Student Participant Focus Group

Evaluation of Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships

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Student Participant Focus Group

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Attachment ZZ:

Student Participant Focus Group Guide

Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships™ Initiative

Division of Violence Prevention

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Student Participant Focus Group Guide

1. What words would you use to describe how boys and girls, including boyfriends and girlfriends, treat each other at your school? (e.g. like family, badly, nasty, disrespectfully, respectfully, good, picking on each other, fussing, etc).

2. Now that you have given us some terms to describe how boys and girls treat each other, could you tell us about some examples of those behaviors that you might have been thinking of when you gave us those terms in the first question? (e.g., hugging, trying to pull off clothing, grabbing, holding hands). If you feel uncomfortable saying nasty/street words that might get used, like “ho”, it is OK to say the first letter of the word.

3. Your class had some new classroom activities/lessons taught by <the Implementer and/or use Implementer name if known>. We would like to know what you thought of those lessons.

  1. Would you recommend or not that other students in your school have these lessons, now or in the future?

  2. What do you remember from these lessons?

  3. Do you recall the <insert name of particular material> being covered?

  4. What did you think of the following activities? <insert name of particular activities>

  5. What did you like the best?

  6. What did you like the least?

4. Thinking about your classmates and the intervention, do you think students in your class:

  1. Changed their behavior for better or for worse? Please describe.

  2. Are more willing now to talk to or seek help from peers about a disrespectful relationship after having gone through these lessons?

  3. Are more willing now to seek help from adults about a disrespectful relationship after having gone through these lessons?

  4. Are more willing to intervene (stick up for) when they see kids they know acting disrespectfully towards their boyfriend/girlfriend?

5. Are you aware of any other activities in your school and community about creating a safe environment and preventing teen dating violence? {Write down activities the students name even if not Dating Matters event/program. Prompt if students do not name other activities: such as Parenting Matters! program, the communications campaign (text messages, special events), and the Brand Ambassadors} What did you think of these activities?

  1. Did you notice them? Were you involved in any way?

  2. Do you think most other students noticed them or were involved?

  3. Did any parents you know (your own or someone else’s) participate in the Parenting Matters! program? Have you noticed any change in their communication as a result?

  4. Are you or your friends more comfortable talking to parents about the quality of relationships and staying safe in relationships?

  5. Do you think other activities in your school and community did any good?

Attachment ZZZ: Student Focus Group Guide 2

File Typeapplication/msword
File Titledfdfl;kdf
AuthorMaggie Woelfel
Last Modified Byits7
File Modified2011-12-06
File Created2011-10-25

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