Att 6d_Site Visit Preparation Call_02

Att 6d_Site Visit Preparation Call_02.10.2014.docx

Case Studies to Explore Interventions to Support, Build, and Provide Legacy Awareness for Young Breast Cancer Survivors

Att 6d_Site Visit Preparation Call_02

OMB: 0920-1012

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OMB No.: 0920-xxxx

Exp. Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Site Visit Preparation Call

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Good morning/afternoon __________,

This is ______ from the Young Breast Cancer Survivors (YBCS) project team. I am calling to talk with you about your organization’s involvement in the YBCS Case Study project.

Is now still a good time to talk?

No - No problem. When would be a good time for us to re-schedule?

Yes - (then continue)

I wanted to spend a few minutes discussing the project with you and answer any questions you may have about your organization’s involvement. Would that be okay?

Overview of Case Study Exploration and Organization’s Involvement

As you may already know, the intent of this effort is to gain a better understanding of organizations’ implementation of YBCS interventions that offer increased access to support services and educational resources. Specifically, this project is focused on identifying essential factors that contribute to the successful implementation of efforts targeting YBCS, YBCS caregivers, and health care providers.

Your organization is one of 12 organizations—seven Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) DP11-1111 funded organizations and five non-funded organizations—that has been selected as a candidate for participation in a case study. Your participation is very important to us because what is learned from your program will be shared with CDC, other organizations, and communities to inform the implementation of similar initiatives intended to reach YBCS.

As mentioned in the letter you received, we would like to conduct a site visit to speak with your organization’s leadership, staff and partners about your activities and experiences implementing your YBCS intervention. ICF International is the contractor responsible for conducting these case study site visits, so it will be ICF International staff who will conduct the site visits, not CDC staff. The site visit will last approximately 2.5-3 days, during which we hope to speak with up to ten of your organization’s leadership, staff and partners that are directly involved in the YBCS intervention. Examples of partners may include: local and State health departments and other governmental agencies; health centers; community and faith-based organizations; academic institutions; health care providers; and other community partners. We will work with you in the next weeks and months to identify the most appropriate individuals for us to speak with during our visit.

We will also work with you to identify a 3-day period that will work well with your schedule and the schedules of your partners so that we can make these visits as minimally burdensome as possible. We anticipate that the interviews with program staff and partners will last approximately 1 hour each. However, we also understand how difficult it is to get a significant amount of time from key partners, so we are flexible to work with their schedules and available time.

Each interview will be conducted by at least one interviewer and one recorder. We will also ask permission to audio-record the interviews so that we can ensure that our notes are thorough and complete for analysis. To protect privacy, individual identifiers will be removed from the notes, and no identifiers will be included in the case study summaries and reports to be developed. The audio recordings will be destroyed once the notes are complete.

At the completion of the site visit, the ICF International project team will develop a site-specific summary report for your organization. This will be a relatively brief summary of your efforts and you will have an opportunity to review the summary and provide comments before it is finalized.

That is a quick overview of what the case studies will involve. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

(Allow time for questions)

Next Steps

What I would like to do next is send you some information to help you begin to think about who involved in your YBCS intervention we should talk to and when would be a good time to schedule our visit. I would like to send you the Worksheet for Identifying Site Visit Interviewees, which explains the possible categories of individuals we are interested in interviewing and will help you to identify individuals we can interview during our site visit. Please feel free to work with your staff and/or leadership team to help fill in this table. If you have any questions about whom to include, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In addition to identifying site visit interviewees, we want determine the best days for our visit and scheduling the individuals with whom you would like us to speak. I will also send you a sample scheduling worksheet so that as you can begin to speak to your partners, you can start to develop a schedule for the site visit. As you saw when we scheduled this call, our team is using an on-line scheduling system called Doodle. This may also be a helpful tool as the site visit schedule is developed, so if you would like any assistance with the use of this resource, please let us know.

Once you have developed the list of individuals you would like us to speak with, please send it to us and we can review it together to ensure that we have the right mix of individuals involved in the case study interviews.

Please let us know some dates that will work for you and your partners so we can add the site visit dates to our calendar. If possible, we would like to have the date solidified within the next 3 weeks.

Do you have any other questions for us at this time?

(Allow time for questions)

Thank you so much for your time. Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me if you have any questions. We are looking forward to speaking with you and your partners about your YBCS efforts.


Worksheet for Identifying Site Visit Interviewees

Worksheet for Scheduling Site Visit Interviews

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