Appendix E
Example Tables for Analysis
Table 1. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Community-Wide Planning Efforts for Healthy Eating and Active Living (HE/AL)
Community-Wide Planning Efforts for HE/AL |
All municipalities |
Municipalities above median resident number |
Municipalities below median resident number |
Have a Comprehensive/ General Plan |
% |
% |
% |
Comprehensive/General mandated by State |
% |
% |
% |
Have a Master Plan for: LAND USE |
% |
% |
% |
Have a Master plan for: TRANSPORTATION |
% |
% |
% |
Have a Master Plan for: PARKS AND RECREATION |
% |
% |
% |
Have a Master Plan for: BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN |
% |
% |
% |
Among those with plans: |
Objectives included in local government plan: IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPLETE STREET POLICY |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS THAT PROMOTE STREET CONNECTIVITY |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: NEW PARKS, GREEN SPACES, OR RECREATIONAL WALKING & BICYCLE PATHS |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: ENCOURAGEMENT OF MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: SUPPORT FOR FARMERS’ MARKETS OR COMMUNITY GARDENS |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: AGRICULTURAL LAND PRESEVATION |
% |
% |
% |
Objectives included in local government plan: PROVIDING FREE DRINKING WATER IN PUBLIC PLACES SUCH AS PARKS |
Table 2. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Having Policies that Support Physical Activity: Traffic Calming and Walking or Biking
Policies that Support Physical Activity: Traffic Calming and Walking or Biking |
All municipalities |
Municipalities above median resident number |
Municipalities below median resident number |
Installation of dedicated bike infrastructure for roadway expansion projects |
Developer-dedicated right of way to local jurisdiction for development of bike infrastructure |
Have a policy requiring traffic calming features: (i.e. Speed bumps, reduced speed zones, signal modifications, etc.) |
% |
% |
% |
Have a complete street policy, for designing and operating streets with safe access for all users |
% |
% |
% |
Have a policy that requires bicycle racks at public facilities |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: requiring short to medium pedestrian block |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: requiring continous sidewalk coverage |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: requiring minimal sidewalk widths to promote walking in |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: requiring buildings relate to the street |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: requiring street trees/furniture separate pedestrian zones from street |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: require parking standards |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: require or incentivize drinking fountains |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: have a plumbing or building code that contains different requirements than state code |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies for new or retrofit development: allowing mixed land uses |
% |
% |
% |
Table 3. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Having Policies Supporting Physical Activity in Recreational Areas
Policies Supporting Physical Activity in Outdoor Recreational Areas |
All municipalities |
Municipalities above median resident number |
Municipalities below median resident number |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: lighting |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: police or security patrols |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: maintenance of green space and equipment |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: prohibition on unleashed/unrestrained dogs |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: prohibition of idling cars |
% |
% |
% |
Have policies/ budget provisions related to parks/outdoor recreation areas: provisions of free drinking water |
% |
% |
% |
Has your local government adopted a joint or shared use agreement or a memorandum of understanding |
% |
% |
% |
Table 4. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Having Planning Commissions
with Public Health Representation
Local Government Planning Commissions And Representation |
All municipalities |
Municipalities above median resident number |
Municipalities below median resident number |
Have a planning and/or zoning commission |
% |
% |
% |
Have a health/public health representative on the planning commission |
% |
% |
% |
Have a pedestrian, bicycle, or alternative transportation advisory committee |
% |
% |
% |
Have a health/public health representative on the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee |
% |
% |
% |
Table 5. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Having Policies and Practices that Support Access to Healthy Food and Healthy Eating
Table 6. Percentage of All Municipalities Reporting Having Policies and Practices that Support Breastfeeding
Policies that Support Breastfeeding Employees |
All municipalities |
Municipalities above median resident number |
Municipalities below median resident number |
Policies that support breastfeeding employees: break time and space to pump breast milk |
% |
% |
% |
Policies that support breastfeeding employees: paid maternity leave |
% |
% |
% |
Table 7. Sample Data Dissemination Template
This report presents highlights of the three areas covered in the survey: planning efforts, supports for built environment and physical activity, and supports for healthy eating. It includes your community’s responses and an overview of responses from all of the participating communities in your state. Questions about the results or study methodology can be sent to: ICF International, c/o Erika Gordon at
Dimension |
Measure |
Your Community
Your Regional Percent (Reporting Yes) |
Standard Error
Planning Efforts |
Local government has a Comprehensive/General Plan |
Local government has any of the following in master plans or other planning documents: |
(a). Land use plan (for new development and growth management) |
(b). Transportation plan |
(c). Parks and recreation plan |
(d). Bicycle or pedestrian plan |
(e). Our local government does not have any planning documents related to these topics |
Local government has any of the following objectives in master plans or other planning documents: |
(a). Implementation of a Complete Streets policy for new and retrofit projects |
(b). Development regulations that promote street connectivity |
(c). New parks, green spaces, or recreational walking and bicycling paths |
(d). Encouragement of mixed-use development |
(e). Support for farmers’ markets or community gardens |
(f). Agricultural land preservation (g). Providing free drinking water |
Built Environment and Physical Activity |
Local government has standards, guideline, policies, or plans that require any of the following: |
(a). Installation of dedicated bike infrastructure for roadway expansion projects or when retro-fitting streets |
(b). Developer-dedicated right of way to the local jurisdiction for development of bike infrastructure on roadways adjacent to the parcel |
(c). Traffic calming features (for example, speed bumps, reduced speed zones, or signal modifications) that increase roadway safety in areas with high pedestrian/bicycle volume (not including school zones) |
(e). Our local government does not have design standards, guidelines, policies or plans |
Local government has a Complete Streets policy for designing and operating streets with safe access for all users |
Local government has a written requirement or official objective to install bicycle racks at public facilities |
Local government has policies for new/retrofit development that includes any of the following: |
(a). Requirement for short to medium pedestrian-scale block sizes |
(b). Requirement for continuous sidewalk coverage |
(c). Requirement for minimum sidewalk widths to promote walking in groups |
(d). Requirement that buildings relate to the street |
(e). Requirement that street trees or street furniture separate pedestrian zones from streets |
(f). Allowing mixed land uses |
Dimension |
Measure |
Your Community
Your Regional Percent (Reporting Yes) |
Standard Error |
Local government has any of the following policies or budget provisions related to parks or outdoor recreation areas: |
(a). Lighting in parks or outdoor recreation areas |
(b). Police or security patrols in parks or outdoor recreation areas |
(c). Maintenance of green space and equipment |
(d). Prohibition on unleashed or unrestrained dogs in parks and outdoor recreation areas |
(e). Prohibition on cars idling in parks or outdoor recreation areas |
(f). Provision of free drinking water in parks or outdoor recreation areas |
(g). Other policies or budget provisions not mentioned in this question |
(h). Our local government does not have policies or budget provisions related to parks or outdoor recreation areas |
Local government has joint/shared use agreement/MOU with any school that allows the public to use school’s recreational facilities |
Local government has planning and/or zoning commission |
Local government has bicycle and/or pedestrian advisory committee |
Policies and Practices that Support Access to Healthy Food and Health Eating |
Local government has written nutrition standards for foods sold or served in local government buildings or worksites |
Local government has pricing incentives to promote the purchase of healthier foods and beverages sold in local government buildings, including cafeterias or vending machines |
Local government currently uses any of the following to encourage supermarkets and other full service grocery stores to open stores: |
(a). Tax incentives |
(b). Grant or loan programs to provide funding to encourage store openings |
(c). Waivers of certain zoning or ordinance requirements |
(d). Other programs or options not mentioned in the question |
(e). Local government does not have policies or programs that incentivize supermarkets and other full service grocery stores to open in the community |
Local government currently has any of the following programs to help convenience or corner stores sell healthier foods: |
(a). Grant or low-interest loan programs to purchase/upgrade store equipment or furnishings to properly store and sell healthy foods and beverages |
(b). Technical assistance or training programs that increase the ability to sell healthier foods |
(c). Programs to link stores to broader neighborhood revitalization projects |
(d). Other programs or options not mentioned in the question |
(e). Local government does not provide these types of programs or assistance to convenience or corner stores |
Local government has a policy that supports dedicated transportation to supermarkets, other full service grocery stores, or farmers’ markets for residents without access to public transportation or personal vehicles |
Local government considers accessibility to supermarkets or other full service grocery stores in their assessment of public transportation routes |
Local government has any of the following policies related to farmers’ markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts: |
(a). Operating a farmers’ markets or allowing the sale of fresh produce on city property |
(b). Offering streamlined processes for obtaining health and food safety permits and licenses |
(c). Extending waivers of required business permits or retail licensing fees or taxes |
(d). Encouraging or incentivizing fresh food vending locations in areas lacking supermarkets and full service grocery stores |
(e). Providing funds or in-kind services for personnel, signage, or advertising |
(f). Other policies not mentioned in the question |
(g). Our community does not have a farmers market, farm stand, or green/produce cart |
Local government provides funding for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) machines or provides technical assistance on how to obtain or use EBT machines at local farmers’ markets, farm stands, or green/produce carts |
Jurisdiction has a local or regional food policy council, food security coalition, or similar entity |
Local government has a policy that provides nursing women, both hourly and salaried, with a break time and a private place to express milk |
Local government provides paid maternity leave for its employees |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Erika Gordon |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |