Appendix P: Quantitative Data Shells
Cases |
Controls |
Characteristic |
N |
% |
N |
% |
p-value |
Age |
25-29 |
30-39 |
40-49 |
50-59 |
60+ |
Race |
Black |
White |
Other |
Hispanic Origin |
Yes |
No |
Education |
Did not complete high school |
High school diploma or GED |
Some college |
Bachelor’s degree |
Master’s/doctorate/professional degree |
Sexual Identity |
Bisexual |
Gay/Homosexual |
Queer |
Relationship Status |
Single |
Married to a man |
In relationship with a man |
Health Status |
Excellent |
Very good |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
Number of text messages send per day |
< 1 |
1-10 |
11-20 |
21-30 |
31-40 |
40+ |
Don’t know |
Number of text messages send per day |
< 1 |
1-10 |
11-20 |
21-30 |
31-40 |
40+ |
Don’t know |
Use cell phone for e-mails |
Use cell phone for internet |
Table X. Number of Texts Sent and Received (Cases Only)
Number of Texts |
Texts Sent by RTI |
Successfully sent |
Failed |
Total sent |
Texts Received by RTI |
Process responses |
Adherence responses |
Acknowledgments |
Other responses |
Requests to stop receiving messages |
Total |
Table X. Mean Number of Texts Sent to Respondents by Month of Participation in the Study (Cases Only)
Month |
Mean (SD) |
1 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Table X. Percentage of Respondents Indicating Agree or Strongly Agree with Statements Regarding the Text Messages: 9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Item |
N |
% |
Overall, I liked the text messages |
I learned something new from the text messages |
The text messages were easy to understand |
I was interested in the message topics |
I trusted the information in the messages |
The text messages were convincing |
The messages said something important to me |
The messages grabbed my attention |
The messages told me something I didn't already know |
The messages were confusing |
I did not like the messages |
The messages were persuasive |
The messages were very appealing to me |
I felt like the messages were designed for me |
The messages promoted behaviors that are difficult for me to do |
The messages motivated me to change my behavior |
The messages would motivate people living with HIV to act in ways that would prevent giving HIV to others |
The messages contradicted what I know about HIV prevention |
The messages helped me to remember to take my HIV medication |
The messages motivated me to be involved in my health care |
I learned about services or resources available to me from the messages |
The messages gave me good advice |
Table X. Percentage of Respondents Reporting Positive and Negative Adjectives about the Text Messages: 9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Adjective |
Selecting the Adjective |
N |
% |
Accurate |
Annoying |
Believable |
Complex |
Effective |
Embarassing |
Clever |
Clear |
Condescending |
Dishonest |
Familiar |
Farfetched |
Creative |
Inappropriate |
Informative |
Interesting |
Irritating |
Offensive |
Original |
Pointless |
Realistic |
Silly |
Stigmatizing |
Worth Remembering |
Table X. Mean Ratings by Type of Message: 9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Type of Message |
Mean |
SD |
Appointment reminders |
Medication reminders |
General health and wellness |
Preventing risky sexual behaviors |
Preventing or reducing alcohol/drug use |
Social support |
Smoking cessation |
Being actively involved in my health care |
Note: Rating scale ranges from 1 to 10.
Table X. Percentage of Respondents Reporting Reading and/or Using Information from the Text Messages: 9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Item |
Always |
Usually |
Sometimes |
Never |
How often did you read the text messages you received from the study? |
How often did you use the information that was in the messages? |
Table X. Percentage of Respondents by Perceptions of the Text Messages:
9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Item |
Very |
Somewhat |
A little |
Not at all |
How concerned were you that people could see the text messages you got from the study? |
How helpful were the text messages that you received? |
How satisfied were you with the messages you received? |
How important is it to have programs like this one where people can receive information from their health care providers through text messages? |
Table X. Mean Ratings of Message Frequency, Timing, and Content:
9 Months Survey (Cases Only)
Type of Message |
Mean |
SD |
The number of messages you received |
The timing of the messages you received |
The content of the messages you received |
Note: Response options range from 0 to 10.
Table X. Sexual Behaviors
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
Number of people had sex with in past 3 months |
0 |
1 |
2-5 |
6+ |
Number of times had sex in past 3 months |
0 |
1-5 |
6-10 |
11+ |
Had sex without a condom in the past 3 months |
Used alcohol or drugs before or during sex in past 3 months |
Never |
Rarely |
Sometimes |
Most of the time/Every time |
Table X. Smoking
Cases |
Controls |
Variable |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
All Participants |
Smoke cigarettes |
Seriously considering stopping smoking in next 3 months (smokers only) |
Table X. Substance Use
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
P |
Baseline N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
P |
Had an alcoholic drink in past 3 months |
Never |
Once a month |
2-3 times a month |
Once a week or more |
Binge drank (5+ drinks within couple of hours) in past 3 months |
Had 5 or more alcoholic drinks within a couple of hours in past 3 months |
Never |
Once a month |
2-3 times a month |
Once a week or more |
Used any recreational drugs in past 3 months |
Have used the following drugs in past 3 months |
Marijuana |
Cocaine |
Heroin |
Methamphetamine |
Ketamine |
Table X. Medication Adherence*
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
N (%) |
9 Months N (%) |
p |
Number of days in past 7 days missed a dose of medication…mean (SD) |
Reasons for missing medications |
Away from home |
Busy with other things |
Simply forgot |
Too many pills to take |
Wanted to avoid side effects |
Did not want others to notice you taking medication |
Change in daily routine |
Felt like drug was toxic/harmful |
Fell asleep/slept through dose time |
Felt sick or ill |
Felt depressed/overwhelmed |
Problem taking pills at specified times |
Ran out of pills |
Felt good |
Drunk or high |
* Includes only participants who reported taking medications for HIV
Table X. Social Support
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
Social Support Score |
Someone you can count on to listen to you when you need to talk |
Someone to give you information to help you understand a situation |
Someone to give you good advice about a crisis or personal problem |
Someone who understands your problems |
Tangible support like money or food |
Someone to take care of you if you were sick |
Someone who shows you love and affection |
Someone to have a good time with |
Someone to get together with for relaxation |
Table X. HIV Knowledge
Variable |
Baseline N (%) correct |
9 Months N (%) correct |
p |
Baseline N (%) correct |
9 Months N (%) correct |
p |
All Participants |
Knowledge Score…mean (SD) |
Certain oral health problems, such as oral candidiasis and herpes simplex, are common in people with HIV/AIDS |
If a person does not take their HIV medications at the right time of the day, they can become resistant to their HIV medications |
HIV is cured when someone’s HIV viral load is “undetectable” |
If someone’s viral load is “undetectable,” they don’t need to use condoms during sex |
Eating a high-fat diet help people with HIV/AIDS digest their medications |
People who have HIV can get re-infected with a drug resistant type of HIV |
Exercise is always unsafe for people with HIV/AIDS |
Recreational drugs can make a person’s HIV medications less effective |
It is best for a person to stop taking their HIV medications as soon as they feel better |
Taking HIV medications regularly protects people from getting common illness, such as food poisoning |
After a few months, it becomes less important for people to take their HIV medications at the right time of day |
If someone’s viral load is “undetectable,” they don’t need to use condoms during sex |
People who have HIV can get re-infected with a drug resistant type of HIV |
Recreational drugs can make a person’s HIV medications less effective |
Table X. Self-Efficacy
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline Mean (SD) |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
Baseline Mean (SD) |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
Self-Efficacy Score |
I am confident that I can refuse to have sex if my partner doesn’t want to use a condom |
I am confident that I can protect myself from STDs |
I am confident that I can protect myself from getting infected with another strain of HIV |
I am confident that I can protect my partners from getting HIV from me |
I am confident that I can use condoms consistently with my sex partners |
Note: Response options range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Table X. HIV Stigma
Variable |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline Mean (SD) |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
Baseline Mean (SD) |
9 Months Mean (SD) |
p |
In many areas of my life, no one knows that I have HIV |
Since learning I have HIV, I feel set apart and isolated from the rest of the world |
Most people with HIV are rejected when others find out |
Since learning I have HIV, I worry about people discriminating against me |
I never feel the need to hide the fact that I have HIV |
I have been hurt by how people reacted to learning I have HIV |
