Interview Number:
OMB Approval #: 0648-0000 Expiration Date:
Puerto Rico Resident Survey
Your name will never be released to anyone unless otherwise required by law. After the completion of the project all materials identifying you as an individual will be destroyed.
Respondent the White Card
of the Puerto Rico Regions.
A1. Which of the activities on the enclosed Activities List did you or someone in your household do in the Puerto Rico during the last 12 months?
A2. Which activities did you, yourself do during the past 12 months in Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4 and Region 5?
A3. On how many different days did you, yourself participate in each activity in the Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4 and Region 5?
listed with an
of the
A4. How
many others (excluding yourself) in your household did each activity
in the Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4 and Region 5?
Activity |
Region 1 |
Region 2 |
Region 3 |
Region 4 |
Region 5 |
A2 A3 # Resp. days |
A4 # others |
A2 A3 # Resp. days |
A4 # others |
A2 A3 # Resp. days |
A4 # others |
A2 A3 # Resp. days |
A4 # others |
A2 A3 # Resp. days |
A4 # others |
A5. What
would you say is the most important recreational activity you did in
Puerto Rico? Most Important
No Activity Most Important (check box)
A6. On how many different days did you participate in outdoor recreation activities outside of Puerto Rico during the past 12 months? ______ (# of days)
use and maps
of the
B1. Which activities did you or someone in your household do on natural/coral reefs during the past 12 months in northwest Puerto Rico (Region 1), southwest Puerto Rico (Region 2), southeast Puerto Rico (Region 3), northeast Puerto Rico (Region 4) and the islands of Culebra and Vieques (Region 5)?
do anything
box indicating no
B2. Did you, yourself, do (read activity) during the past 12 months in Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5.
B3. How many others in your household did each activity on the reefs in Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5 during the past 12 months?
B4. On how many different days did you, yourself, participate in each activity on the reefs in Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5 during the past 12 months?
Count any part of a day as a whole day for each activity.
B5. How many different dives did you, yourself, make for each type of diving activity you did on the reefs in Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5 during the past 12 months?
activities include
and scuba
diving activities
Card-Activities List
is defined as an entry and exit from the water to snorkel or scuba
refer to Questions B1 – B5 when filling in the tables on the
following two pages
There is one table for each of the five regions of the Puerto Rico
(Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, Region 5)
No Reef Use |
Region 1 |
B1 B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
# |
Respondent |
Respondent |
Activity Resp. |
Others |
# of days |
# dives |
No Reef Use |
Region 2 |
B1 B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
# |
Respondent |
Respondent |
Activity Resp. |
Others |
# of days |
# of dives |
No Reef Use |
Region 3 |
B1 B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
# |
Respondent |
Respondent |
Activity Resp. |
Others |
# of days |
# of dives |
Reef Use Region
B1 Activity |
B2 Resp. |
B3 # Others |
B4 Respondent # days |
B5 Respondent # of dives
# days |
Reef Use Region
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
# |
Respondent |
Respondent |
Activity |
Resp. |
Others |
# of days |
# of dives |
Part C. Economic Valuation of Puerto Rico’s Coral Reef Ecosystems
In this section of the survey, I will first present to you some definitions and scientific facts about Puerto Rico’s coral reef ecosystems. I will then present you with different reef conditions and the cost to your household to achieve those conditions. I will then ask you to choose among a set of different conditions and the cost to your household.
First, here are some definitions of what we mean by coral reefs and coral reef ecosystems.
respondent the Reef Definitions and Conditions Information Card.
Please read the Reef Definitions and Conditions Card.
C1. Do you have any questions about these definitions or reef conditions?
After answering questions, show
respondent cards with examples of the kinds of stony corals, soft
corals, sponges, fish and macroinvertebrates that have been observed
on Puerto Rico’s coral reef ecosystems.
After respondent finishes viewing the
cards, present the Management Solutions card.
Please read the information on the card and tell me when you are done.
C2. Do you have any questions before we proceed?
After answering respondents questions,
C3. Did you believe the information by coral scientists that in 10 to 20 years if current management practices continue that nearly all the coral reefs in Puerto Rico would be in a poor or low condition?
