StatA 46 CFR Subchapter F


Plan Approval and Records for Marine Engineering Systems -- 46 CFR Subchapter F

StatA 46 CFR Subchapter F

OMB: 1625-0097

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Subpart 50.30—Fabrication Inspection

Subpart 50.01—Basis and Purpose of
50.01–10 Purpose of regulations.
50.01–15 Scope of regulations.
50.01–20 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Subpart 50.05—Application
50.05–1 General.
50.05–5 Existing boilers, pressure vessels or
piping systems.
50.05–10 Alterations or repairs.
50.05–15 Vessels subject to regulations in
this subchapter.
50.05–20 Steam-propelled motorboats.

AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980
Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1; Section 50.01–20
also issued under the authority of 44 U.S.C.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 50.01—Basis and Purpose
of Regulations
§ 50.01–10

Subpart 50.10—Definition of Terms Used in
This Subchapter

Purpose of regulations.

50.20–1 General.
50.20–5 Procedures for submittal of plans.
50.20–10 Number of copies of plans required.
50.20–15 Previously approved plans.
50.20–25 Calculations.
50.20–30 Alternative materials or methods of
50.20–33 [Reserved]
50.20–35 Marine inspector’s decisions.
50.20–40 Right of appeal.

(a) The purpose of the regulations in
this subchapter is to set forth minimum requirements for marine engineering details for various types of vessels in accordance with the intent of
title 52 of the Revised Statutes and
acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto as well as to implement
various international conventions for
safety of life at sea and other treaties,
which contain requirements affecting
marine engineering. The regulations in
this subchapter have the force of law.
(b) All marine engineering details,
such as boilers, pressure vessels, main
valves, and fittings, shall be designed,
constructed, and installed in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, except when specifically modified by the regulations in another subchapter in this chapter for a particular
type of vessel or where a specific installation may be required or permitted.

Subpart 50.25—Acceptance of Material
and Piping Components

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, CGD
95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

50.10–1 Commandant.
50.10–5 Coast Guard District Commander or
District Commander.
50.10–10 Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, (OCMI).
50.10–15 Marine inspector or inspector.
50.10–20 Headquarters.
50.10–23 Marine Safety Center.
50.10–25 Coast Guard Symbol.
50.10–30 Coast Guard number.
50.10–35 Constructed.

Subpart 50.20—Plan Submittal and

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50.30–1 Scope.
50.30–10 Class I, I-L and II-L pressure vessels.
50.30–15 Class II pressure vessels.
50.30–20 Class III pressure vessels.

50.25–1 General.
50.25–3 Manufacturer or mill certification.
50.25–5 Products requiring manufacturer or
mill certification.
50.25–7 Testing of products required to be
certified in presence of marine inspector.
50.25–10 Acceptance of piping components
by specific letter or approved plan.

§ 50.01–15

Scope of regulations.

(a) This subchapter provides the specifications, standards and requirements
for strength and adequacy of design,
construction, installation, inspection,
and choice of materials for machinery,
boilers, pressure vessels, safety valves,


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
and piping systems upon which safety
of life is dependent.
(b) Since this subchapter contains
the marine engineering details, it implements the requirements for inspection and certification of vessels as set
forth in other subchapters for specific
types of vessels.
§ 50.01–20 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
(a) Purpose. This section collects and
displays the control numbers assigned
to information collection and recordkeeping requirements in this subchapter by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast Guard intends that this section comply with the
requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507(f) which
requires that agencies display a current control number assigned by the
Director of the OMB for each approved
agency information collection requirement.
(b) Display.
46 CFR Part or Section where Identified or

Current OMB
Control No.

Parts 50 through 64 .......................................


[49 FR 38120, Sept. 27, 1984, as amended by
CGD 88–072, 53 FR 34297, Sept. 6, 1988; USCG–
2004–18884, 69 FR 58345, Sept. 30, 2004]

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Subpart 50.05—Application
§ 50.05–1 General.
(a) The regulations in this subchapter shall apply to the marine engineering details of installations on vessels required to be inspected and certificated under other subchapters in
this chapter as described in § 50.01–10.
(b) The regulations in this subchapter are not retroactive in effect,
except as provided in § 50.05–5 or § 50.05–
10, or if specifically so provided for at
the time specific regulations are
amended or added.
(c) The requirements in this subchapter revised or added subsequent to
July 1, 1969, shall be applicable to the
installations contracted for after the
effective dates of such requirements.
Normally, materials, items of equipment, or installations in vessels which

§ 50.05–5

have been accepted and passed as satisfactory and meeting the applicable requirements in this subchapter then in
effect and which are maintained in
good and serviceable condition to the
satisfaction of the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, may be continued
in use until replacement is deemed necessary by such officer or as specified in
the regulations.
(d) Items of equipment, which are in
use on vessels, previously approved by
the Commandant but not complying
with the latest specification requirements may be continued in use so long
as they are maintained in good and
serviceable condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine
deemed necessary by such officer or as
specified in the regulations.
(e) Industrial systems and components on mobile offshore drilling units
must meet subpart 58.60 of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21809, May 20, 1982;
USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58459, Sept. 29, 2000]

§ 50.05–5 Existing boilers, pressure
vessels or piping systems.
(a) Whenever doubt exists as to the
safety of an existing boiler, pressure
vessel, or piping system, the marine inspector may require that it be gaged or
checked to determine the extent of deterioration, and if necessary for safety
may require the recalculation and reduction of the maximum allowable
working pressure.
(b) For the purpose of recalculating
the maximum allowable working pressure of boilers, pressure vessels, or piping which have deteriorated in service,
the applicable design formulas in effect
at the time it was contracted for or
built or the currently effective design
formulas in this subchapter shall be
used: Provided, That such recalculation
based on currently effective design formulas in this subchapter does not permit a higher pressure than that originally allowed by the regulations in effect at the time such work was contracted for or built.
reboilered, the mountings and attachments shall be renewed in accordance


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§ 50.05–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

with the regulations in this subchapter
in effect at the time such reboilering
work is contracted for. The existing
steam piping shall be examined. Those
portions which are in good condition
and comply with minimum thickness
requirements in effect at the time such
reboilering work is contracted for may
be continued in service. The steam piping replaced shall be in accordance
with the regulations in this subchapter
in effect for new construction.
(d) For the purpose of this section,
existing equipment includes only items
which have previously met all Coast
Guard requirements for installation
aboard a vessel certificated by the
Coast Guard, including requirements
for design, fabrication, testing, and inspection at the time the equipment was
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9430, Mar. 8,

§ 50.05–10 Alterations or repairs.
(a) When alteration or repair of boilers, pressure vessels, machinery, safety
valves or piping systems becomes necessary, the work shall be done under
the cognizance of the Officer in Charge
Marine Inspection. It shall be done in
accordance with the regulations in effect at the time such vessel or installation was contracted for or built (whichever is latest), or in accordance with
the regulations in effect for new construction.
(b) When alterations or repairs are
made to a U.S. flag vessel in a port or
place not in the United States, a notice
containing details of the proposed alterations or repairs must be submitted
to the appropriate Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection.

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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4,

§ 50.05–15 Vessels subject to regulations in this subchapter.
(a) Passenger vessels, tank vessels,
cargo and miscellaneous vessels, nautical schoolships, mobile offshore drilling units, and oceanographic vessels
are subject to the regulations in this
subchapter to the extent prescribed by
various laws and regulations as described in § 50.01–1. The applicable pro-

visions in this subchapter shall apply
to all such U.S. flag vessels, and to all
such foreign vessels which carry passengers from any port in the United
States except as follows:
(1) Any vessel of a foreign nation signatory to the International Convention
for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and
which has on board a current, valid
Convention certificate attesting to the
sufficiency of the marine engineering
details as prescribed by applicable regulations in this chapter.
(2) Any vessel of a foreign nation
having inspection laws approximating
those of the United States together
with reciprocal inspection arrangements with the United States, and
which has on board a current, valid
certificate of inspection issued by its
government under such arrangements.
(3) Any vessel operating exclusively
on inland waters which are not navigable waters of the United States.
(4) Any vessel laid up and dismantled
and out of commission.
(5) With the exception of vessels of
the U.S. Maritime Administration, any
vessel with the title vested in the
United States and which is used for
public purposes.
(b) Notwithstanding the exceptions
previously noted in paragraphs (a) (1)
and (2) of this section, foreign vessels
of novel design or construction or
whose operation involves potential unusual risks shall be subject to inspection to the extent necessary to safeguard life and property in U.S. ports,
as further provided by § 2.01–13 in subchapter A (Procedures Applicable to
the Public) of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 80–161, 48 FR 15472, Apr. 11, 1983;
CGD 90–008, 55 FR 30660, July 26, 1990; CGD
95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 50.05–20

Steam-propelled motorboats.

(a) The requirements covering design
of the propelling engine, boiler, and the
auxiliary machinery, and the inspection thereof on all motor boats which
are more than 40 feet in length and
which are propelled by machinery driven by steam shall be in accordance
with the applicable provisions of this


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(b) If the engines, boilers, and auxiliary machinery are found to be in safe
operating condition at the initial or
subsequent periodical inspection, the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection,
shall issue a letter to that effect. Such
letter shall be posted on the vessel
under glass. The letter will be valid for
a specified period of time, as determined by the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection. The owner, within 30 days
prior to its expiration, shall make application to the nearest Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection for a renewal thereof.

Marine inspector or inspec-

The term marine inspector or inspector
means any person from the civilian or
military branch of the Coast Guard assigned under the superintendence and
direction of an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or any other person as
may be designated for the performance
of duties with respect to the inspections, enforcement and the administration of Subtitle II, Title, 46, U.S. Code,
Title 46 and Title 33, U.S. Code, and
regulations under these statutes.

§ 50.10–20


The term Commandant means the
Commandant U.S. Coast Guard.
§ 50.10–5 Coast Guard District Commander or District Commander.
The term Coast Guard District Commander or District Commander means an
officer of the Coast Guard designated
as such by the Commandant to command all Coast Guard activities within
his district, which include the inspections, enforcement, and administration
of Subtitle II, Title 46, U.S. Code, Title
46 and Title 33 U.S. Code, and regulations under these statutes.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30,

§ 50.10–10 Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, (OCMI).

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§ 50.10–15

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30,

Subpart 50.10—Definition of Terms
Used in This Subchapter
§ 50.10–1

§ 50.10–25

The term Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, (OCMI) means any person
from the civilian or military branch of
the Coast Guard designated as such by
the Commandant and who, under the
superintendence and direction of the
Coast Guard District Commander, is in
charge of an inspection zone for the
performance of duties with respect to
the inspections, enforcement, and administration of Subtitle II, Title 46,
U.S. Code, Title 46 and Title 33 U.S.
Code, and regulations under these statutes.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30,


The term Headquarters means the
Commandant (CG–00), Attn: Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7000,
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue
SE., Washington, DC 20593–7000.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7,
1988; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60147, Sept. 30,

§ 50.10–23

Marine Safety Center.

The term Marine Safety Center refers
to the Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard, 4200
Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington,
VA 22203 for visitors. Send all mail to
Commanding Officer (MSC), Attn: Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard
Stop 7410, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite
400, Arlington, VA 20598–7410, in a written or electronic format. Information
for submitting the VSP electronically
can be found at
[USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR 53965, Sept. 21, 2007;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228, Sept. 25, 2009;
USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60147, Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 50.10–25

Coast Guard Symbol.

(a) The term Coast Guard Symbol
means that impression stamped on the
nameplates of boilers, pressure vessels,
and safety valves by a marine inspector
upon the satisfactory completion of the
tests and inspection of the product. It
may also be used by a marine inspector
to identify workmanship test plates
and welding samples.


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§ 50.10–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(b) The impression of the Coast
Guard Symbol for stamping nameplates and specimens is shown in Figure 50.10–25(b).



§ 50.10–30 Coast Guard number.
(a) The Coast Guard number means
that number assigned to boilers and
pressure vessels by the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, who makes
the final tests and inspections.
(b) The Coast Guard number shall be
stamped on the nameplates of boilers
and pressure vessels.
(c) The Coast Guard number is comprised of the following:
(1) Three capital letters which identify the office of the issuing Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection (see table
50.10–30); followed by,
(2) An OCMI serial number, by which
the particular boiler or pressure vessel
can be identified; the first two digits of
which will identify the calendar year
the number was assigned.

ALB ..................................................
ANC .................................................
BAL ..................................................
BOS .................................................
BUF .................................................
CHA .................................................
CHI ..................................................
CIN ..................................................
CLE .................................................
COR ................................................
DET .................................................
DUL .................................................
GAL .................................................
GUA .................................................
HON ................................................

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9975, June 17,
1970; CGD 74–219, 39 FR 40158, Nov. 14, 1974;
CGD 78–161, 44 FR 13492, Mar. 12, 1979; USCG–
2000–7790, 65 FR 58459, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–
2006–25556, 72 FR 36330, July 2, 2007]

§ 50.10–35

Corpus Christi.

Hampton Roads, VA.
Long Island.
Los Angeles.
Morgan City.
New Orleans.
New York.
Port Arthur.
Portland, ME.
Portland, OR.
San Diego.
San Francisco.
Saint Ignace.
San Juan.
St. Louis.
Sturgeon Bay.
Wilmington, NC.


The term constructed means the keel
has been laid or, for vessels with no
keel, assembly of at least 50 tons or 1%
of the estimated mass of all structural
material, whichever is less, has been
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24772, May 10, 1995]


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HOU ................................................
HRV .................................................
HUN .................................................
JAC ..................................................
JUN .................................................
LIS ...................................................
LOS .................................................
LOU .................................................
MEM ................................................
MIA ..................................................
MIL ..................................................
MIN ..................................................
MOB ................................................
MOR ................................................
NAS .................................................
NEW ................................................
NYC .................................................
PAD .................................................
PAT .................................................
PHI ..................................................
PIT ...................................................
POM ................................................
POR .................................................
PRO .................................................
ROT .................................................
SAV .................................................
SDC .................................................
SEA .................................................
SFC .................................................
SIM ..................................................
SJP ..................................................
SLM .................................................
STB .................................................
TAM .................................................
TOL .................................................
VAL ..................................................
WNC ................................................


Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

Subpart 50.20—Plan Submittal and
§ 50.20–1 General.
(a) The required vessel, equipment, or
installation plans, as listed in this subchapter, are general in character, but
include all plans which normally show
the intended construction and safety
features coming under the cognizance
of the Coast Guard. In a particular
case, however, not all of the plans enumerated may be applicable, and in such
cases the Coast Guard will so notify
the submitter.
(b) Manufacturers of pressure vessels
and other components, which require
specific fabrication inspection in accordance with the requirements of this
subchapter, shall submit and obtain approval of the applicable construction
plans prior to the commencement of
such fabrication. Manufacturers of
automatically controlled boilers shall
submit and obtain approval of the applicable control system plans prior to
installation of the boiler. Manufacturers of boilers which must meet the requirements of part 52 of this subchapter shall submit the applicable
construction plans for review prior to

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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9431, Mar. 8,

§ 50.20–5 Procedures for submittal of
(a) As the relative locations of shipyards, design offices, and Coast Guard
offices vary throughout the country,
no specific routing will be required in
the submittal of plans. In general, one
of the procedures outlined in this section apply, but if a more expeditious
procedure can be used, there will normally be no objection to it.
(b) The plans may be submitted in
duplicate to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, at or nearest the place
where the vessel is to be built. Alternatively, the plans may be submitted
in triplicate to the Marine Safety Center.
(c) In the case of classed vessels,
upon specific request by the submitter,
the American Bureau of Shipping will
arrange to forward the necessary plans
to the Coast Guard indicating its ac-

§ 50.20–25

tion thereon. In this case, the plans
will be returned directly to the submitter as noted in paragraph (c) of this
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–070, 53 FR 34534, Sept. 7,
1988; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40598, Oct. 2, 1989;
CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995; CGD
95–072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995]

§ 50.20–10 Number of copies of plans
(a) Three copies of each plan are normally required so that one copy can be
returned to the submitter. If the submitter desires additional copies of approved plans, a suitable number should
be submitted to permit the required
§ 50.20–15 Previously approved plans.
(a) A manufacturer wishing to fabricate equipment in accordance with a
plan previously approved (including
work accomplished under a different
contract) shall not be required to resubmit such plans provided:
(1) Certification is submitted that
the proposed equipment conforms in
every respect to the plan previously approved, and such certification contains
the drawing number, title, date, and
last revision or change date, and date
of previous approval;
(2) The current regulations, including
adopted specifications, standards or
codes, pertaining to the proposed
equipment are the same as those current when the original plan was approved; and
(3) A copy of the approved plan is
available for review by the approving
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40598, Oct. 2,

§ 50.20–25 Calculations.
(a) Calculations shall be forwarded
with plans submitted for approval and
shall clearly substantiate compliance
with the regulations in this subchapter. Care shall be taken to identify
sources of equations, factors and other
information upon which the calculations are based.
(b) The results of the calculations,
such as the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), test pressure,


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§ 50.20–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

and safety device settings, shall be
clearly identified.
§ 50.20–30 Alternative
methods of construction.


(a) When new or alternative procedures, designs, or methods of construction are submitted for approval and for
which no regulations have been provided, the Commandant will act regarding the approval or disapproval
(b) If, in the development of industrial arts, improved materials or methods of construction are developed, their
use in lieu of those specified will be
given consideration upon formal application to the Commandant, with full
information as to their characteristics,
together with such scientific data and
evidence as may be necessary to establish the suitability of such materials or
methods of construction for the purpose intended.
§ 50.20–33


§ 50.20–35 Marine



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(a) When it becomes necessary for a
marine inspector to make decisions on
matters covered by the regulations in
this subchapter or by requirements in
referenced specifications, standards or
codes, the inspector shall inform the
owner or his representative of the requirement, which will be identified by
source, section and paragraph number,
on which the decisions are based.
Whenever it is necessary to make decisions in matters not specifically covered by the regulations in this subchapter or by referenced requirements,
the marine inspector shall clearly state
the reasons which caused him to arrive
at such decisions.
(b) If the owner or his representative
disagrees with a decision made by the
marine inspector, he shall take up the
matter with the local Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner
or his representative may appeal the
decision of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in accordance with
§ 50.20–40.
§ 50.20–40

Right of appeal.

Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under this sub-

chapter, by or on behalf of the Coast
Guard, may appeal therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
[CGD 88–033, 54 FR 50380, Dec. 6, 1989]

Subpart 50.25—Acceptance of
Material and Piping Components
§ 50.25–1


(a) Materials and piping components
used in the construction of boilers,
pressure vessels, pressure piping systems, and related components are accepted by review of manufacturer or
mill certificates under § 50.25–3 of this
part, product marking in accordance
with an adopted industry standard, or
technical information indicating their
compliance with the requirements of
this subchapter.
(b) Plate, bar stock, pipe, tube, pipe
joining fittings (tees, elbows, reducers,
etc.), bolting, castings, forgings, and
flanges, are accepted by review of manufacturer or mill certificates under
§§ 50.25–3, 50.25–5, and 50.25–7 of this
(c) Valves, fluid conditioner fittings,
and special purpose fittings complying
with an adopted industry standard and
marked in accordance with the standard are accepted through review of the
marking indicating compliance with
the adopted industry standard.
(d) Valves, fluid conditioner fittings,
special purpose fittings, and pipe joining fittings not complying with an
adopted industry standard are accepted
for use on a case-by-case basis. Acceptance is granted by the Marine Safety
Center or the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, having cognizance over the
installation of the product. To obtain
acceptance of a product, the manufacturer must submit, via the vessel
owner or representative, the information described in § 50.25–10 of this part
to the Marine Safety Center or the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(e) Components designed for hydraulic service which require shock testing
under § 58.30–15(f) of this chapter and
nonmetallic flexible hose assemblies
must be accepted by the Commandant


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(CG–ENG). Manufacturers desiring acceptance of these products must submit information necessary to show
compliance with §§ 56.60–25(c) or 58.30–15
of this chapter, as applicable. Acceptance of specific installations of acceptable nonmetallic flexible hose assemblies and shock tested hydraulic components is granted by the Marine Safety Center or the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, as described
in paragraph (d) of this section.
(f) The vessel owner or representative
shall make available to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, the manufacturer or mill certificates, specific
letters of acceptance, or approved plans
necessary to verify that piping components comply with the requirements of
this subchapter.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40598, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50727, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58345, Sept. 30, 2004;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65160, Oct. 31, 2008;
USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777, Oct. 1, 2012]

§ 50.25–3 Manufacturer or mill certification.
(a) A manufacturer or mill producing
materials used in certain products for
installation on inspected vessels, shall
issue a certificate or mill test report
which shall report the results of chemical analysis and mechanical properties
required by the ASTM specification.
(b) This certificate shall be made
available to the marine inspector and
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection,
upon request to the fabricator. (For exception refer to § 50.25–5(d).)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40598, Oct. 2,

§ 50.25–5 Products requiring manufacturer or mill certification.
(a) Products required to be certified
by a manufacturer or by mill certificate shall be fabricated and tested in
accordance with the applicable specifications. Such products will not normally be subject to mill inspection by
the Coast Guard except as required by
§ 50.25–7.
(b) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, having cognizance over the
installation of the products required to
be certified shall ensure that adequate

§ 50.25–7

control has been exercised to identify
the product with its manufacturer or
mill certificate.
(c) In the event that the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, determines
that handling of a product has been
such that proper identification is not
possible, he may:
(1) Require testing in his presence
based on the applicable material or
fabrication specification; or
(2) Reject the product on the basis
that it cannot be properly identified.
(d) A product conforming to an acceptable material specification may, at
the discretion of the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, be accepted without
referring to its manufacturer or mill
certification, if:
(1) The product is marked in accordance with the identification marking
requirements of the specification;
(2) The marking alone is sufficient to
identify that specification; and
(3) In the opinion of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, the application of the product does not require
knowledge of the exact chemical analysis or mechanical properties enumerated on the manufacturer or mill certificate.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40598, Oct. 2,

§ 50.25–7 Testing of products required
to be certified in presence of marine inspector.
(a) Certified products are not normally tested in the presence of a marine inspector. The Commandant may,
however, assign a marine inspector to
witness tests required by the applicable
specifications to satisfy himself that
the requirements are met.
(b) Marine inspectors shall have free
entry at all times to those parts of the
plant where material subject to the
regulations in this subchapter is being
manufactured. The manufacturer shall
provide marine inspectors all reasonable facilities to satisfy them that the
material is being manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the
(c) Unless otherwise authorized, required tests and inspections described
in applicable specifications shall be
made at the place of manufacture prior


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§ 50.25–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

to shipment. Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be performed at room
temperature. These tests when performed in the presence of a marine inspector will be so conducted as not to
interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the plant.
(d) Marine inspectors shall assure
themselves that test specimens are
marked for positive identification with
the materials which they represent.

(b) If the component is found to comply with the requirements of this subchapter, the component is designated
as acceptable for its intended installation. This acceptance is in the form of
a specific letter relating directly to the
particular component or in the form of
an approved piping system plan in
which the component is identified as
an integral part.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40599, Oct. 2, 1989]

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40599, Oct. 2,

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 50.25–10 Acceptance of piping components by specific letter or approved
(a) A manufacturer of a piping component which does not comply with an
adopted industry standard and requires
acceptance by specific letter or approved plan must do the following:
(1) Submit an engineering type catalog or representative drawings of the
component which includes the pressure
and temperature ratings of the component and identify the service for which
it is intended.
(2) Identify materials used to fabricate the component. Materials must
meet the requirements of subpart 56.60
of this chapter. If the component is not
manufactured to accepted material
specifications, the manufacturer must
prove equivalency to accepted material
specifications by comparing details of
the materials’ chemical composition,
mechanical properties, method of manufacture, and complete chemical and
mechanical test results with an accepted material specification.
(3) Identify the industry standard, if
any, to which the component is manufactured.
(4) Submit a description of nondestructive testing performed on the
(5) Submit a description of the marking applied to the component.
(6) Submit information showing compliance with the requirements of part
56, subparts 56.15, 56.20, 56.25, 56.30, or
56.35 of this chapter, as applicable.
(7) Submit any additional information necessary to evaluate the component’s acceptability for its intended application.

Subpart 50.30—Fabrication
§ 50.30–1


(a) The manufacturer shall notify the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, of
the intended fabrication of pressure
vessels that will require Coast Guard
(b) For exemption of certain pressure
vessels from shop inspection see § 54.01–
15 of this subchapter.
(c) For a classification delineation of
boilers and pressure vessels refer to tables 54.01–5(a) and 54.01–5(b) of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18808, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9431, Mar. 8,

§ 50.30–10 Class I, I-L and II-L pressure
(a) Classes I, I-L and II-L pressure
vessels shall be subject to shop inspection at the plant where they are being
fabricated, or when determined necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine
(b) The manufacturer shall submit
Class I, I-L and II-L pressure vessels, as
defined in parts 54 and 56 of this subchapter for shop inspection at such
stages of fabrication as may be requested by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
[CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 50.30–15

Class II pressure vessels.

(a) Class II pressure vessels shall be
subject to shop inspections at the plant
where they are being fabricated, as or
when determined necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The
inspections described in this section


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
are required, unless specifically exempted by other regulations in this
(b) The first inspection of Class II
welded pressure vessels shall be performed during the welding of the longitudinal joint. At this time the marine
inspector shall check the material and
fit-up of the work, and ascertain that
only welders who have passed the required tests are employed.
(c) A second inspection of Class II
welded pressure vessels shall be made
during the welding of the circumferential joints. At this time the marine inspector shall check any new material
being used which may not have been
examined at the time of the first inspection, also the fit-up of the vessel at
this stage of fabrication, and in addition, observe the welding and ascertain
that only welders who have passed the
required tests are employed.
§ 50.30–20 Class III pressure vessels.
(a) Class III pressure vessels shall be
subject to shop inspection at the plant
where they are being fabricated, as or
when determined necessary by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The
inspection described in this section is
required, unless specifically exempted
by other regulations in this subchapter.
(b) For Class III welded pressure vessels, one inspection shall be made during the welding of the longitudinal
joint. If there is no longitudinal joint,
the inspection shall be made during the
welding of a circumferential joint. At
this time the marine inspector shall
check the material and fit-up of the
work and see that only welders who
have passed the required tests are employed.

52.01–35 Auxiliary, donkey, fired thermal
fluid heater, and heating boilers.
52.01–40 Materials and workmanship.
52.01–50 Fusible
through A–21).
52.01–55 Increase in maximum allowable
working pressure.
52.01–90 Materials (modifies PG–5 through
52.01–95 Design (modifies PG–16 through
PG–31 and PG–100).
52.01–100 Openings and compensation (modifies PG–32 through PG–39, PG–42 through
52.01–105 Piping, valves and fittings (modifies PG–58 and PG–59).
52.01–110 Water-level indicators, water columns, gauge-glass connections, gauge
cocks, and pressure gauges (modifies PG–
52.01–115 Feedwater supply (modifies PG–
52.01–120 Safety valves and safety relief
valves (modifies PG–67 through PG–73).
52.01–130 Installation.
52.01–135 Inspection and tests (modifies PG–
90 through PG–100).
52.01–140 Certification by stamping (modifies PG–104 through PG–113).
52.01–145 Manufacturers’ data report forms
(modifies PG–112 and PG–113).

Subpart 52.05—Requirements for Boilers
Fabricated by Welding
52.05–1 General (modifies PW–1 through PW–
52.05–15 Heat treatment (modifies PW–10).
52.05–20 Radiographic and ultrasonic examination (modifies PW–11 and PW–41.1).
52.05–30 Minimum requirements for attachment welds (modifies PW–16).
52.05–45 Circumferential joints in pipes,
tubes and headers (modifies PW–41).

Subpart 52.15—Requirements for
Watertube Boilers
52.15–1 General (modifies PWT–1 through
52.15–5 Tube connections (modifies PWT–9
and PWT–11).


Subpart 52.20—Requirements for Firetube

Subpart 52.01—General Requirements

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Pt. 52

52.01–1 Incorporation by reference.
52.01–2 Adoption of section I of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
52.01–3 Definitions of terms used in this
52.01–5 Plans.
52.01–10 Automatic controls.

52.20–1 General (modifies PFT–1 through
52.20–17 Opening between boiler and safety
valve (modifies PFT–44).
52.20–25 Setting (modifies PFT–46).

Subpart 52.25—Other Boiler Types
52.25–1 General.
52.25–3 Feedwater heaters (modifies PFH–1).
52.25–5 Miniature boiler (modifies PMB–1
through PMB–21).


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§ 52.01–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

52.25–7 Electric boilers (modifies PEB–1
through PEB–19).
52.25–10 Organic fluid vaporizer generators
(modifies PVG–1 through PVG–12).
52.25–15 Fired thermal fluid heaters.
52.25–20 Exhaust gas boilers.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307, 3703; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277;
Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 52.01—General

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 52.01–1

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001)
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 52.01–2; 52.01–5;
52.01–50; 52.01–90; 52.01–95; 52.01–100;
52.01–105; 52.01–110; 52.01–115; 52.01–120;
52.01–135; 52.01–140; 52.01–145; 52.05–1;
52.05–15; 52.05–20; 52.05–30; 52.05–45; 52.15–
1; 52.15–5; 52.20–1; 52.20–25; 52.25–3; 52.25–
5; 52.25–7; and 52.25–10.

(2) 1998 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section II, Part A—Ferrous Material Specifications and Part
B—Nonferrous Material Specifications
(1998) (‘‘Section II of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code’’), 52.01–90.
(3) [Reserved]
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65160, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60147,
Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 52.01–2 Adoption of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(a) Main power boilers and auxiliary
boilers shall be designed, constructed,
inspected, tested, and stamped in accordance with section I of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–
1), as limited, modified, or replaced by
specific requirements in this part. The
provisions in the appendix to section I
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are adopted and shall be followed when the requirements in section I make them mandatory. For general information, table 52.01–1(a) lists
the various paragraphs in section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code that are limited, modified, or replaced by regulations in this part.
Paragraphs in section I, ASME Code1
and disposition
PG–1 replaced by .....................................
PG–5 through PG–13 modified by ...........
PG–16 through PG–31 modified by .........
PG–32 through PG–39 modified by .........
PG–42 through PG–55 modified by .........
PG–58 and PG–59 modified by ...............
PG–60 modified by ...................................
PG–61 modified by ...................................
PG–67 through PG–73 modified by .........
PG–90 through PG–100 modified by .......
PG–91 modified by ...................................
PG–99 modified by ...................................
PG–100 modified by .................................
PG–104 through PG–113 modified by .....
PG–112 and PG–113 modified by ...........
PW–1 through PW–54 modified by ..........
PW–10 modified by ..................................
PW–11.1 modified by ...............................
PW–16 modified by ..................................
PW–41 modified by ..................................
PWT–1 through PWT–15 modified by ......

Unit of this part
52.05–20, 52.05–


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
ASME CODE—Continued
Paragraphs in section I, ASME Code1
and disposition
PWT–9 modified by ..................................
PWT–9.2 replaced by ...............................
PWT–11 modified by ................................
PWT–11.3 replaced by .............................
PFT–1 through PFT–49 modified by ........
PFT–44 modified by .................................
PFT–46. modified by ................................
PFH–1 modified by ...................................
PMB–1 through PMB–21 modified by ......
PEB–1 through PEB–19 modified by .......
PVG–1 through PVG–12 modified by ......
A–19 through A–21 modified by ...............

Unit of this part

1 The references to specific provisions in the ASME Code
are coded. The first letter ‘‘P’’ refers to section I, while the letter ‘‘A’’ refers to the appendix to section I. The letter or letters
following ‘‘P’’ refer to a specific subsection of section I. The
number following the letter or letters refers to the paragraph
so numbered in the text.

(b) References to the ASME Code,
such as paragraph PG–1, indicate:
P=Section I, Power Boilers ASME Code.
1=Paragraph 1.

(c) When a section or paragraph of
the regulations in this part relates to
material in section I of the ASME
Code, the relationship with the code
will be shown immediately following
the heading of the section or at the beginning of the paragraph as follows:
(1) (Modifies P lll.) This indicates
that the material in P lll is generally applicable but is being altered,
amplified or augmented.
(2) (Replaces P lll.) This indicates
that P lll does not apply.
(3) (Reproduces P lll.) This indicates that P lll is being identically
reproduced for convenience, not for

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9975, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9431, Mar. 8, 1985. Redesignated and amended by CGD 88–032, 56
FR 35821, July 29, 1991; USCG –2003–16630, 73
FR 65160, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–3 Definitions of terms used in
this part.
(a) Types of boilers—(1) Main power
boiler. A main power boiler is a steam
boiler used for generating steam for
main propulsion.
(2) Auxiliary or donkey boiler. An auxiliary or donkey boiler is a steam boiler used for all purposes, including

§ 52.01–3

emergency propulsion, for which steam
may be required other than main propulsion.
(3) Watertube boiler. A watertube boiler is a steam boiler in which the boiler
tubes contain water and steam. The
heat is applied to the outside surface of
the tubes.
(4) Internally fired firetube boiler
(scotch boiler). An internally fired
firetube boiler is a steam boiler containing furnaces, one or more combustion chambers and tubes or flues,
which are surrounded by water and
through which the products of combustion pass from the furnace to the uptake. In such boilers no part of the
shell is in contact with the fire or products of combustion.
(5) Externally fired firetube or flue boiler (horizontal return tubular). An externally fired firetube or flue boiler is a
steam boiler, part of the outer shell of
which is exposed to fire or to the products of combustion, and containing
flues through which such products pass
from the furnace to the uptake.
(6) High temperature water boiler. A
high temperature water boiler is a boiler containing water at a temperature
exceeding 250 °F.
(7) Packaged boiler. A packaged boiler
is a steam boiler equipped, and shipped
complete with fuel burning equipment,
mechanical draft equipment, feed
water apparatus and all necessary controls for manual or automatic operation, all completely mounted on a
common base and requiring only to be
connected to fuel, water and electric
supplies to be ready for use.
(8) Fired steam boiler. A pressure vessel in which steam is generated by the
application of heat resulting from the
combustion of fuel is classed as a fired
steam boiler.
(9) Unfired steam boiler. A pressure
vessel in which steam is generated by
means other than fuel combustion is
classed as an unfired steam boiler. (See
§ 54.01–10 of this subchapter.)
(10) Hybrid boiler. A hybrid boiler is a
steam boiler whose design employs features from both watertube and firetube
(b) Parts of boilers—(1) Shell. The shell
is the structure forming the outer envelope of a boiler drum, or pressure
vessel consisting of one or more plates


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 52.01–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

properly joined (or of seamless construction) as specified in this part.
This does not include tube sheets or
(2) Heads. The heads are the ends of a
boiler or pressure vessel. They may be
flat or dished, stayed or unstayed.
(i) Dished heads. Dished heads are
heads formed to a segment of a sphere
or to a hemispherical or elliptical section and may be attached to the shell
so that the pressure will be either on
the concave or on the convex side.
(ii) Stayed heads. Stayed heads are
heads supported in whole or in part by
stays, furnaces, flues, tubes, etc.
(3) Water wall. A water wall is a series
of tubes or elements spaced along or integral with a wall of a furnace to protect the wall and provide additional
heating surface.
(4) Header. A header is a hollow forging, pipe, or welded plate of cylindrical, square, or rectangular cross section, serving as a manifold to which
tubes are connected.
(5) Superheater. A superheater is an
appliance for the purpose of increasing
the temperature of steam.
(6) Economizer. An economizer is a
feed-water heater usually located in
the uptake or casing of a boiler to absorb heat from the waste gases.
(7) Domes. Domes are superstructures
of shells, attached by riveting, bolting,
or welding. They generally consist of a
cylindrical shell with one end flanged
for attachment to the main shell and
the other end closed by a head which
may be integral with, riveted, or welded to the shell.
(8) Steam chimneys. Steam chimneys
are superstructures of steam boilers
which are fitted with a lining inside of
which the products of combustion pass
to the smokestack. They may be constructed in the form of a dome integral
with the boiler or as independent
steam vessels connected by piping to
the boiler.
(9) Furnace. A furnace is a firebox or
a large flue in which the fuel is burned.
(i) Corrugated furnace. A corrugated
furnace is a cylindrical shell wherein
corrugations are formed circumferentially for additional strength and to
provide for expansion.
(ii) Plain furnace. A plain furnace is a
cylindrical shell usually made in sec-

tions joined by means of riveting or
(10) Combustion chamber. A combustion chamber is that part of an internally fired boiler in which combustible
gases may be burned after leaving the
(i) Separate combustion chamber. A
separate combustion chamber is a combustion chamber which is connected to
one furnace only.
(ii) Common combustion chamber. A
common combustion chamber is a combustion chamber connected to two or
more furnaces in a boiler.
(iii) Crown or top plate. A crown or
top plate is the top of a combustion
chamber and is usually supported by
girder stays or by sling stays or braces.
(iv) Curved bottom plate. A curved bottom plate is the bottom of a separate
combustion chamber formed to an arc
of a circle and usually designed to be
(v) Combustion chamber tube sheet. A
combustion chamber tube sheet is the
plate forming the end of a combustion
chamber in which the tubes are secured.
(vi) Combustion chamber back sheet. A
combustion chamber back sheet is the
plate opposite the tube sheet forming
the back of the combustion chamber. It
is usually stayed to the back head of
the boiler by means of screw staybolts,
or, in the case of double-ended boilers,
to the back of the combustion chamber
of the other end of the boiler.
(11) Flues. Flues are cylindrical shells
made of seamless or welded tubing, or
with a riveted longitudinal joint, the
ends being attached by riveting or
welding. Their purpose is to provide additional heating surface and to form a
path for the products of combustion.
(12) Tubes. Tubes are cylindrical
shells of comparatively small diameter
constituting the main part of the heating surface of a boiler or superheater.
(i) Seamless tube. A seamless tube is a
tube without any longitudinal joint.
(ii) Electric-resistance-welded tube. An
electric-resistance-welded tube is a
tube the longitudinal joint of which is
made by the electric-resistance butt
welding process.
(iii) Stay tube. A stay tube is a
thickwalled tube, the end of which is


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
usually thickened by upsetting to compensate for threading. Such tubes are
used for staying tube sheets into which
they are screwed and expanded.
(13) Tube sheet. A tube sheet is a portion of a boiler drum, or header perforated for the insertion of tubes.
(14) Ligament. The ligament is the
section of metal between the holes in a
tube sheet.
(i) Longitudinal ligament. A longitudinal ligament is the minimum section
of metal between two tube holes on a
line parallel with the axis of the drum.
(ii) Circumferential ligament. A circumferential ligament is the minimum
section of metal between two tube
holes on a line around the circumference of the drum.
(iii) Diagonal ligament. A diagonal ligament is the minimum section of
metal between two tube holes in adjacent rows, measured diagonally from
one row to the other.
(c) Stays and supports—(1) Surfaces to
be stayed. Surfaces to be stayed or reinforced include flat plates, heads, or
areas thereof, such as segments of
heads, wrapper sheets, furnace plates,
side sheets, combustion chamber tops,
etc., which are not self-supporting; and
curved plates, constituting the whole
or parts of a cylinder subject to external pressure, which are not entirely
(2) Through stay. A through stay is a
solid bar extending through both heads
of a boiler and threaded at the ends for
attachment by means of nuts. With
this type of stay the ends are usually
upset to compensate for the threading.
(See Figure 52.01–3(a).)
(3) Solid screw staybolt. A solid screw
staybolt is a threaded bar screwed
through the plates, the ends being riveted over or fitted with nuts or welded
collars. (See Figure 52.01–3(b).)
(4) Welded collar. A welded collar is a
beveled ring formed around the end of
a screw stay by means of arc- or gaswelding. It is used in lieu of a nut. (See
Figure 52.01–3(1).)
(5) Hollow screw staybolt. A hollow
screw staybolt is a hollow threaded bar
screwed through the plate, the ends
being riveted over or fitted with nuts
or welded collars. (See Figure 52.01–

§ 52.01–3

(6) Flexible staybolt. A flexible
staybolt is a bar made with ball-andsocket joint on one end, the cup of the
socket being screwed into the outside
sheet and covered with a removable
cap, the plain end of the staybolt being
threaded, screwed through the inside
sheet and riveted over. (See Figure
(7) Sling stay. A sling stay is a flexible
stay consisting of a solid bar having
one or both ends forged for a pin connection to a crowfoot or other structural fitting secured to the stayed
plate. (See Figure 52.01–3(e).)
(8) Crowfoot. A crowfoot is a forged
fitting with palms or lugs secured to
the head to form a proper connection
with a sling stay. (See Figure 52.01–
(9) Crowfoot stay. A crowfoot stay is a
solid bar stay terminating in a forged
fork with palms or lugs for attachment
to the plate. (See Figure 52.01–3(g).)
(10) Diagonal stay. A diagonal stay is
a bar or formed plate forged with palms
or lugs for staying the head of the boiler to the shell diagonally. (See Figure
(11) Gusset stay. A gusset stay is a triangular plate used for the same purpose as a diagonal stay and attached to
the head and the shell by angles,
flanges, or other suitable means of attachment. (See Figure 52.01–3(i).)
(12) Dog stay. A dog stay is a staybolt,
one end of which extends through a
girder, dog, or bridge, and is secured by
a nut, the other end being screwed
through the plate which it is supporting and riveted over or fitted with
a nut or welded collar. (See Figure
(13) Girder. A girder is a bridge, built
up of plates of structural shapes separated by distance pieces, a forging, or a
formed plate, which spans an area requiring support, abutting thereon and
staybolts. (See Figure 52.01–3(k).)
(14) Structural stiffeners. Structural
stiffeners are rolled shapes or flanged
plates which are used to stiffen a surface which is not entirely self-supporting.
(15) Reinforcement. A reinforcement is
a doubling plate, washer, structural
shape, or other form for stiffening or
strengthening a plate.


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 52.01–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(d) Pressure relief devices. For boilers,
pressure vessels, and pressure piping, a
pressure relief device is designed to
open to prevent a rise of internal fluid
pressure in excess of a specified value
due to exposure to emergency or abnormal conditions. It may also be designed
to prevent excessive internal vacuum.
It may be a pressure relief valve, a
nonreclosing pressure relief device or a
vacuum relief valve.
(1) Pressure relief valve. A pressure relief valve is a pressure relief device
which is designed to reclose and prevent the further flow of fluid after normal conditions have been restored.
(i) Safety valve. A safety valve is a
pressure relief valve actuated by inlet
static pressure and characterized by
rapid opening or pop action. Examples
of types used on boilers include:
(A) Spring-loaded safety valve. A
spring-loaded safety valve is a safety
valve fitted with a spring which normally holds the valve disk in a closed
position against the seat and allows it
to open or close at predetermined pressures. Spring-loaded safety valves are
characterized by pop action.
(B) Pressure loaded pilot actuated safety valve. A pressure loaded pilot actuated safety valve is one which is held
in a closed position by steam pressure
and controlled in operation by a pilot
actuator valve.
(C) Spring loaded pilot actuated safety
valve. A spring loaded, pilot actuated
safety valve is one in which a spring is
used in the conventional way to hold
the disk against the seat, but which
has a piston attached to the spindle
and enclosed within a cylinder, which
when subjected to a limiting or set
pressure, unbalances the spring load
thereby opening the valve.
(D) Spring loaded pilot valve. A spring
loaded pilot valve is a conventional
safety valve designed to actuate another spring loaded safety valve
through a pressure transmitting line
led from the body of the pilot valve.
(ii) Relief valve. A relief valve is a
pressure relief valve actuated by inlet
static pressure which opens in proportion to the increase in pressure over
the opening pressure.
(iii) Safety relief valve. A safety relief
valve is a pressure relief valve characterized by rapid opening or pop action,

or by opening in proportion to the increase in pressure over the opening
pressure, depending on application.
(A) Conventional safety relief valve. A
conventional safety relief valve has its
spring housing vented to the discharge
side of the valve. The performance
characteristics (opening pressure, closing pressure, lift and relieving capacity) are directly affected by changes of
the back pressure on the valve.
(B) Balanced safety relief valve. A balanced safety relief valve incorporates
means of minimizing the effect of back
pressure on the operational characteristics (opening pressure, closing pressure, lift and relieving capacity).
(C) Internal spring safety relief valve.
An internal spring safety relief valve
incorporates the spring and all or part
of the operating mechanism within the
pressure vessel.
(iv) Pilot operated pressure relief valve.
A pilot operated pressure relief valve is
a pressure relief valve in which the
major relieving device is combined
with and is controlled by a self-actuated auxiliary pressure relief valve.
(v) Power actuated relief valve. A
power actuated pressure relief valve is
a pressure relief valve in which the
major relieving device is combined
with and controlled by a device requiring an external source of energy.
(vi) Temperature actuated pressure relief valve. A temperature actuated pressure relief valve is a pressure relief
valve. A spring loaded, pilot actuated
internal temperature.
(2) Nonreclosing pressure relief device.
A nonreclosing pressure relief device is
a pressure relief device not designed to
reclose after operation.
(i) Rupture disk device. A rupture disk
device is a device actuated by inlet
static pressure and designed to function by the bursting of a pressure retaining disk.
(ii) Explosion rupture disk device. An
explosion rupture disk device is a rupture disk device designed for use at
high rates of pressure rise.
(iii) Breaking pin device. A breaking
pin device is a device actuated by inlet
static pressure and designed to function by the breakage of a load carrying
section of a pin which supports a pressure retaining member.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(iv) Shear pin device. A shear pin device is a device actuated by inlet static
pressure and designed to function by
the shearing of a load carrying pin
which supports the pressure retaining
(v) Fusible plug device. A fusible plug
device is a device designed to function
by the yielding or melting of a plug of
suitable melting temperature.
(vi) Frangible disk device. A frangible
disk device is the same as a rupture
disk device.
(vii) Bursting disk device. A bursting
disk device is the same as a rupture
disk device.
(3) Vacuum relief valve. A vacuum relief valve is a valve designed to admit
fluid to prevent an excessive internal
Mountings. Mountings are nozzle connections, distance pieces, valves, or fittings attached directly to the boiler.
(2) Main steam stop valve. A main
steam stop valve is a valve usually connected directly to the boiler for the
purpose of shutting off the steam from
the main steam line.
(3) Auxiliary steam stop valve. An auxiliary steam stop valve is a valve usually connected directly to the boiler
for the purpose of shutting off the
steam from the auxiliary lines (including the whistle lines).
(4) Manifold. A manifold is a fitting
with two or more branches having
valves either attached by bolting or integral with the fitting.
(5) Feed valve. A feed valve is a valve
in the feed-water line which controls
the boiler feed.
(6) Blowoff valve. A blowoff valve is a
valve connected directly to the boiler
for the purpose of blowing out water,
scum or sediment.
(7) Dry pipe. A dry pipe is a perforated or slotted pipe placed in the
highest part of the steam space of a
boiler to prevent priming.
(8) Water column. A water column is a
fitting or tube equipped with a water
glass attached to a boiler for the purpose of indicating the water level.
(9) Test cocks. Test cocks are small
cocks on a boiler for indicating the
water level.
(10) Salinometer cocks. Salinometer
cocks are cocks attached to a boiler for

§ 52.01–3

the purpose of drawing off a sample of
water for salinity tests.
(11) Fusible plugs. Fusible plugs are
plugs made with a bronze casing and a
tin filling which melts at a temperature of 445° to 450 °F. They are intended
to melt in the event of low water and
thus warn the engineer on watch.
(f) Boiler fabrication—(1) Repair. Repair is the restoration of any damaged
or impaired part to an effective and
safe condition.
(2) Alteration. Alteration is a structural modification to or departure from
an approved design or existing construction.
(3) Expanding. Expanding is the process of enlarging the end of a tube to
make it fit tightly in the tube sheet.
(4) Beading. Beading is the process of
turning over the protruding end of a
tube after expanding to form a supporting collar for the tube sheet.
(5) Bell-mouthing. Bell-mouthing is
the process of flaring the end of a tube
beyond where it is expanded in the tube
(6) Telltale hole. A telltale hole is a
small hole having a diameter not less
than three-sixteenths inch drilled in
the center of a solid stay, and extending to at least one-half inch beyond the
inside surface of the sheet.
(7) Access or inspection openings. Access or inspection openings are holes
cut in the shells or heads of boilers or
boiler pressure part for the purpose of
inspection and cleaning.
(8) Openings. Openings are holes cut
in shells or heads of boilers or boiler
pressure parts for the purpose of connecting nozzles, domes, steam chimneys, or mountings.
(g) Pressure. The term pressure is an
abbreviation of the more explicit expression ‘‘difference in pressure intensity.’’ It is measured in terms such as
pounds per square inch (p.s.i.).
(1) Gage (or gauge) pressure. Gage
pressure is the difference between the
pressure at the point being measured
and the ambient pressure for the gage.
It is measured in units such as pounds
per square inch gage (p.s.i.g.).
(2) Absolute pressure. Absolute pressure is the difference between the pressure at the point being measured and


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§ 52.01–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

that of a perfect vacuum. It is measured in units such as pounds per square
inch absolute (p.s.i.a.).
(3) Internal pressure. Internal pressure
refers to a situation where the pressure
inside exceeds that outside the volume
being described.

(4) External pressure. External pressure refers to a situation where the
pressure outside exceeds that inside
the volume being described.
(5) Maximum allowable working pressure. For a definition of maximum allowable working pressure, see § 54.10–5
of this subchapter.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9431, Mar. 8, 1985; CGD
83–043, 60 FR 24772, May 10, 1995]

§ 52.01–5


(a) Manufacturers intending to fabricate boilers to be installed on vessels
shall submit detailed plans as required
by subpart 50.20 of this subchapter. The


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
plans, including design calculations,
must be certified by a registered professional engineer as meeting the design requirements in this part and in
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1).
(b) The following information must
be included:
(1) Calculations for all pressure containment components including the
maximum allowable working pressure
and temperature, the hydrostatic or
pneumatic test pressure, the maximum
steam generating capacity and the intended safety valve settings.
(2) Joint design and methods of attachment of all pressure containment
(3) A bill of material meeting the requirements of section I of the ASME
Code, as modified by this subpart.
(4) A diagrammatic arrangement
drawing of the assembled unit indicating the location of internal and external components including any interconnecting piping.
(Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 1625–0097)
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2006–25697, 71 FR 55746,
Sept. 25, 2006; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65160,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–10 Automatic controls.
(a) Each main boiler must meet the
special requirements for automatic
safety controls in § 62.35–20(a)(1) of this
(b) Each automatically controlled
auxiliary boiler having a heat input
rating of less than 12,500,000 Btu/hr.
(3.66 megawatts) must meet the requirements of part 63 of this chapter.
(c) Each automatically controlled
auxiliary boiler with a heat input rating
megawatts) or above, must meet the
requirements for automatic safety controls in part 62 of this chapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18,
1988; CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24236, June 15, 1990]

§ 52.01–35 Auxiliary,
thermal fluid heater, and heating
(a) To determine the appropriate part
of the regulations where requirements

§ 52.01–50

for miscellaneous boiler types, such as
donkey, fired thermal fluid heater,
heating boiler, etc., may be found, refer
to table 54.01–5(a) of this subchapter.
(b) Fired vessels in which steam is
generated at pressures exceeding 103
kPa gage (15 psig) shall meet the requirements of this part.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8,

§ 52.01–40 Materials and workmanship.
All materials to be used in any of the
work specified in the various sections
of this part shall be free from injurious
defects and shall have a workmanlike
finish. The construction work shall be
executed in a workmanlike manner
with proper tools or equipment and
shall be free from defects which would
impair strength or durability.
§ 52.01–50 Fusible plugs (modifies A–19
through A–21).
(a) All boilers, except watertube boilers, with a maximum allowable working pressure in excess of 206 kPa gauge
(30 psig), if fired with solid fuel not in
suspension, or if not equipped for unattended waterbed operation, must be
fitted with fusible plugs. Fusible plugs
must comply with only the requirements of A19 and A20 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) and be stamped on the casing
with the name of the manufacturer,
and on the water end of the fusible
metal ‘‘ASME Std.’’ Fusible plugs are
not permitted where the maximum
steam temperature to which they are
exposed exceeds 218 °C (425 °F).
(b) Vertical boilers shall be fitted
with one fusible plug located in a tube
not more than 2 inches below the lowest gage cock.
(c) Externally fired cylindrical boilers with flues shall have one plug fitted
to the shell immediately below the fire
line not less than 4 feet from the front
(d) Firebox, Scotch, and other types
of shell boilers not specifically provided for, having a combustion chamber common to all furnaces, shall have
one plug fitted at or near the center of
the crown sheet of the combustion


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 52.01–55

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(e) Double-ended boilers, having individual combustion chambers for each
end, in which combustion chambers are
common to all the furnaces in one end
of the boiler, shall have one plug fitted
at or near the center of the crown
sheet of each combustion chamber.
(f) Boilers constructed with a separate combustion chamber for each individual furnace shall be fitted with a fusible plug in the center of the crown
sheet of each combustion chamber.
(g) Boilers of types not provided for
in this section shall be fitted with at
least one fusible plug of such dimensions and located in a part of the boiler
as will best meet the purposes for
which it is intended.
(h) Fusible plugs shall be so fitted
that the smaller end of the filling is in
direct contact with the radiant heat of
the fire, and shall be at least 1 inch
higher on the water side than the plate
or flue in which they are fitted, and in
no case more than 1 inch below the
lowest permissible water level.
(i) The lowest permissible water level
shall be determined as follows:
(1) Vertical firetube boilers, one-half
of the length of the tubes above the
lower tube sheets.
(2) Vertical submerged tube boilers 1
inch above the upper tube sheet.
(3) Internally fired firetube boilers
with combustion chambers integral
with the boiler, 2 inches above the
highest part of the combustion chamber.
(4) Horizontal-return tubular and dry
back Scotch boilers, 2 inches above the
top row of tubes.
(j) [Reserved]
(k)(1) Fusible plugs shall be cleaned
and will be examined by the marine inspector at each inspection for certification, periodic inspection, and oftener
if necessary. If in the marine inspector’s opinion the condition of any plug
is satisfactory, it may be continued in
(2) When fusible plugs are renewed at
other than the inspection for certification and no marine inspector is in attendance, the Chief Engineer shall submit a written report to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, who issued
the certificate of inspection informing
him of the renewal. This letter report

shall contain the following information:
(i) Name and official number of vessel.
(ii) Date of renewal of fusible plugs.
(iii) Number and location of fusible
plugs renewed in each boiler.
(iv) Manufacturer and heat number of
each plug.
(v) Reason for renewal.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65160, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–55 Increase in maximum allowable working pressure.
(a) When the maximum allowable
working pressure of a boiler has been
established, an increase in the pressure
settings of its safety valves shall not
be granted unless the boiler design
meets the requirements of this subchapter in effect at the time the boiler
was contracted for or built; but in no
case will a pressure increase be authorized for boilers constructed prior to the
effective date of the regulations dated
November 19, 1952, if the minimum
thickness found by measurement shows
that the boiler will have a factor of
safety of less than 41⁄2. The piping system, machinery, and appurtenances
shall meet the present requirements of
this subchapter for the maximum allowable working pressure requested.
An increase in pressure shall be granted only by the Commandant upon presentation of data or plans proving that
the requested increase in pressure is
(b) When an existing boiler is replaced by a new boiler designed to operate at pressures in excess of the pressure indicated on the certificate of inspection for the previous boiler, an
analysis of the complete system shall
be made, including machinery and piping, to insure its compatibility with
the increased steam pressure. The maximum allowable working pressure on
the certificate of inspection shall be
based on the results of this analysis.
§ 52.01–90 Materials (modifies PG–5
through PG–13).
(a) Material subject to stress due to
pressure must conform to specifications as indicated in paragraphs PG–5


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
through PG–13 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this section.
(b) Material not fully identified with
an ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code-approved specification may be accepted as meeting Coast Guard requirements providing it satisfies the conditions indicated in paragraph PG–10 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(c) (Modifies PG–5.) When the maximum allowable working pressure (See
PG–21) exceeds 15 pounds per square
inch, cross pipes connecting the steam
and water drums of water tube boilers,
headers, cross boxes, and all pressure
parts of the boiler proper, shall be
made of a wrought or cast steel listed
in tables 1A and 1B of section II of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
(d) (Modifies PG–8.2.) The use of cast
iron is prohibited for mountings, fittings, valves, or cocks attached directly to boilers operating at pressures
exceeding 15 pounds per square inch.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–95 Design
through PG–31 and PG–100).
(a) Requirements. Boilers required to
be designed to this part shall meet the
requirements of PG–16 through PG–31
of section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this section.
(b) Superheater. (1) The design pressure of a superheater integral with the
boiler shall not be less than the lowest
setting of the drum safety valve.
(2) Controls shall be provided to insure that the maximum temperature at
the superheater outlets does not exceed
the allowable temperature limit of the
material used in the superheater outlet, in the steam piping, and in the associated machinery under all operating
conditions including boiler overload.
Controls need not be provided if the operating superheater characteristic is
demonstrated to be such that the temperature limits of the material will not
be exceeded. Visible and audible alarms
indicating excessive superheat shall be

§ 52.01–95

provided in any installation in which
the superheater outlet temperature exceeds 454 °C (850 °F). The setting of the
excessive superheat alarms must not
exceed the maximum allowable temperature of the superheater outlet,
which may be limited by the boiler design, the main steam piping design, or
the temperature limits of other equipment subjected to the temperature of
the steam.
(3) Arrangement shall be made for
venting and draining the superheater
in order to permit steam circulation
through the superheater when starting
the boiler.
(c) Economizer. The design pressure of
an economizer integral with the boiler
and connected to the boiler drum without intervening stop valves shall be at
least equal to 110 percent of the highest
setting of the safety valves on the
(d) Brazed boiler steam air heaters.
Boiler steam air heaters utilizing
brazed construction are permitted at
temperature not exceeding 525 °F.
Refer to § 56.30–30(b)(1) of this subchapter for applicable requirements.
(e) Stresses. (Modifies PG–22.) The
stresses due to hydrostatic head shall
be taken into account in determining
the minimum thickness of the shell or
head of any boiler pressure part unless
noted otherwise. Additional stresses,
imposed by effects other than internal
pressure or static head, which increase
the average stress over substantial sections of the shell or head by more than
10 percent of the allowable stress shall
be taken into account. These effects include the weight of the vessel and its
contents, method of support, impact
loads, superimposed loads, localized
stresses due to the reactions of supports, stresses due to temperature gradients and dynamic effects.
(f) Cylindrical components under internal pressure. (Modifies PG–27.) The minimum required thickness and maximum allowable working pressure of
boiler piping, tubes, drums and headers
shall be as required by the formula in
PG–27 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code except that


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§ 52.01–100

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

threaded boiler tubes are not permitted.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31,

§ 52.01–100 Openings and compensation (modifies PG–32 through PG–
39, PG–42 through PG–55).
(a) The rules for openings and compensation shall be as indicated in PG–
32 through PG–55 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this section.
(b) (Modifies PG–39.) Pipe and nozzle
necks shall be attached to vessel walls
as indicated in PG–39 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
except that threaded connections shall
not be used under any of the following
(1) Pressures greater than 4,137 kPa
(600 psig);
(2) Nominal diameters greater than
51 mm (2 in.); or
(3) Nominal diameters greater than
19 mm (0.75 in.) and pressures above
1,034 kPa (150 psig).
(c) (Modifies PG–42.) Butt welding
flanges and fittings must be used when
full radiography is required by § 56.95–
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 52.01–105 Piping, valves and fittings
(modifies PG–58 and PG–59).
(a) Boiler external piping within the
jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code must be as indicated in PG–58 and PG–59 of section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 52.01–1) except as noted otherwise
in this section. Piping outside the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code must meet the
appropriate requirements of part 56 of
this subchapter.
(b) In addition to the requirements in
PG–58 and PG–59 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
boiler external piping must:

(1) Meet the design conditions and
criteria in § 56.07–10 of this subchapter,
except § 56.07–10(b);
(2) Be included in the pipe stress calculations required by § 56.35–1 of this
(3) Meet the nondestructive examination requirements in § 56.95–10 of this
(4) Have butt welding flanges and fittings when full radiography is required;
(5) Meet the requirements for threaded joints in § 56.30–20 of this subchapter.
(c) Steam stop valves, in sizes exceeding 152mm (6 inch) NPS, must be
fitted with bypasses for heating the
line and equalizing the pressure before
the valve is opened.
(d) Feed connections. (1) Feed water
shall not be discharged into a boiler
against surfaces exposed to hot gases
or radiant heat of the fire.
(2) Feed water nozzles of boilers designed for pressures of 2758 kPa (400
psi), or over, shall be fitted with
sleeves or other suitable means employed to reduce the effects of metal
temperature differentials.
(e) Blowoff connections. (1) Firetube
and drum type boilers shall be fitted
with a surface and a bottom blowoff
valve or cock attached directly to the
boiler or to a short distance piece. The
surface blowoff valve shall be located
within the permissible range of the
water level, or fitted with a scum pan
or pipe at this level. The bottom blowoff valve shall be attached to the lowest part of the boiler or fitted with an
internal pipe leading to the lowest
point inside the boiler. Watertube boilers designed for pressures of 2413 kPa
(350 psig) or over are not required to be
fitted with a surface blowoff valve.
Boilers equipped with a continuous
blowdown valve on the steam drum are
not required to be fitted with an additional surface blowoff connection.
(2) Where blowoff pipes are exposed
to radiant heat of the fire, they must
be protected by fire brick or other suitable heat-resisting material.
(f) Dry pipes. Internal dry pipes may
be fitted to the steam drum outlet provided the dry pipes have a diameter
equal to the steam drum outlet and a


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
wall thickness at least equal to standard commercial pipe of the same diameter. Openings in dry pipes must be
as near as practicable to the drum outlet and must be slotted or drilled. The
width of the slots must not be less than
6mm (0.25 in.). The diameter of the
holes must not be less than 10mm (0.375
in.). Where dry pipes are used, they
must be provided with drains at each
end to prevent an accumulation of

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[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9432, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–110 Water-level
water columns, gauge-glass connections, gauge cocks, and pressure
gauges (modifies PG–60).
(a) Boiler water level devices. Boiler
water level devices shall be as indicated in PG–60 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this section.
(b) Water level indicators. (Modifies
PG–60.1.) (1) Each boiler, except those
of the forced circulation type with no
fixed water line and steam line, shall
have two independent means of indicating the water level in the boiler
connected directly to the head or shell.
One shall be a gage lighted by the
emergency electrical system (See subpart 112.15 of subchapter J (Electrical
Engineering) of this chapter) which
will insure illumination of the gages
under all normal and emergency conditions. The secondary indicator may
consist of a gage glass, or other acceptable device. Where the allowance pressure exceeds 1724 kPa (250 psi), the gage
glasses shall be of the flat type instead
of the common tubular type.
(2) Gage glasses shall be in continuous operation while the boiler is
(3) Double-ended firetube boilers
shall be equipped as specified in this
paragraph and paragraph (e) of this
section except that the required water
level indicators shall be installed on
each end of the boiler.
(4) Externally fired flue boilers, such
as are used on central western river
vessels, shall be equipped as specified
in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this

§ 52.01–110

section except that float gages may be
substituted for gage glasses.
(c) Water columns. (Modifies PG–60.2.)
The use of water columns is generally
limited to firetube boilers. Water column installations shall be close hauled
to minimize the effect of ship motion
on water level indication. When water
columns are provided they shall be
fitted directly to the heads or shells of
boilers or drums by 1 inch minimum
size pipes with shutoff valves attached
directly to the boiler or drums, or if
necessary, connected thereto by a distance piece both at the top and bottom
of the water columns. Shutoff valves
used in the pipe connections between
the boiler and water column or between the boiler and the shutoff valves,
required by PG–60.6 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for gauge glasses, shall be locked or
sealed open. Water column piping shall
not be fitted inside the uptake, the
smoke box, or the casing. Water columns shall be fitted with suitable
drains. Cast iron fittings are not permitted.
(d) Gage glass connections. (Modifies
PG–60.3.) Gage glasses and gage cocks
shall be connected directly to the head
or shell of a boiler as indicated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. When water
columns are authorized, connections to
the columns may be made provided a
close hauled arrangement is utilized so
that the effect of ship roll on the water
level indication is minimized.
(e) Gage cocks. (Modifies PG–60.4.) (1)
When the steam pressure does not exceed 250 pounds per square inch, three
test cocks attached directly to the
head or shell of a boiler may serve as
the secondary water level indicator.
(2) See paragraph (d) of this section
for restrictions on cock connections.
(f) Pressure gages. (Modifies PG–60.6.)
Each double-ended boiler shall be fitted
with two steam gages, one on either
end on the boiler.
(g) Salinometer cocks. In vessels operating in salt water, each boiler shall be
equipped with a salinometer cock or
valve which shall be fitted directly to
the boiler in a convenient position.
They shall not be attached to the
water gage or water column.
watertube boiler for propulsion must


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§ 52.01–115

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

have an audible and a visible highwater-level alarm. The alarm indicators must be located where the boiler is
[CG FR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9433, Mar. 8,
1985; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24772, May 10, 1995;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–115 Feedwater supply (modifies
Boiler feedwater supply must meet
the requirements of PG–61 of section I
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 52.01–1) and § 56.50–30 of this subchapter.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 52.01–120 Safety valves and safety relief valves (modifies PG–67 through
(a)(1) Boiler safety valves and safety
relief valves must be as indicated in
PG–67 through PG–73 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this section.
(2) A safety valve must:
(i) Be stamped in accordance with
PG–110 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code;
(ii) Have its capacity certified by the
National Board of Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Inspectors;
(iii) Have a drain opening tapped for
not less than 6mm (1⁄4 in.) NPS; and
(iv) Not have threaded inlets for
valves larger than 51mm (2 in.) NPS.
(3) On river steam vessels whose boilers are connected in batteries without
means of isolating one boiler from another, each battery of boilers shall be
treated as a single boiler and equipped
with not less than two safety valves of
equal size.
(4) (Modifies PG–70.) The total rated
relieving capacity of drum and superheater safety valves as certified by the
valve manufacturer shall not be less
than the maximum generating capacity of the boiler which shall be determined and certified by the boiler manufacturer. This capacity shall be in
compliance with PG–70 of section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel

(5) In the event the maximum steam
generating capacity of the boiler is increased by any means, the relieving capacity of the safety valves shall be
checked by an inspector, and, if determined to be necessary, valves of increased relieving capacity shall be installed.
(6) (Modifies PG–67.) Drum safety
valves shall be set to relieve at a pressure not in excess of that allowed by
the Certificate of Inspection. Where for
any reason this is lower than the pressure for which the boiler was originally
designed and the revised safety valve
capacity cannot be recomputed and
certified by the valve manufacturer,
one of the tests described in PG–70(3) of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be conducted in
the presence of the Inspector to insure
that the relieving capacity is sufficient
at the lower pressure.
(7) On new installations the safety
valve nominal size for propulsion boilers and superheaters must not be less
than 38mm (11⁄2 in.) nor more than
102mm (4 in.). Safety valves 38mm (11⁄2
in.) to 114mm (41⁄2 in.) may be used for
replacements on existing boilers. The
safety valve size for auxiliary boilers
must be between 19mm (3⁄4 in.) and
102mm (4 in.) NPS. The nominal size of
a safety valve is the nominal diameter
(as defined in 56.07–5(b)) of the inlet
(8) Lever or weighted safety valves
now installed may be continued in use
and may be repaired, but when renewals are necessary, lever or weighted
safety valves shall not be used. All
such replacements shall conform to the
requirements of this section.
(9) Gags or clamps for holding the
safety valve disk on its seat shall be
carried on board the vessel at all times.
(10) (Modifies PG–73.2.) Cast iron may
be used only for caps and lifting bars.
When used for these parts, the elongation must be at least 5 percent in
51mm (2 inch) gage length. Nonmetallic
material may be used only for gaskets
and packing.
(b)(1) (Modifies PG–68.) Superheater
safety valves shall be as indicated in
PG–68 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code except as
noted otherwise in this paragraph.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(2) The setting of the superheater
safety valve shall not exceed the design
pressure of the superheater outlet
flange or the main steam piping beyond
the superheater. To prevent damage to
the superheater, the drum safety valve
shall be set at a pressure not less than
that of the superheater safety valve
setting plus 5 pounds minimum plus
approximately the normal load pressure drop through the superheater and
associated piping, including the controlled desuperheater if fitted. See also
§ 52.01–95(b) (1).
(3) Drum pilot actuated superheater
safety valves are permitted provided
the setting of the pilot valve and superheater safety valve is such that the
superheater safety valve will open before the drum safety valve.
(c)(1) (Modifies PG–71.) Safety valves
shall be installed as indicated in PG–71
of section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code except as noted
otherwise in this paragraph.
(2) The final setting of boiler safety
valves shall be checked and adjusted
under steam pressure and, if possible,
while the boiler is on the line and the
steam is at operating temperatures, in
the presence of and to the satisfaction
of a marine inspector who, upon acceptance, shall seal the valves. This
regulation applies to both drum and
superheater safety valves of all boilers.
(3) The safety valve body drains required by PG–71 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
shall be run as directly as possible
from the body of each boiler safety
valve, or the drain from each boiler
safety valve may be led to an independent header common only to boiler
safety valve drains. No valves of any
type shall be installed in the leakoff
from drains or drain headers and they
shall be led to suitable locations to
avoid hazard to personnel.
(d)(1) (Modifies PG–72.) The operation
of safety valves shall be as indicated in
PG–72 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code except as
noted in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(2) (Modifies PG–73.) The lifting device
required by PG–73.1.3 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
shall be fitted with suitable relieving
gear so arranged that the controls may

§ 52.01–130

be operated from
engineroom floor.



[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9433, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31,

§ 52.01–130 Installation.
(a) Foundations. (1) Plans showing details of proposed foundations and support for boilers and the proposed means
of bracing boilers in the vessel shall be
submitted for approval to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, in the district where the installation is being
(2) Provision shall be made in foundations for expansion of the boilers when
(3) Boilers shall be provided with
chocks to prevent movement in the
event of collision unless a bolted or riveted construction satisfactorily provides for this contingency.
(b) Protection of adjacent structure. (1)
Boilers shall be so placed that all parts
are readily accessible for inspection
and repair.
(2) In vessels having a double bottom
or other extensive surfaces directly
below the boiler, the distance between
such surface and a boiler shall in no
case be less than 18 inches at the lowest part.
(3) In certain types of vessels where
the boiler foundation forms the ashpit,
such foundations shall be efficiently
ventilated, except in cases where the
ashpit is partially filled with water at
all times.
(4) The pans of oil-burning, watertube
boilers shall be arranged to prevent oil
from leaking into the bilges and shall
be lined with firebrick or other heat resisting material.
(5) The distance between a boiler and
a compartment containing fuel oil
shall not be less than 24 inches at the
back end of a boiler and 18 inches elsewhere, except that for a cylindrical
part of a boiler or a knuckle in the casing of a water-tube boiler, these distances may be reduced to 18 inches,
provided all parts are readily accessible for inspection and repair.
(6) All oil-burning boilers shall be
provided with oiltight drip pans under
the burners and elsewhere as necessary
to prevent oil draining into the bilges.


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§ 52.01–135

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(c) Boiler uptakes. (1) Where dampers
are installed in the uptakes or funnels,
the arrangement shall be such that it
will not be possible to shut off the gas
passages from the operating boilers.
(2) Each main power boiler and auxiliary boiler shall be fitted with a separate gas passage.

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§ 52.01–135 Inspection and tests (modifies PG–90 through PG–100).
(a) Requirements. Inspection and test
of boilers and boiler pressure parts
shall be as indicated in PG–90 through
PG–100 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except
as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) The inspections required by PG–90
through PG–100 of the ASME Code
shall be performed by the ‘‘Authorized
Inspector’’ as defined in PG–91 of section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 52.01–1). The Authorized Inspector shall hold a valid commission
issued by the National Board of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. After
installation, boilers will be inspected
for compliance with this part by the
‘‘Marine Inspector’’ as defined in
§ 50.10–15 of this subchapter.
(c) Hydrostatic test (Modifies PG–99).
hydrostatically tested after installation to 11⁄2 times the maximum allowable working pressure as indicated in
PG–99 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1). Before
the boilers are insulated, accessible
parts of the boiler shall be emptied,
opened up and all interior surfaces
shall be examined by the marine inspector to ascertain that no defects
have occurred due to the hydrostatic
(d) Operating tests. In addition to hydrostatic tests prescribed in paragraph
(c) of this section, automatically controlled auxiliary boilers must be subjected to operating tests as specified in
§§ 61.30–20, 61.35–1, 61.35–3, 62.30–10, 63.15–
9, 63.25–3, and 63.25–5 of this chapter, as
appropriate, or as directed by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for

propulsion boilers, These tests are to
be performed after final installation.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9433, Mar. 8, 1985; CGD
88–057, 55 FR 24236, June 15, 1990; USCG–2003–
16630, 73 FR 65162, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–140 Certification by stamping
(modifies PG–104 through PG–113).
(a) All boilers built in accordance
with this part must be stamped with
the appropriate ASME Code symbol as
required by PG–104 through PG–113 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1).
(b)(1) Upon satisfactory completion
of the tests and Coast Guard inspections, boilers must be stamped with the
(i) Manufacturer’s name and serial
(ii) ASME Code Symbol;
(iii) Coast Guard symbol, which is affixed only by marine inspector (see
§ 50.10–15 of this subchapter);
(iv) Maximum allowable working
pressure lll at lll °C (°F): and
(v) Boiler rated steaming capacity in
kilograms (pounds) per hour (rated
joules (B.T.U.) per hour output for high
temperature water boilers).
(2) The information required in paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be located on:
(i) The front head or shell near the
normal waterline and within 610 mm
(24 inches) of the front of firetube boilers; and
(ii) The drum head of water tube boilers.
(3) Those heating boilers which are
built to section I of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1), as permitted by § 53.01–10(e) of
this subchapter, do not require Coast
Guard stamping and must receive full
ASME stamping including the appropriate code symbol.
(c) The data shall be legibly stamped
and shall not be obliterated during the
life of the boiler. In the event that the
portion of the boiler upon which the
data is stamped is to be insulated or
otherwise covered, a metal nameplate
as described in PG–106.6 of section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 52.01–1) shall be furnished and
mounted. The nameplate is to be maintained in a legible condition so that
the data may be easily read.
(d) Safety valves shall be stamped as
indicated in PG–110 of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code.
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9433, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65162,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.01–145 Manufacturers’ data report
forms (modifies PG–112 and PG–
The manufacturers’ data report
forms required by PG–112 and PG–113 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) must be
made available to the marine inspector
for review. The Authorized Inspector’s
National Board commission number
must be included on the manufacturers’ data report forms.
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]


(a) Boilers and component parts, including piping, that are fabricated by
welding shall be as indicated in PW–1
through PW–54 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this subpart.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65162,
Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 52.05–15 Heat


be nondestructively examined under
§ 52.05–20.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65162,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.05–20 Radiographic and ultrasonic
examination (modifies PW–11 and
Radiographic and ultrasonic examination of welded joints must be as described in PW–11 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1), except that parts of boilers
fabricated of pipe material such as
drums, shells, downcomers, risers,
cross pipes, headers, and tubes containing only circumferentially welded
butt joints, must be nondestructively
examined as required by § 56.95–10 of
this subchapter even though they may
be exempted by the limits on size specified in table PW–11 and PW–41.1 of section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65162, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.05–30 Minimum requirements for
attachment welds (modifies PW–16).

Subpart 52.05—Requirements for
Boilers Fabricated by Welding
§ 52.05–1 General
through PW–54).

§ 52.05–30


(a) Vessels and vessel parts shall be
preheated and postweld heat treated in
accordance with PW–38 and PW–39 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) (reproduces
PW–10). This includes boiler parts made
of pipe material even though they may

(a) The location and minimum size of
attachment welds for nozzles and other
connections shall be as required by
PW–16 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except
as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) When nozzles or couplings are attached to boilers, as shown in Figure
PW–16 (a) and (c) of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
and are welded from one side only,
backing strips shall be used unless it
can be determined visually or by acceptable nondestructive test methods
that complete penetration has been obtained.
(c) When attachments as shown in
Figure PW–16 (y) and (z) of section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code are employed they shall be limited to 2-inch pipe size for pressure exceeding 150 pounds per square inch.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]


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§ 52.05–45

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

§ 52.05–45 Circumferential joints in
pipes, tubes and headers (modifies
(a) Circumferential welded joints of
pipes, tubes and headers shall be as required by PW–41 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this section.
(b) (Modifies PW–41.1) Circumferential
welded joints in pipes, tubes, and headers of pipe material must be nondestructively examined as required by
§ 56.95–10 of this subchapter and PW–41
of section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
(c) (Modifies PW–41.5) Butt welded
connections shall be provided whenever
radiography is required by § 56.95–10 of
this subchapter for the piping system
in which the connection is to be made.
When radiography is not required,
welded socket or sleeve type joints
meeting the requirements of PW–41.5 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code may be provided.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31,

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8, 1985;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 52.20—Requirements for
Firetube Boilers
§ 52.20–1 General
through PFT–49).

§ 52.15–1 General
through PWT–15).
Watertube boilers and parts thereof
shall be as indicated in PWT–1 through
PWT–15 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except
as noted otherwise in this subpart.
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8, 1985; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.15–5 Tube connections (modifies
PWT–9 and PWT–11).
(a) Tubes, pipe and nipples shall be
attached to sheets, heads, headers, and
fittings as indicated in PWT–11 of section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) (Replaces PWT–9.2 and PWT–11.3.)
Threaded boiler tubes shall not be permitted as described by PWT–9.2 and

Firetube boilers and parts thereof
shall be as indicated in PFT–1 through
PFT–49 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except
as noted otherwise in this subpart.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161, Oct. 31, 2008]

When a discharge pipe is used, it
must be installed in accordance with
the requirements of § 52.01–105.
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8, 1985]

§ 52.20–25

Setting (modifies PFT–46).

(a) The method of supporting firetube
boilers shall be as indicated in PFT–46
of section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this section.
(b) The foundations shall meet the
requirements of § 52.01–130.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 52.25—Other Boiler Types
SOURCE: CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9434, Mar. 8, 1985,
unless otherwise noted.


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§ 52.20–17 Opening between boiler and
safety valve (modifies PFT–44).

Subpart 52.15—Requirements for
Watertube Boilers

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PWT–11.3 of section I of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(c) In welded wall construction employing stub and welded wall panels
which are field welded, approximately
10 percent of the field welds shall be
checked using any acceptable nondestructive test method.
(d) Nondestructive testing of the butt
welded joints shall meet the requirements of § 56.95–10 of this subchapter.

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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 52.25–1


Requirements for fired boilers of various sizes and uses are referenced in
table 54.01–5(a) of this subchapter.
§ 52.25–3 Feedwater heaters (modifies
In addition to the requirements in
PFH–1 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1),
feedwater heaters must meet the requirements in this part or the requirements in part 54.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.25–5 Miniature boilers (modifies
PMB–1 through PMB–21).
Miniature boilers must meet the applicable provisions in this part for the
boiler type involved and the mandatory
requirements in PMB–1 through PMB–
21 of of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1)
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.25–7 Electric
PEB–1 through PEB–19).


Electric boilers required to comply
with this part must meet the applicable provisions in this part and the mandatory requirements in PEB–1 through
PEB–19 except PEB–3 of section I of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 52.25–10 Organic fluid vaporizer generators (modifies PVG–1 through
(a) Organic fluid vaporizer generators
and parts thereof shall meet the requirements of PVG–1 through PVG–12
of section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 52.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this section.

Pt. 53

(b) The application and end use of organic fluid vaporizer generators shall
be approved by the Commandant.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65161,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 52.25–15 Fired thermal fluid heaters.
(a) Fired thermal fluid heaters shall
be designed, constructed, inspected,
tested, and stamped in accordance with
the applicable provisions in this part.
(b) Each fired thermal fluid heater
must be fitted with a control which
prevents the heat transfer fluid from
being heated above its flash point.
(c) The heat transfer fluid must be
chemically compatible with any cargo
carried in the cargo tanks serviced by
the heat transfer system.
(d) Each fired thermal fluid heater
must be tested and inspected in accordance with the requirements of subpart
61.30 of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18815, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24236, June 15,

§ 52.25–20 Exhaust gas boilers.
Exhaust gas boilers with a maximum
allowable working pressure greater
than 103 kPa gage (15 psig) or an operating temperature greater than 454 °C.
(850 °F.) must be designed, constructed,
inspected, tested and stamped in accordance with the applicable provisions
in this part. The design temperature of
parts exposed to the exhaust gas must
be the maximum temperature that
could normally be produced by the
source of the exhaust gas. This temperature must be verified by testing or
by the manufacturer of the engine or
other equipment producing the exhaust. Automatic exhaust gas boiler
control systems must be designed, constructed, tested, and inspected in accordance with § 63.25–7 of this chapter.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24236, June 15, 1990]

Subpart 53.01—General Requirements
53.01–1 Incorporation by reference.
53.01–3 Adoption of section IV of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
53.01–5 Scope (modifies HG–100).


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§ 53.01–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

53.01–10 Service restrictions and exceptions
(replaces HG–101).

Subpart 53.05—Pressure Relieving Devices
(Article 4)
53.05–1 Safety valve requirements for steam
boilers (modifies HG–400 and HG–401).
53.05–2 Relief valve requirements for hot
water boilers (modifies HG–400.2).
53.05–3 Materials (modifies HG–401.2).
53.05–5 Discharge capacities and valve

Subpart 53.10—Tests, Inspection, Stamping,
and Reporting (Article 5)
53.10–1 General.
53.10–3 Inspection and tests (modifies HG–
500 through HG–540).
53.10–10 Certification by stamping.
53.10–15 Manufacturers’ data report forms.

Subpart 53.12—Instruments, Fittings, and
Controls (Article 6)
53.12–1 General (modifies HG–600 through
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234,
45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18826, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 53.01—General
§ 53.01–1 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Lu-

ther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. You may also inspect
this material at the sources listed
(b) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001)
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 53.01–10.
(2) 2004 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers (July 1,
2004) (‘‘Section IV of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code’’), 53.01–3;
53.01–5; 53.01–10; 53.05–1; 53.05–2; 53.05–3;
53.05–5; 53.10–1; 53.10–3; 53.10–10; 53.10–15;
and 53.12–1.
(c) Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333
Pfingston Road, Northbrook, IL 60062–
(1) UL 174, Standard for Household
Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters,
Tenth Edition, Feb. 28, 1996 (Revisions
through and including Nov. 10, 1997)
(’’UL 174’’), 53.01–10.
(2) UL 1453, Standard for Electric
Booster and Commercial Storage Tank
Water Heaters, Fourth Edition, Sep. 1,
1995 (‘‘UL 1453’’), 53.01–10.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65163, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60147,
Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 53.01–3 Adoption of section IV of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(a) Heating boilers shall be designed,
constructed, inspected, tested, and
stamped in accordance with section IV
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 53.01–1) as limited, modified, or
replaced by specific requirements in
this part. The provisions in the appendices to section IV of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code are adopted
and shall be followed when the requirements in section IV make them mandatory. For general information, table
53.01–3(a) lists the various paragraphs
in section IV of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code that are limited,
modified, or replaced by regulations in
this part.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Paragraphs in Section IV of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code 1 and disposition

Unit of this

HG–100 modified by ..........................................
HG–101 replaced by .........................................
HG–400 modified by ..........................................
HG–400.2 modified by .......................................
HG–401 modified by ..........................................
HG–401.2 modified by .......................................
HG–500 through HG–540 modified by ..............
HG–600 through HG–640 modified by ..............


1 The references to specific provisions in the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code are coded. The first letter, such as
‘‘H,’’ refers to section IV. The second letter, such as ‘‘G,’’ refers to a part or subpart in section IV. The number following
the letters refers to the paragraph so numbered in the text of
the part or subpart in section IV.

(b) References to the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, such as paragraph HG–307, indicate:
H = Section IV of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code.
G = Part containing general requirements.
3 = Article in part.
307 = Paragraph within Article 3.
(c) When a paragraph or a section of
the regulations in this part relates to
material in section IV of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the
relationship with the code will be
shown immediately following the heading of the section or at the beginning
of the paragraph, as follows:
(1) (Modifies Hlll.) This indicates
that the material in Hlll is generally applicable but is being altered,
amplified or augmented.
(2) (Replaces Hlll.) This indicates
that Hlll does not apply.
(3) (Reproduces Hlll.) This indicates that Hlll is being identically
reproduced for convenience, not for

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18826, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9435, Mar. 8, 1985. Redesignated and amended by CGD 88–032, 56
FR 35821, July 29, 1991; USCG–2003–16630, 73
FR 65163, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.01–5 Scope (modifies HG–100).
(a) The regulations in this part apply
to steam heating boilers, hot water
boilers (which include hot water heating boilers and hot water supply boilers), and to appurtenances thereto. The
requirements in this part shall be used

§ 53.01–10

in conjunction with section IV of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
53.01–1). table 54.01–5(a) of this subchapter gives a breakdown by parts in
this subchapter of the regulations governing various types of pressure vessels
and boilers.
(b) Modifies HG–100. The requirements
of part HG of section IV of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall
be used except as noted otherwise in
this part.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65163, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.01–10 Service restrictions and exceptions (replaces HG–101).
(a) General. The service restrictions
and exceptions shall be as indicated in
this section in lieu of the requirements
in HG–101 of section IV of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–
(b) Service restrictions. (1) Boilers of
wrought materials shall be restricted
to a maximum of 103 kPa gage (15 psig)
for steam and a maximum of 689 kPa
(100 psig) or 121 °C (250 °F) for hot
water. If operating conditions exceed
these limits, design and fabrications
shall be in accordance with part 52 of
this subchapter.
(2) Boilers of cast iron materials
shall be restricted to a maximum of 103
kPa gage (15 psig) for steam and to a
maximum of 206 kPa gage (30 psig) or
121 °C (250 °F) for hot water.
(c) Hot water supply boilers. (1) Electrically fired hot water supply boilers
that have a capacity not greater than
454 liters (120 gallons), a heat input not
greater than 58.6 kilowatts (200,000 BTU
per hour), and are listed as approved
under Underwriters’ Laboratories UL
174 or UL 1453 (both incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–1) are exempted from the requirements of this
part provided they are protected by a
pressure relief device. This relief device
need not comply with § 53.05–2.
(2) Oil fired hot water supply boilers
shall not be exempted from the requirements of this part on the basis of size
or heat input.
(d) Exhaust gas type boilers shall be
restricted to a working pressure equal
to or less than 103 kPa gage (15 psig)
and an operating temperature equal to


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§ 53.05–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

or less than 454 °C (850 °F). The design
temperature of parts exposed to the exhaust gas must be the maximum temperature that could normally be produced by the source of exhaust gas.
This temperature shall be verified by
testing or by the manufacturer of the
engine or other equipment producing
the exhaust.
(e) Heating boilers whose operating
conditions are within the service restrictions of § 53.01–10(b)(1) may be constructed in accordance with section I of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 53.01–1). In addition, these heating
boilers must:
(1) Be stamped with the appropriate
ASME Code symbol in accordance with
PG–104 through PG–113 of section IV of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(2) Meet the service restrictions of
§ 53.01–10(b)(2) if made of cast iron;
(3) Have safety valves which meet the
requirements of § 52.01–120 of this subchapter;
(4) If a hot water supply boiler, have
a temperature relief valve or a pressure-temperature relief valve in accordance with § 53.05–2(c);
(5) If automatically controlled, meet
the applicable requirements in part 63
of this subchapter; and
(6) Meet the inspection and test requirements of § 53.10–3.
(f) Controls and miscellaneous accessories. Refer to part 63 of this subchapter for the requirements governing
controls and miscellaneous accessories.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18826, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9435, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65163, Oct. 31,

Subpart 53.05—Pressure Relieving
Devices (Article 4)

[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9435, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65163,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.05–2 Relief valve requirements for
hot water boilers (modifies HG–
(a) The relief valve requirements for
hot water boilers must be as indicated
in article 4 of section IV of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–
1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) Hot water heating boilers. Each hot
water heating boiler must have at least
one safety relief valve.
(c) Hot water supply boilers. Each hot
water supply boiler must have at least
one safety relief valve and a temperature relief valve or a pressure-temperature relief valve. The valve temperature setting must not be more than 99
°C (210 °F).
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9435, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65163,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.05–3 Materials


§ 53.05–1 Safety valve requirements for
steam boilers (modifies HG–400 and
(a) The pressure relief valve requirements and the safety valve requirements for steam boilers must be as indicated in HG–400 and HG–401 of section
IV of the ASME Boiler and Pressure

Materials for valves must be in accordance with HG–401.2 of section IV of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 53.01–1) except that nonmetallic
materials may be used only for gaskets
and packing.

§ 53.05–5 Discharge
valve markings.


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The discharge capacities and valve
markings must be as indicated in HG–
402 of section IV of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–1). The
discharge capacities must be certified
by the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]


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[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]

SOURCE: CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9435, Mar. 8, 1985,
unless otherwise noted.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 53.01–1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) Each steam boiler must have at
least one safety valve.

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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

Subpart 53.10—Tests, Inspection,
Stamping, and Reporting (Article 5)

Authorized Inspector’s National Board
commission number must be included
on the manufacturers’ data report

§ 53.10–1

[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]


The tests, inspection, stamping, and
reporting of heating boilers shall be as
indicated in article 5, part HG of section IV of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this subpart.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.10–3 Inspection and tests (modifies HG–500 through HG–540).
(a) The inspections required by HG–
500 through HG–540 must be performed
by the ‘‘Authorized Inspector’’ as defined in HG–515 of section IV of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
53.01–1). The Authorized Inspector shall
hold a valid commission issued by the
National Board of Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Inspectors. After installation,
heating boilers must be inspected for
compliance with this part by a marine
(b) Automatically controlled boilers
must be subjected to the operating
tests prescribed in part 63 of this subchapter.
(c) All heating boilers must have the
operation of their pressure relieving
devices checked after the final installation.
[CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9436, Mar. 8, 1985, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.10–10

Certification by stamping.

Stamping of heating boilers shall be
as indicated in HG–530 of section IV of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 53.01–1).
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 53.10–15 Manufacturers’ data report

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Pt. 54

The manufacturers’ data report
forms required by HG–520 of section IV
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 53.01–1) must be made available
to the marine inspector for review. The

Subpart 53.12—Instruments,
Fittings, and Controls (Article 6)
§ 53.12–1 General (modifies HG–600
through HG–640).
(a) The instruments, fittings and controls for heating boilers shall be as indicated in HG–600 through HG–640 of
section IV of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 53.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this section.
(b) For control systems for automatic auxiliary heating equipment, the
requirements in part 63 of this subchapter govern and shall be followed.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18826, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 54.01—General Requirements
54.01–1 Incorporation by reference
54.01–2 Adoption of division 1 of section VIII
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
54.01–5 Scope (modifies U–1 and U–2).
54.01–10 Steam-generating pressure vessels
(modifies U–1(g)).
54.01–15 Exemptions from shop inspection
and plan approval (modifiesU–1(c)(2)).
54.01–17 Pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO).
54.01–18 Plan approval.
54.01–25 Miscellaneous pressure components
(modifies UG–11).
54.01–30 Loadings (modifies UG–22).
54.01–35 Corrosion (modifies UG–25).
54.01–40 External pressure (modifies UG– 28).

Subpart 54.03—Low Temperature


Subpart 54.05—Toughness Tests
54.05–1 Scope (replaces UG–84).
54.05–3 Tests required.
54.05–5 Toughness test specimens.
54.05–6 Toughness test temperatures.
54.05–10 Certification of material toughness


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§ 54.01–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

54.05–15 Weldment toughness tests—procedure qualifications.
54.05–16 Production toughness testing.
54.05–17 Weld toughness test acceptance criteria.
54.05–20 Impact test properties for service of
0 °F. and below.
54.05–25 [Reserved]
54.05–30 Allowable stress values at low temperatures.

Subpart 54.10—Inspection, Reports, and
54.10–1 Scope (modifies UG–90 through UG–
103 and UG–115 through UG–120).
54.10–3 Marine inspectors (replaces UG–90
and UG–91, and modifies UG–92 through
54.10–5 Maximum allowable working pressure (reproduces UG–98).
54.10–10 Standard hydrostatic test (modifies
54.10–15 Pneumatic test (modifies UG–100).
54.10–20 Marking and stamping.
54.10–25 Manufacturers’ data report forms
(modifies UG–120).

Subpart 54.15—Pressure-Relief Devices
54.15–1 General (modifies UG–125 through
54.15–3 Definitions (modifies appendix 3).
54.15–5 Protective devices (modifies UG–
54.15–10 Safety and relief valves (modifies
54.15–13 Rupture disks (modifies UG–127).
54.15–15 Relief devices for unfired steam
boilers, evaporators, and heat exchangers
(modifies UG–126).
54.15–25 Minimum relief capacities for cargo
tanks containing compressed or liquefied

Subpart 54.20—Fabrication by Welding
54.20–1 Scope (modifies UW–1 through UW–
54.20–2 Fabrication for hazardous materials
(replaces UW–2(a)).
54.20–3 Design (modifies UW–9, UW–11(a),
UW–13, and UW–16).
54.20–5 Welding qualification tests and production testing (modifies UW–26, UW–28,
UW–29, UW–47, and UW–48).

Subpart 54.23—Fabrication by Brazing

Scope (modifies UB–1).

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 54.25—Construction With Carbon,
Alloy, and Heat Treated Steels
54.25–1 Scope.
54.25–3 Steel plates (modifies UCS–6).
54.25–5 Corrosion allowance (replaces UCS–

54.25–7 Requirements for postweld heat
treatment (modifies UCS–56).
54.25–8 Radiography (modifies UW–11(a),
UCS–57, UNF–57, UHA–33, and UHT–57).
54.25–10 Low temperature operation—ferritic steels (replaces UCS–65 through
54.25–15 Low temperature operation—high
alloy steels (modifies UHA–23(b) and
54.25–20 Low temperature operation—ferritic steels with properties enhanced by
heat treatment (modifies UHT–5(c),
UHT–6, UHT–23, and UHT–82).
54.25–25 Welding of quenched and tempered
steels (modifies UHT–82).

Subpart 54.30—Mechanical Stress Relief
54.30–1 Scope.
54.30–3 Introduction.
54.30–5 Limitations and requirements.
54.30–10 Method of performing mechanical
stress relief.
54.30–15 Requirement for analysis and computation.
AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1509; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46
U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 54.01—General
§ 54.01–1

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed below.
(b) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules
for Construction of Pressure Vessels
(1998 with 1999 and 2000 addenda)
(‘‘Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 54.01–2; 54.01–5;
54.01–15; 54.01–18; 54.01–25; 54.01–30; 54.01–
35; 54.03–1; 54.05–1; 54.10–1; 54.10–3; 54.10–
5; 54.10–10; 54.10–15; 54.15–1; 54.15–5; 54.15–
10; 54.15–13; 54.20–1; 54.20–3; 54.25–1; 54.25–
3; 54.25–8; 54.25–10; 54.25–15; 54.25–20;
54.30–3; 54.30–5; 54.30–10; and
(2) [Reserved]
(c) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959, 877–909–
(1) ASTM A 20/A 20M–97a, Standard
Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure
Vessels (‘‘ASTM A 20’’), 54.05–10; 54.25–
(2) ASTM A 203/A 203M–97 (Reapproved 2007)e1, Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy
Steel, Nickel (‘‘ASTM A 203’’), (approved November 1, 2007), incorporation
by reference approved for § 54.05–20;
(3) ASTM A 370–97a, Standard Test
Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products (‘‘ASTM
A 370’’), 54.25–20;
(4) ASTM E 23–96, Standard Test
Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials (‘‘ASTM
Specification E 23’’), 54.05–5; and
(5) ASTM E 208–95a, Standard Test
Method for Conducting Drop-Weight
Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Tran-

§ 54.01–2

sition Temperature of Ferritic Steels
(‘‘ASTM Specification E 208’’), 54.05–5.
(d) Compressed Gas Association (CGA),
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10036:
(1) S–1.2, Pressure Relief Device
Standards—Part 2—Cargo and Portable
Tanks for Compressed Gases, 1979
(‘‘CGA S–1.2’’), 54.15–10; and
(2) [Reserved]
(e) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry,
Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street NE, Vienna,
VA 22180:
(1) SP–25–1998 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and
Unions (1998) (‘‘MSS SP–25’’), 54.01–25;
(2) [Reserved]
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG–2012–0866, 78 FR 13249, Feb.
27, 2013; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60148, Sept. 30,

§ 54.01–2 Adoption of division 1 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
(a) Pressure vessels shall be designed,
constructed, and inspected in accordance with section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 54.01–
1), as limited, modified, or replaced by
specific requirements in this part. The
provisions in the appendices to section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code are adopted and shall be
followed when the requirements in section VIII make them mandatory. For
general information, table 54.01–2(a)
lists the various paragraphs in section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code that are limited, modified,
or replaced by regulations in this part.


pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Paragraphs in section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code1 and disposition
U–1 and U–2 modified by ..............................................................................................
U–1(c) replaced by .........................................................................................................
U–1(d) replaced by .........................................................................................................
U–1(g) modified by .........................................................................................................
U–1(c)(2) modified by .....................................................................................................
UG–11 modified by ........................................................................................................
UG–22 modified by ........................................................................................................
UG–25 modified by ........................................................................................................
UG–28 modified by ........................................................................................................
UG–84 replaced by ........................................................................................................
UG–90 and UG–91 replaced by ....................................................................................

Unit of this part
54.01–5 through 54.01–15.
54.01–5(a) and 54.01–15.


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§ 54.01–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Paragraphs in section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code1 and disposition
UG–92 through UG–103 modified by ............................................................................
UG–98 reproduced by ....................................................................................................
UG–115 through UG–120 modified by ..........................................................................
UG–116, except (k), replaced by ...................................................................................
UG–116(k) replaced by ..................................................................................................
UG–117 replaced by ......................................................................................................
UG–118 replaced by ......................................................................................................
UG–119 modified by ......................................................................................................
UG–120 modified by ......................................................................................................
UG–125 through UG–137 modified by ..........................................................................
UW–1 through UW–65 modified by ...............................................................................
UW–2(a) replaced by .....................................................................................................
UW–2(b) replaced by .....................................................................................................
UW–9, UW–11(a), UW–13, and UW–16 modified by ....................................................
UW–11(a) modified by ...................................................................................................
UW–26, UW–27, UW–28, UW–29, UW–47, and UW–48 modified by ..........................
UB–1 modified by ...........................................................................................................
UB–2 modified by ...........................................................................................................
UCS–6 modified by ........................................................................................................
UCS–56 modified by ......................................................................................................
UCS–57, UNF–57, UHA–33, and UHT–57 modified by ................................................
UCS–65 through UCS–67 replaced by ..........................................................................
UHA–23(b) and UHA–51 modified by ............................................................................
UHT–5(c), UHT–6, and UHT–23 modified by ................................................................
UHT–82 modified by ......................................................................................................
Appendix 3 modified by ..................................................................................................

Unit of this part
54.10–1 through 54.10–15.
54.15–1 through 54.15–15.
54.01–5(b) and 54.20–2.
54.01–5(b) and 54.20–2.
52.01–95(d) and 56.30–30(b)(1).
54.25–20 and 54.25–25.

1 The references to specific provisions in section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are coded. The first letter,
such as ‘‘U,’’ refers to division 1 of section VIII. The second letter, such as ‘‘G,’’ refers to a subsection within section VIII. The
number refers to the paragraph within the subsection.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(b) References to the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, such as paragraph UG–125, indicate:
U = Division 1 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
G = Part containing general requirements.
125 = Paragraph within part.
(c) When a paragraph or a section of
the regulations in this part relates to
material in section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the
relationship with the code will be
shown immediately following the heading of the section or at the beginning
of the paragraph, as follows:
(1) (Modifies Ulll.) This indicates
that the material in Ulll is generally applicable but is being altered,
amplified or augmented.
(2) (Replaces Ulll.) This indicates
that Ulll does not apply.
(3) (Reproduces Ulll.) This indicates that Ulll is being identically

reproduced for convenience, not for
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6188, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17226, June 29, 1973; CGD
73–254, 40 FR 40163, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–147,
47 FR 21809, May 20, 1982; CGD 85–061, 54 FR
50963, Dec. 11, 1989. Redesignated by CGD 88–
032, 56 FR 35822, July 29, 1991; USCG–2003–
16630, 73 FR 65164, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.01–5 Scope (modifies U–1 and U–2).
(a) This part contains requirements
for pressure vessels. table 54.01–5(a)
gives a breakdown by parts in this subchapter of the regulations governing
various types of pressure vessels, boilers, and thermal units.
(b) Pressure vessels are divided into
Classes I, I-L (low temperature), II, IIL (low temperature), and III. table
54.01–5(b) describes these classes and
sets out additional requirements for
welded pressure vessels.
(c) The requirements for pressure
vessels by class are as follows:
(1) Class I-L and II-L pressure vessels
must meet the applicable requirements
in this part.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(2) Pressure vessels containing hazardous materials as defined in § 150.115
of this chapter must meet the requirements of this part or, as applicable, the
requirements in 49 CFR parts 171–177 or
part 64 of this chapter.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(4) of this section, Classes I, II, and
III pressure vessels not containing hazardous materials must be designed and
constructed in accordance with the requirements in Section VIII, division 1,
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 54.01–1) and must be stamped
with the ASME ‘‘U’’ symbol. These
pressure vessels must also comply with
the requirements that are listed or prescribed in paragraphs (d) through (g) of
this section. Compliance with other
provisions in this part is not required.
(4) Classes II and III pressure vessels
that have a net internal volume of less
than 0.14 cubic meters (5 cubic feet)
and do not contain hazardous materials
must be stamped with either the ASME
‘‘U’’ or ‘‘UM’’ symbol. Compliance with
other provisions in this part is not required.
(d) Pressure vessels described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section must—
(1) Have detailed plans that include
the information required by § 54.01–18
(approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under OMB control number
(2) Meet § 54.01–35, § 54.20–3(c), and
§ 54.25–3 of this part;
(3) Have pressure relief devices required by subpart 54.15;
(4) Meet the applicable requirements
in §§ 54.10–3, 54.10–20, and 54.10–25 for inspection, reports, and stamping;
(5) If welded, meet the post weld heat
treatment and minimum joint and radiography requirement in table 54.01–
5(b); and
(6) If a steam generating pressure
vessel, meet § 54.01–10.
(e) The plans required by paragraph
(d)(1) of this section must be certified
by a registered professional engineer to
meet the design requirements in paragraph (d) of this section and in section
VIII, division 1, of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code. The certification must appear on all drawings and
analyses. The plans must be made

§ 54.01–5

available to the Coast Guard prior to
the inspection required by § 54.10–3(c).
(f) If a pressure vessel has more than
one independent chamber and the
chambers have different classifications, each chamber must, as a minimum, meet the requirements for its
classification. If a single classification
for the entire pressure vessel is preferred, the classification selected must
be one that is required to meet all of
the regulations applicable to the classification that is not selected. For example, if one chamber is Class I and
one chamber is Class II-L, the only single classification that can be selected
is Class I-L.
(g) The design pressure for each
interface between two chambers in a
multichambered pressure vessel must
(1) The maximum allowable working
pressure (gauge) in the chamber with
the higher pressure; or
(2) If one chamber is a vacuum chamber, the maximum allowable working
pressure (absolute) in the other chamber minus the least operating pressure
(absolute) in the vacuum chamber.
Service and pressure temperature boundaries

Part of subchapter regulating mechanical design

Part of subchapter regulating automatic control



Main (power) boiler: All .............
Pressure vessel: All ...................
Fired auxiliary boiler 1 (combustion products or electricity):
(a) Steam:
More than 103 kPa (15
psig) .........................
Equal to or less than
103 kPa (15 psig) ....
(b) Hot water heating:
More than 689 kPa
(100 psig) or 121 °C
(250 °F) ...................
Equal to or less than
689 kPa (100 psig)
and 121 °C (250 °F)
(c) Hot water supply:
More than 689 kPa
(100 psig) or 121 °C
(250 °F) ...................
Equal to or less than
689 kPa (100 psig)
and 121 °C (250 °F)
(a) Fired thermal fluid heaters: All .............................


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or 63














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2 62


§ 54.01–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Service and pressure temperature boundaries

Part of subchapter regulating mechanical design

(b) Unfired steam boiler:
More than 206 kPa (30
psig) or 454 °C (850
°F) 3 ..........................
Equal to or less than
206 kPa (30 psig)
and 454 °C (850 °F)
(c) Evaporators and heat
exchangers: More than
103 kPa (15 psig) 4 .........


Part of subchapter regulating automatic control

Service and pressure temperature boundaries

Part of subchapter regulating mechanical design

Part of subchapter regulating automatic control



(d) Unfired hot water supply
or heating boiler: More
than 103 kPa (15 psig) 4






1 Including

exhaust gas types.
2 Boilers with heat input ratings >=12,500,000 Btu/hr. must
have controls that meet part 62. Boilers with heat input ratings
<12,500,000 Btu/hr. must have controls that meet part 63.
3 Temperature of working fluid.
4 Relief device is required even if designed for less than
103 kPa (15 psig).


pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[Note to table 54.01–5(b): All classes of pressure vessels are subject to shop inspection and plan approval.4]
Radiography requirements, section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated
by reference, see
46 CFR 54.01–
1) 3 7

Class limits on
pressure and

Joint requirements 1 6 7

(a) Vapor or gas ...
(b) Liquid ..............
(c) Hazardous Materials 2.

Vapor or gas: Over
600 p.s.i. or 700
Liquid: Over 600
p.s.i. or 400 °F.

(1) For category A;
(1) or (2) for category B. All categories C and D
must have full
penetration welds
extending through
the entire thickness of the vessel wall or nozzle

Full on all butt
joints regardless
of thickness. Exceptions listed in
table UCS–57 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code do
not apply.

I–L Low Temperature.

(a) Vapor or gas,
or liquid.
(b) Hazardous Materials 2.

Over 250 p.s.i. and
service temp.
below 0 °F.

(1) For categories A
and B. All categories C and D
must have full
penetration welds
extending through
the entire thickness of the vessel wall or nozzle
wall. No backing
rings or strips left
in place.

Full on all butt
joints regardless
of thickness. Exceptions listed in
table UCS–57 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code do
not apply.

II ............................

(a) Vapor or gas ...
(b) Liquid ..............
(c) Hazardous Materials 2 3 6.

Vapor or gas: 30
through 600
p.s.i. or 275
through 700 °F.
Liquid: 200 through
600 p.s.i. or 250
through 400 °F.

(1) Or (2) for category A. (1), (2),
or (3) for category
Categories C and D
in accordance
with UW–16 of
section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel

Spot, unless exempted by UW–
11(c) of section
VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel


Service contents

I .............................

Post-weld heat
treatment requirements 5 7

For carbon- or lowalloy steel, in accordance with
table UCS–56 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code, regardless of thickness. For other
materials, in accordance with
section VIII.
For carbon- or lowalloy steel, in accordance with
table UCS–56 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code, regardless of thickness. For other
materials, in accordance with
section VIII.
In accordance with
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 54.01–15

[Note to table 54.01–5(b): All classes of pressure vessels are subject to shop inspection and plan approval.4]


Service contents

Class limits on
pressure and

Joint requirements 1 6 7

II–L Low Temperature.

(a) Vapor or gas,
or liquid.
(b) Hazardous Materials 2.

0 through 250
p.s.i. and service
temp. below 0

III ...........................

(a) Vapor or gas ...
(b) Liquid ..............
(c) Hazardous Materials 2 3 6.

Vapor or gas:
Under 30 p.s.i.
and 0 through
275 °F.
Liquid: Under 200
p.s.i. and 0
through 250 °F.

(1) For category A;
(1) or (2) for category B. All categories C and D
must have fullpenetration welds
extending through
the entire thickness of the vessel wall or nozzle
In accordance with
section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel

Radiography requirements, section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated
by reference, see
46 CFR 54.01–
1) 3 7

Post-weld heat
treatment requirements 5 7

Spot. The exemption of UW–11(c)
of section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code
does not apply.

Same as for I–L
except that mechanical stress
relief may be
substituted if allowed under
subpart 54.30 of
this chapter.

Spot, unless exempted by UW–
11(c) of section
VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel

In accordance with
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code.

1 Welded joint categories are defined under UW–3 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Joint types
are described in table UW–12 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and numbered (1), (2), etc.
2 See 46 CFR 54.20–2.
3 See 46 CFR 54.25–8(c) and 54.25–10(d).
4 See 46 CFR 54.01–15 and 54.10–3 for exemptions.
5 Specific requirements modifying table UCS–56 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code appear in 46
CFR 54.25–7.
6 See 46 CFR 54.20–3(c) and (f).
7 Applies only to welded pressure vessels.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 2130–0181)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9976, June 17, 1970;
CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21809, May 20, 1982; 55 FR 696, Jan. 8, 1990; CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24236, June
15, 1990; CGD 85–061, 55 FR 41917, Oct. 16, 1990; CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996; USCG–
2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65165, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.01–10 Steam-generating pressure
vessels (modifies U–1(g)).
(a) Pressure vessels in which steam is
generated are classed as ‘‘Unfired
Steam Boilers’’ except as required otherwise by paragraph (b) of this section.
Unfired steam boilers must be fitted
with an efficient water level indicator,
a pressure gage, a blowdown valve, and
an approved safety valve as required by
§ 54.15–15. Unfired steam boilers must
be constructed in accordance with this
part other than when the pressures are
more than 206 kPa (30 psig) or the temperatures of the working fluid are more
than 454 °C (850 °F) when such boilers
must be constructed in accordance
with part 52 of this subchapter.
(b) Vessels known as ‘‘Evaporators’’
or ‘‘Heat Exchangers’’ are not classified as unfired steam boilers. They

shall be fitted with an approved safety
device as required under § 54.15–15 and
constructed in accordance with this
(c) An evaporator in which steam is
generated shall be fitted with an efficient water level indicator, a pressure
gage, and a blowdown valve.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9436, Mar. 8,
1985; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48044, Sept. 18, 1995;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65166, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.01–15 Exemptions from shop inspection
(a) The following classifications are
exempt from shop inspection and plan
approval requirements of this part:
(1) Vessels containing water at a
pressure not greater than 689 kPa (100


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§ 54.01–17

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

pounds per square inch gauge or
‘‘psig’’), and at a temperature not
above 93 °C (200 °F) including those containing air, the compression of which
serves only as a cushion. Air-charging
lines may be permanently attached if
the air pressure does not exceed 103
kPa (15 psig).
(2) Hot water supply storage tanks
heated by steam or any other indirect
means when none of the following limitations is exceeded:
(i) A heat input of 58 kW (200,000
B.t.u. per hour);
(ii) A water temperature of 93 °C (200
(iii) A nominal water-containing capacity of 454 liters (120 gallons); or
(iv) A pressure of 689 kPa (100 psig).
The exemption of any tank under this
subparagraph requires that it shall be
fitted with a safety relief valve of at
least 1-inch diameter, set to relieve
below the maximum allowable working
pressure of the tank.
(3)(i) Vessels having an internal operating pressure not exceeding 103 kPa
(15 psig) with no limitation on size.
(See UG–28(f) of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
(ii) Cargo tanks of pressure vessel
configuration are not included in the
exemption in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this
(4) Class I, II, and III pressure vessels
that meet the requirements of § 54.01–
5(c)(3) and (c)(4).
(5) Condensers and heat exchangers,
regardless of size, when the design is
such that the liquid phase is not greater than 689 kPa (100 psig) and 200 °F (93
°C) and the vapor phase is not greater
than 103 kPa (15 psig) provided that the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection is
satisfied that system overpressure conditions are addressed by the owner or
(b) For fluid conditioner fittings see
§ 56.15–1 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,
1970; CGFR 70–143, 35 FR 19906, Dec. 30, 1970;
CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20, 1982; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65166, Oct. 31, 2008; USCG–
2010–0759, 75 FR 60002, Sept. 29, 2010]

§ 54.01–17 Pressure vessel for human
occupancy (PVHO).
Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO’s) must meet the requirements of subpart B (Commercial Diving Operations) of part 197 of this chapter.
[CGD 76–009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978]

§ 54.01–18 Plan approval.
(a) Manufacturers intending to fabricate pressure vessels, heat exchangers, evaporators, and similar appurtenances, covered by the regulations in
this part shall submit detailed plans in
accordance with subpart 50.20 of this
(b) The following information shall
be submitted:
(1) Calculations for all pressure containment components including the
maximum allowable working pressure,
the hydrostatic or pneumatic test pressure, and the intended safety device
(2) Joint design and methods of attachment of all pressure containment
(3) Foundations and supports (design
and attachment).
(4) Pertinent calculations for pressure vessel foundations and/or supports.
(5) A bill of material meeting the requirements of section VIII of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 54.01–1), as modified by this
(6) A diagrammatic arrangement
drawing of the assembled unit indicating location of internal and external
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65166,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.01–25 Miscellaneous pressure components (modifies UG–11).
(a) Pressure components for pressure
vessels shall be as required by UG–11 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this section.
(b) All pressure components conforming to an accepted ANSI (American National Standards Institute)


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Standard referred to in an adopted
code, specification or standard or in
this subchapter shall also be marked in
accordance with MSS SP–25 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167, Oct. 31,

§ 54.01–30 Loadings (modifies UG–22).
(a) The loadings for pressure vessels
shall be as required by UG–22 of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 54.01–1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) In evaluating loadings for certain
pressure vessel applications, the Commandant may require consideration of
the following loads in addition to those
listed in UG–22 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
(1) Loading imposed by vessel’s attitude in roll, list, pitch and trim.
(2) Dynamic forces due to ship motions.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.01–35 Corrosion (modifies UG– 25).
(a) Vessels or portions of vessels subject to corrosion shall be as required by
UG–25 of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–
1) except as noted otherwise in this section.
(b) The pressure portions of pressure
vessels shall:
(1) Normally have a corrosion allowance of one-sixth of the calculated
whichever is smaller, added to the calculated thickness as determined by the
applicable design formula.
(2) Be specifically evaluated in cases
where unusually corrosive cargoes will
be involved, for the possible increase of
this corrosion allowance.
(3) Have no additional thickness required when acceptable corrosion resistant materials are used.
(4) Not normally need additional
thickness allowance when the effective
stress (either S or SE depending on the
design formula used) is 80 percent or

§ 54.03–1

less of the allowable stress listed in
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code for calculating
(c) Telltale holes shall not be permitted in pressure vessels containing
dangerous fluids, such as acid, poison,
corrosives, etc.
(d) Exemption from these corrosion
allowance requirements will be granted
by the Commandant in those cases
(1) The contents of the pressure vessel is judged to be sufficiently noncorrosive; and,
(2) Where the external surface is also
protected from corrosion. A suitable
vapor barrier is adequate protection,
while paint or other thin coatings exposed to weather or mechanical damage are not acceptable.
NOTE: No applied linings except as provided
in part UCL of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be acceptable.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar.
25, 1972; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167, Oct. 31,

§ 54.01–40 External pressure (modifies
(a) The exemption from external
pressure consideration provided by the
note under UG–28(f) does not apply.
(b) Vessels which may at times be
subjected to partial vacuum due to nature of the contents, temperature, unloading operations, or other facet of
employment shall either have vacuum
breaker protection or be designed for
not less than one-half atmosphere of
external pressure.
[CGFR 70–143, 35 FR 19906, Dec. 30, 1970]

Subpart 54.03—Low Temperature
§ 54.03–1 Scope.
The pressure vessels for low temperature operation shall be as required by
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) as modified by this subpart.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167,
Oct. 31, 2008]


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§ 54.03–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

§ 54.03–5 General.
(a) Requirements for ferritic steels,
high alloy steels, and heat treated ferritic steels are contained in §§ 54.25–10,
54.25–15, and 54.25–20 respectively of
this subchapter.
(b) Requirements for toughness testing of material product forms and
weldments (including weld procedure
qualification and production toughness
tests) are contained in subpart 54.05.
(c) Materials suitable for a given
minimum service temperature may be
used in warmer service. Steels differing
in chemical composition, mechanical
properties, or heat treatments from
those specified may be specially approved by the Commandant. Similarly,
aluminum alloys and other nonferrous
materials not intended to be covered
by these sections may be specially considered by the Commandant for service
at any low temperature.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,

Subpart 54.05—Toughness Tests
§ 54.05–1 Scope (replaces UG–84).
The toughness tests of materials used
in pressure vessels shall be as required
by this subpart in lieu of requirements
in UG–84 of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.05–3 Tests required.
(a) Where material or welding toughness tests are required by §§ 54.25–10,
54.25–15, 54.25–20, and subpart 57.03 or
57.06 of this subchapter, the following
requirements shall apply:
(1) Additional requirements for ferritic steels with properties enhanced by
heat treatment are in § 54.25–20.
(2) Certified reports of toughness
tests by the material manufacturer
will be acceptable evidence provided
the specimens taken are representative
of the material delivered and that the
material is not subject to treatment
during or following fabrication that
will reduce its impact properties. If

such treatment is subsequently applied
to the material, test specimens shall be
so taken and treated as to be representative of the material in the finished vessel.
(b) The requirements of this subpart
are also applicable to nonpressure vessel type low temperature tanks and associated secondary barriers, as defined
in § 38.05–4 of subchapter D (Tank Vessels) of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,

§ 54.05–5 Toughness test specimens.
(a) Charpy V-notch impact tests. Where
required, Charpy V-notch tests shall be
conducted in accordance with ASTM
Specification E 23 (incorporated by reference, see § 54.01–1), ‘‘Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials’’,
using the Type A specimen shown in
Figure 4 of the specification. Special
attention is drawn to the fact that the
Charpy Keyhole and U-notch specimens
are not acceptable substitutes for the
Charpy V-notch specimen and shall not
be used to qualify materials within the
scope of this subpart. Each set of
Charpy impact tests shall consist of
three specimens. For materials 1⁄2-inch
thick or less, the largest possible
Charpy specimens for that thickness
shall be cut centered at the material’s
mid-thickness. For materials thicker
than 1⁄2-inch, full size Charpy specimens shall be cut centered at a location as near as practicable to a point
midway between the material’s surface
and half-thickness. Except where otherwise specified, transversely oriented
specimens must be used. When longitudinal specimens are used, the required
energy values may not be less than 1.5
times the values required for transversely oriented specimens. In all cases
the notch shall be cut normal to the
material’s surface. Test specimens
shall be taken at least one ‘‘t’’ from
any heat treated edge (where ‘‘t’’ is the
material’s nominal thickness).
(b) Drop weight tests. Where required,
drop weight tests shall be conducted
for no-break performance in accordance with ASTM Specification E 208
(incorporated by reference, see § 54.01–
1), ‘‘Conducting Drop-Weight Test to
Determine Nil-Ductility Transition


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Temperature of Ferritic Steels’’. For
material thicknesses between 1⁄2-inch
and 5⁄8-inch, the ASTM E–208 specimen
P–3, machined to 1⁄2-inch thickness,
shall be used with a stop distance of
0.090–inch. In preparing weld specimens
for dropweight testing, weld reinforcement shall be ground flush, the hard
facing bead centered on and transverse
to the weld, and the notch centered on
and parallel to the weld axis.
(c) Retest procedures. (1) When Charpy
V-notch impact specimens are used and
the average value of the three initial
specimens fails to meet the stated requirements by an amount not exceeding 15 percent, or the value for more
than one specimen is below the required average value of when the value
for one specimen is below the minimum value permitted for a single
specimen by an amount not exceeding
15 percent, three additional specimens
from the same material may be tested
and the results combined with those
previously obtained to form a new average. This new average of six specimens must exceed the specified minimum average. In the event the Charpy
retests fail, the material may still be
qualified by exhibiting a no-break performance when tested in accordance
with the drop weight procedure, if applicable. Two drop weight specimens
shall be tested for each Charpy V-notch
set of three initial specimens which
failed to qualify. Failure of either or
both of these drop weight specimens
will constitute rejection of the material or weldments represented, except
as outlined in paragraph (c)(3) of this
(2) When drop weight specimens are
used, retests shall be permitted only
within the limits prescribed in ASTM
Specification E 208 (incorporated by
reference, see § 54.01–1), except as outlined in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(3) If, for heat treated base material,
the required toughness results are not
obtained in the initial test or in the
retest, the material may be reheat
treated one time and tested again in
accordance with the initial requirements for the material.
(d) Alternate toughness tests. The
Charpy V-notch impact values of
§§ 54.05–20(a) and 54.05–25(a) are representative of those which correlate

§ 54.05–10

with the nil-ductility transition temperature determined by the dropweight tests for the steels specified in
§ 54.25–10. For materials for which there
are other data showing suitable correlation between Charpy V-notch and
drop-weight tests, V-notch acceptance
limits different from those tabulated
herein may be specially approved by
the Commandant, based upon the actual correlation. In the case of steels
for which the tabulated Charpy Vnotch values can be shown to be inapplicable or in the case of specially considered steels, or as an alternative to
complying with the tabulated impact
requirements, acceptance may be based
upon the material exhibiting a nobreak performance when tested in accordance with the drop-weight procedure. Whenever the drop-weight test is
used as an alternative to the Charpy Vnotch test, two drop-weight specimens
shall be tested for each set of three
Charpy V-notch specimens otherwise
required. If the drop-weight test cannot
be performed because of material
thickness limitations (less than onehalf inch) or product shape, or is otherwise inapplicable (because of heat
treatment, chemistry, etc.), other tests
and/or test criteria will be specified by
the Commandant to assure the adequacy of the material for the intended
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40163, Sept. 2,
1975; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29,

§ 54.05–6 Toughness test temperatures.
Each toughness test must be conducted at temperatures not warmer
than ¥20 °F or 10 °F below the minimum service temperature, whichever
is lower, except that for service at or
below ¥320 °F, the tests may be conducted at the service temperature in
accordance with § 54.25–10(a)(2).
[CGD 85–061, 54 FR 50964, Dec. 11, 1989]

§ 54.05–10 Certification
toughness tests.
(a) Plate material. The manufacturer
of plates may certify such material,
provided it has been given an appropriate heat-treatment, by reporting the
results of tests of one set of Charpy impact specimens or of two drop weight


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§ 54.05–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

specimens, as applicable, taken from
each plate as rolled. Impact specimens
shall be taken as outlined in section 12
of ASTM A 20 (incorporated by reference, see § 54.01–1). The long axis of
the Charpy specimen must be perpendicular to the final direction of rolling.
When the direction of maximum stress
is unknown, the manufacturer may
certify on the basis of specimens taken
parallel to the final direction of rolling.
(b) Pipe or tube material. (1) The manufacturer of pipe, tube, or welded fittings formed from pipe or tube may
certify such material by reporting the
results of tests of one set of Charpy impact specimens, provided the requirement for production in this paragraph
(b)(1) or paragraph (b)(2) of this section, as well as the requirement for
sampling in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are met. The specimens shall have
the major axis parallel to the length of
pipe or tube. In the case of welding fittings, the specimens may be taken
from the tubing prior to forming provided the fittings are normalized after
forming. Such specimens shall be normalized before testing.
(2) One set of specimens may represent each five (5) short tons, or less,
of the pipe, tubes, or welding fittings
produced from one heat of steel poured
from a single melting furnace charge
and subsequently processed in the same
manner, provided all are given a normalizing heat-treatment in a continuous treating furnace in which the
temperature is automatically controlled and checked by recording pyrometer.
(3) One set of specimens may represent each five (5) short tons, or less,
of the pipe, tubes, or welding fittings
that have been given a normalizing
heat-treatment as a single charge in a
batch-treating furnace equipped with
recording pyrometer provided all have
been produced from a single melting
furnace heat and are subsequently
processed in the same manner. If more
than one melting furnace heat is
present in the batch heat-treating furnace, means of identification shall be
provided and one set of specimens shall
be taken from each heat.
(4) One set of impact specimens shall
be taken from one pipe or tube picked

at random from each heat or furnace
batch or portion thereof to be certified.
(c) Forgings and forged or rolled fittings. (1) The manufacturer of forgings
for any purpose may certify them by
reporting the results of tests of one set
of Charpy impact specimens or two
drop-weight specimens, as applicable,
taken from each 5 short tons of product
from each melting heat provided the
requirements in this paragraph for production and sampling are met.
(2) One or more test blocks shall be
cut from billets or blooms selected at
random from each heat of material.
Each test block shall be forge-reduced
in thickness to the thickness of the finished forgings to be certified, within
the limitations set below. After forging
to the reduced thickness, the test
block shall be heat-treated in the same
manner as the finished forgings represented, which heat-treatment of test
blocks may be carried out in the furnace with the forgings, or separately. If
carried out separately, both heat-treatments shall be done in automatically
controlled furnaces equipped with calibrated recording pyrometers, the certified records of which shall be made
available to the inspector.
(3) One set of Charpy impact specimens or two drop-weight specimens, as
applicable, shall be cut from each such
test block and these specimens shall
represent all forgings (up to 5 short
tons) that are from the same heat of
material and given the same heattreatment as the test block, and the
thickness of which does not differ from
that of the test block by more than
plus or minus 50 percent of 11⁄2 inches,
whichever is less, except that forged
flanges and tube sheets thicker than
51⁄2 inches may be qualified from a 4inch test block.
(4) As many test blocks shall be made
as are required under the foregoing
rule in paragraph (c)(3) of this section
to cover the weight of product and
range of thickness found in the forgings represented. The major axis of the
test specimens shall be parallel to the
length of the test block.
(d) Bars and shapes, rolled or forged.
(1) The manufacturer of forged or
rolled bars and shapes may certify such
by reporting the results of one set of
Charpy impact specimens, or two drop-


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

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weight specimens, as applicable, produced from each 5 short tons from a
single melting furnace heat, processed
in a similar manner and heat-treated
as a single furnace batch, if heat-treated. The impact specimens shall be cut
from the heaviest section, clear of fillets, of the shape being tested with the
axis of the specimens parallel to the
axis of the bar or shape.
(e) Castings. (1) The manufacturer of
castings may certify them by reporting
the results of one set of Charpy impact
specimens or two drop-weight specimens, as applicable, taken from each 5
short tons of product from each melting furnace heat. These specimens shall
be taken either directly from a production casting or from test coupons cast
attached thereto provided the additional requirements in this paragraph
are met.
(2) One set of Charpy impact or two
drop-weight specimens may represent
all castings (up to 5 short tons) that
are from the same heat of material and
that have a thickness that does not differ from the thickness of the section
from which the specimens were taken
by more than plus or minus 25 percent,
or 11⁄2 inches, whichever is less. A wider
range of thicknesses from one heat
may be covered by taking additional
sets of specimens from thicker or thinner material as may be required.
(3) The test specimens shall be heattreated in the same manner as the
castings represented, which heat-treatment of specimens may be carried out
in the furnace with the castings represented, or separately, but if carried
out separately both heat-treatments
shall be done in automatically controlled furnaces equipped with calibrated recording pyrometers, the certified records of which shall be made
available to the marine inspector.
(f) Small parts. The manufacturer of
small parts, either cast or forged, may
certify a lot of not more than 20 duplicate parts or 5 short tons, whichever is
less, by reporting the results of one set
of Charpy impact specimens, or two

§ 54.05–15

drop-weight specimens, as applicable,
taken from one such part selected at
random, provided the same kind of material and the same process of production were used for all of the lot. When
the part is too small to provide the
specimens of at least minimum size, no
impact test need be made. For such
parts too small to impact test, toughness qualifications shall be determined
by the Commandant based on material,
chemical, and mechanical properties.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CFR 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2,
1975; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67178, Dec. 1,

§ 54.05–15 Weldment toughness tests—
procedure qualifications.
(a) Plate for which Charpy V-notch
impact testing is required in the parent
material and for which V-notch minima are specified shall similarly have
welding procedures qualified for toughness by Charpy V-notch testing. For
these tests, the test plates shall be oriented with their final rolling direction
parallel to the weld axis (i.e., so that
transverse impact specimens result),
and with the V-notch normal to the
plate surface. The sample weld joint
preparation shall be the same as that
used in production. The number of test
specimens and the location of their
notches shall be as shown in Figure
54.05–15(a) and as described in paragraphs (a) (1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Three specimens with the notch
centered in the weld metal.
(2) Three specimens with the notch
centered on the fusion line between
parent plate and weld. (The fusion line
may be identified by etching the specimen with a mild reagent.)
(3) Three specimens with the notch
centered in the heat affected zone, 1
mm from the fusion line.
(4) Same as paragraph (a)(3) of this
section, but 3 mm from the fusion line.
(5) Same as paragraph (a)(3) of this
section, but 5 mm from the fusion line.


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§ 54.05–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(b) Plate materials for which Charpy
V-notch minimums are not specified,
or for which a Charpy V-notch correlation with NDT is not known, and which
are themselves tested for toughness by
the drop-weight procedure, shall have
welding procedures similarly qualified
by the drop-weight test. For such
qualifications, two drop-weight speci-

mens are to be tested, with the notch
positioned directly above and parallel
to the centerline of the weld.
(c) Piping welding toughness tests
shall be qualified, by making Charpy
V-notch impact tests as prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this section.
(d) Materials which are specially approved based on toughness criteria or


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

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tests, other than those discussed in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section,
shall have welding procedures tested
and qualified for toughness as deemed
appropriate and necessary by the Commandant.
(e) In the case of stainless steels,
weld procedure toughness tests may be
limited to weld metal only if this is all
that is required by § 54.25–15.
§ 54.05–16 Production toughness testing.
(a) For vessels of welded construction, production toughness test plates
shall be prepared for each 50 feet of longitudinal and circumferential butt
weld in each Class I-L vessel, or for
each 150 feet in each Class II-L vessel,
except for material other than stainless steel that is exempted from impact
test requirements by this subchapter.
In the case of stainless steels, weld production toughness tests may be limited
to weld metal only if this is all that is
required be § 54.25–15. The test-plate
thickness shall be the same as that of
the vessel wall at the location of the
production weld being sampled. The
test plates shall be prepared, wherever
possible, as run-off tabs attached at the
ends of weld butts or seams. The rolling direction of the run-off tabs should
be oriented parallel to the rolling direction of the adjacent production material. The test-plate material shall be
taken from one of the heats of material
used in the vessel, and both the electrodes and welding procedures shall be
the same as used in the fabrication of
the vessel. From each test plate, one
set of three Charpy impact bars or two
drop-weight specimens, as applicable
according to the test used in procedure
qualification, shall be taken transverse
to the weld axis. For Charpy V-notch
specimens, the notch shall be normal
to the material surface and its location
alternated (approximately) on successive tests between the weld metal and
heat affected zone. Thus, approximately half of all weld production impact tests will be of weld metal and
half of heat affected zone material. For
the weld metal tests, the V-notch is to
be centered between the fusion lines.
For the heat affected zone tests, the
notch is to be centered so as to sample,
as nearly as practicable, the most crit-

§ 54.05–16

ical location for toughness observed in
the weld procedure qualification tests.
Where the drop weight specimen is
used in production weld testing, it
shall be prepared in the same manner
as specified for procedure qualification
testing, § 54.05–15(b).
(b) For vessels not exceeding 5 cubic
feet in volume, one set of impact specimens, or two drop-weight specimens, as
applicable according to the test used in
procedure qualification, may represent
all vessels from the same heat of material not in excess of 100 vessels, or one
heat-treatment furnace batch. In addition, when such vessels are welded, one
weld test plate made from one of the
heats of material used, and two sets of
impact specimens or two drop-weight
specimens, as applicable, cut therefrom, may represent the weld metal in
the smallest of: One lot of 100 vessels or
less; or each heat-treatment furnace
batch; or each 50 feet of welding for
Class I-L vessels; or each 150 feet of
welding for Class II-L vessels.
(c) For several vessels or parts of vessels being welded in succession, the
plate thickness of which does not vary
by more than one-fourth inch, and
which are made of the same grade of
material, a test plate shall be furnished
for each 50 feet of welding for Class IL vessels or 150 feet of welding for
Class II-L vessels. For each 50- or 150foot increment of weld, as applicable,
the test plates shall be prepared at the
time of fabrication of the first vessel
involving that increment.
(d) The test plates and any other test
material from which toughness test
specimens are cut shall be given the
same heat-treatment as the production
material they represent. Test specimens representing other material than
the weld toughness test plates shall
preferably be cut from a part of the
vessel material but may be cut from
like material that has been heat-treated within the temperature range specified by the producer in treating the actual vessel material.
(e) For nonpressure vessel type tanks
and associated secondary barriers, as
defined in § 38.05–4, subchapter D (Tank
Vessels) of this chapter, production
toughness test plates shall be prepared
in accordance with paragraphs (a) and
(d) of this section. One set of toughness


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§ 54.05–17

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

test plates shall be prepared for each
165 feet (50 meters) of production butt
type welds.
§ 54.05–17 Weld toughness test acceptance criteria.
(a) For Charpy V-notch impact tests
the energy absorbed in both the weld
metal and heat affected zone impact
tests in weld qualification and production shall be:
(1) For weld metal specimens, not
less than the transverse values required for the parent material.
(2) For heat affected zone specimens,
when the specimens are transversely
oriented, not less than the transverse
values required for the parent material.
(3) For heat affected zone specimens,
when the specimens are longitudinally
oriented, not less than 1.5 times the
transverse values required for the parent material.
(b) For drop-weight tests both specimens from each required set shall exhibit a no-break performance.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2,

§ 54.05–20 Impact test properties for
service of 0 ≥F and below.
(a) Test energy. The impact energies
of each set of transverse Charpy specimens may not be less than the values
shown in table 54.05–20(a). Only one
specimen in a set may be below the required average and the value of that
specimen must be above the minimum
impact value permitted on one specimen only. See § 54.05–5(c) for retest requirements.

Size of specimen

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR



Minimum impact
value required for
average of each
set of 3 specimens footpounds 1

Minimum impact
value permitted on
one specimen
only of a set, footpounds



10 mm ...........
7.5 mm ..........
5 mm .............
2.5 mm ..........

1 Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is

(b) Transversely oriented Charpy Vnotch impact specimens of ASTM A 203

(incorporated by reference, see § 54.01–1)
nickel steels must exhibit energies not
less than the values shown in § 54.05–20
(a). Requirements for 9 percent nickel
steels are contained in § 54.25–20. Other
nickel alloy steels, when specially approved by the Commandant, must exhibit a no-break performance when
tested in accordance with the drop
weight procedure. If, for such materials, there are data indicating suitable
correlation with drop-weight tests,
Charpy V-notch tests may be specially
considered by the Commandant in lieu
of drop-weight tests. If the drop-weight
test cannot be performed because of
material thickness limitations (less
than one-half inch), or product shape,
or is otherwise inapplicable (because of
heat treatment, chemistry etc.) other
tests or test criteria will be specified
by the Commandant.
(c) Where sufficient data are available to warrant such waiver, the Commandant may waive the requirements
for toughness testing austenitic stainless steel materials. Where required,
austenitic stainless steels are to be
tested using the drop-weight procedure
and must exhibit a no-break performance. Where data are available indicating suitable correlation of Charpy
V-notch results with drop-weight NDT
or no-break performance, Charpy Vnotch tests may be specially considered
by the Commandant in lieu of
dropweight tests. If the dropweight
test cannot be performed because of
material thickness limitations (less
than one-half inch), or product shape,
or is otherwise inapplicable (because of
heat treatment, chemistry, etc.) other
tests and/or test criteria will be specified by the Commandant.
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2, 1975, as
amended by USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460,
Sept. 29, 2000]

§ 54.05–25


§ 54.05–30 Allowable stress values at
low temperatures.
(a) The Coast Guard will give consideration to the enhanced yield and tensile strength properties of ferrous and
nonferrous materials at low temperature for the purpose of establishing allowable stress values for service temperature below 0 °F.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(b) The use of such allowable stress
values must be specially approved by
the Coast Guard for each application.
Further information may be obtained
by writing to the Commandant (CG–
ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S. Coast Guard
Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593.
(c) Submittals must include information and calculations specified by the
U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and
Engineering Standards (CG–ENG) to
demonstrate that the allowable stress
for the material cannot be exceeded
under any possible combination of vessel loads and metal temperature.
[CGD 73–133R, 39 FR 9179, Mar. 8, 1974, as
amended by CGD 82–063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3,
1983; CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995;
CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50727, 50728, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228, Sept. 25, 2009;
USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777, Oct. 1, 2012;
USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60148, Sept. 30, 2013]

Subpart 54.10—Inspection,
Reports, and Stamping
§ 54.10–1 Scope
through UG–120).
The inspection, tests, stamping, and
reports for pressure vessels shall be as
required by paragraphs UG–90 through
UG–103 and UG–115 through UG–120 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this subpart.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.10–3 Marine inspectors (replaces
UG–90 and UG–91, and modifies
UG–92 through UG–103).
(a) Only marine inspectors shall
apply the Coast Guard Symbol. They
will not apply any other code symbol
to pressure vessels.
(b) All pressure vessels not exempted
under provisions of § 54.01–15 shall be
inspected by a marine inspector referring to procedures outlined in UG–92
through UG–103 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) and §§ 50.30–10, 50.30–15, and
50.30–20 of this subchapter. The marine

§ 54.10–5

inspector will then stamp the vessel
with the Coast Guard Symbol.
(c) Pressure vessels described in
§ 54.01–5(c)(3), except pressure vessels in
systems regulated under § 58.60 of this
chapter, must be visually examined by
a marine inspector prior to installation. The marine inspector also reviews
the associated plans and manufacturers’ data reports. If, upon inspection,
the pressure vessel complies with the
applicable requirements in § 54.01–5, the
marine inspector stamps the pressure
vessel with the Coast Guard Symbol.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20,
1982; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167, Oct. 31,

§ 54.10–5 Maximum allowable working
pressure (reproduces UG–98).
(a) The maximum allowable working
pressure for a vessel is the maximum
pressure permissible at the top of the
vessel in its normal operating position
at the designated coincident temperature specified for that pressure. It is
the least of the values found for maximum allowable working pressure for
any of the essential parts of the vessel
by the principles given in paragraph (b)
of this section and adjusted for any difference in static head that may exist
between the part considered and the
top of the vessel. (See appendix 3 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1.)
(b) The maximum allowable working
pressure for a vessel part is the maximum internal or external pressure, including the static head hereon, as determined by the rules and formulas in
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, together with
the effect of any combination of loadings listed in UG–22 of section VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (see 46 CFR 54.01–30) that are likely to occur, or the designated coincident operating temperature, excluding
any metal thickness specified as corrosion allowance. (See UG–25 of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.)
(c) Maximum allowable working pressure may be determined for more than
one designated operating temperature,


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§ 54.10–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

using for each temperature the applicable allowable stress value.


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NOTE: Table 54.10–5 gives pictorially the
interrelation among the various pressure

levels pertinent to this part of the regulations. It includes reference to section VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for definitions and explanations.

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 54.10–5

(MAWP) , UG-98
of section VIII
of the ASME
Boiler and
Pressure Vessel

(MAWP) , UG-98
of section
VIII of the
ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code

Design pressure,
UG-21 and
Appendix 3 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code

pressure, UG21 and
Appendix 3 of
section VIII
of the ASME
Boiler and
Vessel Code

(MAWP) ,
UG-98 of
the ASME
UG-21 and
3 of
the ASME

Safety or
relief valve
setting (UG133 of section
VIII of the
ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code)
(Appendix 3,of
section VIII
3 of
of the ASME
Boiler and
the ASME
Vessel Code)

(Appendix 3 of
section VIII of
the ASME Boiler
and Pressure
Vessel Code)

For basic pressure definitions see 46 CFR 52.01-3(g) of
this subchapter. Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code; see 46 CFR 54.01-1.
2 For pressure differentials above 3,000 pounds per square
inch (p.s.i.), special requirements may apply. Arrow of
increasing pressure in left column signifies that, for
example, the standard hydrostatic-test pressure is higher
than the MAWP, which in turn is higher than the design
pressure and the operating pressure, and so forth.


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§ 54.10–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65167, Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 54.10–10 Standard hydrostatic
(modifies UG–99).


(a) All pressure vessels shall satisfactorily pass the hydrostatic test prescribed by this section, except those
pressure vessels noted under § 54.10–
(b) The hydrostatic-test pressure
must be at least one and three-tenths
(1.30) times the maximum allowable
working pressure stamped on the pressure vessel, multiplied by the ratio of
the stress value ‘‘S’’ at the test temperature to the stress value ‘‘S’’ at the
design temperature for the materials of
which the pressure vessel is constructed. The values for ‘‘S’’ shall be
taken from tables UCS 23, UNF 23, UHA
23, or UHT 23 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR
54.01–1). The value of ‘‘S’’ at test temperature shall be that taken for the
material of the tabulated value of temperature closest to the test temperature. The value of ‘‘S’’ at design temperature shall be as interpolated from
the appropriate table. No ratio less
than one shall be used. The stress resulting from the hydrostatic test shall
not exceed 90 percent of the yield stress
of the material at the test temperature. External loadings which will exist
in supporting structure during the hydrostatic test should be considered.
The design shall consider the combined
stress during hydrostatic testing due
to pressure and the support reactions.
This stress shall not exceed 90 percent
of the yield stress of the material at
the test temperature. In addition the
adequacy of the supporting structure
during hydrostatic testing should be
considered in the design.
(c) The hydrostatic test pressure
shall be applied for a sufficient period
of time to permit a thorough examination of all joints and connections. The
test shall not be conducted until the
vessel and liquid are at approximately
the same temperature.
(d) Defects detected during the hydrostatic test or subsequent examination shall be completely removed and
then inspected. Provided the marine inspector gives his approval, they may
then be repaired.

(e) Vessels requiring stress relieving
shall be stress relieved after any welding repairs have been made. (See UW–40
of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.)
(f) After repairs have been made the
vessel shall again be tested in the regular way, and if it passes the test, the
marine inspector may accept it. If it
does not pass the test, the marine inspector can order supplementary repairs, or, if in his judgment the vessel
is not suitable for service, he may permanently reject it.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.10–15 Pneumatic


(a) Pneumatic testing of welded pressure vessels shall be permitted only for
those units which are so designed and/
or supported that they cannot be safely
filled with water, or for those units
which cannot be dried and are to be
used in a service where traces of the
testing medium cannot be tolerated.
(b) Proposals to pneumatically test
shall be submitted to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for
(c) Except for enameled vessels, for
which the pneumatic test pressure
shall be at least equal to, but need not
exceed, the maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the vessel, the pneumatic test pressure shall
be at least equal to one and one-tenth
(1.10) times the maximum allowable
working pressure to be stamped on the
vessel multiplied by the lowest ratio
(for the materials of which the vessel is
constructed) of the stress value ‘‘S’’ for
the test temperature of the vessel to
the stress value ‘‘S’’ for the design
temperature (see UG–21 of section VIII
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 54.01–1)). In no case shall the
pneumatic test pressure exceed one and
one-tenth (1.10) times the basis for calculated test pressure as defined in UA–
60(e) of section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code.
(d) The pneumatic test of pressure
vessels shall be accomplished as follows:


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(1) The pressure on the vessel shall be
gradually increased to not more than
half the test pressure.
(2) The pressure will then be increased at steps of approximately onetenth the test pressure until the test
pressure has been reached.
(3) The pressure will then be reduced
to the maximum allowable working
pressure of the vessel to permit examination.
(e) Pressure vessels pneumatically
tested shall also be leak tested. The
test shall be capable of detecting leakage consistent with the design requirements of the pressure vessel. Details of
the leak test shall be submitted to the
Commandant for approval.
(f) After satisfactory completion of
the pneumatic pressure test, the vessel
may be stamped in accordance with
§ 54.10–20. A marine inspector shall observe the pressure vessel in a loaded
condition at the first opportunity following the pneumatic test. The tank
supports and saddles, connecting piping, and insulation if provided shall be
examined to determine if they are satisfactory and that no leaks are evident.
(g) The pneumatic test is inherently
more hazardous than a hydrostatic
test, and suitable precautions shall be
taken to protect personnel and adjacent property.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 54.10–20

Marking and stamping.

(a) Pressure vessels (replaces UG–116,
except paragraph (k), and UG–118). Pressure vessels that are required by § 54.10–
3 to be stamped with the Coast Guard
Symbol must also be stamped with the
following information:
(1) Manufacturer’s name and serial
(2) Coast Guard number, see § 50.10–30
of this subchapter.
(3) Coast Guard Symbol, which is affixed only by the marine inspector.
(4) Maximum allowable working pressure ll kPa (ll psig) at ll °C (ll
(5) Class.
(6) Minimum design metal temperature, if below ¥18 °C (0 °F).

§ 54.10–20

(7) Water capacity in liters (U.S. gallons), if a cargo carrying pressure vessel.
(b) Multichambered pressure vessels
(replaces UG–116(k)). In cases where
more than one pressure vessel is involved in an integral construction, as
with a heat exchanger, the manufacturer may elect to class the component
pressure vessels differently. In such
cases he shall stamp the combined
structures as required in paragraph (a)
of this section with information for
each pressure vessel. Where an item for
stamping is identical for both vessels,
as with name and address of manufacturer, it need not be duplicated. However, where differences exist, each
value and the vessel to which it applies
shall be clearly indicated.
(c) Stamping data (replaces UG–117).
Except as noted in paragraph (d) of this
section, the data shall be stamped directly on the pressure vessel. The data
shall be legibly stamped and shall not
be obliterated during the service life of
the pressure vessel. In the event that
the portion of the pressure vessel upon
which the data is stamped is to be insulated or otherwise covered, the data
shall be reproduced on a metal nameplate. This plate shall be securely attached to the pressure vessel. The
nameplate shall be maintained in a legible condition such that it may be easily read.
(1) Those parts of pressure vessels requiring Coast Guard shop inspection
under this part which are furnished by
other than the shop of the manufacturer responsible for the completed
vessel shall be stamped with the Coast
Guard Symbol, the Marine Inspection
Office identification letters (see § 50.10–
30 of this subchapter) and the word
‘‘Part’’, the manufacturer’s name and
serial number, and the design pressure.
(d) Thin walled vessels (Modifies UG–
119). In lieu of direct stamping on the
pressure vessel, the information required by paragraph (a) of this section
shall be stamped on a nameplate permanently attached to the pressure vessel when the pressure vessel is constructed of—
(1) Steel plate less than one-fourth
inch thick; or


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§ 54.10–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(2) Nonferrous plate less than onehalf inch thick.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17226, June 29, 1973;
CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20, 1982; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.10–25 Manufacturers’ data report
forms (modifies UG–120).
(a) The Manufacturers’ data report
form, as provided by the Coast Guard,
shall be completed in duplicate and
certified by the manufacturer for each
pressure vessel required to be shop inspected under these regulations. The
original of this form shall be delivered
to the Coast Guard inspector.
(b) Data forms for those parts of a
pressure vessel requiring inspection,
which are furnished by other than the
shop of the manufacturer responsible
for the completed unit, shall be executed in triplicate by the manufacturer
of the parts. The original and one copy
shall be delivered to the Coast Guard
inspector who shall forward one copy of
the report to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, having cognizance over
the final assembly. These partial data
reports, together with the final inspection and tests, shall be the final Coast
Guard inspector’s authority to apply
the Coast Guard symbol and number. A
final data report shall be executed by
the manufacturer or assembler who
completes the final assembly and tests.
(c) If a pressure vessel is required to
be inspected in accordance with § 54.10–
3(c), the manufacturer’s data reports
required by UG–120 must be made
available to the Coast Guard inspector
for review prior to inspection of the
pressure vessel.
(Approved by the Office of Management and
Budget under control number 2130–0181)
[CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17, 1970 as
amended by CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20,

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Subpart 54.15—Pressure-Relief
§ 54.15–1 General (modifies
through UG–137).


(a) All pressure vessels built in accordance with applicable requirements
in Division 1 of section VIII of the

ASME Code must be provided with protective devices as indicated in UG–125
through UG–136 except as noted otherwise in this subpart.
(b) The markings shall be in accordance with this chapter for devices covered by § 54.15–10.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35822, July 29,
1991; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31,

§ 54.15–3 Definitions (modifies appendix 3).
(a) Definitions applicable to this subpart are in § 52.01–3 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.15–5 Protective devices (modifies
(a) All pressure vessels must be provided with protective devices. The protective devices must be in accordance
with the requirements of UG–125
through UG–136 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) except as modified in this subpart.
(b) An unfired steam boiler evaporator or heat exchanger (see § 54.01–10)
shall be equipped with protective devices as required by § 54.15–15.
(c) All pressure vessels other than
unfired steam boilers shall be protected by pressure-relieving devices
that will prevent the pressure from rising more than 10 percent above the
maximum allowable working pressure,
except when the excess pressure is
caused by exposure to fire or other unexpected source of heat.
(d) Where an additional hazard can be
created by exposure of a pressure vessel
to fire or other unexpected sources of
external heat (for example, vessels
used to store liquefied flammable
gases), supplemental pressure-relieving
devices shall be installed to protect
against excessive pressure. Such supplemental pressure-relieving devices
shall be capable of preventing the pressure from rising more than 20 percent
above the maximum allowable working
pressure of the vessel. The minimum
required relief capacities for compressed gas pressure vessels are given


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
under § 54.15–25. A single pressure-relieving device may be used to satisfy
the requirements of this paragraph and
paragraph (c) of this section, provided
it meets the requirements of both paragraphs.
(e) Pressure-relieving devices should
be selected on the basis of their intended service. They shall be constructed, located, and installed so that
they are readily accessible for inspection and repair and so arranged that
they cannot be readily rendered inoperative.
(f) Where pressure-indicating gages
are used, they shall be chosen to be
compatible with the pressure to be indicated. The size of the visual display,
the fineness of graduations, and the
orientation of the display will be considered. In no case shall the upper
range of the gage be less than 1.2 times
nor more than 2 times the pressure at
which the relieving device is set to
(g) The Commandant may authorize
or require the use of a rupture disk in
lieu of a relief or safety valve under
certain conditions of pressure vessel
use and design. See § 54.15–13.
(h) Vessels that are to operate completely filled with liquid shall be
equipped with liquid relief valves unless otherwise protected against overpressure.
(i) The protective devices required
under paragraph (a) of this section
shall be installed directly on a pressure
vessel except when the source of pressure is external to the vessel, and is
under such positive control that the
pressure in the vessel cannot exceed
the maximum allowable working pressure at the operating temperature except as permitted in paragraphs (c) and
(d) of this section.
(j) Pressure-relieving devices shall be
constructed of materials suitable for
the pressure, temperature, and other
conditions of the service intended.
(k) The opening through all pipes and
fittings between a pressure vessel and
its pressure-relieving device shall have
at least the area of the pressure-relieving device inlet, and in all cases shall
have sufficient area so as not to unduly
restrict the flow to the pressure-relieving device. The opening in the vessel
shall be designed to provide direct and

§ 54.15–10

unobstructed flow between the vessel
and its pressure-relieving device.
(l) Safety devices need not be provided by the pressure vessel manufacturer. However, overpressure protection shall be provided prior to placing
the vessel in service.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35822, July 29,
1991; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.15–10 Safety and
(modifies UG–126).


(a) All safety and relief valves for use
on pressure vessels or piping systems
shall be designed to meet the protection and service requirements for
which they are intended and shall be
set to relieve at a pressure which does
not exceed the ‘‘maximum allowable
working pressure’’ of the pressure vessel or piping system. Relief valves are
not required to have huddling chambers for other than steam service. In
addition, safety valves used on vessels
in which steam is generated shall meet
§ 52.01–120 of this subchapter except
§ 52.01–120(a)(9). For steam service
below 206 kPa (30 psig), bodies of safety
valves may be made of cast iron. Safety relief valves used in liquefied compressed gas service shall meet subpart
162.017 or 162.018 in subchapter Q (Specifications) of this chapter as appropriate.
(b) Pilot-valve control or other indirect operation of safety valves is not
permitted unless the design is such
that the main unloading valve will
open automatically at not over the set
pressure and will discharge its full
rated capacity if some essential part of
the pilot or auxiliary device should
fail. All other safety and relief valves
shall be of the direct spring loaded
(c) Safety and relief valves for steam
or air service shall be provided with a
substantial lifting device so that the
disk can be lifted from its seat when
the pressure in the vessel is 75 percent
of that at which the valve is set to
(d) Safety and relief valves for service other than steam and air need not
be provided with a lifting device although a lifting device is desirable if


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§ 54.15–13

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

the vapors are such that their release
will not create a hazard.
(e) If the design of a safety or relief
valve is such that liquid can collect on
the discharge side of the disk, the valve
shall be equipped with a drain at the
lowest point where liquid can collect
(for installation, see UG–134 of section
VIII of section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1).
(f) Cast iron may be employed in the
construction of relief valves for pressures not exceeding 125 pounds per
square inch and temperatures not exceeding 450 °F. Seats or disks of cast
iron are prohibited.
(g) The spring in a relief valve in
service for pressures up to and including 250 pounds per square inch shall not
be reset for any pressure more than 10
percent above or 10 percent below that
for which the relief valve is marked.
For higher pressures, the spring shall
not be reset for any pressure more than
5 percent above or 5 percent below that
for which the relief valve is marked.
(h) The rated relieving capacity of
safety and relief valves for use on pressure vessels shall be based on actual
flow test data and the capacity shall be
certified by the manufacturer in accordance with one of the following:
(1) 120 percent of the valve set pressure for valves rated in accordance
with CGA S–1.2 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1).
(2) 110 percent of the valve set pressure for valves rated in accordance
with UG–131 of section VIII of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
(3) 103 percent of the valve set pressure for steam in accordance with PG–
69 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code.

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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 81–79, 50 FR 9436, Mar. 8,
1985; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31,

§ 54.15–13 Rupture disks (modifies UG–
(a) Paragraph UG–127 of section VIII
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 54.01–1) provides for the use of
rupture disks in series with spring
loaded safety or relief valves.

(b) For certain pressure vessels containing substances which may render a
relief or safety valve inoperative, or
where the installation of a valve is considered impractical, the Commandant
may authorize or require the use of a
rupture disk in parallel with or in lieu
of a spring loaded safety or relief valve.
These rupture disks shall:
(1) Comply with the general provisions of § 54.15–5 except as noted otherwise in this section;
(2) Have a capacity for discharge such
that the volume of release is sufficient
to prevent the internal pressure from
exceeding 120 percent of the ‘‘maximum allowable working pressure’’
with the pressure vessel exposed to fire
conditions (see § 54.15–25); and,
(3) Operate at a pressure level which
does not produce fatigue failure of the
disk. The normal maximum operating
pressure multiplied by 1.3 shall not exceed the nominal disk burst pressure.
(Notice that this restriction for protection of the rupture disk will usually require operation below the ‘‘maximum
allowable working pressure’’ of the
pressure vessel and therefore should be
considered in design.)
(c) All disks shall be oriented so that
if rupture occurs, the disk fragments
and pressure vessel discharge will be
directed away from operating personnel and vital machinery.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.15–15 Relief devices for unfired
steam boilers, evaporators, and
heat exchangers (modifies UG–126).
(a) An approved safety valve set to
relieve at a pressure not exceeding the
‘‘maximum allowable working pressure’’ of the shell shall be fitted to all
unfired steam boilers and evaporators
except for evaporators of the atmospheric type designed for vapor discharge direct to a distiller with no
shutoff valve in the discharge line. The
distiller connected to atmospheric
evaporators shall be fitted with a vent
to prevent a buildup in pressure. In no
case shall the vent be less than 11⁄2
inches in diameter. Evaporators operating between atmospheric pressure
and 15 p.s.i.g., may use a rupture disc
as an alternative to the safety valve.


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(b) Safety valves for use on pressure
vessels in which steam or pressure is
generated shall comply with the requirements of § 54.15–10. Rupture discs
used in lieu of these safety valves, as
provided for in paragraph (a) of this
section, shall comply with the requirements of § 54.15–13.
(c) The relieving capacity of evaporator safety valves required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be at
least equal to the capacity of the orifice fitted in the steam supply to the
evaporator. The orifice capacity shall
be determined in accordance with the
formula in paragraph (c) (1) or (2) of
this section as appropriate:
(1) Where the set pressure of the
evaporator shell safety valve is 58 percent or less than the setting of the
safety valve in the steam supply:
(2) Where the set pressure of the
evaporator shell safety valve exceeds 58
percent of the setting of the safety
valve on the steam supply:
W=105.3A√ P1(P¥P1)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

W=The required orifice capacity, in pounds
per hour.
A=Cross-sectional area of rounded entrance
orifice, in square inches. The orifice shall
be installed near the steam inlet or the
coils or tubes and where no orifice is employed the area used in the formula shall
be that of the inlet connection or manifold.
P=Set pressure of steam supply safety valve,
in pounds per square inch, absolute.
P1=Set pressure of evaporator shell safety
valve, in pounds per square inch, absolute.

(d) The relieving capacity of safety
valves on unfired steam boilers shall
not be less than the maximum generating capacity of the unfired steam
boiler as certified by the manufacturer.
(e) On new installations and where
the orifice size of an existing unfired
steam boiler or evaporator is increased,
an accumulation test shall be made by
closing all steam outlet connections
except the safety valves for a period of
five minutes. When conducting the accumulation test, the water shall be at
the normal operating level and the
steam pressure shall be at the normal
operating pressure, and while under
this test the pressure shall not rise

§ 54.15–25

more than 6 percent above the safety
valve setting.
(f) A heat exchanger with liquid in
the shell and the heating medium in
the tubes or coils, shall be fitted with
a liquid relief valve meeting the requirement of § 54.15–5.
(g)(1) A heat exchanger with steam in
the shell and liquid in the tubes or
coils at a pressure exceeding that in
the shell, shall have a liquid relief
valve fitted to protect the shell against
excess pressure.
(2) The discharge capacity of such relief valves shall be calculated on the
basis of the discharge from one tube
using the difference in pressures between that in the shell and that in the
tubes and shall be not less than that
determined by the following formula:
Q=29.81KD 2√ P1¥P2
Q=Required relief valve discharge capacity,
in gallons per minute, based on relief
valve set pressure.
P1=Pressure in the tube or coils, in pounds
per square inch.
P2=Set pressure of the shell relief valve, in
pounds per square inch.
D=Internal diameter of the largest tube or
coil, in inches.
K=Coefficient of discharge=0.62.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17226, June
29, 1973]

§ 54.15–25 Minimum relief capacities
for cargo tanks containing compressed or liquefied gas.
(a) Each tank shall be fitted with one
or more safety relief valves designed,
constructed, and flow tested in accordance with subpart 162.017 or 162.018 in
subchapter Q (Specifications) of this
chapter. Valves conforming to specification subpart 162.017 shall be limited
to use on tanks whose maximum allowable working pressure is not in excess
of 10 pounds per square inch. With specific approval of the Commandant,
such valves may be connected to the
vessel in lieu of being directly fitted to
the tanks.
(b) The discharge pressure and the
maximum overpressure permitted shall
be in accordance with § 54.15–5.
(c) The rate of discharge for heat
input of fire must meet the following


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§ 54.15–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)


thermal conductance, and stability under
fire exposure.
F=0.5 for uninsulated independent tasks installed in holds.
F=0.2 for insulated independent tanks in
holds or for uninsulated independent
tanks in insulated holds.
F=0.1 for insulated independent tanks in
inerted holds or for uninsulated independent tanks in inerted, insulated
F=0.1 for membrane and semi-membrane
G=gas factor of:

Q=minimum required rate of discharge in
cubic meters (cubic feet) per minute of
air at standard conditions 15 °C and 103
kPa (60 °F and 14.7 psia).
F=fire exposure factor for the following tank
F=1.0 for tanks without insulation located
on the open deck.
F=0.5 for tanks on the open deck having insulation that has approved fire proofing,

" G = [(177/LC) ( ZT/M )]

SI units

G = [(633, 000/LC) ( ZT/M )]

For a tank of a body of revolution shape:
A=external surface area.
For a tank other than a body of revolution
A=external surface area less the projected
bottom surface area.
For a grouping of pressure vessel tanks
having insulation on the vessel’s structure:
A=external surface area of the hold without the projected bottom area.
For a grouping of pressure tanks having insulation on the tank:
A=external surface area of the pressure
tanks excluding insulation, and without
the projected bottom area. 1

1 Figure 54.15–25(c) shows a method of determining the side external surface area of a
grouping of vertical pressure tanks.


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L=latent heat of the material being vaporized at the relieving conditions, in Kcal/
kg (Btu per pound).
C=constant based on relation of specific
heats (k), table § 54.15–25(c) (if k is not
known, C=.606(315)).
Z=compressibility factor of the gas at the relieving conditions (if not known, Z=1.0).
T=temperature in degrees K=(273 + degrees
C) (R=(460 + degrees F)) at the relieving
conditions (120% of the pressure at which
the pressure relief valve is set).
M=molecular weight of the product.
A=external surface area of the tank in m2
(sq. ft.) for the following tank types:

English units"

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

TABLE 54.15–25(c)—CONSTANT C

TABLE 54.15–25(c)—CONSTANT C—Continued









(c–1) For an independent tank that
has a portion of the tank protruding
above the open deck, the fire exposure
factor must be calculated for the surface area above the deck and the surface area below the deck, and this calculation must be specially approved by
the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design
and Engineering Standards (CG–ENG)..
(d) In determining the total safety
valve relieving capacity, the arrangement and location of the valves on the
tank will be evaluated. The valves
shall be placed so that a number of
valves sufficient to provide the required relieving capacity shall always
be in communication with the cargo
vapor phase. The possible motions
which the tank may see in its intended
service and attendant changes in cargo
liquid level will be considered. Shut off


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§ 54.15–25

§ 54.20–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

valves shall not be installed between
the vessel and the safety relief valves.
Manifolds for mounting multiple relief
valves may be fitted with acceptable
interlocking shut off valves so arranged that the required capacity of
discharge will be ‘‘lined up’’ at all
(e)(1) Each safety relief valve shall be
tested in the presence of a marine inspector before being placed in service
except as noted otherwise in paragraph
(e)(2) of this section. The test shall satisfactorily show that the valve will
start to discharge at the required minimum pressure.
(2) Each safety relief valve fitted
with a breaking pin and rupture disk
need not be tested in the presence of a
marine inspector before being placed in
service. In lieu thereof, a certificate
shall be furnished with the valve attested to by the manufacturer that the
test requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of
this section have been met.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 74–289, 44 FR 26007, May 3,
1979; CGD 82–063b, 48 FR 4781, Feb. 3, 1983;
CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD
96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–2004–
18884, 69 FR 58346, Sept. 30, 2004; USCG–2007–
29018, 72 FR 53965, Sept. 21, 2007; USCG–2009–
0702, 74 FR 49228, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–
0832, 77 FR 59777, Oct. 1, 2012]

Subpart 54.20—Fabrication by
§ 54.20–1 Scope
through UW–65).
(a) Pressure vessels and vessel parts
that are fabricated by welding shall be
as required by paragraphs UW–1
through UW–65 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) except as noted otherwise in
this subchapter.
(b) [Reserved]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.20–2 Fabrication for hazardous
materials (replaces UW–2(a)).
(a) Pressure vessels containing hazardous materials as defined in § 150.115
of this chapter must be of the class and
construction required by subchapter D,

I, O, or, when not specified, of a class
determined by the Commandant.
(b) Class III pressure vessels must not
be used for the storage or stowage of
hazardous materials unless there is
specific authorization in subchapters
D, I, or O.
[CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20, 1982]

§ 54.20–3 Design (modifies UW–9, UW–
11(a), UW–13, and UW–16).
(a) Fabrication by welding shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this
part and with part 57 of this subchapter.
(b) Welding subject to UW–11(a) of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) shall be
modified as described in § 54.25–8 for radiographic examination.
(c) A butt welded joint with one plate
edge offset, as shown in Figure UW–
13.1(k) of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, may
only be used for circumferential joints
of Class II and Class III pressure vessels.
(d) Attachment welds for nozzles and
other connections shall be in accordance with UW–16 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
When nozzles or connections are made
to pressure vessels, as shown in Figure
UW–16.1 (a) and (c) of the ASME Code,
and are welded from one side only,
backing strips shall be used unless it
can be determined visually that a full
penetration weld has been achieved.
(e) When fabricating by welding the
minimum joint requirements shall be
as specified under the column headed
‘‘minimum joint requirements’’ in
table 54.01–5(b) for various classes of
pressure vessels.
(f) Joints in Class II or III pressure
vessel cargo tanks must meet the following:
(1) Category A and B joints must be
type (1) or (2).
(2) Category C and D joints must
have full penetration welds extending
through the entire thickness of the
vessel wall or nozzle wall.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21810, May 20,
1982; CGD 85–061, 54 FR 50964, Dec. 11, 1989;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]


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§ 54.20–5 Welding qualification tests
and production testing (modifies
UW–26, UW–28, UW–29, UW–47, and
(a) Performance and procedure qualification. No production welding shall be
done until welding procedures and
welders have been qualified in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.
(b) Tests. Production tests are required in accordance with § 57.06–1 of
this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,

§ 54.25–10

§ 54.25–7 Requirement for postweld
heat treatment (modifies UCS–56).
(a) Postweld heat treatment is required for all carbon and low alloy
steel Class I, I-L, and II-L vessels regardless of thickness. (Refer to table
54.01–5(b) for applicable requirements.)
(b) Cargo tanks which are fabricated
of carbon or low alloy steel as Class II
pressure vessels, designed for pressures
exceeding 100 pounds per square inch
gage and used in the storage or transportation of liquefied compressed gases
shall be postweld heat treated regardless of thickness.
[CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17, 1970]

Subpart 54.23—Fabrication by
§ 54.23–1

Scope (modifies UB–1).

(a) Fabrication by brazing shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this
part and with part 57 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17, 1970]

Subpart 54.25—Construction With
Carbon, Alloy, and Heat
Treated Steels
§ 54.25–1


The carbon, alloy, and heat treated
steels used in construction of pressure
vessels and parts shall be as indicated
in section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) except as
noted otherwise in this subpart.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.25–3

Steel plates (modifies UCS–6).

The steels listed in UCS–6(b) of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) will be allowed only in Class III pressure vessels
(see table 54.01–5(b)).
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]
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§ 54.25–5

Corrosion allowance.

The corrosion allowance must be as
required in 46 CFR 54.01–35.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.25–8 Radiography (modifies UW–
11(a), UCS–57, UNF–57, UHA–33, and
(a) Full radiography is required for
all Class I and Class I-L vessels regardless of thickness. (Refer to table 54.01–
5(b) for applicable requirements.)
(b) Class II-L vessels shall be spot
radiographed. The exemption provided
in UW–11(c) of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) does not apply. (Refer to table
54.01–5(b) for applicable requirements.)
(c) Each butt welded joint in a Class
II or III pressure vessel cargo tank
must be spot radiographed, in accordance with UW–52, regardless of diameter or thickness, and each weld intersection
radiographed for a distance of at least
10 thicknesses from the intersection.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 85–061, 54 FR 50964, Dec. 11,
1989; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31,

§ 54.25–10 Low
operation—ferritic steels (replaces UCS–
65 through UCS–67).
(a) Scope. (1) This section contains requirements for pressure vessels and
nonpressure vessel type tanks and associated secondary barrier, as defined
in § 38.05–4 and § 154.7 of this chapter,
and their parts constructed of carbon
and alloy steels which are stressed at
operating or hydrostatic test temperatures below 0 °F.
(2) The service temperature is the
minimum temperature of a product at
which it may be contained, loaded and/


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§ 54.25–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

or transported. However, the service
temperature shall in no case be taken
higher than given by the following formula:

—24 percent in 2 inches, or
—22 percent in 5.65 √A, where ‘‘A’’
is the test specimen cross sectional area.

TABLE 54.25–10(b)(1)

ts=Service temperature.
tw=Boiling temperature of gas at normal
working pressure of container but not
higher than +32 °F.
tB=Boiling temperature of gas at atmospheric pressure.

Only temperatures due to refrigerated
service usually need to be considered in
determining the service temperature,
except pressure vessel type cargo tanks
operating at ambient temperatures
must meet paragraph (d) of this section. ‘‘Refrigerated service’’, as used in
this paragraph, means a service in
which the temperature is controlled by
the process and not by atmospheric
(b) Specifications. Materials used in
the construction of vessels to operate
below 0 °F. (but not below the designated minimum service temperature)
shall conform to a specification given
in table UCS–23 in section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) and the following additional requirements:

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE: For high alloy steels refer to § 54.25–
15. For heat treated steels refer to § 54.25–20.

(1)(i) For minimum service temperatures not lower than ¥67 °F., ferritic
steels shall be made with fine grain
practice and shall have an austenitic
grain size of 5 or finer, and shall be
normalized. Consideration will be given
to other heat treatments. Refer to
§ 57.03–1(d) of this subchapter. Plate for
pressure vessel applications shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 20
(incorporated by reference, see § 54.01–
1). It may be produced by the open
hearth, basic oxygen or electric furnace process and shall conform to the
requirements of table 54.25–10(b)(1).
(Other alloying elements may only be
present in trace amounts.)
(ii) Mechanical properties shall be
within the following limits:
Ultimate strength .........
Yield strength ...............
Elongation minimum ....

—58,000 1–85,000 1

—Minimum 35,000 p.s.i.
—Maximum 80 percent of ultimate.
—20 percent in 8 inches, or

Minimum service 1 temperature

Max. C 1

¥30 ...........................................
¥50 ...........................................
¥67 ...........................................


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1 At service temperatures intermediate between those specified, intermediate amounts of carbon and manganese will be
allowed (in proportion to the actual service temperature variation from that listed), provided all other chemical and mechanical properties specified for steels in this temperature
range are satisfied.

Range percent
Si ..........................................................................


S ...........................................................................
P ...........................................................................
Ni ..........................................................................
Cr .........................................................................
Mo ........................................................................
Cu ........................................................................
Nb ........................................................................
V ...........................................................................


(2) For minimum service temperature
below ¥67 °F., but not below the designated minimum service temperature,
ferritic steels shall be normalized, low
carbon, fully killed, fine grain, nickel
alloy type, conforming to any one of
the specifications in table 54.25–10(b)(2).
Consideration will be given to other
heat treatments. Refer to § 57.03–1(d) of
this subchapter for quenched and tempered steels. The ultimate and yield
strengths shall be as shown in the applicable specification and shall be suitable to the design stress levels adopted.
The service temperature shall not be
colder than the minimum specified in
table 54.25–10(b)(2) for each steel.
TABLE 54.25–10(b)(2)
A–203, 21⁄4 percent, Ni,
A–203, 31⁄2 percent, Ni,
5 percent Ni, normalized

Minimum service temperature
¥80 °F. for Grade A.
¥75 °F. for Grade B.
¥130 °F. for Grade D.
¥110 °F. for Grade E.
Dependent on chemical
physical properties.


(3) The materials permitted under
paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section
shall be tested for toughness in accordance with and shall satisfy the applicable requirements of subpart 54.05.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(4) Welded pressure vessels or nonpressure vessel type tanks and associated secondary barriers, as defined in
§ 38.05–4 of subchapter D (Tank Vessels)
of this chapter shall meet the toughness requirements of subparts 57.03 and
57.06 of this subchapter with regard to
weld procedure qualifications and production testing.
(5) The material manufacturer’s identification marking required by the material specification shall not be diestamped on plate material less than
one-fourth inch in thickness.
(c) Design. Pressure vessels must
meet the requirements for Class I-L
and II-L construction. (See table 54.01–
5(b) for applicable requirements). Except as permitted by § 54.05–30, the allowable stress values used in the design
of low temperature pressure vessels
may not exceed those given in table
UCS–23 of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for
temperatures of 0 °F. to 650 °F. For materials not listed in this table allowable stress values are determined in accordance with appendix P of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
(d) Weldments and all materials used
in pressure vessel type cargo tanks operating at ambient temperatures and
constructed of materials listed in table
UCS–23 must pass Charpy impact tests
in accordance with UG–84 at a temperature of ¥20 °F or colder, except as provided by paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and
(d)(3) of this section.
(1) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following ASTM
materials if the thickness for each is 5⁄8
inch or less, unless otherwise indicated:
(i) A–182, normalized and tempered.
(ii) A–302, Grades C and D.
(iii) A–336, Grades F21 and F22 that
are normalized and tempered.
(iv) A–387, Grades 21 and 22 that are
normalized and tempered.
(v) A–516, Grades 55 and 60.
(vi) A–533, Grades B and C.
(vii) All other plates, structural
shapes and bars, and other product
forms, except for bolting, if produced
to a fine grain practice and normalized.
(2) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following ASTM

§ 54.25–15

materials if the thickness for each is
11⁄4 inch or less:
(i) A–203.
(ii) A–508, Class 1.
(iii) A–516, normalized.
(iv) A–524.
(v) A–537.
(vi) A–612, normalized.
(vii) A–662, normalized.
(viii) A–724, normalized.
(3) Charpy impact tests are not required for any of the following bolt materials:
(i) A–193, Grades B5, B7, B7M, and
(ii) A–307, Grade B
(iii) A–325, Type 1.
(iv) A–449.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9977, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–133R, 39 FR 9178, Mar. 8, 1974;
CGD 74–289, 44 FR 26007, May 3, 1979; CGD 77–
069, 52 FR 31626, Aug. 21, 1987; CGD 85–061, 54
FR 50964, Dec. 11, 1989; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR
67178, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR
58460, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR
65170, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.25–15 Low
operation—high alloy steels (modifies
UHA–23(b) and UHA–51).
(a) Toughness tests for the materials
listed in UHA–51(a) in section VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 54.01–1) for service temperatures
below ¥425 °F., UHA–51(b)(1) through
(5) for service temperatures below 0 °F.,
and UHA–51(c) for all service temperatures, shall be performed in accordance
with the requirements of subpart 54.05.
These requirements are also applicable
to nonpressure vessel type, low temperature tanks and associated secondary barriers, as defined in § 38.05–4
in subchapter D (Tank Vessels) of this
chapter. Such tests are required regardless of the vessel’s design stress.
Service temperature is defined in
§ 54.25–10(a)(2).
(b) Materials for pressure vessels
with service temperatures below ¥320
°F. shall be of the stabilized or low carbon (less than 0.10 percent) austenitic
stainless steel type, produced according to the applicable specifications of
table UHA–23 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
These materials and their weldments
shall be tested for toughness according


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§ 54.25–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

to the requirements of subpart 54.05 except that the Charpy V-notch testing
acceptance criteria will be in accordance with UHT–6(a)(4) and (5) of section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.’’
(c) Except as permitted by § 54.05–30,
the allowable stress values used in the
design of low temperature pressure vessels may not exceed those given in
table UHA–23 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for temperatures of ¥20 °F. to 100 °F.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–133R, 39 FR 9178, Mar. 8,
1974; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2, 1975;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171, Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 54.25–20 Low
operation—ferritic steels with properties enhanced by heat treatment
(modifies UHT–5(c), UHT–6, UHT–
23, and UHT–82).
(a) For service temperatures below 0
°F. but not below the designated minimum service temperature, steel conforming to the specifications of table
54.25–20(a) may be used in the fabrication of pressure vessels and nonpressure vessel tanks and associated secondary barriers, as defined in § 38.05–4

of subchapter D (Tank Vessels) of this
chapter. The ultimate and yield
strengths shall be as shown in the applicable specification and shall be suitable for the design stress levels adopted. The service temperature shall not
be colder than ¥320 °F. Service temperature is defined in § 54.25–10(a) (2).
TABLE 54.25–20(a)
temperature, °F.


A–333, 9 percent Ni, grade 8 ................................
A–334, 9 percent Ni, grade 8 ................................
A–353, 9 percent Ni, double normalized and tempered ..................................................................
A–522, 9 percent Ni, NNT, Q and T, forging ........
A–553, 9 percent Ni, quenched and tempered .....

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(b) The materials permitted under
paragraph (a) of this section shall be
tested for toughness in accordance
with the requirements of UHT–6 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) except that
tests shall be conducted at the temperature specified in § 54.05–6 in lieu of
that in UHT–5(c) of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.


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(c) The qualification of welding procedures, welders and weld-production
testing for the steels of table 54.25–20(a)
must conform to the requirements of
part 57 of this subchapter and to those
of subpart 54.05 of this part except that
the acceptance criteria for Charpy Vnotch testing must be in accordance
with UHT–6(a)(4) of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(d) The values of absorbed energy in
foot-pounds and of fracture appearance
in percentage shear, which are recorded
for information when complying with
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section
shall also be reported to the marine inspector or the Commandant, as applicable.

§ 54.25–25

(e) Except as permitted by § 54.05–30,
the allowable stress values may not exceed those given in table UHT–23 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler Pressure and Vessel Code for temperatures
of 150 °F and below.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–133R, 39 FR 9179, Mar. 8,
1974; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29,
2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171, Oct. 31,

§ 54.25–25 Welding of quenched and
tempered steels (modifies UHT–82).
(a) The qualification of welding procedures, welders, and weld-production
testing must conform to the requirements of part 57 of this subchapter.
The requirements of 46 CFR 57.03–1(d)


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 54.30–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

apply to welded pressure vessels and
non-pressure vessel type tanks of
quenched and tempered steels other
than 9-percent nickel.
(b) [Reserved]
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 54.30—Mechanical Stress
§ 54.30–1


(a) Certain pressure vessels may be
mechanically stress relieved in accordance with the requirements in this subpart.
(b) [Reserved]

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§ 54.30–3


(a) Large conventional pressure vessels used to transport liquefied petroleum and natural gases, at ‘‘low temperatures’’ may often be difficult to
thermally stress relieve. Where no
other problem, such as corrosion exists, mechanical stress relief will be
permitted for Class II-L pressure vessels.
(b) Mechanical stress relief serves to
cause small flaws, particularly in the
weld zone, to yield plastically at the
flaw tip resulting in a local relief of
stress and a blunting of the crack tip.
To achieve the maximum benefit from
mechanical stress relief, it is necessary
that the stresses so imposed be more
severe than those expected in normal
service life. At the same time, it is necessary that the stresses which are imposed are not so high as to result in appreciable deformation or general yielding.
(c) The weld joint efficiencies as listed in table UW–12 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
54.01–1) shall apply except that a minimum of spot radiography will be required. UW–12(c) of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
that permits omitting all radiography
does not apply. Spot examination shall
follow UW–52 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
and, in addition, these vessels will be
required to have radiographic examination of intersecting circumferential

and longitudinal joints for a distance
of at least 20 times the plate thickness
from the junction. See 46 CFR 54.25–8
on spot radiography.
(d) Severe cold forming will not be
permitted unless thermal stress relief
is used. For example, parts of the vessels which are individually cold
formed, such as heads, must be thermally stress relieved, where the extreme fiber strain measured at the surface exceeds 5 percent as determined
Percent strain=(65t/Rf)[1–(Rf/Ro)]
t=Plate thickness.
Rf=Final radius.
Ro=Original radius (equals infinity for flat
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460,
Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.30–5 Limitations


(a) Class II-L pressure vessels which
require stress relief (see table 54.01–
5(b)) may be mechanically stress relieved provided:
(1) The steels from which they are
fabricated do not specifically require
thermal stress relief in UCS–56 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 54.01–1) and have a
ratio of yield to ultimate tensile
strength not greater than 0.8. For example: A–537 steels could be mechanically stress relieved.
(2) Pressure difference across the
shell is not greater than 100 pounds per
square inch, thickness of shell is not
greater than 1 inch, and the design
temperature is not greater than 115 °F.
(3) It will carry liquids of specific
gravity no greater than 1.05.
(4) Design details are sufficient to
eliminate stress concentrators: Mechanical stress relief is not acceptable
in designs involving the following
types of welded connections shown in
UW–16.1 of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
(i) Types l, m, n, and p because of
nonintegral reinforcement. Type o will
be acceptable provided the plate, nozzle, and reinforcement assembly are


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
furnace stress relieved and the reinforcement is at least 6 inches or 10t,
whichever is larger, from the plate
(ii) Types d, e, and f because expansion and contraction stresses are concentrated at the junction points.
(5) That no slip-on flanges in sizes
greater than 2 inches are used.
(6) The categories A and B joints are
type one as described in table UW–12 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code and all categories
C and D joints are full penetration
welds. See UW–3 of the ASME Code for
definition of categories.
(b) When a pressure vessel is to be
mechanically stress relieved in accordance with § 54.30–10(a)(1), its maximum
allowable working pressure will be 40
percent of the value which would otherwise be determined. However, an increase of this 40 percent factor may be
permitted if the stress relief is carried
out at a pressure higher than that required by § 54.30–10(a)(1) and an experimental strain analysis is carried out
during stress relief. This evaluation
should provide information as to the
strains at the saddles, welded seams
and nozzles as well as the body of the
vessel. The hydrostatic pressure applied during stress relief should be such
that, except in the case of welds, the
stresses in the vessel shall closely approach but not exceed 90 percent of the
yield stress of the material at the test
temperature. The proposed experimental program should be submitted to
the Commandant for approval prior to
its use. Photo-elastic coating, strain
gaging, or a brittle coating technique
is suggested for the experimental analysis.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.30–10 Method of performing mechanical stress relief.
(a) The mechanical stress relief shall
be carried out in accordance with the
following stipulations using water as
the pressurizing medium:
(1) At a hydrostatic pressure (measured at the tank top) of 11⁄2 times the
design pressure. (See UA–60(e) of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.)

§ 54.30–15

(2) At a temperature of 70 °F. or the
service temperature plus 50 °F., whichever is higher. Where the ambient temperature is below 70 °F., and use of
water at that temperature is not practical, the minimum temperature for
mechanical stress relief may be below
70 °F. but shall not be less than 50 °F.
above service temperature.
(3) The stress relief shall be at the required temperature and pressure and
held for a period not less than 2 hours
per inch of metal thickness, but in no
case less than 2 hours.
(b) It is considered preferable that
mechanical stress relief be accomplished with the tanks in place on their
saddles or supporting structure in the
barge or ship in which they will be utilized. In any case, it is considered mandatory that the tank be supported only
by its regular saddles or supporting
structure, without any auxiliary or
temporary supports.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 54.30–15 Requirement for analysis
and computation.
(a) A stress analysis shall be performed to determine if the tank may be
exposed to excessive loadings during
the mechanical stress relief process.
This analysis should include consideration of the local stresses in way of
saddles or other supporting structure
and additional bending stresses due to
the weight of the pressurizing liquid
particularly in areas of high stress concentration. While it is necessary that
the general stress level during the
process be in excess of the normal
working level, the calculated maximum stress during test shall not exceed 90 percent of the yield strength of
the material at test temperature. The
supporting structure shall be analyzed
to verify its adequacy.
(b) In all cases where the tanks are
mechanically stress relieved in place in
the ship or barge and the tanks are designed to carry cargoes with a specific
gravity less than 1.05, the ship or barge
shall be shown to have adequate stability and buoyancy, as well as
strength to carry the excess weight of
the tank during the stress relief procedure.


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Pt. 56

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Subpart 56.01—General
56.01–1 Scope (replaces 100.1).
56.01–2 Incorporation by reference.
56.01–3 Power boilers, external piping and
appurtenances (Replaces 100.1.1, 100.1.2,
122.1, 132 and 133).
56.01–5 Adoption of ASME B31.1 for power
piping, and other standards.
56.01–10 Plan approval.

Subpart 56.04—Piping Classification

56.30–25 Flared, flareless, and compression
56.30–27 Caulked joints.
56.30–30 Brazed joints.
56.30–35 Gasketed mechanical couplings.
56.30–40 Flexible pipe couplings of the compression or slip-on type.

Subpart 56.35—Expansion, Flexibility and
56.35–1 Pipe stress calculations (replaces
56.35–10 Nonmetallic expansion joints (replaces 119.5.1).
56.35–15 Metallic expansion joints (replaces

56.04–1 Scope.
56.04–2 Piping classification according to
56.04–10 Other systems.

Subpart 56.07—Design
56.07–5 Definitions (modifies 100.2).
56.07–10 Design conditions and
(modifies 101–104.7).


Subpart 56.10—Components
56.10–1 Selection and limitations of piping
components (replaces 105 through 108).
56.10–5 Pipe.

Subpart 56.15—Fittings
56.15–1 Pipe joining fittings.
56.15–5 Fluid-conditioner fittings.
56.15–10 Special purpose fittings.

Subpart 56.20—Valves
56.20–1 General.
56.20–5 Marking (modifies 107.2).
56.20–7 Ends.
56.20–9 Valve construction.
56.20–15 Valves employing resilient material.
56.20–20 Valve bypasses.

Subpart 56.25—Pipe Flanges, Blanks,
Flange Facings, Gaskets, and Bolting
56.25–5 Flanges.
56.25–7 Blanks.
56.25–10 Flange facings.
56.25–15 Gaskets (modifies 108.4).
56.25–20 Bolting.

56.50–1 General (replaces 122).
56.50–10 Special gauge requirements.
56.50–15 Steam and exhaust piping.
56.50–20 Pressure relief piping.
56.50–25 Safety and relief valve escape piping.
56.50–30 Boiler feed piping.
56.50–35 Condensate pumps.
56.50–40 BBlowoff piping (replaces 122.1.4).
56.50–45 Circulating pumps.
56.50–50 Bilge and ballast piping.
56.50–55 Bilge pumps.
56.50–57 Bilge piping and pumps, alternative
56.50–60 Systems containing oil.
56.50–65 Burner fuel-oil service systems.
56.50–70 Gasoline fuel systems.
56.50–75 Diesel fuel systems.
56.50–80 Lubricating-oil systems.
56.50–85 Tank-vent piping.
56.50–90 Sounding devices.
56.50–95 Overboard discharges and shell connections.
56.50–96 Keel cooler installations.
56.50–97 Piping for instruments, control,
and sampling (modifies 122.3).
56.50–103 Fixed oxygen-acetylene distribution piping.
56.50–105 Low-temperature piping.
56.50–110 Diving support systems.

Subpart 56.60—Materials

Subpart 56.30—Selection and Limitations of
Piping Joints
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 56.50—Design Requirements
Pertaining to Specific Systems

56.30–1 Scope (replaces 110 through 118).
56.30–3 Piping joints (reproduces 110).
56.30–5 Welded joints.
56.30–10 Flanged joints (modifies 104.5.1 (a)).
56.30–15 Expanded or rolled joints.
56.30–20 Threaded joints.

56.60–1 Acceptable materials and specifications (replaces 123 and table 126.1 in
ASME B31.1).
56.60–2 Limitations on materials.
56.60–3 Ferrous materials.
56.60–5 Steel (High temperature applications).
56.60–10 Cast iron and malleable iron.
56.60–15 Ductile iron.
56.60–20 Nonferrous materials.
56.60–25 Nonmetallic materials.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 56.65—Fabrication, Assembly and

§ 56.01–2

General (replaces 127 through 135).

Subpart 56.01—General

Subpart 56.70—Welding
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171,
Oct. 31, 2008]

56.70–1 General.
56.70–3 Limitations.
56.70–5 Material.
56.70–10 Preparation (modifies 127.3).
56.70–15 Procedure.
56.70–20 Qualification, general.

§ 56.01–1

Subpart 56.75—Brazing
56.75–5 Filler metal.
56.75–10 Joint clearance
56.75–15 Heating
56.75–20 Brazing qualification.
56.75–25 Detail requirements.
56.75–30 Pipe joining details.

Subpart 56.80—Bending and Forming
56.80–5 Bending.
56.80–10 Forming (reproduces 129.2).
56.80–15 Heat treatment of bends and formed

Subpart 56.85—Heat Treatment of Welds
56.85–5 Heating and cooling method
56.85–10 Preheating.
56.85–15 Postheat treatment.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4,

Subpart 56.90—Assembly

§ 56.01–2

56.90–1 General.
56.90–5 Bolting procedure.
56.90–10 Threaded piping (modifies 135.5).

Subpart 56.95—Inspection
56.95–1 General (replaces 136).
56.95–5 Rights of access of marine inspectors.
56.95–10 Type and extent of examination required.

Subpart 56.97—Pressure Tests
56.97–1 General (replaces 137).
56.97–5 Pressure testing of nonstandard piping system components.
56.97–25 Preparation for testing (reproduces
56.97–30 Hydrostatic tests (modifies 137.4).
56.97–35 Pneumatic tests (replaces 137.5).
56.97–38 Initial service leak test (reproduces
56.97–40 Installation tests.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Scope (replaces 100.1).

(a) This part contains requirements
for the various ships’ and barges’ piping systems and appurtenances.
(b) The respective piping systems installed on ships and barges shall have
the necessary pumps, valves, regulation valves, safety valves, relief valves,
flanges, fittings, pressure gages, liquid
level indicators, thermometers, etc.,
for safe and efficient operation of the
(c) Piping for industrial systems on
mobile offshore drilling units need not
fully comply with the requirements of
this part but must meet subpart 58.60
of this subchapter.

AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), 1509; 43 U.S.C.
1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR
58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; E.O. 12777, 56
FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed below.


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.01–2

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(b) American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New
York, NY 10036:
(1) ANSI/ASME B1.1–1982 Unified Inch
Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread
Form) (1982) (‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.1’’),
56.25–20; 56.60–1;
(2) ANSI/ASME B1.20.1–1983 Pipe
Threads, General Purpose (Inch) (1983)
(‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.20.1’’), 56.60–1;
(3) ANSI/ASME B1.20.3–1976 (Reaffirmed 1982) Dryseal Pipe Threads
(Inch) (‘‘ANSI/ASME B1.20.3’’), 56.60–1;
(4) ANSI/ASME B16.15–1985 [Reaffirmed 1994] Cast Bronze Threaded
Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 (1985)
(‘‘ANSI/ASME B16.15’’), 56.60–1;
(c) American Petroleum Institute (API),
1220 L Street, NW., Washington, DC
(1) API Standard 607, Fire Test for
Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves, Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing
Department, Fourth Edition (1993)
(‘‘API 607’’), 56.20–15; and
(2) [Reserved]
(d) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001)
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 56.15–1; 56.15–5;
56.20–1; 56.60–1; 56.70–15; 56.95–10;
(2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules
for Construction of Pressure Vessels
(1998 with 1999 and 2000 addenda)
(‘‘Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 56.15–1; 56.15–5;
56.20–1; 56.25–5; 56.30–10; 56.30–30; 56.60–1;
56.60–2; 56.60–15; 56.95–10;
(3) 1998 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications (1998) (‘‘Section IX
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code’’), 56.70–5; 56.70–20; 56.75–20;
(4) ASME B16.1–1998 Cast Iron Pipe
Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes
25, 125, 250 (1998) (‘‘ASME B16.1’’), 56.60–
1; 56.60–10;
(5) ASME B16.3–1998 Malleable Iron
Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300
(1998) (‘‘ASME B16.3’’), 56.60–1;
(6) ASME B16.4–1998 Gray Iron
Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250
(1998) (‘‘ASME B16.4’’), 56.60–1;

(7) ASME B16.5–2003 Pipe Flanges and
Flanged Fittings NPS 1⁄2 Through NPS
24 Metric/Inch Standard (2003) (‘‘ASME
B16.5’’), 56.25–20; 56.30–10; 56.60–1;
(8) ASME B16.9–2003 Factory-Made
Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings
(2003) (‘‘ASME B16.9’’), 56.60–1;
(9) ASME B16.10–2000 Face-to-Face
and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves
(2000) (‘‘ASME B16.10’’), 56.60–1;
(10) ASME B16.11–2001 Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
(2001) (‘‘ASME B16.11’’), 56.30–5; 56.60–1;
(11) ASME B16.14–1991 Ferrous Pipe
Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with
Pipe Threads (1991) (‘‘ASME B16.14’’),
(12) ASME B16.18–2001 Cast Copper
Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
(2001) (‘‘ASME B16.18’’), 56.60–1;
(13) ASME B16.20–1998 (Revision of
ASME B16.20 1993), Metallic Gaskets
for Pipe Flanges: Ring-Joint, SpiralWound, and Jacketed (1998) (‘‘ASME
B16.20’’), 56.60–1;
(14) ASME B16.21–2005 (Revision of
ASME B16.21–1992) Nonmetallic Flat
Gaskets for Pipe Flanges (May 31, 2005)
(‘‘ASME B16.21’’): 56.60–1;
(15) ASME B16.22–2001 (Revision of
ASME B16.22–1995) Wrought Copper and
Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure
Fittings (Aug. 9, 2002) (‘‘ASME B16.22’’):
(16) ASME B16.23–2002 (Revision of
ASME B16.23–1992) Cast Copper Alloy
Solder Joint Drainage Fittings: DWV
(Nov. 8, 2002) (‘‘ASME B16.23’’): 56.60–1;
(17) ASME B16.24–2001 Cast Copper
Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500,
and 2500 (2001) (‘‘ASME B16.24’’), 56.60–1;
(18) ASME B16.25–2003 Buttwelding
Ends (2003) (‘‘ASME B16.25’’), 56.30–5;
56.60–1; 56.70–10;
(19) ASME B16.28–1994 Wrought Steel
Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and
Returns (1994) (‘‘ASME B16.28’’), 56.60–1;
(20) ASME B16.29–2007 (Revision of
ASME B16.29–2001) Wrought Copper and
Wrought Copper Alloy Solder-Joint
Drainage Fittings—DWV (Aug. 20, 2007)
(‘‘ASME B16.29’’), 56.60–1;
Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End
(1996) (‘‘ASME B16.34’’), 56.20–1; 56.60–1;
(22) ASME B16.42–1998 Ductile Iron
Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Classes 150 and 300 (1998) (‘‘ASME
B16.42’’), 56.60–1;
(23) ASME B18.2.1–1996 Square and
Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series)
(1996) (‘‘ASME B18.2.1’’), 56.25–20; 56.60–
(24) ASME/ANSI B18.2.2–1987 Square
and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) (1987)
(‘‘ASME/ANSI B18.2.2’’), 56.25–20; 56.60–
(25) ASME B31.1–2001 Power Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
(2001) (‘‘ASME B31.1’’), 56.01–3; 56.01–5;
56.07–5; 56.07–10; 56.10–1; 56.10–5; 56.15–1;
56.15–5; 56.20–1; 56.25–7; 56.30–1; 56.30–5;
56.30–10; 56.30–20; 56.35–1; 56.50–1; 56.50–
15; 56.50–40; 56.50–65; 56.50–70; 56.50–97;
56.60–1; 56.65–1; 56.70–10; 56.70–15; 56.80–5;
56.80–15; 56.95–1; 56.95–10; 56.97–1;
(26) ASME B36.10M–2004 Welded and
Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (2004)
(‘‘ASME B36.10M’’), 56.07–5; 56.30–20;
56.60–1; and
(27) ASME B36.19M–2004 Stainless
Steel Pipe (2004) (‘‘ASME B36.19M’’),
56.07–5; 56.60–1.
(28) ASME SA–675 (1998), Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, HotWrought, Special Quality, Mechanical
Properties (‘‘ASME SA–675’’), 56.60–2.
(e) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959, 877–909–
(1) ASTM A 36/A 36M–97a, Standard
Specification for Carbon Structural
Steel (‘‘ASTM A 36’’), 56.30–10;
(2) ASTM A 47–90 (1995), Standard
Specification for Ferritic Malleable
Iron Castings (‘‘ASTM A 47’’), 56.60–1;
(3) ASTM A 53–98, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and HotDipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless (‘‘ASTM Specification A 53’’ or
‘‘ASTM A 53’’), 56.10–5; 56.60–1;
(4) ASTM A 106–95, Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel
Pipe for High-Temperature Service
(‘‘ASTM A 106’’), 56.60–1;
(5) ASTM A 126–95, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for
Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings
(‘‘ASTM A 126’’), 56.60–1;
(6) ASTM A134–96 (Reapproved 2012),
Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel,
Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes
NPS 16 and Over) (‘‘ASTM A 134’’), (approved March 1, 2012), incorporation by
reference approved for § 56.60–1;

§ 56.01–2

(7) ASTM A 135–97c, Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded
Steel Pipe (‘‘ASTM A 135’’), 56.60–1;
(8) ASTM A 139–96, Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over) (‘‘ASTM
A 139’’), 56.60–1;
(9) ASTM A 178/A 178M–95, Standard
Specification for Electric-ResistanceWelded Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel Boiler and Superheater
Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 178’’), 56.60–1;
(Reapproved 2012), Standard Specification
for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon
Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser
Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 179’’), (approved
March 1, 2012), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(11) ASTM A 182/A 182M–97c, Standard
Specification for Forged or Rolled
Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for HighTemperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–182’’),
(12) ASTM A 192/A 192M–91 (1996),
Standard Specification for Seamless
Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for HighPressure Service (‘‘ASTM A 192’’),
(13) ASTM A 194/A 194M–98b, Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy
Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure
or High Temperature Service, or Both
(‘‘ASTM A–194’’), 56.50–105;
(14) ASTM A 197–87 (1992), Standard
Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron
(‘‘ASTM A 197’’), 56.60–1;
(15) ASTM A 210/A 210M–96, Standard
Specification for Seamless MediumCarbon Steel Boiler and Superheater
Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 210’’), 56.60–1;
(16) ASTM A 213/A 213M–95a, Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic
and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler,
Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 213’’), 56.60–1;
(Reapproved 2012), Standard Specification
for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon
Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser
Tubes (‘‘ASTM A 214’’), (approved
March 1, 2012), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(18) ASTM A 226/A 226M–95, Standard
Specification for Electric-ResistanceWelded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High-Pressure Service
(‘‘ASTM A 226’’), 56.60–1;


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.01–2

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(19) ASTM A 234/A 234M–97, Standard
Specification for Piping Fittings of
Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
for Moderate and High Temperature
Service (‘‘ASTM A 234’’), 56.60–1;
(20) ASTM A 249/A 249M–96a, Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic
Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes (‘‘ASTM
A 249’’), 56.60–1;
(21) ASTM A 268/A 268M–96, Standard
Specification for Seamless and Welded
Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless
Steel Tubing for General Service
(‘‘ASTM A 268’’), 56.60–1;
(22) ASTM A 276–98, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and
Shapes (‘‘ASTM A 276’’), 56.60–2;
(23) ASTM A 307–97, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and
Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength
(‘‘ASTM A 307’’), 56.25–20;
(24) ASTM A 312/A 312M–95a, Standard Specification for Seamless and
Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Pipes (‘‘ASTM A–312’’ or ‘‘ASTM A
312’’), 56.50–105; 56.60–1;
(25) ASTM A 320/A 320M–97, Standard
Specification for Alloy/Steel Bolting
Materials for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–320’’), 56.50–105;
(26) ASTM A 333/A 333M–94, Standard
Specification for Seamless and Welded
Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–333’’ or ‘‘ASTM A 333’’),
56.50–105; 56.60–1;
(27) ASTM A 334/A 334M–96, Standard
Specification for Seamless and Welded
Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for LowTemperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–334’’
or ‘‘ASTM A 334’’), 56.50–105; 56.60–1;
(28) ASTM A 335/A 335M–95a, Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic
Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
Service (‘‘ASTM A 335’’), 56.60–1;
(29) ASTM A 350/A 350M–97, Standard
Specification for Carbon and LowAlloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch;
Toughness Testing for Piping Components (‘‘ASTM A–350’’), 56.50–105;
(30) ASTM A 351/A 351M–94a, Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex),
for Pressure-Containing Parts (‘‘ASTM
A–351’’), 56.50–105;
(31) ASTM A 352/A 352M–93 (1998),
Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for
Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable

for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM
A–352’’), 56.50–105;
(32) ASTM A 358/A 358M–95a, Standard Specification for Electric-FusionWelded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel
Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
Service (‘‘ASTM A 358’’), 56.60–1;
(33) ASTM A 369/A 369M–92, Standard
Specification for Carbon and Ferritic
Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for
High-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A
369’’), 56.60–1;
(34) ASTM A 376/A 376M–96, Standard
Specification for Seamless Austenitic
Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central-Station Service (‘‘ASTM A 376’’),
56.60–1; 56.60–2;
(35) ASTM A 395/A 395M–98, Standard
Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron
Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at
Elevated Temperatures (‘‘ASTM A
395’’), 56.50–60; 56.60–1; 56.60–15;
(36) ASTM A 403/A 403M–98, Standard
Specification for Wrought Austenitic
(‘‘ASTM A 403’’), 56.60–1;
(37) ASTM A 420/A 420M–96a, Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of
Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
for Low-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM
A–420’’ or ‘‘ASTM A 420’’), 56.50–105;
(38) ASTM A 520–97, Standard Specification for Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Tubular
Products for High-Temperature Service
Conforming to ISO Recommendations
for Boiler Construction (‘‘ASTM A
520’’), 56.60–1;
(39) ASTM A 522/A 522M–95b, Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled 8
and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges,
Fittings, Valves, and Parts for LowTemperature Service (‘‘ASTM A–522’’),
(40) ASTM A 536–84 (Reapproved 2009),
Standard Specification for Ductile Iron
Castings (‘‘ASTM A 536’’), (approved
May 1, 2009), incorporation by reference
approved for § 56.60–1;
(41) ASTM A 575–96 (Reapproved 2007),
Standard Specification for Steel Bars,
Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades
(‘‘ASTM A 575’’), (approved September
1, 2005), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–2;
(42) ASTM A576–90b (Reapproved
2012), Standard Specification for Steel


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special
Quality (‘‘ASTM A576’’), (approved
March 1, 2012), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–2;
(43) ASTM B 16–92, Standard Specification for Free-Cutting Brass Rod,
Bar, and Shapes for Use in Screw Machines (‘‘ASTM B 16’’), 56.60–2;
(44) ASTM B 21–96, Standard Specification for Naval Brass Rod, Bar, and
Shapes (‘‘ASTM B 21’’), 56.60–2;
(45) ASTM B 26/B 26M–97, Standard
Sand Castings (‘‘ASTM B 26’’), 56.60–2;
(46) ASTM B 42–96, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe,
Standard Sizes (‘‘ASTM B 42’’), 56.60–1;
(47) ASTM B 43–96, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe,
Standard Sizes (‘‘ASTM B 43’’), 56.60–1;
(48) ASTM B 68–95, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube,
Bright Annealed (‘‘ASTM B 68’’), 56.60–
(49) ASTM B 75–97, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube
(‘‘ASTM B 75’’), 56.60–1;
(50) ASTM B 85–96, Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die Castings (‘‘ASTM B 85’’), 56.60–2;
(51) ASTM B 88–96, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water
Tube (‘‘ASTM B 88’’), 56.60–1;
(52) ASTM B 96–93, Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Plate,
Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes and Pressure Vessels
(‘‘ASTM B 96’’), 56.60–2;
(53) ASTM B 111–95, Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy
Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule
Stock (‘‘ASTM B 111’’), 56.60–1;
(54) ASTM B 124–96, Standard Specification for Copper and Copper Alloy
Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (‘‘ASTM
B 124’’), 56.60–2;
(55) ASTM B 134–96, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and
Over) (‘‘ASTM B 134’’), 56.60–1;
(56) ASTM B 161–93, Standard Specification for Nickel Seamless Pipe and
Tube (‘‘ASTM B 161’’), 56.60–1;
(57) ASTM B 165–93, Standard Specification of Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS
NO4400) Seamless Pipe and Tube
(‘‘ASTM B 165’’), 56.60–1;
(58) ASTM B 167–97a, Standard Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Al-

§ 56.01–2

loys (UNS NO6600, NO6601, NO6603,
NO6690, NO6025, and NO6045) Seamless
Pipe and Tube (‘‘ASTM B 167’’), 56.60–1;
(59) ASTM B 171–95, Standard Specification for Copper-Alloy Plate and
Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers,
and Heat Exchangers (‘‘ASTM B 171’’),
(60) ASTM B 210–95, Standard Specification for Aluminum and AluminumAlloy Drawn Seamless Tubes (‘‘ASTM
B 210’’), 56.60–1;
(61) ASTM B 234–95, Standard Specification for Aluminum and AluminumAlloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers (‘‘ASTM
B 234’’), 56.60–1;
(62) ASTM B 241/B 241M–96, Standard
Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (‘‘ASTM B 241’’),
(63) ASTM B 280–97, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube for
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Field Service (‘‘ASTM B 280’’), 56.60–1;
(64) ASTM B 283–96, Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy
Die Forgings (Hot-Pressed) (‘‘ASTM B
283’’), 56.60–2;
(65) ASTM B 315–93, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Alloy
Pipe and Tube (‘‘ASTM B 315’’), 56.60–1;
(66) ASTM B 361–95, Standard Specification for Factory-Made Wrought
Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings (‘‘ASTM B 361’’), 56.60–1;
(67) ASTM B 858M–95, Standard Test
Method for Determination of Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking in
Copper Alloys Using an Ammonia
Vapor Test (‘‘ASTM B 858M’’), 56.60–2;
(68) ASTM E 23–96, Standard Test
Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials (‘‘ASTM E
23’’), 56.50–105;
(69) ASTM F682–82a (Reapproved
Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type
Pipe Couplings (‘‘ASTM F 682’’), (approved November 1, 2008), incorporation
by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(70) ASTM F1006–86 (Reapproved
2008), Standard Specification for Entrainment Separators for Use in Marine Piping Applications (‘‘ASTM F
1006’’), (approved November 1, 2008), incorporation by reference approved for
§ 56.60–1;


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§ 56.01–2

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(71) ASTM F1007–86 (Reapproved
2007), Standard Specification for Pipeline Expansion Joints of the Packed
Slip Type for Marine Application
(‘‘ASTM F 1007’’), (approved December
1, 2007), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(72) ASTM F1020–86 (Reapproved
2011), Standard Specification for LineBlind Valves for Marine Applications
(‘‘ASTM F 1020’’), (approved April 1,
2011), incorporation by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(73) ASTM F1120–87 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Circular Metallic Bellows Type Expansion
Joints for Piping Applications (‘‘ASTM
F 1120’’), (approved May 1, 2010), incorporation by reference approved for
§ 56.60–1;
(74) ASTM F1123–87 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for NonMetallic Expansion Joints (‘‘ASTM F
1123’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incorporation by reference approved for
§ 56.60–1;
(75) ASTM F1139–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Steam
Traps and Drains (‘‘ASTM F 1139’’),
(approved March 1, 2010), incorporation
by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(76) ASTM F1172–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Fuel
Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive
Displacement Type (‘‘ASTM F 1172’’),
(approved March 1, 2010), incorporation
by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(77) ASTM F 1173–95, Standard Specification for Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings to be Used
for Marine Applications (‘‘ASTM F
1173’’), 56.60–1;
(78) ASTM F1199–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Cast
(All Temperatures and Pressures) and
Welded Pipe Line Strainers (150 psig
and 150 °F Maximum) (‘‘ASTM F
1199’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incorporation by reference approved for
§ 56.60–1;
(79) ASTM F1200–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line Strainers
(Above 150 psig and 150 °F) (‘‘ASTM F
1200’’), (approved March 1, 2010), incorporation by reference approved for
§ 56.60–1;
(80) ASTM F1201–88 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Specification for Fluid

Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications above 0 °F (‘‘ASTM F 1201’’),
(approved May 1, 2010), incorporation
by reference approved for § 56.60–1;
(81) ASTM F 1387–93, Standard Specification for Performance of Mechanically Attached Fittings (‘‘ASTM F
1387’’), 56.30–25;
(82) ASTM F 1476–95a, Standard Specification for Performance of Gasketed
Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping
Applications (‘‘ASTM F 1476’’), 56.30–35;
(83) ASTM F 1548–94, Standard Specification for the Performance of Fittings for Use with Gasketed Mechanical Couplings, Used in Piping Applications (‘‘ASTM F 1548’’), 56.30–35.
(f) Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association Inc. (EJMA), 25 North Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591:
(1) Standards of the Expansion Joint
Manufacturers Association, 1980, 56.60–
1; and
(2) [Reserved]
(g) Fluid Controls Institute Inc. (FCI),
31 South Street, Suite 303, Morristown,
NJ 07960:
(1) FCI 69–1 Pressure Rating Standard
for Steam Traps (‘‘FCI 69–1’’), 56.60–1;
(2) [Reserved]
(h) International Maritime Organization (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SR
United Kingdom:
(1) Resolution A.753(18) Guidelines for
the Application of Plastic Pipes on
Ships (‘‘IMO Resolution A.753(18)’’),
56.60–25; and
(2) [Reserved]
(i) International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), Case Postal 56,
CH–1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland:
(1) ISO 15540 Ships and Marine Technology-Fire Resistance of Hose Assemblies-Test Methods, First Edition (Aug.
1, 1999) (‘‘ISO 15540’’), 56.60–25; and
(2) [Reserved]
(j) Instrument Society of America (ISA),
67 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27709:
(1) ISA–S75.02 (1996) (‘‘ISA–S75.02’’),
56.20–15; and
(2) [Reserved]
(k) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry,
Inc. (MSS), 127 Park Street NE, Vienna,
VA 22180:


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(1) SP–6–2001 Standard Finishes for
Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings (2001) (‘‘MSS SP–6’’), 56.25–10;
(2) SP–9–2001 Spot Facing for Bronze,
Iron and Steel Flanges (2001) (‘‘MSS
SP–9’’), 56.60–1;
(3) SP–25–1998 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and
Unions (1998) (‘‘MSS SP–25’’), 56.15–1;
56.20–5; 56.60–1;
(4) SP–44–1996 Steel Pipe Line
Flanges (Reaffirmed 2001) (‘‘MSS SP–
44’’), 56.60–1;
(5) SP–45–2003 Bypass and Drain Connections (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–45’’), 56.20–20;
(6) SP–51–2003 Class 150LW Corrosion
Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged
Fittings (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–51’’), 56.60–1;
(7) SP–53–95 Quality Standard for
Steel Castings and Forgings for Valves,
Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping
Components–Magnetic Particle Examination Method (1995) (‘‘MSS SP–53’’),
(8) SP–55–2001 Quality Standard for
Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and
Fittings and Other Piping Components–Visual Method (2001) (‘‘MSS SP–
55’’), 56.60–1;
(9) SP–58 Pipe Hangers and Supports–
Materials, Design and Manufacture
(1993) (‘‘MSS SP–58’’), 56.60–1;
(10) SP–61–2003 Pressure Testing of
Steel Valves (2003) (‘‘MSS SP–61’’),
(11) SP–67 Butterfly Valves (1995)
(‘‘MSS SP–67’’), 56.60–1;
(12) SP–69 Pipe Hangers and Supports–Selection and Application (1996)
(‘‘MSS SP–69’’), 56.60–1;
(13) SP–72 Ball Valves with Flanged
or Butt-Welding Ends for General Service (1987) (‘‘MSS SP–72’’), 56.60–1;
(14) SP–73 (R 96) Brazing Joints for
Copper and Copper Pressure Fittings
(1991) (‘‘MSS SP–73’’), 56.60–1; and
(15) SP–83 Class 3000 Steel Pipe
Unions, Socket Welding and Threaded
(1995) (‘‘MSS SP–83’’), 56.60–1;
(l) Society of Automotive Engineers
Warrendale, PA 15096:
(1) J1475 (1996) Surface Vehicle Hydraulic Hose Fittings for Marine Applications (June 1996) (‘‘SAE J1475’’),
56.60–25; and

§ 56.01–5

(2) J1942 (1997) Standards Hose and
Hose Assemblies for Marine Applications (May 1997) (‘‘SAE J1942’’), 56.60–
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65171, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG–2012–0866, 78 FR 13250, Feb.
27, 2013; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60148, Sept. 30,

§ 56.01–3 Power boilers, external piping and appurtenances (Replaces
100.1.1, 100.1.2, 122.1, 132 and 133).
(a) Power boiler external piping and
components must meet the requirements of this part and §§ 52.01–105, 52.01–
110, 52.01–115, and 52.01–120 of this chapter.
(b) Specific requirements for external
piping and appurtenances of power
boilers, as defined in §§ 100.1.1 and
100.1.2, appearing in the various paragraphs of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2), are not
adopted unless specifically indicated
elsewhere in this part.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR
39968, Oct. 1, 1990; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR
65174, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.01–5 Adoption of ASME B31.1 for
power piping, and other standards.
(a) Piping systems for ships and
barges must be designed, constructed,
and inspected in accordance with
ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2), as limited, modified, or replaced by specific requirements in this part. The provisions in
the appendices to ASME B31.1 are
adopted and must be followed when the
requirements of ASME B31.1 or the
rules in this part make them mandatory. For general information, table
56.01–5(a) lists the various paragraphs
and sections in ASME B31.1 that are
limited, modified, replaced, or reproduced by rules in this part.
Section or paragraph in
ASME B31.1 and disposition
100.1 replaced by
100.2 modified by
101 through 104.7
101.2 modified by

Unit in this part




56.07–10(a), (b).


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§ 56.01–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Section or paragraph in
ASME B31.1 and disposition
101.5 replaced by ..................
102.2 modified by ..................
102.3 and 104.1.2 modified
104.3 modified by ..................
104.4 modified by ..................
104.5.1 modified by ...............
105 through 108 replaced by
110 through 118 replaced by
119.5.1 replaced by ...............
119.7 replaced by ..................
122.1.4 replaced by ...............
122.3 modified by ..................
122.6 through 122.10 replaced by.
123 replaced by .....................
Table 126.1 is replaced by ....
127 through 135 replaced by

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

136 replaced by .....................
137 replaced by .....................

Unit in this part
56.10–1 through 56.25–20.
56.30–1 through 56.30–35.
56.35–10, 56.35–15.
56.50–1 through 56.50–80.
56.30–5(c)(3), 56.60–1.
56.65–1, 56.70–10 through
56.95–1 through 56.95–10.
56.97–1 through 56.97–40.

(viii) (b) When a section or paragraph
of the regulations in this part relates
to material in ASME B31.1, the relationship with ASME B31.1 will appear
immediately after the heading of the
section or at the beginning of the paragraph as follows:
(1) (Modifies ll.) This indicates that
the material in ASME B31.1 so numbered for identification is generally applicable but is being altered, amplified,
or augmented.
(2) (Replaces ll.) This indicates
that the material in ASME B31.1 so
numbered for identification does not
(3) (Reproduces ll.) This indicates
that the material in ASME B31.1 so
numbered for identification is being
identically reproduced for convenience,
not for emphasis.
(c) As stated in § 56.01–2 of this chapter, the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
ASME specifically referred to in this
part must be the governing requirements for the matters covered unless
specifically limited, modified, or replaced by other rules in this subchapter. See 46 CFR 56.60–1(b) for the
other adopted commercial standards
applicable to piping systems that also
constitute this subchapter.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65175, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.01–10

Plan approval.

(a) Plans and specifications for new
construction and major alterations
showing the respective piping systems
shall be submitted, as required by subpart 50.20 of this subchapter.
(b) Piping materials and appliances,
such as pipe, tubing, fittings, flanges,
and valves, except safety valves and
safety relief valves covered in part 162
of subchapter Q (Specifications) of this
chapter, are not required to be specifically approved by the Commandant,
but shall comply with the applicable
requirements for materials, construction, markings, and testing. These materials and appliances shall be certified
as described in part 50 of this subchapter. Drawings listing material
specifications and showing details of
welded joints for pressure-containing
appurtenances of welded construction
shall be submitted in accordance with
paragraph (a) of this section.
(c)(1) Prior to installation aboard
ship, diagrams of the following systems
shall be submitted for approval:
(i) Steam and exhaust piping.
(ii) Boiler feed and blowoff piping.
(iii) Safety valve escape piping.
(iv) Fuel oil service, transfer and filling piping. (Service includes boiler fuel
and internal combustion engine fuel
(v) Fire extinguishing systems including fire main and sprinkler piping,
inert gas and foam.
(vi) Bilge and ballast piping.
(vii) Tank cleaning piping.
(viii) Condenser circulating water
(ix) Vent, sound and overflow piping.
(x) Sanitary drains, soil drains, deck
drains, and overboard discharge piping.
(xi) Internal combustion engine exhaust piping. (Refer to part 58 of this
subchapter for requirements.)
(xii) Cargo piping.
(xiii) Hot water heating systems if
the temperature is greater than 121
°C(250 °F).
(xiv) Compressed air piping.
(xv) Fluid power and control systems
(hydraulic, pneumatic). (Refer to subpart 58.30 of this subchapter for specific
(xvi) Lubricating oil piping.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

(e) Where piping passes through watertight bulkheads and/or fire boundaries, plans of typical details of piping
penetrations shall be submitted.
(f) Arrangement drawings specified in
paragraph (c)(2) of this section are not
required if—
(1) The location of each component
for which there is a location requirement (i.e., shell penetration, fire station, foam monitor, etc.) is indicated
on the piping diagram;
(2) The diagram includes, or is accompanied by and makes reference to,
a material schedule which describes
components in sufficient detail to substantiate their compliance with the
regulations of this subchapter;
(3) A thermal stress analysis is not
required; and
(4) A dynamic analysis is neither required nor elected in lieu of allowable
stress reduction.

(xvii) Refrigeration and air conditioning piping. (Refer to part 58 of this
subchapter for specific requirements.)
(2) Arrangement drawings of the following systems shall also be submitted
prior to installation:
(i) All Classes I, I-L, and II-L systems.
(ii) All Class II firemain, foam, sprinkler, bilge and ballast, vent sounding
and overflow systems.
(iii) Other Class II systems only if
specifically requested or required by
regulations in this subchapter.
(d)(1) The drawings or diagrams shall
include a list of material, furnishing
pipe diameters, wall thicknesses, design pressure, fluid temperature, applicable ASTM material or ANSI component specification, type, size, design
standard, and rating of valves, flanges,
and fittings.
(2) Pump rated capacity and pump
shutoff head shall appear on piping diagrams. Pump characteristic curves
shall be submitted for all pumps in the
firemain and foam systems. These
curves need not be submitted if the following information is shown on the
(i) Rated capacity and head at rated
(ii) Shutoff head.
(iii) Head at 150 percent rated capacity.
(3) Standard drawings of the following fabrication details shall be submitted:
(i) Welding details for piping connections.
(ii) Welding details for nonstandard
fittings (when appropriate).
(d–1) Plans of piping for industrial
systems on mobile offshore drilling
units must be submitted under subpart
58.60 of this subchapter.
§ 56.04–2

§ 56.04–2

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4, 1978, CGD 77–
140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–012, 60
FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

Subpart 56.04—Piping
§ 56.04–1 Scope.
Piping shall be classified as shown in
table 56.04–1.


Section in
this part

Normal ........................
Low temperature .........

I, II ..............................
I-L, II-L ........................


[CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June 29, 1973, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2,
1989; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48049, Sept. 18, 1995]

Piping classification according to service.

The designation of classes according to service is found in table 56.04–2.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR


Class 1

Pressure (p.s.i.g.)

Class B and C poisons 2 .......................................................

I ...........
I-L ........
II ..........
II-L .......
I ...........

any ........................
any ........................
(3 ) .........................
(3 ) .........................
above 150 ............

Gases and vapors 2 ...............................................................

Temp. (°F)
and ..........
and ..........
(3 ) ...........
(3 ) ...........
or ............

0 and above.
below 0.
(3 )
(3 )
above 650.


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§ 56.04–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)
Class 1

Pressure (p.s.i.g.)

I-L ........
II ..........
II-L .......
I ...........
I-L ........
II ..........
II-L .......
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
I-L ........
II ..........
II-L .......
I ...........
I-L ........
II ..........
II-L .......
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
II ..........
I ...........
II ..........

above 150 ............
150 and below ......
150 and below ......
above 150 ............
above 150 ............
150 and below ......
150 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
above 150 ............
150 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......
above 225 ............
225 and below ......


Liquefied flammable gases 2 .................................................

Molten sulphur .......................................................................
Cargo liquids Grades A through D 2 ......................................

Cargo liquids Grade E ...........................................................

Water .....................................................................................
Fuels (Bunker, diesel, gasoline, etc.) ....................................
Lubricating oil ........................................................................
Asphalt ...................................................................................
Heat transfer oil .....................................................................
Hydraulic fluid ........................................................................

Flammable or combustible dangerous cargoes. ..........................
Other dangerous cargoes. ............................................................

Temp. (°F)
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
and ..........
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........
or ............
and ..........

below 0.
0 to 650.
below 0.
0 and above. 1
below 0.
0 and above.
below 0.
above 330.
330 and below.
above 150.
below 0.
0 to 150.
below 0.
above 400.
below 0.
0 to 400.
below 0.
above 350.
350 and below.
above 150.
150 and below.
above 400.
400 and below.
above 400.
400 and below.
above 400.
400 and below.
above 400.
400 and below.

Refer to specific requirements of part 40 of this chapter.
Refer to specific requirements of part 98 of this chapter.

1 Where doubt exists as to proper classification, refer to the Commandant for resolution.
2 For definitions, see 46 CFR parts 30, 151, and 154. Note that the category ‘‘B and C’’ poisons is not used in the rules applying to self-propelled vessels (46 CFR part 153).
3 Not permitted except inside cargo tanks approved for Class B and C poisons.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 73–96, 42 FR 49024, Sept. 26, 1977]

§ 56.04–10

Other systems.

Piping systems and appurtenances
not requiring plan approval may be accepted by the marine inspector if:
(a) The system is suitable for the
service intended,
(b) There are guards, shields, insulation and similar devices where needed
for protection of personnel,
(c) Failure of the systems would not
hazard the vessel, personnel or vital
systems, and
(d) The system is not manifestly unsafe.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 56.07—Design
§ 56.07–5

Definitions (modifies 100.2).

(a) Piping. The definitions contained
in 100.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by

reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) apply, as
well as the following:
(1) The word piping within the meaning of the regulations in this subchapter refers to fabricated pipes or
tubes with flanges and fittings attached, for use in the conveyance of vapors, gases or liquids, regardless of
whether the diameter is measured on
the inside or the outside.
(b) Nominal diameter. The term nominal diameter or diameter as used in this
part, means the commercial diameter
of the piping, i.e., pipe size.
(c) Schedule. The word Schedule when
used in this part refers to specific values as given in ASME B36.10M and
B36.19M (both incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(d) Fittings and appurtenances. The
word fitting and the phrase fittings and
appurtenances within the meaning of
the regulations in this subchapter refer


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
to pressure containing piping system
components other than valves and pipe.
This includes piping system components whose function is to join
branches of the system (such as tees,
wyes, elbows, unions, bushings, etc.)
which are referred to as pipe joining
fittings, as well as components which
operate on the fluid contained in the
system (such as traps, drains, strainers, separators, filters, meters, etc.),
which are referred to as ‘‘fluid conditioner’’ fittings. Thermometer wells
and other similar fittings which form
part of the pressure barrier of any system are included under this heading.
Expansion joints, slip joints, rotary
joints, quick disconnect couplings, etc.,
are referred to as special purpose fittings, and may be subject to such special design and testing requirements as
prescribed by the Commandant. Refer
to subpart 56.15 for design requirements for fittings.
‘‘Nonstandard fitting’’ means a component
of a piping system which is not fabricated under an adopted industry
(f) Vital systems. (1) Vital systems are
those systems that are vital to a vessel’s survivability and safety. For the
purpose of this subchapter, the following are vital systems:
(i) Systems for fill, transfer, and
service of fuel oil;
(ii) Fire-main systems;
(iii) Fixed gaseous fire-extinguishing
(iv) Bilge systems;
(v) Ballast systems;
(vi) Steering systems and steeringcontrol systems;
(vii) Propulsion systems and their
necessary auxiliaries and control systems;
(viii) Ship’s service and emergency
electrical-generation systems and their
auxiliaries vital to the vessel’s survivability and safety;
(ix) Any other marine-engineering
system identified by the cognizant
OCMI as crucial to the survival of the
vessel or to the protection of the personnel aboard.
(2) For the purpose of this subchapter, a system not identified by
paragraph (1) of this definition is a
non-vital system.

§ 56.07–10

(g) Plate flange. The term plate flange,
as used in this subchapter, means a
flange made from plate material, and
may have a raised face and/or a raised
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65175, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.07–10 Design conditions and criteria (modifies 101–104.7).
(a) Maximum allowable working pressure. (1) The maximum allowable working pressure of a piping system must
not be greater than the internal design
pressure defined in 104.1.2 of ASME
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2).
(2) Where the maximum allowable
working pressure of a system component, such as a valve or a fitting, is
less than that computed for the pipe or
tubing, the system pressure shall be
limited to the lowest of the component
maximum allowable working pressures.
(b) Relief valves. (modifies 101.2). (1)
Every system which may be exposed to
pressures higher than the system’s
maximum allowable working pressure
shall be safeguarded by appropriate relief devices. (See § 52.01–3 of this subchapter for definitions.) Relief valves
are required at pump discharges except
for centrifugal pumps so designed and
applied that a pressure in excess of the
maximum allowable working pressure
for the system cannot be developed.
(2) The relief valve setting shall not
exceed the maximum allowable working pressure of the system. Its relieving capacity shall be sufficient to prevent the pressure from rising more
than 20 percent above the system maximum allowable working pressure. The
rated relieving capacity of safety and
relief valves used in the protection of
piping systems only shall be based on
actual flow test data and the capacity
shall be certified by the manufacturer
at 120 percent of the set pressure of the
(3) Relief valves shall be certified as
required in part 50 of this subchapter
for valves, and shall also meet the requirements of § 54.15–10 of this subchapter.
(c) Ship motion dynamic effects
(replaces 101.5.3). Piping system designs


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.10–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

shall account for the effects of ship motion and flexure, including weight,
yaw, sway, roll, pitch, heave, and vibration.
(d) Ratings for pressure and temperature (modifies 102.2). The material in
102.2 of ASME B31.1 applies, with the
following exceptions:
(1) The details of components not
having specific ratings as described in
102.2.2 of ASME B31.1 must be furnished
to the Marine Safety Center for approval.
(1) The details of components not
having specific ratings as described in
102.2.2 of ANSI B31.1 must be furnished
to the Marine Safety Center for approval.
(2) Boiler blowoff piping must be designed in accordance with § 56.50–40 of
this part.
(e) Pressure design (modifies 102.3,
104.1.2, and 104.4). (1) Materials for use
in piping must be selected as described
in § 56.60–1(a) of this part. Tabulated
values of allowable stress for these materials must be measured as indicated
in 102.3.1 of ASME B31.1 and in tables
56.60–1 and 56.60–2(a) of this part.
(2) Allowable stress values, as found
in the ASME Code, which are restricted
in application by footnote or are
italicized shall not be used. Where multiple stresses are listed for a material,
the lowest value of the listing shall be
used unless otherwise approved by the
Commandant. In all cases the temperature is understood to be the actual
temperature of the component.
(3) Where the operator desires to use
a material not listed, permission must
be obtained from the Commandant. Requirements for testing found in § 56.97–
40(a)(2) and § 56.97–40(a)(4) may affect
design and should be considered. Special design limitations may be found
for specific systems. Refer to subpart
56.50 for specific requirements.
(f) Intersections (modifies 104.3). The
material in 104.3 of ASME B31.1 is applicable with the following additions:
(1) Reinforcement calculations where
applicable shall be submitted.

(2) Wherever possible the longitudinal joint of a welded pipe should not
be pierced.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; 37 FR 16803, Aug. 19, 1972; CGD 73–254, 40
FR 40164, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–140, 54 FR
40602, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050,
Sept. 18, 1995; CGD 95–028 62 FR 51200, Sept.
30, 1997; USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30,
1998; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65175, Oct. 31,

Subpart 56.10—Components
§ 56.10–1 Selection and limitations of
piping components (replaces 105
through 108).
(a) Pipe, tubing, pipe joining fittings,
and piping system components, shall
meet material and standard requirements of subpart 56.60 and shall meet
the certification requirements of part
50 of this subchapter.
(b) The requirements in this subpart
and in subparts 56.15 through 56.25
must be met instead of those in 105
through 108 in ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2); however, certain requirements are
marked ‘‘reproduced.’’
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65175, Oct. 31,

§ 56.10–5


(a) General. Pipe and tubing shall be
selected as described in table 56.60–1(a).
(b) Ferrous pipe. ASTM Specification
A 53 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 56.01–2) furnace welded pipe shall not
be used for combustible or flammable
liquids within machinery spaces. (See
§§ 30.10–15 and 30.10–22 of this chapter.)
(c) Nonferrous pipe. (See also § 56.60–
20.) (1) Copper and brass pipe for water
and steam service may be used for design pressures up to 250 pounds per
square inch and for design temperatures to 406 °F.
(2) Copper and brass pipe for air may
be used in accordance with the allowable stresses found from table 56.60–
(3) Copper-nickel alloys may be used
for water and steam service within the
design limits of stress and temperature


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
indicated in ASME B31.1 (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(4) Copper tubing may be used for
dead-end instrument service up to 1,000
pounds per square inch.
(5) Copper, brass, or aluminum pipe
or tube shall not be used for flammable
fluids except where specifically permitted by this part.
(6) Aluminum-alloy pipe or tube
along with similar junction equipment
may be used within the limitation stated in 124.7 of ASME B31.1 and paragraph (c)(5) of this section.
(d) Nonmetallic pipe. Plastic pipe may
be used subject to the conditions described in § 56.60–25.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–
028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–2000–
7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–
16630, 73 FR 65175, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 56.15—Fittings
SOURCE: CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2,
1989, unless otherwise noted.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.15–1

Pipe joining fittings.

(a) Pipe joining fittings certified in
accordance with subpart 50.25 of this
subchapter are acceptable for use in
piping systems.
(b) Threaded, flanged, socket-welding, buttwelding, and socket-brazing
pipe joining fittings, made in accordance with the applicable standards in
tables 56.60–1(a) and 56.60–1(b) of this
part and of materials complying with
subpart 56.60 of this part, may be used
in piping systems within the material,
size, pressure, and temperature limitations of those standards and within any
further limitations specified in this
subchapter. Fittings must be designed
for the maximum pressure to which
they may be subjected, but in no case
less than 50 pounds per square inch
(c) Pipe joining fittings not accepted
for use in piping systems in accordance
with paragraph (b) of this section must
meet the following:
(1) All pressure-containing materials
must be accepted in accordance with
§ 56.60–1 of this part.

§ 56.15–1

(2) Fittings must be designed so that
the maximum allowable working pressure does not exceed one-fourth of the
burst pressure or produce a primary
stress greater than one-fourth of the
ultimate tensile strength of the material for Class II systems and for all
Class I, I-L, and II-L systems receiving
ship motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination. For Class I, IL, or II-L systems not receiving ship
motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination under § 56.07–
10(c) of this part, the maximum allowable working pressure must not exceed
one-fifth of the burst pressure or
produce a primary stress greater than
one-fifth of the ultimate tensile
strength of the material. The maximum allowable working pressure may
be determined by—
(i) Calculations comparable to those
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) or section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2);
(ii) Subjecting a representative
model to a proof test or experimental
stress analysis described in paragraph
A–22 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2); or
(iii) Other means specifically accepted by the Marine Safety Center.
(3) Fittings must be tested in accordance with § 56.97–5 of this part.
(4) If welded, fittings must be welded
in accordance with subpart 56.70 of this
part and part 57 of this chapter or by
other processes specifically approved
by the Marine Safety Center. In addition, for fittings to be accepted for use
in piping systems in accordance with
this paragraph, the following requirements must be met:
(i) For fittings sized three inches and
(A) The longitudinal joints must be
fabricated by either gas or arc welding;
(B) One fitting of each size from each
lot of 100 or fraction thereof must be
flattened cold until the opposite walls
meet without the weld developing any
(C) One fitting of each size from each
lot of 100 or fraction thereof must be
hydrostatically tested to the pressure
required for a seamless drawn pipe of


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§ 56.15–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

the same size and thickness produced
from equivalent strength material, as
determined by the applicable pipe material specification; and
(D) If a fitting fails to meet the test
in paragraph (c)(4)(i)(B) or (c)(4)(i)(C) of
this section, no fitting in the lot from
which the test fitting was chosen is acceptable.
(ii) For fittings sized above three
(A) The longitudinal joints must be
fabricated by arc welding;
(B) For pressures exceeding 150
pounds per square inch, each fitting
must be radiographically examined as
specified in section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code;
(C) For pressures not exceeding 150
pounds per square inch, the first fitting
from each size in each lot of 20 or fraction thereof must be examined by radiography to ensure that the welds are of
acceptable quality;
(D) One fitting of each size from each
lot of 100 or fraction thereof must be
hydrostatically tested to the pressure
required for a seamless drawn pipe of
the same size and thickness produced
from equivalent strength material, as
determined by the applicable pipe material specification; and
(E) If a fitting fails to meet the test
in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(C) or (c)(4)(ii)(D)
of this section, no fitting in the lot
from which the test fitting was chosen
is acceptable.
(d) Single welded butt joints without
the use of backing strips may be employed in the fabrication of pipe joining fittings of welded construction provided radiographic examination indicates that complete penetration is obtained.
(e) Each pipe joining fitting must be
marked in accordance with MSS SP–25
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.15–5 Fluid-conditioner fittings.
(a) Fluid conditioner fittings certified in accordance with subpart 50.25
of this subchapter are acceptable for
use in piping systems.
(b) Fluid conditioner fittings, not
containing hazardous materials as de-

fined in § 150.115 of this chapter, which
are made in accordance with the applicable standards listed in table 56.60–1(b)
of this part and of materials complying
with subpart 56.60 of this part, may be
used within the material, size, pressure, and temperature limitations of
those standards and within any further
limitations specified in this subchapter.
(c) The following requirements apply
to nonstandard fluid conditioner fittings which do not contain hazardous
materials as defined in § 150.115 of this
(1) The following nonstandard fluid
conditioner fittings must meet the applicable requirements in § 54.01–5 (c)(3),
(c)(4), and (d) of this chapter or the remaining provisions in part 54 of this
chapter, except that Coast Guard shop
inspection is not required:
(i) Nonstandard fluid conditioner fittings that have a net internal volume
greater than 0.04 cubic meters (1.5
cubic feet) and that are rated for temperatures and pressures exceeding
those specified as minimums for Class I
piping systems.
(ii) Nonstandard fluid-conditioner fittings that have an internal diameter
exceeding 15 centimeters (6 inches) and
that are rated for temperatures and
pressures exceeding those specified as
minimums for Class I piping systems.
(2) All other nonstandard fluid conditioner fittings must meet the following:
(i) All pressure-containing materials
must be accepted in accordance with
§ 56.60–1 of this part.
(ii) Nonstandard fluid conditioner fittings must be designed so that the
maximum allowable working pressure
does not exceed one-fourth of the burst
pressure or produce a primary stress
greater than one-fourth of the ultimate
tensile strength of the material for
Class II systems and for all Class I, IL, and II-L systems receiving ship motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination. For Class I, IL, or II-L systems not receiving ship
motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination under § 56.07–
10(c) of this part, the maximum allowable working pressure must not exceed
one-fifth of the burst pressure or
produce a primary stress greater than


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
one-fifth of the ultimate tensile
strength of the material. The maximum allowable working pressure may
be determined by—
(A) Calculations comparable to those
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) or section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2);
(B) Subjecting a representative
model to a proof test or experimental
stress analysis described in paragraph
A–22 of section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated
by reference, see 46 CFR 56.01–2); or
(C) Other means specifically accepted
by the Marine Safety Center.
(iii) Nonstandard fluid conditioner
fittings must be tested in accordance
with § 56.97–5 of this part.
(iv) If welded, nonstandard fluid conditioner fittings must be welded in accordance with subpart 56.70 of this part
and part 57 of this chapter or by other
processes specifically approved by the
Marine Safety Center.
(d) All fluid conditioner fittings that
contain hazardous materials as defined
in § 150.115 of this chapter must meet
the applicable requirements of part 54
of this chapter, except subpart 54.10.
(e) Heat exchangers having headers
and tubes and brazed boiler steam air
heaters are not considered fluid conditioner fittings and must meet the requirements in part 54 of this chapter
regardless of size. For brazed boiler
steam air heaters, see also § 56.30–
30(b)(1) of this part.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40602, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24772, May 10,
1995; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31,

§ 56.15–10 Special purpose fittings.
(a) Special purpose fittings certified
in accordance with subpart 50.25 of this
subchapter are acceptable for use in
piping systems.
(b) Special purpose fittings made in
accordance with the applicable standards listed in table 56.60–1(b) of this
part and of materials complying with
subpart 56.60 of this part, may be used
within the material, size, pressure, and
standards and within any further limitations specified in this subchapter.

§ 56.20–1

(c) Nonstandard special purpose fittings must meet the requirements of
§§ 56.30–25, 56.30–40, 56.35–10, 56.35–15, or
56.35–35 of this part, as applicable.

Subpart 56.20—Valves
§ 56.20–1


(a) Valves certified in accordance
with subpart 50.25 of this subchapter
are acceptable for use in piping systems.
(b) Non-welded valves complying
with the standards listed in § 56.60–1 of
this part may be used within the specified pressure and temperature ratings
of those standards, provided the limitations of § 56.07–10(c) of this part are applied. Materials must comply with subpart 56.60 of this part. Welded valves
complying with the standards and specifications listed in § 56.60–1 of this part
may be used in Class II systems only
unless they meet paragraph (c) of this
(c) All other valves must meet the
(1) All pressure-containing materials
must be accepted in accordance with
§ 56.60–1 of this part.
(2) Valves must be designed so that
the maximum allowable working pressure does not exceed one-fourth of the
burst pressure or produce a primary
stress greater than one-fourth of the
ultimate tensile strength of the material for Class II systems and for all
Class I, I-L, and II-L systems receiving
ship motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination. For Class I, IL, or II-L systems not receiving ship
motion dynamic analysis and nondestructive examination under § 56.07–
10(c) of this part, the maximum allowable working pressure must not exceed
one-fifth of the burst pressure or
produce a primary stress greater than
one-fifth of the ultimate tensile
strength of the material. The maximum allowable working pressure may
be determined by—
(i) Calculations comparable to those
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) or section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2), if the valve shape
permits this;


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§ 56.20–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(ii) Subjecting a representative
model to a proof test or experimental
stress analysis described in paragraph
A–22 of section I the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2); or
(iii) Other means specifically accepted by the Marine Safety Center.
(3) Valves must be tested in accordance with § 56.97–5 of this part.
(4) If welded, valves must be welded
in accordance with subpart 56.70 of this
part and part 57 of this chapter or by
other processes specifically approved
by the Marine Safety Center.
(d) Where liquid trapped in any
closed valve can be heated and an uncontrollable rise in pressure can result,
means must be provided in the design,
installation, and operation of the valve
to ensure that the pressure in the valve
does not exceed that allowed by this
part for the attained temperature. (For
example, if a flexible wedge gate valve
with the stem installed horizontally is
closed, liquid from testing, cleaning, or
condensation can be trapped in the
bonnet section of the closed valve.)
Any resulting penetration of the pressure wall of the valve must meet the
requirements of this part and those for
threaded and welded auxiliary connections in ASME B16.34 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40604, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR
39968, Oct. 1, 1990; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR
65176, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.20–5

Marking (modifies 107.2).

Each valve shall bear the manufacturer’s name or trademark and reference symbol to indicate the service
conditions for which the manufacturer
guarantees the valve. The marking
shall be in accordance with MSS SP–25
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.20–7


(a) Valves may be used with flanged,
threaded, butt welding, socket welding
or other ends in accordance with applicable standards as specified in subpart

§ 56.20–9 Valve construction.
(a) Each valve must close with a
right-hand (clockwise) motion of the
handwheel or operating lever as seen
by one facing the end of the valve
stem. Each gate, globe, and angle valve
must generally be of the rising-stem
type, preferably with the stem threads
external to the valve body. Where operating conditions will not permit such
installations, the use of a nonrisingstem valve will be acceptable. Each
nonrising-stem valve, lever-operated
valve, or other valve where, because of
design, the position of the disc or closure mechanism is not obvious must be
fitted with an indicator to show whether the valve is opened or closed, except
as provided for in § 56.50–1(g)(2)(iii) of
this part. No such indicator is required
for any valve located in a tank or similar inaccessible space when indicators
are available at accessible sites. The
operating levers of each quarter-turn
(rotary) valve must be parallel to the
fluid flow when open and perpendicular
to the fluid flow when closed.
(b) Valves of Class I piping systems
(for restrictions in other classes refer
to sections on low temperature service), having diameters exceeding 2
inches must have bolted, pressure seal,
or breech lock bonnets and flanged or
welding ends, except that socket type
welding ends shall not be used where
prohibited by § 56.30–5(c) of this part,
§ 56.30–10(b)(4) of this part for the same
pressure class, or elsewhere in this
part. For diameters not exceeding 2
inches, screwed union bonnet or bolted
bonnet, or bonnetless valves of a type
which will positively prevent the stem
from screwing out of the body may be
employed. Outside screw and yoke design must be used for valves 3 inches
and larger for pressures above 600
pounds per square inch gage. Cast iron
valves with screwed-in or screwed-over
bonnets are prohibited. Union bonnet
type cast iron valves must have the
bonnet ring made of steel, bronze, or
malleable iron.
(c) Valves must be designed for the
maximum pressure to which they may
be subjected, but in no case shall the
design pressure be less than 50 pounds
per square inch gage. The use of wafer
type resilient seated valves is not permitted for shell connections unless


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
they are so arranged that the piping
immediately inboard of the valve can
be removed without affecting the watertight integrity of the shell connection. Refer also to § 56.20–15(b)(2)(iii) of
this part. Large fabricated ballast
manifold connecting lines exceeding 8
inches nominal pipe size must be designed for a pressure of not less than 25
pounds per square inch gage.
(d) Disks or disk faces, seats, stems
and other wearing parts of valves shall
be made of material possessing corrosion and heat-resisting qualities suitable for the service conditions to which
they may be subjected.
(e) Plug cocks shall be constructed
with satisfactory and positive means of
preventing the plug from becoming
loosened or removed from the body
when the plug is operated. Cocks having plug locking arrangements depending on cotter pins are prohibited.
(f) Cocks shall be marked in a
straight line with the body to indicate
whether they are open or closed.
(g) Materials forming a portion of the
pressure barrier shall comply with the
applicable provisions of this part.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40604, Oct. 2,
1989; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995;
USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346, Sept. 30, 2004;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.20–15 Valves employing resilient
(a) A valve in which the closure is accomplished by resilient nonmetallic
material instead of a metal to metal
seat shall comply with the design, material, construction and testing for
valves specified in this part.
(b) Valves employing resilient material shall be divided into three categories, Positive shutoff, Category A,
and Category B, and shall be tested and
used as follows:
(1) Positive shutoff valves. The closed
valve must pass less than 10 ml/hr (0.34
fluid oz/hr) of liquid or less than 3 l/hr
(0.11 cubic ft/hr) of gas per inch nominal pipe size through the line after removal of all resilient material and
testing at full rated pressure. Packing
material must be fire resistant. Piping
subject to internal head pressure from
a tank containing oil must be fitted
with positive shutoff valves located at

§ 56.20–20

the tank in accordance with § 56.50–
60(d). Otherwise positive shutoff valves
may be used in any location in lieu of
a required Category A or Category B
(2) Category A valves. The closed valve
must pass less than the greater of 5
percent of its fully open flow rate or 15
percent divided by the square root of
the nominal pipe size (NPS) of its fully
open flow rate through the line after
complete removal of all resilient seating material and testing at full rated
pressure; as represented by the formula: (15% / SQRT × (NPS)) (Fully open
flow rate). Category A valves may be
used in any location except where positive shutoff valves are required by
§ 56.50–60(d). Category A valves are required in the following locations:
(i) Valves at vital piping system
(ii) Isolation valves in cross-connects
between two piping systems, at least
one of which is a vital system, where
failure of the valve in a fire would prevent the vital system(s) from functioning as designed.
(iii) Valves providing closure for any
opening in the shell of the vessel.
(3) Category B valves. The closed valve
will not provide effective closure of the
line or will permit appreciable leakage
from the valve after the resilient material is damaged or destroyed. Category
B valves are not required to be tested
and may be used in any location except
where a Category A or positive shutoff
valve is required.
(c) If a valve designer elects to use either a calculation or actual fire testing
instead of material removal and pressure testing, the calculation must employ ISA–S75.02 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) to determine
the flow coefficient (Cv), or the fire
testing must be conducted in accordance with API 607 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51200, Sept. 30, 1997, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.20–20

Valve bypasses.

(a) Sizes of bypasses shall be in accordance with MSS SP–45 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–


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§ 56.25–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(b) Pipe for bypasses should be at
least Schedule 80 seamless, and of a
material of the same nominal chemical
composition and physical properties as
that used for the main line. Lesser
thickness may be approved depending
on the installation and service conditions.
(c) Bypasses may be integral or attached.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Blanks, Flange Facings, Gaskets, and Bolting
§ 56.25–5


Each flange must conform to the design requirements of either the applicable standards of table 56.60–1(b) of
this part, or of those of appendix 2 of
section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2). Plate
flanges must meet the requirements of
§ 56.30–10(b)(5) of this part and the material requirements of § 56.60–1(a) of
this part. Flanges may be integral or
may be attached to pipe by threading,
welding, brazing, or other means within the applicable standards specified in
table 56.60–1(b) of this part and the requirements of this subpart. For flange
facing gasket combinations other than
those specified above, calculations
must be submitted indicating that the
gaskets will not result in a higher bolt
loading or flange moment than for the
acceptable configurations.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40605, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278,
Sept. 30, 2002; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.25–7


Each blank must conform to the design requirements of 104.5.3 of ASME
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2).

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.25–10

Flange facings.

(a) Flange facings shall be in accordance with the applicable standards listed in table 56.60–1(b) and MSS SP–6 (in-

corporated by reference; see 46 CFR
(b) When bolting class 150 standard
steel flanges to flat face cast iron
flanges, the steel flange must be furnished with a flat face, and bolting
must be in accordance with § 56.25–20 of
this part. Class 300 raised face steel
flanges may be bolted to class 250
raised face cast iron flanges with bolting in accordance with § 56.25–20(b) of
this part.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40605, Oct. 2,
1989; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31,

§ 56.25–15

Gaskets (modifies 108.4).

(a) Gaskets shall be made of materials which are not injuriously affected
by the fluid or by temperature.
(b) Each gasket must conform to the
design requirements of the applicable
standards of table 56.60–1(b) of this
(c) Only metallic and suitable asbestos-free nonmetallic gaskets may be
used on flat or raised face flanges if the
expected normal operating pressure exceeds 720 pounds per square inch or the
operating temperature exceeds 750 °F.
(d) The use of metal and nonmetallic
gaskets is not limited as to pressure
provided the gasket materials are suitable for the maximum fluid temperatures.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 86–035, 54 FR 36316, Sept. 1,
1989; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31,

§ 56.25–20


(a) General. (1) Bolts, studs, nuts, and
washers must comply with applicable
standards and specifications listed in 46
CFR 56.60–1. Unless otherwise specified,
bolting must be in accordance with
ASME B16.5 (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(2) Bolts and studs must extend completely through the nuts.
(3) See § 58.30–15(c) of this chapter for
exceptions on bolting used in fluid
power and control systems.
(b) Carbon steel bolts or bolt studs
may be used if expected normal operating pressure does not exceed 300
pounds per square inch gauge and the


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
expected normal operating temperature does not exceed 400 °F. Carbon
steel bolts must have heavy hexagon
heads in accordance with ASME B18.2.1
(incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR
56.01–2) and must have heavy semifinished hexagonal nuts in accordance
with ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 (incorporated
by reference, see 46 CFR 56.01–2), unless
the bolts are tightly fitted to the holes
and flange stress calculations taking
the bolt bending stresses into account
are submitted. When class 250 cast iron
flanges are used or when class 125 cast
iron flanges are used with ring gaskets,
the bolting material must be carbon
steel conforming to ASTM A 307 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 56.01–
2), Grade B.
(c) Alloy steel stud bolts must be
threaded full length or, if desired, may
have reduced shanks of a diameter not
less than that at the root of the
threads. They must have heavy semifinished hexagonal nuts in accordance
with ANSI B18.2.2.
(d) All alloy bolts or studs and accompanying nuts are to be threaded in
accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2), Class 2A external threads, and
Class 2B internal threads (8-thread series 8UN for one inch and larger).
(e) (Reproduces 108.5.1) Washers, when
used under nuts, shall be of forged or
rolled material with steel washers
being used under steel nuts and bronze
washers under bronze nuts.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec.18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40605, Oct. 2,
1989; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29,
2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65176, Oct. 31,

Subpart 56.30—Selection and
Limitations of Piping Joints

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.30–1 Scope (replaces 110 through
The selection and limitation of piping joints must be as required by this
subpart rather than as required by 110
through 118 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2); however, certain requirements are
marked ‘‘reproduced’’ in this subpart.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65177, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.30–5

§ 56.30–3 Piping
The type of piping joint used shall be
suitable for the design conditions and
shall be selected with consideration of
joint tightness, mechanical strength
and the nature of the fluid handled.
§ 56.30–5 Welded joints.
(a) General. Welded joints may be
used for materials for which welding
procedures, welders, and welding machine operators have been qualified in
accordance with part 57 of this subchapter.
(b) Butt welds—general. Butt welds
may be made with or without backing
or insert rings within the limitations
established in § 56.70–15. When the use
of backing rings will result in undesirable conditions such as severe stress
concentrations, corrosion or erosion,
(1) The backing rings shall be removed and the inside of the joint
ground smooth, or
(2) The joint shall be welded without
backing rings, or
(3) Consumable insert rings must be
used. Commonly used types of butt
welding end preparations are shown in
ASME B16.25 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(4) Restrictions as to the use of backing rings appear for the low temperature piping systems and should be
checked when designing for these systems.
(c) Socket welds (Modifies 127.3.3A.).
(1) Each socket weld must conform to
ASME B16.11 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2), to applicable standards listed in 46 CFR 56.60–1,
table 56.60–1(b), and to Figure 127.4.4C
in ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) as modified
by § 56.30–10(b)(4) of this part. A gap of
approximately one-sixteenth inch between the end of the pipe and the bottom of the socket must be provided before welding. This may best be provided
by bottoming the pipe and backing off
slightly before tacking.
(2) Socket welds must not be used
where severe erosion or crevice corrosion is expected to occur. Restrictions
on the use of socket welds appear in
§ 56.70–15(d)(3) of this part for Class I
service and in § 56.50–105 of this part for


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§ 56.30–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

low temperature service. These sections should be checked when designing
for these systems. See § 56.70–15(d)(4) of
this part for Class II service.
(3) (Reproduces 111.3.4.) Drains and bypasses may be attached to a fitting or
valve by socket welding provided the
socket depth, bore diameter and shoulder thickness conform to ASME B16.11.
(d) Fillet welds. A fillet weld may vary
from convex to concave. The size of a
fillet weld is determined as shown in
Figure 127.4.4A of ASME B31.1. Filletweld details for socket-welding components must meet § 56.30–5(c). Fillet-weld
details for flanges must meet § 56.30–10
of this part (see also § 56.70–15(d)(3) and
(4) of this part for applications of fillet
(e) Seal welds. Seal welds may be used
but shall not be considered as contributing any strength to the joint.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40605, Oct. 2, 1989;
CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65177, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.30–10 Flanged
(a) Flanged or butt-welded joints are
required for Classes I and I-L piping for
nominal diameters exceeding 2 inches,
except as otherwise specified in this
(b) Flanges may be attached by any
method shown in Figure 56.30–10(b) or
by any additional means that may be
approved by the Marine Safety Center.
Pressure temperature ratings of the appropriate ANSI/ASME standard must
not be exceeded.
(1) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 1.
Flanges with screw threads may be
used in accordance with 46 CFR 56.30–
20, table 56.30–20(c).
(2) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 2. ASME
B16.5 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2) Class 150 and Class 300 lowhubbed flanges with screw threads, plus
the addition of a strength fillet weld of
the size as shown, may be used in Class
I systems not exceeding 750 °F or 4
NPS, in Class II systems without diameter limitations, and in Class II–L
systems not exceeding 1 NPS. If 100
percent radiography is required by 46
CFR 56.95–10 for the class, diameter,
wall thickness, and material of pipe

being joined, the use of the threaded
buttwelding flanges must be provided.
For Class II piping systems, the size of
the strength fillet may be limited to a
maximum of 0.525 inch instead of 1.4T.
(3) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 3. Slipon flanges meeting ASME B16.5 may be
used in piping systems of Class I, Class
II, or Class II–L not to exceed the service pressure-temperature ratings for
flanges of class 300 and lower, within
the temperature limitations of the material selected for use, and not to exceed 4-inch Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) in
systems of Class I and Class II–L. If 100
percent radiography is required by 46
CFR 56.95–10 for the class, diameter,
wall thickness, and material of the
pipe being joined, then slip-on flanges
are not permitted and butt-welding
flanges are required. The configuration
in Figure 127.4.4B(b) of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2), using a face and backweld,
may be preferable where eliminating
void spaces is desirable. For systems of
Class II, the size of the strength fillet
may be limited to a maximum of 0.525
inch instead of 1.4T, and the distance
from the face of the flange to the end
of the pipe may be a maximum of
three-eighths of an inch. Restrictions
on the use of slip-on flanges appear in
46 CFR 56.50–105 for low-temperature
piping systems.
(4) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 4. ASME
B16.5 socket welding flanges may be
used in Class I or II–L systems not exceeding 3 NPS for class 600 and lower
class flanges and 21/2NPS for class 900
and class 1500 flanges within the service pressure-temperature ratings of the
standard. Whenever full radiography is
required by 46 CFR 56.95–10 for the
class, diameter, and wall thickness of
the pipe being joined, the use of socket
welding flanges is not permitted and a
butt weld type connection must be provided. For Class II piping, socket welding flanges may be used without diameter limitation, and the size of the fillet
weld may be limited to a maximum of
0.525 inch instead of 1.4T. Restrictions
on the use of socket welds appear in 46
CFR 56.50–105 for low temperature piping systems.
(5) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 5.
Flanges fabricated from steel plate


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
meeting the requirements of part 54 of
this chapter may be used for Class II
piping for pressures not exceeding 150
pounds per square inch and temperatures not exceeding 450 °F. Plate material listed in UCS–6(b) of section VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2) may not be used in this
application, except that material meeting ASTM A 36 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 56.01–2) may be used.
The fabricated flanges must conform at
least to the ASME B16.5 class 150
flange dimensions. The size of the
strength fillet weld may be limited to a
maximum of 0.525 inches instead of 1.4T
and the distance from the face of the
flange to the end of the pipe may be a
maximum of three-eighths inch.
(6) Figure 56.30–10 (b), Method 6. Steel
plate flanges meeting the material and
construction requirements listed in
paragraph (b)(5) of this section may be
used for Class II piping for pressures
not exceeding 150 pounds per square
inch or temperatures not exceeding 650
°F. The flange shall be attached to the
pipe as shown by Figure 56.30–10(b).
Method 6. The pressure shall not exceed the American National Standard
Service pressure temperature rating.
The size of the strength fillet weld may
be limited to a maximum of 0.525 inch
instead of 1.4T and the distance from
the face of the flange to the end of the
pipe may be a maximum of threeeighths inch.
(7) Figure 56.30–10 (b), Method 7. Lap
joint flanges (Van Stone) may be used
for Class I and Class II piping. The Van
Stone equipment must be operated by
competent personnel. The ends of the
pipe must be heated from 1,650° to 1,900
°F. dependent on the size of the pipe
prior to the flanging operation. The
foregoing temperatures must be carefully adhered to in order to prevent excess scaling of the pipe. The extra
thickness of metal built up in the end
of the pipe during the forming operation must be machined to restore the
pipe to its original diameter. The machined surface must be free from surface defects and the back of the Van
Stone lap must be machined to a fine
tool finish to furnish a line contact
with the mating surface on the flange
for the full circumference as close as

§ 56.30–10

possible to the fillet of the flange. The
number of heats to be used in forming
a flange must be determined by the size
of the pipe and not more than two
pushups per heat are permitted. The
width of the lap flange must be at least
three times the thickness of the pipe
wall and the end of the pipe must be
properly stress relieved after the flanging operation is completed. Manufacturers desiring to produce this type of
joint must demonstrate to a marine inspector that they have the proper
equipment and personnel to produce an
acceptable joint.
(8) Figure 56.30–10 (b), Method 8. Welding neck flanges may be used on any
piping provided the flanges are buttwelded to the pipe. The joint must be
welded as indicated by Figure 56.30–
10(b), Method 8, and a backing ring employed which will permit complete penetration of the weld metal. If a backing
ring is not used, refer to 46 CFR 56.30–
5(b) for requirements.
(9) Figure 56.30–10 (b), Method 9. Welding neck flanges may also be attached
to pipe by a double-welded butt joint as
shown by Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 9.
(10) Figure 56.30–10 (b), Method 10.
Flanges may be attached by shrinking
the flange on to the end of the pipe and
flaring the end of the pipe to an angle
of not less than 20°. A fillet weld of the
size shown by Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 10, must be used to attach the hub
to the pipe. This type of flange is limited to a maximum pressure of 300
pounds per square inch at temperatures
not exceeding 500 °F.
(11) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 11. The
flange of the type described and illustrated by Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 10,
except with the fillet weld omitted,
may be used for Class II piping for pressures not exceeding 150 pounds per
square inch and temperatures not exceeding 450 °F.
(12) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 12.
High-hub bronze flanges may be used
for temperatures not exceeding 425 °F.
The hub of the flange must be bored to
a depth not less than that required for
a threaded connection of the same diameter leaving a shoulder for the pipe
to butt against. A preinserted ring of
silver brazing alloy having a melting


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§ 56.30–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

point not less than 1,000 °F and of sufficient quantity to fill the annular clearance between the flange and the pipe
must be inserted in the groove. The
pipe must then be inserted in the
flange and sufficient heat applied externally to melt the brazing alloy until
it completely fills the clearance between the hub and the flange of the
pipe. A suitable flux must be applied to
the surfaces to be joined to produce a
satisfactory joint.
(13) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 13. The
type of flange as described for Figure
56.30–10(b), Method 12, may be employed and in lieu of an annular groove
being machined in the hub of the flange
for the preinserted ring of silver brazing alloy, a bevel may be machined on
the end of the hub and the silver braz-

ing alloy introduced from the end of
the hub to attach the pipe to the
(14) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 14.
Flanges may be attached to nonferrous
pipe by inserting the pipe in the flange
and flanging the end of the pipe into
the recess machined in the face of the
flange to receive it. The width of the
flange must be not less than three
times the pipe wall thickness. In addition, the pipe must be securely brazed
to the wall of the flange.
(15) Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 15. The
flange of the type described and illustrated by Figure 56.30–10(b), Method 14,
except with the brazing omitted, may
be used for Class II piping and where
the temperature does not exceed 250 °F.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40605, Oct. 2, 1989;
USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65177, Oct. 31, 2008; 73
FR 76247, Dec. 16, 2008]

§ 56.30–15

Expanded or rolled joints.

(a) Expanded or rolled joints may be
used where experience or test has demonstrated that the joint is suitable for
the design conditions and where adequate provisions are made to prevent
separation of the joint. Specific application for use must be made to the
(b) [Reserved]


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NOTE TO FIG. 56.30–10(b): ‘‘T’’ is the nominal pipe wall thickness used. Consult the
text of paragraph (b) for modifications on
Class II piping systems. Fillet weld leg size
need not exceed the thickness of the applicable ASME hub.

§ 56.30–15

§ 56.30–20
§ 56.30–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)
Threaded joints.

(a) Threaded joints may be used within the limitations specified in subpart
56.15 of this chapter and within other
limitations specified in this section.
(b) (Reproduces 114.1.) All threads on
piping components must be taper pipe
threads in accordance with the applicable standard listed in 46 CFR 56.60–1,
table 56.60–1(b). Threads other than
taper pipe threads may be used for piping components where tightness of the
joint depends on a seal weld or a seating surface other than the threads, and
where experience or test has demonstrated that such threads are suitable.
(c) Threaded joints may not be used
where severe erosion, crevice corrosion,
shock, or vibration is expected to
occur; or at temperatures over 925 °F.
Size limitations are given in table
56.30–20(c) of this section.
Maximum nominal size,

Maximum pressure, p.s.i.g.

Above 2″ ............................

(Not permitted in Class I piping

Above 1″ up to 2″ ..............
Above 3⁄4″ up to 1″ ............
3⁄4″ and below ....................

1 Further restrictions on the use of threaded joints appear in
the low temperature piping section.
2 Threaded joints in hydraulic systems are permitted above
the pressures indicated for the nominal sizes shown when
commercially available components such as pumps, valves
and strainers may only be obtained with threaded

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(d) No pipe with a wall thickness less
than that of standard weight of ASME
B36.10M (incorporated by reference; see
46 CFR 56.01–2) steel pipe may be
threaded regardless of service. For restrictions on the use of pipe in steam
service more than 250 pounds per
square inch or water service over 100
pounds per square inch and 200 °F
(938C), see part 104.1.2(c)(1) of ASME
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2). Restrictions on the use of
threaded joints apply for low-temperature piping and must be checked when
designing for these systems.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40164, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40606, Oct. 2, 1989; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.30–25 Flared, flareless, and compression fittings.
(a) This section applies to pipe fittings that are mechanically connected
to pipe by such means as ferrules,
flared ends, swaging, elastic strain preload, crimping, bite-type devices, and
shape memory alloys. Fittings to
which this section applies must be designed,
marked in accordance with ASTM F
1387 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 56.01–2). Previously approved fittings
may be retained as long as they are
maintained in good condition to the
satisfaction of the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection.
(b) Flared, flareless and compression
fittings may be used within the service
limitations of size, pressure, temperature, and vibration recommended by
the manufacturer and as specified in
this section.
(c) Flared, flareless, and compression
type tubing fittings may be used for
tube sizes not exceeding 50 millimeters
(2 inches) outside diameter within the
limitations of applicable standards and
specifications listed in this section and
§ 56.60–1 of this part.
(d) Flareless fittings must be of a design in which the gripping member or
sleeve must grip or bite into the outer
surface of the tube with sufficient
strength to hold the tube against pressure, but without appreciably distorting the inside tube diameter or reducing the wall thickness. The gripping
member must also form a pressure seal
against the fitting body.
(e) For fluid services, other than hydraulic systems, using a combustible
fluid as defined in § 30.10–15 of this
chapter and for fluid services using a
flammable fluid as defined in § 30.10–22
of this chapter, flared fittings must be
used; except that flareless fittings of
the nonbite type may be used when the
tubing system is of steel, nickel copper
or copper nickel alloy. When using copper or copper zinc alloy, flared fittings
are required. (See also § 56.50–70 for gasoline fuel systems, § 56.50–75 for diesel
fuel systems, and § 58.25–20 for hydraulic systems for steering gear.)
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996; 61 FR
35138, July 5, 1996, as amended by USCG–1999–
5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–2000–7790,
65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000]


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 56.30–27 Caulked joints.
Caulked joints may not be used in
marine installations.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40606, Oct. 2, 1989]

§ 56.30–30 Brazed joints.
(a) General (refer also to subpart 56.75).
Brazed socket-type joints shall be
made with suitable brazing alloys. The
minimum socket depth shall be sufficient for the intended service. Brazing
alloy shall either be end-fed into the
socket or shall be provided in the form
of a preinserted ring in a groove in the
socket. The brazing alloy shall be sufficient to fill completely the annular
clearance between the socket and the
pipe or tube.
(b) Limitations. (1) Brazed socket-type
joints shall not be used on systems
containing flammable or combustible
fluids in areas where fire hazards are
involved or where the service temperature exceeds 425 °F. When specifically
approved by the Commandant, brazed
construction may be used for service
temperatures up to 525 °F. in boiler
steam air heaters provided the requirements of UB–12 of section VIII ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2) are satisfied at the highest temperature desired.
(2) Brazed joints depending solely
upon a fillet, rather than primarily
upon brazing material between the pipe
and socket are not acceptable.

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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.30–35 Gasketed mechanical couplings.
(a) This section applied to pipe fittings that form a seal by compressing a
resilient gasket onto the pipe joint primarily by threaded fasteners and where
joint creep is only restricted by such
means as machined grooves, centering
pins, or welded clips. Fittings to which
this section applies must be designed,
constructed, tested, and marked in accordance with ASTM F 1476 (incorporated by reference, see § 56.01–2) and
ASTM F 1548 (incorporated by reference, see § 56.01–2). Previously approved fittings may be retained as long
as they are maintained in good condi-

§ 56.30–40

tion to the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection.
(b) Gasketed mechanical couplings
may be used within the service limitations of pressure, temperature and vibration recommended by the manufacturer, except that gasketed mechanical
couplings must not be used in—
(1) Any location where leakage, undetected flooding or impingement of liquid on vital equipment may disable the
vessel; or
(2) In tanks where the liquid conveyed in the piping system is not
chemically compatible with the liquid
in the tank.
(c) Gasketed mechanical couplings
must not be used as expansion joints.
Positive restraints must be included,
where necessary, to prevent the coupling from creeping on the pipe and uncovering the joint. Bite-type devices do
not provide positive protection against
creep and are generally not accepted
for this purpose. Machined grooves,
centering pins, and welded clips are
considered positive means of protection against creep.
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996, as
amended by USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180,
Dec. 1, 1999]

§ 56.30–40 Flexible pipe couplings of
the compression or slip-on type.
(a) Flexible pipe couplings of the
compression or slip-on type must not
be used as expansion joints. To ensure
that the maximum axial displacement
(approximately 3⁄8″ maximum) of each
coupling is not exceeded, positive restraints must be included in each installation.
(b) Positive means must also be provided to prevent the coupling from
‘‘creeping’’ on the pipe and uncovering
the joint. Bite type devices do not provide positive protection against creeping and are not generally accepted for
this purpose unless other means are
also incorporated. Machined grooves or
centering pins are considered positive
means, and other positive means will
be considered.
(c) Couplings which employ a solid
sleeve with welded attachments on
both pipes will require the removal of
one set of attachments before dismantling. Rewelding of the attachments
may require gas freeing of the line.


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§ 56.35–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(d) The installation shall be such as
to preclude appreciable difference in
the vibration magnitudes of the pipes
joined by the couplings. The couplings
shall not be used as a vibration damper. The vibration magnitude and frequency should not exceed that recommended by the coupling manufacturer.
(e) Flexible couplings made in accordance with the applicable standards
listed in table 56.60–1(b) of this part and
of materials complying with subpart
56.60 of this part may be used within
the material, size, pressure, and temperature limitations of those standards
and within any further limitations
specified in this subchapter. Flexible
couplings fabricated by welding must
also comply with part 57 of this chapter.
(f) Flexible couplings must not be
used in cargo holds or in any other
space where leakage, undetected flooding, or impingement of liquid on vital
equipment may disable the ship, or in
tanks where the liquid conveyed in the
piping system is not compatible with
the liquid in the tank. Where flexible
couplings are not allowed by this subpart, joints may be threaded, flanged
and bolted, or welded.
(g) Damaged or deteriorated gaskets
shall not be reinstalled.
(h) Each coupling shall be tested in
accordance with § 56.97–5.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40606, Oct. 2,

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Subpart 56.35—Expansion,
Flexibility and Supports
§ 56.35–1 Pipe stress calculations (replaces 119.7).
(a) A summary of the results of pipe
stress calculations for the main and
auxiliary steam piping where the design temperatures exceed 800 °F shall
be submitted for approval. Calculations
shall be made in accordance with one
of the recognized methods of stress
analysis acceptable to the Marine Safety Center to determine the magnitude
and direction of the forces and movements at all terminal connections, anchor and junction points, as well as the
resultant bending stress, longitudinal
pressure stress, torsional stress, and

combined expansion stress at all such
points. The location of the maximum
combined stress shall be indicated in
each run of pipe between anchor points.
(b) The Marine Safety Center (MSC)
will give special consideration to the
use of the full tabulated value of ‘‘S’’
in computing Sh and Sc where all material used in the system is subjected to
further nondestructive testing specified by the MSC, and where the calculations prescribed in 119.6.4 and
102.3.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) and 46
CFR 56.07–10 are performed. The procedures for nondestructive testing and
the method of stress analysis must be
approved by the MSC before the submission of computations and drawings
for approval.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.35–10 Nonmetallic
joints (replaces 119.5.1).


(a) Nonmetallic expansion joints certified in accordance with subpart 50.25
of this subchapter are acceptable for
use in piping systems.
(b) Nonmetallic expansion joints
must conform to the standards listed
in table 56.60–1(b) of this part. Nonmetallic expansion joints may be used
within their specified pressure and
temperature rating in vital and
nonvital machinery sea connections inboard of the skin valve. These joints
must not be used to correct for improper piping workmanship or misalignment. Joint movements must not
exceed the limits set by the joint manufacturer.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989]

§ 56.35–15 Metallic expansion
(replaces 119.5.1).

(a) Metallic expansion joints certified
in accordance with subpart 50.25 of this
subchapter are acceptable for use in
piping systems.
(b) Metallic expansion joints must
conform to the standards listed in
table 56.60–1(b) of this part and may be
used within their specified pressure and
temperature rating.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989]


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Subpart 56.50—Design Requirements Pertaining to Specific
§ 56.50–1 General (replaces 122).
The requirements in this subpart for
piping systems apply instead of those
in section 122 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2). Installation requirements applicable
to all systems:
(a) Where pipes and scuppers are carried through watertight or oiltight
bulkheads, decks or tank tops, or are
carried through fire control bulkheads
and decks, the integrity of the structure shall be maintained. Lead or other
heat sensitive materials shall not be
used in piping systems which make
such bulkhead or deck penetrations
where the deterioration of such systems in the event of fire would impair
the integrity of the bulkheads or
decks. (For plastic pipe installations,
see § 56.60–25(a).) Where plate insert
pads are used, bolted connections shall
have threads tapped into the plate to a
depth of not less than the diameter of
the bolt. If welded, the pipe or flange
shall be welded to both sides of the
plating. Openings in structure through
which pipes pass shall be reinforced
where necessary. Flanges shall not be
bolted to bulkheads so that the plate
forms a part of the joint. Metallic materials having a melting point of 1,700
°F. or less are considered heat sensitive
and if used must be suitably insulated.
(b)(1) Pipes piercing the collision
screwdown valves operable from above
the bulkhead deck and the valve shall
be fitted inside the forepeak tank adjacent to the collision bulkhead. The
pipe penetrating the collision bulkhead
shall be welded to the bulkhead on
both sides. On new installations or replacement in vessels of 150 gross tons
and over, the valve body shall be of
steel or ductile cast iron.
(2) Passenger vessels shall not have
the collision bulkhead pierced below
the margin line by more than one pipe
conveying liquids in the forepeak tank
except that if the forepeak tank is divided to hold two different kinds of liquids, the collision bulkhead may be
pierced below the margin line by two
pipes, provided there is no practical al-

§ 56.50–1

ternative to the fitting of the second
pipe and further provided the safety of
the vessel is maintained.
(c) Valves and cocks not forming part
of a piping system are not permitted in
watertight subdivision bulkheads, however, sluice valves or gates in oiltight
bulkheads of tankships may be used if
approved by the Marine Safety Center.
(d) Piping shall not be run over or in
the vicinity of switchboards or other
electrical equipment if avoidable.
When such leads are necessary, welded
joints only shall be used and provision
shall be made to prevent leakage from
damaging the equipment.
(e) Stuffing boxes shall not be used
on deep tank bulkheads, double bottoms or in any position where they
cannot be easily examined. This requirement does not apply to ore carriers operating on the Great Lakes or
cargo lines of oil tankers.
(f) Piping systems shall be installed
so that under no condition will the operation of safety or relief valves be impaired.
(g)(1) Power actuated valves in systems other than as specified in § 56.50–
60 of this part may be used if approved
for the system by the Marine Safety
Center. All power actuated valves required in an emergency to operate the
vessel’s machinery, to maintain its stability, and to operate the bilge and
firemain systems must have a manual
means of operation.
(2)(i) Remote valve controls that are
not readily identifiable as to service
must be fitted with nameplates.
(ii) Remote valve controls must be
accessible under service conditions.
(iii) Remote valve controls, except
reach rods, must be fitted with indicators that show whether the valves they
control are open or closed. Valve position indicating systems must be independent of valve control systems.
(iv) Valve reach rods must be adequately protected.
(v) Solid reach rods must be used in
tanks containing liquids, except that
tank barges having plug cocks inside
cargo tanks may have reach rods of
extra-heavy pipe with the annular
space between the lubricant tube and
the pipe wall sealed with a nonsoluble
to prevent penetration of the cargo.


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§ 56.50–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(3) Air operated remote control
valves must be provided with self-indicating lines at the control boards
which indicate the desired valve positions, i.e., open or closed.
(h) Suitable drains shall be provided
at low points of piping systems.
(i) Valves and cocks shall be located
so as to be easily accessible and valves
or cocks attached to the shell of the
vessel or to sea chests located below
the floorplating shall be operable from
above the floorplates.
(j) When welded fabrication is employed, a sufficient number of detachable joints shall be provided to facilitate overhauling and maintenance of
machinery and appurtenances. The
joints shall be located so that adequate
space is provided for welding, and the
location of the welds shall be indicated
on the plans.
(k) Piping, including valves, pipe fittings and flanges, conveying vapors,
gases or liquids whose temperature exceeds 150 °F., shall be suitably insulated where necessary to preclude injury to personnel.
(l) Where pipes are run through dry
cargo spaces they must be protected
from mechanical injury by a suitable
enclosure or other means.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–10

Special gauge requirements.

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(a) Where pressure-reducing valves
are employed, a pressure gauge must be
provided on the low-pressure side of the
reducing station.
(b) Fuel oil service, fire, cargo and
fuel oil transfer and boiler feed pumps
must be provided with a pressure gage
on the discharge side of the pump. Additional information pertaining to fire
pumps is in § 34.10–5 of subchapter D
(Tank Vessels), § 76.10–5 of subchapter
H (Passenger Vessels), § 95.10–5 of subchapter I (Cargo and Miscellaneous
Vessels), and § 108.417 of subchapter IA
(Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) of this
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56799, Dec. 4, 1978;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–15

Steam and exhaust piping.

(a) The design pressures of the steam
piping connected to the boiler drum or
to the superheater inlet header shall
not be less than the lowest pressure
setting of any drum safety valve. The
value of allowable stress for the material shall not exceed that corresponding to the saturated steam temperature at drum pressure and shall be
selected as described in § 56.07–10(e).
(b) Main superheater outlet piping
systems, desuperheated piping systems,
and other auxiliary superheated piping
systems led directly from the boiler
superheater shall be designed for a
pressure not less than the pressure at
which the superheater safety valve is
set. In the case of a superheated safety
valve which is drum pilot actuated, the
design pressure of such piping systems
shall not be less than the pressure setting of the actuator valve on the drum.
Where it can be shown that the limitations set forth in 102.2.4 of ASME B31.1
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) will not be exceeded, the design
pressure of such piping systems may be
reduced but shall not be less than the
pressure setting of the actuator valve
on the drum less the pressure drop
through the superheater, including associated
desuperheater if fitted, at the normal
rated operating condition. In both
cases, the value of allowable stress
shall be selected using a temperature
not less than that of the steam at the
superheater outlet at the normal rated
operating conditions in accordance
with § 56.07–10(e). Valves and fittings
shall be selected for the above temperature and pressure from the accepted standards in 46 CFR 56.60–1, Table
56.60–1(b), using the pressure-temperature rating in the standard.
(c) Steam stop valves in sizes exceeding 6 inches shall be fitted with bypasses for heating the line and equalizing the pressure before the valve is
(d) In multiple boiler installations
each boiler’s main, auxiliary and
desuperheated steam lines shall be
fitted with two valves, one a stop valve
and one a stop check valve.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(e) Main and auxiliary steam stop
valves must be readily accessible, operable by one person and arranged to seat
against boiler pressure.
(f) The auxiliary steam piping of each
vessel equipped with more than one
boiler must be so arranged that steam
for the whistle and other vital auxiliary systems, such as the electricalgeneration plant, may be supplied from
any power boiler.
(g) Steam and exhaust pipes shall not
be led through coal bunkers or dry
cargo spaces unless approved by the
(h)(1) Steam piping, with the exception of the steam heating system, must
not be led through passageways, accommodation spaces, or public spaces
unless the arrangement is specifically
approved by the Marine Safety Center.
(2) Steam pressure in steam heating
systems must not exceed 150 pounds
per square inch gage, except that
steam pressure for accommodation and
public space heating must not exceed
45 pounds per square inch gage.
(3) Steam lines and registers in nonaccommodation and non-public spaces
must be suitably located and/or shielded to minimize hazards to any personnel within the space. Where hazards
in a space cannot be sufficiently minimized, the pressure in the steam line to
that space must be reduced to a maximum of 45 pounds per square inch
(4) High temperature hot water for
heating systems may not exceed 375 °F.
(i) Where positive shutoff valves are
fitted in the exhaust lines of machinery, and the exhaust side, including engine steam cylinders and chests, turbine casings, exhaust piping and shutoff valves, is not designed for the full
inlet pressure, the exhaust side must
be protected from over pressure by one
of the following means:
(1) A full flow relief valve in the exhaust side so set and of sufficient capacity to prevent the exhaust side from
being accidentally or otherwise subjected to a pressure in excess of its
maximum allowable pressure.
(2) A sentinel relief valve or other
warning device fitted on the exhaust
side together with a back pressure trip
device which will close the inlet valve
prior to the exhaust side pressure ex-

§ 56.50–25

ceeding the maximum allowable pressure. A device that will throttle the
inlet valve, so that the exhaust side
does not exceed the maximum allowable pressure, may be substituted for
the back pressure trip.
(j) Shore steam connections shall be
fitted with a relief valve set at a pressure not exceeding the design pressure
of the piping.
(k) Means must be provided for draining every steam pipe in which dangerous water hammer might otherwise
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–
140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 83–043, 60
FR 24772, May 10, 1995; USCG–2003–16630, 73
FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–20 Pressure relief piping.
(a) General. There must be no intervening stop valves between the vessel
or piping system being protected and
its protective device or devices, except
as specifically provided for in other
regulations or as specifically authorized by the Marine Safety Center.
122.6.2(d)). Discharge lines from pressure-relieving safety devices shall be
designed to facilitate drainage.
(c) Stop valves. Stop valves between
the safety or relief valve and the point
of discharge are not permitted, except
as specifically provided for in other
regulations or as specifically approved
by the Marine Safety Center.
(d) Reference. See also § 56.07–10(a) and
(b) for specific requirements.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40607, Oct. 2, 1989]

§ 56.50–25 Safety and relief valve escape piping.
(a) Escape piping from unfired steam
generator, boiler, and superheater safety valves shall have an area of not less
than that of the combined areas of the
outlets of all valves discharging thereto and shall be led as near vertically as
practicable to the atmosphere.
(b) Expansion joints or flexible pipe
connections shall be fitted in escape
piping. The piping shall be adequately
supported and installed so that no


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§ 56.50–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

stress is transmitted to the safety
valve body.
(c) Safety or relief valve discharges,
when permitted to terminate in the
machinery space, shall be led below the
floorplates or to a remote position to
minimize the hazardous effect of the
escaping steam.
(d) The effect of the escape piping on
the operation of the relief device shall
be considered. The back pressure in the
escape piping from the main propulsion
steam generator should not exceed 10
percent of the relief device setting unless a compensated relief device is
used. Back pressure must be calculated
with all relief valves which discharge
to a common escape pipe relieving simultaneously at full capacity.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40608, Oct. 2,
1989; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]

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§ 56.50–30

Boiler feed piping.

(a) General requirements. (1) Steam
vessels, and motor vessels fitted with
steam driven electrical generators
shall have at least two separate means
of supplying feed water for the boilers.
All feed pumps shall be fitted with the
necessary connections for this purpose.
The arrangement of feed pumps shall
be in accordance with paragraph (d) or
(e) of this section.
(2) Feed pump supply to power boilers
may utilize the group feed system or
the unit feed system.
(3) Feed discharge piping from the
pump up to, but not including the required stop and stop-check valves,
shall be designed for either the feed
pump relief valve setting or the shutoff
head of the pump if a relief valve is not
fitted. (Refer to § 56.07–10(b) for specific
requirements.) Feed piping from the
boiler, to and including the required
stop and stop-check valves (see paragraph (b) of this section), shall have a
design pressure which exceeds the maximum allowable working pressure of
the boiler by either 25 percent or 225
pounds per square inch whichever is
less. The value of allowable stress for
design purposes shall be selected as described in § 56.07–10(e) at a temperature
not below that for saturated steam at
the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler.

(4) Feed pumps for water tube boilers
shall have fresh water connections
only. Care shall be taken to prevent
the accidental contamination of feed
water from salt water or oil systems.
(b) Feed valves. (1) Stop and stopcheck valves must be fitted in the main
feed line and must be attached as closely as possible to drum inlets or to the
economizer inlet on boilers fitted with
integral economizers.
(2) Where the installation will not
permit the feed stop valve to be attached directly to the drum inlet nozzle on boilers not fitted with economizers, a distance piece may be installed between the stop valve and the
inlet nozzle.
(3) Feed stop or stop-check valves
may be located near the operating platform on boilers fitted with economizers
provided the piping between the valves
and the economizer, exclusive of the
feed valves and the economizer inlet
nozzles, is installed with a minimum of
intervening flanged connections.
(4) Auxiliary feed lines shall be fitted
with stop valves and stop-check valves.
Boilers not having auxiliary feed water
nozzles, or where independent auxiliary
feed lines are not installed, shall have
the auxiliary feed line to the drum or
economizer connected to the main feed
line as close as possible to the main
feed stop valves; and the valves in the
auxiliary feed line shall be fitted as
close as possible to the junction point.
(5) Boilers fitted with economizers
shall have a check valve fitted in the
economizer discharge and located as
close as possible to the drum fed inlet
nozzle. When economizer bypasses are
fitted, a stop-check valve shall be installed in lieu of the aforementioned
check valve.
(6) A sentinel valve is not required
for vessels constructed after September
30, 1997, and for other vessels to which
it has been shown to the satisfaction of
the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection or the Coast Guard Marine
Safety Center, that a sentinel valve is
not necessary for the safe operation of
the particular boiler.
(c) Feed water regulators, heaters, and
grease extractors. (1) Where feed water
regulators, tubular feed water heaters,
and grease extractors are installed, an
alternate means of operation with


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
these devices bypassed shall be provided.
(2) Feed water regulators designed
with a built-in bypass for emergency
use need not be fitted with an external
bypass when installed in a feed system
provided with an auxiliary feed line.
All feed water regulators installed in a
unit feed system shall be fitted with an
external bypass. Feed water regulators
bypasses shall be so arranged that the
regular feed valves are in operation
while the bypass is in use.
(3) A feed water regulator may be
interposed between the stop and stopcheck valves in the feed lines.
(d) Group feed system. Group feed systems shall be provided with pumps and
piping as follows:
(1) Oceangoing and Great Lakes
steam vessels, having a feed pump attached to the main propelling unit,
shall be provided with at least one
independently driven feed pump. Each
of these pumps shall be used exclusively for feed purposes and shall be capable of supplying the operating boilers
at their normal capacity. In addition, a
second independently driven pump, capable of supplying such boilers at 75
percent of their normal capacity, shall
be provided for emergency use. This
second pump may be used for other
(2) If two independently driven pumps
are provided, each capable of supplying
the boilers at their normal required operating capacity, and neither of which
is used for other purposes, the third or
emergency feed pump is not required.
Where more than two independently
driven feed pumps are provided, their
aggregate capacity shall not be less
than 200 percent of that demanded by
the boilers at their required normal operating capacity.
(3) River or harbor steam vessels
shall have at least two means for feeding the boilers; one of which shall be an
independently driven pump, the other
may be an attached pump, an additional independently driven pump, or
an injector.
(e) Unit feed system. Unit feed systems
shall be provided with pumps and piping as follows:
(1) The unit feed system may be used
on vessels having two or more boilers.
When the unit feed system is employed

§ 56.50–40

each boiler shall have its own independently driven main feed pump capable of supplying the boiler at its normal operating capacity. In addition
these shall be an auxiliary independently driven feed pump of the same capacity which can be operated in place
of and in conjunction with the main
feed pump. In vessels with three or
more boilers, not more than two boilers may be served by any one auxiliary
pump. The auxiliary pump may be so
interconnected that any pump can feed
any boiler.
(2) In the unit feed system, a separate
feed line shall be provided for each
boiler from its pumps. A separate auxiliary feed line is not required. The discharge from each pump and the feed
supply to each boiler shall be automatically controlled by the level of the
water in that boiler. In addition to the
automatic control, manual control
shall be provided.
(f) Feedwater. The feedwater shall be
introduced into a boiler as required by
§ 52.01–105(b) of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968,
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept.
1997; USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278, Sept.
2002; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct.

§ 56.50–35 Condensate pumps.
Two means shall be provided for discharging the condensate from the main
condenser, one of which shall be mechanically independent of the main
propelling machinery. If one of the
independent feed pumps is fitted with a
direct suction from the condenser and
a discharge to the feed tank, it may be
accepted as an independent condensate
pump. On vessels operating on lakes
(including Great Lakes), bays, sounds,
or rivers, where provision is made to
operate noncondensing, only one condensate unit will be required.
§ 56.50–40 Blowoff piping (replaces
(a)(1) The owner or operator of a vessel must follow the requirements for
blowoff piping in this section instead of
the requirements in 122.1.4 of ASME
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2).
(2) Where blowoff valves are connected to a common discharge from


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§ 56.50–45

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

two or more boilers, a nonreturn valve
shall be provided in the line from each
boiler to prevent accidental blowback
in the event the boiler blowoff valve is
left open.
(b) Blowoff piping external to the
boiler shall be designed for not less
than 125 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler,
or the maximum allowable working
pressure of the boiler plus 225 pounds
per square inch, whichever is less.
When the required blowoff piping design pressure exceeds 100 pounds per
square inch gage, the wall thickness of
the piping shall not be less than Schedule 80. The value of allowable stress for
design purposes shall be selected as described in § 56.07–10(e) at a temperature
not below that of saturated steam at
the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler.
(c) Boiler blowoff piping which discharges above the lightest loadline of a
vessel shall be arranged so that the discharge is deflected downward.
(d) Valves such as the globe type so
designed as to form pockets in which
sediment may collect shall not be used
for blowoff service.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.50–45

Circulating pumps.

(a) A main circulating pump and
emergency means for circulating water
through the main condenser shall be
provided. The emergency means may
consist of a connection from an independent power pump fitted between the
main circulating pump and the condenser.
(b) Independent sea suctions shall be
provided for the main circulating and
the emergency circulating pumps.
(c) A cross connection between the
circulating pumps in the case of multiple units will be acceptable in lieu of
an independent power pump connection.
(d) On vessels operating on lakes (including Great Lakes), bays, sounds, or
rivers, where provision is made to operate noncondensing, only one circulating unit will be required.

§ 56.50–50 Bilge and ballast piping.
(a)(1) All vessels except unmanned
barges shall be provided with a satisfactory bilge pumping plant capable of
pumping from and draining any watertight compartment except for ballast,
oil and water tanks which have acceptable means for filling and emptying
independent of the bilge system. The
bilge pumping system shall be capable
of operation under all practicable conditions after a casualty whether the
ship is upright or listed. For this purpose wing suctions will generally be
necessary except in narrow compartments at the ends of the vessel where
one suction may be sufficient. In compartments of unusual form, additional
suctions may be required.
(2) Arrangements shall be made
whereby water in the compartments
will drain to the suction pipes. Efficient means shall be provided for
draining water from all tank tops,
other watertight flats and insulated
holds. Peak tanks, chain lockers and
decks over peak tanks may be drained
by eductors, ejectors, or hand pumps.
Where piping is led through the
forepeak, see § 56.50–1(b).
(3) Where drainage from particular
compartments is considered undesirable, the provisions for such drainage
may be omitted, provided it can be
shown by calculations that the safety
of the vessel will not be impaired.
(4) Where the vessel is to carry Class
3 flammable liquids with a flashpoint
below 23 °C (74 °F), Class 6, Division 6.1,
poisonous liquids, or Class 8 corrosive
liquids with a flashpoint below 23 °C (74
°F) as defined in 49 CFR part 173, in enclosed cargo spaces, the bilge-pumping
system must be designed to ensure
against inadvertent pumping of such
liquids through machinery-space piping or pumps.
(5) For each vessel constructed on or
after June 9, 1995, and on an international voyage, arrangements must be
made to drain the enclosed cargo
spaces on either the bulkhead deck of a
passenger vessel or the freeboard deck
of a cargo vessel.
(i) If the deck edge, at the bulkhead
deck of a passenger vessel or the
freeboard deck of a cargo vessel, is immersed when the vessel heels 5° or less,
the drainage of the enclosed cargo


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
spaces must discharge to a space, or
spaces, of adequate capacity, each of
which has a high-water-level alarm and
a means to discharge overboard. The
number, size and arrangement of the
drains must prevent unreasonable accumulation of water. The pumping arrangements must take into account
the requirements for any fixed manual
or automatic sprinkling system. In enclosed cargo spaces fitted with carbondioxide extinguishing systems, the
drains must have traps or other means
to prevent escape of the smothering
gas. The enclosed cargo spaces must
not drain to machinery spaces or other
spaces where sources of ignition may
be present if water may be contaminated with Class 3 flammable liquids;
Class 6, Division 6.1, poisonous liquids;
or Class 8 corrosive liquids with a
flashpoint below 23 °C (74 °F).
(ii) If the deck edge, at the bulkhead
deck of a passenger vessel or the
freeboard deck of a cargo vessel, is immersed only when the vessel heels
more than 5°, the drainage of the enclosed cargo spaces may be by means of
a sufficient number of scuppers discharging overboard. The installation of
scuppers must comply with § 42.15–60 of
this chapter.
(b) Passenger vessels shall have provision made to prevent the compartment served by any bilge suction piping from being flooded in the event the
pipe is severed or otherwise damaged
by collision or grounding in any other
compartment. Where the piping is located within one-fifth of the beam of
the side of the vessel (measured at
right angles to the centerline at the
level of the deepest subdivision
loadline or deepest loadline where a
subdivision loadline is not assigned) or
is in a ductkeel, a nonreturn valve
shall be fitted to the end of the pipe in
the compartment which it serves.
(c)(1) Each bilge suction must lead
from a manifold except as otherwise
approved by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center. As far as practicable, each manifold must be in, or be
capable of remote operation from, the
same space as the bilge pump that normally takes suction on that manifold.
In either case, the manifold must be
capable of being locally controlled
from above the floorplates and must be

§ 56.50–50

easily accessible at all times. As far as
practicable, each overboard-discharge
valve for a bilge system must comply
with the requirements governing location and accessibility for suction manifolds. Except as otherwise permitted by
paragraph (c)(4) of this section for a
vessel employing a common-rail bilge
system, each bilge-manifold valve controlling a bilge suction from any compartment must be of the stop-check
(2) Each passenger vessel on an international voyage must comply with the
provisions of SOLAS II–1/21.
(3) A common-rail bilge system may
be installed as an acceptable alternative to the system required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, provided it
satisfies all of the following criteria:
(i) The common-rail main runs inboard at least one-fifth of the beam of
the vessel.
(ii) A stop-check valve or both a stop
valve and a check valve are provided in
each branch line and located inboard at
least one-fifth of the beam of the vessel.
(iii) The stop valve or the stop-check
valve is power-driven, is capable of remote operation from the space where
the pump is, and, regardless of the status of the power system, is capable of
manual operation to both open and
close the valve.
(iv) The stop valve or the stop-check
valve is accessible for both manual operation and repair under all operating
conditions, and the space used for access contains no expansion joint or
flexible coupling that, upon failure,
would cause flooding and prevent access to the valve.
(v) A port and a starboard suction
serve each space protected unless,
under the worst conditions of list and
trim and with liquid remaining after
pumping, the vessel’s stability remains
acceptable, in accordance with subchapter S of this chapter.
(vi) For each vessel designed for the
carriage of combinations of both liquid
and dry bulk cargoes (O/B/O), no bilge
pump or piping is located in a machinery space other than in a pump room
for cargo, and no liquid and other cargoes are carried simultaneously.


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§ 56.50–50

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

L( B + D)

(1) ( 4 ) (5)

(2) For branch suctions to cargo and
machinery spaces:

d = 1+

c(B + D)

(2) (3) (5)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

L=Length of vessel on loadwater line, in feet.
B=Breadth of vessel, in feet. (5)
D=Molded depth (in feet) to the bulkhead
deck. (6)
c=Length of compartment, in feet.
d=Required internal diameter of suction
pipe, in inches.
NOTE 1. For tank vessels, ‘‘L’’ may be reduced by the combined length of the cargo
oil tanks.
NOTE 2. For bulk carriers with full depth
wing tanks served by a ballast system where
the beam of the vessel is not representative
of the breadth of the compartment, ‘‘B’’ may
be appropriately modified to the breadth of
the compartment.
NOTE 3. In the calculation for a vessel with
more than one hull, such as a catamaran, the
breadth of the unit is the breadth of one
NOTE 4. In the calculation for a mobile offshore drilling unit, ‘‘L’’ is reducible by the
combined length of spaces that can be
pumped by another piping system meeting
§§ 56.50–50 and 56.50–55, where ‘‘L’’ is the
length of the unit at the waterline.
NOTE 5. For mobile offshore drilling units
employing unusual hull forms, ‘‘B’’ may be
modified to the average breadth rather than
the maximum breadth.
NOTE 6. For each passenger vessel constructed on or after June 9, 1995, and being
on an international voyage, D must be meas-

(3) For vessels of 150 gross tons and
over, no main suction piping shall be
less than 21⁄2 inches internal diameter.
Branch piping need not be more than 4
inches and shall not be less than 2
inches in diameter except for drainage
of small pockets or spaces in which
case 11⁄2-inch diameter may be used.
For vessels less than 150 gross tons no
bilge suction shall be less than 11⁄2
inches internal diameter and no branch
piping shall be less than 1 inch nominal
pipe size.
(4) For vessels of 65 feet in length or
less and not engaged on an international voyage, the bilge pipe sizes
computed by Formulas (1) and (2) of
this paragraph are not mandatory, but
in no case shall the size be less than 1
inch nominal pipe size.
(5) The number, location, and size of
bilge suctions in the boiler and machinery compartments shall be determined when the piping plans are submitted for approval and shall be based
upon the size of the compartments and
the drainage arrangements.
(e) Independent bilge suction. One of
the independent bilge pumps must have
a suction of a diameter not less than
that given by Formula (2) in paragraph
(d) of this section that is led directly
from the engine room bilge entirely
independent of the bilge main, and on
passenger vessels each independent
bilge pump located in the machinery
spaces must have such direct suctions
from these spaces, except that not
more than two pumps are required to
have direct suctions from any one
space. A suction that is led directly
from a suitably located pump manifold
may be considered to be independent of
the bilge main. Where two direct suctions are required in any one compartment on passenger vessels, one suction
must be located on each side of the
compartment. If watertight bulkheads
separate the engine and boiler rooms, a


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d = 1+

ured to the next deck above the bulkhead
deck if an enclosed cargo space on the bulkhead deck that is internally drained in accordance with paragraph (a)(4) of this section
extends the entire length of the vessel.
Where the enclosed cargo space extends a
lesser length, D must be taken as the sum of
the molded depth (in feet) to the bulkhead
deck plus lh/L where l and h are the aggregate length and height (in feet) of the enclosed cargo space.


(vii) For each cargo vessel in Great
Lakes service, each common-rail piping for the bilge and ballast system
serving cargo spaces, if installed and if
connected to a dedicated common-rail
bilge system, must lead separately
from a valved manifold located at the
(d) The internal diameter of bilge
suction pipes including strainers shall
be determined by formulas (1) and (2),
except that the nearest commercial
size not more than one-fourth inch
under the required diameter may be
used. Bilge suction pipes shall be suitably faired to pump inlets.
(1) For suctions to each main bilge

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
direct suction or suctions must be
fitted to each compartment unless the
pumps available for bilge service are
distributed throughout these compartments, in which case at least one pump
in each such compartment must be
fitted with direct suction in its compartment. In a vessel with more than
one hull, there must be one bilge pump
that has an independent bilge suction
in each hull. In a column stabilized mobile offshore drilling unit, the independent bilge suction must be from the
pumproom bilge.
(f) Emergency bilge suctions. In addition to the independent bilge suction(s)
required by paragraph (e) of this section, an emergency bilge suction must
be provided in the machinery space for
all self-propelled vessels as described in
the following subparagraphs. Emergency suctions must be provided from
pumps other than those required by
§ 56.50–55(a) of this part. Such suctions
must have nonreturn valves, and must
meet the following criteria as appropriate:
(1) On passenger vessels propelled by
steam and operating on an international voyage or on ocean, coastwise,
or Great Lakes routes, the main circulating pump is to be fitted with a direct bilge suction for the machinery
space. The diameter of such suctions
shall not be less than two-thirds the diameter of the main sea injection. When
it can be shown to the satisfaction of
the Commandant that the main circulating pump is not suitable for emergency bilge service, a direct emergency
bilge suction is to be led from the largest available independent power driven
pump to the drainage level of the machinery space. The suction is to be of
the same diameter as the main inlet of
the pump used and the capacity of the
pump shall exceed that of a required
main bilge pump.
(2) On passenger vessels propelled by
internal combustion engines and operating on an international voyage or on
ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes
routes, the largest available pump in
the engine room is to be fitted with the
direct bilge suction in the machinery
space except that a required bilge
pump may not be used. The area of the
suction pipe is to be equal to the full
suction inlet of the pump. The dis-

§ 56.50–50

charge capacity of the pump selected
shall exceed the capacity of the required main bilge pump.
(3) Vessels over 180 feet in length
which are not passenger vessels and
which operate on international voyages
or in ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes
service, must be provided with a direct
emergency bilge suction from any
pump in the machinery space, except
that a required bilge pump may not be
used. The discharge capacity of the
pump selected must exceed the capacity of the required main bilge pump
and the area of the suction inlet is to
be equal to the full suction inlet of the
(4) Vessels under 180 feet in length
need not provide an emergency bilge
suction, except that passenger vessels
shall comply with the requirements of
paragraphs (f) (1) and (2) of this section.
(5) Each vessel with more than one
hull must have an emergency bilge suction in each hull.
(6) Each column stabilized mobile offshore drilling unit must have—
(i) An emergency bilge suction in
each hull; and
(ii) A remote control for the emergency pump and associated valves that
can be operated from the ballast control room.
(g) Each individual bilge suction
shall be fitted with a suitable bilge
strainer having an open area of not less
than three times at of the suction pipe.
In addition a mud box or basket strainer shall be fitted in an accessible position between the bilge suction manifold and the pump.
(h) Pipes for draining cargo holds or
machinery spaces must be separate
from pipes which are used for filling or
emptying tanks where water or oil is
carried. Bilge and ballast piping systems must be so arranged as to prevent
oil or water from the sea or ballast
spaces from passing into cargo holds or
machinery spaces, or from passing
from one compartment to another,
whether from the sea, water ballast, or
oil tanks, by the appropriate installation of stop and non-return valves. The
bilge and ballast mains must be fitted
with separate control valves at the
pumps. Except as allowed by paragraph
(c)(4)(vii) of this section, piping for


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§ 56.50–55

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

draining a cargo hold or machinery
space must be separate from piping
used for filling or emptying any tank
where water or oil is carried. Piping for
bilge and ballast must be arranged so
as to prevent, by the appropriate installation of stop and non-return
valves, oil or water from the sea or ballast spaces from passing into a cargo
hold or machinery space, or from passing from one compartment to another,
regardless of the source. The bilge and
ballast mains must be fitted with separate control valves at the pumps.
(i) Ballast piping shall not be installed to any hull compartment of a
wood vessel. Where the carriage of liquid ballast in such vessels is necessary,
suitable ballast tanks, structurally
independent of the hull, shall be provided.
(j) When dry cargo is to be carried in
deep tanks, arrangement shall be made
for disconnecting or blanking-off the
oil and ballast lines, and the bilge suctions shall be disconnected or blankedoff when oil or ballast is carried. Blind
flanges or reversible pipe fittings may
be employed for this purpose.
(k) Where bilge and ballast piping is
led through tanks, except ballast piping in ballast tanks, means must be
provided to minimize the risk of flooding of other spaces due to pipe failure
within the tanks. In this regard, such
piping may be in an oiltight or watertight pipe tunnel, or the piping may be
of Schedule 80 pipe wall thickness,
fitted with expansion bends, and all
joints within the tanks are welded. Alternative designs may be installed as
approved by the Marine Safety Center.
Where a pipe tunnel is installed, the
watertight integrity of the bulkheads
must be maintained. No valve or fitting may be located within the tunnel
if the pipe tunnel is not of sufficient
size to afford easy access. These re-

quirements need not be met provided
the contents of the tank and piping
system are chemically compatible and
strength and stability calculations are
submitted showing that crossflooding
resulting from a pipe, the tank, and the
spaces through which the piping passes
will not seriously affect the safety of
the ship, including the launching of
lifeboats due to the ship’s listing. Bilge
lines led through tanks without a pipe
tunnel must be fitted with nonreturn
valves at the bilge suctions.
(l) When bilge pumps are utilized for
other services, the piping shall be so
arranged that under any condition at
least one pump will be available for
drainage of the vessel through an overboard discharge, while the other
pump(s) are being used for a different
(m) All bilge pipes used in or under
fuel storage tanks or in the boiler or
machinery space, including spaces in
which oil settling tanks or oil pumping
units are located, shall be of steel or
other acceptable material.
(n) Oil pollution prevention requirements for bilge and ballast systems are
contained in subpart B of part 155, title
33, Code of Federal Regulations.
NOTE: For the purposes of this section, a
pumproom is a machinery space on a column
stabilized mobile offshore drilling unit.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–58R, 39 FR 18767, May 30, 1974;
79–165a, 45 FR 64188, Sept. 29, 1980; CGD 77–
140, 54 FR 40608, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR 39968, Oct.
1, 1990; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24772, May 10, 1995;
CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 56.50–55 Bilge pumps.
(a) Self-propelled vessels. (1) Each selfpropelled vessel must be provided with
a power-driven pump or pumps connected to the bilge main as required by
table 56.50–55(a).

Passenger vessels 1

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Vessel length, in feet

voyages 3

180′ or more ..............................................
Below 180′ and exceeding 65′ .................

coastwise and

Dry-cargo vessels 2

All other

coastwise and


All waters

All waters
All waters













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§ 56.50–55

Passenger vessels 1
Vessel length, in feet

voyages 3

coastwise and



65′ or less .................................................
1 Small

Dry-cargo vessels 2

All other


coastwise and

All waters





All waters
All waters


passenger vessels under 100 gross tons refer to subpart 182.520 of subchapter T (Small Passenger Vessel) of this

2 Dry-bulk carriers having ballast pumps connected to the tanks outside the engineroom and to the cargo hold may substitute
the appropriate requirements for tank vessels.
3 Not applicable to passenger vessels which do not proceed more than 20 mile from the nearest land, or which are employed
in the carriage of large numbers of unberthed passengers in special trades.
4 When the criterion numeral exceeds 30, an additional independent power-driven pump is required. (See part 171 of this
chapter for determination of criterion numeral.)
5 Vessels operating on lakes (including Great Lakes), bays, sounds, or rivers where steam is always available, or where a suitable water supply is available from a power-driven pump of adequate pressure and capacity, may substitute siphons or eductors
for one of the required power-driven pumps, provided a siphon or eductor is permanently installed in each hold or compartment.

(b) Nonself-propelled vessels. (1) Ocean
going sailing vessels and barges shall
be provided with pumps connected to

the bilge main as required in table

Type of vessel

Waters navigated

Sailing .................................................
Manned barges ...................................
Manned barges ...................................
Unmanned barges ..............................
Mobile offshore drilling units ...............

Ocean and coastwise ........................ .................................................
Other than ocean and coastwise ......
All waters ...........................................
All waters ...........................................

Power pumps (1)
Two ....................................................
Two ....................................................
(3) .......................................................
Two ....................................................



1 Where

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

power is always available, independent power bilge pumps shall be installed as required and shall be connected to
the bilge main.
2 Efficient hand pumps connected to the bilge main may be substituted for the power pumps. Where there is no common bilge
main, one hand pump will be required for each compartment.
3 Suitable hand or power pumps or siphons, portable or fixed, carried either on board the barge or on the towing vessel shall
be provided.

(2) The pumps and source of power for
operation on oceangoing sailing vessels
and barges shall be located above the
bulkhead deck or at the highest convenient level which is always accessible.
(3) Each hull of a vessel with more
than one hull, such as a catamaran,
must meet Table 56.50–55(b).
(c) Capacity of independent power bilge
pump. Each power bilge pump must
have the capacity to develop a suction
velocity of not less than 400 feet per
minute through the size of bilge main
piping required by § 56.50–50(d)(1) of this
part under ordinary conditions; except
that, for vessels of less than 65 feet in
length not engaged on international
voyages, the pump must have a minimum capacity of 25 gallons per minute
and need not meet the velocity requirement of this paragraph.

(d) Priming. Suitable means shall be
provided for priming centrifugal pumps
which are not of the self-priming type.
(e) Location. (1) For self-propelled
vessels, if the engines and boilers are in
two or more watertight compartments,
the bilge pumps must be distributed
throughout these compartments. On
other self-propelled vessels and mobile
offshore drilling units, the bilge pumps
must be in separate compartments to
the extent practicable. When the location of bilge pumps in separate watertight compartments is not practicable,
alternative arrangements may be submitted for consideration by the Marine
Safety Center.
(2) For nonself-propelled vessels requiring two bilge pumps, these pumps,
insofar as practicable, shall be located
in separate watertight machinery
spaces. When the location of bilge


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§ 56.50–57

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

pumps in separate watertight compartments is not possible, the Commandant
will consider alternate arrangements of
the bilge pumps.
(3) The emergency bilge pumps shall
not be installed in a passenger ship forward of the collision bulkhead.
(4) Each hull of a vessel with more
than one hull must have at least two
means for pumping the bilges in each
hull. No multi-hulled vessel may operate unless one of these means is available to pump each bilge.
(f) Other pumps. Sanitary, ballast,
and general service pumps having the
required capacity may be accepted as
independent power bilge pumps if fitted
with the necessary connections to the
bilge pumping system.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4,
1983; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40608, Oct. 2, 1989; 55
FR 39968, Oct. 1, 1990; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24773,
May 10, 1995; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346,
Sept. 30, 2004]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.50–57 Bilge piping and pumps, alternative requirements.
(a) If a passenger vessel complies
with §§ 171.075 and 171.082 of this chapter, its bilge pumping and piping systems must meet §§ 56.50–50 and 56.50–55,
except as follows:
(1) Each bilge pumping system must
comply with—
(i) Regulation 19(b) of the Annex to
IMCO Resolution A.265 (VIII) in place
of §§ 56.50–55(a)(1), 56.50–55(a)(3), and
(ii) Regulation 19(d) of the Annex to
IMCO Resolution A.265 (VIII) in place
of § 56.50–55(a)(2).
(2) Each bilge main must comply
with Regulation 19(i) of the Annex to
IMCO Resolution A.265 (VIII) in place
of § 56.50–50(d) except—
(i) The nearest commercial pipe size
may be used if it is not more than onefourth inch under the required diameter; and
(ii) Each branch pipe must comply
with § 56.50–50(d)(2).
(b) The standards referred to in this
section, which are contained in the
Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) Resolution
A.265 (VIII), dated December 10, 1973,
are incorporated by reference. This
document is available from the Na-

tional Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Virginia, 22151, under the
title ‘‘Regulations on Subdivision and
Stability of Passenger Ships as Equivalent to part B of chapter II of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1960’’ (Volume IV of the
U.S. Coast Guard’s ‘‘Commandant’s
International Technical Series’’, USCG
[CGD 76–053, 47 FR 37553, Aug. 26, 1982, as
amended by CGD 79–023, 48 FR 51007, Nov. 4,

§ 56.50–60 Systems containing oil.
(a)(1) Oil-piping systems for the
transfer or discharge of cargo or fuel
oil must be separate from other piping
systems as far as practicable, and positive means shall be provided to prevent
interconnection in service.
(2) Fuel oil and cargo oil systems
may be combined if the cargo oil systems contain only Grade E oils and
have no connection to cargo systems
containing grades of oil with lower
flash points or hazardous substances.
(3) Pumps used to transfer oil must
have no discharge connections to fire
mains, boiler feed systems, or condensers unless approved positive means
are provided to prevent oil from being
accidentally discharged into any of the
aforementioned systems.
(b) When oil needs to be heated to
lower its viscosity, heating coils must
be properly installed in each tank.
(1) Each drain from a heating coil as
well as each drain from an oil heater
must run to an open inspection tank or
other suitable oil detector before returning to the feed system.
(2) As far as practicable, no part of
the fuel-oil system containing heated
oil under pressure exceeding 180 KPa
(26 psi) may be placed in a concealed
position so that defects and leakage
cannot be readily observed. Each machinery space containing a part of the
system must be adequately illuminated.
(c) Filling pipes may be led directly
from the deck into the tanks or to a
manifold in an accessible location permanently marked to indicate the tanks
to which they are connected. A shutoff
valve must be fitted at each filling end.
Oil piping must not be led through accommodation spaces, except that low


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pressure fill piping not normally used
at sea may pass through accommodation spaces if it is of steel construction, all welded, and not concealed.
(d) Piping subject to internal head
pressure from oil in the tank must be
fitted with positive shutoff valves located at the tank.
(1) Valves installed on the outside of
the oil tanks must be made of steel,
ductile cast iron ASTM A 395 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2), or a ductile nonferrous alloy having
a melting point above 1,700 °F and must
be arranged with a means of manual
control locally at the valve and remotely from a readily accessible and
safe location outside of the compartment in which the valves are located.
(i) In the special case of a deep tank
in any shaft tunnel, piping tunnel, or
similar space, one or more valves must
be fitted on the tank, but control in
the event of fire may be effected by
means of an additional valve on the
piping outside the tunnel or similar
space. Any such additional valve installed inside a machinery space must
be capable of being operated from outside this space.
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) If valves are installed on the inside of the tank, they may be made of
cast iron and arranged for remote control only. Additional valves for local
control must be located in the space
where the system exits from the tank
or adjacent tanks. Valves for local control outside the tanks must be made of
steel, ductile cast iron ASTM A 395 , or
a ductile nonferrous alloy having a
melting point above 1,700 °F.
(3) Power operated valves installed to
comply with the requirements of this
section must meet the following requirements:
(i) Valve actuators must be capable
of closing the valves under all conditions, except during physical interruption of the power system (e.g., cable
breakage or tube rupture). Fluid power
actuated valves, other than those
opened against spring pressure, must
be provided with an energy storage system which is protected, as far as practicable, from fire and collision. The
storage system must be used for no
other purpose and must have sufficient
capacity to cycle all connected valves

§ 56.50–60

from the initial valve position to the
opposite position and return. The cross
connection of this system to an alternate power supply will be given special
consideration by the Marine Safety
(ii) The valve shall have a local
power actuator to both open and close
the valve unless local manual opening
operation will not prevent remote closing of the valve.
(iii) The positioning of the valve by
either the local or remote actuators
shall not void the ability of the other
actuator to close the valve.
(iv) The valve shall be provided with
a means of emergency manual operation to both open and close the valve
regardless of the status of the power
operating system. Such manual operation may interfere with the power operation, and if so, shall be protected
from causal use by means of covers,
locking devices, or other suitable
means. Instructions and warnings regarding the emergency system shall be
conspicuously posted at the valve.
(4) Remote operation for shutoff
valves on small independent oil tanks
will be specially considered in each
case where the size of tanks and their
location may warrant the omission of
remote operating rods.
(e) Fuel oil tanks overhanging boilers
are prohibited.
(f) Valves for drawing fuel or draining water from fuel are not permitted
in fuel oil systems except that a single
valve may be permitted in the case of
diesel driven machinery if suitably located within the machinery space away
from any potential source of ignition.
Such a valve shall be fitted with a cap
or a plug to prevent leakage.
(g) Test cocks must not be fitted to
fuel oil or cargo oil tanks.
(h) Oil piping must not run through
feed or potable water tanks. Feed or
potable water piping must not pass
through oil tanks.
(i) Where flooding equalizing crossconnections between fuel or cargo
tanks are required for stability considerations, the arrangement must be approved by the Marine Safety Center.
(j) Piping conveying oil must be run
well away from hot surfaces wherever
possible. Where such leads are unavoidable, only welded joints are to be used,


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§ 56.50–65

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

or alternatively, suitable shields are to
be fitted in the way of flanged or mechanical pipe joints when welded joints
are not practicable. Piping that conveys fuel oil or lubricating oil to equipment and is in the proximity of equipment or lines having an open flame or
having parts operating above 500 °F
must be of seamless steel. (See § 56.50–
65 of this part.)
(k) Oil piping drains, strainers and
other equipment subject to normal oil
leakage must be fitted with drip pans
or other means to prevent oil draining
into the bilge.
(l) Where oil piping passes through a
non-oil tank without stop valves complying with paragraph (d) of this section installed at all tank penetrations,
the piping must comply with § 56.50–
(m) Each arrangement for the storage, distribution, and use of oil in a
pressure-lubrication system must—
(1) As well as comply with § 56.50–80,
be such as to ensure the safety of the
vessel and all persons aboard; and
(2) In a machinery space, meet the
applicable requirements of §§ 56.50–60
(b)(2) and (d), 56.50–85(a)(11), 56.50–90 (c)
and (d), and 58.01–55(f) of this subchapter. No arrangement need comply
with § 56.50–90 (c)(1) and (c)(3) of this
subchapter if the sounding pipe is
fitted with an effective means of closure, such as a threaded cap or plug or
other means acceptable to the Officer
in Charge, Marine Inspection. The use
of flexible piping or hose is permitted
in accordance with the applicable requirements of §§ 56.35–10, 56.35–15, and
(n) Each arrangement for the storage, distribution, and use of any other
flammable oil employed under pressure
in a power transmission-system, control and activating system, or heating
system must be such as to ensure the
safety of the vessel and all persons
aboard by—
(1) Complying with subpart 58.30 of
this subchapter; and,
(2) Where means of ignition are
present, meeting the applicable requirements of §§ 56.50–85(a)(11), 56.50–90
(c) and (d), and 58.01–55(f) of this subchapter. Each pipe and its valves and
fittings must be of steel or other approved material, except that the use of

flexible piping or hose is permitted in
accordance with the applicable requirements of §§ 56.35–10, 56.35–15, and 56.60–
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40609, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR
39968, Oct. 1, 1990; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774,
May 10, 1995; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460,
Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346,
Sept. 30, 2004; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–65 Burner fuel-oil service systems.
(a) All discharge piping from the fuel
oil service pumps to burners must be
seamless steel with a thickness of at
least Schedule 80. If required by § 56.07–
10(e) of this part or paragraph 104.1.2 of
ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2), the thickness must
be greater than Schedule 80. Short
lengths of steel, or annealed copper
nickel, nickel copper, or copper pipe
and tubing may be used between the
fuel oil burner front header manifold
and the atomizer head to provide flexibility. All material used must meet the
requirements of subpart 56.60 of this
part. The use of non-metallic materials
is prohibited. The thickness of the
short lengths must not be less than the
larger of 0.9 mm (0.35 inch) or that required by § 56.07–10(e) of this part.
Flexible metallic tubing for this application may be used when approved by
the Marine Safety Center. Tubing fittings must be of the flared type except
that flareless fittings of the nonbite
type may be used when the tubing is
steel, nickel copper or copper nickel.
(b)(1) All vessels having oil fired boilers must have at least two fuel service
pumps, each of sufficient capacity to
supply all the boilers at full power, and
arranged so that one may be overhauled while the other is in service. At
least two fuel oil heaters of approximately equal capacity must be installed and so arranged that any heater
may be overhauled while the other(s) is
(are) in service. Suction and discharge
strainers must be of the duplex or
other type capable of being cleaned
without interrupting the oil supply.
(2) All auxiliary boilers, except those
furnishing steam for vital equipment
and fire extinguishing purposes other


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
than duplicate installations, may be
equipped with a single fuel oil service
pump and a single fuel oil heater. Such
pumps need not be fitted with discharge strainers.
(3) Strainers must be located so as to
preclude the possibility of spraying oil
on the burner or boiler casing, or be
provided with spray shields. Coamings,
drip pans, etc., must be fitted under
fuel oil service pumps, heaters, etc.,
where necessary to prevent oil drainage to the bilge.
(4) Boilers burning fuel oils of low
viscosity need not be equipped with
fuel oil heaters, provided acceptable
evidence is furnished to indicate that
satisfactory combustion will be obtained without the use of heaters.
(c) Piping between service pumps and
burners shall be located so as to be
readily observable, and all bolted
flange joints shall be provided with a
wrap around deflector to deflect spray
in case of a leak. The relief valve located at the pump and the relief valves
fitted to the fuel oil heaters shall discharge back into the settling tank or
the suction side of the pump. The return line from the burners shall be so
arranged that the suction piping cannot be subjected to discharge pressure.
(d) If threaded-bonnet valves are employed, they shall be of the union-bonnet type capable of being packed under
(e) Unions shall not be used for pipe
diameters of 1 inch and above.
(f) Boiler header valves of the quick
closing type shall be installed in the
fuel supply lines as close to the boiler
front header as practicable. The location is to be accessible to the operator
or remotely controlled.
(g) Bushings and street ells are not
permitted in fuel oil discharge piping.
(h) Each fuel-oil service pump must
be equipped with controls as required
by § 58.01–25 of this subchapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40609, Oct. 2, 1989;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774, May 10, 1995; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–70 Gasoline fuel systems.
(a) Material. (1) Fuel supply piping to
the engines shall be of seamless drawn
annealed copper pipe or tubing, nickel

§ 56.50–70

copper, or copper nickel pipe or tubing
meeting the requirements of subpart
(2) Thicknesses of tubing walls must
not be less than the larger of that
shown in Table 56.50–70(a) of this section or that required by 46 CFR 56.07–
10(e) and 104.1.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
(3) Tubing fittings shall be of nonferrous drawn or forged metal and of
the flared type except that the flareless
fittings of the nonbite type may be
used when the tubing system is of nickel copper or copper nickel. Tubing shall
be cut square and flared by suitable
tools. Tube ends shall be annealed before flaring. Pipe fittings shall be of
nonferrous material. Pipe thread joints
shall be made tight with a suitable
(4) Valves for fuel lines shall be of
nonferrous material of the union bonnet type with ground seats except that
cocks may be used if they are the solid
bottom type with tapered plugs and
union bonnets.
Outside diameter of tubing in inches
⁄ , ⁄ , ⁄ ..........................................
⁄ , 3⁄8 ................................................
⁄ , 1⁄2 ................................................


3 16


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(b) Installation. (1) All fuel pipes, pipe
connections, and accessories shall be
readily accessible. The piping shall run
in sight wherever practicable, protected against mechanical injury, and
effectively secured against excessive
movement and vibration by the use of
soft nonferrous metal liners or straps
without sharp edges. Where passing
through steel decks or bulkheads, fuel
lines shall be protected by close fitting
ferrules or stuffing boxes. Refer to
§ 56.30–25 for tubing joint installations.
(2) Either a short length of suitable
metallic or nonmetallic flexible tubing
or hose or a loop of annealed copper
tubing must be installed in the fuelsupply line at or near the engine to
prevent damage by vibration.
(i) If nonmetallic flexible hose is
used, it must meet the requirements of
46 CFR 56.60–25(b) for fuel service.


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§ 56.50–75

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(ii) Flexible hose connections should
maintain metallic contact between the
sections of the fuel-supply lines; however, if they do not, the fuel tank must
be grounded.
(3) Valves in fuel lines shall be installed to close against the flow.
(c) Shutoff valves. Shutoff valves of a
suitable type shall be installed in the
fuel supply lines, one as close to each
tank as practicable, and one as close to
each carburetor as practicable. Where
fuel tanks are installed below the
weather deck, arrangements shall be
provided for operating all shutoff
valves at the tanks from outside the
compartments in which they are located, preferably from an accessible position on the weather deck. The operating gear for the shutoff valves at the
tanks shall be accessible at all times
and shall be suitably marked.
(d) Strainers. A suitable twin strainer
shall be fitted in the fuel supply line in
the engine compartment. Strainers
shall be of the type opening on top for
cleaning screens. A drip pan shall be
fitted under the strainer.
(e) Outlets and drains. Outlets in fuel
lines for drawing gasoline for any purpose are prohibited. Valved openings in
the bottom of fuel tanks are prohibited; however, openings fitted with
threaded plug or cap can be used for
cleaning purposes.
(f) Fuel suction connections. All fuel
suction and return lines shall enter the
top of the fuel tanks and connections
shall be fitted into spuds. Such lines
shall extend nearly to the bottom of
the tank.
(g) Filling and sounding pipes. Filling
and sounding pipes shall be so arranged
that vapors or possible overflow when
filling cannot escape to the inside of
the vessel but will discharge overboard.
Such pipes shall terminate on the
weather deck clear of any coamings
and shall be fitted with suitable shutoff
valves or deck plugs. Filling and sounding pipes shall extend to within onehalf of their diameter from the bottom
of the tank or from the surface of the
striking plate in case of a sounding
pipe. A flame screen of noncorrodible
wire mesh shall be fitted in the throat
of the filling pipe. Sounding pipes shall
be kept closed at all times except during sounding.

(h) Vent pipes. Each tank shall be
fitted with a vent, the cross-sectional
area of which shall not be less than
that of the filling pipe. The vent pipes
shall terminate at least 2 feet above
the weather deck and not less than 3
feet from any opening into living quarters or other below deck space. The
ends of vent pipes shall terminate with
U-bends and shall be fitted with flame
screens or flame arresters. The flame
screens shall consist of a single screen
of corrosion resistant wire of at least
30 by 30 mesh.
(i) Gasoline tanks. For requirements
pertaining to independent gasoline fuel
tanks see subpart 58.50 of this subchapter.
(j) Fuel pumps. Each fuel pump must
be equipped with controls as required
by § 58.01–25 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774, May 10, 1995; USCG–
2002–13058, 67 FR 61278, Sept. 30, 2002; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–75

Diesel fuel systems.

(a) Vessels greater than 100 gross tons.
(1) The diesel fuel system shall comply
with §§ 56.50–60, 56.50–85, and 56.50–90.
The fuel supply piping to engines shall
be of seamless steel, annealed seamless
copper or brass pipe or tubing, or of
nickel copper or copper nickel alloy
meeting the requirements of subpart
56.60 for materials and § 56.50–70(a)(2)
for thickness. Fuel oil service or unit
pumps shall be equipped with controls
to comply with § 58.01–25 of this subchapter.
(2) The installation shall comply
with § 56.50–70(b).
(3) Tubing connections and fittings
shall be drawn or forged metal of the
flared type except that flareless fittings of the nonbite type may be used
when the tubing system is steel, nickel-copper, or copper-nickel. When making flared tube connections the tubing
shall be cut square and flared by suitable tools. Tube ends shall be annealed
before flaring.
(b) Vessels of 100 gross tons and less
and tank barges—(1) Materials. Fuel supply piping shall be of copper, nickel


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
copper or copper nickel having a minimum wall thickness of 0.035 inch except that piping of other materials
such as seamless steel pipe or tubing
which provides equivalent safety may
be used.
(2) Tubing connections and fittings.
Tubing connections shall comply with
the provisions of § 56.50–75(a)(3).
(3) Installation. The installation of
diesel fuel piping shall comply with the
requirements of § 56.50–70(b).
(4) Shutoff valves. Shutoff valves shall
be installed in the fuel supply lines,
one as close to each tank as practicable, and one as close to each fuel
pump as practicable. Valves shall be
accessible at all times.
(5) Outlets and drains. Valves for removing water or impurities from fuel
oil systems will be permitted in the
machinery space provided such valves
are fitted with caps or plugs to prevent
(6) Filling pipe. Tank filling pipes on
motorboats and motor vessels of less
than 100 gross tons and tank barges
shall terminate on an open deck and
shall be fitted with suitable shutoff
valves, deck plugs, or caps.
(7) Vent pipes. Each tank shall be
fitted with a vent pipe complying with
§ 56.50–85.
(8) Independent diesel fuel tanks. See
subpart 58.50 of this subchapter for specific requirements.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40610, Oct. 2,

§ 56.50–80 Lubricating-oil systems.
(a) The lubricating oil system shall
be designed to function satisfactorily
when the vessel has a permanent 15°
list and a permanent 5° trim.
(b) When pressure or gravity-forced
lubrication is employed for the steam
driven main propelling machinery, an
pump shall be provided.
(c) Oil coolers on steam driven machinery shall be provided with two separate means of circulating water
through the coolers.
(d) For internal combustion engine
installations, the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall
be met, but they do not apply to vessels in river and harbor service, nor to

§ 56.50–80

any vessel below 300 gross tons. Where
the size and design of an engine is such
that lubrication before starting is not
necessary and an attached pump is normally used, the independent auxiliary
pump is not required if a duplicate of
the attached pump is carried as spare.
In meeting the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section in the case of
internal combustion engines, two separate means are to be provided for circulating coolant on those engines on
which oil coolers are fitted. One of
those means must be independently
driven and may consist of a connection
from a pump of adequate size normally
used for other purposes utilizing the required coolant. Where the design of an
engine will not readily accommodate
an independent pump connection, the
independent auxiliary pump will not be
required if a duplicate of the attached
pump is carried as a spare. Oil filters
shall be provided on all internal combustion engine installations. On main
propulsion engines which are fitted
with full-flow type filters, the arrangement shall be such that the filters may
be cleaned without interrupting the oil
supply except that such an arrangement is not required on vessels having
more than a single main propulsion engine.
(e) The lubricating oil piping shall be
independent of other piping systems
and shall be provided with necessary
coolers, heaters, filters, etc., for proper
operation. Oil heaters shall be fitted
with bypasses.
(f) Diesel engine lubrication systems
shall be so arranged that vapors from
the sump tank may not be discharged
back into the engine crank case of engines of the dry sump type.
(g) Steam turbine driven propulsion
and auxiliary generating machinery depending on forced lubrication shall be
arranged to shut down automatically
upon failure of the lubricating system.
(h) Sight-flow glasses may be used in
lubricating-oil systems provided it has
been demonstrated, to the satisfaction
of the Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center, that they can withstand
exposure to a flame at a temperature of
927 °C (1700 °F) for one hour, without
failure or appreciable leakage.


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§ 56.50–85

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(i) Steam driven propulsion machinery must be provided with an emergency supply of lubricating oil that
must operate automatically upon failure of the lubricating oil system. The
emergency oil supply must be adequate
to provide lubrication until the equipment comes to rest during automatic

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18, 1988;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774, May 10, 1995]

§ 56.50–85 Tank-vent piping.
(a) This section applies to vents for
all independent, fixed, non-pressure
tanks or containers or for spaces in
which liquids, such as fuel, ship’s
stores, cargo, or ballast, are carried.
(1) The structural arrangement in
double bottom and other tanks shall be
such as to permit the free passage of
air and gases from all parts of the
tanks to vent pipes.
(2) Tanks having a comparatively
small surface, such as fuel oil settling
tanks, need be fitted with only one
vent pipe, but tanks having a comparatively large surface shall be fitted with
at least two vent pipes. The vents shall
be located so as to provide venting of
the tanks under any service condition.
(3) Vent pipes for fuel oil tanks shall,
wherever possible, have a slope of no
less than 30°. Header lines, where both
ends are adequately drained to a tank,
are excluded from this requirement.
(4) Tank vents must extend above the
weather deck, except vents from fresh
water tanks, bilge oily-water holding
tanks, bilge slop tanks, and tanks containing Grade E combustible liquids,
such as lubricating oil, may terminate
in the machinery space, provided—
(i) The vents are arranged to prevent
overflow on machinery, electrical
equipment, and hot surfaces;
(ii) Tanks containing combustible
liquids are not heated; and
(iii) The vents terminate above the
deep load waterline if the tanks have
boundaries in common with the hull.
(5) Vents from oil tanks must terminate not less than three feet from any
opening into living quarters.
(6) Vents extending above the
freeboard deck or superstructure deck
from fuel oil and other tanks must be

at least Schedule 40 in wall thickness.
Except for barges in inland service and
for Great Lakes vessels, the height
from the deck to any point where
water may gain access through the
vent to below deck must be at least 30
inches (760mm) on the freeboard deck
and 171⁄2 inches (450mm) on the superstructure deck. On Great Lakes vessels, the height from the deck to any
point where water may gain access
through the vent to below deck must
be at least 30 inches (760mm) on the
freeboard deck, 24 inches (610mm) on
the raised quarterdeck, and 12 inches
(305mm) on other superstructure decks.
Where the height of vents on Great
Lakes vessels may interfere with the
working of the vessel, a lower height
may be approved by the Marine Safety
Center provided the vent cap is properly protected from mechanical damage. For barges in inland service, the
vents must extend at least six inches
above the deck. A lesser amount may
be approved by the Marine Safety Center if evidence is provided that a particular vent has proven satisfactory in
(7) Satisfactory means, permanently
attached, shall be provided for closing
the openings of all vents, except that
barges in inland service may be exempted. Acceptable means of closure
(i) A ball check valve where the ball
float, normally in the open position,
will float up and close under the action
of a submerging wave. The valve shall
be designed so that the effective clear
discharge area through the valve with
the float in the open position is not
less than the inlet area of the vent pipe
to which the valve is connected.
(ii) A hinged closure normally open
on the outlet of the return bend, which
must close automatically by the force
of a submerging wave; or
(iii) Another suitable device acceptable to the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center.
(8) Vent outlets from all tanks which
may emit flammable or combustible
vapors, such as bilge slop tanks and
contaminated drain tanks, must be
fitted with a single screen of corrosionresistant wire of at least 30 by 30 mesh,
or two screens of at least 20 by 20 mesh
spaced not less than one-half inch


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(13mm) nor more than 11⁄2 inches
(38mm) apart. The clear area through
the mesh must not be less than the internal unobstructed area of the required pipe.
(9) Where vents are provided with
flame screens, the closure device shall
be situated so as not to damage these
(10) The diameter of each vent pipe
must not be less than 11⁄2 inches nominal pipe size for fresh water tanks, 2
inches nominal pipe size for water ballast tanks, and 21⁄2 inches nominal pipe
size for fuel oil tanks, except that
small independent tanks need not have
a vent more than 25% greater in crosssectional area than the fill line.
(11)(i) If a tank may be filled by a
pressure head exceeding that for which
the tank is designed, the aggregate
cross-sectional area of the vents in
each tank must be not less than the
cross-sectional area of the filling line
unless the tank is protected by overflows, in which case the aggregate
cross-sectional area of the overflows
must be not less than the cross-sectional area of the filling line.
(ii) Provision must be made to guard
against liquids rising in the venting
system to a height that would exceed
the design head of a cargo tank or fueloil tank. It may be made by high-level
alarms or overflow-control systems or
other, equivalent means, together with
gauging devices and procedures for filling cargo tanks.
(12) Where deep tanks are intended
for the occasional carriage of dry or
liquid cargo, a ‘‘spectacle’’ or ring and
blank flange may be fitted in the overflow pipe so arranged as not to interfere with venting when the tanks contain oil.
(13) Vents from fresh water or water
ballast tanks shall not be connected to
a common header with vents from oil
or oily ballast tanks.
(b) Tank vents must remain within
the watertight subdivision boundaries
in which the tanks they vent are located. Where the structural configuration of a vessel makes meeting this requirement impracticable, the Marine
Safety Center may permit a tank vent
to penetrate a watertight subdivision
bulkhead. All tank vents which penetrate watertight subdivision bulkheads

§ 56.50–90

must terminate



[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40610, Oct. 2,
1989; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774, May 10, 1995;
CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 56.50–90 Sounding devices.
(a) Each tank must be provided with
a suitable means of determining liquid
level. Except for a main cargo tank on
a tank vessel, each integral hull tank
and compartment, unless at all times
accessible while the vessel is operating,
must be fitted with a sounding pipe.
(b) Where sounding pipes terminate
below the freeboard deck on cargo vessels, they shall be fitted with gate
valves. On passenger vessels, where
sounding pipes terminate below the
bulkhead deck, they shall be fitted
with self-closing gate valves.
(c) Except as allowed by this paragraph, on each vessel constructed on or
after June 9, 1995, no sounding pipe
used in a fuel-oil tank may terminate
in any space where the risk of ignition
of spillage from the pipe might arise.
None may terminate in a space for passengers or crew. When practicable,
none may terminate in a machinery
space. When the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center, determines it
impracticable to avoid terminating a
pipe in a machinery space, a sounding
pipe may terminate in a machinery
space if all the following requirements
are met:
(1) In addition to the sounding pipe,
the fuel-oil tank has an oil-level gauge
complying with paragraph (d) of this
(2) The pipe terminates in a place remote from ignition hazards unless precautions are taken such as fitting an
effective screen (shield) to prevent the
fuel oil, in case of spillage through the
end of the pipe, from coming into contact with a source of ignition.
(3) The end of the pipe is fitted with
a self-closing blanking device and a
small-diameter, self-closing control
cock located below the blanking device
for the purpose of ascertaining before
the blanking device is opened that no
fuel oil is present. Provision must be
made to ensure that no spillage of fuel
oil through the control cock involves
an ignition hazard.


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§ 56.50–95

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(d) On each vessel constructed on or
after June 9, 1995, other oil-level
gauges may be used instead of sounding
pipes if all the following requirements
are met:
(1) In a passenger vessel, no such
gauge may require penetration below
the top of the tank, and neither the
failure of a gauge nor an overfilling of
the tank may permit release of fuel
into the space.
(2) In a cargo vessel, neither the failure of such a gauge nor an overfilling
of the tank may permit release of fuel
into the space. The use of cylindrical
gauge-glasses is prohibited. The use of
oil-level gauges with flat glasses and
self-closing valves between the gauges
and fuel tanks is acceptable.
(e) The upper ends of sounding pipes
terminating at the weather deck shall
be closed by a screw cap or plug. Great
Lakes dry cargo carriers may have the
sounding pipes which service ballast
water tanks terminate at least 4 inches
above the deck if closure is provided by
a tight fitting hinged cover making
metal-to-metal contact with the hinge
on the forward side. Positive means to
secure these caps in the closed position
shall be provided. Provision shall be
made to prevent damage to the vessels’
plating by the striking of the sounding
(f) On mobile offshore drilling units
where installation of sounding pipes
may not be practicable for some tanks,
alternate means of determining liquid
level may be used if approved by the

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56800, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24774, May 10, 1995;
CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 56.50–95 Overboard discharges and
shell connections.
(a)(1) All inlets and discharges led
through the vessel’s side shall be fitted
with efficient and accessible means, located as close to the hull penetrations
as is practicable, for preventing the accidental admission of water into the
vessel either through such pipes or in
the event of fracture of such pipes.
(2) The number of scuppers, sanitary
discharges, tank overflows, and other
similar openings in the vessel’s side
shall be reduced to a minimum, either

by making each discharge serve for as
many as possible of the sanitary and
other pipes, or in any other satisfactory manner.
(3) In general, when the bulkhead
deck is above the freeboard deck, the
requirements of this section apply relative to the bulkhead deck. For vessels
not assigned load lines, such as certain
inland vessels and barges, the weather
deck shall be taken as the freeboard
(b)(1) Scuppers and discharge pipes
originating at any level and penetrating the shell either more than 171⁄2
inches (450mm) below the freeboard
deck or less than 231⁄2 inches (600mm)
above the summer load waterline must
be provided with an automatic nonreturn valve at the shell. This valve,
unless required by paragraph (b)(2) of
this section, may be omitted if the piping is not less than Schedule 80 in wall
thickness for nominal pipe sizes
through 8 inches, Schedule 60 for nominal pipe sizes above 8 inches and below
16 inches, and Schedule 40 for nominal
pipe sizes 16 inches and above.
(2) Discharges led through the shell
originating either from spaces below
the freeboard deck or from within enclosed superstructures and equivalent
deckhouses on the freeboard deck as
defined in § 42.13–15(i) of subchapter E
(Load Lines) of this chapter, shall be
fitted with efficient and accessible
means for preventing water from passing inboard. Normally each separate
discharge shall have one automatic
nonreturn valve with a positive means
of closing it from a position above the
freeboard deck. Where, however, the
vertical upward distance from the summer load line to the inboard end of the
discharge pipe through which flooding
can take place exceed 0.01L, the discharge may have two automatic nonreturn valves without positive means
of closing, provided that the inboard
valve is always accessible for examination under service conditions. Where
that vertical distance exceeds 0.02L a
single automatic nonreturn valve without positive means of closing is acceptable. In an installation where the two
automatic nonreturn valves are used,
the inboard valve must be above the
tropical load line. The means for operating the positive action valve shall be


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
readily accessible and provided with an
indicator showing whether the valve is
open or closed. A suitable arrangement
shall be made to insure the valve is not
closed by unauthorized persons, and a
notice shall be posted in a conspicuous
place at the operating station to the effect that the valve shall not be closed
except as required in an emergency.
(3) Where scuppers and drains are installed in superstructures or deckhouses not enclosed as defined in
§ 42.13–15(j) of subchapter E (Load
Lines) of this chapter, they shall be led
overboard. Refer to paragraph (b)(1) of
this section for any nonreturn valve requirement.
(4) Sanitary pump discharges leading
directly overboard or via a holding
tank must meet the standards prescribed by this paragraph. The location
of the sanitary system openings within
the vessel determines whether the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) or (3) of
this section are applicable.
(c) Overflow pipes which discharge
through the vessel’s side must be located as far above the deepest load line
as practicable and fitted with valves as
required by paragraph (b) of this section. Two automatic nonreturn valves
must be used unless it is impracticable
to locate the inboard valve in an accessible position, in which case a nonreturn valve with a positive means of
closure from a position above the
freeboard deck will be acceptable.
Overflows which extend at least 30
inches above the freeboard deck before
discharging overboard may be fitted
with a single automatic nonreturn
valve at the vessel’s side. Overflow
pipes which serve as tank vents must
not be fitted with positive means of
closure without the specific approval of
the Marine Safety Center. Overflow
pipes may be vented to the weather.
(d)(1) Sea inlets and discharges, such
as used in closed systems required for
the operation of main and auxiliary
machinery, as in pump connections or
scoop injection heat exchanger connections, need not meet the requirements
of paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section but instead shall be fitted with a
shutoff valve located as near the shell
plating as practicable, and may be locally controlled if the valve is located
in a manned machinery space. These

§ 56.50–95

controls shall be readily accessible
above the floor plates and shall be provided with indication showing whether
the valve is opened or closed. Manned
machinery spaces include the main machinery space and are either attended
by the crew or are automated in accordance with part 62 of this subchapter to be comparable to an attended space.
(2) In unmanned machinery spaces,
all machinery inlets and discharges as
described in paragraph (d)(1) of this
section shall be remotely operable
from a position above the freeboard
deck unless otherwise approved and
shall meet the access and marking requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this
(e)(1) Pipes terminating at the shell
plating shall be fitted with bends or elbows between the outboard openings
and the first rigid connection inboard.
In no case shall such pipes be fitted in
a direct line between the shell opening
and the first inboard connection.
(2) Seachests and other hull fittings
shall be of substantial construction
and as short as possible. They shall be
located as to minimize the possibility
of being blocked or obstructed.
(3) The thickness of inlet and discharge connections outboard of the
shutoff valves, and exclusive of
seachests, must be not less than that of
Schedule 80 for nominal pipe sizes
through 8 inches, Schedule 60 for nominal pipe sizes above 8 inches and below
16 inches, and Schedule 40 for nominal
pipe sizes 16 inches and above.
(f) Valves required by this section
and piping system components outboard of such required valves on new
vessel installations or replacements in
vessels of 150 gross tons and over shall
be of a steel, bronze, or ductile cast
iron specification listed in Table 56.60–
1(a). Lead or other heat sensitive materials having a melting point of 1,700 °F.
or less shall not be used in such service, or in any other application where
the deterioration of the piping system
in the event of fire would give rise to
danger of flooding. Brittle materials
such as cast iron shall not be used in
such service. Where nonmetallic materials are used in a piping system, and


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.50–96

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

shell closures are required by this section, a positive closure metallic valve
is required (see also § 56.60–25).
(g) The inboard openings of ash and
rubbish-chute discharges shall be fitted
with efficient covers. If the inboard
opening is located below the freeboard
deck, the cover shall be watertight,
and in addition, an automatic nonreturn valve shall be fitted in the chute
in any easily accessible position above
the deepest load line. Means shall be
provided for securing both the cover
and the valve when the chute is not in
use. When ash-ejectors or similar expelling devices located in the boilerroom have the inboard openings below
the deepest load line, they shall be
fitted with efficient means for preventing the accidental admission of
water. The thickness of pipe for ash
ejector discharge shall be not less than
Schedule 80.
(h) Where deck drains, soil lines, and
sanitary drains discharge through the
shell in way of cargo tanks on tank
vessels, the valves required by this section shall be located outside the cargo
tanks. These valves shall meet the material requirements of paragraph (f) of
this section. The piping led through
such tanks shall be fitted with expansion bends where required, and shall be
of steel pipe having a wall thickness of
not less than five-eighths inch, except
that the use of suitable corrosion-resistant material of lesser thickness
will be given special consideration by
the Commandant. All pipe joints within the tanks shall be welded. Soil lines
and sanitary drains which pass through
cargo tanks shall be provided with nonreturn valves with positive means of
closing or other suitable means for preventing the entrance of gases into living quarters.
(i) Except as provided for in § 58.20–
20(c) of this chapter, sea valves must
not be held open with locks. Where it is
necessary to hold a discharge or intake
closed with a lock, either a locking
valve may be located inboard of the sea
valve, or the design must be such that
there is sufficient freedom of motion to
fully close the locked sea valve after
an event, such as fire damage to the
through the valve. Valves which must
be opened in and emergency, such as

bilge discharges or fire pump suctions
must not be locked closed, whether
they are sea valves or not.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843; Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar. 25, 1972;
CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18, 1988; CGD 77–
140, 54 FR 40610, Oct. 2, 1989]

§ 56.50–96

Keel cooler installations.

(a) Keel cooler installations shall
meet the requirements of § 56.50–95(d)(1)
and (2), and (e)(3), and (f) except that
shutoff or isolation valves will not be
required for the inlet and discharge
connections if:
(1) The installation is forward of the
collision bulkhead; or,
(2) The installation is integral with
the ship’s hull such that the cooler
tubes are welded directly to the hull of
the vessel with the hull forming part of
the tube and satisfies all of the following:
(i) The cooler structure is fabricated
from material of the same thickness
and quality as the hull plating to
which it is attached except that in the
case of half round pipe lesser thickness
may be used if specifically approved by
the Commandant. In any case the
structure, with the exception of the
hull proper, need not exceed threeeighths inch in thickness.
(ii) The flexible connections and all
openings internal to the vessel, such as
expansion tank vents and fills, in the
installation are above the deepest load
line and all piping components are
Schedule 80 or thicker below the deepest load line.
(iii) Full penetration welds are employed in the fabrication of the structure and its attachment to the hull.
(iv) The forward end of the structure
must be faired to the hull such that the
horizontal length of the fairing is no
less than four times the height of the
structure, or be in a protected location
such as inside a bow thruster trunk.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, Mar.
25, 1972; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40611, Oct. 2, 1989]


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 56.50–105

§ 56.50–97 Piping for instruments, control, and sampling (modifies 122.3).
(a) Piping for instruments, control,
and sampling must comply with paragraph 122.3 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2) except that:
(1) Soldered type fittings may not be
(2) The outside diameter of takeoff
connections may not be less than 0.840
inches for service conditions up to 900
psi or 800 °F., and 1.050 inches for conditions that exceed either of these limits.

shall not exceed the maximum design
pressure of the piping system. Relief
devices shall discharge to a location in
the weather at least 3 m (10 ft) from
sources of ignition or openings to
spaces or tanks.
(j) Outlet stations are to be provided
with suitable protective devices which
will prevent the back flow of gas into
the supply lines and prevent the passage of flame into the supply lines.
(k) Shutoff valves shall be fitted at
each outlet.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.50–105 Low-temperature piping.
(a) Class I-L. Piping systems designated to operate at temperatures
below 0 °F. and pressures above 150
pounds per square inch gage shall be of
Class I-L. Exceptions to this rule may
be found in the individual requirements
for specific commodities in subchapters
D, I, and O of this chapter. The following requirements for Class I-L piping systems shall be satisfied:
(1) Materials. All materials used in
low temperature piping systems shall
be selected from among those specifications listed in Table 56.50–105 and shall
satisfy all of the requirements of the
specifications, except that:
(i) The minimum service temperature
as defined in § 54.25–10(a)(2) of this subchapter shall not be colder than that
shown in Table 56.50–105; and
(ii) The material shall be tested for
low temperature toughness using the
Charpy V-notch specimen of ASTM E
23 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 56.01–2), ‘‘Notched Bar Impact Testing
of Metallic Materials’’, Type A, Figure
4. The toughness testing requirements
of subpart 54.05 of this subchapter shall
be satisfied for each particular product
form. Charpy V-notch tests shall be
conducted at temperatures not warmer
than 10 °F. below the minimum service
temperature of the design, except that
for service temperatures of ¥320 °F.
and below, the impact test may be conducted at the service temperature. The
minimum average energy shall not be
less than that shown in Table 56.50–105.
In the case of steels conforming to the
specifications of Table 54.25–20(a) of
this subchapter the minimum lateral
expansion shall not be less than that
required in § 54.25–20 of this subchapter.

§ 56.50–103 Fixed oxygen-acetylene distribution piping.
(a) This section applies to fixed piping installed for the distribution of oxygen and acetylene carried in cylinders
as vessels stores.
(b) The distribution piping shall be of
at least standard wall thickness and
shall include a means, located as close
to the supply cylinders as possible, of
regulating the pressure from the supply cylinders to the suitable pressure
at the outlet stations.
(c) Acetylene distribution piping and
pipe fittings must be seamless steel.
Copper alloys containing less than 65
percent copper may be used in connection with valves, regulators, gages, and
other equipment used with acetylene.
(d) Oxygen distribution piping and
pipe fittings must be seamless steel or
(e) When more than two cylinders are
connected to a manifold, the supply
pipe between each cylinder and manifold shall be fitted with a non-return
(f) Except for the cylinder manifolds,
acetylene is not to be piped at a pressure in excess of 100 kPa (14.7 psi).
(g) Pipe joints on the low pressure
side of the regulators shall be welded.
(h) Branch lines shall not run
through unventilated spaces or accommodation spaces.
(i) Relief valves or rupture discs shall
be installed as relief devices in the piping system if the maximum design
pressure of the piping system can be
exceeded. The relief device set pressure

[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept. 30, 1997]


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§ 56.50–105

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

The minimum energy permitted for a
single specimen and the minimum
subsize energies shall be those obtained
by multiplying the average energy
shown in Table 56.50–105 by the applicable fraction shown in Table 56.50–105(a).
Charpy V-notch specimen size 1

10×10 mm
10×7.5 mm
10×5.0 mm
10×2.5 mm

Factor for
energy, average of 3
specimens 1


Factor for
energy single specimen 1



pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

1 Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is

(iii) Steels equivalent to those listed
in Table 56.50–105 of this part, but not
produced according to a particular
ASTM specification, may be used only
with the prior consent of the Marine
Safety Center. Steels differing in
properties or heat treatments from
those specified may be specially approved by the Marine Safety Center.
Similarly, aluminum alloys and other
nonferrous materials not covered in
Table 56.50–105 of this part may be specifically approved by the Marine Safety Center for service at any low temperature. There are restrictions on the
use of certain materials in this part
and in subchapter O of this chapter.
weldments shall be fabricated to satisfy the requirements of § 57.03–1(b) of
this subchapter in addition to subpart
56.70. Toughness testing of production
weldments for low temperature piping
systems and assemblies is not required.
(3) Postweld heat treatment. All piping
weldments shall be postweld heat
treated for stress relief in accordance
with the procedures of subpart 56.85.
The only exceptions to this requirement are for materials which do not require postweld heat treatment as
shown in Table 56.85–10. Relief from
postweld heat treatment shall not be
dependent upon pipe thickness or weld
joint type.
(4) Nonacceptable joints. Single welded
butt joints with backing ring left in
place, socket welds, slip-on flanges,
pipe joining sleeves, and threaded

joints shall not be used, except in small
diameter instrument lines.
(5) Other requirements. All other requirements of this part for Class I piping apply to Class I-L piping. Pressure
testing must comply with subpart 56.97
of this part, and nondestructive testing
of circumferentially welded joints
must comply with § 56.95–10. Seamless
tubular products must be used except
that, when the service pressure does
not exceed 1724 KPa (250 psi), the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center,
may give special consideration to appropriate grades of piping and tubing
that are welded without the addition of
filler metal in the root pass. Each production procedure and quality-control
program for welded products must be
acceptable to the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection.
(b) Class II-L. Piping systems designed to operate at temperatures
below 0 °F. and pressures not higher
than 150 pounds per square inch gage
shall be of Class II-L. Exceptions to
this rule may be found in the individual requirements for specific commodities in subchapter D (Tank Vessels) and I (Cargo and Miscellaneous
Vessels) of this chapter. The following
requirements for Class II-L piping systems shall be satisfied:
(1) Materials must be the same as
those required by paragraph (a)(1) of
this section except that pipe and tubing of appropriate grades welded without the addition of a filler metal may
be used. The Commandant may give
special consideration to tubular products welded with the addition of filler
(2) Piping weldments shall be fabricated to satisfy the requirements of
§ 57.03–1(b) of this subchapter in addition to subpart 56.70. Toughness testing
of production weldments for low temperature piping systems and assemblies
is not required.
(3) All piping weldments shall be
postweld heat treated for stress relief
in accordance with the procedures of
subpart 56.85. The only exceptions to
this requirement are for materials
which do not require postweld heat
treatment as shown in Table 56.85–10
and for socket weld joints and slip-on
flange weld attachments where the


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
weld thickness does not exceed that exempted by this table. Otherwise, relief
from post-weld heat treatment shall
not be dependent upon pipe thickness
or weld joint type.
(4) Socket welds in nominal sizes
above 3 inches, slip-on flanges in nominal sizes above 4 inches, and threaded
joints in sizes above 1 inch shall not be

§ 56.50–105

(5) Pressure testing must comply
with subpart 56.97, and nondestructive
testing of welded joints must comply
with § 56.95–10.
(6) All other requirements contained
in this part for Class II piping shall be
applicable to Class II-L systems, except
that § 56.70–15(b)(3)(iv) shall not apply.

Product form

ASTM specification 3

Minimum service temperature

Minimum avg Charpy V
notch energy

Tube (carbon and low
alloy steels).

A–333 and
A–334 ...........................


(A–333 only) .............

¥30 °F .........................
¥150 °F .......................
¥100 °F .......................
¥30 °F .........................
¥100 °F .......................
¥320 °F .......................

Pipe (Austenitic stainless steel).

A–312 ...........................

All Grades ....................

No limit .........................

WPL1 ...........................
WPL3 ...........................
WPL4 ...........................
LF1 ...............................

¥30 °F .........................
¥150 °F .......................
¥100 °F .......................
¥30 °F .........................

20 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
20 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
Refer to § 54.25–20 of
this subchapter.
Austenitic stainless
steel piping need be
impact tested only
when toughness
tests are specified in
subpart 54.25 of this
subchapter for plating
of the same alloy
designation. When
such toughness tests
are required, the minimum average energy is 25 ft. lb.
20 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
20 ft. lb.

A–350 1 ........................

LF2 ...............................
LF3 ...............................
LF4 ...............................

¥30 °F .........................
¥150 °F .......................
¥100 °F .......................

20 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.

A–182 ...........................

Austenitic grades only
(304, 304H, 304L,
310, 316, 316H,
316L, 321, 321H,
347, 347H, 348,

No limit .........................

A–522 ...........................

9% Ni ...........................

¥320 °F .......................

These products need
be impact tested only
when toughness
tests are specified in
subpart 54.25 of this
subchapter for plating
of the same alloy
designation. When
such toughness tests
are required, the minimum average energy is 25 ft. lb.
Refer to § 54.25–20 of
this subchapter.

A–3521 .........................

LCB ..............................
LC1 ..............................

¥30 °F .........................
¥50 °F .........................

20 ft. lb.
20 ft. lb.

LC2 ..............................
LC3 ..............................
Austenitic grades CF3,
CF3A, CF8, CF8A,
CK20 only.

¥100 °F .......................
¥150 °F .......................
No limit, except ¥325
°F for grades CF8C
and CK20.

25 ft. lb.
25 ft. lb.
No toughness testing
required except for
service temperatures
colder than ¥425 °F
for grades CF3,
CF3A, CF8, CF8A,
CF3M, and CF8M.
25 ft. lb.

Pipe ..............................

Wrought welding fittings
(carbon and low alloy
Forged or rolled
forged fittings, valves
and pressure parts
(carbon and low alloy
Forged or rolled
flanges, forged fittings, valves and
pressure parts (high
alloy steels).

Forged flanges, fittings,
and valves (9% nickel).
Castings for valves and
pressure parts (carbon
and low alloy steels).
Castings for valves and
pressure parts (high
alloy steel).
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Grade 4

A–420 ...........................

A–351 ...........................


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§ 56.50–110

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

ASTM specification 3

Product form

Minimum service temperature

Grade 4

Minimum avg Charpy V
notch energy

average must be
attained in these
Bolting .......................... A–320 ........................... L7, L9, L10, L43 .......... ¥150 °F ....................... 20 ft. lb.
B8D, B8T, B8F, B8M ... ¥325 °F ....................... No test required.
2B8, B8C ..................... No limit ......................... No test required, except for service temperatures colder than
¥425 °F. In such
case the minimum
average energy is 25
ft. lb.
4 ................................... ¥150 °F ....................... 20 ft. lb.
Nuts, bolting ................. A–194 ........................... 8T, 8F .......................... ¥325 °F ....................... No test required.
8, 8C ............................ No limit ......................... Same requirement as
comparable grades
(B8, B8C) of bolting
listed above.
1 Quench and temper heat treatment may be permitted when specifically authorized by the Commandant. In those cases the
minimum average Charpy V-notch energy shall be specially designated by the Commandant.
2 Other material specifications for product forms acceptable under part 54 for use at low temperatures may also be used for
piping systems provided the applicable toughness requirements of this Table are also met.
3 Any repair method must be acceptable to the Commandant CG–ENG, and welding repairs as well as fabrication welding
must be in accordance with part 57 of this chapter.
4 The acceptability of several alloys for low temperature service is not intended to suggest acceptable resistance to marine corrosion. The selection of alloys for any particular shipboard location must take corrosion resistance into account and be approved
by the Marine Safety Center.

NOTE: The ASTM standards listed in table
56.50–105 are incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6189, 6190, Mar.
25, 1972; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; CG 79–108, 43 FR 46545, Oct. 10, 1978; CGD 74–
289, 44 FR 26008, May 3, 1979; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40611, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24775,
May 10, 1995; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65178, Oct.
31, 2008; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49228, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59777, Oct. 1, 2012]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.50–110

Subpart 56.60—Materials

Diving support systems.

(a) In addition to the requirements of
this part, piping for diving installations which is permanently installed
on the vessel must meet the requirements of subpart B (Commercial Diving Operations) of part 197 of this chapter.
(b) Piping for diving installations
which is not permanently installed on
the vessel need not meet the requirements of this part, but must meet the
requirements of subpart B of part 197 of
this chapter.
(c) Piping internal to a pressure vessel for human occupancy (PVHO) need
not meet the requirements of this part,
but must meet the requirements of
subpart B of part 197 of this chapter.
[CGD 76–009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978]

§ 56.60–1 Acceptable
specifications (replaces 123
Table 126.1 in ASME B31.1).

(a)(1) The material requirements in
this subpart shall be followed in lieu of
those in 123 in ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
(2) Materials used in piping systems
must be selected from the specifications that appear in Table 56.60–1(a) of
this section or 46 CFR 56.60–2, Table
56.60–2(a), or they may be selected from
the material specifications of sections
I or VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (both incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) if not prohibited by a regulation of this subchapter dealing with the particular


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
section of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Table 56.60–1(a) of
this section contains only pipe, tubing,
and fitting specifications. Determination of acceptability of plate, forgings,
bolting, nuts, and castings may be
made by reference to the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code as previously
described. Additionally, accepted materials for use as piping system components appear in 46 CFR 56.60–2, Table
56.60–2(a). Materials conforming to
specifications not described in this subparagraph must receive the specific approval of the Marine Safety Center before being used. Materials listed in
Table 126.1 of ASME B31.1 are not accepted unless specifically permitted by
this paragraph.
(b) Components made in accordance
with the commercial standards listed

§ 56.60–1

in Table 56.60–1(b) of this section and
made of materials complying with
paragraph (a) this section may be used
in piping systems within the limitations of the standards and within any
further limitations specified in this
NOTE: Table 56.60–1(a) replaces Table 126.1
in ASME B31.1 and sets forth specifications
of pipes, tubing, and fittings intended for use
in piping-systems. The first column lists acceptable standards from ASTM (all incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2); the
second lists those from ASME (all incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2). The
Coast Guard will consider use of alternative
pipes, tubing, and fittings when it receives
certification of their mechanical properties.
Without this certification it will restrict use
of such alternatives to piping-systems inside
heat exchangers that ensure containment of
the material inside pressure shells.

ASTM standards

ASME standards

Pipe, seamless:
A 106 Carbon steel ..............................
A 335 Ferritic alloys ..............................
A 376 Austenitic alloys .........................
Pipe, seamless and welded:
A 53 Types S, F, and E steel pipe .......
A 312 Austenitic steel (welded with no
filler metal).
A 333 Low temperature steel pipe .......
Pipe, welded:
A 134 Fusion welded steel plate pipe ..
A 135 ERW pipe ...................................
A 139 Grade B only, fusion welded
steel pipe.
A 358 Electric fusion welded pipe, high
temperature, austenitic.
Pipe, forged and bored:
A 369 Ferritic alloy ...............................
Pipe, centrifugally cast: .......................................
Tube, seamless:
A 179 Carbon steel heat exchanger
and condenser tubes.
A 192 Carbon steel boiler tubes ..........

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

A 210 Medium carbon boiler tubes ......
A 213 Ferritic and austenitic boiler
Tube, seamless and welded:
A 268 Seamless and ERW ferritic
stainless tubing.
A 334 Seamless and welded (no
added filler metal) carbon and low
alloy tubing for low temperature.
Tube, welded:
A 178 (Grades A and C only) ERW
boiler tubes.
A 214 ERW heat exchanger and condenser tubes.
A 226 ERW boiler and superheater
A 249 Welded austenitic boiler and
heat exchanger tubes (no added
filler metal).


ASME B31.1.
ASME B31.1.
ASME B31.1 .......................................................


ASME B31.1 .......................................................
ASME B31.1 .......................................................

(2 3 4).
(1 4).

Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.


See footnote 7 ....................................................
ASME B31.1 .......................................................
ASME B31.1 .......................................................


ASME B31.1 .......................................................

(1 4 9).

ASME B31.1.
(None applicable) ................................................

(1 9)

UCS23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.







PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
UCS23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.


PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
UCS27, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.
PG23.1, Sec. I of the ASME Boiler and
sure Vessel Code.

(10 Grade A) (4).


(4 5).


(4 10).


(1 4).


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§ 56.60–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)
ASTM standards

ASME standards

Wrought fittings (factory made):
A 234 Carbon and ferritic alloys ...........
A 403 Austenitic alloys .........................
A 420 Low temperature carbon and
steel alloy.
Castings,13 iron:
A 47 Malleable iron ...............................

A 126 Gray iron ....................................
A 197 Malleable iron ............................
A 395 Ductile iron .................................
A 536 Ductile iron .................................


Conforms to applicable American National
Standards (ASME B16.9 and ASME B16.11). .................................................................. ..................................................................


Conform to applicable American National
Standards or refer to UCI–23 or UCD–23,
Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code. .................................................................. ..................................................................
UCD–23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
See footnote 20 ..................................................




Nonferrous Materials 15
Pipe, seamless:
B 42 Copper .........................................
B 43 Red brass ....................................
B 241 Aluminum alloy ..........................
Pipe and tube, seamless:
B 161 Nickel .........................................
B 165 Nickel-copper .............................
B 167 Ni-Cr-Fe .....................................
B 315 Copper-silicon ............................
Tube, seamless:
B 68 Copper .........................................
B 75 Copper .........................................
B 88 Copper .........................................
B 111 Copper and copper alloy ...........
B 210 Aluminum alloy, drawn ...............
B 234 Aluminum alloy, drawn ...............
B 280 Copper tube for refrigeration
Welding fittings:
B 361 Wrought aluminum welding fittings.

ASTM specification

UNF23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
See footnote 17 ..................................................
UNF23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
See footnote 17 ..................................................
UNF23, Sec. VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
See footnote 17 ..................................................

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(16 17 18).
(16 17).

(16 17).

Shall meet ASME Standards.


joint efficiency

P No.

A 134:
Grade 285A .........................
Grade 285B .........................
Grade 285C ........................





Allowable stresses (p.s.i.)

11,250 × 0,8 = 9,000.
12,500 × 0,8 = 10,000.
13,750 × 0,8 = 11,000.

Note: When using 104.1.2 in ASME B31.1 to compute wall thickness, the stress shown here shall be applied as though taken
from the stress tables. An additional factor of 0.8 may be required by § 56.07–10(c) and (e).
1 For austenitic materials where two sets of stresses appear, use the lower values.
2 Type F (Furnace welded, using open hearth, basic oxygen, or electric furnace only) limited to Class II applications with a
maximum service temperature of 450 °F. Type E (ERW grade) limited to maximum service temperature of 650 °F, or less.
3 Electric resistance welded pipe or tubing of this specification may be used to a maximum design pressure of 350 pounds per
square inch gage.
4 Refer to limitations on use of welded grades given in § 56.60–2(b).
5 Use generally considered for Classes I–L and II–L applications. For Class I–L service only, the seamless grade is permitted.
For other service refer to footnote 4 and to § 56.50–105.
6 Furnace lap or furnace butt grades only. Limited to Class II applications only where the maximum service temperature is 450
°F, or less.
7 Limited to Grades 285A, 285B, and 285C only (straight and spiral seam). Limited to Class II applications only where maximum service temperature is 300 °F or less for straight seam, and 200 °F or less for spiral seam.
8 Limited to Class II applications where the maximum service temperature is 300 °F or less for straight seam and 200 °F or
less for spiral seam.
9 For Class I applications only the Class I Grade of the specification may be used.
10 When used in piping systems, a certificate shall be furnished by the manufacturer certifying that the mechanical properties
at room temperature specified in ASTM A 520 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) have been met. Without this
certification, use is limited to applications within heat exchangers.
11 When used in piping systems, a certificate shall be furnished by the manufacturer certifying that the mechanical properties
for A192 in ASTM A 520 have been met. Without this certification, use is limited to applications within heat exchangers.
12 Hydrostatic testing of these fittings is not required but all fittings shall be capable of withstanding without failure, leakage, or
impairment of serviceability, a hydrostatic test of 11⁄2 times the designated rating pressure.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 56.60–1

13 Other acceptable iron castings are in UCI–23 and UCD–23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(See also §§ 56.60–10 and 56.60–15.) Acceptable castings of materials other than cast iron may be found in sections I or VIII of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
14 Acceptable when complying with American National Standards Institute standards. Ductile iron is acceptable for temperatures not exceeding 650 °F. For pressure temperature limitations refer to UCD–3 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code. Other grades of cast iron are acceptable for temperatures not exceeding 450 °F. For pressure temperature limitations refer to UCI–3 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
15 For limitations in use refer to §§ 56.10–5(c) and 56.60–20.
16 Copper pipe must not be used for hot oil systems except for short flexible connections at burners. Copper pipe must be annealed before installation in Class I piping systems. See also §§ 56.10–5(c) and 56.60–20.
17 The stress values shall be taken from UNF23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for B75 annealed and light drawn temper as appropriate.
18 B68 shall be acceptable if provided with a mill hydrostatic or eddy current test.
19 Centrifugally cast pipe must be specifically approved by the Marine Safety Center.
20 Limited to pipe fittings and valves. See 46 CFR 56.60–15(d) for additional information.

American National Standards Institute (all incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2)
ANSI/ASME B1.1 ............................
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 .......................
ANSI/ASME B1.20.3 .......................
ANSI/ASME B16.15 ........................

1982 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread
1983 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch).
1976 (Reaffirmed 1982) Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch).
1985 [Reaffirmed 1994] Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings,
Classes 125 and 250.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International (all incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2)
ASME B16.1 ...................................
ASME B16.3 ...................................
ASME B16.4 ...................................
ASME B16.5 ...................................

B16.9 ...................................
B16.10 .................................
B16.11 .................................
B16.14 .................................

ASME B16.18 .................................
ASME B16.20 .................................
ASME B16.21 .................................
ASME B16.22 .................................
ASME B16.23 .................................
ASME B16.24 .................................
ASME B16.25 .................................
ASME B16.28 .................................

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

ASME B16.29 .................................
ASME B16.34 .................................
ASME B16.42 .................................
ASME B18.2.1 ................................
ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 .......................

1998 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 25, 125, 250.
1998 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and
1998 Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250.
2003 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1⁄2 Through
NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard.3
2003 Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings.
2000 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves.
2001 Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded.
1991 Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with
Pipe Threads.
2001 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings.4
1998 (Revision of ASME B16.20 1993) Metallic Gaskets
for Pipe Flanges: Ring-Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed.
2005 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges.
2001 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint
Pressure Fittings.4
2002 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings:
2001 Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500.3
2003 Buttwelding Ends.
1994 Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and
2007 Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder
Joint Drainage Fittings-DWV.4
1996 Valves—Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End.3
1998 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
Classes 150 and 300.
1996 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series).
1987 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series).


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§ 56.60–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

ASME B31.1 ...................................
ASME B36.10M ..............................
ASME B36.19M ..............................

2001 Power Piping ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31.
2004 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe.
2004 Stainless Steel Pipe.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (all incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
ASTM F 682 ....................................
ASTM F 1006 ..................................
ASTM F 1007 ..................................
ASTM F 1020 ..................................
ASTM F 1120 ..................................
ASTM F 1123 ..................................
ASTM F 1139 ..................................
ASTM F 1172 ..................................
ASTM F 1173 ..................................
ASTM F 1199 ..................................

ASTM F 1200 ..................................
ASTM F 1201 ..................................

Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel SleeveType Pipe Couplings.
Standard Specification for Entrainment Separators for Use
in Marine Piping Applications.4
Standard Specification for Pipe-Line Expansion Joints of
the Packed Slip Type for Marine Application.
Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for Marine
Standard Specification for Circular Metallic Bellows Type
Expansion Joints for Piping Applications.4
Standard Specification for Non-Metallic Expansion Joints.
Standard Specification for Steam Traps and Drains.
Standard Specification for Fuel Oil Meters of the Volumetric Positive Displacement Type.
Standard Specification for Thermosetting Resin Fiberglass
Pipe and Fittings to be Used for Marine Applications.
Standard Specification for Cast (All Temperature and
Pressures) and Welded Pipe Line Strainers (150 psig
and 150 Degrees F Maximum).
Standard Specification for Fabricated (Welded) Pipe Line
Strainers (Above 150 psig and 150 Degrees F.)
Standard Specification for Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications above 0 Degrees F.

Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association Inc. (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, 1980
Fluid Controls Institute Inc. (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2)
FCI 69–1 .........................................

Pressure Rating Standard for Steam Traps.

Manufacturers’ Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (all incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) 4
SP–6 ...............................................
SP–9 ...............................................
SP–25 .............................................

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

SP–44 .............................................
SP–45 .............................................
SP–51 .............................................
SP–53 .............................................

Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and
Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings.
Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges.
Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges
and Unions.
Steel Pipe Line Flanges.4
Bypass and Drain Connection Standard.
Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and
Flanged Fittings.4
Quality Standard for Steel Castings and Forgings for
Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components—Magnetic Particle Examination Method.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 56.60–2

SP–55 .............................................
SP–58 .............................................


SP–73 .............................................
SP–83 .............................................

Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges
and Fittings and Other Piping Components—Visual
Pipe Hangers and Supports—Materials, Design and Manufacture.
Pressure Testing of Steel Valves.
Butterfly Valves.2 4
Pipe Hangers and Supports—Selection and Application.
Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends for General Service.4
Brazing Joints for Copper and Copper Pressure Fittings.
Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket-Welding and

1 [Reserved]
2 In addition, for bronze valves, adequacy of body shell thickness shall be satisfactory to the Marine Safety Center. Refer
to § 56.60–10 of this part for cast-iron valves.
3 Mill or manufacturer’s certification is not required, except where a needed portion of the required marking is deleted because of size or is absent because of age of existing stocks.
4 Because this standard offers the option of several materials, some of which are not generally acceptable to the Coast
Guard, compliance with the standard does not necessarily indicate compliance with these rules. The marking on the component or the manufacturer or mill certificate must indicate the specification or grade of the materials as necessary to fully
identify the materials. The materials must comply with the requirements in this subchapter governing the particular

[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65179, Oct. 31, 2008]

the following applies to the material as
furnished prior to any fabrication:
(i) For use in service above 800 °F.
full welding procedure qualifications
by the Coast Guard are required. See
part 57 of this subchapter.
(ii) Ultrasonic examination as required by item S–6 in ASTM A 376 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) shall be certified as having
been met in all applications except
where 100 percent radiography is a requirement of the particular material
(2) For those specifications in which
no filler material is used in the welding
process, the ultrasonic examination as
required by item S–6 in ASTM A–376
shall be certified as having been met
for service above 800 °F.

§ 56.60–2 Limitations on materials.
Welded pipe and tubing. The following
restrictions apply to the use of welded
pipe and tubing specifications when
utilized in piping systems, and not
when utilized in heat exchanger, boiler,
pressure vessel, or similar components:
(a) Longitudinal joint. Wherever possible, the longitudinal joint of a welded
pipe shall not be pierced with holes for
branch connections or other purposes.
(b) Class II. Use unlimited except as
restricted by maximum temperature or
pressure specified in Table 56.60–1(a) or
by the requirements contained in
§ 56.10–5(b) of this chapter.
(c) Class I. (1) For those specifications in which a filler metal is used,

ASTM specifications

Source of allowable stress

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Bar stock:
A 276 .....................................................
(Grades 304–A, 304L–A, 310–A, 316–
A, 316L–A, 321–A, 347–A, and 348–
A 575 and A 576.
(Grades 1010–1030) .............................


Materials 1

See footnote 4 .....................................................


See footnote 2 .....................................................

(2 3).


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§ 56.60–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

VESSEL CODE *—Continued
ASTM specifications

Source of allowable stress


Nonferrous Materials
Bar stock:
B 16 (soft and half hard tempers) .........
B 21 (alloys A, B, and C) ......................
B 124:
Alloy 377 .................................
Alloy 464 .................................
Alloy 655 .................................
Alloy 642 .................................
Alloy 630 .................................
Alloy 485 .................................
B 283 (forging brass) .............................
B 26 .......................................................
B 85 .......................................................

See footnote 5 .....................................................
See footnote 8 .....................................................

(5 7).


(5 9).
(8 10).
(7 12).
(7 13).
(8 10).

footnotes 5 and 9 .........................................
footnote 8 .....................................................
footnote 11 ...................................................
footnote 12 ...................................................
footnote 13 ...................................................
footnote 8 .....................................................

See footnotes 5 and 9 .........................................

(5 9).

See footnotes 5, 14, and 15 ................................
See footnotes 5, 14, and 15 ................................

(5 14,15).
(5 14,15).

* Note: Table 56.60–2(a) is a listing of adopted bar stock and nonferrous forging and casting specifications not listed in the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Particular attention should be given to the supplementary testing requirements and
service limitations contained in the footnotes. All ASTM standards referred to in Table 56.60–2(a) and its footnotes are incorporated by reference (see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
1 For limitations in use refer to 46 CFR 56.60–5.
2 Allowable stresses shall be the same as those listed in UCS23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) for SA–675 material of equivalent tensile strength.
3 Physical testing shall be performed as for material manufactured to ASME SA–675 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR
56.01–2), except that the bend test shall not be required.
4 Allowable stresses shall be the same as those listed in UCS23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for the corresponding SA–182 material.
5 Limited to air and hydraulic service with a maximum design temperature of 150 °F. The material must not be used for salt
water service or other fluids that may cause dezincification or stress corrosion cracking.
6 [Reserved]
7 An ammonia vapor test, in accordance with ASTM B 858M–95 shall be performed on a representative model of each finished
product design.
8 Allowable stresses shall be the same as those listed in UNF23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for SB–171, naval brass.
9 An ammonia vapor test, in accordance with ASTM B 858M, shall be performed on a representative model for each finished
product design. Tension tests shall be performed to determine tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. Minimum values
shall be those listed in Table 3 of ASTM B 283.
10 Physical testing, including mercurous nitrate test, shall be performed as for material manufactured to ASTM B 21.
11 Physical testing shall be performed as for material manufactured to ASTM B 96. Allowable stresses shall be the same as
those listed in UNF23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for SB–96 and shall be limited to a maximum allowable temperature of 212 °F.
12 Physical testing shall be performed as for material manufactured to ASTM B 171, alloy D. Allowable stresses shall be the
same as those listed in UNF23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for SB–171, aluminum bronze D.
13 Physical testing shall be performed as for material manufactured to ASTM B 171, alloy E. Allowable stresses shall be the
same as those listed in UNF23 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for SB–171, aluminum bronze,
alloy E.
14 Tension tests shall be performed to determine tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. Minimum values shall be
those listed in table X–2 of ASTM B 85.
15 Those alloys with a maximum copper content of 0.6 percent or less shall be acceptable under this specification. Cast aluminum shall not be welded or brazed.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–104R, 37 FR 14233, July 18, 1972;
CGD 73–248, 39 FR 30839, Aug. 26, 1974; CGD
73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–140,
54 FR 40612, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–012, 60 FR
48050, Sept. 18, 1995; CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001,
May 23, 1996; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept.
30, 1997; USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30,
1998; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65182, Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 56.60–3

(b) (Reproduces 124.2.C) Carbon
alloy steel having carbon content
more than 0.35 percent shall not
used in welded construction, nor
shaped by oxygen-cutting process
other thermal-cutting process.

[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65183,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.60–5 Steel (High temperature applications).

Ferrous materials.

(a) Ferrous pipe used for salt water
service must be protected against corrosion by hotdip galvanizing or by the
use of extra heavy schedule material.

(a) (Reproduces 124.2.A.) Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above
775 °F (412 °C), the carbide phase of
plain carbon steel, plain nickel-alloy


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steel, carbon-manganese-alloy steel,
manganese-vanadium-alloy steel, and
carbon-silicon steel may convert to
(b) (Reproduces 124.2.B.) Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above
875 °F (468 °C), the carbide phase of
alloy steels, such as carbon-molybdenum, manganese-molybdenum-vanadium, manganese-chromium-vanadium,
and chromium-vanadium, may convert
to graphite.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) The design temperature of a piping system employing one or more of
the materials listed in paragraphs (a),
(b), and (c) of this section shall not exceed the lowest graphitization temperature specified for materials used.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–104R, 37 FR 14233, July 18, 1972;
CGD 73–248, 39 FR 30839, Aug. 26, 1974; CGD
73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; USCG–2003–
16630, 73 FR 65183, Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 56.60–10 Cast iron and malleable
(a) The low ductility of cast iron and
malleable iron should be recognized
and the use of these metals where
shock loading may occur should be
avoided. Cast iron and malleable iron
components shall not be used at temperatures above 450 °F. Cast iron and
malleable iron fittings conforming to
the specifications of 46 CFR 56.60–1,
Table 56.60–1(a) may be used at pressures not exceeding the limits of the
applicable standards shown in that
table at temperatures not exceeding 450
°F. Valves of either of these materials
may be used if they conform to the
standards for class 125 and class 250
flanges and flanged fittings in ASME
B16.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2) and if their service does
not exceed the rating as marked on the
(b) Cast iron and malleable iron shall
not be used for valves or fittings in
lines carrying flammable or combustible fluids 1 which are directly connected to, or in the proximity of,
equipment or other lines having open
1 For definitions of flammable or combustible fluids, see §§ 30.10–15 and 30.10–22 of subchapter D (Tank Vessels) of this chapter.

§ 56.60–15

flame, or any parts operating at temperatures above 500 °F. Cast iron shall
not be used for hull fittings, or in systems conducting lethal products.
(c) Malleable iron and cast iron
valves and fittings, designed and
marked for Class 300 refrigeration service, may be used for such service provided the pressure limitation of 300
pounds per square inch is not exceeded.
Malleable iron flanges of this class
may also be used in sizes 4 inches and
smaller (oval and square design).
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40612, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–
027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996; USCG–2003–
16630, 73 FR 65183, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.60–15

Ductile iron.

(a) Ductile cast iron components
made of material conforming to ASTM
A 395 (incorporated by reference, see 46
CFR 56.01–2) may be used within the
service restrictions and pressure-temperature limitations of UCD–3 of section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(b) Ductile iron castings conforming
to ASTM A 395 (incorporated by reference, see § 56.01–2) may be used in hydraulic systems at pressures in excess
of 7500 kilopascals (1000 pounds per
square inch) gage, provided the following:
(1) The castings receive a ferritizing
anneal when the as-cast thickness does
not exceed one inch;
(2) Large castings for components,
such as hydraulic cylinders, are examined as specified for a casting quality
factor of 90 percent in accordance with
UG–24 of section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; and
(3) The castings are not welded,
brazed, plugged, or otherwise repaired.
(c) After machining, ductile iron
castings must be hydrostatically tested
to twice their maximum allowable
working pressure and must show no
(d) Ductile iron castings exhibiting
less than 12 percent elongation in 50
millimeters (2 inches) when subjected


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§ 56.60–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

to a tensile test must meet the requirements for cast iron in this part.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40612, Oct. 2, 1989,
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May
1996; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept.
2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65183, Oct.

§ 56.60–20


Nonferrous materials.

Nonferrous materials listed in this
subpart may be used in piping systems
under the following conditions (see also
§ 56.10–5(c)):
(a) The low melting points of many
nonferrous metals and alloys, such as
aluminum and aluminum alloys, must
be recognized. These types of heat sensitive materials must not be used to
conduct flammable, combustible, or
dangerous fluids, or for vital systems
unless approved by the Marine Safety
NOTE: For definitions of flammable or combustible fluids, see §§ 30.10–15 and 30.10–22 or
parts 151–154 of this chapter. Dangerous
fluids are those covered by regulations in
part 98 of this chapter.

(b) The possibility of galvanic corrosion due to the relative solution potentials of copper and aluminum and their
alloys should be considered when used
in conjunction with each other or with
steel or with other metals and their alloys when an electrolyte is present.
(c) A suitable thread compound must
be used in making up threaded joints in
aluminum pipe to prevent seizing
which might cause leakage and perhaps
prevent disassembly. Pipe in the annealed temper should not be threaded.
(d) The corrosion resistance of copper
bearing aluminum alloys in a marine
atmosphere is poor and alloys with
copper contents exceeding 0.6 percent
should not be used. Refer to Table
56.60–2(a) of this part for further guidance.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40612, Oct. 2,
1989; CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996]

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§ 56.60–25

Nonmetallic materials.

(a) Plastic pipe installations shall be
in accordance with IMO Resolution
A.753(18) (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2) and the following
supplemental requirements:

(1) Materials used in the fabrication
of plastic pipe shall comply with the
appropriate standards listed in § 56.01–2
of this chapter.
(2) Plastic pipe is not permitted in a
concealed space in an accommodation
or service area, such as behind ceilings
or linings or between double bulkheads,
(i) Each trunk or duct containing
such piping is completely surrounded
by ‘‘A’’ class divisions; or
(ii) An approved smoke-detection
system is fitted in the concealed space
and each penetration of a bulkhead or
deck and each installation of a draft
stop is made in accordance with IMO
resolution A.753(18) to maintain the integrity of fire divisions.
(3) Plastic pipe used outboard of the
required metallic shell valve in any
piping system penetrating the vessel’s
shell (see § 56.50–95(f)) shall have the
same fire endurance as the metallic
shell valve. Where the shell valve and
the plastic pipe are in the same unmanned space, the valve shall be operable from above the freeboard deck.
(4) Pipe that is to be used for potable
water shall bear the seal of approval or
NSF mark of the National Sanitation
Foundation Testing Laboratory, Incorporated, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
(b) Nonmetallic flexible hose. (1) Nonmetallic flexible hose must be in accordance with SAE J1942 (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) and
may be installed only in vital and
nonvital fresh and salt water systems,
nonvital pneumatic systems, lube oil
and fuel systems, and fluid power systems.
(2) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be
used in vital fresh and salt water systems at a maximum service pressure of
1,034 kPa (150 psi). Nonmetallic flexible
hose may be used in lengths not exceeding 76 cm (30 inches) where flexibility is required, subject to the limits
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this
section. Nonmetallic flexible hose may
be used for plastic pipe in duplicate installations in accordance with this
paragraph (b).
(3) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be
used for plastic pipe in non-vital fresh
and salt water systems and non-vital


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pneumatic systems, subject to the limits of paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of
this section. Unreinforced hoses are
limited to a maximum service pressure
of 345 kPa (50 psi); reinforced hoses are
limited to a maximum service pressure
of 1,034 kPa (150 psi).
(4) Nonmetallic flexible hose may be
used in lube oil, fuel oil and fluid power
systems only where flexibility is required and in lengths not exceeding 30
(5) Nonmetallic flexible hose must be
complete with factory-assembled end
fittings requiring no further adjustment of the fittings on the hose, except
that field attachable type fittings may
be used. Hose end fittings must comply
with SAE J1475 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2). Field attachable fittings must be installed following
recommended practice. If special equipment is required, such as crimping machines, it must be of the type and design specified by the manufacturer. A
hydrostatic test of each hose assembly
must be conducted in accordance with
§ 56.97–5 of this part.
(6) The fire-test procedures of ISO
15540 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2) are an acceptable alternative to those procedures of SAE
J1942. All other tests of SAE J1942 are
still required.
(c) Plastic valves, fittings, and
flanges may be used in systems employing plastic pipe. Such valves, fittings, and flanges shall be designed,
fabricated, tested, and installed so as
to satisfy the intent of the requirements for plastic pipe contained in this
(d) If it is desired to use nonmetallic
materials other than those specified in
this section, a request furnishing the
chemical and physical properties of the

§ 56.70–5

material shall be submitted to the
Commandant for consideration.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–104R, 37 FR 14234, July 18, 1972;
CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–
140, 54 FR 40613, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 88–032, 56
FR 35822, July 29, 1991; CGD 83–043, 60 FR
24775, May 10, 1995; CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50462,
Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept.
27, 1996; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51201, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278, Sept. 30,
2002; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65183, Oct. 31,

Subpart 56.65—Fabrication,
Assembly and Erection
§ 56.65–1 General
through 135).
The requirements for fabrication, assembly and erection in subparts 56.70
through 56.90 shall apply in lieu of 127
through 135.4 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2). Those paragraphs reproduced are so
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.70–1 General.
(a) The following generally applies to
all types of welding, such as stud welding, casting repair welding and all
processes of fabrication welding. Where
the detailed requirements are not appropriate to a particular process, alternatives must be approved by the Marine Safety Center.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40614, Oct. 2, 1989]

§ 56.70–3 Limitations.
Backing rings. Backing strips used at
longitudinal welded joints must be removed.
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975]

§ 56.70–5 Material.
(a) Filler metal. All filler metal, including consumable insert material,
must comply with the requirements of
section IX of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) and 46
CFR 57.02–5.
(b) Backing rings. When metallic
backing rings are used they shall be
made from material of weldable quality compatible with the base metal,


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§ 56.70–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

whether subsequently removed or not.
When nonmetallic backing rings are
used they shall be of material which
does not deleteriously affect either
base or weld metal, and shall be removed after welding is completed.
consumable insert type, removable ceramic type, of solid or split band type.
A ferrous backing ring which becomes
a permanent part of the weld shall not
exceed 0.05 percent sulphur. If two
abutting surfaces are to be welded to a
third member used as a backing ring
and one or two of the three members
are ferritic and the other member or
members are austenitic, the satisfactory use of such materials shall be determined by procedure qualifications.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2,
1975; USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278, Sept. 30,
2002; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184, Oct. 31,

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.70–10

Preparation (modifies 127.3).

(a) Butt welds (reproduces 127.3)(1)—
End preparation. (i) Oxygen or arc cutting is acceptable only if the cut is reasonably smooth and true, and all slag
is cleaned from the flame cut surfaces.
Discoloration which may remain on
the flame cut surface is not considered
to be detrimental oxidation.
(ii) Butt-welding end preparation dimensions contained in ASME B16.25
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) or any other end preparation
that meets the procedure qualification
requirements are acceptable.
(iii) If piping component ends are
bored, such boring shall not result in
the finished wall thickness after welding being less than the minimum design thickness. Where necessary, weld
metal of the appropriate analysis may
be deposited on the inside or outside of
the piping component to provide sufficient material for machining to insure
satisfactory fitting of rings.
(iv) If the piping component ends are
upset they may be bored to allow for a
completely recessed backing ring, provided the remaining net thickness of
the finished ends is not less than the
minimum design thickness.
(2) Cleaning. Surfaces for welding
shall be clean and shall be free from

paint, oil, rust, scale, or other material
which is detrimental to welding.
(3) Alignment. The inside diameters of
piping components to be joined must be
aligned as accurately as practicable
within existing commercial tolerances
on diameters, wall thicknesses, and out
of roundness. Alignment must be preserved during welding. Where ends are
to be joined and the internal misalignment exceeds 1⁄16-inch, it is preferred
that the component with the wall extending
trimmed (see Fig. 127.3) so that adjoining internal surfaces are approximately
flush. However, this trimming must
not reduce a piping component wall
thickness below the minimum design
thickness and the change in the contour may not exceed 30°.
(4) Spacing. The root opening of the
joint shall be as given in the procedure
(b) Fillet welds (modifies 127.4.4). In
making fillet welds, the weld metal
must be deposited in such a way as to
obtain adequate penetration into the
base metal at the root of the weld. Piping components that are to be joined
utilizing fillet welds must be prepared
in accordance with applicable provisions and requirements of this section.
For typical details, see Figures 127.4.4A
and 127.4.4C of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2) and 46 CFR 56.30–10(b). See 46 CFR
56.30–5(d) for additional requirements.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40614, Oct. 2, 1989; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65184, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.70–15 Procedure.
(a) General. (1) Qualification of the
welding procedures to be used, and of
the performance of welders and operators, is required, and shall comply with
the requirements of part 57 of this subchapter.
(2) No welding shall be done if there
is direct impingement of rain, snow,
sleet, or high wind on the piping component weldment.
(3) Sections of pipe shall be welded
insofar as possible in the fabricating
shop. Prior to welding Class I piping or
low temperature piping, the fabricator
shall request a marine inspector to


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
visit his plant to examine his fabricating equipment and to witness the
qualification tests required by part 57
of this subchapter. One test specimen
shall be prepared for each process and
welding position to be employed in the
(1) Girth butt welds must be complete penetration welds and may be
made with a single vee, double vee, or
other suitable type of groove, with or
without backing rings or consumable
(2) Girth butt welds in Class I, I-L,
and II-L piping systems shall be double
welded butt joints or equivalent single
welded butt joints for pipe diameters
exceeding three-fourth inch nominal
pipe size. The use of a single welded
butt joint employing a backing ring
(b)(3)(iv) of this section) on the inside
of the pipe is an acceptable equivalent
for Class I and Class II-L applications,
but not permitted for Class I-L applications. Single welded butt joints employing either an inert gas for first
pass backup or a consumable insert
ring may be considered the equivalent
of a double welded butt joint for all
classes of piping and is preferable for
Class I-L and II-L systems where double butt welds cannot be used. Appropriate welding procedure qualification
tests shall be conducted as specified in
part 57 of this subchapter. A first pass
inert gas backup is intended to mean
that the inside of the pipe is purged
with inert gas and that the root is
welded with the inert gas metal arc
(mig) or inert gas tungsten arc (tig)
processes. Classes I, I-L, and II-L piping are required to have the inside of
the pipe machined for good fit up if the
misalignment exceeds that specified in
§ 56.70–10(a)(3). In the case of Class II
piping the machining of the inside of
the pipe may be omitted. For single
welded joints, where possible, the inside of the joint shall be examined visually to assure full penetration. Radiographic examination of at least 20 percent of single welded joints to check
for penetration is required for all Class
I and Class I-L systems regardless of
size following the requirements of
§ 56.95–10. Ultrasonic testing may be
utilized in lieu of radiographic examination if the procedures are approved.

§ 56.70–15

(3) For Class II piping, the type of
joints shall be similar to Class I piping,
with the following exceptions:
(i) Single-welded butt joints may be
employed without the use of backing
rings in all sizes provided that the weld
is chipped or ground flush on the root
side of the weld.
(ii) For services such as vents, overflows, and gravity drains, the backing
ring may be eliminated and the root of
the weld need not be ground.
(iii) Square-groove welds without
edge preparation may be employed for
butt joints in vents, overflows, and
gravity drains where the pipe wall
thickness does not exceed three-sixteenth inch.
(iv) The crimped or forged backing
ring with continuous projection around
the outside of the ring is acceptable
only for Class II piping. The projection
must be completely fused.
(4) Tack welds which become part of
the finished weld, shall be made by a
qualified welder. Tack welds made by
an unqualified welder shall be removed.
Tack welds which are not removed
shall be made with an electrode which
is the same as or equivalent to the
electrode to be used for the first pass.
Their stopping and starting ends must
be properly prepared by grinding or
other suitable means so that they may
be satisfactorily incorporated into the
final weld. Tack welds which have
cracked shall be removed.
(5) When components of different outside diameters are welded together, the
weld joint must be filled to the outside
surface of the component having the
larger diameter. There must be a gradual transition, not exceeding a slope of
1:3, in the weld between the two surfaces. To avoid unnecessary weld deposit, the outside surface of the component having the larger diameter must
be tapered at an angle not to exceed 30
degrees with the axis of the pipe. (See
Fig. 127.4.2 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
(6) As-welded surfaces are permitted;
however, the surface of the welds must
be sufficiently free from coarse ripple,
grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges and
valleys to meet the following:
(i) The surface condition of the finished welds must be suitable for the


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§ 56.70–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

proper interpretation of radiographic
and other nondestructive examinations
when nondestructive examinations are
required by § 56.95–10. In those cases
where there is a question regarding the
surface condition on the interpretation
of a radiographic film, the film must be
compared to the actual weld surface for
interpretation and determination of acceptability.
(ii) Reinforcements are permitted in
accordance with Table 56.70–15.
(iii) Undercuts must not exceed 1⁄32inch and must not encroach on the
minimum required section thickness.
(iv) If the surface of the weld requires
grinding to meet the above criteria,
care must be taken to avoid reducing
the weld or base material below the
minimum required thickness.
(7) The type and extent of examination required for girth butt welds is
specified in § 56.95–10.
(8) Sections of welds that are shown
by radiography or other examination
to have any of the following type of imperfections shall be judged unacceptable and shall be repaired as provided
in paragraph (f) of this section:
(i) Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration.
(ii) Any slag inclusion or porosity
greater in extent than those specified
as acceptable set forth in PW–51 of section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(iii) Undercuts in the external surfaces of butt welds which are more
than 1⁄32-inch deep.
(iv) Concavity on the root side of full
penetration girth butt welds where the
resulting weld thickness is less than
the minimum pipe wall thickness required by this subchapter. Weld reinforcement up to a maximum of 1⁄32-inch
thickness may be considered as pipe
wall thickness in such cases.
(c) Longitudinal butt welds. Longitudinal butt welds in piping components
not made in accordance with the standards and specifications listed in 56.60–1
(a) and (b) must meet the requirements
of paragraph 104.7 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) and may be examined nondestructively by an acceptable method.
Imperfections shall not exceed the limits established for girth butt welds ex-

cept that no undercutting shall be permitted in longitudinal butt welds. See
also § 56.60–2(b).
(d) Fillet welds. (1) Fillet welds may
vary from convex to concave. The size
of a fillet weld is determined as shown
in Figure 127.4.4A in ASME B31.1. Fillet
weld details for socket-welding components must meet § 56.30–5(c) of this
part. Fillet weld details for flanges
must meet § 56.30–10(c) of this part. Fillet weld details for flanges must meet
§ 56.30–10 of this part.
(2) The limitations on cracks and undercutting set forth in paragraph (b)(8)
of this section for girth welds are also
applicable to fillet welds.
(3) Class I piping not exceeding 3
inches nominal pipe size and not subject to full radiography by § 56.95–10 of
this part may be joined by sleeves
fitted over pipe ends or by socket type
joints. Where full radiography is required, only butt type joints may be
used. The inside diameter of the sleeve
must not exceed the outside diameter
of the pipe or tube by more than 0.080
inch. Fit between socket and pipe must
conform to applicable standards for
socket weld fittings. Depth of insertion
of pipe or tube within the socket or
sleeve must not be less than threeeighths inch. The fillet weld must be
deposited in a minimum of two passes,
unless specifically approved otherwise
in a special procedure qualification.
Requirements for joints employing
socket weld and slip-on flanges are in
§ 56.30–10 of this part.
(4) Sleeve and socket type joints may
be used in Class II piping systems without restriction as to size of pipe or tubing joined. Applicable standards must
be followed on fit. The fillet welds
must be deposited in a minimum of two
passes, unless specifically approved
otherwise in a special procedure qualification. Requirements for joints employing socket weld and slip-on flanges
are in § 56.30–10 of this part.
(e) Seal welds (reproduces 127.4.5). (1)
Where seal welding of threaded joints
is performed, threads shall be entirely
covered by the seal weld. Seal welding
shall be done by qualified welders.
(2) The limitation on cracks and undercutting set forth in § 56.70–15(b)(8)
for girth welds are also applicable to
seal welds.


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(f) Weld defect repairs. (1) All defects
in welds requiring repair must be removed by a flame or arc-gouging,
grinding, chipping, or machining. Repair welds must be made in accordance
with the same procedures used for
original welds, or by another welding
process if it is a part of a qualified procedure, recognizing that the cavity to
be repaired may differ in contour and
dimensions from the original joint. The
types, extent, and method of examination and limits of imperfections of repair welds shall be the same as for the
original weld.
(2) Preheating may be required for
flame-gouging or arc-gouging certain
alloy materials of the air hardening
type in order to prevent surface checking or cracking adjacent to the flame
or arc-gouged surface.
(g) Welded branch connections. (1) Figure 127.4.8A, Figure 127.4.8B, and Figure
127.4.8C of ASME B31.1 show typical de-

§ 56.70–15

tails of branch connections with and
without added reinforcement. However,
no attempt has been made to show all
acceptable types of construction and
the fact that a certain type of construction is illustrated does not indicate that it is recommended over other
types not illustrated. See also Figure
56.70–15(g) for additional pipe connections.
(2) Figure 127.4.8D of ASME B31.1
shows basic types of weld attachments
used in the fabrication of branch connections. The location and minimum
size of these attachment welds shall
conform to the requirements of this
paragraph. Weld sizes shall be calculated in accordance with 104.3.1 of
ASME B31.1, but shall not be less than
the sizes shown in Figure 127.4.8D and
F of ASME B31.1.
(3) The notations and symbols used in
this paragraph and in Figure 127.4.8D
and F of ASME B31.1 are as follows:


(4) Branch connections (including
specially made, integrally reinforced
branch connection fittings) that abut
the outside surface of the run wall, or

that are inserted through an opening
cut in the run wall, shall have opening
and branch contour to provide a good
fit and shall be attached by means of
full penetration groove welds except as
otherwise permitted in paragraph (g)(7)
of this section. The full penetration
groove welds shall be finished with
cover fillet welds having a minimum
throat dimension not less than 2tc. The
limitation as to imperfection of these
groove welds shall be as set forth in


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tn=nominal thickness of branch wall less corrosion allowance, inches.
tc=the smaller of 1⁄4 inch or 0.7tn.
te=nominal thickness of reinforcing element
(ring or saddle), inches (te=0 if there is no
added reinforcement).
tmin=the smaller of tn or te.
tw=dimension of partial penetration weld,

§ 56.70–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

127.4.2(C) of ASME B31.1 for girth
(5) In branch connections having reinforcement pads or saddles, the reinforcement shall be attached by welds
at the outer edge and at the branch periphery as follows:
(i) If the weld joining the added reinforcement to the branch is a full penetration groove weld, it shall be finished
with a cover fillet weld having a minimum throat dimension not less than tc
the weld at the outer edge, joining the
added reinforcement to the run, shall
be a fillet weld with a minimum throat
dimension of 0.5 te.
(ii) If the weld joining the added reinforcement to the branch is a fillet
weld, the throat dimension shall not be
less than 0.7 tmin. The weld at the outer
edge joining the outer reinforcement to
the run shall also be a fillet weld with
a minimum throat dimension of 0.5 te.
(6) When rings or saddles are used, a
vent hole shall be provided (at the side

and not at the crotch) in the ring or
saddle to reveal leakage in the weld between branch and main run and to provide venting during welding and heat
treating operations. Rings or saddles
may be made in more than one piece if
the joints between the pieces have
strength equivalent to ring or saddle
parent metal and if each piece is provided with a vent hole. A good fit shall
be provided between reinforcing rings
or saddles and the parts to which they
are attached.
(7) Branch connections 2 in. NPS and
smaller that do not require reinforcement may be constructed as shown in
Fig. 127.4.8F of ASME B31.1. This construction is limited to use in Class I
and II piping systems at a maximum
design temperature of 750 °F. or a maximum pressure of 1025 psi.
(h) Heat treatment. Heat treatment for
welds shall be in accordance with subpart 56.85.

Maximum thickness (in inches) of reinforcement for design temperature
Thickness (in inches) of base metal

Below 0 °F
or above
750 °F

Up to 1⁄8, inclusive .........................................................................................................
Over 1⁄8 to 3⁄16, inclusive ...............................................................................................
Over 3⁄16 to 1⁄2, inclusive ...............................................................................................
Over 1⁄2 to 1, inclusive ..................................................................................................
Over 1 to 2, inclusive ....................................................................................................
Over 2 ............................................................................................................................

350° to 750



1 16

3 32

1 16

5 32

1 16



3 16

0 °F and
above but
less than
350 °F
3 16
3 16
3 16

1 The

greater of 1⁄4 in. or 1⁄8 times the width of the weld in inches.
NOTES: 1. For double welded butt joints, this limitation on reinforcement given above applies separately to both inside and outside surfaces of the joint.
2. For single welded butt joints, the reinforcement limits given above apply to the outside surface of the joint only.
3. The thickness of weld reinforcement is based on the thickness of the thinner of the materials being joined.
4. The weld reinforcement thicknesses must be determined for the higher of the abutting surfaces involved.
5. For boiler external piping use the column titled ‘‘Below 0 °F. or above 750 °F.’’ for weld reinforcement thicknesses.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9978, June 17, 1970;
CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40165, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40614, Oct. 2, 1989; 55 FR 39969, Oct.
1, 1990; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184, Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.70–20

Qualification, general.

(a) Qualification of the welding procedures to be used, and of the performance of welders and welding operators,
is required, and shall comply with the
requirements of section IX of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) except as modified by part 57 of
this subchapter.

(b) Each butt-welded joint of Class I
of Class I-L piping shall be marked
with the welder’s identification symbol. Dies shall not be used to mark the
pipe where the pressure exceeds 600


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pounds per square inch or the temperature exceeds 750 °F. or in Class I-L systems.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 56.75—Brazing
§ 56.75–5

Filler metal.

(a) The filler metal used in brazing
must be a nonferrous metal or alloy
having a melting point above 1,000 °F.
and below that of the metal being
joined. The filler metal must meet and
flow freely within the desired temperature range and, in conjunction with a
suitable flux or controlled atmosphere,
must wet and adhere to the surfaces to
be joined. Prior to using a particular
brazing material in a piping system,
the requirements of § 56.60–20 of this
part should be considered.
(b) The brazing material used shall
have a shearing strength of at least
10,000 pounds per square inch. The maximum allowable working pressure for
brazing piping shall be determined by
this part.
(c) Fluxes that are fluid and chemically active at the brazing temperature
must be used when necessary to prevent oxidation of the filler metal and
of the surfaces to be joined and to promote free flowing of the filler metal.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40615, Oct. 2,
1989; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184, Oct. 31,

§ 56.75–10

Joint clearance.

(a) The clearance between surfaces to
be joined shall be no larger than is necessary to insure complete capillary distribution of the filler metal; between
0.002–inch minimum and 0.006-inch
(b) [Reserved]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.75–15


(a) The joint shall be brought to brazing temperature in as short a time as
possible to minimize oxidation.

§ 56.75–30
(b) [Reserved]

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.75–20

Brazing qualification.

(a) The qualification of the performance of brazers and brazing operators
shall be in accordance with the requirements of part C, section IX of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
56.01–2) and part 57 of this subchapter.
(b) Manufacturers shall perform
those tests required by paragraph (a) of
this section prior to performing production brazing.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.75–25

Detail requirements.

(a) Pipe may be fabricated by brazing
when the temperature to which such
connections may be subjected does not
exceed 425 °F. (For exception refer to
§ 56.30–30(b)(1).)
(b) The surfaces to be brazed must be
clean and free from grease, oxides,
paint, scale, and dirt of any kind. Any
suitable chemical or mechanical cleaning method may be used to provide a
clean, wettable surface for brazing.
(c) After the parts to be joined have
been thoroughly cleaned the edges to
be brazed shall be given an even coating of flux prior to heating the joint as
a protection against oxidation.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65184,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.75–30

Pipe joining details.

(a) Silver brazing. (1) Circumferential
pipe joints may be either of the socket
or butt type. When butt joints are employed the edges to be joined shall be
cut or machined square and the edges
shall be held closely together to insure
a satisfactory joint.
(b) Copper-alloy brazing. (1) Copperalloy brazing may be employed to join
pipe, valves, and fittings. Circumferential joints may be either of the butt or
socket type. Where butt joints are employed, the included angle shall be not
less than 90° where the wall thickness


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§ 56.80–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

is three-sixteenths of an inch or greater. The annular clearance of socket
joints shall be held to small clearances
which experience indicates is satisfactory for the brazing alloy to be employed, method of heating, and material to be joined. The annular clearance
shall be shown on drawings submitted
for approval of socket joints.
(2) Copper pipe fabricated with longitudinal joints for pressures not exceeding that permitted by the regulations
in this subchapter may have butt,
lapped, or scarfed joints. If of the latter
type, the kerf of the material shall be
not less than 60°.
(c) Brazing, general. (1) Heat shall be
applied evenly and uniformly to all
parts of the joint in order to prevent
local overheating.
(2) The members to be joined shall be
held firmly in place until the brazing
alloy has set so as to prevent any
strain on the joint until the brazing
alloy has thoroughly solidified. The
brazing shall be done by placing the
flux and brazing material on one side of
the joint and applying heat until the
through the lap and shows uniformly
along the seam on the other side of the
joint. Sufficient flux shall be used to
cause the brazing material to appear
promptly after reaching the brazing

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 56.80—Bending and
§ 56.80–5 Bending.
Pipe may be bent by any hot or cold
method and to any radius which will
result in a bend surface free of cracks,
as determined by a method of inspection specified in the design, and substantially free of buckles. Such bends
shall meet the design requirements of
102.4.5 and 104.2.1 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2). This shall not prohibit the use of
bends designed as creased or corrugated. If doubt exists as to the wall
thickness being adequate, Class I piping having diameters exceeding 4
inches shall be nondestructively examined by the use of ultrasonics or other
acceptable method. Alternatively, the
pipe may be drilled, gaged, and fitted
with a screwed plug extending outside

the pipe covering. The nondestructive
method shall be employed where the
design temperature exceeds 750 °F.
Prior to the use of nondestructive
method of examination by the above
procedure, it shall be demonstrated by
the user, in the presence of a marine
inspector on specimens similar to those
to be examined, that consistent results, having an accuracy of plus or
minus 3 percent, can be obtained.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31,

§ 56.80–10 Forming (reproduces 129.2).
(a) Piping components may be
formed (swaging, lapping, or upsetting
of pipe ends, extrusion of necks, etc.)
by any suitable hot or cold working
method, providing such processes result in formed surfaces which are uniform and free of cracks or other defects, as determined by methods of inspection specified in the design.
§ 56.80–15 Heat treatment of bends and
formed components.
(a) Carbon-steel piping that has been
heated to at least 1,650 °F (898 °C) for
bending or other forming requires no
subsequent heat treatment.
(b) Ferritic alloy steel piping which
has been heated for bending or other
forming operations shall receive a
stress relieving treatment, a full anneal, or a normalize and temper treatment, as specified by the design specification before welding.
(c) Cold bending and forming of carbon steel having a wall thickness of
three-fourths of an inch and heavier,
and all ferritic-alloy pipe in nominal
pipe sizes of 4 inches and larger, or onehalf-inch wall thickness or heavier,
will require a stress-relieving treatment.
(d) Cold bending of carbon-steel and
ferritic-alloy steel pipe in sizes and
wall thicknesses less than specified in
129.3.3 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2) may be
used without a postheat treatment.
(e) For other materials the heat
treatment of bends and formed components must be such as to ensure pipe
properties that are consistent with the
original pipe specification.


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(f) All scale shall be removed from
heat treated pipe prior to installation.
(g) Austenitic stainless-steel pipe
that has been heated for bending or
other forming may be used in the ‘‘asbent’’ condition unless the design specification requires post-bending heat
[CGFR 68–62, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40166, Sept. 2, 1975;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 56.85—Heat Treatment of
§ 56.85–5 Heating and cooling method.
Heat treatment may be accomplished
by a suitable heating method that will
provide the desired heating and cooling
rates, the required metal temperature,
metal temperature uniformity, and
temperature control.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.85–10

§ 56.85–10


(a) The minimum preheat temperatures listed in Table 56.85–10 for P-number materials groupings are mandatory
minimum pre-heat temperatures. Preheat is required for Class I, I-L, I-N, IIN and II-L piping when the ambient
temperature is below 50 °F.
(b) During the welding of dissimilar
materials, the minimum preheat temperature may not be lower than either
the highest temperature listed in Table
56.85–10 for any of the materials to be
welded or the temperature established
in the qualified welding procedure.
(c) The preheat temperature shall be
checked by use of temperature-indicating
pyrometers, or other suitable methods
to ensure that the required preheat
temperature is obtained before, and
uniformly maintained during the welding.

Preheat required

Post heat treatment requirement (1)(2)
Time cycle


Minimum wall
(3)(4) (inch)

Minimum temperature

Minimum wall
and other


P–1(16) ............

All ...................

Over 3⁄4 in .......

P–1(16) ............

All ...................

P–3(15) ............

All walls ..........

50 (for .30 C.
maximum or
less) (13).
175 (for over
.30 C.) (13)
and wall
over 1 in.
175 .................

P–4(15) ............

Up to 3⁄4 in inclusive.

300 .................

Over 3⁄4 in ......

400 .................

Up to 3⁄4 in inclusive.

300 .................

Over 3⁄4 in ......

400 .................

Up to ⁄ inclusive.
Over 3⁄4 in ......

300 .................

Over 1⁄2 in or
over 4 in
nom. size or.
Over .15 C.
Over 1⁄2 in or
over 4 in.
nom. size or.
Over 0.15 C.
All walls ..........

P–6 ..................

All walls ..........

300 (14). ........

Over 0.15 C.
All walls ..........

P–8 .................. .............

None required .............

P–5(15) (less
than 5 cr.).

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P–5(15) (5 cr.
and higher).


400 .................

Hour per
inch of wall

time within

1,100 to 1,200 (minimum)


1 ............. ....................................



Over 1⁄2 in .......

1,200 to 1,350 (minimum)
1,330 to 1,400 (minimum)

For P–7, P–9A, P–9B, P–10C and other materials not listed the Preheat and Postheat





1,300 to 1,425 (minimum)


1 ....................................



1,400 to 1,500 (minimum)
None required.



Treatment is to be in accordance with the
qualified procedure.


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.85–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Notes Applicable to Table 56.85–10:
(1) Not applicable to dissimilar metal
(2) When postheat treatment by annealing
or normalizing is used, the postheat treatment temperatures must be in accordance
with the qualified welding procedure.
(3) Wall thickness of a butt weld is defined
as the thicker of the two abutting ends after
end preparation including I.D. machining.
(4) The thickness of socket, fillet, and seal
welds is defined as the throat thicknesses for
pressure and nonpressure retaining welds.
(5) Preheat temperatures must be checked
by use of temperature indicating crayons,
thermocouple pyrometers, or other suitable
(6) For inert gas tungsten arc root pass
welding lower preheat in accordance with
the qualified procedure may be used.
(7) The maximum postheat treatment temperature listed for each P number is a recommended maximum temperature.
(8) Postheat treatment temperatures must
be checked by use of thermocouple
pyrometers or other suitable means.
(9) Heating rate for furnace, gas, electric
resistance, and other surface heating methods must not exceed: (i) 600 °F per hour for
thicknesses 2 inches and under.
(ii) 600 °F per hour divided by 1⁄2 the thickness in inches for thickness over 2 inches.
(10) Heating route for induction heating
must not exceed:
(i) 600 °F per hour for thickness less than
11⁄2 inches (60 and 400 cycles).
(ii) 500 °F per hour when using 60 cycles
and 400 °F per hour when using 400 cycles for
thicknesses 11⁄2 inches and over.
(11) When local heating is used, the weld
must be allowed to cool slowly from the
postheat treatment temperature. A suggested method of retarding cooling is to
wrap the weld with asbestos and allow to
cool in still air. When furnace cooling is
used, the pipe sections must be cooled in the
furnace to 1000 °F and may then be cooled
further in still air.
(12) Local postheat treatment of butt welded joints must be performed on a circumferential band of the pipe. The minimum
width of this band, centered on the weld,
must be the width of the weld plus 2 inches.
Local postheat treatment of welded branch
connections must be performed by heating a
circumferential band of the pipe to which the
branch is welded. The width of the heated
band must extend at least 1 inch beyond the
weld joining the branch.
(13) 0.30 C. max applies to specified ladle
(14) 600 °F maximum interpass temperature.
(15) Welding on P–3, P–4, and P–5 with 3 Cr
max. may be interrupted only if—

(i) At least 3⁄8 inch thickness of weld is deposited or 25 percent of welding groove is
filled, whichever is greater;
(ii) The weld is allowed to cool slowly to
room temperature; and
(iii) The required preheat is resumed before
welding is continued.
(16) When attaching welding carbon steel
non-pressure parts to steel pressure parts
and the throat thickness of the fillet or partial or full penetration weld is 1⁄2 in. or less,
postheat treatment of the fillet weld is not
required for Class I and II piping if preheat
to a minimum temperature of 175 °F is applied when the thickness of the pressure part
exceeds 3⁄4 in.
(17) For Class I-L and II-L piping systems,
relief from postweld heat treatment may not
be dependent upon wall thickness. See also
§§ 56.50–105(a)(3) and 56.50–105(b)(3) of this
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–104R, 37 FR 14234, July 18, 1972;
CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June 29, 1973; CGD
73–254, 40 FR 40166, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 77–140,
54 FR 40615, Oct. 2, 1989; USCG–2003–16630, 73
FR 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.85–15 Postheat treatment.
(a) Where pressure retaining components having different thicknesses are
welded together as is often the case
when making branch connections, the
preheat and postheat treatment requirements of Table 56.85–10 apply to
the thicker of the components being
joined. Postweld heat treatment is required for Classes I, I-L, II-L, and systems. It is not required for Class II piping. Refer to § 56.50–105(a)(3) for exceptions in Classes I-L and II-L systems
and to paragraph (b) of this section for
Class I systems.
(b) All buttwelded joints in Class I
piping shall be postweld heated as required by Table 56.85–10. The following
exceptions are permitted:
(1) High pressure salt water piping
systems used in tank cleaning operations; and,
(2) Gas supply piping of carbon or
carbon molybdenum steel used in gas
(c) All complicated connections including manifolds shall be stress-relieved in a furnace as a whole as required by Table 56.85–10 before being
taken aboard ship for installation.
(d) The postheating treatment selected for parts of an assembly must
not adversely affect other components.


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Heating a fabricated assembly as a
complete unit is usually desirable;
however, the size or shape of the unit
or the adverse effect of a desired treatment on one or more components
where dissimilar materials are involved may dictate alternative procedures. For example, it may be heated
as a section of the assembly before the
attachment of others or local circumferential-band heating of welded joints
in accordance with 46 CFR 56.85–10,
Table 56.85–10 Note (12) and 46 CFR
(e) Postheating treatment of welded
joints between dissimilar metals having different postheating requirements
must be established in the qualified
welding procedure.
(f)–(h) [Reserved]
(i) For those materials listed under
P–1, when the wall thickness of the
thicker of the two abutting ends, after
their preparation, is less than threefourths inch, the weld needs no
postheating treatment. In all cases,
where the nominal wall thickness is
three-fourths inch or less, postheating
treatment is not required.
(j) (1)–(2) [Reserved]
(3) In local postheat treatment the
entire band must be brought up to uniform specified temperature over the
complete circumference of the pipe section, with a gradual diminishing of the
temperature outward from the edges of
the band.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June
29, 1973; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40167, Sept. 2, 1975;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]

form bolt stress. Bolt loading and gasket compression need only be verified
by touch and visual observation.
(b) When bolting gasketed flanged
joints, the gasket must be properly
compressed in accordance with the design principles applicable to the type of
gasket used.
(c) Steel to cast iron flanged joints
shall be assembled with care to prevent
damage to the cast iron flange in accordance with § 56.25–10.
(d) All bolts must be engaged so that
there is visible evidence of complete
threading through the nut or threaded
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.90–10 Threaded piping (modifies
(a) Any compound or lubricant used
in threaded joints shall be suitable for
the service conditions and shall not
react unfavorably with either the service fluid or the piping materials.
(b) Threaded joints which are to be
seal welded shall be made up without
any thread compound.
(c) Backing off to permit alignment
of pipe threaded joints shall not be permitted.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 56.95—Inspection
§ 56.95–1

Subpart 56.90—Assembly
§ 56.90–1 General.
(a) The assembly of the various piping components, whether done in a
shop or as field erection, shall be done
so that the completely erected piping
conforms with the requirements of the
regulations in this subchapter and with
the specified requirements of the engineering design.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.95–1

§ 56.90–5 Bolting procedure.
(a) All flanged joints shall be fitted
up so that the gasket contact faces
bear uniformly on the gasket and then
shall be made up with relatively uni-

General (replaces 136).

(a) The provisions in this subpart
shall apply to inspection in lieu of 136
of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(b) Prior to initial operation, a piping
installation shall be inspected to the
extent necessary to assure compliance
with the engineering design, and with
the material, fabrication, assembly and
test requirements of ASME B31.1, as
modified by this subchapter. This inspection is the responsibility of the
owner and may be performed by employees of the owner or of an engineering organization employed by the


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§ 56.95–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

owner, together with the marine inspector.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9979, June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31,

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.95–5 Rights of access of marine inspectors.
Marine inspectors shall have rights
of access to any place where work concerned with the piping is being performed. This includes manufacture,
fabrication, assembly, erection, and
testing of the piping or system components. Marine inspectors shall have access to review all certifications or
records pertaining to the inspection requirements of § 56.95–1, including certified qualifications for welders, welding operators, and welding procedures.
§ 56.95–10 Type and extent of examination required.
(a) General. The types and extent of
nondestructive examinations required
for piping must be in accordance with
this section and Table 136.4 of ASME
B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 56.01–2). In addition, a visual examination shall be made.
(1) 100 percent radiography 1 is required for all Class I, I-L, and II-L piping with wall thickness equal to or
greater than 10 mm (.375 in.).
(2) Nondestructive examination is required for all Class II piping equal to or
greater than 18 inches nominal diameter regardless of wall thickness. Any
test method acceptable to the Officer
in Charge, Marine Inspection may be
(3) Appropriate nondestructive examinations of other piping systems are
required only when deemed necessary
by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. In such cases a method of
testing satisfactory to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection must be selected from those described in this section.
(b) Visual examination. Visual examination consists of observation by the
marine inspector of whatever portions
of a component or weld are exposed to
such observation, either before, during,
or after manufacture, fabrication, assembly or test. All welds, pipe and piping components shall be capable of

complying with the limitations on imperfections specified in the product
specification under which the pipe or
component was purchased, or with the
limitations on imperfections specified
in § 56.70–15(b) (7) and (8), and (c), as applicable.
(c) Nondestructive types of examinations—(1) 100 Percent radiography. Where
100 percent radiography 1 is required for
welds in piping, each weld in the piping
shall be completely radiographed. If a
butt weld is examined by radiography,
for either random or 100 percent radiography, the method used shall be as
(i) X-ray or gamma ray method of radiography may be used. The selection
of the method shall be dependent upon
its adaptability to the work being
radiographed. The procedure to be followed shall be as indicated in PW–51 of
section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–2).
(ii) If a piping component or a weld
other than a butt weld is radiographed,
the method used shall be in accordance
with UW–51 of section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
(2) Random radiography. Where random radiography 1 is required, one or
more welds may be completely or partially radiographed. Random radiography is considered to be a desirable
means of spot checking welder performance, particularly in field welding
where conditions such as position, ambient temperatures, and cleanliness are
not as readily controlled as in shop
welding. It is to be employed whenever
an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
questions a pipe weld not otherwise required to be tested. The standards of
acceptance are the same as for 100 percent radiography.
(3) Ultrasonic. Where 100 percent ultrasonic testing is specified, the entire
surface of the weld being inspected
shall be covered using extreme care
and careful methods to be sure that a
true representation of the actual conditions is obtained. The procedures to be
1 Where for some reason, such as joint configuration, radiography is not applicable, another approved examination may be utilized.


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used shall be submitted to the Commandant for approval.
(4) Liquid penetrant. Where liquid penetrant examination is required, the entire surface of the weld being examined
shall be covered. The examination
shall be performed in accordance with
appendix VIII to section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
The following standards of acceptance
shall be met:
(i) All linear discontinuities and
aligned penetrant indications revealed
by the test shall be removed. Aligned
penetrant indications are those in
which the average of the center-to-center distances between any one indication and the two adjacent indications
in any straight line is less than threesixteenths inch. All other discontinuities revealed on the surface need not
be removed unless the discontinuities
are also revealed by radiography, in
which case the pertinent radiographic
specification shall apply.
(5) Magnetic particle. Where magnetic
particle testing is required, the entire
surface of the weld being examined
shall be covered. The testing shall be
performed in accordance with appendix
VI to section VIII of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code. The following standards of acceptance are required for welds. All linear discontinuities and aligned indications revealed
by the test shall be removed. Aligned
indications are those in which the average of the center-to-center distances
between any one indication and the
two adjacent indications in any
straight line is less than three-sixteenths inch. All other revealed discontinuities need not be removed unless the discontinuities are also revealed by radiography, in which case
the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of
this section shall be met.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June
29, 1973; CGD 78–108, 43 FR 46546, Oct. 10, 1978;
CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40615, Oct. 2, 1989; CGD 95–
028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–2000–
7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–
16630, 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.97–1

Subpart 56.97—Pressure Tests
§ 56.97–1

General (replaces 137).

(a) Scope. The requirements in this
subpart apply to pressure tests of piping in lieu of 137 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01–
2). Those paragraphs reproduced are so
(b) Leak tightness. It is mandatory
that the design, fabrication and erection of piping constructed under the
regulations in this subchapter demonstrate leak tightness. Except where
otherwise permitted in this subpart,
this requirement must be met by a hydrostatic leak test prior to initial operations. Where a hydrostatic test is not
practicable, a pneumatic test (§ 56.97–
35) or initial service leak test (§ 56.97–
38) may be substituted if approved by
the Commandant.
(1) At no time during the hydrostatic
test may any part of the piping system
be subjected to a stress greater than 90
percent of its yield strength (0.2 percent offset) at test temperature.
(2) Pneumatic tests may be used in
lieu of the required hydrostatic test
(except as permitted in paragraph (b)(3)
of this section), only when—
(i) Piping subassemblies or systems
are so designed or supported that they
cannot be safely filled with water; 1 or
(ii) Piping subassemblies or systems
are to be used in services where traces
of the testing medium cannot be tolerated and, whenever possible, the piping
subassemblies or system have been previously hydrostatically tested to the
pressure required in § 56.97–30(e).
(3) A pneumatic test at a pressure
not to exceed 25 psig may be applied before a hydrostatic or a pneumatic test
as a means of locating major leaks.
The preliminary pneumatic test must
be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of § 56.97–35.
NOTE: Compressed gas is
used as a testing medium.
recommended that special
protection of personnel be
gas under pressure is used

hazardous when
It is, therefore,
precautions for
taken whenever
as the test me-

1 These tests may be made with the item
being tested partially filled with water, if desired.


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§ 56.97–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(4) The hydrostatic test of the piping
system, when conducted in accordance
with the requirements of this part, is
acceptable as the test for piping subassemblies and may also be used in lieu
of any such test required by the material specification for material used in
the piping subassembly or system provided the minimum test pressure required for the piping system is met, except where the installation would prevent performing any nondestructive examination required by the material
specification to be performed subsequent to the hydrostatic or pneumatic
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40167, Sept. 2, 1975, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 56.97–5 Pressure testing of nonstandard piping system components.
(a) All nonstandard piping system
components such as welded valves and
fittings, nonstandard fittings, manifolds, seacocks, and other appurtenances must be hydrostatically tested to twice the rated pressure stamped
thereon, except that no component
should be tested at a pressure causing
stresses in excess of 90 percent of its
yield strength.
(b) Items for which an accepted
standard appears in Table 56.60–1(b)
need not be tested as described in paragraph (a) of this section, but need only
meet the test required in the applicable standard.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40615, Oct. 2,

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§ 56.97–25 Preparation for testing (reproduces 137.2).
(a) Exposure of joints. All joints including welds must be left uninsulated
and exposed for examination during the
(b) Addition of temporary supports.
Piping systems designed for vapor or
gas may be provided with additional
temporary supports, if necessary, to
support the weight of the test liquid.
(c) Restraint or isolation of expansion
joints. Expansion joints must be provided with temporary restraint, if required for the additional pressure load

under test, or they must be isolated
from the test.
(d) Isolation of equipment not subjected
to pressure test. Equipment that is not
to be subjected to the pressure test
must be either disconnected from the
piping subassembly or system or isolated by a blank flange or similar
means. Valves may be used if the valve
with its closure is suitable for the proposed test pressure.
(e) Treatment of flanged joints containing blinds. Flanged joints at which
blinds are inserted to blank off other
equipment during the test need not be
(f) Precautions against test medium expansion. If a pressure test is to be
maintained for a period of time and the
test medium in the system is subject to
thermal expansion, precautions must
be taken to avoid excessive pressure. A
small relief valve set to 11⁄3 times the
test pressure is recommended during
the pressure test.
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40167, Sept. 2, 1975]

§ 56.97–30 Hydrostatic tests (modifies
(a) Provision of air vents at high points.
Vents must be provided at all high
points of the piping subassembly or
system in the position in which the
test is to be conducted to purge air
pockets while the component or system
is filling.
(b) Test medium and test temperature.
(1) Water will be used for a hydrostatic
leak test unless another medium is approved by the Commandant.
(2) The temperature of the test medium will be that of the available
source unless otherwise approved by
the Commandant upon review of the
metallurgical aspects of the piping materials with respect to its brittle fracture properties.
(c) Check of test equipment before applying pressure. The test equipment
must be examined before pressure is
applied to ensure that it is tight and
that all low-pressure filling lines and
other items that should not be subjected to the test pressure have been
disconnected or isolated by valves or
other suitable means.
(d) Examination for leakage after application of pressure. Following the application of the hydrostatic test pressure


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
for a minimum of 10 minutes (see
§ 56.97–30(g)), examination for leakage
must be made of all joints, connections
and of all regions of high stress, such
as regions around openings and thickness-transition sections.
(e) Minimum required hydrostatic test
pressure. Except as otherwise permitted
in § 56.97–30(f) or § 56.97–40, piping systems must be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure that at every point
in the system is not less than 1.5 times
the maximum allowable working pressure.
(f) Maximum permissible hydrostatic
test pressure. (1) When a system is tested hydrostatically, the test pressure
must not exceed the maximum test
pressure of any component such as vessels, pumps, or valves in the system.
(2) At no time during the hydrostatic
test may any part of the piping system
be subjected to a stress greater than 90
percent of its yield strength (0.2 percent offset) at test temperature.
(g) Hydrostatic test pressure holding
time. The hydrostatic test pressure
must be maintained for a minimum
total time of 10 minutes and for such
additional time as may be necessary to
conduct the examination for leakage
required by § 56.97–30(d).
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40167, Sept. 2, 1975, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185,
Oct. 31, 2008]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 56.97–35 Pneumatic



(a) General Requirements. When a
pneumatic test is performed, it must be
conducted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(b) Test medium and test temperature.
(1) The gas used as the test medium
must not be flammable.
(2) The temperature of the test medium will be that of the available
source unless otherwise approved by
the Commandant upon review of the
metallurgical aspects of the piping materials with respect to its brittle fracture properties.
(c) Check of test equipment before applying pressure. The test equipment
must be examined before pressure is
applied to ensure that it is tight and
that all items that should not be subjected to the test pressure have been

§ 56.97–38

disconnected or isolated by valves or
other suitable means.
(d) Procedure for applying pressure.
The pressure in the system must
gradually be increased to not more
than one-half of the test pressure, after
which the pressure is increased in steps
of approximately one-tenth of the test
pressure until the required test pressure has been reached.
(e) Examination for leakage after application of pressure. Following the application of pressure for the time specified in § 56.97–35(h), examination for
leakage in accordance with 56.97–30(d)
must be conducted.
(f) Minimum required pneumatic test
pressure. Except as provided in § 56.97–
35(g) or § 56.97–40, the pneumatic test
pressure may not be less than 1.20 nor
more than 1.25 times the maximum allowable working pressure of the piping
subassembly system.
(g) Maximum permissible pneumatic test
pressure. When a system is tested pneumatically, the test pressure may not
exceed the maximum test pressure of
any component such as vessels, pumps
or valves in the system.
(h) Pneumatic test pressure holding
time. The pneumatic test pressure must
be maintained for a minimum total
time of 10 minutes and for such additional time as may be necessary to
conduct the examination for leakage
required in § 56.97–30(d).
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975]

§ 56.97–38 Initial service leak test (reproduces 137.7).
(a) An initial service leak test and inspection is acceptable when other types
of test are not practical or when leak
tightness is conveniently demonstrable
due to the nature of the service. One
example is turbine extraction piping
where shut-off valves are not available
for isolating a line and where temporary closures are impractical. Others
may be systems for service water, low
pressure condensate, plant and instrument air, etc., where checking out of
pumps and compressors afford ample
opportunity for leak tightness inspection prior to fullscale operation.
(b) The piping system must be gradually brought up to design pressure.
After inspection of the piping system
has proven that the installation is


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§ 56.97–40

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

complete and all joints are leak-tight,
the piping has met the requirements of
§ 56.97–1.
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975]

§ 56.97–40

Subpart 57.01—Scope

Qualifications and production tests.

Installation tests.

(a) The following piping systems
shall be hydrostatically leak tested in
the presence of a marine inspector at a
pressure of 11⁄2 times the maximum allowable working pressure of the system:
(1) Class I steam, feedwater, and
blowoff piping. Where piping is attached to boilers by welding without
practical means of blanking off for
testing, the piping shall be subjected to
the same hydrostatic pressure to which
the boiler is tested. The maximum allowable working pressures of boiler
feedwater and blowoff piping shall be
the design pressures specified in
§§ 56.50–30(a)(3) and 56.50–40(b), respectively.
(2) Fuel oil discharge piping between
the pumps and the burners, but not less
than 500 pounds per square inch.
(3) High-pressure piping for tank
cleaning operations.
(4) Flammable or corrosive liquids
and compressed gas cargo piping, but
not less than 150 pounds per square
(5) Any Class I, I-L, II-L piping.
(6) Cargo oil piping.
(7) Firemains, but not less than 150
pounds per square inch.
(8) Fuel oil transfer and filling piping.
(9) Class I compressed air piping.
(10) Fixed oxygen-acetylene system
(b) Installation testing requirements
for refrigeration, fluid power, and liquefied petroleum gas cooking and heating systems may be found in part 58 of
this subchapter.
(c) Class II piping systems shall be
tested under working conditions as
specified in the section on initial service leak test, § 56.97–38.
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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June 29, 1973
CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975; CGD 95–
028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart 57.02—General Requirements
57.02–1 Incorporation by reference.
57.02–2 Adoption of section IX of the ASME
57.02–3 Performance qualifications issued by
other agencies.
57.02–4 Fabricator’s responsibility.
57.02–5 Filler metals.

Subpart 57.03—Procedure Qualifications

General requirements.

Subpart 57.04—Procedure Qualification
57.04–1 Test specimen requirements and definition of ranges (modifies QW 202, QW
210, QW 451, and QB 202).

Subpart 57.05—Performance Qualifications
57.05–1 General.
57.05–2 Transfer of performance qualifications.
57.05–3 Limited space qualifications.
57.05–4 Welder qualification by procedure
57.05–5 Low temperature application.

Subpart 57.06—Production Tests
57.06–1 Production test plate requirements.
57.06–2 Production test plate interval of
57.06–3 Method of performing production
57.06–4 Production testing specimen requirements.
57.06–5 Production toughness testing.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, E.O. 12234,
45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; 49 CFR
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 57.01—Scope
§ 57.01–1 Qualifications and production tests.
(a) (Replaces QW 101 and QB 101.) The
regulations in this part shall apply to
the qualification of welding procedures, welders, and brazers, and to production tests for all types of manual
and machine arc and gas welding and
brazing processes.


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(b) (Modifies QW 305 and QB 305.) Operators of fully automatic welding and
brazing machines are specifically exempt from performance qualification
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27460, June 30,

Subpart 57.02—General
§ 57.02–1 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a). To enforce any edition other
than that specified in paragraph (b) of
this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and make the material
available to the public. All approved
material is on file at the Coast Guard
Headquarters. Contact Commandant
(CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and
Engineering Systems, U.S. Coast Guard
Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593–7509.
The material is also and is available
from the sources indicated in paragraph (b) of this section or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part and
the sections affected are:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) International

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, section IX, Welding and Brazing
Qualifications, July 1989 with 1989
addenda......57.01–1; 57.02–2; 57.02–3; 57.02–4;
57.03–1; 57.04–1; 57.05–1; 57.06–1; 57.06–3;
[CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35823, July 29, 1991, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50462, Sept. 29,
1995; 60 FR 54106, Oct. 19, 1995; CGD 96–041, 61
FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG–1999–6216, 64
FR 53224, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR
49229, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR
59778, Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR
60148, Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 57.02–2

§ 57.02–2 Adoption of section IX of the
ASME Code.
(a) The qualifications for all types of
welders and brazers, the qualification
of welding procedures, and the production tests for all types of manual and
machine arc and gas welding and brazing processes shall be in accordance
with section IX of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Code, as limited, modified, or replaced
by specific requirements in this part.
For general information Table 57.02–
1(a) lists the various paragraphs in section IX of the ASME Code which are
limited, modified, or replaced by regulations in this part.
Paragraphs in section IX ASME code, and

Unit of this part

QW–101 replaced by ....................................
QW–103 replaced by ....................................
QW–201 modified by ....................................
QW–202 modified by ....................................
QW–202.1 modified by .................................
QW–210 modified by ....................................
QW–211 modified by ....................................
QW–253 modified by ....................................
QW–254 modified by ....................................
QW–255 modified by ....................................
QW–305 modified by ....................................
QW–451 modified by ....................................

57.03–1(b) and


replaced by
replaced by
modified by
modified by
modified by


(1) As stated in § 50.15–5 of this subchapter, section IX of the ASME Code
is adopted and shall be the governing
requirements for the qualification of
all types of welders and brazers, the
qualification of all types of welding
procedures, and the production tests
for all types of manual and machine
arc and gas welding and brazing processes used in fabricating power boilers,
heating boilers, pressure vessels and
piping unless specifically limited,
modified or replaced by other regulations in this part.
(b) References to the ASME Code,
like paragraph QW–131.1 indicate:
Q=Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, ASME Code.


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§ 57.02–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

W=Part containing requirements for welding
procedure, welder, and welding operator
131=Major division within the part.
131.1=Specific subparagraph within the part.

(c) When a paragraph or a section of
the regulations in this part relates to
material in section IX of the ASME
Code, the relationship with the code
will be shown immediately following
the heading of the section or at the beginning of the paragraph as follows:
(1) (Modifies Qlll.) This indicates
that the material in Qlll is generally applicable but is being altered,
amplified or augmented.
(2) (Replaces Qlll.) This indicates
that Qlll does not apply.
(3) (Reproduces Qlll.) This indicates that Qlll is being identically
reproduced for convenience, not for
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27460, June 30, 1975.
Redesignated by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35823,
July 29, 1991; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept.
18, 1995]

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27460, June 30,
1975. Redesignated by CGD 88–032, 56 FR
35823, July 29, 1991]

§ 57.02–3 Performance
issued by other agencies.
(a) Within the limits of the qualification tests passed, the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, may accept welders
who have been qualified by other agencies of the Federal Government; by the
American Bureau of Shipping; or by
the fabricator concerned, provided the
fabricator’s tests have been certified by
an authorized Code inspector as defined
in paragraphs PG–91, N–612, HG–515.2,
or UG–91 of the ASME Code.

(a) Except as provided for in paragraph (b) of this section, when filler
metal is used in a welded fabrication
that is required to meet the requirements of this part the filler metal must
be one that has been approved by the
American Bureau of Shipping.
(b) In instances where a fabricator
desires to use a filler metal which has
not been approved by the American Bureau of Shipping the approval of the
filler metal can be made by the Officer
in Charge, Marine Inspection on the
basis of the fabricator passing the weld
procedure qualification tests as outlined in this part. This alternate means
of approval applies to wire-gas and
wire-flux combinations as well as to
stick electrodes. Filler metal approvals
given in this manner will extend only
to the specific fabricator to whom they
are granted.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968. Redesignated by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35832, July 29,

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

and brazing procedure and welder and
These required records, together with
identification data, shall be maintained by the manufacturer or contractor on the recommended forms illustrated in QW 480 and QB 480 of section IX, ASME Code, or on any other
form acceptable to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection. Upon request, duplicate forms shall be furnished by the manufacturer or contractor to the marine inspector.
(b) Except as otherwise provided for
in § 57.02–2, the fabricator shall notify
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, prior to conducting performance
or procedure qualification tests, and
arrange a suitable time and place for
conducting the tests, so that a marine
inspector may be present.

§ 57.02–4 Fabricator’s responsibility.
(a) (Replaces QW 103 and QB 103).
Each manufacturer or contractor is responsible for the welding and brazing
done by his organization and shall conduct tests required in this part to qualify the welding and brazing procedures
used and the performance of welders
and brazers who apply these procedures. The manufacturer shall bear the
expense of conducting the tests. Each
manufacturer shall maintain a record
of the test results obtained in welding

§ 57.02–5

Filler metals.

[CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27460, June 30, 1975. Redesignated by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35823, July 29,


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Subpart 57.03—Procedure
§ 57.03–1 General requirements.
(a) (Modifies QW 201 and QB 201). In
order to obtain Coast Guard approval
of a weld procedure to be used on welded fabrication that is required to meet
the requirements of this part each
manufacturer or contractor must do
the following:
(1) Each manufacturer or contractor
must submit to the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, for approval, a welding or brazing procedure
specification for the particular welding
or brazing process to be used. The welding or brazing procedure specification
must include a sketch showing joint
preparation. Suggested forms showing
the information which is required in
the welding or brazing procedure specification are in QW 480 and QB 480 of
section IX of the ASME Code.
(2) Each manufacturer or contractor
must submit to the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, for approval, the results of the physical tests
required by section IX of the ASME
(b) (Modifies QW 202.1 and QW 451). To
obtain approval of the welding procedure, fabricators desiring to use any
welding process for applications involving temperatures below ¥18 °C (approx.
0 °F) must conduct a procedure qualification test in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and the following additional requirements:
(1) The test piece must be large
enough so that sufficient material is
available for the tests prescribed in QW
451 of the ASME Code, plus toughness
tests and a macro-etch specimen.
(2) To obtain approval the fabricator
must conduct toughness tests and qualify in accordance with § 54.05 of the subchapter. Results of toughness tests
must be submitted for approval to the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(3) The macro-etch specimen must be
submitted with the test results required by paragraph (a) of this section.
Macro-etch specimens must not be obtained by flame or arc cutting from the
test piece. Weld reinforcement must remain in place unless the production

§ 57.03–1

welds are to be machined or ground.
Backing rings must also be left in place
unless they are to be removed in production.
(4) Low temperature procedure qualification thickness ranges are as indicated in Table 57.03–1(b).

Thickness, ‘‘t’’ of test plate or pipe as
welded (inches)

⁄ to ⁄ , inclusive ............................
Over 3⁄8 but less than 3⁄4 ...................
3⁄4 to 3, inclusive ................................
1 16


Range of thickness
of materials qualified
by test plate or pipe




1 16

*For thicknesses less than 5⁄8 inch, the thickness of the test
plate or pipe is the minimum thickness qualified.
**Where ‘‘t’’ is the thickest material over 3⁄4 inch to be used
in production.

(5) The limits for heat input production, as measured in Joules/inch, must
be at or below the maximum heat input
applied to the procedure test plate. The
word ‘‘maximum’’ must not be interpreted as either nominal or average.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) For quenched and tempered
steels, the Commandant may prescribe
special testing to assure that the welding procedure produces weldments
which are not prone to low energy fracture through the heat affected zone.
(e) Welding procedures that utilize
type E 6012, E 6013, E 6014, E 6024, E
7014, or E 7024 electrode will be approved only for the specific type, size,
and brand electrode used. If a different
type, size, or brand of electrode is used,
a new procedure qualification test
must be conducted.
(f) Welding or brazing procedure approvals cannot be transferred from one
plant to another plant of the same
company or from one company to another.
(g) (Modifies QW 253, QW 254, and QW
255). Item QW 402.4 is an essential variable for all procedure specifications.
[CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27461, June 30, 1975]


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§ 57.04–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Subpart 57.04—Procedure
Qualification Range
§ 57.04–1 Test specimen requirements
and definition of ranges (modifies
QW 202, QW 210, QW 451, and QB
The type and number of specimens
that must be tested to qualify an automatic, semiautomatic, or manual procedure specification shall be in accordance with QW 202, QW 210, or QB 202 of
the ASME Code as applicable, except as
supplemented by §§ 57.03–1(b) and 57.03–
[CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27461, June 30, 1975]

Subpart 57.05—Performance
§ 57.05–1


(a) This subpart supplements the various paragraphs in section IX of the
Code dealing with Performance Qualifications (see § 57.02–2).

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[CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17, 1970]

§ 57.05–2 Transfer
(a) The performance qualification
records of a welder may be transferred
from one plant to another of the same
company or from one company to another company provided the following
requirements are met:
(1) The transfer is authorized by the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection;
(2) A copy of the qualification test
records of each welder together with
employment records and identification
data are transferred by the plant or
company which qualified the welder to
the new plant or company; and,
(3) The new plant or company accepts
the welder as qualified.
§ 57.05–3 Limited space qualifications.
When a welder is to be qualified for
welding or torch brazing of piping on
board ship in a limited or restricted
space, the space restrictions shown in
connection with Figure 57.05–3(a) or (b)
shall be used when welding and brazing
the test joint.


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§ 57.05–3


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§ 57.05–4

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)


[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 118872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27461, June 30,

§ 57.05–4 Welder qualification by procedure tests.
Qualification tests of welders may be
omitted for welders who weld satisfactory procedure qualification test assemblies as required by subpart 57.03.
§ 57.05–5 Low temperature application.
For low temperature application,
each welder shall demonstrate his ability to weld satisfactorily in accordance
with procedures qualified in accordance with § 57.03–1(b). Manual welding
shall be qualified in the position prescribed by the procedure.

§ 57.06–1 Production test plate requirements.
(a) Production test plates shall be
provided for Class I, Class I-L, Class II,

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June 29, 1973;
CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27461, June 30, 1975; CGD
95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]


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Subpart 57.06—Production Tests

and Class II-L pressure vessels are
specified in this section.
(b) Main power boilers shall meet the
test plate requirements for Class I
pressure vessels.
(c) Test plates are not required for
heating boilers or Class III pressure
vessels. Test plates are not required for
main power boilers or pressure vessels
constructed of P–1 material as listed in
QW 422 of the ASME Code whose welded
joints are fully radiographed as required by part 52 or 54 of this subchapter as applicable except when
toughness tests are required in accordance with § 57.06–5. When toughness
tests are required all prescribed production tests shall be performed.

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 57.06–2 Production test plate interval
of testing.

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(a) At least one set of production test
plates shall be welded for each Class I
or Class I-L pressure vessel except as
(1) When the extent of welding on a
single vessel exceeds 50 lineal feet of either or both longitudinal and circumferential joints, at least one set of test
plates shall be welded for each 50 feet
of joint.
(2) When the extent of welding on
vessels welded in succession exceeds 50
lineal feet of either or both longitudinal and circumferential joints, at
least one set of test plates shall be
welded for each 50 feet of aggregate
joint of the same material where the
plate thicknesses fall within a range of
one-fourth inch. For each 50-foot increment of weld, test plates shall be prepared at the time of fabrication of the
first vessel involving that increment.
(b) Production test plates for Class
II-L pressure vessels shall be prepared
as for Classes I and I-L vessels except
that the provisions of paragraphs (a)(1)
and (2) of this section are applicable to
each 150 lineal feet of welded joint in
lieu of each 50 lineal feet.
(c) In the case of Class II pressure
vessels no more than one set of production test plates need be prepared for
each 300 lineal feet of either or both
joints. In the case of single vessel fabrication a set of test plates is required
for each 300 lineal feet of weld or fraction thereof. In the case of multiple
vessel fabrication where each increment of 300 lineal feet of weld involves
more than one pressure vessel, the set
of test plates shall be prepared at the
time of fabrication of the first vessel
involving that increment.

§ 57.06–3

§ 57.06–3 Method of performing production testing.
(a) Except as otherwise specified in
this section a test plate shall be attached to the shell plate on one end of
the longitudinal joint of each vessel as
shown in Figure 57.06–3, so that the
edges of the test plate to be welded are
a continuation of and duplication of
the corresponding edges of the longitudinal joint. For attached test plates,
the weld metal shall be deposited in
the test plate welding groove continuously with the weld metal deposited in
the groove of the longitudinal joint. As
an alternate method, the marine inspector may permit the use of separate
test plates, provided the same welding
process, procedure, and technique employed in the fabrication of the longitudinal joint are used in welding the
test plates.
(b) All test plates, whether attached
to the shell or separate in accordance
with paragraphs (a) and (d) of this section, shall be prepared from material of
the same specification, thickness, and
heat treatment and, for Class I-L and
Class II-L vessels, the same heat as
that of the vessel for which they are required. However, except when required
to be from a specific heat, test plates
may be prepared from material of a different product form, such as plate in
lieu of a forging, provided the chemical
composition is within the vessel material specification limits and the melting practice is the same.
(c) Test plates are not required for
welded nozzle attachments.
(d) In the case of vessels having no
longitudinal welded joints, at least one
set of test plates shall be welded for
each vessel, using the circumferential
joint process, procedure and technique,
except that the provisions of § 57.06–2(a)
shall also apply for Classes I and I-L
vessels, and that the provisions of
§ 57.06–2 (a) and (c) shall also apply for
Classes II and II-L vessels.


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§ 57.06–4

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)


(e) Test plates shall be made by the
same welder producing the longitudinal and circumferential joints. If
more than one welder is employed in
the welding of the pressure vessel(s),
the test plates shall be made by the
welder designated by the marine inspector. The test plates shall be of the
same thickness as the material being
welded and shall be of sufficient size to
provide two specimens of each type required, except that in the case of pressure vessels having no longitudinal
seams, the test plate need be only of
sufficient length to provide one set of
test specimens, and if a retest is necessary, an additional set of test plates
may be welded separately.


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§ 57.06–4 Production testing specimen
(a) For test plates three-fourths inch
or less in thickness one reduced section
tensile specimen and two free-bend
specimens shall be tested. For plates
exceeding three-fourths inch in thickness one reduced section tensile specimen, one free-bend specimen and one

guided side bend specimen shall be
tested. In addition boiler drums of
thickness five-eighths inch or greater
shall have a tension test specimen of
the weld metal as required by paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Toughness
tests are required for Classes I-L and
II-L pressure vessels as specified in
§ 57.06–5.
(b) The test plates shall be so supported that the warping due to welding
shall not throw the finished test plate
out of line by an angle of over 5°.
(c) Where the welding has warped the
test plates, the plates shall be straightened before being stress-relieved. The
test plates shall be subjected to the
same stress-relieving operation as required by this subchapter for the pressure vessel itself. At no time shall the
test plates be heated to a temperature
higher than that used for stress-relieving the vessel.
(d) The bend specimens shall be
taken from opposite sides of the reduced-section tensile specimen in their
respective test plates as shown in Figures 57.06–4(d)(1) and 57.06–4(d)(2).

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§ 57.06–4



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§ 57.06–4

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)


(e) In submitting the samples for test
the manufacturer shall state the minimum and maximum tensile range of
the base metal.
(f) The external appearances of the
welds and the amount of weld reinforcement shall conform to the requirements for fabrication, and the
maximum reinforcement for the test
plates shall not exceed the maximum
permitted for construction.
(1) The tension-test specimen of the
joint shall be transverse to the welded
joint and shall be of the full thickness
of the plate after the weld reinforcement has been machined flush. The

form and dimensions shall be as shown
in Figure 57.06–4(f)(1)(i). When the capacity of the available testing machine
does not permit testing a specimen of
the full thickness of the welded plate,
the specimen may be cut with a thin
saw into as many portions of the thickness as necessary, as shown in Figure
57.06–4(f)(1)(ii) each of which shall meet
the requirements. The tensile strength
of the joint specimen when it breaks in
the weld shall not be less than the minimum of the specified tensile range of
the plate used. If the specimen breaks
in the plate at not less than 95 percent
of the minimum specified tensile range


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
of the plate and the weld shows no sign
of weakness, the test is considered acceptable.
(2) Boiler drums fabricated of plate of
thicknesses of five-eighths inch or
greater shall have a tension-test specimen of the weld metal machined to
form as shown in Figure 57.06–4(f)(2)

§ 57.06–4

taken entirely from the deposited
metal. The all-weld tension test specimen shall have a tensile strength of
not less than the minimum of the
range of the plate which is welded and
shall have a minimum elongation in 2
inches of not less than 20 percent.



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§ 57.06–4

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)


(g) The freebend specimens shall be
of the form and dimensions shown in
Figure 57.06–4(g). For plates of three-

fourths inch or less in thickness one of
the specimens shall be bent with the
face of the weld in tension. Each


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EC01FE91.034 EC01FE91.035

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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
freebend specimen shall be bent cold
under freebending conditions until the
elongation measured within or across
approximately the entire weld on the
outer surface of the bend is at least 30
percent, except that for Class II and
Class II-L pressure vessels, the minimum elongation shall be 20 percent.
When the capacity of the available
testing machine will not permit testing
a full thickness specimen, the specimen may be cut with a thin saw into as

§ 57.06–4

many portions of the thickness as necessary as shown in Figure 57.06–
4(f)(1)(ii), provided each such piece retains the proportion of 11⁄2 to 1, width
to thickness, each of which shall meet
the requirements. Cracks at the corners of the specimens or small defects
in the convex surface, the greatest dimensions of which do not exceed onesixteenth inch need not be considered
as failures.

(h) The guided-bend specimen shall
be bent with the side of the weld in
tension, its width shall be equal to the
full thickness of the plate and its
thickness, after machining, shall be
0.350 inch to 0.380 inch to permit bending in a jig having the contour of the
standard jig as shown in Figure QW
466.1, QW 466.2, or QW 466.3 of the
ASME Code. The specimen shall withstand being bent cold to the full capacity of the jig without developing any
crack exceeding one-eighth inch in any

direction. Where the plate thickness
exceeds two inches, the specimen shall
be cut in two so that each portion does
not exceed 2 inches in width. Each such
portion shall be tested and shall meet
the requirements.
(i) One retest shall be made for each
of the original specimens which fails to
meet the requirements. Should the
retests fail to meet the requirements,
the welds which they represent shall be


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§ 57.06–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

chipped out, rewelded and new test
plates provided.


[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127R, 35 FR 9980, June
17, 1970; CGD 74–102, 40 FR 27461, June 30,
1975; CGD 80–004, 45 FR 10796, Feb. 19, 1980;
CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]

Subpart 58.16—Liquefied Petroleum Gases
for Cooking and Heating

§ 57.06–5 Production toughness testing.
(a) In addition to the test specimens
required by § 57.06–4(a), production
toughness test plates shall be prepared
for Classes I-L and II-L pressure vessels
in accordance with subpart 54.05 of this
(b) For nonpressure vessel type cargo
tanks and associated secondary barriers as defined in § 38.05–4 of subchapter D (Tank Vessels) of this chapter, production toughness test plates
shall be prepared in accordance with
subpart 54.05 of this subchapter.
[CGD 68–82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 72–206R, 38 FR 17229, June
29, 1973; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18,

Subpart 58.01—General Requirements
58.01–1 Scope.
58.01–5 Applicable standards.
58.01–10 Fuel oil.
58.01–20 Machinery guards.
58.01–25 Means of stopping machinery.
58.01–30 Trial-trip observance.
58.01–35 Main propulsion auxiliary machinery.
58.01–40 Machinery, angles of inclination.
58.01–45 Machinery space, ventilation.
58.01–50 Machinery space, noise.
58.01–55 Tanks for flammable and combustible oil.

Subpart 58.03—Incorporation of Standards

58.16–1 Scope.
58.16–5 Definition.
58.16–7 Use of liquefied petroleum gas.
58.16–10 Approvals.
58.16–15 Valves and safety relief devices.
58.16–16 Reducing regulators.
58.16–17 Piping and fittings.
58.16–18 Installation.
58.16–19 Tests.
58.16–20 Ventilation of compartments containing gas-consuming appliances.
58.16–25 Odorization.
58.16–30 Operating instructions.
58.16–35 Markings.

Subpart 58.20—Refrigeration Machinery
58.20–1 Scope.
58.20–5 Design.
58.20–10 Pressure relieving devices.
58.20–15 Installation of refrigerating
58.20–20 Refrigeration piping.
58.20–25 Tests.

58.25–1 Applicability.
58.25–5 General.
58.25–10 Main and auxiliary steering gear.
58.25–15 Voice communications.
58.25–20 Piping for steering gear.
58.25–25 Indicating and alarm systems.
58.25–30 Automatic restart.
58.25–35 Helm arrangements.
58.25–40 Arrangement of the steering-gear
58.25–45 Buffers.
58.25–50 Rudder stops.
58.25–55 Overcurrent protection for steeringgear systems.
58.25–60 Non-duplicated hydraulic rudder actuators.
58.25–65 Feeder circuits.
58.25–70 Steering-gear control systems.
58.25–75 Materials.
58.25–80 Automatic pilots and ancillary
steering gear.
58.25–85 Special requirements for tank vessels.

Subpart 58.30—Fluid Power and Control

Subpart 58.05—Main Propulsion Machinery

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 58.10—Internal Combustion Engine

Gasoline engine installations.

58.30–1 Scope.
58.30–5 Design requirements.
58.30–10 Hydraulic fluid.
58.30–15 Pipe,
pumps, and motors.
58.30–20 Fluid power hose and fittings.
58.30–25 Accumulators.
58.30–30 Fluid power cylinders.


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Subpart 58.25—Steering Gear

Incorporation by reference.

58.05–1 Material, design and construction.
58.05–5 Astern power.
58.05–10 Automatic shut-off.

Diesel engine installations.
Gas turbine installations.

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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

Requirements for miscellaneous
power and control systems.

Subpart 58.50—Independent Fuel Tanks
58.50–1 General requirements.
58.50–5 Gasoline fuel tanks.
58.50–10 Diesel fuel tanks.
58.50–15 Alternate material for construction
of independent fuel tanks.

Subpart 58.60—Industrial Systems and
Components on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU)
58.60–1 Applicability.
58.60–2 Alternatives and substitutions.
58.60–3 Pressure vessel.
58.60–5 Industrial systems: Locations.
58.60–7 Industrial systems: Piping.
58.60–9 Industrial systems: Design.
58.60–11 Analyses, plans, diagrams and specifications: Submission.
58.60–13 Inspection.
AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980
Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

(2) Except as otherwise permitted by
§ 58.50–1(b), fuel oil with a flashpoint of
not less than 43 °C (110 °F) may be used
in emergency generators.
(3) Subject to such further precautions as the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center, considers necessary, and provided that the ambient
temperature of the space in which such
fuel oil is stored or used does not rise
to within 18 °F (10 °C) below the
flashpoint of the fuel oil, fuel oil having a flashpoint of less than 140 °F (60
°C) but not less than 110 °F (43 °C) may
be used.
(4) In a cargo vessel, fuel having a
lower flashpoint than otherwise specified in this section—for example, crude
oil—may be used provided that such
fuel is not stored in any machinery
space and that the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, approves
the complete installation.
(b) The flashpoint of oil must be determined
Closed Tester, ASTM D 93 (incorporated by reference, see § 58.03–1).
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24775, May 10, 1995, as
amended by USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180,
Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65186,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 58.01—General
§ 58.01–1 Scope.
The regulations in this part contain
requirements for the design and construction of main and auxiliary machinery installed on vessels.
§ 58.01–5 Applicable standards.
The applicable standards established
by the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–
1), may be used as the standard for the
design, construction, and testing of
main and auxiliary machinery except
as modified in this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65185,
Oct. 31, 2008]

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§ 58.01–25

§ 58.01–10 Fuel oil.
(a) The following limits apply to the
use of oil as fuel:
(1) Except as otherwise permitted by
this section, no fuel oil with a
flashpoint of less than 60 °C (140 °F)
may be used.

§ 58.01–20

Machinery guards.

Gears, couplings, flywheels and all
machinery capable of injuring personnel shall be provided with adequate
covers or guards.
§ 58.01–25

Means of stopping machin-

Machinery driving forced-draft and
induced-draft fans, fuel-oil transfer
pumps, fuel-oil unit and service pumps,
and similar fuel-oil pumps must be
fitted with remote controls from a
readily accessible position outside the
space concerned so that the fans or
pumps may be stopped in case of fire in
the compartment in which they are located. The controls must be suitably
protected against accidental operation
and against tampering and must be
suitably marked.
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24775, May 10, 1995]


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§ 58.01–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

§ 58.01–30 Trial-trip observance.
The operation of main and auxiliary
engines, boilers, steering gear, and auxiliaries shall be observed on the trial
trip of each new vessel and all deficiencies which affect the safety of the
vessel shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine
§ 58.01–35 Main propulsion auxiliary
Auxiliary machinery vital to the
main propulsion system must be provided in duplicate unless the system
served is provided in independent duplicate, or otherwise provides continued or restored propulsion capability in
the event of a failure or malfunction of
any single auxiliary component.
NOTE: Partial reduction of normal propulsion capability as a result of malfunction or
failure is acceptable if the reduced capability
is not below that necessary for the vessel to
run ahead at 7 knots or half speed, whichever
is less, and is adequate to maintain control
of the ship.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18, 1988]

§ 58.01–40 Machinery, angles of inclination.
(a) Propulsion machinery and all
auxiliary machinery essential to the
propulsion and safety of the vessel
must be designed to operate when the
vessel is upright, when the vessel is inclined under static conditions at any
angle of list up to and including 15°,
and when the vessel is inclined under
dynamic conditions (rolling) at any
angle of list up to and including 22.5°
and, simultaneously, at any angle of
trim (pitching) up to and including 7.5°
by bow or stern.
(b) Deviations from these angles of
inclination may be permitted by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center, considering the type, size, and
service of the vessel.

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[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24775, May 10, 1995]

§ 58.01–45 Machinery space, ventilation.
Each machinery space must be ventilated to ensure that, when machinery
or boilers are operating at full power in
all weather including heavy weather,
an adequate supply of air is maintained

for the operation of the machinery and
for the safety, efficiency, and comfort
of the crew.
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24775, May 10, 1995]

§ 58.01–50 Machinery space, noise.
(a) Each machinery space must be designed to minimize the exposure of personnel to noise in accordance with IMO
A.468(XII) (incorporated by reference,
see 46 CFR 58.03–1). No person may encounter a 24-hour effective noise level
greater than 82 dB(A) when noise is
measured using a sound-level meter
and an A-weighting filter.
(b) Except as allowed by paragraph
(c) of this section, no machinery space
may exceed the following noise levels:
(1) Machinery control room—75 dB(A)
(2) Manned machinery space—90
(3) Unmanned machinery space—110
(4) Periodically unattended machinery space—110 dB(A)
(5) Workshop—85 dB(A)
(6) Any other work space around machinery—90 dB(A)
(c) If adding a source of noise would
cause a machinery space to exceed the
noise level permitted by paragraph (b)
of this section, the new source must be
suitably insulated or isolated so that
the space does not exceed that noise
level. If the space is manned, a refuge
from noise must be provided within the
(d) Ear protection must be provided
for any person entering any space with
a noise level greater than 85 dB(A).
(e) Each entrance to a machinery
space with a noise level greater than 85
dB(A) must have a warning sign stating that each person entering the space
must wear ear protection.
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65186,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.01–55 Tanks for flammable and
combustible oil.
(a) For the purposes of this section, a
machinery space of category A is a
space that contains any of the following:
(1) Internal-combustion machinery
used for main propulsion.
(2) Internal-combustion machinery
used for other than main propulsion,


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whose power output is equal to or
greater than 500 HP (375 kw).
(3) Any oil-fired boiler.
(4) Any equipment used to prepare
fuel oil for delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or equipment used to prepare heated oil for delivery to an internal-combustion engine, including any oil-pressure pumps, filters, and heaters dealing
with oil pressures above 26 psi.
(b) As far as practicable, each fuel-oil
tank must be part of the vessel’s structure and be located outside a machinery space of category A.
(c) If a fuel-oil tank, other than a
double-bottom tank, must be located
adjacent to or within a machinery
space of category A—
(1) At least one of its vertical sides
must be contiguous to the boundary of
the machinery space;
(2) The tank must have a common
boundary with the double-bottom
tanks; and
(3) The area of the tank boundary
common with the machinery spaces
must be kept as small as practicable.
(d) If a fuel-oil tank must be located
within a machinery space of category
A, it must not contain fuel oil with a
flashpoint of less than 60 °C (140 °F).
(e) In general, no freestanding fueloil tank is permitted in any machinery
space of Category A on a passenger vessel. A freestanding fuel-oil tank is permitted in other spaces only if authorized by the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. If so authorized,
each freestanding fuel-oil tank must—
(i) Comply with subpart 58.50 of this
subchapter; and
(ii) Be placed in an oil-tight spill
tray with a drain pipe leading to a
spill-oil tank.
(f) No fuel-oil tank may be located
where spillage or leakage from it can
constitute a hazard by falling on heated surfaces. The design must also prevent any oil that may escape under
pressure from any pump, filter, or
heater from coming into contact with
heated surfaces.
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995]

§ 58.03–1

Subpart 58.03—Incorporation of
§ 58.03–1

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. This material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed below.
(b) American Boat and Yacht Council
(ABYC), 613 Third Street, Suite 10, Annapolis, MD 21403:
(1) P–1–73, Safe Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery, 1973 (‘‘ABYC P–1’’),
58.10–5; and
(2) [Reserved]
(c) American Bureau of Shipping
(ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase
Drive, Houston, TX 77060.
(1) Rules for Building and Classing
Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems
and Machinery (2003) (’’ABS Steel Vessel Rules’’), 58.01–5; 58.05–1; 58.10–15;
58.20–5; 58.25–5; and
(2) [Reserved]
(d) American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, New
York, NY 10036:
(1) ANSI B31.3, Chemical Plant and
(‘‘ANSI B31.3’’), 58.60–7;
(2) ANSI B31.5, Refrigeration Piping,
1987 (‘‘ANSI B31.5’’), 58.20–5; 58.20–20;
(3) ANSI B93.5, Recommended practice for the use of Fire Resistant Fluids


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§ 58.03–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

for Fluid Power Systems, 1979 (‘‘ANSI
B93.5’’), 58.30–10.
(e) American Petroleum Institute (API),
1220 L Street, NW., Washington, DC
(1) API RP 14C, Analysis, Design, Installation and Testing of Basic Surface
Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms, 1986 (‘‘API RP 14C’’),
58.60–9; and
(2) API RP 53, Recommended Practice for Blowout Prevention Equipment
Systems for Drilling Wells, 1984 (‘‘API
RP 53’’), 58.60–7.
(f) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001)
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 58.30–15; and
(2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules
for Construction of Pressure Vessels
(1998 with 1999 and 2000 addenda)
(‘‘Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 58.30–15.
(g) ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials)
(ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959:
(1) ASTM A 193/A 193M–98a, Standard
Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for
High-Temperature Service (‘‘ASTM A
193’’), 58.30–15;
(2) ASTM B 96–93, Standard Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Plate,
Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar for General Purposes and Pressure Vessels
(‘‘ASTM B 96’’), 58.50–5;
(3) ASTM B 122/B 122M–95, Standard
Specification for Copper-Nickel-Tin
Alloy, Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloy (Nickel Silver), and Copper-Nickel Alloy
Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar
(‘‘ASTM B 122’’), 58.50–5;
(4) ASTM B 127–93a, Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS
NO4400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
(‘‘ASTM B 127’’), 58.50–5; 58.50–10;
(5) ASTM B 152–97a, Standard Specification for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate,
and Rolled Bar (‘‘ASTM B 152’’), 58.50–
(6) ASTM B 209–96, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-

Alloy Sheet and Plate (‘‘ASTM B 209’’),
58.50–5; 58.50–10;
(7) ASTM D 92–97, Standard Test
Method for Flash and Fire Points by
Cleveland Open Cup (‘‘ASTM D 92’’),
(8) ASTM D 93–97, Standard Test
Methods for Flash Point by PenskyMartens Closed Cup Tester (‘‘ASTM D
93’’), 58.01–10; and
(9) ASTM D 323–94, Standard Test
Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method) (‘‘ASTM
D 323’’), 58.16–5.
(h) International Maritime Organization (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR,
United Kingdom:
(1) A.467(XII), Guidelines for Acceptance of Non-Duplicated Rudder Actuators for Tankers, Chemical Tankers
and Gas Carriers of 10,000 Tons Gross
Tonnage and Above But Less Than
100,000 Tonnes Deadweight, 1981 (‘‘IMO
A.467(XII)’’), 58.25–60; and
(2) A.468(XII), Code on Noise Levels
A.468(XII)’’), 58.01–50.
(i) National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
MA 02169:
(1) NFPA 302, Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Craft,
1989 (‘‘NFPA 302’’), 58.10–5; and
(2) [Reserved]
(j) Society of Automotive Engineers
Warrendale, PA 15096:
(1) SAE J–1928, Devices Providing
Backfire Flame Control for Gasoline
Engines in Marine Applications, 1989
(‘‘SAE J–1928’’), 58.10–5; and
(2) SAE J429, Mechanical and Material
Threaded Fasteners (Aug. 1983) (‘‘SAE
J429’’), 58.30–15.
(k) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
(UL), 12 Laboratory Drive, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709:
(1) UL 1111, Marine Carburetor Flame
Arresters, 1988 (‘‘UL 1111’’), 58.10–5; and
(2) [Reserved]
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65186, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60148,
Sept. 30, 2013]


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Subpart 58.05—Main Propulsion
§ 58.05–1 Material,




(a) The material, design, construction, workmanship, and arrangement
of main propulsion machinery and of
each auxiliary, directly connected to
the engine and supplied as such, must
be at least equivalent to the standards
established by the ABS Steel Vessel
Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46
CFR 58.03–1), except as otherwise provided by this subchapter.
(b) When main and auxiliary machinery is to be installed without classification society review, the builder
shall submit in quadruplicate to the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such drawings and particulars
of the installation as are required by
the American Bureau of Shipping Rules
for Building and Classing Steel Vessels,
Part 4 Vessel Systems and Machinery
(2003) for similar installations on
classed vessels.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65186, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.05–5

Astern power.

(a) All vessels shall have sufficient
power for going astern to secure proper
control of the ship in all normal circumstances.
§ 58.05–10

Automatic shut-off.

Main propulsion machinery must be
provided with automatic shut-off controls in accordance with part 62 of this
subchapter. These controls must shut
down main propulsion machinery in
case of a failure, such as failure of the
lubricating-oil supply, that could lead
rapidly to complete breakdown, serious
damage, or explosion.
[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995]

Subpart 58.10—Internal
Combustion Engine Installations

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 58.10–5

Gasoline engine installations.

(a) Engine design. All installations
shall be of marine type engines suitable for the intended service, designed
and constructed in conformance with
the requirements of this subchapter.

§ 58.10–5

(b) Carburetors. (1) Drip collectors
shall be fitted under all carburetors,
except the down-draft type, to prevent
fuel leakage from reaching the bilges
and so arranged as to permit ready removal of such fuel leakage. Drip collectors shall be covered with flame
NOTE: It is recommended that drip collectors be drained by a device for automatic return of all drip to engine air intakes.

(2) All gasoline engines must be
equipped with an acceptable means of
backfire flame control. Installations of
backfire flame arresters bearing basic
Approval Nos. 162.015 or 162.041 or engine air and fuel induction systems
bearing basic Approval Nos. 162.015 or
162.042 may be continued in use as long
as they are serviceable and in good
condition. New installations or replacements must meet the applicable requirements of this section.
(3) The following are acceptable
means of backfire flame control for
gasoline engines:
(i) A backfire flame arrester complying with SAE J–1928 (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03–1) or UL
1111 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 58.03–1) and marked accordingly.
The flame arrester must be suitably secured to the air intake with a
flametight connection.
(ii) An engine air and fuel induction
system which provides adequate protection from propagation of backfire
flame to the atmosphere equivalent to
that provided by an acceptable backfire flame arrester. A gasoline engine
utilizing an air and fuel induction system, and operated without an approved
backfire flame arrester, must either include a reed valve assembly or be installed in accordance with SAE J–1928.
(iii) An arrangement of the carburetor or engine air induction system
that will disperse any flames caused by
engine backfire. The flames must be
dispersed to the atmosphere outside
the vessel in such a manner that the
flames will not endanger the vessel,
persons, on board, or nearby vessels
and structures. Flame dispersion may
be achieved by attachments to the carburetor or location of the engine air induction system. All attachments must
be of metallic construction with


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§ 58.10–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

flametight connections and firmly secured to withstand vibration, shock,
and engine backfire. Such installations
do not require formal approval and labeling but must comply with this subpart.
(c) Exhaust manifold. The exhaust
manifold shall either be water-jacketed
and cooled by discharge from a pump
which operates whenever the engine is
running, or woodwork within nine
inches shall be protected by 1⁄4-inch asbestos board covered with not less than
No. 22 USSG (U.S. standard gage) galvanized sheet iron or nonferrous metal.
A dead air space of 1⁄4-inch shall be left
between the protecting asbestos and
the wood, and a clearance of not less
than two inches maintained between
the manifold and the surface of such
(d) Exhaust pipe. (1) Exhaust pipe installations must conform to the requirements of ABYC P–1 and part 1,
section 23 of NFPA 302 (both incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03–
1) and the following additional requirements:
(i) All exhaust installations with
pressures in excess of 15 pounds per
square inch gage or employing runs
passing through living or working
spaces shall meet the material requirements of part 56 of this subchapter.
(ii) Horizontal dry exhaust pipes are
permitted only if they do not pass
through living or berthing spaces, they
terminate above the deepest load waterline and are so arranged as to prevent entry of cold water from rough or
boarding seas, and they are constructed of corrosion resisting material
‘‘at the hull penetration.’’
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 88–032, 56 FR 35824, July 29,
1991; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31,

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§ 58.10–10

Diesel engine installations.

(a) The requirements of § 58.10–5 (a),
(c), and (d) shall apply to diesel engine
(b) A diesel engine air intake on a
mobile offshore drilling unit must not
be in a classified location. 1

(c) A diesel engine exhaust on a mobile offshore drilling unit must not discharge into a classified location. 1
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 58.10–15 Gas turbine installations.
(a) Standards. The design, construction, workmanship and tests of gas turbines and their associated machinery
shall be at least equivalent to the
standards of the ABS Steel Vessel
Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46
CFR 58.03–1).
(b) Materials. The materials used for
gas turbine installations shall have
properties suitable for the intended
service. When materials not conforming to standard ASTM specifications are employed, data concerning
their properties, including high temperature strength data, where applicable, shall be furnished.
(c) Exhausts. (1) Where piping is used
for gas turbine exhaust lines, Class II is
required as a minimum. (See subpart
56.04 of this subchapter.) Where the exhaust pressure exceeds 150 pounds per
square inch, such as in closed cycle
systems, Class I shall be used. Where
ducting other than pipe is employed,
the drawings and design data shall be
submitted to substantiate suitability
and safety for the intended service.
(2) Where considered necessary, gas
turbines and associated exhaust systems shall be suitably insulated or
cooled, by means of lagging, water
spray, or a combination thereof.
(3) Gas turbine exhausts shall not be
interconnected with boiler uptakes except for gas turbines used for emergency power and lighting or for emergency propulsion. Dampers or other
suitable means shall be installed to
prevent backflow of boiler exhaust
gases through the turbine. Interconnected exhausts must be specifically approved by the Commandant.
(4) A gas turbine exhaust on a mobile
offshore drilling unit must not discharge in a classified location. 1
(d) Air inlets. Air inlets must be designed as follows:
1 Sections 108.171 to 108.175 of this chapter
define classified locations for mobile offshore drilling units.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 58.16–5

(1) Each air inlet must have means to
protect the safety of life and to prevent
the entrance of harmful foreign material, including water, into the system.
(2) A gas turbine air inlet must not
be in a classified location. 1
(e) Cooling and ventilation. Means
shall be provided for circulating air, either natural or forced, through the engine compartment for cooling and ventilation.
(f) Automatic shutdown. (1) The control system shall be designed for automatic shutdown of the engine with actuation of audible and visible alarms at
shutdown. The visible malfunction indicator shall indicate what condition
caused the shutdown and remain visible until reset. Automatic shutdown
shall occur under the following conditions:
(i) Overspeed.
(ii) Low lubricating oil pressure. Consideration will be given providing
alarm only (without shutdown) in
those cases where suitable antifriction
bearings are fitted.
(2) Audible or visible alarms shall
also be provided for:
(i) Excessive gas temperature, measured at the turbine inlet, gas generator, interstage turbine or turbine exhaust.
(ii) Excessive lubricating oil temperature.
(iii) Excessive speed.
(iv) Reduced lubricating oil pressure.
(3) A remote, manually operated
shutdown device shall be provided.
Such device may be totally mechanical
or may be electrical with a manually
actuated switch.
(g) Drawings and design data. Drawings and design data of the following
components shall be submitted to substantiate their suitability and safety
for the service intended:
(1) Combustion chamber.
(2) Regenerator or recuperator.
(3) Casing or piping conveying the
gas from the combustion device to the
gas turbine.
(h) Fuel systems. Gas turbine fuel systems shall meet the requirements of
part 56 of this subchapter.

(i) Fire extinguishing systems. A special local fire extinguishing system
may be required for gas turbine installations if considered necessary by the
Commandant. Such a system would be
in addition to any other required in the
compartment in which the gas turbine
is located.

1 Sections 108.171 to 108.175 of this chapter
define classified locations for mobile offshore drilling units.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460,
Sept. 29, 2000]

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6190, Mar.
25, 1972; CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4, 1978;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 58.16—Liquefied Petroleum Gases for Cooking and
§ 58.16–1


(a) This subpart prescribes standards
for the use of liquefied petroleum gas
for heating and cooking on inspected
vessels, except ferries.
(b) It is the intent of the regulations
in this subpart to permit liquefied petroleum gas systems of the vapor withdrawal type only. Cylinders designed to
admit liquid gas into any other part of
the system are prohibited.
(c) Except as provided by § 58.16–7(b),
all component parts of the system, except cylinders, appliances, and low
pressure tubing, shall be designed to
withstand a pressure of 500 pounds per
square inch without failure.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 83–013, 54 FR 6402, Feb. 10,

§ 58.16–5


For the purpose of this subpart the
term ‘‘liquefied petroleum gas’’ means
any liquefied flammable gas which is
composed predominantly of hydrocarbons or mixtures of hydrocarbons,
such as propane, propylene, butane, butylene, or butadiene, and which has a
Reid ASTM D 323 (incorporated by reference, see § 58.03–1). Method of test for
Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products
(Reid Method)) vapor pressure exceeding 40 pounds per square inch absolute
at 100 °F.


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§ 58.16–7
§ 58.16–7

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)
Use of liquefied petroleum

(a) Cooking equipment using liquefied petroleum gas on vessels of 100
gross tons or more that carry passengers for hire must meet the requirements of this subpart.
(b) Cooking equipment using liquefied petroleum gas on vessels of less
than 100 gross tons that carry passengers for hire must meet the requirements of 46 CFR 25.45–2 or 184.05, as applicable.
(c) Systems using liquefied petroleum gas for cooking or heating on any
other vessels subject to inspection by
the Coast Guard must meet the requirements of this subpart.
[CGD 83–013, 54 FR 6402, Feb. 10, 1989]

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§ 58.16–10


(a) Gas appliances. (1) All gas-consuming appliances used for cooking and
heating shall be of a type approved by
the Commandant, and shall be tested,
listed and labeled by an acceptable laboratory, such as:
(i) The American Gas Association
Testing Laboratories.
(ii) The Marine Department, Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. (formerly
Yacht Safety Bureau).
(2) Continuous-burning pilot flames
are prohibited for use on gas appliances
when installed below the weather deck.
(3) Printed instructions for proper installation, operation, and maintenance
of each gas-consuming appliance shall
be furnished by the manufacturer.
(1) Cylinders in which liquefied petroleum gas is stored and handled must be
constructed, tested, marked, maintained, and retested in accordance with
49 CFR part 178.
(2) All liquefied petroleum gas cylinders in service shall bear a test date
marking indicating that they have
been retested in accordance with the
regulations of the Department of
(3) Regardless of the date of the previous test, a cylinder shall be rejected
for further service when it leaks; when
it is weakened appreciably by corrosion, denting, bulging or other evidence
of rough usage; when it has lost more
than 5 percent of its tare weight; or
when it has been involved in a fire.

(c) Safety-relief devices. All required
safety-relief devices must be approved
as to type, size, pressure setting, and
location by the Commandant (CG–521)
as being in accordance with 49 CFR
part 178.
(d) Valves, regulators, and vaporizers.
All component parts of the system,
other than cylinders and low pressure
distribution tubing between regulators
and appliances, shall be tested and approved by and bear the label of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., or other
recognized testing laboratory.
(e) Plan approval. Drawings in triplicate, showing the location and installation of all piping, gas-consuming appliances, cylinders, and other component parts of the system shall be submitted for approval.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980 June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31,

§ 58.16–15 Valves and safety relief devices.
(a) Each cylinder shall have a manually operated screw-down shutoff valve
fitted with a handwheel installed directly at the cylinder outlet.
(b) All cylinders shall be protected by
one or more safety relief devices complying with the requirements of § 58.16–
10(a). The safety relief device shall be a
shutoff valve with an integral springloaded safety relief valve and supplementary fusible plug, the latter designed to yield when the cylinder has
been emptied of liquid gas by the relief
valve under conditions of exposure to
excessive heat.
(c) Cylinder valves and safety relief
devices shall have direct communication with the vapor space of the cylinder.
(d) In addition to the cylinder valve,
a multiple cylinder system shall be
provided with a two-way positive shutoff manifold valve of the manually operated type. The manifold valve shall
be so arranged that the replacement of
empty cylinders can be made without
shutting down the flow of gas in the
(e) A master packless shutoff valve
controlling all burners simultaneously
shall be installed at the manifold of all
gas-consuming appliances.


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§ 58.16–16 Reducing regulators.
(a) All systems shall be provided with
a regulating device so adjusted as to
release gas to the distribution tubing
at a pressure not in excess of 18 inches
water column, or approximately 10.5
ounces per square inch.
(b) The low pressure side of all regulators shall be protected against excessive pressure by means of a suitable relief valve which shall be integral with
the regulator. The relief valve shall be
set to start to discharge at a pressure
not less than two times and not more
than three times the delivery pressure.
(c) All reducing regulators shall be
fitted with a pressure gage located on
the high pressure side of the regulator.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 58.16–17 Piping and fittings.
(a) The piping between the cylinders
and the appliances shall be seamless
annealed copper tubing or such other
seamless tubing as may be approved by
the Commandant.
(b) All high pressure tubing between
the cylinders and the regulators shall
have a minimum wall thickness of 0.049
inch. All low-pressure tubing between
the regulator and appliances shall have
a minimum wall thickness of 0.032
(c) Tubing connecting fittings shall
be of the flare type; or connections
may be soldered or brazed with material having a melting point in excess of
1,000 °F.
§ 58.16–18 Installation.
(a) Cylinders, regulating and safety
equipment. (1) Cylinders, regulating and
safety equipment shall be installed in a
substantially constructed and firmly
fixed metal enclosure located on or
above the weather deck. The cylinder
enclosure shall have access from the
weather deck only. The enclosure shall
be provided with top and bottom ventilation consisting of a fresh air inlet
pipe and an exhaust pipe both entering
through the top of the cylinder housing. The enclosure shall be constructed
so that when the access opening is
closed, no gas can escape except
through the ventilation system.
(2) Cylinders, regulating and safety
devices shall be securely fastened and
supported within the metal enclosure.
The cylinders and high pressure equip-

§ 58.16–19

ment shall be so mounted as to be readily accessible and capable of easy removal for refilling and inspection. The
stowage of high pressure equipment in
the housing shall be such that the cylinder valves can be readily operated
and the pressure gage dial be easily
visible. Where possible cylinders shall
be mounted in an upright position.
(3) Stowage of unconnected spare cylinders, filled or empty, shall comply
with the requirements for cylinders.
(4) All valves, manifolds and regulators shall be securely mounted in locations readily accessible for inspection, maintenance and testing, and
shall be adequately protected.
(5) Discharge of the safety relief
valves shall be vented away from the
cylinder, and insofar as practicable, upward into the open atmosphere, but in
all cases so as to prevent impingement
of the escaping gas onto a cylinder.
(b) Piping. (1) All piping shall be installed so as to provide minimum interior runs and adequate flexibility. The
piping at the cylinder outlets shall be
fitted with flexible metallic connections to minimize the effect of cylinder
movement on the outlet piping.
(2) Distribution lines shall be protected from physical damage and be
readily accessible for inspection. Lines
shall be substantially secured against
vibration by means of soft nonferrous
metal clips without sharp edges in contact with the tubing. When passing
through decks or bulkheads, the lines
shall be protected by ferrules of nonabrasive material. The distribution
lines shall be continuous length of
tubes from the regulator to the shutoff
valve at the appliance manifold.
(c) Gas-consuming appliances. All gasconsuming appliances shall be permanently and securely fastened in place.
(d) Electrical. No electrical connections shall be made within the cylinder
§ 58.16–19 Tests.
(a) Installation. (1) After installation,
the distribution tubing shall be tested
prior to its connection to the regulator
and appliance by an air pressure of not
less than 5 pounds per square inch.
(2) After satisfactory completion of
the tests prescribed in paragraph (a)(1)
of this section, the distribution tubing


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§ 58.16–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

shall be connected to the regulator and
appliance and the entire system subjected to a leak test as required by
§ 58.16–30(j).
(b) Periodic. Leak tests as required by
§ 58.16–30(j) shall be conducted at least
once each month and at each regular
annual or biennial inspection. The
tests required at monthly intervals
shall be conducted by a credentialed officer of the vessel or qualified personnel acceptable to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner,
master, or person in charge of the vessel shall keep records of such tests
showing the dates when performed and
the name(s) of the person(s) and/or
company conducting the tests. Such
records shall be made available to the
marine inspector upon request and
shall be kept for the period of validity
of the vessel’s current certificate of inspection. Where practicable, these
records should be kept in or with the
vessel’s logbook.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG 2006–24371, 74 FR 11265,
Mar. 16, 2009]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 58.16–20 Ventilation of compartments
containing gas-consuming appliances.
(a) Compartments containing gasconsuming appliances which are located above the weather deck shall be
fitted with at least two natural ventilator ducts led from the atmosphere
with one extending to the floor level
and the other extending to the overhead of the compartment. Powered
ventilation may be used provided the
motor is outside the compartment.
(b) Compartments in which gas-consuming appliances are located entirely
below the weather deck shall be provided with powered ventilation of sufficient capacity to effect a change of air
at least once every 6 minutes. The
motor for the powered ventilation shall
be located outside the compartment.
§ 58.16–25 Odorization.
(a) All liquefied petroleum gases
shall be effectively odorized by an
agent of such character as to indicate
positively by a distinctive odor, the
presence of gas down to concentration
in air of not over one-fifth the lower
limit of combustibility.

§ 58.16–30 Operating instructions.
(a) Before opening a cylinder valve,
the outlet of the cylinder shall be connected tightly to system; and in the
case where only a single cylinder is
used in the system, all appliance valves
and pilots shall be shut off before the
cylinder valve is opened.
(b) Before opening cylinder valve
after connecting it to system, the cylinder shall be securely fastened in
(c) When cylinders are not in use
their outlet valves shall be kept closed.
(d) Cylinders when exhausted shall
have their outlet valves closed.
(e) Nothing shall be stored in the
metal enclosure except liquefied petroleum gas cylinders and permanently
fastened parts of the system.
(f) Valve protecting caps, if provided,
shall be firmly fixed in place on all cylinders not attached to the system.
Caps for cylinders in use may remain
in the cylinder enclosure if rigidly fastened thereto.
(g) The opening to the cylinder enclosure shall be closed at all times except
when access is required to change cylinders or maintain equipment.
(h) Close master valve whenever gasconsuming appliance is not in use.
(i) No smoking is permitted in the vicinity of the cylinder enclosure when
access to enclosure is open.
(j) Test system for leakage in accordance with the following procedure:
With appliance valve closed, the master shutoff valve on the appliance open,
and with one cylinder valve open, note
pressure in the gage. Close cylinder
valve. The pressure should remain constant for at least 10 minutes. If the
pressure drops, locate leakage by application of liquid detergent or soapy
water solution at all connections.
Never use flame to check for leaks. Repeat test for each cylinder in a multicylinder system.
(k) Report any presence of gas odor

§ 58.16–35 Markings.
(a) The outside of the cylinder enclosure housing liquefied petroleum gas
cylinders, valves and regulators shall
be marked as follows:


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Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Keep Open Fires Away.
Operating Instructions
Inside and In lllllllllllll

(b) A durable and permanently legible instruction sign covering safe operation and maintenance of the gasconsuming appliance shall be installed
adjacent to the appliance.
(c) ‘‘Operating Instructions’’ as listed
in § 58.16–30 shall be framed under glass,
or other equivalent, clear, transparent
material, in plainly visible locations
on the outside of the metal enclosure
and near the most frequently used gasconsuming appliance, so they may be
easily read.

Subpart 58.20—Refrigeration
§ 58.20–1


(a) The regulations in this subpart
apply to fixed refrigeration systems for
air conditioning, refrigerated spaces,
cargo spaces, and reliquefaction of low
temperature cargo installed on vessels.
(b) The regulations in this subpart
shall not apply to small self-contained
§ 58.20–5


pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Refrigeration machinery may be
accepted for installation provided the
design, material, and fabrication comply with the applicable requirements of
the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–
1). The minimum pressures for design
of all components must be those listed
for piping in Table 501.2.4 of ANSI B31.5
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
58.03–1). In no case may pressure components be designed for a pressure less
than that for which the safety devices
of the system are set. Pressure vessels
must be designed in accordance with
part 54 of this subchapter.
(b) For refrigeration systems other
than those for reliquefaction of cargo,
only those refrigerants under § 147.90 of
this chapter are allowed.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7748, Mar. 10, 1988;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.20–15

§ 58.20–10 Pressure relieving devices.
(a) Each pressure vessel containing
refrigerants, which may be isolated,
shall be protected by a relief valve set
to relieve at a pressure not exceeding
the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel. When a pressure vessel forms an integral part of a system
having a relief valve, such vessel need
not have an individual relief valve.
(b) Relief valves fitted on the high
pressure side may discharge to the low
pressure side before relieving to atmosphere. When relieving to atmosphere, a
relief valve shall be fitted in the atmospheric discharge connection from
the receivers and condensers. The relief
valve from the receivers may relieve to
the condenser which in turn may relieve either to the low side or to atmosphere. It shall be set to relieve at a
pressure not greater than the maximum allowable working pressure. A
rupture disk may be fitted in series
with the relief valve, provided the
bursting pressure of the rupture disk is
not in excess of the relief valve set
pressure. Where a rupture disk is fitted
on the downstream side of the relief
valve, the relief valve shall be of the
type not affected by back pressure.
§ 58.20–15 Installation of refrigerating
(a) Where refrigerating machines are
installed in which anhydrous ammonia
is used as a refrigerant, such machines
shall be located in a well-ventilated,
isolated compartment, preferably on
the deck, but in no case shall it be permissible to install such machines in
the engineroom space unless the arrangement is such as to eliminate any
hazard from gas escaping to the
using a solution of aqua ammonia and
machines using carbon dioxide are exempt from this requirement, provided
the maximum charges that might be
released in the event of breakage do
not exceed 300 pounds.
(b) Machinery compartments containing equipment for ammonia shall
be fitted with a sprinkler system providing an effective water spray and
having a remote control device located
outside the compartment.
(c) All refrigeration compressor
spaces shall be effectively ventilated


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§ 58.20–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

and drained and shall be separated
from the insulated spaces by a watertight bulkhead, unless otherwise approved.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346,
Sept. 30, 2004]

§ 58.20–20 Refrigeration piping.
(a) All piping materials shall be suitable for handling the primary refrigerant, brine, or fluid used, and shall be
of such chemical and physical properties as to remain ductile at the lowest operating temperature.
(b) Piping systems shall be designed
in accordance with ANSI B31.5 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03–
1). Piping used for cargo reliquefaction
systems shall also comply with the applicable requirements found in low
temperature piping, § 56.50–105 of this
(c) A relief valve shall be fitted on or
near the compressor on the gas discharge side between the compressor
and the first stop valve with the discharge therefrom led to the suction
side. A check valve shall be fitted in
the atmospheric discharge line if it is
led through the side of the vessel below
the freeboard deck, or a shutoff valve
may be employed if it is locked in the
open position.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31,

§ 58.20–25 Tests.
(a) All pressure vessels, compressors,
piping, and direct expansion cooling
coils shall be leak tested after installation
hydrostatically or pneumatically.
(b) No pneumatic tests in refrigeration systems aboard ships shall be
made at pressures exceeding the design
pressure of the part of the system
being tested. Pneumatic tests may be
made with the refrigerant in the system or if the refrigerant has been removed, oil-pumped dry nitrogen or
bone dry carbon dioxide with a detectable amount of the refrigerant added,
should be used as a testing medium.
(Carbon dioxide should not be used to
leak test an ammonia system.) In no
case should air, oxygen, any flammable

gas or any flammable mixture of gases
be used for testing.

Subpart 58.25—Steering Gear
SOURCE: CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10,
1995, unless otherwise noted

§ 58.25–1


(a) Except as specified otherwise, this
subpart applies to—
(1) Each vessel or installation of
steering gear contracted for on or after
June 9, 1995; and
(2) Each vessel on an international
voyage with an installation of steering
gear contracted for on or after September 1, 1984.
(b) Each vessel not on an international voyage with an installation of
steering gear contracted for before
June 9, 1995, and each vessel on an
international voyage with such an installation contracted for before September 1, 1984, may meet either the requirements of this subpart or those in
effect on the date of the installation.
§ 58.25–5


(a) Definitions.
Ancillary steering equipment means
steering equipment, other than the required control systems and power actuating systems, that either is not required, such as automatic pilot or nonfollowup control from the pilothouse,
or is necessary to perform a specific required function, such as the automatic
detection and isolation of a defective
section of a tanker’s hydraulic steering
Auxiliary steering gear means the
equipment, other than any part of the
main steering gear, necessary to steer
the vessel in case of failure of the main
steering gear, not including a tiller,
quadrant, or other component serving
the same purpose. Control system
means the equipment by which orders
for rudder movement are transmitted
from the pilothouse to the steeringgear power units. A control system for
steering gear includes, but is not limited to, one or more—
(1) Transmitters;
(2) Receivers;
(3) Feedback devices;


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(4) Hydraulic servo-control pumps,
with associated motors and motor controllers;
(5) Differential units, hunting gear,
and similar devices;
(6) All gearing, piping, shafting, cables, circuitry, and ancillary devices
for controlling the output of power
units; and
(7) Means of bringing steering-gear
power units into operation.
Fast-acting valve, as used in this subpart, means a ball, plug, spool, or similar valve with a handle connected for
quick manual operation.
Followup control means closed-loop
(feedback) control that relates the position of the helm to a specific rudder
angle by transmitting the helm-angle
order to the power actuating system
and, by means of feedback, automatically stopping the rudder when the
angle selected by the helm is reached.
Main steering gear means the machinery, including power actuating systems, and the means of applying torque
to the rudder stock, such as a tiller or
quadrant, necessary for moving the
rudder to steer the vessel in normal
Maximum ahead service speed means
the greatest speed that a vessel is designed to maintain in service at sea at
the deepest loadline draft.
Maximum astern speed means the
speed that it is estimated the vessel
can attain at the maximum designed
power astern at the deepest loadline
Power actuating system means the hydraulic equipment for applying torque
to the rudder stock. It includes, but is
not limited to—
(1) Rudder actuators;
(2) Steering-gear power units; and
(3) Pipes, valves, fittings, linkages,
and cables for transmitting power from
the power unit or units to the rudder
actuator or actuators.
Speedily regained, as used in this subpart, refers to the time it takes one
qualified crewmember, after arriving in
the steering-gear compartment, and
without the use of tools, to respond to
a failure of the steering gear and take
the necessary corrective action.
Steering capability means steering
equivalent to that required of auxiliary
steering gear by § 58.25–10(c)(2).

§ 58.25–5

Steering gear means the machinery,
including power actuating systems,
control systems, and ancillary equipment, necessary for moving the rudder
to steer the vessel.
Steering-gear power unit means:
(1) In the case of electric steering
gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical equipment, including
motor controller, disconnect switch,
and feeder circuit.
(2) In the case of an electro-hydraulic
steering gear, an electric motor, connected pump, and associated electrical
equipment such as the motor controller, disconnect switch, and feeder
(3) In the case of hydraulic steering
gear, the pump and its prime mover.
Tank vessel, as used in this subpart,
means a self-propelled vessel, including
a chemical tanker or a gas carrier, defined either as a tanker by 46 U.S.C.
2101(38) or as a tank vessel by 46 U.S.C.
(b) Unless it otherwise complies with
this subpart, each self-propelled vessel
must be provided with a main steering
gear and an auxiliary steering gear.
These gear must be arranged so that—
(1) The failure of one will not render
the other inoperative; and
(2) Transfer from the main to the
auxiliary can be effected quickly.
(c) Each substantial replacement of
steering-gear components or reconfiguration of steering-gear arrangements
on an existing vessel must comply with
the requirements of this subpart for
new installations to the satisfaction of
the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine
steering-gear component and each rudder stock must be of sound and reliable
construction, meet the minimum material requirements of § 58.25–75, and be
designed to standards at least equal to
those established by the ABS Steel
Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–1).
(e) The suitability of any essential
steering-gear component not duplicated must be specifically approved by
the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. Where a steering-gear component is shared by—


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§ 58.25–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(1) A control system (e.g., a controlsystem transfer switch located in the
steering-gear compartment);
(2) The main and auxiliary steering
gear (e.g., an isolation valve); or
(3) A power actuating system and its
control system (e.g., a directional control valve)—the requirements for both
systems apply, to provide the safest
and most reliable arrangement.
(f) Steering gear must be separate
and independent of all other shipboard
systems, except—
(1) Electrical switchboards from
which they are powered;
(2) Automatic pilots and similar
navigational equipment; and
(3) Propulsion machinery for an integrated system of propulsion and steering.
(g) Except on a vessel with an integrated system of propulsion and steering, no thruster may count as part of a
vessel’s required steering capability.
(h) Except for a tank vessel subject
to § 58.25–85(e), each oceangoing vessel
required to have power-operated steering gear must be provided with arrangements for steadying the rudder
both in an emergency and during a
shift from one steering gear to another.
On hydraulic steering gear, a suitable
arrangement of stop valves in the main
piping is an acceptable means of
steadying the rudder.
(i) General arrangement plans for the
main and auxiliary steering gear and
their piping must be submitted for approval in accordance with subpart 50.20
of this subchapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24776, May 10, 1995, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.25–10 Main and auxiliary steering
(a) Power-operated main and auxiliary steering gear must be separate
systems that are independent throughout their length. Other systems and arrangements of steering gear will be acceptable if the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center, determines that
they comply with, or exceed the requirements of, this subpart.
(b) The main steering gear and rudder stock must be—
(1) Of adequate strength for and capable of steering the vessel at maximum

ahead service speed, which must be
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection;
(2) Capable of moving the rudder
from 35° on either side to 35° on the
other with the vessel at its deepest
loadline draft and running at maximum ahead service speed, and from 35°
on either side to 30° on the other in not
more than 28 seconds under the same
(3) Operated by power when necessary
to comply with paragraph (b)(2) of this
section or when the diameter of the
rudder stock is over 12 centimeters (4.7
inches) in way of the tiller, excluding
strengthening for navigation in ice;
(4) Designed so that they will not be
damaged when operating at maximum
astern speed; however, this requirement need not be proved by trials at
maximum astern speed and maximum
rudder angle.
(c) The auxiliary steering gear must
(1) Of adequate strength for and capable of steering the vessel at navigable
speed and of being brought speedily
into action in an emergency;
(2) Capable of moving the rudder
from 15° on either side to 15° on the
other in not more than 60 seconds with
the vessel at its deepest loadline draft
and running at one-half maximum
ahead service speed or 7 knots, whichever is greater; and
(3) Operated by power when necessary
to comply with paragraph (c)(2) of this
section or when the diameter of the
rudder stock is over 23 centimeters (9
inches) in way of the tiller, excluding
strengthening for navigation in ice.
(d) No auxiliary means of steering is
required on a double-ended ferryboat
with independent main steering gear
fitted at each end of the vessel.
(e) When the main steering gear includes two or more identical power
units, no auxiliary steering gear need
be fitted, if—
(1) In a passenger vessel, the main
steering gear is capable of moving the
rudder as required by paragraph (b)(2)
of this section while any one of the
power units is not operating;


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(2) In a cargo vessel, the main steering gear is capable of moving the rudder as required by paragraph (b)(2) of
this section while all the power units
are operating;
(3) In a vessel with an installation
completed on or after September 1,
1984, and on an international voyage,
and in any other vessel with an installation completed after June 9, 1995, the
main steering gear is arranged so that,
after a single failure in its piping system (if hydraulic), or in one of the
power units, the defect can be isolated
so that steering capability can be
maintained or speedily regained in less
than ten minutes; or
(4) In a vessel with an installation
completed before September 1, 1986,
and on an international voyage, with
steering gear not complying with paragraph (e)(3) of this section, the installed steering gear has a proved
record of reliability and is in good repair.
NOTE: The place where isolation valves join
the piping system, as by a flange, constitutes
a single-failure point. The valve itself need
not constitute a single-failure point if it has
a double seal to prevent substantial loss of
fluid under pressure. Means to purge air that
enters the system as a result of the piping
failure must be provided, if necessary, so
that steering capability can be maintained
or speedily regained in less than ten minutes.

(f) In each vessel of 70,000 gross tons
or over, the main steering gear must
have two or more identical power units
complying with paragraph (e) of this

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 58.25–15 Voice communications.
Each vessel must be provided with a
sound-powered telephone system, complying with subpart 113.30 of this chapter, to communicate between the pilothouse and the steering-gear compartment, unless an alternative means of
communication between them has been
approved by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center.
§ 58.25–20 Piping for steering gear.
(a) Pressure piping must comply with
subpart 58.30 of this part.
(b) Relief valves must be fitted in any
part of a hydraulic system that can be
isolated and in which pressure can be

§ 58.25–25

generated from the power units or from
external forces such as wave action.
The valves must be of adequate size,
and must be set to limit the maximum
pressure to which the system may be
exposed, in accordance with § 56.07–10(b)
of this subchapter.
(c) Each hydraulic system must be
provided with—
(1) Arrangements to maintain the
cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid, appropriate to the type and design of the
hydraulic system; and
(2) For a vessel on an ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes voyage, a fixed
storage tank having sufficient capacity
to recharge at least one power actuating system including the reservoir.
The storage tank must be permanently
connected by piping so that the hydraulic system can be readily recharged from within the steering-gear
compartment and must be fitted with a
device to indicate liquid level that
complies with § 56.50–90 of this subchapter.
(d) Neither a split flange nor a
flareless fitting of the grip or bite type,
addressed by § 56.30–25 of this subchapter, may be used in hydraulic piping for steering gear.
§ 58.25–25 Indicating and alarm systems.
(a) Indication of the rudder angle
must be provided both at the main
steering station in the pilothouse and
in the steering-gear compartment. The
rudder-angle indicator must be independent of control systems for steering
(b) Each electric-type rudder-angle
indicator must comply with § 113.40–10
of this chapter and, in accordance with
§ 112.15–5(h) of this chapter, draw its
power from the source of emergency
(c) On each vessel of 1,600 gross tons
or over, a steering-failure alarm must
be provided in the pilothouse in accordance with §§ 113.43–3 and 113.43–5 of this
(d) An audible and a visible alarm
must activate in the pilothouse upon—
(1) Failure of the electric power to
the control system of any steering
(2) Failure of that power to the power
unit of any steering gear; or


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§ 58.25–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(3) Occurrence of a low oil level in
any oil reservoir of a hydraulic, poweroperated steering-gear system.
(e) An audible and a visible alarm
must activate in the machinery space
(1) Failure of any phase of a threephase power supply;
(2) Overload of any motor described
by § 58.25–55(c); or
(3) Occurrence of a low oil level in
any oil reservoir of a hydraulic, poweroperated steering-gear system.
NOTE: See § 62.50–30(f) of this subchapter regarding extension of alarms to the navigating bridge on vessels with periodically
unattended machinery spaces.

(f) Each power motor for the main
and auxiliary steering gear must have
a ‘‘motor running’’ indicator light in
the pilothouse, and in the machinery
space, that activates when the motor is
§ 58.25–30

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE: See § 113.40–10 of this chapter for the
arrangement of rudder-angle indicators at
steering stations.

§ 58.25–40 Arrangement of the steering-gear compartment.
(a) The steering-gear compartment
(1) Be readily accessible and, as far as
practicable, separated from any machinery space;
(2) Ensure working access to machinery and controls in the compartment;
(3) Include handrails and either
gratings or other non-slip surfaces to
ensure a safe working environment if
hydraulic fluid leaks.
NOTE: Where practicable, all steering gear
should be located in the steering-gear compartment.

(b) [Reserved]

Automatic restart.

Each control system for main and
auxiliary steering gear and each power
actuating system must restart automatically when electrical power is restored after it has failed.
§ 58.25–35

sion, but must be clearly visible at

Helm arrangements.

(a) The arrangement of each steering
station, other than in the steering-gear
compartment, must be such that the
helmsman is abaft the wheel. The rim
of the wheel must be plainly marked
with arrows and lettering for right and
left rudder, or a suitable notice indicating these directions must be posted
directly in the helmsman’s line of
(b) Each steering wheel must turn
clockwise for ‘‘right rudder’’ and counterclockwise for ‘‘left rudder.’’ When
the vessel is running ahead, after
clockwise movement of the wheel the
vessel’s heading must change to the
(c) If a lever-type control is provided,
it must be installed and marked so
that its movement clearly indicates
both the direction of the rudder’s
movement and, if followup control is
also provided, the amount of the rudder’s movement.
(d) Markings in the pilothouse must
not interfere with the helmsman’s vi-

§ 58.25–45


For each vessel on an ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes voyage, steering
gear other than hydraulic must be designed with suitable buffering arrangements to relieve the gear from shocks
to the rudder.
§ 58.25–50

Rudder stops.

