Form 1 Clinic Director Survey

Providing Primary Care and Preventive Medical Services in Ryan White Funded Medical Care Settings

A_Clinic Director Survey

Providing Primary Care and Preventive Medical Services in Ryan White Funded Medical Care Settings

OMB: 0906-0018

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Appendix A. Clinic Director Survey

OMB No. 0906-XXXX
Expiration date: XX/XX/201X

Providing Primary Care and Preventive Medical Services in Ryan White-funded Medical Care Settings:

Clinic Director Survey

Supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau

Contract Number: HHSH250201400042I

Public Burden Statement:  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  The OMB control number for this project is 0906- XXXX.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 10-29, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

Clinic Director Survey


You are completing this online survey via SNAP Survey. You will also be able complete the survey at your own pace. If you need to close out of the survey and complete it at another time, simply close the tab or browser and your answers will be saved. You will be able to log into your survey with the same login and password as you entered.

Please choose your answers from the response options provided. Only choose one answer unless you are asked to choose ALL that apply. Some response options will also include “Other” in which you are provided space to supply an explanation.

Terminology: Throughout the document the following four terms will be used throughout. The terms may differ from provider and institution, but for this survey we are using the following terms and definitions:

  1. HIV Specialist: Physician or provider specializing in infectious disease with AAHIVM, HIVMA, or AARN certifications

  2. Primary Care Provider: Medical doctor, Doctor of osteopathic medicine, general practitioner, physician’s assistant and/or nurse practitioner

  3. Care Coordination Team: Team comprised of multi-disciplinary providers who meet to discuss management of patients care.

  4. Comprehensive Physical Exam and Health Maintenance: Comprehensive physical exam and health maintenance includes annual complete physical exam, screenings, review of systems, medical history review, and education and counseling services.

If you need any assistance in completing the survey, please contact:

West Coast: Vicki Wheeler, Tel: (415) 814-1557, Email:

East Coast: Aaron Lane, Tel: (301) 881-2590, Email:

Thank you for your time.

Respondent Information (for follow-up purposes only)

Respondent Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ryan White-funded Clinic Name______________________________________________________________________________________

Respondent's telephone number (include area code, phone number, and extension, if applicable) ___________________________________

Respondent's email address__________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Of patients served within the last year at your clinic, how many are people living with HIV (PLWH)?

Less than 100 patients

Between 101 – 250 patients

Between 250 – 500 patients

Between 501 – 750 patients

Between 751 – 1,000 patients

1,000 + patients

  1. What percentage of your clinic’s PLWH patients receive any services, core, and support that are funded by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program?

Between 0 – 20%

Between 21 – 40%

Between 41 – 59%

Between 60 – 79%

Between 80 – 99%


  1. Does your clinic provide primary and preventative care services to PLWH patients? (For a list of primary care services, see Q7 or attachment)

Yes, we provide all primary and preventative care services to PLWH at our clinic (Go to Q4)

Yes, but we refer PLWH to providers outside our clinic for some primary and preventative care services (Go to Q3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d)

No, we refer PLWH to providers outside our clinic for all primary and preventative care services (Go to Q3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d)

3a. What are the reasons for referring primary and preventative care services outside of your clinic? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

We do not provide primary medical services for particular patient conditions on site (Hepatitis B and C, heart disease, metabolic disorders, OB-GYN, etc)

We do not provide preventative care services

Other _______________________________________

3b. What are the three primary reasons why your clinicians would refer to a specific provider?

Provider accepts insurance

Appointment availability

Provider’s professional reputation

Patient preference

Provider location

Provider is part of clinic’s referral system


3c. PLWH are referred to providers that are: (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Outside of the clinic, but within our healthcare system

Outside of our healthcare system

3d. Do you receive patient information such as impressions of exam, test results and treatment plans from referred providers?


Rarely, between 1 – 20% of the time

Not all the time, between 21 – 40% of the time

Sometimes, between 41 – 59% of the time

Almost Always between 60 – 79% of the time

Always, between 80 – 99% of the time

Yes, 100% of the time

4. Does your clinic have a protocol for providing primary care services, including preventive services, for PLWH?

Yes (Go to Q4a)

No (Go to Q5)

Don’t know (Go to Q5)

4a. What services listed below are part of your clinic’s routine provision of primary and preventative care to PLWH. (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Providing routine health maintenance (including physical exams, diagnostic screenings, and lab assessments)

Monitoring of age and sex/gender specific health problems (e.g. colorectal screening, prostate screening, mammograms)

Medication management in addition to HIV antiretroviral therapy

Health promotion or prevention services (e.g. diet, nutrition and exercise, safer sex practices, immunization recommendations, etc.)

Behavioral health screening and counseling for mental health and substance use

Care Coordination via a team comprised of multi-disciplinary providers who meet to discuss management of patients care

Medical case management

Non-medical case management

Other: _________________________

  1. How often do your clinicians typically perform a comprehensive physical exam and health maintenance with PLWH? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Every visit

As part of a patient’s first service appointment


Perform parts of physical exam more than once a year as appropriate due to patient’s medical condition

Our clinic does not provide complete physical exams (go to Q7)

Other ___________________

  1. What services are included in your comprehensive physical exam and health maintenance? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Vital Signs


Pain assessment (arthritis, lower back pain, etc.)

Ears, Nose, and Throat exam

Pulmonary Exam

Cardiac Exam

Musculoskeletal Exam

Oral Exam

Genital Exam

Depression and Mental Health Screening

Tobacco Use Screening and Counseling

Substance Use Screening and Counseling

Medical Nutrition Therapy/Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthy Diet

Accident prevention (falls, seatbelts, etc.)

Routine lab tests (complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, and liver function test, etc.)

  1. For each primary care service, please answer how the service is provided. (Please choose ALL that apply to each question.)

Primary Care Service

7_1. Does your clinic provide this service to PLWH?

7_2. Who provides this service at your clinic to PLWH? (please chose ALL that apply)

7_3. How often is this service provided to PLWH?

7_4. When PLWH are referred to another provider, is patient information shared with the outside referral?

7_5. When PLWH are referred to another provider, does your clinic receive patient information back from the provider?

7_6. How do you share information with other providers outside of your clinic?

  1. Breast Cancer Screening

Yes (go to 7_2 and 7_3)

No, we refer this service to another provider at a clinic operated by our same healthcare system (go to 7_4, 7_5, and 7_6)

No, we refer this service to another provider at a clinic outside our healthcare system (go to 7_4, 7_5, and 7_6)

Other:_______ (go to 7_2, 7_3, 7_4, 7_5, and 7_6)

Primary Care Provider

HIV Specialist

Other Medical Specialist

Registered Nurse

Nurse Practitioner

Physician’s Assistant

Other: _________

Every visit


Less than annually

Only when patient exhibits symptoms

More than once a year when appropriate due to patient’s medical condition


Yes, with clinic operated by our same healthcare system

Yes, with clinic outside our healthcare system

No, (please explain)________


Yes, with clinic operated by our same healthcare system

Yes, with clinic outside our healthcare system

No, (please explain)________


Through EHRs or other electronic means

Clinic staff follow up with referred clinic/provider

No, we do not share information with other providers


  1. Cervical Cancer (including HPV Screening)

  1. Cholesterol

  1. Colorectal Cancer Screening

  1. Diabetes Screening

  1. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Screening

  1. Hepatitis B Screening

  1. Hepatitis C Screening

  1. Mental Health Screening

  1. Osteoporosis Screening

  1. Routine Vaccinations (Flu, Pneumococcal, Tetanus, Pertussis, etc.)

  1. Substance Use Screening

  1. Syphilis Screening

  1. TB Screening

  1. For PLWH who have co-morbidities, please answer how your clinic manages each disease listed below. Please note that answers are regarding general disease management, not advanced or complex services like surgeries or operations. (Please choose ALL that apply to each question.)


8_1. Does your clinic manage the disease in-house for PLWH?

8_2. Who is involved in managing the disease with the PLWH? Check all that apply.

8_3.How do the various clinicians involved in the care management share patient information?

8_4. If PLWH was referred to another provider, was patient information shared with the outside referral?

8_5. If PLWH was referred to another provider, do you receive patient information back from the provider?

8_6. How do you share information with other providers outside of your clinic?

  1. Cardiovascular

Yes (go to 8_2 and 8_3)

No, we refer PLWH to another provider at a clinic operated by our same healthcare system (go to 8_4, 8_5, and 8_6)

No, we refer PLWH to another provider at a clinic outside our healthcare system (go to 8_4, 8_5, and 8_6)

Other:_____(go to 8_2, 8_3, 8_4, 8_5, and 8_6)

Primary Care Provider

HIV Specialist

Other Medical Specialist

Registered Nurse

Nurse Practitioner

Physician’s Assistant


Coordinator/ Case Manager

Clinical Pharmacist


Through EMRs or other electronic means

Via regular meetings


Yes, with clinic operated by our same healthcare system

Yes, with clinic outside our healthcare system

No, (please explain)________


Yes, we always receive information back


It depends on the clinic

Yes, with clinic operated by our same healthcare system

Yes, with clinic outside our healthcare system

No, (please explain)_________


Through EHRs or other electronic means

Clinic staff follow up with referred clinic/provider

No, we do not share information with other providers

Other: ____

  1. Diabetes

  1. Hypertension

  1. Thyroid

  1. Respiratory

  1. Hepatitis C

  1. Renal

  1. What elements from the list below are part of your clinic’s provision of primary and preventative care to PLWH with co-morbidities. (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Consult with HIV Specialist (Go to question Q10)

Use of Care Coordinator/Case Manager (Go to question Q10)

Use of Care Team to share information and manage patient care (Go to Q9a)

Follow up to share information with other specialists or medical professionals outside clinic involved in patient care (Go to question Q10)

Use of Clinical Pharmacist (Go to question Q10)

Use of specialists (hepatologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, etc.) (Go to question Q10)

Other ______________________________________ (Go to question Q10)

None of the above (Go to question Q10)

9a. Who are the members of the co-morbidities Care Team? A Care Team is comprised of multi-disciplinary providers who meet to discuss management of patients care. (Please choose ALL that apply)

Primary Care Provider

HIV Specialist

Care Coordinator/Case Manager

Clinical Pharmacist

Specialists (Hepatologist, Gastroenterologist, Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Psychiatrist, Gynecologist, etc.)

Mental Health Provider

Substance Use Counselor

Oral Health Provider

Other ____________________________

  1. What other specialists or other medical professionals do your clinicians consult or collaborate with when providing primary and preventative care to PLWH at your clinic? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Primary Care Provider

HIV Specialist

Care Coordinator/Case Manager

Clinical Pharmacist

Specialists (Hepatologist, Gastroenterologist, Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Psychiatrist, Gynecologist, etc.)

Mental Health Provider

Substance Use Counselor

Oral Health Provider

Other ____________________________

  1. What are your clinic’s three top strengths in providing primary and preventative care, including preventative services? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Sufficient number of non-medical staffing

Sufficient number of primary care clinicians

Clinician training and expertise with primary and preventative care

Availability of HIV Specialists

Availability of other Medical Specialists

Care Team and Case Management located within the clinic

Ability to meet encounter ratio requirements

Sufficient linkages and referrals to other community resources

Co-location of some primary and preventative care services

One-stop shopping

Funding to provide services not covered by insurance

Physical size of clinic


  1. What are your clinic’s three top challenges in providing primary care services, including preventative services? (Please choose ALL that apply.)

Lack of non-medical staffing

Lack of primary care clinicians

Unavailability of HIV Specialists

Unavailability of other Medical Specialists

Unavailability of Care Team and Case Management

Cannot take new patients because of size of current patient panel

Administrative work is too burdensome

Inability to meet encounter ratio requirements

Lack of linkages and referrals to other community resources

Lack of funding to provide services not covered by insurance

Lack of co-location of primary and preventative care services.

Physical size of the clinic

Reimbursement rate is too low


  1. How difficult would it be for your agency to extract data from your electronic health record (EHR) on the percent of HIV-positive clients who received a given preventative/primary care service?

Not difficult at all

Somewhat difficult

Moderately difficult


Very difficult

  1. How difficult would it be for your agency to look up information in a client’s medical chart to determine whether he/she received a given preventative/primary care service?

Not difficult at all

Somewhat difficult

Moderately difficult


Very difficult

Page 15

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorTessa R. Robinette
File Modified2015-06-12
File Created2015-06-10

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