No (Go to C4)
C4. If we don’t change current management practices (Status Quo), do you think that the coral reefs conditions in 10 to 20 years in Puerto Rico will
Stay the same
I now will present to you a set of reef conditions at different prices and will ask you for your most preferred option. The Status Quo means no change in the management of the coral reef ecosystems and choosing this option will cost your household nothing ($0), but will result in the poorest or lowest conditions of coral reef ecosystems on all Puerto Rico’s coral reefs, except a few places that are already specially protected.
In each set of options, you will always have the option of choosing the Status Quo as your most preferred option.
Remember when making your choices on how much you are willing to pay that you only have so much income and if you pay to improve reef conditions you will have less to spend on other goods, services, and social issues that are important to you.
Also, even under the low conditions there are three coral reefs within Puerto Rico that have strong protections that you could use, in addition to coral reefs outside Puerto Rico.
Hand the respondent the card with Choice
Set Number 1.
Please review the three options. Option A is the Status Quo and costs you Nothing, but all reef conditions are in a low condition. For Options B and C, reef conditions are a mix of low, medium and high levels of condition and will cost your household $__ per year for Option B and $__ per year for Option C.
C5. Which option do you prefer? _______
C6. How many days would you use Puerto Rico’s Coral Reefs under the reef conditions for the option you prefer? _________ (number of days per year)
C7. Please provide a brief comment that helps us understand why you chose the option as your most preferred option? __________________________________________________________________________________
Hand respondent the Economic Valuations
C8. How sure are you that the option you chose as your most preferred among the three options is your most preferred, not sure at all, slightly sure, moderately sure, very sure, or extremely sure? Please refer to Section 1 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one answer only.
______ (letter)
Hand respondent the card with Choice Set
Number 2.
Please review the three options. Option A is the Status Quo and costs you Nothing, but all reef conditions are in a low condition. For Options B and C, reef conditions are a mix of low, medium, and high levels of condition and will cost your household $__ per year for Option B and $ _- per year for Option C.
C9. Which option do you prefer? _______
C10. How many days would you use Puerto Rico’s Coral Reefs under the reef conditions for the option you prefer? _________ (number of days per year)
C11. Please provide a brief comment that helps us understand why you chose the option as your most preferred option? _____________________________________________________________________________________
C12. How sure are you that the option you chose as your most preferred among the three options is your most preferred, not sure at all, slightly sure, moderately sure, very sure, or extremely sure? Please refer to Section 1 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one answer only.
Hand respondent the card with Choice Set
Number 3.
Please review the three options. Option A is the Status Quo and costs you Nothing, but all reef conditions are in a low condition. For Options B and C, reef conditions are a mix of low, medium and high levels of condition and will cost your household $__ per year for Option B and $__ for Option C.
C13. Which option do you prefer? _______
C14. How many days would you use Puerto Rico’s Coral Reefs under the reef conditions for the option you prefer? _________ (number of days per year)
C15. Please provide a brief comment that helps us understand why you chose the option as your most preferred option? _____________________________________________________________________________________
C16. How sure are you that the option you chose as your most preferred among the three options is your most preferred, not sure at all, slightly sure, moderately sure, very sure, or extremely sure? Please refer to Section 1 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one answer only.
Hand respondent the card with Choice Set
Number 4.
Please review the three options. Option A is the Status Quo and costs you Nothing, but all reef conditions are in a low condition. For Options B and C, reef conditions are a mix of low, medium, and high levels of condition and cost your household $__ per year for Option B and $__per year for Option C.
C17. Which option do you prefer? _______
C18. How many days would you use Puerto Rico’s Coral Reefs under the reef conditions for the option you prefer? _________ (number of days per year)
C19. Please provide a brief comment that helps us understand why you chose the option as your most preferred option? _____________________________________________________________________________________
C20. How sure are you that the option you chose as your most preferred among the three options is your most preferred, not sure at all, slightly sure, moderately sure, very sure, or extremely sure? Please refer to Section 1 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one answer only.
C21. Did you understand that the dollar amount for each alternative was the annual (yearly) cost to your household?
C22. There are different ways for people to pay for new programs to protect the environment. One way is for the government to pay the cost. This will raise everyone’s taxes. The other way is for businesses to pay the cost. This will make prices go up for everyone. Another way is for the government to create incentives for investment in environmental protection. Still another way is for businesses to pay the cost. This will make prices go up for everyone.
If you had to choose, would you prefer to pay for new environmental programs through higher taxes, the cost of incentives to businesses abd households, or through higher prices? Please refer to Section 2 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one answer only.
___ (letter)
C23. Who do you think should manage the additional funding obtained for reef management?
___ The Federal government ___ the Territorial government ____ Non Government Organization like The Nature Conservancy or Protectores de Cuencas, a local organization ___ Other (Specify _________________
C24. Would you say you think of yourself as not an environmentalist at all, slightly an environmentalist, a moderate environmentalist, a strong environmentalist or a very strong environmentalist? Please refer to Section 2 of the Economics Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select on answer only. ___ (letter)
C25. We would like to learn more about how you reacted to the questions that asked you to choose between various options of reef conditions. Please refer to Section 4 of the Economics Valuation Card. As I read each statement tell me the letter corresponding to your answer.
Check the box corresponding to the
respondent’s answer for each statement.
Statement |
Strongly Disagree (a) |
Somewhat Disagree (b) |
Neither agree nor disagree (c) |
Somewhat Agree (d) |
Strongly Agree (e) |
Costs should not be a factor when protecting the environment. |
I found it difficult to select an option of reef conditions I preferred. |
I was concerned that the Puerto Rico government cannot effectively Manage coral reefs. |
I should not have to pay more to protect or restore coral reefs in Puerto Rico. |
The public’s views as expressed in this survey should be important to the Puerto Rico government when it chooses how to manage coral reefs. |
I understood the different alternatives presented in each choice question. |
The different reef attribute levels in each alternative were clear and I was able to distinguish the difference across the “Status Quo” and alternatives B and C in making my choice. |
The illustrations of coral reef conditions helped me distinguish the low, medium and high conditions for all reef attributes. |
The pictures of different levels of crowding helped me distinguish low, medium and high crowding conditions. |
The government should use incentives to businesses and households to pay for environmental protections instead of regulations that result in higher prices or taxes to buisnesses and households. |
C26. What condition are the reefs in that you personally visit or use?
C27. How certain are you that additional funding would achieve the goals of protecting the environment? Please refer to Section 5 of the Economic Valuation Card and tell me the letter corresponding to your answer. Select one amswer only. ___ (letter)
C28. Please provide us any other comments you would like to make to help us understand your views about coral reefs in Puerto Rico and your responses to this survey.
to Part D: Demographics
In this final section, we need to know information about you and your household to make sure we have a representative sample of Puerto Rico residents.
Again, your privacy will be protected and any information identifying you or your household will not be revealed to anyone.
D1. How many people in your household are permanent residents of Puerto Rico?
____number of people
D2. How many of these household members are age 16 or older? ______ number of people
D3. Do you own a boat? ___Yes ___ No
D4. |
How many years have you lived in Puerto Rico? |
______ |
number of years |
D5. |
In what year were you born? ______ year
D6. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? ___ Yes ____ No
Hand Respondent Demographics Card.
D7. What race do you consider yourself? Please refer to Section 1 of the Demographics Card and
tell me the letter or letters that best describes you. ___ ___ ___ (letters)
D8. What is the highest level of education that you have completed? Please refer to Section 2 of
the Demographics Card and tell me the letter corresponding to the category that best describes you. ___ (letter)
D9. What is your employment status? Please refer to Section 3 of the Demographics Card and tell me the letter corresponding to the category that best describes you. ___ (letter)
D10. What is your household income before taxes? Please refer to Section 4 of the Demographics Card and tell me the letter corresponding to the category that best describes you. ___ (letter)
That concludes the survey today. We would like to know if you would fill out two mail back questionnaires. They ask about your expenditures while doing reef activities on your last trip and what things are important to you and how satisfied you are with them. These mail back questions are self-addressed to the University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez and postage is paid.
D11. Will you take these questionnaires, fill them out and mail them to us? __ Yes __ No.
THANK YOU that concludes our interview.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bob Leeworthy |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |