0701-0150_-_Supporting_Statement - REVISED

0701-0150_-_Supporting_Statement - REVISED.doc

Air Force Recruiting Information Support System - Total Forces (AFRISS-TF)

OMB: 0701-0150

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Supporting Statement for 0701-0150

Air Force Recruiting Information Support System – Total Force (AFRISS-TF)


1.  Need for the Information Collection

The Air Force (AF) Active, Air National Guard (ANG), and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) duty field recruiters have a need to collect information on prospective enlistees for all recruiting accessions: enlisted officer, and health professions. The information collected provides necessary information to determine if an applicant meets qualifications established for active duty requirements. AFPD 36-20, Accession of Air Force Military Personnel is the Air Force policy directive that governors the accession of military personnel.

2.  Use of the Information

Recruiting requires the collection of specific information on prospective Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve Command enlistees, officers, and health profession personnel entering into duty. The information is used to create the initial personnel record that is used to prescreen and qualify enlistees, officers, and health professionals fit for service and ultimately induction into one of the three Air Force commands. The information is also collected to process security clearances for those individuals requiring clearances for sensitive and classified positions. The Recruiter will conduct a verbal interview with the prospective enlistee using a standard interview script. Notices, purpose of questions and instructions will be provided verbally to the potential enlistee during this interview. The information gathered will be input into the Air Force Recruiting Information Support System – Total Force (AFRISS-TF) by the Recruiter. This system will then be used to automatically populate forms used by the Air Force during the recruiting process.

3.  Use of Information Technology

The Air Force Recruiting Information Support System – Total Force (AFRISS-TF) provides a comprehensive integration, interface, and standardization of all programs that manage personnel resources in a support of the recruiting mission. The system is used to build initial personnel records on prospective recruits for all recruiting accessions. The system extends automated capabilities out to the individual recruiter, the flight, the squadron, and the groups for all three Air Force commands. It provides an automated interface to the Military Entrance Processing Center Station (MEPS) where applicants undergo physical, testing, verification interviews, and tentative job reservation that can be entered into AFRISS-TF. It also provides an automated interface to the Military Personnel Data System (MILPDS) where the applicant’s records become an official Department of Defense record. It also provides reporting capabilities at all levels of management to make informed decisions on recruiting practices.

4.  Non-duplication

The Headquarters Air Force Recruiting Service constantly monitors the forms used for its enlistment/commissioning program for possible duplication of effort. No similar information is available elsewhere that could be used or modified for such use.

5.  Burden on Small Business

The collection does not affect small businesses or other small entities.

6.  Less Frequent Collection

Information is collected only on the occasion when an individual has an interest in enlisting into the military.

7.  Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines

There are no special circumstances. The collection of information will be conducted in a manner consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).

8.  Consultation and Public Comments

The 60-day Federal Register Notice (78 FR 32638) was published on 31 May 2013.  No comments were received. The 30-day Federal Register Notice (79 FR 23333) was published on 28 April 2014. Comments will be accepted on this latest notice until 28 May 2014.

9.  Gifts or Payment

There are gifts provided to prospective respondents in the form of Air Force, ANG and AFRC promotional items. No monetary payments are made.

10.  Confidentiality

The information will be handled, stored, and disposed of in accordance with existing Department of Defense procedures for safeguarding official information. This information is protected under the Privacy Act of 1974. SORN F036 AETC R (http://dpclo.defense.gov/Privacy/SORNsIndex/DODwideSORNArticleView/tabid/6797/Article/5820/f036-aetc-r.aspx) supports this collection. A Privacy Impact Assessment has been completed and submitted with this package.

11.  Sensitive Questions

The sensitive information required by AFRISS-TF is considered necessary to determine applicant’s eligibility and to enable selection of the best-qualified applicants for appointment as enlisted and commissioned personnel into the AF, ANG, and AFRC. Applications undergo investigations for security clearance for potential assignment requiring access to classified information. The information permits the applicant to report possible disqualifications, to explain extenuating circumstances, and the ability to request waivers of the disqualifications, if appropriate. Applicants are counseled regarding the use and potential impact of providing the information. AFRISS-TF adheres to the Privacy Act Law.

12.  Respondent Burden, and its Labor Costs

a.  Estimation of Respondent Burden

Number of respondents: 1,300,000

Responses per respondent: 1

Total Annual Responses: 1,300,000

Annual burden hours: 3,900,000

Average burden per response: 3 hours

Approximately, 1,300,000 applicants are estimated to supply data to recruiters. There is an average of 15 responses per application. The estimated time for completing the application process for each respondent was 3 hours (1, 300,000 x 3 hours = 3,900,000).

b.  Labor Cost of Respondent Burden

Time per response: 3 hours

Average salary for the respondent: $7.25/hour

Total burden hours (3,900,000) x cost per hour ($7.25) = $28,275,000

Typical respondents are high school students. The average salary for a high school student (minimum wage) was taken from Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

13.  Respondent Costs Other Than Burden Hour Costs

a. Total Capital and Startup Costs: None

b. Total operation and maintenance costs.  There is no cost burden for respondents for operation and maintenance cost.

14.  Cost to the Federal Government

Total cost to the Federal Government is estimated at $115, 440,000. This is based on the average hourly wage of $29.60 and the appropriate amount of time (3 hours) spent on each Air Force recruit’s collected data (3 hours x $29.60 per hour x 1,300,000 recruits = $115, 440,000).

The estimated system maintenance cost to include the hosting and support of the system is approximately $4.632 million.

15.  Reasons for Change in Burden

There was a change in burden due to the automation of AFRISS-TF to include all recruiting forms for Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Reserve applicants. This reinstatement of 0701-0150 will take over the burden for 0701-0078; 0701-0079; 0701-0080; and 0701-0096.

16.  Publication of Results

The collection of information will not be published.

17.  Non-Display of OMB Expiration Date

The Air Force is not seeking an exception to display the expiration date of this information.

18.  Exceptions to "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Submissions"

There are no exceptions to the Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions certification statement.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorPatricia Toppings
Last Modified ByShelly Finke
File Modified2014-06-26
File Created2014-06-26

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