3 & 6 Month Follow-Up Questionnaire for Men

Persistence of Ebola Virus in Body Fluids of Ebola Virus Disease Survivors in Sierra Leone

Attachment8a-3_3-6 Month follow up Questionnaire - Male

Main Study 3 & 6 Month Follow-Up Questionnaire - Male

OMB: 0920-1149

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Form Approved
OMB Control No. 0920-xxxx
Exp. Date xx/xx/20xx

Unique ID _____________________

3 and 6 Month Follow-Up Questionnaire for Men
Section A: To be completed by the Receptionist
1 Unique Study ID: 

First, I would like to ask you if your contact information has changed since your last visit. If
someone else answers the phone, we will not tell them any information about the study. I would
like to remind you that your involvement in the study is completely confidential.
2 Address of residence:


3 Village of residence:


4 District of residence:


5 Telephone:


6 Other contact/next of kin:


Signature: _____________________

Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)


Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR
Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).


Unique ID _____________________

Section B: To be completed by the Nurse

Thank you for participating in this study. I will be conducting your interview today and it will last
about 10 minutes. I ask all participants in this study the same questions. All of your answers are
confidential. I will mark a response to every question, but if you are not comfortable answering
any question, you can tell me to mark “no answer”. You can also ask me to go back, or repeat any
questions. Are you comfortable proceeding with the interview now?
Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about the time since we last saw you.
7 How is your overall health and wellbeing now, compared to your last study visit?
01 - My overall health now is the same as how I felt at my last study visit
02 - My overall health now is worse than how I felt at my last study visit
03 - My overall health now is better than how I felt at my last study visit
88 – Don’t know
99 - Refused
8 Since your last study visit, do you have any new health problems?
01 - Yes
02 - No SKIP TO 9
88 - Don’t know/not sure SKIP TO 9
99 - Refused SKIP TO 9
9 If yes, please specify the new health problems you are experiencing. MARK ALL THAT APPLY.
General (fevers, weight loss, loss of appetite, feeling tired)
Eye problems (itching, ocular redness, eye lid inflammation,
blurred vision, complete loss of vision)
Joint problems
Abdominal Pain
Neurological (loss of strength in arms, or legs, inability to
Skin problems (itching, spots)
Psychiatric problems (hallucinations, delusions)
Psychological problems (depression, anxiety)
Other (e.g. loss of hair) SPECIFY ______________________











Unique ID _____________________
10 Since your last study visit, have you been hospitalized for any serious illness?
01 - Yes
02 - No SKIP TO 10
88 - Don’t know/not sure SKIP TO 10
99 - Refused SKIP TO 10
10a What were the symptoms that you had?
SPECIFY: _______________________________________________________________________
10b When did you go to the hospital?
(DD/MM/YYYY) ____ / ____ / ______ □ Estimated
10c How many days did you stay at the hospital? 

□ Estimated

10d Which hospital did you go to?
SPECIFY: _______________________________________________________________________

10e What was your diagnosis?
SPECIFY: _______________________________________________________________________
10f What treatment did you receive?
SPECIFY: _______________________________________________________________________

11 Since your last study visit, has anyone in your household or any of your close contacts (such as
sexual partners or family) gotten Ebola?
01 - Yes
02 - No SKIP TO 11
88 - Don’t know/not sure SKIP TO 11
99 - Refused SKIP TO 11

12 If yes, please specify their relationship to you, and if they recovered or died.
Nurses should capture information on sexual partners, siblings, and children. If more than
one spouse, sibling or child, please list one per row.





Unique ID _____________________































13 Since our last meeting, have you participated in sexual activity? Sexual activity includes oral,
vaginal, or anal sex.
01 - Yes
02 - No SKIP TO 14
99 - Refused SKIP TO 14
14 If yes, how often did you use a condom during sex? Choose one.
01 - Never
02 - Some of the time
03 - Every time
88 - Don’t know
99 - Refused
15 How often have you engaged in sexual activities since your last visit?
01 - Every day
02 - 3 or more time a week
03 - 2 times a week
04 - Once per week
05 - Once per month
06 - Once
88 - Don’t know
99 – Refused
16 Since your last visit, did you make any women pregnant?
01 - Yes
02 - No
88 - Don’t know/not sure
99 – Refused
16a If Yes, how many times have you made a woman pregnant since your last visit?

___________ estimated

Unique ID _____________________

15 Thank you very much for participating in the survey today. Do you have any other comments
or concerns you would like to share about these topics?
16 Result of questionnaire:
01 - Completed
02 - Partially completed
03 - Participant refused
04 - Other → Specify: _________________

Signature ________________________________

Date: _____/_____/_________
(DD / MM / YYYY)

Signature ________________________________

Date: _____/_____/_________
(DD / MM / YYYY)


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMARRINAN, Jaclyn Elizabeth
File Modified2016-03-14
File Created2016-01-26

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