I regret having told some people that I have HIV |
Note: Response options range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Table X. HIV Attitudes and Beliefs
Item/Scale |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
It is important to tell your sex partners that you have HIV. |
It is important to keep learning about HIV, its treatment, and new developments in HIV research. |
Drug or alcohol use can increase the risk for passing HIV to others because people are more likely to do risky behaviors when they are drunk or high. |
Being in a relationship with another HIV positive person can lead to a closer, more understanding relationship. |
Monogamy is an effective prevention strategy. |
It is important for my health to keep my doctor’s appointments. |
If both sexual partners are HIV positive, they don’t need to use condoms during sex. |
Note: Response options range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Table X. Confidence in Following Treatment Plan: All Participants
Item/Scale |
Cases |
Controls |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
9 Months
p |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Follow the instructions correctly for a large number and variety of prescription medications? |
Take your medications as they are prescribed? |
Work with your provider to reach agreement on the best medication for you overall? |
Discuss openly with your provider any problems that may be related to your medications? |
Stick to your treatment plan even when side effects begin to interfere with daily activities? |
Integrate your treatment plan into your daily routine? |
Stick to your treatment plan even when your daily routine is disrupted? |
Stick to your treatment plan when you aren’t feeling well? |
Continue with your treatment plan even when you are feeling discouraged about your health? |
Note: Response options range from 0 to 10.
Table X. Patient Involvement and Quality of Care: All Participants
Item/Scale |
Cases |
Controls |
9 Months
p |
9 Months
p |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
My providers made sure I understood what my lab test results (such as CD4 and viral load) meant for my health. |
My providers spent enough time with me. |
I asked my providers all of the questions I had about my HIV care. |
I felt comfortable talking about personal or intimate issues with my providers. |
I was involved in making decisions about my health care with my providers. |
67f. When I asked my providers questions about my HIV care, I understood their answers. |
I found my providers to be accepting and non-judgmental of my life and health care choices. |
I would rate my providers’ knowledge of the newest developments in HIV medical standards as… |
I would rate the quality of care at this clinic in comparison to other clinics I know about as: |
Note: Response options range from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Table X. Health Care Provider Communication: All Participants
Cases |
Controls |
Item/Scale |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
N (%) |
N (%) |
N (%) |
N (%) |
My providers explained the side effects of HIV medications in a way I could understand |
My providers suggested ways to help me remember to take my HIV medications |
My providers explained to me what kinds of medical tests I should be getting and how often I should get them |
My providers talked to me about how to avoid passing HIV to other people and how to protect myself from getting infected again with HIV |
My providers talked to me about how to protect myself from getting STDs or how to avoid passing them on to others if I already had one |
My providers or case managers asked me how I was feeling emotionally and made a referral to a mental health provider, counselor, or support group if I needed help |
My provider asked me about my drug and alcohol use and made a referral if I needed help |
Table X. Quality of Life: All Participants
Cases |
Controls |
Item/Scale |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
During the past 3 months, how much of the time has your physical health interfered with your social activities (like visiting with friends, relatives, etc.)? |
During the past 3 months, how much of the time have your emotional problems interfered with your social activities (like visiting with friends, relatives, etc.)?
During the past 3 months, how much of the time have you experienced difficult sleeping, poor appetite, or excessive worrying?
Note: Response options range from 1 (all of the time) to 5 (none of the time). Higher values indicate better quality of life.
Table X. Clinical Data: All Participants
Cases |
Controls |
Item/Scale |
Baseline |
9 Months |
p |
9 Months |
p |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
Mean (SD) |
CD4 |
Viral Load |
Note: Viral load values were log transformed before conducting statistical test to account for a skewed distribution. Mean values are presented in original units here for easier interpretation.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Carla Bann |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |