
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Programs

Att 3a NBHAADAwarenessDayEvalReport

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Evaluation Report

OMB: 0920-0890

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OMB No. 0920-0890

Expiration Date 6/30/2014

HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Programs

Attachment # 3a: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) Evaluation Report

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Attachment 3a - National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Evaluation Report (NBHAAD)


Welcome to the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Online Evaluation. This evaluation will assist the national planning body in understanding ALL of the events and/or activities that occurred on February 7th. It will also assist the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Strategic Leadership Group in understanding how to assist you the event organizer better next year as well as provide some usable guidance and direction to the Strategic Leadership Council. The ten organizations that make up the SLC are: Alliances for Quality Education, Inc.; Balm in Gilead; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Healthy Black Communities, Inc.; Jackson State University - Mississippi Urban Research Center; My Brother's Keeper, Inc.; Multi-Cultural Addictions Network, Inc.; National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors; National Black Alcoholism and Addictions Council; National Black Leadership Commission on AID.

We have divided the evaluation into five sections to assist us in knowing where the greatest accomplishments happened and where more work needs to be done from the national planning perspective.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Collaboration & Partnership

In an effort to understand the coordination and planning process from a local perspective; please answer the questions as best you can:

• Was your event a joint effort with any other group (not including community based organizations or the health department)?
Yes (how many groups worked together?)

• Did your event involve collaboration with community based organizations?
Yes (how many other organizations were involved?)

• Did your event involve collaboration with the local/state health departments?
Yes (how many health department staff members were assisting you?)

Mobilization Activities

In an effort to understand the mobilization of individuals and events/activities occurring in your local planning efforts; please let us know if you held any of the activities listed below. Also, please list the number of individuals that participated and provide a rating for each event.

N/A = Did not conduct this event/activity

• Art Competition N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
• Candlelight Vigil N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
• Community Forum N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
•Community Health Fair N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
•Faith Based Activity(ies) N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
•Entertainment Activity(ies) N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
•March/Rally N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants
•AIDS Crisis in Black America – Town Hall Meeting
N/A Poor Fair Good Excellent # of Participants

HIV Testing

Since HIV testing is such a core component of this initiative, please help us understand the HIV testing services provided in your local planning efforts.

  • Did you provide HIV Counseling, testing and referral services at your event/ activity? No Yes (please rate) Poor Fair Good Excellent

    How many people were TESTED?
    How many individuals received their results?
    How many individuals were referred for services?

    How many individuals tested POSITIVE?
    How many individuals who tested positive received results?
    How many individuals who tested positive were referred for services?

We had to turn people away

If you responded ‘No’ above, did you refer people to local testing sites, counseling or referrals?
No Yes

Media/Marketing Activities

In an effort to understand the media and marketing as well as documents acquired during the planning and execution of National Black Awareness Day 2011 in your local planning efforts; please let us know if you produced or acquired any of the following.

  • Mayoral Proclamation

  • Newspaper Article(s)

  • Press Conference

  • Public Service Announcement(s)

  • Radio Broadcast(s)

  • TV/Cable Programming

  • Webcast

Overall Assessment

As we prepare to close out this year and get up and running for the next, we have just a few more questions to ask you to help us in our planning and structure.

  • Did you use the online planning Toolkit?

◊ No
Yes (please rate its usefulness) Not Useful Somewhat Useful Most Useful

  • From your perspective, what can we do from a national perspective to make NBHHAAD more effective/successful?

  • Overall, can you give us three strengths of your NBHAAD event/activity (what really went well)?


  • Overall, can you provide us three challenges of planning and executing your NBHAAD event/activity?

◊ 2

  • Would you do this event again next year?

  • How did you hear about NBHAAD?

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