Federal Register notice-60--day

75 FR 22863 - SF270-271.pdf

SF-270: Request for Advance or Reimbursement

Federal Register notice-60--day

OMB: 4040-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 83 / Friday, April 30, 2010 / Notices
not in derogation of, any other
provisions of the Act and/or the Code,
including statutory or administrative
exemptions and transitional rules.
Furthermore, the fact that a transaction
is subject to an administrative or
statutory exemption is not dispositive of
whether the transaction is in fact a
prohibited transaction; and
(4) The proposed exemptions, if
granted, will be subject to the express
condition that the material facts and
representations contained in each
application are true and complete, and
that each application accurately
describes all material terms of the
transaction which is the subject of the
Signed at Washington, DC, this 26th day of
April 2010.
Ivan Strasfeld,
Director of Exemption Determinations,
Employee Benefits Security Administration.
[FR Doc. 2010–10065 Filed 4–29–10; 8:45 am]

Information Collection Activities:
Proposed Collection; Comment

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AGENCY: Office of Management and
Budget, Office of Federal Financial
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.), the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) invites the general
public and Federal agencies to comment
on the renewal without change of two
standard forms: SF–270, Request for
Advance or Reimbursement and SF–
271, Outlay and Request for
Reimbursement for Construction
Programs. We are particularly interested
in comments on whether the
information collected in the forms could
be more consistent with other
governmentwide grant-related
information collections.
DATES: Comments must be received by
June 29, 2010. Due to potential delays
in OMB’s receipt and processing of mail
sent through the US Postal Service, we
encourage respondents to submit
comments electronically to ensure
timely receipt. We cannot guarantee that
comments mailed will be received
before the comment closing date.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to
regulations.gov, a Federal E-Government
Web site that allows the public to find,
review, and submit comments on

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documents that agencies have published
in the Federal Register and that are
open for comment. Simply type ‘‘SF–270
PRA’’ (in quotes) in the Comment or
Submission search box, click Go, and
follow the instructions for submitting
comments. Comments received by the
date specified above will be included as
part of the official record. Marguerite
Pridgen, Office of Federal Financial
Management, Office of Management and
Budget, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503; telephone 202–
395–7844; fax 202–395–3952; e-mail
Marguerite Pridgen at the addresses
noted above.
OMB Control No.: 0348–0004.
Title: Request for Advance or
Form No.: SF–270.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: States, Local
Governments, universities, non-profit
Number of Responses: 100,000.
Estimated Time Per Response: 60
Needs and Uses: The SF–270 is used
to request funds for all nonconstruction
grant programs when letters of credit or
predetermined advance payment
methods are not used. The Federal
awarding agencies use information
reported on this form for the award and
general management of Federal
assistance program awards.
OMB Control No.: 0348–0002.
Title: Outlay and Request for
Reimbursement for Construction
Form No.: SF–271.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: States, Local
Governments, Universities, Non-Profit
Number of Responses: 40,000.
Estimated Time Per Response: 60
Needs and Uses: The SF–271 is used
to request reimbursement for all
construction grant programs. The
Federal awarding agencies use
information reported on this form for
the award and general management of
Federal assistance program awards.

Debra J. Bond,
Deputy Controller.
[FR Doc. 2010–10112 Filed 4–29–10; 8:45 am]

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Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory
Committee #13883; Notice of Meeting
In accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463, as amended), the National Science
Foundation announces the following
Name: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Advisory Committee (#13883).
Date and Time: May 20, 2010, 12 p.m.–
5 p.m.
Place: Teleconference National Science
Foundation, Room 1020, Stafford I Building,
4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230.
Type of Meeting: Open.
Contact Person: Dr. James S. Ulvestad,
Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences,
Suite 1045, National Science Foundation,
4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230.
Telephone: 703–292–4909.
Purpose of Meeting: To provide advice and
recommendations to the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) and the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on issues
within the field of astronomy and
astrophysics that are of mutual interest and
concern to the agencies.
Agenda: To hear presentations of current
programming by representatives from NSF,
NASA, DOE and other agencies relevant to
astronomy and astrophysics; to discuss
current and potential areas of cooperation
between the agencies; to formulate
recommendations for continued and new
areas of cooperation and mechanisms for
achieving them.
Dated: April 27, 2010.
Susanne E. Bolton,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2010–10083 Filed 4–29–10; 8:45 am]

Notice of Permit Applications Received
Under the Antarctic Conservation Act
of 1978 (Pub. L. 95–541)
National Science Foundation.
Notice of permit applications
received under the Antarctic
Conservation Act of 1978, Public Law

SUMMARY: The National Science
Foundation (NSF) is required to publish
notice of permit applications received to
conduct activities regulated under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978.
NSF has published regulations under
the Antarctic Conservation Act at Title
45 Part 670 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. This is the required notice
of permit applications received.
DATES: Interested parties are invited to
submit written data, comments, or
views with respect to this permit



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2010-08-03
File Created2010-08-03

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