3135-0112 Organizations Final Descriptive Report (for FY 15 and la

Blanket Justification for NEA Funding Application Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

Organizations FDR (for FY 15 and later)

Blanket Justification for NEA Funding Application Guidelines and Reporting Requirements for Nonprofit Organizations

OMB: 3135-0112

Document [pdf]
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OMS Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]
Award Amount: [pre-fill]
Period of support: [pre-fill] to [pre-fill]
NEA Discipline/Office: [pre-fill]
Award Purpose: [pre-fill (to support statement)]


Please update the information below about your organization as appropriaif
button beside each field]


Contact Person: [text]
Title: [text]
Email: [text]
Phone: [text]
Fax: [text]

Refer to the eporting Requirements document or, if a cooperative agreement, refer to your award
document to determine if you must submit a final product in addition to your FDR and Federal
Financial Report.
What activities did the award support and what did the project accomplish during the period
ofsupport? (3000 character limit) [text box]

OMS Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]
Were you able to carry out all approved project activities? [single select]

o Please explain. (2000 character limit) [only visible to those who select No for the previous
question] [text box]

Discuss the extent to which you achieved the NEA primary outcome identifh~dtn>your
application (Outcome [pre-fill]). We recognize that some projects involv,~.;r,isk~.~~d'}\'rwant
to hear about what you've learned from both your successes and failures Al~,o, describ~
specific tools used to measure outcome achievement. (3000 character limit) [f~xt box].'
Beyond the project's direct accomplishments, what was the iIllP~Ct:Qn - or ben~ntto - your
organization, your discipline/field, and/or community? (30QO&I:t~r~¢t~IHmit)
[t~xt box]

grouPsincl~~ed lnYQ~r

The list below shows key individual artists or arts
approved project
or amendment, as appropriate. Please review this list and m~ke any n~cessary changes.
[modify/delete button beside each name] [Add key iri(ftVl~uall:Jutt6n~ttiottom of list]
• First Name [pre-fill]
• Last Name [pre-fill]
• Role [pre-fill]
_;:,' --_,'<:>,__
.0,>,-,-- ",'"
The list below shows organization~lp~~p.er~indud"din your approved project or
amendment, as appropriate. Plea$e>r~Yiewthisi~~t and make any necessary changes. An
organizational partner is an outsideentit)f +hat'tvill provide resources (other than money) to
support the project. Becaus.~,~ll NEA projec;ts r~quire matching resources from non-NEA sources,
organizations that only provide·Il1oney are I1otconsidered partners. Funders are not excluded from
being partners, but the¥must alsd~ypply human resources or information capital, or actively
participate in ano~.her waY~Jl'l)odify/deIete button beside each name] [Add organizational partner
button at bottom ofli~t] .<.

Organiza,tJpn Naine[t~~,p6*J
o Pr~p,6sed:Or commhtetJ? [select one]


. . ••••..

••• ~. ··Committed>.·· "'.

Organizatfon Rcile [drop-down list]
o'Non-pr8fit arts association
o N6rl::;profit community organization
o School/School district
o Local government agency
o State government agency
o Federal government agency
o College/University
o Foundation

OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]


Religious Organization
For-profit commercial organization
Media organization

Please describe the nature of the involvement in the project for the key individual artists
and organizational partners listed above. (3000 character limit) [text box]

Part 2: Project Strategies and N~i~Jti~e
[Livability ONLY]

You may include "human interest" stories or other anecdotal information about the project within
the narrative as appropriate. On occasion you may be contacted for copies of programs, reviews,
relevant news clippings, playbills, or other evidence of your accomplishments, including evidence of
your acknowledgement of Arts Endowment support. Feel free to include Web links.

OMS Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]
Refer to the Reporting Requirements document or, if a cooperative agreement, refer to your award
document to determine if you must submit a final product in addition to your FDR and Federal
Financial Report.

What activities did the award support and what did the project accomplish during the period
of support? Elaborate on your use of the strategies identified in the Project Strategies
section. (3000 character limit) [text box]
Were you able to carry out all approved project activities? [single select}'




Please explain. (2000 character limit) [only visible to those
question] [text box]

wh()~~re~t NoJor t~~• R·~~ViOUS



'" ,'«" --- "'<'.:_

Discuss the extent to which you achieved the Livability prima.j·(,\lt~Olll:e;identified in your
application. We recognize that some projects involve risk, a't\4wei\T;mito hear about what
you've learned from both your successes and failtlreSf\lso,d~strib~specific tools used to
measure outcome achievement. (3000 charac!er limit).[te~~box]
The list below shows organizational pa~tl1ers incl\lded iIlyour approved project or
amendment, as appropriate. Please reVfewthis list and .rlake any necessary changes. An
organizational partner is an outside .eIltitY!hat wiU.pr0V'~d~ resources (other than money) to
support the project. Because all NEAprojectsr~quitematching resources from non-NEA sources,
organizations that only providemoney are not conSidered partners. Funders are not excluded from
being partners, but they mu~f~lso supply humi:lfl resources or information capital, or actively
participate in another way.rm6dify /delete button beside each name] [Add organizational partner
button at bottom of list]
• Organization Name [te)(t~ox]
• Organization TY8eJdr~p~doV\ln list]
o Non-PX9fit al:t~ aSs9~.iatiol')
o Nop.. prbf~t commuhitY'organization
o ~~h80l!s~h.9PI district
pldC~lgo",~rnmefltagency (count each department engaged)
o State"goverflment agency (count each department engaged)
o Ff2!deralgovernment agency (count each department engaged)
o College/University
o Foundation
o Religious Organization
o For-profit commercial organization
o Media organization
o Other


OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]

Please describe the nature ofthe involvement in the project for the organizational partners
listed above. (3000 character limit) [text box]
Discuss anticipated long-term impacts that may not have been measurable within the period
of support (e.g., changes in migration patterns; job and/or revenue growth for the
community; and growth in overall levels of social and civic engagement). Plea~e be as
specific as possible. (3000 character limit) [text box]
... Eq ONLY]
In this section, you will describe the achievements an~Challeng~SO(yot~ pr~ject. You may cut and
paste the answer into the form from another docum~'I1t,but mU$flirrtlfyBur response to the posted
character limits.
You may include "human interest" storiesorQther~necdotali#formation about the project within
the narrative as appropriate. On occasionyourrtaybe contacted for copies of programs, reviews,
relevant news clippings, playbills, o~>othere'{idenc~ofyour accomplishments, including evidence of
your acknowledgement of Arts End8wm~'I1t support. Feel free to include Web links.
Refer to the Reporting Requirements document.or, if a cooperative agreement, refer to your award
document to determine if you must submit aflnal product in addition to your FDR and Federal
Financial Report.
, c~

f;' '




What activities didthe awa~d support and what did the project accomplish during the period
of support? (3000cl1~tac.:terli1nit)
[text box]
<, ,

YOU~~I:t:(} carry:~ut~ll approved project activities? [single select]

• YeS···> ...>:


oplease~xpl~in. (2000 character limit) [only visible to those who select No for the previous
q\;JE~stiQ6] [text box]

Discuss the extent to which you achieved the NEA primary outcome identified in your
application (Outcome [pre-fill]). We recognize that some projects involve risk, and we want
to hear about what you've learned from both your successes and failures (3000 character
limit) [text box]


OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YVYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]

Beyond the project's direct accomplishments, what was the impact on - or benefit to - your
organization, your discipline/field, and/or community? (3000 character limit) [text box]
The list below shows key individual artists or arts groups included in your approved project
or amendment, as appropriate. Please review this list and make any necessary changes.
[modify/delete button beside each name ] [Add key individual button at bottom
• First Name [pre-fill]
• Last Name [pre-fill]
• Role [pre-fill]


The list below shows organizational partners included in your ap~roved ~rojectRr
amendment, as appropriate. Please review this list and make any n~ces~FY ch~nges. An
organizational partner is an outside entity that will provide re~.o,+rceSf()th:ef:.ihan money) to
support the project. Because all NEAprojects require matchirtgresO\lrce~fromnon-NEA sources,
organizations that only provide money are not considered partners. Fu~dersare not excluded from
being partners, but they must also supply human resources or infonp.ation capital, or actively
participate in another way. [modify/delete button besideeachname][i\.dd organizational partner
button at bottom of list]
• Organization Name [text box]
o Proposed or committed? [select
• Proposed
• Committed
• Organization Role [drop-down
o Non-profit arts association
o Non-profit community organization
o School/School district
o Local government agency
o State government ag~hcy
o Federal government agency
o College/University··
o Foundation
o ~:eligiOus6rganiz~tion
.9> For+profitcornrnercial organization
0> Mediaprg3rlization
o Other

Please des~t-ii:Je the nature of the involvement in the project for the key individual artists
and organizational partners listed above. (3000 character limit) [text box]
The Arts Education project type identified in your approved project or amendment, as
appropriate, is [pre-fill].

[For "Direct Learning for Students" project type ONLY]

OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]



[For "Professional Development for teachers, teaching artists, district staff, comhJ",nit~l~aders"
projecttype ONLY]
.•. .•.•. .......... •..... .' .




Identify the students' specific learning outcomes assessed during the project. Describe the
assessment method (e.g., performance rubric, pre- and post-testing) and tools used to measure
students' achievement of these learning outcomes. (1500 character limit) [text box]
Number of students engaged in the project as learners: [number]
Number of students engaged in the project as learners who demonstrated learning: [number]
Discuss the achievement of your identified learning outcomes and how assessing student
learning affected your project overall. (1500 character limit) [text box]
. v.

Identify the specific outcomes for participants in the project and describe any program.
evaluation tools used to measure participants' achievement of these outcomes. {15.pd character
limit) [text box]
Number of participants engaged in professional developll)~rt actiyjtie~:[number]
Number of participants reporting a change in practice as.~"rE~s4Jt the pl"Qfessional
development: [number]
. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . '>: ••
Discuss the achievement of your identified outc~~es and any.~vairable·evidence regarding the
number of participants who have reported a c~ahgein th~ir practice as a result of the
professional development.


[For "Collective Impact" project type ONLY] '.' .
o Discuss anticipated long-term impactsthat may not havebeen measurable within the period of
support (e.g., changes in migration patterns; job and/or revenue growth for the community; and
growth in overall levels of soci~L~ndcIvic eng:agem~nt). Please be as specific as possible. (3000
character limit) [text box]

Part 3: Project outcomes
"In-person" Arts Exp~~i~nc~.; Entett~e number of people that directly engaged with the arts,
whether through attendan teat arts events or participation in arts learning or other types of
activities that involvedpeoplegirectly with artists or the arts. Do not count individuals who were
primarily r,~acheP througntelevision, radio, the Internet, or other media. Avoid inflated numbers,
and do nofdouhle-count repeat attendees.
.J\dults[nun1~~r ]



"Media" Arts Experience: Provide an estimate of individuals who experienced the project
primarily through television, radio, the Internet, and mobile programming. Avoid inflated numbers,
and do not include people reached only through publicity, including advertising, PSAs, and news
• Television [number]
• Radio [number]

OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYYY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visible if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]

Internet [number]
Mobile [number]
Total [pre-fill]

For the next three questions, select all categories that, by your best estimate, made up 25%
or more of the population that directly benefited from the project during the period of
support. These responses should refer to populations reached directly, rath~rtl1~~ through
broadcasts or online programming. [multi-select in each category]):.>. . ; :



Race/Ethnicity (choose all that apply)
o American Indian or Alaskan Native
o Asian
o Black or African American
o Hispanic or Latino
o Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
o White
o No single racial/ethnic group made up more thap}5% of the population directly benefited
Age Ranges (choose all that apply)
o Children/Youth (0-18 years)
o Young Adults (19-24 years)
o Adults (25-64 years)
;.; .;
..... ;
;............ < ;.;. .
. .. .
o Older Adults (65+ years)
o No single age group made uprn.or~ th~;~ 25%of the·;p~pulation directly benefited
Underserved/Distinct Groups (chbOsea;1l that apply)
o Individuals with Disabilities
o Individuals in InstitutiQns (include pe(lpl~Jjving in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, assisted
care faCilities, correc1:iOl1alfacilities, and homeless shelters)
o Individuals belowthe Pov~rty Line
o Individuals withLimitedEnglishProficiency
o Military Ve~e(i.lns/ Active Duty Personnel
o Youth at Ris~
o N0;;fiiigleuncte.rserV~dj~istinct group made up more than 25% of the population directly
... .

proje~{Acti~~ti;~:;~~b~~de your best estimates for each of the following categories



#o{professiona'lquality original works of art that were created [number]
- Incluc:ie lit~rary, performing, visual, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary works.
- Do notinclude student works, adaptations, recreations, or restaging of existing works.
# of student works of art that were created [number]
# of fairs/festivals held [number]
- Do not include media arts or film festivals. Report those activities below under "# of exhibitions
curated/presented. "
# of exhibitions curated/presented [number]


OMB Number: 0000-0000
Expiration Date: MM/DD/YYVY

NEA Final Descriptive Report
Award Recipient Name: [pre-fill] on behalf of: [only visibl.e if independent component] [pre-fill]
NEA Award #: [pre-fill]


-Include visual arts, media arts, film, film festivals, and design. Count each curated film festival as a
single exhibition.
# of concerts/performances/readings [number]
# of lectures/demonstrations/workshops/symposiums [number]
# of hours that artists were in residence (artists' activities in schools or other settings) [Livability
only] [number]
# of community action plans developed and approved that support community li.Dmt~, hrough the
arts (include plans for arts/cultural districts and creative industry hubs/distrt~~tdi~. e "·:t¥ability
only] [number]
$:~~""'>;::5; <::;




# of design plans produced (include feasibility, predevelopment, and other design' 'Ians pr~ced
enhance and/or revitalize public spaces) [Livability only] [number];<;;:;;}.
# of works of art installed in public spaces (include works of art pe~fua''fttftIY;$fYt:e
rily installed
in a public space) [Livability only] [number]


Project Activity/Venue Locations: For your Final Descripti



plete, you must
report the locations of specific project activity. Locations may
using either a street
address or geographic coordinates (latitude longitu4~:tff;~eciIl),~J:D ". ); all other fields are
required. You may submit individual locations u,:?ing the W:~J;~;{~rm. To upload multiple locations at
once, consider using the multiple location sprea'~b:~et uploac{!Wtion (see below).
• Submit individual location (you will have::~I:l:e;>p'pti~fi:i~J sublT:l:i~fng additional locations)
o Activity Type: [drop-down list]:f"::;;:::::::,;:;:::;;:;~i:i; ..
o Venue Type: [drop down list] ;:;::::::;,;. ::::;::~;. .;:::;; <:;.
o Venue Name: [text box]4<::;~,. ';:~~:;,::;::
o Number of days on whi~ events oC(;;!:lrred"
o Venue Location~I'[either'~ue Location vl or Venue Location v2 is required]
• Venue Street:i4;, [t,~~t boxI':;:::,
• Venue:~1!5eet
box] v
\,\,' "~<''\.
• Venue di~y::Tt~~t, ti'o~l
·;;i~~ec~e St~'e;:,~it~~~i6'wn list]
·::::~emjl Zip [S'"~igit n'umber]
9i;i~;:i~~:~~;il;~~~~rO:J:!:;~J>[either Venue Location vl or Venue Location v2 is required]
li~:Latit,Jae: [###.#####]
'<~:~~, Ve ~ e [i!)ngitude: [###.#####]
• Add m~J!ipJ,locations using spreadsheet upload. For instructions on formatting your spreadsheet,
click «~». Note this method requires a properly formatted spreadsheet.







File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-09-03
File Created0000-00-00

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