After children begin receiving services from caseworkers trained
in CAPP Model frontline practices, do rates increase for total
casework contacts, newly involved individuals (collateral
contacts), visitations supervised by DSS staff members, and
permanency team meetings? Are differences indicated for African
American/Black and American Indian (AA/AI) children compared to
non-AA/AI children?
Eligible parent-legal guardians or foster caregivers of
children who: (1) are assigned to randomly selected, eligible
caseworkers; (2) have been part of cases served by a CAPP-trained
caseworker for 90 days or more; (3) can speak and read English or
Spanish; and (4) are age 18 or older.
Eligible caseworkers include those who: (1) serve primarily
Family Reunification (FR) cases, primarily Permanent Placement
(PP) cases, or a combination of both and (2) have completed
training in the implementation of the CAPP Child and Family
Practice Model.
Parent-legal guardian questionnaire includes
questions about the parent-legal guardian’s relationship
with their caseworker; their sense of hopefulness and locus of
control; family, friend, community, and tribal member involvement
in the child’s case; the occurrence of casework events; and
general demographics on the participant and their child.
Caregiver questionnaire is a modified version of the
parent-legal guardian questionnaire and addresses a caregiver’s
relationship with their social worker; their sense of hopefulness
and locus of control; family, friend, community and tribal member
involvement in the child’s case; the occurrence of
casework events; and general demographics on the participant
and the child in their care.
Completed once
3486 respondents total (1146 annually
for 3 years)
688 hours
Are opinions of parent-legal guardians and caregivers consistent
with the intent of the CAPP Model with regard to relationship
with their caseworker, connectedness to their child’s
circle of support, the circle of support’s involvement in
case planning and problem solving, and the participant’s
sense of hopefulness and locus of control? What are parent-legal
guardian and caregiver recollections of casework events with
family, friends, community members, and tribal representatives?
Are differences indicated for parent-legal guardians and
caregivers of AA/AI compared to non-AA/AI children?