Site Coordinator Interview Guide

A Comprehensive Assessment of the National Program to Eliminate Diabetes Related Health Disparities in Vulnerable Populations

Att 6 Site Coordinator Interview Guide_3 02 2015

Site Coordinator Interview

OMB: 0920-1070

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OMB No. 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date xx/xx/xxxx


Site Coordinator Interview Guide

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-xxxx)

Hello, my name is __________. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to discuss [GRANTEE ORGANIZATION NAME]. This interview will take no more than 1.5 hours of your time. We will do our best to stay on track.

We are conducting an assessment of the CDC’s National Program to Eliminate Diabetes Related Disparities in Vulnerable Populations to learn more about the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of community-based interventions to reduce risk factors that influence health disparities associated with diabetes. The assessment is being conducted by ICF International on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I along with the CDC staff hope to learn much during this time, and your participation is essential to our learning process. The assessment will involve interviews with key stakeholders in the program. Through the interviews we are hoping to learn more about your work with the selected vulnerable populations and opportunities to promote diabetes management and control among vulnerable communities.

To make sure that a comprehensive assessment of your project is conducted, over the next couple of days, we will be talking with different groups of individuals, such as grantee project staff, consultants, site coordinators, community mobilizers, community partners, and coalition members. We want to hear their perspectives on CDC activities, the types of activities your project has implemented, what worked and what didn’t work and opportunities for improvement in the future. You are the expert on your experience, and your opinions and thoughts are invaluable.

This discussion is not meant to evaluate you; rather it is meant to gather insights from your organization and its initiatives. It is okay to say, “I don’t know.” Please be assured that your name will not be used in any reports, and we will not quote you directly without asking for your permission first. Your participation is completely voluntary, you may end the interview at any time, and if we ask a question that you would prefer not to answer, just tell us, and we’ll skip over it.

Notes will be taken to accurately capture our discussion. Additionally, we will be recording the interview to be sure that we correctly and completely capture your responses. We consider issues of privacy to be very important, and all notes and tapes will be destroyed upon completion of this assessment.

Is it OK that we audiotape our interview? ____Yes ___No

Do you have any questions before we get started? [ADDRESS ANY QUESTIONS AND THEN BEGIN]


First I’d like to learn about your role in [Grant Organization Name] VP Program and how you became involved.

  1. When did you first get involved with [Grant Organization Name] VP Program? ________ mo/yr

2. How did you find out about the [Grant Organization Name] VP Program?

3. Have you been involved in other programs focused on diabetes issues in the past?

4. Please describe your roles and responsibilities as a site coordinator. Why did you decide to take on the site coordinator position?


Next, I’d like to discuss the process that the VP Program used to develop its goals and interventions.

5. What was your involvement, if any; with the planning phase (e.g. community needs assessment, strategic planning process)?

Probe: How well do you think the assessment process went?

Probe: How helpful/important was the assessment process in helping you with this project)?

Probe: What worked, what didn’t? What about the strategic planning process?

6. If you participated in the planning phase, (e.g. community needs assessment, strategic planning process), what kind of help from [Grant Organization Name] would have been helpful to you?

7. What ways, if any, do you think cultural issues played a role in the development of the community needs assessment and strategic planning process? How were these issues addressed?


Now I’d like to talk about the goals that [Grant Organization Name] and coalition set through the planning process and the interventions that were implemented.

8. What were the main goals in your strategic plan?

9. What kinds of activities are being implemented to address these goals?

10. Do you think the activities target what is important to the community? Do they reflect the needs of the community?

11. From your perspective as a site coordinator which program activities (e.g. physical activity, healthy eating, DSME) worked well and which ones experienced more challenges?

    1. Probe: What were the barriers and facilitators? How did you address the barriers?

12. Did the program experience any challenges in recruiting and maintaining participation in the program activities?

13. What ways, if any, do you think cultural issues play a role in the delivery and implementation of program activities?

14. What were the major challenges you have faced with the VP program and how did you overcome them?

15. What do you think were the major strengths of the program? How did the program leverage these strengths to increase their likelihood of achieving their outcomes?


Next, I’d like to talk about the impact the VP Program is having on the organizations you are associated with, and the targeted community

16. Do you think participation in the VP Program changed the way the community thinks about or approaches diabetes management? How? Please provide a brief example.

17. In your opinion, has the VP Program had an effect on support for diabetes management and control programs in this community?

Probe: for legislative/governmental involvement, increase in community involvement, nonmembers expressing interest in the coalition activities/results, dissemination of results within community, new policies, changes in clinical care systems, new systems introduced into the community

18. Are there any other impacts of the VP Program that you have observed at this point in time?

a. Probe: positive or negative impacts

19. Do you think the VP Program has had an effect on cultural beliefs and practices (e.g. exercise, diet, medication use, monitoring glucose etc.) about diabetes management for members of this community? What positive or negative effects have you observed?


20. Of the program activities discussed, which of these do you think will be continued without this funding over the next two years? Why? What is in place to support the continuation of these activities?

21. In your opinion do you think this program has been successful to date? Why or why not?

22. Do you have any additional recommendations for the CDC with regard to the support of programs addressing diabetes and diabetes related issues for vulnerable populations in the future?

23. Do you have any other general comments, concerns, or suggestions?

Site Coordinator Interviews Page 5 of 5

File Typeapplication/msword
File Modified2015-03-02
File Created2015-03-02

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