Survey Instrument crosswalk

Att C_Objective-Survey Instrument Crosswalk.doc

CDC Work@Health Program: Phase 2 Training and Technical Assistance Evaluation

Survey Instrument crosswalk

OMB: 0920-1006

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Work@Health Survey Instrument Cross Walk

Respondent Type:

A. Interested Employers. Includes employers who wish to be considered for inclusion in the Work@Health® Program as Program Participants; these data represent organizational entities (employers), not individuals. A senior leader from each employer who has indicated that their organization meets the program eligibility requirements will be asked to complete an online Employer Application Form (Attachment E-1). This form will collect information from interested employers related to the eligibility criteria, employer characteristics (e.g., number of employees, type of industry), and status of their worksite health program.




Time of Data Collection

Program Objective

Data Collected

Employer Application Form


Interested employers

Prior to training

- Describe aggregate employee population at each participating employer

  • Employer contact info

  • Employer characteristics (number of employees, type of industry)

  • Status of workplace health program (have one, how many years in existence)

  • Employer’s readiness for change in workplace health program

B. Selected Employers. Over three years, CDC will select 480 employers to participate in Work@Health® trainings. Information to be collected from the selected employers includes the CDC Worksite Health Scorecard (Attachment E-2), Organizational Assessment (Attachment E-3), Case Studies (Attachment E-5 and E-6), and the Employer Follow-up Survey (Attachment E-4). Each of these instruments is described in more detail below.




Time of Data Collection

Program Objective

Data Collected

CDC Worksite Health Scorecard

The CDC Worksite Health Scorecard (Attachment E-2) will collect information from the 480 employers selected to participate in Work@Health® to assess the extent to which employers have implemented evidenced-based health promotion interventions in their worksites and identify gaps in their health promotion activities.


Employers participating in Work@Health®

Two times:

1 month prior to training and 12-15 months after first administration

- Assess elements of workplace structure, practices, and policies related to health and safety such as health benefits, health promotion programs, occupational health programs, work organization, and leadership and management support (CEO/C-Suite) for workplace health and safety initiatives

  • Employer characteristics and elements of worksite health promotion offered at your org. health ed, links to services, supportive environment, integration of health promotion into company’s culture, and employee screening

  • Organizational supports (e.g., employee needs assessment, HRA, org commitment, use of incentives, competitions, health promotion committee, annual budget)

  • Description of health and wellness programs (policies, activities, environment) related to tobacco control, Nutrition, Physical activity, Weight management, Stress management, Depression, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes, Signs and Symptoms of Heart attack and stroke, and Emergency response to heart attack and stroke

  • Supplement area (lactation, occupational health and safety, community resources)

Organizational Assessment

The Organizational Assessment (Attachment E-3) will collect information from the 480 employers selected to participate in Work@Health® to assess changes in environmental elements of the physical worksite such as facilities and settings where employees work, as well as access to opportunities and resources for health promotion in the surrounding community.


Employers participating in Work@Health

Two times:

1 month prior to training and 12-15 months after first administration

- Assess environmental elements of the physical workplace such as facilities and settings where employees work as well as access, opportunities, and resources for health promotion provided by the surrounding community where employees live

- Assess aggregate employee participation in programs and community partnership activities

- Indicators of culture

  • Elements of workplace structure (leadership support, health promotion committee)

  • Motivators and barriers to implementations, importance of workplace health topics,

  • Employee participation rates in workplace health programs

  • Use and access to community resources for workplace health programs

Employer Follow-up Survey

The Employer Follow-up Survey (Attachment E-4) will be used to collect information from the 480 employers who participated in the Work@Health® Program to assess maintenance and sustainability of worksite health and wellness programs, policies, and environmental changes.


Employers participating in Work@Health

11-14 months after training

- Assess maintenance of workplace health and wellness programs, policies, and environmental changes

  • New workplace health programs, policies, or environmental supports as a result of training

  • Other types of training that might be helpful in expanding programs

Case Study Interviews with Senior Leadership

The Evaluation Team will conduct a series of interviews with senior leaders to develop Case Studies. The interviews will take place during site visits and by telephone. From the worksites selected for the employer level case studies, a senior leader will be invited to discuss his or her experience with the program, using the Case Study Interviews with Senior Leadership discussion guide (Attachment E-5). These discussions will focus on the extent to which the program met their expectations, challenges to and strategies for successful program implementation, and plans for sustainability.

