CONTROL NO.: 0584-0523
OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0523. The time to complete this information collection is estimated at 15 minutes, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing the information.
Audience |
Source |
Desired Total Completes |
General Population (English language)
Oversample “healthy Americans” (low-income, healthy) |
Online |
Hispanics (Spanish-dominant) |
Online |
300 |
[After providing consent for the survey, participants respond to 14 introductory questions, presented in Attachment B-1/B-2 Online Survey Screener. Responses to Q10 through Q14 on the screener determine if participant will be included in the Spanish language or English language sample]
Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you some questions.
When thinking about the various priorities you may have in your life, which of the following are most important to you? (Select up to 3)
Feeling good about my body
Having energy to do the things I enjoy
Exercising/physical fitness
Eating healthy foods
Avoiding foods that I know are not good for me
Close relationships with family and friends
Maintaining a healthy weight
Advancing my career
Advancing my education
Feeling financially secure
Preventing serious/chronic illness or injury in the long-term
Preventing illness or injury on a day-to-day basis
Reducing stress
None of these [FIXED. EXCLUSIVE]
How well do the following statements describe you?
The purpose of this battery is to understand the degree to which “structure” in general is a part of their life.
Describes me perfectly
Does not describe me at all
Don’t Know/Not sure
I am someone that is highly organized
I set goals for myself
I often accomplish my goals
I do not have a predictable routine
I like to be spontaneous
I tend to leave things until the last minute
Knowledge and Attitudes around Food and Food Rules
How would you rate your general feelings around food?
This question will provide an initial read on the respondent’s relationship with food in general. We saw in the FGs that some people do not have any kind of emotional relationship with food.
I love food! It’s a central part of my life.
I care a lot about food, though it’s not a central part of my life.
I’m ambivalent about food. Sometimes I care about it, other times I don’t.
I mostly don’t care about food and mainly see it something my body needs.
I don’t have strong feelings about food at all. It is only something my body needs for nourishment.
Not sure/don’t know
How much interest do you take in the following activities during your day-to-day routine?
This question will provide a deeper read on the respondent’s relationship with food; whether they find it exciting or just a fact of life.
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested
Not at all interested
Don’t know/Not sure
Shopping for food
Developing ideas for meals
Creating a set menu for meals
Trying food you’ve never tried before
Eating out
For each statement, please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with that statement.
This battery is designed to gauge attitudes and knowledge around healthy and unhealthy eating.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree with that statement
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know/Not sure
I am confident in my ability to make healthy eating choices.
I read nutrition labels on the foods I purchase, whenever available.
Most people I know have healthy eating habits.
The people closest to me have healthy eating habits.
Most people important to me think I should make healthy eating decisions.
Healthy food tends to be bland
It is easy to prepare healthy meals.
I know where to find/purchase healthy foods near me.
Eating too much unhealthy food can cause health problems.
Eating food you know is not good for you is fine as long as you have a balanced diet.
Healthy food is expensive
I prefer the taste of food that I know is not good for me.
For each statement, please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with that statement.
This battery is designed to understand the degree to which respondents have structure or “food rules” in place around their eating habits.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree with that statement
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know/Not sure
My eating habits tend to vary considerably
I have a “cheat” day(s)
I eat whatever I want, whenever I want
As long as I exercise, I can eat whatever I want
I reward myself with food
I will balance something I know isn’t good for me on my plate with something that I know is.
I believe in eating anything you want in moderation
I pay attention to portion and serving sizes
I plan out my meals in advance
My meals are at the same times every day
I eat a snack(s) at a specific time each day
When I snack I eat whatever I’m craving
I buy/plan my snack food in advance
I tend to have the same few meals in rotation each week
I eat whatever I know my kids/family will eat
I often skip certain meals
There are times during the week that I eat snacks when I’m not hungry
There are times during meals that I will continue to eat, even after I feel full
I try to eat balanced meals every day
This section is designed to understand the both the tangible (heuristics) and intangible (emotions) triggers that shape decision making around both the foods that get purchased and the healthy and unhealthy foods that get consumed.
Now we are going to do something a little different. [SAME PAGE AS Q7]
Think about the last time you went to the grocery store to purchase food items for yourself/household. Generally, how would you classify this shopping trip?
Big shopping trip (e.g. a weekly or monthly trip to obtain staples and ingredients for multiple meals)
A smaller trip to restock a few specific items (e.g. ran out of milk)
A smaller trip to pick up specific ingredients for a meal or two
Other (specify)
I have not been to a grocery store in the past year [Skip to Q13]
How many of the items that you purchased had you planned to buy in advance of your trip to the store?
All the items
Most of the items
Some of the items
None of the items
Don’t know/Not sure
How, if at all, did you plan for this shopping trip? (Select all that apply)
Checked to see which food items I was running low on
Thought about ingredients I need for specific meal(s)
Thought about ingredients I need for the week
Wrote down a list of items to be purchased
Checked store advertisements for promotions and/or clipped coupons
Used a store app
Used an app to make a shopping list
Someone gave me a list or made a specific request
I did not do any of the above before this shopping trip [EXCLUSIVE]
Which statement best describes what you bought during this trip?
I left the store only with the items I intended to buy
I left the store with fewer items than I intended to buy
I left the store with more items than I intended to buy
10a. [If 10=3]: What influenced you to purchase more items than you had intended? (Select all that apply)
I had a sudden craving for something
I saw something that was on sale
I saw an in-store promotion for the item
I tried a sample of the item offered at the store
I saw an item that is not usually available
I was attracted by a new product/interesting packaging
I remembered that I needed something
The person I was shopping with wanted it/asked for it
How typical was this shopping trip in terms of the foods you purchased?
Very typical
Not at all typical
Don’t know/Not sure
What words best describe the experience? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
know/Not sure
How frequently, if at all, do you or does your household purchase groceries using an online grocery service or app?
I/we only shop online for groceries
I/we usually buy groceries online but sometimes go to the grocery store as well
Sometimes I’ll/we’ll shop online, other times I’ll/we’ll go to the grocery store
I/we mostly go to the grocery store but occasionally will shop online
I/we never shop online for groceries
Don’t know/not sure
[If Q13=1 or 2]: Which statement best describes what you usually buy when shopping online?
I usually buy the items that I intended to buy, or that I usually buy
I usually buy fewer items than I intended to buy
I usually buy more items than I intended to buy
What words best describe your experience with shopping for groceries online? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
__Don’t know/Not sure
Now think about the last time you ate something you knew was not good for you or that you would describe as unhealthy. What did you eat? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
__I do not eat foods that are unhealthy [SKIP to Q24]
When did you eat this?
This week
Over a week ago
Did you eat this food as part of a meal (i.e. for breakfast, lunch, dinner) or as a snack?
Snack or treat
Other (Specify):_________
Who were you with? (Select all that apply)
I was alone
I was with my roommate(s)
I was with my spouse or significant other
I was with my kids
I was with my family
I was with friends or co-workers
Other (Specify:___________)
Where were you?
At work
At a restaurant
Commuting/on-the-go (in the car, subway, etc)
Other location (Specify:______________)
How typical was eating this food for you in terms of your usual eating habits?
Very typical
Not at all typical
Don’t know/Not sure
What words best describe your experience around eating this food? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
__Don’t know/Not sure
Below are some reasons people might give for eating a particular food or meal. Which of the following reasons influenced your decision around what to eat?
Influenced my decision
Did not influence my decision
Don’t know/Not sure
It was convenient
It was easy
It was tasty
It filled me up
It gave me energy
It made me feel happy
It was cheap
It was comforting
It was a reward/treat
It is what I always eat
It was what I was served/given
It was what I should eat
It was what my family/friends were eating
It was the only thing available
It was advertised
It filled a craving
It is beneficial for my body
It is beneficial for my family
Now think about the last time you ate a healthy meal. What did you eat? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
__I do not eat healthy meals [SKIP to Q31]
When did you eat this meal?
This week
Over a week ago
Who were you with? (Select all that apply)
I was alone
I was with my roommate(s)
I was with my spouse or significant other
I was with my kids
I was with my family
I was with friends or co-workers
Other (Specify:___________)
Where were you?
At work
At a restaurant
Commuting/on-the-go (in the car, subway, etc)
Other location (Specify:______________)
How typical is eating a “healthy” meal for you in terms of your usual eating habits?
Very typical
Not at all typical
Don’t Know/Not sure
What words best describe the experience around eating this meal? [CODE FOR OPEN END]
__Don’t know/Not Sure
Below are some reasons people might give for eating a particularly food or meal. Which of the following reasons influenced your decision around what to eat?
Influenced my decision
Did not influence my decision
Don’t know/Not sure
It was convenient
It was easy
It was tasty
It filled me up
It gave me energy
It made me feel happy
It was cheap
It was comforting
It was a reward/treat
It is what I always eat
It was what I was served
It was what I should eat
It was what my family/friends were eating
It was the only thing available
It was advertised
It filled a craving
It is beneficial for my body
It is beneficial for my family
In your household, who is responsible for making choices regarding the food you/your household eats?
I am primarily responsible for making choices regarding the food I/my household eats
I share the responsibility equally for making choices regarding the food I/my household eats
Someone else is primarily responsible for making choices regarding the food I/my household eats
How would you characterize your eating habits, in general?
I always eat a healthy meal
I eat a healthy meal most of the time
I sometimes eat healthy meals but also eat foods that I know are not good for me
I usually eat an unhealthy meal
I always eat an unhealthy meal
I don’t know enough about nutrition to know if I eat healthy or not
Compared to this time last year, would you say that you are eating more, fewer, or about the same number of foods that you know are not good for you?
About the same
I do not eat food that is unhealthy
Don’t know/Not sure
Think about your daily meals during a typical week. For each of the following meal times, please select whether your meals tend to be planned (you know well before the meal what you will be eating), improvised (you make decisions about what you will be eating shortly before or at meal time), or during the week some may be planned and others improvised. You can also say that you tend to skip this meal.
1 All meals are planned
2 Most meals are planned
3 Some meals are planned and some are improvised
4 Most meals are improvised
5 All meals are improvised
I tend to skip this meal
Don’t know/Not sure
During the Week:
During the Weekend:
In the past year have you…
This is a measure of proactive health activities.
1 Yes
2 No
3 Don’t Know/Not sure
Talked to a health professional about what you eat and drink
Talked to a nutritionist or dietitian about what you eat and drink
Changed what you eat and drink to lose weight
Changed what you eat and drink to gain weight
Started a new fitness regimen
Changed what you eat and/or drink to address a health concern other than weight
Changed what you eat and/or drink to achieve a goal unrelated to weight management or a health concern
In the past five years, approximately how many different diets (such a dairy or gluten-free, Atkins, Paleo, SouthBeach, etc.) have you tried?
More than three
None/I have never tried any different diets
Don’t know/Not sure
Have you ever been advised by a physician to: (Select all that apply)
Reduce sodium intake
Lower cholesterol
Reduce sugar intake
Follow other specific dietary restrictions (Specify:__________)
None of the above
What are some of your immediate goals when it comes to health? (Select your top three)
Lose or maintain a healthy weight
Gain weight or muscle mass
Feel better about myself
Quit smoking
Heart health
Boost immune system
Increased energy
Increased strength
Reduce stress
Get more sleep
Prevent aging
Prevent/control chronic disease
Other (Specify:___________)
Thank you! These last few questions are for statistical purposes only.
Which of the following best describes the area you live in?
Can you please tell me your height and weight:
_____ Feet _____Inches
_____ Pounds
(Include option for Prefer not to answer)
In general, how would you describe your overall health?
Very good
Don’t Know
[Will set quota on “healthy,” Q41=1 or 2]
Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following chronic health conditions: Select all that apply.
Heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Diabetes Type I
Diabetes Type II
Digestive disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Other chronic condition (Specify:____________)
Have not been diagnosed with a chronic condition
Not sure
Please select the category that best represents your living situation:
Live in parent/guardian’s home
Live in dorm/group home
Live alone with roommates
Live alone without roommates
Live with spouse/significant other
Live with my children
Live with spouse/significant other and children
Do you have any children 18 years of age or younger?
[If Q44=1]: Do you have any children that are?
Under age 3
Ages 4-11
Ages 12-18
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than high school
High School
Some College
College degree
Graduate degree or above
Thank you for your participation!
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |