2016 Supplemental Victimization Survey (SVS)
to the
National Crime Victimization Survey
Q1. I'm going to read some examples that will give you an idea of the kinds of crimes this study covers. As I go through them, tell me if any of these happened to you in the last 6 months, that is since __________ ______, 20 ____.
Was something belonging to YOU stolen, such as –
(a) Things that you carry, like luggage, a wallet, purse, briefcase book -
(b) Clothing, jewelry, or cellphone -
(c) Bicycle or sports equipment -
(d) Things in your home - like a TV, stereo, or tools –
(e) Things from a vehicle, such as a package, groceries, camera, or CDs –
(f) Did anyone ATTEMPT to steal anything belonging to you?
Did any incidents of this type happen to you?
Q2. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) since ________________, 20 ____, were you attacked or threatened OR did you have something stolen from you –
(a) At home including the porch or yard -
(b) At or near a friend's, relative's, or neighbor's home -
(c) At work or school -
d) In places such as a storage shed or laundry room, a shopping mall, restaurant, bank, or airport -
(e) While riding in any vehicle -
(f) On the street or in a parking lot -
(g) At such places as a party, theater, gym, picnic area, bowling lanes, or while fishing or hunting -
(h) Did anyone ATTEMPT to attack or ATTEMPT to steal anything belonging to you from any of these places?
Did any incidents of this type happen to you?
Q3. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) has anyone attacked or threatened you in any of these ways –
(Exclude telephone threats)
(a) With any weapon, for instance, a gun or knife -
(b) With anything like a baseball bat, frying pan, scissors, or stick -
(c) By something thrown, such as a rock or bottle -
(d) Include any grabbing, punching, or choking,
(e) Any rape, attempted rape or other type of sexual attack -
(f) Any face to face threats –
(g) Any attack or threat or use of force by anyone at all? Please
mention it even if you are not certain it was a crime.
Did any incidents of this type happen to you?
Q4. People often don't think of incidents committed by someone they know. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) did you have something stolen from you OR were you attacked or threatened by -
(Exclude telephone threats)
(a) Someone at work or school -
(b) A neighbor or friend -
(c) A relative or family member -
(d) Any other person you've met or known?
Did any incidents of this type happen to you?
Q5. Incidents involving forced or unwanted sexual acts are often difficult to talk about. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) have you been forced or coerced to engage in unwanted sexual activity by –
(a) Someone you didn't know -
(b) A casual acquaintance –
(c) Someone you know well?
Did any incidents of this type happen to you?
Q6. During the last 6 months, (other than any incidents already mentioned,) did you call the police to report something that happened to YOU which you thought was a crime?
Yes [skip to Q7]
No [skip to Q8]
Q7. Were you attacked or threatened, or was something stolen or an attempt made to steal something that belonged to you or another household member?
Q8. During the last 6 months, (other than any incidents already mentioned,) did anything which you thought was a crime happen to YOU, but you did NOT report to the police?
Yes [skip to Q9]
No [skip to Q10]
Q9. [If Q8 = Yes]
Were you attacked or threatened, or was something stolen or an attempt made to steal something that belonged to you or another household member?
Thank you.
Now we have some questions about your demographic characteristics.
Q10. Did you have a job or work at a business LAST WEEK? (Do not include volunteer work or work around the house.)
(If farm or business operator in household, ask about unpaid work.)
Yes [skip to Q13]
No [skip to Q11]
Q11. [If Q10 = No]
Ask or verify –
Did you have a job or work at a business DURING THE LAST 6 MONTHS?
Yes [skip to Q12]
No [skip to Q17]
Q12. Did that (job/work) last 2 consecutive weeks or more?
Yes [skip to Q13]
No [skip to Q17]
Q13. [If Q10 or Q12 = Yes]
Ask or verify -
Which of the following best describes your job? Were you employed in the ...
Medical Profession?
Mental Health Services Field?
Teaching Profession?
Law Enforcement or Security Field?
Retail Sales?
Transportation Field?
Something else?
Q14. Ask or verify -
Is your job with –
A private company, business, or individual for wages?
The Federal government?
A State, county, or local government?
Yourself (Self-employed) in your own
business, professional practice, or farm?
Q15. Are you employed by a college or university?
Q16. While working at your job, do you work mostly in –
A city?
Suburban area?
Rural area?
Combination of any of these?
Q17. [If R is 18 years or older, else skip to Q19]
Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? [Mark one box.]
Never served in the military [skip to Q19]
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard [skip to Q19]
Now on active duty [skip to Q18]
On active duty in the past, but not now [skip to Q18]
Q18. When did you serve on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces? [Mark all that apply, even if just for part of the time period.]
September 2001 or later
August 1990 to August 2001 (including Persian Gulf War)
May 1975 to July 1990
Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1967
Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)
January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)
November 1941 or earlier
Q19. Are you a citizen of the United States? That is, were you a born in the United States, born in a U.S. territory, born of U.S. citizen parent(s), or become a citizen of the U.S. through naturalization?
Yes, born in the United States
Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
No, not a U.S. citizen
Q20. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
Q21. Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?
Q22. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty…
a. Concentrating, remembering or making decisions?
b. Walking or climbing stairs?
c. Dressing or bathing?
Q23. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?
Q24. Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
[If screener sex question = Male]
Straight, that is, not gay
Something else [skip to Q25]
I don’t know the answer [skip to Q26]
Q24b. Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
[If screener sex question = Female]
Lesbian or gay
Straight, that is, not lesbian or gay
Something else [ask Q25]
I don’t know the answer [skip to Q26]
Q25. What do you mean by something else?
You are not straight, but identify with another label such as queer, trisexual, omnisexual or pansexual [skip to SQ1]
You are transgender, transsexual or gender variant [skip to SQ1]
You have not figured out or are in the process of figuring out your sexuality [skip to SQ1]
You do not think of yourself as having sexuality [skip to SQ1]
You do not use labels to identify yourself [skip to SQ1]
You mean something else [skip to SQ1]
Refused [skip to SQ1]
Don't know [ask Q26]
Q26. What do you mean by don't know?
You don’t understand the words
You understand the words, but you have not figured out or are in the process of figuring out your sexuality
You mean something else
Don’t know
Q27. What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate?
Don’t know
Q28a. Do you currently describe yourself as male, female, or transgender?
None of these
Q28b. What is your current gender identity?
Specify ________________________
Don’t know
Q28c. Just to confirm, you were assigned {INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q27} at birth and now describe yourself as {Q28a or Q28b}. Is that correct?
Don’t know
Now, I would like to ask you some questions about times when you may have experienced unwanted contacts or behaviors. I want to remind you that the information you provide is confidential. When answering, please think about anyone who may have done these things, including current or former spouses or partners, other people you may know, or strangers. However, please DO NOT include bill collectors, solicitors, or other sales people.
SQ1. In the past 12 months, have you experienced any unwanted contacts or behaviors?
By that I mean has anyone –
Followed you around and watched you? __ YES ___ NO
Sneaked into your home or car and did unwanted
things to let you know they had been there? __ YES ___ NO
Waited for you at your home, work, school, or
any place else when you didn’t want them to? __ YES ___ NO
Showed up, rode or drove by places where you
were when they had no business being there? __ YES ___ NO
Left or sent unwanted items, cards, letters, presents,
flowers, or any other unwanted items? __ YES ___ NO
Harassed or repeatedly asked your friends or family
for information about you or your whereabouts? __ YES ___ NO
Now I want to ask about unwanted contacts or behaviors using various technologies, such as your phone, the Internet, or social media apps. In the past 12 months, has anyone –
Made unwanted phone calls to you, left voice
messages, sent text messages, or used the phone __ YES ___ NO
excessively to contact you?
Spied on you or monitored your activities using
technologies such as a listening device, camera, or __ YES ___ NO
computer or cell phone monitoring software
or “spyware?”
Tracked your whereabouts with an electronic tracking
device or application, such as GPS or an application on __ YES ___ NO
your cell phone?
Posted or threatened to post inappropriate, unwanted,
or personal information about you on the Internet, this __ YES ___ NO
includes private photographs, videos, or spreading rumors?
Sent unwanted e-mails or messages using the Internet,
for example, using social media apps or websites like __ YES ___ NO
Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook?
___ Participant answered “YES” to one or more of the above behaviors? ASK SQ2
___ Participant did not answer “YES” to any of the above behaviors? END INTERVIEW
SQ2. Has anyone done (this/any of these things) to you more than once in the past 12 months?
_____ More than one behavior checked in SQ1A-K? ASK SQ3
_____ Only one behavior checked in SQ1A-K? END INTERVIEW
SQ3a. Did any of these unwanted contacts or behaviors make you fear for your safety or the safety of someone known to you?
SQ3b. Did any of these unwanted contacts or behaviors cause you substantial emotional distress?
Now I have some additional questions about the time someone {behavior1}, {behavior2}, and {behaviorx…}.
[Include all behaviors the respondent reported in SQ1a-k.]
Thinking about the person or people who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors in the past 12 months, did any of the following occur –
SQ4. Did this person or these people damage or attempt to damage or destroy property belonging to you or someone else in your household?
SQ5. [Thinking about the person or persons who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors in the past 12 months…] Did this person or these people physically attack, attempt to attack, or threaten to attack you?
[Mark all that apply.]
Yes, physically attack
Yes, attempt to attack
Yes, threaten to attack
SQ6. [Thinking about the person or persons who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors in the past 12 months…]
Did this person or these people physically attack, attempt to attack, or threaten to attack someone close to you or a pet?
[Mark all that apply.]
Yes, physically attack
Yes, attempt to attack
Yes, threaten to attack
SQ7. You indicated that someone {behavior1}, {behavior2}, and {behaviorx…} more than once in the past 12 months. Do you know or suspect that these unwanted contacts or behaviors were related?
By that we mean that the unwanted contacts or behaviors were committed by the same person/people or by others on behalf of that person/people.
Yes [go to survey instructions on page 8]
No [end survey ]
Don’t know [go to survey instructions on page 8]
See the table below for all combinations of the questions used to determine if R will be included in stalking prevalence estimates, and when the survey should be ended or continued on to the questions about the incident.
Number of Behaviors (SQ1 a-k) |
Repetition (SQ2)
Actual Fear or Emotional Distress (SQ3a and SQ3b) |
Reasonable Fear |
Related Behaviors (SQ7) |
Included in stalking estimate/survey continuation? |
1 |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
No |
No |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
1 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
No |
No |
No |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
2+ |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes or DK |
No – end survey |
2+ |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
2+ |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No – end survey |
2+ |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes or DK |
Yes – continue |
“This ends the survey portion of the interview. I have a few more questions for you before we finish today.” Interviewer, proceed to debriefing questions at the end of the protocol.
Offender information
Q1. Thinking about these unwanted contacts or behaviors in the past 12 months, how many different people have done these things to you?
One [skip to Intro text A – SINGLE OFFENDER]
Two [ask Q2a]
Three or more – Enter number of people. ______ [ask Q2a]
Don’t know [skip to Intro Text A]
Q2a. Did these people act alone or together as a team?
Alone [skip to Intro Text A – SINGLE OFFENDER]
Together [ask Q2b]
Don’t know [skip to Intro Text A – SINGLE OFFENDER]
Q2b. Of the people who did these things to you, is there ONE person who you would consider to be the MOST responsible for these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
Yes [skip to Q3 – SINGLE OFFENDER]
Intro Text A. Thinking about the person who has done this most recently, …
Q3. Is this person male or female?
Don’t know
Q4. How old would you say this person is?
Under 15
Don’t know
Q5. Is this person Hispanic or Latino/a?
Don’t know
Q6. What race or races is this person? You may select more than one. Is this person. . .
[Mark all that apply.]
Black or African American?
American Indian or Alaska Native?
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?
Don’t know
Q7. What was your relationship to the person who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors when they first began?
[Instruction: Record the relationship at the time the unwanted contacts or behaviors began and not at the time of this interview.]
RELATIVE – offender was the respondent’s –
Spouse or partner
Ex-spouse or ex-partner
Parent or step-parent
Own child or step-child
Other relative – Specify ______________
NONRELATIVE – offender was the respondent’s –
Boyfriend or girlfriend
Ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
Other current romantic or sexual partner
Other former romantic or sexual partner
Friend or ex-friend
In-laws or relative of spouse or ex-spouse
Roommate, housemate, boarder
Supervisor (current or former)
Employee (current or former)
Co-worker (current or former)
Teacher/school staff
Other nonrelative – Specify _____________
Unable to identify the person
[skip to Q14a]
Q8a. Are these people male or female?
All male [skip to Q9]
All female [skip to Q9]
Don’t know sex of any offenders [skip to Q9]
Both male and female [continue to check item #4]
Q8b. Were these people mostly male or mostly female?
Mostly male
Mostly female
Evenly divided
Don’t know
Q9. How old would you say these people are?
[Mark all that apply.]
Under 15
Don’t know
Q10a. Are any of these people Hispanic or Latino/a?
Yes [ask Q10b]
No [skip to Q11a]
Don’t know [skip to Q11a]
Q10b. Were these people mostly Hispanic, mostly non-Hispanic, or an equal number of Hispanic and non-Hispanic?
Mostly Hispanic or Latino/a
Mostly non-Hispanic
Equal number of Hispanic and non-Hispanic
Don’t know
Q11a. What race or races are these people? Were they…
[Mark all that apply.]
Black or African American?
American Indian or Alaska Native?
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?
Don’t know
_____ More than one box marked in Q11A ASK Q11B
_____ Only one box marked Q11A SKIP TO Q12
Q11b. What race were most of these people?
Mostly White
Mostly Black or African American
Mostly American Indian or Alaska Native
Mostly Asian
Mostly Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Equal number of each race
Don’t know
Q12. What was your relationship to the people who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors
when they first began?
[Mark all that apply.]
[Instruction: Record the relationship at the time the unwanted contacts or behaviors began and not at the time of this interview.]
RELATIVE – offenders were the respondent’s –
Spouse or partner
Ex-spouse or ex-partner
Parent or step-parent
Own child or step-child
Sibling/step-sibling Other relative – Specify ______________
NONRELATIVE – offenders were the respondent’s –
Boyfriend or girlfriend
Ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
Other current romantic or sexual partner
Other former romantic or sexual partner
Friend or ex-friend
In-laws or relative of one of the offenders
Roommate, housemate, boarder
Supervisor (current or former)
Employee (current or former)
Co-worker (current or former)
Teacher/school staff
Other nonrelative – Specify _____________
Unable to identify the person
Q13. Please describe the general nature of the group. For example, was it an ex-partner working with others, friends, classmates or peers, co-workers, in-laws or family members or friends of the offender, fraternity, sorority, members of a gang or other organized crime group, etc.?
Ex-partner working with others
Classmates or peers
In-laws or family members of the offender
Friends of the offender
Fraternity or Sorority
Members of a gang or other organized crime group
Other – specify _____________
Duration of stalking
Q14a. How long have these unwanted contacts or behaviors been happening to you?
Less than one month
One month to less than six months
Six months to less than one year
One year to less than two years
Two years to less than three years
Three years to less than five years
Five years or more
Don’t know
Q14b. How did you find out that these unwanted contacts or behaviors were happening to you?
The offender told me
Someone else told me
I figured it out on my own
Don’t know, don’t remember
Frequency of stalking
Q15. In the past 12 months, how many times would you say the unwanted contacts or behaviors occurred? ___________________ [Interviewer: enter number of times or estimate from R.]
Motive for stalking
Q16. Why do you think (this person/these people) started doing these things to you?
Was it because…? Any other reasons?
[Read and mark all that apply.]
They wanted retaliation or revenge?
They wanted affection?
They felt rejected?
They were obsessed with you?
They planned to commit a crime?
They had already committed a crime?
They wanted power and control?
They felt like they could do these things to you?
Any other reason? – Specify ________________________
Don’t know
Reasonable fear follow-up
___ Yes, physically attack AND/OR Yes, attempt to attack ASK Q17A
___ Yes, threaten to attack ONLY SKIP TO Q18A
___ No SKIP TO Q19A
Q17a. Earlier you indicated that this person/these people physically attacked or attempted to attack you. How did they attack or attempt to attack you?
[Read all options and mark all that apply.]
Hitting, slapping, pushing, or knocking you down? [go to Q19a]
Choking or strangling you? [go to Q19a]
Raping or sexually assaulting you? [go to Q19a]
Attacking you with a weapon or other object? [ask Q17b]
Hitting, chasing or dragging you with a vehicle? [go to Q19a]
Attacking you in some other way?
Specify ___________________________ [go to Q19a]
What was the weapon or object? Anything else?
[Mark all that apply.]
ASK Q18a if R answered “yes, threaten to attack” in SQ5, ELSE SKIP TO CHECK ITEM 7
Hand gun (pistol, revolver, etc.)
Other gun (rifle, shotgun, etc.)
Other sharp object (scissors, ice pick, axe, etc.)
Blunt object (rock, club, bat, etc.)
Other – Specify __________________________
[universe is those who answered “yes, threaten to attack” on SQ5]
Q18a. Earlier you indicated that this person/these people threatened to attack you. What was the threat?
[Read all options and mark all that apply.]
To hit, slap, push, or knock you down? [skip to Q19a]
To choke or strangle you? [skip to Q19a]
To rape or sexually assault you? [skip to Q19a]
To harm you with a weapon or other object? [ask Q18b]
To hit, chase, or drag you with a vehicle? [skip to Q19a]
To kill you? [skip to Q19a]
Threaten you in some other way?
Specify _______________________ [skip to Q19a]
Q18b. What was the weapon or object they threatened to use? Anything else?
[Mark all that apply.]
Hand gun (pistol, revolver, etc.)
Other gun (rifle, shotgun, etc.)
Other sharp object (scissors, ice pick, axe, etc.)
Blunt object (rock, club, blackjack, etc.)
Other Specify ____________________________________
___ Yes, physically attack AND/OR Yes, attempt to attack ASK Q19A
___ Yes, threaten to attack ONLY SKIP TO Q19B
___ No SKIP TO Q20
Q19a. Earlier you indicated that this person/these people physically attacked or attempted to attack someone close to you or a pet. Who did they physically attack or attempt to attack?
all that apply.]
A child?
SKIP TO Q20 OR ask Q19b
A spouse or partner?
A boyfriend or girlfriend?
Another family member?
A friend or co-worker?
A pet or companion animal?
Someone else?
Specify ___________________________________
[universe is those who answered “yes, threaten to attack” on SQ6]
Q19b. Earlier you indicated that this person/these people threatened to physically attack someone close to you or a pet. Who did they threaten?
[Mark all that apply.]
A child?
A spouse or partner?
A boyfriend or girlfriend?
Another family member?
A friend or co-worker?
A pet or companion animal?
Himself/herself (offender)?
Someone else? Specify _______________________________
Q20. During the past 12 months did you or someone else call or contact the police to report any of these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
Yes [skip to Q22]
No [ask Q21]
Q21. What was the reason the unwanted contacts or behaviors were not reported to the police?
Was the reason because you dealt with it another way, it wasn’t important enough to you, police wouldn’t do anything, police wouldn’t help, you fear the person, or was there some other reason?
Dealt with it another way
Reported to another official (guard, apt. manager, employer, hospital official, school official, military official, etc.)
Private or personal matter (handled myself or family member or friend handled it)
Told other non-officials (parents, friends, other family members, etc.)
Not important enough to respondent
Too minor, not a police matter, not serious enough
Not clear it was a crime
Not sure that harm was intended
Police wouldn’t do anything
Didn’t think the police would be able to stop behaviors
Could not find or identify offender
Had no legal authority/wrong jurisdiction
Lacked or had incorrect restraining, protection, or no-contact order
Not enough evidence/lack of proof
Police wouldn’t help
Police wouldn’t believe respondent
Police would think it was respondent’s fault
Police didn’t think it was important enough, wouldn’t want to be bothered or get involved
Offender was a police officer, justice officer
Police would be inefficient, ineffective
Had previous negative experience with the police
Feared offender
Afraid of reprisal or escalation of behavior by the offender or others
Other reasons
Respondent does not trust or is afraid of police
Respondent felt ashamed or embarrassed
Didn’t want offender to get in trouble with the law
Offender was (ex)spouse or (ex)partner
Respondent obtained a restraining, protection, or no-contact order instead
Respondent moved away
Offender moved away
For the sake of the children
Unwanted contacts/behaviors stopped
Other – specify _______________
Don’t know
Q22. During the past 12 months, who reported (the/these) unwanted contacts or behaviors to the police? Anyone else? [Mark all that apply.]
