[Docket No. IC13-14-000]
(July 23, 2013)
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Comment request.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 USC 3507(a)(1)(D), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) is submitting the information collection, FERC Form 80, Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review of the information collection requirements. Any interested person may file comments directly with OMB and should address a copy of those comments to the Commission as explained below. The Commission issued a Notice in the Federal Register (78 FR 28820, 5/16/2013) requesting public comments. FERC received no comments on the FERC Form 80 and is making this notation in its submittal to OMB.
DATES: Comments on the collection of information are due [insert date that is 30 days after publication in the Federal Register].
ADDRESSES: Comments filed with OMB, identified by the OMB Control No. 1902-0106, should be sent via email to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs: oira_submission@omb.gov. Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Desk Officer. The Desk Officer may also be reached via telephone at 202-395-4718.
A copy of the comments should also be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, identified by the Docket No. IC13-14-000, by either of the following methods:
eFiling at Commission’s Web Site: http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/efiling.asp
Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: All submissions must be formatted and filed in accordance with submission guidelines at: http://www.ferc.gov/help/submission-guide.asp. For user assistance contact FERC Online Support by e-mail at ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or by phone at: (866) 208-3676 (toll-free), or (202) 502-8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving automatic notification of activity in this docket or in viewing/downloading comments and issuances in this docket may do so at http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/docs-filing.asp.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Ellen Brown may be reached by e-mail at DataClearance@FERC.gov, telephone at (202) 502-8663, and fax at (202) 273-0873.
Title: FERC Form 80, Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report
OMB Control No.: 1902-0106
Type of Request: Minor revisions to the FERC Form 80 information collection requirements with no change to the current reporting burden.
Abstract: FERC uses the information on the FERC Form 80 to implement the statutory provisions of sections 4(a), 10(a), 301(a), 304 and 309 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), 16 U.S.C. sections 797, 803, 825c & 8254. FERC’s authority to collect this information comes from section 10(a) of the FPA which requires the Commission to be responsible for ensuring that hydro projects subject to FERC jurisdiction are consistent with the comprehensive development of the nation’s waterway for recreation and other beneficial public uses. In the interest of fulfilling these objectives, FERC expects licensees subject to its jurisdiction to recognize the resources that are affected by their activities and to play a role in protecting such resources.
FERC Form 80 is a report on the use and development of recreational facilities at hydropower projects licensed by the Commission. Applications for licenses, amendments to licenses, and/or changes in land rights frequently involve changes in resources available for recreation. FERC utilizes the FERC Form 80 data when analyzing the adequacy of existing public recreational facilities and when processing and reviewing proposed amendments to help determine the impact of such changes. In addition, the FERC regional office staff uses the FERC Form 80 data when conducting inspections of licensed projects. FERC inspectors use the data in evaluating compliance with various license conditions and in identifying recreational facilities at hydropower projects.
The FERC Form 80 requires data specified by Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under Parts 8.11 and 141.14 (and discussed at http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/forms.asp#80).
FERC collects the FERC Form 80 once every six years. The last collection was due on April 1, 2009, for data compiled during the 2008 calendar year. The next collection of the FERC Form 80 is due on April 1, 2015, with subsequent collections due every sixth year, for data compiled during the previous calendar year.
The Commission made minor revisions throughout the form. Specifically, FERC clarified and simplified instructions, removed redundancy in certain questions, clarified questions and terms, and generally improved the readability of the form.
FERC has attached the revised form to this notice.
Type of Respondents: Hydropower project licensees
Estimate of Annual Burden1: For each reporting period, FERC estimates the total Public Reporting Burden for this information collection as: a) 1,000 respondents, b) 0.167 responses/respondent, and c) 3 hours per response, giving a total of 501 burden hours. The Commission has increased its total number of respondents to reflect the actual numbers we received during the last two reporting periods. In addition, FERC spreads the burden hours and costs over the six-year collection cycle in the table below to reflect how the information is collected. The average burden hours per response remains unchanged. These are the figures FERC will submit to OMB.
