Core VIPP Funded SHD: Telephone Interview

Evaluation of Core Violence and Injury Prevention Program

Attachment D_Telephone interviews

Core VIPP Funded SHD: Telephone Interview

OMB: 0920-0916

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Attachment D: Telephone Interviews

Attachment D

Telephone interview questions


Core VIPP Evaluation

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date:


Public Reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated at 90 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NW, MS D-24, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attn: PRA (0920-XXXX).

Telephone interview questions for Core VIPP Evaluation

Telephone interviews will be conducted annually with Core VIPP grantees. These interviews will last approximately 1 hour and will be conducted by the Core VIPP evaluation partner. Interviews will be with the state Injury and Violence Prevention Program (IVPP) director and staff. The goal of the interviews is to collect qualitative evaluation data about states implementation of Core VIPP funded projects. The questions in this interview guide are designed to elicit contextual information about responses provided in an annual, web-based survey. Given that the interview guide is sensitive to responses provided in the survey, the questions here are deliberately broad as the specific information being queried is dependent upon responses provided in the annual survey.

Note: Information in italics are notes to the interviewer and will not be asked of the respondent.

General Follow-up Question (this will be asked of a limited number of responses from the web-based survey. No more than 10 of these will be asked in a given interview)

For all questions asked on the web-based survey be able to ask:

On question _____ you answered _____. Please tell us about and/or describe the factors that produced the answer (wording will be modified to match the type of survey question under consideration here).

Description of the State Program

  1. In the annual survey, it was indicated that the IVPP is located in ____________________ division/office of the state public health department. Please tell us about how this structure was determined and how it facilitates and/or restricts your ability to achieve the IVP program’s goals.

  2. In terms of securing key staff, what barriers and facilitators has the IVPP encountered over the past 12 months?

    1. Is the IVPP currently fully staffed? If not, what are the barriers to fully staffing?

    2. What are the challenges to retaining staff? How has the IVP attempted to address these challenges?

  3. What, if any, are barriers and facilitators that ensure IVPP staff acquire formal training regarding injury and violence prevention, and/or technical skills such as data analysis or evaluation?

  4. When the State Health Officer (SHO) talks with the IVPP, in general, what sorts of topics are discussed?

    1. How frequently is the program engaged by the SHO or the SHO’s office?

    2. Who typically is the IVPP’s primary contact in the SHO’s office?

  5. How does the presence/absence of a state mandate (legislative or budgetary) for a comprehensive IVPP help/hinder injury and violence prevention in the state?

  6. Please describe how CDC Core funding contributes to the IVPP’s ability to conduct interventions.

  7. Please describe how the IVPP uses CDC Core funds to leverage other resources, including monetary and non-monetary support.

  8. In what areas could injury and violence prevention be improved for your state?

  9. What needs to happen to make a real difference in injury and violence prevention within the state?

State injury and violence prevention plan – BIC

We are interested in the processes used to develop the state IVP plans. This next part of the interview will discuss this process.

  1. What process was used to create and/or update the state plan?

    1. Was a formal agreement process used, such as Delphi?

    2. How involved was the IVPP staff in this process?

    3. What was the role of the ICPG and/or other external partners?

    4. What was the role of internal SHD partners, such as the Chronic Disease Prevention program or Maternal and Child Health or Rape Prevention and Education?

  2. How was injury and/or violence data used to influence the state plan?

    1. If the state IVP plan was updated, what was the process?

Partnerships and communications

  1. Please list up to 3 of the IVPP’s most influential collaborations and/or partnerships

    1. Why are these partners key? How do they contribute to success?

  2. Please share any non-traditional or innovative partnerships that you have engaged in and the successes related to those partnerships.

  3. Are there key partners that still need to be engaged? If so, who and what are the plans for engaging those partners?

  4. In what ways, if at all, has the IVPP partnered with other state IVPPs? Please describe this partnering effort(s).

  5. In what ways, if at all, has the IVPP partnered with the Injury Research Control Centers? Please describe this partnering effort(s).

  6. In general, how does the IVPP communicate with the public?

    1. Have these communication activities been evaluated for effectiveness?

  7. In what ways could CDC facilitate the IVPP’s partnering efforts?

  8. What is the IVPP’s general process for identifying and partnering with organizations?

    1. For example, does the IVPP seek topic specific partners or general injury and violence prevention partners?

  9. Does the IVPP actively seek partners or wait for partners to present themselves? Please describe this process.

  10. In what ways does the IVPP have access to:

    1. Expert resources?

    2. Contractors?

    3. Other partners that provide direct technical assistance to the program?

Early Childhood Home Visitation (ECHHV) – BIC

  1. Please tell us about your efforts in building partnerships for the ECHV component of the BIC

    1. Please describe the process for building this partnership. How would you characterize the process (e.g. difficult, easy, long, short)?

  2. Does the IVPP have access to data that is relevant to the ECHV? How has the IVPP ECHV data specific report been shared or disseminated? Please describe the value of this report (for the IVPP, for the ECHV agency, for the public, or for other audiences.

State Injury Indicator (SII) Surveillance – BIC

This section will ask about how the IVPP utilizes State Injury Indicator Surveillance to inform interventions.

  1. Please discuss how the IVPP has used data for determining interventions and policy strategies.

    1. How have you used hospital discharge data?

    2. How have you used emergency room discharge data?

  2. Has the IVPP used either hospital or ER discharge data for evaluation? If so, please briefly discuss how have these data been used?

  3. What, if any, barriers and facilitators has the IVPP encountered regarding TBI data collection and reporting?

  4. How has the IVPP used TBI data?

    1. What partners have asked for TBI data? For what purposes?

Surveillance Quality Improvement (SQI)

  1. Please describe how the IVP has partnered with other states to improve surveillance data quality over the past /time period.

    1. Has the IVP used surveillance analysis programs written by other states? If so, which ones?

Regional Network Leaders (RNL)

  1. What are the top three concerns expressed by your Regional Network?

  2. What were developed to address these concerns?

  3. What are the ways in which the RNL communicates within the Regional Network?

  4. What method of communication has the RNL found to be most effective for communicating with members of the network? Why?

  5. What means of communication have been the least effective? Why?

  6. Please tell us about any trainings the RNL conducted with the Network during the past year.

    1. Where any of the trainings evaluated? If so, what were the general results?

    2. Are there areas that CDC or another organization could assist the RNL for future trainings?

  7. In thinking about next year, what things would you like to accomplish within the Network?

Affect Policy- BIC

  1. Please tell us about injury and violence related policy successes over the past year.

    1. What was the role of the IVPP?

    2. What was the role of each of the ICPG policy subcommittee members?

    3. What helped facilitate these successes?

    4. What were the barriers and how were they overcome?

  2. What are the policy related objectives of the IVP for the next 12 months?

    1. Which partners are being engaged to help with this effort?

  3. How was evaluation integrated into policy interventions or strategies over the past year?

    1. How was evaluation included in the planning phases?

    2. How did the IVPP evaluate the implementation of these interventions or strategies?

State Program Evaluation

  1. How has the IVPP integrated evaluation into program planning, if at all?

    1. Was evaluation included in the state health plan for IVP?

  2. In the past, in what stage of an intervention did the IVPP engage in evaluation? (E.g. in the planning process, at the beginning, in the middle, or end of a project?)

    1. What sorts of evaluations does the IVPP generally conduct (process, formative, summative, outcome, etc?)

  3. For BIC, how is evaluation being considered in the proposed interventions? That is, what are the planned evaluation efforts for BIC-funded interventions? This answer should be a general summary of the evaluation approach and who is conducting the evaluation.

    1. How involved are IVPP staff in this effort?

    2. How involved is the ICPG membership?

    3. How involved are other key stakeholders?

  4. If the IVPP has an additional component (MVP, Falls, SQI, and/or RNL), how is evaluation being used to track the effectiveness of interventions implemented under this funding?

    1. How involved are IVPP staff in this effort?

    2. How involved is the ICPG membership?

    3. How involved are other key stakeholders?

  5. What are the plans for using evaluation results?

Evaluation of CDC provided Technical Assistance

  1. In thinking about the TA and other support provided by the CDC, in what ways can CDC improve its interactions with the IVPP?

    1. What types of TA was received by the IVPP?

    2. What was the most useful TA during the last year?

    3. What was the least useful TA during the last year?

  2. Are there other topics you would like to discuss?


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHoward Kress
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-29

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