Measurement Development: Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Models and Measures

Pre-testing of Evaluation Surveys

Attachment B - 3M Cognitive Interview Guide for Parents in Complex Families_CLEAN

Measurement Development: Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Models and Measures

OMB: 0970-0355

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3M Cognitive interview: Testing HMRE Measures for Parents in Complex Familes

Interview PROTOCOL

RECORD DATE: _________________

RECORD START TIME: _________________

INTERVIEWER’S INITIALS: _________________














Do you have any questions before we begin?


Section 1. Respondent Background

I would like to start by learning a little bit about you and your family to help understand the information we gather. In particular, for some of the questions I will be asking, it would be helpful for me to understand a little bit about the history of your relationship with your current partner, how many children you have and who your children live with most of the time.


  • What do you call your current partner?

  • How long have you and your partner been together?

  • Do you and your partner live together?

    • IF YES: Who else lives with you and your partner?


    • IF NO: Who else, if anyone, do you live with?


    • IF NO: Who else, if anyone, does your partner live with?


  • Do you have biological children you don’t live with?

    • How many?

    • How old are they?

    • (IF YES) How do you refer to your nonresident child(ren)’s other parent(s)? (IF NEEDED, do you say prior partner, ex, ex-wife, or something else?)

Later in the interview, some questions will refer to this parent. So that I can be sure I’m referring to the right person, can you tell me his/her first name? You can also use a nickname or initials.

List name__________________________


Primary Residence

Section 2. Cognitive Interviewing Instructions

I work for an organization, Child Trends, and we have been hired to help develop survey questions that can be used to evaluate outcomes for parents who participate in Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs. The goal of these programs is to help strengthen couple and family relationships. We are glad to have your input on whether these questions might be good ones to ask parents in diverse types of families. Your answers will be used to help develop the questions the programs could use to find out if their program is working well for their participants. We want to find out what you think about the questions because we want to make sure that they are clear. For some of the questions, we will be asking you to think about whether the questions make sense for complex or blended families, which include parents that have children together, but may also have children from previous relationships, either living with them or in other households.

After you answer each question, I will have some follow-up questions to find out why you answered the way you did or what a certain word or phrase meant to you. I may ask you about different ways to ask the question. Remember that there are not right or wrong answers to my questions -- we just want your honest reactions and opinions.

So that we get the most from your help, it is important that you tell me if something in the question does not make sense to you or seems weird to you in any way. Please tell me if:

    • a question is hard to answer,

    • the words in a question are hard to understand,

    • you have a hard time coming up with an answer,

    • the words in the question are not the ones that you would use,

    • you think other parents may not understand,

    • you can’t answer a question or it’s hard for you to answer for some other reason.

Do you have any questions?

Section 3. Concern for Partner Well-Being

The first few questions are about you and your relationship with your current partner.

Please read and answer Question 1 and let me know when you are finished.

Question 1.

Please answer the following questions based on your relationship with your current partner.

Question 1.



  1. I can tell what stresses my partner is facing

  1. I know my partner’s major aspirations and hopes in life.

  1. I know my partner’s current major worries.

  1. I know my partner pretty well.

  1. My partner is familiar with my current life stresses.

  1. My partner is familiar with my own hopes and aspirations.

  1. My partner knows my current major worries.

  1. I feel that my partner knows me pretty well.

Thank you. As we talked about earlier, I’d like to ask you about how you answered the questions and what the questions meant to you. Before we discuss specific questions, I have some general questions about this section.

  • First, did you read and understand the instructions in italics above the question?

  • In general, was it difficult or easy to answer the questions?

    • Were any of the words in the question hard to understand?


Question 1.



  1. I can tell what stresses my partner is facing

  1. I know my partner’s major aspirations and hopes in life.

  1. I know my partner’s current major worries.

  1. I know my partner pretty well.

  1. My partner is familiar with my current life stresses.

  1. My partner is familiar with my own hopes and aspirations.

  1. My partner knows my current major worries.

  1. I feel that my partner knows me pretty well.

  • Did you answer all of the questions?

  • In general, did you think the option “Yes” or “No” was an easy or difficult way to respond to these questions?