FERC-80: Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report |
Number of Respondents (A) |
Number of Responses Per Respondent (B) |
Total Number of Responses (A)x(B)=(C) |
Average Burden Hours per Response (D) |
Estimated Total Annual Burden (C)x(D) |
1,000 |
0.167 |
167 |
3 |
501 |
The total estimated annual cost burden to respondents is $35,070 [501 hours * $70/hour2 = $35,070].
Comments: The Commission invites comments on: (1) whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden and cost of the collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collection; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Revised Form Attached.
General Information:
This form collects data on recreation amenities at projects licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act (16 USC 791a-825r). This form must be submitted by licensees of all projects except those specifically exempted under 18 CFR 8.11 (c). For regular, periodic filings, submit this form on or before April 1, 2015. Submit subsequent filings of this form on or before April 1, every 6th year thereafter (for example, 2021, 2027, etc.). For initial Form No. 80 filings (18CFR 8.11(b)), each licensee of an unconstructed project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been in operation for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Each licensee of an existing (constructed) project shall file an initial Form No. 80 after such project has been licensed for a full calendar year prior to the filing deadline. Filing electronically is preferred. (See http://www.ferc.gov for more information.) If you cannot file electronically, submit an original and two copies of the form to the: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary, 888 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20426.
The public burden estimated for this form is three hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to: FERC via e-mail DataClearance@ferc.gov; or mail to 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Information Clearance Officer) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), via e-mail to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov; or mail to OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for FERC, Washington, DC 20503. Include OMB Control Number 1902-0106 as a point of reference. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if the collection of information does not display a valid control number (44 U.S.C. § 3512 (a)).
a. All data reported on this form must represent publicly available recreation amenities and services located within the project boundary.
b. To ensure a common understanding of terms, please refer to the Glossary on page 3.
c. Report actual data for each item. If actual data are unavailable, then please estimate.
d. Submit a completed form for each development at your project.
Schedule 1. General Data
1. Licensee Name: ______________________________
2. Project Name: ________________________________
3. Project Number: ______________________________
4. Development Name: ___________________________ |
Complete the following for each development if more than one.
8. Reservoir Surface Area at Normal Pool (acres): __________
9. Shoreline Miles at Normal Pool: __________
10. Percent of Shoreline Available for Public Use: _______ |
4. Development Name: |
States Development/Project Traverses (List state with largest area within the development/project boundary first):
5. State #1: _______ 6. State #2: _______
7. Type of Project License: Major _____ (check one) Minor _____ |
11. Data Collection Methods (enter percent for each method used; total must equal 100%):
_____ traffic count/trail count _____ attendance records _____ staff observation _____ visitor counts or surveys _____ estimate (explain)
For 2014, enter only the licensee’s annual recreational construction, operation, and maintenance costs for the development (project). Also, enter the annual recreational revenues for that year. |
Item |
Licensee’s Annual Recreation Costs and Revenues (In Whole Dollars) |
Construction, Operation and Maintenance Costs |
Recreation Revenues for Calendar Year |
12. Dollar Values |
13. Length of Recreation Season: Summer: From (MM/DD) _________ To _________ Winter: From (MM/DD) _______ To _________ |
Period |
Number of visits to all recreational areas at development/project (in Recreation Days) |
Annual Total |
Peak Weekend Average (see Glossary) |
14. Daytime |
15. Nighttime |
Respondent Certification: The undersigned certifies that he/she examined this report; and to the best of his/her knowledge, all data provided herein are true, complete, and accurate.
