Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)

PTA, FEMA ICPD Customer Satisfaction Survey Contact, 20140514, PRIV FINAL.pdf

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)

OMB: 1660-0130

Document [pdf]
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T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 1 of 7


T his fo rm is use d to de te rm ine whe the r
a Priva cy Im pa ct Asse ssm e nt is re quire d.

Please use the attached form to determine whether a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is required under
the E-Government Act of 2002 and the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
Please complete this form and send it to your component Privacy Office. If you do not have a component
Privacy Office, please send the PTA to the DHS Privacy Office:
Rebecca J. Richards
Director of Privacy Compliance
The Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Tel: 703-235-0780

Upon receipt, the DHS Privacy Office will review this form. If a PIA is required, the DHS Privacy Office
will send you a copy of the Official Privacy Impact Assessment Guide and accompanying Template to
complete and return.
A copy of the Guide and Template is available on the DHS Privacy Office website,,
on DHSOnline and directly from the DHS Privacy Office via email:, phone: 703-235-0780.

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 2 of 7

Plea s e com plet e t h is for m a n d s en d it t o t h e DHS Pr iv a cy Office.
Upon r eceipt , t h e DHS Pr iv a cy Office w ill r ev iew t h is for m
a n d m a y r eques t a ddit ion a l in for m a t ion .
DAT E subm itte d fo r re vie w: April 3 , 2 0 1 4
NAME o f Pro je ct: Individua l a nd Co m m unity Pre pa re dne ss Divisio n (ICPD) Am e rica ’ s
Pre pa re Atho n! Custo m e r Sa tisfa ctio n Surve y (1 6 6 0 -0 1 3 0 )
Na m e o f Co m po ne nt: F e de ra l Em e rg e ncy Ma na g m e nt Ag e ncy
Na m e o f Pro je ct Ma na g e r: Ka thryn Ro be re ts
Em a il fo r Pro je ct Ma na g e r: Ka thryn. ro be rts@fe m a . dhs. g o v
Pho ne num be r fo r Pro je ct Ma ng e r: 2 0 2 -7 8 6 -0 8 1 8
T Y PE o f Pro je ct:
Info rm a tio n T e chno lo g y a nd/o r Syste m 
A No tice o f Pro po se d Rule Ma king o r a F ina l Rule .
Othe r: Info rm a tio n Co lle ctio n Re que st (ICR)


The E-Government Act of 2002 defines these terms by reference to the definition sections of Titles 40 and
44 of the United States Code. The following is a summary of those definitions:
•“Information Technology” means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of
equipment, used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement,
control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information. See 40
U.S.C. § 11101(6).
•“Information System” means a discrete set of information resources organized for the collection,
processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, or disposition of information. See: 44. U.S.C. §
Note, for purposes of this form, there is no distinction made between national security systems or
technologies/systems managed by contractors. All technologies/systems should be initially reviewed
for potential privacy impact.

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 3 of 7

Describe the project and its purpose:
America’s PrepareAthon! is a national campaign designed to motivate the public to
prepare for the hazards most likely to affect them. In Presidential Policy Directive
(PPD)-8, President Obama called on the Secretary of the Department of Homeland
Security to conduct a national campaign to engage the wh ole community in
preparedness. America’s PrepareAthon! website launched to the public on March 31,
2014; the first national day of action is April 30, 2014 .
In 2013, FEMA’s ICPD sought and received OMB approval (1660 -0134) for a webbased registration system for America’s PrepareAthon!. Using this approved web based registration system; ICPD is requesting Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) approval to conduct a customer satisfaction survey related to user
experiences on the America’s PrepareAthon! websit e.
As described in the PTA for the Community Drill Day Registration Website, users
provide specific data elements (First and Last Name; Phone Number; Mailing
Address; Email Address; Business Affiliation (Organization Name, Department); Job
Title) when registering for America’s PrepareAthon!.
To conduct the customer satisfaction survey, ICPD will use email addresses collected
during registration of individuals for the Community Drill Day Website and send
registrants a voluntary online survey.
No PII is collected in this survey.


Status of Project:
This is a new development effort.
This an existing project.
Date first developed:
Date last updated:


Is the information collected directly from the individuals seeking information from the
Department or working collaboratively with the Departm ent on various projects?
No. Please describe the information source and collection method.

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 4 of 7

Does the individual have the option to decline submitting the information collected?


Is the information collected limited to non-sensitive personally identifiable information? An
example of sensitive personally identifiable information is the social security number or date of


What information about individuals could be collected, generated or retained?
No information about individuals will be collected, generated or retained.


Is the contact information only being used for the purpose for which it originally was
collected, i.e., to contact individuals?


With whom could the information be shared?
The information will not be shared outside of FEMA.


Are program or project user access controls in place governing who may view or access the
contact information?


Has an Authority to Operate from the Chief Information Security Officer been granted to the
program or project that the document or database which stores the contact information?
Yes. Please indicate the determinations for each of the following:
Con fiden t ia lit y :


Moder a t e


Un defin ed

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 5 of 7

In t egr it y :


Moder a t e


Un defin ed

Av a ila b ilit y :


Moder a t e


Un defin ed

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 6 of 7
(T o be Co m ple te d by the DHS Priva cy Office )

DAT E re vie we d by the DHS Priva cy Office : Ma y 1 4 , 2 0 1 4
NAME o f the DHS Priva cy Office Re vie we r: Ja m e so n Mo rg a n
T his is NOT a Priva cy Se nsitive Syste m – t h e s y st em con t a in s n o Per s on a lly Iden t ifia b le
In for m a t ion .
T his IS a Priva cy Se nsitive Syste m
Ca te g o ry o f Syste m
IT System
National Security System
Legacy System
HR System
De te rm ina tio n
PTA sufficient at this time
Privacy compliance documentation determination in progress
PIA is not required at this time
A PIA is required
System covered by existing PIA:
A new PIA is required.
A PIA Update is required.
A SORN is required
System covered by existing SORN:
A new SORN is required.

T he P rivacy O ffice
U .S. D epartment of H omeland Security
Was hington, D C 2 0528
7 0 3 -235-0780, pia@
www.dhs .gov/privac y

Privacy Threshold Analysis
Version date: June 10 th, 2009
Page 7 of 7
The DHS Privacy Office Approves this PTA as a non-privacy sensative system. No
coverage under a PIA or SORN is required at this time.
This PTA is specifically for the customer satisfaction survey related to America's
PrepairAthon. Emails are sent to individuals who participated in the program using
the email address they provided. The email address have alreay been collected
before this survey and are covered in another PTA. This survey is not collecting,
retaining, or storing this email address. There is no PII collected by this survey. All
PII associated with America's PrepairAthon is covered as noted within PTA for the
Community Drill Day Registration Website. If this survey is changed to collect PII an
updated PTA is required beforehand.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-05-14
File Created2014-05-14

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