1205-0223 SS final

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Title 29 CFR Part 29 -- Labor Standards for the Registration of Apprenticeship Programs

OMB: 1205-0223

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Apprenticeship Programs - Labor Standards for Registration

OMB Control Number 1205-0223


1. Reasons for Data Collection

The National Apprenticeship Act of 1937, Section 50 (29 U.S.C. 50), authorizes and directs the Secretary of Labor "to formulate and promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, to extend the application of such standards by encouraging the inclusion thereof in contracts of apprenticeship, to bring together employers and labor for the formulation of programs of apprenticeship, to cooperate with State agencies engaged in the formulation and promotion of standards of apprenticeship, and to cooperate with the Secretary of Education in accordance with Section 17 of Title 20.” Section 50a of the Act authorizes the Secretary of Labor to “publish information relating to existing and proposed labor standards of apprenticeship,” and to “appoint national advisory committees...” (29 U.S.C. 50a). The amended statute is located at http://www.doleta.gov/OA/fitzact.cfm.

The purpose of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 29 is to set forth labor standards to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, and to extend the application of such standards by prescribing policies and procedures concerning registration, for certain Federal purposes, of acceptable apprenticeship programs with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Office of Apprenticeship, (OA). These labor standards, policies, and procedures cover the registration and cancellation of apprenticeship programs and of apprenticeship agreements; and the recognition of a State agency as the appropriate agency for registering local apprenticeship programs for certain Federal purposes; and related matters. For an electronic copy of Title 29 CFR Part 29, see OA’s Web site at:


Only an apprenticeship program or agreement that is in conformity with the requirements of the Department’s regulation on Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship and Training in 29 CFR part 30, is eligible for OA or State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) registration, 29.3(b)(2). For an electronic copy of regulation Title 29 CFR part 30, see http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title29/29cfr30_main_02.tpl.

2. Purpose of Information Collection

The information collected on the “Program Registration, Section I,” and “Apprentice Registration, Section II,” is aligned with the Final Rule of Title 29 CFR part 29.

For program registration, the sponsor will enter the information electronically (or manually) on the first two pages. The third, fourth, and fifth pages of ETA 671, Section I, consist of definitions and/or instructions to assist the sponsor in completing the instrument. The Apprentice and Training Representative (ATR)* reviews this information for compliance before approving it for entry into the apprenticeship database, Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System (RAPIDS). The ATR will periodically review the information, primarily, for changes to the information previously collected, e.g., active or inactive program, addition or deletion of a school-to-registered apprenticeship sponsor, related technical instruction provider. This information needs to be collected to ensure that the program is in conformity with Title 29 CFR part 29.1(b) so that it can continue to be registered and the welfare of the apprentice is maintained.

*The Apprenticeship and Training Representative (ATR) is a Federal employee of OA who promotes Registered Apprenticeship and assists management and labor in the development of training plans, standards, and programs which will have application throughout the industry or that portion of the industry concerned.

To register the apprentice electronically (or manually), the program sponsor will enter the information electronically (or manually) for Part A on the first page of Section II. For Part B, twelve fields will be repopulated electronically (or manually) from Program Registration, Section I, through RAPIDS. Definitions and instructions on those data elements that are not self-explanatory are on page 2.

The ATR will review this information for compliance before approving it for entry into RAPIDS. The ATR will periodically review the information to ensure that the apprentice is receiving the appropriate training and to document all aspects of training agreed upon by the individual apprentice and the sponsor. If this information is not collected, there is no formal agreement or registration between the sponsor and the apprentice and, therefore, no formal apprenticeship program.

A summarization of the information collected in ETA 671 is used to respond to requests from Congress, public interest groups, the apprenticeship sponsor community, and the general public.

Title 29 CFR 29.5 requires sponsors to meet apprenticeship standards to have a registered apprenticeship program. These standards include the program delivery approach, an on-the-job training outline, the related instruction curriculum, and the apprenticeship program operating procedures. Standards are incorporated by reference in the Apprentice Registration, Section II, top right column, because the standards outline all the conditions for the recruitment, selection, employment, and training of apprentices agreed to in the Apprenticeship Agreement.

29.13 Recognition of State agencies.

The National Apprenticeship Act calls for cooperation with SAAs engaged in formulation and development of standards of apprenticeship. Section 29.13 deals with the recognition of the State agency by the U.S. Department of Labor. Therefore certain information must be submitted and reviewed to ensure the policy and procedures of the state conform to the minimum standards established by the regulations. The information is reviewed and analyzed to determine whether the agency should be recognized to act as agent for the Secretary and approved by OA for continued recognition.

29.14 Derecognition of State agencies.

Section 29.14(g), requiring the notification of all apprentices that recognition for Federal purposes has been withdrawn, serves to safeguard and protect their welfare. Such notification is important so that the apprentices fully understand that all the benefits to them of such Federal recognition will no longer exist, and they may act to protect their interest.

3. Technology and Obstacles Affecting Reporting Burden

ETA has implemented an electronic apprentice registration process consistent with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act and E-Government requirements. ETA also implemented an electronic program registration process through its re-engineered, RAPIDS. These are additional tools to assist sponsors and apprentices in the registration processes and improve data reporting capabilities. The ATR is available upon request to provide full technical assistance and services to those program sponsors and apprentices who do not have computer technology available.

The e-program registration component complements the Apprentice Electronic Registration (AER) process approved by OMB. As of Fiscal Year 2013, more than 80 percent of all apprentices were registered through the AER process. With the re-engineering of RAPIDS, the electronic registration of apprentices and the electronic registration of programs, OA is implementing the Government Accountability’s Office recommendation to improve and focus its program data to target resources that will address and remedy areas in need of assistance.

Consideration has been given to the use of improved information technology to reduce the burden. National Guideline Standards and National Standards have been developed and new ones are continually being developed to provide for local adaptation merely by copying and/or modifying to the extent appropriate the standards which are now available electronically. The ATR will be available upon request to provide full technical assistance and services to those program sponsors who do not have computer technology available.

4. Duplication

Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title 29 CFR part 29 are not duplicated elsewhere.

5. Burden on Small Business or Other Small Entities

The information collected has a minimal impact on small businesses.

6. Consequences of Failure to Collect Data

The registration of apprenticeship programs and apprentices is necessary to carry out the requirements of the National Apprenticeship Act. Apprentice information is only submitted on a one-time basis and, therefore, the collection frequency in this section cannot be further reduced.

7. Special Circumstances Involved in Collection of Data Validation Information

The information is collected in a manner consistent with paperwork requirements. Data collection and retention is consistent with 5 CFR 1320.5. However, a records retention requirement of five years is necessary. The duration of many apprenticeship programs is four years or more, and it is important to keep the records for a period of time after an apprentice has exited the program.

8. Pre-Clearance Notice

A Pre-clearance Notice for sixty days’ public comment was published in the Federal Register on November 26, 2014 (Vol. 79, page 70567, et seq.). No comments were received.

9. Payments to Respondents

This information collection does not involve payments to respondents.10. Assurances of Confidentiality

The Privacy Act Statement is provided in ETA’s 671, Apprenticeship Agreement, Section II. The section provides for voluntary disclosure of the social security number (SSN). Providing the SSN facilitates accurate, consistent, and uniform retention and wage data from the Unemployment Insurance Wage Records via the Wage Record Interchange System. This information is used to determine OA’s program performance outcomes of retention and wage gains related to the common measure of Federal job training and employment programs of ETA. Also included is a statement that informs the apprentice where the information he/she has provided on the collection instrument is stored, the name and location of the system, and the disclosure that the information is protected in accordance with the Privacy Act.

11. Questions of a Sensitive Nature

No information is collected that is considered to be of a sensitive nature.

12. Respondent Annual Burden

Description of the information collection instrument, ETA 671

This form has two sections: Section I for the program sponsor’s information and Section II for the apprentice’s information. These two separate sections are used at different times, for different purposes, and with different individuals or entities. The information is not duplicative. Twelve fields will be repopulated electronically from the Program Registration in Section I, through RAPIDS to Section II, Part B. The information is collected on a one-time basis.

The ATR is available on request to provide technical assistance and services to those sponsors and apprentices who do not have computer technology available.

The primary headings in the ETA 671 Program Registration, Section I, are: Program Sponsor Information, Program Sponsor’s Related Contact Information, Journeyworkers Employed, Related Technical Instruction (RTI) Information, RTI Source Information, Program Sponsor Signature, ATR Information, Program Registration Information, and ATR Signature.

The information requested under most of these headings is routine information such as identification of the entities, their addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and web-site addresses. Non-routine exceptions where additional information is requested are under Program Sponsor Information, Journeyworkers Employed, Related Technical Instruction Information (RTI), Program Sponsor Signature, Program Registration Information, and ATR Signature. Definitions and Instructions, pages 3-5, are also included. The information is collected on an occasional basis, but not more than once a year.

There are no modifications to Section I. The estimated average response time remains at 12 minutes per response.

Apprentice Registration, Section II

There are three parts (A, B, and C) to the Apprentice Registration, Section II, of ETA 671:

Part A. (To Be Completed by the Apprentice): Apprentice name, Social Security Number, Address, voluntary selection of Ethnicity and Race, Veteran Status, Education Level, Employment Status, Career Linkage or Direct Entry, and Apprentice and Guardian’s signature (if a minor) and Date.

Part B. Consists of the identification of the Sponsor (Sponsor’s Program Number, Name and Address), Occupational Information related to the Apprentice (Occupation identification, Occupational Code, Interim Credentials if applicable, Occupation Training Approach, Apprenticeship Term, Probationary Period, Credit for Previous Experience, Apprenticeship Term Remaining, Date Apprenticeship Begins, Related Instruction (Hours per Year, if Wages Will Be Paid for Taking Related Instruction, Related Instruction Source), Wages (Before Registered as Apprentice, Apprentice Entry Hourly Wage, Journeyworker’s Hourly Wage), 10 Periods of Apprenticeship Term (Hours, Months, or Years for Each Period and the Wage Rate as a percent or in dollars for each Period), Signature and Date of Sponsor’s Representative, and Name and Address of Sponsor’s Designee to Receive Complaints (if Applicable).

Part C. (To be completed by the Registration Agency): the Identification of the Registration Agency, Signature of Representative of Registration Agency, Date Registration Agency Registered the Apprentice, and Apprentice Identification Number.

The information is collected on a one-time basis.

The estimated average response time remains at five minutes per response.

The following sections of the regulation contain information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act:

Section 29.3 (a) of Section 29.3 (a)-(k) is the overarching or dominant element of this Section. It is important because a program is eligible for various Federal purposes only if it is in conformity with apprenticeship program standards published by the Secretary of Labor and if the program is registered with the OA, or a recognized SAA.

Section 29.3 (b)(1) provides for the registration of the program and apprentice. Program registration not only assures industry consistency relative to the skills sets of the apprenticeable occupation and the related technical instruction, it also protects the welfare of the apprentices because of this consistency and uniformity.

Section 29.3 (b)(2) is necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices to ensure that the program is providing equal employment opportunities. If the information under 29.3 (b)(2) were not collected, there would be no formal agreement or registration between the sponsor and OA or the SAA and there would, therefore, not be a formal apprenticeship program.

Section 29.3 (c)(1) provides for the registration of apprentices to assure the individuals receive the proper agreed upon skilled training and to make possible the granting of recognition to the individuals for the training received.

Section 29.3 (c)(2) allows for the filing of a list of apprentices rather than individual agreements.

Section 29.3 (d) is necessary where a list is used to permit certification that a specific employee is eligible for probationary employment.

Section 29.3 (e) is necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices to ensure that they have not been terminated unjustly, to acknowledge transfers or shifts of apprentice registration, to provide a check for the quality of the program, and to appropriately recognize those that complete the training program.

Section 29.3 (g) and (h) provides for the provisional approval, permanent registration, and subsequent reviews of programs to ensure conformity to the regulations. It also protects the welfare of the apprentices by ensuring the quality of the programs.

Section 29.3 (i) ensures that program modifications do not adversely affect apprentices from receiving proper training in accordance with agreed upon standards and that programs include up-to-date technology so that apprentices receive training current for their occupation.

Section 29.3 (j) is important because the Act calls for bringing together employers and labor for the formulation of programs of apprenticeship, and it is necessary to ascertain that all appropriate parties are properly involved in the training. This requirement also serves to protect the welfare of the apprentice by ensuring proper representation of employees in training matters.

Section 29.3 (k) is necessary to ensure that programs proposed by an employer or groups of employers have the same opportunity for program registration as those proposed programs with collective bargaining agents. It is necessary to ascertain that all employers are properly involved in the training. It also safeguards the welfare of the apprentice by increasing the choices of program selection by an apprentice.

29.7 Apprenticeship Agreement.

Section 29.7 provides for specific information necessary to protect the welfare of apprentices and ensure proper wages and training (on-the-job and related instruction), various work processes are provided, proper probationary periods are permitted, and equal employment opportunity is ensured.

29.5 Standards of Apprenticeship

This section describes those standards appropriate and necessary to ensure that apprentices receive the proper training for their skilled apprenticeable occupations. See regulation, Title 29 CFR Part 29, for a listing of those standards at http://www.doleta.gov/oa/pdf/FinalRule29CFRPart29.pdf, pp 64428-64429. Program sponsors must be fully aware of and agree to meet these standards.

29.13 Recognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.

(a)(1)-(5); (b)(1)-(9); (c); (d); (e)(1)-(4).

The National Apprenticeship Act calls for cooperation with SAAs engaged in formulation and development of standards of apprenticeship. Section 29.13 deals with the recognition of the State agency by the Secretary of Labor for Federal purposes and to act as an agent on the Secretary’s behalf. Certain information needs to be submitted to and approved by OA for continued recognition. This section also contains provisions for SSAs to request recognition withdrawal, OA’s retention of authority, and program registration with OA.

29.14 Derecognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies.

Section 29.14(g) requires the notification of all apprentices that recognition for Federal purposes has been withdrawn.

29.3 and 29.6

The FY 2013 RAPIDS database indicates more than 19,400 registered apprenticeship programs. Based on this fiscal yearly data, it is estimated that Federal staff registered 650 new programs at an average response time for new program registrations of 12 minutes for Program Registration, Section I. The total burden hours are 130 burden hours (650 x .20). Information on Program Registration, Section I, is reviewed periodically but not more than once on a yearly basis. The respondent cost is $2,080 (130 hours x $16*).

* The $16 mean hourly rate [rounded to the nearest dollar] for the program sponsor’s secretary was obtained from the U.S. DOL/BLS, May 2014, National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Occupational Code 43-6014, Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive. See http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes436014.htm.

Experience has shown that each sponsor responds at least yearly with information on new apprentices, completions, and terminations. According to the FY 2013 RAPIDS data, about 164,700 new apprentices were registered and about 100,000 completions and terminations were recorded. In calculating the estimates, OA will use Federal workload data obtained from the RAPIDS 2013 Report. Estimated new apprentice registrations were 71,100 and apprentice completions and cancellations were 68,500. The average response time is five minutes for new apprentice registrations, completions, and cancellations, resulting in: 5,901 hours (71,100 x .083 minutes), and 5,686 hours (68,500 x .083 minutes), respectively.

The respondent cost is $94,416 (5,901 hrs. x $16*) and $90,976 (5,686 hrs. x $16) for a total of $185,392 ($94,416 + $91,976).


Based upon latest available data, more than 1,500 respondents per year make an annual response system-wide (Standards plan). Of this total, approximately 650 programs were registered by Federal staff. Experience shows that this activity takes two hours per sponsor (650 x 2 hrs. = 1,300 hours). The respondent cost is $36,400 (1,300 hrs. x $28*).

* The $28 mean hourly rate [rounded to the nearest dollar] for the program sponsor was obtained from the U.S. DOL/BLS May 2014, National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Occupational Code 13-1151, Training and Development Specialist. See http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes131151.htm

Title 29 CFR part 29, Apprenticeship Programs, Labor Standards for Registration, Amendment of Regulations: Final Rule, October 29, 2008, effective December 29, 2008, established that the relationship between the Federal government must be between two government entities, i.e., Department of Labor and the cabinet-level government agency in each State’s government that operates and manages the functions of registered apprenticeship in that State, i.e. SAAs. The final rule also defines the following as states: any of the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any territory (Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) or possession of the United States.

The SAAs have been delegated the responsibility by the Secretary of Labor to review/update the standards; thus, performing similar functions as the GS-12 Federal Representatives (ATRs) of OA. Experience indicates this takes two hours per sponsor at the cost of $29 per hour (State employee). The annualized cost to the registration agency is $51,000 (850 x 2 hrs. = 1,700 hrs. x $30*).

* The $30 mean hourly rate [rounded to the nearest dollar] for the SAA ATR was obtained from the U.S. DOL/BLS May 2014 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates by ownership, State government, including schools and hospitals, Occupational Code 12-1075, Labor Relations Specialist. See http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes131075.htm. Scroll to first two tables under Industries with the highest levels of employment in this occupation.


All 29 SAAs have been recognized as State Registration Agencies for Federal purposes. No new apprenticeship agencies are expected during Fiscal Years 2015-2018.

States seeking new or continued recognition must submit information including the State apprenticeship law; the establishment and continued use of a State Apprenticeship Council, including its composition and representation; the State Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity that conforms to the requirements published in 29 CFR part 30; the submission and description of the basic standards, criteria, and requirements for program registration and/or approval; and a description of policies and operating procedures.

To submit information to OA for recognition purposes, the state reviews instructions, searches existing data sources, gathers and maintains the data needed, and completes and reviews the collection of information required. The average annual burden for all 29 SAAs is 58 hours (29 SAAs x 2 hours per response) and the estimated cost is $1,740 (29 SAAs x 2 hours x $30). This cost is limited to the submission of the information and assumes that the state, in its own desire to have an apprenticeship agency, has already taken all the necessary actions and prepared all the required documents for the conduct of its own apprenticeship program.

29.14 (g)

No SAA has been derecognized since 2012. Under this section, the State is required to notify registered apprentices of the withdrawal of recognition for Federal purposes in the event the State did not become what is know as Federal registration state.

The total burden is summarized in the following table.

Burden Calculations


ETA Form 671













Section I



1-time basis


.20 hr/




Section II






.083 hr./









.083 hr./













2 hrs./


2 hrs./









Basis every 5 years


2 hrs./SAA





1-time basis








TOTAL RESPONDENTS: 141,779 (1,300 sponsors + 139,600 apprentices

+ 879 SACs)

TOTAL BURDEN Hours: 14,775 (1,430 sponsors + 11,587 apprentices

+ 1,758 SACs)


Section Total Cost

29.3 2,080

29.3 94,416

29.6 90,976

29.5 37,700

29.5 49,300

29.13 1,682

29.14 ---

Total Respondent Cost $276,154

13. Estimated Cost to Respondents

There are no additional costs other than those mentioned in Number 12 above.

14. Cost to Federal Government

The burden to the Federal Government based on the GS-12/1 salary of $34 per hour for ATR Federal staff [rounded to the nearest dollar from OPM General Schedule, for the Locality Pay Area of the Rest of U.S., effective January 2015] is primarily for reviewing the materials submitted by the sponsors, inputting data in the database, and returning copies to sponsors and other partners, as appropriate. See http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/15Tables/html/RUS_h.aspx.

For new apprenticeship program electronic registrations, the process is estimated to take 12 minutes. The annualized cost to the Federal Government for new program registrations is $4,420 (650 x 12 minutes = 7,800; 7,800 divided by 60 minutes = 130 hrs.; 130 hrs. x $34 = $4,420.) Estimated annualized cost per program registration is $6.80 ($4,420 divided by 650).

For new apprenticeship agreements, the process is estimated to take five minutes. The annualized cost to the Federal Government for new apprentice registrations is $201,450 (71,100 x 5 minutes = 355,500; 355,500 divided by 60 minutes = 5,925 hrs.; 5,925 hrs. x $34 = $201,450). Estimated annualized cost per apprentice is $2.83 ($201,450 divided by 71,100).

Also, it is estimated that it takes about five minutes to process approximately 68,500 terminations and completions per year. Thus the total annualized cost to the Federal Government is $194,072 (68,500 x 5 minutes = 342,500; 342,500 divided by 60 minutes = 5,708 hrs. (5,708 x $34 = $194,072). The Estimated annualized cost per apprentice terminations and completions is $2.83 ($194,072 divided by 68,500).

The total annualized cost for all actions is $399,942 ($4,420 + $201,450 + $194,072)


There are more than 950 occupations that are recognized as apprenticeable. Each of these occupations has a set of apprenticeship standards. Once the standards are developed for a particular occupation, they may be reused with minor modifications by program sponsors, who adapt them as necessary to their own requirements. The apprenticeship standards for an individual sponsor are developed on a one-time basis and are modified periodically, based upon changing requirements, such as changes in the collective bargaining agreement, major technological changes that require changes in work processes, and related training.

Approximately, 650 new programs are registered each year, the majority of which use previously developed apprenticeship standards. The burden upon the respondents consists mostly of reviewing apprenticeship standards with the government representative and the apprentice, modifying as necessary, and formally agreeing to them. The cost to the Federal Government is approximately $44,200 (650 x 2 hours x $34).


The federal cost, which is on a five-year basis, is estimated at $5,220 [29 SAAs x 4 hours x $45 hourly wage of GS-13/5 according to OPM General Schedule, for the Locality Pay Area of the Rest of U.S., effective January 2015]. See http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/15Tables/html/RUS_h.aspx . This figure is based on OA’s State Directors monitoring of the SAAs according to 29.13 (e) for compliance with the recognition requirements, e.g., on-site visits; review of the records, procedures, and proposed modifications.

29.14 (g)

There is no cost to the Federal Government.

Section Total Cost

29.3 and 29.6 $399,942

29.5 44,200

29.13 5,220

29.14 ----

Total (all sections) $449,362

15. Reasons for Program Change and Change in Burden

The change in the burden hours reflects a decrease of 688 burden hours (from 15,223 to 14,535) from that of the previous PRA submission. In the previous submission the overall burden hours and respondent data included ETA 671, Sections I and II, 14,933 burden hours and 138,466 respondents. It also included the YouthBuild Apprenticeship Trainee Registration Form, ETA 671A, 240 burden hours and 1,500 respondents. The ETA 671A was discontinued because the program ended. Thus the current request is for 14,755 burden hours and 141,779 respondents.

While not expected to affect burden, other changes included in this ICR cover:

Instructions, Pre-Apprenticeship, as follows: A program or set of strategies designed

to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program which has or have a documented partnership(s) with a Registered Apprenticeship program(s).

Modifications to eliminate duplication/redundancy and provide more precise definitions. Changes were made to Part A, Item 7b. and to the accompanying instructions.

More specifically, changes to Part A, Item 7b. are as follows:

  • Technical Training School and Military Veterans. In the current OMB 1205-0223 approval they are included under Item 7b. Instructions, Direct Entry, which is now proposed for deletion

  • One-Stop Referral was changed to Career Center Referral.

  • Direct Entry program identification was deleted.

Changes to Part A, Item 7 b. Instructions are as follows:


  • Indicate any career linkage (definitions follow) or direct entry. Enter “None” if no

career linkage or direct entry applies.

  • Career Linkage includes participation in programs that provide employment, training

and other services to adults, youth and dislocated workers. Funds for these activities are provided by the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (US DOL/ETA) to states and local communities.

  • Trade Adjustment Assistance which is now incorporated under Career Center Referral – e.g., includes career center participants referred to the Registered Apprenticeship…

  • Direct Entry which references Job Corps, YouthBuild, a participant in a military apprenticeship program, or an accredited technical training school, insert name of program. Job Corps and YouthBuild are mentioned in the current Career Linkage section and, therefore, duplicated. Insert program name was also deleted,

Additions, including precise definitions that include the qualifications necessary for

individuals to be eligible for direct entry into Registered Apprenticeship programs.

See proposed ETA Form 671, Section II, Apprentice Registration.

  • Indicate any career connection (definitions follow) or direct entry. Enter “None” if no

career linkage or direct entry applies.

  • Definitions: Pre-Apprenticeship, Technical Training School, Military Veterans,

Job Corps, YouthBuild, HUD/Step-Up, Career Center Referral, School-to-Registered Apprenticeship (the only definition that did not change).

Finally, as noted above, the Information Collection (IC) for the YouthBuild apprenticeship collection (Training Apprenticeship Program, or TAP), approved by OMB in 2009, is being removed because that program has ended.

16. Publication Information

Summary information is used to respond to requests from senior management, Congress, public interest groups, the apprenticeship sponsor community, and the general public.

17. Reasons for Not Displaying Date OMB Approval Expires

ETA is not requesting a waiver for the display of the OMB expiration date.

18. Exceptions to Certification

There are no exceptions to the certification statement.

B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods

This collection of information does not employ statistical methods.


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