__________________________ |
_______________________________ |
_____________________________ |
Legal Name |
Title |
Area Code/Phone No. |
__________________________ |
_______________________________ |
_____________________________ |
Signature |
Date Signed |
Reporting Year Ending |
Title 18 U.S.C.1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
Licensed Hydropower Development Recreation Report
Schedule 2. Inventory of Publicly Available Recreation Amenities Within the Project Boundary
16. Enter data for each Recreation Amenity Type (a). For User Free (b) and User Fee (c) enter the number of publicly available recreation amenities, located within the project boundary, regardless of provider. For FERC Approved (d) enter the number of amenities identified under User Free (b) and User Fee (c) for which the licensee has an ongoing responsibility for funding or maintenance (see Glossary for further detail). For Capacity Utilization(f), of the total publicly available amenities (b) + (c), compare the average non-peak weekend use (see Glossary) for each recreation amenity type (during the recreation season, with the highest use, reported on Schedule 1, Item 13) with the total combined capacity of each amenity type and enter a percentage that indicates their overall level of use. For example, if all public boat launches are used to half capacity during the non-peak weekend days, enter 50% (should use exceed capacity for an amenity type, enter the appropriate percentage above 100).
Recreation Amenity Type (a) |
Number of Recreation Amenities |
Total Units (e) |
Capacity Utilization (%) (f) |
User Free (b) |
User Fee (c) |
FERC Approved (d) |
Boat Launch Areas. Improved areas having one or more boat launch lanes (enter number in column e) and are usually marked with signs, have hardened surfaces, and typically have adjacent parking. |
Lanes |
Marinas. Facilities with more than 10 slips on project waters, which include one or more of the following: docking, fueling, repair and storage of boats; boat/equipment rental; or sell bait/food (see Glossary FERC approved). |
N/A |
Whitewater Boating. Put-ins/Take-outs specifically designated for whitewater access. |
N/A |
Portages. Sites designed for launching and taking out canoes/kayaks and the improved, designated, and maintained trails connecting such sites (enter length of trail in column e). |
Feet |
Tailwater Fishing. Platforms, walkways, or similar structures to facilitate below dam fishing. |
N/A |
Reservoir Fishing. Platforms, walkways, or similar structures to facilitate fishing in the reservoir pool or feeder streams. |
N/A |
Swim Areas. Sites providing swimming facilities (bath houses, designated swim areas, parking and sanitation facilities). |
Acres |
Trails. Narrow tracks used for non-automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing (excludes portages, paths or accessible routes; See Glossary). |
Miles |
Active Recreation Areas. Playground equipment, game courts/fields, golf/disc golf courses, jogging tracks, etc. |
Acres |
Picnic Areas. Locations containing one or more picnic sites (each of which may include tables, grills, trash cans, and parking). |
Sites |
Overlooks/Vistas. Sites established to view scenery, wildlife, cultural resources, project features, or landscapes. |
Acres |
Visitor Centers. Buildings where the public can gather information about the development/project, its operation, nearby historic, natural, cultural, recreational resources, and other items of interest. |
N/A |
Interpretive Displays. Signage/Kiosks/Billboards which provide information about the development/project, its operation, nearby historic, natural, cultural, recreational resources, and other items of interest. |
N/A |
N/A |
Hunting Areas. Lands open to the general public for hunting. |
Acres |
Winter Areas. Locations providing opportunities for skiing, sledding, curling, ice skating, or other winter activities. |
Acres |
Campgrounds. Hardened areas developed to cluster campers (may include sites for tents, trailers, recreational vehicles [RV], yurts, cabins, or a combination, but excludes group camps). |
Acres |
Campsites. Sites for tents, trailers, recreational vehicles [RV], yurts, cabins, or a combination of temporary uses. |
N/A |
Cottage Sites. Permanent, all-weather, buildings rented for short-term use, by the public, for recreational purposes. |
N/A |
Group Camps. Areas equipped to accommodate large groups of campers that are open to the general public (may be operated by public, private, or non-profit organizations). |
Sites |
Dispersed Camping Areas. Places visitors are allowed to camp outside of a developed campground (enter number of sites in clmn. e). |
Sites |
Informal Use Areas. Well used locations which typically do not include amenities, but require operation and maintenance and/or public safety responsibilities |
Access Points. Well-used sites (not accounted for elsewhere on this form) for visitors entering project lands or waters, without trespassing, for recreational purposes (may have limited development such as parking, restrooms, signage). |
N/A |
Other. Amenities that do not fit in the categories identified above. Please specify (if more than one, separate by commas):
Glossary of FERC Form 80 Terms
Data Collection Methods. (Schedule 1, Item 11) – If a percentage is entered for the estimate alternative, please provide an explanation of the methods used (if submitted on a separate piece of paper, please include licensee name, project number, and development name)
Development. The portion of a project which includes:
(a) a reservoir; or
(b) a generating station and its specifically-related waterways.
Exemption from Filing. Exemption from the filing of this form granted upon Commission approval of an application by a licensee pursuant to the provisions of 18 CFR 8.11(c).
General Public. Those persons who do not have special privileges to use the shoreline for recreational purposes, such as waterfront property ownership, water-privileged community rights, or renters with such privileges.
Licensee. Any person, state, or municipality licensed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Power Act, and any assignee or successor in interest. For the purposes of this form, the terms licensee, owner, and respondent are interchangeable except where:
(a) the owner or licensee is a subsidiary of a parent company which has been or is required to file this form; or
(b) there is more than one owner or licensee, of whom only one is responsible for filing this form. Enter the name of the entity that is responsible for filing this report in Schedule 1, Item 2.1.
Major License. A license for a project of more than 1,500 kilowatts installed capacity.
Minor License. A license for a project of 1,500 kilowatts or less installed capacity.
Non-Peak Weekend. Any weekend that is not a holiday and thus reflects more typical use during the recreation season.
Number of Recreation Amenities. Quantifies the availability of natural or man-made property or facilities for a given recreation amenity type. This includes all recreation resources available to the public within the development/project boundary. The resources are broken into the following categories:
User Free (Schedule 2, column b) - Those amenities within the development/project that are free to the public;
User Fee (Schedule 2, column c) - Those amenities within the development/project where the licensee/facility operator charges a fee;
FERC Approved (Schedule 2, column d) – Those amenities within the development/project required by the Commission in a license or license amendment document, including an approved recreation plan or report. Recreation amenities that are within the project boundary, but were approved by the licensee through the standard land use article or by the Commission through an application for non-project use of project lands and waters, are typically not counted as FERC approved, unless they are available to the public, but may be counted as either user free or user fee resources. The total FERC approved amenities column does not necessarily have to equal the sum of user free and user fee amenities.
Peak Use Weekend. Weekends when recreational use is at its peak for the season (typically Memorial Day, July 4th & Labor Day). On these weekends, recreational use may exceed the capacity of the area to handle such use. Include use for all three days in the holiday weekends when calculating Peak Weekend Average for items 14 & 15 on Schedule 1.
Recreation Day. Each visit by a person to a development (as defined above) for recreational purposes during any portion of a 24-hour period.
Revenues. Income generated from recreation amenities at a given project/development during the previous calendar year. Includes fees for access or use of area.
Total Units (Schedule 2, column e) – Provide the total length, or area, or number that is appropriate for each amenity type using the metric provided.
Trails. Narrow tracks used for non-automobile recreation travel which are mapped and designated for specific use(s) such as hiking, biking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, or XC skiing. Trails are recreation amenities which provide the opportunity to engage in recreational pursuits, unlike paths (means of egress whose primary purpose is linking recreation amenities at a facility) or accessible routes (means of egress which meets the needs of persons with disability and links accessible recreation amenities and infrastructure at a facility).
1 FERC defines burden as the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. For further explanation of what is included in the information collection burden, reference 5 Code of Federal Regulations 1320.3.
2 FY2013 Estimated Average Hourly Cost per FTE, including salary + benefits
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Anthony May |
Last Modified By | Anthony May |
File Modified | 2013-07-31 |
File Created | 2013-07-31 |