on the spouse and the individual's immediate family who are 18 years of age or
over and who are United States citizens other than by birth or who are resident aliens.
C3.5.4. Presidential Support Activities
C3.5.4.1. DoD Directive 5210.55 (reference (r)) prescribes the policies and
procedures for the nomination, screening, selection, and continued evaluation of DoD
military and civilian personnel and contractor employees assigned to or utilized in
Presidential Support activities. The type of investigation of individuals assigned to
Presidential Support activities varies according to whether the person investigated
qualifies for Category One or Category Two as indicated below:
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. Category One
C3. Personnel assigned on a permanent or full-time basis
to duties in direct support of the President (including the office staff of the Director,
White House Military Office, and all individuals under his control):
C3. Presidential air crew and associated maintenance
and security personnel.
C3. Personnel assigned to the White House
communications activities and the Presidential retreat.
C3. White House transportation personnel.
C3. Presidential mess attendants and medical
C3. Other individuals filling administrative positions
at the White House.
C3. Personnel assigned on a temporary or part-time basis
to duties supporting the President:
C3. Military Social Aides.
C3. Selected security, transportation, flight-line
safety, and baggage personnel.
C3. Others with similar duties.
C3. Personnel assigned to the Office of the Military Aide
to the Vice President.
C3. Category Two
C3. Personnel assigned to honor guards, ceremonial units,
and military bands who perform at Presidential functions and facilities.
C3. Employees of contractors who provide services or
contractors employees who require unescorted access to Presidential Support areas,
activities, or equipment-including maintenance of the Presidential retreat
communications, and aircraft.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. Individuals in designated units requiring a lesser degree
of access to the President or Presidential Support activities.
C3.5.4.2. Personnel nominated for Category One duties must have been the
subject of an SBI, including a NAC on the spouse and all members of the individual's
immediate family of 18 years of age or over who are United States citizens other than
by birth or who are resident aliens. The SBI must have been completed within the 12
months preceding selection for Presidential Support duties. If such an individual
marries subsequent to the completion of the SBI, the required spouse check shall be
made at that time.
C3.5.4.3. Personnel nominated for Category Two duties must have been the
subject of a BI, including a NAC on the spouse and all members of the individual's
immediate family of 18 years of age or over who are United States citizens other than
by birth or who are resident aliens. The BI must have been completed within the 12
months preceding selection for Presidential Support duties. It should be noted that
duties (separate and distinct from their Presidential Support responsibilities) of some
Category Two personnel may make it necessary for them to have special access
clearances, which require an SBI.
C3.5.4.4. The U.S. citizenship of foreign-born immediate family members of
all Presidential Support nominees must be verified by investigation.
C3.5.4.5. A limited number of Category One personnel having especially
sensitive duties have been designated by the Director, White House Military Office as
"Category A." These personnel shall be investigated under special scoping in
accordance with the requirements of reference (ii).
C3.5.5. Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliabilily Program (PRP)
C3.5.5.1. DoD Directive 5210.42 (reference (s)) sets forth the standards of
individual reliability required for personnel performing duties associated with nuclear
weapons and nuclear components. The investigative requirement for personnel
performing such duties is:
C3. Critical Position: BI. In the event that it becomes necessary
to consider an individual for a critical position and the required BI has not been
completed, interim certification may be made under carefully controlled conditions as
set forth below.
C3. The individual has had a favorable DNACI, NAC (or
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
ENTNAC) within the past 5 years without a break in service or employment in excess of
1 year.
C3. The BI has been requested.
C3. All other requirements of the PRP screening process
have been fulfilled.
C3. The individual is identified to supervisory personnel as
being certified on an interim basis.
C3. The individual is not used in a two-man team with
another such individual.
C3.5.5..1.1.6. Justification of the need for interim certification is
documented by the certifying official.
C3. Should the BI not be completed within 150 days from
the date of the request, the certifying official shall query the Component clearance
authority, who shall ascertain from DIS the status of the investigation. On the basis of
such information, the certifying official shall determine whether to continue or to
withdraw the interim certification.
C3. Controlled Position: DNACI/NACI
C3. An ENTNAC completed for the purpose of first term
enlistment or induction into the Armed Forces does not satisfy this requirement.
C3. interim certification is authorized for an individual who
has not had a DNACI/NACI completed within the past 5 years, subject to the following
C3. The individual has had a favorable
ENTNAC/NAC, or higher investigation, that is more than 5 years old and has not had a
break in service or employment in excess of 1 year.
C3. A DNACI/NACI has been requested at the time
of interim certification.
C3. All other requirements of the PRP screening
process have been fulfilled.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3. Should the DNACI/NACI not be completed
within 90 days from the date of the request, the procedures set forth in C3.,
above, for ascertaining the delay of the investigation in the case of a critical position
shall apply.
C3. Additional requirements apply.
C3. The investigation upon which certification is
based must have been completed within the last 5 years from the date of initial
assignment to a PRP position and there must not have been a break in service or
employment in excess of 1 year between completion of the investigation and initial
C3. In those cases in which the investigation was
completed more than 5 years prior to initial assignment or in which there has been a
break in service or employment in excess of 1 year subsequent to completion of the
investigation, a reinvestigation is required.
C3. Subsequent to initial assignment to the PRP,
reinvestigation is not required so long as the individual remains in the PRP.
C3. A medical evaluation of the individual as set
forth in DoD Directive 5210.42 (reference (s)).
C3. Review of the individual's personnel file and
other official records and information locally available concerning behavior or conduct
which is relevant to PRP standards.
C3. A personal interview with the individual for the
purpose of informing him of the significance of the assignment, reliability standards,
the need for reliable performance, and of ascertaining his attitude with respect to the
C3. Service in the Army, Navy and Air Force Reserve
does not constitute active service for PRP purposes.
C3.5.6. Access to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Classified
C3.5.6.1. Personnel assigned to a NATO staff position requiring access to
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
been the: subject of a favorably adjudicated BI (10-year scope), DNACI/NACI or NACI
ENTNAC, current within five years prior to the assignment, in accordance with USSAN
Instruction 1-69 (reference (kk)) and paragraph C3.7.6., below.
C3.5.6.2. Personnel not assigned to a NATO staff position, but requiring
access to NATO COSMIC, SECRET or in the normal course of their duties, must
possess the equivalent final U.S. security clearance based upon the appropriate
personnel security investigation (Appendix 1) required by paragraphs C3.4.2. and
C3.7.10. of this Regulation.
C3.5.7. Other Special Acces Programs(SAPs). Special investigative requirements
for SAPs not provided for in this paragraph may be established only as part of the
written program approval of the Deputy Secretary of Defense in accordance with the
SAP approval process prescribed for in DoD Directive O-5205.7 (reference (qq)).
C3.6.1. General. DoD Directive 5200.8 (reference (t)) outlines the authority of
military commanders under the Internal Security Act of 1950 to issue orders and
regulations for the protection of property or places under their command. Essential to
carrying out this responsibility is a commander's need to protect the command against
the action of untrustworthy persons. Normally, the investigative requirements
prescribed in this Regulation should suffice to enable a commander to determine the
trustworthiness of individuals whose duties require access to classified information or
appointment to positions that are sensitive and do not involve such access. However,
there are certain categories of positions or duties which, although not requiring access
to classified information, if performed by unworthy persons, could enable them to
jeopardize the security of the command or otherwise endanger the national security.
The investigative requirements for such positions or duties are detailed in this section.
C3.6.2. Access to Restricted Areas, Sensitive Information or Equipment Not
Involving Access to Classified Information
C3.6.2.1. Access to restricted areas, sensitive information or equipment by
DoD military, civilian or contractor personnel shall be limited to those individuals who
have been determined trustworthy as a result of the favorable completion of a NAC (or
ENTNAC) or who are under the escort of appropriately cleared personnel. Where
escorting such persons is not feasible, a NAC shall be conducted and favorably reviewed
by the appropriate DoD Component Agency or activity prior to permitting such access.
DoD Components shall not request, and shall not direct or permit their contractors to
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
request, security clearances to permit access to areas when access to classified
information is not required in the normal course of duties or which should be precluded
by appropriate security measures. In determining trustworthiness under this paragraph,
the provisions of paragraph C2.2.1. and Appendix 8 will be utilized.
C3.6.2.2. In meeting the requirements of this paragraph, approval shall be
obtained from one of the authorities designated in paragraph AP5.1., Appendix 5 of this
Regulation, for authority to request NACs on DoD military, civilian or contractor
employees. A justification shall accompany each request which shall detail the reasons
why escorted access would not better serve the national security. Requests for
investigative requirements beyond a NAC shall be forwarded to the Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense for Policy for approval.
C3.6.2.3. NAC requests shall:
C3. Be forwarded to DIS in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph AP2.2., Appendix 2,
C3. Contain a reference to this paragraph on the DD Form 398-2,
C3. List the authority in Appendix 5 who approved the request.
C3.6.2.4. Determinations to deny access under the provisions of this
paragraph must not be exercised in an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory manner and
shall be the responsibility of the military or installation commander as provided for in
DoD Directive 5200.8 (reference (t)).
C3.6.3. Nonappropriated Fund Employees. Each Nonappropriated Fund employee
who is employed in a position of trust as designated by an official authorized in
paragraph AP5.9., Appendix 5, shall have been the subject of a NAC completed no
longer than 12 months prior to employment or a prior personnel security investigation
with no break in Federal service or employment greater than 12 months in accordance
with DoD 1401.1-M, (reference (u)). An individual who does not meet established
suitability requirements may not be employed without prior approval of the authorizing
official. Issuance of a CONFEDENTIAL or SECRET clearance will be based on a
DNACI or NACI in accordance with paragraph C3.4.2.
C3.6.4. Customs Inspectors. DoD employees appointed as customs inspectors,
under waivers approved in accordance with DoD 5030.49-R (reference (v)), shall have
undergone a favorably adjudicated NAC completed within the past 5 years unless there
has been a break in DoD employment greater than 1 year in which case a current NAC is
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3.6.5. Red Cross/United Service Organizations Personnel (USO). A favorably
adjudicated NAC shall be accomplished on Red Cross or United Service Organizations
personnel as prerequisite for assignment with the Armed Forces overseas (DoD
Directive 5210.25 (reference (w))).
C3.6.6. Officials Authorized to Issue Security Clearance. Any person authorized
to adjudicate personnel security clearances shall have been the subject of a favorably
adjudicated BI.
C3.6.7. Personnel Security Clearance adjudication Officials. Any person selected
to serve with a board, committee, or other group responsible for adjudicating personnel
security cases shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated BI.
C3.6.8. Persons Requiring DoD Building Passes. Pursuant to DoD Directive
5210.46 (reference (z)), each person determined by the designated authorities of the
DoD Components concerned as having an official need for access to DoD buildings in
the National Capital Region shall be the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to
issuance of a DoD building pass. Conduct of a BI for this purpose is prohibited unless
approved in advance by ODUSD(P).
C3.6.9. Foreign National Employees Overseas Not Requiring Access to Classified
Information. Foreign nationals employed by DoD organizations overseas, whose duties
do not require access to classified information, shall be the subject of the following
record checks, initiated by the appropriate Military Department investigative
organization consistent with paragraph C2.4.5., prior to employment:
C3.6.9.1. Host-government law enforcement and security agency checks at the
city, state (province), and national level, whenever permissible by the laws of the host
government; and
C3.6.9.2. DCII;
C3.6.9.3. FBI-HQ/ID (where information exists regarding residence by the
foreign national in the United States for one year or more since age 18).
C3.6.10. Special Agents and Investigative Support Personnel. Special agents and
those noninvestigative personnel assigned to investigative agencies whose official
duties require continuous access to complete investigative files and material require an
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3.6.11. Persons Requiring Access to Chemical Agents. Personnel whose duties
involve access to or security of chemical agents shall be screened initially for
suitability and reliability and shall be evaluated on a continuing basis at the supervisory
level to ensure that they continue to meet the high standards required. At a minimum,
all such personnel shall have had a favorably adjudicated NAC completed within the last
5 years prior to assignment in accordance with the provisions of DoD Directive
5210.65 (reference (y)).
C3.6.12. Education and Orientation Personnel. Persons selected for duties in
connection with programs involving the education and orientation of military personnel
shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to such assignment.
This does not include teachers/administrators associated with university extension
courses conducted on military installations in the United States. Non-US citizens from
a country listed in Appendix 8 shall be required to undergo a BI if they are employed in a
position covered by this paragraph.
C3.6.13. Contract Guards. Any person performing contract guard functions shall
have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC prior to such assignment.
C3.6.14. Transportation of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (AA&E). Any DoD
military, civilian or contract employee (including commercial carrier) operating a
vehicle or providing security to a vehicle @porting Category I, II or CONFIDENTIAL
AA&E shall have been the subject of a favorably adjudicated NAC or ENTNAC.
C3.6.15. Personnel Occupying Information Systems Positions Designated ADP-I,
ADP-II and ADP-III. DoD military, civilian personnel, consultants, and contractor
personnel performing on unclassified automated information systems may be assigned
to one of three position sensitivity designations (in accordance with Appendix 10) and
investigated as follows:
Those personnel falling in the above categories who require access to classified
information will, of course, be subject to the appropriate investigative scope contained
in paragraph C3.4.2., above.
C3.6.16. Others. Requests for approval to conduct an investigation on other
personnel, not provided for in paragraphs C3.6.2. through C3.6.14., above, considered to
fall with the general provisions of paragraph C3.6.1., above, shall be submitted, detailing
the justification therefor, for approval to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Policy. Approval of such requests shall be contingent upon an assurance that
appropriate review procedures exist and that adverse determinations will be made at no
lower than major command level.
C3.7.1. General. DoD policy prohibits unauthorized and unnecessary
investigations. There are, however, certain situations and requirements that necessitate
reinvestigation of an individual who has already been investigated under the provisions
of this regulation. It is the policy to limit reinvestigation of individuals to the scope
contained in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1, to meet overall security requirements.
Reinvestigation, generally, is authorized only as follows:
C3.7.1.1. To prove or disprove an allegation relating to the criteria set forth in
paragraph C2.2.1. of this Regulation with respect to an individual holding a security
clearance or assigned to a position that requires a unworthiness determination;
C3.7.1.2. To meet the periodic reinvestigation requirements of this
Regulation with respect to those security programs enumerated below; and
C3.7.1.3. Upon individual request, to assess the current eligibility of
individuals who did not receive favorable adjudicative action after an initial
investigation, if a potential clearance need exists and there are reasonable indications
that the factors upon which the adverse determination was made no longer exists.
C3.7.2. Allegations Related to Disqualification. Whenever questionable behavior
patterns develop, derogatory information is discovered, or inconsistencies arise related
to the disqualification criteria outlined in paragraph C2.2.1. that could have an adverse
impact on an individual's security status, a Special Investigative Inquiry (SII), psychiatric,
drug or alcohol evaluation, as appropriate, may be requested to resolve all relevant
issues in doubt. If it is essential that additional relevant personal data is required from
the investigative subject, and the subject fails to furnish the required data, the subject's
existing security clearance or assignment to sensitive duties shall be terminated in
accordance with paragraph C8.2.2. of this Regulation.
C3.7.3. Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). Each individual
having current access to SCI shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year
recurring basis scoped as set forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.7.4. Critical-sensitive Positions. Each DoD civilian employee occupying a
critical sensitive position shall be the subject of a PR conducted an a 5-year recurring,
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
basis scoped as set forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.7.5. Presidential Support Duties. Each individual assigned Presidential Support
duties shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis scoped as set
forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.7.6. NATO Staff. Each individual assigned to a NATO staff position requiring a
COSMIC clearance shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis
scoped as set forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1. Those assigned to a NATO
staff position requiring a NATO SECRET clearance shall be the subject of a new NAC
conducted on a 5-year recurring basis.
C3.7.7. Extraordinarily Sensitive Duties. In extremely limited instances,
extraordinary national security implications associated with certain SCI duties may
require very special comparanentation and other special security measures. In such
instances, a Component SOIC may, with the approval of the Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy, request PRs at intervals of less than 5 years as outlined in
paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1. Such requests shall include full justification and a
recommendation as to the desired frequency. In reviewing such requests, the Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy shall give due consideration to:
C3.7.7.1. The potential damage that might result from the individuals
defection or abduction.
C3.7.7.2. The availability and probable effectiveness of means other than
reinvestigation to evaluate factors concerning the individual's suitability for continued
SCI access.
C3.7.8. Foreign Nationals Employed by DoD Organizations Overseas. Foreign
nationals employed by DoD organizations overseas who have been granted a "Limited
Access Authorization" shall be the subject of a PR, as set forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4.,
Appendix 1, conducted under the auspices of DIS by the appropriate Military
Department or other U.S. Government investigative agency consistent with paragraph
C2.4.5. and Appendix 9 of this Regulation.
C3.7.9. Persons Accessing Very Sensitive Information Classified Secret
C3.7.9.1. Heads of DoD Components shall submit a request to the Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for approval to conduct periodic
reinvestigations on persons holding Secret clearances who are exposed to very sensitive
Secret information.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C3.7.9..2. Generally, the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy will
only approve periodic reinvestigations of persons having access to Secret information if
the unauthorized disclosure of the information in question could reasonably be expected
C3. Jeopardize human life or safety.
C3. Result in the loss of unique or uniquely productive
intelligence sources or methods vital to the United States security.
C3. Compromise technologies, plans, or procedures vital to the
strategic advantage of the United States.
C3.7.9.3. Each individual accessing very sensitive Secret information who has
been designated by an authority listed in paragraph AP5.1., Appendix 5 as requiring
periodic reinvestigation, shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring
basis scoped as stated in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.7.10. Access Top Secret Information. Each individual having current access to
Top Secret information shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring
basis scoped as outlined in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.7.11. Personnel Occupying Computer Positions Designated ADP-I. All DoD
military, civilians, consultants, and contractor personnel occupying computer positions
designated ADP-I, shall be the subject of a PR conducted on a 5-year recurring basis as
set forth in paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1.
C3.8.1. Authorized Officials. Only an official designated in paragraph AP5.7.,
Appendix 5, is empowered to waive the investigative requirements for appointment to a
sensitive position, assignment to sensitive duties or access to classified information
pending completion of the investigation required by this chapter. Such waiver shall be
based upon certification in writing by the designated official that such action is
necessary to the accomplishment of a DoD mission. A minor investigative element that
has not been met should not preclude favorable adjudication--nor should this require a
waiver when all other information developed on an individual during the course of a
prescribed investigation is favorable.
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C4.1.1. General. Investigations conducted by DoD organizations or another
Agency of the Federal Government shall not be duplicated when those investigations
meet the scope and standards for the level of the clearance or access required. The
DoD Components that grant access (SCI or SAP) or issue security clearances (TOP
SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL) to civilian and/or military or contractor
employees are responsible for determining whether such individuals have been
previously cleared or investigated by the U.S. Government. Any previously granted
security clearance or access, which is based upon a current investigation of a scope that
meets or exceeds that necessary for the clearance or access required, shall provide the
basis for issuance of a new clearance and/or access without further investigation or
adjudication. Previously conducted investigations and previously rendered personnel
security determinations shall be accepted within the Department of Defense, in
accordance with the policy in sections C4.1.2. through C4.1.4. below.
C4.1.2. Prior Personnel Security Investigations. As long as there is no break in
Military Service and/or Federal employment greater than 24 months, any previous
personnel security investigation that essentially is equivalent in scope to an investigation
required by this Regulation will be accepted without requesting additional investigation.
There is no time limitation as to the acceptability of such investigations, subject to the
provisions of paragraphs C2.3.8. and C4.1.3.2. of this Regulation.
C4.1.3. Prior Personnel Security Determinations Made by DoD Authorities
C4.1.3.1. Adjudicative determinations for appointment in sensitive positions,
assignment to sensitive duties or access to classified information (including those
pertaining to SCI) made by designated DoD authorities will be mutually and reciprocally
accepted by all DoD Components without requiring additional investigation, unless there
has been a break in the individual's Military Service and/or Federal employment of
greater than 24 months or unless derogatory information that occurred subsequent to
the last prior security determination becomes known. A check of the DCII or other
appropriate databases should be conducted to accomplish this task.
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C4.1.3.2. Whenever a valid DoD security clearance or access eligibility is on
record, Components shall not request DIS or other DoD investigative organizations to
forward prior investigative files for review unless:
C4. Significant derogatory information or investigation completed
subsequent to the date of last clearance and/or an access authorization, is known to the
requester; or
C4. The individual concerned is being considered for a higher
level clearance (e.g., Secret or Top Secret) or the individual does not have an access
authorization and is being considered for one; or
C4. The most recent clearance or access authorization of the
individual concerned was conditional or based on a waiver.
C4.1.3.3. Requests for prior investigative files authorized by this Regulation
shall be made in writing, shall cite the specific justification for the request (i.e.,
upgrade of clearance, issue Special Access authorization, etc.), and shall include the
date, level, and issuing organization of the individual's current or most recent security
clearance or Special Access authorization.
C4.1.3.4. All requests for non-DoD investigative files, authorized under the
criteria prescribed by paragraphs C4.1.3.1., C4., C4., C4., and
C4.1.3.3., above, shall be:
C4. Submitted on DD Form 398-2 to DIS;
C4. Annotated as a "Single Agency Check" of whichever Agency
developed the investigative file or to obtain the check of a single national agency.
C4.1.3.5. When further investigation is desired, in addition to an existing
non-DoD investigative file, a DD Form 1879 will be submitted to DIS with the
appropriate security forms attached. The submission of a Single Agency Check via DD
Form 398-2 will be used to obtain an existing investigative file or check a single
national agency.
C4.1.3.6. Whenever a civilian or military member transfers from one DoD
activity to another, the losing organizations security office is responsible for advising
the gaining organization of any pending action to suspend, deny or revoke the individual's
security clearance as well as any adverse information that may exist in security,
personnel or other files. In such instances the clearance shall not be reissued until the
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
questionable information has been adjudicated.
C4.1.4. Investigations Conducted and Clearances Granted by Other Agencies of the
Federal Government
C4.1.4.1. Whenever a prior investigation or personnel security determination
(including clearance for access to information classified under Executive Order 12356
(reference (j))) of another Agency of the Federal Government meets the investigative
scope and standards of this Regulation, such investigation or clearance may be accepted
for the investigative or clearance purposes of this Regulation, provided that the
employment with the Federal Agency concerned has been continuous and there has been
no break longer than 24 months since completion of the prior investigation, and further
provided that inquiry with the Agency discloses no reason why the clearance should not
be accepted. If it is determined that the prior investigation does not meet the
provisions of this paragraph, supplemental investigation shall be requested.
C4.1.4.2. A NACI conducted by OPM shall be accepted and considered
equivalent to a DNACI for the purposes of this Regulation.
C4.1.4.3. Department of Defense policy on reciprocal acceptance of
clearances with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy is
set for the in DoD Directive 5210.2 (reference (z)).
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C5.1.1. General. Requests for personnel security investigations shall be limited to
those required to accomplish the Defense mission. Such requests shall be submitted
only by the authorities designated in paragraph C5.1.2., below. These authorities shall
be held responsible for determining if persons under their jurisdiction require a
personnel security investigation. Proper planning must be effected to ensure that
investigative requests are submitted sufficiently in advance to allow completion of the
investigation before the time it is needed to grant the required clearance or otherwise
make the necessary personnel security determination.
C5.1.2. Authorized Requesters. Requests for personnel security investigation
shall be accepted only from the requesters designated below:
C5.1.2.1. Military Departments
C5. Army
C5. Central Clearance Facility.
C5. All activity commanders.
C5. Chiefs of recruiting stations.
C5. Navy (including Marine Corps)
C5. Central Adjudicative Facility.
C5.1.2..1.2.2. Commanders and commanding officers of
organizations listed on the Standard Navy Distribution List.
C5. Chiefs of recruiting stations.
C5. Air Force
C5. Air Force Security Clearance Office.
C5. Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C5. All activity commanders.
C5. Chiefs of recruiting stations.
C5.1.2.2. Defense Agencies--Directors of Security and activity commanders.
C5.1.2.3. Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff--Chief, Security Division.
C5.1.2.4. Office of the Secretary of Defense--Director for Personnel and
Security, Washington Headquarters Services.
C5.1.2.5. Commanders of the Combatant Commands or their designees.
C5.1.2.6. Such other requesters approved by the Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy.
C5.1.3. Criteria for Requesting Investigations. Authorized requesters shall use the
tables set forth in Appendix 3 to determine the type of investigation that shall be
requested to meet the investigative requirement of the specific position or duty
C5.1.4. Request Procedures. To insure efficient and effective completion of
required investigations, all requests for personnel security investigations shall be
prepared and forwarded in accordance with Appendix 2 and the investigative
jurisdictional policies set forth in section C2.4. of this Regulation.
C5.1.5. Priority Requests. To insure that personnel security investigations are
conducted in an orderly and efficient manner, requests for priority for individual
investigations or categories of investigations shall be kept to a minimum. DIS shall not
assign priority to any personnel security investigation or categories of investigations
without written approval of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
C5.1.6. Personal Data Provided by the Subject of the Investigation
C5.1.6.1. To conduct the required investigation, it is necessary that the
investigative agency be provided certain relevant data concerning the subject of the
investigation. The Privacy Act of 1974 (reference (m)) requires that, to the greatest
extent practicable, personal information shall be obtained directly from the subject
individual when the information may result in adverse determinations affecting an
individual's rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal programs.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C5.1.6.2. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon the subject of each personnel
security investigation to provide the personal information required by this Regulation.
At a minimum, the individual shall complete the appropriate investigative forms, provide
fingerprints of a quality acceptable to the FBI, and execute a signed release, as
necessary, authorizing custodians of police, credit, education, employment, and medical
and similar records, to provide relevant record information to the investigative agency.
When the FBI returns a fingerprint card indicating that the quality of the fingerprints is
not acceptable, an additional set of fingerprints wail be obtained from the subject. In
the event the FBI indicates that the additional fingerprints are also unacceptable, no
further attempt to obtain more fingerprints need be made; this aspect of the
investigation will then be processed on the basis of the name check of the FBI files. As
an exception, a minimum of three attempts will be made (1) for all Presidential Support
cases, (2) for SCI access nominations if the requester so indicates, and (3) in those
cases in which more than minor derogatory information exists. Each subject of a
personnel security investigation conducted under the provisions of this regulation shall
be furnished a Privacy Act Statement advising of (1) the authority for obtaining the
personal data, (2) the principal purpose(s) for obtaining it, (3) the routine uses, (4)
whether disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, (5) the effect on the individual if it is not
provided, and (6) that subsequent use of the data may be employed as part of an a
periodic review process to evaluate continued eligibility for access to classified
C5.1.6.3. Failure to respond within the time limit prescribed by the requesting
organization with the required security forms or refusal to provide or permit access to
the relevant information required by this Regulation shall result in termination of the
individual's security clearance or assignment to sensitive duties utilizing the procedures
of paragraph C8.2.2. or further administrative processing of the investigative request.
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C6.1.1. General
C6.1.1.1. The standard that must be met for clearance or assignment to
sensitive duties is that, based on all available information, the person's loyalty,
reliability, and trustworthiness are such that entrusting the person with classified
information or assigning the person to sensitive duties is clearly consistent with the
interests of national security.
C6.1.1.2. The principal objective of the DoD personnel security adjudicative
function, consequently, is to assure selection of persons for sensitive positions who
meet this standard. The adjudication process involves the effort to assess the
probability of future behavior, which could have an effect adverse to the national
security. Since few, if any, situations allow for positive, conclusive evidence of certain
future conduct, it is an attempt to judge whether the circumstances of a particular case,
taking into consideration prior experience with similar cases, reasonably suggest a
degree of probability of prejudicial behavior not consistent with the national security.
It is invariably a subjective determination, considering the past but necessarily
anticipating the future. Rarely is proof of trustworthiness and reliability or
untrustworthiness and unreliability beyond all reasonable doubt.
C6.1.1.3. Establishing relevancy is one of the key objectives of the personnel
security adjudicative process in evaluating investigative material. It involves neither the
judgment of criminal guilt nor the determination of general suitability for a given
position; rather, it is the assessment of a person's trustworthiness and fitness for a
responsibility that could, if abused, have unacceptable consequences for the national
C6.1.1.4. While equity demands optimal uniformity in evaluating individual
cases, assuring fair and consistent assessment of circumstances from one situation to
the next, each case must be weighed on its own merits, taking into consideration all
relevant facts, and prior experience in similar cases. All information of record, both
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
favorable and unfavorable, must be considered and assessed in terms of accuracy,
completeness, relevance, seriousness,and overall significance. In all adjudications the
protection of the national security shall be the paramount determinant.
C6.1.2. Central Adjudication
C6.1.2.1. To ensure uniform application of the requirement of this Regulation
and to ensure that DoD personnel security determinations are effected consistent with
existing statutes and Executive orders, the Head of each Military Department and
Defense Agencies shall establish a single Central Adjudication Facility for his/her
component. The function of such facility shall be limited to evaluating personnel
security investigations and making personnel security determinations. The chief of each
Central Adjudication Facility shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Head of the
Component concerned with respect to personnel security determinations. All
information relevant to determining whether a person meets the appropriate personnel
security standard prescribed by this Regulation shall be reviewed and evaluated by
personnel security specialists specifically designated by the Head of the Component
concerned, or designee.
C6.1.2.2. In view of the significance each adjudicative decision can have on a
person's career and to ensure the maximum degree of fairness and equity in such
actions, a minimum level of review shall be required for all clearance/access
determinations related to the following categories of investigations:
C6. Favorable: Completely favorable investigations shall
be reviewed and approved by an adjudicative official in the civilian grade of GS-7/9 or
the military rank of O-3.
C6. Unfavorable: Investigations that are not completely
favorable shall undergo at least two levels of review by adjudicative officials, the second
of which must be at the civilian grade of GS-11/12 or the military rank of O-4. When
an unfavorable administrative action is contemplated under paragraph C8.2.2., the letter
of intent (LOI) to deny or revoke must be approved and signed by an adjudicative
official at the civilian grade of GS-13/14 or the military rank of O-5. A final
notification of unfavorable administrative action, subsequent to the issuance of the LOI,
must be approved and signed at the civilian grade of GS-14/15 or the military rank of
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C6. Favorable: A completely favorable investigation may
be finally adjudicated after one level of review provided that the decision making
authority is at the civilian grade of GS-5/7 or the military rank of O-2.
C6. Unfavorable: Investigations that are not completely
favorable must be reviewed by an adjudicative official in the civilian grade of GS-7/9 or
the military rank of O-3. When an unfavorable administrative action is contemplated
under paragraph C8.2.2., the letter of intent to deny/ revoke must be signed by an
adjudicative official at the civilian grade of GS-11/12 or the military rank of O-4. A
final notification of unfavorable administrative action subsequent to the issuance of the
LOI must be signed by an adjudicative official at the civilian grade of GS-13 or the
military rank of O-5 or above.
C6. Exceptions to the above policy may only be granted by the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
C6.1.3. Evaluation of Personnel Security Information
C6.1.3.1. The criteria and adjudicative policy to be used in applying the
principles at paragraph C6.1.1., above, are set forth in paragraph C2.2.1. and Appendix 8
of this Regulation. The ultimate consideration in making a favorable personnel security
determination is whether such determination is clearly consistent with the interests of
national security and shall be an overall common sense evaluation based on all available
information. Such a determination shall include consideration of the following factors:
C6. The nature and seriousness of the conduct;
C6. The circumstances surrounding the conduct;
C6. The frequency and recency of the conduct;
C6. The age of the individual;
C6. The voluntariness of participation; and
C6. The absence or presence of rehabilitation.
C6.1.3.2. Detailed adjudication policy guidance to assist adjudicators in
determining whether a person is eligible for access to classified information or
assignment to sensitive duties is contained in Appendix 8. Adjudication policy for
access to SCI is contained in DCID 1/14.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C6.1.4. Adjudicative Record
C6.1.4.1. Each adjudicative determination, whether favorable or unfavorable,
shall be entered into the Defense Clearance and Investigations Index (DCII) on a daily
basis but in no case to exceed 5-working days from the date of determination.
C6.1.4..2. The rationale underlying each unfavorable personnel security
determination to include the appeal process, and each favorable personnel security
determination where the investigation or information upon which the determination was
made included significant derogatory information of the type set forth in paragraph
C2.2.1. and Appendix 8 of this Regulation shall be maintained in written or automated
form and is subject to the provisions of DoD Directives 5400.7 (reference (aa)) and
5400.11 (reference (bb)). This information shall be maintained for aminimum of 5
years from the date of determination.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C7.1.1. General
C7.1.1.1. The issuance of a personnel security clearance (as well as the
function of determining that an individual is eligible for access to Special Access
program information, or is suitable for assignment to sensitive duties or such other
duties that require a trustworthiness determination) is a function distinct from that
involving the granting of access to classified information. Clearance determinations
are made on the merits of the individual case with respect to the subjects suitability for
security clearance. Access determinations are made solely on the basis of the
individual's need for access to classified information in order to perform official
duties. Except for suspension of access pending final adjudication of a personnel
security clearance, access may not be finally denied for cause without applying the
provisions of paragraph C8.1.3.
C7.1.1.2. Only the authorities designated in paragraph AP5.1., Appendix 5 are
authorized to grant, deny or revoke personnel security clearances or Special Access
authorizations (other than SCI). Any commander or head of an organization may
suspend access for cause when there exists information raising a serious question as to
the individual's ability or intent to protect classified information, provided that the
procedures set forth in paragraph C8.1.3. of this Regulation are complied with.
C7.1.1.3. All commanders and Heads of DoD organizations have the
responsibility for determining those position functions in their jurisdiction that require
access to classified information and the authority to grant access to incumbents of such
positions who have been cleared under the provisions of this Regulation.
C7.1.2. Issuing Clearance
C7.1.2.1. Authorities designated in paragraph AP5.1., Appendix 5 shall record
the issuance, denial, or revocation of a personnel security clearance in the DCII (see
paragraph C6.1.4., above). A record of the clearance issued shall also be recorded in an
individual's personnel/security file or official personnel folder, as appropriate.
C7.1.2.2. A personnel security clearance remains valid until (1) the individual
is separated from the Armed Forces, (2) separated from DoD civilian employment, (3)
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
has no further official relationship with the Department of Defense, (4) official action
has been taken to deny, revoke or suspend the clearance or access, or (5) regular access
to the level of classified information for which the individual holds a clearance is no
longer necessary in the normal course of his or her duties. If an individual resumes the
original status of (1), (2), (3), or (5) above, no single break in the individual's
relationship with the Department of Defense exists greater than 24 months, and/or the
need for regular access to classified information at or below the previous level recurs,
the appropriate clearance shall be reissued without further investigation or adjudication
provided there has been no additional investigation or development of derogatory
C7.1.2.3. Personnel security clearances of DoD military personnel shall be
granted, denied, or revoked only by the designated authority of the parent Military
Department. Issuance, reissuance, denial, or revocation of a personnel security
clearance by any DoD Component concerning personnel who have been determined to
be eligible for clearance by another component is expressly prohibited. Investigations
conducted on Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel by DIS will be returned only to the
parent Service of the subject for adjudication regardless of the source of the original
request. The adjudicative authority will be responsible for expeditiously transmitting
the results of the clearance determination. As an exception, the employing DoD
Component may issue an interim clearance to personnel under their administrative
jurisdiction pending a final eligibility determination by the individual's parent DoD
Component. Whenever an employing DoD Component issues an interim clearance to
an individual from another DoD Component, written notice of the action shall be
provided to the parent DoD Component.
C7.1.2.4. When an SSBI (or PR) for access to SCI is initiated on a military
member, who is assigned to a Defense Agency (except DIA), OSD staff, or the Joint
Staff, DIS will return the completed investigation to the appropriate Military Department
CAF, in accordance with subsection C7.1.2.3., above, for issuance (or reissuance) of the
SCI eligibility. The CAF shall be responsible for expeditiously transmitting the results
of the SCI eligibility determination to the requesting Defense Agency. For military
personnel assigned to the DIA, the completed investigation will be forwarded to the DIA
for the SCI eligibility determination. The DIA will expeditiously transmit the results of
the SCI eligibility determination to the appropriate Military Department CAF.
C7.1.2.5. When the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO)
initiates an SSBI (or PR) for access to SCI on a contractor employee, DIS will return
the completed investigation to the appropriate CAF with SCI cognizance. Following a
favorable SCI eligibility determination, the CAF will notify DISCO of the outcome. If
the SCI eligibility is denied or revoked, the CAF will complete all appropriate due
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
process and appeal procedures before forwarding the case and all relevant additional
documentation to DISCO for appropriate action, to include referral to the Defense
Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) for possible action under DoD Directive
5220.6 (reference (c)).
C7.1.2.6. The interim clearance shall be recorded in the DCII (paragraph
C6.1.4., above) by the parent DoD Component in the same manner as a final clearance.
C7.1.3. Granting Access
C7.1.3.1. Access to classified information shall be granted to persons whose
official duties require such access and who have the appropriate personnel security
clearance. Access determinations (other than for Special Access programs) are not an
adjudicative function relating to an individual's suitability for such access. Rather they
are decisions made by the commander that access is officially required.
C7.1.3.2. In the absence of derogatory information on the individual
concerned, DoD commanders and organizational managers shall accept a personnel
security clearance determination, issued by any DoD authority authorized by this
Regulation to issue personnel security clearance, as the basis for granting access, when
access is required, without requesting additional investigation or investigative files.
C7.1.3.3. The access level of cleared individuals will, wherever possible, be
entered into the Defense Clearance and Investigations Index (DCII), along with clearance
eligibility. However, completion of the DCII Access field is required effective October
1, 1993, in all instances where the adjudicator is reasonably aware of the level of
classified access associated with a personnel security investigation. Agencies are
encouraged to start completing this field as soon as possible.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C8.1.1. General. For purposes of this Regulation, an unfavorable administrative
action includes any adverse action which is taken as a result of a personnel security
determination, as defined at paragraph DL1.1.2., and any unfavorable personnel security
determination, as defined at paragraph DL1.1.29. This chapter is intended only to
provide guidance for the internal operation of the Department of Defense and is not
intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon, to create or enlarge the jurisdiction
or review authority of any court or administrative tribunal, including the Merit Systems
Protection Board.
C8.1.2. Referral for Action
C8.1.2.1. Whenever derogatory information related to the criteria and policy
set forth in paragraph C2.2.1. and Appendix 8 of this Regulation is developed or
otherwise becomes available to any DoD element, it shall be referred by the most
expeditious means to the commander or the security officer of the organization to
which the individual is assigned for duty. The commander or security officer of the
organization to which the subject of the information is assigned shall review the
information in terms of its security significance and completeness. If further
information is needed to confirm or disprove the allegations, additional investigation
should be requested. The commander of the duty organization shall insure that the
appropriate Central Adjudicative Facility (CAF) of the individual concerned is informed
promptly concerning (1) the derogatory information developed and (2) any actions taken
or anticipated with respect thereto. However, referral of derogatory information to the
commander or security officer shall in no way affect or limit the responsibility of the
CAF to continue to process the individual for denial or revocation of clearance or
access to classified information, in accordance with paragraph C8.2.2., below, if such
action is warranted and supportable by the criteria and policy contained in paragraph
C2.2.1. and Appendix 8. No unfavorable administrative action as defined in paragraphs
DL1.1.28. and DL1.1.29. may be taken by the organization to which the individual is
assigned for duty without affording the person the full range of protections contained in
paragraph C8.2.2., below, or, in the case of SCI, Annex B, DCID 1/14 (reference (l)).
C8.1.2.2. The Director DIS shall establish appropriate alternative means
whereby information with potentially serious security significance can be reported other
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
than through DoD command or industrial organization channels. Such access shall
include utilization of the DoD Inspector General "hotline" to receive such reports for
appropriate follow-up by DIS. DoD Components and industry will assist DIS in
publicizing the availability of appropriate reporting channels. Additionally, DoD
Components will augment the system when and where necessary. Heads of DoD
Components will be notified immediately to take action if appropriate.
C8.1.3. Suspension.
C8.1.3.1. The commander or head of the organization shall determine whether,
on the basis of all facts available upon receipt of the initial derogatory information, it is
in the interests of national security to continue subjects security status unchanged or to
take interim action to suspend subjects access to classified information or assignment
to sensitive duties (or other duties requiring a trustworthiness determination), if
information exists which raises serious questions as to the individual's ability or intent
to protect classified information or execute sensitive duties (or other duties requiring a
trustworthiness determination) until a final determination is made by the appropriate
authority designated in Appendix 5.
C8.1.3.2. Whenever a determination is made to suspend a security clearance
for access to classified information or assignment to sensitive duties (or other duties
requiring a trustworthiness determination), the individual concerned must be notified of
the determination in writing by the commander, or component CAF, to include a brief
statement of the reason(s) for the suspension action consistent with the interests of
national security.
C8.1.3.3. Component field elements must promptly report all suspension
actions to the appropriate CAF, but not later than 10 working days from the date of the
suspension action. The adjudicative authority will immediately update the DCII
Eligibility and Access fields to alert all users to the individual's changed status.
C8.1.3.4. Every effort shall be made to resolve suspension cases as
expeditiously as circumstances permit suspension cases exceeding 180 days shall be
closely monitored and managed by the DoD Component concerned until finally
resolved. Suspension cases pending in excess of 12 months will be reported to the
DASD (I&S) for review and appropriate action.
C8.1.3.5. A final security clearance eligibility determination shall be made for
all suspension actions and the determination entered in the DCII. If, however, the
individual under suspension leaves the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and no
longer requires a clearance (or trustworthiness determination), entry of the "Z" Code
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(adjudication action incomplete due to loss of jurisdiction) in the clearance eligibility
field is appropriate. In no case shall a "suspension" code (Code Y) remain a permanent
record in the DCII
C8.1.3.6. A clearance or access entry in the DCII shall not be suspended or
downgaded based solely on the fact that a periodic reinvestigation was not conducted
precisely within the 5-year time period for TOP SECRET/SCI or within the period
prevailing for SECRET clearances under departmental policy. While every effort
should be made to ensure that PRs are conducted within the prescribed timeframe,
agencies must be flexible in their administration of this aspect of the personnel security
program so as not to undermine the ability of the Department of Defense to accomplish
its mission.
C8.1.4. Final Unfavorable Administrative Actions. The authority to make
personnel security determinations that will result in an unfavorable administrative action
is limited to those authorities designated in Appendix 5, except that the authority to
terminate the employment of a civilian employee of a Military Department or Defense
Agency is vested solely in the head of the DoD Component concerned and in such other
statutory official as may be designated. Action to terminate civilian employees of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense and DoD Components, on the basis of criteria listed
in paragraph C2.2.1., C2.2.1.1. through C2.2.1.6., shall be coordinated with the of the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and
Intelligence OASD(C3I) prior to final action by the Head of the DoD Component. DoD
civilian employees or members of the Armed Forces shall not be removed from
employment or separated from the Service under provisions of this regulation if
removal or separation can be effected under OPM regulations or administrative
(nonsecurity) regulations of the Military Departments. However, actions contemplated
in this regard shall not affect or limit the responsibility of the CAF to continue to
process the individual for clearance, access to classified information, or assignment to
a sensitive position if warranted and supportable by the criteria and standards contained
in this Regulation.
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C8.2.1. General. No final unfavorable personnel security clearance or access
determination shall be made on a Armed Forces, an employee of the Department of
Defense, a consultant to the Department of Defense, or any other person affiliated with
the Department of Defense without granting the individual concerned the procedural
benefits set forth in C8.2.2., below, when such determination results in an unfavorable
administrative action (see paragraph C8.1.1.). As an exception, DoD contractor
personnel shall be afforded the procedures contained in DoD Directive 5220.6
(reference (c)) and Red Cross/United Service Organizations employees shall be
afforded the procedures prescribed by DoD Directive 5210.25 (reference (w)).
Procedures for to SAPs may differ from the procedures in this Regulation as authorized
in E.O. 12968 and as approved by the Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary of
C8.2.2. Unfavorable Administrative Action Procedures. Except as provided for
below, no unfavorable administrative action shall be taken under the authority of this
Regulation unless the individual concerned has been:
C8.2.2.1. Provided a written statement of the reasons (SOR) as to why the
unfavorable administrative action is being taken in accordance with the example at
Appendix 11, which includes sample letters and enclosures. The SOR shall be as
comprehensive and detailed as the protection of sources afforded confidentiality under
provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (reference (m)) and national security permit.
The statement will contain, 1) a summary of the security concerns and supporting
adverse information, 2) instructions for responding to the SOR and 3) copies of the
relevant security guidelines from Appendix 8. In addition, the CAF will provide within
30 calendar days, upon request of the individual, copies of releasable records of the
personnel security investigation (the CAF must retain copies of the file for at least 90
days to ensure the ready availability of the material for the subject). If the CAF is
unable to provide requested documents for reasons beyond their control, then the name
and address of the Agency (Agencies) to which the individual may write to obtain a copy
of the records will be provided.
C8. The head of the local organization of the individual receiving
an SOR shall designate a point of contact (POC) to serve as a liaison between the CAF
and the individual. The duties of the POC will include, but not necessarily be limited
to, delivering the SOR, having the individual acknowledge receipt of the SOR;
determining whether the individual intends to respond within the time specified;
ensuring that the individual understands the consequences of the proposed action as well
as the to respond in a timely fashion; explaining how to obtain time extensions, procure
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
copies of investigative records, and the procedures for responding to the SOR; and
ensuring that the individual understands that he or she can obtain legal counsel or other
assistance at his or her own expense.
C8.2.2.2. Afforded an opportunity to reply in writing to the CAF within 30
calendar days from the date to submit a timely response will result in forfeiture of all
future appeal rights with regard to the unfavorable administrative action. Exceptions to
this policy may only be circumstances where the individual's failure to respond to the
SOR was due to factors beyond his or her control. The CAF must be notified of the
individual's intent to respond, via the POC, within 10-calendar days of receipt of the
SOR. An extension of up to 30-calendar days may be granted by the employing
organization following submission of a written request from the individual. Additional
extensions may only be granted by the CAF. Responses to the CAF must be forwarded
through the head of the employing organization.
C8.2.2.3. Provided a written response by the CAF to any submission under
subparagraph C8.2.2.2., above. stating the final reason(s) for the unfavorable
administrative action, which shall be as specific as privacy and national security
considerations permit and in accordance with the example of a letter of denial (IOD)
and its enclosures at Appendix 11. Such response shall be as prompt as individual
circumstances permit, not to exceed 60-calendar days from the date of receipt of the
response submitted under subparagraph C8.2.2.2., above, provided no additional
investigative action is necessary. If a final response cannot be completed within the
time frame allowed, the individual must be notified in writing of this fact, the reasons
therefor, and the date a final response is expected, which shall not normally exceed a
total of 90 days from the date of receipt of the response under subparagraph C8.2.2.2.
C8.2.2.4. Afforded an opportunity to appeal an LOD, issued pursuant to
paragraph C8.2.2.3., above to the DoD Component Personnel Security Appeals Board
(PSAB). The PSAB shall consist of a minimum of three members and function in
accordance with Appendix 12. If a decision is made to appeal the LOD, the individual
may do so by one of the following methods:
C8. Appeal Without a Personal Appearance: Advise the PSAB
within 10-calendar days of receipt of the LOD, of the intent to appeal. Within
40-calendar days of receipt of the LOD, write to the appropriate PSAB stating reasons
why the LOD should be overturned and providing any additional, relevant information
that may have a bearing on the final decision by the PSAB;
C8. Appeal With a Personal Appearance: Advise the Defense
Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) within 10-calendar days of receipt of the LOD
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
that a personal appearance before a DOHA Administrative Judge (AJ) is desired in order
to provide additional, relevant information, which may have a bearing on the final
decision by the PSAB. DOHA will promptly schedule a personal appearance and will
provide a recommendation to the PSAB generally within 60 days of receipt of the
requesting the personal appearance. Procedures governing the conduct of the personal
appearance before a DOHA AJ are contained at Appendix 13.
C8.2.2.5. Provided a final written decision by the PSAB, including a rationale,
to any submission under subparagraph C8.2.2.4., above, stating the final disposition of
the appeal. This will nominally be accomplished within 60-calendar days of receipt of
the written appeal from the individual if no personal appearance was requested, or within
30-calendar days from receipt of the AJ's recommendation if a personal appearance was
C8.2.3. Due Process Review. The due process and appeal procedures will be
reviewed one year after implementation. The above procedures will become effective
no later than 120 days after the date of this change.
C8.2.4. Exceptions to Policy. Notwithstanding paragraph C8.2.2., above or any
other provision of this Regulation, nothing in this Regulation shall be deemed to limit
or affect the responsibility and powers of the Secretary of Defense to find that a person
is unsuitable for entrance or retention in the Armed Forces, or is ineligible for a
security clearance or assignment to sensitive duties, if the national security so requires,
pursuant to Section 7532, Title 5, United States Code (reference (pp)). Such authority
may not be delegated and may be exercised only when it is determined that the
procedures prescribed in paragraph C8.2.2., above, are not appropriate. Such
determination shall be conclusive.
C8.3.1. General. Any person whose civilian employment in the Department of
Defense is terminated under the provisions of this Regulation shall not be reinstated or
restored to duty or reemployed in the Departmentof Defense unless the Secretary of
Defense, or the Head of a DoD Component, finds that such reinstatement, restoration,
or reemployment is clearly consistent with the interests of national security. Such a
finding shall be made part of the personnel security record.
C8.3.2. Reinstatement Benefits. A DoD civilian employee whose employment has
been suspended or terminated under the provisions of this Regulation and who is
reinstated or restored to duty under the provisions of Section 3571 of Title 5, U.S.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Code (reference (dd)) is entitled to benefits as provided for by Section 3 of Public Law
89-380 (reference (ee)).
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C9.1.1. General. A personnel security determination is an effort to assess the
future trustworthiness of an individual in terms of the likelihood-of the individual
preserving the national security. Obviously it is not possible at a given point to
establish with certainty that any human being will remain trustworthy. Accordingly, the
issuance of a personnel security clearance or the determination that a person is suitable
for assignment to sensitive duties cannot be considered as a final personnel security
action. Rather, there is the clear need to assure that, after the personnel security
determination is reached, the individual's trustworthiness is a matter of continuing
assessment. The responsibility for such assessment must be shared by the
organizational commander or manager, the individual's supervisor and, to a large degree,
the individual himself. Therefore, the Heads of DoD Components shall establish and
maintain a program designed to evaluate on a continuing basis the status of personnel
under their jurisdiction with respect to security eligibility. This program should insure
close coordination between security authorities and personnel, medical, legal and
supervisory personnel to assure that all pertinent information available within a
command is considered in the personnel security process.
C9.1.2. Management Responsibility
C9.1.2.1. Commanders and heads of organizations shall insure that personnel
assigned to sensitive duties (or other duties requiring a trustworthiness determination
under the provisions of this Regulation) are initially indoctrinated and periodically
instructed thereafter on the national security implication of their duties and on their
individual responsibilities.
C9.1.2..2. The Heads of all DoD Components are encouraged to develop
programs designed to counsel and assist employees in sensitive positions who are
experiencing problems in their personal lives with respect to such areas as financial,
medical or emotional difficulties. Such initiatives should be designed to identify
potential problem areas at an early stage so that any assistance rendered by the
employing activity will have a reasonable chance of precluding long term, job-related
security problems.
C9.1.3. Supervisory Responsibility. Security programs shall be established to
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
insure that supervisory personnel are familiarized with their special responsibilities in
matters pertaining to personnel security with respect to personnel under their
supervision. Such programs shall provide practical guidance as to indicators that may
signal matters of personnel security concern. Specific instructions should be
disseminated concerning reporting procedures to enable the appropriate authority to
take timely corrective action to protect the interests of national security as well as to
provide any necessary help to the individual concerned to correct any personal problem
which may have a bearing upon the individuals continued eligibility for access.
C9.1.3.1. In conjunction with the submission of PRs stated in Section C3.7.,
Chapter 3, and paragraph AP1.1.1.4., Appendix 1, supervisors will be required to review
an individual's DD Form 398 to ensure that no significant adverse information of which
they are aware and that may have a bearing on subject's continued eligibility for access
to classified information is omitted.
C9.1.3.2. If the supervisor is not aware of any significant adverse information
that may have a bearing on the subject's continued eligibility for access, then the
following statement must be documented, signed and dated, and forwarded to DIS with
the investigative package.
"I am aware of no information of the type contained at Appendix 5, DoD 5200.2-R,
relating to subject's trustworthiness, reliability, or loyalty that may reflect adversely on
his/her ability to safeguard classified information."
C9.1.3.3. If the supervisor is aware of such significant adverse information,
the following statement shall be documented, signed and dated and forwarded to DIS
with the investigative package, and a written summary of the derogatory information
forwarded to DIS with the investigative package:
"I am aware of information of the type contained in Appendix E, DoD 5200.2-R, relating
to subject's trustworthiness, reliability, or loyalty that may reflect adversely on his/her
ability to safeguard classified information and have reported all relevant details to the
appropriate security official(s)."
C9.1.3.4. In conjunction with regularly scheduled fitness and performance
reports of military and civilian personnel whose duties entail access to classified
information, supervisors will include a comment in accordance with paragraphs
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C9.1.3.2. and C9.1.3.3., above, as well as a comment regarding an employee's discharge
of security responsibilities, pursuant to their Component guidance.
C9.1.4. Individual Responsibility
C9.1.4.1. Individuals must familiarize themselves with pertinent security
regulations that pertain to their assigned duties. Further, individuals must be aware of
the standards of conduct required of persons holding positions of trust in this
connection, individuals must recognize and avoid the kind of personal behavior that
would result in rendering one ineligible for continued assignment in a position of trust.
In the final analysis, the ultimate responsibility for maintaining continued eligibility for
a position of trust rests with the individual.
C9.1.4.2. Moreover, individuals having access to classified information must
report promptly to their security office:
C9. Any form of contact, intentional or otherwise, with individuals
of any nationality, whether within or outside the scope of the employee's official
activities, in which:
C9. Illegal or unauthorized access is sought to classified or
otherwise sensitive information.
C9. The employee is concerned that he or she may be the
target of exploitation by a foreign entity.
C9. Any information of the type referred to in paragraph C2.2.1.
or Appendix 8.
C9.1.5. Coworker Responsibility. Coworkers have an equal obligation to advise
their supervisor or appropriate security official when they become aware of information
with potentially serious security significance regarding someone with access to
classified information employed in a sensitive position.
C9.2.1. General. The effectiveness of an individual in meeting security
responsibilities is proportional to the degree to which the individual understands them.
Thus, an integral part of the DoD security program is the indoctrination of individuals on
their security responsibilities. Moreover, such indoctrination is essential to the
efficient functioning of the DoD personnel security program. Accordingly, Heads of
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD Components shall establish procedures in accordance with this chapter whereby
persons requiring access to classified information or being assigned to positions that
require the occupants to be determined trustworthy are periodically briefed as to their
security responsibilities.
C9.2.2. Initial Briefings
C9.2.2.1. All persons cleared for access to classified information or assigned
to duties requiring a trustworthiness determination under this Regulation shall be given
an initial security briefing. The briefing shall be in accordance with the requirements of
paragraph 10-102., DoD 5200.1-R (reference (q)) and consist of the following elements:
C9. The specific security requirements of their particular job.
C9. The techniques employed by foreign intelligence activities in
attempting to obtain classified information and their responsibility for reporting such
C9. The prohibition against disclosing classified information, by
any means, to unauthorized persons or discussing or handling classified information in a
manner that would make it accessible to unauthorized persons.
C9. The penalties that may be imposed for security violations.
C9.2.2.2. If an individual declines to execute Standard Form 312, "Classified
Information Nondisclosure Agreement" (replaced the Standard Form 189). the DoD
Component shall initiate action to deny or revoke the security clearance of such person
in accordance with paragraph C8.1.3., above.
C9.2.3. Refresher Briefing. Programs shall be established to provide, at a
minimum, annual security training for personnel having continued access to classified
information. The elements outlined in paragraph 10-101. DoD 5200.1-R (reference
(q)) shall be tailored to fit the needs of the experienced personnel.
C9.2.4. Foreign Travel Briefing. While world events during the past several years
have diminished the threat to our national security from traditional cold-war era foreign
intelligence services, foreign intelligence services continue to pursue the unauthorized
acquisition of classified or otherwise sensitive U.S. Government information, through
the recruitment of U.S. Government employees with access to such information.
Through security briefings and education, the Department of Defense continues to
provide for the protection of information and technology considered vital to the national
security interests from illegal or unauthorized acquisition by foreign intelligence
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C9.2.4.1. DoD Components will establish appropriate internal procedures
requiring all personnel possessing a DoD security clearance to report to their security
office all contacts with individuals of any nationality, whether within or outside the
scope of the employee's official activities in which:
C9. Illegal or unauthorized access is sought to classified or
otherwise sensitive information.
C9. The employee is concerned that he or she may be the target
of exploitation by a foreign entity.
C9.2.4.2. The DoD security manager, security specialist, or other qualified
individual will review and evaluate the reported information. Any facts or
circumstances of a reported contact with a foreign national that appear to:
C9. Indicate an attempt or intention to obtain unauthorized access
to proprietary, sensitive, or classified Information or technology,
C9. Offer a reasonable potential for such, or
C9. Indicate the possibility of continued contact with the foreign
national for such purposes, shall be promptly reported to the appropriate
counterintelligence agency.
C9.2.5. Termination Briefing
C9.2.5.1. Upon termination of employment administrative withdrawal of
security clearance or contemplated absence from duty or employment for 60 days or
more DoD military personnel and civilian employees shall be given a termination
briefing, return all classified material, and execute a Security Termination Statement.
This statement shall include:
C9. An acknowledgment that the individual has read the
appropriate provisions of the Espionage Act, other criminal statutes, DoD Regulations
applicable to the safeguarding of classified information to which the individual has had
access and understands the implications thereof.
C9. A declaration that the individual no longer has any documents
or material containing classified information in his or her possession;
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C9. An acknowledgment that the individual will not communicate
or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or agency; and
C9. An acknowledgment that the individual will report without
delay to the FBI or DoD Component concerned any attempt by any unauthorized person
to solicit classified information.
C9.2.5.2. When an Individual refuses to execute a Security Termination
Statement, that fact shall be reported immediately to the security manager of the
cognizant organization concerned. In any such case, the individual involved shall be
debriefed orally. The fact of a refusal to sign a Security Termination Statement shall be
reported to the Director, Defense Investigative Service, who shall ensure that it is
recorded in the Defense Clearance and Investigations Index.
C9.2.5.3. The Security Termination Statement shall be retained by the DoD
Component that authorized the individual access to classified information for the period
specified in the Component's records retention schedules, but for a minimum of 2 years
after the individual is given a termination briefing.
C9.2.5.4. In addition to the provisions of subparagraphs C9.2.5.1., C9.2.5.2.,
and C9.2.5.3., above, DoD Components shall establish a central authority to be
responsible for ensuring that Security Termination Statements are executed by senior
personnel (general officers, flag officers and GS-16s and above). Failure on the part of
such personnel to execute a Security Termination Statement shall be reported
immediately to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C10.1.1. General. In recognition of the sensitivity of personnel security reports
and records, particularly with regard to individual privacy, it is Department of Defense
policy that such personal information shall be handled with the highest degree of
discretion. Access to such information shall be afforded only for the purpose cited
herein and to persons whose official duties require such information. Personnel
security investigative reports may be used only for the purposes of determining
eligibility of DoD military and civilian personnel, contractor employees, and other
persons affiliated with the Department of Defense, for access to classified information,
assignment or retention in sensitive duties or other specifically designated duties
requiring such investigation, or for law enforcement and counterintelligence
investigations. Other uses are subject to the specific written authorization of the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
C10.1.2. Responsibilities. DoD authorities responsible for administering the DoD
personnel security program and all DoD personnel authorized access to personnel
security reports and records shall ensure that the use of such information is limited to
that authorized by this Regulation and that such reports and records are safeguarded as
prescribed herein. The Heads of DoD Components and the Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy for the Office of the Secretary of Defense shall establish internal
controls to ensure adequate safeguarding and limit access to and use of personnel
security reports and records as required by paragraph C10.1.3. and C10.1.4., below.
C10.1.3. Access Restrictions. Access to personnel security investigative reports
and personnel security clearance determination information shall be authorized only in
accordance with DoD Directives 5400.7 and 5400.11 (references (aa) and (bb)) and with
the following:
C10.1.3.1. DoD personnel security investigative reports shall be released
outside of the Department of Defense only with the specific approval of the
investigative agency having authority over the control and disposition of the reports.
C10.1.3.2. Within the Department of Defense, access to personnel security
investigative reports shall be limited to those designated DoD officials who require
access in connection with specifically assigned personnel security duties, or other
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
activities specifically identified under the provisions of paragraph C10.1.1., above.
C10.1.3.3. Access by subjects of personnel security investigative reports shall
be afforded in accordance with DoD Directive 5400.11 (reference (bb)).
C10.1.3.4. Access to personnel security clearance determination information
shall be made available, other than provided for in C10.1.3.3., above, through security
channels, only to the Department of Defense or other officials of the Federal
Government who have an official need for such information.
C10.1.4. Safeguarding Procedures. Personnel security investigative reports and
personnel security determination information shall be safeguarded as follows:
C10.1.4.1. Authorized requesters shall control and maintain accountability of
all reports of investigation received.
C10.1.4.2. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of personnel security
investigative reports by requesters shall be restricted to the minimum number of copies
required for the performance of assigned duties.
C10.1.4.3. Personnel security investigative reports shall be stored in a vault,
safe, or steel file cabinet having at least a lock or and an approved three-position
dial-type combination padlock or in a similarly protected area/container.
C10.1.4.4. Reports of DoD personnel security investigations shall be sealed in
double envelopes or covers when transmitted by mail or when carried by persons not
authorized access to such information. The inner cover shall bear a notation
substantially as follows:
C10.1.4.5. An individual's status with respect to a personnel security clearance
or a Special Access authorization is to be protected as provided for in paragraph 6.3.6.,
DoD Directive 5400.7 (reference (aa)).
C10.1.5. Records Disposition
C10.1.5.1. Personnel security investigative reports, to include OPM NACIs
may be retained by DoD recipient organizations, only for the period necessary to
complete the purpose for which it was originally requested. Such reports are
considered to be the property of the investigating organization and are on loan to the
recipient organization. All copies of such reports shall be destroyed within 90 days
after completion of the required personnel security determination. Destruction shall be
accomplished in the same manner as for classified information in accordance with
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
paragraph 9-101., DoD 5200.1-R (reference (q)).
C10.1.5.2. DoD record repositories authorized to file personnel security investigative
reports shall destroy PSI reports of a favorable or of a minor derogatory nature 15 years after the
date of the last action. That is, after the completion date of the investigation or the date on which
the record was last released to an authorized user--whichever is later. Personnel security
investigative reports resulting in an unfavorable administrative personnel action or court-martial
or other investigations of a significant nature due to information contained in the investigation
shall be destroyed 25 years after the date of the last action. Files in this latter category that are
determined to be of possible historical value and those of widespread public or congressional
interest may be offered to the National Archives after 15 years.
C10.1.5.3. Personnel security investigative reports on persons who are considered for
affiliation with the Department of Defense will be destroyed after 1 year if the affiliation is not
C10.1.6. Foreign Source Information. Information that is classified by a foreign government is
exempt from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Further,
information provided by foreign governments requesting an express promise of confidentiality
shall be released only in a manner that will not identify or allow unauthorized persons to identify
the foreign agency concerned.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C11.1.1. General. To ensure uniform implementation of the DoD personnel
security program throughout the Department, program responsibility shall be centralized
at the DoD Component level.
C11.1.2. Responsibilities
C11.1.2.1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,
Communications, and Intelligence (ASD(C3I)) shall have primary responsibility for
providing guidance, oversight, development and approval for policy and procedures
governing personnel security program matters within the Department:
C11. Provide program management through isuance of policy and
operating guidance.
C11. Provide staff assistance to the DoD Components and
Defense Agencies in resolving day-to-day security policy and operating problems.
C11. Conduct inspections of the DoD Components for
implementation and compliance with DoD security policy and operating procedures.
C11. Provide policy, oversight, and guidance to the Component
adjudication functions.
C11. Approve, coordinate and oversee all DoD personnel security
research initiatives and activities.
C11.1.2.2. The General Counsel shall ensure that the program is administered
in a manner consistent with the laws; all proceedings are promptly initiated and
expeditiously completed; and that the rights of individuals involved are protected,
consistent with the Interests of national security. The General Counsel shall also
ensure that all relevant decisions of the courts and legislative initiatives of the
Congress are obtained on a continuing basis and that analysis of the foregoing is
accomplished and disseminated to DoD personnel security program management
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C11.1.2.3. The Heads of the CoDComponents shall ensure that:
C11. The DoD personnel security program is administered within
their area of responsibility in a manner consistent with this Regulation.
C11. A single authority within the office of the Head of the DoD
Component is assigned responsibility for administering the program within the
C11.1.2..3.3. Information and recommendations are provided the
ASD(C3I) and the General Counsel at their request concerning any aspect of the
C11.1.3. Reporting Requirements
C11.1.3.1. The OASD(C3I) shall be provided personnel security program
management data by the Defense Data Manpower Center (DMDC) by 31 December
each year for the preceding fiscal year. To facilitate accurate preparation of this report,
all adjudicative determinations must be entered into the DCII by all DoD central
adjudication facilities no later than the end of the fiscal year. The information required
below is essential for basic personnel security program management and in responding
to requests from the Secretary of Defense and Congress. The report shall cover the
preceding fiscal year, broken out by clearance category, according to military (officer
or enlisted), civilian or contractor status and by the central adjudication facility that took
the action, using the enclosed format:
C11.1.3..1.1. Number of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential clearances
C11. Number of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential clearances
C11. Number of Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential clearances
C11. Number of SCI access determinations issued;
C11. Number of SCI access determinations denied;
C11. Number of SCI access determinations revoked; and
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C11. Total number of personnel holding a clearance for Top
Secret, Secret, Confidential, and Sensitive Compartmented Information as of the end of
the fiscal year.
C11.1.3.2. The Defense Investigative Service (DIS) shall provide the
OASD(C3I) a quarterly report that reflects investigative cases opened and closed during
the most recent quarter by case category type, and by major requester. The information
provided by DIS is essential for evaluating statistical data regarding investigative
workload and the manpower required to perform personnel security investigations.
Case category types include National Agency Checks (NACs); Expanded NACS; Single
Scope Background Investigations; Periodic Reinvestigations (PRs); SECRET Periodic
Reinvestigations (SPRs); Post Adjudicative; Special Investigative Inquiries (SlIs); and
Limited Inquiries. This report shall be forwarded to OASD(C3I) within 45 days after
the end of each quarter.
C11.1.3.3. The reporting requirement for DMDC and DIS has been assigned
Report Control Symbol DD-C31(A)1749.
C11.1.4. Inspections. The Heads of DoD Components shall assure that personnel
security program matters are included in their administrative inspection programs.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C12.1.1. General
C12.1.1.1. The Defense Clearance and Investigations Index (DCII) is the
single, automated central repository that identifies investigations conducted by DoD
investigative agencies, and personnel security determinations made by DoD adjudicative
C12.1.1.2. The DCII database consists of an alphabetical index of personal
names and impersonal titles that appear as subjects, co-subjects, victims, or
cross-referenced incidental subjects, in investigative documents maintained by DoD
criminal, counterintelligence, fraud, and personnel security investigative activities.
Additionally, personnel security adjudicative determinations are maintained, by subject,
in the DCII.
C12.1.1.3. DoD investigative and adjudicative authorities report information
which is used for investigative, adjudicative, statistical, research and other purposes as
authorized by OASD(C3I) approval.
C12.1.2. Access. The DCII is operated and maintained by the Defense
Investigative Service (DIS). Access is nominally limited to the Department of Defense
and other Federal Agencies with adjudicative, investigative, and/or counterintelligence
(CI) missions. Agencies wishing to gain access to the DCII must submit a written
request outlining specific requirements with corresponding justification, as stated in
paragraph C12.1.2.1. through C12.1.2.4., below. On approval, a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) addressing equipment, maintenance, security, privacy, and other
Agency responsibilities shall be forwarded to the requester by DIS for signature.
C12.1.2.1. Military Departments. Requests from Military Departments or
organizations must be submitted for approval and endorsement through the following
offices to DIS, Director, National Computer Center, P.O. Box 1211, Baltimore, MD
C12. Air Force. Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the
Air Force, Pentagon, Room 4D881, Washington, DC 20330-4000.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C12. Army. Director, Counterintelligence and Security
Countermeasures, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of
the Army, Pentagon, Room 2D481, Washington, DC 20301-1050.
C12. Navy and Marine Corps. Director, Information and
Personnel Security Policy Directorate, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Chief of
Naval Operations (OP-09N), Washington, DC 20350-2000.
C12.1.2.2. Combatant Commands. Requests from Combatant Commands
must be submitted for approval to DIS, Director, National Computer Center through the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief, Security Division, Directorate for Information and
Resource Management, The Joint Staff, Room 1B738, The Pentagon, Washington, DC
C12.1.2.3. Defense Agencies. Requests from DoD Agencies must be
submitted through, and with the approval of, the Agency's Security Headquarters Office
to DIS, Director, National Computer Center, P.O. Box 1211, Baltimore, MD
C12.1.2.4. Non-DoD Agencies. Requests from Non-DoD Agencies must be
submitted to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence and Security),
Attn: Counterintelligence and Security Programs, Room 3C281, 6000 Defense
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-6000. On approval, those requests shall be
forwarded to the DIS for action.
C12.1.3. Investigative Data. Contributors to the DCII shall ensure that all
investigative data on an individual is entered into the DCII.
C12.1.3.1. An entry shall be made to indicate a pending investigation when an
investigation is opened.
C12.1.3.2. When an investigation has been completed, the contributor shall
change the DCII status to reflect a completed investigation, including the date (year) of
the investigation.
C12.1.3.3. Changes or additions to existing files must, whenever appropriate,
all be reflected in the DCII.
C12.1.3.4. Investigative file tracings may be deleted from the DCII when the
retention period is over and the record file has been destroyed.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C12.1.4. Adjudicative Data. All adjudicative determinations on personnel with
access to classified information or performing sensitive duties shall be indexed in the
C12.1.4.1. Specifically, a DCII clearance entry shall be created or updated as
C12. Immediately upon suspension of access.
C12. When interim access has been authorized by the CAF or
employing activity.
C12. Immediately following the granting, denial, or revocation of
a clearance or access.
C12. Following the receipt, review, and adjudication of
information received subsequent to the prior clearance or access determination.
C12.1.4.2. DCII entries shall inform the DoD Components of the clearance
eligibility and/or access status of an individual or the presence of an adjudicative file.
C12.1.4.3. An adjudicative determination shall remain in the DCII as long as
the subject is affiliated with the Department of Defense. The determination may be
deleted 2 years after the employment and/or clearance eligibility ends. The deleted
DCII data shall be retained by the DIS in a historical file for a minimum of 5 years after
deletion by the contributor.
C12.1.4.4. The date of the DCII clearance and/or access entry shall always be
the same as or subsequent to the date of the most recent investigation.
C12.1.4.5. DoD Components will notify the CAF of applicable personnel
changes to ensure the accuracy of the DCII database.
C12.1.5. Notification to Other Contributors. Whenever a DoD contributor to the
DCII becomes aware of significant unfavorable information about an individual with a
clearance and/or access entry from another DoD contributor, immediate notification
must be made to the latter along with copies of all relevant information.
C12.1.6. Security Requirements for the DCII
C12.1.6.1. The DCII is an unclassified system that meets the C-2 level of
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
protection under the Computer Security Act of 1987. Contributors may enter only
unclassified information.
C12.1.6.2. Information contained in the DCII receives the protection required
by the Privacy Act of 1974 (reference (m)).
C12. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, positions
having direct (password) access to a DCII terminal are considered to be ADP-1 Critical
Sensitive Positions.
C12. Individuals authorized access to the DCII must have a
favorably completed SSBI (or BI and/or SBI).
C12. DoD activities and other Federal Agencies that have been
authorized "Read Only" access to the DCII must also comply with those investigative
C12.1.6.3. Each authorized contributor is responsible for the accuracy of the
data it enters. Contributors may enter, modify or delete only data originated by them.
The DCII shall not allow one contributor to alter or delete another contributor's
C12.1.6.4. To prevent unauthorized access or tampering during nonworking
hours, DCII terminals must be located in an area that is secured by guard personnel, an
alarm system, or appropriate locking device.
C12.1.6.5. When the DCII terminal is operational, access to DCII information
shall be controlled and limited to those persons authorized access to that information.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
C12.1.7. Disclosure of Information. The Privacy Act of 1974 requires an
accounting of the disclosure of personal information when it is provided to another
Agency. For accessing the DCII, the Department of Defense is considered a single
Agency. Disclosure of personal information in the Department of Defense does not
require specific accounting for each disclosure. All releases of information obtained
from the DCII to any non-DoD source must be recorded in the DCII Disclosure
Accounting System (DDAS) by the Agency that releases the information. A contributor
may disclose only the DCII data originated by that contributor to the subject of the
data. Requests for release of investigative reports or adjudicative files are handled as
Privacy Act requests by contributors.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP1.1.1. This appendix prescribes the scope of the various types of personnel
security investigations.
AP1.1.1.1. National Agency Check. The scope for NAC is five years or to
age 18, whichever is the shorter period. At a minimum, the first three of the described
Agencies (DCII, FBLIHQ, and FBI/ID), below, shall be included in each complete NAC;
however, a NAC may also include a check of any or all of the other described Agencies,
if appropriate.
AP1. The DCII database consists of an alphabetical index of
personal names and impersonal titles that appear as subjects, co-subjects, victims, or
cross-referenced incidental subjects, in investigative documents maintained by DoD
criminal, counterintelligence, fraud, and personnel security investigative activities.
Additionally, personnel security adjudicative determinations are maintained, by subject,
in the DCII. DCII records will be checked on all subjects of DoD investigations.
AP1. FBI/HQ has on file copies of investigations conducted by
the FBI. The FBI/HQ check, included in every NAC, consists of a review of files for
information of a security nature and that developed during applicant-type investigations.
AP1. An FBI/ID check, included in every NAC (but not ENTNAC),
is based upon a technical fingerprint search that consists of a classification the subject's
fingerprints and comparison with fingerprint cards submitted by law enforcement
activities. If the fingerprint card is not classifiable, a "name check only" of these files
is automatically conducted.
AP1. OPM. The files of OPM contain the results of
investigations conducted by OPM under E.O. 9835 and 10450 (references (ff) and (g)),
those requested by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of
Energy (DOE), and those requested since August 1952 to serve as a basis for "Q"
clearances. OPM records are checked on all persons who are, or who have been,
civilian employees of the U.S. Government; or U.S. citizens who are, or who have been,
employed by a United Nations organization or other public international organization;
and on those who have been granted security clearances by the NRC or the DOE.
AP1. Immigration and Naturalization Service (I&NS). The files
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
of I&NS contain (or show where filed) naturalization certificates, certificates of
derivative citizenship, all military certificates of naturalization, repatriation files,
petitions for naturalization and declaration of intention, visitors' visas, and records of
aliens (including government officials and representatives of international
organizations) admitted temporarily into the U.S. I&NS records are checked when the
subject is:
AP1. An alien in the United States, or
AP1. A naturalized citizen whose naturalization has not been
verified, or
AP1. An immigrant alien, or
AP1. A U.S. citizen who receives derivative citizenship
through the naturalization of one or both parents, provided that such citizenship has not
been verified in a prior investigation.
AP1. State Department. The State Department maintains the
following records:
AP1. Security Division (S/D) files contain information
pertinent to matters of security, violations of security, personnel investigations
pertinent to that agency, and correspondence files from 1950 to date. These files are
checked on all former State Department employees.
AP1. Passport Division (P/D) shall be checked if subject
indicates U.S. citizenship due to birth in a foreign country of American parents. This is
a check of State Department Embassy files to determine if subject's birth was registered
at the U.S. Embassy in the country where he was born. Verification of this registration
is verification of citizenship.
AP1. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The CIA maintains the
following records:
AP1. Directorate of Operations (CIA-DO/IMS) maintains
the Foreign Intelligence/Counterintelligence database. This database shall be checked
for all aliens residing outside the United States requiring access to classified
information (i.e., LAA). If the requester provides complete personal identifying
information (Complete Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and Citizenship), all alien
co-subjects (on SSBIS) residing outside the United States are also checked. In addition,
this database shall be queried on the Subject any time there is a counterintelligence
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
concern raised during the conduct of the personnel security investigation.
AP1. Office of Security (CIA-SEC) maintains information
on present and former employees, including members of the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS), and applicants for employment. These files shall be checked if subject
has been an employee of the CIA or when other sources indicate that CIA may have
pertinent information.
AP1. Military Personnel Record Center files are maintained by
separate Departments of the Armed Forces, General Services Administration and the
Reserve Records Centers. They consist of the Master Personnel Records of retired,
separated, Reserve, and active duty members of the Armed Forces. These records shall
be checked when the requester provides required identifying data indicating service
during the last 5 years.
AP1. Treasury Department. The files of Treasury Department
Agencies (Secret Service, Internal Revenue Service, and Bureau of Customs) will be
checked only when available information indicates that an Agency of the Treasury
Department may be reasonably expected to have pertinent information.
AP1. The files of other Agencies, such as the National Guard
Bureau, the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO), etc., will be checked
when pertinent to the purpose for which the investigation is being conducted.
AP1.1.1.2. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI): The following SSBI
scope reflects the requirements of National Security Directive 63 (reference (rr)).
AP1. Scope: The period of investigation for an SSBI is the last
ten (10) years or to age 18, whichever is the shorter period, provided that the
investigation covers at least the last 2 full years of the subject's life. No investigation
will be conducted for the period prior to an individual's 16th birthday. Emphasis shall
be placed on peer coverage whenever interviews are held with personal sources in
making education, employment, and reference (including developed) contact.
AP1. Expansion of Investigation. The investigation may be
expanded as necessary, to resolve issues and/or address employment standards unique
to individual agencies.
AP1. NAC. Checks on subject and spouse/cohabitant of
investigative and criminal history files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, including
submission of fingerprint records on the subject, and such other national Agencies
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(DCII, INS, OPM, CIA, etc.). In addition to conducting a NAC on the subject of the
investigation, the following additional requirements apply.
AP1. A DCII, FBLID name check only and FBI/HQ check
shall be conducted on subject's spouse or cohabitant. In addition, such other national
agency checks as deemed appropriate based on information on the subject's PSQ shall
be conducted.
AP1. A check of FBI/HQ files on members of subject's
immediate family who are 18 years of age or older and who are non-U.S. citizens shall
be conducted. As used throughout the Regulation, members of subject's immediate
family include the following:
AP1. Current spouse.
AP1. Adult children, 18 years of age or older, by
birth, adoption, or marriage.
AP1. Natural, adopted, foster, or stepparents.
AP1. Guardians.
AP1. Brothers and sisters either by birth, adoption,
or remarriage of either parent.
AP1. Cohabitant.
AP1. The files of CIA shall be reviewed on non-U.S.
citizens of subject's immediate family who are 18 years of age or older.
AP1. I&NS files on members of subject's immediate family
18 years of age or older shall be reviewed when they are:
AP1. Non-U.S. citizens, or
AP1. Naturalized U.S. citizens whose naturalization
has not been verified in a prior investigation, or
AP1. U.S. citizens born in a foreign country of
American parent(s) or U.S. citizens who received derivative citizenship through the
naturalization of one or both parents, provided that such citizenship has not been verified
in a prior investigation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP1. Subject Interview. Required in all cases and shall be
conducted by trained security, investigative, or counterintelligence personnel to ensure
full investigative coverage. An additional personal interview shall be conducted when
necessary to resolve any significant information and/or inconsistencies developed
during the investigation. In Departments or Agencies with policies sanctioning the use
of polygraph for personnel security purposes, the personal interview may include a
polygraph examination, conducted by a qualified polygraph examiner;
AP1. Birth. Independent certification of date and place of birth
received directly from appropriate registration authority if not otherwise verified under
A1., below, or if a variance is developed.
AP1. Citizenship. Subject must be a U.S. citizen. Independent
verification of citizenship received directly from appropriate registration authority. For
foreign-born immediate family members 18 years of age or older, verification of
citizenship or, legal status is also required. Subject's citizenship status must be verified
in all cases. U.S. citizens who are subjects of investigation will be required to produce
documentation that will confirm their citizenship. Normally such documentation should
be presented to the DoD Component concerned prior to the initiation of the request for
investigation. When such documentation is not readily available, investigative action
may be initiated with the understanding that the designated authority in the DoD
Component will be provided with the documentation prior to the issuance of a
clearance. DIS will not check the BVS for native-born U.S. citizens except as indicated
in AP1., above. In the case of foreign-born U.S. citizens, DIS will check I&NS
records. The citizenship status of all foreign-born members of subject's immediate
family shall be verified. Additionally, when the investigation indicates that a member of
subject's immediate family has not obtained
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
U.S. citizenship after having been eligible for a considerable period of time, an attempt
should be made to determine the reason. The documents listed below are acceptable
for proof of U.S. citizenship for personnel security determination purposes:
AP1. A birth certificate must be presented if the individual
was born in the United States. To be acceptable, the certificate must show that the birth
record was filed shortly after birth and must be certified with the registrar's signature
and the raised, impressed, or multicolored seal of his office except for States or
jurisdictions which, as a matter of policy, do not issue certificates with a raised or
impressed seal. Uncertified copies of birth certificates are not acceptable.
AP1. A delayed birth certificate (a record filed more
than one year after the date of birth) is acceptable provided that it shows that the report
of birth was supported by acceptable secondary evidence of birth as described in
subparagraph A1., below.
AP1. If such primary evidence is not obtainable, a
notice from the registrar stating that no birth record exists should be submitted. The
notice shall be accompanied by the best combination of secondary evidence obtainable.
Such evidence may include a baptismal certificate, a certificate of circumcision, a
hospital birth record, affidavits of persons having personal knowledge of the facts of the
birth, or other documentary evidence such as early census, school, or family bible
records, newspaper files and insurance papers. Secondary evidence should have been
created as close to the time of birth as possible.
AP1. All documents submitted as evidence of birth
in the United States shall be original or certified documents. Uncertified copies are
not acceptable.
AP1. A certificate of naturalization shall be submitted if the
individual claims citizenship by naturalization.
AP1. A certificate of citizenship issued by the I&NS shall
be submitted if citizenship was acquired by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or
AP1. A "Report of Birth Abroad of A Citizen of The United
States of American" (Form FS-240), a "Certification of Birth" (Form FS-545 or
DS-1350), or a "Certificate of Citizenship" is acceptable if citizenship was acquired by
birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents.
AP1. A passport or one in which the individual was included
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
will be accepted as proof of citizenship.
AP1. Education: Independent verification of most recent or most
significant claimed attendance and/or degree/diploma within the scope of investigation
via sealed transcript received directly from the institution. If all education is outside of
the investigative scope, the last education above high school level will be verified.
AP1. Employment: Direct verification through records of all
periods of employment within scope but in any event the most recent two (2) years.
Personal interviews of two sources (supervisor/coworkers) for each employment of six
months or more shall be attempted. In the event that no employment exceeds six
months, interviews of supervisor/coworkers shall be attempted. All periods of
unemployment in excess of sixty (60) days shall be verified through records and/or
sources. All prior Federal/Military service and type of discharge(s) shall be verified.
AP1. Non-Federal Employment. Verify all employment
within the period of investigation to include seasonal, holiday, Christmas, part-time, and
temporary employment. Interview one supervisor and one coworker at subject's current
place of employment as well as at each prior place of employment during the past 10
years of six months duration or longer. The interview requirement for supervisors and
coworkers does not apply to seasonal, holiday, Christmas, part-time, and temporary
employment (4 months or less) unless there are unfavorable issues to resolve or the
letter of inquiry provides insufficient information.
AP1. Federal Employment. All Federal employment will
be verified within the period of investigation to include Christmas, seasonal temporary,
summer hire, part-time, and holiday employment. Do not verify Federal employment
through review of records if already verified by the requester. If Federal employment
has not been verified by the requester, then subject's personnel file at his/her current
place of employment will be reviewed. All previous Federal employment will be
verified during this review. In the case of former Federal employees, records shall be
examined at the Federal Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Interview one
supervisor and one coworker at all places of employment during the past 10 years if so
employed for 6 months or more.
AP1. Military Employment. Military service for the last
10 years shall be verified. The subject's duty station, for the purpose of interview
coverage, is considered as a place of employment. One supervisor and one coworker
shall be interviewed at subject's current duty station if subject has been stationed there
for 6 months or more; additionally, a supervisor and a co-worker at subject's prior duty
stations where assigned for 6 months or more during the past 5 years shall be
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
interviewed. Do not verify military employment through review of local records if
already verified by the requester.
AP1. Unemployment. Subject's activities during all
periods of unemployment in excess of 60 consecutive days, within the period of
investigation, that are not otherwise accounted for shall be determined.
AP1. When an individual has resided outside the United
States continuously for over one year, attempts will be made to confirm overseas
employments as well as conduct required interviews of a supervisor and co-worker.
AP1. References: Four required (at least three of which are
developed). To the extent practical, all should have social knowledge of subject and
collectively span the entire scope of the investigation. As appropriate, additional
interviews may include cohabitants(s), ex-spouses, and relative(s). Interviews with
psychological/medical personnel are to be accomplished as required to resolve issues.
Three developed character references who have sufficient knowledge of subject to
comment on his background, suitability, and loyalty shall be interviewed. Efforts shall
be made to interview developed references whose combined association with subject
covers the full period of the investigation with particular emphasis on the last 5 years.
Employment, education, and neighborhood references, in addition to the required ones,
may be used as developed references provided that they have personal knowledge
concerning the individual's character, discretion, and loyalty. A listed character
reference will be interviewed only when developed references are not available or when
it is necessary to identify and locate additional developed character references or when
it is necessary to verify subject's activities (e.g., unemployment).
AP1. Neighborhood: Interviews with neighbors for the last five
years if residence exceeds six months. Confirmation of current residence shall be
accomplished regardless of length to include review of rental records if necessary. In
the event no residence exceeds six months, interview of neighbors should be undertaken
at current residence. During each neighborhood investigation, interview two neighbors
who can verify subject's period of residence in that area and who were sufficiently
acquainted to comment on subject's suitability for a position of trust. Neighborhood
investigations will be expanded beyond this 5-year period only when there is unfavorable
information to resolve in the investigation. Neighborhood investigations are not
required outside the United States and Puerto Rico.
AP1. Credit: Verification of the subject s financial status and
credit habits at all locations where subject has resided, been employed, or attended
school for six months or more for the last seven (7) years. Conduct credit bureau
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
check in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and overseas (where
APO/FPO addresses are provided) at all places where subject has resided (including
duty stations and home ports), been employed, or attended school for 6 months or more,
on a cumulative basis, during the last 7 years or during the period of the investigation,
whichever is shorter. Financial responsibility, including unexplained affluence, will be
stressed in all reference interviews.
AP1. Local Agency Checks: A check of appropriate police
records, including state central criminal history record repositories, covering all
locations where subject has resided, been employed, or attended school for six months
or more during the scope of investigation, to include current residence regardless of
duration. In the event that no residence, employment, or education exceeds six months,
local agency checks should be conducted at the current residence, current employment,
and last educational institution attended.
AP1. Foreign Travel. If subject has been employed, educated,
traveled or resided outside of the United States for more than 90 days during the period
of investigation, except under the auspices of the U.S. Government, additional record
checks during the NAC shall be made in accordance with paragraph A1. this
Appendix. In addition, the following requirements apply:
AP1. Foreign travel not under the auspices of the U.S.
Government. When employment education, or residence has occurred overseas for
more than 90 days during the past 10 years or since age 18, which was not under the
auspices of the U.S. Government, a check of records will be made at the Passport
Office of the Department of State and other appropriate Agencies. Efforts shall be
made to develop sources, generally in the United States, who knew the individual
overseas to cover significant employment, education, or residence and to determine
whether the individual has worked or lived outside of the United States continuously for
over one year, the investigation will be expanded to cover fully this period through the
use of such investigative assets and checks of record sources as may be available to the
U.S. Government in the foreign country in which the individual resided.
AP1. Foreign travel under the auspices of the U.S.
Government. When employment, education, or residence has occurred overseas for a
period of more than one year, under the auspices of the U.S. Government, a record
check will be made at the Passport Office of the Department of State and other
appropriate Agencies. Efforts shall be made to develop sources (generally in the
United States) who knew the individual overseas to cover significant employment,
education, or residence and to determine whether any lasting foreign contacts or
connections were established during this period. Additionally, the investigation will be
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
expanded to cover fully this period through the use of such investigative assets and
checks of record sources as may be available to the U.S. Government in the foreign
country in which the individual resided.
AP1. Foreign Connections. All foreign connections (friends,
relatives, and/or business connections) of subject and immediate family in the United
States or abroad, except where such association was the direct result of subject's
official duties with the U.S. Government, shall be ascertained. Investigation shall be
directed toward determining the significance of foreign connections of the part of
subject and the immediate family, particularly where the association is or has been with
persons whose origin was within a country whose national interests are inimical to
those of the United States
AP1. Organizations. Efforts will be made during reference
interviews and record reviews to determine if subject and/or the immediate family has,
or formerly had, membership in, affiliation with, sympathetic association towards, or
participated in any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group, or
combination of persons of the type described in paragraphs C2.2.1.1. through C2.2.1.4.
of this Regulation.
AP1. Military Service. All Military Service and types of
discharge during the last 10 years shall be verified.
AP1. Medical Records. Medical records shall not be reviewed
AP1. The requester indicates that subject's medical
records were unavailable for review prior to submitting the request for investigation, or
AP1. The requester indicates that unfavorable information
is contained in subject's medical records, or
AP1. The subject lists one or more of the following on
the PSQ:
AP1. A history of mental or nervous disorders.
AP1. That subject is now or has been addicted to
the use of habit-forming drugs such as narcotics or barbiturates or is now or has been a
chronic user to excess of alcoholic beverages.
AP1. Public Records: Verification of divorce(s), bankruptcy,
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
etc., and any other court (civil or criminal) actions to which subject has been or is a
party within the scope of investigation, when known or developed. Divorces,
annulments, and legal separations of subject shall be verified only when there is reason
to believe that the grounds for the action could reflect on subject's suitability for a
position of trust.
AP1. Ex-spouse Interview. If the subject of investigation is
divorced, the ex-spouse will be interviewed when the date of final divorce action is
within the scope of investigation.
AP1. Polygraph: Agencies with policies sanctioning the use of
the polygraph for personnel security purposes may require polygraph examinations when
deemed necessary.
AP1. Select Scoping. When the facts of the case warrant,
additional select scoping will be accomplished, as necessary, to fully develop or resolve
an issue.
AP1. Transferability: Investigations satisfying the scope and
standards specified above are transferable between Agencies and shall be deemed to
meet the investigative standards for access to Collateral TOP SECRET/National
Security Information and Sensitive Compartmented Information. No further
investigation or reinvestigation prior to revalidation every five years will be undertaken
unless the Agency has substantial information indicting that the transferring individual
may not satisfy eligibility standards for clearance or the Agency head determines in
writing that to accept the investigation would not be in the national security interest of
the United States.
AP1. Updating a Previous Investigation to SSBI Standards. If a
previous investigation does not substantially meet the minimum standards of an SSBI or
if it is more than 5 years old, a current investigation is required but may be limited to
that necessary to bring the individual's file up to date in accordance with the
investigative requirements of an SSBI. Should new information be developed during the
current investigation that bears unfavorably upon the individual's activities covered by
the previous investigation, the current inquiries shall be expanded as necessary to
develop full details of this new information.
AP1.1.1.3. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR)
AP1. Each DoD military, civilian, consultant, and contractor
employee occupying a critical sensitive position or possessing a TOP SECRET
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
clearance, or occupying a special access program position and non-U.S. citizens (foreign
nationals and/or immigrant aliens) holding a limited access authorization shall be the
subject of a PR initiated 5 years from the date of completion of the last investigation.
The PR shall cover the period of the last 5 years.
AP1. Minimum Investigative Requirements. A PR shall include
the following minimum scope.
AP1. NAC. A valid NAC on the SUBJECT will be
conducted in all cases (NOTE: only a name check of the FBIJID will be conducted
unless records indicate that a technical fingerprint check was not done previously).
Checks of DCII, FBI/HQ, FBMD name check only, and other Agencies deemed
appropriate, will be conducted on the Subject's current spouse or cohabitant, if not
previously conducted. Additionally, NACs will be conducted on immediate family
members, 18 years of age or older, who are non-U.S. citizens, if not previously
AP1. Credit. Credit bureau checks covering all places
where the SUBJECT resided for 6 months or more, on a cumulative basis, during the
period of investigation, in the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and overseas
(where APO/FPO addresses are provided), will be conducted.
AP1. Subject Interview. The interview should cover the
entire period of time since the last investigation, not just the last 5-year period.
Significant information disclosed during the interview, which has been satisfactorily
covered during a previous investigation, should not be explored again unless additional
relevant information warrants further coverage.
AP1. Employment. Current employment will be verified.
Military and Fderal service records will not routinely be checked, if previously checked
by the requester when the PR was originally submitted. Also, employment records will
be checked wherever employment interviews are conducted.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Records need be checked only when they are locally available, unless unfavorable
information had been detected.
AP1. Employment References. Two supervisors or
coworkers at the most recent place of employment or duty station of 6 months; if the
current employment is less than 6 months employment reference interviews will be
conducted at the next prior place of employment, which was at least a 6-month duration.
AP1. Developed Character References (DCRs). Two
developed character references who are knowledgeable of the SUBJECT will be
interviewed. Developed character references who were previously interviewed will only
be reinterviewed when other developed references are not available.
AP1. Local Agency Checks (LACs). DIS will conduct
local agency checks on the SUBJECT at all places of residence, employment, and
education during the period of investigation, regardless of duration, including overseas
locations (except overseas locations from which military members have transferred).
AP1. Neighborhood Investigation. Conduct a neighborhood
investigation to verify subject's current residence in the United States. Two neighbors
who can verify subject's period of residence in that area and who are sufficiently
acquainted to comment on the subject's suitability for a position of trust will be
interviewed. Neighborhood investigations will be expanded beyond the current
residence when unfavorable information arises.
AP1. Ex-Spouse Interview. If the subject of investigation
is divorced, the ex-spouse will be interviewed when the date of final divorce action is
within the period of investigation.
AP1. Polygraph: Agencies with policies sanctioning the
use of the polygraph for personnel security purposes may require polygraph
examinations when deemed necessary.
AP1. Select Scoping. When the facts of the case warrant,
additional select scoping will be accomplished, as necessary, to fully develop or resolve
an issue.
AP1.1.1.4. Secret Periodic Reinvestigation (S-PR)
AP1. Each DoD military, civilian, consultant, and contractor
employee with current access to SECRET information shall be the subject of a S-PR
initiated 10 years from the date of completion of the last investigation. The PR shall
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
cover the period of the last 5 years.
AP1. Minimum Investigative Requirements. The S-PR shall
include the following minimum scope.
AP1. NAC. A NAC with a name check of the FBI
Identification Division, a check of the FBI Investigative Files, as well as other Agencies'
indices, e.g., DoD, OPM, CIA, State, INS, etc., as appropriate. (NOTE: A technical
fingerprint check of the FBI Identification Division will be conducted vice a name check
if one was not done previously);
AP1. Credit. Conduct credit bureau checks at all locations
where subject has resided, been employed, or attended an institution of higher Teaming
for a period of six months or more during the period of coverage;
AP1. The investigation may be expanded as necessary to
fully develop or resolve an issue.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
To conserve investigative resources and to insure that personnel security investigations
are limited to those essential to current operations and are clearly authorized by DoD
policies, organizations requesting investigation must assure that continuing command
attention is given to the investigative request process.
In this connection, it is particularly important that the provision of Executive Order
12356 (reference (j)) requiring strict limitations on the dissemination of official
information and material be closely adhered to and limited to those that investigations
requested for issuing clearances are instances in which an individual has a clear need for
access to classified information. Similarly, investigations required to determine
eligibility for appointment or retention in the Department of Defense, in either a civilian
or military capacity, must not be requested in frequency or scope exceeding that
provided for in this Regulation.
In view of the foregoing, the following guidelines have been-developed to simplify and
facilitate the investigative request process:
AP2.1.1. Limit requests for investigation to those-that are essential to current
operations and clearly authorized by DoD policies and attempt to utilize individuals who,
under the provisions of this Regulation, have already met the security standard;
AP2.1.2. Assure that military personnel on whom investigative requests are
initiated will have sufficient time remaining in service after completion of the
investigation to warrant conducting it;
AP2.1.3. Insure that request forms and prescribed documentation are properly
executed in accordance with instructions;
AP2.1.4. Dispatch the request directly to the DIS Personnel Investigations Center;
AP2.1.5. Promptly notify the DIS Personnel Investigations Center if the
investigation is no longer needed (notify OPM if a NACI is no longer needed); and
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP2.1.6. Limit access through strict need-to-know, thereby requiring fewer
In summary, close observance of the above-cited guidelines will allow the DIS to
operate more efficiently and permit more effective, timely, and responsive service in
accomplishing investigations.
When a NAC is requested an original only of the DD Form 398-2 (National Agency
Check Request) and a completed YD 258 (Applicant Fingerprint Card) are required. If
the request is for an ENTNA.NC, an original only of the DD Form 398-2 and a
completed DD Form 2280 (Armed Forces Fingerprint Card) are required. Those forms
should be sent directly to:
Personnel Investigation Center
Defense Investigative Service
P.O. Box 1083
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
When a NACI is requested, an original and one copy of the SF 85 (Data for Nonsensitive
or Noncritical-sensitive Position), an SF 171 (Personal Qualifications Statement), and
an SF 87 (U.S. Civil Service Commission Fingerprint Chart) shall be sent directly to:
Office of Personnel Management
Bureau of Personnel Investigations
NACI Center
Boyers, Pennsylvania 16018
The notation "ALL REFERENCES" shall be stamped immediately above the title at the
top of the Standard Form 85.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP2.4.1. When a DNACI is requested, one copy of DD Form 1879, an original and
two copies of the DD Form 398-2 (National Agency Check Request), two copies of FD
258 (Fingerprint Card), and an original of DD Form 2221 (Authority for Release of
Information and Records) shall be sent directly to:
Personnel Investigations Center
Defense Investigative Service
P.O. Box 1083
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
AP2.4.2. The DD Form 398-2 must be completed to cover the most recent five
year period. All information, to include items relative to residences and employment,
must be complete and accurate to avoid delays in processing.
AP2.5.1. When requesting a BI or SBI, one copy of DD Form 1879 (Request for
Personnel Security Investigation), an original and four copies of DD Form 398
(Statement of Personnel History), two copies of YD 258, and an original of DD Form
2221 Authority for Release of Information and Records) shall be sent directly to the:
Personnel Investigations Center
Defense Investigative Service
P.O. Box 454
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
AP2.5.2. For the BI and SBI, the DD Form 398 must be completed to cover the
most recent five and 15 year period, respectively, or since the 18th birthday, which ever
is shorter.
AP2.6.1. PRs shall be requested only in such cases as are authorized by paragraphs
C3.7.1. through C3.7.11. of this Regulation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP2.6.1.1. For a PR requested in accordance with paragraph C3.7.1. and
C3.7.11., the DD Form 1879 must be accompanied by the following documents:
AP2. Original and four copies of DD Form 398.
AP2. Two copies of FD-258.
AP2. Original copy of DD Form 2221
AP2.6.1.2. In processing PRs, previous investigative reports will not be
requested by the requesting organization, unless significant derogatory or adverse
information, postdating the most recent favorable adjudication, is developed during the
course of reviewing other locally available records. In the latter instance, requests for
previous investigative reports may only be made if it is determined by the requesting
organization that the derogatory information is so significant that a review of previous
investigative reports is necessary for current adjudicative determinations.
AP2.6.2. No abbreviated version of DD Form 398 may be submitted in connection
with a PR.
AP2.6.3. The PR request shall be sent to the address in paragraph AP2.5.1., above.
AP2.7.1. Requests for additional investigation-required to resolve derogatory or
adverse information shall be submitted by DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel
Security Investigation) to the:
Defense Investigative Service
P.O. Box 454
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
Such requests shall set forth the basis for the additional investigation and describe the
specific matter to be substantiated or disproved.
AP2.7.2. The request should be accompanied by an original and four copies of the
DD Form 398, where appropriate, two copies of FD-258 and an original copy of DD
Form 2221, unless such documentation was submitted within the last 12 months to DIS
as part of a NAC or other personnel security investigation. If pertinent, the results of a
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
recently completed NAC, NACI, or other related investigative reports available should
also accompany the request.
Requesters requiring verification of a specified type of personnel security investigation,
and/or requiring copies of prior investigations conducted by the DIS shall submit
requests by letter or message to:
Defense Investigative Service Investigative Files Division
P.O. Box 1211
Baltimore, Maryland 21203
Message Address: DIS PIC BALTIMORE MD/ /D0640
The request will include subject's name, grade, social security number, date and place of
birth, and DIS case control number, if known.
AP2.9.1. Requests pertaining to issues arising after adjudication of an investigation
(post-adjudication cases) shall be addressed to DIS on a DD Form 1879 accompanied by
a DD Form 398, where appropriate.
AP2.9.2. All requests for initial investigations will be submitted to PIC regardless
of their urgency. If, however, there is an urgent need for a post-adjudication
investigation, or the mailing of a request to PIC for initiation of a post-adjudication case
would prejudice timely pursuit of investigative action, the DD Form 1879 may be
directed for initiation, in CONUS, to the nearest DIS Field Office, and in overseas
locations, to the military investigative service element supporting the requester
(Appendix 9). The field element (either DIS or the military investigative agency) will
subsequently forward either the DD Form 1879 or completed investigation to PIC.
AP2.9.3. A fully executed DD Form 1879 and appropriate supporting documents
may not be immediately available. Further, a case that is based on sensitive security
issues may be compromised by a request that the subject submit a DD Form 398. A
brief explanation should appear on DD Form 1879s, which does not include complete
supporting documentation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
To preclude duplicative investigative requests and double handling of contractor
employee cases involving access to classified information, all requests for investigation
of contractor personnel must be submitted, using authorized industrial security
clearance forms, for processing through the Defense Industrial Security Clearance
Office, except for programs in which specific approval has been obtained from the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy to utilize other procedures.
The official signing the request for investigation shall be responsible for insuring that
all documentation is completed in accordance with these instructions.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a BI is required
U.S. national military member, civilian,
consultant, or contractor employee
Top Secret clearance
granting final
U.S. national civilian employee
assignment to a "Critical" sensitive
assignment to the
U.S. national military member, DoD
civilian or contractor employee
occupying a "critical" position in the
Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability
Program (PRP) (reference (s))
occupying a "critical"
U.S. national military member or civilian
granting, denying clearances
performing clearance
U.S. national military member or civilian
membership on security screening,
hearing, or review board
appointment to the
immigrant alien
limited access to Secret or Confidential
issuing limited
access authorization
(Note 1)
non-U.S. national employee excluding
immigrant alien
limited access to Secret or Confidential
issuing limited
access authorization
non-U.S. national employee for military
education and orientation program
(from a country listed at Appendix 7)
education and orientation of military
before performing
NOTE 1 - will cover a 10-year scope.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
TABLE 1 (continued)
If the individual is a:.
and duties require:
then a BI is
required before:
U.S. national military member, DoD civilian or
contractor employee
assignment to a category two
Presidential Support position
U.S. national military member, DoD civilian or
contractor employee assigned to NATO
access to NATO COSMIC
access may be
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a SBI is
required before:
U.S. national military member,
DoD civilian, consultant, or
contractor employee
access to SCI
granting access
assignment to a category one Presidential Support
access to SIOP-ESI
granting access
assignment to the National Security Agency
access to other Special Access programs
approved under paragraph C3.5.7.
granting access
assignment to personnel security,
counterintelligence, or criminal investigative or
direct investigative support duties
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a PR is
U.S. national military member, DoD
civilian, consultant, or contractor employee
access to SCI
5 years from date of
last SBI/BI or PR
Top Secret Clearance
5 years from date of
last SBI/BI or PR
access to NATO COSMIC
5 years from date of
last SBI/BI or PR
assignment to Presidential Support
5 years from date of
last SBI/BI or PR
U.S. national civilian employee
assignment to a "Critical" sensitive
5 years from last
Non-U.S. national employee
current limited access authorization to
Secret or Confidential information
5 years from last
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
Then DNACI/NACI is required:
U.S. national military
member or contractor
Secret clearance
before granting clearance (note 1)
Interim Secret Clearance
may be automatically issued (note 2)
Secret clearance
before granting clearance
Interim Secret Clearance
may be automatically issued (note 3)
Appointment to "Non
Critical" sensitive position
before appointment
U.S. national military
member, DoD civilian or
contractor employee
occupying a "controlled"
position in the Nuclear
Weapon PRP (reference
before assignment
applicant for appointment
as a commissioned officer
commission in the Armed
before appointment (after appointment for
health professionals, chaplains, and attorneys,
under conditions authorized by paragraph
C3.3.4. of this Regulation)
U.S. national civilian
employee or consultant
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
TABLE 4 (continued)
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a DNACI/NACI is required:
Naval Academy Midshipman, Military
Academy Cadet, or Air Force
Academy Cadet
to be initiated 90 days after entry
Reserve Officer Training Corps
Cadet or Midshipman
entry to advanced course or
College Scholarship
then a DNACI is required to be
initiated 90 days after entry
NOTE 1 - First-term enlistees shall require an ENTNAC.
NOTE 2 - Provided DD Form 398-2 is favorably reviewed, local records check favorably accomplished, and
DNACI initiated.
NOTE 3 - Provided an authority designated in Appendix 5 finds delay in such appointment would be harmful
to national security; favorable review of DD Form 398-2; NACI initiated; favorable local records check
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a NAC is required:
a first-term enlistee
retention in the Armed Forces
(including National Guard and
to be initiated NLT three
(3) work days after entry
(note 1)
prior service member reentering military
service after break in Federal
employment exceeding 1 year
Retention in the Armed Forces
(including National Guard and
to be initiated NLT three
(3) work days after
nominee for military education and
orientation program
education and orientation of military
before performing
duties (note 2)
U.S. national military, DoD civilian, or
contractor employee
access to restricted areas, sensitive
information, or equipment as defined
in paragraph C3.6.2.
before authorizing entry
nonappropriated fund instrumentality
(NAFI) civilian employee (reference (u))
appointment as NAFI custodian
before appointment
accountability for nonappropriated
before completion of
probationary period
fiscal responsibility as determined by
NAFI custodian
before completion of
probationary period
other "positions of trust"
before appointment
access to or security of chemical
before appointment
Persons requiring access to chemical
agents chemical agents
NOTE: 1 - Request ENTNAC only.
NOTE: 2 - Except where personnel whose country of origin is a country listed at Appendix 7, a BI will be
required (See paragraph C3.6.12.).
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
TABLE 5 (continued)
If the individual is a:
and duties require:
then a NAC is required:
U.S. national, civilian employee
nominee for customs inspection duties
waiver under provisions of
paragraph C3.6.4.
before appointment (note 3)
Red Cross/United Services
Organization personnel
assignment with the
Armed Forces overseas
before assignment (see note 4 for
foreign national personnel)
U.S. national
DoD building pass
prior to issuance
Foreign national employed overseas
no access to classified
prior to employment (note 4)
NOTE: 3 - A NAC not over 5 years old suffices unless there has been a break in employment over 12
months. Then a current NAC is required.
NOTE: 4 - In such cases, the NAC shall consist of: (a) Host government law enforcement and security
agency record checks at the city, state (province), and national level, and (b) DCII.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP4.1.1. Background Investigation (BI) and Special Background Investigation (SBI)
shall be considered as devoid of significant adverse information unless they contain
information listed below:
AP4.1.1.1. Incidents, infractions, offenses, charges, citations, arrests,
suspicion or allegations of illegal use or abuse of drugs or alcohol, theft or dishonesty,
unreliability, irresponsibility, immaturity, instability or recklessness, the use of force,
violence or weapons or actions that indicate disregard for the law due to multiplicity of
minor infractions.
AP4.1.1.2. All indications of moral turpitude, heterosexual promiscuity,
aberrant, deviant, or bizarre sexual conduct or behavior, transvestitism, transsexualism,
indecent exposure, rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, child molestation,
wife-swapping, window-peeping, and similar situations from whatever source. Unlisted
full-time employment or education; full-time education or employment that cannot be
verified by any reference or record source or that contains indications of falsified
education or employment experience. Records or testimony of employment, education,
or military service where the individual was involved in serious offenses or incidents
that would reflect adversely on the honesty, reliability, trustworthiness, or stability of
the individual.
AP4.1.1.3. Foreign travel, education, visits, correspondence, relatives, or
contact with persons from or living in a foreign country of foreign intelligence service.
AP4.1.1.4. Mental, nervous, emotional, psychological, psychiatric, or
character disorders/behavior or treatment reported or alleged from any source.
AP4.1.1.5. Excessive indebtedness, bad checks, financial difficulties or
irresponsibility, unexplained affluence, bankruptcy, or evidence of living beyond the
individual's means.
AP4.1.1.6. Any other significant information relating to the criteria included
in C2.2.1.1. through C2.2.1.17. or Appendix 8 of this Regulation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP5.1.1. Secretary of Defense and/or single designee.
AP5.1.2. Secretary of the Army and/or single designee. 1
AP5.1.3. Secretary of the Navy and/or single designee. 1
AP5.1.4. Secretary of the Air Force and/or single designee. 1
AP5.1.5. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and/or single designee.
AP5.1.6. Director, Washington Headquarters Services, and/or single designee.
AP5.1.7. Director, National Security Agency, and/or single designee. 1, 2
AP5.1.8. Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, and/or single designee. 1
AP5.1.9. Deputy General Counsel, Legal Counsel, OGC, and/or single designee
(for contractors under the Defense Industrial Security Program (DISP))
AP5.1.10. Director, Defense Investigative Service, and/or single designee, (may
grant security clearances only for contractor personnel under the DISP)
1 Authority to grant, deny or revoke access to SCI is a function of the Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community
(SOIC), or their designated representative, as identified in E.O. 12333 (reference (h)) and Director of Central Intelligence
Directive (DCID) 1/14 (reference (l)). The authority for making SCI access determinations may also be the same official
making security clearance determinations.
2 Reference to the Director, NSA or single designee is not intended to infringe upon the authorities or responsibilities
contained in DoD Directive 5210.45, "Personnel Security in the National Security Agency," reference (i).
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Officials listed in subsection AP5.1.1. through AP5.1.10., above, and the Commanders
of the Combatant Commands, or their single designee, (must be at general officer, flag
rank or civilian equivalent).
See enclosure to DoD Directive 5210.2 (reference (z)).
The Executive Secretary to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of
Defense, or designee.
AP5.5.1. Director of Strategic Target Planning
AP5.5.2. Director, Joint Staff.
AP5.5.3. Chief of Staff, U.S. Army.
AP5.5.4. Chief of Naval Operations.
AP5.5.5. Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force.
AP5.5.6. Commandant of the Marine Corps.
AP5.5.7. Commanders of the Combatant Commands.
AP5.5.8. The authority may be further delegated in writing by the officials in
subsections AP5.5.1. through AP5.5.7. to the applicable subordinates.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Three member PSAB shall be formed under the auspices of the following officials to
render final determinations when an unfavorable personnel security determination is
appealed under paragraph C8.2.2.4. of this Regulation.
AP5.6.1. Secretary of the Army.
AP5.6.2. Secretary of the Air Force.
AP5.6.3. Secretary of the Navy.
AP5.6.4. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
AP5.6.5. Director, NSA.
AP5.6.6. Director, DIA.
AP5.6.7. Director, WHS.
AP5.6.8. General Counsel, Department of Defense (contractors only).
AP5.7.1. Security Clearances
AP5.7.1.1. Contractor Personnel. The Director, Counterintelligence and
Security Programs; ODASD(I&S); OASD(C3I); and the Deputy General Counsel (Legal
Counsel), Office of General Counsel, OSD.
AP5.7.1.2. Military and/or Civilian Personnel. Commander and/or Agency
head, Head of the Component, or adjudicative authority.
AP5.7.2. SCI. Cognizant SOICs, or their designees.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP5.8.1. Interim TOP SECRET clearances may be issued by the officials listed in
section AP5.1., above. That may be further delegated on determination by the Head of
the Agency.
AP5.8.2. Interim SECRET and/or CONFIDENTIAL clearances may be issued by the
officials listed in section AP5.1., above, as well as by organizational commanders.
The Heads of the DoD Components, or their designees.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
The purpose of the personal interview is to assist in determining the acceptability of an
individual for nomination and further processing for a position requiring an SBI.
Questions asked during the course of a personal interview must have a relevance to a
security determination. Care must be taken not to inject improper matters into the
personal interview. For example, religious beliefs and affiliations, beliefs and opinions
regarding racial matters, political beliefs and affiliations of a nonsubversive nature,
opinions regarding the constitutionality of legislative policies, and affiliations with labor
unions and fraternal organizations are not proper subjects for inquiry. Department of
Defense representatives conducting personal interviews should always be prepared to
explain the relevance of their inquiries. Adverse inferences shall not be drawn from the
refusal of a person to answer questions the relevance of which has not been established.
Except as prescribed in section AP6.2., above, persons conducting personal interviews
normally will have broad latitude in performing this essential and important function and,
therefore, a high premium must necessarily be placed upon the exercise of good
judgment and common sense. To insure that personal interviews are conducted in a
manner that does not violate lawful civil and private rights or discourage lawful political
activity in any of its forms, or intimidate free expression, it is necessary that
interviewers have a keen and well-developed awareness of and respect for the rights of
interviewees. Interviewers shall never offer an opinion as to the relevance or
significance of information provided by the interviewee to eligibility for access to SCI.
If explanation in this regard is required, the interviewer will indicate that the sole
function of the interview is to obtain information and that the determination of relevance
or significance to the individual's eligibility will be made by other designated officials.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP6.4.1. The Head of the DoD Component concerned shall establish uniform
procedures for conducting the interview that are designed to elicit information relevant
to making a determination of whether the interviewee, on the basis of the interview and
other locally available information (DD 398, "Personnel Security Investigation
Questionnaire," personnel records, security file, etc.), is considered acceptable for
nomination and further processing.
AP6.4.2. Such procedures shall be structured to insure the interviewee his full
rights under the Constitution of the United States, the Privacy Act of 1974 (reference
(m)), and other applicable statutes and regulations.
All information developed during the course of the interview shall be maintained in
personnel security channels and made available only to those authorities who have a
need-to-know in connection with the processing of an individual's nomination for duties
requiring access to SCI or those who need access to information either to conduct the
required SBI or to adjudicate the matter of the interviewee's eligibility for access to
SCI, or as otherwise authorized by Executive order or statute.
AP6.6.1. The determination of the interviewee's acceptability for nomination for
duties requiring access to sensitive information shall be made by the commander, or
designee, of the DoD organization that is considering nominating the interviewee for
such duties.
AP6.6.2. Criteria guidelines contained in DCID 1/14 (reference (l)), upon which
the acceptability for nomination determination is to be based shall be provided to
commanders of DoD organizations who may nominate individuals for access to SCI and
shall be consistent with those established by the Senior Officer of the Intelligence
Community of the Component concerned with respect to acceptability for nomination
to duties requiring access to SCI.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
The following adjudicative guidelines are established for all U.S. Government civilian
and military personnel, consultants, contractors, employees of contractors, licensees,
certificate holders or grantees and their employees and other individuals who require
access to classified information. They apply to persons being considered for initial or
continued eligibility for access to classified information, to include sensitive
compartmented information and special access programs, and are to be used by
Government Departments and Agencies in all final clearance determinations.
The adjudicative process is an examination of a sufficient period of a person's life to
make an affirmative determination that the person is an acceptable security risk.
Eligibility for access to classified information is predicated upon the individual meeting
these personnel security guidelines. The adjudication process is the careful weighing
of a number of variables known as the whole person concept. All available, reliable
information about the person, past and present, favorable and unfavorable, should be
considered in reaching a determination. In evaluating the relevance of an individual's
conduct, the adjudicator should consider the following factors:
- The nature, extent, and seriousness of the conduct.
- The circumstances surrounding the conduct, to include knowledgeable
- The frequency and recency of the conduct.
- The individual's age and maturity at the time of the conduct.
- The voluntariness of participation.
- The presence or absence of rehabilitation and other pertinent behavioral changes.
- The motivation for the conduct.
- The potential for pressure, coercion, exploitation, or duress.
- The likelihood of continuation or recurrence.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Each case must be judged on its own merits and final determination remains the
responsibility of the specific Department or Agency. Any doubt concerning personnel
being considered for access to classified information will be resolved in favor of the
national security and considered final.
The ultimate determination of whether the granting or continuing of eligibility for a
security clearance is clearly consistent with the interests of national security must be an
overall common sense determination based upon careful consideration of the following:
A. Allegiance to the United States
B. Foreign influence
C. Foreign preference
D. Sexual behavior
E. Personal conduct
F. Financial considerations
G. Alcohol consumption
H. Drug involvement
I. Emotional, mental, and personality disorders
J. Criminal conduct
K. Security violations
L. Outside activities
M. Misuse of Information Technology Systems
Each of the foregoing should be evaluated in the context of the whole person.
Although adverse information concerning a single criterion may not be sufficient for an
unfavorable determination, the individual may be disqualified if available information
reflects a recent or recurring pattern of questionable judgment, irresponsibility, or
emotionally unstable behavior.
However, notwithstanding the whole person concept, pursuit of further investigation may
be terminated by an appropriate adjudicative agency in the face of reliable, significant,
disqualifying, adverse information.
When information of security concern becomes known about an individual who is
currently eligible for access to classified information, the adjudicator should consider
whether the person:
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
(1) voluntarily reported the information;
(2) sought assistance and followed professional guidance, where appropriate;
(3) resolved or appears likely to favorably resolve the security concern;
(4) has demonstrated positive changes in behavior and employment;
(5) should have his or her access temporarily suspended pending final
adjudication of the information.
If after evaluating information of security concern, the adjudicator decides that the
information is not serious enough to warrant a recommendation of disapproval or
revocation of the security clearance, it may be appropriate to recommend approval with
a warning that future incidents of a similar nature may result in revocation of access.
The information in bold print at the beginning of each adjudicative guideline provides a
brief explanation of its relevance in determining whether it is clearly consistent with the
interest of national security to grant or continue a persons eligibility for access to
classified information.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
An individual must be of unquestioned allegiance to the United States. The
willingness to safeguard classified information is in doubt if there is any reason
to suspect an individual's allegiance to the United States.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) involvement in any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, terrorism, sedition, or
other act whose aim is to overthrow the Government of the United States or alter
the form of government by unconstitutional means;
(2) association or sympathy with persons who are attempting to commit, or who
are committing, any of the above acts;
(3) association or sympathy with persons or organizations that advocate the
overthrow of the United States Government, or any State or subdivision, by force
or violence or by other unconstitutional means;
(4) involvement in activities which unlawfully advocate or practice the
commission of acts of force or violence to prevent others from exercising their
rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the individual was unaware of the unlawful aims of the individual or
organization and severed ties upon learning of these;
(2) the individual's involvement was only with the lawful or humanitarian aspects
of such an organization;
(3) involvement in the above activities occurred for only a short period of time
and was attributable to curiosity or academic interest;
(4) the person has had no recent proscribed involvement or association with such
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
A security risk may exist when an individual's immediate family, including
cohabitants, and other persons to whom he or she may be bound by affection,
influence, or obligation are: (1) not citizens of the United States or (2) may be
subject to duress. These situations could create the potential for foreign
influence that could result in the compromise of classified information. Contacts
with citizens of other countries or financial interests in other countries are also
relevant to security determinations if they make an individual potentially
vulnerable to coercion, exploitation, or pressure.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) an immediate family member, or a person to whom the individual has close
ties of affection or obligation, is a citizen of, or resident or present in, a foreign
(2) sharing living quarters with a person or persons, regardless of their citizenship
status, if the potential for adverse foreign influence or duress exists;
(3) relatives, cohabitants, or associates who are connected with any foreign
(4) failing to report, where required, associations with foreign nationals;
(5) unauthorized association with a suspected or known collaborator or employee
of a foreign intelligence service;
(6) conduct which may make the individual vulnerable to coercion, exploitation,
or pressure by a foreign government;
(7) indications that representatives or nationals from a foreign country are acting
to increase the vulnerability of the individual to possible future exploitation,
coercion or pressure;
(8) a substantial financial interest in a country, or in any foreign-owned or
operated business that could make the individual vulnerable to foreign influence.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) a determination that the immediate family member(s), cohabitant, or
associate(s) in question would not constitute an unacceptable security risk;
(2) contacts with foreign citizens are the result of official U.S. Government
(3) contact and correspondence with foreign citizens are casual and infrequent;
(4) the individual has promptly reported to proper authorities all contacts,
requests, or threats from persons or organizations from a foreign country, as
(5) foreign financial interests are minimal and not sufficient to affect the
individual's security responsibilities.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
When an individual acts m such a way as to indicate a preference for a foreign
country over the United States, then he or she may be prone to provide
information or make decisions that are harmful to the interests of the United
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) the exercise of dual citizenship;
(2) possession and/or use of a foreign passport;
(3) military service or a willingness to bear arms for a foreign country;
(4) accepting educational, medical, or other benefits, such as retirement and
social welfare, from a foreign country;
(5) residence in a foreign country to meet citizenship requirements;
(6) using foreign citizenship to protect financial or business interests in another
(7) seeking or holding political office in the foreign country;
(8) voting in foreign elections; and
(9) performing or attempting to perform duties, or otherwise acting, so as to
serve the interests of another government in preference to the interests of the
United States.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) dual citizenship is based solely on parents' citizenship or birth in a foreign
(2) indicators of possible foreign preference (e.g., foreign military service)
occurred before obtaining United States citizenship;
(3) activity is sanctioned by the United States;
(4) individual has expressed a willingness to renounce dual citizenship.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Sexual behavior is a security concern if it involves a criminal offense, indicates a
personality or emotional disorder, subjects the individual to undue influence or
coercion, or reflects lack of judgment or discretion.1 (Sexual orientation or
preference may not be used as a basis for or a disqualifying factor in determining
a person's eligibility for a security clearance.)
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) sexual behavior of a criminal nature, whether or not the individual has been
(2) compulsive or addictive sexual behavior when the person is unable to stop a
pattern of self-destructive or high-risk behavior or that which is symptomatic of a
personality disorder;
(3) sexual behavior that causes an individual to be vulnerable to undue influence
or coercion;
(4) sexual behavior of a public nature and/or that which reflects lack of discretion
or judgment.
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the behavior occurred during or prior to adolescence and there is no evidence
of subsequent conduct of a similar nature;
(2) the behavior was not recent and there is no evidence of subsequent conduct of
a similar nature;
(3) there is no other evidence of questionable judgment, irresponsibility, or
emotional instability;
(4) the behavior no longer serves as a basis for undue influence or coercion.
1 The adjudicator should also consider guidelines pertaining to criminal conduct (criterion J); or emotional, mental, and
personality disorders (criterion I), in determining how to resolve the security concerns raised by sexual behavior.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conduct involving questionable judgment, untrustworthiness, unreliability, or
unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations could indicate that the
person may not properly safeguard classified information.
The following will normally result in an unfavorable clearance action or administrative
termination of further processing for clearance eligibility:
(1) refusal to undergo or cooperate with required security processing, including
medical and psychological testing; or
(2) refusal to complete required security forms, releases, or provide full, frank
and true answers to lawful questions of investigators, security officials or other
official representatives in connection with a personnel security or trustworthiness
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying also include:
(1) reliable, unfavorable information provided by associates, employers,
coworkers, neighbors, and other acquaintances;
(2) the deliberate omission, concealment, or falsification of relevant and material
facts from any personnel security questionnaire, personal history statement, or
similar form used to conduct investigations, determine employment qualifications,
award benefits or status, determine security clearance eligibility or trustworthiness,
or award fiduciary responsibilities;
(3) deliberately providing false or misleading information concerning relevant and
material matters to an investigator, security official, competent medical authority,
or other official representative in connection with a personnel security or
trustworthiness determination;
(4) personal conduct or concealment of information that increases an individual's
vulnerability to coercion, exploitation or pressure;
(5) a pattern of dishonesty or rule violations2;
(6) association with persons involved in criminal activity.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the information was unsubstantiated or not pertinent to a determination of
judgment, trustworthiness, or reliability;
(2) the falsification was an isolated incident, was not recent, and the individual has
subsequently provided correct information voluntarily;
(3) the individual made prompt, good-faith efforts to correct the falsification
before being confronted with the facts;
(4) omission of material facts was caused or significantly contributed to by
improper or inadequate advice of authorized personnel, and the previously omitted
information was promptly and fully provided;
(5) the individual has taken positive steps to significantly reduce or eliminate
vulnerability to coercion, exploitation, or pressure;
(6) a refusal to cooperate was based on advice from legal counsel or other
officials that the individual was not required to comply with security processing
requirements and, upon being made aware of the requirement, fully and truthfully
provided the requested information;
(7) association with persons involved in criminal activities has ceased.
2 To include violation of any written or recorded agreement made between the individual and the Agency.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
An individual who is financially overextended is at risk of having to engage in
illegal acts to generate funds. Unexplained affluence is often linked to proceeds
from financially profitable criminal acts.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) a history of not meeting financial obligations;
(2) deceptive or illegal financial practices such as embezzlement, employee theft,
check fraud, income tax evasion, expense account fraud, filling deceptive loan
statements, and other intentional financial breaches of trust;
(3) inability or unwillingness to satisfy debts;
(4) unexplained affluence;
(5) financial problems that are linked to gambling, drug abuse, alcoholism, or
other issues of security concern.
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the behavior was not recent;
(2) it was an isolated incident;
(3) the conditions that resulted in the behavior were largely beyond the person's
control (e.g., loss of employment, a business downturn, unexpected medical
emergency, or a death, divorce or separation);
(4) the person has received or is receiving counseling for the problem and there
are clear indications that the problem is being resolved or is under control;
(5) the affluence resulted from a legal source; and
(6) the individual initiated a good-faith effort to repay overdue creditors or
otherwise resolve debts.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Excessive alcohol consumption often leads to the exercise of questionable
judgment, unreliability, failure to control impulses, and increases the risk of
unauthorized disclosure of classified information due to carelessness.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) alcohol-related incidents away from work, such as driving while under the
influence, fighting, child or spouse abuse, or other incidents related to alcohol use;
(2) alcohol-related incidents at work, such as reporting for work or duty in an
intoxicated or impaired condition, or drinking on the job;
(3) diagnosis by a credentialed medical professional3 of alcohol abuse or alcohol
(4) habitual or binge consumption of alcohol to the point of impaired judgment;
(5) consumption of alcohol, subsequent to a diagnosis of alcoholism by a
credentialed medical professional3 and following completion of an alcohol
rehabilitation program
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the alcohol related incidents do not indicate a pattern;
(2) the problem occurred a number of years ago and there is no indication of a
recent problem;
(3) positive changes in behavior supportive of sobriety;
(4) following diagnosis of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence, the individual
has successfully completed inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation along with
aftercare requirements, participates frequently in meetings of Alcoholics
Anonymous or a similar organization, abstained from alcohol for a period of at
least 12 months, and received a favorable prognosis by a credentialed medical
3 credentialed medical professional: licensed physician, licensed clinical psychologist, or board-certified psychiatrist.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Improper or illegal involvement with drugs, raises questions regarding an
individual's willingness or ability to protect classified information. Drug abuse
or dependence may impair social or occupational functioning, increasing the
risk of an unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
Drugs are defined as mood and behavior altering:
(a) drugs, materials, and other chemical compounds identified and listed in the
Controlled Substances Act of 1970, as amended (e.g., marijuana or cannabis,
depressants, narcotics, stimulants, and hallucinogens) and
(b) inhalants and other similar substances.
Drug abuse is the illegal use of a drug or use of a legal drug in a manner that deviates
from approved medical direction.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) any drug abuse (see above definition);
(2) illegal drug possession, including cultivation, processing, manufacture,
purchase, sale, or distribution;
(3) failure to successfully complete a drug treatment program prescribed by a
credentialed medical professional.3 Current drug involvement, especially
following the granting of a security clearance, or an expressed intent not to
discontinue use, will normally result in an unfavorable determination
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the drug involvement was not recent;
(2) the drug involvement was an isolated or infrequent event;
(3) a demonstrated intent not to abuse any drugs in the future;
(4) satisfactory completion of a drug treatment program prescribed by a
credentialed medical professional.3
3 credentialed medical professional: licensed physician, licensed clinical psychologist, or board-certified psychiatrist.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Emotional, mental, and personality disorders can cause a significant deficit in an
individual's psychological, social and occupational functioning. These disorders
are of security concern because they may indicate a defect in judgment, reliability,
or stability.
When appropriate, a credentialed mental health professional,4 acceptable to or approved
by the Government, should be consulted so that potentially disqualifying and mitigating
information may be fully and properly evaluated.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) a diagnosis by a credentialed mental health professional 4 that the individual
has a disorder that could result in a defect in psychological, social, or occupational
(2) information that suggests that an individual has failed to follow appropriate
medical advice relating to treatment of a diagnosed disorder, e.g., failure to take
prescribed medication;
(3) a pattern of high-risk, irresponsible, aggressive, anti-social, or emotionally
unstable behavior;
(4) information that suggests that the individual's current behavior indicates a
defect in his or her judgment or reliability.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) there is no indication of a current problem;
(2) recent diagnosis by a credentialed mental health professional4 that an
individual's previous emotional, mental, or personality disorder is cured or in
remission and has a low probability of recurrence or exacerbation;
(3) the past emotional instability was a temporary condition (e.g., one caused by a
death, illness, or marital breakup), the situation has been resolved, and the
individual is no longer emotionally unstable.
4 credentialed mental health professional: licensed clinical psychologist, licensed social worker, or board-certified
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
A history or pattern of criminal activity creates doubt about a persons judgment,
reliability and trustworthiness.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) any conduct, regardless of whether the person was formally charged;
(2) a single serious crime or multiple lesser offenses.
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) the behavior was not recent;
(2) the crime was an isolated incident;
(3) the person was pressured or coerced into committing the act and those
pressures are no longer present in that persons life;
(4) the person did not voluntarily commit the act and/or the factors leading to the
violation are not likely to recur;
(5) there is clear evidence of successful rehabilitation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Noncompliance with security regulations raises doubt about an individual's
trustworthiness, and ability to safeguard classified information.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) unauthorized disclosure of classified information;
(2) violations that are deliberate or multiple or due to negligence.
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include actions that:
(1) were inadvertent;
(2) were isolated or infrequent;
(3) were due to improper or inadequate training;
(4) demonstrate a positive attitude towards the discharge of security
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Involvement in certain types of outside employment or activities is of security
concern if it poses conflict with an individual's security responsibilities and
could create an increased risk of unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
Any service, whether compensated, volunteer, or employment with:
(1) a foreign country;
(2) any foreign national;
(3) a representative of any foreign interest;
(4) any foreign, domestic, or international organization or person engaged in
analysis, discussion, or publication of material on intelligence, defense, foreign
affairs, or protected technology.
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) evaluation of the outside employment or activity indicates that it does not
pose a conflict with an individual's security responsibilities;
(2) the individual terminates the employment or discontinues the activity upon
being notified that it is in conflict with his or her security responsibilities.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Noncompliance with rules, procedures, guidelines or regulations pertaining to
information technology systems may raise security concerns about an individual's
trustworthiness, willingness, and ability to properly protect classified systems,
networks, and information.
Information Technology Systems include all related equipment used for the
communication, mission, processing, manipulation, and storage of classified or sensitive
Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:
(1) Illegal or unauthorized entry into any information technology system;
(2) Illegal or unauthorized modification, destruction, manipulation, or denial of
access to information residing on an information technology system;
(3) Removal (or use) of hardware, software or media from any information
technology system without authorization, when specifically prohibited by rules,
procedures, guidelines or regulations;
(4) Introduction of hardware, software or media into any information technology
system without authorization, when specifically prohibited by rules, procedures,
guidelines or regulations;
Conditions that could mitigate security concerns include:
(1) The misuse was not recent or significant;
(2) The conduct was unintentional or inadvertent;
(3) The introduction or removal of media was authorized;
(4) The misuse was an isolated event;
(5) The misuse was followed immediately by a prompt, good faith effort to
correct the situation.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
The purpose of this appendix is to establish, within the framework of this Regulation,
DoD Directive 5105.42, and Defense Investigative Service Manual 20-1-M (references
(hh) and (ii)), standardized procedures for the military investigative agencies to follow
when they perform administrative and investigative functions on behalf of DIS at
overseas locations.
This Regulation describes in detail Background Investigations (BI) which are conducted
for Limited Access Authorizations (LAA) and those Special Investigative Inquiries (SII)
conducted for post-adjudicative purposes. Hereafter they are referred to as LAA and
post-adjudicative cases and are briefly described in paragraphs AP9.2.1. and AP9.2.2.,
AP9.2.1. Limited Access Authorization (LAA). A level of access to classified
defense information that may be granted to a non-US citizen under certain conditions,
one of which is that a BI must have been completed with satisfactory results. Paragraph
C3.4.4. further describes LAA cases.
AP9.2.2. Post-Adjudication Investigation. A Personnel Security Investigation
(PSI) predicated on new, adverse or questionable security, suitability or hostage
information that arises and requires the application of investigation procedures
subsequent to adjudicative action on a DoD-affiliated person's eligibility for continued
access to classified information, assignment to or retention in sensitive duties or other
designated duties requiring such investigation. While these cases are normally
predicated on the surfacing of unfavorable information subsequent to favorable
adjudication, they may also be opened when favorable information is offered to counter
a previous unfavorable adjudication. Paragraph C2.4.3.3. further describes these cases.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP9.3.1. As a rule, investigative activity in most PSIs occurs in the United States
even when the Subject is at an overseas location. Therefore, the submission of requests
for investigation to the Personnel Investigation Center (PIC) at Baltimore is a required
procedure as it ensures uniform application of DoD PSI policy and the efficient dispatch
and coordination of leads.
AP9.3.2. When the purpose of the investigation is for an LAA or post-adjudication
on a Subject overseas, much, if not all of the leads are at an overseas location. While
these cases also may be submitted directly to PIC for action, there is an inherent delay
in the mailing of the request, the exchange of leads and reports with PIC, and transmittal
of the reports back to the requestor. To avoid this delay, the military investigative
agencies, when acting for DIS overseas in accordance with DoD Directive 5105.42
(reference (hh) may, with their Headquarters approval, accept these requests for
investigations, initiate them and disseminate the results from the same level as they
open, close, and disseminate their own cases. Usually this will greatly improve
response time to the requester.
AP9.3.3. Under the procedures in paragraph AP9.3.2., above, DIS will not often be
in a position to directly exercise its responsibility for control and direction until the
case or lead is in progress or even completed; therefore, adherence to the policy stated
in referenced documents, and as modified herein, is mandatory. When the policy of the
military investigative agency is at variance with the above, the matter will be referred to
the respective headquarters for resolution.
AP9.3.4. Since DIS is ultimately responsible for the personnel security product, it
must be kept informed of all such matters referred to in this appendix. For instance,
when the investigative agency overseas receives a DD Form 1879, "Request for
Personnel Security Investigation," which sets forth an issue outside DIS jurisdiction, it
will reject the request, inform the requester of the reason and furnish an information
copy of the DD Form 1879 and rejection letter to PIC. When the issue/jurisdiction is
unclear to the investigative agency, the DD Form 1879 and the perceived jurisdictional
question should be promptly forwarded to DIS for action and, if appropriate, to the
Component' s headquarters for information. Questions on the interpretation of DIS or
DoD policy and Directives pertaining to individual PSI cases can usually be resolved
through direct communications with PIC.
AP9.3.5. DoD Directive 5105.42 (reference (hh)), establishes the supporting
relationship of the military investigative agencies to DIS in overseas areas, and DIS
provides these Agencies with copies of relevant policy and interpretive guidance. For
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
these reasons, the investigative agency vice the requester, is responsible for evaluating
the request, processing it, collecting and evaluating the results within their jurisdiction
for sufficiency, and forwarding the completed product to the appropriate activity.
AP9.3.6. The magnitude of operations at PIC requires that methods of handling
LAA and post-adjudicative cases be consistent to the maximum extent possible. For
this reason, the procedures for LAA cases are nearly identical to those for
post-adjudicative cases. Briefly, the main exceptions are:
AP9.3.6.1. The notification to PIC that a post-adjudication case has been
opened will be by message, since an issue is present at the outset, whereas notification
of an LAA case should normally be by mail.
AP9.3.6.2. The scope of the LAA investigation is 10 years or since the
person's 18th birthday, whichever is shortest, whereas the leads in a post-adjudication
case are limited to resolving the issue.
AP9.4.1. As set-forth in DoD Directive 5105.42 (reference (hh), DIS is
responsible for conducting all DoD PSIs in the 50 States, District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico, and will request the Military Departments to accomplish investigative
requirements elsewhere. The military investigative agencies in overseas locations
routinely respond to personnel security investigative leads for DIS.
AP9.4.2. DIS jurisdiction also includes investigation of subversive affiliations,
suitability information, and hostage situations when such inquiries are required for
personnel security purposes; however, jurisdiction will rest with the military
investigative agencies, FBI and/or civil authorities as appropriate when the alleged
subversion or suitability issue represents a violation of law or, in the case of a hostage
situation, there is an indication that the person concerned is actually being pressured,
coerced, or influenced by interests inimical to the United States, or that hostile
intelligence is taking action specifically directed against that person. Specific policy
guidance on the applicability of these procedures and the jurisdictional considerations
are stated in C2.4.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP9.5.1. A request for investigation must be submitted by using DD Form 1879
and accompanied by supporting documentation unless such documentation is not
immediately available, or the obtaining of documentation would compromise a sensitive
investigation. Upon receipt of the request, the military investigative component will
identify the issue(s), scope the leads, and ensure that the proposed action is that which
is authorized for DIS as delineated in this Regulation, DoD Directive 5105.42 and
Defense Investigative Service 20-1-M (references (hh) and (ii)).
AP9.5.2. Upon such determination, the Component will prepare an Action Lead
Sheet (ALS), which fully identifies the Subject and the scope of the case, and specifies
precisely the leads that each investigative Component (including DIS/PIC when
appropriate) is to conduct.
AP9.5.3. Case opening procedures described above are identical for LAA and
post-adjudication cases except with respect to notification of case opening to PIC:
AP9.5.3.1. Post-Adjudication Cases. These cases, because they involve an
issue, are potentially sensitive and must be examined as early as possible by PIC for
conformity to the latest DoD policy. Accordingly, the initial notification to PIC of
case openings will always be by message. The message will contain at a minimum:
AP9. Full identification of the subject;
AP9. A narrative describing the allegation/facts in sufficient detail
to support opening of the case; and
AP9. A brief listing of the leads that are planned. The DD Form
1879 and supporting documents, along with the Agency's ALS, should be subsequently
mailed to PIC.
AP9.5.3.2. LAA Cases. The notification to PIC of case opening will normally
be accomplished by mailing the DD Form 1879, DD Form 398, "Personal History
Statement," a copy of the ALS, and any other supporting documents to PIC. Message
notification to PIC in LAA cases will only be required if there is a security or suitability
issue apparent in the DD Form 1879 or supporting documents.
AP9.5.4. Beyond initial actions necessary to test allegation for investigative merit
and jurisdiction, no further investigative action should commence until the notification
of case opening to PIC has been dispatched.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP9.5.5. PIC will promptly respond to the notification of case opening by mail or
message specifying any qualifying remarks along with a summary of previously existing
data. PIC will also provide a DIS case control number (CCN). This number must be
used by all Components on all case-related paperwork/reports.
(The investigating agency may assign its unique Service CCN for interim internal
control; however, the case will be processed, referenced, and entered into the DCII by
the DIS case control number.) The first five digits of the DIS CCN will be the Julian
date of the case opening when received at DIS.
AP9.6.1. The expected completion time for leads in LAA cases is 50 calendar days
and for post-adjudication cases, 30 days, as computed from the date of receipt of the
request. If conditions preclude completion in this time period, a pending report of the
results to date, along with an estimated date of completion will be submitted to PIC.
AP9.6.2. Copies of all ALSs will be furnished to PIC. In addition, PIC will be
promptly notified of any significant change in the scope of the case, or the development
of an investigative issue.
AP9.6.3. The procedures for implementing the Privacy Act in PSI cases are set in
DIS 20-1-M (reference (ii)). Any other restrictions on the release of information
imposed by an overseas source or by regulations of the country where the inquiry takes
place will be clearly stated in the report.
AP9.6.4. The report format for these cases will be that used by the military
investigative agency.
AP9.6.5. Investigative action outside the jurisdictional area of an investigative
component office may be directed elsewhere by ALS as needed in accordance with that
Agency's procedures and within the following geographical considerations:
AP9.6.5.1. Leads will be sent to PIC if the investigative action is in the United
States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Bahama Islands, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, and the following islands in the Pacific: Wake, Midway, Kwajalin,
Johnston, Carolines, Marshalls, and Eniwetok.
AP9.6.5.2. Leads to areas not listed above may be dispatched to other units of
the investigative agency or even to another military agency's field units if there is an
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
agreement or memorandum of understanding that provides for such action. For case
accountability purposes, copies of such "lateral" leads must be sent to the PIC.
AP9.6.5.3. Leads that cannot be dispatched as described in subparagraph
AP9.6.5.2., above, and those that must be sent to a non-DoD investigative agency should
be sent to PIC for disposition.
AP9.6.6. The Defense Investigative Manual (reference (ii)) calls for obtaining PIC
approval before conducting a Subject interview on a post-adjudicative investigation. To
avoid the delay that compliance with this procedure would create, a military investigative
component may conduct the interview provided:
AP9.6.6.1. All other investigative leads have been completed and reviewed.
AP9.6.6.2. The CCN has been received, signifying DIS concurrence with the
appropriateness of the investigation.
AP9.6.6.3. Contrary instructions have not been received from the PIC.
AP9.6.6.4. The interview is limited to the resolution of the relevant issues
disclosed by the investigation.
AP9.6.7. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph AP9.6.1. through AP9.6.4.,
above, if time is of the essence due to imminent transfer of the subject, a subject
interview may be conducted at the discretion of the investigative agency.
Section AP9.3., above, describes the advantages of timely handling that accrue when the
military investigative components act for DIS overseas. These actions for DIS may,
however, be limited by the Component's staffing and resource limitations, especially
since some cases require more administration and management than others.
Post-adjudication case leads, for instance, will normally be within the geographical
jurisdiction of the Component that accepted the request for investigation; therefore,
relatively little case management is required. In contrast, LAA cases may require leads
world-wide, and, therefore, create more complex case management and administration,
especially in the tracking, monitoring and reviewing of leads outside the Component's
geographical area. Accordingly, an investigative Component will accept the case from
the requester, but only assign itself the appropriate leads within its own geographical
jurisdiction and send the balance to PIC for appropriate disposition in accordance with
the following:
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP9.7.1. The investigative agency will accept the request for investigation (thereby
saving time otherwise lost in mailing to PIC) but limit its involvement in case
management by extracting only those leads it will conduct or manage locally.
AP9.7.2. The Agency should then prepare an ALS that shows clearly what leads it
will cover and send PIC a copy of this ALS, along with the request for investigation and
any other appropriate documentation. It must be clear in the ALS that PIC is to act on
all those leads that the unit has not assigned to itself.
AP9.7.3. PIC, as case manager, will assume responsibility for the complete
investigative package and, upon receipt of the last lead, will send the results to the
appropriate activity.
AP9.7.4. The Agency that accepted the case and assigned itself leads may send a
copy of its report to the activity in the "Results to" block at the same time it sends the
originals to PIC. If so, the letter of transmittal must inform the recipient that these
reports are only a portion of the investigation, and that the balance will be forthcoming
from PIC. Similarly, PIC must be informed of which investigative reports were
disseminated. (This is normally done by sending PIC a copy of the letter of transmittal.)
AP9.8.1. LAA. The scope of investigation is 10 years or from age 18, whichever
is the shortest period.
AP9.8.2. Post-Adjudication Cases. There is no standard scope. The inquiries
conducted will be limited to those necessary to resolve the issue(s).
AP9.9.1. Whether the investigative Component or PIC closes out an investigation,
there are three key elements to consider:
AP9.9.1.1. The investigative results must be reviewed for quality and
conformance to policy.
AP9.9.1.2. The results must be sent to the activity listed in the "Results to"
block of the DD Form 1879.
AP9.9.1.3. PIC must be informed whether or not any dissemination was made
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
by the investigative agency and, if so, what reports were furnished.
AP9.9.2. Investigative results may also be sent to a requester or higher level
activity that makes a statement of need for the results. In such instances, a copy of the
letter requesting the results and the corresponding letter of transmittal must be sent to
PIC for retention.
AP9.9.3. When an investigative agency disseminates reports for PIC, it may use the
transmittal documents, letters, or cover sheets it customarily uses for its own cases.
AP9.9.4. The material that is to be provided to PIC will consist of: The originals
of all reports, and all other case documentation such as original statements, confidential
source sheets, interview logs, requests for investigation, letters of transmittal to
adjudicaters/requesters, or communications with the requester, such as those that
modify the scope of the investigation.
AP9.9.5. For DIS to fulfill its responsibilities under DoD 5220.22-R (reference
(a)) and the Privacy Act of 1974 (reference (m)), all inquires conducted in its behalf
must be set forth in an ROI for the permanent file, whether the case is completed,
terminated early or referred to another Agency.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
A case may require premature closing at any time after receipt of the DD Form 1879 by
the investigative Component if the information accompanying the request, or that which
is later developed, is outside DIS jurisdiction. For example, alleged violations of law, a
counterintelligence matter, or actual coercion/influence in a hostage situation (see
paragraph AP9.4.2., above) must be referred to the appropriate Agency, and DIS
involvement terminated. The requester will be informed by letter or endorsement to
the DD Form 1879 of the information developed that, due to jurisdictional
consideration, the case was referred to (fill in appropriate address) and that the DIS case
is closed. The Agency to which referral was made and PIC will be furnished with the
results of all investigations conducted under DIS auspices. DIS, however, has an
interest in the referral Agency's actions and no information should be solicited from
that Agency.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
OMB Circular A-71 (and Transmittal Memo #1), July 1978; OMB Circular A-130,
December 12, 1985; and FPM Letter 732, November 14, 1978, contain the criteria for
designating positions under the existing categories used in the personnel security
program for Federal civilian employees as well as the criteria for designating ADP and
ADP-related positions. This policy is outlined below:
AP10.2.1. Critical-Sensitive Positions
AP10.2.1.1. ADP-I positions. Those positions in which the incumbent is
responsible for the planning, direction, and implementation of a computer security
program; major responsibility for the direction, planning and design of a computer
system, including the hardware and software; or, can access a system during the
operation or maintenance in such a way, and with a relatively high risk for causing grave
damage, or realize a significant personal gain.
AP10.2.2. Noncritical-Sensitive Positions
AP10.2.2.1. ADP-II positions. Those positions in which the incumbent is
responsible for the-direction, planning, design, operation, or maintenance of a computer
system, and whose work is technically reviewed by a higher authority of the ADP-I
category to insure the integrity of the system.
AP10.2.3. Nonsensitive Positions
AP10.2.3.1. ADP-III positions. All other positions involved in computer
activities. In establishing the categories of positions, other factors may enter into the
determination, permitting placement in higher or lower categories based on the
Agency's judgement as to the unique characteristics of the system or the safeguards
protecting the system.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Three categories have been established for designating computer and computer-related
positions -- ADP-I, ADP-II, and ADP-III. Specific criteria for assigning positions to
one of these categories is as follows:
Responsibility or the development and administration of Agency computer security programs, and
also including direction and control of risk analysis and/or threat assessment.
Significant involvement in life-critical or mission-critical systems.
Responsibility for the preparation or approval of data for input into a system, which does not
necessarily involve personal access to the system, but with relatively high risk for effecting grave
damage or realizing significant personal gain.
Relatively high risk assignments associated with or directly involving the accounting,
disbursement, or authorization for disbursement from systems of (1) dollar amounts of $10
million per year or greater, or (2) lesser amounts if.the activities of the individual are not subject
to technical review by higher authority in the ADP-I category to insure the integrity of the system.
Positions involving major responsibility for the direction, planning, design, testing, maintenance,
operation, monitoring, and/or management of systems hardware and software.
Other positions as designated by the Agency head that involve relatively high risk for effecting
grave damage or realizing significant personal gain.
Responsibility for systems design, operation, testing, maintenance, and/or monitoring that is
carried out under technical review of higher authority in the ADP-I category, includes, but is not
limited to:
(1) access to and/or processing of proprietary data, information requiring protection under the
Privacy Act of 1974, and Government-developed privileged information involving the award of
(2) accounting, disbursement, or authorization for disbursement from systems of dollar amounts
less than $10 million per year. Other positions are designated by the Agency head that involve a
degree of access to a system that creates a significant potential for damage or personal gain
less than that in ADP-I positions.
All other positions involved in Federal computer activities.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Initial Package to Notify Organization and Individual
Local Organization Letter with SOR
Sample SOR (Enclosure 1 to Letter)
Security Concerns and Supporting Adverse Information
Instructions for Responding to SOR
Sample Applicable Personnel Security Guidelines (Enclosure 2 to Letter)
SOR Receipt and Statement of Intention (Enclosure 3 to Letter)
Package to Inform Organization and Individual of Denial
Local Organization Letter with LOD
Sample Letter of Denial (Enclosure to Letter)
Notice of Intent to Appeal
Instructions for Appealing a Letter of Denial/Revocation (LOD)
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
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DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
Component Personnel Security Appeal Boards (PSABS) shall be structured and function
to meet the following requirements:
AP12.1.1. The PSAB will be comprised of three members at the minimum military
grade of O-5 or civilian grade of GM/GS-14. In cases where the appellant is at or
above the grade of military O-5 or GM/GS- 14, at least one member of the board will
be equivalent or senior in grade to the appellant.
AP12.1.2. One of the three members will be a permanent board member and serve
as board president. This person should have a thorough knowledge of and experience in
the field of personnel security.
AP12.1.3. One of the three members will be an attorney, unless the board has
access to legal counsel, and not more than one member shall be from the security
career field.
AP12.1.4. The composition of the board may be changed if an appellant works for
a Component without a PSAB. A senior official of that Component will be entitled, but
not required, to occupy one of the three board positions during consideration of the
AP12.1.5. Officials from the Central Adjudication Facility will neither serve as a
member of the board nor communicate with board members concerning the merits of an
open case.
AP12.1.6. Component PSABs will meet regularly to ensure timely disposition of
AP12.1.7. Each case shall be reviewed by all three PSAB members. Appeals will
be decided by majority vote of the board members present at a meeting to discuss and
vote on the case.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP12.1.8. Component PSABs will render a final determination and notify the
individual (via the individual's local organization) in writing. The PSAB will generally
notify individuals within 60 calendar days of the receipt of appeal (without personal
appearance) or 30 calendar days of receipt of the recommendation of the
Administrative Judge (if a personal appearance is requested). This written notification
will provide the reasons that the PSAB either sustained or overturned the original
determination of the Component Central Adjudication Facility. The PSAB
determination will be final and will conclude the appeal process.
AP12.1.9. The PSAB shall maintain a redacted file of all decisions which will be
subject to review in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP13.1.1. A person appealing a Letter of Denial (LOD) may request a personal
appearance by notifying the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) in writing
at the following address: Director, Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals, Post
Office Box 3656, Arlington, Virginia 22203 (FAX No. (703) 696-6865). The request
must be sent to DOHA within 10 calendar days of receipt of the LOD. An extension of
time may be granted by the Director, DOHA, or designee, for good cause demonstrated
by the appellant.
AP13.1.2. Upon receipt of a request for a personal appearance, DOHA shall
promptly request the appellant's case file from the appropriate CAF, assign the case to
an AJ, and provide a copy of the request to the appropriate PSAB. The CAF shall
provide the case file to DOHA normally within 10 calendar days.
AP13.1.3. The AJ will schedule a personal appearance generally within 30 calendar
days from receipt of the request and arrange for a verbatim transcript of the
proceeding. For appellants at duty stations within the lower 48 States, the personal
appearance will be conducted at the appellant's duty station or a nearby suitable
location. For individuals assigned to duty stations outside the lower 48 States, the
personal appearance will be conducted at the appellant's duty station or a nearby suitable
location, or at DOHA facilities located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area or the
Los Angeles, California metropolitan area, as determined by the Director, DOHA, or
AP13.1.4. Travel costs for the appellant will be the responsibility of the
employing organization.
AP13.1.5. The AJ will conduct the personal appearance proceeding in a fair and
orderly manner:
AP13.1.5.1. The appellant may be represented by counsel or personal
representative at his own expense;
DoD 5200.2-R, January 1987
AP13.1.5.2. The appellant may make an oral presentation and respond to
questions posed by his counsel or personal representative, and shall respond to
questions asked by the AJ;
AP13.1.5.3. The appellant may submit documents relative to whether the LOD
should be overturned;
AP13.1.5.4. The appellant will not have the opportunity to present or
cross-examine witnesses;
AP13.1.5.5. Upon completion of the personal appearance, the AJ will
generally forward within 30 calendar days, a written recommendation to the appropriate
PSAB whether to sustain or overturn the LOD, along with the case file and any
documents submitted by the appellant. A copy of the AJ's recommendation will be
provided to the CAF.
AP13.1.6. The PSAB will render a final written determination stating its rationale
and notify the individual in writing (via the individual's employing organization) generally
within 30 calendar days of receipt of the recommendation from DOHA. This decision
will be final and will conclude the appeal process.
29 February 2012
1030 Air Force Pentagon
Washington DC 20330
SUBJECT: Air Force Guidance Memorandum to AFI 31-401, Information Security Program
By Order of the Secretary of the Air Force, this is an Air Force Guidance Memorandum
(AFGM) immediately changing AFI 31-401. Compliance with this AFGM is mandatory. To the
extent its directions are inconsistent with other Air Force publications, the information herein
prevails in accordance with AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management.
In advance of rewrite of AFI 31-401, or publication of AFI 16-1401, Enterprise
Information Protection, the attachment to this AFGM provides guidance changes that are
effective immediately.
The AFGM guidance becomes void after 180 days have elapsed from the date of this
AFGM, or upon incorporation by interim change to AFI 31-401, rewrite of AFI 31-401, or
publication of AFI 16-1401, whichever is earlier.
Lieutenant General, USAF
DCS/Logistics, Installations & Mission Support
Guidance Changes
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
The below changes to AFI 31-401, dated 1 November 2005, through Interim Change 1,
dated 19 August 2009, are effective immediately.
(Replace) Establish criteria, evaluate, and rate all civilian and military employees who
are original classification authorities, security managers or specialists, and other personnel whose
duties primarily involve the creation of or handling of classified information on their
performance of security responsibilities. Include the designation and management of classified
information as a critical element, item, or assessment for these personnel. If the mandated
performance form does not permit defining a new critical element, the performance reviewer will
include an assessment of this area in an existing text block. [Reference EO 13526 §5.4 and
DOD 5200.1-R, C1.1.2.1.].
(Replace) 1.4.1. MAJCOMs will incorporate information protection (IP) into the Air Force
Inspection System (AFIS). The IP inspection will occur every four (4) years and will be known
as the Information Protection Management Evaluation (IPME). Until a permanent solution is
reached, MAJCOM IP Directors will provide IP augmentees to the MAJCOM IG team. To
preclude perceived conflicts of interest, inter-MAJCOM IP exchanges of qualified IP personnel
to augment IG CUI teams is encouraged. If an exchange is not feasible, MAJCOM IP Directors
may select MAJCOM, center, or wing-level IP augmentees; however, selected personnel will not
be members of the wing or center being inspected. DELETED DELETED DELETED DELETED
(Replace) 1.4.2. The Chief, Information Protection (CIP), may request a Staff Assistance Visit
(SAV) from the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP Director at any time. A SAV is an assistance-oriented
visit, not an inspection. The MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP Director will coordinate the SAV through
the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU Gatekeeper.
(Replace) 1.4.3. Installation CIPs will conduct Local Information Protection Management
Evaluations (LIPMEs):
(Replace) No less frequently than annually for activities on the installation, and any
others serviced by the IP staff, that store or handle classified material. If an organization clearly
demonstrated a highly effective, discrepancy-free approach to managing IP during a previous
IPME (MAJCOM CUI) or LIPME, the CIP, with the concurrence of the Wing CV, may elect to
extend that organization’s next LIPME out to 24 months.
(Replace) No less frequently than once every 24 months, or under unit Commander’s
Inspection Program (CCIP) guidelines, for activities on the installation and any others serviced
by the IPO that do not store or handle any classified material.
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
(Add New) LIPMEs are assistance-oriented oversight visits performed by CIPs or
designated representative(s) on subordinate IPOs and/or unit security programs. LIPMEs are not
rated but are conducted to determine effectiveness, benchmark processes and/or products, and
identify problem areas and required corrective action.
(Add New) LIPMEs will focus on IP Enterprise efforts, inclusive of the information,
personnel, and industrial security disciplines. LIPMEs will include collateral classified material
and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) (excluding Computer Security Act of 1987
information and technical documents) holdings.
(Add New) Collateral material and CUI kept within a Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility (SCIF) or Special Access Program Facility (SAPF) does not fall within the
purview of a LIPME, and responsibility for such material rests with the applicable owner/user.
(Add New) The CIP will provide the inspected unit Commander with written review
results within 15 duty days of the review outbrief.
(Add New) If the review report requires a response to identified shortfalls, the
inspected unit Commander will provide written response to the CIP within 30 duty days of the
review report date.
(Add New) If the first response does not close all action items, the inspected unit
Commander will provide reports to the CIP every 30 days thereafter until all actions are resolved
or closed.
(Replace) 1.4.4. Commanders of units responsible for processing or holding classified
information will ensure unit personnel conduct semiannual security self-inspections to evaluate
information security program effectiveness.
(Add New) Unit commanders will appoint an individual(s) in writing to conduct a
semiannual security inspection.
(Add New) Neither the unit security manager nor members of the IP staff will be
appointed to conduct the inspection.
(Add New) If the CIP conducted a LIPME or SAV in a unit within the last 12 months,
that event will count as one of the semiannual self-inspections for that 12-month period; i.e., the
unit would have to conduct only one self-inspection during the same period.
(Add New) 1.4.5. SAF/AAP, Information Protection Directorate, personnel will visit MAJCOM
IP organizations as necessary to review management of the MAJCOM Enterprise IP
(Replace) Organizations sample data for Part D, Derivative Classification Decisions,
during a consecutive 2-week period each fiscal year quarter (Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, and
Jul-Sep). In the last quarter, the 2-week period must be set early since the reports are required by
15 October. Calculations will be annualized. For example, multiply the figure representing 8
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
weeks’ worth of actual data x 6.5 to achieve a figure reflecting 52 weeks’ worth of annualized
data. If less than 100% of the population is surveyed, identify the percentage surveyed and
annotate the mathematical calculation used to arrive at a 100% figure. Interagency Report
Control Number 0230-GSA-AN applies to this information collection requirement.
(Replace) Count the number of classification decisions in finished products for
dissemination or retention, regardless of the media. Include classified work stations (such as
SIPRNET) when compiling data.
(Add New) Effective with the FY12 SF 311 report, the actual number of decisions made
must be reported under Part C, ―Original Classification Decisions.‖ Each OCA will report the
number of his or her original classification decisions throughout the year for each Part C
category and how each decision was documented. A separate list citing specific Part C data for
each category for each OCA will be provided to SAF/AAP with the annual SF 311.
(Replace) 1.9. See paragraph 1.4.4. of this AFI [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.7.].
(Delete) 2.1. and all subordinate elements. Replace with new text which follows.
(New) 2.1. Original Classification Authority (OCA) [Reference EO 13526 § 1.3 and 32 CFR
(New) 2.1.1. The Secretary of the AF (SECAF) is a Presidentially-delegated Top Secret OCA
IAW EO 13526 § 1.3(a)(2). The SECAF may further delegate, in writing, Top Secret, Secret,
and Confidential AF authorities, but only to the minimum number required to carry out EO
(New) 2.1.2. Per the SECAF, SAF/AA is a SECAF-designated Top Secret OCA who may
further delegate Secret and Confidential authorities on behalf of the SECAF, but only to the
minimum number required to carry out EO 13526.
(New) 2.1.3. No OCA, other than the SECAF or SAF/AA, can further delegate OCA.
(New) 2.1.4. OCAs are senior military or civilian positions (usually General Officer or Senior
Executive Service, respectively) at the first or second echelon of command responsible for
carrying out a unique mission in one of eight EO 13526 § 1.4 classification categories.
(New) OCA is delegated to a position, not a person. Incumbents assume the authority
granted to the position. Deputies, vice commanders, chiefs of staff, and other similar OCA
subordinates are empowered to act as the OCA when they assume that duty position in an
―acting‖ capacity and have certified in writing that they have been trained, prior to exercising the
authority, in OCA responsibilities and classification principles in addition to the basic security
training on the proper safeguarding of classified information and the criminal, civil, and
administrative sanctions that may be brought against an individual who fails to protect classified
information from unauthorized disclosure.
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
( New) When permanent incumbents change, notify SAF/AAP of the new incumbent's
name within 15 calendar days of the effective date.
(New) OCA is not automatically delegated to, or retained by, any position simply
because delegation authority exists. Retaining delegated OCA is based on demonstrable and
continuing need per EO 13526.
(New) Revoked or relinquished OCA may be requested consistent with mission
(New) 2.1.5. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). The only AF OCA for SCI is
AF/A2. No other AF OCAs can originally classify SCI.
(New) 2.1.6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
(New) AF OCAs do not originally classify NATO information but rather US
information in NATO records under the guidelines set forth in DoD-level INFOSEC guidance
and this AFI.
(New) For AF officials holding both AF positions and NATO positions, DoD-level
INFOSEC guidance and this AFI pertain to information classified for exclusive US use.
Applicable NATO security regulations pertain to information classified for exclusive NATO use.
These officials derive NATO classification authority through Headquarters (HQ) Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) as a result of their position in NATO and not the
(New) 2.1.7. Forward OCA requests, signed by the MAJCOM Commander or Vice, through
MAJCOM IP channels to SAF/AAP. Requests will include the information below. Upon
review, SAF/AAP may require additional information prior to processing the request.
(New) The full position title, functional office symbol, and level of OCA requested.
(New) A detailed explanation of why the position requires OCA. Discuss how the
requested OCA affects the MAJCOM or Air Staff organization’s OCA portfolio. State if this
OCA replaces an existing OCA or is additive. Describe how this change supports the EO 13526
requirement to restrict OCA delegations to the minimum number necessary to carry out the EO.
(New) Number and type (collateral, SCI, SAP) of Security Classification Guides
(SCGs) for which the OCA is (or will be) responsible.
(New) Description and estimate of the anticipated annual use of the delegated authority.
(New) If the OCA request is for a new organization (or organization that has recently
moved/changed names), provide an explanation.
(New) 2.1.8. OCA training.
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
(New) Initial OCA training will be completed before exercising any original
classification decisions, or within 60 calendar days of appointment, whichever is sooner. Notify
SAF/AAP through MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP channels of training completion date. [Reference
32 CFR § 2001.70.]
(New) OCAs will complete annual OCA refresher training. Failure to complete annual
training will result in suspension and may result in revocation of OCA. Notify SAF/AAP
through MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP channels of training completion date. [Reference 32 CFR §
(New) 2.1.9. SAF/AAP will maintain the master list of Air Force OCAs and post it on the
SAF/AAP Portal. If a position is not listed on the master list, that position has not been
delegated OCA and cannot perform OCA functions. SAF/AAP will monitor demonstrable and
continuing need and may request validation from the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP Directors.
(Replace) 2.2.2. Classification may be applied only to information that is owned or produced by,
or for, or is under the control of the United States Government. Information may be considered
for classification only if it concerns one of the categories specified in Section 1.4 of EO 13526.
[Reference DTM 11-004, C2.3.2.]
(New) 2.3.5. Those who perform derivative classification must complete derivative
classification training at least once every two years. [Reference EO 13526 § 2.1(d)]
(Replace) 2.4.1. Under no circumstances shall information be classified, continue to be
maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to (1) conceal violations of the law,
inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or
agency; or (3) to restrain competition. [Reference EO 13526§1.7; DTM 11-04, C2.]
(Add) 2.4.3. Reclassification after declassification and release to the public under proper
authority will be IAW DTM 11-004, C2.4.3.2. [Reference EO 13526§1.7(c)]
(Add) MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders will make requests for reclassification after
declassification and release through IP channels to SECAF.
(Add) Identify the specific information for which reclassification is requested.
(Add) Identify how the information will be reasonably recovered without attracting
undue attention to the information.
(Add) Identify whether the information is in the custody of the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA).
(Add) Identify all information necessary for the original classification process IAW
DoD 5200.1-R, C2.3.
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
(Add) If reclassification is approved, SECAF will notify the National Security Advisor,
the Director of ISOO, and the USD(I); and the requestor will ensure applicable security
classification guidance is updated.
(Add) If the records have been available for public use through NARA, public access
will be suspended pending approval of the reclassification action by the ISOO Director. Should
the ISOO Director disapprove the declassification action, SECAF may appeal the decision to the
President through the National Security Advisor.
(Add) If appealed, the requestor will provide to SECAF, through IP channels, a clearly
articulated justification describing the compelling national security reasons for reclassifying the
information, in rebuttal to the ISOO rationale for denying the request. SAF/AAP will notify
USD(I) of the appeal.
(Add) Once a final decision is rendered, the requestor will consider the need to update
applicable security classification guidance.
(Add) 2.4.4. Reclassification or classification of information not previously disclosed under
proper authority will be IAW DTM 11-004, C2.4.3.3.
(Add) OCAs will submit requests for reclassification after declassification and release
through IP channels to SAF/AA.
(Add) OCAs will identify all information necessary for the original classification
process IAW DoD 5200.1-R, C2.3.
(Add) Once a decision is rendered, OCAs will update applicable security classification
guidance as necessary.
(Replace) Provide the date of issuance or last review. The date of the original
classification will be clearly identified and carried forward in SCG reissuances.
(Replace) State which classification level applies to each element of information and,
when useful, specify the elements of information that are unclassified. Where an element may
qualify for more than one classification level, criteria will be provided for determining which
classification level is applicable.
(Replace) Release of program data on the World Wide Web. Extreme care must be
taken when considering information for release onto publicly accessible or unprotected World
Wide Web sites. In addition to satisfying all of the aforementioned approval provisions, owners
and/or releasers of information proposed for such release must ensure that it is not susceptible to
compilation with other information to render sensitive or even classified data in the aggregate.
The search and data mining capabilities of Web technology must be assessed from a riskmanagement perspective. Information intended for publication on publicly accessible or
unprotected web sites must be cleared for public release prior to publication according to AFI
35-102, Security and Policy Review Process. If there are any doubts, do not release the
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
(Replace) Coordinate SCG review with the servicing Foreign Disclosure Office and CIP
and/or MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IP Director.
(Replace) SCGs shall be reviewed and updated as circumstances require but at least
once every five years. Note: The AF will conduct an initial Fundamental Classification
Guidance Review (including SCGs) by 29 February 2012. Thereafter, review SCGs at least once
every five years. [Reference 32 CFR § 2001.16.].
(Replace) To extend classification beyond 25 years, proper approval authority must first
be obtained IAW DTM 11-004, C4.3.
(Add) For specific information or records, the OCA will request exemption through IP
channels to SAF/AA. Requests will include items identified in DTM 11-004, C4. –
C4. If approved, SAF/AA will notify the Interagency Security Classification Appeals
Panel (ISCAP) of the decision, and will provide USD(I) an informational copy.
(Add) For file series, the OCA will request exemption through IP channels to
SECAF. Requests will include items identified in DTM 11-004, C4. – C4. If
approved, SECAF will notify ISCAP of the decision and will provide USD(I) an informational
(Add) ISCAP may direct SECAF or SAF/AA not to exempt the specific information
or file series or may direct an earlier declassification date. If required, SECAF may appeal the
decision to the President through the National Security Advisor. An informational copy will be
provided to USD(I).
(Replace) Submit SCGs electronically through IP channels to SAF/AAP whenever an
SCG is issued, revised, reviewed, or rescinded.
(Replace) Report all SCG events on DD Form 2024, DoD Security Classification Guide
Data Elements, through IP channels to SAF/AAP. Events include initial publication, revisions,
reviews, changes, cancellations, etc. Submit all SCGs and DD Forms 2024 electronically
through IP channels, in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf), to SAF/AAP:
(Replace) Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET):, for Secret and below SCGs only. If possible, send all
unclassified SCGs and DD Forms 2024 via SIPRNET. SIPRNET transmissions permit direct
publication to the Manager of Online Security Archival Information Classified (MOSAIC)
Community of Practice (CoP) and direct submission to DTIC.
(Replace) Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET):, for unclassified SCGs only. Encrypt all transmissions.
(Replace) SAF/AAP will process the SCG and DD Form 2024 and send it to the Air
Force Declassification Office (AFDO) for further distribution to:
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
(Add) Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).
(Replace) 2.6.4. Electronic Location of Guides. SAF/AAP maintains the master list of AF
collateral SCGs. Collateral SCGs are posted on the AFDO-hosted MOSAIC SIPRNET CoP.
Guides are also located on the DTIC web site. To access the DTIC web site, register for a DTIC
account at:
(Replace) 3.2. Declassification. Note: Exemptions identified in this chapter are found in 32
CFR 2001.26.
(Replace) 3.2.1. Originally Classified Documents. The declassification decision determines the
duration of protection [Reference EO 13526 § 1.6.(a)(4) and 32 CFR 2001.26]. At the time an
item of information is classified, original classifiers will determine which of the following four
declassification instructions will be used, selecting whenever possible, the declassification
instruction that will result in the shortest duration of classification.
(Replace) 3.4. Automatic Declassification. [Reference EO § 3.3, 32 CFR 2001.30, and DTM
11-004 C4.3].
(Replace) 3.4.1. The Air Force Declassification Office (AFDO) published the AF
Declassification Guide for Historical Records providing the framework for AF compliance with
32 CFR § 2001.30. It pertains to information contained in 25-year-old Air Force records
determined to be of permanent historical value. It is critical that records management and IP
personnel collaborate to ensure mutual requirements are met for classified records to either be
stored at federal records centers or accessioned to the National Archives.
(Replace) 3.8. Public Release. When information is declassified, it is not releasable to the
public until it has been approved for release through the security review process IAW AFI 35102. The same holds true for declassified or unclassified information that will be placed on an
Internet site that can be accessed by the public.
(Replace) 4.1. General. AF members, employees, and contractors will mark all classified
products (i.e., paper documents, e-mails, slide presentations, web pages, etc.) IAW Controlled
Access Program Coordination Office (CAPCO) standards. The CAPCO guide is available
through the SAF/AAP Portal. In the event of conflict between CAPCO standards and this AFI,
CAPCO takes precedence.
(Replace) 4.2.4. The reason for classification. Each originally classified document shall bear a
concise statement of the reason for classification, as determined by the original classifier.
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C5.2.4.] The classification categories are listed in EO 13526 § 1.4,
and DTM 11-004, C2.3.2. Example: REASON: 1.4(e).
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1 DELETED DELETED
(Replace) If the results of the NAC are favorable and AFHRA OL-A/HOR approves
access, the researcher must sign an SF 312 and an agreement to submit any notes and
manuscript(s) for security and policy review (AFI 35-102). This process is to ensure the
documents do not contain any classified information and, if so, determine if they can be
declassified. Send the SF 312 to AFHRA OL-A/HOR for retention. Classified information will
not be removed from government facilities.
(Replace) Obtains the individual’s agreement to safeguard the information and to submit
any notes and manuscript for a security review (AFI 35-102) to ensure that the documents do not
contain classified information or to determine if any classified information should be
(Replace) 5.6. Preventing Public Release of Classified Information. See AFI 35-102 for
guidance on security reviews to prevent people from publishing classified information in
personal or commercial articles, presentations, theses, books or other products written for general
publication or distribution.
(Replace) 9.7. Public Release. Security incident reports cannot be released into the public
domain until they have undergone a security review [Reference AFI 35-102.] Unauthorized
disclosure of classified information to the public must be processed IAW DODD 5210.50.
(Replace) 9.8.3. The appointing authority will immediately notify the OCA, or the originator
when the OCA is not known, when it is determined there is a compromise, potential
compromise, or loss of classified information. Refer to paragraph 9.6.1. of this AFI for security
classification marking requirements.
(Delete) AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Policies and Procedures
(Add) AFI 35-102, Security and Policy Review Process
Abbreviations and Acronyms
(Add) IP—Information Protection
(Add) IPME—Information Protection Management Evaluation (performed by MAJCOM IG)
(Delete) ISPR—Information Security Program Review
(Add) LIPME—Local Information Protection Management Evaluation (performed by
installation IP staff)
Administrative Changes
Attachment to AFI31-401_AFGM1
References throughout to ―Executive Order (EO) 12958, as amended‖ are hereby changed to
―Executive Order (EO) 13526, Classified National Security Information.‖
References throughout to ―ISOO Directive 1‖ are hereby changed to ―Title 32 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Part 2001, Classified National Security Information.‖
References throughout to ―National Agency Check (NAC)‖ are hereby changed to ―National
Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI).‖
References throughout to the ―Information Protection Community of Practice (CoP)‖ are hereby
changed to the ―SAF/AAP Portal.‖
References throughout to ―USSAN Instruction 1-69, United States Implementation of NATO
Security Procedures,‖ are hereby changed to ―USSAN Instruction 1-07, US Implementation of
NATO Security Procedures.‖
References throughout to ―AFSSI 5020, Remanence Security,‖ are hereby changed to ―AFSSI
8580, Remanence Security.‖
References throughout to ―Air Force Declassification Plan‖ are hereby changed to ―Air Force
Declassification Guide for Historical Records.‖
References throughout to ―Information Security Program Review‖ are hereby changed to
―Information Protection Management Evaluation.‖
References throughout to ―IPSR‖ are hereby changed to ―LIPME.‖
References throughout to ―unclassified controlled information‖ are hereby changed to
―Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).‖
References throughout to ―AFI 35-101‖ are hereby changed to ―AFI 35-102.‖
Incorporating Change 1, 19 August 2009
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
AFI 31-401,
1 November 2001
Certified by: HQ USAF/XO
(Lt Gen Carrol H. Chandler)
Pages: 91
This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 31-4, Information Security. It
prescribes and explains how to manage and protect unclassified controlled information and
classified information. Use this instruction with Executive Order (EO) 12958, as amended,
Classified National Security Information, 25 March 2003; Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) Directive Number 1, Classified National
Security Information, Executive Order 12829, National Industrial Security Program (NISP),
DOD Manual 5220.22, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, January 1995;
and, Department of Defense (DOD) 5200.1-R, Information Security Program, 14 Jan 97, for
the management of the Air Force Information Security Program. Additional references
include DOD Instruction (DODI) 5240.11, Damage Assessments, 23 Dec 91; DOD Directive
(DODD) 5210.83, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI), 15 Nov 91; Air Force
Policy Directive (AFPD) 31-4, Information Security. This instruction is applicable to contractors
as prescribed in AFI 31-601, Industrial Security Program. All these references are listed at the
end of each paragraph where applicable. This instruction is not to be used as a stand-alone
document. HQ USAF/XOS-F is delegated approval authority for revisions to this AFI.
This interim change reflects new requirements for management of the Information Security
Program at all echelons; transfers responsibility for Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information;
reflects the transfer of Information Security Program Manager (ISPM) duties and responsibilities
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
from the Chief, Security Forces or installation security official to the Chief of Information
Protection at MAJCOM and installation levels and codifies staff office changes from that action;
updates locations possible for overnight delivery of Secret information in urgent cases; updates
references and deletes terms not used in the text; updates glossary of references and supporting
information (Attachment 1); updates transmission procedures for unclassified controlled nuclear
information (Attachment 2); deletes use of United States Postal System registered mail or
Express Mail to transfer Secret or Confidential material (Attachment 4). An asterisk (|)
indicates newly revised material.
Policy .....................................................................................................................
Philosophy. ............................................................................................................
Program Management. ...........................................................................................
Oversight. ...............................................................................................................
Special Types of Information. ................................................................................
Waivers. .................................................................................................................
Reporting Requirements. .......................................................................................
Administrative Sanctions. ......................................................................................
Self-Inspection. ......................................................................................................
Original Classification Authority (OCA) ...............................................................
Original Classification. ..........................................................................................
Derivative Classification. .......................................................................................
Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. ..........................................................
Classification Challenges .......................................................................................
Security Classification/Declassification Guides. ...................................................
Declassification and Downgrading Officials. ........................................................
Declassification. .....................................................................................................
Exceptions. .............................................................................................................
Automatic Declassification. ...................................................................................
Mandatory Review. ................................................................................................
Systematic Review for Declassification. ...............................................................
Referrals. ................................................................................................................
Public Release. .......................................................................................................
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Downgrading. ........................................................................................................
Chapter 4—MARKINGS
General. ..................................................................................................................
Required Markings. ...............................................................................................
Special Control and Similar Notices. .....................................................................
NATO. ...................................................................................................................
Other Foreign Government Information (FGI). .....................................................
Marking of Foreign Government and NATO Information in DOD Documents. ..
Audio and Video Tapes. ........................................................................................
Removable Information Systems Storage Media. ..................................................
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). .......................................................
Authorized for Release To (REL TO) Markings. ..................................................
Classified Electronic Mail (E-Mail) .......................................................................
Section 5A—Control Measures
General. ..................................................................................................................
Section 5B—Access
Granting Access to Classified Information. ...........................................................
Nondisclosure Agreement (NdA). .........................................................................
Access by Persons Outside the Executive Branch. ................................................
Access by Visitors. ................................................................................................
Preventing Public Release of Classified Information. ...........................................
Access to Information Originating in a Non-DOD Department or Agency. .........
Administrative Controls. ........................................................................................
Section 5C—Safeguarding
Care During Working Hours. .................................................................................
End-of-Day Security Checks. ................................................................................
Residential Storage Arrangements. ........................................................................
In-Transit Storage. .................................................................................................
Classified Meetings and Conferences ....................................................................
Protecting Classified Material on Aircraft. ............................................................
Information Processing Equipment. .......................................................................
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
General Safeguarding Policy. ................................................................................
Standards for Storage Equipment. .........................................................................
Storage of Classified Information. .........................................................................
Use of Key-Operated Locks ...................................................................................
Procurement of New Storage Equipment ..............................................................
Equipment Designations and Combinations. .........................................................
Repair of Damaged Security Containers ................................................................
Maintenance and Operating Inspections. ...............................................................
Reproduction of Classified Material. .....................................................................
Control Procedures. ...............................................................................................
Emergency Authority. ............................................................................................
Section 5D—Disposition and Destruction of Classified Material
Retention of Classified Records. ............................................................................
Disposition and Destruction of Classified Material ...............................................
Section 6A—Methods of Transmission or Transportation
General Policy. .......................................................................................................
Transmission and Transporting Top Secret Information. ......................................
Transmitting and Transporting Secret Information. ..............................................
Transmitting Confidential Information. .................................................................
Transmission of Classified Material to Foreign Governments. .............................
Section 6B—Preparation of Material for Transmission
Envelopes or Containers. .......................................................................................
Section 6C—Escort or Handcarrying of Classified Material
General Provisions .................................................................................................
Documentation. ......................................................................................................
Control and Administration ...................................................................................
Code Words and Nicknames. .................................................................................
Section 8A—Policy
General Policy. .......................................................................................................
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Methodology. .........................................................................................................
Roles and Responsibilities. ....................................................................................
Section 8B—Initial Security Orientation
Cleared Personnel. .................................................................................................
Uncleared Personnel. .............................................................................................
Section 8C—Special Requirements
Original Classification Authorities (OCAs). ..........................................................
Derivative Classifiers, Security Personnel, and Others. ........................................
Restricted Data (RD)/Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). .......................................
Section 8D—Continuing Security Education/Refresher Training
Continuing and Refresher Training. ......................................................................
Section 8E—Access Briefings and Termination Debriefings
Access Briefings. ...................................................................................................
Termination Debriefings. .......................................................................................
Refusal to Sign a Termination Statement. .............................................................
Section 8F—Program Oversight
General. ..................................................................................................................
Section 8G—Coordinating Requests for Formal Training
Coordinating Requests for Training. ......................................................................
Policy. ....................................................................................................................
Definitions. ............................................................................................................
Information System (IS) Deviations. .....................................................................
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Incidents. ........................................
Special Access Program (SAP) Incidents ..............................................................
Classification. ........................................................................................................
Public Release. .......................................................................................................
Reporting and Notifications. ..................................................................................
Preliminary Inquiry. ...............................................................................................
Damage Assessment. .............................................................................................
Formal Investigation. .............................................................................................
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Management and Oversight. ..................................................................................
Unauthorized Absences. ........................................................................................
Prescribed Forms. These forms are prescribed throughout this AFI and are available
through the Air Force Publications Distribution system: .......................................
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 1
1.1. Policy. It is Air Force policy to identify, classify, downgrade, declassify, mark, protect, and
destroy its classified and unclassified information and material consistent with national policy.
This general policy statement also applies to unclassified controlled information (Attachment 2)
under the purview of relevant statutes, regulations and directives [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
1.2. Philosophy. Protecting information is critical to mission accomplishment. The goal of the
Information Security Program is to efficiently and effectively protect Air Force information by
delegating authority to the lowest levels possible; encouraging and advocating use of risk
management principles; focusing on identifying and protecting only that information that
requires protection; integrating security procedures into our business processes so that they
become transparent; and, ensuring everyone understands their security roles and
1.3. Program Management. The strength of the Air Force Information Security Program is in
its infrastructure. The infrastructure is important because it facilitates effective communication
of our security policies and procedures to those performing the Air Force mission. With the
support of commanders at all levels, this is accomplished predominantly through our
Information Security Program Manager (ISPM) and security manager system. Both play an
integral role in ensuring unit personnel know and understand their role in protecting classified
information against unauthorized disclosure [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.2.].
1.3.1. Senior Security Official. The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Air
Force (SAF/ AA) is designated the Air Force Senior Security Official responsible for
ensuring implementation of the Information Security Program.
1.3.2. Air Force Program Manager. The Director, Information Protection (SAF/AAP) is
responsible for policy, resource advocacy, and oversight of this program.
1.3.3. Commanders of Major Commands (MAJCOM), Field Operating Agencies (FOAs),
Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), and Installations. These commanders are responsible for: Establishing information security programs. Identifying requirements. Executing their programs to comply with this policy.
1.3.4. The installation Chief of the Information Protection (IP) Office (IPO) or MAJCOM
Director, Information Protection is designated the ISPM at each Air Force installation or site.
Air Force Chiefs of Information Protection: Implement the Information Security Program, for the Information, Personnel,
and Industrial Security Programs on behalf of the installation commander. Assist in the
program/technology protection planning process as it relates to information,
personnel and industrial security, to include direction on physical security requirements
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
for the protection of assets during the various states, i.e., production, deployment,
maintenance, test, or undergoing modifications. Integrate on-base contractor operations into the installation‟s Information
Security Program in accordance with (IAW) AFI 31-601. Review pre-award and/or draft solicitations and contract documents
associated with classified contract efforts; security classification guides and
Department of Defense (DD) Form 254 to ensure appropriate security clauses
and/or language is contained therein which address the protection of sensitive
government information and resources. Serve as technical OPR for the development and preparation of the
Visitor Group Security Agreement (VGSA) or other security agreements as
determined necessary by the installation commander. Conduct security oversight of on-base designated “cleared facilities” as
determined by the installation commander. Provide oversight within their jurisdiction. Provide and monitor training as required by Chapter 8 of this AFI. For organizations at the Wing level and below, conduct security manager
meetings no less than semi-annually.
1.3.5. Unit Commanders or Equivalents, and Staff Agency Chiefs. NOTE: For the purpose
of this instruction, staff agency chiefs are those individuals serving in 2-digit positions
reporting to the commander or vice commander above the Wing level and 2 and 3 digit
positions at Headquarters Air Force. These commanders or equivalents, and staff agency
chiefs will: Appoint a security manager to administer the unit‟s information security
program. Alternate security managers may be appointed as necessary. Commanders or
equivalents, and staff agency chiefs should consider Air Expeditionary Force rotation
cycles, TDY, training requirements, and other assigned duties. Continuity should
receive serious consideration in selection of security managers. Military security
managers must have a favorable National Agency Check, local agency check, and
credit check (NACLC); civilians a National Agency Check with written inquiries and
credit check (ANACI), investigation or higher and eligibility for JPAS access before
appointment. NOTE: Smaller organizations and staff agencies are encouraged to appoint
primary and alternate security managers to serve multiple activities. Contractors will not be appointed as primary or alternate security
managers. However, they can be required to provide other security program support,
under Air Force direction, such as, assisting the security manager, conducting endof-day security checks, security training/briefings, etc. Ensure security managers receive training required by Chapter 8. Notify the ISPM in writing when either primary or alternate security
managers are changed.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
1.3.6. Security Managers: Establish and manage the Information Security Program within their unit or staff
agency. Develop and update a unit security operating instruction. Advise the unit commander or equivalents, and staff agency chief on security
issues pertaining to the unit or staff agency. Attend ISPM hosted security manager meetings. Update and remind personnel of security policies and procedures. Oversee the unit or staff agency information security self-inspection program. Report security incidents immediately, but no later than by the end of the first
duty day. Assist the unit commander or equivalent, staff agency chief and ISPM in
monitoring security incident investigations. Normally security managers will not
conduct security incident inquiries. Participate in security education training as defined in Chapter 8. Manage the JPAS within their organization. In-process and out-process all unit personnel. Monitor and act on system notifications.
1.3.7. Supervisors: Establish criteria, evaluate, and rate all Air Force employees on their
performance of security responsibilities [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.1.2.1.]. Military. See AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems,
paragraph 1.3.7. Civilian. See AFI 36-1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program,
paragraph A3.2.8. Provide and ensure training as directed in Chapter 8 of this AFI.
1.3.8. Foreign Disclosure. The Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International
Affairs, (SAF/ IA), 1080 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1080, oversees the
release of all Air Force information to foreign governments, persons, and international
1.3.9. Historian. The Air Force Historian (HQ USAF/HO), 3 Brookley Avenue, Box 94,
Bolling AFB DC 20032-5000, approves or disapproves historical researchers‟ access to
classified information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.2.4.]
1.4. Oversight. In addition to the reporting requirements of the Information Security Program
(see paragraph 1.7), the following will be implemented [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.7.].
1.4.1. MAJCOMs will incorporate information protection issues into Inspector General (IG)
inspections/reviews. In addition, MAJCOM Information Protection Offices (IPO) will
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
conduct oversight and assistance visits in the form of either an Information Security Program
Review (ISPR) or Staff Assistance Visit (SAV) to subordinate IPOs at least every 36 months.
MAJCOM IPO staffs are encouraged to explore oversight options to minimize resource
impact. ISPR. An ISPR is an assistance-oriented oversight visit for the information
security programs performed by an ISPM, or designated representative(s) on a
subordinate ISPM or security manager. It is a non-rated review for policy and
program effectiveness to benchmark processes/products, identify problem areas
and corrective actions. A key component of the ISPR is an assessment of the
effectiveness of the information security training program. Air Force on-base contractor visitor groups will be integrated into the host
installation‟s Information Security Program unless the mission, operational
requirements, autonomous nature or other factors require them to establish and
maintain their own security program as a cleared facility under the National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NIS- POM). The ISPM will provide the commander or equivalent, and staff agency
chief the ISPR results in writing.
1.4.2. Base level ISPMs will conduct ISPRs on an annual basis. EXCEPTION: An
extension to 18 months may be granted by the ISPM for units that have demonstrated
highly effective, discrepancy free programs during the previous ISPR. ISPRs/SAVs may be
conducted every two years for activities or units that do not store classified information.
1.4.3. Security Self-Inspections: Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs
involved with processing or holding classified information ensure personnel conduct
semiannual security self-inspections to evaluate information security program
effectiveness. EXCEPTION: Activities with a small volume of classified material may
work with the ISPM to develop an oversight schedule consistent with risk management
principles. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs will appoint an
individual, in writing, other than the unit security manager to conduct a semiannual
security inspection. A program review may satisfy the requirement for one of the semiannual selfinspections.
1.4.4. SAF/AAP, Chief of Information Protection will visit MAJCOMs to review their
information protection and associated security programs every 36 months.
1.5. Special Types of Information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.3.]
1.5.1. Restricted Data (RD)/Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). [Reference DODD 5210.2
and DOD 5200.1-R, C1.3.1.] General. RD is governed by DODD 5210.2, Access to and Dissemination of
Restricted Data, 12 Jan 78. Air Force personnel will mark and safeguard RD according to
DODD 5210.2. A list of Air Force Officials Authorized to Certify Access to RD is
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
located on the AFSFC web site. These officials are responsible for certifying access to
RD using DoE Form 5631.20, Request for Visit or Access Approval (see paragraph They may delegate this authority to the level they deem necessary for
operational efficiency. Officials delegated the authority will sign in the “For” block on
behalf of the access granting official. Air Force personnel may obtain DoE Form5631.20
from the DoE activity they are visiting or at the DoE Forms web site. Activities must notify SAF/AAP through command IP channels of changes
to the list of certifying officials as they occur. When doing so, they must also provide
the position title, activity and office symbol of the affected authority. NOTE: When
the change involves an activity name change, access-granting officials will sign forms
authorizing access using the current activity name and a note that identifies the
activity it superseded until the list of officials is updated. SAF/AAP will periodically update a master list available at the
Information Protection Directorate Community of Practice (CoP). Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI). RD that is particularly
sensitive. Access is limited to the minimum number of people who need it to do their job. CNWDI Approving Officials. These officials are responsible for granting
CNWDI access. This authority is assigned to division chiefs and above at all levels of
command. Granting Access. Approving officials will ensure access and briefings
are documented on AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action. Protection. Air Force personnel will protect CNWDI in the same manner
prescribed for collateral classified information. This includes limiting access to
containers storing CNWDI to only those personnel who have been granted CNWDI
access. [Reference DODD5210.2, Paragraph 6]
1.5.2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.3.4.] SAF/AAP is responsible for overall development, approval, and implementation
of NATO security policy within the Air Force. The HQ USAFE IP Office is responsible for developing and recommending
NATO security policy for implementation within the Air Force.
1.5.3. For Official Use Only (FOUO). Unclassified information that is exempt from release
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions 2-9, may be designated “For
Official Use Only.” No other material shall be considered FOUO. FOUO is not authorized as
an anemic form of classification to protect national security interests. [Reference DOD
Regulation 5400.7/AF Supplement, DOD Freedom of Information Act Program, C4.1.1] The
FOIA exemptions are detailed in DOD Regulation 5400.7/AF Supplement, Chapter 3.
1.5.4. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). The Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (AF/A2), 1480 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC
20330-1480, is responsible for SCI policy. The provisions of this publication may not
supersede the policies and guidance prescribed in the appropriate Director of Central
Intelligence Directives governing the control, safeguarding, and dissemination of SCI as
promulgated by the Cognizant Security Authority (CSA) for intelligence security
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
management. The CSA will, on behalf of the Senior Official of the Intelligence Community
(SOIC), AF/A2, ensure appropriate resolution of actual or perceived conflicts regarding SCI
and the provisions of this publication.
1.5.5. Special Access Program (SAP) Information. The Director of Security,
Counterintelligence and Special Program Oversight (SAF/AAZ), 1480 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington DC 20330-1480, is responsible for SAP policy and oversight of all Air Force
SAPs. Should the policies and guidance in this instruction and those issued by DoD and/or
the Air Force SAP Central Office (AFSAPCO) conflict, DoD and AFSAPCO policies and
guidance will take precedence.
1.6. Waivers.
1.6.1. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs send requests to waive provisions
of DOD 5200.1-R, AFPD 31-4, or this AFI through command IP channels to SAF/AAP.
FOAs also coordinate their requests with their respective functional head at Headquarters Air
Force (HAF) before submitting to SAF/AAP [Reference DOD 5200.1- R, C1.4.2.].
1.6.2. Requests for waivers shall contain sufficient information to permit a complete and
thorough analysis to be made of the impact on national security should the waiver be
1.6.3. Waivers or exceptions to Special Access Program (SAP) requirements are forwarded
through appropriate program channels to SAF/AAZ, 1480 Air Force Pentagon, Washington
DC 20330-1480.
1.7. Reporting Requirements. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.6.1.]
1.7.1. MAJCOM and DRU IPs will submit the SF Form 311, Agency Security Classification
Program Data, report to SAF/AAP by 1 October of each year. Organizations sample data for Part C, Original Classification Decisions, and
Part D, Derivative Classification Decisions during a consecutive 2-week period each
fiscal year quarter (Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, and Jul-Sep). In the last quarter the 2week period must be set early since the reports are required by 15 October. Interagency
Report Control Number 0230-GSA-AN applies to this information collection
requirement. Count the number of classification decisions in finished products for
dissemination or retention, regardless of the media. Do not count reproductions or copies.
1.8. Administrative Sanctions.
1.8.1. Send reports through command IP channels to SAF/AAP when someone knowingly,
willfully, or negligently discloses classified information to unauthorized individuals as
specified in EO 12958, as amended [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.5.].
1.8.2. Air Force commanders or equivalents and staff agency chiefs report unauthorized
disclosures of classified information that violate criminal statutes to their servicing ISPM and
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) offices [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
1.8.3. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs take and process administrative
sanctions/ actions for civilian appropriated fund employees IAW AFI 36-704, Discipline
and Adverse Actions, AFMAN 34-310, Nonappropriated Fund Personnel Program
Management and Administration Procedures, for nonappropriated fund employees, and IAW
AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program, for military personnel. Contact
the servicing civilian or military personnel flight office if assistance is needed.
Commanders should consult their servicing legal office before taking action for serious
1.9. Self-Inspection. See paragraph 1.4 of this AFI [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C1.7.].
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 2
2.1. Original Classification Authority (OCA) [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C2.2.]
2.1.1. The Secretary of the Air Force serves as the OCA and may further delegate this
2.1.2. The process for delegating OCA authority is as follows: Secretary of the Air Force delegates Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential
authority. SAF/AA delegates Secret and Confidential authority. All requests for the delegation of OCA will be forwarded through command IP
channels to SAF/AAP, Director of Information Protection, 1720 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20330-1340, for processing. Address requests for original Top Secret authority to the Secretary of the
Air Force. Address requests for original Secret and Confidential authority to SAF/AA. Only individuals in senior military or civilian positions (usually General
Officer or Senior Executive Service level) at the first or second echelon of
command carrying out a unique mission with responsibility for one of the eight
subject areas prescribed by EO 12958, as amended, may be designated as an OCA. OCA is assigned to a position, not a person. OCA will not be delegated
other than identified in paragraphs and above. However, deputies,
vice commanders, chiefs of staff and similar other subordinates of an OCA are
empowered to act as an OCA when they assume the duty position of an OCA in an
“acting” capacity and have certified in writing that they have been trained in OCA
responsibilities and classification principles in addition to the basic security training
on the proper safeguarding of classified information and the criminal, civil, and
administrative sanctions that may be brought against an individual who fails to
protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure before exercising this
authority. All requests will contain the full position title, functional office symbol, a
detailed explanation of why the position requires OCA and an estimate of the annual use
of the delegated authority.
2.1.3. SAF/AAP will maintain the master list of Air Force OCAs and post on the
Information Protection Directorate Community of Practice (CoP). Periodically, SAF/AAP
will request OCA validation from the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU IPMs. Personnel will submit requests for changes or new requests through IP command
channels as they occur. See the Information Protection Directorate Community of Practice (CoP) web
site for OCA training requirements.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
2.2. Original Classification. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Chapter 2 and Interim Information
Security Guidance, April 16, 2004.]
2.2.1. Original classification is the initial decision that an item of information could be
expected to cause damage to the national security if subjected to unauthorized disclosure, and
that the interests of the national security are best served by applying the safeguards of the
Information Security Program to protect it. This decision may be made only by persons
who have been specifically delegated the authority to do so, have received training in the
exercise of this authority, and have program responsibility or cognizance over the
information [Reference: DOD 5200.1-R, C2.1.]. Before an original classification decision is made, it must be determined that
classification guidance is not already available in the form of classification guides,
plans or other memoranda. OCAs are accountable to the Secretary of Defense for their classification
decisions. In those rare situations where the OCAs‟ decision must be rendered verbally
due to the priorities of an on-going operation, written confirmation will be issued within
seven days. OCAs must notify users when there are changes to an original decision. OCAs shall be prepared to present, as required, deposition and expert testimony
in courts of law concerning classification of national security information and be
prepared to defend and justify their original decisions.
2.2.2. Classification may be applied only to information that is owned by, produced by or
for, or is under the control of the United States Government. Information may be considered
for classification only if it concerns one of the categories specified in Section 1.4 of EO
12958, as amended.
2.3. Derivative Classification. The act of incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating
in a new form information that is already classified, and marking the newly developed material
consistent with the markings of the source information. The source information ordinarily
consists of a classified document or a classification guide issued by an OCA. Within DOD, all
cleared personnel can perform derivative classification.
2.3.1. Originating Agency‟s Determination Required (OADR). OADR is no longer an
approved marking and should not be contained in any originally classified documents that
have been created after October 14, 1995.
2.3.2. X1 through X8 are no longer approved markings and should not be contained in any
originally classified documents that have been created on or after September 22, 2003.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
2.3.3. When creating a derivatively classified document and using a source document that
contains OADR or X1 through X8, the derivative classifier will place the following
information in the Declassify On line:
DECLASSIFY ON: Source marked OADR (or X1 thru X8, whatever is applicable)
Date of source: 5 October 1993 (date of source document)
2.3.4. These documents will be subject to review for declassification 25 years after the
date of the source document.
2.4. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
2.4.1. Under no circumstances shall information be classified in order to (1) conceal
violation of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person,
organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of
information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security
[Reference EO 12958, as amended, Section 1.7, DOD 5200.1-R, and Interim Information
Security Guidance 16 April 2004].
2.4.2. The OCA having jurisdiction over the subject matter determines if information
requested under the FOIA or the mandatory declassification review (MDR) provisions of
EO 12958, as amended, should be declassified [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C2.4.3.5.]
2.5. Classification Challenges. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C4.9.]
2.5.1. If holders of information have reason to believe that the information is improperly or
unnecessarily classified, they shall communicate that belief to their commander or
equivalent, staff agency chief, security manager, or supervisor.
2.5.2. Send formal challenges to classification, in writing, to the OCA with jurisdiction over
the information in question.
2.5.3. Challenges to reclassification decisions are sent through command IP channels to
2.5.4. All classified information undergoing a challenge or a subsequent appeal will remain
classified until a final resolution is reached.
2.6. Security Classification/Declassification Guides.
2.6.1. Required Elements. A security classification/declassification guide (see
Attachment 7 for sample format) is the written record of an original classification decision
and appropriate declassification instructions and should be issued as early as practical in
the life cycle of the classified system, plan, program or project. It shall, at a minimum: Identify the subject matter of the classification guide. Identify the OCA by name or personal identifier, and position. Identify an agency Point of Contact (POC) (name, office symbol, mailing
address, organizational e-mail address, DSN/commercial phone numbers) for questions
regarding the classification guide. Provide the date of issuance or last review.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
17 State precisely the categories or elements of information to be declassified, to
be downgraded, or not to be declassified. State which classification level applies to each element of information, and,
when useful, specify the elements of information that are unclassified (NOTE: Only one
level of classification will be annotated for each element of information.) State a concise reason for classification which, at a minimum, cites the
applicable classification category or categories in Section 1.4 of EO 12958, as amended. State, when applicable, special handling caveats. Prescribe declassification instructions for each element of classified information. Identify any related files series that have been exempted from automatic
declassification pursuant to Section 3.3(c) of EO 12958, as amended. To the extent a guide is used in conjunction with the automatic
declassification provisions in Section 3.3 of EO 12958, as amended, state precisely the
elements of information to be exempted from declassification to include: The appropriate exemption category listed in section 3.3(b), and, when
citing the exemption category listed in section 3.3(b)(9), specify the applicable
statute, treaty or international agreement; and A date or event for declassification IAW section 1.5.
2.6.2. OCA Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the OCA to publish classification/declassification
guides to facilitate the proper and uniform derivative classification and declassification of
their information. NOTE: In some cases, OCAs may determine that publishing
classification guidance in other forms is more effective, e.g., program protection plans,
system protection guides, AFIs. In these cases, the applicable publication will be
considered the guide and the publishing requirements in paragraph 3.3 still apply. Each OCA will revise (IAW paragraph below) their security
classification guides to include an advisory statement in the Release of Information
section: Release of program data on the World Wide Web. Extreme care must be
taken when considering information for release onto publicly accessible or
unprotected World Wide Web sites. In addition to satisfying all of the
aforementioned approval provisions, owners and/or releasers of information
proposed for such release must ensure that it is not susceptible to compilation with
other information to render sensitive or even classified data in the aggregate. The
search and data mining capabilities of Web technology must be assessed from a risk
management perspective. Information intended for publication on publicly accessible
or unprotected web sites must be cleared for public release prior to publication
according to AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Policy and Procedures. If there are any
doubts, do not release the information. All guides will be reviewed by the servicing Foreign Disclosure Office
before final approval.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005 Classification/declassification security guides shall be reviewed and updated, as
circumstances require, but at least once every five years. NOTE: Due to the major
changes implemented by EO 12958, as amended, all current Air Force
classification/declassification guides will be reviewed no later than 31 December 2005,
and every five years thereafter.
2.6.3. Publishing Requirements. All guides which extend classification beyond 25 years must be approved by the
Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP). Once the OCA has signed
the guide, the document will be sent to SAF/AAP who will forward it to the ISCAP for
approval. The OCA will report publication of or changes to security classification/
declassification guides to the Administrator, Defense Technical Information Center
(DTIC) using DD Form 2024. DTIC will require an electronic copy of the guide. OCAs must also forward a hard copy of the applicable publication or change to: HQ AFHRA/RSA, 600 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424. SAF/PA, 1690 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1690. All guides (to include any changes) will also be forwarded electronically to
at in PDF and Microsoft Word format.
2.6.4. Electronic Location of Guides. SAF/AAP will maintain the master list of all Air
Force classification/declassification guides and will provide guides made available on the
MOSIAC SIPRNET Community of Practice (CoP). Guides are also located on the DTIC
web site. To access the DTIC web site you must have a DTIC account. The URL for this is
2.6.5. Nuclear Weapons Classification Policy. The DOD and the Department of Energy
(DoE) issue joint security classification guidance for information relating to nuclear
weapons. The Air Force issues security classification policy for information relating to
nuclear weapons. Most of these products are classified and users will require the appropriate
security clearance before accessing them. Users may obtain copies of Joint DOD/DoE
classification guides through DTIC at a cost. Users forward requests for copies of these
guides to SAF/AAP (1720 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1340) through
command IP channels. Requests must include the name, address, and phone number of the activity
POC, and the POC‟s level of access. IPs will validate this information before submitting the
requests to SAF/AAP. For all other Air Force or other agency guides, go direct to the
originator. Users refer to DOD 5200.1-I, DOD Index of Security Classification Guides, to
determine what other guides relating to nuclear weapons classification guidance are needed.
DOD 5200.1-I can be obtained from DTIC.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 3
3.1. Declassification and Downgrading Officials. Within the Air Force, only OCAs have the
authority to declassify or downgrade classified information.
3.2. Declassification. Note: Exemptions identified in this chapter are found in ISSO Directive
Number 1, Section 2001.21(3)(i).
3.2.1. Originally Classified Documents. The declassification decision determines the
duration of protection [Reference EO 12958, as amended, Section 1.6.(a)(4) and ISOO
Directive Number 1, Section2001.12.]. At the time an item of information is classified,
original classifiers will determine which of the following four declassification instructions
will be used, selecting whenever possible, the declassification instruction that will result in
the shortest duration of classification. A date or event less than 10 years from the date of the document; or, if unable to
identify such a date or event; A date 10 years from the date of the document; A date greater than 10 and less than 25 years from the date of the document; or A date 25 years from the date of the document.
3.2.2. Derivatively Classified Documents. The “Declassify on” line must include one of the
following: The date or event up to 25 years, as noted on the source document; or Source marked OADR, date of source (cannot be a date after October 1995); Source marked
September 2003);
after 25X1 through 25X9, and a specific date or event for declassification; or 25X1-human (the only category that does not require a date or event follow it).
3.3. Exceptions. RD/FRD [Reference 10 CFR 1045.1 Subpart A]. Documents containing RD
or FRD are excluded from automatic declassification and do not require a declassification
date. RD must be reviewed by the DoE prior to release. DoE and DOD must jointly review
documents containing FRD prior to release.
3.4. Automatic Declassification. IAW EO 12958, as amended, Section 3.3, all Air Force
activities that possess classified information that is of permanent historical value and is 25
years old or older should have completed a declassification review of these documents by 31
Dec 2006.
3.4.1. The Air Force Declassification Office (AFDO) has published the Air Force
Declassification Plan that provides the framework for Air Force compliance with
Section 3.3 of EO 12958, as amended. It pertains to all classified Air Force records that are
25 years old or older as of 31 December 2006, and have been determined under Federal law
to have permanent historical value. The Air Force Declassification Plan is posted at the
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFDO web site ( It is critical that records
management and information security personnel work together to ensure that requirements of
both are met on classified records that are going to be sent to the National Archives or Federal
Records Center.
3.4.2. All classified records shall be automatically declassified on 31 December of the year
that is 25 years from the date of its original classification, unless it falls in one of the
exemption categories (25X) listed in Section 3.3(b) of EO 12958, as amended.
3.4.3. The 25X categories cannot be used unless the specific information has been approved
through the ISCAP process. This is usually done in the form of a security
classification/declassification guide. (See paragraph 2.6 and Attachment 7.) The Air Force
has an approved list of exemption categories (listed in the Air Force Declassification Plan);
however, the specific item must still be annotated in the security classification/
declassification guide before it is used on derivatively marked documents. For original
classification decisions, no 25X marking, other than “25X1-human,” is permitted on the
“declassify on” line. All originally classified documents will contain either a date or event less
than 10 years or a date from 10 to 25 years. The only exception is the marking “25X1human.” This marking may be used when the disclosure of the information could be expected
to reveal the identity of a confidential human source or human intelligence source. This is
the only 25X marking that does not require a date or event for declassification to be cited
with the 25X marking.
3.5. Mandatory Review.
3.5.1. Mandatory review requests must identify the information requested with enough
specificity to allow for location of the records with a reasonable amount of effort.
3.5.2. Send all requests for MDR to 11 CS/SCSL (MDR), 1000 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington DC 20330-1000.
3.5.3. Send appeals to MDR decisions through 11 CS/SCSL (MDR) to SAF/AA, the
Air Force Appellate Authority for MDRs.
3.6. Systematic Review for Declassification. Activities will set up an annual schedule for
conducting systematic declassification reviews for the following records:
3.6.1. Records of permanent historical value prior to their twenty-fifth birthday. These
records will be reviewed and appropriate action taken by 31 Dec of the same year that is 25
years from the date of its original classification.
3.6.2. Other records. Activities will set up a reasonable schedule for conducting
declassification reviews for all other classified records.
3.7. Referrals. A referral is information that is subject to the provisions of EO 12958, as
amended, Section 3.3, Automatic Declassification, and ISOO Directive No. 1, Section 2001.34,
and has been referred to, within, or outside the Air Force for review. AFDO is the focal point for
processing Air Force referrals. Detailed information regarding the referral process can be found
in the Air Force Declassification Plan.
3.8. Public Release. When information is declassified, it is not releasable to the public until it
has been approved for release through the security review process IAW AFI 35-101, Chapter
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
15. The same holds true for declassified or unclassified information that will be placed on an
Internet site that can be accessed by the public.
3.9. Downgrading. Downgrading of information to a lower level of classification is
appropriate when the information no longer requires protection at the originally assigned level,
and can be properly protected at a lower level. Any official who is authorized to classify or
declassify the information and has authority over the information may downgrade information.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 4
4.1. General. Air Force personnel who originally and derivatively classify information will
mark those products according to DOD 5200.1-R and the ISOO Marking Booklet. Material other
than ordinary paper documents, e.g., e-mail transmitted over a secure network, must have the
same information either marked on it or made immediately available to holders by other means.
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C5.1.]
4.2. Required Markings. Classified documents are required to have the following markings:
4.2.1. The overall classification of the document.
4.2.2. The agency, office of origin, and date of the document.
4.2.3. The office or source document that classified the information. If it is originally classified, the document will reference the office.
Example: CLASSIFIED BY: SAF/AAP. If a document is derivatively classified, it will reference the source document or
the security classification/declassification guide. Example: DERIVED FROM: HQ
USAF/A3/5 Memo dated 12 Jan 2008. Subj: Funding Problems.
4.2.4. The reason for classification. Each originally classified document shall bear a
concise statement of the reason for classification, determined by the original classifier.
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C5.2.4.] The classification categories are listed in EO 12958, as
amended, Section 1.4; DOD5200.1-R Interim Information Security Guidance, Chapter 2,
Para 1. Example: REASON: 1.4(e). If a document is derivatively classified, the “REASON” is not required to be
carried over to the derivative document.
4.2.5. Declassification instructions, and any downgrading instructions that apply.
Example: DECLASSIFY ON: 15 MARCH 2010. If marking material that falls within one of the 25-year exemption categories, the
correct marking will be as follows (NOTE: only derivatively classified documents will
carry a 25X marking, with the exception of 25X1-human, which is allowed on originally
classified documents):
DECLASSIFY ON: 25X5, 15 February 2010
4.2.6. Page and portion markings to identify the specific classified information in the
document and its level of classification. When marking a document that is derivatively
classified, ensure all markings and caveats are carried over from the source document to the
derivative document.
4.2.7. Control notices and other markings that apply to the document.
4.2.8. When a document has been declassified or downgraded, the following markings
shall be applied: The word “Declassified” or the new classification if being downgraded.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
23 The authority for the action (the OCA‟s office symbol and the identification of
the correspondence or classification instruction that required it). The date of declassification or downgrading action. The overall classification markings that appear on the cover page or first page
shall be marked through with a straight line. If downgraded, the new classification will be
written in. Page and portion markings will be remarked as required.
4.2.9. Notebooks, binders, folders, etc. containing classified documents will be
conspicuously marked with the highest classification of the material contained. Affix the
appropriate overall classification marking or classified cover sheet to the front and back of
the notebook, binder, folder, etc.
4.3. Special Control and Similar Notices. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C5.2.9.]
4.3.1. Working Papers. Working papers are documents and material accumulated or
created in the preparation of finished documents and material. Working papers containing
classified information will be: Dated when created. Marked with the highest classification of any information contained in the
document and annotated “WORKING PAPER”. Destroyed when no longer needed. Protected IAW the assigned classification. Marked in the same manner as a finished document at the same classification
level when transmitted outside the facility or if retained for more than 180 days from
the original creation date.
4.3.2. Communications Security (COMSEC). See AFI 33-211, Communications Security
(COMSEC) User Requirements, for guidance on marking COMSEC documents and media.
4.3.3. Technical Documents. See AFI 61-204, Disseminating Scientific and Technical
Information, for guidance on marking and disseminating technical documents. [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, paragraph C5.2.9.8. and DODD 5230.24, Distribution Statements on
Technical Documents.]
4.3.4. SAPs. Documentation and information may be identified with the Phrase “Special
Access Required” and the assigned nickname, codeword, trigraph, or digraph. See AFI
16-701, Special Access Programs, for additional guidance on SAP documents.
4.3.5. Restricted Data/Formerly Restricted Data (RD/FRD). [Reference 10 CFR 1045.1,
Subpart A.)
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005 Documents containing RD shall be marked:
“This material contains Restricted Data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of
1954. Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions.” Documents containing FRD shall be marked:
“Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. Handle
as Restricted Data in foreign dissemination. Section 144.b, Atomic
Energy Act, 1954”
4.3.6. For Official Use Only (FOUO). See chapter 4 of DOD 5400.7/AF Supplement.
4.4. NATO. NATO documents should be marked in compliance with AFI 31-406, Applying
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protection Standards, USSAN Instruction 1-69,
United States Implementation of NATO Security Procedures, and C-M(2002)49, Security Within
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Any new policies, principles, standards,
and procedures contained in C-M(2002)49 and it‟s supporting directives take precedence,
where they conflict, over the guidelines expressed in USSAN 1-69, dated 21 April 1982.
4.5. Other Foreign Government Information (FGI).
4.5.1. Classification designations for FGI often do not parallel U.S. classification
designations. Moreover, many foreign governments and international organizations have a
fourth level of classification that generally translates as "Restricted," and a category of
unclassified information that is protected by law in the originating country and is provided on
the condition that it will be treated "in confidence." A table of U.S. and foreign
government classification markings can be found in DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 6.
4.5.2. Other foreign government classified documents shall be marked in English to identify
the originating country and the applicable U.S. classification designation. If a classification
designation has been applied to a foreign document by the originator, and it is the
applicable U.S. English language designation, only the identity of the originating country
need be applied to the document. Examples:
A German document marked "Geheim" would be marked: DEU SECRET.
A UK document marked "SECRET" would be marked: GBR SECRET.
4.5.3. Foreign government documents that are marked with a classification designation that
equates to Restricted, and unclassified foreign government documents that are provided to a
DOD Component on the condition that they will be treated "in confidence," shall be marked
to identify the originating government and whether they are Restricted or provided "in
confidence." Additionally, they shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - Modified Handling".
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A French document marked "Diffusion Restreinte” would be marked:
Protect as:
CONFIDENTIAL - Modified Handling (Ref: DOD 5200.1-R, para C6.6.3.) In order to ensure the protection of FGI
provided in confidence (e.g., foreign government "Restricted," or foreign government
unclassified information provided in confidence), such information must be classified
under EO 12958, as amended. Provide a degree of protection to the FGI at least equivalent
to that required by the foreign government or international organization that provided the
information. If the foreign protection requirement is lower than the protection required
for U.S. CONFIDENTIAL information, the following requirements shall be met: The information shall be provided only to those individuals who
have a need-to-know and access is required by official duties. Individuals given access shall be notified of applicable handling
instructions. Documents shall be stored so as to prevent unauthorized access.
4.6. Marking of Foreign Government and NATO Information In DOD Documents.
4.6.1. When used in DOD documents, FGI must be marked to prevent premature
declassification or unauthorized disclosure. To satisfy this requirement, U.S. documents
that contain FGI shall be marked on the cover or first page, "THIS DOCUMENT
CONTAINS (indicate country of origin) INFORMATION." In addition, the portions
shall be marked to identify the classification level and the country of origin, e.g., (GBR-C);
(DEU-C). If the identity of the foreign government must be concealed, the cover or first page
of the document shall be marked, "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS FOREIGN
GOVERNMENT INFORMATION," and applicable paragraphs shall be marked FGI
together with the appropriate classification (FGI-S). The identity of the foreign government
shall be maintained with the record copy, which must be appropriately protected.
4.6.2. The "Derived From" line shall identify the U.S. as well as foreign classification
sources. If the identity of the foreign government must be concealed, the "Derived From" line
shall contain the marking "Foreign Government information." In that case, the identity of
the foreign government will be maintained with the record copy and protected
appropriately. A U.S. document shall not be downgraded below the highest level of FGI
contained in the document or be declassified without the written approval of the foreign
government that originated the information. Recommendations concerning downgrading or
declassification shall be submitted through the DOD entity that created the document to the
originating foreign government.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
4.6.3. DOD classified documents that contain extracts of NATO classified information
shall be marked as follows on the cover or first page: "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS
NATO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION." Portions shall be marked to identify the NATO
information (e.g., NS). When NATO or other foreign government RESTRICTED
information is included in otherwise unclassified DOD documents, the following
statement shall be affixed to the top and bottom of the page containing the information:
“This page contains (indicate NATO or country of origin) RESTRICTED information”.
The restricted portions shall be marked (e.g., (NR) (GBR-R)). The cover, (or first page, if
no cover) of the document shall contain the following statement: "This document contains
NATO RESTRICTED information not marked for declassification (date of source) and
shall be safeguarded in accordance with USSAN 1-69".
4.6.4. Other foreign government classified documents should be marked in English to
identify the originating country and the applicable U.S. classification designation.
4.6.5. Foreign government documents that are marked with a classification designation that
equates to RESTRICTED, and unclassified foreign government documents that are provided
to a DOD component, should be marked to identify the originating government and
whether they are restricted or provided in confidence.
4.7. Audio and Video Tapes. Personnel responsible for marking and maintaining original
classified audio and video tapes that document raw test data do not need to include
footers/headers showing the applicable classification markings. However, the required
classification markings must be placed on the outside of the container and reel. All copies
made from the original tapes must include headers/footers that show the applicable
classification markings. This will help ensure that valuable historical test data is not
inadvertently erased during the classification marking process. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
4.8. Removable Information Systems Storage Media. Use SF Form 706, Top Secret ADP
Media Classification Label; SF 707, Secret ADP Media Classification Label; SF Form 708,
Confidential ADP Media Classification Label; SF 710, Unclassified Label, SF Form 711, ADP
Data Descriptor Label, on removable information systems storage media. These are available
through the Air Force Publications Distribution System. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Paragraphs
5-407 and 5-409a-b.]
4.8.1. Many new removable information systems storage media are of size and shape that
precludes application of the standard forms. Such media storing classified information
must be permanently marked to display the highest classification of stored information.
4.8.2. Designated Approving Authorities (DAA) have the authority to impose restrictions
upon, and prohibit the use of, government owned removable information systems storage
media for classified systems or networks. DAA approved restrictions will outline clearing,
or destruction, procedures for unauthorized devices found in areas where classified
processing takes place. Personally owned information systems storage media are prohibited
in areas where classified is processed.
4.8.3. The inherent risk of loss of small storage devices should be considered before using
them for storing or transporting classified information. Procedures to reduce the potential
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
for accidental loss must be included in local operating instructions. Include a review
of these procedures in the semi-annual self-inspection and ISPRs.
4.9. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C5.4.11.]
4.9.1. See AFI 14-302, Control, Protection, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented
Information, for Air Force policy on intelligence information.
4.9.2. The Special Security Office (SSO) is the focal point for release and dissemination of
SCI. The Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 6/6, Security Controls on the
Dissemination of Intelligence Information and DCID 6/7, Intelligence Disclosure Policy
provide criteria for release of intelligence to foreign officials.
4.10. Authorized for Release To (REL TO) Markings. [Reference DUSD(/)I Memo 27 Sep
2004, subject: Security Classification Marking Instructions.]
4.10.1. “REL TO” identifies classified information that an originator has predetermined to
be releasable based on guidance provided by an Air Force specifically designated foreign
disclosure official or has been released, through established foreign disclosure procedures
and channels, to the foreign country(ies)/international organizations indicated.
4.10.2. “REL TO” cannot be used with “Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals” (NOFORN)
on page markings. When a document contains both NOFORN and REL TO portions,
NOFORN takes precedence for the markings at the top and bottom of the page.
4.10.3. The full marking “REL TO USA//applicable country trigraph(s), international
organization or coalition force tetragraph” shall be used after the classification and will
appear at the top and bottom of the front cover, if there is one, the title page, if there is one,
the first page and the outside of the back cover, if there is one. “REL TO” must include
country code “USA” as the first country code listed. After the USA, country trigraphic code
shall be listed in alphabetical order followed by international organization/coalition
tetragraphic codes listed in alphabetical order.
4.10.4. Country codes shall be separated by a comma and a space with the last country code
separated by a space, a lower case “and” and a space. EXAMPLE: TOP SECRET//REL TO
4.10.5. When portion marking, countries do not need to be listed unless they are different
from the countries listed in the “REL TO” at the top and bottom of the page. Text that is
releasable to all the countries listed at the top and bottom of the page shall be portion marked
4.10.6. If the information is releasable to countries that are different than those listed in the
overall “REL TO” marking, the portion marking has the same format, but with the specific
countries/organizations listed alphabetically. EXAMPLE: The overall document marking is
„SECRET//REL TO USA, NZL and NATO.” However, the portion marking may be: (S//REL
TO USA, AUS, NZL and NATO) to indicate that information contained in this portion is also
releasable to Australia.
4.10.7. “NOFORN” is an authorized control marking for intelligence information IAW
DCID 6/6, Security Controls on the Dissemination of Intelligence Information. Do not use
the “NOFORN” dissemination control marking on any document, including derivatively
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
classified documents, without first verifying that the requirements of DCID 6/6 are met and
that the marking is actually warranted.
4.10.8. Countries represented with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
3166 trigraphic codes can be obtained from the ISPM or from INTELINK on the SIPRNET.
4.11. Classified Electronic Mail (E-Mail).
4.11.1. All e-mails and documents accomplished on the SIPRNET, whether classified or
unclassified, will contain the correct classification markings. Classified information may not
be transmitted on the NIPRNET.
4.11.2. The first marking in the Subject line of the e-mail will be the overall
classification of the e-mail using these symbols: (S) for Secret, (C) for Confidential, and
(U) for Unclassified. Following this will be the subject title, followed by the classification of
the subject title. Example: Subject: (S) Unclassified E-Mail Sample (U).
4.11.3. Do not send classified messages or mark messages as classified on an
unclassified network.
4.11.4. Place the appropriate classification of the e-mail in all uppercase letters as the first
line of the e-mail message text.
4.11.5. Begin the text of the message on the third line, leaving a blank line between the
classification marking and the text.
4.11.6. All paragraphs and subparagraphs will be marked with the appropriate portion
marking. Use the abbreviated classification symbol at the beginning of all paragraphs and
4.11.7. Place the appropriate classification of the e-mail in all uppercase letters as the last
line of the e-mail message text.
4.11.8. All attachments (if any) will be marked appropriately with overall and portion
markings. Indicate the classification of the attachment by placing the abbreviated
classification symbol in parentheses before the attachment icon.
4.11.9. Place classification, declassification, and downgrading instructions after the
signature block on the left margin.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 5
Section 5A—Control Measures
5.1. General. Air Force personnel are responsible, both personally and officially, for
safeguarding classified information for which they have access. Collecting, obtaining,
recording, or removing, for any unauthorized use whatsoever, of any sensitive or classified
information, is prohibited.
5.1.1. Everyone should be aware that advancing technology provides constantly changing
means to quickly collect and transport information. The introduction of electronic
storage or transmission devices into areas that store, process, and/or generate classified
information increases the risk to that information.
5.1.2. Consult the servicing DAA for specific guidance concerning introduction into areas
containing Information Systems (IS). [Reference DODD 8100.2, Use of Commercial
Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the Department of Defense (DOD) Global
Information Grid (GIG).]
Section 5B—Access
5.2. Granting Access to Classified Information. Personnel who have authorized possession,
knowledge, or control of classified information grant individuals access to classified information
when required for mission essential needs and when the individual has the appropriate clearance
eligibility according to AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management; has signed an
SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement (NdA), and has a need to know the
information. Those granting access to classified information must gain the originator‟s approval
before releasing the information outside the Executive Branch or as specified by the originator
of the material. Also see paragraph of this AFI. [References DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.,
and EO 12958, as amended, Section 4.1(c.)]
5.2.1. The Secretary of Defense directed all military members and civilian employees
with Top Secret eligibility or access to a specially controlled access category or
compartmented information to make a one time verbal attestation to the first paragraph of the
SF 312. The verbal attestation must be witnessed by at least one individual in addition to
the official who presides over the attestation and manages the process [Reference DOD
5200.1-PH-1.] The procedures for personal attestation include: The statement, "Attestation completed on (date)," is placed in the bottom of the
Organization block in Item 11 of the SF 312. The individual making the verbal attestation will complete Item 11 of the SF
312. The witness will sign in the Witness block. The presiding official will sign in the
Acceptance block. Record the date of attestation in JPAS.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.2.2. Confirm an individual‟s access level. The holder of the information must
confirm valid need-to-know and must verify the level of access authorization. Those
granting access to classified information will confirm a person's access level by: Checking the person's access level, clearance eligibility, and date the person
signed the SF 312 and completed Non-SCI Indoctrination, in JPAS; or Confirming it through the employee's security manager, supervisor, or
commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief; or Receiving a visit request from a non-DOD visitor's security manager or
supervisor. See paragraph 5.5 for further guidance.
5.3. Nondisclosure Agreement (NdA). Signing the NdA is a prerequisite for obtaining access
(see paragraph 5.2). Unit commanders or equivalents and staff agency chiefs are responsible
for ensuring their employees have signed one by checking JPAS or the employee‟s personnel
records. If they have not signed one, those responsible use DOD 5200.1-PH-1, Classified
Information Nondisclosure Agreement (Standard Form 312) Briefing Pamphlet, to brief people
on the purpose. Record the NdA on-line through JPAS prior to sending the signed form for
retention. NOTE: When the employee‟s access level is passed to another office or activity, that
office or activity can assume the employee has signed one.
5.3.1. Retention. Security managers mail the NdA to the following organizations who will
retain the NdAs for 50 years. For active military members, to HQ AFPC/DPFFCMI, 550 C St., W, Suite 21,
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4723. For AFRC and ANG members, to HQ ARPC/DPSFR, 6760 E. Irvington Place,
#4450, Denver, CO 80280-4450. For retired flag or general officers or civilian equivalents receiving access under
the provisions of AFI 31-501 and who do not already have a signed NdA in their retired
file, ISPMs send NdAs to HQ AFPC/DPFFCMR, 550 C St., W, Suite 21, Randolph AFB
TX 78150-4723. For Air Force civilians, to the servicing civilian personnel office: HQ AFPC/DPCMP, 550 C St, W, Suite 57, Randolph AFB, TX,
78150-4759. Hill: OO-ALC/DPC (AFMC), 6053 Elm Lane, Hill AFB UT 84056-5819. Tinker: 72 MSG/DPC (AFMC), 3001 Staff Drive Ste 1AH190B, Tinker
AFB OK 73145-3014. Robins: 78 MSG/DPC (AFMC), 215 Page Road Ste 325, Robins
AFB GA 31098-1662. 11 WG and the Pentagon: HQ 11 WG/DPC, 1460 Air Force Pentagon,
Washington DC 20330-1460. Wright-Patterson: 88 MSG/DPC (AFMC), 4040 Ogden Ave, WrightPatterson AFB OH 45433-5763.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
31 For persons outside the Executive Branch who receive access according to
paragraph 5.4, the servicing ISPM to the activity granting access will file the NdA.
5.3.2. Refusal To Sign. When a person refuses to sign an NdA, the commander or equivalent,
or staff agency chief: Initiates security incident report, in JPAS, that the person refused to sign
the NdA. Denies the individual access to classified information. Initiate actions to establish a Security Information File (SIF) according to
AFI 31-501.
5.4. Access by Persons Outside the Executive Branch.
5.4.1. Policy. MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders and HAF 2-digits or their designees
authorize individuals outside the executive branch to access Air Force classified material as
follows unless otherwise provided in DOD 5200.1-R, paragraph C6.2.2. Authorizing Officials (those cited in paragraph 5.4.1 above) may grant access
once they have: Gained release approval from the originator or owner of the information.
Normally, this is the same official identified in paragraph below. Determined the individual has a current favorable personnel security
investigation as defined by AFI 31-501 and a check of JPAS and a local files check
(LFC) shows there is no unfavorable information since the previous clearance. A
LFC must be processed according to AFI 31-501. EXCEPTION: In cases where there
is no current personnel security investigation as defined in AFI 31-501,
MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders and HAF 2-digits may request a National
Agency Check (NAC) and grant access up to the Secret level before the NAC is
complete when there is a favorable LFC and the Air Force Central Adjudication
Facility (AFCAF) confirms there is no unfavorable information on the individual
in JPAS. When applying this exception, follow the procedures outlined in
AFI 31-501, paragraph 3.11. for interim security clearance eligibility. Authority to grant access to persons outside the Executive Branch
without a previous clearance may not be delegated below the listed positions in
paragraph Before material is released to persons outside the Executive Branch
without a previous clearance, the OCA must be contacted and approve the access. Determined granting access will benefit the government. Requests for access must include: The person‟s name, SSAN, date and place of birth, and citizenship. Place of employment. Name and location of installation or activity where the person
needs access.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005 Level of access required. Subject of information the person will access. Full justification for disclosing classified information to the person. Comments regarding benefit(s) the U.S. Government may expect by
approving the request. The authorizing official will coordinate the processing of the NAC request with
the nearest Air Force authorized requester of investigations. Individuals with approval must sign an NdA before accessing information. Upon
completion of access, individuals must sign an AF Form 2587, Security Termination
5.4.2. Congress. See AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress, for guidance when
granting classified access to members of Congress, its committees, members, and staff
representatives. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.2.1]
5.4.3. Government Printing Office (GPO). The GPO processes and confirms their
personnel‟s access. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.2.2]
5.4.4. Representatives of the Government Accountability Office (GAO). See AFI 65-401,
Relations with the General Accounting Office, for access requirements. [Reference DOD
5200.1-R, C6.2.2.3.]
5.4.5. Historical Researchers. AFHRA OL-A/HOR is the authority for granting access to
historical researchers on behalf of the Air Force Historian (HQ USAF/HO). [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.2.4.] General. Requests for classified access by historical researchers will be
processed only in exceptional cases wherein extraordinary justification exists. Access
will be granted to the researcher only if the records cannot be obtained through available
declassification processes (i.e., the FOIA and MDR processes) and when the access
clearly supports the interests of national security. Providing Access. The researcher must apply to AFHRA OL-A/HOR in writing for the
access. The application will fully describe the project including the sources of
documentation that the researcher wants to access. If AFHRA OL-A/HOR accepts the request for access, they will provide
the researcher with written authorization to go to the nearest Air Force installation
security forces office to complete a personnel security questionnaire for a NAC
according to AFI 31-501. If the results of the NAC are favorable and AFHRA OL-A/HOR approves
access, the researcher must sign a SF 312 and an agreement to submit any notes and
manuscript(s) for security and policy review (AFI 35-101). This process is to ensure
the documents do not contain any classified information and, if so, determine if they
can be declassified. Send the SF 312 to AFHRA OL-A/HOR for retention.
Classified information will not be removed from government facilities.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
33 Other Terms. The access agreement is valid for two years. One two-year renewal
is possible. A renewal will not be considered if the project appears to be
inactive in the months before the end of the original agreement. Access will be limited to those records 25 or more years of age. Access based on a NAC is valid for Secret and Confidential
information but does not meet the requirement for access to RD or SAP
information. Access to Top Secret or SCI information is not authorized. Access will be allowed only to Air Force records at AFHSO, AFHRA,
and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Access to Air Force records still in the custody of the originating
offices in the Washington National Capital Region must be approved in
writing by the originating offices or their successors. It is the responsibility of
the researcher to secure this approval.
5.4.6. Former Presidential Appointees. Persons who previously occupied policy-making
positions to which the President appointed them may not remove classified information
upon departure from office. All such material must remain under the security control of the
U.S. Government. Such persons may be authorized access to classified information they
originated, received, reviewed, signed, or that was addressed to them while serving in their
official capacity, provided the applicable Air Force OCA: [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
C6.2.2.5.] Makes a written determination that such access is clearly consistent with the
interests of national security; Uses the same access determination procedures outlined in paragraph 5.4 of
this AFI; Limits the access to specific categories of information over which the Air Force
OCA has classification jurisdiction; Maintains custody of the information or authorizes access to documents in the
custody of the NARA; and, Obtains the individual‟s agreement to safeguard the information and to submit
any notes and manuscript for a security review (AFI 35-101, Chapter 15) to ensure that
the documents do not contain classified information or to determine if any classified
information should be declassified.
5.4.7. Judicial Proceedings. See AFI 51-301, Civil Litigation, for more information
regarding the release of classified information in litigation.
5.4.8. Other Situations. Follow the guidance in paragraph above. [Reference DOD
5200.1-R, C6.2.2.7.]
5.4.9. Foreign Nationals, Foreign Governments, and International Organizations. Owners of
classified information disclose it to foreign nationals, foreign governments, and international
organizations only when they receive authorization from SAF/IAPD, 1080 Air Force
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1080. (See AFI 16-201, Foreign Disclosure of Classified
and Unclassified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International
Organizations, for more specific guidance.) See Attachment 4 for guidance on
transmitting classified information to foreign governments.
5.4.10. Retired Flag or General Officers or Civilian Equivalent. See AFI 31-501. These
individuals need not sign a NdA if the original one is already filed in their retired file or
JPAS. (see paragraph
5.5. Access by Visitors. JPAS is the primary source for confirming access eligibility for DOD
and DOD contractor personnel. Visit authorization letters will not be used to pass security
clearance information unless JPAS is not available. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.2.3.]
5.5.1. Outgoing Visit Requests for Air Force Employees. When an Air Force employee
requires access to classified information at: A non-DOD contractor activity, the supervisor or security manager contacts the
office to be visited to determine the desired clearance verification. A DoE activity, the supervisor or security manager prepares and processes
DoE Form 5631.20, according to DODD 5210.2, Access to and Dissemination of
Restricted Data. Also see paragraph 1.5.1 of this AFI.
5.5.2. Incoming Visit Requests. Air Force activity visit hosts serve as the approval authority
for visits to their activities. Use JPAS to confirm security clearances of DOD personnel,
including DOD contractors. Installation or activity commanders or equivalents, and staff
agency chiefs receiving a visit request: From non-DOD contractors, see DOD 5220.22-M, Chapter 6. From foreign nationals or U.S. citizens representing a foreign government,
process the visit request according to AFI 16-201.
5.6. Preventing Public Release of Classified Information. See AFI 35-101, Chapter 15, for
guidance on security reviews to prevent people from publishing classified information in
personal or commercial articles, presentations, theses, books or other products written for
general publication or distribution.
5.7. Access to Information Originating in a Non-DOD Department or Agency. Holders
allow access under the rules of the originating agency.
5.8. Administrative Controls.
5.8.1. Top Secret. The security of Top Secret material is paramount. Strict compliance
with Top Secret control procedures take precedence over administrative convenience. These
procedures ensure stringent need to know rules and security safeguards are applied to our
most critical and sensitive information. The Air Force accounts for Top Secret material
and disposes of such administrative records according to WebRims Records Disposition
Schedule. Establishing a Top Secret Control Account (TSCA). Unit commanders or
equivalents, and staff agency chiefs who routinely originate, store, receive, or dispatch
Top Secret material establish a Top Secret account and designate a Top Secret Control
Officer (TSCO), with one or more alternates, to maintain it. The unit commander or
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
staff agency chief will notify the installation ISPM of the establishment of TSCAs and
the names of thE TSCO. The TSCO uses AF Form143, Top Secret Register Page, to
account for each document (to include page changes and inserts that have not yet been
incorporated into the basic document) and each piece of material or equipment to include
IS media. NOTE: For IS information systems or microfiche media, TSCOs must either
describe each Top Secret document stored on the media on the AF Form 143 or attach a
list of the documents to it. This will facilitate a damage assessment if the media are lost or
stolen. EXCEPTIONS: Top Secret Messages. TSCOs do not use AF Form 143 for Top Secret
messages kept in telecommunications facilities on a transitory basis for less than 30
days. Instead, use message delivery registers or other similar records of
accountability. Defense Courier Service (DCS) Receipts. TSCOs don‟t use AF Forms
143 as a receipt for information received from or delivered to the DCS. DCS
receipts suffice for accountability purposes in these cases. Retain as prescribed by
WebRims Records Disposition Schedule. NOTE: TSCOs may automate their
accounts as long as all of the required information is included in the information
system. Top Secret Disclosure Records. The TSCO uses AF Form 144, Top Secret Access Record and Cover
Sheet, as the disclosure record and keeps it attached to the applicable Top Secret
material. Each person that accesses the attached Top Secret information signs the
form prior to initial access. People assigned to an office that processes large volumes (i.e., several
hundred documents) of Top Secret material need not record who accesses the
material. NOTE: This applies only when these offices limit entry to assigned and
appropriately cleared personnel identified on an access roster. Top Secret Inventories. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency
chiefs: Designate officials to conduct annual inventories for all Top Secret
material in the account and to conduct inventories whenever there is a change in
TSCOs. These officials must be someone other than the TSCO or alternate TSCOs of
the TSCA being inventoried. The purpose of the inventory is to ensure all of the Top
Secret material is accounted for, discrepancies resolved, and its status is correctly
reflected on the corresponding AF Form 143. Ensure necessary actions are taken to correct deficiencies identified in the
inventory report. Ensure the inventory report and a record of corrective actions taken are
maintained with the account. May authorize the annual inventory of Top Secret documents and material
in repositories, libraries, or activities storing large volumes of Top Secret documents
and material be limited to a random sampling using the percentage scale indicated
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
below. If account discrepancies are discovered the commander or equivalent, or staff
agency chief must determine if the random sample percentage method will suffice
or if a higher percentage inventory will be accomplished. If the higher percentage
inventory is chosen, the inventory percentage will increase by no less than 20
percent. One hundred percent,
Secret documents.
if there
fewer than 300
Top No less than 90 percent if the holdings range from 301 to 400 Top
Secret documents. No less than 80 percent if the holdings range from 401 to 500 Top
Secret documents. No less than 70 percent if the holdings range from 501 to 600 Top
Secret documents. No less than 60 percent if the holdings range from 601 to 800 Top
Secret documents. No less than 50 percent if the holdings range from 801 to 1,000
Top Secret documents. No less than 40 percent if the holdings range from 1,001 to 1,300
Top Secret documents. No less than 30 percent if the holdings range from 1,301 to 1,800
Top Secret documents. No less than 20 percent if the holdings range from 1,801 to 2,800
Top Secret documents. No less than 10 percent if the holdings exceed 2,800 Top Secret
documents. Special Access Programs will follow the inventory and accountability
requirements prescribed by the AFSAPCO. Top Secret Receipts. TSCOs use AF Form 143 as a receipt when transferring
Top Secret material from one TSCO to another on the same installation. Top Secret Facsimiles. Top Secret facsimiles will be processed as another
copy of the main Top Secret document in the TSCA. All the same rules apply except the
register page and disclosure record will be faxed along with the document to the
addressee. The addressee will sign and return them immediately to the sender for
inclusion in the TSCA.
5.8.2. Secret. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs set up procedures for
internal control of Secret material. When entering Secret material into a mail distribution
system, a receipt is required. Personnel may use AF Form 310, as a receipt.
5.8.3. Confidential. Individuals need not use a receipt for Confidential material unless asked
to do so by the originating activity.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.8.4. Foreign Government and NATO Information. See DOD 5200.1-R, C6.6., for
receipting requirements.
5.8.5. Retention of Receipts. Retain receipt and other accountability records IAW WebRims
Records Disposition Schedule.
Section 5C—Safeguarding
5.9. Care During Working Hours.
5.9.1. Personnel removing classified material from storage must: For Top Secret material use AF Form 144, instead of SF Form 703, Top Secret
Cover Sheet (see paragraph except as specified in paragraph
above. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.3.2.1.] For Secret or Confidential material use SF Form 704, Secret Cover Sheet, or
SF Form 705, Confidential Cover Sheet, as appropriate. These forms are available
through the Air Force Publications Distribution system. Use the SF Form 702, to record openings and closings for all General Services
Administration (GSA)-approved security containers, vaults, and approved secure storage
5.9.2. The nature of the classified material typically stored within a secure room or vault
may preclude the use of cover sheets. Use cover sheets when feasible.
5.10. End-of-Day Security Checks. Each unit and staff agency that processes, stores, or
generates classified information will conduct an end-of-day security check to ensure classified
material is stored appropriately. Personnel conducting these checks will do so at the close of
each working day and record them on the SF Form 701, when security containers are present,
even if the container was not opened that day. The “Checked By” column of the SF 702 does not
require end-of-day documentation. Activities that are continuously staffed will establish local
procedures to provide for daily security checks. Document those daily security checks on the SF
701. Note: Additional security and safety checks may be added in the blanks on the SF 701.
All security containers will be listed on the SF 701 for end-of-day checks.
5.11. Residential Storage Arrangements.
5.11.1. SECAF and SAF/AA authorize the removal of Top Secret information from
designated working areas. Requesters send requests through command IP channels to
SAF/AAP [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.3.7.1.].
5.11.2. MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders, or their ISPMs approve requests for removing
Secret and Confidential material from designated work areas during non-duty hours
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C63.7.2.].
5.11.3. Contingency Plans. The written procedures will be developed as required by DOD
5200.1-R, C6.3.7.3. to include arrangements for notifying the responsible activity to pick up
the classified container and material in the event something happens to the user [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, C6.3.4.].
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.12. In-Transit Storage. Installation commanders:
5.12.1. Provide an overnight repository for classified material. A locally developed
awareness program ensures operations dispatch, passenger services, base entry controllers,
and billeting staff are aware of the availability.
5.12.2. Authorize the storage of Secret and Confidential material on the flightline during inprocessing for deployment when the material is stored in a standard GSA-approved security
container and the in-transit area is controlled and located on an Air Force installation.
5.13. Classified Meetings and Conferences. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.3.8.]
5.13.1. Classified information at meetings, conferences, symposia, portions or sessions of
meetings, conferences, etc., during which classified information is to be disseminated shall
be limited to appropriately cleared U.S. Government or U.S. Government contractor
locations. Auditoriums, assembly halls, or gymnasiums that are primarily for public
gatherings at cleared contractor facilities will not be used for a classified meeting at which
Top Secret or Secret information would be disclosed, even though it is located on a portion
of the contractor‟s cleared facility [DOD 5220.22-R, Para C1.4.5.1].
5.13.2. Facility Approval Authority. Installation commanders or their designees assess the
need to establish and approve secure conference and classified training facilities. Normally,
secure conference or classified training facilities are only established at locations where
frequent classified meetings or forums occur. If such a facility does not openly store
classified information, secure construction requirements are not mandated. However, if
installation commanders or their designees determine the local threat and security
environment dictates more stringent construction requirements, they can use DOD 5200.1-R,
Appendix 7 as a guide for constructing the facility.
5.13.3. Foreign Participation. Hosting officials refer to AFI 16-201, Foreign Disclosure of
Classified and Unclassified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International
Organizations, for specific guidance.
5.13.4. Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Surveys. Commanders or
equivalents, and staff agency chiefs or their designees determine to do TSCM surveys based
on mission sensitivity and threat. See AFI 71-101, Volume 3, The Air Force Technical
Surveillance Countermeasures Program for additional guidance.
5.14. Protecting Classified Material on Aircraft. Classified material and components are
routinely carried on USAF aircraft. The purpose of this paragraph is to provide minimum
standards for the protection of classified material and components while minimizing the impact
on aircrew operations. The following minimum standards are established to provide cost
effective security of classified material and components and to ensure detection of
unauthorized access.
5.14.1. Aircraft commanders (owners/users) are responsible for the protection of classified
material and components aboard their aircraft whether on a DOD facility, at a civilian
airfield, or when stopping in foreign countries IAW DOD 5200.1-R, paragraph C6.3.9.
Aircraft commanders should consult with the local ISPM or senior security forces
representative for assistance in complying with these requirements.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.14.2. To provide security-in-depth for classified components and material on aircraft, park
the aircraft in an established restricted area or equivalent if the aircraft is designated
Protection Level (PL) 1, 2, or 3. Refer to AFI 31-101, Air Force Installation Security
Program, for details about protection levels. Lock the aircraft, when possible, using a GSA-approved changeable
combination padlock (Federal Specification FF-P-110) series available from GSA at
800-525-8027, under NSN 5340-00-285-6523 to secure the crew entry door, and/or Place all removable classified material (e.g., paper documents, floppy disks,
videotapes) in a storage container secured with a GSA-approved lock. The storage
container must be a seamless metal (or similar construction) box or one with welded
seams and a lockable hinged top secured to the aircraft. Hinges must be either
internally mounted or welded. Containers installed for storage of weapons may also be
used to store classified material even if weapons/ammunition are present, provided the
criteria listed above have been met. Have the aircraft and container checked for tampering every 12 hours. If
unable to comply with the 12 hours due to crew rest, perform these checks no later
than 1 hour after official end of crew rest. Zeroize keyed COMSEC equipment as required by AFKAG-1N, Air
Force Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations. If the aircraft cannot be locked and is not equipped with a storage container,
place the removable classified in an approved security container in an authorized U.S.
facility. Classified components, attached to the aircraft, do not have to be removed.
5.14.3. To provide security-in-depth for classified components and material on PL 4 or
non-PL aircraft, park the aircraft in a controlled area. PL 4 and non-PL aircraft should
not be parked in a restricted area due to use of force limitations. Lock the aircraft using a GSA-approved changeable combination padlock
(Federal Specification FF-P-110) series available from GSA under NSN 5340-00-2856523 to secure the crew entry door, and Secure removable classified material IAW paragraph or
5.14.4. At non-U.S. controlled locations, host nation restricted/controlled areas may be used
only if all material and components aboard the aircraft have been approved for release to the
host nation by a cognizant foreign disclosure authority. Material should be secured
IAW paragraph 5.14.2 for restricted areas and paragraph 5.14.3 for controlled areas.
5.14.5. If the aircraft cannot be parked in a restricted/controlled area: Place removable classified material in a storage container and secure the
container as described in paragraph Lock all aircraft egress points or secure
them from the inside. Seal the aircraft with tamper proof seals such as evidence tape,
numerically accountable metal, or plastic seals. If the aircraft can be locked and sealed but there is no storage container,
remove all removable classified material and store it in an approved security container in
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
an authorized U.S. facility. Classified components (e.g., AAR 47, ALE 47, etc.) may be
stored in a locked and sealed aircraft. If the aircraft cannot be locked and sealed and no storage container is available,
off-load all classified material and components to an approved security container in an
authorized U.S. facility. If none of the above criteria can be met, U.S. cleared personnel must provide
continuous surveillance. Foreign national personnel cleared by their government may be
used if all material and components aboard the aircraft have been approved for release to
the host nation by a cognizant foreign disclosure authority.
5.14.6. MAJCOM/FOA/DRUs determine specific risk management security standards for
weather diverts and in-flight emergencies. Review AFKAG-1N if the classified
information is COMSEC material.
5.14.7. If evidence exists of unauthorized entry, initiate a security investigation IAW
Chapter 9 of this AFI.
5.15. Information Processing Equipment.
5.15.1. Machines with Copying Capability. For copiers and facsimile machines or any
machines with copying capability (e.g., microfiche machines), personnel consult their unit
information manager (3A0X1) to determine if the machines are authorized for copying
classified, and if so, determine if they retain any latent images when copying classified,
and how to clear them when they do. Networked copiers present unique security hazards
that require DAA approval. Also see paragraph 5.24 for reproduction authority [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, C6.3.10.].
5.15.2. Protect information system equipment or removable hard disk drive and the
information system media at the highest security classification processed by the system
[Reference Air Force Special Security Instruction (AFSSI) 5020, paragraph 2.2.2.].
5.15.3. For any type of printer with a ribbon that has been used to print classified information,
personnel remove the ribbon and store it as classified. See DOD 5200.1-R, Chapter 6 for
storage requirements.
5.15.4. Used toner cartridges may be treated, handled, stored, and disposed of as
unclassified, when removed from equipment that has successfully completed its
last print cycle.
5.16. General Safeguarding Policy. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.]
5.16.1. See DOD 5200.1-R, C1.4 and paragraph 1.6 when requesting waivers to provisions
of DOD 5200.1-R, AFPD 31-4, or this publication.
5.16.2. The Air Force does not authorize use of security controls listed in DOD 5200.1-R,
paragraph C6.8. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Paragraph C6.8.]
5.16.3. Use of Force for the Protection of Classified Material. See AFI 31-207, Arming and
Use of Force By Air Force Personnel.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.16.4. SCI Safeguarding Policy. See Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 14-304, The Security,
Use, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented Information (supersedes USAFINTEL
5.16.5. Retention of Classified Records. Personnel follow the disposition guidance in
WebRims Records Disposition Schedule.
5.17. Standards for Storage Equipment. GSA-approved security containers must have a
label stating “General Services Administration Approved Security Container” affixed to the front
of the container usually on the control or top drawer.
5.17.1. If the label is missing or if the container‟s integrity is in question, the container
shall be inspected by a GSA certified inspector.
5.17.2. Organizations without GSA certified inspectors must confirm that contractor
inspectors have current GSA inspector training certificates prior to allowing them to
determine the security integrity of GSA-approved containers.
5.17.3. Information on obtaining inspections and recertification of containers can be found in
pp/locks) or by calling DSN 312-551-1212.
5.17.4. Inspecting personnel must note their findings and the source of confirmation on an
AFTO Form 36, (available on the AFEPL), and retain that record in the container [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.].
5.18. Storage of Classified Information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.]
5.18.1. Replacement of Combination Locks. Commanders or equivalents, and staff
agency chiefs must ensure all combination locks on GSA-approved security containers and
doors are replaced with those meeting Federal Specification FF-L-2740 starting with those
storing the most sensitive information according to the priority matrix in DOD 5200.1-R,
Appendix 7.
5.18.2. Due to operational necessity or the size and nature of some classified materials, it may
be necessary to construct secure rooms for storage because GSA-approved containers or
vaults are unsuitable or impractical. Secure rooms must be approved by the ISPM and be
constructed IAW DOD 5200.1-R Appendix 7. Access to secure rooms must be controlled
to preclude unauthorized access. Access shall be limited to authorized persons who have
an appropriate security clearance and a need-to-know for the classified
material/information within the area. Persons without the appropriate level of clearance
and/or need to know shall be escorted at all times by an authorized person where
inadvertent or unauthorized exposure to classified information cannot otherwise be
effectively prevented. The nature of the classified material typically stored within a secure
room or vault may preclude the use of cover sheets.
5.19. Use of Key-Operated Locks [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.]
5.19.1. The authority to determine the appropriateness of using key-operated locks for
storage areas containing bulky Secret and Confidential material is delegated to the unit
commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs having this storage requirement. When
key-operated locks are used, the authorizing official will designate lock and key custodians.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.19.2. Lock and key custodians use AF Form 2427, (available on the AFEPL) to identify
and keep track of keys.
5.20. Procurement of New Storage Equipment. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.5.]
5.20.1. Requesters of exceptions send their requests through command IP channels to
SAF/AAP who will then notify USD/I of the exception [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.2.].
5.20.2. See AFMAN 23-110, Volume II, Standard Base Supply Customer’s Procedures
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.2.].
5.21. Equipment Designations and Combinations.
5.21.1. See AFMAN 14-304 for guidance on marking security containers used to store SCI
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.1.].
5.21.2. Use SF Form 700, Security Container Information (available through the Air
Force Publications Distribution system), for each vault or secure room door and security
container, to record the location of the door or container, and the names, home addresses, and
home telephone numbers of the individuals who are to be contacted if the door or container
is found open and unattended. Applying classification marking to SF 700, Part 1, is not
required when separated from Part 2 and 2a. Affix the form to the vault or secure door or to the inside of the locking
drawer of the security container. Post SF Form 700 to each individual locking drawer of
security container with more than one locking drawer, if they have different access
requirements. The SF 700 contains Privacy Act information and must be safeguarded from
casual view, but must be readily identifiable by anyone that finds the facility unsecured.
5.21.3. When SF Form 700, Part II, is used to record a safe combination, it must be: Marked with the highest classification level of material stored in the security
container; and, Stored in a security container other than the one for which it is being used.
5.22. Repair of Damaged Security Containers [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.7.]
5.22.1. Locksmiths or technicians must be GSA certified and either have a favorable NAC or
must be continuously escorted while they are repairing security containers. See guidance for
unescorted entry to restricted areas in AFI 31-501.
5.22.2. (DELETED)
5.22.3. Federal Standard 809, Neutralization and Repair Of GSA-approved Containers
can be obtained from the NFESC, 1100 23rd Avenue, Code ESC66, Port Hueneme,
California 93043-4370 or at:
5.22.4. Locksmiths or technicians who open or repair GSA approved containers must
document their actions on an AFTO Form 36 retained in the container.
5.23. Maintenance and Operating Inspections. Personnel will follow maintenance procedures
for security containers provided in AFTO 00-20F-2, Inspection and Preventive Maintenance
Procedures for Security Type Equipment. Commanders or equivalents and staff agency chiefs
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
may authorize trained security managers and security container custodians to perform
inspections and preventive maintenance on safes and vaults. Note: Training is conducted by
locksmiths or other personnel who are qualified as to technical construction, operation,
maintenance, and purpose of such security type equipment [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.4.7.].
5.24. Reproduction of Classified Material.
5.24.1. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs designate equipment for
reproducing classified material.
5.24.2. The DAA approves networked equipment used to reproduce classified information.
Information managers (3A0X1) issue procedures for clearing copier equipment of latent
5.24.3. Security managers: Should display procedures for clearing latent images of equipment used to
copy classified material in a location clearly visible to anyone using the equipment; Develop security procedures that ensure control of reproduction of classified
material; and, Ensure personnel understand their security responsibilities and follow
5.25. Control Procedures. Unit commanders or equivalents and staff agency chiefs designate
people/ positions to exercise reproduction authority for classified material in their activities
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.5.1.].
5.26. Emergency Authority. (See EO 12958, as amended, Section 4.2(b) and ISOO Directive
No. 1, Section 2001.51.)
5.26.1. In emergency situations, in which there is an imminent threat to life or in defense of
the homeland; Military Department or other DOD Component Agency,
MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders may authorize the disclosure of classified information to
an individual or individuals who are otherwise not routinely eligible for access under the
following conditions: Limit the amount of classified information disclosed to the absolute
minimum to achieve the purpose; Limit the number of individuals who receive it; Transmit the classified information via approved federal government channels
by the most secure and expeditious method according to DOD 5200.1-R, or other means
deemed necessary when time is of the essence; Provide instructions about what specific information is classified, how it should
be safeguarded; physical custody of classified information must remain with an
authorized federal government entity, in all but the most extraordinary circumstances; Provide appropriate briefings to the recipients on their responsibilities not to
disclose the information and obtain a signed NdA.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
5.26.2. Within 72 hours of the disclosure of classified information, or the earliest opportunity
that the emergency permits, but no later than 30 days after the release, the disclosing authority
must notify the originating agency of the information and USD/I by providing the
following information through ISPM channels; A description of the disclosed information; To whom the information was disclosed; How the information was disclosed and transmitted; Reason for the emergency release; How the information is being safeguarded, and; A description of the briefings provided and a copy of the signed NdA.
Section 5D—Disposition and Destruction of Classified Material
5.27. Retention of Classified Records.
5.27.1. Personnel follow the disposition guidance in WebRims Records Disposition
5.27.2. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs will designate a “cleanout day” once a year to ensure personnel are not retaining classified material longer than
necessary [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.7.2.1.].
5.28. Disposition and Destruction of Classified Material [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C6.7.2.]
5.28.1. Shredders purchased from an approved product list that produces a crosscut shred
size of ½” x 1/32” or smaller, may continue to be used for destruction of collateral
information until 1 October 2008. Employ compensatory measures such as mixing
unclassified material with the shredding and stirring of the shredded material.
Replacement shredders for destruction of classified information must be purchased from
the National Security Agency (NSA)-approved Equipment Product List. Obtain
information on approved destruction devices from the NSA Information Assurance web site
( Please note that this list is FOUO and is
updated quarterly on the restricted NSA site.
5.28.2. Records of Destruction Process. Top Secret. TSCOs will ensure: Two people
destruction process;
the Destruction is recorded on one of these forms: AF Form 143; AF Form
310; or, AF Form 1565, and, The destruction record is attached to the AF Form 143 (used to account
for the document) when the destruction is not recorded on the AF Form 143 itself. Secret and Confidential. A record of destruction is not required. A cleared
person must perform the destruction.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
45 FGI. See DOD 5200.1-R, C6.6, for destruction of FGI. Destruction of Information System Media. Dispose of information system
media according to AFSSI 5020, Remanence Security. Disposition of Destruction Records. Dispose of destruction records according
to WebRims Records Disposition Schedule.
5.28.3. Central Destruction Facility (CDF). The installation commander determines the
need for a CDF to destroy classified information, who manages the CDF, and who funds for
maintenance. Usually, the decision is based on the amount of classified that is destroyed at
the installation and the cost of building and maintaining a CDF, versus purchasing and
maintaining other authorized equipment for destruction within individual units.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 6
Section 6A—Methods of Transmission or Transportation
6.1. General Policy.
6.1.1. Hand carrying Classified Material During Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel. Hand
carrying classified material during TDY poses a risk and should be done as a last resort in
critical situations. Whenever possible, personnel will use standard secure methods for
relaying the data, e.g., mail through secure channels or through approved secure electronic
means. Authorizing officials must assess the risk before authorizing the hand carrying of
classified material. Some factors to consider during the risk assessment process are: The environment in which the material will be handcarried. Consider the
chances of the material being confiscated by unauthorized personnel. The servicing
AFOSI office should be able to assist in determining the risks associated with the
environment. The sensitivity of the information. Consider the damage it could cause the
United States if the information was compromised. The availability of authorized facilities for storing the classified during
overnight layovers, at the TDY location, etc. Consider storing the material at a U.S.
military installation or other government facility.
6.1.2. Laptop Computers are High Risk. Because of their commercial value, laptop
computers are an especially high risk when used to transport classified information. When
using laptops to handcarry classified information, couriers must ensure both laptop and disks
are prepared according to paragraph 6.6.3. In addition, as required for all classified material,
couriers must take special care to ensure laptops and disks are kept under constant
surveillance or in secure facilities/containers at all times.
6.1.3. Air Force Office of Primary Responsibility for Transmission and Transportation
Policy. SAF/AAP establishes Air Force policy and procedures for transmission and
transportation of classified information and material [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.1.1.].
6.1.4. Transmitting Classified Material by Pneumatic Tube Systems. Installation
commanders approve the use of pneumatic tube systems and ensure that the equipment and
procedures provide adequate security [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.1.1.].
6.1.5. Electronic Transmission and Physical Transportation of COMSEC Material.
Personnel may acquire information on electronic transmission and physical transportation of
COMSEC information and material from their supporting COMSEC manager. [Reference
AFI 33-201, AFI 33-211, AFI33-275, and DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.1.2.]
6.1.6. Releasing Other Agency Information Outside of the DoD. Personnel go direct to
owners of other agency information to request permission to release the information outside
the DoD [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.1.4.].
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
6.2. Transmission and Transporting Top Secret Information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
6.2.1. Electronic Means. Obtain information about transmitting Top Secret information via
electronic means from their Information Assurance office. See paragraph 5.8 [Reference
DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.2.2.].
6.2.2. DOD Component Courier Service. The Air Force does not have its own courier service
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.2.4.].
6.2.3. Department of State Diplomatic Courier Service. Personnel who need to transport
classified material use the Department of State courier system when: [Reference DOD
5200.1-R C7.1.2.5.] Transporting classified material through or within countries hostile to the United
States or any foreign country that may inspect it. Transporting Top Secret material to an installation serviced by diplomatic pouch.
Personnel can find out if they are serviced by diplomatic pouch through their local
military postal office.
6.3. Transmitting and Transporting Secret Information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
6.3.1. Also see AFI 31-601 [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.3.2.].
6.3.2. The Air Force authorizes the use of the current holder of the GSA contract for
overnight delivery of Secret information in urgent cases and when the delivery is between
DOD Components and their cleared contractor facilities within the United States and its
Territories. This applies to locations in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico when overnight
delivery is possible. USD/I has already ensured the conditions cited in DOD 5200.1-R,
paragraph C7.1.3.3, have been met [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.3.3.] The Defense Security Service maintains a list of authorized GSA contract
overnight delivery services at The carriers identified on the DSS list may be used for urgent overnight delivery
of Secret and Confidential material within the continental United States (CONUS) when
overnight delivery cannot reasonably be accomplished by the U.S. Postal Service.
However, classified COMSEC information may not be transmitted overnight. Controlled
Cryptographic Information (CCI) that is unclassified may be shipped overnight. Carrier personnel should not be notified that the package contains
classified material. Packages are typically shipped on Monday through Thursday only. This ensures
that the package does not remain in the possession of the carrier service over a
weekend. However, the security manager may approve shipment on other days providing
the receiver has appropriate procedures in place. These procedures must ensure that a
cleared person will receive and sign for the package on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays,
and that he or she is able to secure the package in approved storage. [DOD 4525.8-M.] The sender is responsible for ensuring that an authorized person will be
available to receive the delivery and for verification of the correct mailing address.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
6.3.3. For more information on protective security service carriers see DOD 5220.22-R,
Industrial Security Regulation, AFI 31-601, AFPD 24-2, Preparation and Movement of Air
Force Materiel, and AFI 24-201, Cargo Movement. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.3.8.]
6.3.4. Electronic Means. Obtain information about transmitting Secret information via
electronic means from the supporting Information Assurance office.
6.4. Transmitting Confidential Information. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.4.]
6.4.1. Since first class mail bearing the “Return Service Requested” notice is an option for
transmitting Confidential material, recipients must protect it as Confidential material unless
they determine the contents are unclassified. EXCEPTION: Official Mail Center (OMC)
and Activity Distribution Offices (ADO) will comply with the provisions of DOD 4525.8M/AF Sup. The outer envelope or wrapper shall be endorsed with “Return Service
Requested” instead of “POSTMASTER: Do Not Forward”.
6.5. Transmission of Classified Material to Foreign Governments. [Reference DOD 5200.1R , C7.1.5.]
6.5.1. Also see AFI 31-601 and AFPD 16-2, Disclosure of Military Information to Foreign
Governments and International Organizations [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.5.1.].
6.5.2. US classified material will not be shipped from a US industrial activity to a foreign
entity [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.1.5.1.].
Section 6B—Preparation of Material for Transmission
6.6. Envelopes or Containers. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.2.]
6.6.1. For the purpose of this policy, an activity is a facility [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
6.6.2. Receipts. See receipting requirements at paragraph 5.8. Senders trace unacknowledged receipts: Within 30 days for material sent within CONUS. Within 45 days for material sent outside CONUS. The recipient must immediately date, sign, correct, and return the receipt to the
sender. If recipients do not return the receipt and confirm they have not received the
material, the sending activity must initiate security incident procedures according to
Chapter 9 of this AFI.
6.6.3. Laptop Computer and Disk Preparation Requirements. Couriers must ensure that: Laptops are password protected. Laptops and disks are marked according to DOD 5200.1-R, paragraphs C5.4.8,
C5.4.9, and C5.4.10.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
49 Laptops and disks containing classified information are kept under constant
surveillance or stored in secure containers/facilities. Classified media or systems will be wrapped or secured within a container if
outer classification markings are visible.
Section 6C—Escort or Handcarrying of Classified Material
6.7. General Provisions. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.3.]
6.7.1. Authorization. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.3.1.1.] The unit commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief authorizes appropriately
cleared couriers to handcarry classified material on commercial flights. See DOD
5200.1-R, paragraph C7.3.1.2., for required documentation and this AFI,
paragraph 6.1.1, for a cautionary statement regarding handcarrying classified material. The unit commander or equivalent, staff agency chief, or security manager
authorizes appropriately cleared couriers to handcarry classified material by means other
than on commercial flights.
6.7.2. Security managers or supervisors brief each authorized member handcarrying
classified material [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.3.1.2.].
6.7.3. Each Air Force activity or unit that releases classified material to personnel for
handcarrying: [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C7.3.1.1.] Maintains a list of all classified material released. Keeps the list until they confirm all the material reaches the recipient‟s activity
or unit.
6.8. Documentation. Unit commanders or equivalents, staff agency chiefs, or security
managers issue and control DD Form 2501 (Safeguard), Courier Authorization (available
through the Air Force Publications Distribution system), for handcarrying classified material
by means other than on commercial flights. This doesn‟t preclude the use of a courier
authorization letter for infrequent courier situations. EXCEPTION: Documentation is not
necessary when handcarrying classified information to activities within an installation (i.e.,
Air Force installation, missile field, or leased facilities within the local commuting area).
NOTE: Account for DD Form 2501 (Safeguard) as prescribed in AFI 33-360, Volume 2,
Content Management Program-Information Management Tool (CMP-IMT) [Reference DOD
5200.1-R, C73.2.2.].
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 7
7.1. Control and Administration [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C8.1.3.3.]
7.1.1. SAF/AAZ administers SAPs for the Air Force. See AFPD 16-7, Special Access
Programs. EXCEPTION: HQ USAF/XOI controls SCI programs.
7.1.2. Contractor personnel associated with Special Access Programs (SAPs)
administered under DOD 5220.22-M Sup 1 and AFI 16-701 may be nominated and
approved by the cognizant Program Security Officer (PSO) to fulfill the roles and
responsibilities of a security manager.
7.2. Code Words and Nicknames. Unit commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs
obtain code words and nicknames through channels from the servicing control point (normally,
the MAJCOM/FOA/ DRU Information Management activity) [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 8
Section 8A—Policy
8.1. General Policy. Effective information security training is a cornerstone of the Air Force
Information Security Program. All Air Force personnel need information security training
whether they have access to classified information or not. All Air Force personnel are
individually responsible for protecting the national interests of the United States. All security
infractions and/or violations must be immediately reported, circumstances examined and those
responsible held accountable and appropriate corrective action taken. Commanders or
equivalents, and staff agency chiefs are responsible for ensuring that personnel are
knowledgeable and understand their responsibility to protect information and resources
deemed vital to national security.
8.2. Methodology. The Air Force will provide information security training to its personnel and
contractors, as appropriate, on a continuous basis using government and commercial training
sources. Various training methods will be used to administer training, such as classroom
instruction, one-on-one, computer-based, and other distant learning training media. The Air
Force will maintain a cadre of trained professional career security personnel and security
managers to administer, implement, and measure the program‟s effectiveness. When funds and
resources permit, professional security personnel and security managers should attend inresidence type training courses.
8.3. Roles and Responsibilities.
8.3.1. These roles and responsibilities are in addition to those listed in paragraph 1.3.
8.3.2. SAF/AAP is responsible for coordinating development of Air Force specific
information security training course materials and curriculums.
8.3.3. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs are responsible for
implementing the information security training program, developing supplemental
training tools, and assessing the health of their programs on a continuous basis. In addition,
they will: Ensure appointed security managers receive training through the ISPM within 90
days of their assignment and that the training is annotated in the individual‟s official
personnel file (OPF) or military training record. Budget for security awareness training products, materials, and the formal
training of security managers. Actively support and monitor security education training. Ensure records are maintained on a calendar year basis of personnel attending
initial, refresher and specialized information security training. As a minimum, these
records must reflect the date(s) training was conducted and the name of personnel in
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
8.3.4. Supervisors will conduct and/or ensure personnel receive training as required by this
instruction, document it when required, and ensure credit is given for course completion or
briefing attendance, as appropriate.
8.3.5. ISPMs that oversee security managers are responsible for: Developing and overseeing implementation of information security training
programs. Assessing the effectiveness of training programs as part of the annual ISPR
(see para 1.4.2). Developing and conducting classroom or one-on-one training for newly
appointed security managers. Developing and distributing generic information security training lesson
plans, which cover the basic information security work-center components (information,
personnel and industrial security programs) to include installation specific security
requirements. Assisting security managers in the development of unit specific lesson plans,
motivational materials and training aids. Publicly recognizing the training efforts of effective security managers. Providing civilian employees who complete information security managers
training with a certificate, which they can use to enter course completion into their
training file. Providing military members who complete information security managers
training with a certificate, which they can use to enter course completion into their onthe-job training record or other official records, as appropriate. If full-time contractor performance or services is required or anticipated to
support the Information Security work center or a specific security discipline
(information, personnel, or industrial), the ISPM will assure the following language is
inserted into the statement of work (SOW). “The contractor will be required to participate
in the government‟s in-house and web-based security training program under the terms of
the contract. The government will provide the contractor with access to the
on-line system.” When contractors require Information Security work center training, the
ISPM must approve the contractor‟s enrollment in any web-based training course. In
addition, the ISPM must notify, in writing, the 37 TRS/DORM Training Manager of this
action, to include the contractor‟s name, SSAN, contract number, and contractor‟s cage
code and contract performance location. The request may be Faxed to DSN 473-4150.
8.3.6. Security Managers are responsible for: Ensuring security training is conducted as outlined in this AFI. Developing organizational specific security lesson plans, as necessary. Advising the commander on the status of the unit‟s security training program.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
53 Ensuring training is documented and records are properly maintained, if
applicable. Providing security management, awareness, and training to on-base contractor
visitor groups integrated into the organization unless the mission, operational
requirements, autonomous nature or other factors require them to establish and maintain
their own security program under the NISPOM.
Section 8B—Initial Security Orientation
8.4. Cleared Personnel.
8.4.1. Initial Training. Supervisors and security managers provide initial training to all
cleared personnel. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their cleared personnel
receive an initial security education orientation before they access classified information or
within 90 days of assignment to the unit, whichever is shorter. Initial training should ensure cleared personnel are knowledgeable of their
security responsibilities as related to their jobs and the organization‟s mission. Note:
Security manager records initial security training for cleared personnel in the appropriate
JPAS “Indoctrinate Non-SCI Access” field. Document training of “Uncleared” personnel
in local training records. Indoctrinate to the investigation position code reflected in the Unit
Manpower Document. Verify that current eligibility meets or exceeds the access level. Do not document indoctrination before the NdA execution has been
recorded in JPAS. The Air Force Information Security Training Standards establish initial
information security training for cleared personnel, under column heading (C). Note: A
standard lesson plan meeting the requirements of the training standard is available from
the AFSFC web site that includes the NATO training prescribed below. Due to the need for expeditious access to NATO classified information
associated with ongoing operations and the Air Force‟s Aerospace Expeditionary Force
(AEF) mission, all cleared military, civilian, and contractor personnel will receive a
NATO security briefing. This does not mean every cleared military, civilian, or
contractor will be granted access to NATO classified information. The access
determination will be made by the access granting authority IAW AFI31-406,
paragraph 4.2. A written acknowledgement of the NATO training will be maintained. If
the member has access to NATO, also record in JPAS.
8.5. Uncleared Personnel.
8.5.1. Supervisors and security managers provide training to uncleared personnel.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all uncleared personnel receive an initial
security education orientation within 90 days of assignment to the unit.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005 Initial orientation training must ensure that uncleared personnel are
knowledgeable of their responsibilities and roles in the Air Force Information
Security Program. The Air Force Information Security Program Training Standards establish initial
security education orientation training for uncleared personnel. NOTE: A standard lesson
plan meeting the requirements of the training standard is available from the AFSFC web
site: that includes the initial NATO training
required of all uncleared personnel.
8.5.2. Initial training for uncleared personnel will be documented locally.
Section 8C—Special Requirements
8.6. Original Classification Authorities (OCAs). IPOs are responsible for administering
specialized training to OCAs IAW DOD 5200.1-R. Training must be conducted prior to OCA
authority being exercised. Personnel who propose, prepare, develop, or facilitate original
classification decision actions for OCAs will be trained in original and derivative classification,
marking, and preparation of security classification guidance. SAF/AAP has developed training
standards for OCA training which can be found on the Information Protection Community of
Practice (CoP) at: This specialized training is in addition to the other information security training also
available on this CoP.
8.7. Derivative Classifiers, Security Personnel, and Others. Security managers are
responsible for administering information security training to all personnel IAW DOD 5200.1-R.
The training standards can be found on the Information Protection Community of Practice (CoP)
8.8. Restricted Data (RD)/Formerly Restricted Data (FRD). Within the DOD, an RD
management official shall be appointed in each agency. SAF/AA is appointed the Air Force
Management Official.
Section 8D—Continuing Security Education/Refresher Training
8.9. Continuing and Refresher Training. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency
chiefs ensure that each person receives continuing training throughout their duty assignment.
8.9.1. All personnel will receive Continuing Security Education/Refresher Training
annually IAW the Air Force Information Security Training Standards.
8.9.2. Personnel performing specialized Classified National Security Information Program
related functions, such as classification, declassification and derivative classification actions
and security personnel, etc., will receive refresher training commensurate with their
knowledge and proficiency in performing required tasks and the dissemination of new
policy guidance.
8.9.3. Tailor training to mission needs.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
8.9.4. Continuing Security Education/Refresher Training must include ensuring individuals
have the most current security guidance applicable to their responsibilities. The annual Air
Force Total Force Awareness Training (TFAT) Information Protection block of instruction is
mandatory for all Air Force personnel, and meets the general security awareness required.
Additional training relating to job requirements (functional, program, security clearances,
etc.), or assignments (NATO, PCS, etc.) will be required.
8.9.5. Other related material to be considered include a general overview of the
unclassified controlled information (Attachment 2), foreign disclosure, security and policy
review processes and protection requirements.
Section 8E—Access Briefings and Termination Debriefings
8.10. Access Briefings.
8.10.1. Supervisors, security managers or designated officials conduct and document the
following access briefings, as appropriate. The exception is para All documentation
of SCI indoctrinations, debriefs, and NdAs are maintained only within the SSO. Brief and execute the SF 312, prior to granting individual access to classified
information. The SF 312 may also be used to document attestations. Both SF 312
completion and attestations will be recorded in JPAS [Reference AFI 31-401,
paragraph 5.3]. Brief and execute the DD Form 2501 (Safeguard), Courier Authorization, as
necessary, when an individual is authorized to escort or handcarry classified
information. [Reference AFI 31-401, paragraph 6.8] Brief and execute the AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action,
prior to granting an individual access to NATO classified information [Reference AFI 31406, paragraph 4.9.] Brief and execute the AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action,
prior to granting an individual access to Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information
(CNWDI). [Reference AFI 31-401, paragraph] Brief and execute the AF Form 2583, Request for Personnel Security Action,
prior to granting an individual access to SIOP-ESI. [Reference AFI 10-1102,
Safeguarding the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP), paragraph 7.1.] The special security officer conducts the SCI indoctrination (in brief) prior to
granting personnel access to SCI. The indoctrination is recorded in the DD Form 1847,
Sensitive Compartmented Information Indoctrination Memorandum. The DD Form
1847-1, Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Statement, is also
executed at this time [Reference DOD 5105.21-M-1, Chapter 2].
8.10.2. JPAS will also be used to record NATO, CNWDI, and SIOP-ESI access
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
8.11. Termination Debriefings.
8.11.1. Supervisors, security managers or designated officials conduct and document the
following termination debriefings, as appropriate: Debrief individuals having access to classified information or security
clearance eligibility when they terminate civilian employment, separate from the
military service, have their access suspended, terminated, or have their clearance
revoked or denied. Use AF Form 2587, Security Termination Statement, to document the
debriefing. The debriefing must emphasize to individuals their continued responsibility to: Protect classified and unclassified
(Attachment 2) to which they have had access.
information Report any unauthorized attempts to gain access to such information. Adhere to the prohibition against retaining material upon departure. Potential civil and criminal penalties for failure to fulfill their continuing
security responsibilities.
8.11.2. For NATO access termination debriefing, see AFI 31-406, paragraph 4.10.
8.11.3. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs ensure personnel accessed to SCI
receive a termination debriefing from the Special Security Officer when access is no longer
required, is suspended, or is revoked.
8.11.4. For SIOP-ESI termination briefing, see AFI 10-1102.
8.11.5. Dispose of AF Form 2587 according to WebRims Records Disposition Schedule.
8.11.6. Update JPAS to reflect termination of accesses.
8.12. Refusal to Sign a Termination Statement. When an individual willfully refuses to
execute AF Form 2587, the supervisor, in the presence of a witness:
8.12.1. Debriefs the individual orally.
8.12.2. Records the fact that the individual refused to execute the termination statement
and was orally debriefed.
8.12.3. Ensures the individual no longer has access to classified information.
8.12.4. Forwards the AF Form 2587 to the servicing ISPM for SIF processing according
to AFI31-501.
Section 8F—Program Oversight
8.13. General.
8.13.1. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs are responsible for ensuring
systems are set up to determine training requirements, develop training, and evaluate
effectiveness of the training.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
8.13.2. ISPMs will make security education and training a special interest item during annual
8.13.3. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs will ensure that their security
education and training program is given close scrutiny during inspections, self-inspections
and SAVs.
8.13.4. Personnel that have program oversight responsibilities should use a
combination of approaches to assess the effectiveness of the security education program,
such as, observations, quizzes, surveys, face-to-face interviews, practical demonstrations, etc.
Section 8G—Coordinating Requests for Formal Training
8.14. Coordinating Requests for Training.
8.14.1. Commanders or equivalents, and staff agency chiefs will ensure that requests for
formal training are coordinated through unit, installation and MAJCOM training channels.
8.14.2. (DELETED)
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Chapter 9
9.1. Policy. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C10.]
9.1.1. It is Air Force policy that security incidents will be thoroughly investigated to
minimize any possible damage to national security. The investigation will identify
appropriate corrective actions that will be immediately implemented to prevent future
security incidents. Further, if the security incident leads to the actual or potential compromise
of classified information, a damage assessment will be conducted to judge the effect that the
compromise has on national security.
9.1.2. Suspected instances of unauthorized public disclosure of classified information shall
be reported promptly and investigated to determine the nature and circumstances of the
suspected disclosure, the extent of the damage to national security, and the corrective and
disciplinary action to be taken [DODD 5210.50, Para 4.].
9.2. Definitions.
9.2.1. Security incidents as used in this AFI pertain to any security violation or infraction as
defined in EO 12958, as amended. Security incidents may be categorized as: Security Violation. Any knowing, willful or negligent action: That could reasonably be expected to result in an unauthorized disclosure
of classified information. To classify or continue the classification of information contrary to the
requirements of this order or its implementing directives. To create or continue a SAP contrary to the requirements of EO 12958, as
amended. Security Infraction. Any knowing, willful or negligent action contrary to the
requirements of EO 12958, as amended that is not a security violation.
9.2.2. A compromise of classified information occurs when unauthorized individuals have
had access to the classified information. Unauthorized individuals include those individuals
with the appropriate security clearance but do not have a valid need-to-know.
9.2.3. A potential compromise of classified information is when an investigating official
concludes that a compromise of classified information has more than likely occurred as a
result of a security incident.
9.3. Information System (IS) Deviations. Coordinate all security deviations involving
information systems with the local ISPM and the supporting information assurance office to
begin an evaluation on the impact of the incident to national security and the organization‟s
operations. If COMSEC material is involved, refer to AFI 33-212, Reporting COMSEC
Deviations (will be incorporated in AFI 33-201, Volume 3, COMSEC User Requirements).
9.4. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Incidents. Safeguard all SCI material and
report incidents involving SCI to the Special Security Officer.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
9.5. Special Access Program (SAP) Incidents Report security incidents involving DOD SAP
materiel through local SAP channels to the Director, Special Programs OUSD(P).
9.6. Classification.
9.6.1. Classify security incident notices, appointment of inquiry official memorandums, and
security incident reports at the same level of classification as the information compromised if
they contain classified information or if they provide sufficient information that would enable
unauthorized individuals to access the classified information in an unsecured environment. In
the latter case, the documentation must remain classified until the information has been
retrieved and appropriately safeguarded. Do not classify memorandums and reports
pertaining to security incidents that have occurred in the information system environment
when the system has been appropriately purged and the correspondence does not contain
other classified information. Classify security incident notices, memorandums, and reports according to the
classified source from which they are derived. Refer to DOD 5200.1-R, Chapter 3. Mark security incident notices, memorandums, and reports using derivative
classification procedures. Refer to DOD 5200.1-R, Chapter 5.
9.6.2. All security incident reports will, as a minimum, be marked “For Official Use Only.”
Refer to DOD Regulation 5400.7/Air Force Supplement, Freedom of Information Act
9.7. Public Release. Security incident reports cannot be released into the public domain until
they have undergone a security review [Reference AFI 35-101, Chapter 15.] Unauthorized
disclosure of classified information to the public must be processed IAW DODD 5210.50.
9.8. Reporting and Notifications.
9.8.1. Personnel who learn of a security incident must immediately report it to their
commander or equivalent, supervisor, or security manager who will in-turn report the
incident to the servicing ISPM by the end of the first duty day.
9.8.2. After assigning a case number beginning with calendar year, base, and sequential
number for tracking purposes, the ISPM will: Coordinate with the organization security manager to ensure the commander or
equivalent, or staff agency chief has been briefed on the incident. The ISPM will brief the
commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief if the security manager is unable to do so
or when the incident is reported directly to the ISPM. Report compromises/potential compromises for the following incidents through
command IP channels to SAF/AAP: Classified in the public media. Foreign intelligence agencies. Criminal activity. NATO classified information. FGI.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005 RD or FRD. Disclosure to foreign nationals. Notify the local AFOSI when the circumstances involve criminal activity or
foreign intelligence agencies. Notify SAF/AAZ through the appropriate SAP channels when the compromise
involves special access information.
9.8.3. The appointing authority will notify the OCA, or the originator when the OCA is not
known, when it is determined there is a compromise, potential compromise, or loss of
classified information. Refer to paragraph 9.6.1 of this AFI for security classification
marking requirements.
9.9. Preliminary Inquiry. An informal inquiry to determine if classified information has been
lost or compromised so that a damage assessment can be completed and the appropriate
corrective action can be taken.
9.9.1. The commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief of the activity responsible for the
security incident will appoint an inquiry official to conduct a preliminary inquiry. See
Attachment 5 for a sample appointment memorandum. Refer to paragraph 9.6.1 of this AFI
for appointment memorandum classification requirements. The guidelines for selection of the
inquiry/investigative official are found in paragraph 9.11.2. When security incidents occur because of unauthorized transmission of
classified material, the sending activity appoints the inquiry official and
conducts the inquiry. Inquiry officials will coordinate their actions with the servicing ISPM and the
staff judge advocate‟s office.
9.9.2. The preliminary inquiry will determine if classified material was compromised, the
extent of the compromise, and the circumstances surrounding the compromise.
9.9.3. A preliminary inquiry report will be completed using the sample report format at
Attachment 6 and submitted to the appointing official through the ISPM. The ISPM will
provide their concurrence/ non concurrence with the report and forward it to the appointing
official for action. Refer to paragraph 9.6 of this AFI for report classification requirements.
9.9.4. The report from the preliminary inquiry will be sufficient to resolve the security
incident if: The inquiry determines that loss or compromise of classified information
has not occurred. The inquiry determines that loss or compromise of classified information has
occurred, but there is no indication of significant security weakness. The appointing official determines that no additional information will be
obtained by conducting a formal investigation.
9.9.5. If the report from the preliminary inquiry is not sufficient to resolve the security
incident, the appointing authority initiates a formal investigation. The preliminary inquiry
report will become part of any formal investigation. If the inquiry is closed out as a
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
compromise or potential compromise the appointing authority notifies the OCA to perform a
damage assessment.
9.9.6. If the inquiry reveals suspected unauthorized disclosure to the public notify SAF/AAP
through IP channels [DODD 5210.50, Para 5.2.1.]. Classify security incident notices,
memorandums, and reports according to the classified source from which they are derived.
Refer to DOD 5200.1-R, Chapter 3. Specifically address: When, where, and how the incident occurred. Was classified information compromised? If compromise occurred, what specific classified information and/or material
was involved? If classified information is alleged to have been lost, what steps were taken to
locate the material? In what specific media article or program did the classified information appear? To what extent was the compromised information disseminated? Was the information properly classified? Was the information officially released? Are there any leads to be investigated that might lead to the identification of the
person responsible for the compromise? Will further inquiry increase the damage caused by the compromise?
9.9.7. Submit a completed Department of Justice (DoJ) Media leak Questionnaire, available
from through ISPM channels to USD(I), who will
coordinate with DOD General Counsel to determine whether a referral to the DoJ for
prosecution is warranted.
9.10. Damage Assessment.
9.10.1. A damage assessment is an analysis to determine the effect of a compromise of
classified information on the national security. It will be initiated by the OCA upon
notification of a potential or actual compromise to verify and reevaluate the information
involved. Damage assessment reports will be classified and marked according to the
classification guidance provided on the information being addressed in the reports.
9.10.2. The OCA must: Verify the classification and duration of classification initially assigned to the
information. If the OCA determines the information should be declassified, the reporting
activity will be notified. Set up damage assessment controls and procedures. Provide a
investigating official.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
9.11. Formal Investigation.
9.11.1. A formal investigation is a detailed examination of evidence to determine the extent
and seriousness of the compromise of classified information. The formal investigation will
fix responsibility for any disregard (deliberate or inadvertent) of governing directives which
led to the security incident.
9.11.2. The commander or equivalent, or staff agency chief of the activity responsible for the
security incident, will appoint an investigative official to conduct an investigation. The appointment letter provides authority to conduct an investigation, swear
witnesses, and examine/copy documents, files and other data relevant to the inquiry. The investigative official is the personal representative of the Appointing
Authority and/ or the Commander. The investigative official must be impartial,
unbiased, objective, thorough, and available. The investigative official must be a commissioned officer, senior NCO (E-7 and
above), or a civil service employee equivalent (GS-9 and above). The investigation will be the investigative official‟s only duty (unless the
Appointing Authority determines otherwise) until the report is completed and
approved by the Appointing Authority. Appointing Authorities will not appoint an investigative official who is retiring,
separating, or being reassigned within 180 days.
9.11.3. The formal investigation will include the preliminary inquiry if one has been
9.12. Management and Oversight.
9.12.1. The inquiry/investigative official will route the completed report through the
servicing ISPM for review before forwarding it to the appointing authority.
9.12.2. The appointing authority will: Close the inquiry/investigation unless MAJCOM/FOA/DRU directives
indicate otherwise. Determine if administrative or disciplinary action is appropriate. See
AFI 31-501, Chapter 8 and applicable military and civilian personnel publications. Debrief anyone who has had unauthorized access, using AF Form 2587. Forward a copy of the completed report to the ISPM identifying corrective
actions taken. Dispose of the report according to the instructions in WebRims Records
Disposition Schedule.
9.12.3. The ISPM will: Provide technical guidance and review of preliminary inquiry and formal
investigation reports. Monitor the status of security incidents.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
9.12.4. Inquiry/investigative officials must complete inquiry/investigations within 30 duty
days from appointment.
9.13. Unauthorized Absences. Report all unauthorized absences to the ISPM and
appropriate AFOSI detachment [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, C10.1.9.].
9.14. Prescribed Forms. These forms are prescribed throughout this AFI and are available
through the Air Force Publications Distribution system:
AF Form 143, Top Secret Register Page
AF Form 144, Top Secret Access Record and Cover Sheet
AF Form 310, Document Receipt and Destruction Certificate
AF Form 349, Receipt for Documents Released to Accredited Representatives of
Foreign Nations
AF Form 1565, Entry, Receipt, and Destruction Certificate
AF Form 2427, Lock and Key Control Register
AF Form 2587, Security Termination Statement; Air Force Technical Order Form (AFTO) 36,
Maintenance Record for Security Type Equipment
SF 311, Agency Security Classification Management Program Data
SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement
SF 700, Security Container Information
SF 701, Activity Security Checklist
SF 702, Security Container Check Sheet
SF 703, Top Secret Cover Sheet
SF7 04, Secret Cover Sheet
SF 705, Confidential Cover Sheet
SF706, Top Secret Label
SF 707, Secret Label
SF 708, Confidential Label
DD Form 1847, Sensitive Compartmented Information Indoctrination Memorandum
DD Form 1847-1, Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Statement
DD Form 1848, Sensitive Compartmented Information Debriefing Memorandum
DD Form 2024, DOD Security Classification Guide Data Elements
DD Form 2501 (Safeguard), Courier Authorization
DoE Form 5631.20, Request for Visit or Access Approval
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
9.15. Adopted Forms.
AF 349, AF 2587, 2427, and AFTO 36
Deputy Chief of Staff Air & Space Operations
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 1
Executive Order 12958, as amended. Classified National Security Information
Executive Order 12829, National Industrial Security Program
ISOO Directive Number 1, Classified National Security Information
10 C.F.R. 1045.1 Subpart A, Program Management of the Restricted Data and Formerly
Restricted Data Classification System
DCID 6/6, Security Controls on the Dissemination of Intelligence Information
DCID 6/7, Intelligence Disclosure Policy
DOD 4000.25-8-M, Military Assistance Program Address Directory System
DOD 4528.8-M, DOD Official Mail Manual
DODD 5100.55, United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs
DODD 5210.50, Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information to the Public
DOD 5200.1-H, DOD Handbook for Writing Security Classification Guidance
DOD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program
DOD 5200.1-PH, DOD Guide to Marking Classified Documents
DOD 5200.1-PH-1, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement (Standard Form 312)
DODD 5210.2, Access to and Dissemination of Restricted Data
DODD 5210.83, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI)
DODD 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents
DOD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
DOD 5220.22-R, Industrial Security Regulation
DODI 5240.11, Damage Assessments
DOD 5400.7-R/Air Force Supplement, DOD Freedom of Information Act Program
DODD 8100.2, Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the
Department of Defense (DOD) Global Information Grid (GIG).]
Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Technical Data Sheet, TDS-2000-SHR,
Neutralizing “Locked-Out” Security Containers (Available from DOD Lock Program website.)
AFI 14-302, Control, Protection, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented Information
AFMAN 14-304, The Security, Use, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented
Information, (FOUO)
AFPD 16-2, Disclosure of Military Information to Foreign Governments and International
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFI 16-201, Air Force Foreign Disclosure and Technology Transfer Program
AFPD 16-7, Special Access Programs
AFI 16-701, Special Access Programs
AFMAN 23-110, USAF Supply Manual
AFPD 24-2, Preparation and Movement of Air Force Materiel
AFI 24-201, Cargo Movement
AFI 31-101, Air Force Installation Security Program
AFI 31-207, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force Personnel
AFPD 31-4, Information Security
AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management
AFI 31-601, Industrial Security Program Management
AFPD 33-2, Information Protection (will be Information Assurance)
AFI 33-201, Volume 1, Communications Security (COMSEC)
AFI 33-201, Volume 2, COMSEC User Requirements
AFI 33-202 Volume 1, Network and Computer Security
AFI 33-204, Information Assurance (IA) Awareness, Program
AFI 33-211, Communications Security (COMSEC) User Requirements (will be incorporated in
AFI 33-201 V2, COMSEC Users Requirements)
AFI 33-212, Reporting COMSEC Deviations (will be incorporated in AFI 33-201 V2, COMSEC
Users Requirements
AFI 33-275, Controlled Cryptographic Items (CCI ) (will be incorporated in AFI 33-201 V1)
AFI 33-360, Air Force Privacy Act Program
AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Policies and Procedures
AFI 36-1001, Managing the Civilian Performance Program
AFMAN 36-2108, Enlisted Classification
AFPD 36-22, Air Force Military Training
AFI 36-2201, Volume 1, Training, Development, Delivery, and Evaluation
AFI 36-2907, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Program
AFMAN 36-505, Skill Coding
AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Actions
AFI 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems
AFMAN 37-138, Records Disposition – Procedures and Responsibilities
AFI 51-301, Civil Litigation
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFI 61-204, Disseminating Scientific and Technical Information
AFI 61-205, Sponsoring or Cosponsoring, Conducting, and Presenting DOD Related Scientific
Technical Papers at Unclassified and Classified Conferences, Symposia, and Other Similar
AFI 65-401, Relations with the General Accounting Office
AFI 71-101, Volume I, Criminal Investigations
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution
AFI 90-401, Air Force Relations with Congress
AFKAG-1N, Air Force Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations
AFTO 00-20F-2, Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Procedures for Security Type
AFSSI 5020, Remanence Security (will be incorporated in forthcoming AFI 33-202 V3, Network
Security Program) WebRims Records Disposition Schedule
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADO—Activity Distribution Offices
ADP—Automatic Data Processing
AEF—Aerospace Expeditionary Force
AF—Air Force
AFCAF—Air Force Central Adjudication Facility
AFDO—Air Force Declassification Office
AFI—Air Force Instruction
AFMAN—Air Force Manual
AFOSI—Air Force Office of Special Investigations
AFPD—Air Force Policy Directive
AFPDL—Air Force Publishing Distribution Library
AFSSI—Air Force Special Security Instruction
AFTO—Air Force Technical Order
ANACI—Access National Agency Check with Inquiry
AIS—Automated Information System
BITC—Base Information Transfer Center
CCI—Controlled Cryptographic Information
CDF—Central Destruction Facility
CNWDI—Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
COMSEC—Communications Security
CONUS—Continental United States
CSA—Cognizant Security Authority
DAA—Designated Approving Authority
DCID—Director Central Intelligence Directive
DCII—Defense Clearance and Investigations Index
DCS—Defense Courier Service
DD—Department of Defense (Used for DOD Forms)
DIA—Defense Intelligence Agency
DEA—Drug Enforcement Administration
DOD—Department of Defense
DODD—Department of Defense Directive
DODI—Department of Defense Instruction
DODSI—Department of Defense Security Institute (Now DSSA)
DoE—Department of Energy
DRU—Direct Reporting Unit
DSS—Defense Security Service (Formerly DIS and DODSI)
DSSA—Defense Security Service Academy
DTIC—Defense Technical Information Center
EES—Enlisted Evaluation System
EO—Executive Order
FGI—Foreign Government Information
FMS—Foreign Military Sales
FOA—Field Operating Agency
FOIA—Freedom of Information Act
FOUO—For Official Use Only
FRD—Formerly Restricted Data
GAO—Government Accountability Office
GILS—Government Information Locator System
GPO—Government Printing Office
GSA—General Services Administration
HAF—Headquarters Air Force
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
IDS—Intrusion Detection System
IG—Inspector General
IMT—Information Management Tool
INTELINK—Intelligence Link
IO—Investigating Officer
ISCAP—Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
ISO——International Organization for Standardization
ISOO—Information Security Oversight Office
ISPM—Information Security Program Manager
ISPR—Information Security Program Review
JPAS—Joint Personnel Adjudication System
LFC—local files check
MAJCOM—Major Command
MDR—Mandatory Declassification Review
MIS—Management Information System
NAC—National Agency Check
NACLC—National Agency Check, Local Agency Check, Credit Check
NARA—National Archives and Records Administration
NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCR—National Capital Region
NdA—Nondisclosure Agreement
NFESC—Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center
NGA—National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NIMA—National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NIPRNET—Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network
NISPOM—National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
NOFORN—Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
NSA—National Security Agency
NSN—National Stock Number
OADR—Originating Agency‟s Determination Required
OCA—Original Classification Authority
OMB—Office of Management and Budget
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OMC—Official Mail Center
OPF—official personnel file
ORCON—Originator Control
PA—Privacy Act
PCS—permanent change of station
PKI—Public Key Infrastructure
PL—Protection Level
POC—point of contact
RCS—Report Control Symbol
RD—Restricted Data
REL TO—Release To
SAF—Secretary of the Air Force
SAP—Special Access Program
SAV—staff assistance visit
SBU—Sensitive But Unclassified
SCG—Security Classification Guide
SCI—Sensitive Compartmented Information
SCIF—Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities
SEI—Special Experience Identifier
SF—standard form
SIF—security information file
SIOP—ESI—Single Integrated Operational Plan-Extremely Sensitive Information
SIPRNET—Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
SOIC—Senior Official of the Intelligence Community
SSO—Special Security Office
TDS—technical data sheet
TDY—temporary duty
TSCA—Top Secret Control Account
TSCM—Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
TSCO—Top Secret Control Officer
UCNI—Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information
URL—uniform resource locator
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
VAL—visit authorization letter
VGSA—visitor group security agreement
Access—the ability or opportunity to gain knowledge of classified information.
Agency—any “Executive agency,” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105; any “Military department” as
defined in 5 U.S.C. 102; and any other entity within the executive branch that comes into the
possession of classified information.
Automated Information System (AIS)—Any telecommunications and/or computer- related
equipment or interconnected system or subsystems of equipment used in the acquisition, storage,
manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or
reception of voice, and/or data, including software, firmware, and hardware. The entire
infrastructure, organization, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display,
disseminate, and act on information. (JP 1-02).
Automatic Declassification—the declassification of information based solely upon (1) the
occurrence of a specific date or event as determined by the OCA; or (2) the expiration of a
maximum time frame for duration of classification established under EO 12958, as amended.
Classification—the determination that official information requires, in the interests of national
security, a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a
designation signifying that such a determination has been made.
Classification/Declassification Guide—a documentary form of classification/declassification
guidance issued by an OCA that identifies the elements of information regarding a specific
subject that must be classified and establishes the level and duration of classification for each
such element.
Classification Guidance—any instruction or source that prescribes the classification of specific
Classified National Security Information or Classified Information—official information
that has been determined to require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to
indicate its classified status when in documentary form.
Confidential Source—any individual or organization that has provided, or that may reasonably
be expected to provide, information to the United States on matters pertaining to the national
security with the expectation that the information or relationship, or both, are to be held in
Damage to The National Security—harm to the national defense or foreign relations of the
United States from the unauthorized disclosure of information, taking into consideration such
aspects of the information as the sensitivity, value, utility, and provenance of that information.
Declassification—the determination that, in the interests of national security, classified
information no longer requires any degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled
with removal or cancellation of the classification designation.
Declassification Authority—the official who authorized the original classification, if that
official is still serving in the same position; the originator's current successor in function; a
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
supervisory official of either; or officials delegated declassification authority in writing by the
agency head or the senior agency official.
Derivative Classification—the incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in new form
information that is already classified, and marking the newly developed material consistent with
the classification markings that apply to the source information. Derivative classification
includes the classification of information based on classification guidance. The duplication or
reproduction of existing classified information is not derivative classification.
Direct Reporting Unit (DRU)—A DRU has a specialized and restricted mission, and is directly
subordinate to the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force or to his representative at HAF.
Document—any recorded information, regardless of the nature of the medium or the method or
circumstances of recording.
Downgrading—a determination by a declassification authority that information classified and
safeguarded at a specified level shall be classified and safeguarded at a lower level.
Field Operating Agency (FOA)—A subdivision of the Air Force, directly subordinate to a HQ
USAF functional manager. FOAs perform field activities beyond the scope of any of the major
commands. Their activities are specialized or associated with an Air Force wide mission.
File Series—file units or documents arranged according to a filing system or kept together
because they relate to a particular subject or function, result from the same activity, document a
specific kind of transaction, take a particular physical form, or have some other relationship
arising out of their creation, receipt, or use, such as restrictions on access or use.
Foreign Government Information (FGI)—(1) information provided to the United States
Government by a foreign government or governments, an international organization of
governments, or any element thereof, with the expectation that the information, the source of the
information, or both, are to be held in confidence; (2) information produced by the United States
Government pursuant to or as a result of a joint arrangement with a foreign government or
governments, or an international organization of governments, or any element thereof, requiring
that the information, the arrangement, or both, are to be held in confidence; or (3) information
received and treated as ―foreign government information‖ under the terms of a predecessor
Formerly Restricted Data (FRD)—defined by the Atomic Energy Act as classified information
which has been removed from the RD category after DoE and the DOD have jointly determined
that it relates primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons, and can be adequately
safeguarded as national security information.
Information—any knowledge that can be communicated or documentary material, regardless of
its physical form or characteristics, which is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the
control of the United States Government. ―Control‖ means the authority of the agency that originates
information, or its successor in function, to regulate access to the information.
Information System (IS)—1. Any telecommunications and/or computer-related equipment or
interconnected system or subsystems of equipment used in the acquisition, storage, manipulation,
management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of
voice, and/or data, including software, firmware, and hardware. (NOTE: This includes
automated information systems). 2. (DOD) The entire infrastructure, organization, and
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, disseminate, and act on information.
(JP 1-02).
Infraction—any knowing, willful, or negligent action contrary to the requirements of this order
or its implementing directives that does not constitute a violation, as defined below.
Integral File Block—a distinct component of a file series, as defined in this section, which
should be maintained as a separate unit in order to ensure the integrity of the records. An integral
file block may consist of a set of records covering either a specific topic or a range of time such
as presidential administration or a 5-year retirement schedule within a specific file series that is
retired from active use as a group.
Integrity—the state that exists when information is unchanged from its source and has not been
accidentally or intentionally modified, altered, or destroyed.
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)—the review for declassification of classified
information in response to a request for declassification.
Multiple Sources—two or more source documents, classification guides, or a combination of
National Security—the national defense or foreign relations of the United States.
Need—To-Know—a determination made by an authorized holder of classified information that
a prospective recipient requires access to specific classified information in order to perform or
assist in a lawful and authorized governmental function.
Network—a system of two or more computers that can exchange data or information.
Original Classification—an initial determination that information requires, in the interest of the
national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure.
Original Classification Authority (OCA)—an individual authorized in writing, either by the
President, the Vice President in the performance of executive duties, or by agency heads or other
officials designated by the President, to classify information in the first instance.
Records—the records of an agency and Presidential papers or Presidential records, as those
terms are defined in title 44, United States Code, including those created or maintained by a
government contractor, licensee, certificate holder, or grantee that are subject to the sponsoring
agency's control under the terms of the contract, license, certificate, or grant.
Records Having Permanent Historical Value—Presidential papers or Presidential records and
the records of an agency that the Archivist has determined should be maintained permanently
IAW Title 44, United States Code.
Records Management—the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting,
and other managerial activities involved with respect to records creation, records maintenance
and use, and records disposition in order to achieve adequate and proper documentation of the
policies and transactions of the Federal Government and effective and economical management
of agency operations.
Restricted Data (RD—defined by the Atomic Energy Act as all data concerning design,
manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons, production of special nuclear material, and use of
Special Nuclear Material in the production of energy.
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Safeguarding—measures and controls that are prescribed to protect classified information.
Self—Inspection—the internal review and evaluation of individual agency activities and the
agency as a whole with respect to the implementation of the program established under this order
and its implementing directives.
Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Information—information originated within the Department
of State that warrants a degree of protection and administrative control and meets the criteria for
exemption from mandatory public disclosure under FOIA.
Source Document—an existing document that contains classified information that is
incorporated, paraphrased, restated, or generated in new form into a new document.
Special Access Program (SAP)—a program established for a specific class of classified
information that imposes safeguarding and access requirements that exceed those normally
required for information at the same classification level.
Staff Agency Chief—For the purpose of this instruction, staff agency chiefs are those
individuals serving in 2-digit positions reporting to the commander or vice commander above the
Wing level, and 2 and 3 digit positions at HAF.
Systematic Declassification Review—the review for declassification of classified information
contained in records that have been determined by the Archivist to have permanent historical
value IAW title 44, United States Code.
Telecommunications—the preparation, transmission, or communication of information by
electronic means.
Unauthorized Disclosure—a communication or physical transfer of classified information to an
unauthorized recipient.
Violation—(1) any knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to
result in an unauthorized disclosure of classified information; (2) any knowing, willful, or
negligent action to classify or continue the classification of information contrary to the
requirements of this order or its implementing directives; or (3) any knowing, willful, or
negligent action to create or continue a SAP contrary to the requirements of this order.
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Attachment 2
A2.1. For Official Use Only (FOUO). FOUO is a designation that is applied to unclassified
information that is exempt from automatic release to the public under FOIA. See DOD 5400.7R/AF Supplement for further guidance [Ref: DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 3, Para AP3.2.].
A2.1.1. Access to FOUO Information.
A2.1.1.1. No person may have access to information designated as FOUO unless that
person has been determined to have a valid need for such access in connection with the
accomplishment of a lawful and authorized Government purpose.
A2.1.1.2. The final responsibility for determining whether an individual has a valid need
for access to information designated as FOUO rests with the individual who has
authorized possession, knowledge or control of the information and not on the
prospective recipient.
A2.1.1.3. Information designated as FOUO may be disseminated within the DOD
Components and between officials of DOD Components and DOD contractors,
consultants, and grantees to conduct official business for the DOD, provided that
dissemination is not further controlled by a Distribution Statement.
A2.1.1.4. DOD holders of information designated as FOUO are authorized to convey
such information to officials in other Departments and Agencies of the Executive and
Judicial Branches to fulfill a government function. If the information is covered by the
Privacy Act, disclosure is only authorized if the requirements of AFI 33-332, Air Force
Privacy Program, are satisfied.
A2.1.1.5. Release of FOUO information to Congress is governed by AFI 90-401, Air
Force Relations With Congress. If the Privacy Act covers the information, disclosure is
authorized if the requirements of DOD 5400.11-R are also satisfied.
A2.1.1.6. DOD Directive 7650.01, General Accounting Office (GAO) and Comptroller
General Access to Records, governs release of FOUO information to the Government
Accountability Office (GAO). If the Privacy Act covers the information, disclosure is
authorized if the requirements of DOD 5400.11-R are also satisfied.
A2.1.2. Protection of FOUO Information.
A2.1.2.1. During working hours, reasonable steps shall be taken to minimize risk of
access by unauthorized personnel. After working hours, store FOUO information in
unlocked containers, desks or cabinets if Government or Government-contract building
security is provided. If such building security is not provided, store the information in
locked desks, file cabinets, bookcases, locked rooms, etc.
A2.1.2.2. FOUO information and material may be transmitted via first class mail, parcel
post or, for bulk shipments, via fourth-class mail. Electronic transmission of FOUO
information, e.g., voice, data or facsimile, e-mail, shall be by approved secure
communications systems or systems utilizing access controls such as Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), whenever practical.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A2.1.2.3. FOUO information may only be posted to DOD Web sites consistent with
security and access requirements specified in Deputy Secretary of Defense
Memorandum, dated 25 November 1998, Subject: “Web Site Administration”.
A2.1.2.4. Record copies of FOUO documents shall be disposed of according to the
Federal Records Act and the DOD Component records management directives. Nonrecord FOUO documents may be destroyed by any of the means approved for the
destruction of classified information, or by any other means that would make it difficult
to recognize or reconstruct the information.
A2.1.3. Unauthorized Disclosure. The unauthorized disclosure of FOUO does not constitute
an unauthorized disclosure of DOD information classified for security purposes. However,
appropriate administrative action shall be taken to fix responsibility for unauthorized
disclosure of FOUO whenever feasible, and appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken
against those responsible. Unauthorized disclosure of FOUO information that is protected by
the Privacy Act may also result in civil and criminal sanctions against responsible persons.
The Military Department or other DOD Component that originated the FOUO information
shall be informed of its unauthorized disclosure.
A2.2. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive.
A2.2.1. Law Enforcement Sensitive is a marking sometimes applied, in addition
to/conjunction with the marking FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, by the Department of Justice
and other activities in the law enforcement community. It is intended to denote that the
information was compiled for law enforcement purposes and should be afforded appropriate
security in order to protect certain legitimate government interests, including the protection
of: enforcement proceedings; the right of a person to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication;
grand jury information; personal privacy including records about individuals requiring
protection under the Privacy Act; the identity of a confidential source, including a State,
Local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution which furnished information
on a confidential basis; information furnished by a confidential source; proprietary
information; techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions;
guidelines for law enforcement investigations when disclosure of such guidelines could
reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or jeopardize the life or physical
safety of any individual, including the lives and safety of law enforcement personnel.
A2.2.2. Markings.
A2.2.2.1. In unclassified documents containing Law Enforcement Sensitive information,
the words “Law Enforcement Sensitive” shall accompany the words “FOR OFFICIAL USE
ONLY” at the top and bottom of the front cover (if there is one), the title page (if there is
one), and the outside of the back cover (if there is one).
A2.2.2.2. In unclassified documents, each page containing FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Law Enforcement Sensitive information shall be marked “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Law Enforcement Sensitive” at the top and bottom. Classified documents containing such
information shall be marked as required by Chapter 5, DOD 5200.1-R except that pages
containing Law Enforcement Sensitive information but no classified information will be
marked “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive” top and bottom.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A2.2.2.3. Portions of DOD classified or unclassified documents that contain FOR
OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive information shall be marked
“(FOUO-LES)” at the beginning of the portion. This applies to classified, as well as to
unclassified documents. If a portion of a classified document contains both classified and
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive information, the appropriate
classification designation is sufficient to protect the information.
A2.2.3. Access to FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive. The criteria
for allowing access to FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive are the same
as those used for FOUO information, except that if the information also bears the marking
“Originator Control” or “ORCON” the information may not be disseminated beyond the
original distribution without the approval of the originating office.
A2.2.4. Protection of FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive. Within the
DOD, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Law Enforcement Sensitive shall be protected as
required for FOUO information.
A2.3. Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Information. SBU information is information
originated within the Department of State that warrants a degree of protection and administrative
control and meets the criteria for exemption from mandatory public disclosure under FOIA.
When SBU information is included in DOD documents, it shall be marked as if the information
were FOUO [Ref: DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 3, Para AP3.3.].
A2.4. Protection
Information. Unclassified information that is originated by the DEA and requires protection
against unauthorized disclosure to protect sources and methods of investigative activity,
evidence, and the integrity of pretrial investigative reports [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix
3, Para AP3.4.].
A2.5. Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI). Unclassified information on
security measures (including security plans, procedures and equipment) for the physical
protection of Special Nuclear Material equipment or facilities [Reference DOD 5200.1-R,
Appendix 3, Para AP3.5.].
A2.5.1. The Director of Information Protection (SAF/AAP) has primary responsibility
within the Air Force for the implementation of DODD 5210.83, Department of Defense
Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (DOD UCNI).
A2.5.2. The following positions have been designated UCNI Officials within the Air Force:
A2.5.2.1. HAF staff agency chiefs.
A2.5.2.2. MAJCOM/FOA/DRU commanders, Chiefs of IP.
A2.5.2.3. Installation commanders and equivalent commander positions, Chiefs of IP.
A2.5.2.4. (DELETED)
A2.5.3. UCNI Officials‟ Responsibilities:
A2.5.3.1. Identify information meeting definition of UCNI.
A2.5.3.2. Determine criteria for access to UCNI and approve special access requests.
A2.5.3.3. Approve or deny the release of UCNI information.
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A2.5.3.4. Ensure all UCNI information is properly marked, safeguarded, transmitted, and
destroyed properly. Transmission of UCNI on the NIPRNet may only occur when the
material is encrypted and digitally signed and the recipient has a “.mil” or “.gov”
address extension.
A2.5.3.5. Document decisions and report them through their command IP channels to
SAF/AAP. RCS Number DD-C3I(AR)1810 applies to this data collection.
A2.6. Sensitive Information (Computer Security Act of 1987). The Computer Security Act of
1987 established requirements for protection of certain information in Federal Government AIS.
It applies only to unclassified information that deserves protection and is concerned with
protecting the availability and integrity, as well as the confidentiality, of information. See AFI
33-200 for Air Force policy on protecting information in Federal Government information
systems [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 3, Para AP3.6.].
A2.7. Technical Documents. DOD Directive 5230.24 requires distribution statements to be
placed on technical documents, both classified and unclassified. These statements facilitate
control, distribution and release of these documents without the need to repeatedly refer
questions to the originating activity. See AFI 61-204 for Air Force policy on technical
documents [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 3, Para AP3.7.].
A2.8.1. Description. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION is a caveat used by the National Imagery
and Mapping Agency/National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NIMA/NGA) to identify a
select group of sensitive but unclassified imagery or geospatial information and data created
or distributed by NIMA/NGA or information, data, and products derived from such
information. DOD Instruction 5030.59, NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL- INTELLIGENCE
details of policies and procedures regarding use of the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat.
These policies and procedures are summarized in subparagraphs A2.8.2 through A2.8.4,
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A2.8.2. Marking. Information or material designated as LIMITED DISTRIBUTION, or
derived from such information or material shall, unless otherwise approved by the Director,
NGA be marked with the notation shown in Figure A2.F1 as follows:
A2.8.3. Access to LIMITED DISTRIBUTION Information or Material.
A2.8.3.1. Information bearing the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat shall be
disseminated by NGA to Military Departments or other DOD Components, and to
authorized grantees for the conduct of official DOD business.
A2.8.3.2. DOD civilian, military and contractor personnel of a recipient DOD
Component, contractor or grantee may be granted access to information bearing the
LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat provided they have been determined to have a valid
need to know for such information in connection with the accomplishment of official
business for the DoD. Recipients shall be made aware of the status of such information,
and transmission shall be by means to preclude unauthorized disclosure or release.
Further dissemination of information bearing the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat by
receiving contractors or grantees to another Military Department, other DOD Component,
contractor or grantee, or dissemination by any recipient Component, contractor, or
grantee to any person, agency or activity outside DOD, requires the express written
approval of the Director, NGA.
A2.8.3.3. Information bearing the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat, or derivative
information, shall not be released, made accessible to or sold to foreign governments or
international organizations, to include through Foreign Security Assistance transactions
or arrangements, or transfer or loan of any weapon or weapon system that uses such
information, or intended to be used in mission planning systems, or through the Foreign
Military Sales (FMS) process, without the express, written approval of the Director,
A2.8.3.4. All FOIA requests for information bearing the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION
caveat or derived there from, shall be referred to NGA consistent with DOD Instruction
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A2.8.4. Protection of LIMITED DISTRIBUTION Information.
A2.8.4.1. Information bearing the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION caveat, or derivative
information, shall not be stored on systems accessible by contractors, individuals who are
not directly working on a DOD contract, or those who do not require access to such
information in connection with the conduct of official DoD business.
A2.8.4.2. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION information or derivative information, may only
be posted to DOD Web sites consistent with security and access requirements specified in
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum dated December 1998. Such information
shall not be transmitted over the World Wide Web or over other publicly accessible and
unsecured systems. Electronic transmission of such information, e.g., voice, data or
facsimile, shall be by approved secure communications systems or systems utilizing other
protective measures such as PKI.
A2.8.4.3. During working hours, reasonable steps shall be taken to minimize risk of
access by unauthorized personnel. After working hours, LIMITED DISTRIBUTION
information may be stored in unlocked containers, desks, or cabinets if Government or
Government-contract building security is provided. If such building security is not
provided, LIMITED DISTRIBUTION information shall be stored in locked buildings,
rooms, desks, file cabinets, bookcases, or similar items.
DISTRIBUTION information in the same manner approved for FOUO.
A2.8.4.4. When no longer required, all LIMITED DISTRIBUTION information and
copies, shall be returned to NIMA/NGA or destroyed in a manner sufficient to prevent its
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 3
A3.1. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Standards. [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 7,
A3.1.1. Air Force IDS Standards. See AFI 31-101, Air Force Installation Security Program,
Chapter 12, for Air Force policy on IDS.
A3.1.2. Trustworthiness Determinations. See AFI 31-501 for Air Force policy on
trustworthiness determinations.
A3.2. Physical Security Design Guidelines. See the Military Handbook Design Guidelines for
at for facility design standards.
DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 7 provides vault and secure room construction standards.
A3.2.1. The ISPM certifies vaults and secure rooms in concert with appropriate engineering
and communications technical representatives IAW DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 7.
A3.2.2. Commander, equivalent, or staff agency chief approves open storage.
A3.2.3. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) standards for Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facilities (SCIF) are included in Director Central Intelligence Agency Directive
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 4
A4.1. General. Comply with provisions of DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 8 for movement of
classified information or material to foreign governments. Air Force contracting officials ensure
that US industrial activities have a government approved transportation plan or other
transmission instructions.
A4.1.1. Receipts. Air Force personnel: [Reference DOD 5200.1-R, Appendix 8, Paragraph
A4.1.2. Use AF Form 349, Receipt for Documents Released to Accredited Representatives
of Foreign Nations (available on the AFEPL);
A4.1.3. Show the complete unclassified title, description of a classified letter, minutes of
meeting, and so on and any numerical identification of documents released on the form; and,
A4.1.4. (DELETED)
A4.2. Whenever possible, shippers should use military airlift for shipping classified to foreign
recipients. NOTE: When Air Mobility Command airlift cannot deliver, determine an alternate
secure method of direct delivery to a designated representative on a case-by-case basis
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, AP8.1.1.3.]
A4.3. Depot and contract administration officials review lists of freight forwarders specified by
the recipient foreign government to confirm that DOD 4000.25-8-M, Military Assistance
Program Address Directory System, Jul 95, shows them as authorized to transport classified
A4.4. See AFPD 24-2 and AFI 24-201 for instructions on “Report of Shipment.”
A4.5. Foreign Military Sales (FMS). Air Force activities having primary management
responsibility for processing FMS cases ensure that personnel include transmission instructions
[Reference DOD 5200.1-R, AP8.]
A4.5.1. FMS processors must coordinate with ISPMs/IP and transportation officials on
transportation plans submitted by foreign purchasers before giving final approval.
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 5
SUBJECT: Appointment of Inquiry Official, Incident No.
You are appointed to conduct a preliminary inquiry into security incident (number).
The incident involves (provide a short summary). Refer to AFI 31-401, Information Security
Program Management, paragraph 9.5., for security classification requirements.
The purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether a compromise occurred and to
categorize this security incident as either a security violation or a security infraction. You are
authorized to interview those persons necessary to complete your findings. You are further
authorized access to records and files pertinent to this inquiry. Your records indicate that you
have a (Secret, Top Secret, etc.) security clearance. Should you determine this incident
involved access to program information for which you are not authorized access, advise the
Information Security Program Manager (ISPM).
Contact (name and phone number of the ISPM), for a briefing on your responsibilities,
conduct of, and limitations of this inquiry. Your written report will be forwarded through the
ISPM to me within 30 duty days from the date of your appointment. As a minimum, your
report must contain the following:
a. A statement that a compromise or potential compromise did or did not occur.
b. Category of the security incident.
c. Cause factors and responsible person(s).
d. Recommended corrective actions needed to preclude a similar incident.
Notify me immediately at (phone number) if you determine that a compromise has
occurred. You are required to obtain technical assistance from the ISPM and Staff Judge
Advocate during the course of this inquiry whenever necessary.
(Signature Block of Commander, Staff Agency Chief, or equivalent)
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 6
SUBJECT: Preliminary Inquiry of Security Incident No.
Authority: A preliminary inquiry was conducted (date) under the authority of the attached
Matters investigated: The basis for this inquiry was that (provide a short summary of the
security incident including the date it occurred, the classification of information involved, and
the document control number if specific documents were involved). Refer to AFI 31-401,
Information Security Management Program Management, paragraph 9.5., for security
classification requirements.
Personnel Interviewed: (list all personnel interviewed, position title, office symbol, and
security clearance).
Facts: (list specific details answering who, what, why, where, and when questions concerning
the security incident).
Conclusions: As a result of the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the security
incident, interviews, and personal observations, it is concluded that: (list specific conclusions
reached based on the facts and if a compromise or potential compromise did or did not occur).
If a damage assessment is or has been done, provide the point of contact along with: the status
of the assessment if it hasn‟t been completed; or, describe the outcome if it has been
completed; or, provide a copy of the completed assessment report.
Recommendations: (list corrective actions needed to preclude a similar incident; the category
of the incident; damage assessment; if the incident is a compromise, potential compromise or
no compromise; and, if this inquiry should be closed without further investigation or with a
recommendation for a formal investigation).
(Signature block of inquiry official)
Appointment of Inquiry Official Memo, (date)
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
Attachment 7
A7.1. Front page format:
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A7.2. General Instructions (Minimum Required Items Are Circled)
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
General Instructions Continued:
General Instructions Continued:
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A7.3. Release Information:
A7.4. Classification and Declassification Information:
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
AFI31-401 1 NOVEMBER 2005
A7.5. DD Form 2024, DOD Security Classification Guide Data Elements:
Executive Order 13526 - Wikisource, the free online library
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Executive Order 13526
From Wikisource
Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009
Classified National Security Information
This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including
information relating to defense against transnational terrorism. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed
of the activities of their Government. Also, our Nation's progress depends on the free flow of information both within the Government
and to the American people. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national defense has required that certain information be
maintained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, our homeland security, and our interactions with
foreign nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security and demonstrating our commitment to open Government through
accurate and accountable application of classification standards and routine, secure, and effective declassification are equally important
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States
of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Sec. 1.1. Classification Standards.
(a) Information may be originally classified under the terms of this order only if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) an original classification authority is classifying the information;
(2) the information is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government;
(3) the information falls within one or more of the categories of information listed in section 1.4 of this order; and
(4) the original classification authority determines that the unauthorized disclosure of the information reasonably
could be expected to result in damage to the national security, which includes defense against transnational
terrorism, and the original classification authority is able to identify or describe the damage.
(b) If there is significant doubt about the need to classify information, it shall not be classified. This provision does not:
(1) amplify or modify the substantive criteria or procedures for classification; or
(2) create any substantive or procedural rights subject to judicial review.
(c) Classified information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or
similar information.
(d) The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security.
Sec. 1.2. Classification Levels.
(a) Information may be classified at one of the following three levels:
WHEREAS certain Federal agencies from time to time require in the administration of their activities a
system of numerical identification of accounts of individual persons; and
WHEREAS some seventy million persons have heretofore been assigned account numbers pursuant to
the Social Security Act; and
WHEREAS a large percentage of Federal employees have already been assigned account numbers
pursuant to the Social Security Act; and
WHEREAS it is desirable in the interest of economy and orderly administration that the Federal
Government move towards the use of a single unduplicated numerical identification system of accounts
and avoid the unnecessary establishment of additional systems:
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is
hereby ordered as follows:
1. Hereafter any Federal department, establishment, or agency shall, whenever the head thereof finds it
advisable to establish a new system of permanent account numbers pertaining to individual persons,
utilize exclusively the Social Security Act account numbers assigned pursuant to Title 26, section
402.502 of the 1940 Supplement to the Code of Federal Regulations and pursuant to paragraph 2 of this
2. The Social Security Board shall provide for the assignment of an account number to each person
who is required by any Federal agency to have such a number but who has not previously been
assigned such number by the Board. The Board may accomplish this purpose by (a) assigning such
numbers to individual persons, (b) assigning blocks of numbers to Federal agencies for reassignment to
individual persons, or (c) making such other arrangements for the assignment of numbers as it may
deem appropriate.
3. The Social Security Board shall furnish, upon request of any Federal agency utilizing the numerical
identification system of accounts provided for in this order, the account number pertaining to any person
with whom such agency has an account or the name and other identifying data pertaining to any account
number of any such person.
4. The Social Security Board and each Federal agency shall maintain the confidential character of
information relating to individual persons obtained pursuant to the provisions of this order.
5. There shall be transferred to the Social Security Board, from time to time, such amounts as the
Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to be required for reimbursement by any Federal
agency for the services rendered by the Board pursuant to the provisions of this order.
6. This order shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
November 22, 1943
[F.R. Doc. 43-19051; Filed, November 27, 1943; 2:45 p.m.]
[8 Federal Register 16095, November 30, 1943]
Executive Orders
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Executive Order 10450--Security requirements for Government employment
Source: The provisions of Executive Order 10450 of Apr. 27, 1953, appear at 18 FR 2489, 3 CFR,
1949-1953 Comp., p. 936, unless otherwise noted.
WHEREAS the interests of the national security require that all persons privileged to be employed in
the departments and agencies of the Government, shall be reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and
character, and of complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States; and
WHEREAS the American tradition that all persons should receive fair, impartial, and equitable
treatment at the hands of the Government requires that all persons seeking the privilege of
employment or privileged to be employed in the departments and agencies of the Government be
adjudged by mutually consistent and no less than minimum standards and procedures among the
departments and agencies governing the employment and retention in employment of persons in the
Federal service:
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the
United States, including section 1753 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (5 U.S.C. 631); the
Civil Service Act of 1883 (22 Stat. 403; 5 U.S.C. 632, et seq.); section 9A of the act of August 2, 1939,
53 Stat. 1148 (5 U.S.C. 118j); and the act of August 26, 1950, 64 Stat. 476 (5 U.S.C. 22-1, et seq.),
and as President of the United States, and deeming such action necessary in the best interests of the
national security, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. In addition to the departments and agencies specified in the said act of August 26, 1950,
and Executive Order No. 10237 of April 26, 1951, the provisions of that act shall apply to all other
departments and agencies of the Government.1
Sec. 2. The head of each department and agency of the Government shall be responsible for
establishing and maintaining within his department or agency an effective program to insure that the
employment and retention in employment of any civilian officer or employee within the department or
agency is clearly consistent with the interests of the national security.
Sec. 3. (a) The appointment of each civilian officer or employee in any department or agency of the
Government shall be made subject to investigation. The scope of the investigation shall be determined
in the first instance according to the degree of adverse effect the occupant of the position sought to be
filled could bring about, by virtue of the nature of the position, on the national security, but in no event
shall the investigation include less than a national agency check (including a check of the fingerprint
files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation), and written inquiries to appropriate local law-enforcement
agencies, former employers and supervisors, references, and schools attended by the person under
investigation: Provided, that upon request of the head of the department or agency concerned, the
Office of Personnel Management may, in its discretion, authorize such less investigation as may meet
the requirements of the national security with respect to per-diem, intermittent, temporary, or seasonal
employees, or aliens employed outside the United States. Should there develop at any stage of
investigation information indicating that the employment of any such person may not be clearly
consistent with the interests of the national security, there shall be conducted with respect to such
Executive Orders
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person a full field investigation, or such less investigation as shall be sufficient to enable the head of
the department or agency concerned to determine whether retention of such person is clearly
consistent with the interests of the national security.
(b) The head of any department or agency shall designate, or cause to be designated, any position
within his department or agency the occupant of which could bring about, by virtue of the nature of the
position, a material adverse effect on the national security as a sensitive position. Any position so
designated shall be filled or occupied only by a person with respect to whom a full field investigation
has been conducted: Provided, that a person occupying a sensitive position at the time it is designated
as such may continue to occupy such position pending the completion of a full field investigation,
subject to the other provisions of this order: And provided further, that in case of emergency a
sensitive position may be filled for a limited period by a person with respect to whom a full field preappointment investigation has not been completed if the head of the department or agency concerned
finds that such action is necessary in the national interest, which finding shall be made a part of the
records of such department or agency.
[Sec. 3 amended by EO 12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Sec. 4. The head of each department and agency shall review, or cause to be reviewed, the cases of
all civilian officers and employees with respect to whom there has been conducted a full field
investigation under Executive Order No. 9835 of March 21, 1947, and, after such further investigation
as may be appropriate, shall re-adjudicate, or cause to be re-adjudicated, in accordance with the said
act of August 26, 1950, such of those cases as have not been adjudicated under a security standard
commensurate with that established under this order.
Sec. 5. Whenever there is developed or received by any department or agency information indicating
that the retention in employment of any officer or employee of the Government may not be clearly
consistent with the interests of the national security, such information shall be forwarded to the head of
the employing department or agency or his representative, who, after such investigation as may be
appropriate, shall review, or cause to be reviewed, and, where necessary, re-adjudicate, or cause to
be re-adjudicated, in accordance with the said act of August 26, 1950, the case of such officer or
Sec. 6. Should there develop at any stage of investigation information indicating that the employment
of any officer or employee of the Government may not be clearly consistent with the interests of the
national security, the head of the department or agency concerned or his representative shall
immediately suspend the employment of the person involved if he deems such suspension necessary
in the interests of the national security and, following such investigation and review as he deems
necessary, the head of the department or agency concerned shall terminate the employment of such
suspended officer or employee whenever he shall determine such termination necessary or advisable
in the interests of the national security, in accordance with the said act of August 26, 1950.
Sec. 7. Any person whose employment is suspended or terminated under the authority granted to
heads of departments and agencies by or in accordance with the said act of August 26, 1950, or
pursuant to the said Executive Order No. 9835 or any other security or loyalty program relating to
officers or employees of the Government, shall not be reinstated or restored to duty or reemployed in
the same department or agency and shall not be reemployed in any other department or agency,
unless the head of the department or agency concerned finds that such reinstatement, restoration, or
Executive Orders
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reemployment is clearly consistent with the interests of the national security, which finding shall be
made a part of the records of such department or agency: Provided, that no person whose
employment has been terminated under such authority thereafter may be employed by any other
department or agency except after a determination by the Office of Personnel Management that such
person is eligible for such employment.
[Sec. 7 amended by EO 12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Sec. 8. (a) The investigations conducted pursuant to this order shall be designed to develop
information as to whether the employment or retention in employment in the Federal service of the
person being investigated is clearly consistent with the interests of the national security. Such
information shall relate, but shall not be limited, to the following:
(1) Depending on the relation of the Government employment to the national security:
(i) Any behavior, activities, or associations which tend to show that the individual is not
reliable or trustworthy.
(ii) Any deliberate misrepresentations, falsifications, or omissions of material facts.
(iii) Any criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct, habitual
use of intoxicants to excess, drug addiction, sexual perversion.
(iv) Any illness, including any mental condition, of a nature which in the opinion of
competent medical authority may cause significant defect in the judgment or reliability of
the employee, with due regard to the transient or continuing effect of the illness and the
medical findings in such case.
(v) Any facts which furnish reason to believe that the individual may be subjected to
coercion, influence, or pressure which may cause him to act contrary to the best interests
of the national security.
(2) Commission of any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, or sedition, or attempts thereat or
preparation therefore, or conspiring with, or aiding or abetting, another to commit or attempt to
commit any act of sabotage, espionage, treason, or sedition.
(3) Establishing or continuing a sympathetic association with a saboteur, spy, traitor, seditionist,
anarchist, or revolutionist, or with an espionage or other secret agent or representative of a
foreign nation, or any representative of a foreign nation whose interests may be inimical to the
interests of the United States, or with any person who advocates the use of force or violence to
overthrow the government of the United States or the alteration of the form of government of the
United States by unconstitutional means.
(4) Advocacy of use of force or violence to overthrow the government of the United States, or of
the alteration of the form of government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
(5) Knowing membership with the specific intent of furthering the aims of, or adherence to and
active participation in, any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group, or
combination of persons (hereinafter referred to as organizations) which unlawfully advocates or
practices the commission of acts of force or violence to prevent others from exercising their
rights under the Constitution or laws of the United States or of any State, or which seeks to
overthrow the Government of the United States or any State or subdivision thereof by unlawful
(6) Intentional, unauthorized disclosure to any person of security information, or of other
information disclosure of which is prohibited by law, or willful violation or disregard of security
(7) Performing or attempting to perform his duties, or otherwise acting, so as to serve the
interests of another government in preference to the interests of the United States.
Executive Orders
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(8) Refusal by the individual, upon the ground of constitutional privilege against selfincrimination, to testify before a congressional committee regarding charges of his alleged
disloyalty or other misconduct.
(b) The investigation of persons entering or employed in the competitive service shall primarily be the
responsibility of the Office of Personnel Management, except in cases in which the head of a
department or agency assumes that responsibility pursuant to law or by agreement with the Office.
The Office shall furnish a full investigative report to the department or agency concerned.
(c) The investigation of persons (including consultants, however employed), entering employment of,
or employed by, the Government other than in the competitive service shall primarily be the
responsibility of the employing department or agency. Departments and agencies without investigative
facilities may use the investigative facilities of the Office of Personnel Management, and other
departments and agencies may use such facilities under agreement with the Office.
(d) There shall be referred promptly to the Federal Bureau of Investigation all investigations being
conducted by any other agencies which develop information indicating that an individual may have
been subjected to coercion, influence, or pressure to act contrary to the interests of the national
security, or information relating to any of the matters described in subdivisions (2) through (8) of
subsection (a) of this section. In cases so referred to it, the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall make
a full field investigation.
[Sec. 8 amended by EO 10491 of Oct. 13, 1953, 18 FR 6583, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 973; EO
10531 of May 27, 1954, 19 FR 3069, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 193; EO 10548 of Aug. 2, 1954, 19
FR 4871, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 200; EO 11785 of June 4, 1974, 39 FR 20053, 3 CFR, 19711975 Comp., p. 874; EO 12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Sec. 9. (a) There shall be established and maintained in the Office of Personnel Management a
security-investigations index covering all persons as to whom security investigations have been
conducted by any department or agency of the Government under this order. The central index
established and maintained by the Office under Executive Order No. 9835 of March 21, 1947, shall be
made a part of the security-investigations index. The security-investigations index shall contain the
name of each person investigated, adequate identifying information concerning each such person, and
a reference to each department and agency which has conducted an investigation concerning the
person involved or has suspended or terminated the employment of such person under the authority
granted to heads of departments and agencies by or in accordance with the said act of August 26,
(b) The heads of all departments and agencies shall furnish promptly to the Office of Personnel
Management information appropriate for the establishment and maintenance of the securityinvestigations index.
(c) The reports and other investigative material and information developed by investigations conducted
pursuant to any statute, order, or program described in section 7 of this order shall remain the property
of the investigative agencies conducting the investigations, but may, subject to considerations of the
national security, be retained by the department or agency concerned. Such reports and other
investigative material and information shall be maintained in confidence, and no access shall be given
thereto except, with the consent of the investigative agency concerned, to other departments and
agencies conducting security programs under the authority granted by or in accordance with the said
act of August 26, 1950, as may be required for the efficient conduct of Government business.
[Sec. 9 amended by EO 12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Executive Orders
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Sec. 10. Nothing in this order shall be construed as eliminating or modifying in any way the
requirement for any investigation or any determination as to security which may be required by law.
Sec. 11. On and after the effective date of this order the Loyalty Review Board established by
Executive Order No. 9835 of March 21, 1947, shall not accept agency findings for review, upon appeal
or otherwise. Appeals pending before the Loyalty Review Board on such date shall be heard to final
determination in accordance with the provisions of the said Executive Order No. 9835, as amended.
Agency determinations favorable to the officer or employee concerned pending before the Loyalty
Review Board on such date shall be acted upon by such Board, and whenever the Board is not in
agreement with such favorable determination the case shall be remanded to the department or agency
concerned for determination in accordance with the standards and procedures established pursuant to
this order. Cases pending before the regional loyalty boards of the Office of Personnel Management
on which hearings have not been initiated on such date shall be referred to the department or agency
concerned. Cases being heard by regional loyalty boards on such date shall be heard to conclusion
and the determination of the board shall be forwarded to the head of the department or agency
concerned: Provided, that if no specific department or agency is involved, the case shall be dismissed
without prejudice to the applicant. Investigations pending in the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the
Office of Personnel Management on such date shall be completed, and the reports thereon shall be
made to the appropriate department or agency.
[Sec. 11 amended by EO 12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Sec. 12. Executive Order No. 9835 of March 21, 1947, as amended, is hereby revoked.
[Sec. 12 amended by EO 11785 of June 4, 1974, 39 FR 20053, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 874]
Sec. 13. The Attorney General is requested to render to the heads of departments and agencies such
advice as may be requisite to enable them to establish and maintain an appropriate employee-security
Sec. 14. (a) The Office of Personnel Management, with the continuing advice and collaboration of
representatives of such departments and agencies as the National Security Council may designate,
shall make a continuing study of the manner in which this order is being implemented by the
departments and agencies of the Government for the purpose of determining:
(1) Deficiencies in the department and agency security programs established under this order
which are inconsistent with the interests of, or directly or indirectly weaken, the national security.
(2) Tendencies in such programs to deny to individual employees fair, impartial, and equitable
treatment at the hands of the Government, or rights under the Constitution and laws of the
United States or this order.
Information affecting any department or agency developed or received during the course of such
continuing study shall be furnished immediately to the head of the department or agency concerned.
The Office of Personnel Management shall report to the National Security Council, at least
semiannually, on the results of such study, shall recommend means to correct any such deficiencies
or tendencies, and shall inform the National Security Council immediately of any deficiency which is
deemed to be of major importance.
(b) All departments and agencies of the Government are directed to cooperate with the Office of
Personnel Management to facilitate the accomplishment of the responsibilities assigned to it by
subsection (a) of this section.
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(c) To assist the Office of Personnel Management in discharging its responsibilities under this order,
the head of each department and agency shall, as soon as possible and in no event later than ninety
days after receipt of the final investigative report on a civilian officer or employee subject to a full field
investigation under the provisions of this order, advise the Office as to the action taken with respect to
such officer or employee. The information furnished by the heads of departments and agencies
pursuant to this section shall be included in the reports which the Office of Personnel Management is
required to submit to the National Security Council in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.
Such reports shall set forth any deficiencies on the part of the heads of departments and agencies in
taking timely action under this order, and shall mention specifically any instances of noncompliance
with this subsection.
[Sec. 14 amended by EO 10550 of Aug. 5, 1954, 19 FR 4981, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 200; EO
12107 of Dec. 28, 1978, 44 FR 1055, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 264]
Sec. 15. This order shall become effective thirty days after the date hereof.
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Editorial note: In Cole v. Young, 76 S.Ct. 861 (1955), section 1 of Executive Order 10450 was held
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
to be invalid if applied to everyThe
and agency.
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Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12:
Policy for a Common Identification Standard
for Federal Employees and Contractors
There are wide variations in the quality and security of identification used to gain access to secure facilities where
there is potential for terrorist attacks. In order to eliminate these variations, U.S. policy is to enhance security,
increase Government efficiency, reduce identity fraud, and protect personal privacy by establishing a mandatory,
Government-wide standard for secure and reliable forms of identification issued by the Federal Government to its
employees and contractors (including contractor employees). This directive mandates a federal standard for secure
and reliable forms of identification.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12
August 27, 2004
SUBJECT: Policies for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors
1. Wide variations in the quality and security of forms of identification used to gain access to secure Federal
and other facilities where there is potential for terrorist attacks need to be eliminated. Therefore, it is the
policy of the United States to enhance security, increase Government efficiency, reduce identity fraud,
and protect personal privacy by establishing a mandatory, Government-wide standard for secure and
reliable forms of identification issued by the Federal Government to its employees and contractors
(including contractor employees).
To implement the policy set forth in paragraph (1), the Secretary of Commerce shall promulgate in
accordance with applicable law a Federal standard for secure and reliable forms of identification (the
"Standard") not later than 6 months after the date of this directive in consultation with the Secretary of
State, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director
of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Director of the Office of Science and
Technology Policy. The Secretary of Commerce shall periodically review the Standard and update the
Standard as appropriate in consultation with the affected agencies.
"Secure and reliable forms of identification" for purposes of this directive means identification that (a) is
issued based on sound criteria for verifying an individual employee's identity; (b) is strongly resistant to
identity fraud, tampering, counterfeiting, and terrorist exploitation; (c) can be rapidly authenticated
electronically; and (d) is issued only by providers whose reliability has been established by an official
accreditation process. The Standard will include graduated criteria, from least secure to most secure, to
ensure flexibility in selecting the appropriate level of security for each application. The Standard shall not
apply to identification associated with national security systems as defined by 44 U.S.C. 3542(b)(2).
Not later than 4 months following promulgation of the Standard, the heads of executive departments and
agencies shall have a program in place to ensure that identification issued by their departments and
agencies to Federal employees and contractors meets the Standard. As promptly as possible, but in no
case later than 8 months after the date of promulgation of the Standard, the heads of executive
departments and agencies shall, to the maximum extent practicable, require the use of identification by
Federal employees and contractors that meets the Standard in gaining physical access to Federally
controlled facilities and logical access to Federally controlled information systems. Departments and
agencies shall implement this directive in a manner consistent with ongoing Government-wide activities,
policies and guidance issued by OMB, which shall ensure compliance.
Not later than 6 months following promulgation of the Standard, the heads of executive departments and
agencies shall identify to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and the Director of OMB
those Federally controlled facilities, Federally controlled information systems, and other Federal
applications that are important for security and for which use of the Standard in circumstances not
covered by this directive should be considered. Not later than 7 months following the promulgation of the
Standard, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and the Director of OMB shall make
recommendations to the President concerning possible use of the Standard for such additional Federal
This directive shall be implemented in a manner consistent with the Constitution and applicable laws,
including the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) and other statutes protecting the rights of Americans.
Nothing in this directive alters, or impedes the ability to carry out, the authorities of the Federal
departments and agencies to perform their responsibilities under law and consistent with applicable legal
authorities and presidential guidance. This directive is intended only to improve the internal management
of the executive branch of the Federal Government, and it is not intended to, and does not, create any
right or benefit enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments,
agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any other person.
The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security shall report to me not later than 7 months after the
promulgation of the Standard on progress made to implement this directive, and shall thereafter report to
me on such progress or any recommended changes from time to time as appropriate.
Last Published Date: August 19, 2015
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2016-02-23 |
File Created | 2016-02-23 |