(a) Power-operated steering gear
must have arrangements for cutting off
power to the gear before the rudder
reaches the stops. These arrangements
must be synchronized with the rudder
stock or with the gear itself rather
than be within the control system for
the steering gear, and must work by
limit switches that interrupt output of
the control system or by other means
acceptable to the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center.
(b) Strong and effective structural
rudder stops must be fitted; except
that, where adequate positive stops are
provided within the steering gear, such
structural stops need not be fitted.
§ 58.25–55 Overcurrent protection for
steering-gear systems.
(a) Each feeder circuit for steering
must be protected by a circuit breaker
on the switchboard that supplies it and


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must have an instantaneous trip set at
a current of at least—
(1) 300% and not more than 375% of
the rated full-load current of one steering-gear motor for a direct-current
motor; or
(2) 175% and not more than 200% of
the locked-rotor current of one steering-gear motor for an alternating-current motor.
(b) No feeder circuit for steering may
have any overcurrent protection, except that required by paragraph (a) of
this section.
(c) Neither a main or an auxiliary
steering-gear motor, nor a motor for a
steering-gear control system, may be
protected by an overload protective device. The motor must have a device
that activates an audible and a visible
alarm at the main machinery-control
station if there is an overload that
would cause overheating of the motor.
(d) No control circuit of a motor controller, steering-gear control system,
or indicating or alarm system may
have overcurrent protection except
short-circuit protection that is instantaneous and rated at 400% to 500% of—
(1) The current-carrying capacity of
the conductor; or
(2) The normal load of the system.
(e) The short-circuit protective device for each steering-gear control system must be in the steering-gear compartment and in the control circuit immediately following the disconnect
switch for the system.
(f) When, in a vessel of less than 1,600
gross tons, an auxiliary steering gear,
which § 58.25–10(c)(3) requires to be operated by power, is not operated by
electric power or is operated by an
electric motor primarily intended for
other service, the main steering gear
may be fed by one circuit from the
main switchboard. When such an electric motor is arranged to operate an
auxiliary steering gear, neither § 58.25–
25(e) nor paragraphs (a) through (c) of
this section need be complied with if
both the overcurrent protection and
compliance with §§ 58.25–25(d), 58.25–30,
and 58.25–70 (j) and (k) satisfy the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center.

§ 58.25–65

§ 58.25–60 Non-duplicated
rudder actuators.


Non-duplicated hydraulic rudder actuators may be installed in the steering-gear control systems on each vessel
of less than 100,000 deadweight tons.
These actuators must meet IMO
A.467(XII) (incorporated by reference,
see 46 CFR 58.03–1) and be acceptable to
the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center. Also, the piping for the main
gear must comply with 46 CFR 58.25–
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.25–65

Feeder circuits.

(a) Each vessel with one or more electric-driven steering-gear power units
must have at least two feeder circuits,
which must be separated as widely as
practicable. One or more of these circuits must be supplied from the vessel’s service switchboard. On a vessel
where the rudder stock is over 23 centimeters (9 inches) in diameter in way of
the tiller, excluding strengthening for
navigation in ice, and where a final
source of emergency power is required
by § 112.05–5(a) of this chapter, one or
more of these circuits must be supplied
from the emergency switchboard, or
from an alternative source of power
(1) Is available automatically within
45 seconds of loss of power from the
vessel’s service switchboard;
(2) Comes from an independent source
of power in the steering-gear compartment;
(3) Is used for no other purpose; and
(4) Has a capacity for one half-hour of
continuous operation, to move the rudder from 15° on either side to 15° on the
other in not more than 60 seconds with
the vessel at its deepest loadline draft
and running at one-half maximum
ahead service speed or 7 knots, whichever is greater.
(b) Each vessel that has a steering
gear with multiple electric-driven
power units must be arranged so that
each power unit is supplied by a separate feeder.
(c) Each feeder circuit must have a
disconnect switch in the steering-gear
(d) Each feeder circuit must have a
current-carrying capacity of—


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§ 58.25–70

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

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(1) 125% of the rated full-load current
rating of the electric steering-gear
motor or power unit; and
(2) 100% of the normal current of one
steering-gear control system including
all associated motors.
§ 58.25–70 Steering-gear control systems.
(a) Each power-driven steering-gear
system must be provided with at least
one steering-gear control system.
(b) The main steering gear must be
operable from the pilothouse by mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, or other
means acceptable to the Commanding
Officer, Marine Safety Center. This
gear and its components must give full
followup control of the rudder. Supplementary steering-gear control not giving full followup may also be provided
from the pilothouse.
(c) Each steering-gear control system
must have in the pilothouse a switch
arranged so that one operation of the
switch’s lever automatically supplies
power to a complete system and its associated power unit or units. This
switch must be—
(1) Operated by one lever;
(2) Arranged so that not more than
one control system and its associated
power unit or units can be energized
from the pilothouse at any one time;
(3) Arranged so that the lever passes
through ‘‘off’’ during transfer of control from one control system to another; and
(4) Arranged so that the switches for
each control system are in separate enclosures or are separated by fire-resistant barriers.
(d) Each steering-gear control system
must receive its power from—
(1) The feeder circuit supplying power
to its steering-gear power unit or units
in the steering-gear compartment; or
(2) A direct connection to the busbars
supplying the circuit for its steeringgear power unit or units from a point
on the switchboard adjacent to that
(e) Each steering-gear control system
must have a switch that—
(1) Is in the steering-gear compartment; and
(2) Disconnects the system from its
power source and from the steering
gear that the system serves.

(f) Each motor controller for a steering gear must be in the steering-gear
(g) A means of starting and stopping
each motor for a steering gear must be
in the steering-gear compartment.
(h) When the main steering gear is
arranged in accordance with § 58.25–
10(e), two separate and independent
systems for full followup control must
be provided in the pilothouse; except
(1) The steering wheel or lever need
not be duplicated; and
(2) If the system consists of a hydraulic telemotor, no second separate and
independent system need be provided
other than on each tank vessel subject
to § 58.25–85.
(i) When only the main steering gear
is power-driven, two separate and independent systems for full followup control must be provided in the pilothouse; except that the steering wheel
or lever need not be duplicated.
(j) When the auxiliary steering gear
is power-driven, a control system for
the auxiliary steering gear must be
provided in the pilothouse that is separate and independent from the control
system for the main steering gear; except that the steering wheel or lever
need not be duplicated.
(k) On a vessel of 500 gross tons or
above, each main steering gear and
auxiliary steering gear must be arranged so that its power unit or units
are operable by controls from the
steering-gear compartment. These controls must not be rendered inoperable
by failure of the controls in the pilothouse.
§ 58.25–75


(a) Materials used for the mechanical
or hydraulic transmission of power to
the rudder stock must have an elongation of at least 15% in 5 centimeters
(2 inches); otherwise, components used
for this purpose must be shock-tested
in accordance with subpart 58.30 of this
(b) No materials with low meltingpoints, including such materials as aluminum and nonmetallic seals, may be
used in control systems for steering
gear or in power actuating systems unless—


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(1) The materials are within a compartment having little or no risk of
(2) Because of redundancy in the system, damage by fire to any component
would not prevent immediate restoration of steering capability; or
(3) The materials are within a steering-gear power actuating system.
§ 58.25–80 Automatic pilots and ancillary steering gear.
(a) Automatic pilots and ancillary
steering gear, and steering-gear control
systems, must be arranged to allow immediate resumption of manual operation of the steering-gear control system required in the pilothouse. A
switch must be provided, at the primary steering position in the pilothouse, to completely disconnect the
automatic equipment from the steering-gear controls.
(b) Automatic pilots and ancillary
steering gear must be arranged so that
no single failure affects proper operation and independence of the main or
auxiliary steering gear, required controls, rudder-angle indicators, or steering-failure alarm.

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§ 58.25–85 Special
tank vessels.



(a) Each tank vessel must meet the
applicable requirements of §§ 58.25–1
through 58.25–80.
(b) On each tank vessel of 10,000 gross
tons or over, the main steering gear
must comprise two or more identical
power units that comply with § 58.25–
(c) Each tank vessel of 10,000 gross
tons or over constructed on or after
September 1, 1984, must comply with
the following:
(1) The main steering gear must be
arranged so that, in case of loss of
steering capability due to a single failure in any part of the power actuating
system of the main steering gear, excluding seizure of a rudder actuator or
failure of the tiller, quadrant, or components serving the same purpose,
steering capability can be regained not
more than 45 seconds after the loss of
one power actuating system.
(2) The main steering gear must include either—

§ 58.25–85

(i) Two separate and independent
power actuating systems, complying
with § 58.25–10(b)(2); or
(ii) At least two identical hydraulicpower actuating systems, which, acting
simultaneously in normal operation,
§ 58.25–10(b)(2).
(When they must so comply, these systems must be connected. Loss of hydraulic fluid from one system must be
capable of being detected, and the defective system automatically isolated,
so the other system or systems remain
fully operational.)
(3) Steering gear other than hydraulic must meet equivalent standards to
the satisfaction of the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center.
(d) On each tank vessel of 10,000 gross
tons or over, but less than 100,000 deadweight tons, the main steering gear
need not comply with paragraph (c) of
this section if the rudder actuator or
actuators installed are non-duplicated
hydraulic and if—
(1) The actuators comply with § 58.25–
60; and
(2) In case of loss of steering capability due to a single failure either of
any part of the piping systems or in
one of the power units, steering capability can be regained in not more than
45 seconds.
(e) On each tank vessel of less than
70,000 deadweight tons, constructed before, and with a steering-gear installation before, September 1, 1986, and on
an international voyage, the steering
gear not complying with paragraph (c)
(1), (2), or (3) of this section, as applicable, may continue in service if the
steering gear has a proved record of reliability and is in good repair.
(f) Each tank vessel of 10,000 gross
tons or over, constructed before, and
with a steering-gear installation before, September 1, 1984, must—
(1) Meet the applicable requirements
in §§ 58.25–15, 58.25–20(c), 58.25–25 (a), (d),
and (e), and 58.25–70 (e), (h), (i), and (j);
(2) Ensure working access to machinery and controls in the steering-gear
compartment (which must include
handrails and either gratings or other
non-slip surfaces to ensure a safe working environment in case hydraulic fluid
(3) Have two separate and independent steering-gear control systems,


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§ 58.30–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

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each of which can be operated from the
pilothouse; except that it need not
have separate steering wheels or steering levers;
(4) Arrange each system required by
paragraph (f)(3) of this section so that,
if the one in operation fails, the other
can be operated from the pilothouse
immediately; and
(5) Supply each system required by
paragraph (f)(3) of this section, if electric, with power by a circuit that is—
(i) Used for no other purpose; and either—
(ii) Connected in the steering-gear
compartment to the circuit supplying
power to the power unit or units operated by that system; or
(iii) Connected directly to the
busbars supplying the circuit for its
steering-gear power unit or units at a
point on the switchboard adjacent to
that supply.
(g) Each tank vessel of 40,000 gross
tons or over, constructed before, and
with a steering-gear installation before, September 1, 1984, and on an
international voyage, must have the
steering gear arranged so that, in case
of a single failure of the piping or of
one of the power units, either steering
capability equivalent to that required
of the auxiliary steering gear by § 58.25–
10(c)(2) can be maintained or the rudder’s movement can be limited so that
steering capability can be speedily regained in less than 10 minutes. This arrangement must be achieved by—
(1) An independent means of restraining the rudder;
(2) Fast-acting valves that may be
manually operated to isolate the actuator or actuators from the external hydraulic piping, together with a means
of directly refilling the actuators by a
pump and piping; or
(3) An arrangement such that, if hydraulic-power actuating systems are
connected, loss of hydraulic fluid from
one system must be detected and the
defective system isolated either automatically or from within the pilothouse so that the other system remains
fully operational.
NOTE: The term ‘‘piping or * * * one of the
power units’’ in paragraph (g) of this section
refers to the pressure-containing components
in hydraulic or electro-hydraulic steering

gear. It does not include rudder actuators or
hydraulic-control servo piping and pumps
used to stroke the pump or valves of the
power unit, unless their failure would result
in failure of the unit or of the piping to the

Subpart 58.30—Fluid Power and
Control Systems
§ 58.30–1


(a) This subpart contains requirements for fluid power transmission and
control systems and appurtenances.
Except as otherwise provided for in
this section, these requirements are applicable to the following fluid power
and control systems:
(1) Steering apparatus, main and auxiliary, including bow thruster systems.
(2) Cargo hatch operating systems
unless fitted with an alternate mechanical means of operation and approved
by the Commandant as hydraulically
or pneumatically fail-safe. A system is
considered to be fail-safe if a component failure will result in a slow and
controlled release of the loading so as
not to endanger personnel.
(3) Watertight door operating system.
(4) Automatic propulsion boiler system.
(5) Starting systems for internal
combustion engines used for main propulsion, main or auxiliary power, as
the prime mover for any required emergency apparatus, or as the source of
propulsion power in ship maneuvering
thruster systems.
(6) Centralized control system of
main propulsion and auxiliary machinery.
(7) Lifeboat handling equipment.
(8) Controllable pitch propeller system.
(9) Installations used to remotely
control components of piping systems
listed in § 56.01–10(c)(1) of this subchapter.
(10) All systems containing a pneumatic or hydropneumatic accumulator.
In the case of hydropneumatic accumulators where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Commandant that due
to friction losses, constriction, or other
design features, the hazard of explosive
rupture does not exist downstream of a
certain point in the hydraulic system,
the requirements of this subpart will


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apply only to the accumulator and the
system upstream of this point.
(11) Materials and/or personnel handling equipment systems, i.e. cranes,
hydraulic elevators, etc., not approved
by the Commandant as fail-safe as defined in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(12) Any fluid power or control system installed in the cargo area of pump
rooms on a tank vessel, or in spaces in
which cargo is handled on a liquefied
flammable gas carrier.
(13) All pneumatic power and control
systems having a maximum allowable
working pressure in excess of 150
pounds per square inch.
(14) Any other hydraulic or pneumatic system on board that, in the
judgment of the Commandant, constitutes a hazard to the seaworthiness
of the ship or the safety of personnel
either in normal operation or in case of
(b) Other fluid power and control systems do not have to comply with the
detailed requirements of this subpart
but must meet the requirements of
§ 58.30–50.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2,

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§ 58.30–5

Design requirements.

(a) The requirements of part 56 are
also applicable to piping and fittings in
fluid power and control systems listed
in § 58.30–1 of this part, except as modified herein. The designer should consider the additional pressure due to hydraulic shock and should also consider
the rate of pressure rise caused by hydraulic shock.
(b) The system shall be so designed
that proper functioning of any unit
shall not be affected by the back pressure in the system. The design shall be
such that malfunctioning of any unit
in the system will not render any other
connected or emergency system inoperative because of back pressure.
(c) Pneumatic systems with a maximum allowable working pressure in
excess of 150 pounds per square inch
shall be designed with a surge tank or
other acceptable means of pulsation
(d) Each pneumatic system must
minimize the entry of oil into the sys-

§ 58.30–15

tem and must drain the system of liquids.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24781, May 10, 1995; CGD 95–
027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996]

§ 58.30–10 Hydraulic fluid.
(a) The requirements of this section
are applicable to all fluid power transmission and control systems installed
on vessels subject to inspection.
(b) The fluid used in hydraulic power
transmission systems shall have a
flashpoint of not less than 200 °F. for
pressures below 150 pounds per square
inch and 315 °F. for pressures 150
pounds per square inch and above, as
determined by ASTM D 92 (incorporated by reference, see § 58.03–1),
Cleveland ‘‘Open Cup’’ test method.
(c) The chemical and physical properties of the hydraulic fluid shall be
suitable for use with any materials in
the system or components thereof.
(d) The hydraulic fluid shall be suitable for operation of the hydraulic system through the entire temperature
range to which it may be subjected in
(e) The recommendations of the system component manufacturers and
ANSI B93.5 (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 58.03–1) shall be considered
in the selection and use of hydraulic
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.30–15 Pipe, tubing, valves, fittings,
pumps, and motors.
(a) The requirements of this section
are applicable to those hydraulic and
pneumatic systems listed in § 58.30–1.
(b) Materials used in the manufacture of tubing, pipes, valves, flanges,
and fittings shall be selected from
those specifications that appear in 46
CFR 56.60–1, Table 56.60–1(a) or 46 CFR
56.60–2, Table 56.60–2(a); or they may be
selected from the material specifications of section I or section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(both incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 58.03–1) if not prohibited by the
section of this subchapter dealing with


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§ 58.30–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

the particular section of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Materials designated by other specifications
shall be evaluated on the basis of physical and chemical properties. To assure
these properties, the specifications
shall specify and require such physical
and chemical testing as considered necessary by the Commandant. All tubing
and pipe materials shall be suitable for
handling the hydraulic fluid used and
shall be of such chemical and physical
properties as to remain ductile at the
lowest operating temperature.
(c) Bolting shall meet the requirements of 46 CFR 56.25–20 except that
regular hexagon bolts conforming to
SAE J429, grades 2 through 8 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–
1), or ASTM A 193 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–1) may be used
in sizes not exceeding 11⁄2 inches.
(d) The maximum allowable working
pressure and minimum thickness shall
be calculated as required by § 56.07–10(e)
of this subchapter when the outside diameter to wall thickness ratio is greater than 6. Where the ratio is less than
6, the wall thickness may be established on the basis of an applicable
thick-wall cylinder equation acceptable to the Commandant using the allowable stress values specified in
§ 56.07–10(e) of this subchapter.
(e) All flared, flareless and compression type joints shall be in accordance
with § 56.30–25 of this subchapter.
(f) Fluid power motors and pumps installed on vessels subject to inspection
shall be certified by the manufacturer
as suitable for the intended use. Such
suitability shall be demonstrated by
operational tests conducted aboard the
vessel which shall be witnessed by a
marine inspector.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2,
1975; CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996;
USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460, Sept. 29, 2000; ]

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§ 58.30–20

Fluid power hose and fit-

(a) The requirements of this section
are applicable to those hydraulic and
pneumatic systems listed in § 58.30–1.
(b) Hose and fittings shall meet the
requirements of subpart 56.60 of this

(c) Hose assemblies may be installed
between two points of relative motion
but shall not be subjected to torsional
deflection (twisting) under any conditions of operation and shall be limited,
in general, to reasonable lengths required for flexibility. Special consideration may be given to the use of longer
lengths of flexible hose where required
for proper operation of machinery and
components in the hydraulic system.
(d) Sharp bends in hoses shall be
§ 58.30–25 Accumulators.
(a) An accumulator is an unfired
pressure vessel in which energy is
stored under high pressure in the form
of a gas or a gas and hydraulic fluid.
Accumulators must meet the applicable requirements in § 54.01–5 (c)(3),
(c)(4), and (d) of this chapter or the remaining requirements in part 54.
(b) If the accumulator is of the gas
and fluid type, suitable separators
shall be provided between the two
media, if their mixture would be dangerous, or would result in contamination of the hydraulic fluid and loss of
gas through absorption.
(c) Each accumulator which may be
isolated, shall be protected on the gas
and fluid sides by relief valves set to
relieve at pressures not exceeding the
maximum allowable working pressures.
When an accumulator forms an integral part of systems having relief
valves, the accumulator need not have
individual relief valves.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968 as
amended by CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21811, May 20,

§ 58.30–30 Fluid power cylinders.
(a) The requirements of this section
are applicable to those hydraulic and
pneumatic systems listed in § 58.30–1
and to all pneumatic power transmission systems.
(b) Fluid power cylinders consisting
of a container and a movable piston rod
extending through the containment
vessel, not storing energy but converting a pressure to work, are not
considered to be pressure vessels and
need not be constructed under the provisions of part 54 of this subchapter.
(c) Cylinders shall be designed for a
bursting pressure of not less than 4


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times the maximum allowable working
pressure. Drawings and calculations or
a certified burst test report shall be
submitted to show compliance with
this requirement.
(d) Piston rods, except steering gear
rams, shall either be of corrosion resistant material or shall be of steel
protected by a plating system acceptable to the Commandant.
(e) Materials selection shall be in accordance with the requirements of
§ 58.30–15(b).
§ 58.30–35 Testing.
(a) All fluid power and control systems and components thereof shall be
tested as required by this section.
(b) Accumulators constructed as
pressure vessels under the provisions of
part 54 of this subchapter shall be tested and retested as required by parts 54
and 61 of this subchapter.
(c) Fluid power and control systems
and piping assemblies shall be given an
installation test as follows:
(1) Fluid power and control systems
and piping assemblies and associated
equipment components, including hydraulic steering gear, in lieu of being
tested at the time of installation, may
be shop tested by the manufacturer to
11⁄2 times the maximum allowable pressure of the system. The required test
pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient amount of time to check all
components for strength and porosity
and to permit an inspection to be made
of all connections.
(2) Fluid power and control systems
and associated hydraulic equipment
components which have been tested in
conformance with paragraph (c)(1) of
this section and so certified by the
manufacturer, may be tested after installation as a complete assembly by
stalling the driven unit in a safe and
satisfactory manner and by blowing
the relief valves. Otherwise, these systems shall be hydrostatically tested in
the presence of a marine inspector at a
pressure of 11⁄2 times the maximum allowable pressure.
(3) Fluid power and control systems
incorporating hydropneumatic accumulators containing rupture discs may
be tested at the maximum allowable
working pressure of the system in lieu
of 11⁄2 times this value as prescribed in

§ 58.30–50

paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section
provided the accumulators have been
previously tested in accordance with
paragraph (b) of this section and welded or brazed piping joints are not employed in the system. If welded or
brazed joints are employed, the system
shall be tested in accordance with the
requirements of paragraphs (c)(1) and
(2) of this section except that the accumulators may be isolated from the remainder of the system.
(d) Fluid power and control systems
shall be purged with an inert gas or
with the working fluid and all trapped
air bled from the system prior to any
shipboard testing. In no case shall air,
oxygen, any flammable gas, or any
flammable mixture of gases be used for
testing fluid power systems.
(e) Fluid control systems, such as
boiler combustion controls, containing
components with internal parts, such
as bellows or other sensing elements,
which would be damaged by the test
pressure prescribed in paragraphs (c)
(1) and (2) of this section may be tested
at the maximum allowable working
pressure of the system. In addition, all
fluid control systems may be tested
using the system working fluid.
§ 58.30–40


(a) Diagrammatic plans and lists of
materials must be submitted for each
of the fluid power and control systems
listed in § 58.30–1(a) that is installed on
the vessel. Plan submission must be in
accordance with subpart 50.20 of this
subchapter and must include the following:
(1) The purpose of the system.
(2) Its location on the vessel.
(3) The maximum allowable working
(4) The fluid used in the system.
(5) The velocity of the fluid flow in
the system.
(6) Details of the system components
in accordance with § 56.01–10(d) of this
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975]

§ 58.30–50 Requirements for miscellaneous fluid power and control systems.
(a) All fluid power and control systems installed on a vessel, except those


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§ 58.50–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

listed in § 58.30–1(a), must meet the following requirements:
(1) Diagrams of the system providing
the information required by § 58.30–
40(a)(1) through (4) must be submitted.
These are not approved but are needed
for records and for evaluation of the
system in accordance with § 58.30–
(2) The hydraulic fluid used in the
system must comply with § 58.30–10.
(3) The installed system must be tested in accordance with § 58.30–35(c)(2).
(4) All pneumatic cylinders must
comply with § 58.30–30.
(5) Additional plans may be required
for ‘‘fail-safe’’ equipment and for cargo
hatch systems with alternate means of
[CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40168, Sept. 2, 1975]

Subpart 58.50—Independent Fuel
§ 58.50–1 General requirements.
(a) The regulations in this subpart
contain requirements for independent
fuel tanks.
(b) Passenger vessels exceeding 100
gross tons constructed prior to July 1,
1935, may carry gasoline as fuel not exceeding 40 gallons to supply the emergency electrical system. Passenger vessels exceeding 100 gross tons constructed on or after July 1, 1935, and all
emergency systems converted on or
after July 1, 1935, shall use fuel which
has a flashpoint exceeding 110 °F.

(PMCC) for internal combustion engine
units. Such vessels shall carry a sufficient quantity of fuel to supply the
emergency electrical system. Refer to
§ 112.05–5 of subchapter J (Electrical
Engineering), of this chapter.
(c) An outage of 2 percent shall be
provided on all fuel tanks containing
petroleum products.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–254, 40 FR 40169, Sept. 2,

§ 58.50–5

Gasoline fuel tanks.

(a) Construction—(1) Shape. Tanks
may be of either cylindrical or rectangular form, except that tanks for emergency electrical systems shall be of cylindrical form.
(2) Materials and construction. The
material used and the minimum thickness allowed shall be as indicated in
Table 58.50–5(a) except that consideration will be given to other materials
which provide equivalent safety as indicated in § 58.50–15.
(3) Prohibited types. Tanks with
flanged-up top edges that may trap and
hold moisture shall not be used.
(4) Openings. Openings for fill, vent
and fuel pipes, and openings for fuel
level gages where used, shall be on the
topmost surface of tanks. Tanks shall
have no openings in bottoms, sides, or
ends, except that an opening fitted
with threaded plug or cap may be used
for tank cleaning purposes.

TABLE 58.50–5(a)
Thickness in inches and gage numbers 1 vs. tank capacities for—
ASTM specification (all incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 58.03–1)


Aluminum 5 ................
Nickel-copper ............
Copper-nickel ............
Copper ......................
Copper-silicon ...........
Steel or iron 4 ............

209, Alloy 5086 6 ....................
127, Hot rolled sheet or plate
122, Alloy No. 5 .....................
152, Type ETP .......................
96, alloys C65100 and
0.0747 (MfgStd 14) ....................

1- through 80-gallon

(USSG 3) .......
(USSG 20).3 ...
(AWG 17) .......
(AWG 15) .......
(AWG 16) .......

0.1046 (MfgStd 12) ..

More than 80- and
not more than 150gallon tanks

(USSG 3) .......
(USSG 18) .....
(AWG 15) .......
(AWG 12) .......
(AWG 14) .......

Over 150-gallon
tanks 2

(USSG 3).
(USSG 12).
(AWG 8).
(AWG 5).
(AWG 7).

0.179 (MfgStd 7)..

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

1 Gauges

used are U.S. standard ‘‘USSG’’ for aluminum and nickel-copper; ‘‘AWG’’ for copper, copper-nickel and copper-silicon; and ‘‘MfgStd’’ for steel.
2 Tanks over 400 gallons shall be designed with a factor of safety of four on the ultimate strength of the material used with a
design head of not less than 4 feet of liquid above the top of the tank.
3 Nickel-copper not less than 0.031 inch (USSG 22) may be used for tanks up to 30-gallon capacity.
4 Fuel tanks constructed of iron or steel, which is less than 3⁄16-inch thick shall be galvanized inside and outside by the hot dip
5 Anodic to most common metals. Avoid dissimilar metal contact with tank body.
6 And other alloys acceptable to the Commandant.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(5) Joints. All metallic tank joints
shall be welded or brazed.
(6) Fittings. Nozzles, flanges, or other
fittings for pipe connections shall be
welded or brazed to the tank. The tank
openings in way of pipe connections
shall be properly reinforced where necessary. Where fuel level gages are used,
the flange to which gage fittings are
attached shall be welded or brazed to
the tank. No tubular gage glasses or
trycocks shall be fitted to the tanks.
(7) Baffle plates. All tanks exceeding
30 inches in any horizontal dimension
shall be fitted with vertical baffle
plates where necessary for strength or
for control of excessive surge. In general, baffle plates installed at intervals
not exceeding 30 inches will be considered as meeting this requirement.
(8) Baffle plate details. Baffle plates,
where required, shall be of the same
material and not less than the minimum thickness required in the tank
walls and shall be connected to the
tank walls by welding or brazing. Limber holes at the bottom and air holes
at the top of all baffles shall be provided.
(b) Installation. (1) Gasoline fuel
tanks used for propulsion shall be located in water-tight compartments
separate from, but adjacent to the
engineroom or machinery space. Fuel
tanks for auxiliaries shall be located
on or above the weather deck outside
of the engine housing or compartment
and as close to the engine as practicable. All tanks shall be so installed
as to provide a free circulation of air
around the tanks.
(2) Cylindrical tanks with longitudinal seams shall be arranged horizontally where practicable so that such
seams are located as near the top as
(3) Fuel tanks shall be so installed as
to permit examination, testing, or removal for cleaning.

§ 58.50–10

(4) Fuel tanks shall be adequately
supported and braced to prevent movement. Portable fuel tanks are not permitted.
(5) All fuel tanks shall be electrically
bonded to the common ground.
(c) Testing. (1) Prior to installation,
tanks vented to atmosphere shall be
tested to, and must withstand, a pressure of 5 pounds per square inch or 11⁄2
times the maximum head to which
they may be subjected in service,
whichever is greater. A standpipe of
111⁄2 feet in height attached to the tank
may be filled with water to accomplish
the 5 pounds per square inch test. Permanent deformation of the tank will
not be cause for rejection unless accompanied by leakage.
(2) After installation of the fuel tank
on a vessel the complete installation
shall be tested in the presence of a marine inspector to a head not less than
that to which the tank may be subjected in service. Fuel may be used as
a testing medium.
(3) All tanks not vented to atmosphere shall be constructed and tested
in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6190, Mar.
25, 1972; USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1,
1999; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31,

§ 58.50–10 Diesel fuel tanks.
(a) Construction. (1) Tanks may be of
either cylindrical or rectangular form.
(2) The materials used and the minimum thickness allowed in the construction of independent fuel tanks
shall be as indicated in Table 58.50–
10(a), except that consideration will be
given to other materials which provide
equivalent safety as indicated in
§ 58.50–15.
(3) Tanks with flanged-up top edges,
that may trap and hold moisture, shall
not be used.

TABLE 58.50–10(a)

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Thickness in inches and gage numbers 1 vs. tank capacities for—

ASTM specification (all incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 58.03–1)

1- through 80-gallon

More than 80- and
not more than 150gallon tanks

Aluminum 5 ................
Nickel-copper ............

B 209, Alloy 5086 6 ....................
B 127, Hot rolled sheet or plate

0.250 (USSG 3) .......
0.037 (USSG 20).3

0.250 (USSG 3) .......
0.050 (USSG 18) .....

Over 150-gallon
tanks 2
0.250 (USSG 3).
0.107 (USSG 12).


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§ 58.50–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)
TABLE 58.50–10(a)—Continued
Thickness in inches and gage numbers 1 vs. tank capacities for—


ASTM specification (all incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 58.03–1)

1- through 80-gallon

Steel or iron 4 ............

0.0747 (MfgStd 14) ....................

0.1046 (MfgStd 12) ..

More than 80- and
not more than 150gallon tanks

Over 150-gallon
tanks 2

0.179 (MfgStd 7)..

1 Gauges

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

used are U.S. standard ‘‘USSG’’ for aluminum and nickel-copper and ‘‘MfgStd’’ for steel or iron.
2 Tanks over 400 gallons shall be designed with a factor of safety of four on the ultimate strength of the material used with design head of not less than 4 feet of liquid above the top of the tank.
3 Nickel-copper not less than 0.031 inch (USSG 22) may be used for tanks up to 30-gallon capacity.
4 For diesel tanks the steel or iron shall not be galvanized on the interior.
5 Anodic to most common metals. Avoid dissimilar metal contact with tank body.
6 And other alloys acceptable to the Commandant.

(4) Openings for fill and vent pipes
must be on the topmost surface of a
tank. There must be no openings in the
bottom, sides, or ends of a tank except
as follows:
(i) The opening for the fuel supply
piping is not restricted to the top of
the tank.
(ii) An opening fitted with threaded
plug or cap may be used on the bottom
of the tank for tank cleaning purposes.
(iii) Liquid level gages must penetrate at a point that is more than 2
inches from the bottom of the tank.
(5) All tank joints shall be welded.
(6) Nozzles, flanges, or other fittings
for pipe connections shall be welded or
brazed to the tank. The tank opening
in way of pipe connections shall be
properly reinforced where necessary.
Where liquid level indicating devices
are attached to the tank, they shall be
of heat resistant materials adequately
protected from mechanical damage and
provided at the tank connections with
devices which will automatically close
in the event of rupture of the gage or
gage lines.
(7) All tanks exceeding 30 inches in
any horizontal dimension shall be
fitted with vertical baffle plates where
necessary for strength or for control of
excessive surge. In general, baffle
plates installed at intervals not exceeding 30 inches will be considered as
meeting this requirement.
(8) Baffle plates, where required,
shall be of the same material and not
less than the minimum thickness required in the tank walls and shall be
connected to the tank walls by welding
or brazing. Limber holes at the bottom
and air holes at the top of all baffle
plates shall be provided.

(9) Iron or steel tanks shall not be
galvanized on the interior. Galvanizing
paint or other suitable coating shall be
used to protect the outside of iron and
steel tanks.
(b) Installation. (1) Tanks containing
fuel for emergency lighting units shall
be located on an open deck or in an
adequately ventilated metal compartment. No tank shall be located in a
compartment where the temperature
may exceed 150 °F.
(2) When cylindrical tanks are installed, longitudinal seams shall be located as near the top of the tank as
possible. Fuel tanks shall be located in,
or as close as practicable, to the machinery space which is served.
(3) Fuel tanks shall be so installed as
to permit examination, testing, or removal for cleaning.
(4) Fuel tanks shall be adequately
supported and braced to prevent movement. Portable tanks are not permitted.
(5) All fuel tanks shall be electrically
bonded to the common ground.
(c) Tests. (1) Prior to installation,
tanks vented to the atmosphere shall
be tested to and must withstand a pressure of 5 pounds per square inch or 11⁄2
times the maximum head to which
they may be subjected in service,
whichever is greater. A standpipe of
111⁄2 feet in height attached to the tank
may be filled with water to accomplish
the 5 pounds per square inch test. Permanent deformation of the tank will
not be cause for rejection unless accompanied by leakage.
(2) After installation of the fuel tank
on a vessel the complete installation
shall be tested in the presence of a marine inspector to a head not less than


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
that to which the tank may be subjected in service. Fuel may be used as
a testing medium.
(3) All tanks not vented to atmosphere shall be constructed and tested
in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGFR 72–59R, 37 FR 6190, Mar. 25, 1972;
USCG–1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65188, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.50–15 Alternate material for construction of independent fuel tanks.
(a) Materials other than those specifically listed in 46 CFR 58.50–5, Table
58.50–5(a) and in 46 CFR 58.50–10, Table
58.50–10(a) may be used for fuel tank
construction only if the tank as constructed meets material and testing requirements approved by the Commandant (CG–ENG). Approved testing
may be accomplished by any acceptable laboratory, such as the Marine Department, Underwriters’ Laboratories,
Inc., or may be done by the fabricator
if witnessed by a marine inspector.
(b) [Reserved]
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65188, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778,
Oct, 1, 2012]

Subpart 58.60—Industrial Systems
and Components on Mobile

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

SOURCE: CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4,
1978, unless otherwise noted.

§ 58.60–1 Applicability.
This subpart applies to the following
industrial systems on board a mobile
offshore drilling unit (MODU):
(a) Cementing systems.
(b) Circulation systems, including—
(1) Pipes and pumps for mud;
(2) Shale shakers;
(3) Desanders; and
(4) Degassers.
(c) Blow out preventor control systems.
(d) Riser and guideline tensioning
(e) Motion compensation systems.
(f) Bulk material storage and handling systems.

§ 58.60–9

(g) Other pressurized systems designed for the MODU’s industrial operations.
§ 58.60–2 Alternatives
(a) The Coast Guard may accept substitutes for fittings, material, apparatus, equipment, arrangements, calculations, and tests required in this
subpart if the substitute provides an
equivalent level of safety.
(b) In any case where it is shown to
the satisfaction of the Commandant
that the use of any particular equipment, apparatus, arrangement, or test
is unreasonable or impracticable, the
Commandant may permit the use of alternate equipment, apparatus, arrangement, or test to such an extent and
upon such condition as will insure, to
his satisfaction, a degree of safety consistent with the minimum standards
set forth in this subpart.
§ 58.60–3 Pressure vessel.
A pressure vessel that is a component
in an industrial system under this subpart must meet the applicable requirements in § 54.01–5 of this chapter.
[CGD 73–251, 43 FR 58601, Dec. 4, 1978, as
amended by CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21811, May 20,

§ 58.60–5 Industrial systems: Locations.
An industrial system under this subpart must not be in a space that is—
(a) Concealed; or
(b) Inaccessible to industrial personnel.
§ 58.60–7 Industrial systems: Piping.
The piping for industrial systems
under this subpart must meet ANSI
B31.3 (incorporated by reference, see 46
CFR 58.03–1), except that blow out
preventor control systems must also
meet API RP 53 (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 58.03–1).
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65188, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 58.60–9 Industrial systems: Design.
Each system under this subpart must
be designed and analyzed in accordance
with the principles of API RP 14C (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65188, Oct. 31, 2008]


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§ 58.60–11

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

§ 58.60–11 Analyses, plans, diagrams
and specifications: Submission.
(a) Each industrial system must be
analyzed by a registered professional
engineer to certify that the system has
been designed in accordance with applicable standards.
(b) The certification must—
(1) Appear on all diagrams and analyses; and
(2) Be submitted under § 50.20–5 of
this chapter.
(c) Standards or specifications for
non-pressurized, mechanical or structural systems, and components such as
derricks, drawworks, and rotary tables
which comply with standards or specifications not referenced in this subchapter must be referenced on the
plans or in the specifications of the
§ 58.60–13 Inspection.
An industrial system is accepted by
the Coast Guard if the inspector finds—
(a) The system meets this subpart;
(b) There are guards, shields, insulation or similar devices for protection of
personnel; and
(c) The system is not manifestly unsafe.

Subpart 59.01—General Requirements
59.01–1 Scope.
59.01–2 Incorporation by reference.
59.01–5 Repairs, replacements, or


Subpart 59.10—Welding Repairs to Boilers
and Pressure Vessels in Service

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

59.10–1 Scope.
59.10–5 Cracks.
59.10–10 Corroded surfaces.
59.10–15 Rivets and staybolts.
59.10–20 Patches in shells and tube sheets.
59.10–25 Stayed areas.
59.10–30 Seal welding.
59.10–35 Wrapper plates and back heads.

Subpart 59.15—Miscellaneous Boiler
59.15–1 Furnace repairs.
59.15–5 Stayed furnaces




Bagged or blistered shell plates.

Subpart 59.20—Welding Repairs to

Carbon-steel or alloy-steel castings.

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234,
45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 227; Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18887, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 59.01—General
§ 59.01–1 Scope.
The regulations in this part apply to
the repairs of all boilers, appurtenances and pressure vessels subject
to inspection by the Coast Guard.
§ 59.01–2 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed below.
(b) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001)
(‘‘Section I of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 59.10–5;
(2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VII, Recommended


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Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers (July 1, 2001) (‘‘Section VII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code’’), 59.01–5;
(3) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Rules
for Construction of Pressure Vessels
(1998 with 1999 and 2000 addenda)
(‘‘Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code’’), 59.10–5; 59.10–10;
(4) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section IX, Welding and Brazing
Qualifications (1998) (‘‘Section IX of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code’’), 59.10–5.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65188, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60148,
Sept. 30, 2013]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 59.01–5 Repairs, replacements, or alterations.
(a) No repairs, replacements, or alterations, except emergency repairs, shall
be made to boilers, pressure vessels,
their mountings or internal fittings,
safety valves, piping systems, or pressure appliances without prior approval
by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(b) Emergency repairs, replacements,
or alterations shall be reported as soon
as practicable to the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, at or nearest the
first port where the vessel may call
after such repairs are made.
(c) Plan approval shall be obtained
from the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, for all alterations to systems
in service as listed in § 56.01–10(c) of
this subchapter and those items listed
in paragraph (a) of this section.
(d) Repairs, replacements, or alterations to machinery or items not covered by other sections of this part shall
be made in a manner consistent with
the part of this subchapter containing
the construction standards for the item
in question.
(e) Where applicable, manufacturers’
instruction books, manuals, and the
like, and section VII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incor-

§ 59.10–5

porated by reference; see 46 CFR 59.01–
2) must be used for guidance.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18887, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 59.10—Welding Repairs to
Boilers and Pressure Vessels in
§ 59.10–1


(a) Repairs to boilers or pressure vessels in service may be performed by
welding provided the welding meets the
applicable requirements of part 57 of
this subchapter.
(b) No repairs by welding shall be
made except temporary emergency repairs without prior approval of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
Emergency repairs shall be replaced
with permanent repairs meeting the requirements of this subchapter when the
vessel returns to a port in which an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, is
located except in the case of minor repairs which in the opinion of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, do
not materially affect the safety of the
boiler or pressure vessel.
(c) Repair welding of power boilers,
not meeting the requirements of subpart 52.05 of this subchapter, is prohibited unless the stress is carried by such
other type(s) of construction complying with the requirements of this
subchapter, and where the adequacy of
the boiler design is not solely dependent upon the strength of the welds.
(d) Only welded repairs as specified in
this subchapter are permitted on boilers and pressure vessels. The welding
repairs allowed by this subpart apply
only to boilers and pressure vessels fabricated of carbon steel. Welding repairs
to boilers and pressure vessels fabricated of alloy steel will be given special consideration by the Commandant.
Such other method of repairs by means
of welding not covered in this subchapter shall be referred to the Commandant and may be authorized by
him, if in his opinion, it meets the intent of this subchapter.
§ 59.10–5


(a) Cracks extending from the calking edge of plates to the rivet holes of


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 59.10–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

circumferential joints may be welded
provided the cracks are veed out so
that complete penetration of the weld
metal is secured.
(b) Circumferential cracks from rivet
hole to rivet hole in girth joints may
be welded provided there are not more
than three consecutive cracked ligaments nor more than a total of six
cracked ligaments in any one girth
(c) Cracks in staybolted plates may
be welded provided they are located entirely within staybolted areas and the
total length of any crack or series of
consecutive cracks does not exceed two
staybolt pitches.
(d) Cracks in plain, circular or Adamson ring or similar type furnaces may
be welded provided any one crack does
not exceed 12 inches in length and after
completion the weld is stress-relieved.
Cracks in corrugated furnaces may be
repaired by welding provided any one
crack does not exceed 20 inches in
(e) Fire cracks may be welded at riveted door openings extending from the
edge of the plate, but not more than 2
inches beyond the centerline of the
rivet holes.
(f) Cracks may be welded between
tube holes in the shell of water tube
boiler drums, provided there are not
more than two cracks in any one row
in any direction, nor more than a total
of four cracks in a drum, and further
provided the welding meets the requirements of this subchapter for Class
I welded pressure vessels and is approved by the Commandant.
(g) Cracks that occur in superheater
manifolds, water wallheaders, water
drums, sectional headers, and other appurtenances including steam manifolds
of water tube boilers may be repaired
in accordance with paragraph (h) of
this section if the repair is approved.
(h) All cracks permitted to be repaired under this subpart shall be excavated to sound metal by grinding,
flame or arc gouging or chipping out
the defective metal to form a clean
welding groove. The first two methods
of excavation are preferable. Either a V
groove or U groove wherein complete
penetration of the weld metal is secured may be used. After excavation is
completed and prior to welding, the ex-

cavated area shall be examined by
magnetic particle, dye penetrant, or
other acceptable test method. When
the reverse side of the weld is accessible the root of the weld shall be
chipped or ground out to insure a clean
surface of the originally deposited
metal and the resultant groove welded
to obtain a sound weld having complete
penetration. When the weld cannot be
back chipped because the reverse side
is inaccessible, a backing strip or other
approved means of assuring full penetration shall be employed.
(i) During welding of cracks a preheat shall be maintained by controlled
temperatures. The degree of preheat
shall be determined by the rules listed
in accordance with the materials Pnumber groupings of PW–38, section I,
appendix R, section VIII and Table Q.
11.1, section IX of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (all incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 59.01–2). For
thicknesses exceeding three-fourths
inch, suitable U grooves should be employed. A welding sequence shall be
used so as to equalize welding stresses.
(j) Postweld heat treatment of repaired cracks shall be performed in accordance with the rules specified in
PW–39, section I and UW–40, section
VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code for boilers and pressure
vessels respectively.
(k) Welded repairs of cracks shall be
nondestructively tested in accordance
with the rules specified in PW–40, section I, and UW–51, section VIII of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
for boilers and pressure vessels respectively.
(l) After cracks originating in tube or
rivet holes are repaired by welding, the
holes shall be properly reamed and the
weld reinforcing ground flush with the
plate in way of rivet heads.
(m) Flat tube sheets in fire-tube boilers which have corroded or where
cracks exist in the ligaments may be
repaired by welding.
(n) Welding repairs to drums of power
boilers, except as otherwise permitted
in this subpart, are prohibited.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18887, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 59.10–10 Corroded surfaces.
(a) Corroded surfaces in the calking
edges of circumferential seams may be
built up by welding to the original
thickness under the following conditions:
(1) The thickness of the original
metal to be built up between the rivet
holes and the calking edge shall not be
less than one-fourth of the diameter of
the rivet hole, and the portion of the
calking edge to be thus reinforced shall
not exceed 30 inches in length in a circumferential direction.
(2) In all repairs to circumferential
seams by welding, the rivets shall be
removed over the portions to be welded
for a distance of at least 6 inches beyond the repaired portion.
(3) After repairs are made the rivet
holes shall be reamed before the rivets
are redriven.
(b) It is not permissible to build up or
reinforce a grooved or corroded area of
unstayed internal surfaces by means of
welding, except that widely scattered
pit holes may be built up by welding.
(c) Where external corrosion has reduced the thickness of flat plates
around hand holes to an extent of not
more than 40 percent of the original
thickness and for a distance not exceeding 2 inches from the edge of the
hole, the plate may be built up by
(d) Where stayed sheets have corroded to a depth not exceeding 40 percent of their original thickness, they
may be reinforced or built up by welding. Where the staybolts are fitted with
riveted heads, the staybolts in the reinforced area shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of § 52.20–15 of
staybolts are fitted with nuts, the nuts
may be removed and after reinforcing
has been applied, collars may be welded
around the staybolts in lieu of the
nuts. Such reinforced areas shall not
exceed 400 square inches nor more than
30 inches in one direction. Two such
areas in any one plate may be reinforced: Provided, that the distance between the reinforced surfaces is not
less than 30 inches.
(e) When the corroded portion of a
staybolted surface exceeds 400 square
inches, it is permissible to make repairs by cutting out the defective por-

§ 59.10–20

tion and replacing it with a new plate,
the edges of the new plate to be welded
in position. In such cases, new
staybolts shall be fitted in accordance
with the requirements of § 52.20–15 of
this subchapter and where welding is
performed through a line of staybolts,
welded collars as required by Figure
52.01–3 of this subchapter shall be used
to attach the staybolts.
(f) Eroded seams of welded pressure
vessels may be repaired by rewelding
the wasted portion. The wasted section
of the seam shall be excavated sufficiently by grinding, flame or arc
gouging or chipping to ensure proper
weld penetration. Rewelded seams shall
be nondestructively tested in accordance with section VIII of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 59.01–
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18887, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 59.10–15 Rivets and staybolts.
(a) It is not permitted to reinforce or
build up by welding the heads of rivets
or staybolts that have deteriorated.
Such rivets or staybolts shall be replaced. The seal welding of rivet heads
to secure tightness is prohibited.
(b) Where leaks develop around
staybolts which are otherwise in good
condition, the nuts may be replaced
with a beveled collar formed around
the end of the stay by means of welding. In such cases, the depth of collar
measured on the stay and the width
measured on the plate, shall be equal
to one-half the diameter of the
§ 59.10–20 Patches in shells and tube
(a) Unreinforced openings in the
shells or drums of boilers or pressure
vessels, the diameter of which does not
exceed the maximum diameter of an
unreinforced opening in accordance
with § 52.01–100 of this subchapter may
be closed by the use of a patch or plate
inside the drum or shell and sealed
against leakage by welding. Such
plates shall have a diameter of at least
2 inches larger than the diameter of
the hole and shall have a thickness
equal to the thickness of the plate to


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§ 59.10–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

which it is attached. It is not permissible to insert such patches in the shell
or head flush with the surrounding
plate unless the requirements of this
subchapter for Class I welded pressure
vessels are met.
(b) Portions of tube sheets which
have deteriorated may be renewed by
replacing the wasted portion with a
new section. The ligaments between
the tube holes may be joined by means
of welding and staytubes. Other acceptable means of lowering the stress on
the repaired section may be used if in
the judgment of the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, it is necessary.

plete penetration of the weld metal
will be obtained. The edge preparation
and preheat shall comply with the requirements of § 59.10–5(h).
(d) The edges of the new plate shall
be buttwelded and the plate shall be
riveted to the flanges of the tube sheet
and back heads and the staybolts renewed.
(e) Sections of wrapper plates of combustion chambers outside of stayed
areas may be repaired by welding provided the welded joints are stress-relieved by means of controlled heat and
the joints are nondestructively tested.

§ 59.10–25 Stayed areas.
Welding repairs are permitted in
staybolted areas or areas adequately
stayed by other means so that should
failure of the welds occur the stress
will be carried by the stays. The welds
shall be located entirely within
staybolted areas and shall not pass
through the outer row of stays.

Subpart 59.15—Miscellaneous
Boiler Repairs

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 59.10–30 Seal welding.
Where leaks occur in riveted joints or
connections, they shall be carefully investigated to determine the cause.
Such leaks may be made tight by seal
welding the edge, if, in the opinion of
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, this will make a satisfactory repair.
§ 59.10–35 Wrapper plates and back
Wrapper plates and back heads may
be renewed in whole or repaired as follows:
(a) Wrapper plates or backs heads
shall be cut between two rows of
staybolts or on a line of staybolts
where the thickness is approximately
the same as the original construction.
If welding is employed on a line of
staybolts, the staybolts shall be fitted
with a welded collar as required by Figure 52.01–3 of this subchapter.
(b) The edges of wrapper plates riveted to tube sheets and back heads
shall be removed by cutting out the
(c) The edges of existing plates and
new plates shall be beveled by chipping, flame cutting or grinding so as to
form a suitable groove whereby com-

§ 59.15–1

Furnace repairs.

(a) Where corrugated or plain furnaces or flues are distorted by 11⁄2
inches or more, they shall be repaired
by either of the following methods:
(1) The furnace shall be forced back
to a true circular shape, and the Officer
in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require strongbacks or other acceptable
means of support to hold the furnace
from future collapse, if in his opinion
such support is necessary; or,
(2) The furnace shall be adequately
stayed as found necessary in the judgment of the Officer in Charge, Marine
(b) Distortion means the difference
between any single measured diameter
of the furnace and the diameter of a
true circle at the same location. The
diameter of the true circle may be
taken as the original furnace diameter
or may be determined by a means acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(c) Where the distortion does not exceed 11⁄2 inches it will not be necessary
to force the furnace back to a true circle if the allowable pressure is reduced
in the ratio of 11⁄2 percent for each onetenth of an inch of distortion. However,
if the maximum distortion does not exceed 1 inch and the length of the distorted area is not more than three corrugations, or, if the maximum distortion does not exceed three-fourths inch
for a length greater than three corrugations of distorted area, the repairs


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
or reduction in pressure will not be required unless considered necessary by
the marine inspector.
(d) When it becomes necessary to
rivet a patch to a furnace or other part
of the heating surface, the riveted
patch shall be placed on the waterside
of the plate in order not to form a
pocket in which sediment may collect.
(e) Furnace crowns which have become distorted, not in excess of the
limitations provided in paragraph (c) of

§ 59.15–10

this section, may be repaired by pumping back the distorted section to as
nearly a true circle as possible and reinforcing the same by means of a ring,
arc- or gas-welded to the distorted corrugation as shown in Figure 59.15–1, the
welding to be done by welders and
welding processors qualified in accordance with part 57 of this subchapter
using acceptable welding electrodes in
accordance with § 57.02–4 of this subchapter.


§ 59.15–5 Stayed furnaces and combustion chambers.

§ 59.15–10 Bagged




(a) When the shell plates of cylindrical boilers which are exposed to the


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(a) Where the plate forming the walls
of stayed furnaces or combustion
chambers become bulged between
staybolts, repairs may be made by inserting an additional staybolt in the
center of such space supported by the
four staybolts.
(b) Where it is desired to rivet a
patch to the wall of a stayed furnace or
combustion chamber, the defective portion of the plate shall be cut away
until solid material is reached, the
patch shall be riveted on the waterside,
and the staybolts renewed, and extended through the new plate.

radiant heat of the fire become bagged
or blistered, it shall be the duty of the
chief engineer in charge of the vessel
to notify the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, for examination before
raising steam on the boiler.
(b) Where the shell plate is bagged
due to overheating, the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, may, if in
his judgment it is practicable, permit
the same to be driven back to its original position.
(c) Where the shell plate has blistered, bagged, or bulged to such an extent that there is an appreciable
thinning of the plate, the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, shall require the defective portion to be cut
away and the shell repaired by fitting a
patch of steel plate conforming to the

§ 59.20–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

requirements of § 52.01–90 of this subchapter in place of the defective portion. Care shall be taken that the riveting schedule of the patch is so arranged as to give the plate sufficient
strength to withstand the stress placed
on it in service.

Subpart 59.20—Welding Repairs to
§ 59.20–1 Carbon-steel or alloy-steel
Defects in carbon-steel or alloy-steel
castings may be repaired by welding.
The repairs shall be performed in accordance with the material specification to which the casting was originally supplied.



61.40–1 General.
61.40–3 Design verification testing.
61.40–6 Periodic safety tests.
61.40–10 Test procedure details.

Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 61.05—Tests and Inspections of
Preparation of boilers for inspection
Boilers in service.
Boiler mountings and attachments.
Boiler safety valves.

AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
3306, 3307, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 61.01—General

Subpart 61.10—Tests and Inspections of
Pressure Vessels

§ 61.01–1

Pressure vessels in service.


61.15–1 Scope.
61.15–5 Steam piping.
61.15–10 Liquefied-petroleum-gas piping for
heating and cooking.
61.15–12 Nonmetallic expansion joints.
61.15–15 Other piping.

(a) Periodic tests and inspection shall
be made of the main and auxiliary machinery, boilers, and other equipment
as prescribed in this part.
(b) The inspections and tests shall insure that the equipment and associated
structure are in satisfactory operating
conditions and fit for the service for
which they are intended.

Subpart 61.20—Periodic Tests of Machinery
and Equipment

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18,

Subpart 61.15—Periodic Tests of Piping

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Required tests and checks.

Subpart 61.40—Design Verification and
Periodic Testing of Vital System Automation

Subpart 61.03—Incorporation of Standards


61.30–1 Scope.
61.30–5 Preparation of thermal fluid heater
for inspection and test.
61.30–10 Hydrostatic test.
61.30–15 Visual inspection.
61.30–20 Automatic control and safety tests.


Subpart 61.01—General


Subpart 61.30—Tests and Inspections of
Fired Thermal Fluid Heaters

Subpart 61.35—Design Verification and
Periodic Testing for Automatic Auxiliary Boilers



61.20–3 Main and auxiliary machinery and
associated equipment, including fluid
control systems.
61.20–5 Drydock examination.
61.20–15 Tailshaft examination.
61.20–17 Examination intervals.
61.20–18 Examination requirements.
61.20–21 Extension of examination interval.
61.20–23 Tailshaft


Steering gear.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

part 52 and heating boilers subject to
part 53 of this subchapter.

Subpart 61.03—Incorporation of
§ 61.03–1

[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984]

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in paragraph
(b) of this section, the Coast Guard
must publish a notice of change in the
FEDERAL REGISTER and the material
must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the Coast Guard Headquarters.
Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn:
Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20593–7509. The material is also available from the sources
indicated in paragraph (b) of this section or at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part and
the sections affected are as follows:
American Society for Testing and Materials
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428–2959.
ASTM D 665–98, Standard Test Method
for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the
Presence of Water .........................61.20–17
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996, as
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27,
1996; 97–057, 62 FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–
1999–6216, 64 FR 53225, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–
1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–
2009–0702, 74 FR 49229, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–
2012–0832, 77 FR 59778, Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–
0671, 78 FR 60149, Sept. 30, 2013]

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 61.05—Tests and
Inspections of Boilers
§ 61.05–1

§ 61.05–10


The term boiler as used in this subpart includes power boilers subject to

§ 61.05–5 Preparation of boilers for inspection and test.
(a) For internal inspection, manhole
and handhold plates, and washout
plugs shall be removed as required by
the marine inspector and the furnace
and combustion chambers shall be
thoroughly cooled and cleaned. Portable obstructions shall be removed as
necessary for proper access.
(b) In preparing the boilers for the
hydrostatic test, they shall be filled
with water at not less than 70 °F. and
not more than 160 °F. for watertube
boilers, and not more than 100 °F. for
firetube boilers. The safety valves shall
be secured by means of gags or clamps.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23,

§ 61.05–10

Boilers in service.

(a) Each boiler, including superheater, reheater, economizer, auxiliary
boiler, low-pressure heating boiler, and
unfired steam boiler, must be available
for examination by the marine inspector at intervals specified by Table
61.05–10, and more often if necessary, to
determine that the complete unit is in
a safe and satisfactory condition. When
a hydrostatic test is required, the marine inspector may examine all accessible parts of the boiler while it is
under pressure.
(b) The owner, master, or person in
charge of the vessel shall give ample
notice to the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, so that a
marine inspector may witness the tests
and make the required inspections.
(c) Firetube boilers which cannot be
entered or which cannot be satisfactorily examined internally, all boilers
of lap seam construction and all boilers
to which extensive repairs have been
made or the strength of which the marine inspector has any reason to question, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄2 times the maximum
allowable working pressure. All other
boilers shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄4 times the maximum
allowable working pressure.


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§ 61.05–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(d) In applying hydrostatic pressure
to boilers, arrangements shall be made
to prevent main and auxiliary stop
valves from being simultaneously subjected to the hydrostatic pressure on
one side and steam pressure on the
other side.
(e) If the marine inspector has reason
to believe that the boiler has deteriorated to any appreciable extent under
the bottom where it rests on saddles or
foundations, he shall cause the boiler
to be lifted to such position that it can
be thoroughly examined, provided the
examination cannot be made otherwise.
(f) The marine inspector may require
any boiler to be drilled or gaged to determine actual thickness any time its
safety is in doubt. At the first inspection for certification after a firetube or
flue boiler has been installed for 10
years, it shall be gaged to determine
the extent of deterioration. Thickness
will be measured at or near the water-

line, at the bottom and at such other
places deemed necessary by the marine
inspector. Examination may be by
drilling or a nondestructive means acceptable to the marine inspector. Prior
to the use of a nondestructive method
of examination, the user shall demonstrate to the marine inspector that
results having an accuracy within plus
or minus 5 percent are consistently obtainable when using specimens similar
to those to be examined on the boiler.
(g) If the thickness is found to be less
than the original thickness upon which
the maximum allowable working pressure was based, it shall be recalculated.
The thickness of the thinnest measured
portion shall be used in this calculation. Either the design formulas given
in this subchapter or the ones in effect
when the boiler was contracted for or
built may normally be used in this recalculation. In no case will an increase
in the pressure allowed be made.

Firetube boiler ≥150 psi
Hydro Test:
Passenger Vessel .............................................................
Other Vessel .....................................................................
Fireside Inspection ..........................................................................
Waterside Inspection .......................................................................
Boiler Safety-Valve Test .................................................................
Valves Inspection ............................................................................
Studs and Bolts Inspection .............................................................
Mountings Inspection ......................................................................
Steam Gauge Test ..........................................................................
Fusible Plug Inspection ...................................................................



Any firetube
boiler for

Firetube boiler <150 psi




1 All

intervals are in years.
2 Where the 2.5-year interval is indicated: two tests or inspections must occur within any five-year period, and no more than
three years may elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
3 Intervals for hybrid boilers are the same as for firetube boilers.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984;
CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24781, May 10, 1995; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000]

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§ 61.05–15 Boiler




(a) Each valve shall be opened and examined by the marine inspector at the
interval specified in Table 61.05–10.
(b) Each stud or bolt for each boiler
mounting that paragraph (c) of this
section requires to be removed may be
examined by the marine inspector.
(c)(1) Each boiler mounting may be
removed from the boiler and be examined by the marine inspector at the in-

terval specified by Table 61.05–10 when
any of the following conditions exist:
(2) Where boiler mountings or valves
are attached to boiler nozzles and a
satisfactory internal examination of
these mountings or valves and their attaching studs, bolts, or other means of
attachment, can be performed by opening up the valves, such mountings or
valves need not be removed from the


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boiler unless in the opinion of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such
action is necessary.
(d) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require the examinations prescribed in this section to be
made at more frequent intervals, if in
his opinion such action is necessary to
be assured of the safety of the boiler
and its attachments.
(e) Water columns, gage glasses, and
gage cocks shall be examined to determine that they are in satisfactory
working order.
(f) Each steam gauge for a boiler or a
main steam line may be examined and
checked for accuracy by the marine inspector at the interval specified by
Table 61.05–10.
(g) Each fusible plug may be examined by the marine inspector at the interval specified by Table 61.05–10.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24782, May 10, 1995]

§ 61.05–20 Boiler safety valves.
Each safety valve for a drum, superheater, or reheater of a boiler shall be
tested at the interval specified by table
[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart 61.10—Tests and
Inspections of Pressure Vessels
§ 61.10–1 Scope.
All pressure vessels aboard ships, mobile offshore drilling units, and barges
are subject to periodic inspection.

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[CGD 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 61.10–5 Pressure vessels in service.
(a) Basic requirements. Each pressure
vessel must be examined or tested
every 5 years. The extent of the test or
examination should be that necessary
to determine that the pressure vessel’s
condition is satisfactory and that the
pressure vessel is fit for the service intended.
(b) Internal and external tests and inspections. (1) Each pressure vessel listed
on the Certificate of Inspection must
be thoroughly examined externally
every 5 years.

§ 61.10–5

(2) In addition, each pressure vessel
listed on the Certificate of Inspection
that is fitted with a manhole or other
inspection opening so it can be satisfactorily examined internally, must be
opened for internal examination every
5 years.
(3) No pressure vessel need be
hydrostatically tested except when a
defect is found that, in the marine inspector’s opinion, may affect the safety
of the pressure vessel. In this case, the
hydrostatically tested at a pressure of
11⁄2 times the maximum allowable
working pressure.
(c) Special purpose vessels. (1) If your
vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed annually, the following must be
examined under operating conditions
at each inspection for certification: all
tubular heat exchangers, hydraulic accumulators, and all pressure vessels
used in refrigeration service.
(2) If your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed less often than annually, the following must be examined
under operating conditions twice every
5 years: all tubular heat exchangers,
hydraulic accumulators, and all pressure vessels used in refrigeration service.
(3) No more than 3 years may elapse
between any examination and its immediate predecessor.
(d) Hydrostatic tests under pressure.
Each pressure vessel, other than one
exempted by this section, must be subjected to a hydrostatic test at a pressure of 11⁄4 times the maximum allowable working pressure twice within any
five-year period, except that no more
than three years may elapse between
any test and its immediate predecessor.
(e) Exemptions from hydrostatic tests.
The following pressure vessels will not
normally be subjected to a hydrostatic
(1) Tubular heat exchangers.
(2) Pressure vessels used in refrigeration service.
(3) Hydraulic accumulators.
(4) Pressure vessels which have been
satisfactorily examined internally by a
marine inspector and in which no defects have been found which impair the
safety of the pressure vessel.


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§ 61.15–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(5) Pressure vessels which were initially pneumatically tested in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.
(6) Pressure vessels not stamped with
the Coast Guard Symbol.
(f) Compressed gas or hazardous liquid
pressure vessel tests. Cargo tanks of
pressure vessel configuration containing liquefied, compressed gases or
hazardous liquids must be inspected
and tested as required by the applicable regulations published in subchapter
D or subchapter I of this chapter.
(g) Bulk storage tanks. Each bulk storage tank containing refrigerated liquefied CO2 for use aboard a vessel as a
fire-extinguishing agent shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄2 times
the maximum allowable working pressure in the tenth year of the installation and at ten-year intervals thereafter. After the test, the tank should
be drained and an internal examination
made. Parts of the jacket and lagging
on the underside of the tank designated
by the marine inspector must be removed at the time of the test so the
marine inspector may determine the
external condition of the tank.
(h) Pneumatic tests. (1) Pressure vessels that were pneumatically tested before being stamped with the Coast
Guard Symbol must be examined internally twice every 5 years and examined
externally at each Inspection for Certification. No more than 3 years may
elapse between any external examination and its immediate predecessor.
(2) For tanks whose design precludes
a thorough internal or external examination, the thickness must be determined by a nondestructive method acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(3) If (due to the product carried)
your vessel’s inspection intervals are
prescribed in subchapter D (Tank Vessels), subchapter I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels), or subchapter I-A (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units), you must
comply with the pneumatic test regulations there, instead of the ones in
this section.
(i) Safety or relief valves on pressure
vessels. (1) If your vessel’s Certificate of
Inspection is renewed annually, the
marine inspector must check the settings of the safety or relief valves on
all pressure vessels, except cargo

tanks, at each inspection for certification.
(2) If your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed less often than annually, the marine inspector must
check the settings of the safety or relief valves on all pressure vessels, except cargo tanks, twice every 5 years.
No more than 3 years may elapse between any check and its immediate
(3) Cargo tank safety or relief valves
must be checked at the interval required in subchapter D (Tank Vessels)
or subchapter I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels) of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4, 1978;
CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21811, May 20, 1982; CGD 86–
033, 53 FR 36024, Sept. 16, 1988; CGD 83–043, 60
FR 24782, May 10, 1995; CGD 95–028, 62 FR
51202, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR
53225, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500,
Feb. 9, 2000]

Subpart 61.15—Periodic Tests of
Piping Systems
§ 61.15–1


In conducting hydrostatic tests on
piping, the required test pressure shall
be maintained for a sufficient length of
time to permit an inspection to be
made of all joints and connections. The
setting of the relief valve or safety
valve will be considered as establishing
the maximum allowable working pressure of the system.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18,

§ 61.15–5

Steam piping.

(a) Main steam piping shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test equal to 11⁄4
times the maximum allowable working
pressure at the same periods prescribed
for boilers in § 61.05–10. The hydrostatic
test shall be applied from the boiler
drum to the throttle valve. If the covering of the piping is not removed, the
test pressure shall be maintained on
the piping for a period of ten minutes.
If any evidence of moisture or leakage
is detected, the covering shall be removed and the piping thoroughly examined.


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(b) All steam piping subject to pressure from the main boiler should be
subjected to a hydrostatic test at a
pressure of 11⁄4 times the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler
after every five years of service except
as otherwise provided for in paragraph
(a) of this section. Unless the covering
of the piping is removed, the test pressure must be maintained on the piping
for ten minutes. If any evidence of
moisture or leakage is detected, the
covering should be removed and the
piping thoroughly examined. No piping
with a nominal size of 3 inches or less
need be hydrostatically tested.
(c) The setting of safety and relief
valves installed in piping systems shall
be checked by the marine inspector at
each inspection for certification for
vessels whose Certificates of Inspection
are renewed each year. For other vessels, the setting must be checked twice
within any 5-year period, and no more
than 3 years may elapse between any
check and its immediate predecessor.

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[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–248, 39 FR 30839, Aug. 26,
1974; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24782, May 10, 1995;
USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 61.15–10 Liquefied-petroleum-gas
piping for heating and cooking.
(a) Leak tests as described in paragraph (b) of this section shall be conducted at least once each month, at
each inspection for certification, and
at each periodic inspection. The tests
required at monthly intervals shall be
credentialed officer of the vessel or
qualified personnel acceptable to the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
The owner, master, or person in charge
of the vessel shall keep records of such
tests showing the dates when performed and the name(s) of the person(s)
and/or company conducting the tests.
Such records shall be made available to
the marine inspector upon request and
shall be kept for the period of validity
of the vessel’s current certificate of inspection. Where practicable, these
records should be kept in or with the
vessel’s logbook.
(b) Test the system for leakage in accordance with the following procedure:
With the appliance valve closed, the
master shutoff valve on the appliance

§ 61.20–1

open, and one cylinder valve open, note
pressure in gauge.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb.
9, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189, Oct. 31,
2008; USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11265, Mar. 16,

§ 61.15–12 Nonmetallic


(a) Nonmetallic expansion joints
must be examined externally at each
inspection for certification and periodic inspection for signs of excessive
wear, fatigue, deterioration, physical
flange-to-flange spacing, and leakage.
A complete internal examination must
be conducted when an external examination reveals excessive wear or other
signs of deterioration or damage.
(b) A nonmetallic expansion joint
must be replaced 10 years after it has
been placed into service if it is located
in a system which penetrates the side
of the vessel and both the penetration
and the nonmetallic expansion joint
are located below the deepest load waterline. The Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection may grant an extension of
the ten year replacement to coincide
with the vessel’s next drydocking.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40615, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 61.15–15

Other piping.

(a) All other piping systems shall be
examined under working conditions as
required by the marine inspector.

Subpart 61.20—Periodic Tests of
Machinery and Equipment
§ 61.20–1

Steering gear.

(a) The marine inspector must inspect the steering gear at each inspection for certification for vessels whose
Certificate of Inspections are renewed
each year. For other vessels, the marine inspector must inspect the steering gear twice within a 5-year period,
and no more than 3 years may elapse
between any inspection and its immediate predecessor. The marine inspector may inspect the steering gear more
often, if necessary.


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§ 61.20–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(b) All devices employed in the
change-over from automatic to manual
operation shall be examined and tested.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.20–3 Main and auxiliary machinery and associated equipment, including fluid control systems.
(a) At each inspection for certification and periodic inspection the marine inspector shall conduct such tests
and inspections of the main propulsion
and auxiliary machinery and of its associated equipment, including the fluid
control systems, as he feels necessary
to check safe operation.
(b) Remote control for the means of
stopping machinery driving forced and
induced draft fans, fuel oil transfer
pumps, fuel oil unit pumps, and fans in
the ventilation systems serving machinery and cargo spaces shall be tested at each regular inspection for certification and periodic inspection.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.20–5 Drydock examination.
(a) When any vessel is drydocked, examination shall be made of the propeller, stern bushing, sea connection,
and fastenings if deemed necessary by
the marine inspector.
(b) Sea chests, sea valves, sea strainers, and valves for the emergency bilge
suction shall be opened up for examination every 5 years at the time of
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 84–024, 53 FR 32231, Aug. 24,
1988; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 61.20–15 Tailshaft examination.
The rules in §§ 61.20–15 through 61.20–
23 apply only to vessels in ocean and
coastwise service. Each examination,
inspection and test prescribed by these
sections must be conducted in the presence of a marine inspector.

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[CGD 78–153, 45 FR 52388, Aug. 7, 1980]

§ 61.20–17 Examination intervals.
(a) A lubricant that demonstrates the
corrosion inhibiting properties of oil
when tested in accordance with ASTM

D 665 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 61.03–1) is considered to be equivalent
to oil for the purposes of the tailshaft
examination interval.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs
(c) through (f) of this section, each
tailshaft on a vessel must be examined
twice within any 5 year period. No
more than 3 years may elapse between
any 2 tailshaft examinations.
(c) Tailshafts on vessels fitted with
multiple shafts must be examined once
every 5 years.
(d) Tailshafts with inaccessible portions fabricated of materials resistant
to corrosion by sea water, or fitted
with a continuous liner or a sealing
gland which prevents sea water from
contacting the shaft, must be examined
once every 5 years if they are constructed or fitted with a taper,
keyway, and propeller designed in accordance with the American Bureau of
Shipping standards to reduce stress
concentrations or are fitted with a
flanged propeller. Accessible portions
of tailshafts must be examined visually
during each drydock examination.
(e) Tailshafts with oil lubricated
bearings, including bearings lubricated
with a substance considered to be
equivalent to oil under the provisions
of paragraph (a) of this section need
not be drawn for examination—
(1) If tailshaft bearing clearance
readings are taken whenever the vessel
undergoes a drydock examination or
underwater survey;
(2) If the inboard seal assemblies are
examined whenever the vessel undergoes a drydock examination or underwater survey;
(3) If an analysis of the tailshaft
bearing lubricant is performed semiannually in accordance with the lubrication system manufacturer’s recommendations to determine bearing
material content or the presence of
other contaminants; and
(4) If—
(i) For tailshafts with a taper, the
propeller is removed and the taper and
the keyway (if fitted) are nondestructively tested at intervals not to exceed
5 years; or
(ii) For tailshafts with a propeller
fitted to the shaft by means of a coupling flange, the propeller coupling


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
bolts and flange radius are nondestructively tested whenever they are removed or made accessible in connection with overhaul or repairs.
(f) Tailshafts on mobile offshore
drilling units are not subject to examination intervals under paragraphs (b)
through (d) of this section if they are—
(1) Examined during each regularly
scheduled drydocking; or
(2) Regularly examined in a manner
acceptable to the Commandant CG–
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996, as
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27,
1996; 61 FR 52497, Oct. 7, 1996; USCG–1999–5151,
64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999; USCG–2009–0702, 74
FR 49229, Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77
FR 59778, Oct. 1, 2012]

§ 61.20–18 Examination requirements.
(a) Each tailshaft must be drawn and
visually inspected at each examination.
(b) On tailshafts with a taper,
keyway, (if fitted) and propeller designed in accordance with American
Bureau of Shipping standards to reduce
stress concentrations, the forward 1⁄3 of
the shaft’s taper section must be nondestructively tested in addition to a
visual inspection of the entire shaft.
(c) On tailshafts with a propeller
fitted to the shaft by means of a coupling flange, the flange, the fillet at
the propeller end, and each coupling
bolt must be nondestructively tested in
addition to a visual inspection of the
entire shaft.
[CGD 84–024, 52 FR 39652, Oct. 23, 1987, as
amended by CGD 84–024, 53 FR 32231, Aug. 24,

§ 61.20–21 Extension of examination interval.
The Commandant CG–CVC may authorize extensions of the interval between tailshaft examinations.

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[CGD 84–024, 52 FR 39652, Oct. 23, 1987, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50463, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229, Sept. 25, 2009;
USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778, Oct. 1, 2012]

§ 61.20–23 Tailshaft clearance; bearing
(a) Water lubricated bearings, other
than rubber, must be rebushed as follows:

§ 61.30–5

(1) Where the propelling machinery is
located amidship, the after stern tube
bearing must be rebushed when it is
worn down to 6.4 mm (0.25 in) clearance
for shafts of 229 mm (9 in) or less in diameter, 7.95 mm (0.3125 in) clearance
for shafts exceeding 229 mm (9 in) but
not exceeding 305 mm (12 in) in diameter, and 9.53 mm (0.375 in) clearance for
shafts exceeding 305 mm (12 in) in diameter.
(2) Where the propelling machinery is
located aft, the after stern tube bearing must be rebushed when weardown
is 1.6 mm (.0625 in) less than the applicable clearance for propelling machinery located amidship.
(b) Water lubricated rubber bearings
must be rebushed when any water
groove is half the original depth.
(c) Oil lubricated bearings must be
rebushed when deemed necessary by
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The manufacturer’s recommendation shall be considered in making this
[CGD 78–153, 45 FR 52388, Aug. 7, 1980]

Subpart 61.30—Tests and Inspections of Fired Thermal Fluid
SOURCE: CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13,
1984, unless otherwise noted.

§ 61.30–1


The term thermal fluid heater as used
in this part includes any fired automatic auxiliary heating unit which
uses a natural or synthetic fluid in the
liquid phase as the heat exchange medium and whose operating temperature
and pressure do not exceed 204 °C (400
°F) and 225 psig, respectively. Thermal
fluid heaters having operating temperatures and pressures higher than 204
°C (400 °F) and 225 psig, respectively,
are inspected under subpart 61.05—
Tests and Inspections of Boilers.
§ 61.30–5 Preparation of thermal fluid
heater for inspection and test.
For visual inspection, access plates
and manholes shall be removed as required by the marine inspector and the


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§ 61.30–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

heater and combustion chambers shall
be thoroughly cooled and cleaned.
[CGD 80-064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26002, May 23,

§ 61.30–10 Hydrostatic test.
All new installations of thermal fluid
heaters must be given a hydrostatic
test of 11⁄2 times the maximum allowable working pressure. The test must
be conducted in the presence of a marine inspector. No subsequent hydrostatic tests are required unless, in the
opinion of the Officer in Charge Marine
Inspection, the condition of the heater
warrants such a test. Where hydrostatic tests are required, an inspection
is made of all accessible parts under
pressure. The thermal fluid may be
used as the hydrostatic test medium.
§ 61.30–15 Visual inspection.
Thermal fluid heaters are examined
by a marine inspector at the inspection
for certification, periodic inspection
and when directed by the Officer in
Charge Marine Inspection, to determine that the complete unit is in a safe
and satisfactory condition. The visual
examination includes, but is not limited to, the combustion chamber, heat
exchanger, refractory, exhaust stack,
and associated pumps and piping.

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[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.30–20 Automatic control and safety tests.
Operational tests and checks of all
safety and limit controls, combustion
controls, programming controls, and
safety relief valves must be conducted
by the owner, chief engineer, or person
in charge at the inspection for certification, periodic inspection, and when
directed by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, to determine that the
control components and safety devices
are functioning properly and are in satisfactory operating condition. These
tests and checks must be conducted in
the presence of a marine inspector and
must include the following: proper
prepurge, burner ignition sequence
checks, operation of the combustion
controls, limit controls, fluid flow controls, fluid level controls, high tem-

perature control, proper postpurge control, and verification of the flame safeguard.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24237, June 15, 1990, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]
NOTE: Sections 63.05–90 and 63.10–90 of this
chapter may be referenced concerning operating tests.

Subpart 61.35—Design Verification
and Periodic Testing for Automatic Auxiliary Boilers
SOURCE: CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24237, June 15,
1990, unless otherwise noted.

§ 61.35–1 General.
(a) All automatic auxiliary boilers
except fired thermal fluid heaters must
be tested and inspected in accordance
with this subpart and subpart 61.05 of
this part.
(b) Fired thermal fluid heaters must
be tested and inspected in accordance
with subpart 61.30 of this part.
(c) All controls, safety devices, and
other control system equipment must
be tested and inspected to verify their
proper design, construction, installation, and operation.
(d) All tests must be performed after
installation of the automatic auxiliary
boiler and its control system(s) aboard
the vessel.
(e) As far as practicable, test techniques must not simulate monitored
system conditions by misadjustment,
artificial signals, improper wiring,
tampering, or revision of the system
tested. The use of a synthesized signal
or condition applied to a sensor is acceptable if the required test equipment
is maintained in good working order
and is periodically calibrated. Proper
operation and proper calibration of test
equipment must be demonstrated to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§ 61.35–3 Required tests and checks.
(a) Tests and checks must include the
(1) Safety (Programming) controls.
Safety controls must control and cycle
the unit in the proper manner and sequence. Proper prepurge, ignition,
postpurge, and modulation must be


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
verified. All time intervals must be
(2) Flame safeguard. The flame safeguard system must be tested by causing flame and ignition failures. Operation of the audible alarm and visible
indicator must be verified. The shutdown times must be verified.
(3) Fuel supply controls. Satisfactory
shutdown operation of the two fuel
control solenoid valves must be
verified. No visible leakage from the
valves into the burner(s) must be
(4) Fuel oil pressure limit control. A
safety shutdown must be initiated by
lowering the fuel oil pressure below the
value required for safe combustion.
System shutdown and the need for
manual reset prior to automatic startup must be verified.
(5) Fuel oil temperature limit control.
(Units designed to burn heavy fuel oil.)
A safety shutdown must be initiated by
lowering the fuel oil temperature
below the designed temperature. System shutdown and the need for manual
reset prior to automatic startup must
be verified.
(6) Combustion controls. Smooth and
stable operation of the combustion
controls must be verified.
(7) Draft limit control. The draft loss
interlock switch must be tested to ensure proper operation. The draft limit
control must cause burner shutdown
and prevent startup when an inadequate air volume is supplied to the
(8) Limit controls. Shutdown caused by
the limit controls must be verified.
(9) Water level controls. Water level
controls must be tested by slowly lowering the water level in the boiler.
Each operating water level control
must be individually tested. The upper
low water cutoff and the lower low
water cutoff must each be tested. The
audible alarm and visible indicator associated with the lower low water cutoff must be tested. The manual reset
device must be tested after the lower
low water cutoff has been activated.
(10) Feed water flow controls. The feed
water flow limit device (found on
steam boilers and water heaters without water level controls) must be tested by interrupting the feed water sup-

§ 61.40–6

ply. Manual reset must be required
prior to restarting the boiler.
(11) Low voltage test. The fuel supply
to the burners must automatically
shut off when the supply voltage is
(12) Switches. All switches must be
tested to verify satisfactory operation.

Subpart 61.40—Design Verification
and Periodic Testing of Vital
System Automation
SOURCE: CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18,
1988, unless otherwise noted.

§ 61.40–1


(a) All automatically or remotely
controlled or monitored vital systems
addressed by part 62 of this subchapter
must be subjected to tests and inspections to evaluate the operation and reliability of controls, alarms, safety features, and interlocks. Test procedures
must be submitted to the Coast Guard
for approval.
(b) Persons designated by the owner
of the vessel shall conduct all tests and
the Design Verification and Periodic
Safety tests shall be witnessed by the
Coast Guard.
(c) Design Verification and Periodic
Safety test procedure documents approved by the Coast Guard must be retained aboard the vessel.
§ 61.40–3

Design verification testing.

(a) Tests must verify that automated
vital systems are designed, constructed, and operate in accordance
with all applicable requirements of
part 62 of this subchapter. The tests
must be based upon the failure analysis, if required by § 62.20–3(b) of this
subchapter, functional performance requirements, and the Periodic Safety
tests of § 61.40–6.
(b) Tests must be performed immediately after the installation of the
automated equipment or before the
issuance of the initial Certificate of Inspection.
§ 61.40–6

Periodic safety tests.

(a) Periodic Safety tests must demonstrate the proper operation of the


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§ 61.40–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

alarms, power sources, transfer override arrangements, interlocks, and
safety controls. Systems addressed
must include fire detection and extinguishing, flooding safety, propulsion,
maneuvering, electric power generation and distribution, and emergency
internal communications.
(b) Tests must be conducted at periodic intervals specified by the Coast
Guard to confirm that vital systems
and safety features continue to operate
in a safe, reliable manner.

Subpart 62.10—Terms Used

Subpart 62.15—Equivalents
62.15–1 Conditions under which equivalents
may be used.

Subpart 62.20—Plan Submittal

Test procedure details.

(a) Test procedure documents must
be in a step-by-step or checkoff list format. Each test instruction must specify equipment status, apparatus necessary to perform the tests, safety precautions, safety control and alarm setpoints, the procedure to be followed,
and the expected test result.
(b) Test techniques must not simulate monitored system conditions by
mis-adjustment, artificial signals, improper wiring, tampering, or revision of
the system unless the test would damage equipment or endanger personnel.
In the latter case, the use of a synthesized signal or condition applied to
the sensor is acceptable if test equipment is maintained in good working
order and is periodically calibrated to
the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection. Other test
techniques must be approved by the
Commandant CG–ENG.
[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50463, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229, Sept. 25, 2009;
USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778, Oct. 1, 2012]


pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Purpose, preemptive effect.

Subpart 62.30—Reliability and Safety
Criteria, All Automated Vital Systems
62.30–1 Failsafe.
62.30–5 Independence.
62.30–10 Testing.

Subpart 62.35—Requirements for Specific
Types of Automated Vital Systems
62.35–1 General.
62.35–5 Remote propulsion-control systems.
62.35–10 Flooding safety.
62.35–15 Fire safety.
62.35–20 Oil-fired main boilers.
62.35–35 Starting systems for internal-combustion engines.
62.35–40 Fuel systems.
62.35–50 Tabulated monitoring and safety
control requirements for specific systems.

Subpart 62.50—Automated Self-propelled
Vessel Manning

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 8105; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277;
Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

Subpart 62.05—Reference Specifications

62.25–1 General.
62.25–5 All control systems.
62.25–10 Manual alternate control systems.
62.25–15 Safety control systems.
62.25–20 Instrumentation, alarms, and centralized stations.
62.25–25 Programable systems and devices.
62.25–30 Environmental design standards.

62.50–1 General.
62.50–20 Additional requirements for minimally attended machinery plants.
62.50–30 Additional requirements for periodically unattended machinery plants.

Subpart 62.01—General Provisions

Plans for approval.
Plans for information.

Subpart 62.25—General Requirements for
All Automated Vital Systems

NOTE: Normally, these tests are conducted

§ 61.40–10


SOURCE: CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18,
1988, unless otherwise noted.

Incorporation by reference.


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Subpart 62.01—General Provisions
§ 62.01–1 Purpose, preemptive effect.
The purpose of this part is to make
sure that the safety of a vessel with
automated vital systems, in maneuvering and all other sailing conditions,
is equal to that of the vessel with the
vital systems under direct manual operator supervision. The regulations in
this part have preemptive effect over
State or local regulations in the same
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USGD–2006–24797, 77 FR 33874,
June 7, 2012]

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§ 62.01–3 Scope.
(a) This part contains the minimum
requirements for vessel automated
vital systems. Specifically, this part
(1) In subpart 62.25, the general requirements for all vital system automation;
(2) In subpart 62.30, the criteria used
to evaluate the designed reliability and
safety of all automated vital systems;
(3) In subpart 62.35, the minimum additional equipment, configuration, and
when certain vital systems are automated; and
(4) In subpart 62.50, the minimum additional requirements when automated
systems are provided to replace specific personnel or to reduce overall
crew requirements.
§ 62.01–5 Applicability.
(a) Vessels. This part applies to selfpropelled vessels of 500 gross tons and
over that are certificated under subchapters D, I, or U and to self-propelled
vessels of 100 gross tons and over that
are certificated under subchapter H.
(b) Systems and equipment. Except as
noted in § 62.01–5(c), this part applies to
automation of vital systems or equipment that—
(1) Is automatically controlled or
(2) Is remotely controlled or monitored; or
(3) Utilizes automation for the purpose of replacing specific personnel or
to reduce overall crew requirements.
(c) Exceptions. This part does not
apply to the following systems and

§ 62.05–1

equipment unless they are specifically
addressed or unless their failure would
degrade the safety and reliability of
the systems required by this part:
(1) Automatic auxiliary heating
equipment (see part 63 of this subchapter).
(2) Steering systems (see subparts
58.25 and 111.93 of this chapter).
(3) Non-vital and industrial systems.
(4) The communication and alarm
systems in part 113 of this chapter.
(d) Central control rooms. The requirements of subpart 62.50 only apply to
vessels automated to replace specific
personnel or to reduce overall crew requirements, except where the main
propulsion or ship service electrical
generating plants are automatically or
remotely controlled from a control
room. In this case, § 62.50–20(a)(3) (except the provision in paragraph 62.50–
20(a)(3)(ii) relating to electrical power
distribution), (b)(3), (c), (e)(1), (e)(2),
(e)(4), and (f)(2) apply, regardless of
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58460,
Sept. 29, 2000]

Subpart 62.05—Reference
§ 62.05–1 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also


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§ 62.10–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

from the sources in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(b) American Bureau of Shipping
(ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase
Drive, Houston, TX 77060:
(1) Rules for Building and Classing
Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems
and Machinery (2003) (‘‘ABS Steel Vessel Rules’’), 62.25–30; 62.35–5; 62.35–35;
62.35–40; 62.35–50; 62.50–30; and
(2) [Reserved]
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60149,
Sept. 30, 2013]

Subpart 62.10—Terms Used
§ 62.10–1 Definitions.
(a) For the purpose of this part:
Alarm means an audible and visual
indication of a hazardous or potentially hazardous condition that requires attention.
Automated means the use of automatic or remote control, instrumentation, or alarms.
Automatic control means self-regulating in attaining or carrying out an
operator-specified equipment response
or sequence.
Boiler low-low water level is the minimum safe level in the boiler, in no
case lower than that visible in the gage
glass (see § 52.01–110 of this chapter,
Water Level Indicators).
Engineering Control Center (ECC)
means the centralized engineering control, monitoring, and communications
Failsafe means that upon failure or
malfunction of a component, subsystem, or system, the output automatically reverts to a pre-determined
design state of least critical consequence. Typical failsafe states are
listed in Table 62.10–1(a).
System or component

Preferred failsafe state

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Cooling water valve .............
Alarm system .......................
Safety system ......................
Burner valve .........................
Propulsion speed control .....
Feedwater valve ..................
Controllable pitch propeller ..
Propulsion safety trip ...........

As is or open.
Shut down, limited, or as is &
As is.
As is or open.
As is.
As is & alarm.

System or component
Fuel tank valve ....................

Preferred failsafe state
See § 56.50–60(d).

Flooding safety refers to flooding detection, watertight integrity, and
dewatering systems.
Independent refers to equipment arranged to perform its required function
regardless of the state of operation, or
failure, of other equipment.
Limit control means a function of an
automatic control system to restrict
operation to a specified operating
range or sequence without stopping the
Local control means operator control
from a location where the equipment
and its output can be directly manipulated and observed, e.g., at the switchboard, motor controller, propulsion engine, or other equipment.
Manual control means operation by
direct or power-assisted operator intervention.
Monitor means the use of direct observation, instrumentation, alarms, or
a combination of these to determine
equipment operation.
Remote control means non-local automatic or manual control.
Safety trip control system means a
manually or automatically operated
system that rapidly shuts down another system or subsystem.
System means a grouping or arrangement of elements that interact to perform a specific function and typically
includes the following, as applicable:
A fuel or power source.
Power conversion elements.
Control elements.
Power transmission elements.
Safety control elements.
Conditioning elements.

Vital system or equipment is essential
to the safety of the vessel, its passengers and crew. This typically includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems.
Flooding safety systems.
Ship service and emergency electrical generators, switchgear, and
motor control circuits serving vital
electrical loads.


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The emergency equipment and systems listed in § 112.15 of this chapter.
Propulsion systems, including those
provided to meet § 58.01–35.
Steering systems.

Subpart 62.15—Equivalents
§ 62.15–1 Conditions
equivalents may be used.
(a) The Coast Guard accepts a substitute or alternate for the requirements of this part if it provides an
equivalent level of safety and reliability. Demonstration of functional
equivalence must include comparison
of a qualitative failure analysis based
on the requirements of this part with a
comparable analysis of the proposed
substitute or alternate.

Subpart 62.20—Plan Submittal

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 62.20–1 Plans for approval.
(a) The following plans must be submitted to the Coast Guard for approval
in accordance with § 50.20–5 and § 50.20–
10 of this chapter:
(1) A general arrangement plan of
control and monitoring equipment,
control locations, and the systems
(2) Control and monitoring console,
panel, and enclosure layouts.
(3) Schematic or logic diagrams including functional relationships, a
written description of operation, and
sequences of events for all modes of operation.
(4) A description of control or monitoring system connections to non-vital
(5) A description of programable features.
(6) A description of built-in test features and diagnostics.
(7) Design Verification and Periodic
Safety test procedures described in
subpart 61.40 of this chapter.
(8) Control system normal and emergency operating instructions.
§ 62.20–3 Plans for information.
(a) One copy of the following plans
must be submitted to the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, for use in
the evaluation of automated systems
provided to replace specific personnel
or to reduce overall crew requirements:

§ 62.20–5

(1) Proposed manning, crew organization and utilization, including routine
maintenance, all operational evolutions, and emergencies.
(2) A planned maintenance program
for all vital systems.
(b) One copy of a qualitative failure
analysis must be submitted in accordance with § 50.20–5 of this chapter for
the following:
(1) Propulsion controls.
(3) Safety controls.
(4) Automated electric power management.
(5) Automation required to be independent that is not physically separate.
(6) Any other automation that, in the
judgement of the Commandant, potentially constitutes a safety hazard to
the vessel or personnel in case of failure.
NOTE: The qualitative failure analysis is
intended to assist in evaluating the safety
and reliability of the design. It should be
conducted to a level of detail necessary to
demonstrate compliance with applicable requirements and should follow standard qualitative analysis procedures. Assumptions, operating conditions considered, failures considered, cause and effect relationships, how
failures are detected by the crew, alternatives available to the crew, and possible
design verification tests necessary should be
included. Questions regarding failure analysis should be referred to the Marine Safety
Center at an early stage of design.

§ 62.20–5


(a) The designer or manufacturer of
an automated system shall certify to
the Coast Guard, in writing, that the
automation is designed to meet the environmental design standards of § 62.25–
30. Plan review, shipboard testing, or
independent testing to these standards
is not required.
(b) [Reserved]
NOTE: Self-certification should normally
accompany plan submittal.


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§ 62.25–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Subpart 62.25—General Requirements for All Automated Vital
§ 62.25–1 General.
(a) Vital systems that are automatically or remotely controlled must be
provided with—
(1) An effective primary control system;
(2) A manual alternate control system;
(3) A safety control system, if required by § 62.25–15;
(4) Instrumentation to monitor system parameters necessary for the safe
and effective operation of the system;
(5) An alarm system if instrumentation is not continuously monitored or
is inappropriate for detection of a failure or unsafe condition.
(b) Automation systems or subsystems that control or monitor more
than one safety control, interlock, or
operating sequence must perform all
assigned tasks continuously, i.e., the
detection of unsafe conditions must
not prevent control or monitoring of
other conditions.
(c) Each console for a vital control or
alarm system and any similar enclosure that relies upon forced cooling for
proper operation of the system must
have a backup means of providing cooling. It must also have an alarm activated by the failure of the temperature-control system.

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[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 62.25–5 All control systems.
(a) Local and remote starting for any
propulsion engine or turbine equipped
with a jacking or turning gear must be
prevented while the turning gear is engaged.
(b) Automatic control systems must
be stable over the entire range of normal operation.
(c) Inadvertent grounding of an electrical or electronic safety control system must not cause safety control operation or safety control bypassing.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 62.25–10 Manual


(a) Manual alternate control systems
(1) Be operable in an emergency and
after a remote or automatic primary
control system failure;
(2) Be suitable for manual control for
prolonged periods;
(3) Be readily accessible and operable; and
(4) Include means to override automatic controls and interlocks, as applicable.
(b) Permanent communications must
be provided between primary remote
control locations and manual alternate
control locations if operator attendance is necessary to maintain safe alternate control.
NOTE: Typically, this includes main boiler
fronts and local propulsion control.

§ 62.25–15

Safety control systems.

(a) Minimum safety trip controls required for specific types of automated
vital systems are listed in Table 62.35–
NOTE: Safety control systems include automatic and manual safety trip controls and
automatic safety limit controls.

(b) Safety trip controls must not operate as a result of failure of the normal electrical power source unless it is
determined to be the failsafe state.
(c) Automatic operation of a safety
control must be alarmed in the machinery spaces and at the cognizant remote control location.
(d) Local manual safety trip controls
must be provided for all main boilers,
turbines, and internal combustion engines.
(e) Automatic safety trip control systems must—
(1) Be provided where there is an immediate danger that a failure will result in serious damage, complete
breakdown, fire, or explosion;
(2) Require manual reset prior to renewed operation of the equipment; and
(3) Not be provided if safety limit
controls provide a safe alternative and
trip would result in loss of propulsion.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 62.25–20 Instrumentation,
and centralized stations.
(a) General. Minimum instrumentation and alarms required for specific
types of automated vital systems are
listed in Table 62.35–50.
(b) Instrumentation Location. (1) Manual control locations, including remote
manual control and manual alternate
control, must be provided with the instrumentation necessary for safe operation from that location.
NOTE: Typically, instrumentation includes
means to monitor the output of the monitored system.

(2) Systems with remote instrumentation must have provisions for the installation of instrumentation at the
monitored system equipment.
(3) The status of automatically or remotely controlled vital auxiliaries,
power sources, switches, and valves
must be visually indicated in the machinery spaces or the cognizant remote
control location, as applicable.

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NOTE: Status indicators include run, standby, off, open, closed, tripped, and on, as applicable. Status indicators at remote control
locations other than the ECC, if provided,
may be summarized. Equipment normally
provided with status indicators are addressed
in Table 62.35–50 and subparts 58.01, 56.50, and

(4) Sequential interlocks provided in
control systems to ensure safe operation, such as boiler programing control or reversing of propulsion diesels,
must have summary indicators in the
machinery spaces and at the cognizant
control location to show if the interlocks are satisfied.
(5) Instrumentation listed in Table
62.35–50 must be of the continuous display type or the demand display type.
Displays must be in the ECC or in the
machinery spaces if an ECC is not provided.
(c) Instrumentation details. Demand
instrumentation displays must be
clearly readable and immediately
available to the operator.
(d) Alarms. (1) All alarms must clearly distinguish among—
(i) Normal, alarm, and acknowledged
alarm conditions; and
(ii) Fire, general alarm, carbon dioxide/Halon 1301/clean agent fire extinguishing system, vital machinery,

§ 62.25–20

flooding, engineers’ assistance-needed,
and non-vital alarms.
(2) Required alarms in high ambient
noise areas must be supplemented by
visual means, such as rotating beacons,
that are visible throughout these
areas. Red beacons must only be used
for general or fire alarm purposes.
(3) Automatic transfer to required
backup or redundant systems or power
sources must be alarmed in the machinery spaces.
(4) Flooding safety, fire, loss of
power, and engineers’ assistance-needed alarms extended from the machinery spaces to a remote location must
not have a duty crewmember selector.
NOTE: Other alarms may be provided with
such a selector, provided there is no off position.

(5) Automation alarms must be separate and independent of the following:
(i) The fire detection and alarm systems.
(ii) The general alarm.
(iii) CO2/halon release alarms.
(6) Failure of an automatic control,
remote control, or alarm system must
be immediately alarmed in the machinery spaces and at the ECC, if provided.
(e) Alarm details. (1) All alarms
(i) Have a manual acknowledgement
device (No other means to reduce or
eliminate the annunciated signal may
be provided except dimmers described
in paragraph (g)(2) of this section);
(ii) Be continuously powered;
(iii) Be provided with a means to test
audible and visual annunciators;
(iv) Provide for normal equipment
starting and operating transients and
vessel motions, as applicable, without
actuating the alarm;
(v) Be able to simultaneously indicate more than one alarm condition, as
(vi) Visually annunciate until the
alarm is manually acknowledged and
the alarm condition is cleared;
(vii) Audibly annunciate until manually acknowledged;
(viii) Not prevent annunciation of
subsequent alarms because of previous
alarm acknowledgement; and
(ix) Automatically reset to the normal operating condition only after the


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§ 62.25–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

alarm has been manually acknowledged and the alarm condition is
(2) Visual alarms must initially indicate the equipment or system malfunction without operator intervention.
(3) Power failure alarms must monitor on the load side of the last supply
protective device.
(f) Summarized and grouped alarms.
Visual alarms at a control location
that are summarized or grouped by
function, system, or item of equipment
(1) Be sufficiently specific to allow
any necessary action to be taken; and
(2) Have a display at the equipment
or an appropriate control location to
identify the specific alarm condition or
(g) Central control locations. (1) Central control locations must—
(i) Be arranged to allow the operator
to safely and efficiently communicate,
control, and monitor the vital systems
under normal and emergency conditions, with a minimum of operator confusion and distraction;
(ii) Be on a single deck level; and
(iii) Co-locate control devices and instrumentation to allow visual assessment of system response to control
(2) Visual alarms and instruments on
the navigating bridge must not interfere with the crew’s vision. Dimmers
must not eliminate visual indications.
(3) Alarms and instrumentation at
the main navigating bridge control location must be limited to those that
require the attention or action of the
officer on watch, are required by this
chapter, or that would result in increased safety.

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[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG– 2006–24797, 77 FR 33874,
June 7, 2012]

§ 62.25–25 Programable systems and
(a) Programable control or alarm
system logic must not be altered after
Design Verification testing without the
approval of the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI). (See
subpart 61.40 of this subchapter, Design
Verification Tests). Safety control or
automatic alarm systems must be provided with means, acceptable to the

cognizant OCMI, to make sure setpoints remain within the safe operating range of the equipment.
(b) Operating programs for microprocessor-based
vital control, alarm, and monitoring
systems must be stored in non-volatile
memory and automatically operate on
supply power resumption.
(c) If a microprocessor-based or computer-based system serves both vital
and non-vital systems, hardware and
software priorities must favor the vital
(d) At least one copy of all required
manuals, records, and instructions for
automatic or remote control or monitoring systems required to be aboard
the vessel must not be stored in electronic or magnetic memory.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988; 53 FR
19090, May 26, 1988]

§ 62.25–30 Environmental

(a) All automation must be suitable
for the marine environment and must
be designed and constructed to operate
indefinitely under the following conditions:
(1) Ship motion and vibration described in Table 9 of section 4–9–7 of the
ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 62.05–1); note
that inclination requirements for fire
and flooding safety systems are described in 46 CFR 112.05–5(c).
(2) Ambient air temperatures described in Table 9 of part 4–9–7 of the
ABS Steel Vessel Rules.
(3) Electrical voltage and frequency
tolerances described in Table 9 of part
4–9–7 of the ABS Steel Vessel Rules.
(4) Relative humidity of 0 to 95% at
45 °C.
(5) Hydraulic and pneumatic pressure
variations described in Table 9 of part
4–9–7 of the ABS Steel Vessel Rules.
NOTE: Considerations should include normal dynamic conditions that might exceed
these values, such as switching, valve closure, power supply transfer, starting, and

(b) Low voltage electronics must be
designed with due consideration for


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static discharge, electromagnetic interference, voltage transients, fungal
growth, and contact corrosion.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189,
Oct. 31, 2008]

Safety Criteria, All Automated
Vital Systems
§ 62.30–1


(a) The failsafe state must be evaluated for each subsystem, system, or
vessel to determine the least critical
(b) All automatic control, remote
control, safety control, and alarm systems must be failsafe.

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§ 62.30–5


(a) Single non-concurrent failures in
control, alarm, or instrumentation systems, and their logical consequences,
must not prevent sustained or restored
operation of any vital system or systems.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section,
primary control, alternate control,
safety control, and alarm and instrumentation systems for any vital system must be independent of each other.
(2) Independent sensors are not required except that sensors for primary
speed, pitch, or direction of rotation
control in closed loop propulsion control systems must be independent and
physically separate from required safety control, alarm, or instrumentation
(3) The safety trip control of § 62.35–
5(b)(2) must be independent and physically separate from all other systems.
(c) Two independent sources of power
must be provided for all primary control, safety control, instrumentation
and alarm systems. Failure of the normal source of power must actuate an
alarm in the machinery spaces. One
source must be from the emergency
power source (see part 112 of this chapter, Emergency Lighting and Power
Systems) unless one of the sources is—
(1) Derived from the power supply of
the system being controlled or monitored;

§ 62.35–5

(2) A power take-off of that system;
(3) An independent power source
equivalent to the emergency power
§ 62.30–10 Testing.
(a) Automated vital systems must be
tested in accordance with subpart 61.40
of this chapter.
(b) On-line built-in test equipment
must not lock out or override safety
trip control systems. This equipment
must indicate when it is active.

Subpart 62.35—Requirements for
Specific Types of Automated
Vital Systems
§ 62.35–1 General.
alarms, and safety controls required
for specific types of automated vital
systems are listed in Table 62.35–50.
(b) Automatic propulsion systems,
automated electric power management
systems, and all associated subsystems
and equipment must be capable of
meeting load demands from standby to
full system rated load, under steady
state and maneuvering conditions,
without need for manual adjustment or
§ 62.35–5 Remote
(a) Manual propulsion control. All vessels having remote propulsion control
from the navigating bridge, an ECC or
maneuvering platform, or elsewhere
must have a manual alternate propulsion control located at the equipment.
NOTE: Separate local control locations may
be provided for each independent propeller.

(b) Centralized propulsion control
equipment. Navigating bridge, ECC, maneuvering platform, and manual alternate control locations must include—
(1) Control of the speed and direction
of thrust for each independent propeller controlled;
(2) A guarded manually actuated
safety trip control (which stops the
propelling machinery) for each independent propeller controlled;
(3) Shaft speed and thrust direction
indicators for each independent propeller controlled;


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§ 62.35–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(4) The means to pass propulsion orders required by § 113.30–5 and § 113.35–3
of this chapter; and
(5) The means required by paragraph
(d) of this section to achieve control location transfer and independence.
(c) Main navigating bridge propulsion
control. (1) Navigating bridge remote
propulsion control must be performed
by a single control device for each
independent propeller. Control must include automatic performance of all associated services, and must not permit
rate of movement of the control device
to overload the propulsion machinery.
(2) On vessels propelled by steam turbines, the navigation bridge primary
control system must include safety
limit controls for high and low boiler
water levels and low steam pressure.
Actuation of these limits must be
alarmed on the navigating bridge and
at the maneuvering platform or ECC.
(3) On vessels propelled by internal
combustion engines, an alarm must annunciate on the navigating bridge and
at the maneuvering platform or ECC, if
provided, to indicate starting capability less than 50% of that required by
§ 62.35–35. If the primary remote control
system provides automatic starting,
the number of automatic consecutive
attempts that fail to produce a start
must be limited to reserve 50% of the
required starting capability.
(d) Transfer of control location. Transfer of control location must meet section 4–9–2/5.11 of the ABS Steel Vessel
Rules (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 62.05–1). Manual alternative-propulsion-control locations must be capable of overriding, and of operating
independent of, all remote and automatic propulsion-control locations.
(e) Control system details. (1) Each operator control device must have a detent at the zero thrust position.
(2) Propulsion machinery automatic
safety trip control operation must only
occur when continued operation could
result in serious damage, complete
breakdown, or explosion of the equipment. Other than the overrides mentioned in § 62.25–10(a)(4) and temporary
overrides located at the main navigating bridge control location, overrides of these safety trip controls are
prohibited. Operation of permitted
overrides must be alarmed at the navi-

gating bridge and at the maneuvering
platform or ECC, as applicable, and
must be guarded against inadvertent
(3) Remote propulsion control systems must be failsafe by maintaining
the preset (as is) speed and direction of
thrust until local manual or alternate
manual control is in operation, or the
manual safety trip control operates.
Failure must activate alarms on the
navigating bridge and in the machinery
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988; 53 FR
19090, May 26, 1988; as amended by USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65189, Oct. 31, 2008; USCG–
2011–0618, 76 FR 60754, Sept. 30, 2011]

§ 62.35–10 Flooding safety.
(a) Automatic bilge pumps must—
(1) Be provided with bilge high level
alarms that annunciate in the machinery spaces and at a manned control location and are independent of the pump
(2) Be monitored to detect excessive
operation in a specified time period;
(3) Meet all applicable pollution control requirements.
(b) Remote controls for flooding safety equipment must remain functional
under flooding conditions to the extent
required for the associated equipment
by § 56.50–50 and § 56.50–95 of this chapter.
(c) Remote bilge level sensors, where
provided, must be located to detect
flooding at an early stage and to provide redundant coverage.
§ 62.35–15 Fire safety.
(a) All required fire pump remote
control locations must include the controls necessary to charge the firemain
(1) A firemain pressure indicator; or
(2) A firemain low pressure alarm.
§ 62.35–20 Oil-fired main boilers.
(a) General. (1) All main boilers, regardless of intended mode of operation,
must be provided with the automatic
safety trip control system(s) of paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2)(i), (h)(2) (ii), and (i)
of this section to prevent unsafe conditions after light off.
(2) Manual alternate control of boilers must be located at the boiler front.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(3) A fully automatic main boiler
must include—
(i) Automatic combustion control;
(ii) Programing control;
(iii) Automatic feedwater control;
(iv) Safety controls; and
(v) An alarm system.
(4) Following system line-up and
starting of auxiliaries, fully automatic
main boilers must only require the operator to initiate the following sequences:
(i) Boiler pre-purge.
(ii) Trial for ignition of burners subsequent to successful initial burner
(iii) Normal shutdown.
(iv) Manual safety trip control operation.
(v) Adjustment of primary control
(5) All requirements for programing
control subsystems and safety control
systems must be met when a boiler—
(i) Automatically sequences burners;
(ii) Is operated from a location remote from the boiler front; or
(iii) Is fully automatic.
(6) Where light oil pilots are used, the
programing control and burner safety
trip controls must be provided for the
light oil system. Trial for ignition
must not exceed 15 seconds and the
main burner trial for ignition must not
proceed until the pilot flame is proven.
(b) Feedwater control. Automatic
feedwater control subsystems must
sense, at a minimum, boiler water level
and steam flow.
(c) Combustion control. Automatic
combustion control subsystems must
(1) An air/fuel ratio which ensures
complete combustion and stable flame
with the fuel in use, under light off,
steady state, and transient conditions;
(2) Stable boiler steam pressure and
outlet temperatures under steady state
and transient load conditions; and
(3) A low fire interlock to prevent
high firing rates and superheater damage during boiler warm up.
(d) Programing control. The programing control must provide a programed sequence of interlocks for the
safe ignition and normal shutdown of
the boiler burners. The programing
control must prevent ignition if unsafe

§ 62.35–20

conditions exist and must include the
following minimum sequence of events
and interlocks:
(1) Prepurge. Boilers must undergo a
continuous purge of the combustion
chamber and convecting spaces to
make sure of a minimum of 5 changes
of air. The purge must not be less than
15 seconds in duration, and must occur
immediately prior to the trial for ignition of the initial burner of a boiler.
All registers and dampers must be open
and an air flow of at least 25 percent of
the full load volumetric air flow must
be proven before the purge period commences. The prepurge must be complete before trial for ignition of the initial burner.
NOTE: A pre-purge is not required immediately after a complete post-purge.

(2) Trial for ignition and ignition. (i)
Only one burner per boiler is to be in
trial for ignition at any time.
(ii) Total boiler air flow during light
off must be sufficient to prevent pocketing and explosive accumulations of
combustible gases.
(iii) The burner igniter must be in position and proven energized before admission of fuel to the boiler. The igniter must remain energized until the
burner flame is established and stable,
or until the trial for ignition period
(iv) The trial for ignition period must
be as short as practical for the specific
installation, but must not exceed 15
(v) Failure of the burner to ignite
during a trial for ignition must automatically actuate the burner safety
trip controls.
(3) Post-purge. (i) Immediately after
normal shutdown of the boiler, an
automatic purge of the boiler equal to
the volume and duration of the
prepurge must occur.
(ii) Following boiler safety trip control operation, the air flow to the boiler must not automatically increase.
Post purge in such cases must be under
manual control.
(e) Burner fuel oil valves. Each burner
must be provided with a valve that is—
(1) Automatically closed by the burner or boiler safety trip control system;


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§ 62.35–35

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(2) Operated by the programming
control or combustion control subsystems, as applicable.
(f) Master fuel oil valves. Each boiler
must be provided with a master fuel oil
valve to stop fuel to the boiler automatically upon actuation by the boiler
safety trip control system.
(g) Valve closure time. The valves described in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this
section must close within 4 seconds of
automatic detection of unsafe trip conditions.
(h) Burner safety trip control system.
(1) Each burner must be provided with
at least one flame detector.
(2) The burner valve must automatically close when—
(i) Loss of burner flame occurs;
(ii) Actuated by the boiler safety trip
control system;
(iii) The burner is not properly seated
or in place; or
(iv) Trial for ignition fails, if a programing control is provided.
(i) Boiler safety trip control system. (1)
Each boiler must be provided with a
safety trip control system that automatically closes the master and all
burner fuel oil valves upon—
(i) Boiler low-low water level;
(ii) Inadequate boiler air flow to support complete combustion;
(iii) Loss of boiler control power;
(iv) Manual safety trip operation; or
(v) Loss of flame at all burners.
(2) The low-low water level safety
trip control must account for normal
vessel motions and operating transients.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278,
Sept. 30, 2002]

§ 62.35–35 Starting systems for internal-combustion engines.
The starting systems for propulsion
engines and for prime movers of ships’

service generators required to start
automatically must meet sections 4–6–
5/9.5 and 4–8–2/11.11 of the ABS Steel
Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 62.05–1).
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65189, Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 62.35–40

Fuel systems.

(a) Level alarms. Where high or low
fuel tank level alarms are required,
they must be located to allow the operator adequate time to prevent an unsafe condition.
(b) Coal fuels. (1) Controls and instrumentation for coal systems require special consideration by the Commandant
(2) Interlocks must be provided to ensure a safe transfer of machinery operation from one fuel to another.
(c) Automatic fuel heating. Automatic
fuel heating must meet section 4–9–3/
15.1 of the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
(d) Overflow prevention. Fuel oil day
tanks, settlers, and similar fuel oil
service tanks that are filled automatically or by remote control must be provided with a high level alarm that annunciates in the machinery spaces and
either an automatic safety trip control
or an overflow arrangement.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50463, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996;
USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65190, Oct. 31, 2008;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 62.35–50 Tabulated monitoring and
safety control requirements for specific systems.
alarms, and safety controls required
for specific types of systems are listed
in Table 62.35–50.

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Safety control

Main (Propulsion) boiler

(1) .............................
Supply casing and
Burner flame ............
Burner seating ..........
Trial for ignition ........
Control power ...........

(1) .............................

(1) .............................



Status .......................
Status .......................
Available (pressure)

Failure ......................
Failure ......................
Failure ......................
Failure (low) .............

Burner auto trip ........
......ditto ....................
......ditto ....................
Manual trip ...............



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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

§ 62.35–50


Main (Propulsion steam)
Main propulsion, diesel
Main propulsion, remote

Main propulsion, electric
Main propulsion, shafting.

Main propulsion, controllable pitch propeller.
Generators ....................

Auxiliary boiler ...............
Gas turbine ...................
Engines and turbines ....
Fuel oil ..........................

Bilge ..............................

Machinery space CL.3
W.T. doors.
Fire detection ................
Fire main .......................
Personnel ......................
General, control and
alarm systems.

Redundant auxiliary,
system, power supply.
1 See

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

2 See
3 See
4 See
5 See
6 See
7 See
8 See




Safety control


(4, 5)

Burner valve .............
Low fire interlock ......
Program control
(2) .............................

(2) .............................

(2) .............................


(1) .............................

(1) .............................

(1) .............................
Failure ......................

Manual trip.
Manual trip.

Auto safety trip override.
Starting power ..........
Location in control ....
Shaft speed/direction/pitch.
Clutch fluid ...............
( ) .............................
Stern tube oil tank
Line shaft bearing ....



Pressure (voltage) ....
Status .......................
(3) .............................

Low ...........................
Override ...................
(3) .............................

Limit ..........................


Pressure ...................
(4) .............................

(4) .............................

(4) .............................


Temperature .............
Forced lubrication
Pressure ...................



Emergency ...............
Turbogenerator ........
Diesel .......................
(8) .............................
Jacking/turning gear
(9) .............................
Remote/auto fill level

Temperature .............
(1) .............................
Starting pressure/
(5) .............................
(1 6) ...........................
(1 7) ...........................
Run ...........................
(8) .............................
Engaged ...................
(9) .............................

Manual trip.
(7) .............................
Manual trip.
(8) .............................


Hi. press. leakage
Pump remote control
Pump auto control ....
Level .........................



Run ...........................

Excessive operations.

Machinery spaces ....
Deadman ..................
Power supply ...........

Pressure ...................
Available (pressure)

Space on fire ............
Fail to acknowledge
Failure (low).

System function .......
Console air conditioning.
Built in test equipment.
Sequential interlock ..
Safety control ...........


Hydraulic oil .............
Ship service .............

High, Low.

(5) .............................
(1 6) ...........................
(1 7) ...........................
Trip ...........................
(8) .............................
High ..........................





Failure ......................



Activated ..................
Auto transfer.

Auto trip/limit ............


Status .......................

the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 62.05–1) Part 4–9–4, tables 7A and 8.
ABS Steel Vessel Rules Part 4–9–4, tables 7A and 8.
§ 113.37 of this chapter.
subparts 111.33 and 111.35 of this chapter.
subparts 112.45 and 112.50 of this chapter.
§ 111.12–1(c) of this chapter.
§ 111.12–1 (b), (c) of this chapter.
ABS Steel Vessel Rules Part 4–9–4, Table 8; and 46 CFR 58.10–15(f).

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Auto trip or overflow


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§ 62.50–1
9 See

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

ABS Steel Vessel Rules Part 4–9–4, tables 7A and 8.

NOTES ON TABLE 62.35–50:
1. The monitoring and controls listed in
this table are applicable if the system listed
is provided or required.
2. Safety limit controls must be provided
in navigating bridge primary propulsion control systems. See § 62.35–5(c).
3. Safety trip controls and alarms must be
provided for all main boilers, regardless of
mode of operation. See § 62.35–20(a).
4. Loss of forced lubrication safety trip
controls must be provided, as applicable.
5. Override of overspeed and loss of forced
lubrication pressure safety trip controls
must not be provided. See § 62.35–5(e)(2).
6. Transfer interlocks must be provided.
7. Semiconductor controlled rectifiers
must have current limit controls.
8. Interlocks must be provided. See § 62.25–
9. Main and remote control stations, including the navigational bridge, must provide visual and audible alarms in the event
of a fire in the main machinery space.
10. See § 62.50–20(b)(1).
11. Alarms and controls must be failsafe.
See § 62.30–1.
12. Vital auxiliary boilers only. Also see
part 63.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988; 53 FR
19090, May 26, 1988, as amended by USCG–
2000–7790, 65 FR 58461, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65190, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 62.50—Automated Selfpropelled Vessel Manning

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 62.50–1


(a) Where automated systems are
provided to replace specific personnel
in the control and observation of the
engineering plant and spaces, or reduce
overall crew requirements, the arrangements must make sure that under
all sailing conditions, including maneuvering, the safety of the vessel is
equal to that of the same vessel with
the entire plant under fully attended
direct manual supervision.
(b) Coast Guard acceptance of automated systems to replace specific personnel or to reduce overall crew requirements is predicated upon—
(1) The capabilities of the automated
(2) The combination of the personnel,
equipment, and systems necessary to
ensure the safety of the vessel, per-

sonnel, and environment in all sailing
conditions, including maneuvering;
(3) The ability of the crew to perform
all operational evolutions, including
emergencies such as fire or control or
monitoring system failure;
(4) A planned maintenance program
including routine maintenance, inspection, and testing to ensure the continued safe operation of the vessel; and
(5) The automated system’s demonstrated reliability during an initial
trial period, and its continuing reliability.
NOTE: The cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, (OCMI) also determines the
need for more or less equipment depending
on the vessel characteristics, route, or trade.

(c) Equipment provided to replace
specific personnel or to reduce overall
crew requirements that proves unsafe
or unreliable in the judgment of the
cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, must be immediately replaced or repaired or vessel manning
will be modified to compensate for the
equipment inadequacy.
§ 62.50–20 Additional requirements for
NOTE: Minimally attended machinery
plants include vessel machinery plants and
spaces that are automated, but not to a degree where the plant could be left unattended. Emphasis is placed on the centralized remote control and monitoring of the
machinery plant and machinery spaces.

(a) General. (1) Navigating bridge propulsion control must be provided.
(2) An ECC must be provided and
must include the automatic and remote control and monitoring systems
necessary to limit the operator’s activity to monitoring the plant, initiating
programed control system sequences,
and taking appropriate action in an
(3) The ECC must include control and
monitoring of all vital engineering systems, including—
(i) The propulsion plant and its auxiliaries;
(ii) Electrical power generation and


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(iii) Machinery space fire detection,
alarm, and extinguishing systems; and
(iv) Machinery space flooding safety
systems, except the valves described in
paragraph (e)(4) of this section.
(4) ECC control of vital systems must
include the ability to place required
standby systems, auxiliaries, and
power sources in operation, unless
automatic transfer is provided, and to
shut down such equipment when necessary.
NOTE: ECC remote control need not include
means for a single operator to bring the
plant to standby from a cold plant or dead
ship condition or controls for non-vital systems or equipment.

(b) Alarms and instrumentation. (1) A
personnel alarm must be provided and
must annunciate on the bridge if not
routinely acknowledged at the ECC or
in the machinery spaces.
(2) Continuous or demand instrumentation displays must be provided at the
ECC to meet the system and equipment
monitoring requirements of this part if
the ECC is to be continuously attended. If the watchstander’s normal
activities include maintenance, a roving watch, or similar activities in the
machinery spaces but not at the ECC,
both alarms and instrumentation must
be provided.
(3) All required audible alarms must
annunciate throughout the ECC and
machinery spaces.
(c) Fire detection and alarms. An approved automatic fire detection and
alarm system must be provided to
monitor all machinery spaces. The system must activate all alarms at the
ECC, the navigating bridge, and
throughout the machinery spaces and
engineers’ accommodations. The ECC
and bridge alarms must visually indicate which machinery space is on fire,
as applicable.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE: For purposes of this part, the specific location of fires that are not in machinery spaces need not be indicated.

(d) Fire pumps. (1) The ECC must include control of the main machinery
space fire pumps.
(2) Remote control of a required fire
pump must be provided from the navigating bridge. Where one or more fire
pumps is required to be independent of
the main machinery space, at least one

§ 62.50–20

such pump must be controlled from the
navigating bridge.
(e) Flooding safety. (1) Machinery
space bilges, bilge wells, shaft alley
bilges, and other minimally attended
locations where liquids might accumulate must be monitored from the ECC
to detect flooding angles from vertical
of up to 15° heel and 5° trim.
(2) The ECC must include the controls necessary to bring at least one
independent bilge pump and independent bilge suction required by
§ 56.50–50(e) of this chapter into operation to counter flooding.
(3) Where watertight doors in subdivision bulkheads are required in the
machinery spaces, they must be Class 3
watertight doors and must be controllable from the ECC and the required
navigating bridge control location.
(4) Controls must be provided to operate the sea inlet and discharge valves
required by § 56.50–95(d) of this chapter
and the emergency bilge suction required by § 56.50–50(f). These controls
must be arranged to allow time for operation in the event of flooding with
the vessel in the fully loaded condition.
Time considerations must include detection, crew response, and control operation time.
(f) Communications. (1) A means must
be provided at the ECC to selectively
summon any engineering department
member from the engineering accommodations to the ECC.
(2) The voice communications system
required by § 113.30–5(a) of this chapter
must also include the engineering officers’ accommodations.
(g) Electrical systems. (1) The ECC
must include the controls and instrumentation necessary to place the ship
service and propulsion generators in
service in 30 seconds.
(2) The main distribution and propulsion switchboards and generator controls must either be located at the
ECC, if the ECC is within the boundaries of the main machinery space, or
the controls and instrumentation required by part 111 of this chapter must
be duplicated at the ECC. Controls at
the switchboard must be able to override those at the ECC, if separate. Also
see § 111.12–11(g) and § 111.30–1 regarding
switchboard location.


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§ 62.50–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(h) Maintenance program. (1) The vessel must have a planned maintenance
program to ensure continued safe operation of all vital systems. Program
content and detail is optional, but
must include maintenance and repair
manuals for work to be accomplished
by maintenance personnel and checkoff
lists for routine inspection and maintenance procedures.
(2) The planned maintenance program must be functioning prior to the
completion of the evaluation period for
reduced manning required by § 62.50–
(3) Maintenance and repair manuals
must include details as to what, when,
and how to troubleshoot, repair and
test the installed equipment and what
parts are necessary to accomplish the
procedures. Schematic and logic diagrams required by § 62.20–1 of this part
must be included in this documentation. Manuals must clearly delineate
information that is not applicable to
the installed equipment.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988; 53 FR
19090, May 26, 1988; 53 FR 24270, June 28, 1988;
USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346, Sept. 30, 2004]

§ 62.50–30 Additional requirements for
periodically unattended machinery

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE: Periodically unattended machinery
plants include machinery plants and spaces
that are automated to the degree that they
are self-regulating and self-monitoring and
could safely be left periodically unattended.
Emphasis is placed on providing systems
that act automatically until the crew can
take action in the event of a failure or emergency. Requirements are in addition to those
of a minimally attended machinery plant.

(a) General. The requirements of this
section must be met in addition to
those of § 62.50–20 of this part.
(b) Automatic transfer. Redundant
vital auxiliaries and power sources
must automatically transfer to the
backup units upon failure of operating
(c) Fuel systems. Each system for the
service or treatment of fuel must meet
section 4–6–4/13.5 of the ABS Steel Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 62.05–1).
(d) Starting systems. Automatic or remote starting system receivers, accumulators, and batteries must be automatically and continuously charged.

(e) Assistance-needed alarm. The engineer’s assistance-needed alarm (see
subpart 113.27 of this chapter) must annunciate if—
(1) An alarm at the ECC is not acknowledged in the period of time necessary for an engineer to respond at
the ECC from the machinery spaces or
engineers’ accommodations; or
(2) An ECC alarm system normal
power supply fails.
(f) Remote alarms. ECC alarms for
vital systems that require the immediate attention of the bridge watch officer for the safe navigation of the vessel must be extended to the bridge. All
ECC alarms required by this part must
be extended to the engineers’ accommodations. Other than fire or flooding
alarms, this may be accomplished by
summarized visual alarm displays.
(g) ECC alarms. All requirements of
this part for system or equipment monitoring must be met by providing both
displays and alarms at the ECC.
(h) Fire control station. A control station for fire protection of the machinery spaces must be provided outside
the machinery spaces. At least one access to this station must be independent of category A machinery
spaces, and any boundary shared with
these spaces must have an A–60 fire
classification as defined in § 72.05 of
this chapter. Except where such an arrangement is not possible, control and
monitoring cables and piping for the
station must not adjoin or penetrate
the boundaries of a category A machinery space, uptakes, or casings. The fire
control station must include—
(1) Annunciation of which machinery
space is on fire;
(2) Control of a fire pump required by
this chapter to be independent of the
main machinery spaces;
(3) Controls for machinery space
fixed gas fire extinguishing systems;
(4) Control of oil piping positive shutoff valves located in the machinery
spaces and required by § 56.50–60(d);
(5) Controls for machinery space fire
door holding and release systems, skylights and similar openings;
(6) The remote stopping systems for
the machinery listed in § 111.103 of this
chapter; and
(7) Voice communications with the


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(i) Oil leakage. Leakages from high
pressure fuel oil pipes must be collected and high levels must be alarmed
at the ECC.
(j) Maintenance program. The maintenance program of § 62.50–20(h) must include a checkoff list to make sure that
routine daily maintenance has been
performed, fire and flooding hazards
have been minimized, and plant status
is suitable for unattended operation.
Completion of this checkoff list must
be logged before leaving the plant unattended.
(k) Continuity of electrical power. The
electrical plant must meet sections 4–
8–2/3.11 and 4.8.2/9.9 of the ABS Steel
Vessel Rules, and must:
(1) Not use the emergency generator
for this purpose;
(2) Restore power in not more than 30
seconds; and
(3) Account for loads permitted by
§ 111.70–3(f) of this chapter to automatically restart.
[CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17838, May 18, 1988; 53 FR
19090, May 26, 1988; as amended by USCG–
2003–16630, 73 FR 65190, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 63.01—General Provisions

Scope and applicability.

Subpart 63.05—Reference Specifications

Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 63.10—Miscellaneous Submittals
63.10–1 Test procedures and certification report.

Subpart 63.15—General Requirements

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Fuel system.
Inspections and tests.

Subpart 63.20—Additional Control System
63.20–1 Specific




§ 63.01–3
Subpart 63.25—Requirements for Specific
Types of Automatic Auxiliary Boilers


Small automatic auxiliary boilers.
Electric hot water supply boilers.
Fired thermal fluid heaters.
Exhaust gas boilers.

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O. 12234,
45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15,
1990, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 63.01—General Provisions
§ 63.01–1 Purpose.
This part specifies the minimum requirements for safety for each automatic auxiliary boiler, including its design, construction, testing, and operation.
§ 63.01–3 Scope and applicability.
(a) This part contains the requirements for automatic auxiliary boilers,
including their controls, control system components, electrical devices,
safety devices, and accessories. Types
of automatic auxiliary boilers which
are covered include large and small
automatic auxiliary boilers, automatic
heating boilers, automatic waste heat
boilers, donkey boilers, miniature boilers, electric boilers, fired thermal fluid
heaters, automatic incinerators, and
electric hot water supply boilers. Automatic auxiliary boilers are classified
by their service, control systems, pressure and temperature boundaries, heat
input ratings, and firing mediums as
(1) Automatic auxiliary boilers listed
in Table 54.01–5(A) of this chapter
which reference this part for regulation
of their automatic controls.
(2) Automatic control systems for
automatic auxiliary boilers having a
heat input rating of less than 12,500,000
Btu/hr. (3.66 megawatts).
(3) Electric hot water supply boilers
(heaters) containing electric heating
elements rated at 600 volts or less.
(4) Exhaust gas boilers, and their
controls and accessories used to heat
water and/or generate steam.
(5) Incinerators (and their control
systems) used for the generation of
steam and/or oxidation of ordinary


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§ 63.05–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

waste materials and garbage. This part
also includes incinerators which serve
as automatic auxiliary boilers.
(6) Fired thermal fluid heaters and
their controls.
(b) Exceptions. Automatic boilers having heat input ratings of 12,500,000 Btu/
hr. (3.66 megawatts) and above must
meet the requirements of part 52 of
this chapter. Their control systems
must meet the requirements of part 62
of this chapter. Electric cooking equipment must comply with § 111.77–3 of
this chapter. Electric oil immersion
heaters must comply with part 111,
subpart 111.85 of this chapter. Electric
air heating equipment must comply
with part 111, subpart 111.87 of this
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, as
amended by USCG–2002–13058, 67 FR 61278,
Sept. 30, 2002; USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346,
Sept. 30, 2004]

Subpart 63.05—Reference

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 63.05–1

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–ENG), Attn: Office of Design and Engineering Systems, U.S.
Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington,
DC 20593–7509. The material is also
available from the sources listed in
paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section.
(b) American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209:

(1) ANSI/AGA Z21.22–86 Relief Valves
and Automatic Shutoff Devices for Hot
Water Supply Systems, March 28, 1986
(‘‘ANSI/AGA Z21.22’’), 63.25–3; and
(2) [Reserved]
(c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) ASME CSD–1–2004, Controls and
Safety Devices for Automatically Fired
Boilers (2004) (‘‘ASME CSD–1’’), 63.10–1;
63.15–1; 63.20–1; and
(2) [Reserved]
(d) ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials)
(ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959:
(1) ASTM F 1323–2001, Standard Specification for Shipboard Incinerators
(2001) (‘‘ASTM F 1323’’), 63.25–9; and
(2) [Reserved]
(e) International Maritime Organization
(IMO), Publications Section, 4 Albert
Embankment, London, SE1 7SR United
(1) Resolution MEPC.76(40), Standard
Specification for Shipboard Incinerators
MEPC.76(40)’’), 63.25–9; and
(2) The International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(MARPOL 73/78), Annexes I, II, III, and
V (1978) (‘‘IMO MARPOL 73/78’’), 63.25–9
(f) International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), Case postale 56,
CH–1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland:
(1) ISO 9096, Stationary source emissions—Manual determination of mass
concentration of particulate matter,
Second edition (Feb. 1, 2003) (‘‘ISO
9096’’), 63.25–9;
(2) ISO 10396, Stationary source emissions—Sampling for the automated determination of gas emission concentrations for permanently-installed monitoring systems, Second edition (Feb. 1,
2007) (‘‘ISO 10396’’), 63.25–9; and
(3) ISO 13617, Shipbuilding-Shipboard
Edition (Nov. 15, 2001) (‘‘ISO 13617’’),
(g) Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.
(UL), 12 Laboratory Drive, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709–3995:
(1) UL 174, Standard for Household
Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters,
Tenth Edition, Feb. 28, 1996 (Revisions
through and including Nov. 10, 1997)
(‘‘UL 174’’), 63.25–3;


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(2) UL 296, Oil Burners (1993) (‘‘UL
296’’), 63.15–5;
(3) UL 343, Pumps for Oil-Burning Appliances, Eighth Edition (May 27, 1997)
(‘‘UL 343’’), 63.15–3; and
(4) UL 1453, Standard for Electric
Booster and Commercial Storage Tank
Water Heaters, Fourth Edition (Sep. 1,
1995) (‘‘UL 1453’’), 63.25–3.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65190, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59778,
Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60149,
Sept. 30, 2013]

Subpart 63.10—Miscellaneous
§ 63.10–1 Test procedures and certification report.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Two copies of the following items
must be submitted. Visitors may deliver them to the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast
Guard, 4200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400,
Arlington, VA 22203, or they may be
transmitted by mail to the Commanding Officer (MSC), Attn: Marine
Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard Stop
7410, 4200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400,
Arlington, VA 20598–7410, in a written
or electronic format. Information for
submitting the VSP electronically can
be found at
(a) Detailed instructions for operationally testing each automatic auxiliary boiler, its controls, and safety devices.
(b) A certification report for each
automatic auxiliary boiler that:
(1) Meets paragraph CG–510 of ASME
CSD–1 (incorporated by reference, see
46 CFR 63.05–1); and
(2) Certifies that each automatic auxiliary boiler, its controls, and safety
devices comply with the additional requirements of this part.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, as
amended by USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR 53965,
Sept. 21, 2007; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65190,
Oct. 31, 2008; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60149,
Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 63.15–3

Subpart 63.15—General
§ 63.15–1


(a) Each automatic auxiliary boiler
must be designed and constructed for
its intended service according to the
requirements of the parts referenced in
§ 54.01–5, Table 54.01–5(A) of this chapter.
(b) Controls and safety devices for
automatic auxiliary boilers must meet
the applicable requirements of ASME
CSD–1 (incorporated by reference, see
46 CFR 63.05–1), except Paragraph CG–
(c) All devices and components of an
automatic auxiliary boiler must satisfactorily operate within the marine environment. The boiler must satisfactorily operate with a momentary roll
of 30°, a list of 15°, and a permanent
trim of 5° with it installed in a position
as specified by the manufacturer.
(d) An electrical control used to shut
down the automatic auxiliary boiler
must be installed in accordance with
§ 58.01–25 of this chapter. This device
must stop the fuel supply to the fuel
burning equipment.
(e) Mercury tube actuated controls
are prohibited from being installed and
used on automatic auxiliary boilers.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, asd
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65191,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 63.15–3

Fuel system.

(a) Firing of an automatic auxiliary
boiler by natural gas is prohibited unless specifically approved by the Marine Safety Center.
(b) Heated heavy fuel oil may be used
provided the heaters are equipped with
a high temperature limiting device
that shuts off the heating source at a
temperature below the flashpoint of
the oil and is manually reset. When a
thermostatically-controlled electric oil
heater and a level device is used, it
must meet the requirements of part
111, subpart 111.85 of this chapter.
NOTE: An auxiliary boiler may be safely ignited from the cold condition using unheated
diesel or light fuel oil and subsequently
shifted to heated heavy fuel.


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§ 63.15–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(c) The fuel oil service pump and its
piping system must be designed in accordance with § 56.50–65 of this chapter.
All materials must meet the requirements of part 56, subpart 56.60 of this
chapter. The use of cast iron or malleable iron is prohibited.
(d) The fuel oil service system (including the pump) must meet the pressure classification and design criteria
found in § 56.04–2, Table 56.04–2 of this
(e) When properly selected for the intended service, fuel pumps meeting the
performance and test requirements of
UL 343 (incorporated by reference, see
46 CFR 63.05–1) meet the requirements
of this section.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, asd
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65191,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 63.15–5 Strainers.
(a) Strainers must be installed in the
fuel supply line. Each strainer must be
self-cleaning, fitted with a bypass, or
be capable of being cleaned without interrupting the fuel oil supply.
(b) The strainer must not allow a
quantity of air to be trapped inside
which would affect the rate of fuel flow
to the burner or reduce the effective
area of the straining element.
(c) The strainer must meet the requirements for strainers found in UL
296 (incorporated by reference, see 46
CFR 63.05–1) and the requirements for
fluid conditioner fittings found in 46
CFR 56.15–5.

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[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, asd
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65191,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 63.15–7 Alarms.
(a) An audible alarm must automatically sound when a flame safety system
shutdown occurs. A visible indicator
must indicate that the shutdown was
caused by the flame safety system.
(b) Means must be provided to silence
the audible alarm. The visible indicators must require manual reset.
(c) For steam boilers, operation of
the lower low water cutoff must automatically sound an audible alarm. A
visual indicator must indicate that the
shutdown was caused by low water.
(d) For a periodically unattended machinery space, the auxiliary boiler trip

alarm required by 46 CFR 62.35–50,
Table 62.35–50 satisfies the requirements for the audible alarms specified
in this section.
§ 63.15–9

Inspections and tests.

All automatic auxiliary boilers must
be inspected and tested in accordance
with the requirements of part 61 of this

Subpart 63.20—Additional Control
System Requirements
§ 63.20–1 Specific control system requirements.
In addition to the requirements
found in ASME CSD–1 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 63.05–1), the following requirements apply for specific
control systems:
(a) Primary safety control system. Following emergency safety trip control
operation, the air flow to the boiler
must not automatically increase. For
this condition, postpurge must be accomplished manually.
(b) Combustion control system. A low
fire interlock must ensure low fire
start when variable firing rates are
(c) Water level controls and low water
cutoff controls. Water level controls
must be constructed and located to
minimize the effects of vessel roll and
pitch. Float chamber low water cutoff
controls using stuffing boxes to transmit the motion of the float from the
chamber to the external switches are
prohibited. No outlet connection other
than pressure controls, water columns,
drains, and steam gages may be installed on the float chamber or on the
pipes connecting the float chamber to
the boiler. The water inlet valve must
not feed water into the boiler through
the float chamber. The boiler feed piping must comply with the applicable
requirements of § 56.50–30 of this chapter.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, asd
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65191,
Oct. 31, 2008]


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security

Subpart 63.25—Requirements for
Specific Types of Automatic
Auxiliary Boilers
§ 63.25–1 Small automatic auxiliary
Small automatic auxiliary boilers defined as having heat-input ratings of
400,000 Btu/hr. or less (117 kilowatts or
less) must also meet the following requirements.
(a) Small automatic auxiliary boilers
must be equipped with a visual indicator which indicates when the low
water cutoff has activated.
(b) A prepurge period of a sufficient
duration to ensure at least four
changes of air in the combustion chamber and stack, but not less than 15 seconds must be provided. Ignition must
occur only before or simultaneously
with the opening of the fuel oil valve.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, asd
amended by USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65191,
Oct. 31, 2008]

§ 63.25–3 Electric hot water supply
(a) Electric hot water supply boilers
that have a capacity not greater than
454 liters (120 U.S. gallons), a heat
input rate not greater than 200,000 Btu/
hr. (58.6 kilowatts), meet the requirements of UL 174 or UL 1453 (both incorporated by reference, see 46 CFR 63.05–
1), and are protected by the relief device(s) required in 46 CFR 53.05–2 do not
have to meet any other requirements
of this section except the periodic testing required by paragraph (j) of this
section. Electric hot water supply boilers that meet the requirements of UL
174 may have temperature-pressure relief valves that meet the requirements
of ANSI/AGA Z21.22 (incorporated by
reference, see 46 CFR 63.05–1) in lieu of
46 CFR subpart 53.05.
(b) Each hot water supply boiler
must be constructed in accordance
with the applicable requirements of
part 52 or part 53 of this chapter.
(c) Branch circuit conductors for hot
water supply boilers which have a capacity not greater than 454 liters (120
U.S. gallons) must have a current carrying capacity of not less than 125 percent of the current rating of the appliance. Branch circuit conductors for hot
water supply boilers with capacities of

§ 63.25–3

more than 454 liters (120 U.S. gallons)
must have a current carrying capacity
of not less than 100 percent of the current rating of the appliance. Wiring
materials and methods must comply
with part 111, subpart 111.60 of this
chapter. A hot water supply boiler having a current rating of more than 48
amperes and employing resistance type
heating elements must have the heating elements on subdivided circuits.
Each subdivided load, except for an
electric hot water supply boiler employing a resistance type immersion
electric heating element, must not exceed 48 amperes, and it must be protected at not more than 60 amperes. An
electric hot water supply boiler employing a resistance type immersion
electric heating element may be subdivided into circuits not exceeding 120
amperes and protected at not more
than 150 amperes. Overcurrent protection devices must comply with part 111,
subpart 111.50 of this chapter.
(d) Heating elements must be insulated electrically from the water being
heated, guarded against mechanical injury and contact with outside objects,
and securely supported. Consideration
must be given to sagging, opening, and
other adverse conditions of the elements resulting from continuous heating, and flexion of supports and wiring
due to alternate heating and cooling.
Wrap-around elements must be secured
in a manner which prevents loosening.
(e) Iron and steel parts must be protected against corrosion by enameling,
galvanizing, or plating. Iron and steel
storage tanks having a wall thickness
less than 6.4mm (1⁄4-inch) must have
the inside surface protected against
(f) Each heating element must have a
temperature regulating device. The device must limit the water from obtaining a temperature greater than 90 °C
(194 °F). If the control has a marked off
position, the control must disconnect
ungrounded conductors, and it must
not respond to temperature when
placed in the off position.
(g) An independent temperature limiting device must prevent the water in
the upper 25 percent of the tank from
attaining a temperature higher than 99
°C (210 °F). This device must require


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§ 63.25–5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

manual resetting, be trip free from the
operating means, open all ungrounded
power supply conductors to the heater,
and be readily accessible.
(h) Electric hot water supply boilers
must have pressure and temperature
relieving valves. The valve temperature setting must not be more than 99
°C (210 °F). The pressure relief setting
must not be higher than the marked
working pressure of the boiler. The
pressure and temperature relief valves
must meet part 53, subpart 53.05 of this
chapter. The pressure and temperature
relief valves may be combined into a
pressure-temperature relief valve.
(i) Electric hot water supply boilers
must be marked in a visible location
with the manufacturer’s name, model
or other identification number, water
capacity, and the electrical ratings of
each heating element. When two or
more heating elements are installed,
the maximum wattage or current consumption must be indicated. The cold
water inlet and the hot water outlet
must each be clearly distinguished or
marked for identification purposes.
(j) All electric hot water supply boilers must have their pressure relief devices tested as required by 46 CFR part
52 or part 53, as applicable. Electric hot
water supply boilers that meet the requirements of UL 174 or UL 1453 and
have heating elements, temperature
regulating controls, and temperature
limiting controls are satisfactory for
installation and service without further installation testing. All electric
hot water supply boilers not meeting
the requirements of UL 174 or UL 1453
must have their heating elements, temperature regulating controls, and temperature limiting controls tested by
the marine inspector at the time of installation.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24238, June 15, 1990, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–2003–16630, 73FR 65191, Oct. 31,

§ 63.25–5 Fired thermal fluid heaters.
(a) Construction. Fired thermal fluid
heaters must meet the requirements of
part 52 of this chapter, as applicable.
(b) Controls. Fired thermal fluid heaters must have a low fluid level cutout
device or a low flow device. When the
rate of fluid flow through the heating

coils is insufficient to ensure proper
heat transfer, the device must cut off
the fuel supply to the burner. If the
fluid temperature exceeds the designed
maximum operating temperature, a
high temperature limit device must
cut off the fuel supply to the burner.
These devices must be of the manual
reset type.
§ 63.25–7 Exhaust gas boilers.
(a) Construction. An auxiliary exhaust
gas boiler must meet the applicable
construction requirements of part 52 or
part 53 of this chapter as determined
from § 54.01–5, Table 54.01–5(A) of this
(b) Controls. Each drum type exhaust
gas steam boiler must have a feed
water control system. The system
must automatically supply the required amount of feed water and maintain it at the proper level. For boilers
without a fixed water level, the control
system must supply the feed water at a
rate sufficient to ensure proper heat
transfer. The system must adequately
fill the boiler when cold.
(c) Alarms. When a condition arises
which results in inadequate heat transfer, a high temperature alarm or low
flow alarm must be activated. An audible alarm must automatically sound,
and a visual indicator must indicate
when the fluid temperature exceeds the
maximum operating temperature or
when the fluid/steam flowing through
the heat exchanger is insufficient to
ensure proper heat transfer. Additionally, an audible alarm must automatically sound, and a visual indicator
must indicate when a soot fire is
present in the exhaust gas boiler’s uptake.
§ 63.25–9 Incinerators.
(a) General. Incinerators installed on
or after March 26, 1998, must meet the
requirements of IMO MEPC.76(40) (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
63.05–1). Incinerators in compliance
with ISO 13617 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 63.05–1), are considered to meet IMO MEPC.76(40). Incinerators in compliance with both ASTM F
1323 (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 63.05–1) and Annexes A1–A3 of IMO
MEPC.76(40) are considered to meet
IMO MEPC.76(40). An application for


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pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
type approval of shipboard incinerators
must be sent to the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, U.S. Coast
Guard, 4200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400,
Arlington, VA 22203, or they may be
transmitted by mail to the Commanding Officer (MSC), Attn: Marine
Safety Center, U.S. Coast Guard Stop
7410, 4200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400,
Arlington, VA 20598–7410..
(b) Testing. Before type approval is
granted, the manufacturer must have
tests conducted, or submit evidence
that such tests have been conducted by
an independent laboratory acceptable
to the Commandant (CG–521). The laboratory must:
(1) Have the equipment and facilities
for conducting the inspections and
tests required by this section;
(2) Have experienced and qualified
personnel to conduct the inspections
and tests required by this section;
(3) Have documentary proof of the
laboratory’s qualifications to perform
the inspections and tests required by
this section; and
(4) Not be owned or controlled by a
manufacturer, supplier, or vendor of
shipboard incinerators.
(c) Prohibited substances. Shipboard
incineration of the following substances is prohibited:
(1) Annex I, II, and III cargo residues
of IMO MARPOL 73/78 (incorporated by
reference; see 46 CFR 63.05–1) and related contaminated packing materials.
(2) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
(3) Garbage, as defined in Annex V of
IMO MARPOL 73/78, containing more
than traces of heavy metals.
(4) Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.
(d) Operating manual. Each ship with
an incinerator subject to this rule
must possess a manufacturer’s operating manual, which must specify how
to operate the incinerator within the
limits described in Annex A1.5 of IMO
(e) Training. Each person responsible
for operating any incinerator must be
trained and be capable of implementing
the guidance provided in the manufacturer’s operating manual.
(f) Acceptable methods and standards
for testing emissions. The methods and
standards for testing emissions that
the laboratory may use in determining

Pt. 64

described in Annex A1.5 of IMO
MEPC.76(40) are:
(1) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 1–Sample and velocity traverses for
stationary sources;
(2) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 3A–Determination of oxygen and
carbon dioxide concentrations in emissions from stationary sources (instrumental-analyzer procedure);
(3) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 5–Determination of particulate
emissions from stationary sources;
(4) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 9–Visual determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary
(5) 40 CFR part 60 Appendix A, Method 10–Determination of carbon-monoxide
(6) ISO 9096 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 63.05–1); and
(7) ISO 10396 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 63.05–1).
[USCG–2003–16630, 73FR 65191, Oct. 31, 2008, as
amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49229,
Sept. 25, 2009; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR 60149,
Sept. 30, 2013]

Subpart A—General
64.1 Purpose.
64.2 Incorporation by reference.
64.3 Applicability.
64.5 Definitions.
64.9 Maintenance, repair, and alteration of

Subpart B—Standards for an MPT
64.11 Design of MPTs.
64.13 Allowable stress; tank.
64.15 Allowable stress; framework.
64.17 Minimum tank thickness.
64.19 External pressure.
64.21 Material.
64.23 Gasket and lining.
64.25 Cross section.
64.27 Base.
64.29 Tank saddles.
64.31 Inspection opening.
64.33 Pipe connection.
64.35 Bottom filling or discharge connection.
64.37 Valve and fitting guard.


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§ 64.1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

Valve securing device.
Stop valve closure.
Lifting fittings.
Securing devices.
Type of relief devices.
Labeling openings.
Tank parts marking.
Information plate for MPTs.
Relief device location.

(c) Design and construction of cargohandling systems for MPTs and other
portable tanks authorized under subparts 98.30 and 98.33 of this chapter.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37409, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR
47477, Nov. 14, 1990]

Subpart C—Pressure Relief Devices and
Vacuum Relief Devices for MPTs
64.57 Acceptance of pressure relief devices.
64.59 Spring loaded pressure relief valve.
64.61 Rupture disc.
64.63 Minimum emergency venting capacity.
64.65 Vacuum relief device.
64.67 Shutoff valve.
64.69 Location of the pressure relief device.
64.71 Marking of pressure relief devices.

Subpart D [Reserved]
Subpart E—Periodic Inspections and Tests
of MPTs
64.77 Inspection and test.
64.79 Inspection of pressure and vacuum relief device.
64.81 30-month inspection of an MPT.
64.83 Hydrostatic test.

Subpart F—Cargo Handling System
64.87 Purpose.
64.88 Plan approval, construction, and inspection of cargo-handling systems.
64.89 Cargo pump unit.
64.91 Relief valve for the cargo pump discharge.
64.93 Pump controls.
64.95 Piping.
64.97 Cargo hose.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; 49 U.S.C.
App. 1804; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25,
1974, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 64.1


This part contains the requirements
(a) Design, construction, repair, alteration, and marking of marine portable tanks (MPTs) authorized by this
chapter to be carried on inspected vessels;
(b) Periodic inspections and tests of
MPTs; and

§ 64.2 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a). To enforce any edition other
than the one listed in paragraph (b) of
this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of the change in the
FEDERAL REGISTER and make the material available to the public. All approved material is on file at the Coast
Guard Headquarters. Contact Commandant (CG–DCO–D), Attn: Deputy
for Operations Policy and Capabilities,
U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7318, 2703 Martin
Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593–7318. The material is
also available from the source indicated in paragraph (b) of this section or
at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part, and
the sections affected, are:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) International
Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VIII, Division 1,
Pressure Vessels, 1989, with Addenda issued December 31, 1989
(‘‘ASME Code’’).........64.5, 64.7, 64.11, 64.13,
64.21, 64.25, 64.31
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37409, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR
47477, Nov. 14, 1990, as amended by CGD 96–
041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996; CGD 97–057, 62
FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–1999–6216, 64
FR 53225, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR
59778, Oct. 1, 2012; USCG 2013–0671, 78 FR
60149, Sept. 30, 2013]

§ 64.3 Applicability.
(a) This part applies to each MPT for
which the Commanding Officer, U.S.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, receives an application for approval on or
before May 1, 1991.
(b) Subpart F of this part also applies
to portable tanks and to cargo-handling systems for portable tanks authorized under subparts 98.30 and 98.33
of this chapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37409, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.5 Definitions.
As used in this part:
(a) Marine portable tank or MPT
means a liquid-carrying tank that—
(1) Has a capacity of 110 gallons or
(2) Is designed to be carried on a vessel;
(3) Can be lifted full or empty onto
and off a vessel, and can be filled and
discharged while on a vessel;
(4) Is not permanently attached to
the vessel; and
(5) Was inspected and stamped by the
Coast Guard on or before September 30,
(b) Tank means the pressure vessel
and the associated fittings of an MPT
that come in contact with the product
being carried.
(c) Total containment pressure means
the minimum pressure for total product containment under normal operating conditions at a gauge pressure
consisting of the absolute vapor pressure of the product at 122 °F added to
the dynamic pressure, based on the
tank dimensions and the location of
the relief devices, of not less than 5
pounds per square inch gauge (psig) at
the top of the tank in the operating position.
(d) Maximum allowable working pressure means the maximum gauge pressure at the top of the tank in the operating position at 122 °F, equal to or
greater than the total containment
pressure as defined in paragraph (c) of
this section. The maximum allowable
working pressure is used in the calculation of the minimum thickness of each
element of the tank, excluding the allowance for corrosion and the thickness for loadings other than pressure,
as provided for in the ASME Code.
(e) Test pressure means a hydrostatic
pressure of at least one and one-half
times the maximum allowable working

§ 64.11

(f) Dynamic loading conditions means
the following:
(1) A loading in the vertical down direction equal to 2 times the weight of
the tank and the heaviest product carried.
(2) A loading in the transverse direction equal to the weight of the tank
and the heaviest product carried.
(3) A loading in the longitudinal direction equal to the weight of the tank
and the heaviest product carried.
(g) Owner means the person, corporation, company, partnership, or organization in which is vested the ownership, dominion, or title of a portable
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37409, Sept. 11,

§ 64.9 Maintenance, repair, and alteration of MPTs.
(a) Each MPT must be maintained in
accordance with the approved plans,
this part, and subpart 98.30 of this
(b) Repair of an MPT is authorized,
provided that each repair is in accordance with the approved plans.
(c) No MPT may be altered, except
with the written approval of the Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center.
(d) After each welded repair or alteration, an MPT must be hydrostatically
pressure-tested in accordance with
paragraph (a) of § 64.83 of this part.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37409, Sept. 11, 1990]

Subpart B—Standards for an MPT
§ 64.11 Design of MPTs.
An MPT must be designed—
(a) In accordance with the ASME
Code and this subpart;
(b) With a maximum gross weight of
55,000 pounds;
(c) To hold a liquid cargo that has a
vapor pressure of 43 pounds per square
inch absolute (psia) or less at a temperature of 122 °F;
(d) With a minimum service temperature of 0 °F or higher;
(e) With a maximum allowable working pressure of not less than 20 pounds
per square inch gauge (psig) but not
more than 48 psig; and


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§ 64.13

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(f) To withstand dynamic loading
conditions applied simultaneously.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR
40755, Oct. 4, 1990]

§ 64.13

Allowable stress; tank.

(a) The calculated stress in the tank
under design conditions, including dynamic loading conditions applied simultaneously, must not exceed the allowable stress listed in Division 1 of
section VIII of the ASME Code, for a
design temperature of 122 °F.
(b) The calculated stress in the tank
at test pressure must not exceed 75 percent of the minimum yield stress, 1 or
37.5 percent of the minimum tensile
stress 1 of the material, whichever is
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,

§ 64.15

Allowable stress; framework.

The calculated stress for the framework must be 80 percent or less of the
minimum yield stress of the framework material under the dynamic loading conditions that are applied simultaneously.
§ 64.17

Minimum tank thickness.

(a) Except as allowed in paragraph (b)
of this section, a tank with a diameter
(1) 6 feet or less must have a shell
and head of 3⁄16 inch thickness or more;
(2) More than 6 feet must have a shell
and head of 1⁄4 inch thickness or more.
(b) If the tank has additional framework to guard against accidental puncturing of the tank, the shell and head
thickness must be 1⁄8 inch or more.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 64.19

External pressure.

(a) A tank without a vacuum breaker
must be designed to withstand an external pressure of 71⁄2 psig or more.
(b) A tank with a vacuum breaker
must be designed to withstand an external pressure of 3 psig or more.
1 Listed in Division 1 of section VIII of the
ASME Code.

§ 64.21


The material for a tank must meet
the requirements in Division 1 of section VIII of the ASME Code.
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,

§ 64.23

Gasket and lining.

Each gasket and lining must be made
of material that is—
(a) Chemically compatible with the
product for which the tank is approved;
(b) Resistant to deterioration from
the product for which the tank is approved.
§ 64.25

Cross section.

A tank must have a cross section design that is—
(a) Circular; or
(b) Other than circular and stress
analyzed experimentally by the method contained in UG–101 of the ASME
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,

§ 64.27


The base of an MPT must be as wide
and as long as the tank.
§ 64.29

Tank saddles.

If a tank is not completely supported
by a framework, it must be supported
by two or more external saddles, each
of which extends to 120 degrees or more
of the shell circumference.
§ 64.31

Inspection opening.

An MPT must have an inspection
opening that is designed in accordance
with Division 1 of section VIII of the
ASME Code.
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,

§ 64.33

Pipe connection.

Each pipe connection that is not a
pressure relief device must be fitted
with a manually operated stop valve or
closure located as close to the tank as


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
§ 64.35 Bottom filling or discharge connection.
If an MPT is designed with a filling
or discharge connection in the bottom,
the connection must be fitted with a
bolted blank flange, threaded cap, or
similar device to protect against leakage of the product, and a manually operated valve that is located—
(a) Inside the tank and operated outside the tank; or
(b) Outside the tank but as close to it
as practicable.
§ 64.37

Valve and fitting guard.

Each valve and fitting must be protected from mechanical damage by—
(a) The tank;
(b) A tank saddle;
(c) The framework; or
(d) A guard.
§ 64.39

Valve securing device.

Each filling and discharge valve must
have a securing device to prevent unintentional opening.
§ 64.41

Stop valve closure.

A stop valve that operates by a
screwed spindle must close in a clockwise direction.
§ 64.43

Lifting fittings.

Each MPT must have attached lifting
fittings so that the tank remains horizontal and stable while being moved.
§ 64.45

Securing devices.

An MPT or its framework must have
sufficient number of positive action securing devices, including hooks, lugs,
or padeyes, to attach the unit to the
vessel so that—
(a) The stress does not exceed the
standard contained in § 64.15; and
(b) Additional lashing is not needed.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 64.47

Type of relief devices.

(a) An MPT with an internal capacity
of more than 550 U.S. gallons must
have one or more spring loaded relief
valves. In addition, a rupture disc may
be attached.
(b) An MPT with an internal capacity
of 550 U.S. gallons or less must have a
rupture disc or a spring loaded relief

§ 64.57

§ 64.49 Labeling openings.
Each opening of a tank must be labeled to identify the function such as
‘‘suction’’, ‘‘discharge’’, ‘‘heating coil’’.
§ 64.51 Tank parts marking.
Any part of a tank furnished by an
outside supplier may not be used in a
tank unless it bears—
(a) The Coast Guard symbol;
(b) The Marine Inspection Office
identification letters;
(c) The word ‘‘part’’;
(d) The manufacturer’s name and serial number; and
(e) The design pressure.
§ 64.53 Information plate for MPTs.
(a) A corrosion-resistant metal plate
containing the information in paragraph (b) of this section must be permanently attached to each MPT.
(b) Each information plate required
in paragraph (a) of this section must
bear the following information in legible letters 3⁄16 inch or more in height:
(1) Owner’s name.
(2) Manufacturer’s name.
(3) Date of manufacture.
(4) Serial number of tank.
(5) Maximum allowable working pressure in psig.
(6) Test pressure in psig.
(7) External-pressure rating in psig.
(8) Total capacity in gallons.
(9) Maximum net weight in long tons.
(10) Maximum gross weight in long
(11) Percent ullage at 122 °F.
(12) Date of hydrostatic test.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.55 Relief device location.
A pressure relief device must be located on an MPT in a place that—
(a) Is the highest practical point of
the tank; and
(b) Allows direct communication
with the vapor space.

Subpart C—Pressure Relief Devices and Vacuum Relief Devices for MPTs
§ 64.57 Acceptance of pressure relief
A pressure relief device for an MPT
must be—


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§ 64.59

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(a) From a supplier 2 accepted under
chapter I of title 46, Code of Federal
Regulations; or
(b) Accepted by the Coast Guard in
accordance with the procedures in
§ 50.25–10 of this chapter.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.59 Spring loaded pressure relief
A spring loaded pressure relief valve
(a) Be set at a nominal pressure of 125
percent of the maximum allowable
working pressure;
(b) Have a minimum normal venting
capacity that is sufficient to prevent
the tank pressure from exceeding 137.5
percent of the maximum allowable
working pressure;
(c) Close after discharge of a pressure
not lower than 115 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure; and
(d) If closed, remain closed at any
pressure less than 115 percent of the
maximum allowable working pressure.
§ 64.61

Rupture disc.

If a rupture disc is the only pressure
relief device on the tank, the rupture
disc must—
(a) Rupture at a pressure of 125 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure; and
(b) Have a minimum normal venting
capacity that is sufficient to prevent
the tank pressure from exceeding 137.5
percent of the maximum allowable
working pressure.
§ 64.63 Minimum


Q=Minimum required rate of discharge in
cubic feet per minute of free air at standard conditions (60 °F and 14.7 psia).
M=Molecular weight of the product, or 86.7.
T=Temperature, degrees Rankine (460° +
temperature in degrees F of gas at relieving temperature), or 710° Rankine.
A=Total external surface area of the tank
compartment in square feet.
L=Latent heat of the product being vaporized at relieving conditions in Btu per
pound, or 144 Btu per pound.
Z=Compressibility factor of the gas at relieving conditions, or 1.0.
C=Constant based on relation of specific
heats, in accordance with appendix J of
division 1 of section VIII of the ASME
Code, 1974 edition, or 315.

(b) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of an insulated portable
tank may have a reduction if—
(1) It is shown to the Coast Guard
that the insulation reduces the heat
transmission to the tank;
(2) The present reduction of the
emergency venting capacity (Q) is limited to the percent reduction of the
heat transmission to the tank or 50
percent, whichever is less; and
(3) The insulation is sheathed.
LB/IN2A AND 60 °F)
feet 1


(a) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of the relief devices of an
uninsulated MPT must be in accordance with Table 1 or the following formula based upon the pressure relief device operating at a pressure not to exceed the test pressure:

area square
feet 1


1 Interpolate

Cubic feet free
air per hour



for intermediate sizes.

[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,
1990; 55 FR 47477, Nov. 14, 1990]


2 Accepted suppliers are listed in CG–190,
Equipment list.

§ 64.65 Vacuum relief device.
(a) Each MPT that is designed for an
external pressure of less than 7.5 psig
must have a vacuum relief device.


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⎛ A 0.82 ⎞
Q = 633,000 ⎜
⎝ LC ⎠

Cubic feet free
air per hour

Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(b) A vacuum relief device for an
MPT must—
(1) Open at an external pressure of
not less than 3 psig; and
(2) Have an opening with a cross-section of 0.44 square inch or more.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.67

Shutoff valve.

A shutoff valve may not be located—
(a) Between the tank opening and
pressure relief device; or
(b) On the discharge side of the pressure relief device.
§ 64.69 Location of the pressure relief
A pressure relief device must be—
(a) Accessible for inspection and repair before stowage of the tank; and
(b) Attached so that escaping gas
does not impinge on the tank or framework.
§ 64.71 Marking of pressure relief devices.
A pressure relief device must be
plainly and permanently marked with
(a) Set pressure rating;
(b) Rated flow capacity expressed as
cubic feet of standard air (60 °F 14.7
psia) per minute and the pressure at
which the flow capacity is determined;
(c) Manufacturer’s name and identifying number; and
(d) Pipe size of inlet.

Subpart D [Reserved]
Subpart E—Periodic Inspections
and Tests of MPTs

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 64.77

Inspection and test.

For the handling and stowage requirements in § 98.30–3 of this chapter,
each MPT must pass the following inspections and tests conducted by the
owner or the owner’s representative:
(a) Pressure relief and vacuum relief
devices must be inspected one time or
more during each 12 month period of
service in accordance with § 64.79.
(b) An MPT must be inspected during
the 30 months before any month in
which it is in service in accordance
with § 64.81.

§ 64.83

(c) An MPT must pass a hydrostatic
test in accordance with § 64.83 during
the 60 months before any month in
which it is in service.
(d) After each welded repair, an MPT
must pass a hydrostatic test in accordance with § 64.83.
[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11,

§ 64.79 Inspection of pressure and vacuum relief device.
(a) The inspection of the pressure and
vacuum relief device required in
§ 64.77(a) must include—
(1) Disassembling;
(2) A visual inspection for defective
parts; and
(3) A test of the accuracy of the pressure setting.
(b) If the pressure and vacuum relief
valve passes the inspection required in
paragraph (a) of this section, the owner
or his representative may attach to the
device a metal tag containing the date
of the inspection.
§ 64.81 30-month inspection of an MPT.
(a) The 30-month inspection of an
MPT required in § 64.77(b) must include—
(1) An internal and external examination for—
(i) Corrosion;
(ii) Cracking of base material; and
(iii) Weld defects; and
(2) A visual inspection for defective
parts and a manual operation of the
gauging device, remote operating
mechanism, and each valve, except the
pressure relief device.
(b) If the tank passes the inspection
required in paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or his representative
may stencil the date of the inspection
on the MPT near the metal identification plate that is required in § 64.53 in
durable and legible letters that are 11⁄4
inch in height or larger.
§ 64.83 Hydrostatic test.
(a) The hydrostatic test required in
§ 64.77(c) includes—
(1) Closing each manhole and other
openings by normal means of closure;
(2) Using wrenches or other tools that
are used during normal operations to
close the manhole and other openings;


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§ 64.87

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–13 Edition)

(3) Using the same type of gaskets as
used in service;
(4) If required for the inspection, removing tank insulation;
(5) Filling the tank with water and
pressurizing to the test pressure indicated on the metal identification plate
without leaking; and
(6) If fitted with an internal heating
coil, the heating coil passing a hydrostatic test at a pressure of 200 psig or
more or 50 percent or more above the
rated pressure of the coil, whichever is
(b) If the tank passes the hydrostatic
test required in paragraph (a) of this
section, the owner or his representative may stamp the date of the test and
his initials on the metal identification
plate required in § 64.53.

Subpart F—Cargo Handling

(3) Pneumatic; or
(4) Electric.
(c) The starting system for a cargo
pump power unit must be designed to
be compatible with the hazard associated with the product to be pumped.
(d) A diesel engine that is used to
drive a cargo pump must have a spark
arrestor on the exhaust system.
§ 64.91 Relief valve for the cargo pump
The cargo pump discharge must have
a relief valve that is—
(a) Fitted between the cargo pump
discharge and the shut-off valve, with
the relief valve discharge piped back to
the cargo pump suction or returned to
the tank; and
(b) Set at the maximum design pressure of the piping and discharge hose,
or less.
§ 64.93

§ 64.87 Purpose.
Each cargo-handling system required
to satisfy § 98.30–25 or § 98.33–13 of this
chapter must meet the requirements of
this subpart.
[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.88 Plan approval, construction,
and inspection of cargo-handling
Plans for the cargo-handling system
of a portable tank authorized under
subpart 98.30 of this chapter must be
approved by the Coast Guard in accordance with the requirements of § 56.01–10
of this subchapter. In addition, the
cargo-handling system must be constructed and inspected in accordance
with part 56 of this subchapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 84–043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990]

§ 64.89 Cargo pump unit.
(a) A cargo pump unit that fills or
discharges a portable tank must be—
(1) Constructed of materials that are
compatible with the product to be
pumped; and
(2) Designed to be compatible with
the hazard associated with the product
to be pumped.
(b) The cargo pump power unit must
(1) Diesel;
(2) Hydraulic;

Pump controls.

(a) A pressure gauge must be installed—
(1) On the pump discharge;
(2) Near the pump controls; and
(3) Visible to the operator.
(b) A pump must have a remote,
quick acting, manual shutdown that is
conspicuously labeled and located in an
easily accessible area away from the
pump. The quick acting, manual shutdown for remote operation must provide a means of stopping the pump
power unit.
§ 64.95


(a) Piping, valves, flanges, and fittings used in the pumping system must
be designed in accordance with part 56
of this chapter.
(b) A cargo loading and discharge
header or manifold must—
(1) Have stop valves to prevent cargo
leakage; and
(2) Be visible to the operator at the
cargo pump controls.
(c) Each pipe and valve in the pumping system that has an open end must
have a plug or cap to prevent leakage.
(d) Each hose connection must be
threaded or flanged except for a quick
connect coupling that may be specifically accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard
in accordance with the procedures in
§ 50.25–10 of this chapter.


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Coast Guard, Dept. of Homeland Security
(e) A non-return valve must be in the
pump discharge if a backflow condition
may occur during pumping.
(f) Any non-metallic flexible hose
that is used in the piping system must
comply with § 56.60–25(c) of this chapter.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 73–172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as
amended by USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58346,
Sept. 30, 2004]

§ 64.97

§ 64.97 Cargo hose.
Each hose assembly, consisting of
couplings and a hose that has an inside
(a) Larger than three inches, must
meet the requirements in 33 CFR
154.500; or
(b) Three inches or less, must be designed to withstand the pressure of the
shutoff head of the cargo pump or
pump discharge relief valve setting,
but not less than 100 pounds per square


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