30-day FRN

30-day FRN 2016-02181.pdf

Consumer Health Information in Public Libraries User Needs Survey (NLM)

30-day FRN

OMB: 0925-0741

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 24 / Friday, February 5, 2016 / Notices
Contact Person: Megan Kinnane, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Division of
Extramural Activities, National Institute of
Mental Health, NIH, Neuroscience Center,
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 6148, MSC 9609,
Rockville, MD 20852–9609, 301–402–6807,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel;
Fellowships and Dissertation Grants.
Date: February 29, 2016.
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health,
Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive
Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Marcy Ellen Burstein,
Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Division of
Extramural Activities, National Institute of
Mental Health, NIH, Neuroscience Center,
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 6143, MSC 9606,
Bethesda, MD 20892–9606, 301–443–9699,
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel;
Dimensional Approaches to Research
Classification in Psychiatric Disorders
Date: March 1, 2016.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: The Dupont Hotel, 1500 New
Hampshire Avenue NW., Washington, DC
Contact Person: Rebecca Steiner Garcia,
Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Division of
Extramural Activities, National Institute of
Mental Health, NIH, Neuroscience Center,
6001 Executive Blvd., Room 6149, MSC 9608,
Bethesda, MD 20892–9608, 301–443–4525,
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program No. 93.242, Mental Health Research
Grants, National Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: February 1, 2016.
Carolyn A. Baum,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2016–02183 Filed 2–4–16; 8:45 am]

National Institutes of Health

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Submission for OMB Review; 30-Day
Comment Request Consumer Health
Information in Public Libraries User
Needs Survey (NLM)
Under the provisions of
Section 3507(a)(1)(D) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) has submitted


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to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) a request for review and
approval of the information collection
listed below. This proposed information
collection was previously published in
the Federal Register on October 30,
2015, page 66914 and allowed 60-days
for public comment. One public
comment was received. The purpose of
this notice is to allow an additional 30
days for public comment. The National
Library of Medicine (NLM), National
Institutes of Health, may not conduct or
sponsor, and the respondent is not
required to respond to, an information
collection that has been extended,
revised, or implemented on or after
October 1, 1995, unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Direct Comments to OMB: Written
comments and/or suggestions regarding
the item(s) contained in this notice,
especially regarding the estimated
public burden and associated response
time, should be directed to the: Office
of Management and Budget, Office of
Regulatory Affairs, OIRA_submission@
omb.eop.gov or by fax to 202–395–6974,
Attention: NIH Desk Officer.
Comment Due Date: Comments
regarding this information collection are
best assured of having their full effect if
received within 30-days of the date of
this publication.
obtain a copy of the data collection
plans and instruments or request more
information on the proposed project
contact: David Sharlip, Office of
Administrative and Management
Analysis Services,, National Library of
Medicine, Building 38A, Room B2N12,
8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD
20894, or call non-toll-free number (301)
402–9680, or Email your request,
including your address to: sharlipd@
mail.nih.gov. Formal requests for
additional plans and instruments must
be requested in writing.
Proposed Collection: Consumer
Health Information in Public Libraries
User Needs Survey (NLM)), 0925–New,
National Library of Medicine (NLM),
National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Need and Use of Information
Collection: In 1994, the NLM was
designated a ‘‘Federal Reinvention
Laboratory’’ with a major objective of
improving its methods of delivering
information to the public.
NLM has become an international
leader in health informatics research
and development, especially in
consumer health informatics. As a

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result, NLM needs to remain
contemporary in consumer health
informatics research by utilizing
research methods that yield a better
understanding of the predictors of
consumer satisfaction. Without ongoing
insights into the predictors of consumer
satisfaction, NLM will lack the research
findings to make evidence-based
changes in the content, design and
editorial management of its consumer
Web sites and will not optimally serve
the public.
Public libraries have been identified
as a key resource for public information
about the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which
took full effect on October 1, 2013. A
national anonymous survey of library
staff will help us better understand the
challenges and successes of information
provision in this critical area of high
information need. Research and funding
into the challenges of health
information in public libraries is, at
present, almost nonexistent. In the
present environment of health insurance
reform and presumption of informed
consumer choice, this is a critical
knowledge gap. Information collection
from library workers will supply muchneeded feedback on the specific areas of
challenge for information provision by
public libraries. The results of this study
will be used by the Principal
Investigators’ home institutions—the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, an
institution of higher education
preparing future library workers, and
the Specialized Information Services
division of the National Library of
Medicine—to inform preparation of
outreach and training materials as well
as advising other organizations and
institutions providing PPACA
information provision assistance to
public libraries (e.g., American Library
Association). To improve our
understanding of the challenges and
gaps in information provision and
awareness around PPACA, the
information we get from this survey will
be used to inform and improve NLM’s
services to public libraries, as well as
increase our understanding of the
resource and education needs of public
library workers.
OMB approval is requested for 3
years. There are no costs to respondents
other than their time. The total
estimated annualized burden hours are




Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 24 / Friday, February 5, 2016 / Notices
Number of

Type of respondents

Average time
per response

burden hour

Library workers ................................................................................................





Total ..........................................................................................................





Dated: January 28, 2016.
David Sharlip,
Project Clearance Liaison, NLM, NIH.

552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.

[FR Doc. 2016–02181 Filed 2–4–16; 8:45 am]

National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute; Amended
Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given of a change in
the meeting of the National Cancer
Institute Clinical Trials and
Translational Research Advisory
Committee, March 09, 2016, 11:00 a.m.
to March 09, 2016, 01:00 p.m., National
Cancer Institute, Shady Grove, 9609
Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD,
20850 which was published in the
Federal Register on January 26, 2016, 81
FR 4321.
The meeting notice is amended to
change the location of the meeting from
the National Cancer Institute, Shady
Grove, 9609 Medical Center Drive,
Rockville, MD, 20850 to the National
Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville
Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20892, Building 31,
C-Wing, 6th Floor, Room 10. The
meeting is open to the public.
Dated: February 1, 2016.
Melanie J. Gray,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2016–02187 Filed 2–4–16; 8:45 am]

National Institutes of Health

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Number of
responses per

Center for Scientific Review; Notice of
Closed Meetings
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections

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Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel Member
Conflict: Oral Dental and Craniofacial
Date: February 24, 2016.
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
(Virtual Meeting).
Contact Person: Baljit S. Moonga, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 4214,
MSC 7806, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–
1777, moongabs@mail.nih.gov.
This notice is being published less than 15
days prior to the meeting due to the timing
limitations imposed by the review and
funding cycle.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel PAR–15–
020: Systems Developmental Biology for
Understanding Embryonic Development and
the Ontogeny of Structural Birth Defects.
Date: February 29–March 1, 2016.
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
(Virtual Meeting).
Contact Person: Thomas Beres, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Dr. Rm. 5201, MSC
7840, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–1175,
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel PAR13–185:
Image Guided Drug Delivery in Cancer.
Date: March 2, 2016.
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: Doubletree Hotel Bethesda
(Formerly Holiday Inn Select), 8120
Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.
Contact Person: Mehrdad Mohseni, MD,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of

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Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 5211,
MSC 7854, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–
0484, mohsenim@csr.nih.gov.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel,
Fellowships: Neurodevelopment, Synaptic
Plasticity and Neurodegeneration.
Date: March 3–4, 2016.
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: The Westgate Hotel, 1055 2nd
Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101.
Contact Person: Mary Schueler, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 5214,
MSC 7846, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–451–
0996, marygs@csr.nih.gov.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel Fellowships:
Learning, Memory, Language,
Communication and Related Neurosciences.
Date: March 3–4, 2016.
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: Washington Marriott Wardman Park
Hotel, 2660 Woodley Road, NW.,
Washington, DC 20008.
Contact Person: Mary G. Schueler, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 5214,
MSC 7846, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–915–
6301, marygs@csr.nih.gov.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel Member
Conflict: Surgical Sciences and
Date: March 3, 2016.
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
(Virtual Meeting).
Contact Person: John Firrell, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Center for
Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 5118,
MSC 7854, Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–435–
2598, firrellj@csr.nih.gov.
Name of Committee: Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel PAR Panel:
Extracellular Vesicles and Substance Abuse.
Date: March 4, 2016.
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892
(Virtual Meeting).



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File Modified2016-02-05
File Created2016-02-05

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