Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Characteristics Study

Appendix C1 CN Director Survey rev 061416


OMB: 0584-0612

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State Agency Child Nutrition Director Web Survey

Community Eligibility Provision Characteristics Study (CEP)

State Agency Child Nutrition Director Web Survey

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-XXXX, expires XX/XX/XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of time estimates or suggestions for improving this form, please contact: Office of Policy Support, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support, Alexandria, VA 22302. Attention: Dr. John Endahl.

Prepared for: Prepared by:

US Department of Agriculture 2M Research Services

Food and Nutrition Service

Office of Policy Support

This survey is being conducted for the Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of a study called Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Characteristics Study. 2M Research Services has been hired by the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct this survey. Information provided in this survey will be kept private, to the extent provided by law. No data will be attributed to specific survey respondents. De-identified data from this study will be provided to the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S Department of Agriculture. Responses to the study will in no way affect your agency’s receipt of funds from USDA’s school meals program.

The study is authorized by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) and participation by selected states, local education agencies, and schools is required under Section 305 of the HHFKA. Section 305 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 States that “States, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, schools, institutions, facilities, and contractors participating in programs authorized under this Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.) shall cooperate with officials and contractors acting on behalf of the Secretary, in the conduct of evaluations and studies under those Acts.”

Please note, if you cannot complete the survey in one sitting, you can save it and complete it at a later date. You may also share the login credentials with appropriate personnel as you deem necessary in order to report accurate information. This survey will take about 60 minutes to complete.

We thank you for your cooperation and participation in this very important study.

Please confirm that the following contact information is correct. (Pre-filled—corrections allowed)

If you have any questions about the study or about completing this survey, please email xxxxxx@2mresearch.com or call 1-866-xxx-xxx (toll-free).



Contact information for the State Child Nutrition Director:



Suite, Bldg.:

City State Zip Code

Phone Number:


Email Address:

Name and address of person filling out this survey (if other than the Child Nutrition Director):



Suite, Bldg.:

City State Zip Code

Phone Number:


Email Address:

  1. Implementation of CEP

    1. Overall how was your experience implementing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)? (Select the best response)

☐ Not challenging

☐ A little challenging

☐ Moderately challenging

☐ Very challenging

☐ Extremely challenging

☐ Not applicable (Explain):

    1. Has the implementation of CEP resulted in any changes to your meal programs data tracking procedures (e.g. electronic, paper, etc.)??

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to1.4)

☐ Don’t know (go to 1.4)

    1. How have your meal programs data tracking procedures changed? (Select all that apply)

☐ Implemented our first electronic claims system

☐ Made major changes to our electronic claims system

☐ Made minor changes to our electronic claims system

☐ Made changes to our paper tracking procedures

☐ Other (Specify):

    1. Has the implementation of CEP resulted in any changes to your procedures and processes for direct certification and/or for identifying eligible students without an application?

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to1.6)

☐ Don’t know (go to 1.6)

    1. How have your procedures and processes for direct certification and/or for identifying eligible students without an application changed? (Select all that apply)

☐ Data linking/sharing among State data systems

☐ Data linking/sharing between State and local data systems

☐ Data linking/sharing at the local level

☐ Other (Specify:)

    1. Was your financial payment system sufficient to accommodate CEP?

☐ Yes (go to 1.8)

☐ No

    1. If no, which of the following adjustments did you make to your financial payment system?

☐ Add a new capability to the existing financial payment system

☐ Develop/purchase a separate system specifically for CEP

☐ Other (Specify:)

☐ Other (2) - (Specify:)

    1. Please indicate which of the following resources were available to your LEA during initial implementation of CEP.

Select all that apply

☐ Effective communication between LEA and SA

☐ Effective communication between FNS and SAs

☐ Training and support provided by FNS to SA

☐ Training and support provided by SAs to LEAs

☐ Technology

☐ Sufficient staff

☐ Sufficient monetary resources

☐ Education support (e.g., State superintendent, State School Business Officials Association)

☐ Political support (e.g., governor’s office)

☐ Other (Specify):

☐ Other (2) - (Specify):

    1. Shown below are the resources available to your SA and LEAs during the initial implementation of CEP indicated in question 1.8. Please rate the following resources in terms of their usefulness during the initial implementation of CEP. (prefill from 1.8)

Resources Available

1-Very Useful


3-Not Useful

5-Don't Know

Effective communication between LEA and SA

Effective communication between FNS and SAs

Training and support provided by FNS to SA

Training and support provided by SAs to LEAs


Infrastructure for eligibility verification

Sufficient staff

Sufficient monetary resources

Education support (e.g., State superintendent, State School Business Officials Association)

Political support (e.g., governor’s office)

Other (Specify):

Other (2) - (Specify):

The questions in this section seek to understand your State’s methods of communicating with LEAs and schools, as well as the success of CEP-related changes to the communication process.

    1. Please indicate which strategies your agency used to inform LEAs and schools within your State about the availability of CEP.

Select all that apply

☐ Email marketing campaign

☐ Providing basic information via mail

☐ Providing basic information via email

☐ Providing basic information via website

☐ USDA provided webinar for LEAs and schools

☐ Teleconference for LEAs and schools

☐ Press releases

☐ Media events

☐ One-on-one phone calls

☐ Meetings with LEAs

☐ Meetings with schools

☐ Share required notification lists

☐ Contact from state/political officials (e.g., governor’s office, superintendent)

☐ Other (Specify):

☐ Other (2) - (Specify):

☐ Other (3) - (Specify):

    1. Indicate the level of effectiveness of each strategy your agency used to inform LEAs and schools within your State about the availability of CEP. (prefill from 1.10)

Strategies Used to Inform LEAs and Schools

1-Very Effective

2- Effective

3- Not Effective

Email marketing campaign

Providing basic information via mail

Providing basic information via email

Providing basic information via website

Webinar for LEAs and schools

Teleconference for LEAs and schools

Press releases

Media events

One-on-one phone calls

Meetings with LEAs

Meetings with schools

Share required notification lists

Contact from state/political officials (e.g., governor’s office, superintendent)

Other (Specify):

Other (2) - (Specify):

Other (3) - (Specify):

    1. By April 15th, SAs must notify LEAs of districtwide eligibility status and provide additionally guidance information.

Did your State Agency notify eligible and potentially eligible LEAs of their districtwide eligibility for CEP by the April 15 deadline?

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Don’t know

    1. Please indicate any barriers to meeting the April 15th deadline to notify LEAs of districtwide eligibility for CEP:

    1. LEAs are required to submit to their State Agency lists of schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent, schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent, schools currently participating in CEP, and schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent.

Does your State have school-level information so that your LEAs do not have to submit the lists discussed above?

☐ Yes (go to 1.14.3)

☐ No

☐ Don’t know

      1. Please indicate if you received these by the April 15 deadline for all LEAs in the table below. (prefill from 1.14.1)

Required List

Received by April 15?



Don’t Know

Produced list without input from LEAs

Schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent

Schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent

Schools currently participating in CEP

Schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent

      1. Please indicate your perception of the difficulty faced by LEAs in producing these lists.

Required List

Level of Difficulty

Not Difficult

Moderately Difficult

Very Difficult

Schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent

Schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent

Schools currently participating in CEP

Schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent

      1. (This question will only display for the lists that were produced without input from LEAs. – Answered Yes to 1.14) Please indicate the sources of information that your SA used to produce the lists:

Required List

Sources of Information

Schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent




Schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent




Schools currently participating in CEP




Schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent




      1. (This question will only display for lists that were not received by the deadline.) What percent of LEAs were timely in responding to your agency with the information needed by April 15th? (Select the best response)

Required List

Percent of LEAs meeting the April 15th deadline

0-24 percent

25-49 percent

50-74 percent

75-99 percent

Don’t Know

Schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent

Schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent

Schools currently participating in CEP

Schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent

      1. (This question will only display for lists that were indicated to be very difficult.) Please indicate what you believe are the major barriers that LEAs encountered in their efforts to meet the April 15th deadline for identifying schools’ ISPs as required by USDA regulations for CEP.

Required List

Perceived Barriers

Schools with an identified student percentage (ISP) of at least 40 percent

Barrier 1:

Barrier 2:

Barrier 3:

Schools with an ISP greater than or equal to 30 but less than 40 percent

Barrier 1:

Barrier 2:

Barrier 3:

Schools currently participating in CEP

Barrier 1:

Barrier 2:

Barrier 3:

Schools in the fourth year of CEP participation with an ISP greater than 30 but less than 40 percent

Barrier 1:

Barrier 2:

Barrier 3:

  1. State and LEA Interaction

    1. Please indicate which of the following concerns kept LEAs and schools from participating in CEP?

Select all that apply.

Not financially viable

☐ Uncertainty or concern about meal reimbursements

☐ Uncertainty or concern about the effect on funding for educational programs

☐ Perceived need to collect alternate income data if FRP meal applications are eliminated

☐ Too few eligible schools

☐ Lack of time for implementation and training

☐ Difficulty establishing a School Breakfast Program

☐ Lack of community support

☐ Key LEA and/or school officials not supportive

☐ Insufficient time for LEAs to understand CEP and ascertain financial viability

☐ Insufficient time to obtain local approval for participation

☐ Other (Specify):

☐ Other (2) - (Specify):

☐ Other (3) - (Specify):

☐ Other (4) - (Specify):

☐ Other (5) - (Specify):

    1. To what extent did the concerns indicated in 2.1 keep LEAs and schools from participating in CEP?

(Indicate importance of the concerns in the table below.) (pre-fill from 2.1)


1-Very Important

2-Moderately Important

3-Not Important

4-Don't Know

Not financially viable

Uncertainty or concern about meal reimbursements

Uncertainty or concern about the effect on funding for educational programs

Perceived need to collect alternate income data if F/RP meal applications are eliminated

Too few eligible schools

Lack of time for implementation and training

Difficulty establishing a School Breakfast Program

Lack of community support

Key LEA and/or school officials not supportive

Insufficient time for LEAs to understand CEP and ascertain financial viability

Insufficient time to obtain local approval for participation

Other (Specify):

Other (2) - (Specify):

Other (3) - (Specify):

Other (4) - (Specify):

Other (5) - (Specify):

    1. What were some questions that LEAs and schools asked your SA about CEP?

Select all that apply

Financial Viability

☐ Calculation of ISPs for individual schools, groups of schools, and district

☐ Effect on Federal (Title I and E-rate) funding

☐ Effect on other State or local funding

☐ Effect on compensatory education funding provided by the State to LEAs

☐ Effect on mixed LEAs (i.e. not all schools participate in CEP)

☐ Effect on other benefits to low income students

☐ Requirement to collect household income data in the absence of FRP meals applications

☐ Other (Specify):

☐ Other (2) - (Specify):

☐ Other (3) - (Specify):

    1. How important were your responses in helping LEAs and schools in assessing CEP? (Indicate importance in the table below.) (pre-fill from 2.3)


1-Very Important

2-Moderately Important

3-Not Very Important

5-Don't Know

Financial Viability

Calculation of ISPs for individual schools, groups of schools, and district

Effect on Federal (Title I and E-rate) funding

Effect on other State or local funding

Effect on compensatory education funding provided by the State to LEAs

Effect on mixed LEAs (i.e. not all schools participate in CEP)

Requirement to collect household income data in the absence of FRP meals applications

Other (Specify):

Other (2) - (Specify):

Other (3) - (Specify):

    1. Which FNS and other Federal agency resources did you use for more information or help in answering these questions? (Please select all that apply per question) (pre-fill from 2.3)


1 - Referred to CEP Guidance Manual and Q&As

2 – Other FNS Web Resources (E.g. CEP Estimator)

3 - Approached FNS for Information

4 -Approached Other Federal Agencies for Information

5 - Did not Approach FNS or Federal Agencies for Information

Financial Viability

Calculation of ISPs for individual schools, groups of schools, and district

Effect on Federal (Title I and E-rate) funding

Effect on other State or local funding

Effect on compensatory education funding provided by the State to LEAs

Effect on mixed LEAs (i.e. not all schools participate in CEP)

Requirement to collect household income data in the absence of FRP meals applications

Other (Specify):

Other (2) - (Specify):

Other (3) - (Specify):

    1. Does your agency provide LEAs with any of the following tools to help them determine whether participation in CEP is financially feasible

☐ On-line calculators]

☐ Worksheets (developed by USDA or the State)

☐ Other tools (Specify):

☐ No tools provided

    1. Does your agency provide LEAs with technical assistance in conducting direct certification beyond what is conducted at the State-level (for example, in using additional data sources beyond SNAP or processes for identifying extended eligibility in SNAP households)?

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to2.9)

☐ Don’t know (go to 2.9)

    1. Please explain the type of technical assistance provided:

    1. The USDA FNS CEP Resource Center website provides resources for parents, teachers, and school officials at the local, state, and Federal level to better understand CEP, along with tools to help facilitate implementation of the Provision. Examples of the available resources include a CEP webinar series which provide guidance on topics such as outreach, administrative reviews, and direct certification and reporting, among others. Were you aware of the CEP Resource Center?

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to 2.14)

    1. Did you direct LEAs and school officials (State and local level) to FNS’ CEP Resource Center to provide additional Technical Assistance (e.g. webinars, guidance material, policy memos, partner website information, etc.) on CEP?

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to 2.14)

☐ Don’t know (go to 2.14)

    1. How useful is the USDA FNS CEP Resource Center perceived by LEAs and other school officials?

☐ Very useful

☐ Moderately useful

☐ Slightly useful

☐ Not at all useful

☐ Don’t know

    1. Does your State require all LEAs, including those participating in CEP, to conduct annual direct certification?

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Don’t know

    1. To what extent did your state use any of the following direct certification processes in the past year?


      1-Fully Used

      2-Beginning to Use

      3-Not Used

      Matching students in SNAP

      Matching children in TANF

      Matching foster children

      Matching other agency lists of students categorically eligible for free meals (for example, homeless, runaway, migrant youth, and Head Start)

      Including student ID numbers with direct certification lists

      All students from the same household identified through one student’s record

      Frequent review of data throughout the school year

      Medicaid in pilot States only

    2. How would you characterize the participation in CEP in your State in comparison to other provisions (e.g., Provision 1, Provision 2, and Provision 3)?

☐ More than I expected

☐ About as I expected

☐ Less than I expected

    1. What are your expectations for school participation in CEP in your State over the next two years (SY 2017-18 and 2018-19)?

☐ I expect participation to increase

☐ I expect participation to remain about the same

☐ I expect participation to decrease

  1. Functionality of CEP

    1. How has the discontinued use of FRP application data affected the allocation of educational benefits to economically disadvantaged students?

☐ It is more difficult to allocate benefits

☐ The level of difficulty is about the same

☐ It is less difficult to allocate benefits

☐ Other (Specify):

    1. Has time been saved on administrative reviews as a result of participation in CEP compared to operating in other provisions (e.g., Provision 1, Provision 2, and Provision 3)?

☐ Yes

☐ No (go to 3.4)

☐ Don’t know (go to 3.4)

    1. Approximately how much time has been saved as a result of participation in CEP in comparison to other provisions (e.g. Provision 1, Provision 2, and Provision 3)?


    2. Please describe how your agency verifies the accuracy of student enrollment and ISP data of individual schools (provided by LEAs)?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleState Agency Web Survey
AuthorChristina Davis
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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