Form 1 Agency Results Survey

Cross-site Evaluation of the Children's Bureau's Child Welfare Technical Assistance Implementation Centers and National Child Welfare Resource Centers

1_Agency Results Survey 9-27-12

Agency Results Survey

OMB: 0970-0377

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Cross-Site Evaluation of the Children’s Bureau’s Child Welfare Technical Assistance Implementation Centers and
National Child Welfare Resource Centers
OMB No.: 0970-0377
Expiration Date: 06/30/2013

Agency Results Survey
State/Tribal ID Number:
Respondent Name:
Position Title:

For items noted as PREFILL, the interviewer will need to obtain this information prior to conducting the
interview. This information may be gleaned from the Children’s Bureau’s technical assistance tracking
system (OneNet), TTACC Portal, ARS Round I interview transcripts, semi-annual progress reports, or
agency websites.

Hello. My name is ______________. I am calling from James Bell Associates, an evaluation firm based
in Arlington, VA. As you may know, James Bell Associates and ICF International have been contracted
by the Children’s Bureau to conduct an independent evaluation of the Children’s Bureau’s
Implementation Centers and National Resource Centers. We have conducted this interview previously in
2010 and in 2012; since this is a longitudinal evaluation designed to examine the role of technical
assistance over time in helping states and tribes to improve their child welfare systems, the interview is
being administered again this year. We want to learn more about the technical assistance activities and
services that have been provided to STATE/TRIBE to help improve the child welfare system. For
purposes of this evaluation, we define the child welfare system to include the child welfare agency, the
courts and legal system, social service agencies, and other child-serving providers. Your participation is
critical to this evaluation. We expect that the interview will take about 60 minutes. Your privacy is
important to us. Information you provide during the interview will be combined with answers from other
agencies and will not be associated with States/Tribes or individual respondents.
Do you have any questions about what I’ve explained to you before we begin? I would like to first start
out by asking you some basic information on your background and history with the agency.

First we need some information on your background and history with the agency.
Prefill from 2012 ARS notes if same respondent as Round II  then ask if still correct. For example “you
have been in your current position since 2002. Is that correct?
If new respondent/State, ask as usual.



A1. What is your position title?

A2. How long have you been in this position?
_______years or _____months

A3. How long have you been with the agency?
_______years or _____ months

A4. What other positions have you held within the agency?


Characteristics of the Child Welfare System

Now, we would like to clarify some background information on the child welfare system overall.

In STATE/TRIBE, the name of the agency where child welfare resides is
[Prefill from TTACC and/or Rnd I and II notes] _________________________________.
Is this correct?


And your child welfare system is
Prefill 
Prefill 
Prefill 
Prefill 

Tribally administered/governed
County Administered
State Administered
State Administered, State Supervised

Is this correct?


[Prefill from TTACC and/or Rnd 1 notes and check the appropriate box]
 Your agency contracts with private agencies for [prefill]___________ services? Is this correct?
 Your agency contracts with private agencies for all of the services. Is this correct?
 Your agency does not contract with private agencies. Is this correct?
If not correct  Please explain: _____________________________________________
Probe: Intake investigation, in-home services, case management, foster care, adoption




[If 2012 Round II respondent, review Round II notes regarding consent decree or settlement
agreement; then ask if still correct. If new respondent, ask as follows]
Is the child welfare system operating under consent decree or settlement agreement as a result of a
class action lawsuit?
If Yes  What are/were the terms of the consent decree or settlement agreement?

Organizational and Systems Change
Interviewer Instruction: Please review STATE/TRIBE’s interview notes from
ARS Round II prior to the interview and prefill prior change efforts.
• If STATE/TRIBE participated during Round II or Round I of ARS, begin with
• If new STATE/TRIBE, begin with C6.


We want to begin by reviewing the child welfare system changes we covered in our last interview
with [STATE/TRIBE] that were underway at that time. We will also be discussing new changes
that may have occurred in your child welfare system in the past year.
Later we will discuss the technical assistance that has been provided. Remember that when we
ask about the child welfare system we mean the child welfare agency, the courts and legal system,
social service agencies, and other child-serving providers.
At the time of our interview in the [winter of 2012], [STATE/TRIBE] described the following
changes underway in your child welfare system:


What organizational and/or systems changes achieved (or underway) previously [see C1 above] has
the child welfare system been able to sustain?
What changes has the child welfare system been unable to sustain?
Why? Can you explain what happened?


Note to Interviewer: Reference the changes noted in C1 and C2 above. Have these changes in the
child welfare system resulted in improved outcomes for the children and families served by the
child welfare system?
If No  SKIP TO C4
If yes  What improved outcomes for children and families have been achieved?
What evidence is available to document these improvements?


Were there any new system or organizational changes underway in your CW system over the past


Probes (provide if needed): Changes within the child welfare agency; changes within the courts
& legal system; changes within social service agencies; changes in how the child welfare agency
works with partnering agencies and organizations.
If No changes occurred SKIP TO C8
If Yes  What changed? [Note what changed, how it changed, if these were improvements, and
whether these were planned changes.]

Have these recent changes in the child welfare system you described resulted in improved
outcomes for the children and families served by the child welfare system?
If yes  What improved outcomes for children and families have been achieved?
What evidence is available to document these improvements?


We want to begin by reviewing any changes that may have occurred in STATE/TRIBE’s child
welfare system in the recent years. Later we will discuss the technical assistance that has been
provided. Remember that when we ask about the child welfare system we mean the child welfare
agency, the courts and legal system, social service agencies, and other child-serving providers.
Have there been any changes in [STATE/TRIBE]’s child welfare system in recent years?
Probes (provide if needed): Changes within the child welfare agency; changes within the courts
& legal system; changes within social service agencies; changes in how the child welfare agency
works with partnering agencies and organizations.
If No changes occurred  SKIP TO C8
If Yes  What changed? [Note what changed, how it changed, if these were improvements, and
whether these were planned changes.]
Have any of these changes occurred in the last year?


Have the changes in the child welfare system you described resulted in improved outcomes for
the children and families served by the child welfare system?
If No  SKIP TO C8
If yes  What improved outcomes for children and families have been achieved?
What evidence is available to document these improvements?


There are many reasons why the child welfare system may or may not be able to achieve the
organizational or systems change it desires. There are also many factors, both internal to the
organization and external, including community or contextual factors, that can either hinder or help
to achieve the intended change.


From your perspective, what key factors helped the child welfare system to achieve its desired
changes in the last year?

What key factors hindered the child welfare system from achieving its desired changes in the last

C10. To get a complete picture of factors influencing change in the child welfare system, please tell me
if there are any other factors provided on the following list that may have helped or hindered the
child welfare system’s ability to achieve desired changes in the last year.
Interviewer instruction. For those factors cited, record whether the factor helped or
hindered and any comments provided. Where noted, specify whether the organizational
leader mentioned is the Child Welfare Agency Director, a Judge, etc.
Additional factors:







CB T/TA Provider Factors
Quality of the National Resources Centers’ TA
Quality of the Implementation Center’s TA
Intensity (frequency, duration, depth) of the NRCs’ TA
Intensity (frequency, duration, depth) of the IC’s TA

Organizational Agency Factors
Length of tenure of organizational leader. Specify:
Length of tenure of senior administrative/ managerial staff
Length of tenure of middle manager staff
Length of tenure of supervisor or frontline staff
Rate of staff turnover
Active involvement of management in the change
Active involvement of supervisors and/or frontline staff in the
Leadership provided by organizational leader. Specify:
Availability of staff time
Staffing resources available
Financial resources available
Number of current change initiatives in agency
Priority level of the change initiative within agency
Organizational culture –attitudes, experiences, beliefs and
values of the organization
Organizational climate or the work environment
Existing agency infrastructure

Environmental and Contextual Factors
[For Tribes only] Relationship with the State(s)
Adequacy of service array
Use of performance-based contracts


Agency’s relationship with partners
Change initiatives underway in partnering systems
Economic environment/condition
Lawsuit/legal settlement
State/local law or policy change
Federal law or policy change
Public perception of agency to fulfill mission to children and
Use of technical assistance provided by those outside the
Children’s Bureau’s T/TA Network:
Private consultants
Other Federal technical assistance providers
University Partners

D. State/Tribal T/TA Needs
Now, about the STATE/TRIBE’s training and technical assistance needs.
D1. What pressing issues or problems has your child welfare system needed to address in the last year?
D2. In the last year, did your State/Tribe need particular types of assistance that were not available from
the ICs and NRCs? Please explain.
D3. Which types of technical assistance or topical areas covered by the ICs and NRCs have been most
successful at meeting your State/Tribe’s needs?
D4. Which types of technical assistance or topical areas covered by the ICs and NRCs have been least
successful at meeting your State/Tribe’s needs?

E. Familiarity with the Children’s Bureau T/TA Network
The Children’s Bureau sponsors free technical assistance to States and Tribes through the Child Welfare
Training and Technical Assistance Network. The list of providers included under question E on your
interview protocol represents the current members of the Children’s Bureau’s T/TA Network, including
National Resource Centers, Implementation Centers, and other National centers, repositories, and child
welfare related T/TA providers. We are going to refer to this list of Network members for the next few
National Resource Centers
NRC for Adoption
NRC for Child Protective Services
NRC for Child Welfare Data and Technology
NRC for In-Home Services
NRC on Legal and Judicial Issues

National Centers, Repositories, and
Child Welfare T/TA Entities
Training and Technical Assistance Coordination Center (Coordination
Child Welfare Information Gateway
National Quality Improvement Center (QIC) Differential Response in
Child Protective Services
QIC on Early Childhood
QIC on Non-Resident Fathers and the Child Welfare System


NRC for Organizational Improvement
NRC for Permanency and Family Connections
NRC for Recruitment and Retention of Foster and
Adoptive Parents
NRC for Tribes
NRC for Youth Development
Implementation Centers
Atlantic Coast IC
Midwest IC
Mountains and Plains IC
Northeast and Caribbean IC
Western and Pacific IC

QIC on Privatization of Child Welfare Services
QIC on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
National Child Welfare Workforce Institute
Training and Technical Assistance to State Legislators on the Child
and Family Services Reviews
National Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center for Child
Welfare Systems of Care Grantees
National Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center
NRC for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health
Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health


Do you view these technical assistance providers as part of one overall, integrated network? Please
explain your answer.


a. Are you familiar with the Children’s Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Coordination
Center (Coordination Center)?
b. Have any of its resources (e.g., Coordination Center Portal, informational brochures, T/TA
Request line) helped you access or use services from the T/TA Network?
If Yes  Which resources?
c. How often do you have contact with the Coordination Center?
d. What is your understanding of the Coordination Center’s role?
e. Has the Coordination Center been helpful in your systems change initiatives?
If Yes  Please explain

F. T/TA Engagement and Utilization
Next we have some questions about your involvement with the Children’s Bureau’s Training and
Technical Assistance Network.
Interviewer instruction: Please prefill the table(s) for questions F1, F2, and F9 prior to the
interview using information from the T/TA Summaries prepared for Round III and OneNet.
If T/TA was received, begin with F1.
If T/TA was not received, begin with F2.
For each row of the table, read “On [date], [T/TA Provider] provided technical assistance on [topic
area] by [mode of TA delivery].”

According to the Children’s Bureau’s records of technical assistance activities in the past year, the
STATE/TRIBE has received technical assistance from the following IC and NRCs in the following


T/TA Provider

Topic Area

Did we miss anything?
If no  SKIP TO F4
If so, tell us what additional T/TA was received and we will make note of that. Let’s move on
now to talk about the technical assistance that was received. SKIP TO F4 


According to the Children’s Bureau’s records of technical assistance activities in the past year,
STATE/TRIBE has not received any technical assistance from the IC or NRCs.
If correct  CONTINUE with F3 
If incorrect (If the information in OneNet was incomplete or incorrect, continue with the question).
Which IC or NRCs provided technical assistance and what areas were addressed?
T/TA Provider
Topic Area

Let’s move on now to talk about the technical assistance that was received. SKIP TO F4 
Interviewer instruction: For States/Tribes with no T/TA activity, ask F3 and then skip to F8.
Make sure to record “Yes” or “No” in addition to respondent’s additional comments to all items F3F9.


Did STATE/TRIBE request any technical assistance from the National Resource Centers or apply
for an Implementation Project through the Implementation Center in the past year?
Yes 

Why was technical assistance not provided?
Record response and then SKIP TO F8 

No 

If T/TA was not requested, continue
Was there a need for technical assistance?
Yes  Why did the state/tribe not pursue technical assistance through the NRCs or IC?
Record response and then SKIP TO F8 



In reflecting on the T/TA that STATE/TRIBE received from the Children’s Bureau’s T/TA
Network in the past year, did the technical assistance provided reflect an understanding of
STATE/TRIBE’s child welfare system and how your system operates? Please explain.
If Yes  Can you explain?
If No  Why not?


Did the technical assistance offer an array of solutions and allow the STATE/TRIBE to determine
the most appropriate course of action?
If Yes  Can you explain?
If No  Why not?


Did the technical assistance address the issues for which STATE/TRIBE sought T/TA?
If Yes  Can you explain?
If No  Why not?


Earlier we asked about recent/ongoing changes within your child welfare system. Let’s review this
list of changes we discussed. For each of the changes in your child welfare system that you
mentioned, please indicate if T/TA from the IC or NRCs contributed to the change, and if so, how;
then indicate if other T/TA (outside of Children’s Bureau Network) contributed to the change or if
there was some other factor(s) that contributed to the achievement of this change.

in CW System that
was achieved
[prefill from Qs.
C2 –C7]


Did T/TA from IC
or NRC contribute
to this change?

How did IC or
contribute to this

Did T/TA from
providers outside
CB Network
contribute to this
change (Y/N?

Were there some
other factor(s) that
contributed to the
achievement of
this change?

Are you aware of any recent changes in the process for requesting and obtaining T/TA from the CB
Network providers?
If No  Go to F9
If Yes  Has your child welfare system been impacted by those changes? Please explain?
What do you see as the benefits of these changes?
What do you see as the challenges associated with these changes?


Has STATE/TRIBE received technical assistance from other T/TA providers outside of the
Children’s Bureau’s Network in the last year?
If No  Why not?
If Yes 


T/TA Provider
Prefill, if available from TTACC

Paid Services
Prefill, if available

Topic Area
Prefill, if available from TTACC

Who provided this T/TA?
What topics or issues were addressed?
Did you pay for these services?
How did you decide which T/TA providers to use?
Was the T/TA effective?
Did the T/TA result in the desired change?

G. Facilitators and Barriers to T/TA Utilization
Interviewer instruction: Ask the following questions of all respondents.

There are many factors that may help or hinder STATE/TRIBE’s utilization of technical assistance
provided by the Implementation Center or National Resource Centers.
Over the last year, were there any key factors that helped STATE /TRIBE to use the technical
assistance provided by the NRCs or IC?


From your perspective, over the last year were there any key factors that hindered STATE/TRIBE
from utilizing the technical assistance provided by the Implementation Center or National Resource


To get a complete picture of factors influencing the use of technical assistance at your agency,
please tell me if there are any other factors provided on the list below for question G3 that may
have helped or hindered the agency’s decision to use TA from the NRCs or IC in the last year.
Additional factors:

Federal Factors
CFSR findings or development of the PIP
Discussions with the Regional Office
Federal law or policy change
CB T/TA Provider Factors
NRC outreach efforts
IC outreach efforts, such as the regional forums








Participation in the IC’s peer network groups
Participation in the NRCs’ peer network groups
Prior relationship with the NRCs
Prior relationship with the IC
Recommendations from NRCs
Recommendations from IC
T/TA request process - NRCs
T/TA request process - ICs
T/TA approval process - NRCs
T/TA approval process - ICs
Timeliness in which technical assistance can be
ICs’ level of knowledge and skills
NRCs’ level of knowledge and skills
Geographic proximity of the NRCs
Geographic proximity of the IC in our ACF
Cultural competency of the NRCs
Cultural competency of the IC
Usefulness of IC products/materials
Usefulness of NRC products/materials
State/Tribe Factors
State or Tribal incident, such as a child fatality
State’s or Tribe’s financial resources
State’s or Tribe’s availability of staff time
State’s or Tribe’s agency leadership
State’s or Tribe’s attitudes toward making
changes to the child welfare system
State’s or Tribe’s attitudes toward seeking
outside assistance
External Factors
Informal conversations with colleagues
State/local law or policy change
Lawsuit/legal settlement
Use of technical assistance provided by those
outside the CB Network:
Private consultants
Other Federal technical assistance providers
University Partners








H. Implementation Projects
Interviewer instruction: Before the interview, review ARS Round I and Round II notes, T/TA Summary that
was prepared for Round III, as well as OneNet.
Based on the information obtained from the above, for States/Tribes that:
a) had an IP when interviewed for round II of ARS, Go to H1.
b) have not applied or reapplied for an IP since 2010 ARS, Go to H2-1.
c) have applied for an IP since 2010 ARS, Go to H2-2 and prefill depending on whether the IP was
approved or not

In 2012, at the time of our last interview with [STATE/TRIBE], your child welfare system had an
Implementation Project [Prefill IP name]. Could you describe the current status of the project and
your work with the Implementation Center?
Then  SKIP TO H3


As your agency has/had an Implementation Project, we would like to ask you a few questions about
the Implementation Project work.
a. To what extent do you feel your STATE/TRIBE’s stakeholders were active participants in the
Implementation Project? Please respond using a 5-point rating scale with 1 being not at all
active and 5 being very active.
Not at all Active
Very Active
b. To what extent did your STATE/TRIBE have input into changes/adjustments to the scope of
work of the Implementation Project? Please respond using a 5-point rating scale with 1
indicating the State/Tribe had no input and 5 meaning it had a great deal of input.
No Input
Great deal of input
c. To what extent do you feel the pace of implementation project work has been timely? Again,
respond using a 5-point rating scale with 1 being not at all timely and 5 being extremely timely.
Not at all timely
Extremely timely
d. Overall, to what extent was an effort made to work with the stakeholders in guiding the course
of the Implementation Project. Please respond using a 5-point rating scale with 1 being no
effort was made and 5 being a great deal of effort was made.
No effort
Great deal of effort

Interviewer Instruction: Ask the following questions of all respondents.

[For States/Tribes with a completed Implementation Project]
Project completed?

When was your Implementation



How well has your [State/Tribe] been able to sustain what was accomplished through the
Implementation Project? [Probes: effort put into sustaining project by State/Tribe; extent to
which State/Tribe is using T/TA from NRCs to sustain activities]


Has your STATE/TRIBE participated in any peer-to-peer networking events offered by the IC or
NRCs, such as participation in Webinars, regional trainings, or peer learning communities?
Yes  Did you find the experience(s) beneficial? Please explain.
No  Why not?


Do you have any suggestions for improving the peer learning opportunities sponsored by the
Children’s Bureau’s T/TA Network?

I. Relationship with T/TA Providers
Now we have a few questions on your opinion of the services you have received in the past year from
the Children’s Bureau’s Training and Technical Assistance providers – that is the NRCs and ICs.
Please answer these questions using the following response categories: Not at All, A Little,
Somewhat, A Lot, and Very Much So.
Interviewer Instruction:
Ask the following questions, depending on the responses to the questions in Section F and/or G.
If T/TA was received from
Implementation Center only  Ask I1-I6 and I7
National Resource Center only  Ask I7-I12 and I1
both Implementation Center and National Resource Center  Ask I1-I12
If no T/TA was received from neither NRCs nor ICs  Ask I1 & I7 only
If respondent responds “not at all,” ”a little,” or “somewhat” to any question, then probe for how that area
could be improved.
Not at
Implementation Center
I1. How satisfied are you with the level of accessibility
Not at all
of the Implementation Center assigned to your
State/Tribe? (Would you say: not at all, a little,
somewhat, a lot, or very much so?)
A1. If 1-3: How could accessibility be improved?
I2. When working with your Implementation Center on
issues related to the child welfare system in
STATE/TRIBE, how satisfied have you been with
the frequency of communication? (Would you say:
not at all, a little, somewhat, a lot, or very much

Not at all

A little


A lot


A little


A lot

Very Much

A little


A lot

Very Much


Not at

A little


A lot


I3. How comfortable do you feel disclosing areas of
concern or weaknesses of STATE/TRIBE to your
Implementation Center? (Would you say: not at all,
a little, somewhat, a lot, or very much so?)
A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I4. When working with your Implementation Center, do
you feel STATE/TRIBE plays an active part in
A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I5. How satisfied have you been with the level of
Not at all
follow-through from your Implementation Center?
A1. If 1-3: How could their follow-through be improved?

A little


A lot

Very Much

I6. Overall, how satisfied are you with your relationship Not at all
with your Implementation Center?
A1. If 1-3: How could your relationship be improved?

A little


A lot

Very Much

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I8. When working with National Resource Centers on
issues related to the child welfare system in
STATE/TRIBE, how satisfied have you been with
the frequency of communication?
A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I9. How comfortable do you feel disclosing areas of
concern or weaknesses of your STATE/TRIBE to
National Resource Centers?
A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I10. When working with National Resource Centers, do
you feel STATE/TRIBE plays an active part in
A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I11. How satisfied have you been with the level of
Not at all
follow-through from the National Resource
A1. If 1-3: How could their follow-through be improved?

A little


A lot

Very Much

A1. If 1-3: How could this be improved?

National Resource Centers
I7. How satisfied are you with the level of accessibility
of the National Resource Centers?
A1. If 1-3: How could accessibility be improved?


Not at
Not at all

I12. Overall, how satisfied are you with your
relationship with the National Resource Centers?
A1. If 1-3: How could your relationship be improved?

A little


A lot

A little


A lot

Very Much

Interviewer Instruction:
Use information from the T/TA Summaries prepared for Round II and OneNet to determine if the
STATE/TRIBE has participated in a coordinated T/TA effort (e.g., multiple National Resource Center working
together, an Implementation Project that uses National Resource Center services).
If so, ask questions I13-I15.
If not, skip to Section J.
Now we have a few questions on your experience when working with multiple providers in your
STATE/TRIBE. Please consider only T/TA provided by multiple NRCs or an Implementation Project
that involves the participation of NRCs.
Not at
Not at all

A little


A lot

I13. When multiple T/TA providers are involved, do
you receive the TA from the partnering providers in
a logical sequence? (Would you say: not at all, a
little, somewhat, a lot, or very much so).
If 1-3: How could the sequencing of T/TA be improved?

A little


A lot

Very Much

I14. Are the multiple T/TA providers working in your
STATE/TRIBE knowledgeable of each other’s
If 1-3: How could this be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

I15. Overall, how well do the multiple T/TA providers
coordinate their activities when they work together
If 1-3: How could coordination be improved?

Not at all

A little


A lot

Very Much

Interviewer Instruction: Ask the following questions of all respondents.

J. Utilization of products and materials from the CB T/TA Network
Now, I would like to ask you about your agency’s use of the Children’s Bureau’s T/TA
Network websites, products or materials.
J1. Have you personally used any products or materials from the T/TA Network or accessed the websites
of its members?


J2. Do you have any other comments you would like to share regarding the CB T/TA network?

Thank you.
This is the end of the interview.
We greatly appreciate your participation in this evaluation of the Children’s Bureau’s T/TA Network.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2012-10-02
File Created2012-09-27

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