  • Let’s look at Question 1a, “I can tell you what stresses my partner is facing.”

    • What were you thinking of when you read this question?

    • What does the word “Stresses” mean to you?


Question 1.



  1. I can tell what stresses my partner is facing

  1. I know my partner’s major aspirations and hopes in life.

  1. I know my partner’s current major worries.

  1. I know my partner pretty well.

  1. My partner is familiar with my current life stresses.

  1. My partner is familiar with my own hopes and aspirations.

  1. My partner knows my current major worries.

  1. I feel that my partner knows me pretty well.

Let’s look at Question 1b, “I know my partner’s major aspirations and hopes in life.”

    • What were you thinking of when you read this question?

    • What does the word “Aspirations” mean to you?

    • Do aspirations and hopes mean similar or different things to you?

  • Let’s look at Question 1c, “I know my partner’s current major worries.”

    • What sorts of things came to mind when you answered Question 1c?

    • Were you thinking of conversations you have had about this, your observations on this, or something else?

    • Do stresses and worries mean similar or different things to you?

    • IF DIFFERENT: did that affect how you answered the question?

  • Let’s look at Question 1d, “I know my partner pretty well.”

    • What were you thinking of when you answered Question 1d?

    • Were you thinking of things your partner does, things your partner says, your partner’s personality, or something else?


Question 1.



  1. I can tell what stresses my partner is facing

  1. I know my partner’s major aspirations and hopes in life.

  1. I know my partner’s current major worries.

  1. I know my partner pretty well.

  1. My partner is familiar with my current life stresses.

  1. My partner is familiar with my own hopes and aspirations.

  1. My partner knows my current major worries.

  1. I feel that my partner knows me pretty well.

  • Let’s look at Question 1e, “My partner is familiar with my current life stresses”

    • Were you thinking of different stresses than you did for Question 1a?

    • How did you know that your partner is familiar with your “current life stresses”?

  • What does Question 1h “I feel that my partner knows me pretty well” mean in your own words?

    • How do you determine when your partner knows you “pretty well”?

Please read and answer Question 2 and let me know when you are done.

Question 2.

Now please tell me how often the following statements are true about you or your partner:

Question 2.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. My partner helps me achieve my goals

  1. My partner does whatever they can to make me happy

  1. I help my partner achieve their goals.

  1. I ask my partner what they want to do during their free time.

  1. I think I know what my partner really wants in life

  1. I care about the well being of my partner.

  1. I hope that good things will happen for my partner.

  • Did you think these questions were difficult or easy to answer?

    • Were any of the words hard to understand?

    • Did you answer all of the questions?

    • Did you think that response options “none of the time, some of the time, etc.” were useful ways to answer these questions?

Now please tell me how often you or your partner does the following things:

Question 2.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. My partner helps me achieve my goals

  1. My partner does whatever they can to make me happy

  1. I help my partner achieve their goals.

  1. I ask my partner what they want to do during their free time.

  1. I think I know what my partner really wants in life

  1. I care about the well being of my partner.

  1. I hope that good things will happen for my partner.

  • Let’s look at Question 2a, “My partner helps me achieve my goals.”

    • What does the word goals mean to you in question 2a?

      • If needed: What came to mind when you read the word goals?

  • In your own words what is Question 2b asking, “My partner does whatever he/she can to make me happy.”

    • What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

  • Let’s look at Question 2d, “I ask my partner what he/she wants to do during their free time.”

    • What sort of things came to mind when you read “free time”?

      • IF NEEDED: Were you thinking of time spent out of work, holidays, something else?

Now please tell me how often you or your partner does the following things:

Question 2.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. My partner helps me achieve my goals

  1. My partner does whatever they can to make me happy

  1. I help my partner achieve their goals.

  1. I ask my partner what they want to do during their free time.

  1. I think I know what my partner really wants in life

  1. I care about the well being of my partner.

  1. I hope that good things will happen for my partner.

  • Let’s look at Question 2e, “I think I know what my partner really wants in life.”

    • What sorts of things were you thinking of when you answered Question 2e?

      • IF NEEDED: Were you thinking of the future of family, professional goals, or something else?

  • Let’s look at Question 2f, “I care about the well being of my romantic partner.”

    • What came to mind when you read the term “well being”?

      • IF NEEDED: What sorts of things did you include in well being? Health? Happiness? Something else?

  • Let’s look at Question 2g, “I hope that good things will happen for my partner.”

    • What did you think of when you read “good things” ?

    • Do you think that “good things” are similar or different to “well-being”?

Section 4. Knowledge/Attitudes about Healthy Blended Family Relationships

Now we are going to talk about some questions that have to do with your attitudes about blended families. Please read and answer Question 3. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Question 3.

Thinking about blended families in general, please circle the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

Would you say you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree that:

Question 3.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. Love should develop quickly between a child and a stepparent.

  1. Adjustment to living in a blended family should occur quickly.

  1. Family members should feel close to one another soon after a new family forms.

  1. Children should take priority over a new partner.

  1. People who have divorced are likely to divorce again.

  1. People who have had bad relationships can still build good relationships that last.

  1. Romantic feelings for an ex-spouse/partner should end with a new relationship.

  1. My partner has no business seeing their previous partner.

  1. If my partner gets along with their previous partner, it would make me unhappy

  1. Generally there is a feeling of happiness in my family.

  1. Overall, there are more happy feelings, than unhappy feelings in my family.

  • In your own words, what was this set of questions trying to ask?

  • Were any of the questions hard to answer?

Thinking about blended families in general, please circle the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

Would you say you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree that:

Question 3.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. Love should develop quickly between a child and a stepparent.

  1. Adjustment to living in a blended family should occur quickly.

  1. Family members should feel close to one another soon after a new family forms.

  1. Children should take priority over a new partner.

  1. People who have divorced are likely to divorce again.

  1. People who have had bad relationships can still build good relationships that last.

  1. Romantic feelings for an ex-spouse/partner should end with a new relationship.

  1. My partner has no business seeing their previous partner.

  1. If my partner gets along with their previous partner, it would make me unhappy

  1. Generally there is a feeling of happiness in my family.

  1. Overall, there are more happy feelings, than unhappy feelings in my family.

  • Can you tell me in your own words what “blended” means in Question 3b?

    • Are there other words that you use to describe your family?

  • What were you thinking of when you answered Question 3a Love should develop quickly between a child and a stepparent.”

    • When is quickly?

  • In Question 3C,Family members should feel close to one another soon after a new family forms.” what does it mean to feel close?

    • When is close?

    • Are question a and question c asking similar or different things?

      • IF DIFFERENT: Did that affect your answers?

  • Can you tell me in your own words what Question 3e, “Children should take priority over a new partner” is asking?

    • What does it mean to take priority over?

Section 5. Relationship and Marriage Attitudes and Expectations

INTERVIEWER: Now let’s do a role play. As I mentioned earlier these questions might be used to help find out if a program for couples worked well or not. Imagine you just finished a four week program with your partner to help strengthen your relationship and you were asked to answer these questions.

Read through Question 4. Don’t answer this time; just read the questions. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Relationship Expectations and Perceptions (Attitudes/Beliefs)

Question 4.

Please report how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please select strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

Since taking this class:

Question 4.

Strongly disagree



Strongly agree

  1. I feel that my partner and I communicate better.

  1. I am more committed to our relationship.

  1. I feel disappointed in my relationship.

  1. I have given up on my relationship.

  1. My expectations for my relationship have increased.

  1. My expectations for my partner have increased.

  1. My expectations for myself have increased.

  1. I believe that working on this relationship can pay off.

  1. I am less positive about my relationship.

  1. I feel more negative about my relationship.

  • Were these questions difficult or easy to understand?

Please report how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please select strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

Since taking this class:

Question 4.

Strongly disagree



Strongly agree

  1. I feel that my partner and I communicate better since taking this class.

  1. I am more committed to our relationship since taking this class.

  1. I feel disappointed in my relationship since taking this class.

  1. I have given up on my relationship since taking this class.

  1. My expectations for my relationship have increased since taking this class.

  1. My expectations for my partner have increased since taking this class.

  1. Since taking this class, my expectations for myself have increased since taking this class.

  1. Since taking this class, I believe that working on this relationship can pay off.

  1. I am less positive about my relationship since taking this class.

  1. I feel more negative about my relationship since taking this class.

  • In Question 4d, what would it mean to have given up on a relationship?

  • When you read question 4f, what type of expectations came to mind?

  • Can you tell me what question 4h means in your own words?

    • What does it mean to “work on” a relationship?

    • What comes to mind when you think of a couple “working on” relationship?

    • Do you think that “working on” a relationship is different for blended families and for first time married couples with all of the same children?

Please read Question 5. Don’t answer this time; just read the questions. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Question 5.

Please tell me how you feel about your relationship. How likely is it that:

Question 5.

Much less likely

Somewhat less likely

About the same

Somewhat more likely

Much more likely

  1. Your relationship can succeed

  1. Your relationship can be happy

  1. Your relationship can be good for your children

  1. You will work to improve your relationship

  1. Your partner will work to improve your relationship

  1. You have the skills to make a relationship last.

  • In general, what did you think this set of questions was asking?

  • Let’s look at question 5aYour relationship can succeed”

    • What does it mean to you for a relationship to succeed?

    • What comes to mind when you think of a relationship that is succeeding?

  • Let’s look at question 5b.Your relationship can be happy”

    • Does it mean similar or different things for a relationship to “succeed” and to be “happy?”

How likely is it that:

Question 5.

Much less likely

Somewhat less likely

About the same

Somewhat more likely

Much more likely

  1. Your relationship can succeed

  1. Your relationship can be happy

  1. Your relationship can be good for your children

  1. You will work to improve your relationship

  1. Your partner will work to improve your relationship

  1. You have the skills to make a relationship last.

  • Let’s look at question 5i “your relationship will be good for your children.”

    • What came to mind when you read that question?

    • What does it mean for a relationship to be good for children?

    • Who were you thinking about when you read this question?

      • Were you thinking about your children only, your partner’s children, only the children that live in the house with you, or something else?

  • What skills came to mind when you read question 5l?

    • What time frame were you thinking of when you read “make a relationship last”

Section 6. Child’s Perception about Parent’s Role and Responsibilities


Now I am going to ask you some questions about parenting in a blended family.

Please read and answer Question 6. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Question 6.

For each of these items, do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement:

Question 6.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. My child is confused about who their parents are.

  1. My child is confused about who makes the rules.

  1. My child is confused about whose rules to follow.

  1. My child is confused about who has the authority to punish them.

  1. My child is confused about who will pay for unexpected expenses.

  1. My child is confused about which parent to ask permission to do things.

  • Was this set of questions difficult or easy to answer?

  • Who were you thinking about when you answered this question?

    • Were you thinking about your biological children, your partner’s biological children, only children who live with you, only children who do not live with you, or something else?

For each of these items, do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement:

Question 6.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. My child is confused about who their parents are.

  1. My child is confused about who makes the rules.

  1. My child is confused about whose rules to follow.

  1. My child is confused about who has the authority to punish them.

  1. My child is confused about who will pay for unexpected expenses.

  1. My child is confused about which parent to ask permission to do things.

  • What were you thinking about when you read Question 6b “My child is confused about who makes the rules.”

    • What kinds of rules were you thinking about?

  • What were you thinking about when you read Question 6c “My child is confused about whose rules to follow.”

    • Were you thinking about the same or different rules as question b?

  • In Question 6e, what kind of “unexpected expenses” came to mind when you answered this question?

Section 7. Blended family Co-Parenting (Attitudes/Beliefs)


Question 7.

Below are a number of issues that may be experienced by blended families.

Please indicate how often you experience difficulty:

Question 7.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. Clearly understanding my partner’s expectations about my role as a parent.

  1. Establishing a relationship of trust with my partner’s children.

  1. Disciplining my partner’s children.

  1. Feeling I have “my” place in the family.

  1. Knowing what to do when my partner’s children express negative feelings about me.

  • Did you read and respond to the instructions in italics?

  • Can you tell me what question 7a is asking in your own words?

    • What kinds of expectations came to mind when you read this question?

  • What children were you thinking about when you answered this question?

    • Were you thinking about your biological child that you have with your partner, your partner’s biological children, or something else?

  • In question 7b, how would you describe a relationship of trust?

    • How do you determine when you have established a relationship of trust with your partner’s children?

  • What were you thinking about when you read question 7d, “Feeling I have “my” place in the family.”

    • What does it mean to have your “place”?

    • What were you thinking about when you read the term family?

      • Were you thinking about your partner and their kids, both of you and all of your kids, only/all of the people who live in the house, your extended family, or something else?

Section 8. Co-Parenting Relationship with Previous Partners and/or other Co-Parents


Now I’d like to talk about some questions that would be used with parents and their previous partners. Remember that your participation is voluntary. At any time, if we ask a question you do not want to answer, you can let me know and I will move on to the next question.

Please read and answer Question 8 and let me know when you are done.

Question 8.

The following statements are about [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] and your involvement in the care of your children. Please answer if the statement is true none of the time, some of the time, half of the time, most of the time, or all of the time.

Question 8.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. I believe [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is a good parent.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I communicate well about our children.

  1. I feel good about [PREVIOUS PARTNER]’s judgment about what is right for our children.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] makes my job of being a parent easier.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I are a good team.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] knows how to handle our children well.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is willing to make personal sacrifices to help take care of our children.

  1. Talking to [PREVIOUS PARTNER] about our children is something I look forward to.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] pays a great deal of attention to our children.

  1. When there is a problem with the child(ren),[ PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I work out a good solution together;

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] acts like the kind of parent I want for my child(ren);

  1. when I have to make rules for the child(ren), [PREVIOUS PARTNER] backs me up

  • Was this set of questions difficult or easy to answer?

  • What do you think this set of questions was trying to ask?

  • Did you answer all of the questions?

  • Let’s look at Questions 8a, “I believe [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] is a good parent.”

    • What were you thinking of when you read the term, “good parent”?

    • What does it mean to be a good parent?

  • Let’s look at Question 8b, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] and I communicate well about our children.”

    • What came to mind when you read “communicate”?

      • IF NEEDED: Were you thinking of how often you talk, the way that you talk, or something else?

        • Did you include times that communicate besides talking, for example, text or email?

  • Let’s look at Question 8c, “I feel good about [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME]’s judgment about what is right for our children.”

    • When you were answering this question, what time period were you thinking of?

      • IF NEEDED: Were you thinking of your whole relationship? Right now? Something else?

The following statements are about [YOUR PRIOR PARTNER] and your involvement in the care of your children. Please answer if the statement is true none of the time, some of the time, half of the time, most of the time, or all of the time.

Question 8.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. I believe [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is a good parent.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I communicate well about our children.

  1. I feel good about [PREVIOUS PARTNER]’s judgment about what is right for our children.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] makes my job of being a parent easier.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I are a good team.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] knows how to handle children well.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is willing to make personal sacrifices to help take care of our children.

  1. Talking to [PREVIOUS PARTNER] about our children is something I look forward to.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] pays a great deal of attention to our children.

  1. When there is a problem with the child(ren),[ PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I work out a good solution together;

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] acts like the kind of parent I want for my child(ren);

  1. when I have to make rules for the child(ren), [PREVIOUS PARTNER] backs me up

  • Let’s look at Question 8d, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] makes my job of being a parent easier.”

    • What did you think of the word “job” in Question 8d?

    • IF DISLIKED “JOB”: What sort of word would you use instead to describe what you do as a parent?

  • Let’s look at Question 8e, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] and I are a good team.”

    • What did you think of the word team?

    • IF DISLIKED “TEAM”: What word would you use to describe how you and your [PREVIOUS PARTNER] parent together?

  • Let’s look at Question 8f, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] knows how to handle children well.”

    • When you read Question 8f, were you thinking of a particular event or generally?

The The following statements are about [YOUR PRIOR PARTNER] and your involvement in the care of your children. Please answer if the statement is true none of the time, some of the time, half of the time, most of the time, or all of the time.

Question 8.

None of the time

Some of the time

Half of the time

Most of the time

All of the time

  1. I believe [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is a good parent.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I communicate well about our children.