Paper form

Employer leadership at participating employers

10-12 months after training

- A senior leader will be invited to discuss his or her experience with the program

  • Extent to which the program met their expectations

  • Challenges to and strategies for successful program implementation

  • Plans for sustainability

Case Study Interviews with Employees

The Evaluation Team will conduct a series of interviews with employees, to develop Case Studies. The interviews will take place during site visits and by telephone. The evaluation team will conduct interviews with one to two employees (who were not trainees of the Work@Health® Program) from case study sites who participated in worksite-based health promotion activities developed as a result of the applied knowledge gained through the training, using the Case Study Interviews with Employees discussion guide (Attachment ). These discussions will focus on the employees’ expectations for healthy changes, perceptions of changes in the worksite’s physical and social environment, their own experiences with healthy options, and plans for continued healthy behaviors.

Paper form

1-2 employees at participating employers

10-12 months after training

- An employee who participated in workplace-based health promotion programs will be invited to discuss his or her experience with the program

  • Expectations for healthy changes

  • Perceptions of changes in the workplace physical and social environment

  • Their own experiences with healthy options and plans for continued healthy behaviors

C. Trainee Participants. Each of the 480 employers selected to participate in Work@Health® will assign a maximum of two employees to participate in the Work@Health® training. These 960 trainee participants will participate in either the Hands-On, Online, or Blended Training Model. The instruments used to collect data from the trainees include a Trainee KAB Survey (Attachment F-1), Trainee Reaction Survey (Attachment F-2-4), Trainee Technical Assistance Survey (Attachment F-5), a Trainee Focus Group guide (Attachment F-7), and Case Study Interview guides for selected trainees (Attachment F-6). Each of these instruments is described in more detail below.




Time of Data Collection

Program Objective

Data Collected

Trainee KAB Survey

The Trainee KAB Survey (Attachment F-1) will collect information from the 960 Work@Health® trainee participants to assess changes in trainees’ knowledge, awareness, skill, and behavior related to implementing worksite health programs.


Trainees participating in training

Two times:

1 month prior to training and 5-8 months post-training

- Assess knowledge, awareness, and behavior related to implementing workplace health programs

  • Changes in knowledge, awareness, and behaviors based on each module of the Work@Health training curriculum

Trainee Reaction Survey: Hands-on Model

The Reaction Surveys will assess trainees’ reactions to the Work@Health® training including their satisfaction with the training they received, whether the training was engaging, whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training, whether the training met their needs, and their confidence in implementing or enhancing a health and wellness program at their place of employment

Paper form

Trainees will be asked to seal their completed surveys in an envelope provided for the purpose to assure them that the facilitators will not see their answers.

Trainees participating in the Hands-on training model

At the conclusion of each Hands-on Training

- Evaluate trainees’ reaction to the Work@Health Program.

- Evaluate outcomes and the ways in which participating trainees increased their knowledge and perceived ability to implement programs, policies, and environmental support changes that will improve workplace health.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Trainee Reaction Survey: Online Model

The Reaction Surveys will assess trainees’ reactions to the Work@Health® training including their satisfaction with the training they received, whether the training was engaging, whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training, whether the training met their needs, and their confidence in implementing or enhancing a health and wellness program at their place of employment


Trainees participating in the Online training model

At the conclusion of each Online Training

- Evaluate trainees’ reaction to the Work@Health Program.

- Evaluate outcomes and the ways in which participating trainees increased their knowledge and perceived ability to implement programs, policies, and environmental support changes that will improve workplace health.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Trainee Reaction Survey: Blended Model

The Reaction Surveys will assess trainees’ reactions to the Work@Health® training including their satisfaction with the training they received, whether the training was engaging, whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training, whether the training met their needs, and their confidence in implementing or enhancing a health and wellness program at their place of employment

Paper form

Trainees will be asked to seal their completed surveys in an envelope provided for the purpose to assure them that the facilitators will not see their answers.

Trainees participating in the Blended training model

At the conclusion of each Blended Training

- Evaluate trainees’ reaction to the Work@Health Program.

- Evaluate outcomes and the ways in which participating trainees increased their knowledge and perceived ability to implement programs, policies, and environmental support changes that will improve workplace health.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Trainee Technical Assistance Survey

The Trainee Technical Assistance Survey (Attachment F-5) will be conducted to capture how much trainees have used the technical assistance and their perceptions about the utility of the technical assistance they received through the course of the program. Trainees will be asked to assess how useful different aspects of the technical assistance (e.g., topical Webinars, interactive discussions with peers and facilitators) were to their ability to transfer what they learned to their worksites.


Trainees participating in all models of Work@Health

Two times:

4-7 months after training and 12-15 months post-training

- Assess the use and effectiveness of post-training technical assistance and peer learning networks

  • Utility of different aspects of the technical assistance (e.g., topical webinars, interactive discussions with peers and facilitators)

  • Ability to transfer what was learned to workplaces and others

Case Study Interviews with Trainees

From the worksites selected for the case studies, the individuals who participated in the training program will be invited to discuss their experiences, using the Case Study Interviews with Selected Trainees discussion guide (Attachment F-6). These discussions will focus on trainees’ expectations for the program, their experiences in the training and trying to implement what they learned, their perceptions of the outcomes, and sustainability of the changes.

Paper form

Trainees participating in the Hands-on, Online, or Blended Model

10-12 months after training

- An employee who participated in the Work@Health Program will be invited to discuss their experiences

  • Motivation for attending the Work@Health Program

  • Expectations for the Work@Health Program

  • Experiences in implementing what they learned at their workplace

  • Perceptions of outcomes and sustainability of the changes implemented at their workplace

Trainee Focus Group Discussion Guides

Evaluators will convene a focus group of trainees immediately following two hands-on and blended trainings. The discussion will be guided by the questions in the Trainee Focus Group Discussion Guide (Attachment F-7).The purpose of the focus group will be to gather in-depth information from trainees about their perceptions of the training; content they expect to be useful; effectiveness of the instructor; the pace of the session; areas for additional technical assistance; and plans for participating in future technical assistance activities.

Paper form

Trainees participating in Work@Health

At the conclusion of Hands-on training sessions

- Assess trainees’ reactions to the Work@Health training.

  • Comparison of expectations to reality of Work@Health training and expectations for implementation

  • Opinions on training curriculum and aspects of delivery

  • Expectations for participation in technical assistance

  • Suggestions for improvement

  • Satisfaction with communication materials

D. Interested Train-the-Trainer Participants. Individuals interested in participating in the Train-the-Trainer model of the Work@Health® Program will be asked to complete a Train-the-Trainer Application Form (Attachment G-1). The online form will be used to assess applicants’ background experience in worksite health programs and training facilitation.




Time of Data Collection

Program Objective

Data Collected

Train-the-Trainer Application Form


Interested employers, trainers, and/or facilitators

Prior to training

- Select participants for the Train-the-Trainer model of the Work@Health Program

  • Applicants’ contact information

  • Experience in training facilitation, leadership in an organization implementing a workplace health program

  • Referral from a health department, community-based health organization, employer membership organization, or private/non-profit organization

E. Selected Train-the-Trainer Participants. CDC will select 120 qualified employers, trainers, and facilitators to participate in the Train-the-Trainer model of the Work@Health® Program. Information to be collected from the selected Train-the-Trainer participants includes a Train-the-Trainer Participant Survey (Attachment G-2), Train-the-Trainer Reaction Survey (Attachment G-3), and Train-the-Trainer Technical Assistance Survey (Attachment G-4). Each of these instruments is described in more detail below.

Train-the-Trainer Participant Survey

The Train-the-Trainer Participant Survey (Attachment G-2) will collect information from the 120 Train-the-Trainer participants to assess changes in trainees’ facilitation skills and ability to train others using the Work@Health® curriculum.


Trainees participating in Train-the-Trainer model

Two times:

1 month prior to training and 5-8 months post-training

- Assess facilitation skills and the ability to train others

  • Self-rate strength of facilitation skills

  • Attitudes about what makes an efficient trainer

  • Preparation and confidence in training others in workplace health programs

Trainee Reaction Survey: Train-the-Trainer Model

The Trainee Reaction Survey – Train-the-Train Model (Attachment G-3) will assess trainees’ reaction to the Work@Health® training including their satisfaction with the training they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training, whether the training met their needs, and their confidence in training others in the Work@Health® Program

Paper form

Trainee/employees participating in the Train-the-Trainer Training

At the conclusion of each Train-the-Trainer Training

- Evaluate participants’ reaction to the Work@Health Program.

- Evaluate outcomes and the ways in which participants increased their knowledge and perceived ability to train employers in the Work@Health Program.

  • Participants’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met participants’ needs and participants’ confidence in training others in the Work@Health Program.

Train-the-Trainer Technical Assistance Survey

Train-the-Trainer participants will complete the Trainee Technical Assistance Survey (Attachment G-4) to capture how much trainees have used the technical assistance and their perceptions about the utility of the technical assistance they received through the course of the program. Trainees will be asked to assess how useful different aspects of the technical assistance (e.g., topical Webinars, interactive discussions with peers and facilitators) were to their ability to transfer what they learned to their worksites.



Trainees participating in Train-the-Trainer model

Two times:

4-7 months after training and 12-15 months after training

  • Capture how much trainees used the technical assistance and their perceptions about the utility of the technical assistance they received through the course of the program

  • Utility of different aspects of the technical assistance (e.g., topical webinars, interactive discussions with peers and facilitators)

  • Ability to transfer what was learned to workplaces and others

F. Trainee Participants Wave 2. Each participant who completes the Train-the-Trainer curriculum (i.e., certified trainers) will be required to conduct the Work@Health® training with five employer representatives known as Wave 2 Trainee participants. CDC will collect information from these 600 employer representatives (120 Train-the-Trainer participants * 5 employers per Train-the-Trainer participant) through the Wave 2 Trainee Reaction Survey (Attachment H-1) to assess their satisfaction with the training they received, whether the training was engaging, whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training, whether the training met their needs, and their confidence in implementing or enhancing a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Wave 2 Trainee Reaction Survey: Hands-on Model

Paper form

Trainees participating in Hands-on training sessions conducted by Train-the-Trainer graduates

At the conclusion of each Train-the-Trainer’s Wave 2 Hands-on session with trainees

- Evaluate Train-the-Trainer graduates’

ability to train others in the Work@Health curriculum.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Wave 2 Trainee Reaction Survey: Online Model


Trainees participating in Online training sessions conducted by Train-the-Trainer graduates

At the conclusion of each Train-the-Trainer’s Wave 2 Online session with trainees

- Evaluate Train-the-Trainer graduates’

ability to train others in the Work@Health curriculum.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

Wave 2 Trainee Reaction Survey: Blended Model

Paper form

Trainees participating in Blended training sessions conducted by Train-the-Trainer graduates

At the conclusion of each Train-the-Trainer’s Wave 2 Blended session with trainees

- Evaluate Train-the-Trainer graduates’

ability to train others in the Work@Health curriculum.

  • Trainees’ satisfaction with the trainings they received, whether the training was engaging and whether the facilitator, materials, and activities supported the goals of the training.

  • Whether the training met trainees’ needs and trainees’ confidence in implementing or extending a health and wellness program at their place of employment.

G. Training Instructor and Coach Group Discussions (Attachment I) The Evaluation Team will gather information from training instructors and online coaches about their perceptions of the training, challenges trainees experienced, areas of high and low participation, and suggested improvements. The focus group discussions will take place by telephone.

Instructor Group Discussion Guides

Paper form

Instructors/online coaches facilitating Work@Health training and technical assistance

Two times: Shortly after formal training ends and 5-8 months post-training

- Evaluate experience as an instructor in the Work@Health Program

  • Comparison of expectations to reality of Work@Health

  • Opinions on training curriculum and aspects of delivery

  • Suggestions for improvement

  • Satisfaction with support

  • Opinions on technical assistance aspects (Time 2 only)


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleInstrument
Last Modified ByLang, Jason (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP)
File Modified2015-11-05
File Created2015-11-05

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