Infant’s State/Territory ID____________________ Mother’s State/Territory ID _____________________________ Approved
OMB No. 0920-1101
Exp. 08/31/2016
Pregnancy and Zika virus disease surveillance formThese data are considered confidential and will be stored in a secure database at the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPlease return completed form by sending an encrypted email to or by fax to the secure number: 404-718-2200. Pregnancy & Birth Defects phone number: 770-488-7100 |
Neonate Assessment |
Infant’s name: ___________________________________________________________ Last First MI |
Birth Certificate ID: ________________ |
Infant’s State/Territory ID __________________ |
Mother’s State/Territory ID ____________________ |
DOB: _____/_____/______ |
Sex: Male Female Ambiguous/undetermined |
Gestational age at delivery: ______ weeks ______ days |
Based on: (check all that apply) LMP ___/___/___ U/S (1st trimester) U/S (2nd trimester) U/S (3rd trimester) Other_______________ |
State/Territory of residence: ______________________________ |
County of residence: _____________________ |
Delivery type: Vaginal Caesarean section Delivery complication: No Yes If yes, _________________________________________ |
Arterial Cord blood pH: if performed _________
Venous Cord blood pH: if performed _________ |
Placental exam (based on path report): No Yes If yes, Normal Abruption Inflammation Other abnormality (please describe)
Apgar score: 1 min ________ / 5 min _________ |
Infant temp (if abnormal): _______ oF |
Physical Examination |
Birth head circumference: _______ cm ________ in molding present Physican report : Normal Abnormal |
Birth weight: _________ grams _________ lbs/oz |
Birth length: _________ cm _________ in |
Repeat head circumference: _______ cm _______ in < 24hrs 24-35hrs 36-48hrs > 48hrs Physican report : Normal Abnormal |
Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: No Yes, If yes, reason ______________________ |
Microcephaly (head circumference <3%ile): No Yes |
Seizures: No Yes |
Neurologic exam: check all that apply Not performed Unknown Normal Hypertonia/Spasticity Hyperreflexia Irritability Tremors Other Neurologic abnormalities (please describe below)
Splenomegaly by physical exam: No Yes Unknown (please describe)
Hepatomegaly by physical exam: No Yes Unknown (please describe)
Skin rash by physical exam: No Yes Unknown (please describe)
Other abnormalities identified: (please provide clinical description from medical records and include chromosomal abnormalities and syndromes); please check all that apply Microphthalmia Absent red reflex Excessive and redundant scalp skin Arthrogryposis (congenital joint contractures) Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (clubfoot) Other abnormalities (please describe below)
Neonate Imaging and Diagnostics |
Hearing screening : (date:____/_____/_____) Pass Fail or referred Not performed (please describe below)
Retinal exam (with dilation): Not Performed Unknown If performed: (date: _____/_____/_____) please check all that apply: Microphthalmia Chorioretinitis Macular pallor Other retinal abnormalities (please describe below)
Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound (date: _____/_____/_____) MRI (date: _____/_____/_____) CT (date: _____/_____/_____) Not Performed Findings: check all that apply Microcephaly Cerebral (brain) atrophy Intracranial calcification Ventricular enlargement Lissencephaly Pachygyria Hydranencephaly Porencephaly Abnormality of corpus callosum Other abnormalities (please describe below)
Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound (date: _____/_____/_____) MRI (date: _____/_____/_____) CT (date: _____/_____/_____) Not Performed Findings: check all that apply Microcephaly Cerebral (brain) atrophy Intracranial calcification Ventricular enlargement Lissencephaly Pachygyria Hydranencephaly Porencephaly Abnormality of corpus callosum Other abnormalities (please describe below)
Imaging study: Cranial ultrasound (date: _____/_____/_____) MRI (date: _____/_____/_____) CT (date: _____/_____/_____) Not Performed Findings: check all that apply Microcephaly Cerebral (brain) atrophy Intracranial calcification Ventricular enlargement Lissencephaly Pachygyria Hydranencephaly Porencephaly Abnormality of corpus callosum Other abnormalities (please describe below)
Was a lumbar puncture performed: Yes No Unknown (date: _____/_____/_____) |
Other tests/results/diagnosis (include dates):
Provider Information |
Neonatal Provider name: Dr. PA RN Mr. Ms. ______________________________________ Phone: _______________ Email: ________________________ Date of form completion _____/_____/____ |
Pediatric Provider name: Dr. PA RN Mr. Ms. ______________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ |
Name of person completing form: (if different from provider) _____________________________________ Hospital/facility:________________________________Phone:_______________________________________ Name of Infant Pediatrician: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Email: ________________________ Date of form completion _____/_____/____ |
Health Department Information |
Name of person completing form: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Email: ________________________ Date of form completion _____/_____/____ |
FOR INTERNAL CDC USE ONLY Mother ID: State/territory ID:
Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1101) |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | msl1 |
Last Modified By | Zirger, Jeffrey (CDC/OD/OADS) |
File Modified | 2016-03-31 |
File Created | 2016-03-29 |