  1. I feel good about [PREVIOUS PARTNER]’s judgment about what is right for our children.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] makes my job of being a parent easier.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I are a good team.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] knows how to handle children well.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] is willing to make personal sacrifices to help take care of our children.

  1. Talking to [PREVIOUS PARTNER] about our children is something I look forward to.

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] pays a great deal of attention to our children.

  1. When there is a problem with the child(ren),[ PREVIOUS PARTNER] and I work out a good solution together;

  1. [PREVIOUS PARTNER] acts like the kind of parent I want for my child(ren);

  1. when I have to make rules for the child(ren), [PREVIOUS PARTNER] backs me up

  • Let’s look at Question 8g, “When there is a problem with our children, we work out a good solution together.”

    • What kind of solutions were you thinking about?

Let’s look at Question 8h, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] is willing to make personal sacrifices to help take care of our children.”

    • What came to mind when you read the term “personal sacrifices”?

  • Let’s look at Question 8i, “Talking to [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] about our children is something I look forward to.”

    • What was your reaction to Question 8i?

  • Let’s look at Question 8j, “[PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] pays a great deal of attention to our children.”

    • What amount of attention do you consider to be a “great deal?”

Please read and answer Question 9 and let me know when you are done. Take as much time as you need.

Question 9.


  • In your own words, what is this question asking?

  • Did you find the question difficult or easy to answer?

  • What time period were you thinking of when you answered this question?

    • IF NEEDED: When you answered this question, were you thinking of your relationship as it has been in the past, as it is now, some combination of the past and present, or something else?


    • What do you think would need to happen in a relationships to describe it as “we get along very well”?

The following question is about how you and [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] feel about your children. Please read and answer Question 10 and let me know when you are done.

Question 10.

Please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement:

Question 10.

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

  1. I could raise our kids just as well without [PREVIOUS PARTNER]

  • What were you thinking about when you answered this question?

    • Were you thinking about finances, parenting style, or something else?

The next question is another question about co-parenting with [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME]. Please keep the same partner in mind. Please read and answer question 11. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Question 11.

Now I would like to read you a list of issues that parents may have disagreements about. Please tell me how often you and [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME]disagree about the following things:




Hardly Ever


  1. Setting rules for or disciplining the child(ren)

  1. The activities that the child(ren) participate in

  1. Who does child care tasks

  1. The amount of time each parent spends with the child(ren)

  1. How your child(ren) is/are raised

  1. How you spend money on your child(ren)

  1. How your previous partner spends money on your child(ren)

  • Was this set of questions difficult or easy to answer?

  • Did you answer all of the questions?

  • What were you thinking about when you read the word “activities” in Question 11b. “The activities that the child(ren) participate in?”

    • Were you thinking about things like school and homework, sports or dance, going to the park, or something else?

    • What kind of disagreements about activities came to mind when you read this question?

  • What were you thinking about when you read “child care tasks” in question 11c?

    • Do you think this question is useful for parents of children of all ages?

  • Let’s look at question 13e. “How your children are raised”

    • What kinds of things come to mind when you think about how your child or children are raised?

    • Do you think of school, religion, discipline or something else?

Please read and respond to Question12. Take as much time as you need and let me know when you are done.

Question 12. Which of the following statements best describes your current relationship with [PREVIOUS PARTNER NAME] when it comes to parenting.

We generally get along pretty well.

We don’t get along too well.

We fight a lot and do not get along well.

We avoid seeing each other.

  • In your own words, what was this question asking you?

  • What does it mean to “get along pretty well” with a previous partner?

  • What timeframe were you thinking about when you answered this question?

    • Were you thinking about your whole relationship, the past few months, or something else?


Before we end, I have a few more questions.

  1. Is there anything else you would like to add or think we should have covered but didn’t?

  1. As I previously mentioned, we may want to use specific quotes from the interviews when describing some of our results. All identifying information would be removed to ensure that identity of the participants remains anonymous. Now that the interview is complete, I would like to give you the opportunity to change your mind about giving us permission to use specific quotes from your interviews. Please remember that no identifying information would be reported if you consent to having quotes from your interview used.

Do we have your permission to use specific quotes from your interview in summaries, reports, and presentations of our study findings?



We’d like to thank you for your time and important contribution to our study.



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