Respondent’s friend
Respondent’s family, in-laws, spouse, parents, children, relatives
Respondent’s girl/boyfriend, partner
Doctor, nurse
Clergy or faith leader
Social worker, counselor, other mental health professional
School official, teacher, faculty, or staff
Boss, employer, co-worker
Stranger, bystander
Security guard, security department
Police on scene
Other – specify ________________________
Don’t know
Q23. Taking into account all of the times the police were contacted in the past 12 months regarding these unwanted contacts or behaviors, what did they do? Anything else? [Mark all that apply.]
Took a report
Talked to or warned offender
Arrested the offender or took the offender into custody
Told respondent to get a restraining, protection, or no-contact order
Referred respondent to a court or prosecutor’s office
Referred respondent to services, such as victim assistance
Gave advice on how to protect self
Took respondent to another location such as a hospital or shelter
Asked for more information/evidence
Other – specify _________________________
Don’t know
Took no action [ ASK Q24 ]
Q24. Why do YOU think the police took no action? Any other reason? [Mark all that apply.]
Police did not think crime occurred
Could not find or identify offender
Had no legal authority/wrong jurisdiction
Lacked or had incorrect restraining, protection, or no-contact order
Didn’t have evidence/lack of proof
Didn’t believe respondent/take respondent seriously
Thought it was respondent’s fault
Didn’t think it was important enough, didn’t want to be bothered or get involved
Were inefficient, ineffective
Offender was a police officer, justice officer
Offender was well-connected in the community, was friend/relative with local authorities
Respondent was not old enough to file a report (i.e. needed a guardian)
Other – specify _________________________________________________
Don’t know
Q25a. Were criminal charges filed against the person(s) who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
Please tell me more, then skip to Q27
Yes [ask Q25b]
No [skip to Q27]
Don’t know [skip to Q27]
Q25b. What were the criminal charges filed?
Something else – Specify _______________________
Both, stalking and something else – Specify [other charge] ______________________
Don’t know
Q26. What was the final outcome of the criminal charges filed against the person(s) who committed these unwanted contacts or behaviors? Anything else? [Mark all that apply.]
Still pending
Dismissed/not guilty
Plead to lesser charge
Court order intervention/counseling program
Criminal no-contact order
Other – Specify _______________________________
Don’t know
Q27. In the past 12 months, did you receive any help or advice concerning these unwanted contacts or behaviors from any office or agency – other than police – that deals with victims of crime?
Yes [ask Q28a]
No [skip to Q29]
Don’t know [skip to Q29]
Q28a. What type of services did you receive?
Crisis hotline counseling? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Counseling or therapy? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Legal or court services? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Assistance getting a restraining, protection, or no-contact order? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Financial assistance? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Shelter or safehouse services? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Safety planning? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Risk or threat assessment? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Medical advocacy? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Victim compensation? |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
Any other services? – specify __________________ |
● Yes |
● No |
● Asked for services, but did not receive |
● Don’t know |
___ One or more “asked for services, but did not receive” ASK Q28B
___”Asked for services, but did not receive” not marked SKIP TO Q29
[Repeat Q28B for all services reported in Q28a that the respondent asked for but did not receive.]
Q28b. You reported that you asked for {service reported in Q28a} services, but did not receive them. Why did you not receive these services? Was it because…
Any other reason? [Mark all that apply.]
Services were not available in your local area?
You did not have a means of transportation to and from the service provider?
You did not have childcare to go to seek services?
The service provider could not accommodate you (e.g. no beds available in shelter)?
You were unable to take time off of work or school to seek services?
There were language barriers?
You were not eligible for services?
Some other reason? – specify ________________
Self-protective actions
Q29. There are things that people might try to do to protect themselves or stop the unwanted contacts or behaviors from continuing. In the past 12 months, have you done any of the following because of the unwanted contacts or behaviors. Have you…
Changed your day-to-day activities?
Yes [If yes, ask R which activities they changed and mark all that apply below.]
Take time off from work or school?
Change or quit a job or school?
Change the way (route or method of transportation) you went to work or school?
Avoid relatives, friends, or holiday celebrations?
Change your usual activities outside of work or school?
Stay with friends or relatives or had them stay with you?
Move or change where you live?
Alter your appearance to be unrecognizable?
Taken self-defensive actions or other security measures?
Yes [If yes, ask R which self-defensive actions they took and mark all that apply below.]
Take self-defense or martial arts classes?
Get pepper spray?
Get a gun?
Get any other kind of weapon?
Change or install new locks or a security system?
Changed your personal information?
Yes [If yes, ask R what personal information changed and mark all that apply below.]
Change your social security number or name?
Change e-mail address?
Shut down or change information on social media accounts?
Change telephone numbers?
Get a new phone or computer?
Block unwanted calls, messages, or other communications?
Applied for a restraining, protection, or no-contact order?
Did you do anything else to protect yourself or stop the unwanted contacts or behaviors from continuing?
Yes – Specify ____________________
Q30. Some people might ask others for help in order to protect themselves or to stop the unwanted contacts or behaviors from continuing. In the past 12 months, did you —
[Mark all that apply.]
Ask for advice or help from friends or family?
Ask people not to release information about you?
Hire a private investigator?
Ask for advice or help from an attorney?
Talk to a counselor or therapist?
Talk to a doctor or nurse?
Talk to your Clergy or faith leader?
Talk to your boss or employer?
Talk to your teacher or school official?
Contact your building or workplace security person?
None of the above
Q31. Are the unwanted contacts or behaviors still going on?
Yes [skip to Q33]
No [ask Q32]
Don’t know [skip to Q33]
Q32. Why do you think the unwanted contacts or behaviors stopped? Anything else?
[Mark all that apply.]
Respondent took measures
Got a restraining, protection, or no-contact order
Changed phone number, e-mail account, or social media account
Got a new phone or computer
Talked to the offender
Got married or started a new relationship with someone else
Offender stopped (because he/she…)
Was arrested
Was incarcerated
Started a new relationship with someone else
Got help/counseling
Others intervened
Police intervened
Friend or relative intervened
Employer intervened
School official, faculty, or staff intervened
Clergy or faith leader intervened
Others – Specify ____________________
Other reason
Don’t know why it stopped
Other – Specify _____________________
Cost to victim
These unwanted contacts or behaviors may affect people in different ways. Next I would like to ask you some questions about how these unwanted contacts or behaviors may have affected you.
Q33. Did experiencing these unwanted contacts or behaviors lead you to have significant problems with your job or schoolwork, or trouble with your boss, coworkers, or peers?
N/A, does not attend school or does not have a job
Q34. Did experiencing these unwanted contacts or behaviors lead you to have significant problems with family members or friends, including getting into more arguments or fights than you did before, not feeling you could trust them as much, or not feeling as close to them as you did before?
Q35. How distressing were these unwanted contacts or behaviors to you? Were they not at all distressing, mildly distressing, moderately distressing, or severely distressing?
Not at all distressing
Mildly distressing
Moderately distressing
Severely distressing
Q36a. Considering all of these unwanted contacts or behaviors that have occurred over the past year, did you feel… [Mark all that apply.]
Fearful or terrified?
Worried or anxious?
Angry or annoyed?
Sad or depressed?
Vulnerable or helpless?
Like you couldn’t trust people?
Or did you feel some other way? [ask Q36b]
Q36b. What other way did these unwanted contacts or behaviors make you feel?
Specify __________________________
Q37. What were you most afraid of happening as these unwanted contacts or behaviors were occurring? Were you most afraid of… [Mark all that apply.]
Physical or bodily harm?
Harm or kidnap respondent’s child?
Harm current partner/boyfriend/girlfriend?
Harm other family members?
Loss of job/job opportunities?
Loss of freedom?
Loss of social network, peers, or friends?
Behavior would never stop?
General fear of not knowing what might happen next?
Losing your mind?
Anything else – specify ___________________
Don’t know
Q38. During the past 12 months, have you been fired from or asked to leave a job because of these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
N/A, does not have a job
Q39. During the past 12 months, did you lose any pay that was not covered by unemployment insurance, paid leave, or some other source because of these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
N/A, does not have a job
Q40. During the past 12 months, have you been suspended or expelled from school because of these unwanted contacts or behaviors?
N/A, does not attend school
Q41. Did you lose any time from work or school because of these unwanted contacts or behaviors for such things as – [Mark all that apply.]
Fear or concern for your safety?
Police-related activities?
Court-related activities (i.e. getting a restraining/protection order or testifying)?
Changing your phone number or personal information?
Fixing or replacing damaged property?
Anything else – specify _____________
None (did not lose time from work or school for any of these reasons)
N/A, does not attend school AND does not have a job
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Truman, Jennifer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |