Form SSA-545 Plan to Achieve Self-Support

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

SSA--545 Revised Version

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

OMB: 0960-0559

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Form Approved
OMB No. 0960­0559

Social Security Administration

Date Received

In order to minimize recontacts or processing delays, please complete all
questions and provide thorough explanations where requested. If you need
additional space to answer any questions, use the Remarks section or a
separate sheet of paper.



A. What is your work goal? (Show the job you expect to have at the end of the plan. Be as specific
as possible. If you cannot be specific, provide as much information as possible on the type of
work you plan to do. If you do not yet have a specific goal and will be working with a vocational
professional to find a suitable job match, show "VR Evaluation" and be sure to complete Part II,
question F on page 4.)

If your plan involves paying for job coaching, show the number of hours of job coaching you will
receive when you begin working.
month (check one).
Show the number of hours of job coaching you expect to receive after the plan is completed.
month (check one).
B.	 Describe the duties and tasks you expect to perform in this job. Be as specific as possible.

C.	 How did you decide on this work goal and what makes this type of work attractive to you?

D.	 Is a license required to perform this work goal?



(If yes, include the steps you will follow to get a license in Part III.)

E.	 How much do you expect to earn each week/month (gross) after your plan is completed?
month (check one)
Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 1

PART I ­ YOUR WORK GOAL (Continued)
F. If your work goal involves self­employment, explain why working for yourself will make you more
self­supporting than working for someone else.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to start your own business, attach a detailed business plan.
The business plan must include:
• the type of business;
• products or services to be offered by your business;
• the advertising plan;
• a description of the market for the business;
• technical assistance needed;
• tools, supplies, and equipment needed;
• a profit­and­loss projection for the duration of the PASS and at least one year beyond its completion.
Also include a description of how you intend to make this business succeed.
For assistance in preparing a business plan, contact the Small Business Administration, Chamber of
Commerce, local banks, or other business owners.
G. Have you ever submitted a Plan to Achieve Self Support
(PASS) to Social Security?
Was a PASS ever approved for you?


NO If "no," skip to H.


NO If "no," skip to H.

When was your most recent plan approved (month/year)?
What was your work goal in that plan?

Did you complete that PASS?


If no, why weren't you able to complete it?

If yes, why weren't you able to become self­supporting?

Why do you believe that this new plan you are requesting will help you go to work?

NO If "no," skip to
H. Have you assigned your "Ticket to Work"?
Part II.
Show name, address and telephone number of the person or organization it was assigned to.

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Page 2

A.	 List all your disabling illnesses, injuries, or condition(s).

B.	 Describe any limitations you have because of your disability (e.g., limited amount of standing or
lifting, stooping, bending, or walking; difficulty concentrating; unable to work with other people,
difficulty handling stress, etc.) Be specific.

In light of the limitations you described, how will you carry out the duties of your work goal?

C.	 List the jobs you have had most often in the past few years. Also list any jobs, including
volunteer work, which are similar to your work goal or which provided you with skills that may
help you perform the work goal. List the dates you worked in these jobs. Identify periods of
self­employment. If you were in the Army, list your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Code;
for the Air Force, list your Air Force Speciality code (AFSC); and for the Navy, Marine Corps,
and Coast Guard, list your rank.
Job Title

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Type of

Page 3

Dates Worked



Select the highest grade of school completed.


GED or





High School Equivalency









Were you awarded a college or postgraduate degree?
When did you graduate?
What type of degree did you receive? (AA, BA, BS, MBA, etc.)?
In what field of study?


Have you completed any type of special job training, trade or vocational

4 or


If "no," skip to E.


If "no,"
skip to F.

Type of training
Date completed

Did you receive a certificate or license?


If "no," skip to F.

What kind of certificate or license did you receive?


Have you ever had or expect to have a vocational evaluation or an
Individualized Written Rehabilitation Plan (IWRP) or an Individualized Plan
for Employment (IPE)?


If "no,"
skip to G.

If "YES," attach a copy of the evaluation. If you cannot attach a copy, when were you
evaluated (or when do you expect to be evaluated) and when was the IWRP or IPE done ( or
when do you expect it to be done)?
Show the name, address, and phone number of the person or organization who evaluated you
(or will evaluate you) or who prepared the IWRP or IPE (or will prepare the IWRP or IPE.)

G.	 If you have a college degree or specialized training, and your plan includes additional education
or training, explain why the education/training you already received is not sufficient to allow you
to be self­supporting.

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 4

I want my Plan to begin
(This should be the date you started or will start working towards your goal.)
and my Plan to end
(This should be the date you expect to start working in your job goal.)
List the sequential steps that you have taken or will take to reach your work goal starting with your
begin date above and concluding with your expected end date above. Be as specific as possible. If
you are or will be attending school, show the number of courses you will take each quarter/semester
and attach a copy of the degree program or plan that shows the courses you will study. Include the
final steps to find a job once you have obtained the tools, education, services, etc., that you need.

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Beginning Date

Page 5

Completion Date


Do you propose to purchase or lease a vehicle?
If "no,"
If yes, list the purchase or lease of the vehicle as one of
skip to B
the steps in Part III and complete the following:
on Page 7
1. Explain why less expensive forms of transportation (e.g., public transportation, cabs) will not
allow you to reach your work goal.


Do you currently have a valid driver's license?
If no, does Part III include the steps you will follow to get a driver's



If "yes,"
skip to 3



If "yes,"
skip to 3

If no, who will drive the vehicle?
How will it be used to help you with your work goal?


Do you already own a vehicle?
If yes, explain why you need another vehicle to reach your work goal.


If "no,"
skip to 4

4. Describe the type of vehicle you propose to purchase or lease:
:Purchase price:
OR Lease price:
5. If the vehicle is new, explain why a used vehicle is not sufficient to meet your work goal.

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Page 6

Part IV ­ EXPENSES (Continued)

If you propose to purchase a computer or other major equipment, describe the computer or
equipment you will purchase, including the cost for each item.


Do you already own a computer?
If yes, explain why you need another computer to reach your work goal.


Please explain why you need the capabilites of the particular computer and/or equipment you


Other than the items identified in A through D above, list the items or services you are buying or
renting or will need to buy or rent in order to reach your work goal. Be as specific as possible. If
schooling is an item, list tuition, fees, books, etc. as separate items. List the cost for the entire
length of time you will be in school. Where applicable, include brand and model number of the
item. (Do not include expenses you were paying prior to the beginning of your plan; only
expenses incurred since the beginning of your plan can be approved.)
NOTE: Be sure that Part III shows when you will purchase these items or services or training.

1. Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?
How will this help you reach your work goal?

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 7

Part IV ­ EXPENSES (Continued)
2.	 Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?

How will this help you reach your work goal?

3. Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?

How will this help you reach your work goal?

4. Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?

How will this help you reach your work goal?

5. Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?

How will this help you reach your work goal?

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 8

Part IV ­ EXPENSES (Continued)
6.	 Item/service/training:
Total Cost: $
How will you pay for this item (one­time payment, installment or monthly payments)?

How will this help you reach your work goal?


Will any of the items, services or training costs be reimbursed to you or paid by any other
source, person or organization?
If yes, be sure to complete Part V, question F on page 11.

G.	 What are your current living expenses each month?
Include all living expenses:
• Rent, Mortgage, Property Taxes,
• Property/Personal Insurance,
• Utilities, Phone, Cable, Internet,
• Food, Groceries,
• Automobile Gas, Repair and Maintenance, Public Transportation,
• Clothes, Personal Items, Laundry/Dry Cleaning,
• Medical, Dental, Prescription,
• Entertainment, Charity Contributions, etc.


If the amount of income you will have available for living expenses after making payments or
saving money for your plan is less than your current living expenses, explain how you will pay
for your living expenses.

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 9


Do you plan to use any items you already own (e.g., equipment or property) to reach your work
If "no," skip to B. If yes, show the items you will use that you already own:
How will this help you reach your work goal?

How will this help you reach your work goal?

How will this help you reach your work goal?


Have you saved any money to pay for the expenses listed on pages 6­9 in Part IV? (Include
cash on hand or money in a bank account.)
If "yes," how much have you saved?


List the income you receive or expect to receive below. (Include Social Security benefits,
wages, self­employment, assistance, royalties, pensions, dividends, prizes, insurance, support
payments, etc.)
Type of Income



Frequency (Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

How much of this income will you set aside to pay for the vehicle, computer, major equipment
and other items, sevices and training listed in Part IV?

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 10

Part V ­ FUNDING FOR WORK GOAL (Continued)

Do you plan to save any or all of this income for a future purchase which is necessary to
complete your goal?
NO If "no," skip to F.
If "yes," you will need to keep this money separate from other money you have. How will you
keep the money separate. (If you will keep the savings in a separate bank account, give the
name and address of the bank and the account number.)


Will any other person or organization (e.g., grants, assistance, or Vocational Rehabilitation
agency) pay for or reimburse you for any part of the expenses listed in Part IV or provide any
other items or services you will need?
NO If "no," skip to Part VI.
If "yes," provide details as follows:
Who Will Pay


When will the item/
service be purchased?


Did someone help you prepare this plan?
If yes, give the name, address and telephone number of that person or organization:
City, State and Zip Code
E­mail address
Are they charging you a fee for this service?
If yes, how much are they charging?
Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 11



Part VI ­ OTHER CONTACTS (Continued)

May we contact them if we need additional information about your plan?



Do you want us to send them a copy of our decision on your plan?
If yes, please submit a Consent for Release of Information, form SSA­3288.



(If you also wish to authorize this person or organization to act on your behalf in matters
pertaining to this plan, please submit an Appointment of Representative, form SSA1696.)

Use this section or a separate sheet of paper if you need additional space to answer any questions:

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Page 12

If my plan is approved, I agree to:
Comply with all of the terms and conditions of the plan as approved by the Social Security
Administration (SSA).
Report any changes in my plan to SSA immediately.
Keep records and receipts of all expenditures I make under the plan until asked to provide
them to SSA.
Use the income or resources set aside under the plan only to buy the items or services
shown in the plan as approved by SSA.
Report any changes that may affect the amount of my SSI payment immediately. (For
example: income, resources, living arrangement, marital status.)
I realize that if I do not comply with the terms of the plan or if I use the income or resources set aside
under my plan for any other purpose, SSA will count the income or resources that were excluded and
I may have to repay the additional SSI I received.
I also realize that SSA may not approve any expenditure for which I do not submit receipts or other
proof of payment.
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on
any accompanying statements or forms, and it is true and correct to the best of my



City, State and Zip code


E­mail address
If you have a representative payee, the representative payee must sign below:
Representative Payee Signature
Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Page 13

See revised Privacy Act
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Section 1631(e) of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorizes us to collect this information. The information you provide will be
used to determine if we can approve your plan to achieve self­support.
The information you furnish on this plan is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information may limit your ability to
participate in this program.
We rarely use the information you supply in your plan for any purpose other than for making a determination relating to participation
in the program. However, we may use it for the administration and integrity of Social Security programs. We may also disclose
information to another person or to another agency in accordance with approved routine uses, which include but are not limited to the
1.	 To enable a third party or an agency to assist Social Security in establishing rights to Social Security benefits and/or coverage;
2.	 To comply with Federal laws requiring the release of information from Social Security records (e.g., to the Government
Accountability Office and Department of Veterans' Affairs);
3.	 To make determinations for eligibility in similar health and income maintenance programs at the Federal, state and local level; and
4.	 To facilitate statistical research and audit activities necessary to assure the integrity and improvement of Social Security programs
(e.g., to the Bureau of the Census and private concerns under contract to Social Security).
We may also use the information you provide in computer matching programs. Matching programs compare our records with records
kept by other Federal, state or local government agencies. Information from these matching programs can be used to establish or
verify a person's eligibility for Federally funded or administered benefit programs and for repayment of payments or delinquent debts
under these programs.
Complete lists of routine uses for this information are available in Systems of Records Notice 60­0255 (Plans for Achieving
Self­Support Management Information System). The Notice, additional information regarding this form, and information regarding
our systems and programs, are available on­line at or at your local Social Security office.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement ­ Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.  You do not need to answer these questions unless we
display a valid Office of Management and Budget control number.  We estimate that it will take about 120 minutes to read the
instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions.  SE�D OR BRI�G THE COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR LOCAL
SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. The office is listed underU. S.Government agencies in your telephone directory or you may call
Social Security at 1­800­772­1213 (TTY 1­800­325­0778). You may send comments on our time estimate above to:  SSA, 6401
See revised
 21235­6401.  Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address, not the completed form.

Reduction Act Statement

Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)	

Page 14

We received your plan for achieving self­support (PASS) on
Your plan will be processed by Social Security employees who are trained to work with PASS.


The PASS expert handling your case will work directly with you. He or she will look over the plan as
soon as possible to see if there is a good chance that you can meet your work goal. The PASS expert
will also make sure that the things you want to pay for are needed to achieve your work goal and are
reasonably priced. If changes are needed, the PASS expert will discuss them with you.
You may contact the PASS expert toll­free at 1­ (   )    ­

If we approve your plan, you must tell Social Security about any changes to your plan and any
changes that may affect the amount of your SSI payment. You must tell us if:
Your medical condition improves.
You are unable to follow your plan.
You decide not to pursue your goal or decide to pursue a different goal.
You decide that you do not need to pay for any of the expenses you listed in your plan.
Someone else pays for any of your plan expenses.
You use the income or resources we exclude for a purpose other than the expenses
specified in your plan.
There are any other changes to your plan.
There are any changes in your income, help you get from others, or things of value that you own.

There are any changes in where you live, how you live, or your marital status.
You must tell us about any of these things within 10 days following the month in which it happens. If
you do not report any of these things, we may stop your plan.
You should also tell us if you decide that you need to pay for other expenses not listed in your plan in
order to reach your goal. We may be able to change your plan or the amount of income we exclude so
you can pay for the additional expenses.
PAID FOR AS PART OF THE PLAN. You need to keep these receipts or cancelled checks until we
contact you to find out if you are still following your plan. When we contact you, we will ask to see the
receipts or cancelled checks. If you are not following the plan, you may have to pay back some or all
of the SSI you received.
Form SSA­545­BK (02­2010) ef (02­2010)

Page 15

SSA will insert the following revised Privacy Act Statement into the form at its
next scheduled reprinting:
Plan to Achieve Self-Support, SSA-545-BK
Privacy Act Statement
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Section 1631(e) of the Social Security Act, as amended, [42 U.S.C. 1383(e)] authorizes us to
collect this information. We will use the information you provide to help us determine if we can
approve your plan to achieve self-support. The information you furnish on this form is voluntary.
However, failure to provide the requested information may limit your ability to participate in this
We rarely use the information you supply for any purpose other than for making a determination
relating to participation in the program. However, we may use it for the administration and
integrity of Social Security programs. We may also disclose information to another person or to
another agency in accordance with approved routine uses, which include but are not limited to
the following:
See revised
1. To enable a third party or an agency
to assist Social Security in establishing rights to
Social Security benefits and/or coverage;Act
Statement below.
2. To comply with Federal laws requiring the release of information from Social
Security records (e.g., to the Government Accountability Office and Department of
Veterans Affairs);
3. To make determinations for eligibility in similar health and income maintenance
programs at the Federal, state, and local level; and
4. To facilitate statistical research and audit activities necessary to assure the integrity
and improvement of Social Security programs (e.g., to the Bureau of the Census and
private entities under contract with us).
We may also use the information you provide in computer matching programs. Matching
programs compare our records with records kept by other Federal, state, or local government
agencies. Information from these matching programs can be used to establish or verify a person’s
eligibility for Federally-funded or administered benefit programs and for repayment of payments
or delinquent debts under these programs.
A complete list of routine uses for this information is available in our System of Records Notice
60-0255 (Plans for Achieving Self-Support Management Information System). The Notice,
additional information regarding this form, and information regarding our systems and programs,
are available on-line at or at any local Social Security office.

SSA will insert the following revised PRA Statement into the form at its
next scheduled reprinting:
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the
requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this
collection is 0960-0555. We estimate that it will take between 120 minutes to read the
instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions. Send only comments relating to
our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401.

Plan to Achieve Self-Support, SSA-545-BK
Privacy Act Statement
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Section 1631(e) of the Social Security Act, as amended, [42 U.S.C. 1383(e)] authorizes us to
collect this information. We will use the information you provide to help us determine if we can
approve your plan to achieve self-support. The information you furnish on this form is voluntary.
However, failure to provide the requested information may limit your ability to participate in this
We rarely use the information you supply for any purpose other than for making a determination
relating to participation in the program. However, we may use it for the administration and
integrity of Social Security programs. We may also disclose information to another person or to
another agency in accordance with approved routine uses, which include but are not limited to
the following:
1. To enable a third party or an agency to assist Social Security in establishing rights to
Social Security benefits and/or coverage;
2. To comply with Federal laws requiring the release of information from Social
Security records (e.g., to the Government Accountability Office and Department of
Veterans Affairs);
3. To make determinations for eligibility in similar health and income maintenance
programs at the Federal, state, and local level; and
4. To facilitate statistical research and audit activities necessary to assure the integrity
and improvement of Social Security programs (e.g., to the Bureau of the Census and
private entities under contract with us).
We may also use the information you provide in computer matching programs. Matching
programs compare our records with records kept by other Federal, state, or local government
agencies. Information from these matching programs can be used to establish or verify a person’s
eligibility for Federally-funded or administered benefit programs and for repayment of payments
or delinquent debts under these programs.
A complete list of routine uses for this information is available in our System of Records Notice
60-0255 (Plans for Achieving Self-Support Management Information System). The Notice,
additional information regarding this form, and information regarding our systems and programs,
are available on-line at or at any local Social Security office.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePlan to Achieve Self Support
SubjectPlan to Achieve Self Support
File Modified2014-05-15
File Created2011-06-14

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