name of potential primary contact),
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) within the U.S.
Department of Energy collects a wide variety of information
from entities involved in the energy industry, including
electric generators. By notice of the proposed data
collection announced in the U.S. Federal Register published on
May 19, 2016, EIA proposed changes to the information
collected on EIA surveys that cover the electric and solar
photovoltaic (PV) data collection. This program includes
EIA-63B, EIA-411, EIA-826, EIA-860, EIA-861, EIA 923, and
These forms are collected pursuant to the Federal Energy
Administration (FEA) Act of 1974, Public Law 93-275, and
response is mandatory
under the Act.
response to the May 19, 2016 Federal Register Notice (FRN),
EIA received a comment from the Instituto de Estadísticas
de Puerto Rico. The comment requested “On behalf of the
Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico … that
EIA begin gathering electric power data from companies
operating in Puerto Rico through the EIA’s Annual
Electric Generator Report (Form EIA-860) and the Power Plant
Operations Report (Form EIA-923).” After reviewing this
comment, EIA agreed that collecting these data would aid in
“providing the public and private sectors of Puerto Rico
with the information needed to monitor and understand the
current status, needs, and trends in Puerto Rico’s
electric power industry.” Subsequently, as detailed in
the attached FRN dated XX-XX-16, EIA is proposing to require
your plant to file Forms EIA-860 and EIA-923.
email and the attached FRN are provided to notify you of EIA’s
proposal to require your company to report electric power
generation information to EIA and provide you with an
opportunity to submit comments. If you wish to provide
comments, please follow the instructions in the attached FRN.
further information, please refer to EIA’s
2017 Reclearance Webpage where you will find additional
details. Please do not hesitate to contact
us if you have questions regarding this matter.