Now Is the Time (NITT) - Healthy Transition (HT) Evaluation

Attachment 6_Project Director Telephone Interviews

Project Director Telephone Interview

OMB: 0930-0360

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OMB No. 0930-XXXX

Expiration Date XX/XX/XXXX

Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  The OMB control number for this project is 0930-xxxx.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 minutes per respondent, per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1057, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

ATTACHMENT 6: Project Director Telephone Interviews


PART I. Personal Information Module

*NOTE: Complete this section ONLY if PIM was not completed previously in WEB survey format*

PART II. Core Interview



Example Prompts


  • Facilitators of young adult success

  • What do you think are the most important things young adults need to be successful? Are these different for young adults with mental health needs versus young adults without mental health needs? Which of these needs should transition programs provide?


  • Training, background

  • Responsibilities; Desirable experience & qualifications.

  • Relationships

(time w/staff, which types of staff, young adults, focus of these activities)

Training, Background

  • What is your official job title?

  • What is your professional discipline (e.g., social work, nurse practitioner, educator?)

  • Other than training that you’ve mentioned so far (i.e., for your professional discipline), what training did you receive (or continue to receive) for your current position?

Responsibilities & Desirable Experience, Qualifications for These

  • Describe your core responsibilities.

  • What do you do that is unique to your role, which no one else does?

  • Describe a typical day?

  • If you had to hire someone to do what you do, what would you put in a position description?


  • What types of supervisory and other relationships do you have with your staff?

  • How much time do you spend with other staff? Which staff? Professionals, paraprofessionals, young adults in peer roles (i.e., roles involving use of their lived experience in helping other youth or making services more youth friendly, like the youth coordinator or peer support staff)? Doing what? Do you spend time with young adults in services? Doing what?


  • Application decision to apply, application process

  • Planning. Planning between award and start of services.

  • Service Rollout Important events related to service rollout; challenges, successes, in the order in which they occurred


    • Describe the rationale for the application, key players, and their contributions.

      • Are these individuals/organizations still involved? If not, why? If so, are their roles different in any way from at the start of the project? If so, how?

    • What policies, administrative rules, organizational structure, or contract language needed to be changed in order to establish this program?

    • How were appropriate providers identified? (for “core”, other services, supports)?


    • Describe the planning group/s involved in the application process (e.g., steering, operational). What was/were these groups and the roles/functions for each? How were their participants selected or determined, by who? What types of people representing which organizations or interest groups?

    • Describe resources, barriers, and facilitators for planning of your NITT-HT initiative systems change and service activities.

    • Please discuss any especially crucial points in the planning process (e.g., where new resources were obtained, barriers addressed, or strategies for delivering services or changing systems).

Service Rollout

  • Other than those related to planning, please discuss any important events related to service rollout, including:

    • welcoming or “kick-off” events for staff, community;

    • outset, completion of staff training;

    • when specific services and supports began to be offered (i.e., particular types, different dates from the general start date for services).

    • when data collection began for local evaluation/quality assurance

  • Were there any unforeseen delays in any of these critical dates (e.g., services/training/data collection did not begin until later than intended?)


  • State/local Coordination. How state works to make services more coordinated; how it seeks to change coordination through the grant.

  • Changes sought through grant activities.

  • Block grant funds

  • Learning Laboratory coordination. Differences among LLs and surrounding communities; how LLs work together.

State/local Coordination

  • Existing” Multi-sectoral coordination at STATE level

    • How are child and adult MH services coordinated at state/local levels in your state (i.e., not necessarily just in the context of NITT-HT, but in general)?

      • Is there planning to assure continuity of care from child to adult system? To identify areas in which child and adult systems are incompatible, such as in having differing eligibility requirements?

    • How are substance abuse and MH services coordinated at state/local level (not necessarily just for NITT-HT, but in general)?

      • Is there planning to avoid gaps in or duplication of care for mental health and substance abuse problems? Co-ordinate care for individuals with co-occurring behavioral and substance abuse conditions?

    • VR/Workforce Investment Act & behavioral health (MH and substance use) coordinated at state/local level?

  • Changes sought through grant activities

    • Describe specific efforts that are being made to CHANGE how child and adult services are coordinated through the grant.

    • Describe NEW specific efforts made toward other types of service coordination.

    • NEW MOAs & MOUs; how and why these were established

Block Grant funds

  • How are the 5% mental health block grant funds being used?

Learning Laboratory Coordination

  • Similarities & Differences. What are the similarities and differences in communities served by the different learning laboratories in the project, their demographics, financial resources, etc.?

    • What are similarities and differences between/among different learning laboratories in their staffing?

    • What are the similarities and differences of services and supports offered by learning laboratories?

  • Collaboration between/among learning laboratories

    • Describe how sites work together and are supported by the initiative and the state in their work (what are ways in which services and supports, training, quality assurance are coordinated across learning laboratories? Through common approaches, resources?)


  • Advisory committee involvement

  • Team functioning functioning of each team, overall

Advisory committee involvement.

  • Describe advisory teams for the project at state and local levels:

    • Name each team

    • Describe functions of each team

    • Describe membership of each team (who should be represented?, who is represented officially?, who is represented through consistent attendance?; who is a “major player” (makes meaningful contributions on a regular basis OR someone who participates less often but helps make systems change happen).

    • Other description of composition (underrepresented groups are included by ethnicity, sexual identity or orientation; were these recruited deliberately, how?)

Team functioning

  • What are strengths of your advisory teams? (What works well? What has been challenging?)

  • What are the weaknesses of your advisory teams? What has been challenging?

  • How have areas of challenge been addressed?


  • Budgetary/fiscal


  • How have you worked with partners and advisory team members to ensure financing for costs associated with all aspects of the transition project?

    • In what ways have you worked to pool resources in order to cover costs?

    • Have there been areas of disagreement or shifting of responsibility?

  • What costs related to NITT-HT systems change and services efforts were easily covered through your NITT-HT funds? What is more challenging to cover, and how this been addressed?

  • What resources for funding activities exist that you hope to further develop over the course of the project (i.e., other financial resources of the grantee, not NITT-HT funding?)


  • Attitudes of programs, local communities toward TAYYA (positive? Negative?)

  • Contextual (economic, social, political) issues

  • Social marketing plan/communication plan

Attitudes of programs, local communities

  • What are attitudes of broader communities of learning laboratories toward Y & YAs served? How positive, open? How negative/stigmatizing?

  • Are there specific populations within the broader Y & YA service population which are particularly embraced or stigmatized?

Contextual economic, social, political issues

  • What are some broader contextual factors -- economic, social, political – that impact the ability of the NITT-HT initiative to meet its goals? What specific helpful, unhelpful ways?

Social marketing/communication plan

  • What are the goals of any social marketing/communication plans of the initiative?

  • What specific social marketing activities are being carried out?

    • Use of social media (for youth? For other?)

    • Other use of internet (website/pages describing initiative? Email blasts?)

  • What is the plan for evaluating performance of these activities in achieving goals?

  • How does this plan address contextual economic/social/political issues we’ve discussed?


  • Young adult voice. Specific strategies for “hearing” young adult voice.

  • Y/YA influence. How Y & YA voice has been influential.

  • Family voice. How family voice has been influential.

  • Relationship between youth & family voice.

  • Youth & Family Voice – Service Level

Hearing young adult voice - Systems Level.

  • What are your strategies for hearing youth voice at the systems level?

    • Ask about recruitment/selection of youth for systems level youth focus group. Why were these individuals recruited/selected? What role/importance do they have for the system?

    • How is young adult voice supported? (e.g., selection and recruitment; advocacy, leadership training; preparation prior to specific meetings; “partnering” with adults?)

Young adult influence

  • How has young adult voice been influential in the initiative thus far at the systems level?

  • Describe something about the demonstration that is different than it would otherwise have been as a function of young adult involvement and voice.

Family voice

  • What are the specific strategies for “hearing” family voice? (e.g., selection and recruitment; advocacy, leadership training; preparation prior to specific meetings; “partnering” with adults).

  • How has family voice been influential in the initiative thus far?

  • Something about the initiative that is different than it would have been due to family voice.

Relationship between youth and family voice

  • Describe ways in which youth and family voice have complemented one another in planning, implementation – have they been “on the same page”? In what ways “yes,” in what ways “no?”

  • Have youth and family representatives worked with one another directly (rather than both participating in a larger group)? If so, how? How have these efforts been a success, challenge?

Youth and Family Voice - Services Level

  • What strategies or processes are used to ensure that youth have a voice in their own services?

  • What strategies or processes are used to ensure that family have appropriate voice, balanced, not overshadowing youth?


  • Project functions. Review Project activities in application.

  • Accessibility. Efforts to make services and supports accessible.

PD Functions

  • Generally, in what ways does this project build on existing services and supports in the community? (i.e., enhance or expand services and supports).

  • Follow up on prior probe for:

    • Outreach, Identification (screening & assessment)

    • Service access

    • Services

    • Reducing risk and associated harm of substance abuse?

    • Other risk behavior?


  • What efforts are there to make services accessible for the age group (e.g., flexible schedules)?

  • For subpopulations (rural, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation/identity, etc.


  • Workforce development approach

  • Making workforce more youth friendly.

  • Other workforce development efforts

  • Barriers, facilitators

Workforce development approach

  • What is/are the philosophy, values, model, components, strategies?

  • Who is included in these workforce development efforts (i.e., which types of staff are trained?

Making workforce more youth friendly

  • How did/will the program’s staff learn how to work with Y & YA? Subgroups (ethnic, cultural?).

Other workforce development efforts

  • What trainings exist in EBP or best practices?

  • Any other types of "core" trainings; other trainings, curricula used for these?

Barriers and Facilitators to Workforce Development

  • What are inputs, resources, barriers to planning of workforce development strategies?


  • QA approach

  • Other Implementation drivers

  • Benefits from SAMHSA technical Assistance

QA approach

  • Describe [Philosophy, values, model, components, strategies] of your QA efforts.

  • Describe the process of developing your quality assurance plan

    • What facilitated the planning process -- inputs, barriers facilitators?

  • Describe challenges in the roll out and early implementation of your QA plan

  • What strategies are used for quality improvement (e.g., feedback to staff).

Other Implementation drivers

  • What processes are currently in place as part of the initiative plan to implement or improve coaching, supervision, and consultation on services?

  • Are there plans to improve data systems for assisting in decision-making, feedback?

  • Are there other ways in which the initiative is supporting implementation of services in the field than those discussed to now? What are these?

  • What are facilitators, and challenges in using these implementation strategies? To the extent these challenges are ongoing, what steps are planned to overcome them?

Benefits from SAMHSA technical assistance

  • 1) most important things gained; 2) anything else beneficial worthy of mention; 3) suggestions for building on this support or other improvements to TA.


  • Sustainability and dissemination

Sustainability and dissemination

  • Has any sustainability planning occurred to date? What was/will be the process for sustainability planning (including identifying priorities for services and supports to sustain and means of doing so?)

  • Are there plans currently to replicate your work as part of the NITT-HT initiative at other sites?


  • Summary


  • What do you see as most significant strengths of the initiative?

  • What do you see as its greatest challenges?

  • Anything else that is important to understanding the early implementation of this program?


PART I. Personal Information Module

*NOTE: Complete this section ONLY if PIM was not completed previously in WEB survey format*

PART II. Core Interview



Example Prompts


  • Changes and challenges. Changed/new strengths; changed/new barriers; unexpected course corrections since early implementation

  • Differences across laboratories

Changes and challenges

  • During the first interview, you mentioned the following areas as being prominent strengths of your NITT HT Initiative ________________. Have these changed? Are some of these areas more challenging than before? Are there new areas to highlight as strengths?

  • The following areas were mentioned as challenges ___________________. Have you made progress in these areas? In what ways? How? What has been especially helpful in this regard? What challenges remain? Are there new areas of challenge that you were not aware of earlier?

  • How have things evolved differently from what was planned or the way implementation began?

  • How have the learning laboratories overcome initial challenges?

Differences across Learning Laboratories

  • How have experiences with early implementation differed across learning laboratories?

ROLE I [for NEW Project Director only]

*NOTE: ONLY complete this section if the Project Director is new to this interview; if PD was interviewed previously, do ROLE II section instead]*

  • Training, background

  • Responsibilities; Desirable experience & qualifications.

  • Relationships

(time w/staff, which types of staff, young adults, focus of these activities)

Training, Background

  • What is your professional discipline (e.g., social work, nurse practitioner, educator?)

  • What other training have you received for your current position?

Responsibilities & Desirable Experience, Qualifications for These

  • Describe your core responsibilities.

  • What do you do that is unique to your role, which no one else does?

  • If you had to hire someone to do what you do, what would you put in a position description?


  • What types of supervisory and other relationships do you have with your staff?

  • How much time do you spend with other staff? Which staff? Professionals, paraprofessionals, young adults in peer roles (i.e., roles involving use of their lived experience, like the youth coordinator or peer support staff)? Doing what? Do you spend time with Y & YA? Doing what?


*Do Role II section ONLY if Project Director was interviewed previously*

  • Changes in responsibilities

  • Changes in Relationships

Changes in responsibilities

    • How have your responsibilities this changed over time since the last interview?

    • What is your understanding of why these changes were made?

    • Did you initiate them (was it your idea)? And if not, were you meaningfully consulted?

Changes in relationships

    • Has your understanding of your role as Project Director changed in any significant way since the last interview?

    • Has how you spend your time changed? Changes in relationships, time spent with supervisees or other staff? Anything you’ve learned about your role that you wish you knew before?


  • Implementation Progress

Implementation Progress

  • Review planning and early implementation timeline, milestones from Interview #1 and remaining initial implementation tasks

    • What is the status of these remaining implementation tasks?

    • Any further activities necessary to achieve “full implementation” of the model. [NOTE: If necessary, provide definition of “full implementation”]


  • State/local Coordination updates

  • Cross-site collaboration updates

  • Updates in use of Block Grant funds.

State/Local Coordination Updates

  • Review plans for changing Multi-sectoral coordination at STATE level (from interview #1).

    • Child and adult mental health

    • Substance abuse and mental health

    • VR/Workforce Investment Act & behavioral health

  • New MOAs/MOUs?

  • What has been successful, less so? Changes in plans to address remaining areas of challenge?

Cross-site Coordination Updates

  • How has the “Cross-site” model changed/ Describe how the ways in which sites work together and support of the initiative by the state have changed (or differ from what was in the plan?)

    • Coordination of Training; QA across sites.

Block grant Fund Use Updates

  • [Reiterate plans for 5% mental health block grant fund use from Interview #1] Have plans for use of 5% of MH block grant funded been implemented as envisioned? What have challenges been?

  • What are “lessons learned” from this (if you had to do the planning phase over again…?)


  • Changes in advisory teams

Changes in Advisory Teams

  • Have there been major changes in the structure or composition of steering, advisory, and other organizational teams or workgroups since the last interview?

  • Have there been changes in the functioning? What are strengths of your advisory teams now? What are the weaknesses of your advisory teams? What has been challenging?

  • How have areas of challenge been addressed?


  • Changes in fiscal facilitators, barriers

Changes in fiscal facilitators, barriers

  • Has fiscal management differed in any substantial manner from what was planned? How?

  • What new or unexpected challenges with funding have emerged?


  • Contextual (economic, social, political) issues

  • Social marketing plan/communication plan

  • Attitudes of communities

Contextual (economic, social, political) issues

  • Have new contextual (community, statewide economic, social, or political issues) emerged since the planning and initial implementation phase? Problems that were unexpected at the time of application of initial planning in any of these areas?

Social marketing

  • [UPDATE ON; REITERATE FIRST] What has been successful or not successful so far in Social marketing/communication plan? (Use of social media for youth and young adults, other, other use of internet)? What were facilitators and challenges?

  • Changes in plan to meet challenges? Which, why, successful yet? Why or why not?

  • Has social marketing been helpful in addressing contextual challenges? Why or why not? Successful in other goals? What changes in plan would help with shortcomings?

Attitudes of community

  • Do you think attitudes in the community have changed in response to your social marketing efforts? In what ways? How you do know?


  • Changes, lessons on hearing Y & YA voice

  • Changes, lessons on Y & YA influence.

  • Changes, lessons on family voice & influence

  • Relationship between youth/young adults & family voice.

Hearing the youth/young adult voice.

  • How has the youth/young adult voice developed over the course of the entire project? How over the course of the project has it resembled or differed from what was initially envisioned

    • Ask specifically about selection and recruitment; advocacy, leadership training; preparation prior to specific meetings; “partnering” with adults.

  • Ask about recruitment/selection of Y & YA for systems level focus group. Why were these individuals selected? What role/importance do these specific individuals have for the system?

Youth and young adult influence

  • How has the youth and young adult voice been influential in initiative thus far?

    • Last time you said youth and young adults were influential in that…. [Reiterate response]. New ways in which youth and young adult voice has been influential; “lessons learned”?

Family voice and influence

  • How has family voice developed over the course of the entire project? How over the course of the project has it resembled or differed from what was initially envisioned?

    • Ask specifically about selection and recruitment; advocacy, leadership training; preparation prior to specific meetings; “partnering” with adults.

  • How has family voice been influential in initiative thus far?

    • Follow ups. Last time you said family was influential in that…. [Reiterate response in prior interview]. New ways in which family voice has been influential; “lessons learned” about this?

  • Ask about recruitment/selection of family for systems level family focus group. Why were these individuals recruited/selected? What role/importance do these specific individuals have for the system?

Relationship between youth/young adults’ & family voice.

  • In what ways has relationship between youth/young adults and family advocates, representatives changed? How since the last issue have these issues been addressed/resolved? Are youth/young adults and family advocates relating or at odds now in ways they perhaps weren’t before?


  • Changes in core services and supports

Changes in core services and supports

  • How have the core services and supports changed from the initial plan [reiterate application, or responses to interview #1]. Follow-up for:

    • Outreach

    • Identification (screening & assessment)

    • Service access

    • Services

    • Reducing risk and associated harm of substance abuse?

    • Other risk behavior?

  • Updates on efforts to make services accessible:

    • For the age group (e.g., flexible schedules)

    • For subpopulations (rural, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation/identity, etc.)


  • Changes in workforce development efforts

Changes in workforce development efforts

  • Any changes in "core" trainings;

  • Other trainings, curricula used for these [populate from interview and survey #1]

  • Updates on population specific trainings

    • Age group

    • Subgroups by ethnic, cultural, sexual identity/orientation, specific diagnoses or other disabilities, defined by disadvantage (e.g., poor, homeless)

  • Status of training efforts still developing; yet to be implemented?

  • Trainings, workforce development that you think are still needed?

  • Who is included in these workforce development efforts now?


  • Changes in QA strataegies

  • Change in other implementation drivers

  • Benefits from SAMHSA technical assistance.

Changes in QA Strategies

  • Follow up on types of strategies used for QA (reiterate responses re: QA plan; ask which aspects of planning were successfully implemented, challenges, any changes required and what these were or other means for overcoming challenges, challenges remaining to be overcome and plans for overcoming these.

Other implementation drivers

  • Are there changes in data systems to assist in decision-making and feedback?

  • What processes are in place to implement or improve Coaching, supervision, consultation?

  • Anything else important to understand regarding the full implementation of the program?

Benefits from SAMHSA technical assistance

  • Most important things gained since last interview?

  • Suggestions for improving this support?


  • Sustainability Planning

  • Replication, dissemination

Sustainability Planning

  • Which elements of the demonstration are most important to sustain beyond the federal funding? Less so? Why? [don’t think in terms of what is most feasible; think in terms of what is most important]

  • What sustainability planning has occurred to date?


  • Are there plans currently to replicate your work as part of the NITT-HT initiative in other sites?


  • What do you see as most significant successes of the demonstration in its early demonstration?

  • What have been its greatest challenges?

  • What are the most important ways in which you’ve had to modify implementation from what was planned to meet challenges? How were these changes decided? Have the modifications been successful?

  • Is there anything else that is important to understanding the early implementation of this program?


PART I. Personal Information Module

*NOTE: Complete this section ONLY if PIM was not completed previously in WEB survey format*

PART II. Core Interview



Example Prompts


  • Changes and challenges. Changed/new strengths; changed/new barriers; unexpected course corrections since early implementation

Changes and challenges

  • During the second interview, you mentioned the following areas were emerging as strengths of your NITT HT Initiative ________________. Have these persisted, grown? New strengths?

  • The following areas were mentioned as persisting or emerging challenges ___________________. Have you made progress in these areas? In what ways? How? What has been especially helpful in this regard? What challenges remain? Are there new areas of challenge that you were not aware of earlier?

  • How have things evolved differently from what was planned or the way implementation began?

  • Ways has your project has overcome initial challenges? “Not there” but progress? Unchanged?

ROLE I [for NEW Project Director only]

*NOTE: ONLY complete this section if the Project Director is new to this interview; if PD was interviewed previously, do ROLE II section instead]*

  • Training, background

  • Responsibilities; Desirable experience & qualifications.

  • Relationships

(time w/staff, which types of staff, young adults, focus of these activities)

  • Sustainability of position

Training, Background

  • What is your professional discipline (e.g., social work, nurse practitioner, educator?)

  • What other training have you received for your current position?

Responsibilities & Desirable Experience, Qualifications for These

  • Describe your core responsibilities.

  • What do you do that is unique to your role, which no one else does?

  • If you had to hire someone to do what you do, what would you put in a position description?


  • What types of supervisory and other relationships do you have with your staff?

  • How much time do you spend with other staff? Which staff? Professionals, paraprofessionals, young adults in peer roles (i.e., roles involving use of their lived experience, like the youth coordinator or peer support staff)? Doing what? Do you spend time with Y & YA? Doing what?

Sustainability of Position

  • Will your position continue beyond the funded period? For what portion of your time?

  • Will there be changes in your responsibilities and if so what will they be?


*Do Role II section ONLY if Project Director was interviewed previously*

  • Changes in responsibilities

  • Changes in Relationships

  • Sustainability of position

Changes in responsibilities

    • How have your responsibilities this changed over time since the last interview?

    • What is your understanding of why these changes were made?

    • Did you initiate them (was it your idea)? And if not, were you meaningfully consulted?

Changes in relationships

    • Has your understanding of your role as Project Director changed in any significant way since the last interview?

    • Has how you spend your time changed? Changes in relationships, time spent with supervisees or other staff? Anything you’ve learned about your role that you wish you knew before?

Sustainability of Position

  • Will your position continue beyond the funded period? For what portion of your time?

  • Will there be changes in your responsibilities and if so what will they be?


  • Implementation updates

Implementation Updates

  • Review timelines for full implementation, remaining tasks shared in Interview #2

    • What is the status of these remaining implementation tasks?

    • Any further activities necessary to achieve “full implementation”?


  • State/local Coordination updates

  • Cross-site collaboration updates

  • Updates in use of Block Grant funds

  • Sustainability of partnership/


State/Local Coordination Updates

  • Review plans for changing Multi-sectoral coordination at STATE level (from interview #1).

    • Child and adult mental health

    • Substance abuse and mental health

    • VR/Workforce Investment Act & behavioral health

  • What has been successful, less so? Changes in plans to address remaining areas of challenge?

Cross-site Coordination Updates

  • How has the “Cross-site” coordination (e.g., training, QA) changed since Interview #2/ Describe how the ways in which sites work together and support of the initiative by the state have changed (or differ from Interview #2?)

Block grant Fund Use Updates

  • [Reiterate plans for 5% mental health block grant fund use from Interview #2] Have plans for use of 5% of MH block grant funded been implemented as envisioned? What have challenges been?

    • Any issues sustaining these indefinitely (e.g., competing plans for use)?

    • Any “lessons learned” from this (if you had to do the planning phase over again…)?

Sustainability of partnership/coordination

  • Have any changes been considered in structure or process of state/local partnership, coordination when NITT-HT funding ends? Why? Have specific plans been adopted to this end?

  • During the last interview, the following “lessons learned” regarding experiences of state/local partnership, coordination was cited ____________________. Any further thinking about these, especially in regard to issues of sustainability?


  • Changes in Advisory Teams

  • Sustainability of Advisory Teams

Changes in Advisory Teams

  • Have there been major changes in the structure or composition of steering, advisory, and other organizational teams or workgroups since the last interview?

  • Have there been changes in the functioning? What are strengths of your advisory teams now? What are the weaknesses of your advisory teams? What has been challenging?

  • How have areas of challenge been addressed?

Sustainability of Advisory Teams

  • Have any changes been considered in functioning of these advisory teams (or otherwise are likely) when funding ends? What changes? Why? Have specific plans been formulated, documented or adopted to this end?

  • What will be necessary to ensure sustainability of advisory teams or other forms of stakeholder representation in systems planning and implementation?

  • Have specific plans been formulated/documented, adopted, and implemented to this end?


  • Changes in fiscal facilitators, barriers

  • Lessons Learned

  • Fiscal Sustainability

Changes in fiscal facilitators, barriers

  • During the last interview, the following changes from initial plan in fiscal management of the project were mentioned _________________. Have there been any alterations of those changes? Have any new changes occurred in the fiscal management of the project since the last interview? How are those being addressed?

Lessons Learned

  • Thinking back over the course of the entire project, what lessons learned regarding the facilitators and barriers to fiscal management of services and supports for Y & YA can you share?

Fiscal Sustainability

  • Thinking about the project efforts and activities during the grant, what fiscal challenges are there to continuing the work after the grant ends?

    • Will there be changes in scope of services, the number or eligibility criteria of youth and young adults that are served, or other important activities, when the grant funding ends? If yes, what are those changes? How have fiscal challenges contributed?

    • If not, how has or will the fiscal management change that allow these services, individuals or activities to be served?


  • New contextual (economic, social, political) issues

  • Lessons Learned

  • Social marketing

  • Attitudes of communities

New Contextual (economic, social, political) issues

  • Have new contextual (community, statewide economic, social, or political issues) emerged since the planning and initial implementation phase? Problems that were unexpected at the time of application of initial planning in any of these areas?

Lessons Learned

  • Thinking back over the impact of political issues what you’ve been able to accomplish , are there ways in which you might have addressed these factors more assertively, earlier, or differently for the project to be more successful? Or alternatively, planned the project differently to be more in harmony with political/economic circumstances?

  • Other “lessons learned” from the Project related to the value of addressing broader community factors or strategies for doing so?

Social marketing

  • [UPDATE ON; REITERATE FIRST] What has been successful or not successful so far in Social marketing/communication plan? (Use of social media for youth and young adults, other, other use of internet)? What were facilitators and challenges?

  • Changes in plan to meet challenges? Which, why, successful yet? Why or why not?

  • Over the course of the NITT-HT funding, has social marketing been helpful in addressing contextual challenges? Why or why not? Successful in other goals? What changes in plan would help with shortcomings?

Attitudes of community

  • Do you think attitudes in the community have changed in response to your social marketing efforts? In what ways? How you do know? What lessons learned regarding changing attitudes about Y & YA in the broader community do you have to share?


  • Youth/young adult voice. Specific strategies for “hearing” young adult voice.

  • Youth/Young adult influence. Ways in which young adult voice has been influential in project.

  • Family Voice & Influence.

  • Relationship between youth/young adults & family voice

  • Plans to ensure continued influence (sustainability).

Hearing youth/young adult voice

  • How has youth/young adult voice developed over the course of the entire project? How over the course of the project has it resembled or differed from what was initially envisioned?

    • Ask specifically about selection and recruitment; advocacy, leadership training; preparation prior to specific meetings; “partnering” with adults.

Youth young adult influence

  • How has young adult leadership emerged over the course of the project? Any especially influential youth groups or individual youth leaders? What made the difference for these groups, individuals?

  • Other ways in which young adult voice been influential over the course of the NITT-HT funding? How not? Lessons learned?

Family Voice & Influence

  • How has family voice developed over the course of the entire project? How over the course of the project has it resembled or differed from what was initially envisioned?

Relationship between youth/young adults & family voice.

  • In what ways has relationship between youth/young adults and family advocates, representatives changed? How since the last issue have these issues been addressed/resolved? Are youth/young adults and family advocates relating or at odds now in ways they perhaps weren’t before?

Plans to ensure continued influence.

  • What are plans to ensure continued influence of youth/young adults, family, beyond the end of NITT-HT funding?

  • Have strategies to sustain youth and family voice been explicitly included in the sustainability plan? What are these strategies?


  • Changes in core services & supports

  • Lessons learned

Changes in core services and supports

  • How have the core services and supports changed from the initial plan [reiterate application, or responses to interview #1]. Follow-up for:

    • Outreach

    • Identification (screening & assessment)

    • Service access

    • Services

    • Reducing risk and associated harm of substance abuse?

    • Other risk behavior?

  • Updates on efforts to make services accessible:

    • For the age group (e.g., flexible schedules)

For subpopulations (rural, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation/identity, etc.)

Lessons learned

  • over the course of the grant, what strategies were successful in expanding, improving services?

  • Looking back, what was most successful in making services more available and accessible?


  • Updates on training and workforce development

  • Remaining training and workforce development needs; lessons learned.

  • Sustainability of workforce development

Updates on Trainings and Workforce Development

  • Have there been any changes in "core" or elective trainings for personnel since the last interview? Types of positions trained?

  • Changes in other trainings, curricula used for these?

  • Updates on population specific trainings

    • Subgroups by ethnic, cultural, sexual identity/orientation, specific diagnoses or other disabilities, defined by disadvantage (e.g., poor, homeless)

Remaining training and workforce development needs; lessons learned

  • Trainings, workforce development that you think are still needed? Why haven’t these needs been successfully addressed to this point?

  • Are there things you wish your NITT-HT project had done differently?

Sustainability of Workforce Development

  • Which of these training and workforce development efforts will be sustained and which not? Why?


  • Changes in QA strategies; sustainability

  • Change in other implementation drivers; sustainability

  • Benefits from SAMHSA technical assistance.

Changes in QA Strategies

  • Follow up on types of strategies used for QA (reiterate responses re: QA plan; ask which aspects of planning were successfully implemented, challenges, any changes required and what these were or other means for overcoming challenges, challenges remaining to be overcome and plans for overcoming these.

  • Will any of these strategies be sustained beyond the end of funding? Which? Why? How?

Other implementation drivers

  • Are there changes in data systems to assist in decision-making and feedback?

  • Are there changes since the last interview in effortsto implement or improve Coaching, supervision, consultation?

  • Will any of these strategies be sustained beyond the end of funding? Which? Why? How?

Benefits from SAMHSA technical assistance

  • Most important things gained since last interview?

  • Suggestions for improving this support?


  • Sustainability

  • Replication/dissemination

  • Optimism & Vision


  • Describe/review ways in which demonstration has added/expanded, or improved services and systems (review from model and core services section and prior interviews; will need to facilitate notes in regard to these)

  • Which elements of the demonstration are most important to sustain beyond the federal funding? Less so? Why? [don’t think in terms of what is most feasible; think in terms of what is most important]

  • Describe/review challenges to sustainability and plans to address these in the following areas:

    • Financial

    • Policy

    • Leadership

    • Provider

    • Workforce

  • Now discuss which of these plans (for financing, policy, etc.) have been partialy or fully implemented? In what ways yes or no? Why?


  • Are there plans currently to replicate your work as part of the NITT-HT initiative in other sites?

  • What will be necessary to replicate this program in other localities? [repeat response to standardized optimism question from survey]

    • Any specific planning toward replication?

    • Learning laboratories working together with the state toward this?


  • How optimistic are you that the most important aspects of the NITT-HT projects will be sustained? What is the most important things that need to happen for this to come to pass?


  • What do you see as most significant successes of the demonstration in its early demonstration?

  • What have been its greatest challenges?

  • What are the most important ways in which you’ve had to modify implementation over the course of the project to meet challenges? How were these changes decided? Have the modifications been successful?

  • Is there anything else that is important to understanding the fulll implementation of your NITT-HT project?

  • Is there anything else that is important to understand about what has or could contribute to sustaining this NITT-HT project?

Attachment 6: Project Director Telephone Interviews


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorNapier, Ariana
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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